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Auteur Topic: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied  (Read 43417 times)

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Offline admin

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Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« op: Juni 17, 2015, 11:19:07 am »



















 http://fit4brain.com/8929 ripcurrents


Sex dolls that talk dirty: The future of artificial intelligence


! No longer available







Sanders floats top tax rate of over 50 percent

Moderate" Muslims show their true colours! Looks like a great place for a



asiatic not?




http://anonhq.com/?p=22857  flying bike




Mercury, Venus, and Saturn align with the Pyramids of Giza for the first time in 2,737 years on December 3, 2012

now at middle milky way dec 21, 2012



The CIA declassified some documents for the September 11 attacks





http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertram_Forer  (sheldon-astrology useless







http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/02/world/europe/02turkey.html?scp=1&sq=Muazzez%20Ilmiye%20Cig&st=cse&_r=0 Funny headscarf (also hyjab?) comes from Sumerian templewhores, so for a muslim all their woman and daughters are whores?  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muazzez_%C4%B0lmiye_%C3%87%C4%B1%C4%9F. Btw most muslims don't know their own Quaran its based on soera Qur’an 24:30-31, in which it only says the women of the prophet are behind a cloth so visitors can't see them. In early days of Quaran all women didn't wear headscarfs, there were women imans, first muslims celebrated Christmas and didn't prayed to Mecca, but Jerusalem, thats all changed later,

I can easy win a discussion with a muslim or even iman on Islam, like with russia, you have to know the facts..:-)
Are in every religion different directions, so not 1 is the right one, are a total of 45.000 religions/sects of which 38.000 christian, so they have lost it completly...smile-emoticon and most muslims/even imans forgot to read their own holy book, and check in history what was the origin of that and all what has been added over the centuries..





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o66cpmlneTQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeSnhpH3SJE




Lithuania won't hand back child taken away from Norwegian foster carers, police say (1)


History being literally rewritten. Putin may not realise it but the rest of the world is not going to rewrite their history to suit his view of the world.
but history can't be changed, it can be falsified, but the truth is there, and it ain't a pravda forever



A Billion Go Hungry Because of GMO Farming: Vandana Shiva




Thierry Baudet: Wij willen ons land terug!
EU is zinkend schip, evenals EURO, 2/3 Nederland stemde tegen en Den Haag ging gewoon door,
is Nederland geen democratie meer maar net als Amerika en rusland een oliarchy ??















div links:




*Geneticists studied the genomes of 225 people from Egypt and Ethiopia

*The researchers found people living in Europe and Asia are more closely related to those living in Egypt than they are to those from Ethiopia

*They say the findings finally answer how humans spread out of Africa

""The study analyzed the genomes of 100 Egyptians and 125 Ethiopians and compared their DNA to people currently living in Eurasia and to other parts of Africa. It concluded that the ancient migratory route through the Sinai Peninsula has left its mark on the DNA of people living in Egypt today, scientists said."" which ensure the old ancestral heritage of modern Egyptians

The first modern humans to arrive in Europe and Asia migrated north out of Egypt around 55,000 years ago, according to new genetic research.

The study has answered a long standing question about the route early Homo sapiens took when spreading from the African continent.

It shows most Europeans and Asians living today are more closely related genetically to people living in Egypt than in Ethiopia

Modern Egyptians show a greater genetic similarity than modern Ethiopians to present-day Eurasians which supports the idea that Egypt, and not Ethiopia, was the last stop on the African continent before early humans came out of Africa to colonise other parts of the world, they said.

“If people left Africa from the north then people who live there now should show the highest genetic similarity to Eurasians. If they left from the south through Ethiopia, then Ethiopians should show the highest similarity,” said Luca Pagani of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge, and lead author of the study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

“Two geographically plausible routes have been proposed: an exit through the current Egypt and Sinai, which is the northern route, or one through Ethiopia, the Bab el Mandeb strait, and the Arabian Peninsula, which is the southern route,” Dr Pagani said.

“In our research, we generated the first comprehensive set of unbiased genomic data from Northeast Africans and observed, after controlling for recent migrations, a higher genetic similarity between Egyptians than between Ethiopians and Eurasians – suggesting that Egypt not Ethiopia was the last stop,” he said.





squalamine i've read about, for number of cancers, comes from liver of sharks, they can get cancer somehow



https://youtu.be/Rpd3zHm4Yas  gta5 possibelities

f you have hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram you can make anywhere from $500 to $5,000 a post, but if you have upwards of 6 million followers, your fee can be $20,000 to $100,000 a shot!

stop de asielindustrie, kost Nederland 8 miljard per jaar..


Climate change has achieved what Bob Geldof and Live Aid failed to do by ending the drought in the Sahel region of Africa that killed more than 100,000 people in the 1980s, a study has found. - See more at: http://www.thegwpf.com/global-warming-ends-drought-in-sahel/#sthash.iCSfckGC.Cqh7zXZi.dpuf



wat is er met de 240 miljard voor griekenland gebeurt










https://www.lily.camera/ tyhe camera that flies itself


A 6th century translation of a work of one of the most important ancient Greek doctors has been discovered in an animal-hide manuscript, hidden underneath text of 1,000-year-old hymns.






help girl with mirror :-) June 22 no pants day for women pervy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRYIEZEjg2U  not best

Girl carrying the mirror Prank!!




 Had a employer once he said I was worth no more then minimum wage after trialperiod, so I said ok then you get minimum work from me...he was very angry ...6 months later I was hired by his competitor for double min. wage..so that employer double so angry..HAHA most employers I know are parasites of their workers...and why I know, cause when I got real sick, both had to put 4 men on my job, so yes even the second employer payed me in fact half smile-emoticon I told him, he laughed and said ok won't double it, but half(quarter in fact) he was happy and I was happy, but everytime I saw that first employer, he went red and angry, espec, when I told him what I got and earned.

My soul mate is
Charlie Chaplin!
The crafty man with the bowler hat was a real all-rounder as a comedian, actor and composer. You too are funny, smart and dare to do things! In times of crisis you stay calm and relaxed and dare to confidently stand up against superiors and authority. With this positive trait you'll dance through your life with ease!

You belong in Revolutionary America (1765–1783 AD). You are strong, scrappy, and brave. When you set a goal, you're willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it. You believe in goodness and equality, and you're willing to suffer today to make tomorrow better. You value tradition, but you're eager to try and do new things.

When should you obtain a ‪#‎photography‬ ‪#‎model‬ release? When can you take someone’s ‪#‎photo‬ in public? What can you use those ‪#‎photos‬ for?

"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire


« Last Edit: Juni 28, 2015, 20:16:56 pm door admin »

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #1 op: Juli 11, 2015, 20:59:14 pm »

65. Самая сильная мышца в человеческом теле - язык.
65. de sterkste spier in het menselijk lichaam-taal.
Automatisch vertaald
foto van Олександр Черков.
Олександр Черков
Более 100 Интересных фактов о человеке.

1. Единственная часть тела, которая не имеет кровоснабжения - роговица глаза. Кислород она получает непосредственно из в...
Meer weergeven
Meer dan 100 interessante feiten over de man.

1. het enige deel van het lichaam, die heeft geen кровоснабжения-het hoornvlies ogen. Zuurstof krijgt ze rechtstreeks uit de lucht.

2. capaciteit van hersenen persoon boven de 4 терабайта.

3. tot zeven maanden baby kan ademen en slikken tegelijk.

4. uw schedel bestaat uit 29 verschillende botten.

5. alle чихании alle functies van het organisme stoppen, zelfs het hart.

6. nerve impuls van hersenen beweegt met een snelheid van 274 km / uur.

7. van het menselijk brein genereert meer elektrische puls in één enkele dagen, dan alle telefoons van de wereld samen.

8. gemiddelde het menselijk lichaam bevat voldoende zwavel, te vermoorden alle vlooien op de middelste hond, koolstof, 900 kleurpotloden te vervaardigen, kalium, druk uit te schieten игрушечной guns, vet om 7 stukken zeep, en genoeg water om te Vul het vat in 50 liter.

9. het hart van de mens перекачивает 48 miljoen liter bloed in haar leven.

10. 50 000 cellen in je lichaam en отмирают negative nieuwe in die tijd, als je dit leest aanbod.

11. ei verwerft vingerafdrukken op de leeftijd van 3 maanden.

12. vrouwen harten kloppen sneller dan bij mannen.

13. man genaamd charles osborne икает gedurende 6 jaar.

14. праворукие mensen wonen in een gemiddelde, op negen jaar langer dan een linkshandige.

15. ongeveer twee derde van mensen zijn hoofd naar rechts tipt wanneer kussen.

16. personen vergeet 90 % van hun dromen.

17. de lengte van het bloedvat in het lichaam van de mens-ongeveer 100 000 kilometer.

18. lente frequentie ademhaling gemiddeld op een derde van hoger dan in de herfst.

19. aan het eind van het leven van een man onthoudt gemiddeld 150 biljoen bits informatie.

20. 80 % van de warmte van een menselijk lichaam gaat weg uit mijn hoofd.

21. wanneer je je bloost, georgette, uw maag rood ook.

22. gevoel van de dorst verschijnt bij het verlies van het water, gelijk aan één bepaald percentage van het gewicht van het lichaam. Het verlies van meer dan 5 % kan leiden tot обмороку, en meer dan 10 % aan de dood van иссушения.

23. in het lichaam van de mens werkt niet minder dan 700 enzymen.

23. mensen zijn de enige wezens die slaapt op zijn rug.

24. gemiddeld, de 4 jarige kind stelt in dag 450 van de vragen.

25. unieke vingerafdrukken hebben behalve mensen nog steeds en коалы.

26. slechts 1 % van de bacteriën roept недуги heb persoon.

27. alle mensen op de planeet kan vanuit het comfort van neer in de kubus met logistiek 1 000 meter.

28. wetenschappelijke naam de navel-умбиликус.

29. tand is het enige deel van het menselijk lichaam, die niet in staat om aan самовосстановлению.

30. de gemiddelde tijd die nodig is om een man te slapen-7 minuten.

31. rechtshandig was het grootste deel van het voedsel пережевывает op de rechterkant kaak, en vice versa, linkepoot-aan de linker.

32. in de wereld slechts 7 % van linker-handers.

33. de geur van appels en bananen helpt om gewicht te verliezen.

34. de lengte van de haren op mijn hoofd, отращиваемых gemiddeld persoon in de cirkel van het leven-725 kilometer.

35. onder de mensen, die kunnen met je oren wiebelen slechts een derde kan verplaatsen is één oor.

36. de gemiddelde persoon voor m ' n hele leven zwaluwen 8 kleine spinnen.

37. totaal gewicht bacteriën, die in het lichaam van de mens, is 2 kilo.

38. + 99 % slechts calcium in het lichaam bevindt zich op de tanden.

39. lippen persoon in het honderd keer gevoeliger dan de vingertoppen. Een echte kus verhoogt de hartslag van de frequentie 100 slagen per minuut.

40. absolute macht жевательных spieren aan dezelfde kant is gelijk aan 195 килограммам.

41. tijdens de kus van de ene persoon naar de andere overgebracht 278 verschillende culturen bacteriën. Gelukkig, 95 % van hen niet in gevaar.

42. партенофобия-is een fobie van maagden.

43. glazuur-de vaste stof, производимая door het lichaam van de mens.

44. als je alle ijzer, содержащееся in het lichaam van de mens, dan nog maar een kleine винтик voor een uur.

45. is er meer dan 100 verschillende virussen, suggestieve verkouden.

46. kus genoeg duur is veel beter dan een kauwgom, нормализует zuurtegraad in oral.

47. ударяясь hoofd tegen de muur mag losse 150 calorieën per uur.

48. personen is de enige vertegenwoordiger dier van de wereld die rechte lijn te tekenen.

49. voor de tijd van het leven, de huid van een persoon van de weg vrijmaakt voor ongeveer 1000 keer.

50. personen, die rook en een pakje sigaretten per dag, doe maar ' n halve выписает hars per jaar.

51. vrouwen knipperen ongeveer 2 keer minder vaak dan mannen.

52. in de samenstelling van het menselijk lichaam slechts 4 inclusief mineraal: , апатит арагонит, кальцит en кристобалит.

53. echte gepassioneerde kus roept in de hersenen dezelfde chemische reactie dat parachutespringen en schieten met een pistool.

54. mannen worden beschouwd als een klein mens bij het stijgen is lager dan 130 cm, vrouwen-lager is dan 120 cm.

55. nagels op de vingers handen groeien ongeveer 4 keer sneller dan de benen.

56. mensen met blauwe ogen meer gevoelig voor pijn, dan de rest.

57. zenuwen impulsen in menselijk lichaam worden verplaatst met een snelheid van ongeveer 90 meter per seconde.

58. in de hersenen persoon per seconde is er aan de hand 100 000 chemische рекаций.

59. kinderen geboren zonder de houder. Ze verschijnen alleen op de leeftijd van 2-6 jaar.

60. als een van de tweeling однояйцевых mis of anderszins zuba, meestal de zelfde tand ontbreekt en de ander heeft een tweeling.

61. een oppervlakte van het oppervlak van de menselijke longkanker ongeveer gelijk is aan het plein теннисного de baan.

62. gemiddeld persoon in mijn leven besteedt op поцелуь 2 weken.

63. bij blondjes baard groeit sneller dan брюнетов.

64. witte bloedcellen in het lichaam van de mens wonen 2-4 dagen, en de rode bloedcellen-3-4 maanden.

65. de sterkste spier in het menselijk lichaam-taal.

66. van de grootte van het hart van de mens komt overeen met ongeveer één na grootste zijn vuist. Het gewicht van de harten van de volwassen persoon bedraagt 220-260 gram.

67. sinds de verjaardag van het menselijk brein bestaat al meer dan 14 miljard cellen, en het aantal is tot de dood niet stijgt. Integendeel, na 25 jaar het verlaagd van $ 100 per dag. Per minuut, потраченную u op het lezen van pagina ' s, sterft rond 70 cellen. Na 40 jaar een afgang van de hersenen реско vliegt omhoog, en na 50 neuronen (zenuwcellen) усыхают en het volume van de hersenen.

68. bij de geboorte in het lichaam van de baby-order 300 botten, ver in de volwassenheid van hen zijn er slechts 206.

69. de dunne darm persoon alle leven heeft een lengte van ongeveer 2.5 meter. Na zijn dood, toen de buikspieren darmen ontspannen, haar длтна bereik 6 meter.

70. de rechterlong persoon kan in zichzelf meer lucht dan weggegaan.

71. een volwassen man doet ongeveer 23000 keer snuiven (en je ademt) per dag.

72. de kleine cel in je lichaam mannen-cellen sperma.

73. in de mond van de mens is ongeveer 40 000 bacteriën.

74. in het lichaam van de mens-order 2 000 smaak-receptoren.

75. het menselijk oog. In staat is een onderscheid te maken tussen 10 000 000 цветовыхоттенков.

76. chemische verbinding, verantwoordelijke voor de extase van de liefde (фенилэтиламин) is aanwezig in chocolade.

77. mensenhart creëert de druk die genoeg om bloed op te heffen op het niveau van de 4 ste verdieping.

78. in de droom man meer calorieën verbrandt, dan tijdens het tv-kijken.

79. kinderen groeien sneller slechts in het voorjaar.

80. elk jaar is onder meer dan twee duizend linkerhanders vanwege een fout in de werking van de mechanismen die bestemd zijn voor правшей.

81. blijkt elke трехсотый man heeft de mogelijkheid om jezelf oraal bevredigen.

82. personen gebruikt 17 spieren, terwijl glimlachende, en 43, toen scowls.

83. op de leeftijd van 60 jaar, de meeste mensen verliezen de helft van mijn smaak-receptoren..

84. bekend dat mensen ook beesten. Echter, we zijn de enige onder hen die slapen kan van aangezicht tot aangezicht.

85. tijdens de vlucht van de mens in het vliegtuig de snelheid van de groei van zijn haar verdubbeld.

86. één procent van de mensen die het zien en infrarood één procent-ультрафиолетовое straling.
87. als je opgesloten in een volledig afgesloten kamer, zult u sterven omgevingsfactor диоксидом carbon, en niet vanwege gebrek aan lucht.

88. gemiddeld persoon speelcraps van twee weken van het leven, staande bij het stoplicht.

89. statistisch slechts één persoon op 2 miljard перешагивает drempel 116 jaar.

90. een normaal mens lacht vijf keer per dag.

91. gemiddeld persoon 800 woorden zegt meer dan 4 tot 24 uur.

92. retina binnen ogen heeft betrekking op de ongeveer 650 vierkante meter. Mm en bevat 137 miljoen светочувствительных cellen: 130 miljoen kleine stokjes voor zwart-wit visie en zeven miljoen колбочек voor van zicht.

93. onze ogen altijd dezelfde maat vanaf de geboorte, maar onze neus en oren zal nooit stoppen met groeien.

94. per uur personen op ongeveer 8 millimeter hoger dan vanavond.

95. spieren focus ogen bewegen 100 000 keer per dag. Zodat de spieren van de benen deden hetzelfde acroniemen moet lopen 80 mijl (50 kilometer) per dag.

96. de gemiddelde mens produceert 1,43 pint poti per dag.

97. hoest-explosieve lading van de lucht, die beweegt met snelheden tot 60 km / uur.

98. volgens de duitse onderzoekers, het risico van de hartaanval hoger op maandag, dan in elke andere dag van de week.

99. bot in vijf keer sterker zijn geworden.

100. onmogelijk, schietgraag mannetje met open ogen.

101. een ingegroeide nagels-erfelijke doe.

102. een normaal mens sterft van volledige het gebrek aan slaap is sneller dan dat van de honger. Dood gebeurt ongeveer 10 dagen zonder slaap, in die tijd, zoals uitgehongerd-over een paar weken.

103. de gemiddelde levensduur van-2475576000 seconden, praten we gemiddeld 123205750 woorden, 4239 keer seks hebben, hebben 121 flikkerlichten tranen.

mexican flue vaccins contained squalene which is natural anti-cancer medicin, I always wondered what that did in a anti-flue medicin


Make me think we the 99% have to take on the 1%, so we can stop war, hunger, religion, ideology and just have a life, the one they robbed us from.

car of future


source a.o. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2633676/


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babies learn by mimicing people, so if my cleaninglady is cleaning her 1,5 mimics her, so I gave her a spare vacuumcleanerhose and she is moving that over the floor, she takes my keyboard and types on it, then I gave her a hohner melodica, and ddemostrated she has to blow and press keys, and the smile on her face, so frankly I have no objection to a limited time with tablet, and a app that also talks...children with that can learn much faster then we ever could and yes it takes away the fun like I learned my cousin to count with her fingers, and when we counted her 2 hands, I said and now my hands and then she said now mams hands, and her man got angry, since on school they were not that far, and now nearly 20 years my cousin is something high in theoritic math, and when she explains what she does, I have no clue and said, can you explain it with my 2 hands and then she laughs.

everywhere there are (white) supremacists, met one once in Netherlands some years ago in the summer and after some conversation, he said let's go outside and get a bit tanned. i asked oh so in fact you're jealous on the coloured people. WHAT he said? I said why else a nice white man like you wants a tan, it can be jealousy? Or it looks helathier then paleface/body, it still is jealousy, aint it, or do you have a argument to prove otherwise...He looked at me first angry, then I saw him thinking wtf, I can't disprove his arguments.. smile-emoticon


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My dear girl, the day you see I'm getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I'm going through. If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don't interrupt to say: "You said the same thing a minute ago"... Just listen, please. Try to remember the times when you were little and I would read the same story night after night until you would fall asleep.

When I don't want to take a bath, don't be mad and don't embarrass me. Remember when I had to run after you making excuses and trying to get you to take a shower when you were just a girl?

When you see how ignorant I am when it comes to new technology, give me the time to learn and don't look at me that way ... remember, honey, I patiently taught you how to do many things like eating appropriately, getting dressed, combing your hair and dealing with life's issues every day... the day you see I'm getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I'm going through.

If I occasionally lose track of what we're talking about, give me the time to remember, and if I can't, don't be nervous, impatient or arrogant. Just know in your heart that the most important thing for me is to be with you.

And when my old, tired legs don't let me move as quickly as before, give me your hand the same way that I offered mine to you when you first walked. When those days come, don't feel sad... just be with me, and understand me while I get to the end of my life with love. I'll cherish and thank you for the gift of time and joy we shared. With a big smile and the huge love I've always had for you, I just want to say, I love you ... my darling daughter.

Original text in Spanish and photo by Guillermo Peña.
Translation to English by Sergio Cadena



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Alan Watts - Acceptance of Death
Every eligible voter in the United States should think of the following: Hillary Clinton just announced that a lobbyist for this company is to be her campaign manager to help her become President. Do you want someone to be President who doesn't care if nature is fundamentally altered so too are we humans? What attacks on the fundamentality of nature will you allow?









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kerosine wordt solid









« Last Edit: Juli 29, 2015, 20:29:24 pm door admin »

Offline admin

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #2 op: Augustus 10, 2015, 17:27:22 pm »


"These men promised paid gigs and sold fantasies, the women themselves were pushed to reveal more flesh, to remove more clothing. Verene overheard vows of fame and stardom, and his co-conspirator was paid nothing and presented with no verifiable prospects in the modeling world."

Vampire slaying kit from 1890s

"Cased vampire killing kit, in a rosewood and ebony case with inlaid silver stringing and mother-of-pearl inlaid plaque. Contents include a black powder percussion 2-barrel pistol, a powder horn and bullet mold, bone handled dagger with crucifix, three small crucifixes, mallet and two wooden stakes, book of common prayer, two small framed portraits of Jesus, holy water and four glass vials with crystals."









sweet child of mine






Sarcasm is good for you,that's a new one
 Known it all my life, and no thats not sarcasm thats cynism smile-emoticon rofl ol





In the Netherlands, the raw food diet acknowledged an official method of treatment of cancer

Offline admin

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #3 op: September 13, 2015, 18:34:03 pm »

https://www.facebook.com/marijana.simic.5074/posts/179475852385286 kinetic










Mensen sterven eerder van de chemotherapie dan de ***** zelf
Enige natuurlijke kankermedicijn is squalamine of squalene dat wordt gewonnen uit lever haaien. (zat trouwens ook in mexicaanse griep vaccin!?)







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? ??????????????
1. ????? ????? ????.
2. ??????????? ?? ??????????, ????????, ??? ????? ? ????????, ??? ?????....
Meer weergeven
Geen ??????-lees

1. drink genoeg water.

2. ??????????? door koning, ????????, als een prins en hoe ???????? berooid.

3. eet meer producten, plantaardig afkomst en eet

Minder voedsel, die wordt vervaardigd van planten.

4. meer speel het spel.

5. lees meer boeken dan in 2014 jaar.

6. geniet van de stilte, minstens 10 minuten per dag.

7. slaap-7 uur.

8. 10-30 minuten per dag. Tijdens het lopen, lachen.

Over identiteit:

1. reken niet leven met het leven van anderen. Je hebt geen idee wat ze hebben doorgemaakt en weet niet hun hele pad.

2. niet houd negatieve gedachten of dingen die je niet kunt

Beheersen. In plaats daarvan ??????????? in positieve energie op te doen


3. is niet meer dan doe. Ken je grenzen te leren kennen.

4.-wees niet te streng voor jezelf.

5. verspil mijn dierbare energie naar roddels.

6. meer droom verder tijdens ?????????????.

7. afgunst is een verspilling van tijd. Je hebt al alles wat je nodig hebt.

8. vergeet de problemen van het verleden. - jezus, nee uw geliefde man

Zijn / haar fouten uit het verleden. Het zal uw geluk.

9. het leven is te kort om tijd te verspillen van haat. Maar het is niet de andere.

10. niemand is verantwoordelijk voor uw geluk, behalve jij.

11. begrijpen dat het leven-school, en je bent hier om haar te leren kennen. - problemen

Gewoon een deel van het curriculum, die verschijnen en verdwijnen, zoals

Algebra iemand klasse, maar de lessen die je leert, ?????????? op

De rest van mijn leven.

12. meer om te lachen en te lachen.

13. u moet niet wint elke discussie.

Met de mensen:

1. vaker bel mijn familie.

2. elke dag doe iets goeds voor andere.

3.-het spijt me voor alles, iedereen.

4. escorteer meer tijd met mensen ouder dan 70 en jonger dan 6.

5. probeer te lachen minstens drie mensen per dag.

6. wat andere mensen over je denken-jouw zaken niet.

7. uw werk niet zal zorgen voor je, als je ziek bent. Jouw vrienden-ja. Blijf op de hoogte.

Het leven:

1. get rid van alles wat niet nuttig is voor jou, mooi en gelukkig.

2. is goed of slecht situatie, ze veranderen.

3. ongeacht hoe voel je je, sta op, kleed je aan en ga.

4. beste komt nog.

5. ergens binnen u altijd gelukkig. Dus, wees blij!

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #5 op: November 15, 2015, 14:59:31 pm »






hoverboard http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/hoverboard-duru-1.3270569



crackheels http://uarp.org/ru/news/1445113472#.ViKv3H7hCUk





3d holography magic leap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvAer3EhCe4


Sensation! It turns out that most people are sleeping properly! Doctors told on what side sleep tighter Everyone has long known that a good sound sleep is extremely important for good mental and physical condition of the body. Just do not still know that what matters is not only the duration of sleep, but also pose in which you fall asleep and sleep. The pose in which you sleep, affects the health of your body, and helps to organize the work of the digestive system and maintain youthful skin. You'd be surprised, but the habit of sleeping on your left side can save your life. So if you still prefer to sleep in a different position, we advise you to read this article and to understand why sleep on your left side will be so helpful to you. People take quite different positions while sleeping: some sleeping on his stomach, the other - on the back, someone - on the left side, and someone - on the right. It is important to remember that any of these keys has a definite impact on the health of your body. For example, some people who sleep on their backs, risking their health. This applies in particular to those people who suffer from asthma or sleep apnea, as sleeping on your back can cause breathing problems. While sleeping on the right side can have a negative impact on the digestive system, sleep on your left side ensures proper operation of the digestive system.

Pose on the left side has a number of advantages. This situation during sleep helps to improve your health, and sometimes even save your life. As is known, the left side is much more lymph nodes than on the right. This means that while you sleep on your left side with your body's there is enough time to filter waste, toxins through the lymph and lymph nodes and thoracic duct. Otherwise, during sleep on the right side of the lymphatic system slows down, due to which the motion decelerates lymphatic fluid through the body and toxins filtration becomes impossible. Thus, due to abundant accumulation of toxins in the body and they could not be filtered increases the risk of fatal diseases. Starting on the left side to sleep, you will feel much better and will notice that your digestive system is now working much more efficiently.

"So how do you make sure that sleeping on the left side went into the habit?" - Will wonder you question. Of course, if you're used to sleeping on his right side, on the abdomen or back, will have to spend a little time and effort to train yourself to celebrate properly. However, it is really worth. We have prepared some useful tips to help you: - Falling asleep on his left side, put a pillow behind his back that will not allow you to toss and turn at night. - Lie down on the other side of the bed - psychologically it will be easier to get used to. - Let the right side of your bed lamp light muffled, you definitely want to turn away from the stimulus, and so over time you get used to sleep on my left side. Try to get used to sleeping on your left side, you will notice positive changes in their health!

Breathe properly: 6 secrets that will relieve you of fatigue just a month you can learn to breathe like real centenarians our planet - elephants and giant turtles. Suffice it to follow some point. Remember that breathing - that connects body and spirit! 1. In no case do not slouch! We need to breathe using the diaphragm. Place one hand on your stomach, and the second - on the chest. Proper breathing will leave his hand motionless on the chest and the hand on your stomach will go inside - it means that operates the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. 2. Breathe nose! Always try to breathe through the nose. So you not only humidify the air before it enters the lungs, but also protect the body from ingestion of pathogenic bacteria. Roth is only used during sports training, when you need to capture more air - for example, during the run. 3. Do not overdo it should not breathe too deeply - breathing should be smooth, harmonious and comfortable. Too deep breathing can cause dizziness. 4. pauses Inhale, exhale a little break - a standard scheme of healthy breathing. This helps to monitor the frequency and not to breathe too rapidly. 5. Sometimes does not hang in a state of extreme concentration - most often during mental stress - we hold our breath, without even realizing it. Let us follow him. "Breathless" - means to bring down the natural rhythm, try to remove the effect. 6. Read out loud! The best way to exercise healthy breathing - reading aloud. Besides, it's so nice! These simple guidelines will help you to revitalize your body and mind. Proper breathing technique routinely used in yoga, you can practice the easy exercise for a quick recuperation. Very well it relieves anxiety. Breathe in, hold your breath for a short while. Exhale, and again to make a brief pause. It is very useful to do an exhalation 2 times longer than the inhalation during the practice relaxation. The rush of energy and effort you will feel instantly! Improve the quality of life through proper breathing, as you can see, it is not so difficult. I dedicate these important secrets friends - Show them our article, breathing - this is life!

Why is it useful to drink water in the morning, and how to do it? Doctors shocked - now cure a number of diseases easier than ever! In Japan, a new therapy just got used to the masses. Immediately after waking people drink clean water, to feel a surge of strength and energizes literally! If you drink the water right, you can prevent fainting in a timely manner to avoid the effects of sunstroke even prevent an asthma attack.

It is worth remembering that 80% of it is we are made of water. From its qualities in the body depends on the quality of our lives. It is important that the liquid has been structured, namely, was the perfect picture of a crystal lattice. This water is found in fruits and vegetables, but only those that are grown in ecologically clean areas, are grown without the use of nitrates and other non-natural fertilizers. To obtain such a structured water, you must have just been plucked from the tree fruit and fruit juice to drink no later than 10 minutes after cooking.

Japanese Medical Society has developed the best formula for a healthy consumption of water. Drink it should be in an amount not less than 640 ml. the morning after waking up. Breakfast is then recommended after 45 minutes. At the same time after the first meal can not eat and drink for about 2 hours. The method is not suitable for people who have kidney problems. The rest of it does not cause discomfort, it is necessary in the early days often go to the toilet in the morning, and only ... What makes the water, how it works? Since it is transferred through the body nutrients and oxygen! Thus, high-quality water helps ensure proper cellular respiration organs are functioning smoothly and properly. A glass of pure water helps to relieve headaches, calm down when mood swings and stress. Why is that? At critical moments, the body makes to know that somewhere there is a problem - not enough oxygen! Hence - the pain, aches, frequent fatigue, flatulence, constipation, depression, and even allergic reactions.

How to restore the structure of water at home? There are several ways. You can freeze water several times to receive and then thawed. There are special clubs and outliner-matrix developed by Russian scientists. Prevention and treatment of each disease requires a different time. Thus, the elimination of problems with the gastrointestinal tract will require 10 days of water treatment. Pressurizing many established already after 30 days. Who should not drink a lot of liquid for 1 time, you can start with 1 cup volume of 160 ml. Gradually, however, is to bring the number up to 4 cups. Be healthy!


Ira Arakelyan -Vishnevetskaya
?? ?? ??

Elena Kachaeva (Tropina)

? ? ? ? ? ? s e n a ? ? ? ? ? ?

Natalya Martynova (Maeva)
On the left side generally contraindicated sleep cardiologists since heart takes a big load, which can lead to the development of severe disease or death. And secondly, in sleep the body needs rest, it takes a very convenient and affordable for yourself pose, otherwise the person wakes up nevyspavshimchya and tired, resulting in neurasthenia and irritability, hence even a bouquet of various diseases. Never nadsazhivayte your body and do not get fooled by all sorts of nonsense, better to check the Old doctors and Be Healthy

Schulgin Katharina  replied to Natalya
?? ?? ??

Valery Vaido

Valery Vaido

Valery Vaido

Tatyana Sidorenko
?? ?? ??

Nina debt (Ivashchenko)
?? ?? (ch)

Larisa Kuzmina
Jeanne Davletyarova

Oleg Makarov

Tatiana Tkachev
I hope for good results

Diane Pretty
and all my life on the right, I can not sleep on your left side

22 Sept
Tatiana Siman Povarenkin (Ryabov)
On account of the water, and I experienced sebe.Prosnulas morning with a headache, drank a glass of warm water after 20 minutes the pain was gone, returned to normal pressure. Drink water and stay healthy !!!

Svetlana Sidorova
They used to say: children drink milk ... zdorovymi.ne will know too that est..pit ... now I like to sleep and breathe ...)

By Lily
?? ?? ??

zv sav
Pts. Interesting.




Egypt pyramids scan finds mystery heat spots


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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #6 op: Januari 02, 2016, 10:21:06 am »

the Quran proves that its rewritten from Christian,Jewish and other sources why else it contains 25 times: "Thy Children of Israel" ? In Jweish Thora its 738 times, in from that partly plagerised Christian Bible 25 times, thats no surprise, but in Quran?????????

https://www.createspace.com/5528598 rh pos a  https://www.facebook.com/marijana.simic.5074/posts/176630229336515
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rh_blood_group_system  no less african/asian neanderthal?

Niet 1 partij komt op voor 85% van de burgers, tot en met modaal, hun interesse gaat uit naar de resp. 15% bovenmodaal en dan specifiek de 7% tijkste huiseigenaren en de 1% rijksten die de echte machthebbers zijn hier, ook nederland is net als amerika, rusland een oligarchy..

De top15% draagt incl. belasting(aftrek w.o. 15 miljard hypotheekrenteaftrek), premies 1,02 miljard netto bij aan netto-inkomsten overheid, de rest 85% tot en modaal draagt van het zelfde (hebben meestal geen hypotheekrenteaftrek, 30% huurders krijgt maar huurtoeslag, totaal 1,9 miljard) 105,2 miljard bij aan nettoinkomsten overheid, en nu wil de overheid de bovenste 2 belastingtarieven nog lager maken, het laagste tarief van die 85% is overigens afgelopen jaren wel met 3% gestegen, want vele varkens maken de spoeling dun.

What rich spend, was earned by the poorer. Unemployment is a systeminstrument of goverments and employers, no goverments wants a unemployment of 0%, cause the workers will demand more, so with extra taxes they make sure there's always unemployment. Dutch Nobelprizewinner Economics Jan Tinbergen calculated as early as 70's that rich parasite(the top 15-7-1%) on the lower 85% worldwide. Recalculated that in 2009 for netherlands, Lower 85% with all tax(deductions), social security payments pay NET 105 billion, the top 15% just 1,32 billion, which should be if at least equal with lower 85%, should be at least 16 billion...so Jan Tinbergen was right with it.

e situatie incl. van vluchtelingen van b.v. syrie kan binnen 1 maand opgelost worden, als de 5 permanente leden hun vetorecht ontnomen wordt. Rusland als lid van die 5 bezet stukken land, China beze stukken land wo Tibet, en waarvoor heeft VS 900 bases in 153 landen voor nodig? For worldpeace? Which worldpeace? the world is in pieces DUDE (ja klinkt beter in t engels)

Daarnaast en dit heb ik in 2004 al in vara debatplaats voorgesteld in ambassades, consultaten (buur)landen asielzoekers een papieren procedure naast die van legale immigrant, dus geen opvang in Europe dan van die goedgekeurde asielzoekers, Geen mensensmokkel, mensen-vrouwen en kinderhandel, geen verdrinkingen en ja dan houdt het op voor Vluchtelingen=werk en anderen NGO's die veel verdienen aan andermans leed. Toen waren buitenlanders-asielzoekers/vluchtelinegne EN nieuw rechts ervoor, en groenlinks, pvda en d66érs ertegen, goh die zagen hun $$ wegvloeien...

 Hypocrisie alom , iedereen weet waarom er geen vrede en de veiligheid in de wereld is, de Veiligheidsraad VN heeft 5 permanente leden die hun veto keer op keer misbruiken, dus vetos weg... daarnaast is de EU de grootste geldschieter van VN 40% van budget en vredesmissies, VS betalen een deel van hun 22% NIET, rijke oilielanden betalen ieder nog geen 2%, VN komt 3,5 miljard tekort nu al o.a. van VS, dus VN zou regel moeten invoeren no PAY, NO say...met een wel werkende veiligheidsraad (gewone meerderheid zonder veto) kan Veiligheidsraad noflyzone boven syrie instellen en alle wapeninvoer tegenhouden en assad tot aftreden dwingen, een president die al 220.000 van z'n eigen mensen heeft vermoord, ga je niet mee onderhandelen.

muslims can't handle women


Another economic crash is coming. How did this happen? Renegade Economist

Very interesting.... "Behind Republican warnings about the solvency of Social Security – and their enduring desire to privatize – are major financial interests that would like to seize the system’s revenue streams for their own profit.
Greed is always in fashion on Wall Street. But working Americans see no reason to hand Social Security over to the banks, when its administrative costs amount to well under 1 percent of its revenues. They know that the financial geniuses who almost sank the world economy eight years ago would charge far more than 1 percent, while imposing enormous risks on everyone but themselves.
So thanks, but — most emphatically — no thanks. As we mark this anniversary, most surveys show negligible support for privatizing Social Security or reducing its benefits; indeed, there is growing public support for proposals to expand and improve the system.


https://www.createspace.com/5528598 rh pos a  https://www.facebook.com/marijana.simic.5074/posts/176630229336515
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rh_blood_group_system  no less african/asian neanderthal?






https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.anews.com%2Fp%2F35015061&edit-text= cold vegetable oil is ok, not heated, real butter is better ot coconut oil or swine fat  http://health.unian.net/worldnews/1189800-salo-poleznee-olivkovogo-masla-mediki.html  https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://health.unian.net/worldnews/1189800-salo-poleznee-olivkovogo-masla-mediki.html&usg=ALkJrhhmsrADaQwtHluXgrb2xi6Xk9_k4A



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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #7 op: Februari 08, 2016, 13:11:18 pm »

God huilt om al die domme mensen, en het staat geschreven dat wij zijn gelijken zijn smile-emoticon

Werkloze: 900€ om net in leven te blijven .
Werknemer : 1300€ om te overleven.
Militair : 1400€ om zijn leven te riskeren.
Leraar : 1600€ om voor te bereiden op het leven ...
Brandweerman en Politieagent : 1800€ om ons leven te beschermen..
Geneesheer : 2200€ om ons in leven te houden.
Chirurg : 6000€ om ons leven te redden.
Politici: tot 18.000€ om het leven van iedereen naar de kloten te helpen !!
En de werkgevers en (bank)directeuren nog veel meer........

2/3 van kosten Zorg, Politie,Onderwijs,Vervoer en Energie is BUREAUCRATIE!!!
Basisinkomen zorgt voor veel minder buraucratie en dat willen gevestigde partijen (en vooral bureaucraten) niet.
heb in 2009 voor elsevier commentatoren 's voorgerekend wat 't minimumloon zou zijn als wij nederlanders=belastingbetalers er naast politiek-banken-corporaties ook van mee konden profiteren, dat was dus 67.000 euro, en dat is t volgens mij bij lange na niet. Onze ENIGE nobelprijswinnaar economie Jan Tinbergen ging uit van een maximuminkomen van 5x minimumloon, en hij weerlegde met bewijzen dat al die zelfverrijking aan de top nergens anders op gebaseerd was dan hebzucht en corruptie.

What rich spend, was earned by the poorer. Unemployment is a systeminstrument of goverments and employers, no goverments wants a unemployment of 0%, cause the workers will demand more, so with extra taxes they make sure there's always unemployment. Dutch Nobelprizewinner Economics Jan Tinbergen calculated as early as 70's that rich parasite(the top 15-7-1%) on the lower 85% worldwide. Recalculated that in 2009 for netherlands, Lower 85% with all tax(deductions), social security payments pay NET 105 billion, the top 15% just 1,32 billion, which should be if at least equal with lower 85%, should be at least 16 billion...so Jan Tinbergen was right with it.

e situatie incl. van vluchtelingen van b.v. syrie kan binnen 1 maand opgelost worden, als de 5 permanente leden hun vetorecht ontnomen wordt. Rusland als lid van die 5 bezet stukken land, China beze stukken land wo Tibet, en waarvoor heeft VS 900 bases in 153 landen voor nodig? For worldpeace? Which worldpeace? the world is in pieces DUDE (ja klinkt beter in t engels)

Daarnaast en dit heb ik in 2004 al in vara debatplaats voorgesteld in ambassades, consultaten (buur)landen asielzoekers een papieren procedure naast die van legale immigrant, dus geen opvang in Europe dan van die goedgekeurde asielzoekers, Geen mensensmokkel, mensen-vrouwen en kinderhandel, geen verdrinkingen en ja dan houdt het op voor Vluchtelingen=werk en anderen NGO's die veel verdienen aan andermans leed. Toen waren buitenlanders-asielzoekers/vluchtelinegne EN nieuw rechts ervoor, en groenlinks, pvda en d66érs ertegen, goh die zagen hun $$ wegvloeien...

 Hypocrisie alom , iedereen weet waarom er geen vrede en de veiligheid in de wereld is, de Veiligheidsraad VN heeft 5 permanente leden die hun veto keer op keer misbruiken, dus vetos weg... daarnaast is de EU de grootste geldschieter van VN 40% van budget en vredesmissies, VS betalen een deel van hun 22% NIET, rijke oilielanden betalen ieder nog geen 2%, VN komt 3,5 miljard tekort nu al o.a. van VS, dus VN zou regel moeten invoeren no PAY, NO say...met een wel werkende veiligheidsraad (gewone meerderheid zonder veto) kan Veiligheidsraad noflyzone boven syrie instellen en alle wapeninvoer tegenhouden en assad tot aftreden dwingen, een president die al 220.000 van z'n eigen mensen heeft vermoord, ga je niet mee onderhandelen.

Another economic crash is coming. How did this happen? Renegade Economist


the Quran proves that its rewritten from Christian,Jewish and other sources why else it contains 25 times: "Thy Children of Israel" ? In Jweish Thora its 738 times, in from that partly plagerised Christian Bible 25 times, thats no surprise, but in Quran?????????


Niet 1 partij komt op voor 85% van de burgers, tot en met modaal, hun interesse gaat uit naar de resp. 15% bovenmodaal en dan specifiek de 7% tijkste huiseigenaren en de 1% rijksten die de echte machthebbers zijn hier, ook nederland is net als amerika, rusland een oligarchy..

De top15% draagt incl. belasting(aftrek w.o. 15 miljard hypotheekrenteaftrek), premies 1,02 miljard netto bij aan netto-inkomsten overheid, de rest 85% tot en modaal draagt van het zelfde (hebben meestal geen hypotheekrenteaftrek, 30% huurders krijgt maar huurtoeslag, totaal 1,9 miljard) 105,2 miljard bij aan nettoinkomsten overheid, en nu wil de overheid de bovenste 2 belastingtarieven nog lager maken, het laagste tarief van die 85% is overigens afgelopen jaren wel met 3% gestegen, want vele varkens maken de spoeling dun.








The Celtic Zodiac is based on the cycles of the moon. The year is divided into 13 lunar months with a tree assigned to each month. The Druids (the educated, professional class of the Celtic people) believed that the time of our births is pivotal to the formation of our personality and behaviour and the Celtic Zodiac was developed from their knowledge of earth cycles and their reverence for the sacred knowledge held by trees. They had a profound connection with trees and believed them to be the vessels of infinite wisdom.

Find out how the Celtic druids interpreted your tree sign and which tree signs they said you were compatible with….

If you were born under the energy of the Birch you are highly driven and can easily become caught up in your own zeal, drive and ambition. You are always reaching for more, seeking better horizons and obtaining higher aspirations. The Druids attributed this to your time of birth, which is a time of year shrouded by darkness, so consequently you are always stretching out to find the light. Birch signs (like the tree itself) are tolerant, tough, and resilient. You are cool-headed and a natural-born ruler, often taking command when a situation calls for leadership. When in touch with your softer side, you also bring beauty in otherwise barren spaces, brightening up a room with you guile, and charming crowds with your quick wit. Celtic tree astrology Birch signs are compatible with Vine signs and Willow signs.

Celtic tree astrology recognises this sign as the philosopher of all the zodiac signs. You are a keen-minded visionary with high ideals. Your thoughts are original and creative, so much so that others often misunderstand you. This sometimes makes you aloof when interacting with others. Beneath a cool exterior, you are burning within from your passionate ideals and this inner passion provides motivation for you as you make your way through life. You have a natural ability to transform situations and people around you. You are influential in a quiet way and others look to you for your unique perspective. Rowan pairs well with Ivy and Hawthorn signs.

You are a free thinker. Imaginative, intuitive and naturally artistic, you see the world in water-colour purity. You might appear moody and withdrawn at times, but only because your inner landscape is in constant motion. You are inspired by nature and, in turn, you inspire all who you associate with. People seek you out for your enchanting personality. Art, writing (especially poetry), science and spiritual matters are areas that strongly interest you. You are in a constant state of self-renewal and you rarely place a value on what others think about you. Ash signs partner well with Willow and Reed signs.

You are a natural-born pathfinder, a mover and shaker and you will blaze a trail with fiery passion, often gaining loyal followers to your cause. You are charming and gregarious. You mingle easily and your self-assurance is infectious. You are very focused and you dislike waste. You have the ability to see through superficialities and you don’t suffer fools gladly. You place high value on your time and are motivated by action and results. Alder's pair well with Hawthorns and Oaks, as well as Birch signs.

Your sign is ruled by the moon so your personality holds hands with many of the mystical aspects of the lunar realm. This makes you intelligent, creative and intuitive (highly psychic people are born under the sign of the Willow). You have a keen understanding of cycles and this means you’re more patient than most tree signs. With your intelligence comes a natural ability to retain knowledge and you often impress your company with the ability to expound on subjects from memory. Those born under the Willow sign are bursting with potential but have a tendency to hold themselves back, for fear of appearing flamboyant or overindulgent. Your powers of perception are what ultimately allow your true nature to shine through and lead you to success in life. Willow signs join well with the Birch and the Ivy.

You are not always what you appear to be. You often give off a different persona than the one inside you. Perhaps it’s because of this that you never judge a book by its cover. You are well-adjusted and can adapt to most life situations. This makes you content and gives you the ability to comfort others. You are naturally curious, with an interest in a broad range of topics. You are an excellent listener and people seek you out as someone on whom they can unburden themselves. You have a great sense of humour and a clear understanding of irony. You see the big picture and have sharp insight but it’s typical of you not to give yourself credit for your observations. Hawthorn signs match up nicely with Ash and Rowan's.

You have a special strength. You despise injustice and often become a champion for those who do not have a voice … a crusader or a spokesperson for the underdog. Nurturing, generous and helpful, you are a gentle giant among the Celtic zodiac signs. You exude an easy confidence and naturally assume everything will work itself out. You have a deep respect for history and ancestry and you like to impart your knowledge of the past to others. Many people born under the Oak sign become teachers. You have a need for structure and will often go to great lengths to make sure you’re in control. Typically, Oak signs live long, full and happy lives. You enjoy a family setting and you are likely to be involved with social/community networks. Oak signs pair off well with the Ash and Reed, and are known to harmoniously join with Ivy signs too.

This is the regal sign of the Celtic tree zodiac. Noble and high-minded, those born under this sign tend to take on positions of leadership and power. You are comfortable taking on challenges and you overcome obstacles with a rare skill and tact. When you encounter a setback, you simply redouble your efforts. Very seldom are you defeated, which is why many people look up to you and follow you as their leader. You are competitive and ambitious, even in the most casual settings. You can appear arrogant but it’s merely confidence in your own abilities. Once people get to know you, they’ll find you are generous, kind and affectionate. Highly intelligent, you skate through academics where others may struggle. Holly signs may look to Ash and Elder signs for balance and partnership.

You are highly intelligent, organised and efficient. Like the Holly, you are naturally gifted in academia and you excel in the classroom. You’re well-informed and have the ability to retain information which means you are able to recall, recite and expound on subjects you've memorised with amazing accuracy. This gift can make you appear like a know-it-all but you can't help that … you're genuinely smart and because of your knowledge base, you usually know the right course of action to take. You have an eye for detail you like things to be ‘just so.’ Sometimes this need for order and control can lead to compulsive behaviour if left unchecked. You have a knack for numbers, science and things that utilise your analytical skills. You like rules, although typically it’s you who is making them. The Celtic tree astrology sign of Hazel joins harmoniously with Hawthorn and Rowan's.

You were born within the period of autumnal equinox, which makes your personality changeable and unpredictable. You can be full of contradictions and are often indecisive, but it’s because of this that you can see both sides of the story and empathise equally with each. It’s hard for you to pick sides. There are areas in your life that you’re quite sure about, however, and those include the finer things of life like food, wine, music, and art. You have very distinctive taste and a connoisseur of refinement. Luxury agrees with you and you have the ability to turn drab into dramatic beauty. You are charming and elegant and and you maintain a level of class which wins you esteem from a large fan base. Vine signs pair well with Willow and Hazel signs.

Among other cherished qualities of this sign, the most prized is your ability to overcome all odds. You have a sharp intellect, but more obvious is your compassion and loyalty to others. You have a giving nature, and are always there to lend a helping hand. You were born at the time of the waning sun so life can be difficult for you at times, putting obstacles in your way, but you endure troubling times with silent perseverance and soulful grace. Ivy signs have a tendency to be deeply spiritual and cling to a deep-rooted faith that typically sees them through adversity. You are softly-spoken but you have a keen wit. You are charming, charismatic and can hold your own in most social settings. Ivy signs are attracted to the Celtic tree astrology signs of Oak and Ash.

You are the secret keeper of the Celtic tree zodiac signs. You dig deep until you find the real meaning of things and can find the truth hidden beneath layers of distraction. You love a good story and have a tendency to be drawn by gossip, scandal, legend and lore. These tendencies also make you an excellent historian, journalist, detective or archaeologist. You love people because they offer you a diversity of meanings for you to interpret. You are adept at coaxing people to talking to you and can even be manipulative, but you have a strong sense of truth and honour so most of your scheming is harmless. Reed people join well with other Reeds, Ash or Oak signs.

You tend to be freedom-loving, the wild one of the zodiac. In younger years you may have lived life in the fast lane, perhaps even identified as a thrill seeker. When you were born, the light of the sun was fast fleeting and you take the cue from nature. You’re often looked upon as an outsider because, despite your extrovert nature, you have a tendency to be withdrawn. It’s down to the fact that you’re deeply thoughtful with a philosophical bent. You also tend to be very considerate of others and genuinely strive to be helpful. These acts of assistance are sometimes thwarted by your brutal honestly which you openly share … solicited or otherwise. Elder Celtic tree astrology signs fit well with Alder's and Holly's.

(M) heart-emoticon

Pic. I made the image. By the way, don’t forget to enter my competition this weekend. I'm giving away TEN €100 vouchers towards a stay in an Irish thatched cottage in the village where Bill and I live ... Puckaun, in County Tipperary. Here’s the link … https://www.facebook.com/irelandandpegscottage/photos/a.203761076355449.53307.203185549746335/1060175960713952/ — met Sally Ward.






payment pebbel iedereen kan creditcards accepteren

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #8 op: April 10, 2016, 19:16:20 pm »


















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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #9 op: Juni 26, 2016, 19:01:31 pm »

Gisteren om 16:48 ·
Jarawa hunter-gatherers don't want agriculture or civilization:

"Here, there is everything we need. The trees are full of fruits … We can find everything we need in the jungle...'

"We don’t like people from the outside. They are bad. These people have only bad things to bring us … They give us tobacco and they teach us how to chew, and it’s not good for us.”

“Our life is here, nowhere else. We cannot love your world … Your world is bad for us. We don’t like it. There are too many people. Too much noise ... it smells bad … Here it is more beautiful. Living here is more peaceful.”

Leave them alone!












Ze doen er alles aan om patriarchy  te verheerlijken terwijl die juist de laatste 5000 jaar met oorlogen en patrichale nepreligies o.a.de wereld naar de kloten (letterlijk) heeft gebracht.
Diegenen die mij kennen vinden mij nogal dominant en kijken dan vreemd op als ze horen dat ik o.a. via aeongoddess.com juist een terugkeer naar de matriarchy en verering van de zon en vrouwen als bron van het leven wil, want dat betekent de aloude band met de natuur weer in ere herstellen.


In Asia, especially Myanmar (which are eaten annually over 2.3 million dogs), Cambodia, Northeast China, North and South Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam where dogs are used as food. In China, dogs were initially used to monitor warehouses.
Each year, approximately 2.7 million animals are euthanized (1.2 million dogs and 1.4 million cats).
 in same countries also cats are eaten https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_meat
In Azië zijn het vooral Myanmar (waar jaarlijks ruim 2,3 miljoen honden worden gegeten), Cambodja, Noordoost-China, Noord- en Zuid-Korea, Indonesië, de Filipijnen en Vietnam waar honden als voedsel gebruikt worden. In China werden honden aanvankelijk gebruikt om pakhuizen te bewaken. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_meat  in same countries also cats are eaten https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_meat BTw every year in USA alone approximately 2.7 million animals are euthanized (1.2 million dogs and 1.4 million cats).

Geen enkele partij in Nederland komt op voor autochtonen tot en met modaal, trouwens 80% van de bevolking. http://www.nrc.nl/handelsblad/2016/04/30/fluchtlingsmutti-is-niet-geloofwaardig-meer-1613606

Geen enkele partij in Nederland komt op voor autochtonen tot en met modaal, trouwens 80% van de bevolking. Kan er beter zelf modaalpartij voor oprichten, ongegeneerd alles terugpakken wat sinds 1991 is afgenomen, weg met nep-politici als Wilders, die zit al 30 jaar in politiek, nog nooit wat gepresteerd, weg met de asiel- en zieligheidsindustrie, de groene maffia, de dubbele paspoorten (Umar kan ook van d'r Turkse nationaliteit af) en eigen bijdragen, ziekenfonds terug, gratis onderwijs met 45 jaar werken daarna tot AOW vrij openbaar vervoer (nu toch al 80% subsidie) ,en kan nog wel aantal punten bedenken


I often get asked about my lantern footman sitting in my front yard. I've had black people say you shouldn't have that out that way "it makes people think you are a racist" I laugh, or "its offensive to white people" again I laugh and then explain what the significance of the lantern footman really is.
Im really amazed at how a lot of people don't know the real meaning behind these statues, so they vandalize them, bitch about them being racist, etc. When the image of a black 'footman' with a lantern signified the home was a stop on the Underground Railroad. These are largely a northern thing, and weren't commonly found in the South until after WWII when northerners moved there and brought this custom with them. The clothing of the statue was also coded. A striped jockey's shirt meant that this was a place to swap horses, while a footman in a tailed coat meant overnight lodgings/food, and a blue sailor's waistcoat meant the homeowner could take you to a port and get you on a ship to Canada. I always laugh when I hear black folks talk about how racist these are, because honestly, the cats who had them were likely the LEAST racist. Later, these came back into popularity after WWII, and they were again coded to show the white homeowners supported early civil rights efforts, weren't Klan, etc.

15000 years ago all the people on earth spoke the one and the same rudimentary language


Uit het NCB Kookboek 1934-2011:
Het beste is, dat de moeder het kindje zelf voedt, omdat de moedermelk bijna door niets te vervangen is.
De kinderen die met moedermelk gevoed worden zijn veel sterker en niet zo vatbaar voor ziekten als fleskinderen.
Heeft een moeder zelf niet genoeg om haar kind te voeden, dan is het aan te raden toch zoveel mogelijk natuurlijke voeding te geven.
Het tekort kan met bijvoeding worden aangevuld. Zelfs het kleine beetje moedermelk is voor het kind van onschatbare waarde.
Voordelen moedermelk:
is altijd vers, behoeft niet gekookt te worden, is nooit verontreinigd,is altijd op goede temperatuur, is vrij van ziektekiemen, is het gemakkelijkst verteerbaar voor het kind, geeft minder gevaar voor overvoeding
EN wil ik er aan toevoegen: De verpakking ziet er aantrekkelijker uit en ook belangrijk: de kat kan er niet bij ;-)
From NCB Cookbook 1934-2011:
The best thing is that the mother is feeding the baby itself, because breast milk is almost replace anything.
Children who are breastfed are much stronger and not as prone to diseases such as bottle kids.
A mother herself is not enough to feed her child, it is recommended to do as much as possible to natural diet.
The deficit can be supplemented with additional food. Even the small amount of breast milk for the child invaluable.
Benefits breast milk:
is always fresh, does not need to be cooked, it is never contaminated, is always at the right temperature, it is free of germs, it is easily digestible for the child, gives less risk of overfeeding
AND I would add: The packaging looks attractive and important: the cat can not reach it;-)



rook/alcohol ontmoedigingsbeleid
-leeftijd 21 jaar voor alcohol en rookwaren
-geen reclame voor rookwaren of alcohol
-drinken in openbaar strafbaar stellen, ook in auto nulgrens
-geen alcohol (en rookwaren) in supermarkten,bezinestations e.d. enkel in speciaalzaken
-ongeluk veroorzaken met alcohol op strafbaar hogere categorie, vervoermiddel in beslag nemen indien eigendom, overtreders in register zodat geen vervoermiddel uitgeleend/verhuurd kan worden

A FEW YEARS ago Manu Saadia, a longtime Star Trek fan, went looking for a book about the economics of Star Trek. When he couldn’t find one, he decided to write his own. The result, Trekonomics, has drawn praise from economists such as Brad DeLong and Joshua Gans. Saadia says that Star Trek is one of the few science fiction universes that grapple with the idea that money may someday become obsolete.
“It’s made clear and emphasized several times in the course of the show that the Federation does not have money,” Saadia says in Episode 205 of the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast. “You have Captain Picard saying, ‘We’ve overcome hunger and greed, and we’re no longer interested in the accumulation of things.'”
Saadia is fascinated by the idea of a society in which material wealth has become so abundant that possessing it no longer holds any appeal. In such a world the only way to gain status would be by cultivating talent and intellect.
“What really makes sense in the Star Trek universe and Star Trek society is to compete for reputation,” he says. “What is not abundant in Star Trek’s universe is the captain’s chair.”
He points to technologies like GPS and the internet as models for how we can set ourselves on the path to a Star Trek future.
Its easy to do, I wrote in 1980, in a worldwide cooperative system, (after fall of financial system there would be crated a singel pointsytem to replace all currency..so all prices for local product would be the same) whereby all assets of everyone incl. oligrachs comes to  governing body, in which all people have a say, everything is "rented", except food, all production means are also cooperative worldwide, so it would be more planned economics then competitive marketing, all countries need to be as much selfsustaining.. I expect 2150 or so it will or can be done or sooner if present oligrachs and politicians mesh up.



 true and major religions must come clean, they come from same source as even prophet has said: all people of the BOOK (not books) should be considered equal.. and to prove that..(I have studied history  myself of religions present and past and start of it all, rest is plagerism)  everyone knows the sentence: Thy children of Israel...? No surprise its 738 times in Thorah..or 7 times in Bible..we all know Christians took Thorah as old Testament after rewriting..but what is a BIG surprise: thats same sentence: Thy children of Israel (in same context) is TWENTYFIVE times in Quran...rofl ol....ask any muslim, iman to explain that..he can't...(like btw Jews or Christians can't refute my remarks on their "religion"..so for me: I still follow the earliest worship of sun and female forms as sole sources of life.

 There is no more sense
There is no one cause
The world turns uncaring
The sun is not shining
The darkness has shadows
The pure are rejected
The eye cannot see
The scorned are elected
The leaderless lead
The known has grown vague
The journey is ended
The horizon is strange
Reduction is increased
Seduction is honored
Complication is broadened
Replication has stopped
Frustration encouraged
Arbitration is scorned
Inaction is praised
Questions have ceased
Knowledge is scorned
Answers not questioned
Sense is abandoned
Faith is a grave
Caring not natural
Feeling is burden
Wanting is chore
Hearing is deafness
Giving is theft
Loving is hating
Feeling is lying
Living is death



are crystals, all different, each is said to have other powers. found this description:Labradorite (Spectrolite) "Lore of the Inuit peoples claim Labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, an ordinary stone that transforms to the extraordinary, shimmering in a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms. It is, in every sense, a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance.https://fr.pinterest.com/giuliagima/stones-crystals-and-magic/





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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #10 op: September 14, 2016, 12:30:21 pm »





redehads only 1-2% on earth


De dagelijkse 10-minuten meditatie women ' s borst verlengt de mannen van mijn leven voor 5-7 jaar, wetenschappers hebben ontdekt uit duitsland. Deze klasse heeft op de mannelijke lichaam hetzelfde effect als een 30-minuten-oefening.
Op zoek naar de vrouw haar borst, mannen hebben een kleine seksuele opwinding. Dankzij dit is het werk van het cardiovasculaire systeem en verhoogt de zuurstof in het bloed stroomt om samen met al het weefsel van een organisme, leg de wetenschappers. Zij beweren dat de contemplatie van lady delen vermindert het risico op een hartaanval en een beroerte op 50 %...
Goede nacht! )))

no chinese toxic but ceylon cinnamon



understand your dna















inventions in years





De wet mag dan spreken van gelijk ouderschap, maar dat is niet feitelijk en niet wetenschappelijk zo. voor n man is t maken van een kind in een "wip" gebeurd, een vrouw is er met medeneming van die ENE zaadcel plm. 9 maanden mee bezig. Dus het moederschap  geeft al veel meer werk dan de verwekker doet. Reken dat maar even uit in vrouwuren versus manuren (nou ja minuten dan) . DAARBIJ die ene zaadcel, daarvan zitten er tussen 20 en 50 miljoen in een mililiter/MILLIGRAM sperma plm.. Dus afgezien van t "werk", draagt de man 1/20 tot 1/50 miljoenste milligram bij, terwijl de moeder in die plm. 9 maanden er een baby van maakt van gemiddeld 3500 GRAM. Als je dat effe uitrekent  dan zie je dat de man als zijn bijdrage kan rekenen  van iets van 0,00000005 miligram (laatste cijfer een 2 als t 1/50 miljoenste is) en de bijdrage van de vrouw/moeder die t kind met meeneming van die ene zaadcel met en in/uit haar lichaam die baby maakt van  3500000 miligram (3500 gram) , uitgaande van 1/20 miljoenste is dat 1/70 miljardste deel van een baby, bij 1/50 miljoenste is dat 1/175 miljardste deel, dus hoezo gelijk ouderschap????  Dus een stukje haar van cm of stukje vingernagel, of huidschilfer  is dan waar de verwekker  "recht" op heeft.   Tenzij hij echte vaderschaps dingen heeft gedaan, zoals de moeder ondersteunen, niet enkel financieel, maar dagelijks. Zoals ik een aanstaande vader vertelde voor 'n kind tot minimaal 6 jaar moet een  vader maar 2 dingen doen 1. veel van mama houden 2. veel centjes verdienen - voor mama natuurlijk en ja zoals ik RvdK ook zelf verteld heb, Justitie en alles wat daaraan hangt zijn de grootste misdadige organisatie van Nederland. 

0,00000005=1/20 miljoenste 70 miljardste
0,00000002-1/50 miljoenste 175 miljardste
3500000 =3500 gram

De grondvorm van de mens is de vrouw, daarom zijn alle foetussen de eerste weken VROUWELIJK, mannen hebben ook tepels b.v. dus dat er vanaf 833.000BCE al moedergodin beelden te vinden zijn is zo gek nog niet, toen aanbaden ze de natuur, afstammelingen, en de zon en vrouw/moeder als levensbrengers. Is pas fout gegaan met de religieuze patriarchie ong. 5500/3500 BCE met hun mangoden, en toen kwam ook sexueel en huiselijk geweld en OORLOG, van voor die tijd zijn geen oorlogsresten te vinden, enkel van rampen...https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4ronrg/iamnotafraidtosayit_ukrainian_social_media_users

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #11 op: Januari 12, 2017, 16:47:57 pm »






This is interesting . .. .

Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get their money back.

It was a white substance with no food appeal so they added the yellow coloring and sold it to people to use in place of butter. How do you like it? They have come out with some clever new flavorings....

DO YOU KNOW.. The difference between margarine and butter?

Read on to the end...gets very interesting!

Both have the same amount of calories.

Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams; compared to 5 grams for margarine.

Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study.

Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods.

Butter has many nutritional benefits where margarine has a few and only because they are added!

Butter tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavors of other foods.

Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has been around for less than 100 years .

And now, for Margarine..

Very High in Trans fatty acids.

Triples risk of coronary heart disease ...

Increases total cholesterol and LDL (this is the bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol)

Increases the risk of cancers up to five times..

Lowers quality of breast milk

Decreases immune response.

Decreases insulin response.

And here's the most disturbing fact... HERE IS THE PART THAT IS VERY INTERESTING!

Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC... and shares 27 ingredients with PAINT.

These facts alone were enough to have me avoiding margarine for life and anything else that is hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance).

Open a tub of margarine and leave it open in your garage or shaded area. Within a couple of days you will notice a couple of things:

* no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it (that should tell you something)

* it does not rot or smell differently because it has no nutritional value ; nothing will grow on it. Even those teeny weeny microorganisms will not a find a home to grow.

Why? Because it is nearly plastic . Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast?

Share This With Your Friends.....(If you want to butter them up')!

Chinese Proverb:
When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jJj9W4uF_4   stop using E nummers/addatives






false snopes

wet van lavoisier zegt behoud van massa (stof), wet van cees zegt behoud van energie (geest) zo opgelost, in natuur is er ook kringloop.


Why the destruction of Soviet prisoners of war is less well known than the Holocaust (46)


















Cees Boogaart

de man god heeft aan macht ingeboet, de moeder god (in christendom vertegenwoordigd NOG STEEDS door Maria) neemt in kracht toe ook in de moslimwereld.












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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #12 op: Januari 17, 2017, 18:19:20 pm »

99 short and interesting facts about the person


The only part of the body that has no blood supply, - cornea. Oxygen it gets directly from the air.
The capacity of the human brain is more than 4 terabytes.
Up to 7 months baby can breathe and swallow at the same time.
Your skull is made up of 29 different bones.
Nerve impulses from the brain moves at a speed 274 km / h.
One human brain generates more electric impulses in a day than all telephones of the world combined.
The average human body contains enough sulfur to kill all fleas on an average dog; carbon - to make 900 pencils; Potassium - to shoot a toy gun; fat - to make 7 bars of soap; and sufficient water to fill the barrel 50 liters.
human heart pumps 182 million liters of blood in his life.
50,000 cells in your body die and are replaced by new ones at the time, as you read this sentence.
The fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of 3 months.
Women's hearts beat faster than men's.
A man named Charles Osborne hiccupped for 68 years.
Right-handed people live, on average 9 years longer than left-handed.
Approximately 2/3 of people tilt head to the right when kissing.
Man forgets 90% of their dreams.
The total length of the blood vessels in the human body - about 100,000 km.
Spring average respiration rate 1/3 higher than the fall.
By the end of the life of a person remembers an average of 150 trillion bits of information.
80% of the heat of the human body out of my head.
When you blush, your stomach turns red too.
The feeling of thirst occurs when water loss equal to 1% of body weight. The loss of more than 5% can lead to fainting, and more than 10% - to death from desiccation.
The human body works at least 700 enzymes.
People - the only creatures who sleep on their backs.
The average 4-year-old child asks 450 questions a day.
Unique fingerprints are but humans also koalas.
Only 1% of the bacteria causing diseases in humans.
All the people on the planet can comfortably put into a cube with sides of 1000 meters.
The scientific name of the navel - umbilikus.
Tooth - the only part of the human body, which is not able to heal itself.
The average person needs seven minutes to fall asleep.
The right-hander most of the food chews on the right side of the jaw, the left-hander - on the left.
The world's only 7% of left-handers.
The aroma of apples and bananas helps to lose weight.
Length of hair on the head, to grow by an average person in their lifetime - 725 kilometers.
Among the people who can move the ears, only 1/3 can move one ear.
The average person in my entire life swallows 8 small spiders.
The total weight of bacteria living in the human body, is 2 kg.
99% of the calcium in the body is in the mouth.
Human lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than the fingertips. This kiss increases pulse rate up to 100 or more beats per minute.
The absolute power of masticatory muscles on one side is equal to 195 kilograms.
During a kiss from one person to another is transferred to 278 different bacterial cultures. Fortunately, 95% of them are not dangerous.
Partenofobiya - a fear of virgins.
Tooth enamel - the hardest tissue produced by the human body.
If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, you get only a small cog for hours.
There are more than 100 different viruses that cause cold.
Kiss of sufficient duration is much better than chewing gum, normalizes the acidity in the mouth.
Hit his head against the wall, you can save 150 calories per hour.
Man - the only representative of the animal world, able to draw straight lines.
During the life of the human skin is replaced about 1,000 times.
Dimples on the waist every person, just someone they are pronounced, while others are less visible. Place the appearance of dimples is where the pelvis is fused with the sacrum, so that their appearance is justified.
Women blink approximately 2 times less often than men.
The structure of the human body includes only 4 minerals: apatite, aragonite, calcite and cristobalite.
This passionate kiss in the brain causes the same chemical reaction that skydiving and shooting a gun.
Men are considered dwarfs with growth below 130 cm, women - below 120 cm.
The nails on the fingers grow about 4 times faster than the toe.
People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain than others.
Nerve impulses in the human body moves at a speed of about 90 meters per second.
In the human brain in a second chemical reaction occurs 100000.
Babies are born without kneecaps. They appear only at the age of 2-6 years.
If one of monozygotic twins is not enough of a tooth, usually a tooth, and not at the other twin.
The surface area of ​​human lungs is approximately equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.
The average person spends his whole life on kissing 2 weeks.
At blond beard grows faster than brunettes.
Leukocytes in humans live 2-4 days, and erythrocytes - 3-4 months.
The strongest muscle in the human body - language.
The size of the human heart is approximately equal to the magnitude of his fist. The weight of an adult heart is 220-260 grams.
Since its birth in the human brain is already there are 14 billion cells, and this number is until death does not increase. In contrast, after 25 years, it is reduced to 100 thousand per day. One minute you spend on the page reading, die about 70 cells. After age 40, the brain degradation is accelerated sharply, and after 50 neurons (nerve cells) shrink and brain volume reduces.
At the birth of the child's body about 300 bones in adulthood they number only 206.
The small intestine at the human life has a length of about 2 and a half meters. After his death, when the bowel wall muscles relax, length up to 6 meters.
The right lung of human accommodates more air than the left.
An adult person makes approximately 23,000 breaths (in and out) on the day.
The smallest cells in the male - sperm cells.
In the human mouth about 40,000 bacteria.
In humans, about 2,000 taste buds.
The human eye can distinguish 10 million colors.
The chemical compound responsible for the ecstasy of love (phenylethylamine), is present in chocolate.
The human heart creates enough pressure that is sufficient to raise the blood level of the 4 th floor.
In the dream, a person burns more calories than during TV viewing.
Children grow up quickly in the spring.
Each year killed more than 2 thousand left-handed due to an error in the operation of mechanisms for right-handers.
It turns out that every three hundredth man has the opportunity to satisfy themselves orally.
Man uses 17 muscles when smiling, and 43 - when the frowns.
At age 60, most people lose half their taste buds.
During the flight in the aircraft rate of hair growth in humans is doubled.
1% of people can see infrared and 1% - ultraviolet radiation.
If you are locked in a completely sealed room, you will die of carbon dioxide poisoning, and not because of lack of air.
According to statistics, only 1 person 2 billion steps over the threshold of 116 years.
The average person speaks 4800 words in 24 hours.
The retina within the eye covers about 650 square meters. mm and contains 137 million light-sensitive cells: 130 million rods for black and white vision and 7 million cones for color vision.
Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
In the morning, a man of about 8 millimeters higher than in the evening.
Muscle Focus eyes move 100,000 times a day. To make your leg muscles as much contractions, you need to walk 80 kilometers a day.
Cough - explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60 miles / h.
According to German researchers, the risk of a heart attack higher on Monday than any other day of the week.
Bone is 5 times stronger than steel.
It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
Ingrown toenails - a hereditary trait.
A normal person will die from total lack of sleep faster than from hunger. Death occurs about 10 days without sleep, while hunger - several weeks.
The average life expectancy - 2475576000 seconds for the life we ​​say on average, 123205750 words, having sex 4239 times.

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #13 op: Juni 20, 2017, 11:00:10 am »
Brief aan belastingdienst
Geachte Inspecteur der Belastingen
Het spijt me u te moeten berichten, dat het voor mij onmogelijk is te bekijken of ik mijn belasting voor 2017 nog wel kan betalen. Mijn financiële positie is door de crisis en de bezuinigingsdrift zeer onoverzichtelijk geworden. Door de vele verschillende wetten en belastingen ben ik inmiddels zo terneergeslagen, uitgeput, uitgebuit, uitgewoond, uitgetrokken en uitgeperst, dat ik niet meer weet waar ik aan toe ben, hoe ik moet zijn en of ik er nog wel ben. Men heeft mij genoodzaakt te betalen voor:
Loon -belasting,
en begraafplaatsrechten.
En verder voor:
Kwartje van Kok,
en wat er nog meer aan rechten zijn.
Ik ben verplicht bij te dragen aan:
verplichte pensioenregelingen,
en tal van andere \'weeën\';
Alsook aan Ziektegeldverzekering en Zorgverzekering.
Ik betaal ook netjes:
Kijkgeld en Luistergeld.
Ik ben ook aangezocht of zelfs verplicht bij te dragen voor:
en het Begrafenisfonds enz.
Tevens is de druk groot om als steun te dienen voor:
het Rode Kruis,
het Groene Kruis,
Het Wit-Gele Kruis,
Het Oranje Kruis
en een regenboog van andere Kruizen.
De regering en anderen die mij in haar naam regeren, hebben
mij zo geregeerd,
dat ik niet meer weet wiens eigendom ik ben.
Ik ben verplicht,
verdacht, verhoord, ondervraagd, berispt, beboet, bekeurd, bestraft, bekeken, onderzocht, nagegaan, gecontroleerd, gezuiverd, ingesloten, uitgesloten, verwisseld, ontbonden, gecommandeerd, ingeschreven, uitgeschreven, doorgelicht, ingelicht, voorgelicht, opgelicht en heen en weer geschoven.
Ik heb tot nu toe een groot deel van mijn leven doorgebracht met het invullen, uitschrijven, overschrijven, halen en bekrachtigen en tekenen van formulieren. Ik heb reeds honderden malen verklaard, dat ik ben geboren en waar en wanneer. Maar men schijnt mij slecht te geloven. Ook voor actiecomités, bonden, fondsen, verenigingen, clubs, instellingen, instituten, organisaties en stichtingen
schijn ik een onuitputtelijke bron te vormen voor het verschaffen van G E L D en het bevredigen van iemands tegenwoordige en toekomstige wensen en behoeften van het menselijk ras.
Ik ben verplicht voor een Energie Keurmerk te betalen voor ik mijn huis mag verkopen.
Het enige wat mij nog aan het leven bindt, is mijn nieuwsgierigheid:
Dat is dan misschien het betalen van milieuheffing op een biefstuk? Omdat het milieu vervuild wordt door de uitstoot van gassen door het rund.
Dan voel ik door mijn klompen heen, wat de volgende stap zal zijn, dat ik straks verplicht ben een snuffelpaal aan te schaffen voor in mijn huis. Om mijn eigen uitstoot te meten en daarover ook
milieubelasting te betalen.
Meneer de Inspecteur, zoals u ziet, kan ik tot mijn spijt mij nauwelijks nog veroorloven om te leven, laat staan om nog meer te betalen.
Een uitgeputte belastingbetaler.
Wanneer mensen banken beroven, gaan ze naar de gevangenis.
Wanneer banken mensen beroven, krijgen ze een bonus.

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #14 op: Juni 20, 2017, 11:00:47 am »





De Amerikaanse Hartstichting waarschuwt ons voor kokosolie voor het verzadigde vet dat een grotere kans op hart- en vaatziekten zou geven.
Best opmerkelijk, want de Nederlandse Hartstichting zegt: "Mensen die veel verzadigde vetten binnenkrijgen blijken in recente onderzoeken geen hoger risico op hart- en vaatziekten te hebben." De instanties beginnen zichzelf tegen te spreken.
Het zwakke bewijs dat verzadigd vet slecht is, komt uit onderzoeken voor 1977 (goo.gl/XK8YUN), maar uit een onderzoek uit 2011 met 350.000 mensen blijkt er geen verband te zijn tussen verzadigd vet en hart- en vaatziekten (goo.gl/vxzIv3). Een andere onderzoek uit 2014 met 650.000 mensen gaf hetzelfde resultaat (goo.gl/aXDOWK). Ook randomized studies (hoge betrouwbaarheid) laten vrijwel geen link zien, maar dat met name onverzadigde omega 3 vetzuren beschermend zijn (goo.gl/M6TSfu).
Conclusie: verzadigde vetzuren zijn noch goed, noch slecht, ze zijn neutraal voor je gezondheid.

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #15 op: Augustus 01, 2017, 12:32:12 pm »




http://www.pzc.nl/binnenland/schrijfvaardigheid-kinderen-holt-achteruit~aba9b5e3/  door subsidie geilheid scholen en daardoor slecht onderwijs, kinderen worden gelabeld

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2WQoC8WpSU  CATalunia Boy's Choir.wmv



« Last Edit: Augustus 26, 2017, 13:31:21 pm door admin »

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #16 op: Oktober 05, 2017, 14:57:09 pm »


http://fithacker.ru/articles/nauka-krupneyshaya-afera-xx-veka/ cholesterol + schildklier
http://voedingengezondheid.com/omega-3-visolie-cholesterol.html  niet dus






cricket choir https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP6JGlv32nw



budwig anticaner protocol
https://www.mmv.nl/magazine/uitgave/300?page=6  kurkuma

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #17 op: Maart 16, 2019, 08:08:42 am »


“Lack of sleep is a world-wide torture. Every one of us suffers, although there is no need for that, ”Dr. Paul Kelly.


I think i'm Alone? https://www.facebook.com/muhammadsajjad.1001/posts/411595739657568

Everyone lives in his/her own world(view) but we're together despite different views on nearly everything....but when I posted my views on internet, the page(views) were exploding, so...despite not all share my views, they view it, and now 3 million a year do..so no we're not ALONE, but YES we 're ALL ONE.


het probleem is niet het klimaat sinds laatste kleine ijstijd is een opwarming normaal, rond 1200 was het hier warmer dan nu, toen was er een kleine opwarming..het probleem is het chaotische weer sinds 1960, wat veroorzaakt wordt doordat vliegtuigen de jetstream gebruiken sinds 1952 (bevestogd door o.a. finse luchtvaartaitoriteiten) en je mag 1 keer raden wie graag vliegen, juist de groene maffia. Ijs op zuidpool groeit aan en vlakbij Noordpool is een onderzeese vulkaan ontdekt...dus het grootste probleem is de GROENE MAFFIA https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/67168t/there_is_no_menmade_global_warming_theres_only/

fins onderzoek van luchtvaartautoriteit bevestigt mijn stelling dat het sinds 1960 veranderde WEER niet klimaat veroorzaakt wordt doordat vliegtuigen sinds 1952 de jetstream gebruiken en  daar allerhande rotzooi lozen van hun onbelaste brandstof...links in

 Zuidpool groeit aan en vlakbij Noordpool is onderzeese vulkaan dus klimaatgelovigen STFU

 Raise Your Voice and Act Against Article 13:
Contact Your MEPs & Government
What You Can Do To #SaveYourInternet – And Why You Should!


Scientifically proven: work negatively affects the health of the elderly.



When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren't Called 'Hitler', you are King Leopold II of Belgium.

19 harsh truths that you do not want to hear but must

« Last Edit: Maart 29, 2019, 11:33:31 am door admin »

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #18 op: April 07, 2019, 10:53:42 am »

(Urban Hedgehog's Night Out In Obolon, Kyiv, Ukraine)
 I love hedgehogs and they love me, somehow the Hedgehog Daily.Monthly placed my adress, had in former house-garden up to 30 or more at same time from old guys 30cm in diameter down to newborns (like hairbrush without handle and they are quick) and although with wild animals always take care never have been bitten (my cat never was fond of them) I always handle them with care and gloves (they are full of ticks and lice, fleas) when so many I just wade thru them clicking with my tongue..I give them water(never milk they love it but get diaree) and some catnips, and the middle size go on backpaws if they smell I have a little piece of cheese in my hand...In autumn I build them a wintershelter, bottominsulation some branches, a piece of plastic cloth to keep moisture out and then again branches..when sun goes down they come, and i let some catnips at entrance, when those are not eaten I know the ones I see enter one by one are in wintersleep. The ones I think are too small too survive the winter I keep inside in carton boxes. Once in summer a motherhedhog came inside my house making peeping sound so I asked what'up mama, she lead me to shed where I could see her little ones I accidently had locked up with door, so I opened the door, the babies went to mama en she look back to me as in gratitude... :-)
I must get me such camera app which translates pic with txt
 (wondering) already can talk dutch and it gets spoken in 113 langauges,
 no more Tower of Babel..like people 15000 years ago spoke the same rudimentary language
 and now 6850 ehh 7097 different languages, where did it go wrong  

Strong heart, beautiful skin and a healthy liver: debunking myths about the dangers of coffee


Prehistory Decoded at Gobekli Tepe: From a Cataclysmic Event Dawns the Origin and Perhaps the End of Civilization






History of the Jews - summary from 750 BC to Israel-Palestine conflict
Israel-Palestine conflict - summary from 1917 to present

Israelis: Who is Jesus to you?
Palestinians: Who is Jesus for you?       kuzari vergelijk religie?

sexual harrasment in egypt (only egypt?)


« Last Edit: Mei 15, 2019, 21:27:18 pm door admin »

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Re: Wat je zoal tegen komt, op allerhande gebied
« Reactie #19 op: Mei 31, 2019, 09:00:41 am »


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