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Auteur Topic: Oorlog Rusland 2 mei Russia has no past, no future, both are just for Ukraine  (gelezen 4586 keer)

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 Russia has no past, no future, both are just for Ukraine

putin "russia" has no past (its stolen from Ukraine -ancient russia is a LIE), it has like Soviet Union no future either, RF will collapse too, even name RUSS is stolen from Ukraine, so there are no real russians in russia (while there are "russians" fighting in east-Ukraine), it are just Muscovites, ruled by gremlins of Kremlin.

 Russia asserts that planned NATO steps in Baltics would violate 1997 Founding Act establishing NATO-Russia relationship

  Strafor predicted in 2025 4 europe's, after brexit merkel will push for migration invasion and east-europe will so NO, better they start a EF a voluntary european federation without brussels and euro, then scandinavian, baltic, and UK can join, just west-EU will remain, after RF collapse some of those will join EF also, with Poland/Ukraine as new center and Germany/France busted.


https://disqus.com/by/disqus_N9JQzh3fPe/ Rob Hansen
To understand how RuSSia conducts its foreign policy, simply look at what the Kremlin accuses everyone else of doing.

Unlike the Soviet Union, which operated under a coherent ideology, the RuSSian government under President Vladimir Putin seems to believe that everybody is a cynical power player, and that the West is simply hypocritical about it.

According to this view, Western support for Ukraine has nothing to do with standing up for the values of democracy and liberty, but rather is part of a geopolitical struggle aimed against RuSSia. Hence the belief that the Euromaidan was a "Western plot."

This view drives the Kremlin's actions. After all, if destabilizing countries through dirty methods like plots or even terrorism is something "everyone" does, then there's nothing strange about RuSSia doing it as well.

Putin apologists in the West, often argue that RuSSia is an important partner in the struggle against terrorism. Ukrainians probably feel otherwise. The separatist groups Moscow is supporting in the Donbas would no doubt be labeled terrorists had they tried to separate from some RuSSian province.

But RuSSia's plot hasn't worked according to plan. The separatists only control a small part of Ukrainian territory, and RuSSia has paid a high price in the form of economic sanctions. But even though fighting seems to have died down in the Donbas and the RuSSian military has turned its attention to Syria, Putin certainly hasn't forgotten about Ukraine. The country is simply too important for that.

Euromaidan Press recently published a list of the Kremlin's other separatist projects in Ukraine. One of the most active organizations is the Kharkiv Partisans, which operates in northeast Ukraine. The group has claimed responsibility for several IED attacks on both people and infrastructure in the area.

In Odessa, a group known as the Odessa Underground states that it's behind a similar string of terrorist attacks there. And the Ukrainian security service, the SBU, claims to have foiled a terror attack on a recruitment center in Kiev. The cell behind the attempted attack was controlled by RuSSian security services and led by Alexei Selivanov, a pro-Russian Ukrainian citizen from Odessa who was previously involved with pro-Russian Cossack groups.

Other evidence is on the nett like YouTube video showing the training camp of a RuSSian irregular outfit that calls itself ENOT (Racoon) featured Alexander Borodai, the former prime minister of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic. This unit fought in the Donbas and has a lively presence on social media.

Putin's campaign of supporting separatists is perfect in many ways. The groups are difficult to trace to RuSSia and any connection can be easily denied by the Kremlin. After all, the Kremlin has continuously denied any involvement in Ukraine at all.

Just as important, the actions of these Kremlin-supported groups suggest to Ukrainians that their government is not in control of the situation. One of the Putin regime's main selling points is that the only alternative to an authoritarian system is chaos. This terror campaign makes it possible for Putin to say things like, "Look what happens when you get rid of a strong leader: Chaos!" Never mind that he is the one creating the chaos.

The Kremlin is, of course, terrified that a successful Ukraine would set a very different example for the Russian people, and no method of opposing it seems to be too ugly.

.A sincere Western commitment to dialogue with Russia is just the west fooling itself, into thinking you can negotiate with a mad dog into not biting you, when you turn your back on it..

—and Putin is certainly a great help, when it comes to fooling the west to think Russia will play god doggy.

Russians do this cheating, betraying, conning, and deceiving thing thinking at the same time it is OK as they are acting as good patriots and forwarding Russia's intrest And with that logic they whitewash for themselves the moral aspect of the lei as it in there mind is they are just helping mother russia in Russian interests !!!

After all we are talking about a Nation that BRAINWASHING CHILDREN in schools and has Lesson On Superiority Of Russians.

Russian schools brainwash kids about superiority of Russians, just as Germans were brainwashed about superiority of Aryan race. Dominance over other nations is a major part of ideology of any fascist society. If your race is superior, you have a legitimate right to enslave other nations and to rule the world, and Russians are now understanding this better and better.


Russian government keeps preparing Russians for invasion into Europe. !!!!!!

Almost any political program on Russian TV portrays Europeans as losers and enemies of Russia. Creating an image of miserable enemy is a first step before any big war – killing miserable enemy becomes much easier.



Our enemies may be irrational,even outright insane, driven by nationalism, religion, ethnicity or ideology. They do not fear the United States for its diplomatic skills or the number of automobiles and software programs it produces. They respect only the firepower of our tanks, planes and helicopter gunships." - Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan at the time was talking about the Russian controlled soviet union and the soviet union ALSO HAD Nuclear weapons and soviet union was controlled by the same type of personality types as KGB Putin after all Putin is a product of the soviet KGB...

And just like KGB Putin the soviets also did a lot of shouting about using Nuclear weapons and wiping out the west and wiping out Europe from the face of the earth ect ect ect...bla bla bla bla ,,,,,

Yes talking big is typical for Russians they like to intimidate.. It is not the big talkers you need to be afraid off it is the ones that don't talk and just act... Just like the USA when they bombed japan not 1 time but 2 times ... BIG TALKING RUSSIA'S have never dropped the bomb as they just like to intimidate like all cowards and bully's do..

“Putin bases his policies on Lenin’s principle: probe with bayonets; if you encounter mush, proceed; if you encounter steel, withdraw,” the aide said. “With Obama, Putin has encountered mush for nearly seven years, never steel, and that’s why he continues to challenge the United States time after time.”

Moscow HAS NO RIGHT TO take over Ukraine just because Putin feels threatened that his autocracy may become shaky if Ukraine and other nations that border Russia, becomes democratic and move toward the west geo politically.Putin has reserves the right to resort to economic blackmail in Georgia in 2008 and now Ukraine he is taking military intervention to keep his neighbors in line with Moscow hegemony and just because he has nukes the quasi intellectuals now are saying just let Putin do as he wants .

Putin will not use Nuclear weapons

1.if he did then he will be not just nuking kyiv the blast and fall out will also hit East Ukraine, Crimea , Poland Belorussia and Russia

2.He will get the orthodox church against him for taking out Pecherska Lavra center of orthodox faith in the world and the far right orthodox is his power base at home

3. How will it look if he bombed Russians in Ukraine

4.if he did this then any friends he has in the international community will run for cover and distance then self s from him and and RuSSia in every way they can they will admit openly that Putin is a mad man that needs too-be taken out asap..even his god old buddy in Syria Assad will not return his phone calls and run for cover.

5. Russia will become a international outcast and pariah in diplomatic relations with the rest of the world..

6.The world will respond with an attack on Russia and Putin and Moscow will only be left in history books just like the soviet union is now ...

7.Putin like Hitler and Stalin is a very smart calculated psychopath he is not crazy or insane and does not have a political death wish or any other type of death wish for that matter he pushes as fare as he feels he can and then backs down if he feels he gets pushed back and if he dose not get pushed back he continues until he dose.

Russia’s sphere of influence..

Well I say Russia’s sphere of influence argument is a big propaganda clam, Russia has no special rights to tell Ukraine what it as a nation can do or not do..., Russia can not just because it borders that nation tell it what it can or do or not do anymore the Norway or Finland can tell Russia what it can or can not do because they border Russia..

Can Russia tell USA what it can do because it borders Alaska ?

The West says is not taking over Ukraine it is supporting the democratic aspirations of Ukrainians that were under assault from Putin boy Viktor Yanukovych.

The West and the rest of the world needs to stand for

Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as a nations against the Russian invasion, which violates International law. even if Russia has its nukes or not..

And in any case USA and Briton as obligated to send army troops and equipment in accordance with the Budapest memorandum So really they have no choice Ether the agreements done by the USA president and the British PM or those they appoint is worth something or it is not ...If it it not worth the paper they have written on then why will Putin stop at just Ukraine Poland and the Baltic's will then be next... Why not he has nukes and the quasi intellectuals like are now say let him do as he wants he has nukes...

IF Putin hurts one hair on the head of any NATO nation or the USA then all of NATO will respond

And her is a bombshell....that Putin must also know as Putin is crazy but he is NOT stupid ..

When it comes to firepower USA is up-too in some cases 7 times the size of Russia ... Just take f. exs.

Aircraft carries USA has 20 Russia has 1

Fighter aircraft USA has 2207 Russia 769

Fix wing aircraft USA has 13892 Russia has 3842

Helicopters USA 6196 Russia 1120

And lets not forget that all the USA weapons are tip top and high tec,. Russia for the most part has old soviet leftovers not so much new stuff some new stuff but not something worth worrying about ..

The truth is Russia is a analog watch in a digital age ...When it comes to the USA ...

ooo YES AND manpower

NATO has over 2,6 mill more soldiers under arms then Russia has

USA alone has 145,212,012 backup manpower available for military service and they are all professional soldiers ..

Russia only has 69,117,271 backup manpower available for military service For they most-part farm boys doing their national service

USA has today active serving military personnel

1,400,000 The USA are battle harden professional soldiers ..

Russia has only active military personnel

766,055 Most of them are farm boys doing their national service

AND IF WE PUT NATO INTO this mix we are talking fire power advantage up-too 19 times of Russia


Above is conventional weapons

Lets take also take into account nuclear weapons...

United Kingdom 225 warheads (submarine delivery systems new and up to date systems )

France 300 warheads

(submarine delivery systems new and up to date systems )

United States 7,315 warheads

(Mixed delivery systems new and up to date systems )

Russia 8,000 warheads

(Mixed delivery systems old mostly from the soviet union times NOT up to date systems )


Base on this facts Russia does not stand a chance as most of NATO warheads are on Subs. and NOT in silos like Russia that makes it easy to take out with NATOs defiance systems ...

All NATO must do is take out Moscow and 5 -6 other city's to take out all of Russia.... But Russia must take out city's all over the planet from USA , CANADA ,FRANCE UK. ALL OF EUROPE and as fare away as , AUSTRALIA and so on and so on ...

PS. lets not forget the the Submarine KURSK was part of Russia's nuclear weapons platform and it was falling apart to such an degree that its systems torpedo systems on the Sub. malfunctions and blow up under water and sank the sub and .. killed all of its crew ....

Now if that is what Russia's nuclear delivery platform and weapons platform is like all I can say is hahahahahaha and lest us not forget that Kursk was the pride and joy of Russia's navy... What does the rest of the Russian nuclear weapons program look like if Kursk is anything to go by ?

I mean...... If you can not hold your submarines floating in

pace time what hope do you really have for holding your submarines floating in war time ?


Kursk was an Oscar-class submarine, twice the length of a 747 jumbo jet, and one of the largest submarines in the Russian Navy.

An official investigation after most of the wreck was raised along with analysis of pieces of debris concluded that a faulty weld in the casing of the practice torpedo caused high-test peroxide (HTP) to leak, which caused the kerosene fuel to explode. The initial explosion destroyed the torpedo room, severely damaged the control room, incapacitated or killed the control room crew, and caused the submarine to sink with all of its nukes not much of a nuclear weapons platform now was it hahaha

List of countries by military expenditures


Russia is a joke and will always be a joke Russians have nothing at all to be proud of Stalin's USSR and today's Putin's Russia are and was totalitarian states..

Putin is appealing to the most basic of instincts and fears of Russians. Many Russians harbor insecurities related to loss of the evil empire that was the USSR, and with that Russians idea of superpower status..

With Putin now Russians would like to reclaim this feeling and idea of the superpower status lol...

Russia today is known mostly for being nothing more than a petro state run by oligarch elite that answers to only one leader and the leadership is Mr Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin himself...

Russia is one step away from in all but name a fascist state and to deflect this simple facts, Putins Russia uses total strong hold and control over the media and over Russia's gas energy sector, military, FSB and Police force.

When ever Putin feels that it is needed Putin's thugs the FSB boys take control of anything they want and they do this internally and externally, all this gets backed up with source of lies and propaganda to deflect the world from the real truth about what Russia really is, a mentally sick nation and society full of people controlled and living in a dream of a past that never really existed (or at least not in the way they wish it was )

Lest be honest the Soviet Union 1922–1991 only was in word history for 69 years not much of a super power if you only can claim 69 years in history before you was wiped out of existence ...69 years my grandmother Bessy is older than that LOL

Or what am i not right ????? USSR can only claim 69 years it started in 1922–1991 ....

Russians USSR a superpower don't make me laugh....it was nothing more and still is nothing more than a evil state run by evil little people that just has some nukes under their control.. and as the cowards they are wave around them self's this weapons and shout about them to make them self look big..


Russians have nothing at all to be proud of Stalin the USSR and today's Putin's Russia are and was all totalitarian states..

RuSSia and the Soviet Union was NO better then Hitlers Germany, Pol Potts Cambodia, Idi Amins Uganda, Francos Spain, Mussolinis Italia, Gaddafi's Libya, Kim Jong-un North Korea and/ or Putins good friend Bashar al-Assads Syria

Ukrainians, on the other hand have made a new beginning. They are rejecting Russian-style autocracy, reforming the economy and moving against the pervasive corruption of the old regime.

Ukraine naturally and rightfully belongs in Europe. Putin has used every means possible, including military aggression and terrorism to damage and subordinate Ukraine.

He will not succeed. Ukraine's whole history revolves around the struggle for liberty and resistance to foreign oppression. Ukrainians are starkly different to Russians. They are not and have never been mentally slaves of Moscow lies, propaganda and control .

The face of true evil Putins RuSSia and propaganda



Putin is just using this NATO as a "threat" thing to to excuse his own and legitimize his regimes existence.

To understand how RuSSia conducts its foreign policy, simply look at what the Kremlin accuses everyone else of doing.

Unlike the Soviet Union, which operated under a coherent ideology, the RuSSian government under President Vladimir Putin seems to believe that everybody is a cynical power player, and that the West is simply hypocritical about it.

According to this view, Western support for Ukraine has nothing to do with standing up for the values of democracy and liberty, but rather is part of a geopolitical struggle aimed against RuSSia. Hence the belief that the Euromaidan was a "Western plot."

« Laatst bewerkt op: juni 02, 2016, 12:24:24 pm door admin »


Oorlog Rusland tegen Ukraine, Europa

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When will they ever learn ???  Eve of destruction

Een volk dat voor tirannen zwicht, zal meer dan lijf en goed verliezen, dan dooft het licht. (van Randwijk 1909-1966)
A nation that yields to tyrants, loses more than life and property, then the light goes out.(van Randwijk)

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When Russians came for (Moldova)Chechnya, i didn't speak out, I'm not Chechen !
When Russians came for Georgia, I didn't speak out, I'm not Georgian !
When Russians came for Ukraine, I didn't speak out, I'm not Ukrainian ?
When Russians came for my country,
there was no one left, to speak out for me !!!!!!!!!

Budapest Memorandum, US, UK & rusland?
Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel(=Chamberlain), whats next, Ribbentrop-Molotov again??

Schaffen wir das? Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel?

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