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Auteur Topic: Oorlog Rusland 27 februari betrayal Ukraine by usa, Budapest memorandum  (gelezen 3586 keer)

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Oorlog Rusland 27 februari betrayal Ukraine by usa, Budapest memorandum
« Gepost op: februari 27, 2016, 12:27:39 pm »
Robert F. Kennedy jr :Why the Arabs don’t want USA in Syria, cause USA created Al-Qaida AND IS themselves, and betrayed the Arabs. | NATO shouldn't be helping USA in Middle-East but safeguard North Atlantic, to defend THAT against Putin which seems to be "ally" of USA

Problem of departing presidents, Putin and Obama made a deal about it??? Like SU, USA tries to save RF, well Ukraine do you want to sign another "Budapest" Memorandum, you know you can trust us, the USA :-)


It was a setup of USA, like they didn't want SU to fall, they don't want RF to fall.USA needs a enemy for EUrope to sell their arms to...in this is better document ,

EU is a failed "state" as such,cause Germany is the Fuhrer (once more) and doesn't think of interests 28 memberstates, but only of Germany(Nordstream) and have the wrong priorities, in Minsk1-2, priority 1 is complete ceasefire, which wasn't and isn't ,
perhaps Germany wants another (Prescot Bush) -Ribbentrop-Molotov?
I expect USA-Russia wanting EU-NATO to deliver peacekeeping force for Syria, instead of UN peacekeepers, so EUrope will be undefended.
From 5 years ago, I see permanent members with vetorights in UNSC, going their own way, outside UN and only using that (UN/UNSC) for their own criminal purposes.

And in case you wonder, why I include USA in this, in 2014 with Crimea invasion, instead of blocking with  their ships the Crimea naval base, they pulled all USA ships out of Black Sea, out of "harms way".
Putin wouldn't have dared to attack those USA ships, so in effect USA made Crimea invasion (and annexation) possible.
Had that happened, US-EU, NATO could on simple request of Ukraine goverment,
(like Iraqi goverment also put a simple request to NATO not being a NATO country also),had sent in like Timothy Snyder said over and over again, peacekeepers to secure the borders of Ukraine.
And all this wouldn't have happened.
Besides this why were there sanction to the person of Belarus president and not
to the person of russia's president.
I'm reading the declassified notes from Ukrainian goverment from time of Crimea 2014 invasion, and this were the thoughts that came up to me, it could have prevented from the start, cause that didn't happen, I can only conclude, they let it happen and/or made it happen.

And yes like so many in EU, I'm against present day undemocratic EU goverment, but will vote next April 6 dutch referendum in favor of EU-NL- Ukraine association agreement, in fact with my reddit oekraineukraine even putting up a pro-campaign for that association agreement EU-Ukraine.
(Besides battling the dutch trolls behind that referendum, not with discussions but with a overload of links which refute everything they say in their dumps)

And you can call my reddit russiawarinukraine I started  months ago not really pro-putin :-), besides my dutch blog which collects daily +-100 links from Ukraine-international news (not kremlinmedia, I said from start, just believe opposite you can't go wrong with that, so not worth my time, as are (r)us-trolls) I started February 2014, when i started calling it a invasion and war of russia against Ukraine.

Bellingcat noemt de namen die betrokken zijn bij MH17 crash, onder hen - ministerie van Defensie en Putin, van Rusland




De auteurs van de bill voorgesteld een specifieke drempel, waarvoor de omkoping zal worden beschouwd als "bijzonder grote". Daarnaast zal levenslang bedreigt zelfs aan die bureaucraten, die moet vechten corruptie, maar zij zelf vzyatochnikami geworden. Geen amnestie en ze zal niet worden.
From 1200-1795 the amtlords of my village had harsher laws for the elite then for the "common" people, if they commited a crime their entire assets were seized, and if it was treason they could also loose their head...auchh


http://andreistp.livejournal.com/7190883.html  hitler stalin

Investing in Russia is a loser's game: Russia's weakening demographics, weakening economy, worldwide shift away from hydrocarbons to save the planet from climate change, and sensible neighbours fleeing away from Russia's corrupt "influence" all contribute to Russia being in MASSIVE decline... Ukraine does NOT have to follow this "Russian style" path to self-destruction...



Putin's strategy with regard to Ukraine and Syria does not work - expert


Adele Rolling in the deep in the performance of National Ukrainian Academic Orchestra of Folk Instru




February 23, 1944 the most tragic day in the history of the Chechen people.

The deportation of the Chechens and other peoples in 1944 was aimed at the complete destruction of these people through physical liquidation or forced assimilation with the larger ethnic groups.



McCain got it right! Shame on President Obama and America for not giving defensive weapons to Ukraine to defend themself against evil dictator Putin and his terrorist regime which now has taken over most of Eastern Ukraine. Ukraine has not seen this kind of terror since World War 2, 70 year's ago, when Hitler and Stalin terrorize Ukraine....


Our country in going through a very slow and painful break after Soviet era. The worst syndrome for civil society is totally demoralised Justice
and Law enforcement institutions. In time when our country starts Law enforcement reform, creating fundamentally new and law-abiding police forces,
our Judicial system with its inherent mockery and brutal inspiration decided to stay in the pocket of Prosecutor's office "mafia".

We do not justify the policeman, who opened fire at the car (and has caused a passenger's death, after a long pursuit and a 10-minute long resuscitation), but we are against the situation, when our court dismisses charges for criminals, releases under ex-Bercut officers for house arrest, and
corrupt politicians, but doesn't release for house arrest an officer of the new police.

We don't understand why in the same time, when Illovaisk and Debaltsevo cases should be trialed and war crimes must be investigated, Military Prosecutor considers this accident is of a higher priority, thereby putting pressure on Ukraine's General Prosecutor's office.

We do not wish to support such Justice, when it becomes the tool of political massacre of reforms, that are unwanted for certain groups of people in Ukraine.

We must take it to the streets and make it known to our Government, that we stand for reforms and won't let positive changes that were being built for the last year be destroyed. It's now - or never, otherwise the consequences will be irreversible.

"I am sorry that the court made this decision (arresting the policeman), as we weren't hiding anything from the very beginning, he came to the Prosecutor's
office and court by himself. Until the court makes the final decision, nobody can call one a murderer" Khatia Dekanoidze"

In nizhny novgorod regio arbitrage, het hof toegestane lokale bisdom terug een deel van de schuld, de aannemer, boiler room, gebeden, schrijft petersburg juridische portaal.
De beslissing werd gemaakt in het kader van de overeenkomst.
In het verslag verklaard dat de onderneming heeft haar plicht eiste terugkeer voor de ontwikkeling van de documentatie van het project voor de installatie van de stookruimte. Het bedrijf werd verondersteld 916 duizend., Maar ze was betaalde maar 458 duizend. Rube.
Er wordt op gewezen dat, volgens de overeenkomst van het bisdom moeten betalen aan de organisatie van een andere 200 duizend. Rub., En zorgt ook voor de "behoren op de gezondheid van een slaaf bozhiyego van arseniev ivan michailovitsj en slaaf bozhiyego lepustina sergei aleksandrovitsj, hun families en welzijn in alle van hun goede daden, en legt zich toe"

"Unfortunately, the concept of a good man and a good politician is far from the same thing."











How does your attitude towards Crimean Tatars differ from Hitler's attitude towards Jews during the World War II? The Fuehrer, too, wanted to get them eliminated - so they would not remind him and his supporters of the Germany he wanted to forget - the Germany of equal citizens, without Nazi's, obsessed with racist ideas.
Jamala' Test: Why Russian chauvinists hate all Crimean Tatars. How does Russians attitude towards them differ from Hitler's attitude towards Jews during the World War II? The Fuehrer, too, wanted to get them eliminated.










U.N. denounces restrictions of refugees, calls for unity in Europe | UN better send them to USA & Russia , they made the mesh in Middle East, EUrope didn't!





















kremlinmedia http://russia-insider.com/en/culture/george-soros-calls-eu-bankrupt-itself-order-destroy-itself/ri12956






Russian metal fangirl vs an old lady near a night club






Paranoia and Purges: The Dark and Dirty Battle for Power in Rebel-Held Ukraine

Lysenko: Subversive reconnaissance group consisting of Russian troops neutralized in Mariupol. Names and titles of 3 dead Russians known.

Landsbergis: Russia Always Beats Those Who Don't Mind Losing

How Soft Power Works: Russian Passportization and Compatriot Policies Paved Way for Crimean Annexation and War in Donbas
« Laatst bewerkt op: februari 27, 2016, 12:32:49 pm door admin »


Oorlog Rusland tegen Ukraine, Europa

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When will they ever learn ???  Eve of destruction

Een volk dat voor tirannen zwicht, zal meer dan lijf en goed verliezen, dan dooft het licht. (van Randwijk 1909-1966)
A nation that yields to tyrants, loses more than life and property, then the light goes out.(van Randwijk)

Info and news on



When Russians came for (Moldova)Chechnya, i didn't speak out, I'm not Chechen !
When Russians came for Georgia, I didn't speak out, I'm not Georgian !
When Russians came for Ukraine, I didn't speak out, I'm not Ukrainian ?
When Russians came for my country,
there was no one left, to speak out for me !!!!!!!!!

Budapest Memorandum, US, UK & rusland?
Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel(=Chamberlain), whats next, Ribbentrop-Molotov again??

Schaffen wir das? Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel?

the famous words of one of America?s Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, in 1776:
?We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.?

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MH 17 Final Reports -Dutch safety Board
MH 17 nieuws / news



Rusland or USSR?
The soviet story 2008
Moscow Maidan

Nature Sunshine Health products available in Ukraine!
For buying and receiving in UKRAINE use THIS SHOP

Video of Boris nemtsov, murdered by Putin.

Comparison funerals Ukraine HEROES and RF/russian zeroes aka RF soldiers/socalled separatists.

EN: Russia war in Ukraine
  Daily links
  Krant van nederland

50+ Ukraine & elsewhere TV LIVE broadcasts !!!

Second source LV tive

  Interactive map Ukraine/warzone   Detector media  intellinews.com  Euromaidanpress  ENInterfaxUA  RFerl   Interpreter  ENCensorUA   Informnapalm  khpg    Kyivpost    Unian  stopfake  day.kiev  ukrinform  uacrisis  hromadske  voxukraine   Maidantransl  uawire.org   bunews.com.ua 
Kharkiv Times  ForeignPolicy  EU observer  Fin news  Baltic Times  Moscow Times  Siberian Times  politico.eu   meduza.io  
Ukraine Today TV EN   UT latest news & YT   UKR govt media   More UKR TV   Aljazeera-Ukraine   Ukrstream
FR incl.transl. breizatao  
UA incl. transl. svoboda   newsonline24 glavpost   favno.ua   joininfo.UA   5.UA
RU incl. transl.  rusmonitor  rosbalt.ru   rbc.ru  tvrain.ru   politolog    RETRANS   .novayagazeta.ru   ehorussia   refabula   lystok   hvlya.net   inforesist.org   gordonua   resistance.today
  oleg-leusenko.livejournal  zloy-odessit  flavius-aetius1  ibigdan  uorvik 
reddit Oekraine
 Volkskrant  Telegraaf Elsevier RTL Nieuws  NRC 

Kremlinmedia sources 2nd bloc)
Liveleak  en uiteraard GeenStijl, Powned (we linken niet meer naar ze/TMG) en Burgercomite.EU, Forum voor "Democratie", GEENPEIL
Boycot barcode 46= Russia 729=Israel
NO VETOPOWERS for agressors USA-Russia-China (and UK and France) in United Nations "Security ?" Council !!!!
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