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Auteur Topic: Oorlog Rusland 9 oktober  (gelezen 3601 keer)

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Oorlog Rusland 9 oktober
« Gepost op: oktober 09, 2015, 13:49:41 pm »


EU chief: Migrant influx is 'campaign of hybrid warfare' by neighbours to force concessions

CNN doesn't matter !
Like I said earlier the refugeeflood is a "immigrationweapon of Russia and USA", the refugees are NOT the responsibility of Europe, but of the warmongers in Middle East, USA & Russian and their allies there...

You forgot this from a month ago: The bodies of 103 Russian soldiers found, killed in a rocket attack in the Syrian province of Raqqa, destroyed also more than 40 armored vehicles and military trucks, including 12 T-72 tanks, burned three combat helicopters Ka-52 and two IL-76 transport. https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/3jugwo/the_bodies_of_103_russian_soldiers_found_killed/







At the UN, Poroshenko 1, Putin 0
by Alexander J. Motyl
Not that speeches delivered at the United Nations General Assembly matter, but, if they did, Vladimir Putin’s would have garnered him a failing grade, while Petro Poroshenko’s would have been in the A range.
Alexander J. Motyl is a Ukrainian-American political scientist, writer, artist-painter, and poet living in New York City. He is currently professor of political science at Rutgers University-Newark. A specialist on Ukraine, Russia, and the USSR, as well as on nations and nationalism, revolutions, and empires, Motyl has written extensively on these subjects.
Putin said his usual bromides about the importance of the UN and international institutions, conveniently forgetting his violation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum and the 1978 Helsinki Accords. He praised state sovereignty, while ignoring his invasions of Georgia and Ukraine and occupation of eastern Moldova. He condemned terrorism, while promoting it in Ukraine. It takes real chutzpah to make the following claims:
Russia stands ready to work together with its partners on the basis of full consensus, but we consider the attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the United Nations as extremely dangerous. They could lead to a collapse of the entire architecture of international organizations, and then indeed there would be no other rules left but the rule of force.
We would get a world dominated by selfishness rather than collective work, a world increasingly characterized by dictate rather than equality. There would be less of a chain of democracy and freedom, and that would be a world where true independent states would be replaced by an ever-growing number of de facto protectorates and externally controlled territories.
Russia has always been consistently fighting against terrorism in all its forms. Today, we provide military and technical assistance both to Iraq and Syria and many other countries of the region who are fighting terrorist groups.
Then, after excoriating the West for causing instability in Syria and Ukraine, Putin actually has the gall to propose the formation of an international anti-terrorist coalition. Fat chance. Somebody should have told Vlad that you don’t make friends by creating de facto protectorates and supporting terrorist regimes in eastern Donbas and Syria, claiming innocence, and hoping to create a coalition with the very people you detest.
Naturally, Putin knew that his speech would fall on deaf ears. The dictator of an imperialist state has no interest in international cooperation. But his megalomania requires that he preach to the converted: Russians back home and his fellow travelers abroad.
Unsurprisingly, the speech was vapid. The world expected Putin to announce some major initiative. He didn’t. Instead, he looked like a blustery whiner and a sore loser who just doesn’t get the rules of the game.
Contrast his performance with Poroshenko’s. The Ukrainian president took Putin head on and refused to mince words:
How can you urge an anti-terrorist coalition, if you inspire terrorism right in front of your door?
How can you talk about peace and legitimacy, if your policy is war via puppet governments?
How can you speak of freedom for nations, if you punish your neighbor for his choice?
How can you demand respect for all, if you don’t have respect for anyone?
The Gospel of John teaches us: “In the beginning was the word.”
But what kind of a gospel do you bring to the world, if all your words are double-tongued like that?
The anaphora was a nice rhetorical touch. Poroshenko came across looking like the strong and self-confident ruler of a country with a future. And he brought home the fact that “double-tongued” Putin is a liar who cannot, ever, be trusted.
Poroshenko implied much more: that Putin is also a criminal who promotes terrorism, kills innocents, and violates moral and legal codes.
And Poroshenko is right, of course.

Putin’s Peacemaking in Ukraine is Continuation of His War by Other Means, Portnikov Suggests
by Paul Goble
Clausewicz famously observed that "war is the continuation of politics by other means;” but in the case of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has inverted that definition and is seeking to make peacemaking into another means for continuing the policies behind his war there, according to Ukrainian commentator Vitaly Portnikov....



Kremlin Spokesman Linked To $7.1 Million House In Latest Navalny Exposé
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has come under fire for his pricey watch and a honeymoon he allegedly spent on a swanky yacht. Now he's been linked to a multimillion-dollar home outside Moscow.

Moscow - Russia's largest Muslim city


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvCH1Cc9UdI  halebopp 1997










On The Line: Simon Ostrovsky Discusses Russian Diplomatic and Military Maneuvers

Yarosh claims that fighters of "Right Sector" will a part of the SBU



A government commission has agreed it is necessary to keep secret the information about owners of real estate, yachts, and planes.

Iranian Gas: Does Gazprom have to make room in the European market?

Chechen head Kadyrov presents strand of Prophet Muhammad’s hair to Moscow mosque

Kiev International Institute of Sociology - Survey on socio-political situation in Ukraine (September 2015). 78% supports negotiations and peaceful settlements for the conflict in Donbass

Ukrainian MoD advisor on FB: I welcome everyone who has any information on Russian military personal seen in videos to post that info on Ukrainain "Peacekeeper" website, so ISIL supporters in Russia could take care of them. (facebook.com)


Belgen moeten maar emigreren
oranje 150 inwoners, 1400 vluchtelingen




'Zitten politici te slapen?'

"De streng islamitische president Recep Tayyip Erdogan van Turkije bezoekt Europa met het doel om steun van Europa te krijgen voor de strijd tegen de Koerden." D. Zuyderduyn uit Katwijk maakt zich boos om de politieke spelletjes van de Turkse president.
D. Zuyderduyn uit Katwijk schrijft:
"Erdogan haalt alles uit de kast om bij de volgende verkiezingen een ruime meerderheid te behalen om Turkije te kunnen omvormen in een streng islamitische staat, bevolkt door zoveel mogelijk Turkse moslims. Omdat de Koerdische HDP partij ruim13 procent van de stemmen haalde, aarzelde Erdogan niet Turken en Koerden uit partijpolitieke belangen tegen elkaar uit te spelen.
Het gebaar dat hij richting Amerika en de NAVO maakte, om een Turks vliegveld te gebruiken in de strijd tegen IS, paste in zijn agenda om vele gevechtsvliegtuigen in te zetten tegen de Koerden. IS die door Turkije in eerste instantie geen strobreed in de weg werd gelegd toen duizenden jonge moslims richting Syrië reisden.
Ook faciliteert hij duizenden jonge Afrikanen om met Turkish Airways naar Turkije te vliegen om hen vervolgens te laten 'vluchten' naar Europa samen met Syrische vluchtelingen die zich steeds minder welkom voelen in Turkije.
Dat de vluchtelingenstroom die vanuit Turkije naar Europa stroomt nu door Erdogan wordt ingezet als chantagemiddel om meer steun te krijgen in de strijd tegen de Koerden tekent het onbetrouwbare karakter van de Turkse president wiens lange armen van de macht de democratie in Europa al jarenlang bedreigen.
De vele vanuit Turkije aangestuurde organisaties die actief zijn in Europa met als klapstuk in ons eigen Nederland waar twee uitgetreden Turkse PvdA leden, onbegrijpelijk voor de bevolking, die de Turkse belangen in onze politieke arena op de eerste plaats zetten en daarvoor dezelfde methoden gebruiken zoals die in Turkije bij tegenstanders van Erdogan worden ingezet, het filmen van tegenstanders waarbij verhalen die uit hun context zijn gehaald direct op Youtube worden gezet.
Terwijl steeds meer gewone Nederlanders de spelletjes van Erdogan en zijn volgelingen doorzien, lijken politici te slapen. Ach tandeloos Europa speelbal van de internationale politiek."

simpel tegenzet doen: ok Erdogan, Turkije mag bij EU , vermits je eerst meehelpt om een onafhankelijk Kurdistan te maken (waar Kurden en ECHTE syrische vluchtelingen naar toe kunnen   ) zoals t vroeger was https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koerdistan


Saudi(with Gulfstates & friends USA founders sunni IS) Clerics Call for Jihad Against Iran and Russia in Syria

Like I said before, it's just like the first WW, where everyone gets involved because of friendship's treaties. If NATO on it's own declares war against Russia, it means that the war will be escalating to a new level in which Europe and America get directly involved to war with Russia. China will be backing Russia as they are good trade partners. If we are very unlucky it can escalate indeed to a WW3Europe has limited resources, in the military and economically, but US doesn't. Since US is also a member of NATO, and the fact that they've been pretty aggressive in their foreign policy means that it has the possibility to escalate. Even if Europe is a total basket case.

Another massive rally against the Muslim invasion of Europe. The anti-islamization movement is growing every day. It is the rational response to Chancellor Merkel's vow to take in one million Muslim migrants in Germany alone.


Oorlog Rusland tegen Ukraine, Europa

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When will they ever learn ???  Eve of destruction

Een volk dat voor tirannen zwicht, zal meer dan lijf en goed verliezen, dan dooft het licht. (van Randwijk 1909-1966)
A nation that yields to tyrants, loses more than life and property, then the light goes out.(van Randwijk)

Info and news on



When Russians came for (Moldova)Chechnya, i didn't speak out, I'm not Chechen !
When Russians came for Georgia, I didn't speak out, I'm not Georgian !
When Russians came for Ukraine, I didn't speak out, I'm not Ukrainian ?
When Russians came for my country,
there was no one left, to speak out for me !!!!!!!!!

Budapest Memorandum, US, UK & rusland?
Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel(=Chamberlain), whats next, Ribbentrop-Molotov again??

Schaffen wir das? Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel?

the famous words of one of America?s Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, in 1776:
?We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.?

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MH 17 Final Reports -Dutch safety Board
MH 17 nieuws / news



Rusland or USSR?
The soviet story 2008
Moscow Maidan

Nature Sunshine Health products available in Ukraine!
For buying and receiving in UKRAINE use THIS SHOP

Video of Boris nemtsov, murdered by Putin.

Comparison funerals Ukraine HEROES and RF/russian zeroes aka RF soldiers/socalled separatists.

EN: Russia war in Ukraine
  Daily links
  Krant van nederland

50+ Ukraine & elsewhere TV LIVE broadcasts !!!

Second source LV tive

  Interactive map Ukraine/warzone   Detector media  intellinews.com  Euromaidanpress  ENInterfaxUA  RFerl   Interpreter  ENCensorUA   Informnapalm  khpg    Kyivpost    Unian  stopfake  day.kiev  ukrinform  uacrisis  hromadske  voxukraine   Maidantransl  uawire.org   bunews.com.ua 
Kharkiv Times  ForeignPolicy  EU observer  Fin news  Baltic Times  Moscow Times  Siberian Times  politico.eu   meduza.io  
Ukraine Today TV EN   UT latest news & YT   UKR govt media   More UKR TV   Aljazeera-Ukraine   Ukrstream
FR incl.transl. breizatao  
UA incl. transl. svoboda   newsonline24 glavpost   favno.ua   joininfo.UA   5.UA
RU incl. transl.  rusmonitor  rosbalt.ru   rbc.ru  tvrain.ru   politolog    RETRANS   .novayagazeta.ru   ehorussia   refabula   lystok   hvlya.net   inforesist.org   gordonua   resistance.today
  oleg-leusenko.livejournal  zloy-odessit  flavius-aetius1  ibigdan  uorvik 
reddit Oekraine
 Volkskrant  Telegraaf Elsevier RTL Nieuws  NRC 

Kremlinmedia sources 2nd bloc)
Liveleak  en uiteraard GeenStijl, Powned (we linken niet meer naar ze/TMG) en Burgercomite.EU, Forum voor "Democratie", GEENPEIL
Boycot barcode 46= Russia 729=Israel
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