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Auteur Topic: Oorlog Rusland Friday 13 februari after minsk what is fascist-kr.media  (gelezen 4672 keer)

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Oorlog Rusland Friday 13 februari after minsk what is fascist-kr.media
« Gepost op: februari 13, 2015, 09:26:55 am »

trolls can't handle the truth, putinskis can handle only pravda's..

There are 2 ways to be fooled:
1. To believe what is untrue
2. The other is to accept what is true

Soren Kierkgaard



I think first think West must do is blocking ALL russian media outside of RF itself, as a sanction, EU has plans for a common russian channel, i hope in the format of Ukraine Today (not CNN) who I've asked to make language russian with english subtitles (except Germany, France rest of us is used to subtitles. Perhaps we can beam those broadcasts into russias relaystations.  Ofc some "partisans" could wipe out kremlinmedia in RF itself...???


Western media like many russians are too much believers of kremlinmedia too i'm afraid, west is overrun by millions of trolls pais by st. Petersburg, every media comment section is all putinski's, although there are also many trollbashers like me..

Western media like many russians are too much believers of kremlinmedia too i'm afraid, west is overrun by millions of trolls pais by st. Petersburg, every media comment section is all putinski's, although there are also many trollbashers like me.. It would have a big difference if western media like CNN had called it invasion and war from the start and refused to let "the other side" speak on their channels, instead we see CNN going with "rebels" in Donetsk and they say with everything "we can't independently confirm this" well CNN you doesn't matter anymore..but my Dutch televison also do such see this where national TV asks  a guy from sputnik about his opinion..anne applebaum after that rely says it all (from about 20 minutes) this is from wednesday 22.00 local time ) February 11 (15 onderaan russian in ukraine)


putin not a party in conflict?






http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-31449506 ceafire reaches front

I fear they still are in dreams, while in Ukraine its turning into nightmare. It would have big difference if at Crimea invasion  time,  NATO would have send peacekeepers without notice to secure eastern border of Ukraine, and western media started like I did on my blog calling  it warand invasion  from the start, instead of incursion and crisis.




rusland = fascisten

Wat is er fascistisch aan de regering in Kiev? Kan je dat duiden of blaat je simpelweg Russische propaganda na?

Tip. Lees dit eens door:


Dr. Lawrence Britt has examined the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia) and several Latin American regimes. Britt found 14 defining characteristics common to each:

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays.
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc.
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.
4. Supremacy of the Military - Even when there are widespread
domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.
5. Rampant Sexism - The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.
7. Obsession with National Security - Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.
9. Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed - Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.
14. Fraudulent Elections - Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections.

 verschillen tussen het Minsk I en Minsk II akkoord te bekijken en het lijkt erop dat Poetin 'Novorossiya' weldegelijk onder de bus heeft gesmeten. Zo staat er: "Ukraine to regain full control of border only after local elections in Donetsk and Luhansk and after a full political settlement - deadline is end of 2015." en "Provide humanitarian aid; restore full economic links with Donetsk/Luhansk, including welfare payments and banking services; Ukrainian state to help develop Donetsk/Luhansk and regions' co-operation with Russia."
 Crimea not in agreement, Let we get them first out of East Ukraine secure borders, then Crimea is on agenda I guess, in reverse order get them out.Ukraine holds all cards for Crimea, in connectiosn with electricity, water and providing food and goods
 Poroshenko (van Poetin): het is oneerlijk en vuil.
Loekasjenko: Ik weet.
as Spock said  logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one..
russia24 how would you sum results? bodyguard hush hush


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHKQDfmahQg russia takes over EU




“The truth is so precious she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”


putin has in dugin his ras-putin









Ruptly had live camera on youtube pointed at Donetsk airport with chatchannel, January 19 there were over 10.000 russian warmongers watching and talking  with eachother, we got in 3 hours time that number down to  just under 3000 by putting pro-ukrainian links, youtubes in chatchannel, they hated our guts and told us to troll western media, we replied no, your trolls are there so we come to troll YOU back...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRujbSn6pUU somewhere around January 22 we heard loud bang on door, a telephonecall and then cam went out and they left  from  Blahojeva street 68, Donetsk with office on
 Sushkina street 55,  Chatchannel stayed for some time, but because of our actions numbers went down and down untill they closed it..


 A Russian court has upheld the ban imposed after Russia’s annexation of Crimea on veteran Crimean Tatar leader and Ukrainian MP Mustafa Dzhemiliev. A migration service official said that the 71-year-old had been banned for 5 years “to ensure the state’s defence capacity and security, and to safeguard public order.”
 those snipers were russian soldiers dressup up as berkuts, so the russian invasion already had happened before Crimea, by putins toyboy Yanakovich . http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2014/09/berkut-officers-killing-on-maidan-were.html
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZNbj4KZX6w&spfreload=10 putin huilo
In this:
"There is some controversy about the origin of the word Rus . Some Russian historians now prefer an independent and southern origin, from the river Ros near Kiev."

"Early Russian history may therefore be said to have really been Ukrainian history."..  soooooo  Ukraine isn't south russia but russia is in fact  north - Ukraine  , the backyard with the simple (to fool) people :-)

 De geschiedenis van Oekraïne in de annalen! Geschiedenis van Oekraïne in annalen! Oekraïne werd voor het eerst genoemd in kronieken. Opmerking, niet Little Rusland, niet op andere wijze, namelijk Oekraïne! Kroniek bevat verschillende componenten - Laurentische Chronicle, The Tale of Vroegere Jaren, Chernigov, Kiev, Galicië-Volyn kroniek die gebeurtenissen te beschrijven 860-1292 jaar. Bronnen kronieken zijn zeer divers - deze prinselijke kroniekschrijvers, prinselijke brieven, rapporten ambassadeurs, militaire verhalen, ooggetuigenverslagen, de Griekse kronieken en ga zo maar door. Oekraïne werd voor het eerst in de kroniek hebben het verhaal van Igor's campagne om Polovtsy Svyatoslavovich in 1185. Veel bronnen van Kievse Rijk wordt geïdentificeerd met Oekraïne. In sommige versies, zoals Ermolaevsky lijst (1189-1213 jaar), de zogenaamde Krajina Oekraïne in Kiev kronieken - Borderland Galich ... De naam "Oekraïne" wordt genoemd in verband met het overlijden van Prins Vladimir Pereyaslav Glebovich later - bij de beschrijving van de gebeurtenissen van het bewind van vrёmen Galicië-Volyn prins. Daniel Romanovich, Moskou en Rusland toen wist niemand ... - Instellingen voor hoger onderwijs: de Russische Academie van Wetenschappen werd opgericht in 1724 .., Universiteit van Moskou in 1755. In Oekraïne Ostrog Academy werd opgericht in 1576, werd Lviv University opgericht in 1661 - Gedrukt primer in Oekraïne kwam uit in 1574 in Lviv, in Barbarijse het gebeurde 60 jaar later - in 1634. - Religie: Kiev aartsbisdom werd opgericht in het jaar 988, en Moskou alleen in 1458. Kiev Metropolia 460 jaar ouder dan Moskou. - Hoofdstad: Kiev gebaseerde 482-jaar, Moskou werd opgericht in 1147, de zoon van Vladimir Monomakh Yuri Dolgoruky. Dus Kiev is ouder dan Moskou 665 jaar. - De eerste vorst in de klassieke zin gekroond in Barbarijse Ivan de Verschrikkelijke in 1547 in ons land Daniel van Galicië - 1253 - Mongoolse juk: Kiev verloor de Mongoolse juk in 1363 na de Slag van Blue Waters; Moskou verloor juk in 1480 na staande op de Ugra, en een eerbetoon aan de Krim khan Barbarijse Verkleed 1700, met inbegrip van het begin van de regeerperiode van Peter 1. - Titel: De eerste keer dat de term "Oekraïne" is te vinden in de kronieken onder de 1187 jaar. Voor het eerst de term "Rusland" vinden alleen tijdens het bewind van Ivan de Verschrikkelijke, 400 jaar later. - Auteur van een van 's werelds eerste grondwet Pylyp Orlyk. 5 april 1710, werd verkozen hetman. Op dezelfde dag kondigde hij "de rechten en vrijheden troepen Zaporizja". In de Amerikaanse grondwet aangenomen in 1787. In Frankrijk en Polen alleen in 1791 Historische feiten die u moet weten. 1. Bevoegdheden genaamd Barbarijse Tsaar Peter I omgedoopt in Rusland al in de 18e eeuw, in 1721 !!! 2. Moksha stam genaamd zijn Moskou rivier, en de vertaling van de naam, uit de taal van Moksha, klinkt als "***** water" !!! Een andere taal in de wereld kan het woord Moskou niet te vertalen !!! Het woord "Kremlin" - Tatar en vertegenwoordigt vestingwerken op de heuvel !!! Z. In de Middeleeuwen alle cartografen Europa schreef en speelde de grens van Europa langs de grenzen van de Rus Rus - een grondgebied van het huidige Oekraïne !!! Barbarijse - Ulus, met zijn Finse volk, is altijd een deel van de Horde geweest, en Europa doet recht aan Azië !!! 4. Barbarijse (Rusland) bracht hulde aan de Krim-khan, zijn soeverein en meester, die de rechtsopvolger van de Gouden Horde was tot 1700 !!! De Tsaar van de Barbarijse ontmoette Krim ambassadeur op Poklonnaya Hill, Sadilov hem op zijn paard, dat hij te voet, onder de teugel, leidde het paard met de Krim-ambassadeur in het Kremlin, Sadilov hem op zijn troon en stond tot aan haar knieën !!! 5. In 1610, in de Barbarijse bij Boris Godoenov (Mirza Gudun) eindigde de dynastie Chengizidov (een familielid van Genghis Khan), en verheven tot de troon Alexei Kat van het Finse type merries, en bij het huwelijk van zijn koninkrijk aan de kerk gaf hem de achternaam Romanov, die naar verluidt afkomstig uit Rome regeren Barbarijse !!! 6. Catharina II, die na de bezetting van de laatste vrije Ruska Voeding - Groothertogdom Litouwen (het grondgebied van Wit-Rusland) in 1795, vertelde zijn orde geroepen Fins-Oegrische stammen Barbarijse sommige Groot-Russen en Oekraïners - echte Rus - Little Russen !!! 7. Niemand heeft ooit gezien in de oorspronkelijke opdracht van de hereniging tussen Barbarijse en Oekraïne, naar verluidt ondertekend door Bogdan Chmelnitski en Koning Alexander Romanov !!! 8. Voor enkele eeuwen, archeologen Barbarijse op zoek naar artefacten, bevestiging van de juistheid van de Slag van Kulikovo, maar tot nu toe zonder succes, dat is gewoon een fabel over de overwinning op Mamai D. Don zingen tot nu toe, alle stemmen !! 9. Pskov, Novgorod, Smolensk regio van Rusland - een oud-Slavisch-Ruska Prinsdom, en Fins-Oegrische Barbarijse had niets te maken, zolang Barbarijse-Horde ze niet respectievelijk leverde bezetten in 1462, in 1478 en in 1654 jaar !!! En in andere gebieden van Rusland (Barbarijse) nooit geleefd Slavische stammen en volkeren !!! 9. Gouden Horde en haar dochter - Barbarijse - het enige land in de wereld dat hield slaven bezitten mensen !!! Dit verklaart de eeuwige achterstand rijk aan natuurlijke hulpbronnen uit relatief kansarme Barbarijse natuurlijke hulpbronnen van de Europese landen !!! Inderdaad, de efficiëntie van de vrije mensen is veel hoger dan de slaven !!! P / S. De mythen van de Russische nationale bewustzijn leed aan een nieuwe klap !!! . De eerste studies van de genenpool van het Russische volk, uitgevoerd door Russische wetenschappers in de periode 2000-2006, hebben aangetoond dat genetisch Russisch - niet Slaven en Finnen raszuivere, niet anders dan Mordovians (zie artikel "Het Gezicht van de Russische nationaliteit», №15, 2006.) . Volgens het in Moskou gevestigde Center Lev Gumilev van 18 maart, Russische wetenschappers eerst in de geschiedenis had een ongekende studie van de Russische genenpool - en waren geschokt door zijn resultaten !!! Inclusief deze studies ten volle bevestigd dat de Russische - is niet Slaven, maar slechts Russisch-sprekende Finnen. Resultaten van de analyse van mitochondriaal DNA bleek dat andere dichtstbijzijnde verwanten Russisch, behalve de Finnen in Finland - Tataren Russian uit Tataren op dezelfde genetische afstand van 30 conventionele eenheden die hen scheiden van de Finnen !!! In de mythe van de 'Slavische wortels van de Russische "Russische wetenschappers stellen bold punt: iets van de Slaven in het Russisch NO !!!! Er zijn slechts ongeveer Slavische Russische taal, maar ook in zijn 60-70% van de niet-Slavische taal, zodat de Russische mensen zijn niet in staat om te begrijpen de taal van de Slaven, hoewel de huidige Slavische begrijpen vanwege de gelijkenis van de Slavische talen - allemaal (behalve Russisch). Russen wonen in Rusland, maar niet Russisch. Rusland was en er is slechts KIEV !!!
 If this was and is known in the USA, then why did Clinton gave nukes from Ukraine to russia instead of destroying them, did they need a future Cold War candidate, and why a Budapest Memorandum, thats wasn't worth the paper written on it?
Then why did senator Obama made sure Ukraine got rid of a lot of weapons Ukraine had stockpiles, had that also to do with making sure russia would be a future Cold War candidate?
Then why, said president Obama at the start of the crisis or incursion as USA refused and still does ,to call it a undeclared war and invasion,  said russia didn't need to worry, cause USA wouldn't react or even tried to uphold the promises made in Budapest Memorandum,?
Was all that, because it was: The American Interest???

If EU alone can provide useless banks with 2200 billion euros in QE's untill end of 2016, that 17,5 billion of IMF is also for them a drop in a bucket. I agree that reform will be difficult in time of war, but I see that 17,5 billion as a small price for not acting swiftly in Ukraine and they should keep supportting Ukraine financially.
And after nearly a year they should do now, if Minsk points not met, EU should reinforce sanctions to maximum and provide defense weapons to counterstrike pinpoint russian army in Ukraine( calling them separatists or rebels is shamefull russian army is 90% of enemy forces there) , a peacekeeping force, not including russians or ukrainians, should secure border between Ukraine and russia.
all russian kremlinmedia should be banned from broadcasting outside russia as part of sanctions, and EU should go forward with a russian channel instead.and NO western media should provide a platform for kremlinmedia like CNN and some european media now seem to do sometimes, see link from 20 min..http://nos.nl/uitzending/3027-uitzending.html
Since Crimea was annexed against all international laws, that should go to int.courts,
And if russia doesn't agree then sanctions at maxiumum should stay in place, effectivly cutting russia off from the rest of the world, on all areas, let the russians themselves deal with their "leaders".


 I fear they still are in dreams, while in Ukraine its turning into nightmare. It would have big difference if at Crimea invasion time, NATO would have send peacekeepers without notice to secure eastern border of Ukraine, and western media started like I did on my blog calling it warand invasion from the start, instead of incursion and crisis.
 Russia is a federal state, but our regions can only dream of even a tenth of these powers," top Russian anti-Putin opposition figure Alexei Navalny tweeted after reading the Minsk document.









Russians live in Russia, but not Russian. Russia was and there is only KIEV !!!

Russians live in Russia, but not Russian. Russia was and there is only KIEV !!!

Russians live in Russia, but not Russian. Russia was and there is only KIEV !!!

russian is kiev
 Ukrainians are a soft spoken Caucasian people who by their own nature adapt to all societies. Apart from the first generation who may be identifiable with an accent - siblings generally have no accent, thus the integration into foreign Caucasian cultures is complete by the second generation. Ukrainians have thus adapted and integrated into such countries as Australia, USA, Canada, UK, South America and all over Europe! In Canada, the situation is slightly different because of the vast number of immigrants over an extended period of time. The Ukrainian culture has become synonymous with Canada’s history and it is not uncommon to see prominent people of Ukrainian background in politics, law, medicine and many other professions.
Thus in Canada, even if a minority of the Ukrainian settlement were to uphold the cultural traditions then there is sufficient numbers to identify Ukraine and Ukrainians as a unique culture in Canada.
Apart from the USA, elsewhere in the world the situation is different and this is the need for unity and not separatism. I am not advocating due to the large numbers of Ukrainians that USA or Canada can afford separatism. Conversely, I see a special need for these countries Ukrainian Communities to provide leadership for the rest of the world.

Why is Ukraine not known in the western world? As a nation and country, Ukraine has a history as old as any other country in Europe and her ancient history has beginnings with the earliest civilizations. Why is it such a secret to the rest of world?

The answer lies in the 17th century, when after a 30 year battle the Ukrainians suffered a decisive defeat at the battle of Berestechko, the Hetman of the Cossacks, Khmelnytskyy signs a treaty with the Russian Tsar for help. In 1709 (some 30 years later) Hetman Ivan Mazepa defects and with Sweden loses the catastrophic Battle of Poltava. The King of Russia Peter decides that to consolidate and modernize Russia's political and economic power he must do away with the Ukrainian “hetmanate”.

After this there are countless times in Ukraine’s history where it would almost succumb to her northern neighbor and landlord. Ukraine’s language would be suppressed, writers and poets and bards came and went but Ukrainian language and culture persisted. In 1932-33 the Holodomor (death by enforced starvation) witnessed another 7 to 10 million Ukrainians; perish because of Stalin and his regime. Little is known about this mass extermination even today!

In 1945 after WW2, Ukraine was geographically defined by Stalin and the Ukrainian Socialist Republic came into being and existed until the decline of the Soviet state on December 26, 1991 when Mikhail Gorbachev resigned and declared his office extinct.

The Ukrainian parliament accepted the Declaration of the State Sovereignty in July 1990 and after a failed coup by the communist party to depose Gorbachev; and Ukraine adopts the Act of Independence on August 24, 1991.

Thus Ukraine struggles as an infant struggles to find her feet, to find her real path in life whilst her past keeps her bound to the former “soviet bloc” countries and business deals. Partnerships and business deals are difficult to break and there are those who do not want relationships damaged or severed (especially in the East). So Ukraine’s road to the EU and the “western world has taken longer than expected; and as she moved closer to securing these relationships - the strain was obvious from the other side.

Ukraine was and is a European country, and has the potential to not be a “fledgling” country for long. Ukraine’s agricultural potential is enormous. Ukraine’s black soil has always been called the “bread basket” of Europe. Ukraine is the 5th largest exporter of wheat and the 2nd largest exporter of feedstock crops (after USA), notwithstanding Ukraine exports more sunflower (doubling the tonnage of the 2nd place getter, Argentina!)

Ukraine’s iron and steel industry is the dominant heavy industry in Ukraine. Ukraine is a major producer of manganese ore and ferroalloys and a significant producer of aluminum. Most industry is centered between Dnipropetrovsk through to the Donbas Basin. The production in the past years has been crippled due to the ongoing war. But certainly it would be at its best if peace were given a chance.

When Ukrainian soldiers are fighting for the existence of Ukraine against the Russian Federation they do not ask each other what Ukraine oblast they are from; what religion confession they belong to; which armies their parents served in WW2; or what language they speak in their home! They support each other as bothers-in-arms fighting one enemy - Russia. These young men and women are creating a new unified nation which is based on new principles and new loyalties.

We urge Ukrainians everywhere in the world to recognize this. To fully support our brothers who are fighting in Ukraine we need to be united; we need to have a bond which transcends old social structures. Be it may from what confession, or languagel or oblast, or what army your parents fought in, the red army or UPA, whether they were banderivstsi, melnykivtsi, or petlurivtsi, believe me, today none of the above matters anymore!

Ukrainians in the diaspora wherever you live US, Canada, Australia, EU, other countries of the world and Ukrainians in Ukraine all need to be united like never before in our history. It is a good reference to look at the resilience of the Jewish people and their resolve and unity within their communities in the diaspora. The Jewish history is a useful lesson for us all and one which we can learn from.

Ukrainians in diaspora and in Ukraine will be a proud and united and free nation when we all stand behind this one objective and one motto –We are one, we are family and we are indivisible - Ми є одним, ми сім'я, і ми нероздільні!!

In 2015 all Ukraine is asking – Give Ukraine a chance!

I also agree with the logo “Help Ukraine”.

Help Ukraine and Europe and the whole world be a in a better place!






http://korupciya.com/?p=38955  militants






Why is it that a Iraqi president only has to ask hor military supplies, and USA goes right in, and wants all world to help also,  and when they've signed a Budapest Memorandum, the USA president says to agressor russia and cosigner, oh go ahead..is this : The american interest" ?? 





n the late 1980s, Vladimir Putin was a gray-faced bureaucrat on the fast track to obscurity, a mid-level apparatchik in the KGB machine, living the good life in Dresden and watching in horror as East Germans clamored for the quality of life and freedoms enjoyed by West Germans. Having lived through that upheaval once, Putin is absolutely terrified by the prospect of Russian-speakers in Ukraine enjoying a high quality of life and personal freedoms in an economically- and politically-vibrant Ukraine. That scenario would only give Putin's sheeple bad ideas about the kind of government they could also have at home. This is why Putin's objective in Ukraine is not territorial conquest, per se; it is simply a means to an end. The "end" he seeks is a Ukraine that is in a constant state of political and economic turmoil, to prevent Ukraine from evolving into the state it wants to be, and achieving the greatness which all Ukrainians deserve. This is a zero-sum situation: If Putin wins, Ukraine loses. If Ukraine wins, Putin loses. Putin is well aware of this; it is time for the rest of the world to wake up and acknowledge reality...and support Ukraine in its fight for liberty.









Director of the Center for Political-Military Studies in Moscow, Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Evseev said that if Romania, which is a NATO member, will give involved in the confrontation between NATO and Russia, the Russian military forces will have to neutralize certain military targets of our country.
On the territory of Crimea, currently form a terrestrial armed forces well prepared and independent. Will there be present different devices, able to neutralize all possible threats. Unfortunately, if you will leave Romania involved in a confrontation Thus, it is impossible for a number of military objectives in Romania are not listed on those targets to be neutralized with different types of weapons. After military assessments made by Russia, of those military bases to be set up in Romania not only can be launched missile devices. Russia is very concerned that there may be launched cruise missiles or other traversing like that. Russia will be forced to react not only to the appearance of command centers, and deposits of arms and other military infrastructure. We know that Romania can create and potentially offensive, and therefore we seek means to annihilate Romanian military fleet. I think it will increase confrontation between our countries and unfortunately we believe it, "declared Vladimir Evseev, director of the Center for Political-Military Studies in Moscow, Moscow TVR correspondent, Alan Iurea.








Garry Kasparov:
Minsk II is an attempt to buy peace for Ukrainian blood & land, & IMF money. But you can never buy peace from Putin, only rent it briefly.







 CNN often says CNN does matter, well NOT in my view, as with a lot of western media, if they keep giving kremlinmedia or even worse socalled "separatists or rebels" a platform instead of legal goverment of a country...like CNN does alot and even nation tv in Netherlands (see from 20 min) http://nos.nl/uitzending/3027-uitzending.html... anne applebaum Washington Post, was NOT amused.

So since CNN doesn't call it war russia against Ukraine, which it is since March 2014, and mentions incursion instead of invasion, CNN an Nation dutch television will be on my blogs kremlinmedia blacklist and promote it as such, so CNN doesn't matter at all for me and a growing lot of other people..

Perhaps CNN does this cause it's in "the american interest" ?


 Still too low, I think (told it before I believ) 15.000 both combat and support, total russia has too spare for whole of Ukraine is 45.000 combat with 47.000 support approx., they can invade but only to keep border east under control they need 50.000, besides financial burden which is I think way bigger then is known, seeing putin opening funds for worst times...he won't last a year, thats why he/russia didn't wait untill spring.
 http://www.unian.info/politics/1043781-eu-to-impose-sanctions-against-russia-despite-minsk-agreements.html  404?
 Too bad I can't no longer travel to moscow incognito, I know how to restrain him and show him 50 shades of RED instead of grey, learned somtehing for Marquis de Sade
 javelin against T72
 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-31454981 nadya
« Laatst bewerkt op: februari 18, 2015, 22:14:31 pm door admin »


Oorlog Rusland tegen Ukraine, Europa

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When will they ever learn ???  Eve of destruction

Een volk dat voor tirannen zwicht, zal meer dan lijf en goed verliezen, dan dooft het licht. (van Randwijk 1909-1966)
A nation that yields to tyrants, loses more than life and property, then the light goes out.(van Randwijk)

Info and news on



When Russians came for (Moldova)Chechnya, i didn't speak out, I'm not Chechen !
When Russians came for Georgia, I didn't speak out, I'm not Georgian !
When Russians came for Ukraine, I didn't speak out, I'm not Ukrainian ?
When Russians came for my country,
there was no one left, to speak out for me !!!!!!!!!

Budapest Memorandum, US, UK & rusland?
Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel(=Chamberlain), whats next, Ribbentrop-Molotov again??

Schaffen wir das? Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel?

the famous words of one of America?s Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, in 1776:
?We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.?

SHARE it on Twitter, Facebook, others, sites !!

MH 17 Final Reports -Dutch safety Board
MH 17 nieuws / news



Rusland or USSR?
The soviet story 2008
Moscow Maidan

Nature Sunshine Health products available in Ukraine!
For buying and receiving in UKRAINE use THIS SHOP

Video of Boris nemtsov, murdered by Putin.

Comparison funerals Ukraine HEROES and RF/russian zeroes aka RF soldiers/socalled separatists.

EN: Russia war in Ukraine
  Daily links
  Krant van nederland

50+ Ukraine & elsewhere TV LIVE broadcasts !!!

Second source LV tive

  Interactive map Ukraine/warzone   Detector media  intellinews.com  Euromaidanpress  ENInterfaxUA  RFerl   Interpreter  ENCensorUA   Informnapalm  khpg    Kyivpost    Unian  stopfake  day.kiev  ukrinform  uacrisis  hromadske  voxukraine   Maidantransl  uawire.org   bunews.com.ua 
Kharkiv Times  ForeignPolicy  EU observer  Fin news  Baltic Times  Moscow Times  Siberian Times  politico.eu   meduza.io  
Ukraine Today TV EN   UT latest news & YT   UKR govt media   More UKR TV   Aljazeera-Ukraine   Ukrstream
FR incl.transl. breizatao  
UA incl. transl. svoboda   newsonline24 glavpost   favno.ua   joininfo.UA   5.UA
RU incl. transl.  rusmonitor  rosbalt.ru   rbc.ru  tvrain.ru   politolog    RETRANS   .novayagazeta.ru   ehorussia   refabula   lystok   hvlya.net   inforesist.org   gordonua   resistance.today
  oleg-leusenko.livejournal  zloy-odessit  flavius-aetius1  ibigdan  uorvik 
reddit Oekraine
 Volkskrant  Telegraaf Elsevier RTL Nieuws  NRC 

Kremlinmedia sources 2nd bloc)
Liveleak  en uiteraard GeenStijl, Powned (we linken niet meer naar ze/TMG) en Burgercomite.EU, Forum voor "Democratie", GEENPEIL
Boycot barcode 46= Russia 729=Israel
NO VETOPOWERS for agressors USA-Russia-China (and UK and France) in United Nations "Security ?" Council !!!!
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