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Roots => Europa => Ukraine => Topic gestart door: admin op juni 17, 2015, 12:43:38 pm

Titel: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op juni 17, 2015, 12:43:38 pm
21 juni 2015 zomer 18.38

http://pereformat.ru/2013/09/ostrov-rusov/ (http://pereformat.ru/2013/09/ostrov-rusov/)   russia(ukraine) before 10 th century

http://aklyosov.home.comcast.net/~aklyosov/#sthash.G4qWEj7J.dpuf (http://aklyosov.home.comcast.net/~aklyosov/#sthash.G4qWEj7J.dpuf)
Genetics Jews Russians

now on https://www.anatole-klyosov.com/ (https://www.anatole-klyosov.com/)

http://www.pravda.ru/news/world/formerussr/ukraine/24-07-2014/1217715-boing-0/#hcm=1406222383511469 (http://www.pravda.ru/news/world/formerussr/ukraine/24-07-2014/1217715-boing-0/#hcm=1406222383511469)

https://www.google.nl/search?q=The+origin+of+the+Slavs%2Bpdf&rlz=1C1GKLB_enNL631NL631&oq=The+origin+of+the+Slavs%2Bpdf&aqs=chrome..69i57.12148j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8#q=The+origin+of+the+Slavs%2Bpdf&start=40 (https://www.google.nl/search?q=The+origin+of+the+Slavs%2Bpdf&rlz=1C1GKLB_enNL631NL631&oq=The+origin+of+the+Slavs%2Bpdf&aqs=chrome..69i57.12148j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8#q=The+origin+of+the+Slavs%2Bpdf&start=40)

in order

The Origins of the Slavic Nations             1    http://shron.chtyvo.org.ua/Plokhii_Serhii/The_Origins_of_the_Slavic_Nations_Premodern_Identities_in_Russia_Ukraine_and_Belarus__en.pdf (http://shron.chtyvo.org.ua/Plokhii_Serhii/The_Origins_of_the_Slavic_Nations_Premodern_Identities_in_Russia_Ukraine_and_Belarus__en.pdf)
https://web.archive.org/web/20150201000000*/http://shron.chtyvo.org.ua/Plokhii_Serhii/The_Origins_of_the_Slavic_Nations_Premodern_Identities_in_Russia_Ukraine_and_Belarus__en.pdf (https://web.archive.org/web/20150201000000*/http://shron.chtyvo.org.ua/Plokhii_Serhii/The_Origins_of_the_Slavic_Nations_Premodern_Identities_in_Russia_Ukraine_and_Belarus__en.pdf)

The making of the slavs to 700CE                   http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/samples/cam031/00052915.pdf (http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/samples/cam031/00052915.pdf)  part

full https://archive.org/details/TheMakingOfTheSlavs_201607

                                                   http://www.limesromanus.org/sites/all/files/The%20Making%20of%20the%20Slavs.pdf (http://www.limesromanus.org/sites/all/files/The%20Making%20of%20the%20Slavs.pdf)
The Origin of the Slavic Imperfect                 https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/1883/344_050.pdf?sequence=1 (https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/1883/344_050.pdf?sequence=1)
FROM PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN TO SLAVIC                 http://www.kortlandt.nl/publications/art066e.pdf (http://www.kortlandt.nl/publications/art066e.pdf)
proto slavic wiki                                  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Proto-Slavic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Proto-Slavic)
early slavs                                        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Slavs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Slavs)
Kidnapping mountains              ???              http://www.slavsandtatars.com/KMall.pdf (http://www.slavsandtatars.com/KMall.pdf)
                           more                    http://www.slavsandtatars.com/bio.php (http://www.slavsandtatars.com/bio.php)
SLAVS BEYOND JUSTINIAN’S FRONTIER  x               http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/slavs-beyond-justinians-frontiers.pdf (http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/slavs-beyond-justinians-frontiers.pdf)
Historiography and National Identity among
the Eastern Slavs                             3    http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/national-history.pdf (http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/national-history.pdf)
Byzantium and the Slavs in the Light
of Goldsmiths’ Production                          https://www.britishmuseum.org/pdf/14%20Szmoniewski-opt-sec.pdf (https://www.britishmuseum.org/pdf/14%20Szmoniewski-opt-sec.pdf)
INDO-ARYAN AND SLAVIC LINGUISTIC                   http://www.korenine.si/zborniki/zbornik08/indo_aryan.pdf (http://www.korenine.si/zborniki/zbornik08/indo_aryan.pdf)
In search of roots                                 http://yalepress.yale.edu/excerpts/0300058462_1.pdf (http://yalepress.yale.edu/excerpts/0300058462_1.pdf)
THE ORIGINS OF SLAVIC ethnography  x               http://www.dlib.si/stream/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-LYA4FV7Z/7bcece24-5b0c-46ce-9d2a-54d5cce9b0a2/PDF (http://www.dlib.si/stream/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-LYA4FV7Z/7bcece24-5b0c-46ce-9d2a-54d5cce9b0a2/PDF)
The Entry of the Slavs into Christendom            http://ftoub.ro/dmdocuments/1.6%20A.P.%20Vlasto.pdf (http://ftoub.ro/dmdocuments/1.6%20A.P.%20Vlasto.pdf)
https://web.archive.org/web/20170115000000*/http://ftoub.ro/dmdocuments/1.6%20A.P.%20Vlasto.pdf (https://web.archive.org/web/20170115000000)

Appeal to the Slavs 1848                           http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michail-bakunin-appeal-to-the-slavs.pdf (http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michail-bakunin-appeal-to-the-slavs.pdf)
polish alphabet                                    http://polish.slavic.pitt.edu/firstyear/sounds.pdf (http://polish.slavic.pitt.edu/firstyear/sounds.pdf)
North-Western Russia before its Settling by Slavs  http://www.helsinki.fi/venaja/nwrussia/eng/Conference/pdf/Jushkova.pdf (http://www.helsinki.fi/venaja/nwrussia/eng/Conference/pdf/Jushkova.pdf)
Iranian origin Croats                              http://www.iranchamber.com/history/articles/pdfs/iranian_origin_croats.pdf (http://www.iranchamber.com/history/articles/pdfs/iranian_origin_croats.pdf)
Slavs were nomadic people                          http://www.saylor.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/HIST302-2.1.5-Slavs-FINAL1.pdf (http://www.saylor.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/HIST302-2.1.5-Slavs-FINAL1.pdf)
ETHNOGENESIS OF SLOVAKS                            http://www.aepress.sk/hum/full/hum197b.pdf (http://www.aepress.sk/hum/full/hum197b.pdf)
FOR THE SLAVS                                      https://digilib.phil.muni.cz/bitstream/handle/11222.digilib/120480/SpisyFF_158-1971-1_20.pdf?sequence=1 (https://digilib.phil.muni.cz/bitstream/handle/11222.digilib/120480/SpisyFF_158-1971-1_20.pdf?sequence=1)
A Latin etymology for Romanian                     http://www.romaniaminor.net/ianua/Ianua08/05.pdf (http://www.romaniaminor.net/ianua/Ianua08/05.pdf)
Plague and slavic expansion 6-8th century CE       http://www.antropologia.uw.edu.pl/AS/as-005.pdf (http://www.antropologia.uw.edu.pl/AS/as-005.pdf)
ON THE TERRITORY OF ROMANIA                        http://www.rjgeo.ro/atasuri/revue%20roumaine_55_1/M.%20Buza.pdf (http://www.rjgeo.ro/atasuri/revue%20roumaine_55_1/M.%20Buza.pdf)
Problem of origin of the slavs1945  *              http://www.scribd.com/doc/237601433/Sulimirski-T-The-Problem-of-the-Origin-of-the-Slavs-1945-pdf#scribd (http://www.scribd.com/doc/237601433/Sulimirski-T-The-Problem-of-the-Origin-of-the-Slavs-1945-pdf#scribd)
Slavic Origins. A Linguistic-Historical Workshop   https://oxfordbyzantinesociety.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/slavic-origins-workshop_oxford-10-dec-2012.pdf (https://oxfordbyzantinesociety.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/slavic-origins-workshop_oxford-10-dec-2012.pdf)
Slavic Corpus Linguistics:                         http://site.uit.no/slavhistcorp/ (http://site.uit.no/slavhistcorp/)
Invisible Slavs                                    http://iza.zrc-sazu.si/pdf/Opera/Opera_28_2013_Invisible_Slavs.pdf (http://iza.zrc-sazu.si/pdf/Opera/Opera_28_2013_Invisible_Slavs.pdf)
The Slavs and the East                        4    http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0016/001636/163604eo.pdf (http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0016/001636/163604eo.pdf)
Slavs and avars no pdf)                            http://www.kroraina.com/slav/op/op_slavs_avars_1.htm (http://www.kroraina.com/slav/op/op_slavs_avars_1.htm)
The Slavic Noun Phrase                             https://www.utexas.edu/courses/slavling/grapp/papers/Slavnp.pdf (https://www.utexas.edu/courses/slavling/grapp/papers/Slavnp.pdf)
the Slavic identity in Middle Ages                 http://repozytorium.uni.lodz.pl:8080/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11089/5372/Miesiarkin.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (http://repozytorium.uni.lodz.pl:8080/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11089/5372/Miesiarkin.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y)
The jewish Origin of Serbs                         http://www.cps.org.rs/Knjige/the_hebrew_origin_of_serbs.pdf (http://www.cps.org.rs/Knjige/the_hebrew_origin_of_serbs.pdf)
Unicode 4.1 and Slavic Philology                   http://kodeks.uni-bamberg.de/slavling/downloads/SK_Slavic_Unicode_II.pdf (http://kodeks.uni-bamberg.de/slavling/downloads/SK_Slavic_Unicode_II.pdf)
Slavs in fredgar and paul the deacon               http://arheo.ffzg.unizg.hr/ska/tekstovi/fredegar_paul.pdf (http://arheo.ffzg.unizg.hr/ska/tekstovi/fredegar_paul.pdf)
Origin and diversity of the words for ancient
Eurasian grain legumes in Slavic languages         http://www.onomazein.net/Articulos/N28/28-22_Mikic_FINAL.pdf (http://www.onomazein.net/Articulos/N28/28-22_Mikic_FINAL.pdf)

The Historiography of Normanist and
Anti-Normanist theories on the origin of Rus’ 2      https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26680/7245.pdf?sequence=2 (https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26680/7245.pdf?sequence=2)

https://www.google.nl/search?q=Jaroslaw+Pelenski%3A+The+Contest+for+the+Legacy+of+Kyivan+Rus%E2%80%99.+3&rlz=1C1GKLB_enNL631NL631&oq=Jaroslaw+Pelenski%3A+The+Contest+for+the+Legacy+of+Kyivan+Rus%E2%80%99.+3&aqs=chrome..69i57.1087j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8#q=Jaroslaw+Pelenski:+The+Contest+for+the+Legacy+of+Kievan+Rus%2Bpdf&start=30 (https://www.google.nl/search?q=Jaroslaw+Pelenski%3A+The+Contest+for+the+Legacy+of+Kyivan+Rus%E2%80%99.+3&rlz=1C1GKLB_enNL631NL631&oq=Jaroslaw+Pelenski%3A+The+Contest+for+the+Legacy+of+Kyivan+Rus%E2%80%99.+3&aqs=chrome..69i57.1087j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8#q=Jaroslaw+Pelenski:+The+Contest+for+the+Legacy+of+Kievan+Rus%2Bpdf&start=30)

http://www.varianty.net/26790-u-khelmi-znaideno-pokhovannia-syna-kniazia-danyla-halytskoho (http://www.varianty.net/26790-u-khelmi-znaideno-pokhovannia-syna-kniazia-danyla-halytskoho)

https://networks.h-net.org/node/10000/reviews/10142/halperin-pelenski-contest-legacy-kievan-rus (https://networks.h-net.org/node/10000/reviews/10142/halperin-pelenski-contest-legacy-kievan-rus)
National Identity and History Writing in Ukraine   http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/NationalIdentityHistory.pdf (http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/NationalIdentityHistory.pdf)
The Origins of the Slavic Nations             1    http://shron.chtyvo.org.ua/Plokhii_Serhii/The_Origins_of_the_Slavic_Nations_Premodern_Identities_in_Russia_Ukraine_and_Belarus__en.pdf (http://shron.chtyvo.org.ua/Plokhii_Serhii/The_Origins_of_the_Slavic_Nations_Premodern_Identities_in_Russia_Ukraine_and_Belarus__en.pdf)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rurik_dynasty (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rurik_dynasty)
Mythical Russianness I                             http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic727734.files/Kotsyuba%20on%20Mythical%20Russianness.pdf (http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic727734.files/Kotsyuba%20on%20Mythical%20Russianness.pdf)
404 to https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/16131539/kotsyuba-on-mythical-russianness-i-isites (https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/16131539/kotsyuba-on-mythical-russianness-i-isites)

http://www.iwm.at/read-listen-watch/transit-online/the-western-dimension-of-the-making-of-modern-ukraine/ (http://www.iwm.at/read-listen-watch/transit-online/the-western-dimension-of-the-making-of-modern-ukraine/)
A Laboratory of Transnational History              http://history.org.ua/LiberUA/978-963-9776-26-5/978-963-9776-26-5.pdf (http://history.org.ua/LiberUA/978-963-9776-26-5/978-963-9776-26-5.pdf)
Volume I Number 1 March 1977                       http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/9202/file.pdf (http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/9202/file.pdf)
The Making of Modern
Ukraine:Olesya Khromeychuk                         http://readinglists.ucl.ac.uk/lists/54C3ABCA-EBB4-DF76-026B-9BC4D21DFACB.pdf (http://readinglists.ucl.ac.uk/lists/54C3ABCA-EBB4-DF76-026B-9BC4D21DFACB.pdf)
The Muslim Tatars of Muscovy and Lithuania:        http://www.tataroved.ru/publicat/sttgos/Rakhimzyanov_Dubitando.pdf (http://www.tataroved.ru/publicat/sttgos/Rakhimzyanov_Dubitando.pdf)
silk road                                          http://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/940/UNIT%203.pdf (http://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/940/UNIT%203.pdf)
http://irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/cgi-bin/irbis_nbuv/cgiirbis_64.exe?C21COM=2&I21DBN=UJRN&P21DBN=UJRN&IMAGE_FILE_DOWNLOAD=1&Image_file_name=PDF/eine_2001_9_13.pdf (http://irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/cgi-bin/irbis_nbuv/cgiirbis_64.exe?C21COM=2&I21DBN=UJRN&P21DBN=UJRN&IMAGE_FILE_DOWNLOAD=1&Image_file_name=PDF/eine_2001_9_13.pdf)
http://enpuir.npu.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/4488/1/Nykytchenko.pdf (http://enpuir.npu.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/4488/1/Nykytchenko.pdf)
compare ukrainian and jewisih histography          http://www.aapjstudies.org/manager/external/ckfinder/userfiles/files/Lyudmyla%20Sukharaeva.pdf (http://www.aapjstudies.org/manager/external/ckfinder/userfiles/files/Lyudmyla%20Sukharaeva.pdf)
Cambridge history (early)russia to 1689 I          http://www.cultorweb.com/eBooks/Storia/Cambridge%20Hist%20Russia/HISTORYofRUSSIAVolume%20I.pdf (http://www.cultorweb.com/eBooks/Storia/Cambridge%20Hist%20Russia/HISTORYofRUSSIAVolume%20I.pdf)
                                to 1917 II         http://www.cultorweb.com/eBooks/Storia/Cambridge%20Hist%20Russia/THE%20CAMBRIDGE%20HISTORY%20OF%20RUSSIA,%20Volume%20II%20-%20Imperial%20Russia,%201689-1917.pdf (http://www.cultorweb.com/eBooks/Storia/Cambridge%20Hist%20Russia/THE%20CAMBRIDGE%20HISTORY%20OF%20RUSSIA,%20Volume%20II%20-%20Imperial%20Russia,%201689-1917.pdf)
                                        III        http://universitypublishingonline.org/cambridge/histories/ebook.jsf?bid=CBO9781139054096 (http://universitypublishingonline.org/cambridge/histories/ebook.jsf?bid=CBO9781139054096)
               x                          http://nauka.bg/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=35166 (http://nauka.bg/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=35166)
               von kiew nach moskau           http://www.osteuropa.geschichte.uni-mainz.de/Dateien/litmittelalter.pdf (http://www.osteuropa.geschichte.uni-mainz.de/Dateien/litmittelalter.pdf)
               http://ieg-ego.eu/en/threads/models-and-stereotypes/model-classical-antiquity/edgar-hoesch-die-idee-der-translatio-imperii-im-moskauer-russland (http://ieg-ego.eu/en/threads/models-and-stereotypes/model-classical-antiquity/edgar-hoesch-die-idee-der-translatio-imperii-im-moskauer-russland)
Modern History of Ukraine, 1848-Present:
A List of English-language Secondary Sources       https://umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/departments/ukrainian_canadian_studies/media/Modern_Ukrainian_History_biblio.pdf (https://umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/departments/ukrainian_canadian_studies/media/Modern_Ukrainian_History_biblio.pdf)
UKRAINIAN STUDIES                                  http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/9202/file.pdf (http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/9202/file.pdf)
A Laboratory of Transnational History              http://history.org.ua/LiberUA/978-963-9776-26-5/978-963-9776-26-5.pdf (http://history.org.ua/LiberUA/978-963-9776-26-5/978-963-9776-26-5.pdf)
A fractured identity, a fractured
democracy: the national facet of Ukraine’s
transition                                         https://ourarchive.otago.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/10523/4768/LewisAmyA2014MA.pdf?sequence=1 (https://ourarchive.otago.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/10523/4768/LewisAmyA2014MA.pdf?sequence=1)
ukraine and jewish histography      x               http://www.etd.ceu.hu/2011/sukhareva_lyudmyla.pdf (http://www.etd.ceu.hu/2011/sukhareva_lyudmyla.pdf)
Foundations of East European History               http://www.historyandclassics.ualberta.ca/en/Courses/2014-2015CourseGuide/HISTORYCourses/~/media/history/Courses/2015WinterOutlines/WI15HIST312B1_KRAVCHENKO.pdf (http://www.historyandclassics.ualberta.ca/en/Courses/2014-2015CourseGuide/HISTORYCourses/~/media/history/Courses/2015WinterOutlines/WI15HIST312B1_KRAVCHENKO.pdf)
IN THE TRIANGLE LITHUANIA – MOSCOW – HORDE ukr     http://icbs.palityka.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/04-08_Rusina.pdf (http://icbs.palityka.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/04-08_Rusina.pdf)
Ukraine : from past to future, the
choice of Europe, definitely ?                     http://www.eurosduvillage.eu/IMG/pdf/edv_-_etude_ukraine-2.pdf (http://www.eurosduvillage.eu/IMG/pdf/edv_-_etude_ukraine-2.pdf)
Studying Russian and Soviet History.               http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED292717.pdf (http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED292717.pdf)
Charles J. Halperin, Russian and Mongols. Slavs
the Steppe in Medieval and Early Modern Russia     https://www.academia.edu/10357151/Charles_J._Halperin_Russian_and_Mongols._Slavs_and_the_Steppe_in_Medieval_and_Early_Modern_Russia (https://www.academia.edu/10357151/Charles_J._Halperin_Russian_and_Mongols._Slavs_and_the_Steppe_in_Medieval_and_Early_Modern_Russia)
a companion to russian history                     https://cristianizacioneslavos.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/gleason-a-companion-to-russian-history.pdf (https://cristianizacioneslavos.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/gleason-a-companion-to-russian-history.pdf)
La pluralité religieuse en Ukraine:
une analyse sociohistorique.                   http://www.ed1.ulg.ac.be/sd/textes/20150522-Perri.pdf (http://www.ed1.ulg.ac.be/sd/textes/20150522-Perri.pdf)

http://opac.regesta-imperii.de/lang_en/suche.php?qs=&ts=&ps=&tags=&ejahr=&thes=Kiew&sprache=&sortierung=d&pagesize=20&objektart=&page=5 (http://opac.regesta-imperii.de/lang_en/suche.php?qs=&ts=&ps=&tags=&ejahr=&thes=Kiew&sprache=&sortierung=d&pagesize=20&objektart=&page=5)
IN THE TRIANGLE LITHUANIA – MOSCOW – HORDE         http://icbs.palityka.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/04-08_Rusina.pdf (http://icbs.palityka.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/04-08_Rusina.pdf)
PART OF THE WEST OR APART FROM THE WEST?           http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a475883.pdf (http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a475883.pdf)
The prophecy                                       http://jonruthven.org/rosh.pdf (http://jonruthven.org/rosh.pdf)
1450 TO 1789
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE EARLY MODERN WORLD             http://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/history/europe/Gale%20-%20Europe%201450%20to%201789%20Volume%206.pdf (http://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/history/europe/Gale%20-%20Europe%201450%20to%201789%20Volume%206.pdf)
khazar                                             http://histbooks.kz/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/World_of_the_khazars.pdf (http://histbooks.kz/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/World_of_the_khazars.pdf)
DIE RUSSISCH-UKRAINISCHE GESCHICHTE                http://www.korax.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Bilder/03_Wir_laden_ein/01_Newsarchiv/01_Kommunikation/Russland_und_Ukrainie_Historische_Ursachen.pdf (http://www.korax.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Bilder/03_Wir_laden_ein/01_Newsarchiv/01_Kommunikation/Russland_und_Ukrainie_Historische_Ursachen.pdf)
UKRAINIAN STUDIES 1990                             http://ir.nmu.org.ua/bitstream/handle/123456789/66160/913c155a42d8d7a4b000b44bcd2e6888.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (http://ir.nmu.org.ua/bitstream/handle/123456789/66160/913c155a42d8d7a4b000b44bcd2e6888.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y)
Secondary Sources by Era and Topic
Jonathan W. Daly 2008                              http://tigger.uic.edu/~daly/homepage/teaching/currcours/hist200s/hist237/237bib2.pdf (http://tigger.uic.edu/~daly/homepage/teaching/currcours/hist200s/hist237/237bib2.pdf)

http://dictionary.sensagent.com/Kievan%20Rus'/en-en/ (http://dictionary.sensagent.com/Kievan%20Rus'/en-en/)


http://ozonru.com/catalog/nonfiction_1127376_12251_12271_1000101_1084956/1337730/ (http://ozonru.com/catalog/nonfiction_1127376_12251_12271_1000101_1084956/1337730/)

http://www.businessinsider.com/kiev-or-kyiv-2014-1 (http://www.businessinsider.com/kiev-or-kyiv-2014-1)
The Historiography of Normanist and
Anti-Normanist theories on the origin of Rus’
A review of modern historiography and major sources on Varangian controversy and other
Scandinavian concepts of the origins of Rus’
Dissertation in Viking and Medieval Nordic Culture
https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26680/7245.pdf?sequence=2 (https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26680/7245.pdf?sequence=2)   

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/science/dna-deciphers-roots-of-modern-europeans.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=1 (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/science/dna-deciphers-roots-of-modern-europeans.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=1)
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/24/science/new-light-on-the-roots-of-english.html (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/24/science/new-light-on-the-roots-of-english.html)
http://s1.zetaboards.com/anthroscape/topic/5758230/2/ (http://s1.zetaboards.com/anthroscape/topic/5758230/2/)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamna_culture (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamna_culture)

http://strataforum.org/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/ (http://strataforum.org/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/)
http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/)  my growing collection The Historiography of Normanist and
Anti-Normanist theories on the origin of Rus’ 2      https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26680/7245.pdf?sequence=2 (https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26680/7245.pdf?sequence=2)
btw according russian geneticist haplogroup changed by russia rulers suddenly from R1A to Q 300 years ago , have to dive into that, esp. since my russian is so "good", hope I didn't misunderstood..
http://armflot.ru/index.php/kampanii/413-armiya-khore (http://armflot.ru/index.php/kampanii/413-armiya-khore) 1231
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Farmflot.ru%2Findex.php%2Fkampanii%2F413-armiya-khore&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Farmflot.ru%2Findex.php%2Fkampanii%2F413-armiya-khore&edit-text=)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op juni 17, 2015, 12:55:48 pm

already 15.000 russian soldiers death in east-Ukraine, more rus pussy for me😃 more separatism in russian federation, moscow is the nazi fascist part of it, get rid of it, that be a victory day

ru卐卐ian kacaps army   Katsap

https://www.facebook.com/notes/euromaidan-art-graphics/anti-ukraine-propagandists-news-outlets-to-question/686571694793830 (https://www.facebook.com/notes/euromaidan-art-graphics/anti-ukraine-propagandists-news-outlets-to-question/686571694793830)

http://www.kijkmagazine.nl/artikel/reaguurders/ (http://www.kijkmagazine.nl/artikel/reaguurders/)

Het woord 'nazi' is afkomstig van NAtionalsoZIalist, de Duitstalige term voor een aanhanger van het nationaalsocialisme. De afkorting 'nazi' is analoog aan het iets oudere 'sozi', wat in het Duitsland van het begin van de 20e eeuw de volksnaam was voor een aanhanger van het socialisme. De term 'nazisme' is van 'nazi' afgeleid en wordt tegenwoordig gebruikt als afkorting voor nationaalsocialisme
http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi)

die introduceerden fascisme
http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascisme (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascisme)

http://coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/54/54_48-49.pdf (http://coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/54/54_48-49.pdf)  14 signs its fascist

http://www.rense.com/general37/char.htm (http://www.rense.com/general37/char.htm)

http://victimsofcommunism.org/events/vigil-and-commemoration-of-1949-soviet-mass-deportations-of-the-baltics/ (http://victimsofcommunism.org/events/vigil-and-commemoration-of-1949-soviet-mass-deportations-of-the-baltics/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/03/21/russias-treatment-of-crimean-tatars-recalls-hitlers-treatment-of-jews-before-1938/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/03/21/russias-treatment-of-crimean-tatars-recalls-hitlers-treatment-of-jews-before-1938/)

http://www.aeongoddess.com/index.php?topic=16016.0#.VPxtXo5yat8 (http://www.aeongoddess.com/index.php?topic=16016.0#.VPxtXo5yat8)
http://www.donsmaps.com/lioncamp.html (http://www.donsmaps.com/lioncamp.html)

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2015/03/09/maps-how-ukraine-became-ukraine/ (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2015/03/09/maps-how-ukraine-became-ukraine/)

http://geacron.com/home-en/ (http://geacron.com/home-en/)  maps http://geacron.com/home-en/ (http://geacron.com/home-en/)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxDyJ_6N-6A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxDyJ_6N-6A) europe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXhLsJrj_N8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXhLsJrj_N8) ukraine and moldavia
http://www.friesian.com/russia.htm (http://www.friesian.com/russia.htm)

Voor de eerste wordt keer Oekraďne vermeld in de hypatian Codex. Let op, niet beetje, niet anders, namelijk Oekraďne.

Annalistische code bevat verschillende onderdelen-Lavrent′evskuű Chronicle, het verhaal van de voorbije jaren, Chernigov, Kiev, Galicië-Volyn kroniek die de gebeurtenissen van 1292, tot 860 beschrijft.
Annalen van zeer verschillende bronnen is een prinselijke kroniekschrijvers, de Prins van brieven, rapporten, ambassadeurs, militaire verhalen, ooggetuigenverslagen, Grieks Chronicles, enz.

Tijd Oekraďne werd voor het eerst genoemd in het verhaal van Igor de campagne leger Sviatoslavovich cuman in 1185 advertentie.
Kievan Rus in vele bronnen wordt geďdentificeerd met Oekraďne.
In sommige versies, bijvoorbeeld in Ermolaevsky lijst (1189-1213 v.Chr.), Oekraďne genoemd de Krajina, in de Kiev Chronicle-Ukrajnoj van...
De naam "Oekraďne" werd genoemd in verband met de dood van Prins Volodymyr van Perejaslav Hlibovychi, later-als met een beschrijving van de gebeurtenissen van leeftijden van de Galicië-Volyn prins Daniel Romanovich.
Hier is hoe iets zo...
Moskou en Rusland dan niemand wist... == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==-hoger onderwijs: Russische Academie van Wetenschappen in 1724, g.., de Universiteit van Moskou in 1755 werd opgericht. Ostroh Academy werd opgericht in 1576, Lviv universiteit werd opgericht in 1661-gedrukte Primer in Oekraďne kwam uit in het jaar 1574 in Lviv, in het Koninkrijk van de Moskou het gebeurde 60 jaar later-in het jaar 1634.
-Religie: de Kiev Metropolitanate werd opgericht in 988 en Moskou alleen in het jaar 1458. De Kiev Metropolitanate op 460 jaar ouder dan Moskou.
-Hoofdstad: Kiev werd opgericht het jaar 482, 1147 Moskou Vladimir Monomakh zoon Yury Dolgoruky opgericht.
Dus, de Kiev over Moskou op 665 jaar.
-De eerste monarch in klassieke zin gekroond in Muscovy 1547 Ivan de verschrikkelijke in ons land van Daniel R. Galician-1253, 2005: Kiev-Mongolian juk de Mongoolse juk 1363 verloren na de slag van blauwe wateren; Moskou verloor het juk 1480 na staan op acne, een eerbetoon aan de Krim Khan Moskovië was het betalen van maximaal 1700, met inbegrip van het begin van het bewind van Peter 1.
-Naam: de term "Oekraďne" voor het eerst in de annalen is gevonden in het jaar 1187.
Voor het eerst de term "Rusland" vinden alleen tijdens de regeerperiode van Ivan de verschrikkelijke in 400 jaar later.
-Auteur van een van de eersten in de wereld om de grondwetten van Pylyp Orlyk.
5 april 1710 werd verkozen tot Hetman. Op dezelfde dag, verklaarde hij "de Grondwet de rechten en vrijheden van de Zaporozje".
In de Verenigde Staten Grondwet, aangenomen in 1787 CE. In Frankrijk en Polen alleen in 1791, de historische feiten u moet weten.
1. Schakel genaamd Moskovië tsaar Peter ik hernoemd naar Rusland in 18 eeuw, in 1721 jaar!
2. de stam van de Moksha rivier Moskou, zijn geroepen een vertaling van deze titel, met de taal van de Moksha, klinkt als '***** water'!!! Andere talen kunnen niet het woord Moskou vertalen! Het woord "Kremlin" is Tatar en middel ter versterking van de it!
3. in de Middeleeuwen alle cartografen van Europa schreef en de grens van Europa langs de grenzen van de Rus uitgevoerd (Rusland is het grondgebied van het huidige Oekraďne)!!! Muscovy-oeloes, met de Finse volkeren, heeft altijd al een deel van de Horde, en haar Europese terecht degradeerde naar Azië!
4. Muscovy (Rusland) hulde brengen aan de Krim Khan, zijn soevereine en zijn meester, die de opvolger van de Gouden Horde, omhoog tot en met 1700 jaar was! De koning Moskovië was de Krim ambassadeur bij poklonnaya Gora, sadil het op zijn paard, de voet, onder de hoofdstel, leidde het paard met de ambassadeur van Krim tot het Kremlin, sadil het op uw troon en stond in voorkant van hem op zijn knieën!
5. in het jaar 1610 in Muscovy in Boris Godunov (murza Gudun) eindigde de dynastie van Čengizidov (een familielid van Genghis Khan), en de troon werd opgericht door Alexey kat van Finse soort Mares, en het tot het rijk van de kerk gaf hem de achternaam Romanov, die uit Rome was aangekomen op regel Muscovy bruiloft!
6. Ekaterina II, na bezetting van de nieuwste gratis Rus′koj macht-het Groothertogdom van Litouwen (Wit-Rusland) in 1795, door zijn bestelling, het bestelde oproep ugro-Finse stammen van Moskovië door grote Russen en Oekraďners — waar rusich is een weinig Russen!!!
7. niemand heeft ooit gezien in de oorspronkelijke overeenkomst over de hereniging tussen Moskou en Oekraďne, naar verluidt ondertekend door b. Khmelnitsky en de koning a. Romanov!!!
8. voor eeuwen, archeologen Muscovy zijn op zoek naar artefacten, waaruit blijkt dat aan de juistheid van de Kulikov strijd, maar tot nu toe zonder succes, dat alleen een fabel over de overwinning van Prins Don d. bovendien tot dusver, is alle stemmingen!!9. Pskov, Novgorod, Oblast Smolensk, Rusland, is een voormalige Slavische vorstendom, rus′kie en ugro-Finnish Muscovy had geen relatie, zo lang als de Muscovy-Orda niet bezet door hen, respectievelijk, in 1462, in 1478 en in 1654 hij!!! En in andere gebieden van Rusland (Muscovy) nooit bewoond door Slavische stammen en volkeren!
10. Gouden Horde en haar dochter — Muscovy, is het enige land in de wereld, die werd gehouden in Rabat inheemse mensen!! Dit verklaart de eeuwige achterstand van de rijke natuurlijke hulpbronnen van Moskovië van relatief kansarme degene op natuurlijke hulpbronnen Europese landen! Immers, is de doeltreffendheid van vrije mensen veel hoger dan de slaven!
P/S op de mythen van de Russische nationale bewustzijn getroffen door een nieuwe klap op! Eerst bestuderen de genenpool van het Russische volk, uitgevoerd door Russische wetenschappers in de 2000-2006 biënnium toonde dat Russen niet genetisch zijn slaven en Finnen volbloeden, is niet anders dan de Mordwienen (zie artikel "het gezicht van Russische nationaliteit", no. 15, 2006). Volgens Lev Gumilev Moskou Center op 18 maart, Russische wetenschappers hebben voor het eerst in de geschiedenis, een studie van de Russische genenpoel is ongehoord en waren geschokt door de resultaten!!! Met inbegrip van deze studies ten volle bevestigd dat de Russen slaven, en alleen Russisch-sprekende Finnen zijn. Analyse van het mitochondriaal DNA bleek dat een ander dichtstbijzijnde verwanten van de Russen, naast Finland, de Finnen zijn de Tataren door de Russen uit Tataren zijn op dezelfde genetische afstand in 30 conventionele eenheden die hen van de Finnen scheiden!!! In de mythe van de "Slavische wortels van Russische wetenschappers van Rusland geënsceneerd een vet punt: om het even wat van de slaven in Russische no! Er zijn alleen over Slavische Russische taal maar ook de 60-70% is niet Slavische woordenschat, dus Russische volk niet in staat om te begrijpen de taal van de slaven, terwijl de Slavische zich bewust van de gelijkenis van de Slavische is talen-any (behalve Russisch) Russen leven in Rusland, maar niet Russisch. Rusland was, en is, alleen KIEV!!!

http://www.friesian.com/russia.htm (http://www.friesian.com/russia.htm)
In this:
"There is some controversy about the origin of the word Rus . Some Russian historians now prefer an independent and southern origin, from the river Ros near Kiev."

"Early Russian history may therefore be said to have really been Ukrainian history."..  soooooo  Ukraine isn't south russia but russia is in fact  north - Ukraine  , the backyard with the simple (to fool) people :-)

http://eudocs.lib.byu.edu/index.php/Main_Page (http://eudocs.lib.byu.edu/index.php/Main_Page)

http://eudocs.lib.byu.edu/index.php/Ukraine_in_Ancient_Rus_through_1440 (http://eudocs.lib.byu.edu/index.php/Ukraine_in_Ancient_Rus_through_1440)

http://www.kb.se/codex-gigas/ (http://www.kb.se/codex-gigas/)

http://www.day.kiev.ua/uk/article/ukrayina-incognita/zvidky-pishla-zemlya-ruska-i-hto-my-taki (http://www.day.kiev.ua/uk/article/ukrayina-incognita/zvidky-pishla-zemlya-ruska-i-hto-my-taki)

http://litopys.org.ua/links/inlitop.htm (http://litopys.org.ua/links/inlitop.htm)
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Flitopys.org.ua%2Flinks%2Finlitop.htm&sandbox=1 (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Flitopys.org.ua%2Flinks%2Finlitop.htm&sandbox=1)

http://www.vox.com/2014/11/17/7082317/language-maps-charts?utm_medium=social&utm_source=Facebook&utm_campaign=voxdotcom&utm_content=Saturday (http://www.vox.com/2014/11/17/7082317/language-maps-charts?utm_medium=social&utm_source=Facebook&utm_campaign=voxdotcom&utm_content=Saturday)

http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Flitopys.org.ua%2Flinks%2Finlitop.htm&sandbox=1 (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Flitopys.org.ua%2Flinks%2Finlitop.htm&sandbox=1)
 The Tale of Vroegere Jaren, Chernigov, Kiev, Galicië-Volyn kroniek
Laurentische Chronicle, C
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Flitopys.org.ua%2Flinks%2Finlitop.htm&sandbox=1 (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Flitopys.org.ua%2Flinks%2Finlitop.htm&sandbox=1)


http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http://litopys.org.ua/rizne/kovalen.htm&usg=ALkJrhij1pbrRbAhJXlr4hh3BspaGPwVzg (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http://litopys.org.ua/rizne/kovalen.htm&usg=ALkJrhij1pbrRbAhJXlr4hh3BspaGPwVzg)

Annalistische code bevat verschillende onderdelen-Lavrent′evskuű Chronicle, het verhaal van de voorbije jaren, Chernigov, Kiev, Galicië-Volyn kroniek die de gebeurtenissen van 1292, tot 860 beschrijft.
In sommige versies, bijvoorbeeld in Ermolaevsky lijst (1189-1213 v.Chr.), Oekraďne genoemd de Krajina, in de Kiev Chronicle-Ukrajnoj van...

 http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages\C\H\Chronicles.htm (http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages\C\H\Chronicles.htm)
 https://www.google.nl/search?q=old+chronicles+ukraine&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=4G3eVO3TEuTnyQOTg4DICg (https://www.google.nl/search?q=old+chronicles+ukraine&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=4G3eVO3TEuTnyQOTg4DICg)
 http://eudocs.lib.byu.edu/index.php/Ukraine_in_Ancient_Rus_through_1440 (http://eudocs.lib.byu.edu/index.php/Ukraine_in_Ancient_Rus_through_1440)
 Complete Collection of the Chronicles of the Ukrainian history 9th-19th centuries
 http://litopys.org.ua/links/inlitop.htm (http://litopys.org.ua/links/inlitop.htm)
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Flitopys.org.ua%2Flinks%2Finlitop.htm&sandbox=1 (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Flitopys.org.ua%2Flinks%2Finlitop.htm&sandbox=1)
 Hypatian Codex 13th century russian
 http://www.lrc-lib.ru/rus_letopisi/Ipatius/contents.htm (http://www.lrc-lib.ru/rus_letopisi/Ipatius/contents.htm)
 http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lrc-lib.ru%2Frus_letopisi%2FIpatius%2Fcontents.htm&sandbox=1 (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lrc-lib.ru%2Frus_letopisi%2FIpatius%2Fcontents.htm&sandbox=1)
 Voor de eerste wordt keer Oekraďne vermeld in de hypatian Codex. Let op, niet beetje, niet anders, namelijk Oekraďne.
 slavs, rus
 http://www.vostlit.info/Texts/Dokumenty/Russ/x.htm (http://www.vostlit.info/Texts/Dokumenty/Russ/x.htm)
 http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vostlit.info%2FTexts%2FDokumenty%2FRuss%2Fx.htm&sandbox=1 (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vostlit.info%2FTexts%2FDokumenty%2FRuss%2Fx.htm&sandbox=1)
 http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&ie=UTF-8&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fuainfo.org%2Fblognews%2F398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html (http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&ie=UTF-8&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fuainfo.org%2Fblognews%2F398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html)

http://www.halychyna.ca/Chornohuz-on-Language.htm (http://www.halychyna.ca/Chornohuz-on-Language.htm)
http://www.ukrainiansoulfood.ca/toc-and-biblio.php (http://www.ukrainiansoulfood.ca/toc-and-biblio.php)
http://maidantranslations.com/2015/04/16/how-to-explain-to-a-european-why-russian-cannot-be-the-second-state-language-in-ukraine-freesavchenko (http://maidantranslations.com/2015/04/16/how-to-explain-to-a-european-why-russian-cannot-be-the-second-state-language-in-ukraine-freesavchenko)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Ukraine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Ukraine)

If Mr. Putin succeeds in Ukraine and he builds his Eurasian Union – he is consigning Russia to oblivion for the next 20 to 40 years.
The title for this event is “Is Ukraine going to Europe?” And I think that’s a mistitle. I think the question is “Is Ukraine going towards the future?”
http://voxukraine.org/2015/04/28/a-must-read-john-herbst-speech-at-jce-conference-its-not-russia-against-the-west-its-reaction-against-the-future/ (http://voxukraine.org/2015/04/28/a-must-read-john-herbst-speech-at-jce-conference-its-not-russia-against-the-west-its-reaction-against-the-future/)

http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/pnorris/Acrobat/Huntington_Clash.pdf (http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/pnorris/Acrobat/Huntington_Clash.pdf)

http://data.tsn.ua/files/Livre_en_anglais-libre.pdf (http://data.tsn.ua/files/Livre_en_anglais-libre.pdf) from war to peace 2013-2015

http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/national-history.pdf (http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/national-history.pdf) misperception rus
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Russia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Russia)

http://www.ecfr.eu/page/-/WHAT_DOES_UKRAINE_THINK_pdf.pdf (http://www.ecfr.eu/page/-/WHAT_DOES_UKRAINE_THINK_pdf.pdf)
http://www.iri.org/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/2015-05-19_ukraine_national_municipal_survey_march_2-20_2015.pdf (http://www.iri.org/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/2015-05-19_ukraine_national_municipal_survey_march_2-20_2015.pdf)

https://www.rusi.org/downloads/assets/201503_BP_Russian_Forces_in_Ukraine_FINAL.pdf (https://www.rusi.org/downloads/assets/201503_BP_Russian_Forces_in_Ukraine_FINAL.pdf)
http://armamentresearch.com/Uploads/Research%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Raising%20Red%20Flags.pdf (http://armamentresearch.com/Uploads/Research%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Raising%20Red%20Flags.pdf)

http://www.scribd.com/doc/192898928/Encyclopedia-of-Wars-Charles-Phillips-Alan-Axelrod#scribd (http://www.scribd.com/doc/192898928/Encyclopedia-of-Wars-Charles-Phillips-Alan-Axelrod#scribd)
http://www.jonsorensen.net/2012/09/18/is-religion-really-the-number-one-cause-of-war/ (http://www.jonsorensen.net/2012/09/18/is-religion-really-the-number-one-cause-of-war/)

http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-01-16/news/9401160298_1_president-leonid-kravchuk-ukraine-russians (http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-01-16/news/9401160298_1_president-leonid-kravchuk-ukraine-russians)
http://aktiv.com.ua/archives/7993 (http://aktiv.com.ua/archives/7993)

https://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Astolphe+marquis+de+Custine%22#q=Astolphe+marquis+de+Custine&hl=nl&tbs=bkv:r&tbm=bks&start=0 (https://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Astolphe+marquis+de+Custine%22#q=Astolphe+marquis+de+Custine&hl=nl&tbs=bkv:r&tbm=bks&start=0)
Astolphe marquis de Custine

1839 german 
1 https://books.google.nl/books?id=HNLUAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=inauthor:%22Astolphe+marquis+de+Custine%22&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=hLFEVcK2CM3xaPClgMAD&ved=0CEAQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=HNLUAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=inauthor:%22Astolphe+marquis+de+Custine%22&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=hLFEVcK2CM3xaPClgMAD&ved=0CEAQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q&f=false)
2 https://books.google.nl/books?id=RoI_AAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:NriA-eN1DCwC&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=LrREVZ6xMdKxafHNgdAP&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=RoI_AAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:NriA-eN1DCwC&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=LrREVZ6xMdKxafHNgdAP&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false)
3 https://books.google.nl/books?id=RNDUAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:NriA-eN1DCwC&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=orFEVebDJ8bhaprLgdgE&ved=0CDwQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=RNDUAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:NriA-eN1DCwC&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=orFEVebDJ8bhaprLgdgE&ved=0CDwQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q&f=false)


http://www.halychyna.ca/Chornohuz-on-Language.htm (http://www.halychyna.ca/Chornohuz-on-Language.htm)
http://www.ukrainiansoulfood.ca/toc-and-biblio.php (http://www.ukrainiansoulfood.ca/toc-and-biblio.php)
http://maidantranslations.com/2015/04/16/how-to-explain-to-a-european-why-russian-cannot-be-the-second-state-language-in-ukraine-freesavchenko (http://maidantranslations.com/2015/04/16/how-to-explain-to-a-european-why-russian-cannot-be-the-second-state-language-in-ukraine-freesavchenko)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Ukraine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Ukraine)

If Mr. Putin succeeds in Ukraine and he builds his Eurasian Union – he is consigning Russia to oblivion for the next 20 to 40 years.
The title for this event is “Is Ukraine going to Europe?” And I think that’s a mistitle. I think the question is “Is Ukraine going towards the future?”
http://voxukraine.org/2015/04/28/a-must-read-john-herbst-speech-at-jce-conference-its-not-russia-against-the-west-its-reaction-against-the-future/ (http://voxukraine.org/2015/04/28/a-must-read-john-herbst-speech-at-jce-conference-its-not-russia-against-the-west-its-reaction-against-the-future/)

http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/pnorris/Acrobat/Huntington_Clash.pdf (http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/pnorris/Acrobat/Huntington_Clash.pdf)

http://data.tsn.ua/files/Livre_en_anglais-libre.pdf (http://data.tsn.ua/files/Livre_en_anglais-libre.pdf) from war to peace 2013-2015

http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/national-history.pdf (http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/national-history.pdf) misperception rus
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Russia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Russia)

http://www.ecfr.eu/page/-/WHAT_DOES_UKRAINE_THINK_pdf.pdf (http://www.ecfr.eu/page/-/WHAT_DOES_UKRAINE_THINK_pdf.pdf)
http://www.iri.org/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/2015-05-19_ukraine_national_municipal_survey_march_2-20_2015.pdf (http://www.iri.org/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/2015-05-19_ukraine_national_municipal_survey_march_2-20_2015.pdf)

https://www.rusi.org/downloads/assets/201503_BP_Russian_Forces_in_Ukraine_FINAL.pdf (https://www.rusi.org/downloads/assets/201503_BP_Russian_Forces_in_Ukraine_FINAL.pdf)
http://armamentresearch.com/Uploads/Research%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Raising%20Red%20Flags.pdf (http://armamentresearch.com/Uploads/Research%20Report%20No.%203%20-%20Raising%20Red%20Flags.pdf)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamna_culture (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamna_culture)
Massive migration from the steppe is a source
for Indo-European languages in Europe          http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1502/1502.02783.pdf (http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1502/1502.02783.pdf)

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/science/dna-deciphers-roots-of-modern-europeans.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=1 (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/science/dna-deciphers-roots-of-modern-europeans.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=1)
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/24/science/new-light-on-the-roots-of-english.html (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/24/science/new-light-on-the-roots-of-english.html)
http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ciencia/2015/06/1640541-europeus-atuais-surgiram-a-partir-da-ucrania-diz-estudo.shtml (http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ciencia/2015/06/1640541-europeus-atuais-surgiram-a-partir-da-ucrania-diz-estudo.shtml)

http://news.sciencemag.org/archaeology/2015/06/nomadic-herders-left-strong-genetic-mark-europeans-and-asians (http://news.sciencemag.org/archaeology/2015/06/nomadic-herders-left-strong-genetic-mark-europeans-and-asians)

http://s1.zetaboards.com/anthroscape/topic/5758230/2/ (http://s1.zetaboards.com/anthroscape/topic/5758230/2/)

http://www.forumbiodiversity.com/showthread.php/42264-Genotyping-of-390-000-SNPs-in-more-than-40-3-9k-year-old-humans-from-the-Russian-steppes/page3 (http://www.forumbiodiversity.com/showthread.php/42264-Genotyping-of-390-000-SNPs-in-more-than-40-3-9k-year-old-humans-from-the-Russian-steppes/page3)

Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture.pdf
http://vk.com/doc152590325_212435297?hash=c25782dbf53952c7be&dl=a14b57a25e093ea8ce (http://vk.com/doc152590325_212435297?hash=c25782dbf53952c7be&dl=a14b57a25e093ea8ce)

rus met studis over jew in russisch?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_of_Jewish_origins (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_of_Jewish_origins)
http://www.jogg.info/11/coffman.htm (http://www.jogg.info/11/coffman.htm)

http://www.iamthewitness.com/doc/Ashkenazis.are.not.the.descendants.of.the.Ancient.Israelites.htm (http://www.iamthewitness.com/doc/Ashkenazis.are.not.the.descendants.of.the.Ancient.Israelites.htm)
http://digital.library.pitt.edu/cgi-bin/t/text/text-idx?c=pittpress;cc=pittpress;view=toc;idno=31735057893368 (http://digital.library.pitt.edu/cgi-bin/t/text/text-idx?c=pittpress;cc=pittpress;view=toc;idno=31735057893368)

https://archive.org/details/TheHorseTheWheelAndLanguage (https://archive.org/details/TheHorseTheWheelAndLanguage)

http://io-bas.bg/noahproject/BOOK_PETKO.pdf (http://io-bas.bg/noahproject/BOOK_PETKO.pdf) black sea flood an ancient myths
http://digamo.free.fr/harman99.pdf (http://digamo.free.fr/harman99.pdf)    peoples world history
http://www.hermetics.org/pdf/ancient/Franz_Cumont_-_The_Mysteries_of_Mithra.pdf (http://www.hermetics.org/pdf/ancient/Franz_Cumont_-_The_Mysteries_of_Mithra.pdf)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/138393335/The-Danube-Script-and-Other-Ancient-Writing-Systems-A-Typology-of-Distinctive-Features#scribd (http://www.scribd.com/doc/138393335/The-Danube-Script-and-Other-Ancient-Writing-Systems-A-Typology-of-Distinctive-Features#scribd)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vin%C4%8Da_culture (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vin%C4%8Da_culture)
http://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-europe/danube-valley-civilisation-script-oldest-writing-world-001343 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-europe/danube-valley-civilisation-script-oldest-writing-world-001343)
http://www.romanianhistoryandculture.com/marijagimbutaskurgan.htm (http://www.romanianhistoryandculture.com/marijagimbutaskurgan.htm)

http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc/196doc.php (http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc/196doc.php)  history site Ukraine
http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/istoriya/5258-u-1187-r-u-ipatijivskomu-litopisi-vpershe-z-yavilos-slovo-ukrajina (http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/istoriya/5258-u-1187-r-u-ipatijivskomu-litopisi-vpershe-z-yavilos-slovo-ukrajina)

http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=32846 (http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=32846)
Ancient Varangian Rus (Viking) "Street Found in Kiev

http://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/op-ed/bernard-henri-levy-putin-ukraine-and-historical-revisionism-388178.html?utm_campaign=traqli (http://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/op-ed/bernard-henri-levy-putin-ukraine-and-historical-revisionism-388178.html?utm_campaign=traqli)

Valeriy Bebyk, Historian: "If Russians don't have a thousand-year history, they will borrow it from their neighbor and call them names. They will say that the Ukrainian nation is defective and it didn't exist at all."
http://uatoday.tv/society/russian-deputies-dispute-ancestry-of-historical-figure-vladimir-the-great-413935.html?fb_ref=Default (http://uatoday.tv/society/russian-deputies-dispute-ancestry-of-historical-figure-vladimir-the-great-413935.html?fb_ref=Default)

more links
http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages\V\A\Varangians.htm (http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages\V\A\Varangians.htm)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine#Early_history (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine#Early_history)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varangians (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varangians)

Ukraine first mentioned in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypatian_Codex (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypatian_Codex)

http://uainfo.org/blognews/398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html (http://uainfo.org/blognews/398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html)

A so-called 'Ukrainian altar', at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican is taken by many as evidence that Volodymyr was the ruler of an ancient country located on Ukraine's territory. It shows Volodymyr the Great holding the trident, which was the emblem of Kievan Rus and remains the emblem of modern Ukraine.

http://www.friesian.com/russia.htm (http://www.friesian.com/russia.htm) In this: "There is some controversy about the origin of the word Rus . Some Russian historians now prefer an independent and southern origin, from the river Ros near Kiev."
"Early Russian history may therefore be said to have really been Ukrainian history.".. soooooo Ukraine isn't south russia but russia is in fact north - Ukraine

ukrainse taal basis voor russisch
http://lenta-ua.livejournal.com/3141146.html (http://lenta-ua.livejournal.com/3141146.html)
http://tipa-bandera.livejournal.com/16933.html (http://tipa-bandera.livejournal.com/16933.html)
http://revo-ukraine.livejournal.com/257516.html (http://revo-ukraine.livejournal.com/257516.html)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruthenian_language (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruthenian_language)

https://www.facebook.com/1000yearsBloodyRussia (https://www.facebook.com/1000yearsBloodyRussia)

so http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow) was first mentioned in 1156 but came to power in 1327, if you compare wiki history Ukraine and Russia you see that russia incorparetd Kievan -Rus as it won history, while it belongs to Ukraine.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Moscow (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Moscow)

http://yurikoval.github.io/ATO-progress/ (http://yurikoval.github.io/ATO-progress/)

http://aktiv.com.ua/archives/7993 (http://aktiv.com.ua/archives/7993)

Golden Gate -Zoloti Vorota

http://www.arattagar.co.uk/New%20website/Book%20preview.html (http://www.arattagar.co.uk/New%20website/Book%20preview.html)
http://www.arattagar.co.uk/ (http://www.arattagar.co.uk/)
http://is.muni.cz/el/1421/podzim2012/RLB295/um/Epics_of_Sumerian_Kings_-_The_Matter_of_Aratta.pdf (http://is.muni.cz/el/1421/podzim2012/RLB295/um/Epics_of_Sumerian_Kings_-_The_Matter_of_Aratta.pdf)
https://www.google.nl/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stonegrave.org%2F&ei=A4lCVdOwG8We7gaAh4CwCw&usg=AFQjCNHEISQ82K1LGyB-QOETAlt5yVG0cw&bvm=bv.92189499,d.ZGU (https://www.google.nl/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stonegrave.org%2F&ei=A4lCVdOwG8We7gaAh4CwCw&usg=AFQjCNHEISQ82K1LGyB-QOETAlt5yVG0cw&bvm=bv.92189499,d.ZGU)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tju4coNCP_U (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tju4coNCP_U)

http://ukrainegoodnews.com/kamyanets-podilsky_through_the_ages-_from_trypillia_to_modern_times.html (http://ukrainegoodnews.com/kamyanets-podilsky_through_the_ages-_from_trypillia_to_modern_times.html)

http://fakeoff.org/history/eto-byl-osobyy-detskiy-gulag#.VTiT7zddPwE.facebook (http://fakeoff.org/history/eto-byl-osobyy-detskiy-gulag#.VTiT7zddPwE.facebook)
http://ipress.ua/ru/ljlive/10_faktov_o_ukraynu_vo_vtoroy_myrovoy_yly_uroky_dlya_potomkov_63269.html (http://ipress.ua/ru/ljlive/10_faktov_o_ukraynu_vo_vtoroy_myrovoy_yly_uroky_dlya_potomkov_63269.html)

http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.ru/2015/04/500-000.html (http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.ru/2015/04/500-000.html)
http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.nl/2015/04/blog-post_94.html (http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.nl/2015/04/blog-post_94.html)
http://gulag.ipvnews.org.3s3s.org/article20070225.php?hc_location=ufi (http://gulag.ipvnews.org.3s3s.org/article20070225.php?hc_location=ufi)
http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.ru/2015/04/blog-post_24.html (http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.ru/2015/04/blog-post_24.html)

http://www.halychyna.ca/Chornohuz-on-Language.htm (http://www.halychyna.ca/Chornohuz-on-Language.htm)
http://www.ukrainiansoulfood.ca/toc-and-biblio.php (http://www.ukrainiansoulfood.ca/toc-and-biblio.php)
http://maidantranslations.com/2015/04/16/how-to-explain-to-a-european-why-russian-cannot-be-the-second-state-language-in-ukraine-freesavchenko (http://maidantranslations.com/2015/04/16/how-to-explain-to-a-european-why-russian-cannot-be-the-second-state-language-in-ukraine-freesavchenko)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Ukraine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Ukraine)

http://uainfo.org/blognews/398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html (http://uainfo.org/blognews/398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html)

Rusland is bang. Zoals de opening van de Oekraďense archieven zal invloed hebben op de RF-
http://argumentua.com/stati/rossiya-etogo-boitsya-kak-otkrytie-ukrainskikh-arkhivov-otrazitsya-na-rf?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=facebook (http://argumentua.com/stati/rossiya-etogo-boitsya-kak-otkrytie-ukrainskikh-arkhivov-otrazitsya-na-rf?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=facebook)

Word Rus is stolen from Ukraine, Russia= Moscovia, the leech of other 84 parts of RF, and not succesor of Soviet Union
https://www.bergbook.com/htdocs/Moscovia.htm (https://www.bergbook.com/htdocs/Moscovia.htm)
https://www.bergbook.com/htdocs/Cache324.htm (https://www.bergbook.com/htdocs/Cache324.htm)
http://www.atlassen.info/atlassen/atlassen.html (http://www.atlassen.info/atlassen/atlassen.html)
http://politolog.net/analytics/slabonervnym-ne-chitat-vospominaniya-zhertv-krasnogo-terrora-na-zapadnoj-ukraine/ (http://politolog.net/analytics/slabonervnym-ne-chitat-vospominaniya-zhertv-krasnogo-terrora-na-zapadnoj-ukraine/)
http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/istoriya/4608-slabonervnym-ne-chitat-vospominaniya-zhertv-krasnogo-terrora-na-zapadnoj-ukraine (http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/istoriya/4608-slabonervnym-ne-chitat-vospominaniya-zhertv-krasnogo-terrora-na-zapadnoj-ukraine)
http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.ru/2015/04/1943.html (http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.ru/2015/04/1943.html)

http://vsviti.com.ua/ukraine/34575 (http://vsviti.com.ua/ukraine/34575)
http://spadok.org.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=466%3A2015-04-05-22-13-19&catid=65%3A2014-01-08-21-46-30&Itemid=108&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+org%2FvvbTk+%28%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%B4%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0+%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BA%D1%96%D0%B2%29&utm_content=FaceBook (http://spadok.org.ua/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=466%3A2015-04-05-22-13-19&catid=65%3A2014-01-08-21-46-30&Itemid=108&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+org%2FvvbTk+%28%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%B4%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0+%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BA%D1%96%D0%B2%29&utm_content=FaceBook)
http://worldinfo.org/2012/01/the-holodomor-in-ukraine-and-food-insecurity-today-implications-for-the-media-ngos-and-international-organizations/ (http://worldinfo.org/2012/01/the-holodomor-in-ukraine-and-food-insecurity-today-implications-for-the-media-ngos-and-international-organizations/)
http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/04/07/russia-and-russian-nation-owe-their-existence-to-the-mongols-kalmyk-emigre-eurasianist-argued/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/04/07/russia-and-russian-nation-owe-their-existence-to-the-mongols-kalmyk-emigre-eurasianist-argued/)
http://patrioty.org.ua/okrovavlennyie-tela-i-luzhi-krovi-u-moskvi-pokazali-shho-zrobili-z-debaltseve-foto/ (http://patrioty.org.ua/okrovavlennyie-tela-i-luzhi-krovi-u-moskvi-pokazali-shho-zrobili-z-debaltseve-foto/)

http://fakeoff.org/history/stalinskie-palachi-rekordsmeny (http://fakeoff.org/history/stalinskie-palachi-rekordsmeny)
http://ukropua.blogspot.nl/2015/04/18_15.html (http://ukropua.blogspot.nl/2015/04/18_15.html) rus in chennya

http://rozum.info/news/2015-03-28-394 (http://rozum.info/news/2015-03-28-394)
Is it true that in 1917-1918 the Ukrainian borders were formed by the Soviet Ukraine, that is, the Bolsheviks?
http://patrioty.org.ua/rossiyu-osnovala-orda-yevraziyets-vnis-yasnist-u-deyaki-istorichni-momenti-foto/ (http://patrioty.org.ua/rossiyu-osnovala-orda-yevraziyets-vnis-yasnist-u-deyaki-istorichni-momenti-foto/)

http://politolog.net/analytics/lend-liz-kak-proklyatye-pindosy-spasli-dedov-sssr-vo-vtoroj-mirovoj-vojne-foto/ (http://politolog.net/analytics/lend-liz-kak-proklyatye-pindosy-spasli-dedov-sssr-vo-vtoroj-mirovoj-vojne-foto/)
http://www.radiosvoboda.org/content/article/26957848.html (http://www.radiosvoboda.org/content/article/26957848.html)

Barbarijse stal de geschiedenis van het Kievse Rijk-Oekraďne. VERSLAG Doctor voor Historische Wetenschappen
http://uainfo.org/blognews/398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html (http://uainfo.org/blognews/398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html)
http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/istoriya/4684-risunki-iz-gulaga-18-polnaya-versiya-slabonervnym-ne-smotret (http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/istoriya/4684-risunki-iz-gulaga-18-polnaya-versiya-slabonervnym-ne-smotret)

http://man-with-dogs.livejournal.com/807232.html (http://man-with-dogs.livejournal.com/807232.html) Documents about execution of little children in USSR (russian)
http://larrigrimm.livejournal.com/16905.html (http://larrigrimm.livejournal.com/16905.html)
http://fakeoff.org/war/voennye-prestupleniya-sovetskikh-partizan-v-belorussii-pribaltike-i-finlyandii (http://fakeoff.org/war/voennye-prestupleniya-sovetskikh-partizan-v-belorussii-pribaltike-i-finlyandii)
http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/istoriya/4424-pozornye-stranitsy-istorii-rossii-kak-my-ubivali-prosto-tak (http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/istoriya/4424-pozornye-stranitsy-istorii-rossii-kak-my-ubivali-prosto-tak)

Катерина Єфіменко
5 апреля 305 лет назад
Пилип Орлик в Бендерах подписал первую украинскую Конституцию (1710)
5 апреля 1710 г. на собрании казачества в Бендерах был принят документ, определяющий права и обязанности гетмана, - «Договоры и Постановление Прав и вольностей Войска Запорожского». В результате, именно он считается историками первой украинской Конституцией.
После поражения под Полтавой гетман И. Мазепа вместе со своими казаками, спасаясь от российской армии, оказались в Османской империи на территории современной Молдовы. Но внезапно гетман умирает, и его вероятным преемником становится писарь Пилип Орлик. Во время его избрания на совете старейшин был принят документ, написанный на староукраинском и латинском языках, который регламентировал права и обязанности всех членов Войска Запорожского. Первая Конституция состояла из преамбулы и еще 16 статей. Согласно ее положениям, законодательная власть в Украине отныне принадлежала Генеральной Раде, в которую входили генеральные старшины, гражданские полковники от городов, генеральные советники, полковые старшины, сотники и представители от Запорожской Сечи. На своих сессиях она должна была обсуждать и принимать решения относительно безопасности страны, ее общего блага и других общественных дел. Высшая исполнительная власть Украины передавалась гетману. Кроме того, границы страны устанавливались в пределах земель, согласованных Зборовским договором 1649 г., а государственной религией провозглашалось православие.
По мнению историков, Конституция П. Орлика стала значительным достижением украинской общественно-политической мысли второй пол. XVII - нач. XVIII в. Однако, действенным документом она так и не стала, ведь значительную часть Украины освободить в этот период из-под власти Москвы так и не удалось.
http://www.calendarium.com.ua/pilip_orlik_v_benderah_podpis (http://www.calendarium.com.ua/pilip_orlik_v_benderah_podpis)…
http://www.lucorg.com/block.php/block_id/26/lang/ua (http://www.lucorg.com/block.php/block_id/26/lang/ua)
http://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CF%E8%EB%E8%EF_%CE%F0%EB%E8%EA (http://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CF%E8%EB%E8%EF_%CE%F0%EB%E8%EA)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pylyp_Orlyk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pylyp_Orlyk)

gesprek met trotski
http://v-n-zb.livejournal.com/8110204.html (http://v-n-zb.livejournal.com/8110204.html)

http://avmalgin.livejournal.com/1666500.html?thread=35972036 (http://avmalgin.livejournal.com/1666500.html?thread=35972036) katyn

http://vsviti.com.ua/interesting/society/31910 (http://vsviti.com.ua/interesting/society/31910) rus aint'rus
http://www.aratta-ukraine.com/symbol_ua.php?id=1 (http://www.aratta-ukraine.com/symbol_ua.php?id=1)

http://texty.org.ua/pg/news/textynewseditor/read/52869/NjuJorkska_biblioteka_vyklala_u_vilnyj_dostup_20?fb_action_ids=281756375321504&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B1391362884475815%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.likes%22%5D&action_ref_map (http://texty.org.ua/pg/news/textynewseditor/read/52869/NjuJorkska_biblioteka_vyklala_u_vilnyj_dostup_20?fb_action_ids=281756375321504&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B1391362884475815%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.likes%22%5D&action_ref_map)

http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/u-sviti/4152-60-let-nazad-sssr-provel-operatsiyu-snezhok-pogibli-43-000-sovetskikh-soldat (http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/u-sviti/4152-60-let-nazad-sssr-provel-operatsiyu-snezhok-pogibli-43-000-sovetskikh-soldat)
http://starkiev.com/%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%B2-1861-%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%85-%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%8E%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%85/ (http://starkiev.com/%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%B2-1861-%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%85-%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%8E%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%85/)

http://tarasiy.webnode.com.ua/statt%D1%96/moskov%D1%96ya-xv-xvii-st-2/ (http://tarasiy.webnode.com.ua/statt%D1%96/moskov%D1%96ya-xv-xvii-st-2/)
moscow prostitutie
http://upnorth.eu/sofi-oksanen-in-toronto-how-history-is-falsified-deportations-in-the-politics-of-russia-and-the-soviet-union/ (http://upnorth.eu/sofi-oksanen-in-toronto-how-history-is-falsified-deportations-in-the-politics-of-russia-and-the-soviet-union/)

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/30/opinion/moscows-twisted-history-lessons.html?smid=fb-share (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/30/opinion/moscows-twisted-history-lessons.html?smid=fb-share)
http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/03/blog-post_29.html (http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/03/blog-post_29.html)
 http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/03/1941.html (http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/03/1941.html)  russische wreedheden in duitsland
 http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.nl/2015/04/blog-post_7.html (http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.nl/2015/04/blog-post_7.html)
 http://ukrainki.kanalukraina.tv/yaroslavna (http://ukrainki.kanalukraina.tv/yaroslavna)
 http://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/op-ed/alexei-bayer-the-roots-of-russias-disdain-for-ukraine-384783.html (http://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/op-ed/alexei-bayer-the-roots-of-russias-disdain-for-ukraine-384783.html)
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/31/world/europe/russian-museum-seeks-a-warmer-adjective-for-ivan-the-terrible.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=mini-moth&region=top-stories-below&WT.nav=top-stories-below&_r=0 (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/31/world/europe/russian-museum-seeks-a-warmer-adjective-for-ivan-the-terrible.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=mini-moth&region=top-stories-below&WT.nav=top-stories-below&_r=0)

http://data.tsn.ua/files/Livre_en_anglais-libre.pdf (http://data.tsn.ua/files/Livre_en_anglais-libre.pdf)

http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/pnorris/Acrobat/Huntington_Clash.pdf (http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/pnorris/Acrobat/Huntington_Clash.pdf)  ?

http://victimsofcommunism.org/events/vigil-and-commemoration-of-1949-soviet-mass-deportations-of-the-baltics/ (http://victimsofcommunism.org/events/vigil-and-commemoration-of-1949-soviet-mass-deportations-of-the-baltics/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/03/21/russias-treatment-of-crimean-tatars-recalls-hitlers-treatment-of-jews-before-1938/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/03/21/russias-treatment-of-crimean-tatars-recalls-hitlers-treatment-of-jews-before-1938/)

http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/leaked-report-israel-acknowledges-jews-in-fact-khazars-secret-plan-for-reverse-migration-to-ukraine/ (http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/leaked-report-israel-acknowledges-jews-in-fact-khazars-secret-plan-for-reverse-migration-to-ukraine/)  ??
http://www.darkmoon.me/2013/top-israeli-scientist-says-ashkenazi-jews-came-from-khazaria-not-palestine/ (http://www.darkmoon.me/2013/top-israeli-scientist-says-ashkenazi-jews-came-from-khazaria-not-palestine/)
http://iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith_Rothschild.htm (http://iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith_Rothschild.htm)

http://euromaidanpr.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/#more-8788 (http://euromaidanpr.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/#more-8788)
http://maidantranslations.com/2014/05/13/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/comment-page-1/#comment-109169 (http://maidantranslations.com/2014/05/13/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/comment-page-1/#comment-109169)
http://fakeoff.org/history/pochemu-rossiyane-ne-russkie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya (http://fakeoff.org/history/pochemu-rossiyane-ne-russkie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya)

http://uainfo.org/blognews/398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html (http://uainfo.org/blognews/398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html)
history see others
http://elise.com.ua/?p=82946 (http://elise.com.ua/?p=82946)

http://www.ft.com/cms/s/a265820c-d4b3-11e4-8be8-00144feab7de,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2Fa265820c-d4b3-11e4-8be8-00144feab7de.html%3Fsiteedition%3Duk&siteedition=uk&_i_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F#axzz3VpfK7Aqm (http://www.ft.com/cms/s/a265820c-d4b3-11e4-8be8-00144feab7de,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2Fa265820c-d4b3-11e4-8be8-00144feab7de.html%3Fsiteedition%3Duk&siteedition=uk&_i_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F#axzz3VpfK7Aqm)
rst 400 years of russia is ukrainian history, russia as country doesn't excists its now RF then it was just north-Ukraine  they not even may call themselves rus cause that comes from river ros near Kyiv..they may call themselves moscovites or kremlins (sounds like gremlins from movie)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op juni 17, 2015, 12:57:17 pm
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=826323010777766&set=p.826323010777766&type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=826323010777766&set=p.826323010777766&type=1&theater)
http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/commonwealth/russia_auton96.jpg (http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/commonwealth/russia_auton96.jpg)
http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/commonwealth/ethnocaucasus.jpg (http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/commonwealth/ethnocaucasus.jpg)

Ukrainian language has survived 400 years of prohibition 134! So which language should be protected?
http://moishazasranetz.livejournal.com/19966.html (http://moishazasranetz.livejournal.com/19966.html)

The rape of Berlin http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-32529679 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-32529679)

http://www.businessinsider.com/russian-backed-rebels-are-re-writing-one-of-ukraines-worst-tragedies-2015-4 (http://www.businessinsider.com/russian-backed-rebels-are-re-writing-one-of-ukraines-worst-tragedies-2015-4)
http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/russia.htm (http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/russia.htm)
http://www.geographia.com/russia/rushis02.htm (http://www.geographia.com/russia/rushis02.htm)
not only example try find ukraine on this site, its included in russia !?
always believe opposite of kremlin/russian media, you can't go wrong with that
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ8WSuE_oa0#ws (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ8WSuE_oa0#ws)

http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc2/1918.map_unr.php (http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc2/1918.map_unr.php) geschiedenis Ukraine

Generaals - Marauders - als een overwinning verrijkt Sovjet militaire leiderschap

http://zgexpress.blogspot.nl/2015/05/blog-post_1.html (http://zgexpress.blogspot.nl/2015/05/blog-post_1.html)

Bilinguals get all the perks. Better job prospects, a cognitive boost and even protection against dementia. Now new research shows that they can also view the world in different ways depending on the specific language they are operating in.
The past 15 years have witnessed an overwhelming amount of research on the bilingual mind, with the majority of the evidence pointing to the tangible advantages of using more than one language. Going back and forth between languages appears to be a kind of brain training, pushing your brain to be flexible.
https://agenda.weforum.org/2015/04/how-the-language-you-speak-changes-your-view-of-the-world/?utm_content=buffer5d746&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer (https://agenda.weforum.org/2015/04/how-the-language-you-speak-changes-your-view-of-the-world/?utm_content=buffer5d746&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer)

http://ukrainegoodnews.com/pd_kivom_vdnovlyat_serednovchnu_kuxnyu_ta_zabut_gri.html (http://ukrainegoodnews.com/pd_kivom_vdnovlyat_serednovchnu_kuxnyu_ta_zabut_gri.html)

http://gorozhanin.dp.ua/bez-rubriki/5628-pravdivyj-film-o-vojne-zapreshhen-k-pokazu-na-rossijskix-telekanalax.html (http://gorozhanin.dp.ua/bez-rubriki/5628-pravdivyj-film-o-vojne-zapreshhen-k-pokazu-na-rossijskix-telekanalax.html)
http://krasview.ru/ (http://krasview.ru/)

http://romaninukraine.com/a-footnote-to-yalta-7-minutes-of-footage-tells-the-story-of-hundreds-of-thousand-soviet-refugees-repatriation-keelhaul/ (http://romaninukraine.com/a-footnote-to-yalta-7-minutes-of-footage-tells-the-story-of-hundreds-of-thousand-soviet-refugees-repatriation-keelhaul/)
http://joinfo.ua/sociaty/1088865_Razvedka-viyasnila-kakimi-shkolami-detsadami.html (http://joinfo.ua/sociaty/1088865_Razvedka-viyasnila-kakimi-shkolami-detsadami.html)

http://ua-today.com/news-from-ukraine/31786 (http://ua-today.com/news-from-ukraine/31786)

putins life http://uglich-jj.livejournal.com/88610.html (http://uglich-jj.livejournal.com/88610.html)

http://www.aboutru.com/2015/05/13597/ (http://www.aboutru.com/2015/05/13597/)  De verschrikkelijke waarheid van Bileam

http://www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/011214/22382/ (http://www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/011214/22382/)

10 facts on Ukraine during the Second World as a history lesson for future generations
http://rusjev.net/2015/04/29/10-faktov-ob-ukraine-vremen-vtoroy-mirovoy-kak-urok-istorii-dlya-potomkov/ (http://rusjev.net/2015/04/29/10-faktov-ob-ukraine-vremen-vtoroy-mirovoy-kak-urok-istorii-dlya-potomkov/)

http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/05/blog-post_4.html (http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/05/blog-post_4.html)

http://videochart.net/video/32397.37d8ff8a186a369f1d26fa7836db (http://videochart.net/video/32397.37d8ff8a186a369f1d26fa7836db)
Voor lyubitelіv Lenina, Stalіna USSR

Why Russians are afraid of the truth about World War II
Джерело: http://patrioty.org.ua/chomu-rosiyani-boyatsya-pravdi-pro-drugu-svitovu-viynu/ (http://patrioty.org.ua/chomu-rosiyani-boyatsya-pravdi-pro-drugu-svitovu-viynu/)

http://voronz.in.ua/recomend/5-5-15-25734 (http://voronz.in.ua/recomend/5-5-15-25734)

http://ar25.org/article/cygun-kagan-svitlovyy-potik-zhyttyedayna-energiya.html (http://ar25.org/article/cygun-kagan-svitlovyy-potik-zhyttyedayna-energiya.html)

http://www.currenttime.tv/contentlive/liveblog/26987514.html (http://www.currenttime.tv/contentlive/liveblog/26987514.html)

http://vlada.io/vlada_blog/5-naibolshih-prestupleniy-sovetskoy-vlasti-protiv-mirnogo-naseleniya-ukrainyi-vo-vremya-vtoroy-mirovoy-voynyi/ (http://vlada.io/vlada_blog/5-naibolshih-prestupleniy-sovetskoy-vlasti-protiv-mirnogo-naseleniya-ukrainyi-vo-vremya-vtoroy-mirovoy-voynyi/)

http://hyntaexpress.blogspot.com/2015/05/blog-post_11.html#.VVCMvI7tmko (http://hyntaexpress.blogspot.com/2015/05/blog-post_11.html#.VVCMvI7tmko)

http://www.dallastelegraph.com/58353 (http://www.dallastelegraph.com/58353)
"Immortal Regiment" - fake?

http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc2/1933.Gestapo.php (http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc2/1933.Gestapo.php)

http://voronz.in.ua/recomend/11-5-15-25831 (http://voronz.in.ua/recomend/11-5-15-25831)

http://zgexpress.blogspot.com/2015/05/blog-post_39.html (http://zgexpress.blogspot.com/2015/05/blog-post_39.html)

http://poglyad.te.ua/podii/yak-patrioty-ternopilschyny-dobrovilno-jshly-na-front-foto/ (http://poglyad.te.ua/podii/yak-patrioty-ternopilschyny-dobrovilno-jshly-na-front-foto/)

http://patrioty.org.ua/myi-vdesyaterom-nasilovali-nemetskuyu-dvenadtsatiletnyuyu-devochku-shokuyuchi-spogadi-veterana-drugoyi-svitovoyi/ (http://patrioty.org.ua/myi-vdesyaterom-nasilovali-nemetskuyu-dvenadtsatiletnyuyu-devochku-shokuyuchi-spogadi-veterana-drugoyi-svitovoyi/)
"We are ten men raped German twelve year old girl

http://novynyuk.blogspot.com/2015/05/9_11.html (http://novynyuk.blogspot.com/2015/05/9_11.html)

http://www.theguardian.com/books/2002/may/01/news.features11?CMP=share_btn_fb (http://www.theguardian.com/books/2002/may/01/news.features11?CMP=share_btn_fb)
'They raped every German female from eight to 80'

http://ehorussia.com/new/node/9351 (http://ehorussia.com/new/node/9351)

http://www.5.ua/video/Bez-lapshi-Shcho-prykhovuie-Rosiia-pro-II-Svitovu-viinu-79852.html (http://www.5.ua/video/Bez-lapshi-Shcho-prykhovuie-Rosiia-pro-II-Svitovu-viinu-79852.html)

http://zgexpress.blogspot.com/2015/05/blog-post_39.html (http://zgexpress.blogspot.com/2015/05/blog-post_39.html)

http://gazeta.ua/articles/mova-zavtra/_kiyanin-po-punktah-poyasniv-chomu-i-yak-varto-perehoditi-na-ukrayinsku-movu/582594 (http://gazeta.ua/articles/mova-zavtra/_kiyanin-po-punktah-poyasniv-chomu-i-yak-varto-perehoditi-na-ukrayinsku-movu/582594)
http://shadowsofaforgottenworld.blogspot.nl/2015/04/vanishing-galician-accent-sound-of.html (http://shadowsofaforgottenworld.blogspot.nl/2015/04/vanishing-galician-accent-sound-of.html)

http://fakeoff.org/history/georgiy-zhukov-obmundirovyvat-i-vooruzhat-etikh-khokhlov-vse-oni-predateli-chem-bolshe-v-dnepre-potopim-tem-menshe-v-sibir-posle-voyny-ssylat (http://fakeoff.org/history/georgiy-zhukov-obmundirovyvat-i-vooruzhat-etikh-khokhlov-vse-oni-predateli-chem-bolshe-v-dnepre-potopim-tem-menshe-v-sibir-posle-voyny-ssylat)

A bit of US-Ukrainian history from 95 years ago...
This is the original 1920 memorandum requesting the US Government to recognize the young Ukrainian People's Republic as a free state after the fall of the Russian Empire (electronically published by Project Gutenberg). Please note the borders of Ukraine in 1920. They reflected the distribution of Ukrainian population. Beside including the Donbas and the Crimea, in the east, the country extended far into what is now the Russian Federation.
http://www.gutenberg.org/files/33551/33551-h/33551-h.htm (http://www.gutenberg.org/files/33551/33551-h/33551-h.htm)

http://www.uapost.us/news/vystavka-pro-pereselennya-rosiyan-u-vymerli-vid-golodomoru-ukrayinsjki-sela/ (http://www.uapost.us/news/vystavka-pro-pereselennya-rosiyan-u-vymerli-vid-golodomoru-ukrayinsjki-sela/)

http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/u-sviti/3949-u-1931-rotsi-v-srsr-ukrajintsiv-bulo-bilshe-nizh-rosiyan-za-nashu-i-vashu-volyu (http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/u-sviti/3949-u-1931-rotsi-v-srsr-ukrajintsiv-bulo-bilshe-nizh-rosiyan-za-nashu-i-vashu-volyu)

n 1931, the Soviet Union was more Ukrainian than Russian. For our and your will
In 1931, the Soviet Union was more Ukrainian than Russian. For six years disappeared 55 million. This figure is stated in the book "The velikoy Stroyko", published in 1931 in Leningrad. Similar data submitted in the first Soviet Encyclopedia 1926.

No of encyclopedias or books not in any library in Ukraine. It was possible to look "at the Great Stroyko" in Moscow. We sent a copy, which is clearly visible numbers 81 million. Note that this does not come Ukrainian Galicia, which was part of Poland. For the next census in 1937 indicates that Ukrainian in the USSR is 26 million. - Where are the rest? Knowing these figures appear even worse repression of the 1930s.
And now Russia does not rest, continue to destroy our people.
The question is already so, or we will win the support of the international community, or they destroy us and will continue as is in the wild hordes of fascist laws rashystiv.
------ -------------------------------------------------- -----------
And today we are fighting werewolves descendants of Hitler and Stalin

Source: http://ukrainamir.blogspot.ru (http://ukrainamir.blogspot.ru)

http://ukrainamir.blogspot.com/2015/03/1931.html (http://ukrainamir.blogspot.com/2015/03/1931.html)

https://www.facebook.com/ExploringUkraine/photos/pcb.441414669352735/441414529352749/?type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/ExploringUkraine/photos/pcb.441414669352735/441414529352749/?type=1&theater)
http://ua.stonegrave.org (http://ua.stonegrave.org)
Nationale historische en archeologische reserve "stenen grave"

Rivier tijd hun Amerikaanse menselijke prestatie "ceremonies". Alles wat we nu hebben wat we hebben bereikt in de technologische vooruitgang, werd gelegd in de oudheid. Eeuwenoude menselijke verlangen naar cognitie is uitgegroeid tot een noodzaak als lucht, net als het leven zelf, ingeschakeld door de wetenschap over het verleden – Archeologie, sluipen in deze onbekende wereld en te herkennen zijn vele geheimen.

In de uitgestrekte steppe in de buurt van dorp Myrne Melitopol rayon van Zaporizhzhia oblast eenzaam en majestueuze staat steen Hill... meer Obvětreně voor miljoenen jaren, obroslě groen-grijze korstmossen blokken zandsteen gevarieerd en fantastisch voor contouren die wekt de indruk van een stille Majesteit. Sinds de oudheid mensen genaamd Hill een steen graf. Waarom het graf? Omdat mens jagers, herders en zemlerobcě wist dat hoge terpen is de steppe de graven van voorouders.

Vele legendes samengesteld over dit wonder van de natuur. En hier is een van hen: iets Bogatyr Bogur vóór Allah schuldig was, en hij gestraft het: geordende scheur zijn handen uit in de buurt van berg krâžu stenen en componeren met hen aan de oever van de borst mount dergelijke hoogten aan haar in alle richtingen was zichtbaar voor de steppe. Die voldoen aan de wil van Allah, Bogur trok uit krâžu enorme stenen, doorstaan ze zelf en die ze in een opgegeven plaats op elkaar zijn geformuleerd. Als u wilt liever de klus, was hij op de trucs van de handel: de stenen heeft geformuleerd. Meer dan de helft van het werk al was gedaan toen Bogur, waardoor het uitstellen van het volgende blok, struikelde en viel in een van de ostavlenih hen tussen stenen scheuren, zav'âz er en stierf van de honger. Een dergelijke straf overkwam hem willen bedriegen van Allah. Allah beval de wind vulling zand van alle de scheuren en betrekking hebben op het lichaam van de held, waarvan botten nog steeds er zijn.

Echter, het graf steen is een zuiver natuurlijke formaties. De hoogte van de heuvel bereikt in onze dagen 12 meter. De 15 hectare van het gebied is ongeveer 3 duizend platen.

Het is niet chaotische heap van zandsteen platen en stenen wapenrusting, die samengevouwen, en zijn grotten en grotten hebben bewezen als zeer nuttig voor religieuze doeleinden. "Heilige berg", een plek van de bedevaart was een heuvel Stone graven voor onze verre voorouders. Voor vele millennia, hier kwam de oude jagers, nomaden, tal van mensen: Cimmeriërs, Scythen, Sarmaten, Goten, Hunnen, Chazaren, Petsjenegen, Povlotsen,... Iedereen die hier kwam, vond een afgelegen plek, idiosyncratische oltar gemaakt en uitgevoerd religieuze ceremonies.

In de grotten en grotten de ouden links verscheidene duizend tekeningen – petroglěfěv (uit het Grieks: "snijwerk op steen"). In principe werden tekeningen toegepast op de zandsteen niet verven, als, bijvoorbeeld, in Frankrijk of in de zuidelijke Oeral en protiralisâ solide steen. Zij vormden de reces, die slechts af en toe waren bedekt met zwarte of rode kleuren. Chronologie van de petroglěfěv heeft betrekking op de enorme periode uit het paleolithische tijdperk tot de Middeleeuwen.

Stone graf, in de buurt van de stad van Melitopol, de fenomenale zelf in menselijk begrip. Ze davněša op alle zěkurati noorden, Stonehenge en de piramides. Dus het was voor vele jaren de "Mekka" van de oude priesters van grote steppe, die hier voor heilige tekenen van hun godsdienst liet... meer

Stone graf uitgevoerd functies «World Mountain als Mount Olympus in het oude Griekenland. Savannah Hill-is een soort model van de wereld in die bloot de essentie van kosmische structuur, dat wil zeggen de ingang aan de onderkant, het hiernamaals. Aan de andere kant, is de steen graf een soort tempel, die verenigt drie werelden-hemel, aarde en de metro. En deze rol pěskovikovij heuvel uitgevoerd vele millennia... meer

Stone graf-tempel van onze patrimonium en spiritualiteit, is bewaard gebleven in het zuiden van Oekraďne, waar de focus niet de enige is rotstekeningen en prachtige foto's – měfologemně werkt, maar ook opgeslagen de eerste exemplaren van het schrijven, welke svědotstvuűt′ over hoge cultuur van onze voorouders.

Presidentiële decreet No. 815, gedateerd 10 September 2008. historische en archeologische reserve "stenen grave" kreeg de status van nationaal.

These are parts in English taken from articles this post .Hope everyone reads about this=======" In Lviv near mountain town Skole searchers have found a mass grave UPA fighters and civilians.As noted, given that the area that they have just begun to examine, researchers suggest that the remains of people killed by the KGB more can be found.....By law, the fighters for independence of Ukraine in the XX century recognized those who participated in all forms of political, armed and other collective and individual struggle for independence of Ukraine in the XX century as part of particular organizations such structures and formations as liberation Union Ukraine, Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, UNR, Hetmanate, WUPR Carpathian Sich, UPA, OUN Soim Carpathian Ukraine, Ukrainian Helsinki Union and so on..........=====Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law "On the legal status and honor the memory of fighters for Ukraine's independence in the twentieth century" is not "anti-Polish" and "anti-Soviet."This is stated in the article of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Groisman published in Polish "Gazeta Wyborcza".
The article is a translation of which Groisman page on Facebook, emphasized that the joint Ukrainian and Polish struggle for freedom must provide consent, mutual trust and reconciliation - in particular in the historical past.
"The most offensive that the last factor is constantly subject of manipulation aimed at undermining solidarity Ukraine and Poland" - said Groisman. According to him, any propaganda influence in matters of history "absolutely gives the expected destructive effect."=======In Kozova Ternopil region accidentally found a can of archival documents of the Security Service of the Ukrainian nationalists.
Here is information about more than 100 people killed insurgents. Overall a very well preserved documents, which rarely happens in such cases. They are sorted, numbered, neatly stacked, clear them engaged some rebel archivist. Newspapers, which are wrapped in bundles of documents dating from autumn 1949, so most likely during this period and buried in the ground can of Archives "- said in a statement.
http://www.unian.ua/society/1078375-u-karpatah-znayshli-masove-pohovannya-biytsiv-upa-ta-tsivilnogo-naselennya.html (http://www.unian.ua/society/1078375-u-karpatah-znayshli-masove-pohovannya-biytsiv-upa-ta-tsivilnogo-naselennya.html)
http://www.unian.ua/society/1057935-arhiv-slujbi-bezpeki-oun-vidkopali-na-ternopilschini-foto.html (http://www.unian.ua/society/1057935-arhiv-slujbi-bezpeki-oun-vidkopali-na-ternopilschini-foto.html)
http://www.unian.ua/politics/1072659-ukrajinskiy-zakon-pro-gerojiv-oun-ta-upa-e-antiradyanskim-a-ne-antipolskim-groysman.html (http://www.unian.ua/politics/1072659-ukrajinskiy-zakon-pro-gerojiv-oun-ta-upa-e-antiradyanskim-a-ne-antipolskim-groysman.html)

http://fakeoff.org/history/rossiyu-osnovala-orda#.VVSF_QSW0oV.facebook (http://fakeoff.org/history/rossiyu-osnovala-orda#.VVSF_QSW0oV.facebook)
http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/national-history.pdf (http://www.taraskuzio.net/Nation%20and%20State%20Building_files/national-history.pdf)
This why russia does the things she does , misperception...RF consists of more then just russians, as was in USSR
http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21651265-well-shells-and-rockets-ukraine-afflicted-struggle-over-its-past-fighting?zid=307&ah=5e80419d1bc9821ebe173f4f0f060a07 (http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21651265-well-shells-and-rockets-ukraine-afflicted-struggle-over-its-past-fighting?zid=307&ah=5e80419d1bc9821ebe173f4f0f060a07)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Russia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Russia)
http://sprotyv.info/node/18086 (http://sprotyv.info/node/18086)
http://ipvnews.net/?p=3839 (http://ipvnews.net/?p=3839)

Ever wonder why eastern/southern Ukraine has so many Russian residents today?
On May 15, 2015, the National Museum "Memorial to Victims of Holodomor in Ukraine" opens a documentary exhibition that provides evidence that communist authorities relocated Russian citizens to the Ukrainian villages devastated by famine in southern and eastern Ukraine in 1933-1934.

http://artukraine.com.ua/n/vistavka-pro-pereselennya-rosiyan-u-vimerli-vid-golodomoru-ukrainski-sela/#.VVRcjCITPwk.facebook (http://artukraine.com.ua/n/vistavka-pro-pereselennya-rosiyan-u-vimerli-vid-golodomoru-ukrainski-sela/#.VVRcjCITPwk.facebook)

http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc2/1918(05)15.financial.php (http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc2/1918(05)15.financial.php)

http://uacrisis.org/crimea-5/ (http://uacrisis.org/crimea-5/)

In societies where democratic mechanisms do not work well, the difference between state and country is significant. Olena Bilozerska, one of the "Right Sector" speakers, shared the article "About Difference Between State And Country" which can be considered a textbook example. We give the full story as its subject is hard to perceive and it always causes "flaming" even in pro-Ukrainian web communities.
Once counterintelligence of one of volunteer battalions caught "senior official" of the "DPR". He was transferred to the Security Service of Ukraine, but before that he was brought for interrogation to a base of Volunteer Corps "Right Sector".
As the interrogation was conducted courteously, without violence or threats of physical violence, the detainee behaved in a self confident and impudent way - like a man convinced that he was right and those who opposed him were absolutely wrong. He said that at his post he was just helping people, and refused to give information our side was interested in.
However, after a few hours he told all that he knew. The most interesting is how and why it happened.
When the detained was once again brought out on a smoke break, the "investigator" in his presence in warm blood called motherf*** one of the highest state leaders of Ukraine.
The reaction of the "inhabitant of the New Russia" was worth seeing. His jaw "said hello" to the floor. He start blinking and almost trembled: "How?.. How is it - a motherf***? He is yours.. You're fighting for them!"
"Sure he is a motherf***," easily agreed the "investigator" and the fighters of the "Right Sector" present on the smoke break, "X is motherf***, and Y is motherf***, and Z is motherf*** too. Bitches they are, rot of the country, venal hucksters with no respect for people."
"So we speak the same language?? Why are we fighting against each other then? I went to the DPR as I didn't want these motherf***s to rule me."
"You went to the DPR because you are a traitor of your Native land, because Ukraine is an empty word for you. The authority and the country is the same thing for you. But the authorities will change in a few years, and the country will remain. And we will not let those like you and your Moscow owners to ruin it."
After that the Russian collaborator sat for a long time dejectedly, then he asked for paper and began to write everything he knew.
http://wwst.in.ua/stories/about-difference-between-state-and-country/ (http://wwst.in.ua/stories/about-difference-between-state-and-country/)

http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/istoriya/4750-izobretatelem-gazovykh-dushegubok-byl-ne-gitler-a-kommunisty-iz-nkvd-video (http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/istoriya/4750-izobretatelem-gazovykh-dushegubok-byl-ne-gitler-a-kommunisty-iz-nkvd-video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_LB8YhLtv8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_LB8YhLtv8)
Julia M. Kharlamov. 24 oktober 1989 geboren in Chabarovsk, Rusland
Nacistka. Arijka. Russisch. Verdediger van alle Rusland en het Russische volk van de duistere krachten (met) "En en Gorinich". Luister naar Satanic muziek, strugaet idolen en verzamelt foto's ALA "Heil Hitler". In World War III, die heeft een regelmatige samenvattingen en posten met succes betrokken geweest.
http://kocmoc.livejournal.com/89703.html?thread=1948775 (http://kocmoc.livejournal.com/89703.html?thread=1948775)
http://ru-nordica.livejournal.com/profile?admins=owner (http://ru-nordica.livejournal.com/profile?admins=owner)
http://yablor.ru/blogs/nyashnaya-desantnica/4389078 (http://yablor.ru/blogs/nyashnaya-desantnica/4389078)
http://forum.baginya.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=27&start=4475 (http://forum.baginya.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=27&start=4475)
http://www.relict.metalmania.ru/lof (http://www.relict.metalmania.ru/lof)…/index.php/t19-1000.html
http://yablor.ru/blogs/nyashnaya-desantnica/4389078 (http://yablor.ru/blogs/nyashnaya-desantnica/4389078)
https://www.facebook.com/uharlamova (https://www.facebook.com/uharlamova)

Debates about how close Vladimir Putin’s regime approximates fascism or Nazism are intensifying, with some pointing to the enormous similarities between his Russia and the Italy of Mussolini and the Germany of Hitler and others arguing that there is still a great deal that sets them apart.
Both sides of this argument have some evidence, but with each passing month it seems some of the uglier features not only of fascism but of National Socialism. The latest and in some ways the most frightening is the argument advanced by United Russia Duma deputy and Ph.D. in history Vyacheslav Nikonov that Russian children must be taught about “the Great Russian Aryan Race.”

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/05/17/new-russian-textbooks-must-stress-existence-of-great-russian-aryan-race-duma-deputy-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/05/17/new-russian-textbooks-must-stress-existence-of-great-russian-aryan-race-duma-deputy-says/)

http://zgexpress.blogspot.nl/2015/05/blog-post_91.html (http://zgexpress.blogspot.nl/2015/05/blog-post_91.html)

Herinneringen van de Sovjet-veteranen - Duitse vrouwen verkracht

http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/4d9cf5c8a7a8a/ (http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/4d9cf5c8a7a8a/)

Ukraine: the biggest problem in Europe. Performance in London in 1939

http://ar25.org/article/rozgadano-tayemnyy-sens-gerba-ukrayinskoyi-derzhavy.html (http://ar25.org/article/rozgadano-tayemnyy-sens-gerba-ukrayinskoyi-derzhavy.html)

Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Life i situated near by Vysokyi Zamok (High Castle) in beautiful park - Shevchenkivsy Gai on North -East part of the Lviv city. The museum have been created by the ethnographic principle in 1971. Main aim of the museum is conservation of the wooden folk architecture, everyday life artifacts, art artifacts from all ethnographic zones. Every zone consist different objects - buildings, practical and manufactory buildings from last three centuries. The museum is one of the biggest open-air museum in Europe nowadays. Every object consist special and authentic interiors and it gives full imagination of daily life, work and leisure of the Western Ukrainian village.
The museum consist 105 of folk architecture objects. Among them presented oldest church from Kruvka village (1749), other objects buildings from 1792, 1812, 1846, 1860, as well as wind mill, oil manufactory, pottery.

http://en.lvivskansen.org/ (http://en.lvivskansen.org/)

http://www.radiosvoboda.mobi/a/27018943.html (http://www.radiosvoboda.mobi/a/27018943.html)

http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/istoriya/5258-u-1187-r-u-ipatijivskomu-litopisi-vpershe-z-yavilos-slovo-ukrajina (http://lifeinvest.com.ua/index.php/istoriya/5258-u-1187-r-u-ipatijivskomu-litopisi-vpershe-z-yavilos-slovo-ukrajina)

ukrainse taal basis voor russisch
http://lenta-ua.livejournal.com/3141146.html (http://lenta-ua.livejournal.com/3141146.html)
http://tipa-bandera.livejournal.com/16933.html (http://tipa-bandera.livejournal.com/16933.html)
http://revo-ukraine.livejournal.com/257516.html (http://revo-ukraine.livejournal.com/257516.html)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruthenian_language (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruthenian_language)

http://www.huri.harvard.edu/news/news-from-huri/213-2015-petryshyn-lecture.html (http://www.huri.harvard.edu/news/news-from-huri/213-2015-petryshyn-lecture.html)

http://www.brookings.edu/blogs/brookings-now/posts/2015/05/21-ukraine-maps#.VV5XsPrjwCg.facebook (http://www.brookings.edu/blogs/brookings-now/posts/2015/05/21-ukraine-maps#.VV5XsPrjwCg.facebook)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-general/elfdalian-ancient-viking-forest-language-sweden-set-be-revived-003093#ixzz3ancmXSto (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-general/elfdalian-ancient-viking-forest-language-sweden-set-be-revived-003093#ixzz3ancmXSto)

http://tarasiy.webnode.com.ua/statt%D1%96/moskov%D1%96ya-xv-xvii-st-2/rozd%D1%96l-1-zvichai/zvichai-rozd%D1%96l-1-zolota-kl%D1%96tka-/ (http://tarasiy.webnode.com.ua/statt%D1%96/moskov%D1%96ya-xv-xvii-st-2/rozd%D1%96l-1-zvichai/zvichai-rozd%D1%96l-1-zolota-kl%D1%96tka-/)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftarasiy.webnode.com.ua%2Fstatt%25D1%2596%2Fmoskov%25D1%2596ya-xv-xvii-st-2%2Fperedmova%2F&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftarasiy.webnode.com.ua%2Fstatt%25D1%2596%2Fmoskov%25D1%2596ya-xv-xvii-st-2%2Fperedmova%2F&edit-text=)

http://www.day.kiev.ua/uk/article/ukrayina-incognita/dorogi-i-hrami-monomaha (http://www.day.kiev.ua/uk/article/ukrayina-incognita/dorogi-i-hrami-monomaha)

http://voronz.in.ua/recomend/23-5-15-26073 (http://voronz.in.ua/recomend/23-5-15-26073)

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvsviti.com.ua%2Fukraine%2F38207&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvsviti.com.ua%2Fukraine%2F38207&edit-text=)  rutherina language

100 Ukrainian literature
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdivannaya-sotnya.com.ua%2FYoda%2520Master%2F100-naykraschih-shedevrv-ukransko-lteraturi.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdivannaya-sotnya.com.ua%2FYoda%2520Master%2F100-naykraschih-shedevrv-ukransko-lteraturi.html&edit-text=)

http://www.themoscowtimes.com/arts_n_ideas/article/7-soviet-sci-fi-films-that-everyone-should-see/521071.html (http://www.themoscowtimes.com/arts_n_ideas/article/7-soviet-sci-fi-films-that-everyone-should-see/521071.html)

http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2591541.html (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2591541.html)
http://sprotyv.info/node/18086 (http://sprotyv.info/node/18086)

How Belorussians and Ukrainians Celebrate Malanka new year
http://www.slavorum.org/how-belorussian-and-ukrainians-celebrate-malanka/ (http://www.slavorum.org/how-belorussian-and-ukrainians-celebrate-malanka/)

http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2605752.html (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2605752.html)

http://ukrainianchi.com/brief-history-ukraines-churches/ (http://ukrainianchi.com/brief-history-ukraines-churches/)

http://5165news.com/world/%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BC%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B5-%D0%B8-%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B8/ (http://5165news.com/world/%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BC%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B5-%D0%B8-%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B8/)
armenian and jews

http://svitua.org/index.php/tsikavo/chudasii/item/2837-lehenda-pro-vyshyvanku (http://svitua.org/index.php/tsikavo/chudasii/item/2837-lehenda-pro-vyshyvanku)
history embrodyery

http://www.theguardian.com/science/commentisfree/2015/may/24/business-genetic-ancestry-charlemagne-adam-rutherford?CMP=ema_565 (http://www.theguardian.com/science/commentisfree/2015/may/24/business-genetic-ancestry-charlemagne-adam-rutherford?CMP=ema_565)
http://www.nature.com/news/most-europeans-share-recent-ancestors-1.12950 (http://www.nature.com/news/most-europeans-share-recent-ancestors-1.12950)
http://www.nature.com/news/ancestry-testing-goes-for-pinpoint-accuracy-1.10785 (http://www.nature.com/news/ancestry-testing-goes-for-pinpoint-accuracy-1.10785)

http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2010/12/3/7410/ (http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2010/12/3/7410/)

In occupied Crimea found a sunken 125-meter Byzantine ship May 26 at 19:15
Больше читайте здесь: http://zn.ua/UKRAINE/v-okkupirovannom-krymu-obnaruzhen-zatonuvshiy-125-metrovyy-vizantiyskiy-korabl-177420_.html (http://zn.ua/UKRAINE/v-okkupirovannom-krymu-obnaruzhen-zatonuvshiy-125-metrovyy-vizantiyskiy-korabl-177420_.html)
http://www.5.ua/dyvohliad/Na-dni-Chornoho-moria-znaishly-zatonulyi-vizantiiskyi-korabel-81788.html (http://www.5.ua/dyvohliad/Na-dni-Chornoho-moria-znaishly-zatonulyi-vizantiiskyi-korabel-81788.html)

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=442379679255069&set=a.186448001514906.1073741828.100004491213637&type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=442379679255069&set=a.186448001514906.1073741828.100004491213637&type=1&theater)

Olena Anykiyenko-Yaburova
12 uur ·

day and night from the space

I've designed a 24hour clock/yearcalender depicting that, besides, seasons, starsigns, birthdays.. equinoxes, day/night will be Ukrainian colors, makes more sense to me then using 12 hour clocks, are 24 hours in a day....learned a lot of time/day notations, egypt had 3 weeks of 10 days, 12 months and at end 5 days of feast, BUT that year started when Nile flooded, so half in the year, btw they uses a 12 hour sundial and a 12 hour waterclock for night, thats where ours come from.

http://icelandmonitor.mbl.is/news/politics_and_society/2015/05/27/pirates_still_sailing_high/ (http://icelandmonitor.mbl.is/news/politics_and_society/2015/05/27/pirates_still_sailing_high/)

https://www.facebook.com/ukraine2world/photos/a.875998102434004.1073741828.875445435822604/978768012157012/?type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/ukraine2world/photos/a.875998102434004.1073741828.875445435822604/978768012157012/?type=1&theater)

Weer een nagel in de doodskist van de legende van "de grote Russische beschaving" is zeer te vertellen geschiedenis met het begin van typografie in Rusland. Als het gaat om deze vraag doet denken aan het verhaal van vele beroemde mensen, waaronder de volynsk Prins Konstantin Konstantinovich Ostrog. Met zijn naam gekoppeld aan de vooruitgang van de beschaving, zoals de publicatie van de eerste volledige Church Slavonic Bijbel en de eerste gedrukte exemplaar van Church Slavonic grammatica. Afdrukken nam plaats de beroemde boek printer Ivan Fyodorov, die liep de stad van Moskou, verbergen uit de boeken KOPIISTEN (!). De Ostrog Bijbel werd samengesteld met behulp van vertalingen van opvoeder Frantsysk Skaryna, favoriete, Ivan Fedorov waarschijnlijk studeerde in het beschaafde West op de Jagiellonische Universiteit, woonde in het Groothertogdom van Litouwen (die behoorde tot het grondgebied van het huidige Wit-Rusland en Oekraďne), en is officieel beschouwd als de eerste knigopečatnikom in de Oost-Slaven. Helaas voor de Russische mythologie, ze is gedwongen te herkennen van de verwezenlijkingen van Skaryna en Fedorov (goed niet herkennen hetzelfde pionier Oekraďens schaker van Stepan Dropana, die vooruit door meer dan 50 Skaryna was plus jaren). Echter, zelfs deze feiten volstaat om te bewijzen dat het voor de hand liggende idee volledig geleend aard "van de grote Russische beschaving".

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.svoboda.org%2Fcontent%2Farticle%2F27041200.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.svoboda.org%2Fcontent%2Farticle%2F27041200.html&edit-text=)

krim niet start rusland of sovjet

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fnovostink.ru%2Farmenia%2F111109-interesnye-fakty-pro-armeniyu-tigran-velikiy.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fnovostink.ru%2Farmenia%2F111109-interesnye-fakty-pro-armeniyu-tigran-velikiy.html)
Which king in the history of the world, it was dedicated to the most operas written by the world-famous European composers?

It is surprising, but it was the king of the Armenian King Tigran the Great, who ruled in 95-55 years BC.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tigranes_the_Great (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tigranes_the_Great)

Muscovy or russia?
The name of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, changed for "Russia" by Tsar Peter I in the early 18th century. The goal of this change was to establish a connection between Muscovy and medieval state of Kievan Rus', thus claiming the right of Moscow to possess all the lands of Rus'.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscovy_%28disambiguation%29 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscovy_%28disambiguation%29)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_the_Great (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_the_Great) 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Moscow (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Moscow)  (since 1327)
So russia as such has NO right to Ukraine or Kievan-Rus, and excists as such since early 1700's...,
(also Moscovia, Moscovie, Moskovia)

http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/4076 (http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/4076)

http://mama.indstate.edu/users/johannes/ch8_f99.html (http://mama.indstate.edu/users/johannes/ch8_f99.html)

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=856349167735813&set=a.705528706151194.1073741828.100000822130732&type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=856349167735813&set=a.705528706151194.1073741828.100000822130732&type=1&theater)

http://i.imgur.com/Oja0xwU.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/Oja0xwU.jpg)
http://travel.rbth.com/travel/2014/06/06/the_ultimate_guide_to_siberian_gulags_and_soviet_exile_sites (http://travel.rbth.com/travel/2014/06/06/the_ultimate_guide_to_siberian_gulags_and_soviet_exile_sites)
http://www.thegulag.org/exhibits/gulag-timeline (http://www.thegulag.org/exhibits/gulag-timeline)
http://www.gulagmaps.org/maps/ (http://www.gulagmaps.org/maps/)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/ArkhipelagGulag.jpg (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/ArkhipelagGulag.jpg)
http://blogs.dickinson.edu/russenviro/files/2011/11/Gulags.png (http://blogs.dickinson.edu/russenviro/files/2011/11/Gulags.png)
http://www.many-roads.com/gallery/cartographicresources/european-historical-maps/gulags-2/ (http://www.many-roads.com/gallery/cartographicresources/european-historical-maps/gulags-2/)

En dus, wat weten we over de verdeling van de kampen aan de republieken.

1. Oekraďne-meer dan 120 kampen
2. Kazachstan-meer dan 90 kampen.
3. Wit-Rusland-over 30 kampen
4. Moldavië-28 kampen
5. Oezbekistan-20 kampen
Azerbeidzjan 6-16 kampen
7. Litouwen-12 kampen
8. Letland-11 kampen
9. Georgië-11 kampen
10. Tadzjikistan-meer dan 10 kampen
11. Kirgizië-meer dan 10 kampen
12. Turkmenistan-8 kampen
13. Estland, 5 kampen vertegenwoordigd
14. Armenië-5 vluchtelingenkampen
15. de Russische Federatie (RSFSR)-meer dan 900 kampen, kolonies, gesloten en geheime plaatsen van detentie.
Een totaal van... Komen čtapniki-land bewakers.

https://www.google.nl/search?q=gulag%2Bmaps&rlz=1C1GKLB_enNL631NL631&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=r8ZpVZaeLvHG7AabtoGoAg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg&biw=1280&bih=642#imgrc=22GAI-e-k3ouhM%253A%3BbiaBbIQE27Wx-M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.many-roads.com%252FImageLibrary%252Fcartographicresources%252Feuropean-historical-maps%252Fgulags%252FSoviet-Gulag-Map.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.many-roads.com%252Fgallery%252Fcartographicresources%252Feuropean-historical-maps%252Fgulags-2%252F%3B1516%3B1020 (https://www.google.nl/search?q=gulag%2Bmaps&rlz=1C1GKLB_enNL631NL631&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=r8ZpVZaeLvHG7AabtoGoAg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg&biw=1280&bih=642#imgrc=22GAI-e-k3ouhM%253A%3BbiaBbIQE27Wx-M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.many-roads.com%252FImageLibrary%252Fcartographicresources%252Feuropean-historical-maps%252Fgulags%252FSoviet-Gulag-Map.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.many-roads.com%252Fgallery%252Fcartographicresources%252Feuropean-historical-maps%252Fgulags-2%252F%3B1516%3B1020)

https://www.google.nl/search?q=gulag%2Bmaps&rlz=1C1GKLB_enNL631NL631&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=r8ZpVZaeLvHG7AabtoGoAg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg&biw=1280&bih=642#q=gulag%2Bmaps&tbm=isch&tbs=isz:lt,islt:4mp (https://www.google.nl/search?q=gulag%2Bmaps&rlz=1C1GKLB_enNL631NL631&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=r8ZpVZaeLvHG7AabtoGoAg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg&biw=1280&bih=642#q=gulag%2Bmaps&tbm=isch&tbs=isz:lt,islt:4mp)

http://shaon.livejournal.com/77321.html (http://shaon.livejournal.com/77321.html)

These 1937-1938 Russian documents reveal two interesting things: (1) how many people's enemies like Kulaks were shot or sent to a death camp and (2) how Russian commissars were killing and sentencing the following ethnic groups listed in these documents:
- pan-Mongolian people
- Latvians
- Estonians
- Germans
- Romanians
- Byelorussians
- Finnish people
- Polish people
- Iranian people
- Kharbin people
- Chinese
- Greeks
- Bulgarians
- Macedonians
You can see that the majority of the names of executive Soviet officers (who signed these papers) were Russians. One or two belong to an Armenian (Mikoyan), a Georgian (Beria) and a Jewish (Kaganovich) men. The majority of the murderers have Russian names, and these men requested to kill more than it was originally scheduled of non-Russian citizens living on the USSR territory as well as foreign citizens.

http://ipvnews.net/?p=3632 (http://ipvnews.net/?p=3632)

http://www.volgagermans.net/norka/images/Ehemalige%20und%20heutige%20Siedlungsgebiete.JPG (http://www.volgagermans.net/norka/images/Ehemalige%20und%20heutige%20Siedlungsgebiete.JPG)
http://reconsideringrussia.org/category/rusyns/ (http://reconsideringrussia.org/category/rusyns/)

http://languagesoftheworld.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Arctic05.jpg (http://languagesoftheworld.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Arctic05.jpg)
http://languagesoftheworld.info/russia-beyond-russians (http://languagesoftheworld.info/russia-beyond-russians)
http://es.rice.edu/projects/Poli378/Maps/Former_USSR/People/Ethnic.gif (http://es.rice.edu/projects/Poli378/Maps/Former_USSR/People/Ethnic.gif)
http://i.imgur.com/RSlE9KK.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/RSlE9KK.jpg)
http://es.rice.edu/projects/Poli378/Maps/Former_USSR/People/Ethnic.gif (http://es.rice.edu/projects/Poli378/Maps/Former_USSR/People/Ethnic.gif)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c2/Linguistic_map_of_the_Altaic,_Turkic_and_Uralic_languages_(en).png (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c2/Linguistic_map_of_the_Altaic,_Turkic_and_Uralic_languages_(en).png)
http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/implausablealternatehistory/images/3/3d/DD62_Map_of_Soviet_states.png/revision/latest?cb=20150412204429 (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/implausablealternatehistory/images/3/3d/DD62_Map_of_Soviet_states.png/revision/latest?cb=20150412204429)
http://www.fire.uni-freiburg.de/GFMCnew/2014/07/10/Russia-Fires-01March-02July-2014.jpg (http://www.fire.uni-freiburg.de/GFMCnew/2014/07/10/Russia-Fires-01March-02July-2014.jpg)
https://romaniadacia.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/europe-most-fertile-lands-soil-western-eastern-europe-map-romania.jpg (https://romaniadacia.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/europe-most-fertile-lands-soil-western-eastern-europe-map-romania.jpg)

http://www.swarthmore.edu/SocSci/langhotspots/hotspots/CSI/resources/Mongolic%20Lang-map.jpg (http://www.swarthmore.edu/SocSci/langhotspots/hotspots/CSI/resources/Mongolic%20Lang-map.jpg)

http://wiki.alternatehistory.com/lib/exe/fetch.php/resources/rcs_key_vs._2.3.png (http://wiki.alternatehistory.com/lib/exe/fetch.php/resources/rcs_key_vs._2.3.png)

This information is priceless. It tells the story of the persecution of the Ukrainian language to include over 130 edicts forbidding its use over a period of 400 years.
http://moishazasranetz.livejournal.com/19966.html (http://moishazasranetz.livejournal.com/19966.html)
http://fakeoff.org/history/pochemu-rossiyane-ne-russkie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya (http://fakeoff.org/history/pochemu-rossiyane-ne-russkie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya)

http://fakeoff.org/history/kto-vam-skazal-chto-tataro-mongolskoe-igo-zakonchilos (http://fakeoff.org/history/kto-vam-skazal-chto-tataro-mongolskoe-igo-zakonchilos)
Who told you that the Tatar-Mongol yoke ended in 1480?
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fhistory%2Fkto-vam-skazal-chto-tataro-mongolskoe-igo-zakonchilos&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fhistory%2Fkto-vam-skazal-chto-tataro-mongolskoe-igo-zakonchilos&edit-text=)

http://dm101markus.livejournal.com/19141.html (http://dm101markus.livejournal.com/19141.html)

http://ideas.ted.com/why-i-learned-20-languages-and-what-i-learned-about-myself-in-the-process/ (http://ideas.ted.com/why-i-learned-20-languages-and-what-i-learned-about-myself-in-the-process/)

http://www.wsj.com/articles/magna-carta-eight-centuries-of-liberty-1432912022?mod=e2fb (http://www.wsj.com/articles/magna-carta-eight-centuries-of-liberty-1432912022?mod=e2fb)

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fhistory%2Fkto-vam-skazal-chto-tataro-mongolskoe-igo-zakonchilos&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fhistory%2Fkto-vam-skazal-chto-tataro-mongolskoe-igo-zakonchilos&edit-text=)
Who told you that the Tatar-Mongol yoke ended in 1480?

Tsar Peter the Great was never Russian
http://fakeoff.org/history/tsar-petr-pervyy-nikogda-ne-byl-russkim (http://fakeoff.org/history/tsar-petr-pervyy-nikogda-ne-byl-russkim)

descended on his mother comes from a noble Crimean Tatar Murza Narysha kind, and the father of a glorious kind of Imereti Prince Bagration

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fculture%2Fmif-o-drevnem-russkom-yazyke%23.VWsE1JvIqbQ.facebook&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fculture%2Fmif-o-drevnem-russkom-yazyke%23.VWsE1JvIqbQ.facebook&edit-text=)

the myth of the "russian" language
http://fakeoff.org/culture/mif-o-drevnem-russkom-yazyke#.VWsE1JvIqbQ.facebook (http://fakeoff.org/culture/mif-o-drevnem-russkom-yazyke#.VWsE1JvIqbQ.facebook)

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fculture%2Fmif-o-drevnem-russkom-yazyke%23.VWsE1JvIqbQ.facebook&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fculture%2Fmif-o-drevnem-russkom-yazyke%23.VWsE1JvIqbQ.facebook&edit-text=)

http://fakeoff.org/war/esli-evrey-ne-lakey-on-gladiator#.VWsEp1Et3aU.facebook (http://fakeoff.org/war/esli-evrey-ne-lakey-on-gladiator#.VWsEp1Et3aU.facebook)
If a Jew is not a lackey, he Gladiator ...

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fwar%2Fesli-evrey-ne-lakey-on-gladiator%23.VWsEp1Et3aU.facebook&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fwar%2Fesli-evrey-ne-lakey-on-gladiator%23.VWsEp1Et3aU.facebook&edit-text=)

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fsocium%2Fsnachala-byl-velikiy-sovetskiy-sovetskiy-soyuz%23.VWsEH4d-XUI.facebook&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fsocium%2Fsnachala-byl-velikiy-sovetskiy-sovetskiy-soyuz%23.VWsEH4d-XUI.facebook&edit-text=)
disagree if translation correct

http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/news/n0241-haunting-message-penned-in-nail-polish-from-soviet-slaves-found-buried-in-urals-theatre/ (http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/news/n0241-haunting-message-penned-in-nail-polish-from-soviet-slaves-found-buried-in-urals-theatre/)

SilverLands. The Chronicles of Carpatho-Ukraine 1919-1939 | release 2012. Documentary film.
http://uaposition.com/silverlands-the-chronicles-of-carpatho-ukraine-1919-1939-release-2012-documentary-film/ (http://uaposition.com/silverlands-the-chronicles-of-carpatho-ukraine-1919-1939-release-2012-documentary-film/)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ_FprMmjNs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ_FprMmjNs)

The fact that the Muscovy-Russia Russia is not known not only Karl Marx, Voltaire and many others minds of the civilized world
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Flifeinvest.com.ua%2Findex.php%2Fistoriya%2F4900-rossiyu-osnovala-orda&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Flifeinvest.com.ua%2Findex.php%2Fistoriya%2F4900-rossiyu-osnovala-orda&edit-text=)

http://uainfo.org/blognews/1433142523-kak-v-germanii-voyuyut-s-vatnitsami-fotofakt.html (http://uainfo.org/blognews/1433142523-kak-v-germanii-voyuyut-s-vatnitsami-fotofakt.html)

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tvn24.pl%2Frosja-odkrycie-scytyjskich-fajek-do-palenia-marihuany-sprzed-2400-lat%2C547235%2Cs.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tvn24.pl%2Frosja-odkrycie-scytyjskich-fajek-do-palenia-marihuany-sprzed-2400-lat%2C547235%2Cs.html&edit-text=)
Russia: found a pipe for smoking marijuana having 2400 years

In de meeste van Rusland, de termen "Rosiâ", "Rusland" om te verwijzen naar het land voor de eerste tijd en zeer beperkte begon te nemen alleen in de 16e eeuw, met de tijd in Moskou, lijkt het idee "derde Rome", en de Moskou tsaren beginnen te beweren dat het land van Oekraďne.
Gromov Air gewijzigd zelf als door de teams van 1713 en 1721 jaar. Etnoniem "русский" ingegraven en later – pas aan het einde van de 18de eeuw, toen koningin Catherine II "vysočajšim poveleniem" eindelijk besteld de Moskou mensen genaamd "Russisch" en verbannen hem uit met behulp van de naam "moskovitâne".
Het is interessant dat Moskovŝina nam zijn nieuwe naam, de Griekse transcriptie van het woord "RUS", hoewel het onwaarschijnlijk is er nog steeds mensen die de naam van zijn land van vreemde talen hebben opgepikt.
By the way, Oekraďne en Muscovy, ook veranderen de titel, maar slechts eenmaal, en nam de naam van hun eigen taal.
Het is het feit dat Rusland, gelet kreeg zijn naam op zijn best in de 17e eeuw, een historische erfenis van RUS beweerde ', gemaakt door de zeven honderd jaar eerder, gaf een reden Karl Marx betoogd in zijn werk "Ontmaskering de diplomatieke geschiedenis van de 18e eeuw", dat "de Moskou verhaal is genaaid aan de geschiedenis van Russ White draden".

Voeg het werk van Karl Marx is de enige die is nooit gepubliceerd in de Sovjet-Unie zonder bezuinigingen.
Oekraďners hebben de diefstal nooit erkend als "RUS". Al in het midden van de 18de eeuw in Oekraďne wordt weergegeven "het verhaal van de RUS ', die beweert een uniek Oekraďense karakter beweging.
Taras Sjevtsjenko in zijn geschriften nooit een keer gebruikt het woord "RUS" en zelfs "Rusland" en altijd schrijft over "Moskovŝinu".

In de moderne Oekraďense literaire taal bevestigd etnoniem "Russen", terwijl het bijvoeglijk naamwoord "Russisch" links voor de Oekraďense.
Tot slot, ik moet zeggen dat in Rusland de naam van de mensen ethnonyms waren "Roetheens" (in de beroemde "Russische waarheid", prinselijke handvesten, annalen), en af en toe, "RUS". In de annalen van RUS of Roetheens is altijd inwoner van Kiev.
Etnoniem "rusychi" gevonden alleen in "een woord leggen", en, in het advies van moderne historici, was niet thuis en een teken van hoge taalkundige stijl.
Deze etnoniem "Roetheens" vastgelegde massaal in het westen van Oekraďne tot de twintigste eeuw, en soms in Transcarpathia – en tot vandaag.

Op basis van het bovenstaande, heeft de geschiedenis van Rusland de zelfde relatie met de geschiedenis van de beweging, als, zeg, de geschiedenis van Angola en Mozambique aan de geschiedenis van Portugal.
Of geschiedenis van India-de geschiedenis van Groot-Brittannië. Als, bijvoorbeeld, vandaag Rusland wilde perejmenuvatisâ op China, betekende dit niet dat langs met de manipulatie van de nehitroű mede te hebben ontvangen in kěl′katisâčolětnű Chinese geschiedenis en cultuur.
Vandaag, zijn er redenen om te verwachten dat het binnenkort, in het geval van Oekraďne, de ideologische controverse over de historische erfenis van Kievan Rus, die tijdens de laatste helft een Millennium leidde tot Kiev en Moskou tegen de overwinning van Oekraďne.

De reden hiervoor is duidelijk argumenten over de eigendom van de Oekraďne erfgoed beweging. Deze argumenten in onze informatie die leeftijd kunnen niet vernietigen of verbergen.

Oleksandr Palii, historicus

http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKRERHSLdVc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKRERHSLdVc) muscovy or russia

in 1919 Ukraine was 1.6 times current size
http://v7ved.ru/2015/06/01/arkhivy-pokazali-chto-90-let-nazad-ukrain/ (http://v7ved.ru/2015/06/01/arkhivy-pokazali-chto-90-let-nazad-ukrain/)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_People%27s_Republic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_People%27s_Republic) proposed

https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/3418/248305748.4/0_f8491_8a9f5dbb_orig.jpg (https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/3418/248305748.4/0_f8491_8a9f5dbb_orig.jpg)
gdp 2014 country comparison
purchasing power parity  from
http://hvylya.net/analytics/economics/grandioznyiy-ekonomicheskiy-vzlet-kitaya-tsifryi-i-faktyi.html (http://hvylya.net/analytics/economics/grandioznyiy-ekonomicheskiy-vzlet-kitaya-tsifryi-i-faktyi.html)

germany above russia

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fhvylya.net%2Fanalytics%2Feconomics%2Fgrandioznyiy-ekonomicheskiy-vzlet-kitaya-tsifryi-i-faktyi.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fhvylya.net%2Fanalytics%2Feconomics%2Fgrandioznyiy-ekonomicheskiy-vzlet-kitaya-tsifryi-i-faktyi.html&edit-text=)

Unique 800 y.o. seal belonging to Belarus patron saint found in Polotsk.
The artifact was discovered by scientists on the territory of St. Euphrosyne monastery in the town Polotsk. The priceless finding spent over 800 years in the ground.
In spite of the long period in the ground, it is in good condition, the head of the scientific expedition, who made the finding, told the media.
One side of the seal has the face of a saint depicted on it, the other has an inscription indicating that it belonged to Euphrosyne of Polotsk, a patron saint of Belarus and one of the greatest women in the Belarusian history.
On 4-7 June the seal will be on display at Polotsk National Historical and Cultural Museum Reserve. Then it will be back to Polotsk State University for restoration and conservation.
Scientists claim that St.Euphrosyne seal is a proof that Polotsk monastery was not only a big spiritual and cultural centre, but also an important social and political center in XII century.

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.tut.by%2Fculture%2F450309.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.tut.by%2Fculture%2F450309.html&edit-text=)

http://www.svyatorus.com/istoriya/6240-pochemu-rossiyane-ne-ruskie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya.html (http://www.svyatorus.com/istoriya/6240-pochemu-rossiyane-ne-ruskie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya.html)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.svyatorus.com%2Fistoriya%2F6240-pochemu-rossiyane-ne-ruskie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.svyatorus.com%2Fistoriya%2F6240-pochemu-rossiyane-ne-ruskie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya.html)

http://gazeta.ua/articles/history/_443-roki-tomu-krimski-tatari-spalili-moskvu-za-3-godini/561707 (http://gazeta.ua/articles/history/_443-roki-tomu-krimski-tatari-spalili-moskvu-za-3-godini/561707)
443 years ago, the Crimean Tatars burned Moscow for 3 hours

A 6th century translation of a work of one of the most important ancient Greek doctors has been discovered in an animal-hide manuscript, hidden underneath text of 1,000-year-old hymns.
http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/1400-year-old-medicinal-treatise-galen-found-hidden-under-hymns-ancient-020371#ixzz3c2C0qkQW (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/1400-year-old-medicinal-treatise-galen-found-hidden-under-hymns-ancient-020371#ixzz3c2C0qkQW)

http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/06/blog-post.html (http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/06/blog-post.html)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Poles_in_Volhynia_and_Eastern_Galicia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Poles_in_Volhynia_and_Eastern_Galicia)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fgalychyna.info%2F2015%2F02%2F25%2Fyevroregion-galychyna.html%23.VXH6HOQ7Rwc.facebook&sandbox=1 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fgalychyna.info%2F2015%2F02%2F25%2Fyevroregion-galychyna.html%23.VXH6HOQ7Rwc.facebook&sandbox=1)
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGtHKvzUIAAs7l9.jpg (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGtHKvzUIAAs7l9.jpg)

http://tapac333.webs.com/history.htm (http://tapac333.webs.com/history.htm)
http://www.ukraine.com/forums/history/8469-trident-fact-ancient-ukrainian-symbol.html (http://www.ukraine.com/forums/history/8469-trident-fact-ancient-ukrainian-symbol.html)

http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/ua-arms.html (http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/ua-arms.html)

http://patrioty.org.ua/zdes-gorazdo-menshe-pyanyih-i-bomzhey-rosiyanin-vrazheniy-zhittyam-v-ukrayini-foto/ (http://patrioty.org.ua/zdes-gorazdo-menshe-pyanyih-i-bomzhey-rosiyanin-vrazheniy-zhittyam-v-ukrayini-foto/)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpatrioty.org.ua%2Fzdes-gorazdo-menshe-pyanyih-i-bomzhey-rosiyanin-vrazheniy-zhittyam-v-ukrayini-foto%2F&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpatrioty.org.ua%2Fzdes-gorazdo-menshe-pyanyih-i-bomzhey-rosiyanin-vrazheniy-zhittyam-v-ukrayini-foto%2F&edit-text=)
rus moved to ukraine

http://www.istpravda.com.ua/artefacts/2011/09/2/53916/ (http://www.istpravda.com.ua/artefacts/2011/09/2/53916/)

https://books.google.nl/books?id=-TV-2XRPVlYC&pg=PA186&lpg=PA186&dq=sigmund+freud+tismenitz&source=bl&ots=Nis8efAs4Y&sig=D6rNNkBqMoHKpdtunLobeZKIL7w&hl=en&sa=X&ei=eVByVYToB7WCsQTDxLTAAQ&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=sigmund%20freud%20tismenitz&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=-TV-2XRPVlYC&pg=PA186&lpg=PA186&dq=sigmund+freud+tismenitz&source=bl&ots=Nis8efAs4Y&sig=D6rNNkBqMoHKpdtunLobeZKIL7w&hl=en&sa=X&ei=eVByVYToB7WCsQTDxLTAAQ&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=sigmund%20freud%20tismenitz&f=false)

Difference and Pathology: Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness FREUD

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op juni 17, 2015, 12:59:24 pm

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/06/ukraine-from-the-middle-ages-to-a-new-world/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/06/ukraine-from-the-middle-ages-to-a-new-world/)
People all over the world have come to realize that the world is changing; that decisive processes and developments not yet fully understood are taking place. We in Ukraine have a sense that what is happening in Ukraine will have serious implications for the global community, and I truly believe that we are not overestimating the import of our central place in these changes and our role in this crucial shift: something big is happening.
So what lessons can today’s Ukraine offer the world?

http://uateka.com/uk/article/society/1217 (http://uateka.com/uk/article/society/1217)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Riite4v2ooE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Riite4v2ooE) mystic ukrainian war?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_GSdNcnH0w (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_GSdNcnH0w)
http://dostoyanieplaneti.ru/ (http://dostoyanieplaneti.ru/)
Where to start resettlement of the ancient Aryans? Every nation has its sacred places associated with ancestral memory, the wisdom of their ancestors and the centuries-old history. Some of them are rooted in the past have given such as the Egyptian pyramids have not even begun to build. For the Russian people ...Roads of the Aryans.  Russia's first conference
Roads of the Aryans. Russia's first conference

http://dostoyanieplaneti.ru/articles/video/otkuda-nachalos-rasselenie-drevnikh-ariev (http://dostoyanieplaneti.ru/articles/video/otkuda-nachalos-rasselenie-drevnikh-ariev)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=11&v=bDTKx-6Srmo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=11&v=bDTKx-6Srmo)  history sculputres of man fucking horse?
forbidden history

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/07/ancient-ethiopia-gravesite-treasure-rome (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/07/ancient-ethiopia-gravesite-treasure-rome)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_Manchuria (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_Manchuria)
As Russia crawls for China, becoming its loyal - lower - subject, it might want to recall China had to give up huge territories to Russia in history. Outer Manchuria being one such.

http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/03/blog-post.html (http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/03/blog-post.html)

The massacre in Khojaly another shameful page of history of Russia.

http://moevideo.net/video/81501.85e63d2e57bdbb4f968bfb0ad304 (http://moevideo.net/video/81501.85e63d2e57bdbb4f968bfb0ad304)

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fukrainian%2Fsociety%2F2015%2F06%2F150522_holodomor_donbass_russia_az&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fukrainian%2Fsociety%2F2015%2F06%2F150522_holodomor_donbass_russia_az&edit-text=)
http://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/society/2015/06/150522_holodomor_donbass_russia_az (http://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/society/2015/06/150522_holodomor_donbass_russia_az)
Disclosure archives: a famine after the Russians moved in Donbass

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKRERHSLdVc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKRERHSLdVc) muscovy or russia

http://tsn.ua/ukrayina/na-prikarpatti-znayshli-arhiv-upa-zi-svidchennyami-znuschan-nkvsivciv-nad-selyanami-429059.html (http://tsn.ua/ukrayina/na-prikarpatti-znayshli-arhiv-upa-zi-svidchennyami-znuschan-nkvsivciv-nad-selyanami-429059.html)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=74&v=IQbDmCKGtuU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=74&v=IQbDmCKGtuU) twerking bees
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyq-DqpCVHI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyq-DqpCVHI)

beauty in russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkOSigcvdVw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkOSigcvdVw)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGg6HlGw6lk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGg6HlGw6lk) girl traansparante dress

http://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-asia/rise-and-fall-sumer-and-akkad-003192#ixzz3cPtnaN5n (http://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-asia/rise-and-fall-sumer-and-akkad-003192#ixzz3cPtnaN5n)

http://mashable.com/2014/09/30/russian-revolution-in-color/?utm_cid=lf-toc (http://mashable.com/2014/09/30/russian-revolution-in-color/?utm_cid=lf-toc)

http://mashable.com/2015/01/10/romanov-family-photos/?utm_cid=lf-toc (http://mashable.com/2015/01/10/romanov-family-photos/?utm_cid=lf-toc)

Frau Merkel - Chamberlain - Ribbentrop?

Remember the Berlin Wall? You want that "anti-fascist barrier" BACK?

http://mashable.com/2014/11/06/berlin-wall-fence/?utm_cid=lf-toc (http://mashable.com/2014/11/06/berlin-wall-fence/?utm_cid=lf-toc)
http://mashable.com/2014/11/09/berlin-wall-construction/?utm_cid=lf-toc (http://mashable.com/2014/11/09/berlin-wall-construction/?utm_cid=lf-toc)

Top 7 places of power in Ukraine
Больше читайте здесь: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://lady.tsn.ua/puteshestviya/ukraina/top-7-mest-sily-v-ukraine-387370.html&usg=ALkJrhjvzFirj7Z447hMgaus062W6YVq9Q (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://lady.tsn.ua/puteshestviya/ukraina/top-7-mest-sily-v-ukraine-387370.html&usg=ALkJrhjvzFirj7Z447hMgaus062W6YVq9Q)

http://lady.tsn.ua/puteshestviya/ukraina/top-7-mest-sily-v-ukraine-387370.html (http://lady.tsn.ua/puteshestviya/ukraina/top-7-mest-sily-v-ukraine-387370.html)

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Flady.tsn.ua%2Fputeshestviya%2Fukraina%2Ftop-7-mest-sily-v-ukraine-387370.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Flady.tsn.ua%2Fputeshestviya%2Fukraina%2Ftop-7-mest-sily-v-ukraine-387370.html&edit-text=)

http://www.geotimes.org/jan07/feature_BlackSea.html (http://www.geotimes.org/jan07/feature_BlackSea.html)

http://listverse.com/2013/08/05/10-lesser-known-mysterious-underwater-cities/ (http://listverse.com/2013/08/05/10-lesser-known-mysterious-underwater-cities/)

http://www.beforeus.com/drowned.html (http://www.beforeus.com/drowned.html)

http://www.aratta-ukraine.com/text_ua.php?id=2223 (http://www.aratta-ukraine.com/text_ua.php?id=2223)
Pereiaslavs'ka agreement ate the mouse! No association between Ukraine and Russia was not!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Pereyaslav (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Pereyaslav)
https://books.google.nl/books?id=7itWI-x8l-MC&pg=PA316&lpg=PA316&dq=Pereiaslavs%27ka&source=bl&ots=pyeUHxlacy&sig=OI0vMUDvqcWKJvmpfErU7qVYPwM&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=I6p1Vfq4OvTX7Aa8pYLQBg&ved=0CDgQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Pereiaslavs'ka&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=7itWI-x8l-MC&pg=PA316&lpg=PA316&dq=Pereiaslavs%27ka&source=bl&ots=pyeUHxlacy&sig=OI0vMUDvqcWKJvmpfErU7qVYPwM&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=I6p1Vfq4OvTX7Aa8pYLQBg&ved=0CDgQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Pereiaslavs'ka&f=false)
https://books.google.nl/books?id=kiaCAgAAQBAJ&pg=PT364&lpg=PT364&dq=Pereiaslavs%27ka&source=bl&ots=FgCSfS-BVB&sig=unVdK4XMiZ8iCxeGApMNzQG0EtU&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=Yat1VfSKEubT7Qb4yYKoBA&ved=0CDkQ6AEwAzgK#v=onepage&q=Pereiaslavs'ka&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=kiaCAgAAQBAJ&pg=PT364&lpg=PT364&dq=Pereiaslavs%27ka&source=bl&ots=FgCSfS-BVB&sig=unVdK4XMiZ8iCxeGApMNzQG0EtU&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=Yat1VfSKEubT7Qb4yYKoBA&ved=0CDkQ6AEwAzgK#v=onepage&q=Pereiaslavs'ka&f=false)
https://books.google.nl/books?id=ie8xAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA282&lpg=PA282&dq=Pereiaslavs%27ka&source=bl&ots=BdCJ_W6_ob&sig=6jLL6at5Xrj160BYWC20SoLdIPg&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=Yat1VfSKEubT7Qb4yYKoBA&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAjgK#v=onepage&q=Pereiaslavs'ka&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=ie8xAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA282&lpg=PA282&dq=Pereiaslavs%27ka&source=bl&ots=BdCJ_W6_ob&sig=6jLL6at5Xrj160BYWC20SoLdIPg&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=Yat1VfSKEubT7Qb4yYKoBA&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAjgK#v=onepage&q=Pereiaslavs'ka&f=false)

http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CP%5CE%5CPereiaslavprincipality.htm (http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CP%5CE%5CPereiaslavprincipality.htm)

http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CP%5CE%5CPereiaslavTreatyof1654.htm (http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CP%5CE%5CPereiaslavTreatyof1654.htm)

https://books.google.nl/books?id=jpv0NICOEb8C&pg=PA385&lpg=PA385&dq=Pereiaslavs%27ka&source=bl&ots=5D424b3idO&sig=Uxpttqgp5NZTZ9piJ9PctcLzyik&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=Yat1VfSKEubT7Qb4yYKoBA&ved=0CFcQ6AEwCDgK#v=onepage&q=Pereiaslavs'ka&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=jpv0NICOEb8C&pg=PA385&lpg=PA385&dq=Pereiaslavs%27ka&source=bl&ots=5D424b3idO&sig=Uxpttqgp5NZTZ9piJ9PctcLzyik&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=Yat1VfSKEubT7Qb4yYKoBA&ved=0CFcQ6AEwCDgK#v=onepage&q=Pereiaslavs'ka&f=false)
https://books.google.nl/books?id=JwN6GIyyIgAC&pg=PA172&lpg=PA172&dq=Pereiaslavs%27ka&source=bl&ots=o9R5FqMnFV&sig=gcTUz5ntktmzFcNOblqakFSDJBI&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=Yat1VfSKEubT7Qb4yYKoBA&ved=0CEIQ6AEwBTgK#v=onepage&q=Pereiaslavs'ka&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=JwN6GIyyIgAC&pg=PA172&lpg=PA172&dq=Pereiaslavs%27ka&source=bl&ots=o9R5FqMnFV&sig=gcTUz5ntktmzFcNOblqakFSDJBI&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=Yat1VfSKEubT7Qb4yYKoBA&ved=0CEIQ6AEwBTgK#v=onepage&q=Pereiaslavs'ka&f=false)

Christianity has forgotten about the role of women in its history
http://www.aratta-ukraine.com/text_ua.php?id=2924 (http://www.aratta-ukraine.com/text_ua.php?id=2924)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/09/russias-geopolitical-successes-rely-on-ethnic-cleansing-kyiv-commentator-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/09/russias-geopolitical-successes-rely-on-ethnic-cleansing-kyiv-commentator-says/)

http://sprotyv.info/ru/news/proch-ot-failed-state-pereosmyslit-ussr (http://sprotyv.info/ru/news/proch-ot-failed-state-pereosmyslit-ussr)

http://www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/a-vy-znaete-chto-skryto-pod-golovami-na-ostrove-pashi-947160/ (http://www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/a-vy-znaete-chto-skryto-pod-golovami-na-ostrove-pashi-947160/) whats under paaseiland heads?

http://leg0ner.livejournal.com/1467230.html (http://leg0ner.livejournal.com/1467230.html) volyma massacre

https://politota.d3.ru/strashnaia-taina-mikhaila-zadornova-756754/ (https://politota.d3.ru/strashnaia-taina-mikhaila-zadornova-756754/) secret of

http://glavpost.com/post/23apr2015/blogs/27003-sergey-saenko-fyurer-vvedi-voyska-kak-naklikali-na-sebya-bedu-nemcy-silezii.html (http://glavpost.com/post/23apr2015/blogs/27003-sergey-saenko-fyurer-vvedi-voyska-kak-naklikali-na-sebya-bedu-nemcy-silezii.html)

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205975687303344&set=gm.498968200258404&type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205975687303344&set=gm.498968200258404&type=1&theater)
russian tribes 40.000 years ago??
Sick Russian propaganda is trying to lift up their pride. They write that the first Russian tribes existed 40 thousand years ago.

1020th Anniversary of Christianity in Ukraine
by Atanas T. Kobryn
In July 988, Grand Duke Volodymyr, the ruler of the medieval Ukrainian empire then known as "Rus" (pronunced as roos) ordered the citizens of his capital city Kyiv to be baptized in the river Dnipro, thus establishing Christianity as the official religion of his empire. The main celebration of the millennium of this occasion in 1988 took place in Moscow, and not in Kyiv.
It should be noted that in 988 there was no Moscow, and the territory now known as Russia was one of several provinces of the Rus empire, ruled by the local princes loyal to the ruler of Kyiv. Following the onslaught of Tatars and other invaders, the city of Kyiv was plundered and lost is importance, while the northern provinces were able to develop and to prosper. Eventually, having ignored the treaty of friendship signed by the two nations, the rulers of Moscow managed to tighten its grip and eventually to completely subjugate Ukraine. Then in the 18th century, the name of Russia, a corruption of the ancient honorable name of Rus, appeared on the map. The rulers of Russia decided not only to steal the name of the medieval Ukrainian empire Rus, but to make themselves the successor io its history, culture and tradition.
http://www.dpcamps.org/histukr.html (http://www.dpcamps.org/histukr.html)
http://www.dpcamps.org/histukr2.html (http://www.dpcamps.org/histukr2.html)
http://www.dpcamps.org/histukr3.html (http://www.dpcamps.org/histukr3.html)

http://ukrainien.blogspot.com/2015/05/blog-post_25.html (http://ukrainien.blogspot.com/2015/05/blog-post_25.html)

http://euromaidanpr.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/#more-8788 (http://euromaidanpr.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/#more-8788)
http://maidantranslations.com/2014/05/13/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/comment-page-1/#comment-109169 (http://maidantranslations.com/2014/05/13/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/comment-page-1/#comment-109169)

http://uainfo.org/blognews/398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html (http://uainfo.org/blognews/398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html)
history see others
http://elise.com.ua/?p=82946 (http://elise.com.ua/?p=82946)

http://fakeoff.org/history/pochemu-rossiyane-ne-russkie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya (http://fakeoff.org/history/pochemu-rossiyane-ne-russkie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya)

viking song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k01zY822dk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k01zY822dk)

"The archives of Donetsk has worked GRU"
http://www.svoboda.org/content/article/27072645.html (http://www.svoboda.org/content/article/27072645.html)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/09/tatar-historian-russians-are-no-more-european-than-are-the-tatars/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/09/tatar-historian-russians-are-no-more-european-than-are-the-tatars/)
Now following 2 leads 1, russian genetic that 300 years ago haplogroup changed for muscovy rules from R1A to Q, and arab geographer around 1000 telling on russ, south was populated with approx. 100.000 people at russ sea(black sea) and north was not populated just marshes and forest

http://ukrainiancrusade.blogspot.com/2015/06/do-not-enclose-any-deals-with-devil.html?spref=fb (http://ukrainiancrusade.blogspot.com/2015/06/do-not-enclose-any-deals-with-devil.html?spref=fb)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-Slavism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-Slavism)
https://youtu.be/BXfDubKyRE4 (https://youtu.be/BXfDubKyRE4)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMCnkaz314g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMCnkaz314g) hey slavs

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/09/tatar-historian-russians-are-no-more-european-than-are-the-tatars/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/09/tatar-historian-russians-are-no-more-european-than-are-the-tatars/)
Now following 2 leads 1, russian genetic that 300 years ago haplogroup changed for muscovy rules from R1A to Q, and arab geographer around 1000 telling on russ, south was populated with approx. 100.000 people at russ sea(black sea) and north was not populated just marshes and forest

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op juli 06, 2015, 22:26:43 pm

Historians, including Russian ones, have pointed out that Vladimir Putin’s claims that Crimea has been Russian from time immemorial are simply wrong, but nonetheless, many Russians and some in the West remain inclined to believe the Kremlin leader or at least not to challenge his latest fantasy. But perhaps such people will be convinced by the findings of genographic science which shows that the Crimean Tatars are not some arrivistes from the East but carry the genes of people from the West as well and, given their genetic makeup, they are truly the indigenous people of that Ukrainian peninsula.
http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/19/genetic-testing-proves-putin-is-wrong-about-crimea-and-crimean-tatars/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/19/genetic-testing-proves-putin-is-wrong-about-crimea-and-crimean-tatars/)

https://news.vice.com/article/thousands-of-dogs-will-be-eaten-in-china-to-celebrate-the-summer-solstice?utm_source=vicenewsfb (https://news.vice.com/article/thousands-of-dogs-will-be-eaten-in-china-to-celebrate-the-summer-solstice?utm_source=vicenewsfb)
https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Dog_meat (https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Dog_meat) its more widespread then just east-asia btw.Ebola in Africa comes from bushmeat most gorilla and chimpansee  , MERS in korea comes from wildmeat like civetcats, Chinese Quandong where ducks,chickens, goose are held on massive scale is the worldsource for flu...I woner jow many people who eat meat, of any animal, if they have to slaughter the animals themselves??

21 juni 1971 expeditie geleid door Boris Mozolevs′kogo geen baten volledige archeologische onderzoek de grote graven. Nou, hoe zo? Het is hetzelfde in het studentenhuis vóór het verlaten van een opmerking links "Vind ik iets grote en glanzend." En niets. Nu, de jongens ter ere van de voltooiing van het werk op de heuvel had gekocht bier. Afwerking drank- en obsceniteit. En zelfs vóór de release van Boris Nikolayevich afgedaald door natuurlijke noodzaak.
14:30-de meest belangrijke datum in het leven van Boris Mozolevs′kogo. Over deze ongelooflijke moment in "de Scythische steppes Boris Mozolevs′kogo lezen: ik deed een van sagaidachny sets onder de muur dromosu en rollende dikke klei čamur die onder de vloer, voelde vingers iets te kwetsen van škrâbnulo (het was een" scherpe geit hoorn "Pektoral! -Auteur). Ik zag hoe zblisnulo goud, en sommige onbekende gevoel besefte dat dit precies wat is: een ding was geweldig en natuurlijk lag in zijn oorspronkelijke plaats, niet verplaatst door plunderaars. De Golf ik zacěpeněv... ". Boris Nikolaevich genoemd een collega (Eugene Černenka) – en ze allebei "gerezen de pectoral met dolěvki, obmili het in mijn werken; een talk gegeven voor de afvoer van water, aan het licht gebracht in een ingang gat, en begon als de kinderen van de vreugde van het kussen. Voor ons is het ding was echt ongekend. Gewicht Pektoral 1150 gram, diameter 30,09 centimeter... ".
Met een lichte hand archeoloog Eugene kreeg Černenka voor dit fabelachtig mooi teken van onbeperkte koninklijke macht haar huidige naam – "borstvinnen". Gevonden pectoral van gouden steekproef van 16-th dateert uit de IV eeuw. BC. de meeste Archeologie ontdekkingen van de twintigste eeuw, "een gedicht de gouden zon", die werd voorafgegaan door 35 jaar van moeizame leven van de onrustige upertűha-reiziger, dichter, een zoeker van avonturen op zijn... hoofd." Indrukwekkende moed Oekraďners pigheads! Wetende dat de opening van dit niveau worden gestort in de musea van metropool, Boris Mozolevs′kij, wordt op de hals met een elegante inrichting van de filigraan van de Griekse werk "wonder měkroměněatűrnoď" sieraden techniek, 1150-gram stuk van puur goud, top-zasmal′c′ovanu oude tělogrějku, bracht haar naar Kiev.
En dan waar? Boris Mozolevs′kij leefde in een slaapzaal, dus ging naar de leider-Oles Hontsjar. Hij de bevinding "een gedicht van de steen van de zon" genoemd, maar weigerde haar verlof op zich.
En nu een kandidaat voor het verzenden van de Mordovië neemt eerste secretaris van de COMMUNISTISCHE partij van Oekraďne Petro Sjelest. Op de vergadering waren voorzitter van het Instituut voor Archeologie van Fedor en voorzitter van SSR Boris Paton. Het gesprek was zeer vruchtbaar: een archeoloog die leefde in de slaapzaal, ontvangen een drie-kamer-appartement; salaris in 98 USD. verhoogd tot 200 USD. Ter vermeerdering, 500 roebels. Premie. Ondanks de druk Moskou bleef schat in Kiev (opgeslagen in Museum van historische schatten van Oekraďne).
Twee-derde van Scythische goud in de fondsen van het Museum voor historische schatten van Oekraďne — vindt de expeditie Mozolevs′kogo.

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=831361456947587&set=a.185073538243052.48233.100002212206558&type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=831361456947587&set=a.185073538243052.48233.100002212206558&type=1&theater)

7 juni 1657 in Olicě in Volhynia, in het kasteel van de prinsen Radivilov, gehouden op een congres van Lords Volyn Poolse van Polen, waar werd besloten de Poolse Rivne geven de samenstelling van de krachten van de staat van Zaporizhs'ke, onder leiding van Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky. De organisator van het Congres was de Prins Stepan Četvetrins′kij, 1620 geholpen Hetman Sahaidachny in het herstel van de Kiev orthodoxe Metropolitanate. Met '' rit naar Bohdan Khmelnytsky werd gecorrigeerd door de ambassade, die de post van Hetman resolutie van Volyn was. Het was een revolutionair nationale omdat de Oekraďense gentry begon massaal te erkennen de kracht van Zaporizhs'ke Vijs'ko. Over deze en andere beveiligingsgebeurtenissen in mijn boek "handenvol", die in 2010 uitkwam.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=821531777923617&set=a.335356656541134.75637.100002004078222&type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=821531777923617&set=a.335356656541134.75637.100002004078222&type=1&theater)

http://svitua.org/index.php/pro-ukrainy/istoriia/item/2935-istorychni-svidchennia-rivnopravnosti-dukhovnosti-humanizmu-ta-spravedlyvosti-v-ukrainskykh-sim-iakh (http://svitua.org/index.php/pro-ukrainy/istoriia/item/2935-istorychni-svidchennia-rivnopravnosti-dukhovnosti-humanizmu-ta-spravedlyvosti-v-ukrainskykh-sim-iakh)

9 juni 1657. Oekraďens gebouw nakaznogo Hetman, Anton Zhdanovich, waarvan oboznim de beroemde Ivan Bohun was, samen met de geallieerde Zweedse en de semigorods′kimi troepen opgedaan de hoofdstad van Polen is Warschau. Dit evenement was een Zenith děâl′nstě Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky, die helaas te wijten aan slechte gezondheid hij kon niet zelf tot deze wandeling. Uit de Berestetsky strijd van 1651, hij zette een doel te vernietigen de Rzeczpospolita (Polen) als de formatie staat, omdat het tverdoloba adel, onder wie er velen waren en zemlâčkěv, wil niet herkennen van de nieuwe politieke realiteit, de staat krachten van Zaporizhs'ke, en alle wil wraak. Moskou, Bogdan Khmelnitsky probeerde om te gebruiken voor uw project, de vernietiging van Polen, was een bondgenoot van onzeker en 1656 opgehouden militaire acties tegen de RP voor de belofte van haar kroon voor koning met Romanov. Echter, Bogdan Khmelnitsky niet om opgemaakt. Hij vond nieuwe Bondgenoten, de protestan
 tse Zweeds Koninkrijk en Vorstendom van Semigorods′ke, in de Unie met en uitgevoerd wandelen diep in Polen.
Na de vernietiging van de RP, had de Bondgenoten verdeeld Polen onderling: Oekraďne had af te wijken van de aarde langs de Vistula rivier en Wit-Rusland, Semigorodu-zuidelijk Polen Krakau, Zweden-Noord Polen met Warschau.
Dit project is helaas geen zrealězovano. Paus, die actief in het voordeel van Warschau pědburiv Denemarken op oorlog tegen de Zweden was. Zweedse troepen moesten verlaten Polen om op te slaan van zijn land. Als de Oekraďners en semigorodcâm vasthouden zijn krachten aan de bezette gebieden. Bohdan Khmelnytsky hadden meegemaakt de hoogste glorie van de Oekraďense wapens en, binnenkort, de ineenstorting van de droom van zijn leven. Al snel was op deze zondige aarde.
Over dit en andere gebeurtenissen in mijn boeken "Oekraďne onder Mace van Bogdan Khmelnitsky. Encyclopedia in drie delen"," handenvol "en" Ivan Bohun-Don Quixote.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=827865070623621&set=a.335356656541134.75637.100002004078222&type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=827865070623621&set=a.335356656541134.75637.100002004078222&type=1&theater)

http://historiavivens.eu/2/st_john_699878.html (http://historiavivens.eu/2/st_john_699878.html)

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2015/06/16/how-can-you-find-out-how-russians-really-think-spoiler-not-by-reading-gogol/ (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2015/06/16/how-can-you-find-out-how-russians-really-think-spoiler-not-by-reading-gogol/)
http://en.delfi.lt/central-eastern-europe/russian-lawmakers-question-legitimacy-of-ussr-state-council-recognizing-baltic-independence.d?id=68269318 (http://en.delfi.lt/central-eastern-europe/russian-lawmakers-question-legitimacy-of-ussr-state-council-recognizing-baltic-independence.d?id=68269318)
http://latvianhistory.com/2013/02/15/litene-the-latvian-katyn/ (http://latvianhistory.com/2013/02/15/litene-the-latvian-katyn/)
http://latvianhistory.com/2013/02/05/the-soviet-attack-on-latvian-border-station-maslenki-1940/ (http://latvianhistory.com/2013/02/05/the-soviet-attack-on-latvian-border-station-maslenki-1940/)
http://www.rferl.org/content/russia-navalny-hacker-hell-germany-court-case/27079958.html (http://www.rferl.org/content/russia-navalny-hacker-hell-germany-court-case/27079958.html)

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=643072295827706&set=pcb.643072525827683&type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=643072295827706&set=pcb.643072525827683&type=1&theater)
Soms is de sovjet-tanks zuilen best alleen de worm спасающихся vluchtelingen. Als deel van het leger van het sovjetgezag geraakt bevolkte plaatsen oost-de pruisen, dan zijn ze begonnen бестиальную, звериную orgy marteling, verkrachting en moord. Soms zijn ze gecastreerd mannen en jongens, voordat ze vermoorden. Soms zijn ze выдавливали im ogen. Soms zijn ze verbranden ze levend. Sommige vrouwen, na wordt verkracht, weiger распинали ze nog leven aan de voordeur, амбаров en vervolgens met ze als doelwit voor de schietpartij " (" Ревизионистская verhaal: De blik van rechts ", M., 2003, blz. 61).
Leonidas фронтовик рабичев (dan старлей-informatieverspreider) maakte de moordlustige scčne zelf wat zag u persoonlijk: " op повозках en auto ' s, bereikbaar zijn oude mannen, vrouwen, kinderen, grote патриархальные familie langzaam op alle wegen en land backbones gingen naar het westen. Onze танкисты, soldaten, infanterie officieren, связисты нагнали, ze gaan naar de kant van de ouderen, duizenden vielen vrouwen en meisjes. Vrouwen, moeders en hun dochter, liggen rechts en links langs de snelweg, en voor elke waard гогочущая armada mannen met z ' n broek. Bloed en обливающихся теряющих bewustzijn оттаскивают opzij, бросающихся help ze kinderen neergeschoten. , гогот gegrom, gelach, schreeuwen en kreunen. , вседозволенность безнаказанность, обезличенность en wreed logica een radeloze menigte. Kolonel duurt be
 urt en majoor отстреливает getuigen, бьющихся hysterisch kinderen en ouderen " (" De oorlog van alle спишет ", " banner " 2, 2005).

I will repost... The world should see these historic documents (1944-1945)..
If you want Americans on your side - repost. Most of them have never heard of these crimes. They should know that Ukraine is the front line defending European people from the Russian Beast.
Russian hordes "liberated" (raped and killed children) Prussia and then they settled their, calling the newly annexed land Russian Kaliningrad Oblast. This is the Modus Operandi of the Russian army. Moscow was doing this for centuries, this is why Russian Evil Empire expanded to Japan (grabbed land their too) and to the West threatening Scandinavia and Baltic republics.
Do you know that in 1944-1945 Russian top military officials not only allowed these crimes to happen, they in fact ordered their soldiers to line up, pull down their pants and rape their victims? It was a beastly fun for Russians!
Russian barbarians don't like to see these documents on the web. Our goal is to make sure the world knows the real face of Russian liberators, the deeds of the Kremlin land grabbers... Moscow aggressor always looking for more land to annex, more people to rape, kill and enslave. To enrich Russia by using slave labor in GULAG (gold mines, for example) and to sell grains confiscated from Ukraine during Holodomor - to Western countries.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hagia_Sophia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hagia_Sophia)

http://www.konotop5.net/blog/velikaja_otechestvennaja_74_goda_so_dnja_nachala_skhvatki_dvukh_fashistvujushhikh_rezhimov/2015-06-22-106 (http://www.konotop5.net/blog/velikaja_otechestvennaja_74_goda_so_dnja_nachala_skhvatki_dvukh_fashistvujushhikh_rezhimov/2015-06-22-106)

http://lenta.ru/articles/2015/06/12/dekustin/ (http://lenta.ru/articles/2015/06/12/dekustin/)

http://sprotyv.info/ru/news/kiev/frontovik-lev-landa-bez-pomoshchi-ameriki-sssr-gitlera-ne-pobedilhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6gg1z5DovI (http://sprotyv.info/ru/news/kiev/frontovik-lev-landa-bez-pomoshchi-ameriki-sssr-gitlera-ne-pobedilhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6gg1z5DovI)

What Putin doesn't talk about. The first Soviet - Nazi victory parade of WW2. Brest-Litovsk Sept. 22, 1939. How many Russians know or would actually believe this? Perhaps they should get the chance to see this kind of historic footage.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6gg1z5DovI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6gg1z5DovI)

http://fakeoff.org/history/otkuda-poshla-rossiya-ili-istoriya-o-tom-kak-vorovalas-rus?fb_action_ids (http://fakeoff.org/history/otkuda-poshla-rossiya-ili-istoriya-o-tom-kak-vorovalas-rus?fb_action_ids)

http://stopfascism.org/gallery/ (http://stopfascism.org/gallery/)
" de erfenis van de holocaust-niet voorkomen dat dit opnieuw gebeurt "
Hongaarse " agent " in neo-нацистском ondergronds rusland, met het risico om te leven, zes jaar heb een film over waard van russische neonazi, en kwam tot de conclusie однозначному: Ondergronds неонацистское in rusland организуется en gecontroleerd российскими спецслужбами met persoonlijk de zegen van de president van het land dr vladimir poetin.

http://uatoday.tv/news/ukraine-ready-to-send-relief-aid-to-georgia-s-flood-hit-capital-438876.html?fb_ref=Default (http://uatoday.tv/news/ukraine-ready-to-send-relief-aid-to-georgia-s-flood-hit-capital-438876.html?fb_ref=Default)

http://en.censor.net.ua/n340919 (http://en.censor.net.ua/n340919)

http://tvzvezda.ru/news/vstrane_i_mire/content/201506221917-3kyj.htm (http://tvzvezda.ru/news/vstrane_i_mire/content/201506221917-3kyj.htm)

http://vkusno-em.net/vkusnyie-kartofelnyie-vatrushki-s-kuritsey/ (http://vkusno-em.net/vkusnyie-kartofelnyie-vatrushki-s-kuritsey/)


http://www.macleans.ca/news/world/ukraines-other-war-the-fight-to-heal-soldiers-bodies-and-minds/ (http://www.macleans.ca/news/world/ukraines-other-war-the-fight-to-heal-soldiers-bodies-and-minds/)

http://www.dw.com/ru/%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%8B-%D1%84%D1%80%D0%B3-%D1%81-%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%B5%D1%82-%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C-%D1%81-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B8-%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8B/a-18530476 (http://www.dw.com/ru/%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%8B-%D1%84%D1%80%D0%B3-%D1%81-%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B9-%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%B5%D1%82-%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C-%D1%81-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B8-%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8B/a-18530476)

http://svitua.org/index.php/all/item/2940-chto-sdelali-amerikantsy-dlya-sssr (http://svitua.org/index.php/all/item/2940-chto-sdelali-amerikantsy-dlya-sssr)

richard rudgley
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZi_A_qKPuM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZi_A_qKPuM)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drCzWw14qOA&list=PLIHM8LqOoHLXUQZxBjUpR-HzxsjHZU8nY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drCzWw14qOA&list=PLIHM8LqOoHLXUQZxBjUpR-HzxsjHZU8nY)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji-euOhmDeI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji-euOhmDeI)

http://www.infoukes.com/history/origin_of_kyiv/ (http://www.infoukes.com/history/origin_of_kyiv/)
Kyiv, Ukraine 1533 years...482 CE
http://www.infoukes.com/history/origin_of_kyiv/ (http://www.infoukes.com/history/origin_of_kyiv/)
650 years before moscow smile-emoticon

A person of Russian nationality, or the collapse of popular rasologii
http://www.gumilev-center.ru/lico-russkojj-nacionalnosti/ (http://www.gumilev-center.ru/lico-russkojj-nacionalnosti/)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gumilev-center.ru%2Flico-russkojj-nacionalnosti%2F (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gumilev-center.ru%2Flico-russkojj-nacionalnosti%2F)

http://www.gumilev-center.ru/russkie-ne-slavyane-chast-iii/ (http://www.gumilev-center.ru/russkie-ne-slavyane-chast-iii/)
Russian not Slavs (Part III)
  https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gumilev-center.ru%2Frusskie-ne-slavyane-chast-iii%2F (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gumilev-center.ru%2Frusskie-ne-slavyane-chast-iii%2F)

  About Turanian element in Russian culture
  http://www.gumilev-center.ru/o-turanskom-ehlemente-v-russkojj-kulture/ (http://www.gumilev-center.ru/o-turanskom-ehlemente-v-russkojj-kulture/)
  https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gumilev-center.ru%2Fo-turanskom-ehlemente-v-russkojj-kulture%2F (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gumilev-center.ru%2Fo-turanskom-ehlemente-v-russkojj-kulture%2F)
  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=454575351368835&set=a.186448001514906.1073741828.100004491213637&type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=454575351368835&set=a.186448001514906.1073741828.100004491213637&type=1&theater)
  Moskovite-Oekraমse woordenboek, 1940

  https://www.facebook.com/euromaidanpress.en/photos/a.220820914768385.1073741828.220542374796239/416828805167594/?type=1 (https://www.facebook.com/euromaidanpress.en/photos/a.220820914768385.1073741828.220542374796239/416828805167594/?type=1)
#AmazingUkraine The first constitution in the world was adopted in Ukraine

On June 28, Ukraine celebrates Constitution day to mark the adoption of the Ukrainian Constitution in 1996. But Ukraine's constitutional traditions go way back, to Kozak times.

In 1710 the Constitution of Hetman Pylyp Orlyk (1710) was adopted. It established a democratic standards for the separation of powers in government between the legislative, executive and judiciary branches. That Constitution also limited the executive authority of the Hetman and established a democratically elected Cossacks parliament called the General Council.
https://www.facebook.com/euromaidanpress.en/photos/a.220820914768385.1073741828.220542374796239/416828805167594/?type=1 (https://www.facebook.com/euromaidanpress.en/photos/a.220820914768385.1073741828.220542374796239/416828805167594/?type=1)

http://truthuncensored.net/university-academics-say-pedophilia-is-natural-for-males-aroused-by-children/#sthash.yXfAcNNN.eyXMBzQO.dpbs (http://truthuncensored.net/university-academics-say-pedophilia-is-natural-for-males-aroused-by-children/#sthash.yXfAcNNN.eyXMBzQO.dpbs)
 https://www.google.nl/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL647NL647&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=15.000%20years%20ago%20people%20spoke%20same%20language (https://www.google.nl/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL647NL647&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=15.000%20years%20ago%20people%20spoke%20same%20language)
 http://www.merrittruhlen.com/files/Origin.pdf (http://www.merrittruhlen.com/files/Origin.pdf)
 Bill Mahler
 God never wanted religion to excist, she gave the universe and earth to us to enjoy and live our lives an what we did and do with her gift?
 https://books.google.nl/books?id=H1wFFtlWvrMC&pg=PA25&lpg=PA25&dq=Song+dnipro+river&source=bl&ots=_zxt6v6Gk9&sig=nh1Uq_7Hn1rf_tyKEGZ_RtT0hUU&hl=en&sa=X&ei=bPKYVeesEcXcsAWo6bzACA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Song%20dnipro%20river&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=H1wFFtlWvrMC&pg=PA25&lpg=PA25&dq=Song+dnipro+river&source=bl&ots=_zxt6v6Gk9&sig=nh1Uq_7Hn1rf_tyKEGZ_RtT0hUU&hl=en&sa=X&ei=bPKYVeesEcXcsAWo6bzACA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Song%20dnipro%20river&f=false)
 Preserving the Dnipro River: Harmony, History and Rehabilitation
http://www.econet.ru/articles/65971-kak-nerozhdennye-deti-vliyayut-na-rozhdennyh (http://www.econet.ru/articles/65971-kak-nerozhdennye-deti-vliyayut-na-rozhdennyh)
 Mother-child/baby/fetus relation is very different to father-child, cause women make the child in and with her own body, for a singlemom courtcase in which a progenitor claimed fathers'right, I calculated that his right was 1/60.000 billion of child, rest of woman, the man, lawyers and judge were amazed smile-emoticon I mostly agree with this article, where I think miscarriges can be felt different then abortions, depending on culture and upbringings, in netherlands some (wo)men see it same as condoms , and that in my humble opinion should not be allowed.
 How affect unborn children born

http://edition.cnn.com/2014/11/05/world/gallery/precious-monuments-lost-in-middle-east-conflicts/?sr=style (http://edition.cnn.com/2014/11/05/world/gallery/precious-monuments-lost-in-middle-east-conflicts/?sr=style)
seem those ISIS and Taliban-AlQaida infedels are afraid of history, but history can't be erased just falsified like Gulfstates, Saudi Ariaba, Israel and Putin does.

history : http://melom.by/article/8095 (http://melom.by/article/8095)   russian tartar not slavic
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fmelom.by%2Farticle%2F8095&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fmelom.by%2Farticle%2F8095&edit-text=)

- росией hазывать московию een bloederige cheating тартарии-наследницы gouden horde wiens тоталитарный heerser бектербек petrus gaf het land voor een valse naam ' s pr en респектабельности,

- московию hазывать росией-het uit als обманщикам тартарии!

Russ-het oekraďne.

- het is тартария московия

Die aan de russen-oekraďne te maken had, behalve mijn slechte aard van vele eeuwen boven de mensen.

Russ-oekraďne eeuwenlang was juridische staat met выборными prinsen die arm niet onder controle, mensen.

- московия тартария eeuwen zijn кровожадными тиранами, маньяками die met mensen behandelde als slaven.

Een korte lijst oorlogen тартарии-московии (gouden horde) voor al haar шизофреническую verhaal (elk van deze oorlogen сопровождалась duizenden slachtoffers):

1471-1496-oorlog tegen новгорода.
1499-захватнический trekking op ural.
1500-1503-de oorlog tegen de eeuw.
1512-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1550-oorlog tegen казанского ханства.
1552-tweede oorlog tegen казани.
1556-oorlog tegen астрахани.
1557-de oorlog tegen de krim.
1558-1563-oorlog tegen лифляндии.
1579-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1581-militaire expeditie in siberië.
1590-1595-de oorlog tegen de zweden.
1598-de oorlog tegen de han кучума tot siberische ballingschap.
1600-militair tocht naar de rivier обь in siberië.
1608-1618-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1610-1617-de oorlog tegen de zweden.
1632-1634-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1637-oorlog tegen азова.
1643-1652-oorlog tegen china.
1654-1667-de oorlog tegen de polen, begin de bezetting oekraďne.
1656-1661-de oorlog tegen de zweden.
1668-1669-oorlog tegen van perzië, iran.
1671-trekking op астрахань.
1676-1681-oorlog tegen turkije, de krim en in moldavië.
1687-de oorlog tegen de krim.
1689-trekking op crimea.
1695-trekking op de basis starten.
1695-1697-trekking op камчатку.
1700-1721-oorlog tegen syrië, begin vernietiging гетманщины.
1711-oorlog tegen turkije.
1722-1724-oorlog tegen of persia-iran.
1733-1735-oorlog met de polen.
1735-1739-oorlog tegen turkije, de krim en in moldavië.
1741-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1741-1743-de oorlog tegen de zweden.
1756-1762-de oorlog tegen de duitsers.
1764-catherine ii ликвидировала гетманское staat.
1768-1774-oorlog tegen turkije en in moldavië.
1787-1792-oorlog tegen turkije en in moldavië, окупация de krim.
1788-1790-de oorlog tegen de zweden.
1792-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1794-de oorlog tegen de polen.
1769-oorlog tegen van perzië, iran.
1799-oorlog tegen frankrijk.
1800-oorlog tegen engeland.
1804-1813-oorlog tegen van perzië, iran.
1805-1807-oorlog tegen frankrijk.
1805-1812-oorlog tegen turkije en in moldavië.
1806-trekking op sakhalin.
1808-1809-de oorlog tegen de zweden.
1812-1814-oorlog tegen frankrijk.
1813-oorlog tegen georgië.
1820-trekking in kazachstan.
1826-1828-oorlog tegen van perzië, iran.
1828-1829-oorlog tegen turkije in moldavië, валахии.
1833-de constantinopel onderneming.
1839-trekking op хиву.
1843-1859-oorlog met чечней, дагестаном, черкесии.
1847-trekking in kazachstan.
1850-trekking op dat-kruiwagen.
1853-trekking op ak-moskee.
1853-1856-oorlog met turkije, frankrijk en engeland in de krim.
1850-1856-trekking op коканд.
1865-de bezetting tasjkent.
1866-1868-trekking op бухару.
1868-ik zie een vliegend tapijt окупация.
1873-1875-trekking op хиву.
1877-1878-oorlog tegen turkije.
1880-1881-trekking in turkmenistan.
1884-1885-trekking in afghanistan.
1901-окупация mantsjoerije ingenomen.
1904-1905-oorlog tegen japan.
1914-1917-oorlog tegen duitsland, oostenrijk-hongarije, bulgarije en turkije.
1917-oorlog tegen het saimaameer.
1918-de oorlog tegen de oekraďne.
1918-tocht, naar litouwen letland gaan en эстонию.
1919-trekking in wit-rusland.
1919-1921-de oorlog tegen de oekraďne.
1920-oorlog met de polen.
1920-1921-de bezetting georgi�, armenië en azerbeidzjan.
1929-oorlog met china.
1921-1923-голодомор in de oekraďne.
1932-1933-голодомор in de oekraďne.
1938-1939-oorlog met japan.
1939-oorlog met de polen.
1939-1940-oorlog met финляндией.
1939-окупация западноукраинских land.
1940-de bezetting бессарабии en zuid-буковины.
1941-1945-oorlog met duitsland.
1941-invoer troepen in персию, iran.
1944-окупация тувинской volksrepubliek.
1945-oorlog met japan.
1950-1953 de oorlog in korea.
1956-trekking in hongarije.
1960-betrokkenheid in de oorlog in laos.
1968-invasie van tsjechoslowakije.
2008-aanval op грузию.
2014-de invasie in de oekraďne.

http://joinfo.ua/politic/1102947_Radikalnenko-Radu-vnesen-zakonoproekt-zaprete.html (http://joinfo.ua/politic/1102947_Radikalnenko-Radu-vnesen-zakonoproekt-zaprete.html)

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fjoinfo.ua%2Fpolitic%2F1102947_Radikalnenko-Radu-vnesen-zakonoproekt-zaprete.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fjoinfo.ua%2Fpolitic%2F1102947_Radikalnenko-Radu-vnesen-zakonoproekt-zaprete.html&edit-text=)

http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=55883 (http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=55883)
http://itd.rada.gov.ua/mps/info/page/18165 (http://itd.rada.gov.ua/mps/info/page/18165)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op juli 29, 2015, 20:36:42 pm

draft law:
http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc34?id=&pf3511=55883&pf35401=350127 (http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc34?id=&pf3511=55883&pf35401=350127)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fw1.c1.rada.gov.ua%2Fpls%2Fzweb2%2Fwebproc34%3Fid%3D%26pf3511%3D55883%26pf35401%3D350127&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fw1.c1.rada.gov.ua%2Fpls%2Fzweb2%2Fwebproc34%3Fid%3D%26pf3511%3D55883%26pf35401%3D350127&edit-text=)

http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc34?id=&pf3511=55883&pf35401=350518 (http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc34?id=&pf3511=55883&pf35401=350518)

"03" July 2015

Verkhovna Rada Of Ukraine

In a legislative initiative, guided by Article 93 of the Constitution of Ukraine, Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine "On status of deputy of Ukraine" and Article 89 of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine'm doing the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the draft Law of Ukraine "On the prohibition of the use of the historical name of Ukraine and derivatives of it words as the name or synonym of, the use of such names to describe the current territory of the Russian Federation or any part thereof ".
Report to the bill at a plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will Korchynska MP Ukraine Oksana.

1. The text of the draft Law 5 ff.
2. Explanatory memorandum to 4 ff.
3. Comparison table for 10 ff.
4. Draft Resolution 1 ff.
5. Electronic texts of these documents.

People's deputy of Ukraine O. Korchynska
                                                                                                (License number 208)

http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc34?id=&pf3511=55883&pf35401=350520 (http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc34?id=&pf3511=55883&pf35401=350520)
explanitory note
the draft Law of Ukraine
"On the prohibition of the use of the historical name of Ukraine and derivative words as the name or synonym of, use that name to refer to the present territory of the Russian Federation or any part thereof"

1. Rationale for adoption of the draft law
Today we have enough examples of openly hostile policy of respect to Ukraine, causing a stir in the societies of both countries, creating tensions between Ukraine and Russia at the international level and at the level of consciousness of ordinary people.
One manifestation of this unfriendly "imperial policy" of Ukraine regarding the use of the historical name is in Ukraine - "Russia", "Russia" as the official name of.
However, "Russia" and / or "Rus" is the historical name of the territory on which the modern Ukraine, and its use as an official synonym of an aggressive reminder to citizens of Ukraine "temporary" Ukrainian statehood, and encroachment on state sovereignty Ukraine.
The name "Rus" and derivative "Russia" is generally called the current Ukraine. The territory of present ever, a new time, not called foreign sources and local residents nor "Russ" or "Russia".
The term "Rus" is historically inherited phenomenon, as the name of the territory and people of Kiev principality Pereyaslavl principality and most of the Chernigov principality, which implicitly Numerous chronicles materials and Western historical and literary sources.
Ethnonym "Rus" or "Russia", used to refer to Ukraine's borders to illegal renaming Muscovy in "Russia" and continues to middle of XVIII century.
Western sources in the XVIII century, inclusive, Ukraine appeared under the name "Rus", and the people, including the Cossacks, called "rusami" or "rutentsyamy."
Numerous, reliable historical sources indicate that the name "Rus" and / or "Russia" can be applied only to the territories of modern Ukraine, but not be the official name of the state-aggressor.
Article 11 of the Constitution of Ukraine, determined that the state promotes the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian nation, its historical consciousness, traditions and culture, and the development of the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of all indigenous peoples and national minorities of Ukraine,
Given the above, is the need to accept the proposed Law of Ukraine "On the prohibition of the use of the historical name of Ukraine and derivative words as the name or synonym of, use that name to refer to the present territory of the Russian Federation or any part thereof".

2. The purpose and objectives of the Law
The purpose of the bill is to restore the historical and social justice, protection of historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, and promoting the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian nation, its historical consciousness, traditions and culture.

3. General characteristics and main provisions of the draft
Filed with the draft law provides for prohibition to use the historical name in Ukraine and derivative words as the name or synonym of, the use of such names to describe the current territory of the Russian Federation or any part of it in official documents of state authorities, local governments, businesses , institutions and organizations, including the documents representative offices of foreign business entities that operate in Ukraine, in public statements officials of state agencies, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations, including the statements of officials representative offices of foreign business entities that operate in Ukraine in the coverage of any information and creating information materials on the Russian Federation to the media and news agencies, educational, cartographic, reference, encyclopedic publications, advertisements, advertising, signs, road signs, in the mail, in audiovisual works distributed Ukrainian broadcasters and other areas where officially used the official name of.

4. The legal framework in the field of legal regulation
Implementation of the submitted bill after its adoption requires amendments to some laws of Ukraine, in particular:
1) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
2) Law of Ukraine "On the information agencies".
3) Law of Ukraine "On Television and Radio".
4) of the Law of Ukraine "On names."
5) Law of Ukraine "On Advertising".

5. Financial and economic assessment
Adoption of the draft law will not require additional expenditures from the State and / or local budgets Ukraine.

6. Forecast of socio-economic, legal and other consequences of the enactment
Adoption of the draft Law will contribute to the protection of national interests of Ukraine, historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, the preservation of the independence of Ukraine, restoration of historical and social justice, as well as the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian nation, its historical consciousness, traditions and culture.

People's deputy of Ukraine O.A.Korchynska

http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc34?id=&pf3511=55883&pf35401=350519 (http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc34?id=&pf3511=55883&pf35401=350519)


the draft Law of Ukraine
"On the prohibition of the use of the historical name of Ukraine and derivative words as the name or synonym of, use that name to refer to the present territory of the Russian Federation or any part thereof"

The Criminal Code of Ukraine
Revision of the current legislation
Editorial legislation considering proposed changes
Article 1101. Using historical name in Ukraine and derivative words as the name or synonym of, use that name to refer to the present territory of the Russian Federation or any part thereof
1. Using historical name in Ukraine and derivative words as the name or synonym of, the use of such names to describe the current territory of the Russian Federation or any part thereof, in the official documents of state agencies, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations, including the documents representative offices of foreign business entities that operate in Ukraine, public statements of officials of state agencies, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations, including those in the statements of officials of the foreign business entities that operate in Ukraine in the coverage of any information and creating information materials on the Russian Federation to the media and news agencies, educational, cartographic, reference, encyclopedias, in ads, advertising, on signs , on road signs, in the mail, in audiovisual works distributed Ukrainian broadcasters and other areas which used the official name of the Russian Federation -
punishable by a fine up to fifty non-taxable minimum incomes.
2. Actions envisaged the first part of this article, if committed by a person who is a representative of authority, or if repeated -
punishable by a fine of fifty to one hundred untaxed minimum incomes.


http://uahistory.com/topics/events/1523 (http://uahistory.com/topics/events/1523)
http://meest-online.com/history/action/z-pryvodu-95-richchya-pidpysannya-dohovoru-petlyury-pilsudskoho/ (http://meest-online.com/history/action/z-pryvodu-95-richchya-pidpysannya-dohovoru-petlyury-pilsudskoho/)
http://www2.stetson.edu/~psteeves/classes/pritsak.html (http://www2.stetson.edu/~psteeves/classes/pritsak.html)
The Origin of "Rus"
by Omeljan Pritsak
The Russian Review (July 1977), 249-273 (abridged)

http://uatoday.tv/society/celebrating-ivana-kupala-ukrainians-revive-ancient-traditions-with-pagan-holiday-451523.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/celebrating-ivana-kupala-ukrainians-revive-ancient-traditions-with-pagan-holiday-451523.html)
ivana kupala
The holiday's traditions and beliefs are associated with pagan rituals which honor the Slavic God of the Sun. The name ‘Kupala' actually stands for purification and fertility.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupala_Night (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupala_Night)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_0j_38Tda0&list=PL76E5B88A88B08289 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_0j_38Tda0&list=PL76E5B88A88B08289)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=ivana+kupala&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL647NL647&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=675&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=VOqbVcXKMY2V7AbFqK3oDQ&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ (https://www.google.nl/search?q=ivana+kupala&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL647NL647&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=675&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=VOqbVcXKMY2V7AbFqK3oDQ&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ)

http://vlasno.info/spetsproekti/2/tourism/item/4473-na-vinnychchyni-zberihsia-iedynyi-u-sviti-dokhrystyianskyi-slov-ianskyi-khram (http://vlasno.info/spetsproekti/2/tourism/item/4473-na-vinnychchyni-zberihsia-iedynyi-u-sviti-dokhrystyianskyi-slov-ianskyi-khram)

http://gazeta.ua/articles/history/_356-rokiv-tomu-getman-vigovskij-rozbiv-moskaliv-pid-konotopom/635625 (http://gazeta.ua/articles/history/_356-rokiv-tomu-getman-vigovskij-rozbiv-moskaliv-pid-konotopom/635625)

http://www.statearchive.ru/394 (http://www.statearchive.ru/394)
http://isurok.livejournal.com/720504.html (http://isurok.livejournal.com/720504.html)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI34F-kTOA8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI34F-kTOA8)
https://borissoff.wordpress.com/2013/10/16/russian-and-indian-embroidery/ (https://borissoff.wordpress.com/2013/10/16/russian-and-indian-embroidery/)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_embroidery (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_embroidery)
http://www.cross-stitch-patterns.eu/index.php?fraza=ukrainian+embroidery (http://www.cross-stitch-patterns.eu/index.php?fraza=ukrainian+embroidery)

Embroidery is an ancient and symbolic tradition in Ukraine. In 513 BC, Herodotus, the famous Greek historian, in describing the invasion of Darius, mentioned that the Thracian-Dacian people who lived in what is now the Balkans and western Ukrainey used embroidery to decorate their clothes

https://www.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/articles/nb47_emb.pdf (https://www.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/articles/nb47_emb.pdf)

https://meduza.io/en/news/2015/07/13/russia-s-largest-social-network-shuts-down-atheist-community-for-extremism (https://meduza.io/en/news/2015/07/13/russia-s-largest-social-network-shuts-down-atheist-community-for-extremism)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Russian_Orthodox_Church (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Russian_Orthodox_Church)

http://jordanrussiacenter.org/news/welcome-ukrainian-101/#.VaDSTf1RXJv (http://jordanrussiacenter.org/news/welcome-ukrainian-101/#.VaDSTf1RXJv)

On Khortitsa've found a unique discovery, which more than 4 thousand years
http://vidia.org/2015/42274 (http://vidia.org/2015/42274)
astronomical data helped ancient to measure time and seasons(astrology-starsigns have nothing to do with stars but with seasons-egypt had 3 seasons of 4 months, in every month they had 3 weeks of 10 days)like I do with clock/calendar :-) it made them feel part of and closer with nature then we do
http://vidia.org/2015/37816 (http://vidia.org/2015/37816)
BBC programs about the island Khortytsya

http://kresy24.pl/70666/rosyjscy-archeolodzy-kopali-kopali-i-wykopali-tryzub/ (http://kresy24.pl/70666/rosyjscy-archeolodzy-kopali-kopali-i-wykopali-tryzub/)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fkresy24.pl%2F70666%2Frosyjscy-archeolodzy-kopali-kopali-i-wykopali-tryzub%2F&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fkresy24.pl%2F70666%2Frosyjscy-archeolodzy-kopali-kopali-i-wykopali-tryzub%2F&edit-text=)

Ukraine is not Russia, cause Tsar Peter in 1721 renamed Moscovy Russia and stole that name and history from Ukraine.
http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/)

So in fact there are no REAL russians now in "russia":-) and even worse those "russians" from "russia" are certainly not brothers of Ukrainian people as "russian" genetics found "russians" unlike Ukrainians are not even Slavic..
A person of Russian nationality, or the collapse of popular rasologii http://www.gumilev-center.ru/lico-russkojj-nacionalnosti/ (http://www.gumilev-center.ru/lico-russkojj-nacionalnosti/) https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gumilev-center.ru%2Flico-russkojj-nacionalnosti%2F (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gumilev-center.ru%2Flico-russkojj-nacionalnosti%2F)
http://www.gumilev-center.ru/russkie-ne-slavyane-chast-iii/ (http://www.gumilev-center.ru/russkie-ne-slavyane-chast-iii/) Russian not Slavs (Part III) https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gumilev-center.ru%2Frusskie-ne-slavyane-chast-iii%2F (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gumilev-center.ru%2Frusskie-ne-slavyane-chast-iii%2F)

and when "russian" MOD said USA didn't want  "russia" to be a country I replied on MOD's twitter: Its really no country, but just a unvoluntary federation of 85 parts and  Moscow is the leech.

And that "russia" is also not succesor of USSR/SU, that are ex-sovietstates..

Why Russians do not Ruska and Kievan Rus, not Russia 
http://www.svyatorus.com/istoriya/6240-pochemu-rossiyane-ne-ruskie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya.html (http://www.svyatorus.com/istoriya/6240-pochemu-rossiyane-ne-ruskie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya.html)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.svyatorus.com%2Fistoriya%2F6240-pochemu-rossiyane-ne-ruskie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya.html%20 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.svyatorus.com%2Fistoriya%2F6240-pochemu-rossiyane-ne-ruskie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya.html%20)

BTW, this url is blocked in RF a troll told me.... he got this: This resource is blocked by decision of public authorities of Russian Federation.
Try somenthing else as a 'proof :) he commented so I said if they block it, thats proof enough :-)

http://www.forbes.com/sites/kristinakillgrove/2015/07/18/these-red-haired-chinese-mummies-come-from-all-over-eurasia-dna-reveals/ (http://www.forbes.com/sites/kristinakillgrove/2015/07/18/these-red-haired-chinese-mummies-come-from-all-over-eurasia-dna-reveals/)

http://diply.com/auntyacid/easter-island-heads-have-bodies-moai-archaeologist/156895 (http://diply.com/auntyacid/easter-island-heads-have-bodies-moai-archaeologist/156895)

http://rusjev.net/2015/07/19/amerikanskie-genetiki-ustanovili-russkie-i-ukraintsyi-ne-yavlyayutsya-bratyami-po-krovi/ (http://rusjev.net/2015/07/19/amerikanskie-genetiki-ustanovili-russkie-i-ukraintsyi-ne-yavlyayutsya-bratyami-po-krovi/)
American geneticists established - Russian and Ukrainians are not blood brothers

http://rusjev.net/2015/07/19/amerikanskie-genetiki-ustanovili-russkie-i-ukraintsyi-ne-yavlyayutsya-bratyami-po-krovi/ (http://rusjev.net/2015/07/19/amerikanskie-genetiki-ustanovili-russkie-i-ukraintsyi-ne-yavlyayutsya-bratyami-po-krovi/)

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Frusjev.net%2F2015%2F07%2F19%2Famerikanskie-genetiki-ustanovili-russkie-i-ukraintsyi-ne-yavlyayutsya-bratyami-po-krovi%2F (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Frusjev.net%2F2015%2F07%2F19%2Famerikanskie-genetiki-ustanovili-russkie-i-ukraintsyi-ne-yavlyayutsya-bratyami-po-krovi%2F)

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2827310/Jesus-married-prostitute-Mary-Magdalene-two-children-lost-gospel-reveals.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2827310/Jesus-married-prostitute-Mary-Magdalene-two-children-lost-gospel-reveals.html)

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2601659/Ancient-papyrus-suggested-Jesus-married-IS-ancient-document-not-modern-forgery-according-forensic-tests.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2601659/Ancient-papyrus-suggested-Jesus-married-IS-ancient-document-not-modern-forgery-according-forensic-tests.html)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/11/10/the-book-that-claims-jesus-had-a-wife-and-kids-and-the-controversial-author-behind-it/ (http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/11/10/the-book-that-claims-jesus-had-a-wife-and-kids-and-the-controversial-author-behind-it/)

http://www.collective-evolution.com/2015/07/18/how-humanity-has-enslaved-itself/ (http://www.collective-evolution.com/2015/07/18/how-humanity-has-enslaved-itself/)

Was Already earlier Discovered by russian Genetics, Russians are not Slavic people,
so CAN not be Brothers Ukrainians Which ARE Slavic people.
In FACT Russians are not even russian, Tsar Peter took Cause That name in 1721 and
Stole name and History from Ukraine. "Russians" are Moscovites, the Real Slavic Russians
are Ukrainians :-) since Links are with proof Considered spam here ??? Look at right Side reddit russiawarinukraine

http://legenda03.livejournal.com/598.html?view=4438#t4438 (http://legenda03.livejournal.com/598.html?view=4438#t4438)

http:John Perkins - Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption
Today, we spend the hour with a man who claims to have worked deep inside the forces driving corporate globalization. In his first book, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", John Perkins told the story of his work as a highly paid consultant hired to strong-arm leaders into creating policy favorable to the U.S. government and corporations — what he calls the "corporatocracy." John Perkins has just come out with a new book. It's called "The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption."


Forbidden history of Russia
Aivazovsky painting "Distribution of food" written by the artist in 1892 – one of those who were not welcomed to the show in modern Russia.
On a Russian Troika, loaded American food, is the farmer, proudly lifting over the head of the American flag. The villagers waving handkerchiefs and hats, and some, falling into the roadside dust, pray to God and give praise America for help.
The picture is dedicated to American humanitarian campaign 1891-1892, to help the starving in Russia.
The future Emperor of Russia Nicholas II stated: "We are all deeply touched that we come from America ships full of food." The resolution, prepared by prominent representatives of the Russian public, in particular, reads: "Sending bread to the Russian people in times of hardship and need, the United States of America show, the most exciting example of fraternal feelings."
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1403225350007649/permalink/1426587671004750/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1403225350007649/permalink/1426587671004750/)

 Ukrainian researchers have come across one of the most important discoveries in recent years as they accidentally discovered a set of megalithic constructions and pyramids in the peninsula of Crimea
 http://m.disclose.tv/news/the_crimean_pyramids_built_before_dinosaurs_roamed_the_earth/120619 (http://m.disclose.tv/news/the_crimean_pyramids_built_before_dinosaurs_roamed_the_earth/120619)
Until the 18th century Russian Finnish were Muslims or stolen Kievan Rus. Parts I, II

http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2769001.html (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2769001.html)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Foleg-leusenko.livejournal.com%2F2769001.html&sandbox=1 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Foleg-leusenko.livejournal.com%2F2769001.html&sandbox=1)

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1435122023482982&id=100009555945267 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1435122023482982&id=100009555945267)
Lost City found under water- Alexandria, Egypt.
http://www.franckgoddio.org/projects/sunken-civilizations/heracleion.html (http://www.franckgoddio.org/projects/sunken-civilizations/heracleion.html)

http://archaeologyinbulgaria.com/2015/05/26/large-sunken-byzantine-ship-discovered-in-black-sea-off-the-coast-of-sevastopol-on-crimean-peninsula/ (http://archaeologyinbulgaria.com/2015/05/26/large-sunken-byzantine-ship-discovered-in-black-sea-off-the-coast-of-sevastopol-on-crimean-peninsula/)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMz_bIzx8HM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMz_bIzx8HM)

https://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=04ZdmNQ8uo4&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D0jHsq36_NTU%26feature%3Dshare (https://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=04ZdmNQ8uo4&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D0jHsq36_NTU%26feature%3Dshare)

http://www.drozdovland.ru/index.php?action=add&id=1401&add&rod=1003 (http://www.drozdovland.ru/index.php?action=add&id=1401&add&rod=1003)

 http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/07/22/how-ukraine-got-into-such-a-bad-shape/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/07/22/how-ukraine-got-into-such-a-bad-shape/)
 The existing state system in Ukraine, left over from Soviet times, is corrupt and inefficient. While Western politicians decry Ukraine's lack of progress in reforms, we take a look, with the help of NKVD directives for Poland, into how its state system was formed. This document reveals the detailed ways in which freedom and efficiency were suppressed in countries of the Eastern bloc in order to ultimately create dependency on their metropoly, the USSR. Ukraine's success in reforms currently depends on the ability to either deconstruct or radically change this existing system.
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/07/150722-koran-quran-oldest-manuscript-birmingham/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=link_fb20150722news-koran&utm_campaign=Content&sf11243767=1 (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/07/150722-koran-quran-oldest-manuscript-birmingham/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=link_fb20150722news-koran&utm_campaign=Content&sf11243767=1)

http://www.chathamhouse.org/expert/comment/west-will- (http://www.chathamhouse.org/expert/comment/west-will-)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/07/23/ukrainians-as-fraternal-people-a-soviet-invention-oleshchuk-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/07/23/ukrainians-as-fraternal-people-a-soviet-invention-oleshchuk-says/)

http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2823947.html (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2823947.html)

http://zhurnal.lib.ru/g/gil_n_f/vladimirdal.shtml (http://zhurnal.lib.ru/g/gil_n_f/vladimirdal.shtml)

http://yournewswire.com/pope-francis-warns-about-the-reptilian-devil/ (http://yournewswire.com/pope-francis-warns-about-the-reptilian-devil/)

https://www.facebook.com/Mixaylo.Chorni/posts/773977606046483 (https://www.facebook.com/Mixaylo.Chorni/posts/773977606046483)
http://yournewswire.com/pope-francis-warns-about-the-reptilian-devil/ (http://yournewswire.com/pope-francis-warns-about-the-reptilian-devil/)
Comes from Zoraster predecessor of Mithras, and copied by jews and Christians and Muslims
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAC40-wIBYc&list=PLarj2-qKoqrhYcYxXqUg_HQyA0TW1mDOm&index=38 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAC40-wIBYc&list=PLarj2-qKoqrhYcYxXqUg_HQyA0TW1mDOm&index=38) 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAC40-wIBYc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAC40-wIBYc)    1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jStA_EA21IM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jStA_EA21IM)    2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5CbY9Wun10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5CbY9Wun10)    3

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serpents_in_the_Bible (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serpents_in_the_Bible)

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152877788741021&set=p.10152877788741021&type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152877788741021&set=p.10152877788741021&type=1&theater)
Kyiv 996-1100 Moscow?

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2014/03/19/vladimir-putin-ethnic-russian-nationalist/ (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2014/03/19/vladimir-putin-ethnic-russian-nationalist/)

Historians have confirmed that the Ukrainian people were formed four centuries earlier than the Russian people. Both people throughout history have changed their ethnic name.
Ukrainians or Old Rus people were initially formed by three Slavic tribes from Kyiv region - for some time headed by rulers of Viking roots (10 century).
The Finnish people tribes formed the russian people then known as tatar people - because the people were for some time ruled by Tatar invaders (14th century).
https://www.facebook.com/groups/367973740022059/permalink/507688489383916/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/367973740022059/permalink/507688489383916/)

http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2777774.html (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2777774.html)
Until the 18th century Russian Finnish were Muslims or stolen Kievan Rus. Parts III, IV

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1437105799951271&id=100009555945267 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1437105799951271&id=100009555945267)
La Suite Sans Cravate by Véronique Bogaert.
La Suite Sans Cravate hotel by Véronique Bogaert is located in Bruges, Belgium.
http://www.myhouseidea.com/2013/11/26/la-suite-sans-cravate-veronique-bogaert/ (http://www.myhouseidea.com/2013/11/26/la-suite-sans-cravate-veronique-bogaert/)

http://worldtruth.tv/the-people-who-live-on-this-island-will-kill-anyone-who-tries-to-come-ashore/ (http://worldtruth.tv/the-people-who-live-on-this-island-will-kill-anyone-who-tries-to-come-ashore/)
https://youtu.be/9wfSkjD1s7o (https://youtu.be/9wfSkjD1s7o)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentinelese_people (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentinelese_people)
https://youtu.be/ExdEHU02Zk0 (https://youtu.be/ExdEHU02Zk0)

https://www.facebook.com/volodimir.didyak/posts/692643130867604 (https://www.facebook.com/volodimir.didyak/posts/692643130867604)

http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/593722/9-11-White-House-September-11-George-W-Bush-Dick-Cheney-terror-attack-Twin-Towers (http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/593722/9-11-White-House-September-11-George-W-Bush-Dick-Cheney-terror-attack-Twin-Towers)

http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DiscoveryNews-Top-Stories/~3/tVHb5uCkOKw/mammoths-died-out-because-of-sudden-climate-change-150725.htm (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DiscoveryNews-Top-Stories/~3/tVHb5uCkOKw/mammoths-died-out-because-of-sudden-climate-change-150725.htm)

Almost 350 years ago, Dutch inventor and scientist Christiaan Huygens observed that two pendulum clocks hanging from a wall would synchronise their swing over time...What causes the phenomenon has led to much scientific head-scratching over the centuries, but no consensus to date...A study in the journal Scientific Reports has proposed a solution: the pendulums transfer energy to one another through sound pulses...A pair of Portuguese scientists hypothesised that these pulses might move from clock to clock, perturbing the swing of the pendulums and eventually causing them to synchronise...
http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/jul/24/portuguese-scientists-discover-why-pendulum-clocks-swing-together (http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/jul/24/portuguese-scientists-discover-why-pendulum-clocks-swing-together)

http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/jul/24/pluto-nitrogen-ice-flows-atmosphere-collapse-red-haze (http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/jul/24/pluto-nitrogen-ice-flows-atmosphere-collapse-red-haze)

http://dailylviv.com/news/istoriya/lviv-upershe-zyavyvsya-na-karti-1335-roku-21139?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook (http://dailylviv.com/news/istoriya/lviv-upershe-zyavyvsya-na-karti-1335-roku-21139?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook)

http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/07/150724-Maya-hieroglyph-shrine-Tikal-Calakmul-Guatemala-archaeology-stele-discovery-Peten-epigraphy/ (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/07/150724-Maya-hieroglyph-shrine-Tikal-Calakmul-Guatemala-archaeology-stele-discovery-Peten-epigraphy/)

https://youtu.be/CIsuszurvDQ (https://youtu.be/CIsuszurvDQ)

http://www.salon.com/2015/02/22/we_must_offend_religion_more_islam_christianity_and_our_tolerance_for_ancient_myths_harmful_ideas/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialflow (http://www.salon.com/2015/02/22/we_must_offend_religion_more_islam_christianity_and_our_tolerance_for_ancient_myths_harmful_ideas/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialflow)

http://www.nationofchange.org/2015/07/25/citing-religious-freedom-native-americans-fight-to-take-back-sacred-land-from-mining-companies/ (http://www.nationofchange.org/2015/07/25/citing-religious-freedom-native-americans-fight-to-take-back-sacred-land-from-mining-companies/)

http://news.yahoo.com/living-prussias-ruins-kaliningraders-embrace-germanic-past-120000721.html?soc_src=mediacontentsharebuttons&soc_trk=fb&fb_ref=Default (http://news.yahoo.com/living-prussias-ruins-kaliningraders-embrace-germanic-past-120000721.html?soc_src=mediacontentsharebuttons&soc_trk=fb&fb_ref=Default)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_of_Ukraine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_of_Ukraine)

http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/jewish-world-features/.premium-1.668002 (http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/jewish-world-features/.premium-1.668002)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/)

http://www.rferl.org/media/video/ukraine-orthodox-church/27157167.html (http://www.rferl.org/media/video/ukraine-orthodox-church/27157167.html)
1000 year christianity

https://www.facebook.com/man.armanian/posts/887109541326442 (https://www.facebook.com/man.armanian/posts/887109541326442)
 http://arman71.livejournal.com/15798.html (http://arman71.livejournal.com/15798.html)
 https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=%20http%3A%2F%2Farman71.livejournal.com%2F15798.html&sandbox=1 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=%20http%3A%2F%2Farman71.livejournal.com%2F15798.html&sandbox=1)
 Vraag je je nooit af wat de russen stierven wonder-богатыри суворова in de alpen? Waarom zijn we громили fransen in italië?
Hoe napoleon eindigde in rusland? Alexander wanhopig was jaloers op zijn roem en bang landrotten revolutie. En frankrijk is niets bedreigde rusland.
Hij heeft in drie коалициях tegen napoleon en telkens werd bits-en onder фридландом en bij austerlitz. En elke keer napoleon had geen voorwaarden voor rusland-altijd bij почетом gevangenen losliet. En alexander plechtig napoleon knuffelde, noemde hem zijn broer en daar verzameld militie voor een nieuwe oorlog.
En met die gevechtssimulatie революциями we altijd расправлялись. Rusland redde oostenrijk-hongarije vanaf halveren, подавив венгерскую revolutie. Maar later, vier jaar na deze franz joseph weigerde het steunen van nikolaj i in крымской oorlog.
Maar je hebt zelf de reden voor het begin van de oorlog was крымской overheidsbureau wie zullen de sleutels van de kerk van christus in bethlehem-православным of католикам. En toen, na een lange aarzeling, de turken hebben de sleutels zijn de fransen, nicholi jezelf deelgenoot gekwetst heeft troepen naar молдавию en валахию. We hebben wel тяжелейшее nederlaag in de krim, verloren de vloot en bijna 150 000 soldaten vanwege оскорбленных gevoelens van de keizer.

Myths about Muscovy and Muscovians.
http://www.vitki.org/РУССКИЕ (http://www.vitki.org/РУССКИЕ) МИФЫ. Мифы о России и русских..html
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vitki.org%2F%25D0%25A0%25D0%25A3%25D0%25A1%25D0%25A1%25D0%259A%25D0%2598%25D0%2595%2520%25D0%259C%25D0%2598%25D0%25A4%25D0%25AB.%2520%25D0%259C%25D0%25B8%25D1%2584%25D1%258B%2520%25D0%25BE%2520%25D0%25A0%25D0%25BE%25D1%2581%25D1%2581%25D0%25B8%25D0%25B8%2520%25D0%25B8%2520%25D1%2580%25D1%2583%25D1%2581%25D1%2581%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B8%25D1%2585..html&sandbox=1 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vitki.org%2F%25D0%25A0%25D0%25A3%25D0%25A1%25D0%25A1%25D0%259A%25D0%2598%25D0%2595%2520%25D0%259C%25D0%2598%25D0%25A4%25D0%25AB.%2520%25D0%259C%25D0%25B8%25D1%2584%25D1%258B%2520%25D0%25BE%2520%25D0%25A0%25D0%25BE%25D1%2581%25D1%2581%25D0%25B8%25D0%25B8%2520%25D0%25B8%2520%25D1%2580%25D1%2583%25D1%2581%25D1%2581%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B8%25D1%2585..html&sandbox=1)

Imperial chatter. 15 myths of the Russian history - the truth and the lies
 http://argumentua.com/stati/trep-imperskii-15-mifov-rossiiskoi-istorii-pravda-i-lozh (http://argumentua.com/stati/trep-imperskii-15-mifov-rossiiskoi-istorii-pravda-i-lozh)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fargumentua.com%2Fstati%2Ftrep-imperskii-15-mifov-rossiiskoi-istorii-pravda-i-lozh&sandbox=1 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fargumentua.com%2Fstati%2Ftrep-imperskii-15-mifov-rossiiskoi-istorii-pravda-i-lozh&sandbox=1)

 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/10/steven-seagal-pro-russian-separatists-ukraine-crimea-concert (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/10/steven-seagal-pro-russian-separatists-ukraine-crimea-concert)
 http://www.unian.info/war/1105657-more-than-66000-soldiers-granted-ato-participant-status.html (http://www.unian.info/war/1105657-more-than-66000-soldiers-granted-ato-participant-status.html)
 https://www.facebook.com/yelena.yaburova/posts/464799343679769 (https://www.facebook.com/yelena.yaburova/posts/464799343679769)
 Negen documentaire bevestigingen украинства
" prins van dr vladimir "
1) het eerste de waarheid is, dat is geen prins van " dr vladimir " nooit heeft bestaan.
Hoe schrijft alle ', in feite, vorst heette володымер (in andere plaatsen-володимиръ), En niets anders. En zelfs de stad vladimir in rusland, gebaseerd мономахом, tot de 17 e eeuw heette володымер.
2) en ten tweede, vorst володымер, in overeenstemming met dezelfde летописями, was de graaf " кыєва ". Voor мордово-мерянского bevolking (nakomelingen die maakt de meerderheid in het moderne rusland) al deze " володымеры ", " кыєвы ", " лыбеди "-naam diep бендеровские, precies паляныця, coy en uitspreken onmogelijk voor de russische kaak.
3) het feit: Vorst володымер werd geboren in een кыеви.
4) de vorst had володымер herb-тризуб.
5) het geld van vorst володымера was hryvnia.
6) de vader van vorst володымера " was een verschrikkelijke хохол " met een оселедцем святослав, en de moeder-" хохлушка " uit de stad любеча черниговского plank.
7) de vorst володымер tweemaal " накостылял " ouders московитов-вятичам om hen te laten betalen киеву.
8) gouverneur van vorst володымера wolf staart in het jaar 984 gemakkelijk brak voorouders московитов радимичей op de rivier een zanderige, waarna киевляне потешались dat " песчанцы vanaf z ' n staart rennen ".
9) de vorst володымер исколотил " tweede rome " en controleren киеву корсунь (vandaag op zijn plek gepost севастополь). Alle володымере een groot deel van de krim (hele oost schiereiland) gehoorzamen van киеву. Inderdaad, het is dringend необходымо te herstellen.
http://town.org.ua/news/20051-moskoviya-ne-imeet-otnosheniya-k-kievskoj-rusi-a-rossiya-k-knyazyu-vladimiru (http://town.org.ua/news/20051-moskoviya-ne-imeet-otnosheniya-k-kievskoj-rusi-a-rossiya-k-knyazyu-vladimiru)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1millionStandForUkraine/permalink/519056198249604/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1millionStandForUkraine/permalink/519056198249604/)
Icon of St. Vladimir in the Vatican. Ukraine is the only country in the world, whose coat of arms is depicted in the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul in Rome!

http://onpress.info/arhivy-vskryty-ukraina-90-let-nazad-byla-v-1-6-raz-bolshe-39256 (http://onpress.info/arhivy-vskryty-ukraina-90-let-nazad-byla-v-1-6-raz-bolshe-39256)

http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/01/10/underwater-pyramid-found-near-portugal-has-portuguese-navy-investigating-link-to-atlantis/ (http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/01/10/underwater-pyramid-found-near-portugal-has-portuguese-navy-investigating-link-to-atlantis/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/07/29/christians-celebrate-1027-years-and-pray-for-peace/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/07/29/christians-celebrate-1027-years-and-pray-for-peace/)
seize all assets of oligarchs it belongs to the people, just 68 billion debt, thats 1/7 of Netherlands with its 17 million people.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-33680128 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-33680128)
Remains of English Jamestown colony leaders discovered

https://youtu.be/E8BZ3VhX3YI (https://youtu.be/E8BZ3VhX3YI)

Ancient Knowledge Pt.4 The Real Secret Of How The Pyramids Were Built & Coral Castle


For generations Latvians have known that the relaxing chamomile tea is much better when you actually pick a bunch of chamomile flowers and pour them with hot water. And the best horseradish isn’t the one that comes in small jars from the supermarket but the one with juicy leaves coming straight out of the ground.

This time of the year, when everything is green and blooming, is perfect for gathering herbal teas and to learn more about useful wild plants. Towards the summer solstice they become particularly important as the knowledge about the power of nature goes hand in hand with our cultural traditions.

Today till 19.00 a special Midsummer Fair takes place at Dome Square in Rīga. It’s a wonderful opportunity to dive into the diversity of natural goods, impressive flower bunches, garlands and oak leave crowns that are said to give strength to their owners.

https://www.facebook.com/IfYouLikeLatviaLatviaLikesYou/photos/a.296291000388415.95356.295492690468246/1168921556458684/?type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/IfYouLikeLatviaLatviaLikesYou/photos/a.296291000388415.95356.295492690468246/1168921556458684/?type=1&theater)
I designed a 24hour/yearcalender which besides seconds, minutes,days also 365 day circle with days,months, STARSIGNS which time goes thru also btw, and thus depicts solstices, equinoxes,, I will use it also for special/birthdays with pins(mounted on pinboard), besides all this it depicts ofc at top midnight/end of year, at bottom midday, upper half is from evening till morning, rest is day ,every quarter of day/year gives either season or part of day, can also be used to count the years...Can also be seen as cycle of life, from birth to adolescent, mature life, elderly till the end... with it I will make some info on timekeeping, egyptians f.i.. had 12 months of 30 days, 3 weeks per month and 5 days at end of year festivities, but their year started when Nile flooded the land...will add also chinese and other starsigns..btw why we use 12 hour clocks? cause people used sundials with 12 hours, and at least in egypt waterclocks for other 12 hours..

But in fact it makes sense, there's 24 hours in a day, the total board is 40x60 cm, background is a late 18th century zodiacwheel from a old atlas, minute I saw it I thought he a clock in it !!! Starsigns are not only in a yearly cycle but also daily, ascendant is starsign where sun is at time of birth, and in popular magazines astrology sign is just that a weighed average of all ascendants. I myself was born CET 16.50, just in time for dinner smile-emoticon offcourse
and now expanding it, other starsigns, how and why relating, and want upper half from evening to morning in blue for night (moon), bottom half from morning to evening in yellow for day(sun), and he thats Ukrainian flag smile-emoticon

https://www.facebook.com/laseramusic/photos/a.465974173462797.106826.101114383282113/886180254775518/?type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/laseramusic/photos/a.465974173462797.106826.101114383282113/886180254775518/?type=1&theater)
why do men have nipples? Because females do, female is the baseform of evolution (not male!) main reason behind mothergoddess religions before male-religions like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddism...http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-men-have-nipples/ (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-men-have-nipples/)

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2827310/Jesus-married-prostitute-Mary-Magdalene-two-children-lost-gospel-reveals.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2827310/Jesus-married-prostitute-Mary-Magdalene-two-children-lost-gospel-reveals.html)

http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/feb/19/rabbis-absolute-power-how-sex-abuse-tore-apart-australias-orthodox-jewish-community (http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/feb/19/rabbis-absolute-power-how-sex-abuse-tore-apart-australias-orthodox-jewish-community)

http://nv.ua/techno/science/nasa-soobshchilo-ob-istoricheskom-otkrytii-vtoroj-zemli---onlajn-zajavlenie-60600.html (http://nv.ua/techno/science/nasa-soobshchilo-ob-istoricheskom-otkrytii-vtoroj-zemli---onlajn-zajavlenie-60600.html)


Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni Verzameling Ukraine historische links-standaard
Bericht door: admin op juli 29, 2015, 20:50:42 pm

 top60 lies
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exyEMqErriY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exyEMqErriY) benalvino1860
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R0gUGDVi1Q (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R0gUGDVi1Q)  eerste
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjToheC01SHpEc21EZTQ/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjToheC01SHpEc21EZTQ/view?usp=sharing)  info ukr rtf
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohUTI0UjJ0ZW5nVUE/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohUTI0UjJ0ZW5nVUE/view?usp=sharing)  info ukr pdf


https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohUTd3MHM4N3VNa0k/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohUTd3MHM4N3VNa0k/view?usp=sharing) booklist ukr .docx
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohM0M1WjFnV2JZZjQ/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohM0M1WjFnV2JZZjQ/view?usp=sharing)  booklist ukr pdf

"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

ru卐卐ian kacaps army   Katsap

https://www.facebook.com/notes/euromaidan-art-graphics/anti-ukraine-propagandists-news-outlets-to-question/686571694793830 (https://www.facebook.com/notes/euromaidan-art-graphics/anti-ukraine-propagandists-news-outlets-to-question/686571694793830)

http://www.kijkmagazine.nl/artikel/reaguurders/ (http://www.kijkmagazine.nl/artikel/reaguurders/)

Het woord 'nazi' is afkomstig van NAtionalsoZIalist, de Duitstalige term voor een aanhanger van het nationaalsocialisme. De afkorting 'nazi' is analoog aan het iets oudere 'sozi', wat in het Duitsland van het begin van de 20e eeuw de volksnaam was voor een aanhanger van het socialisme. De term 'nazisme' is van 'nazi' afgeleid en wordt tegenwoordig gebruikt als afkorting voor nationaalsocialisme
http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi)

die introduceerden fascisme
http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascisme (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascisme)

http://coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/54/54_48-49.pdf (http://coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/54/54_48-49.pdf)  14 signs its fascist

http://www.rense.com/general37/char.htm (http://www.rense.com/general37/char.htm)

http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-01-16/news/9401160298_1_president-leonid-kravchuk-ukraine-russians (http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-01-16/news/9401160298_1_president-leonid-kravchuk-ukraine-russians)

http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/11/america-still-has-hundreds-military-bases-worldwide-have-they-made-us-any-safer (http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/11/america-still-has-hundreds-military-bases-worldwide-have-they-made-us-any-safer)

http://aktiv.com.ua/archives/7993 (http://aktiv.com.ua/archives/7993)

http://uainfo.org/blognews/398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html (http://uainfo.org/blognews/398664-kak-moskoviya-ukrala-istoriyu-kievskoy-rusi-ukrainy-doklad-doktora-istoricheskih-nauk.html)
history see others
http://elise.com.ua/?p=82946 (http://elise.com.ua/?p=82946)

http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/p/mh17.html (http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/p/mh17.html)
http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2015/02/debaltseve-has-fallen.html (http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2015/02/debaltseve-has-fallen.html) generals
http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2015/02/russia-fights-hybrid-war-with-hybrid.html (http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2015/02/russia-fights-hybrid-war-with-hybrid.html)
http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2015/01/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know.html (http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2015/01/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know.html)

http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2015/02/if-you-think-separatists-fight-against.html (http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2015/02/if-you-think-separatists-fight-against.html)
http://en.censor.net.ua/theme/399/Evidence+of+Russian+aggression+in+Ukraine (http://en.censor.net.ua/theme/399/Evidence+of+Russian+aggression+in+Ukraine)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=russian+army+in+ukraine&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=sZrsVIfcDM73PKChgfgE (https://www.google.nl/search?q=russian+army+in+ukraine&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=sZrsVIfcDM73PKChgfgE)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014%E2%80%9315_Russian_military_intervention_in_Ukraine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014%E2%80%9315_Russian_military_intervention_in_Ukraine)

VICE News is bezig met een driedelige serie over de aanwezigheid van het russische GHOST leger.

de trailer
op 1.01 van die video even die foto met blauwe baret bekijken
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWWgEg-_INM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWWgEg-_INM)
zie je deze
http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2014/09/berkut-officers-killing-on-maidan-were.html (http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.nl/2014/09/berkut-officers-killing-on-maidan-were.html)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfFhnqw0sE8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfFhnqw0sE8) boris nemtsov

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqetCJW-GL4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqetCJW-GL4)  vice part 1 of 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZfhpnOmLMk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZfhpnOmLMk)   part 2 of 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM8Zhb0h93k (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM8Zhb0h93k) part 3 of 3

https://news.vice.com/video/russias-ghost-army-in-ukraine-part-3 (https://news.vice.com/video/russias-ghost-army-in-ukraine-part-3)
https://news.vice.com/article/it-is-a-government-crime-the-coffins-of-russias-ghost-soldiers-in-ukraine-are-coming-home (https://news.vice.com/article/it-is-a-government-crime-the-coffins-of-russias-ghost-soldiers-in-ukraine-are-coming-home)

it's not civil war, its war from russia in/against Ukraine

"russia" /muscovy history is ONE  long serie of attacks on neighbours

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=timoyhy+snyder+on+ukraine (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=timoyhy+snyder+on+ukraine)
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=timoyhy+snyder+on+bloodlands (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=timoyhy+snyder+on+bloodlands)

Timothy Snyder is one of the world’s foremost scholars of Central and Eastern Europe, and
 the author of numerous critically acclaimed works of history, including Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler
 and Stalin (2010), and The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999 (2003).
 During the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, he has been a visible public intellectual, addressing questions of
 historical memory, narrative, and reconciliation both in his writing and through his public activism.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLDQYv4wM50 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLDQYv4wM50) germany
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llcjv_gM3Ac (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llcjv_gM3Ac) incl. history russia+nazi allies ribbentrop-molotov

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKFObB6_naw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKFObB6_naw)
Ukraine: From Propaganda to Reality

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpOpnFzTfVQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpOpnFzTfVQ)

Russia's War, Ukraine's History, and the West's Options

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qihk1rfloag (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qihk1rfloag)
Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoUkoGn7cRU&feature=iv&src_vid=cke7G5_2-ak&annotation_id=annotation_3694608277 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoUkoGn7cRU&feature=iv&src_vid=cke7G5_2-ak&annotation_id=annotation_3694608277)

https://youtu.be/yoUkoGn7cRU?t=1h02m7s (https://youtu.be/yoUkoGn7cRU?t=1h02m7s) in a nutshell

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCQPr669uKs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCQPr669uKs)
Timothy Snyder: Ukraine is but one aspect of a much larger strategy that threatens European order

In Russia's invasion of Ukraine, history was presented as justification for war.
Is there any resemblance between Russian justifications and historical consensus?
What does it mean when ethnic claims trump international law?
And should hate propaganda be seen simply as an instrument in one war, or an element of a larger strategy to destabilize the West?

1.17 Poroshenko  after maidan counterrevolution

If a NATO/EU rapid reaction force of 20.000 was sent to east-Ukraine, neither annexation or INVASION of east-Ukraine would have occured and NEITHER over 6.500 deaths on Ukrainian side.
Does USA want a war in Ukraine? Despite Budapest Memorandum, and for what reason

1.24 If EU had own military besides or instead of NATO, and 1 rapid reaction force of 20.000
annexation of Crimea and war in East-Ukraine would never had happened..
(rf has only 70.000 soldiers to fight against)

http://uatoday.tv/politics/whoever-succeeds-putin-is-not-going-to-pull-out-of-ukraine-448850.html (http://uatoday.tv/politics/whoever-succeeds-putin-is-not-going-to-pull-out-of-ukraine-448850.html)

 Slava Ukraini!
"Slava Ukraini" means "Glory to Ukraine.
 https://en.wiki2.org/wiki/Ukrainian_nationalism (https://en.wiki2.org/wiki/Ukrainian_nationalism)
https://youtu.be/cke7G5_2-ak (https://youtu.be/cke7G5_2-ak)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op augustus 10, 2015, 17:36:33 pm

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjuSVHwNJMk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjuSVHwNJMk)
Ancient Tamil Civilization - Truths Hidden by The Indian Government
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U-0rmdkctQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U-0rmdkctQ)
Flooded Kingdoms Of The Ice Age part three

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va0BIqfzpvo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va0BIqfzpvo)
Underworld, Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age I
Is a large comet that struck eart 13.000 years ago
the origin of all those myths and legends about a dragon or winged serpent?


http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/09/tatar-historian-russians-are-no-more-european-than-are-the-tatars/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/06/09/tatar-historian-russians-are-no-more-european-than-are-the-tatars/)
Now following 2 leads 1, russian genetic that 300 years ago haplogroup changed for muscovy rules from R1A to Q, and arab geographer around 1000 telling on russ, south was populated with approx. 100.000 people at russ sea(black sea) and north was not populated just marshes and forest

http://victimsofcommunism.org/events/vigil-and-commemoration-of-1949-soviet-mass-deportations-of-the-baltics/ (http://victimsofcommunism.org/events/vigil-and-commemoration-of-1949-soviet-mass-deportations-of-the-baltics/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/03/21/russias-treatment-of-crimean-tatars-recalls-hitlers-treatment-of-jews-before-1938/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/03/21/russias-treatment-of-crimean-tatars-recalls-hitlers-treatment-of-jews-before-1938/)

https://www.facebook.com/kimmo.markkanen.52/posts/10153600392179758 (https://www.facebook.com/kimmo.markkanen.52/posts/10153600392179758)
https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11796185_663239640475271_7259605848253102938_n.jpg?oh=08d5086471703e76b6e730309324bb29&oe=5648DC09 (https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11796185_663239640475271_7259605848253102938_n.jpg?oh=08d5086471703e76b6e730309324bb29&oe=5648DC09)

finnic 800 CE
Suomalaisugrilaiset hielden zich zowel tot de 1500 e eeuw. In het noorden met wapens tegen de russen hadden nog 1934!!! Rusland vandaag de dag breekt in het midden van de volkeren en de turken suomalaisugrilaisten republieken riem. Rusland liep zo ongelooflijk veel achter komt pas in de 1700 e eeuw. Siberië zoals krim zijn geen russische ikiaikaisia regio ' s. Ik ontdekte het toen ik bezocht verhoturjen gebied, net ten oosten van komt. Het was de oprichting van grensstad. Daar is het is rasputins spirituele thuis in een klooster, waar nikolai ii bouwde een enorme izak bijna zo groot als een van de kerk in het klooster van de kerk als dank voor het is rasputins " diensten ".

Security released documents and photos uprisings against Stalin on the eve of the Holodomor
Більше читайте тут: http://tsn.ua/ukrayina/sbu-oprilyudnila-dokumenti-i-foto-povstan-proti-stalina-naperedodni-golodomoru-392895.html (http://tsn.ua/ukrayina/sbu-oprilyudnila-dokumenti-i-foto-povstan-proti-stalina-naperedodni-golodomoru-392895.html)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftsn.ua%2Fukrayina%2Fsbu-oprilyudnila-dokumenti-i-foto-povstan-proti-stalina-naperedodni-golodomoru-392895.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftsn.ua%2Fukrayina%2Fsbu-oprilyudnila-dokumenti-i-foto-povstan-proti-stalina-naperedodni-golodomoru-392895.html&edit-text=)

Some nice maps of Ukraine, if you have BIG ones(above 4 MP) reply with url
http://ict-dmc.org.ua/images/map/map_f.jpg (http://ict-dmc.org.ua/images/map/map_f.jpg)
http://kampot.org.ua/uploads/posts/1402607142_mapa_ua.jpg (http://kampot.org.ua/uploads/posts/1402607142_mapa_ua.jpg)

http://russia-insider.com/en/ukraine-replaces-russian-gas-withrussian-gas/ri9061 (http://russia-insider.com/en/ukraine-replaces-russian-gas-withrussian-gas/ri9061)

http://www.boredpanda.com/traditions-customs-laws-around-the-world-traveling-advice-globelink-international/?utm_content=bufferdb590&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer (http://www.boredpanda.com/traditions-customs-laws-around-the-world-traveling-advice-globelink-international/?utm_content=bufferdb590&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)

https://www.facebook.com/irena.karczewska.31/posts/10205925834579263 (https://www.facebook.com/irena.karczewska.31/posts/10205925834579263)
Wijding van de basiliek hagia sophia, 537 ad.
Geef ons, christenen, onze toe aan degenen die haar zawłaszczyli die pogardliwie noemen ons " erg ".

https://www.facebook.com/arcadi.boixcamps/posts/10207251707994730 (https://www.facebook.com/arcadi.boixcamps/posts/10207251707994730)
european language families

The book under the title “Ukraine, Land and its People” was published in New York in 1918. Book on Demand, Miami, republished this book in 2015. The book is available in Forgotten books too. Author of the book Stephen Rudnitsky, Privatdozent of Geography at the University of Lemberg (now Lviv). In Austria this book was published in Vienna under the title “Ukraina. Land und Volk” in 1916. New York edition is English translation from Austrian one.
The author of the book Stephen Rudnitsky was sentenced to death by Russian NKVD (secret police) and executed in Crimea on November 3, 1937.
http://strataforum.org/ukraine-the-land-and-its-people/ (http://strataforum.org/ukraine-the-land-and-its-people/)
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1612503419018279&id=1535356156733006 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1612503419018279&id=1535356156733006)

https://archive.org/details/ukrainelanditspe00rudnuoft (https://archive.org/details/ukrainelanditspe00rudnuoft)

http://www.unian.info/politics/1107191-putin-orders-to-include-crimean-tauric-chersonesos-in-russias-heritage-list.html?utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=twitterfeed (http://www.unian.info/politics/1107191-putin-orders-to-include-crimean-tauric-chersonesos-in-russias-heritage-list.html?utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=twitterfeed)

http://worldtruth.tv/the-baltic-sea-anomaly-14000-year-fossilized-ufouso-crash-site/ (http://worldtruth.tv/the-baltic-sea-anomaly-14000-year-fossilized-ufouso-crash-site/)

Muscovy, the people - the chameleon
http://informator24.blogspot.nl/2015/08/blog-post_2.html (http://informator24.blogspot.nl/2015/08/blog-post_2.html)

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Finformator24.blogspot.nl%2F2015%2F08%2Fblog-post_2.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Finformator24.blogspot.nl%2F2015%2F08%2Fblog-post_2.html)

The current Russian - unique people. Regardless of the origin of the blood, they are labeled with a single brand. No one ever tried to blind her today yesterday, killing her tomorrow.
Actually what we now call Russia, was born on the territory of Muscovy, Moscow principality, which was an integral part of the Great Horde.
All the princes and knights kind, took power of the occupier and gladly served as the servants of the great Khans.
Then, when the Horde began to fall apart, its focus has shifted to the Crimea, and Muscovy became a vassal territory, but with the prospect of growth.
Until 1700, the princes of Moscow regularly paid tribute to the Crimean khan.
However, in parallel, Muscovy expanded its territory.
Moreover, this expansion was due to the settings that were in the Horde.
Roughly speaking, the Horde was recovering. Somewhere in the West, has already started the Renaissance, it's time great discoveries born industry and science was restored, and Muscovy sought to restore the Horde, but under their own flags.
Then came Peter and became the king of Muscovy expand to the West.
Make it was not easy.
Half Muslim, Horde Power, very reluctantly unfolded his body to Europe. But the process has begun.
It is clear that Europe show bloodthirsty nature of Muscovy, Peter decided not to and planned to rebrand.
He decided to show that its roots are in the realm of Byzantium, that is - in the Roman Empire, exactly where the roots of all European monarchies.
To do this, he needed to have a link - Kiev and appropriate name - Russia. Muscovy Rus was only in 1721 to the highest order of Peter.
At this point, the process has begun for another past - Slavic, Russian.
Peter took to build the Third Rome - that is, to restore the past.

Yesterday's magnificent kind of the Golden Horde, who were the backbone of Muscovy yesterday and proudly bearing their names Horde became urgent perelitsovyvat under current trends, that is - rapidly "ruset"
And the descendants of the Horde lords became Russian (native) nobles.
Their partial list just incredible!
Yushkova, Suvorov Apraksins (from Salahmira) Davydova Yusupov Arakcheeva Golenishcheva-Kutuzova, Bibikova, Chirikovs. Chirikovs, for example, came out of the kind of Berke Khan, the brother of Batu. Polivanova, Kochubei Kazakov. Kopylov, Aksakov (Aksak - means "lame"), Musin-Pushkin, Ogarkov (the first of the Golden Horde came in 1397 Leo Ogar, "a man of great growth and a brave warrior"). Baranova ...

 Their ancestry is recorded as follows: "The ancestor of the genus Murza Zhdan Baranov, nicknamed the bar, and by baptism called Daniel, arrived in 1430 from the Crimea." Karaulov Ogarevs, Akhmatova, Bakaev, Gogol, Berdyaev, Turgenev ... "Ancestor kind Turgenev Murza Leo Turgen, and called for the baptism of John, went to the Grand Prince Vasily Ioannovich of the Golden Horde ..."
This kind of aristocratic attitude toward tukhum Horde, as well as the kind of Ogaryovo (Russia their ancestor - "good name Kutlamamet Murza, nicknamed Ogar"). Karamzins (from Kara-Murza, Crimeans) Almazovo (from Diamonds by baptism called Erifeem, he came from the Horde in 1638), Urusov, Tukhachevsky (their ancestor in Russia was Indris, a native of the Golden Horde), Kozhevnikova (go on Murza-skin, with 1509 in Russia), bulls, Ievleva, Kobyakov, Shubin, Taneyev, Shuklin, TIMIRYAZEVO (Ibrahim was a Timiryazev, who came to Russia in 1408 from the Golden Horde).
Chaadaeva Tarakanov ... and continue to have for a long time. Dozens of so-called "Russian families" began to put the Tartars. But they built the lost Russia.
And after this perelitsovki and migration to the "Russian" canvas, Karamzin (see. Above) sculpt his famous story.
Tellingly, his entire 300-year history, the newly established Russia, trying to get out of the closet, two dusty corpse - the restoration of the borders of the Horde and the capture of Constantinople, for which he was in trouble.
After the revolution, the Bolshevik Russia has, with a sea of ​​blood trying to restore the Russian empire, and after the collapse of the scoop, Russia is trying to restore the Soviet Union.
Moreover, the people there were already familiar metamorphosis.
From comfrey Zhukva, oath of allegiance to the king and the country, to the nobility type Mikhalkov, when the Communists became Communists just spat and trampled the recent past, when the commune collapsed, princes and counts began to climb out of alleys, like cockroaches from the trash!
Those Mikhalkov, notebooks lackeys Bolsheviks are now columnar nobles and talk about the virtues of serfdom!
In this regard, to make a prediction. In a few years from that den under the abbreviation of the Russian Federation will have no choice.
But yesterday's "elite" will dig up the roots of Ukrainian and disown relations with today's tip.
As before, they are screwed to their surname "s" in order to become Russianized, then they will do the same, but with the end of the "to" or "PAA" to obukrainitsya.
However, these names Putin, Churkin and Lavrov - will not save anything.

 Ukrainian warriors of all time.From soldiers to cyborgs.
http://ar25.org/article/vid-kozakiv-do-kiborgiv-ukrayinski-voyiny-vsih-chasiv-yakymy-vony-buly-za-shcho-proty-kogo (http://ar25.org/article/vid-kozakiv-do-kiborgiv-ukrayinski-voyiny-vsih-chasiv-yakymy-vony-buly-za-shcho-proty-kogo)

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Far25.org%2Farticle%2Fvid-kozakiv-do-kiborgiv-ukrayinski-voyiny-vsih-chasiv-yakymy-vony-buly-za-shcho-proty-kogo (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Far25.org%2Farticle%2Fvid-kozakiv-do-kiborgiv-ukrayinski-voyiny-vsih-chasiv-yakymy-vony-buly-za-shcho-proty-kogo)

https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=zTqeZfU31kMQ.kciKvnU2CbSM (https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=zTqeZfU31kMQ.kciKvnU2CbSM)
Here's a link to a map of Russia with links to Skyscrapercity photo threads for every city (and many little towns too).

Monument voor Anna Âroslavně, dochter van Jaroslav de wijze en gewoon prababcě alle Franse koningen in Sanlěsě, Frankrijk.

Als ze nu woonde, zei dat ze zou "Muscovy aan de Rus heeft dezelfde houding als een-Guinea varken aan varken.
https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.sokolyshynnychka/posts/867224640019908 (https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.sokolyshynnychka/posts/867224640019908)

https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zMVHD3Gf1mQw.k8HNKwhjy5VE (https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zMVHD3Gf1mQw.k8HNKwhjy5VE)
Lenin's monuments still in Ukraine, waiting to be removed

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Far25.org%2Farticle%2Fvid-kozakiv-do-kiborgiv-ukrayinski-voyiny-vsih-chasiv-yakymy-vony-buly-za-shcho-proty-kogo (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Far25.org%2Farticle%2Fvid-kozakiv-do-kiborgiv-ukrayinski-voyiny-vsih-chasiv-yakymy-vony-buly-za-shcho-proty-kogo)
http://ar25.org/ariyske-mynule-ukrayiny (http://ar25.org/ariyske-mynule-ukrayiny)
Oranta Sophia as proof of millennial existence Ukrainian

https://medium.com/@dominicbasulto/this-gorgeous-map-from-1595-is-the-key-to-understanding-russia-s-current-arctic-strategy-2a5206490202 (https://medium.com/@dominicbasulto/this-gorgeous-map-from-1595-is-the-key-to-understanding-russia-s-current-arctic-strategy-2a5206490202)
https://svarogi.wordpress.com/2013/12/23/5244/ (https://svarogi.wordpress.com/2013/12/23/5244/)
http://worldmystery.ru/pic5/280.jpg (http://worldmystery.ru/pic5/280.jpg)
http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/stra1k/70631402/34738/34738_original.jpg (http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/stra1k/70631402/34738/34738_original.jpg)
http://www.clubinterbellum.nl/wp-content/uploads/Agnieska-Kurant_Archive-of-Phantome-Islands_2011.jpg (http://www.clubinterbellum.nl/wp-content/uploads/Agnieska-Kurant_Archive-of-Phantome-Islands_2011.jpg)

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/sep/21/germans-word-long-language (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/sep/21/germans-word-long-language)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/04/moscows-claims-of-historic-right-to-crimea-dont-stand-up-popov-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/04/moscows-claims-of-historic-right-to-crimea-dont-stand-up-popov-says/)
The second of the eight myths Vladimir Putin has propounded to justify his illegal annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea is that Russia has “a historic right” to this territory, a claim sometimes is made in terms of law, sometimes in terms of ethno-national characteristics, and sometimes in terms of “the sacred.”
But Moscow historian Arkady Popov says none of these claims stands up to close examination. And in a heavily-footnoted 7400-word article in “Novyye izvestiya” today, he demolishes them.

Moscow’s claims of ‘historic right’ to Crimea don’t stand up, Moscow historian Arkady Popov  says
http://www.ej.ru/?a=note&id=28299 (http://www.ej.ru/?a=note&id=28299)

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ej.ru%2F%3Fa%3Dnote%26id%3D28299 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ej.ru%2F%3Fa%3Dnote%26id%3D28299)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/04/moscows-claims-of-historic-right-to-crimea-dont-stand-up-popov-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/04/moscows-claims-of-historic-right-to-crimea-dont-stand-up-popov-says/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/07/29/none-of-8-myths-in-putins-crimea-is-ours-ideology-stands-up-to-close-examination-popov-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/07/29/none-of-8-myths-in-putins-crimea-is-ours-ideology-stands-up-to-close-examination-popov-says/)

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1443898849271966&id=100009555945267 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1443898849271966&id=100009555945267)
Deze dag in de geschiedenis...

Robert Conquest wrote on the 1930s in Ukraine: “The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine,” (1986), covering Stalin’s campaign to bring Ukraine to heel and pay for industrial development by expropriating grain from peasant farmers. Millions perished in the ensuing state-organized famine and wave of mass arrests.
Together, his “The Great Terror” and “The Harvest of Sorrow” offered the definitive account of the crimes of the Stalin era.
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/05/arts/international/robert-conquest-historian-who-documented-soviet-horrors-dies-at-98.html?smid=fb-share (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/05/arts/international/robert-conquest-historian-who-documented-soviet-horrors-dies-at-98.html?smid=fb-share)
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11782719/Robert-Conquest-historian-obituary.html (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11782719/Robert-Conquest-historian-obituary.html)

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/05/russian-region-bans-british-historians-books-from-schools (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/05/russian-region-bans-british-historians-books-from-schools)

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/11788523/When-will-Russia-stop-trying-to-re-write-history.html (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/11788523/When-will-Russia-stop-trying-to-re-write-history.html)

Bakota, Ukraine terrific place that is worth seeing in their lives ... (Photo)
http://tourbaza.com/bakota/ (http://tourbaza.com/bakota/)

http://uatoday.tv/society/who-were-first-to-inhabit-modern-south-and-east-ukraine-infographics-470209.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/who-were-first-to-inhabit-modern-south-and-east-ukraine-infographics-470209.html)
Who were first to inhabit modern south and east Ukraine? (INFOGRAPHICS) Ukrainian Cossacks and peasants.

Consecration of the church Hagia Sophia, 537 AD.

Artist: Atanas Atanasov, from the "Rulers of Byzantine Empire"; publishing by "Kibea", Sofia 2005.
https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.sokolyshynnychka/posts/869494643126241 (https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.sokolyshynnychka/posts/869494643126241)

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3186267/Books-British-historians-focus-Red-Army-atrocities-stripped-Russian-libraries-officials-say-promote-Nazi-era-stereotypes.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3186267/Books-British-historians-focus-Red-Army-atrocities-stripped-Russian-libraries-officials-say-promote-Nazi-era-stereotypes.html)

http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/world-report/2015/08/06/russia-bullies-sweden-and-finland-away-from-joining-nato (http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/world-report/2015/08/06/russia-bullies-sweden-and-finland-away-from-joining-nato)
 ruSSia is about as relevent as Serbia.
 http://observer.com/2015/08/can-the-united-states-stop-a-war-with-russia/ (http://observer.com/2015/08/can-the-united-states-stop-a-war-with-russia/)
 http://paulocanning.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/corbyn-and-ukraine-its-not-pretty.html (http://paulocanning.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/corbyn-and-ukraine-its-not-pretty.html)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH_Bs-pN46s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH_Bs-pN46s)
 The Whole Story Of Zionist Conspiracy [The Filthy History Of Pedophilia,Murder & Bigotry]
 https://www.facebook.com/pierrefourtwenty (https://www.facebook.com/pierrefourtwenty) pierre vn boetselair   (a real nazi?)
 http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc2/map.walachiae.1716.php (http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc2/map.walachiae.1716.php)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op september 13, 2015, 18:26:00 pm

Geschiedenis замалчиваемая славянъ (wetenschappelijke feiten)

Zonder kennis van het verleden-onmogelijk toch beseffen het heden en de toekomst voorspellen. We weten: Mensen, zonder erfenisgebieden voorouders, kan ik overal krijgen. Negentig procent van de informatie over het verleden летописного russische volk, zijn oorsprong in kenmerken van vóór de tijd христианизации, van ons met jullie verborgen tot dusver.
Brengen alleen sommige замалчиваемые wetenschappelijke gegevens.

- in het midden van de 11 e eeuw, dochter ярослава wise, prinses anna is uitgegroeid tot de franse koningin. Maar elke van " wild " киевской russ vorstin niet dacht dat kwam in " просвещённую " europa en nam parijs, hoe groot dorp, over wat ze schreef in zijn brieven. Bracht ze mee naar lege provincie die dan werd beschouwd als frankrijk, deel bibliotheken, één of ander deel van de boeken waarin terug gegaan naar rusland alleen in, als ze eenmaal in een bibliotheek сулакадзаева. Na zijn dood, zijn weduwe verkocht aan een groot deel van bibliotheken романовым, na wat niemand meer over de boeken hebben niets gehoord. Slechts een klein deel van zijn bibliotheken kwam in de handen van andere verzamelaars, waaronder велесова boek waarmee миролюбов in het jaar 1942 maakte foto ' s.

- in 1653-1656 bekroond met de vanaf р. х. uitgevoerd religieuze hervorming патриархом никоном na wat meet nikon ' s snel " задвигают " in de schaduw, laten afzien van de originele вселенском de vanaf патриаршества. Maar waarom zijn " weg "?! Het punt is dat tot voor nikon christendom hoewel en was de openbare godsdienst, maar de belangrijkste массами russische volk geen quid pro quo snel, hoe heb je als een noodzaak. In die tijd mensen woonden in context orthodoxie-systeem vertegenwoordigingen en de norm van het leven славянского ведизма, gebaseerd op de wijsheid van vele millennia waarop kameraden werden de nazaten van soort hemelse en kleinkinderen даждьбога. Het christendom staal te noemen православным inmaken oren славянам, внеся een aantal oude православных gebruikt wordt bij rituelen in het christendom. Tegelijk met deze, in de zomer van 1682 jaar oud russ was geannuleerd местничество en werden verbrand alle родословные en de beroemde bits boeken, содержавшие verhaal staat benoemingen en прослеживавшие родословные знатнейших achternamen van het rijk.

- al peter i, werd gehouden door een ander groot hervorming. Achteruitrijden патриаршество, подчинив christelijke kerk rijk, virtuele door haar hoofd, petrus i, in de zomer van 7208 vanaf met. M., Bracht op land in moskou, russ christelijke kalender. In een handomdraai pen, live in de zin van het woord, de zomer van 7208 van de schepping van de wereld, optioneel petra, werd in 1700 jaar vanaf р. х.таким manier, de russen hebben gestolen 5508 jaar hun verhalen.

- in de keizerlijke rusland, sinds уложения alexei михайловича, er was een wet die tot " богохульную ", Ik bedoel " языческую ", Vertrouw de kombuis geloof, en tot de achttiende eeuw zelfs vuur (zelf бытование deze wet betekent wat media dit vertrouwen is niet zo moeilijk).
Is het het waard wonder dat vele monumenten изымались en zomaar verdwenen. Dus, in de vorige eeuw in sint-petersburg verdween heel support рунических boeken, behoorde aan собирателю erop dat de ai сулакадзеву.

- dezelfde standaard vatbaar voor en vondsten archeologen die niet in het schilderij общепринятую past bij het oude славянской verhalen. Zo, bijvoorbeeld revealed nog steeds in de vorige eeuw wrak бужского de heidense tempel met inscripties, рельефами nu niet worden onderzocht, ondanks het feit dat ik in een speciale literatuur ze werden genoemd, met zulke gezag, zoals academicus bd grieks.
Nog steeds komen sporen en rond nu изданных monumenten славянской vedische traditie. Nu ons weer proberen te overtuigen dat de russen mensen trots op te zijn, je bent niet in de middeleeuwen, geen nu zijn wij niet niets hebben gecreëerd, en alleen getraind door de aliens.

En hoe benefic misschien opvoeding moderne mens, gebaseerd op de " велесовой boek ", " бояновом гимне ", " het woord over de plank игореве " en de orale tradities folk! Man, hij liet op pad zo, anders zal het zien van mezelf en wat hij doet.

Op de liefde couth aan отчизне, zal hij een ware patriot, oké komt een onderscheid te maken tussen goed en kwaad, de waarheid en кривду. Hij voelt zich weer een deel van de natuur en kan niet levend wereld rondom jou beëindigen.
Uitbreiden bewustzijn persoon, in de taal van de woorden zullen vergeten, wist ik dat de wereld zal de nieuwe verf

Historische wortels russ-miljoenen jaren, de feiten:

- 1.997.994 voor christus. Eh.: Op de rivier aan lena hetzelfde oude nederzetting persoon-dearing-юрях.
In de 1983-1984 s. Ontdekt een unieke parkeren een oude man, 1-2 jaren geleden.
In september 1982 jaar op de oever van de rivier van lena, op 140 kilometer boven якутска, in een gebied dearing-юрях, expeditie politieafdeling tot siberische ballingschap en de sovjet-unie (baas yu. Молчанов), Op een hoogte van 105-120 meter boven de rivier stond open het meest oude nederzetting русов van iedereen die beschikbaar zijn op de dag van vandaag. Nederzetting bedoeld als " dearing ". By dearing раскопы capaciteit werkt niet een stok in de wereld. - voor het openen van meer dan 13 jaar met nieuws over ongeveer 32 vierkante meter культуросодержащего laag. Gevonden meer dan 4,5 duizend dingen materiaal van de cultuur van de eeuwenoude русов, waaronder-al, отбойники, verschillende wapens en anderen., Waarvan de leeftijd gedefinieerd in twee miljoen jaar tot nn dateren gedefinieerd. de beste moderne археологическими methoden en перепроверена геолого-геоморфологическим, палеомагнитным en andere " de meest betrouwbare methoden.
[verhaal siberië. Hoofddorp: Изд. Тгу, 1967., Academie voor wetenschap de sovjet-unie. Geschiedenis van europa met de oudste tijden tot onze dagen, 1988]

- 22.994 voor christus. Eh.: Op een hangar сибиряки eigendom van de kunst.
Het beeld op ангарских статуэтках vrouwen met uitgesproken монголоидными kenmerken leidt tot de conclusie dat de sprekers van hoge палеолитического kunst in siberië waren toch сибиряки die bij een boer woonden de hangar 25 duizend jaar geleden.
[новгородцев h. Met., Сибирская прародина. In mijn zoektocht naar гипербореи. M.: Witte альвы, 2006]

- 15.994 voor christus. Eh.: Hadden сибиряки lunar en sunny kalenders.
In het jaar 1972, bij de opgravingen ачинского (минусинская geheim you know) палеолитического kolonisten (18000 geleden), Ve ларичевым werd ontdekt sculpture garden staf van gepolijst een slagtand mammoet met rijen kleinste углублений, vorm het змеевидно извивающиеся tape op het oppervlak van de sway. Vastgesteld dat numerieke combinatie van sommige lijnstukken deden digitale rijen, соответствовавшие календарным gegevens. Die stok eindigde oude calendar палеолитического persoon, alle hulp die hij kon rekenen duur maanführer en zonnige van het jaar, maar ook duur perioden van de jaarlijkse rotatie vijf planeten-mercurius, venus, mars, jupiter en van saturnus. Deze kalender stond precies сибиряку tellen tijd zonlicht en лунных затмений.
[новгородцев h. Met., Сибирская прародина. In mijn zoektocht naar гипербореи. M.: Witte альвы, 2006]

https://www.facebook.com/1470702923147769/photos/a.1471062016445193.1073741828.1470702923147769/1640497226168337/?type=1 (https://www.facebook.com/1470702923147769/photos/a.1471062016445193.1073741828.1470702923147769/1640497226168337/?type=1)
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http://xn----7sbffg7cecoh3b.xn--p1ai/index.php/component/k2/1287-zamalchivaemaya-istoriya-slavyan-nauchnye-fakty (http://xn----7sbffg7cecoh3b.xn--p1ai/index.php/component/k2/1287-zamalchivaemaya-istoriya-slavyan-nauchnye-fakty)
De officiële website van de stichting " сварогъ ": Http://www (http://Http://www).сварог-фонд.рф
We resync: Http://www.vk.com/fondswarog (http://Http://www.vk.com/fondswarog)
We zitten in: Http://ok.ru/fondswarog (http://Http://ok.ru/fondswarog)
We zijn op livejournal: Http://www.swarogfond.livejournal.com (http://Http://www.swarogfond.livejournal.com)
We zijn op facebook (publieke pagina): Http://www.facebook.com/pages/Национальный-фонд-ведической-культуры-Сварог/1470702923147769 (http://Http://www.facebook.com/pages/Национальный-фонд-ведической-культуры-Сварог/1470702923147769)
We zijn op facebook (groep): Http://www.facebook.com/groups/698868606829878 (http://Http://www.facebook.com/groups/698868606829878)
Online shop uitgeverij " родович ": Http://www.rodovich.org (http://Http://www.rodovich.org)
We resync: Http://www.vk.com/izdatelstvo_rodovich (http://Http://www.vk.com/izdatelstvo_rodovich)
We zitten in: Http://ok.ru/rodovich (http://Http://ok.ru/rodovich)
We zijn op livejournal: Http://izdat-rodovich.livejournal.com (http://Http://izdat-rodovich.livejournal.com)
We zijn op facebook (publieke pagina): Https://www.facebook.com/izdatelstvorodovich (http://Https://www.facebook.com/izdatelstvorodovich)
We zijn op facebook (groep): Https://www.facebook.com/groups/847795661983413/ (http://Https://www.facebook.com/groups/847795661983413/)

 http://www.personal.ceu.hu/students/97/Roman_Zakharii/cer.htm (http://www.personal.ceu.hu/students/97/Roman_Zakharii/cer.htm)
 http://photo-lviv.in.ua/tajemnytsi-krypty-soboru-svyatoho-yura-u-lvovi/ (http://photo-lviv.in.ua/tajemnytsi-krypty-soboru-svyatoho-yura-u-lvovi/)
 https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fphoto-lviv.in.ua%2Ftajemnytsi-krypty-soboru-svyatoho-yura-u-lvovi%2F&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fphoto-lviv.in.ua%2Ftajemnytsi-krypty-soboru-svyatoho-yura-u-lvovi%2F&edit-text=)
 https://books.google.nl/books?id=-h6r57lDC4QC&pg=PA543&lpg=PA543&dq=St.+George+Lviv+crypt&source=bl&ots=FpdFaPpbLv&sig=wgarW-rMvOBGvoXLQ9vhrKyHPsI&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0CFYQ6AEwBmoVChMI2eGC2JCfxwIVhynbCh2RVAm9#v=onepage&q=St.%20George%20Lviv%20crypt&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=-h6r57lDC4QC&pg=PA543&lpg=PA543&dq=St.+George+Lviv+crypt&source=bl&ots=FpdFaPpbLv&sig=wgarW-rMvOBGvoXLQ9vhrKyHPsI&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0CFYQ6AEwBmoVChMI2eGC2JCfxwIVhynbCh2RVAm9#v=onepage&q=St.%20George%20Lviv%20crypt&f=false)
 http://vsviti.com.ua/ukraine/43186 (http://vsviti.com.ua/ukraine/43186)   vertaling?
 http://uarp.org/ru/news/1439192465#.VchaWfntlHw (http://uarp.org/ru/news/1439192465#.VchaWfntlHw)
 http://www.russianlessons.net/vocabulary/russian_names.php (http://www.russianlessons.net/vocabulary/russian_names.php)
 http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/10/ukrainians-in-russia-remember-ukraines-massacred-elite/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/10/ukrainians-in-russia-remember-ukraines-massacred-elite/)
 http://politinfo.com.ua/polytyka/3745-dlya-teh-kto-krychyt-chto-ukraynu-prydumal-lenyn-poshyryujte-tse-haj-vsi-znayut-slava-ukrayini.html (http://politinfo.com.ua/polytyka/3745-dlya-teh-kto-krychyt-chto-ukraynu-prydumal-lenyn-poshyryujte-tse-haj-vsi-znayut-slava-ukrayini.html)
 http://www.ibtimes.com/scientific-discovery-stonehenge-style-monolith-found-sicily-offers-clues-ancient-2045516?rel=most_read1 (http://www.ibtimes.com/scientific-discovery-stonehenge-style-monolith-found-sicily-offers-clues-ancient-2045516?rel=most_read1)
 http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-general/medieval-sword-contains-cryptic-code-british-library-appeals-help-crack-it-003571#ixzz3iRXjRwtx (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-general/medieval-sword-contains-cryptic-code-british-library-appeals-help-crack-it-003571#ixzz3iRXjRwtx)
 http://xn--80a2abbdd.xn--j1amh/2014/10/08/zhovto-blakitniy-prapor-ukrayini-u-1848-i-1880-r/ (http://xn--80a2abbdd.xn--j1amh/2014/10/08/zhovto-blakitniy-prapor-ukrayini-u-1848-i-1880-r/)
 https://www.facebook.com/maryan.lishchynskyy/posts/686546618145033 (https://www.facebook.com/maryan.lishchynskyy/posts/686546618145033)
 https://www.facebook.com/maryan.lishchynskyy/posts/687027908096904 (https://www.facebook.com/maryan.lishchynskyy/posts/687027908096904)
 Ehh that was ukr proposal after WW1, but they didn't get it https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Carte_de_ukraine_1919.jpg (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Carte_de_ukraine_1919.jpg)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_during_World_War_I (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_during_World_War_I)
http://www.radiosvoboda.org/content/article/27180991.html (http://www.radiosvoboda.org/content/article/27180991.html)
Stalin made not one, but several genocides against the Ukrainian - American historian
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiosvoboda.org%2Fcontent%2Farticle%2F27180991.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiosvoboda.org%2Fcontent%2Farticle%2F27180991.html&edit-text=)

http://ukrainegenocide.com/ (http://ukrainegenocide.com/)

https://www.facebook.com/alain.ayotte.5/posts/878495405519719 (https://www.facebook.com/alain.ayotte.5/posts/878495405519719)
Mercury, Venus, Saturn...align with the Pyramids of Gaza...
The last time this happened...
The Pharaoh's were alive to see it!!!
http://earthsky.org/tonight/saturn-venus-and-mercury-line-up-before-dawn-december (http://earthsky.org/tonight/saturn-venus-and-mercury-line-up-before-dawn-december)
http://www.examiner.com/article/image-of-planetary-alignment-over-giza-pyramids-goes-viral (http://www.examiner.com/article/image-of-planetary-alignment-over-giza-pyramids-goes-viral)
Here’s the real thing. Venus (brightest), Mercury (below left) and Saturn (above right) as seen on December 3, 2012 by EarthSky Facebook friend Annie Lewis in Madrid, Spain.

http://metro.co.uk/2015/08/03/is-the-large-hadron-collider-going-to-summon-the-antichrist-next-month-5324776/ (http://metro.co.uk/2015/08/03/is-the-large-hadron-collider-going-to-summon-the-antichrist-next-month-5324776/)
 I'm already here Mike smile-emoticon
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q9vgBEn5fA&list=PLarj2-qKoqrjd6KbrAEVBNJhV2PCkpzN5 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q9vgBEn5fA&list=PLarj2-qKoqrjd6KbrAEVBNJhV2PCkpzN5)
 https://www.facebook.com/mswitchkraft/posts/453976608123245 (https://www.facebook.com/mswitchkraft/posts/453976608123245) dancing gods
 https://video-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xtp1/v/t42.1790-2/11420430_1048726765155056_302606618_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjQ4NiwicmxhIjo3MTB9&rl=486&vabr=270&oh=c9f1bdba521a47ba18224dfae51db088&oe=55CB9AAB (https://video-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xtp1/v/t42.1790-2/11420430_1048726765155056_302606618_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjQ4NiwicmxhIjo3MTB9&rl=486&vabr=270&oh=c9f1bdba521a47ba18224dfae51db088&oe=55CB9AAB)

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6717bNakuA&list=TLN6EwdRp3HqUxMzA4MjAxNQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6717bNakuA&list=TLN6EwdRp3HqUxMzA4MjAxNQ)
 Why alcohol makes so many Asians turn red
 https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.sokolyshynnychka/posts/871992446209794 (https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.sokolyshynnychka/posts/871992446209794)
 From the diaries of Emperess Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova
 http://www.sun-gazing.com/there-are-only-twelve-master-penmen-left-on-the-planet-he-is-the-youngest-and-possibly-the-last/ (http://www.sun-gazing.com/there-are-only-twelve-master-penmen-left-on-the-planet-he-is-the-youngest-and-possibly-the-last/)
 http://world.korupciya.com/2015/08/12/10-commandments-for-young-ukrainian-girls-photos/ (http://world.korupciya.com/2015/08/12/10-commandments-for-young-ukrainian-girls-photos/)
 http://world.korupciya.com/2015/08/05/natural-beauty-26-year-old-resident-of-vinnitsa-has-the-largest-breasts-in-ukraine-photo/ (http://world.korupciya.com/2015/08/05/natural-beauty-26-year-old-resident-of-vinnitsa-has-the-largest-breasts-in-ukraine-photo/)
 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1451098038552047&id=100009555945267 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1451098038552047&id=100009555945267)
 God heeft geen religie. Mahatma gandhi.

En nog steeds god nee канонов, vijf pijlers van de en de regels niet цветастую kleren dragen. Hij kan me niet schelen of we eten appels tot спаса, koken of melk en het vlees van verschillende moordbord en accepteren of eten in een betere tijd dagen tijdens een van de ramadan. Hij vraagt niet lezen, намаз te snijden en geloven dat de wereld is gebaseerd op het lijden. Hij wil me niet onze twee weken post, gezicht, vol met vitaminen en вырезанная gat in de buurt van het harttarief in het teken van rouw voor усопшими.
Het is allemaal verzonnen zelf mensen: De goden слепили tekende pictogrammen en gaven van de witte steen ornamenten. Eeuwenlang waren religieuze oorlog roodharigen versnipperd vrouwen en degenen die dacht dat anders. Schreef honderden boeken, hebben duizenden regels en beperkingen. Veroordeeld iedereen die niet kan " миквэ ", Bidt niet voor de doden, op manieren протестантов en niet herkent литургии.
En niets tot en met 2000 jaar niet veranderd. We bestudeerden talen, gebruiken het internet, hebben een slimme eetstokjes en bewaren пуповинную bloed, maar blijven moorden, overvallen, liegen en haten, ondanks het jezus, кришну, mohammed en boeddha.
We vechten op straat en in privé-trein metro. Hebben honderden vijanden en de helft van een vriend. Verstoppertje spelen en подделываем stemmen. Maskers en kunstmatige kleppen. En hij is kapot vergeten, waarvoor we leven, ademen en сцеживаем melk. En zelfs geen namen aan voor je komst op deze aarde met enige taak-gelukkig!
 God didn't wanted religion, he gave us Nature as a pic book to show what's it all about, all major religions started around 700 BC (christianity 700 years later, islam 1300 years later)  from nature- sun-ancestorworship after 800.000 years of mothergodesses, religion is now a political instrument and has nothing to do with any god. https://www.youtube.com/user/kerstmisification (https://www.youtube.com/user/kerstmisification)
 http://world.korupciya.com/2015/06/12/fantastic-facts-about-ukraine-in-what-ukrainians-was-world-s-first-photo/ (http://world.korupciya.com/2015/06/12/fantastic-facts-about-ukraine-in-what-ukrainians-was-world-s-first-photo/)
 Goths крымские en land, dori.

Waar is crimea waar scandinavië! Dit is duizenden kilometer weg die achttien eeuwen geleden was niet overwinnen minder dan voor jaren. Heb германских stammen om hun покинувших обжитые, maar перенаселенные van de aarde, dat is de reis duurde ongeveer anderhalf eeuwen. Aliens noemden de goten, en ze begonnen hun weg in de krim met berovingen en marine rooftocht. En dan met hen gebeurd is hetzelfde, en wat met de andere naties, приходившими op het schiereiland voor de trofee en nieuwe landen: Ze gaan wonen hier, staal bouwen kolonisten en het fort, en naar beneden de aliens hadden het over крымской готии, over het land dori, over светловолосых обитателях gebiedopneming aan de uitlopers van de kust.

In het jaar 84 wordt zomer sindsdien, zoals in de krim werd ontdekt door de eerste archeologisch monument, communiceert met de goten: In het jaar 1931 expeditie, onder leiding van een bekende wetenschapper volodymr блаватским, begin te graven in cape могильник ai-тодор. Zoiets nog nooit eerder in de krim gevonden: In die gaten неглубоких lagen амфоры обожженными met menselijke botten, zelden lichaam aanspoelen zouden pakken zonder dergelijke stembiljetten. Naast hen gevonden munten, puin aardewerk en diverse voorwerpen-wat, volgens de levenden, kan nuttig zijn dood. De studie van de goten achtergelaten op het schiereiland, leek toen интереснейшим richting archeologie. Wie wist dat van vele jaren van dit gebied wordt een taboe voor wetenschappers.

... Tijd is, zal ik je zeggen, dat is helemaal niet geschikt is voor wetenschappelijke hocuspocus,-juli 1942 jaar. Alleen wat duitse troepen was een wrak verdediging севастополя, door de stad doorgebracht конвои enorme zuilen gevangenen, en nu de " nieuwe meesters " hebt geďnstalleerdg regel. En op het plateau мангуп суетились mensen met pikhouwelen en лопатами-hier waren... Archeologische opgravingen. Special overgangsbepalingen onder leiding бригаденфюрера ss von альвенслебена en militaire officieren van kolonel perkament en kapitein werner баумельбурга (hij, trouwens, had een archeologisch ervaring) onderzocht een oude stad. Later overgangsbepalingen ging door de buurt бахчисарая en юбк, en de resultaten van deze изысканий uiteenzet браумельбург op uw werk " goths in de krim ". In feite, overgangsbepalingen was niet zozeer een wetenschappelijk, hoeveel politieke: Ze hebben het doel van het verzamelen van materiaal over германских ooit поселившихся vroeger op het schiereiland. Die zouden staven theorie over " неотъемлемых notice " оккупантов op crimea. Bestel overgangsbepalingen voltooid, zelfs перевыполнила, door een aantal крымских sterkste forten van verschillende tijd готскими. Door een aantal kranten, op dit moment in de krim zelfs regisseerde пропагандистский film over готах, in die binnenkwam en beelden de opgravingen.

Precies hetzelfde ik ruik de politiek over een paar jaar na de oorlog, wanneer, zoals vertelde dr historische wetenschappen igor храпунов, de sovjet wetenschapper was valproate " ontmaskeren onbetrouwbaarheid klaar " en het zoeken in de krim sporen van immigranten-een behoorlijke hoeveelheid cyrillisch. Volgens de archeologen раскапывавшие karakteristiek voor klaar voor de begrafenis, soms voerden parallel met de bekende славянскими culturen, en soms helemaal niet over высказывались supplies hun desbetreffende volk.

En hoewel ik kon heel veel te leren over de campagnes van klaar bij crimea, hun стычках met скифами en de inwoners боспора, rituelen, er is nog steeds heel wat witte vlekken. Een paar maanden geleden in de krim ging de internationale conferentie gewijd aan enkel gotham, связующему звену de krim en scandinavië,-wetenschappers besproken contacten van verschillende culturen, dat is me een vergelijkenis aangetroffen bij de opgravingen in verschillende hoeken van de wereld van voorwerpen.

Ontmoet op одежке op alle tijden. Het is geen verrassing, als goths geëvalueerdd valor en het welzijn van kinderen beschermen door... Je riem. Oh, in die tijd was hij niet zomaar een voorwerp met in orde met je kleren aan. Hoe kon de wetenschapper wordt geplaatst traditionele kostuum is klaar, zakken in hem zijn voorgeschreven, daarom ondersteboven aan zijn riem alle verschillende kleingeld-vanaf portemonnee bij mannen tot kleine spiegelservers готских schoonheden liefde. Grote zilveren gesp, ligula vaak uitgevoerd in de vorm van de hoofden van de adelaar, was onmisbaar element vrouwelijke kostuum. Misschien wel de grootste collectie van deze пряжек ligt precies in de krim, hoewel de afgelopen twee decennia aangezien мародерам heel veel dingen, illegaal выкопанных op het schiereiland, verscheen op de westelijke veilingen.

En de mannen, en vrouwen klaar gedragen door de gouden en zilveren oorbellen, armbanden, ondersteboven aan de schoonheid van уборам височные ringen, in beweging waren allerlei застежки-фибулы voor плащей, soms zeer dunne werk. Rooms-centraal en de beschermer van het duitse museum in de stad майнце (duitsland) dieter кваст meldde dat vaak dingen uit de krim verschillen hoger artistic vijfsterrenaccommodaties uitvoering, dan door naar andere plaatsen. Het is misschien te maken met het feit dat поселившиеся in de krim германцы перенимали ремесленные traditie van hun buren van de lokale stammen.

Senior dosent preekstoel archeologie копенгагенского universiteit (denemarken) ullah лунн-hansen uitgelegd dat een contact met de krim скандинавией прослеживаются op alle niveaus: Van dingen die staal militaire prooi en vervolgens eindigde in een погребениях, tot de handelsbetrekkingen en huwelijken. De meest gastheer vreedzame contacten waren vrouwen die aankwam trouwen, zodat het versterken van de militaire meubilair. Dus, in denemarken werden gevonden enkele vrouwelijke overblijfselen iii-iv eeuwen na christus, en погребенные in hen dames ongetwijfeld winst uit de krim-over deze wetenschapper vertelden gevonden voorwerpen.

De leider van de afdeling van archeologische sites regionale raad van west агдера (noorwegen) france-arne стюлегар vertelde dat onlangs op het terrein van polen lag een familiegraf готской edelen (dit kun je zien door rijke kostuum en de dingen in het graf). France-arne стюлегар, изучающий deze vondsten, suggereert dat de echtgenoot готского opperhoofd kunnen ontstaan uit de krim.

Twee decennia na de invasie in crimea goths hielden in angst боспорское rijk, ze gaan met een обжитых plaatsen скифов. Na verloop van tijd, roven en vernietiging сменились vakbonden nodig had en de handel. Op het schiereiland groeide fort gepromoveerd-centrum van het land, dori, готского staat. Weet ik niet precies, waar stond het fort, in sommige versies, op het plateau мангуп. Tegen die tijd готия bondgenoten sterke nodig: Crimea захлестнула wave nieuwe aliens, hun, en de vele. Ondersteuning van het land, dori verleende византия, en veel готских krijgers uit de krim gediend haar императорам.

Hier, op deze kust, zijn er land genaamd dory, waar zou zoiets nooit doen wonen goths... Land dori ligt op een heuvel, maar ze hebben geen камениста en geen суха, integendeel, de aarde is erg goed en brengt de beste fruit... Dus, hoe voelde dat hun terrein gemakkelijk toegankelijk is voor de aanval van de vijanden, iets te versterken besloot de keizer alle plaatsen waar je vijanden te treden, lange muren en op die manier heb vanaf klaar bezorgdheid over de inbraak in hun land vijanden byzantijns historicus en militaire handelenden прокопий кессарийский, vi eeuw Nn.

Nog een paar eeuwen gotham lukte je tong behouden, misschien en cultuur, hoewel hoe meer tijd kwijt, des te sterker растворялись ze onder andere volkeren, населяющих crimea. Van beieren soldaat johann шильтбергер die gevangen zit gevangen en niet vrijwillig повидавший verschillende landen (en was het in het begin van de vijftiende eeuw), Noem " goede gebied, именуемую готфией ", Waar is produceren goede wijn. Венецианец иосафат барбаро tientallen jaren later gaf:
Verder tot каффой изгибу, op de kust van de grote zee bevindt zich готия... Goths spreekt duits. Eerst in deze plaats waren alana, daarna kwamen goths; ze win deze landen en смешали zijn naam met de naam аланов.

Vierhonderd jaar later in таврической губернии onderzoekers zochten sporen klaar, антропологи beweerde dat onder de inwoners van sommige dorpen in geslaagd om de nakomelingen van deze natie. Gothic type eindigde " sterk het breedste bouw, ogen donker blauwe,, blond haar, met een vleugje рыжеватым... Teint, zoals bij alle blondjes, knuffelig, wangen en lippen vermiljoen neus korte, little ". Al in de chesterfield tijd antropoloog grigorij петров, участвовавший in expeditie naar эски-кермен, onderzocht dorp reizenden andere ver van de bewoonde wereld bereikt punten die misschien gevonden in het relatieve behouden hun этническое gezicht. Hij dacht dat sommige inwoners, называющих jezelf крымскими татарами, bewaard gotisch kenmerken: Hoog groei, lichte ogen, haar en huid.

Natuurlijk, later alle крымчан mengeling oorlog, uitgewezen, check in schiereiland переселенцами. Maar toch geheugen over mensen, пришедшем ooit van een scandinavië, сохранялась niet alleen in de vorm van de items van de opgravingen: Veel крымчан waarschijnlijk niet eens weten dat hun voorouders of waren de inwoners van het land, dori.

http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0140-if-you-think-siberia-is-cold-for-cave-dwelling-neanderthals-it-was-far-colder/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0140-if-you-think-siberia-is-cold-for-cave-dwelling-neanderthals-it-was-far-colder/)
http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0100-stone-bracelet-is-oldest-ever-found-in-the-world/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0100-stone-bracelet-is-oldest-ever-found-in-the-world/)

http://live.ck.ua/unikalni-foto-ukrajiny-1904-roku/ (http://live.ck.ua/unikalni-foto-ukrajiny-1904-roku/)
ukraine pics 1904

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https://www.facebook.com/groups/1millionStandForUkraine/permalink/526224000866157/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1millionStandForUkraine/permalink/526224000866157/)

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Het is een belangrijke заземление eigenschap van de natuur. We заземляясь научаемся leven te zien zoals ze is. We gaan niet in de wolken. En het leven begint te veranderen, er is iets aan de hand, mannen maakt... - заземлиться houden van de mensen die ergens in de buurt, ruimte, waar je woont. Leven, en niet wachten tot de perfecte voorwaarden.

De praktijk: Doe het zaken met plezier. Jouw huis is een bron en een manier om het verhogen van de vrouwelijke energie.

Universele vrouwelijk kwaliteit waarin in jezelf bezorgdheid, vriendelijkheid en de mogelijkheid om de ruimte te bewaren in een благости en zuiverheid. Het is de kwaliteit van de bazin van mijn leven.

De praktijk: Bescherm uw innerlijke vrede, na drie regels: Geen leugens meer. Geen woede. Geen poen.

Hoe minder komt achtige-energie in je gedachten, hoe радостнее zal leven. Probeer vandaag geen spoofberichten (en jezelf ook!), Niet boos zijn en niets te doen voor de winst.

Voelt om созидательницей heel belangrijk, als je wilt zien hoe je vrouwelijke energie heeft wonderen verricht. Weet je nog hoe genieten van een heerlijk diner met humeur hebt, inspireerde man, hoe nadat je wrok, mij leven veranderd. Dus jouw проявлялось kwaliteit tegen зидательницы.

Elke seconde elk van ons kiest созидать of niet verpesten. In gedachten, mijn woorden, gevoelens, handelingen.

De praktijk: Je hebt vast wel gehoord over zo ' n belangrijke dingen zoals te dienen. - het dienen van dingen die we doen voor anderen, niet te wachten in het antwoord van dankbaarheid of liefde.
Probeer vandaag opletten, welke stemming je вносишь in je ruimte-vreugde of verdriet, бодрость of woede? En bewust kies schepping. Doe iets voor andere van de ziel.

Dit is kwaliteit voor een vrouw niet verplicht is en de werkloosheid in een horizontale positie van het lichaam. - het is расслабленность afwezigheid haast, achtervolging, een worsteling.

De praktijk: Je zit in het tempo van mijn leven. Laat elk woord, beweging worden heel zachte en расслабленными. Geniet van elk hun actie.

Een vrouw kan genezen is één van hun woord, aanwezigheid, druk.

In de aard van vrouwen vastgestelde enorme voorraad liefde, tederheid en zorgen. We kunnen zorgen, om te helpen en ondersteunen. Kortom, de warmte zijn wonderen genezing van het lichaam en ziel. De genezing van de situatie.

http://ipress.ua/news/u_pochaivskiy_lavri_prodayut_knygy_pro_novorosiyu_ta_yadernu_mits_rosii_115549.html (http://ipress.ua/news/u_pochaivskiy_lavri_prodayut_knygy_pro_novorosiyu_ta_yadernu_mits_rosii_115549.html)

http://brilliantmaps.com/religion-world-map/ (http://brilliantmaps.com/religion-world-map/)

Russian came as dialect after Ukrainian language not before
http://vsviti.com.ua/ukraine/38207 (http://vsviti.com.ua/ukraine/38207)
https://plus.google.com/103071676773530042957/posts (https://plus.google.com/103071676773530042957/posts)

https://www.facebook.com/euromaidanpress.en/photos/a.428900170627124.1073741953.220542374796239/432158393634635/?type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/euromaidanpress.en/photos/a.428900170627124.1073741953.220542374796239/432158393634635/?type=1&theater)

The largest known Neolithic period settlement in Europe was located in Ukraine.
s On the picture is a photo of reconstruction of trypillian house, based on archeological finds.
https://www.facebook.com/euromaidanpress.en/photos/a.428900170627124.1073741953.220542374796239/432158393634635/?type=1 (https://www.facebook.com/euromaidanpress.en/photos/a.428900170627124.1073741953.220542374796239/432158393634635/?type=1)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/21/tatar-community-in-shock-putin-receives-symbolic-treasure-as-gift/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/21/tatar-community-in-shock-putin-receives-symbolic-treasure-as-gift/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/04/08/moscow-wants-crimean-tatars-to-forget-their-history-kyiv-wants-all-ukrainians-to-remember-it/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/04/08/moscow-wants-crimean-tatars-to-forget-their-history-kyiv-wants-all-ukrainians-to-remember-it/)

http://agenda.ge/news/41074/eng (http://agenda.ge/news/41074/eng)
Georgia uncovers unique writings that may change world history


https://www.readfulapp.com/site/Headlines/?item=55cbaa7b5573e31f1d8a1aae (https://www.readfulapp.com/site/Headlines/?item=55cbaa7b5573e31f1d8a1aae)
911 story of gander

https://www.facebook.com/olga.mykoliuk/posts/150371141966324 (https://www.facebook.com/olga.mykoliuk/posts/150371141966324)
http://uduba.com/605895/Tri-zadachi (http://uduba.com/605895/Tri-zadachi)

http://www.ukrinform.ua/ukr/news/istoriya_evolyutsiii_dergavnogo_prapora_ukraiini_infografika_2084779 (http://www.ukrinform.ua/ukr/news/istoriya_evolyutsiii_dergavnogo_prapora_ukraiini_infografika_2084779)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ukrinform.ua%2Fukr%2Fnews%2Fistoriya_evolyutsiii_dergavnogo_prapora_ukraiini_infografika_2084779 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ukrinform.ua%2Fukr%2Fnews%2Fistoriya_evolyutsiii_dergavnogo_prapora_ukraiini_infografika_2084779)
The history of the evolution of the national flag of Ukraine. Infographics from 882-

Earliest religions were mothers(goddesses since 833.000 BC)-nature and sunworship as bringers of (new) life, was more factual then all those male myths religions..

https://www.youtube.com/user/kerstmisification (https://www.youtube.com/user/kerstmisification)

https://www.facebook.com/1470702923147769/photos/a.1471062016445193.1073741828.1470702923147769/1645788158972577/?type=1 (https://www.facebook.com/1470702923147769/photos/a.1471062016445193.1073741828.1470702923147769/1645788158972577/?type=1)

Legende van onze voorouders.

Sprookjes пушкина geschil is mooi, nee. Maar en de noordelijke былички folk, ruwe poëtische genie, oude, rare, ook verdienen de aandacht.

De gepubliceerde gegevens legendes opgenomen in de 1970-1990 s. Sint-specialisten van de petersburgse (ленинградского) van de universiteit en sommige andere scholen zijn in het noorden tijdens диалектологических, этнолингвистических en фольклорных expedities over op de rus in het noorden.

#72. домовой-ta-ja, en er zijn домовой. Huis стережет, natuurlijk. Toen een koe in het huis van leiden, wanneer vertrekken in een nieuw huis of ziek wie, altijd met een домовым gesprek opgewonden. Of daar doet cho, en praat met ze, gewoon hardop, maar soms безобразит, ja.

Kan ' s nachts eten van vergiftigingen achtergelaten, en ze zeggen dat het gebeurt, ding wat redt zich wel, dus hij безобразит.

Mensen сказывали, en soms beweegt, ja daar stoelen переставляет. Hoe ziet, ik weet het niet, maar wat van meester lijkt, dat zegt, alsof het zo, misschien ook niet. En scott houdt, zodat ik niet gevallen. Garage? Dus dit is домовой. Alles wat die ander (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, ивановское, 1990).

#74. vrouw verteld. Ik zit op mijn rug naar de oven hef. Kwam zo ' n klein mannetje, een beetje van de vloer, en zegt: " over drie dagen de oorlog voorbij is ". De oorlog is voorbij en over drie dagen. Dit is домовой was waarschijnlijk (архангельская reg., Het zwembad ŕ. , пинеги шардомень, 1984).

N° 76. домовой, meester zijn er zo. Hij is niet getoond, niemand hem ziet. Broer heb. Kwam, en hem leidt in de tuin en vind hem geen deuren. Had hem in de tuin, leidt hem gewoon in de tuin, heb het zelf niet zien. Mijn vader ontdekte воротечки en klopte drie keer, en hij ging (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, котецкое, 1990).

#79. is hij altijd bij ons woont. In de winter, zomer беленький коричневенький. Hier коровам трубочкой staarten weeft (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, ивановское, 1990).

#80. is hij, домовой, goede wil niet, en het huis van de beschermer. Als ik dit op de makkelijke en поругай hem, en ging de zaak. Wanneer gaan waar, huis, de afgehaald, zodat домовому goed toeven hier, dan huilen komt (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, ивановское, 1990).

#83. домовой woont in de onderwereld, onder de drempel, op zolder, harige, zoals de bosgeest, hij ademt, verzorgt haar mensen (архангельская reg., Het zwembad ŕ. , пинеги шардомень, 1984).

#91. is de meesters. Ik herinner me, een was-mezelf zag. Zat in de oven, прялкой aan mijn wiel spin. In een geel платке-золовка bracht-witte trui. Aan mijn wiel spin. - zie ik zelf ga! Komt langs, hoe заулком [toont]- Daar [toont]. Het is net zelf ga. In een geel платке, witte trui. Hij nam. Ik heb de lamp погасила, van de oven in de deken met zijn hoofd завернулась-ik weet het niet, net als de nacht перекоротала.
Wat is er een onzichtbare kracht (uit wologda reg., District белозерский., Акинино, 1988).

#96. bij opa hier, een paard was wit, en nu домовой zal het vee, dus ik heb haar alles doet, en als dat niet zo, dus изведет. Dus hier is een paard is iets was wit. Hij komt opa in de stal, en heb een paard hooi gezet. " ' n-die-zegt,-je ложил?" - " niet-zegt dat ik niet ". En de andere keer en xhosa bij paard заплетена. Verstopte je grootvader, kijkt, man iets alsof hoog is, ja en liep naar paard niet iets, hooi hem gelegd en een vlecht заплел. Daar is opa kwam thuis en zei dat hooi домовой stadiumhepa (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, виджа, 1990).

#99. vader komt naar huis, en opa op dit moment slaapt zeker geweest. Ziet je vader, in de tuin een paard waard, en loopt iemand aan de buitenkant [karkas-winkelwagentje voor besvruchten, champignons]. Vader besloot-opa, verbaasd. Kwam thuis, en net voor de auto ergens thuis. Vader wakker grootvader, zegt, ik zag je nu in de tuin, je hooi droeg. We gaan ten varkenskot, keken, en hooi vers, alleen наношено (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, святогорша, 1990).

#100. als домовому приглянется klootzak, dus hij is een beest houdt, het is glad, koele. Nou, we zijn paard iets pigtails zullen worden. En als je het niet leuk vindt hij een dier, dan изведет zijn. Nou, de hele ochtend in schuim klootzak is iets. Nou, домовой iets klein bent, лохматенькнй, in de wol de hele (новгородская reg., Старорусский district, виджа, 1990).

#102.-ik mee van de gastheer was. Ik moet zeggen: " ging, en mijn baas bij mij ". Mijn meester, zodat ik hier kwam, en deze weg helemaal. Ze zijn op de tweede nacht vertrokken. Ik heb gehoord dat gefluit hoorde bonken op de brug [bridge-1) luifelgang; 2) de vloer, de vloer in сенях, op de veranda], Dan in m ' n zaak op de brug, затопотали. Niet één man. Rollen maar naar buiten en kom aan георгиевскому (вологодкая reg., Белозерский district, акинино, 1988).

#103. man bekend lijkt [дедушко]. En alleen een gelukkige (uit wologda reg., Белозерский district, меросло, 1988).

#104. дедушко домовой hebben. Wanneer in een nieuw huis verhuizen, we moeten vragen. Покланяешься: " дедушко домовой! Laat me los!" Geen попросишься, dus, zeggende, komt niet laten schrikken. ' s nachts in het huis, ruik je dat, dat gaat, en te zien dat er iets niet видиши. Als je niet weggaat, дедушко oproept, dus hij плаче. " kom op, en dan roep je,- - дедушко заманушко, kom met me mee ". En als het niet ok is, huilt iemand (архангельская reg., Het zwembad ŕ. , пинеги кеврола, 1984).

#108. in het huis домовейка keer gehuild als iedereen weg, alleen zijn achtergelaten duck. Koe растелится, домовейка vragen: In de hoek чотыре spugen ja drie keer zeggen: " дедушко-домовеюшко, ga van m ' n теленоцка, zingen, eten, goede цисто, voor mij, op хозяюшку, verre van " (архангельская reg., Gebied, мезенский oest-пеза, 1986).

#109., een andere keer, want hoe быват. Als дедушко домовеюшко houdt van de gastheer, heeft hij hem косичку назади засуслит, заплетет, en je deze косичку waag het niet op het spoor is. Zelf заплел en zelf расплетет. En als расплетешь, hij is een heleboel kijken misschien en misschien en slecht.
Heb домовых iets eerder gezegd, hoeveel mensen in het huis, de zelfde heb домового en familie: Man, жона en kinderen (архангельская reg., Het zwembad ŕ. , пинеги засурье, 1985).

#116. in elk huis uw домовой. Kleine-goede, grote slechte.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op september 13, 2015, 18:27:21 pm

#116. in elk huis uw домовой. Kleine-goede, grote slechte. We пахали verkocht. Taka выползла toad groot. " raak, raak,-man zegt,-het домовой, meester stallen ". We haar terug te leggen. Welke хошь домовой kan worden. Klootzak ligt op заваленке, raak, zeggen ze. Wie weet wat dit is (новгородская reg., Любытинский district, своятино, 1986).

#119. ging ik naar bed, en de deur open gelaten. Gaat het katje, zoals снеговая, blank. Heb pootpoot op de vensterbank, opkwam. Terug langs me heen, ik heb haar, ze is, hoe batas, paperback (uit wologda reg., Кирилловский district, благовещенское, 1979).

De basis van het verhalen vertellen, meestal liggen de beelden en de verhalen die verband houden met een gevoel ведическими, oude cyrillische mythen. Wat повествуется, meestal is de verteller zoals имевшее plaats in feite. Het is allemaal de bijgevoegde oude verhalen groter had voorgesteld en onvergetelijke stuurde blik.

Misschien toch iets meer kracht in deze wereld?

In 1187 in Hypation Chronicle first appeared WORD "UKRAINE", and moscow/kremlin didn't excists even...
http://politinfo.com.ua/polytyka/3745-dlya-teh-kto-krychyt-chto-ukraynu-prydumal-lenyn-poshyryujte-tse-haj-vsi-znayut-slava-ukrayini.html#.VdnYgZwqYTB.odnoklassniki_ru (http://politinfo.com.ua/polytyka/3745-dlya-teh-kto-krychyt-chto-ukraynu-prydumal-lenyn-poshyryujte-tse-haj-vsi-znayut-slava-ukrayini.html#.VdnYgZwqYTB.odnoklassniki_ru)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpolitinfo.com.ua%2Fpolytyka%2F3745-dlya-teh-kto-krychyt-chto-ukraynu-prydumal-lenyn-poshyryujte-tse-haj-vsi-znayut-slava-ukrayini.html%23.VdnYgZwqYTB.odnoklassniki_ru (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpolitinfo.com.ua%2Fpolytyka%2F3745-dlya-teh-kto-krychyt-chto-ukraynu-prydumal-lenyn-poshyryujte-tse-haj-vsi-znayut-slava-ukrayini.html%23.VdnYgZwqYTB.odnoklassniki_ru)

http://uatoday.tv/society/a-trail-of-dinosaur-footprints-is-discovered-in-german-quarry-481037.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/a-trail-of-dinosaur-footprints-is-discovered-in-german-quarry-481037.html)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo19imJWN_M&list=RDOo19imJWN_M#t=26 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo19imJWN_M&list=RDOo19imJWN_M#t=26) dinosaur prank
http://cicret.com/wordpress/ (http://cicret.com/wordpress/) skinnphone7

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roxelana (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roxelana)
Hürrem Haseki Sultan
Ottaman Empire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIBO-meEtC8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIBO-meEtC8) THE HISTORY OF THE TURKISH AND OTTOMAN EMPIRE - Discovery History Ancient Culture (full documentary)
History of Turkey Documentary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc5CsihlSO8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc5CsihlSO8)
Asia and Europe, has a long and distinguished record as a centre of civilization - from one of the world's first towns (Catal Huyuk), through the successive periods of Hittites and Trojans, Ionians and Lydians, Romans and Byzantines.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc5CsihlSO8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc5CsihlSO8) History of Turkey Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YVXs1LAenA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YVXs1LAenA) Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was an Ottoman and Turkish army officer, revolutionary statesman, writer, and the first President of Turkey. He is credited with being the founder of the Republic of Turkey. His surname, Atatürk (meaning "Father of the Turks"), was granted to him in 1934 and forbidden to any other person by the Turkish parliament.
Atatürk was a military officer during World War I. Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, he led the Turkish national movement in the Turkish War of Independence. Having established a provisional government in Ankara, he defeated the forces sent by the Allies. His military campaigns led to victory in the Turkish War of Independence. Atatürk then embarked upon a program of political, economic, and cultural reforms, seeking to transform the former Ottoman Empire into a modern, secular, and democratic nation-state. Under his leadership, thousands of new schools were built, primary education was made free and compulsory, while the burden of taxation on peasants was reduced. The principles of Atatürk's reforms, upon which modern Turkey was established, are referred to as Kemalism.

https://www.facebook.com/marijana.simic.5074/posts/171053409894197 (https://www.facebook.com/marijana.simic.5074/posts/171053409894197)

 12 Native American Astrological Signs
and Their Meanings -

The Native American tribes share a spiritual connection with nature, in the sense that nature plays a crucial role in deciphering the cosmos that consists of highly enigmatic elements in it. The Algonquin stance, "your birth date is the first drum beat of a fantastic ceremonial dance of life", just shows how the Native Americans associate life with a celebration, they celebrate and honor everything that breathes, be it human or animal. They observed the flora and the fauna, their strengths, their weaknesses, and sought powers from them to perform difficult tasks. For example, because a bat has the ability to see clearly in the dark, they (Native Americans) invoked its spirit to gain the power to see their prey clearly during a hunt in the night.

When it comes to astrology, an animal totem was assigned to those born within a given time period. It is believed that these people share the traits of the animal symbol they are born under .

"You make your way through life in-step with your animal counterpart. The two of you dance a pattern that weaves your life experience. And although you will have more than just one animal alliance, these birth animals are always available to share wisdom and help you with your evolutional growth in this lifetime. "
― Avia Venefica

Otter (Jan 20 to Feb 18)

Element: Air
Western Zodiac: Aquarius ♒
Color(s): Silver
Stone/Mineral: Silver or Turquoise
Traits: Unconventional, Independent, Friendly
Compatible With: Deer, Raven, Falcon

The otter is an unconventional creature which behaves differently than its closest kin, the weasel. The traits of those born under this symbol are quite similar to this totem. They are highly creative, friendly, independent, and tend to view life in a way that is seldom understood by others. They are intuitive beings and tend to look beyond what may meet the eye. They are not afraid to experiment and are highly witty by nature. Because of this, many people may take them to be stupid or foolish, only to realize that their eccentricity got them to the right path.

Wolf (Feb 19 to Mar 20)

Element: Air and Water
Western Zodiac: Pisces ♓
Color(s): Blue-green
Stone/Mineral: Turquoise or Jade
Traits: Sensitive, Intuitive, Generous
Compatible With: Bear, Woodpecker, Snake

Though we all tend to see the wolf as this lone, dangerous, and deadly creature, the Native Americans see it as a generous and caring creature. Those belonging to this clan are highly sensitive to their surrounding environment, like the wolf. Every positive or negative energy will affect them, which is why they are likely to lose themselves in the joy or troubles of others. A wolf is also a hunter who is strongly attached to its pack. Similarly, the bearers of this animal totem tend to hunt for spiritual fulfillment and the meaning of life. They belong to their pack, and a loss of any of its member, or their permanent lover, can prove to be devastating for them.

Wolves will sacrifice themselves to fulfill your needs. Their gentleness and generosity will make life seem to be a lovable journey indeed!

Falcon (Mar 21 to Apr 19)

Element: Fire
Western Zodiac: Aries ♈
Color(s): Yellow, Green
Stone/Mineral: Opal
Traits: Powerful, Spontaneous, Sapient
Compatible With: Salmon, Owl

A falcon is viewed as the fearless leader in Native American astrology. This creature is powerful, clear-eyed, and is not afraid of the turbulent winds of life. What makes the members of this clan born leaders is their ability to clearly look through the fogginess of a situation. They can weigh the pros and cons of any undertaking and are highly efficacious when it comes to getting a clear shot at their aim. They are persistent, stubborn, and confident. They will not hesitate to initiate anything that seems right to them. They are the perfect role models for other signs that are hesitant and have doubts about their judgment. They are also the ones who instill passion and fire in the environment.

Beaver (Apr 20 to May 20)

Element: Fire and Air
Western Zodiac: Taurus ♉
Color(s): Yellow, Blue
Stone/Mineral: Jasper, Hematite
Traits: Practical, Hardworking, Reliable
Compatible With: Goose, Woodpecker, Bear

It is remarkable how the beaver is highly strategic when it comes to digging underground tunnels and structures to create a safer haven for itself, free from the hardships and troubles of the outside world. Those belonging to this sign also believe in acquiring material possessions to live a comfortable life, free from misery and limitations. Which is why, they tend to use their heads while making decisions. They tend to go with the already established norms, and are not quite the risk takers. They are great providers, ensuring that their loved ones have all their materialistic and emotional needs fulfilled. They are also very helpful and loyal to the ones they love.

Deer (May 21 to Jun 20)

Element: Fire and Earth
Western Zodiac: Gemini ♊
Color(s): Yellow, Blue
Stone/Mineral: Agate
Traits: Moody, Intelligent, Conversationalist
Compatible With: Raven, Otter

The deer is an enchanter that grabs everyone's attention. It is admirable for its looks, sharp senses, and swiftness. You will hardly find this creature steady at one place as it is always on the move, just as the member of this clan. Those born under this symbol are highly inquisitive in nature, which compels them to constantly move from one place to the other. They are also very particular about their appearance and tend to be well-groomed. Being quite sharp and intelligent, they can engage practically anybody in a great conversation, which makes them great hosts. They are constantly looking for stimulation and excitement in life, which makes them highly moody and fickle-minded.

Woodpecker (Jun 21 to Jul 21)

Element: Water
Western Zodiac: Cancer ♋
Color(s): Pink
Stone/Mineral: Carnelian, Rose Quartz
Traits: Protective, Sensitive, Supportive
Compatible With: Snake, Wolf, Beaver

Woodpeckers are known to provide the perfect nest for their offspring that consists of anything and everything that they need to thrive. So are the members of this clan. They are highly protective and supporting, playing the part of the much-needed listeners who empathizes and understands with love and patience. They are totally devoted to their loved ones and will shower all their love and care to them without fail. However, they can be overtly protective and jealous at times.

Salmon (Jul 22 to Aug 21)

Element: Fire and Water
Western Zodiac: Leo ♌
Color(s): Red
Stone/Mineral: Carnelian
Traits: Proud, Energetic, Confident
Compatible With: Owl, Falcon

The Native Americans take inspiration from the salmon in many ways, one of them being the difficult journey it takes in its lifetime to find the perfect spot for reproduction. Those who bear this totem are known to have a salmon's traits of being highly determined, focused, and enthusiastic about their goals and ambitions. Their willpower is unvanquishable, and so is their power to influence others. These clan members will easily spark the spirit of others and make them a part of their quests in life. They are also very creative and friendly in nature, and always find the kind of moral backup that they need in their lives. In a good environment, they can be quite generous, helpful, and loving.

Brown Bear (Aug 22 to Sept 21)

Element: Water and Earth
Western Zodiac: Virgo ♍
Color(s): Brown, Purple
Stone/Mineral: Topaz
Traits: Practical, Modest, Dutiful
Compatible With: Goose, Beaver

The bear is looked upon by the Native tribes as a creature who is methodical, intuitive, and levelheaded. This ability of the bear makes its clan members great mentors, especially when it comes to making others listen to the voice of reason. The practical and modest demeanor of these people makes them great confidants as they are always able to understand and decipher the important details of a coiled up situation. They are also very generous and giving to those they love and care for. They have a big-heart, patient attitude, and an intellectual and inquisitive mind. They have great analytical abilities which makes them great advisers.

Raven (Sept 22 to Oct 22)

Element: Earth and Air
Western Zodiac: Libra ♎
Color(s): Brown, Blue
Stone/Mineral: Jasper
Traits: Peace-loving, Friendly, Diplomatic
Compatible With: Otter, Deer

Ravens are known to balance the extremities of two sides. The Native Americans believed this bird began its life as a white bird. However, as it grew, some wrong actions and sacrifices changed its color from white to black. Hence, this totem is also symbolic of our outer as well as inner self. Those born under this clan are peace-loving creatures who strive for harmony and unity in the environment. They often act as the wise old men of the group, whom others look up to for opinions and advice. They are good at avoiding and resolving conflicts, which is why, they share good terms with almost everybody.

Snake (Oct 23 to Nov 22)

Element: Water and Earth
Western Zodiac: Scorpio ♏
Color(s): Violet, Orange
Stone/Mineral: Amethyst
Traits: Impulsive, Secretive, Spiritual
Compatible With: Woodpecker, Wolf

Snakes are perhaps one of the most feared-yet-mysterious animals among all, and the same mystery is observed in those born under this clan. If you carefully observe the snake, its ability to be present around us without any evident sign, shows the secretive nature of this reptile. Also, its ability to rejuvenate itself at regular intervals is what makes its clan members excellent healers, be it at a physical, spiritual, or emotional level. These people may be quite a challenge to understand, which is why, they may always be doubted for their actual intentions.

They are spiritual beings, meaning, they always find themselves connected to the ethereal elements of this world. If they have a positive outlook towards others, these individuals can be extremely loving, caring, and supportive to the needs of others. Mess with them, and you will get their powerful and deadly strikes .

Owl (Nov 23 to Dec 21)

Element: Earth and Fire
Western Zodiac: Sagittarius ♐
Color(s): Gold, Black
Stone/Mineral: Obsidian
Traits: Adventurous, Broadminded, Independent
Compatible With: Falcon, Salmon

An owl is admired for many of its unique qualities, including its natural ability to look clearly in the dark. This is the reason why individuals belonging to this clan have the potential to gain immense wisdom and philosophical enlightenment in life. They are great listeners and are very good at imparting advice when it comes to life and its meaning. It is interesting to note that the members of this clan are quite like and unlike their animal totem. This is because they are party animals, highly social and outgoing in nature, especially when it comes to going out at night.

Goose (Dec 22 to Jan 19)

Element: Earth and Air
Western Zodiac: Capricorn ♑
Color(s): White, Silver
Stone/Mineral: Quartz, Peridot
Traits: Dependable, Ambitious, Methodical
Compatible With: Beaver, Bear, Raven

The goose is admired for its ambitiousness and reliability. These birds are also very methodical in their way of living. Have you ever noticed how they travel in a group? They fly in a V-shaped formation, where the strongest female among the lot is the leader, followed by the second-strongest, third-strongest, and the like. This strategy is favorable when it comes to breaking the wind and paving way for the others behind. The V-shaped formation also helps the geese flying behind to view their path clearly. Which is why, the bearer of this totem are totally driven towards achieving their goals and invariably succeed at any cost, due to the strategic and methodical approach in life. It is said, that if you need something to be done, the goose will do it for sure. These people make great business leaders and are known for their practicality and seriousness, especially when it comes to work. Towards their family and loved ones, they can be highly generous and kind, ensuring that they provide their dear ones with all the resources, be it tangible or intangible.


Native Americans adore animals. We believe that animals are messengers of the superior power that governs the world, and it was by observing and communicating with them that one can evolve and unlock the mysteries of the world.

We don't really know why only these 12 animals were chosen as the astrological symbols of birth, what we know for sure is that, they did an impeccable job at coming down to these animals among the many, and associating human demeanor with their traits. If you carefully sum it all up, the traits of us humans and animals are not so different after all!

CIA-Mossad-MI5 plans for Greater Ukraine leaked. In Russian.
Thanks Eduard Shevchenko
https://www.facebook.com/groups/367973740022059/permalink/520093234810108/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/367973740022059/permalink/520093234810108/)

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 http://arman71.livejournal.com/35130.html (http://arman71.livejournal.com/35130.html)
 http://philologist.livejournal.com/7846282.html (http://philologist.livejournal.com/7846282.html)
 http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblog/2015/jul/21/ukraine-kharkiv-edge-of-europe/ (http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblog/2015/jul/21/ukraine-kharkiv-edge-of-europe/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op november 15, 2015, 15:05:44 pm
 http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/opinion/article/russian-language-gets-import-substitution/529896.html (http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/opinion/article/russian-language-gets-import-substitution/529896.html)
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genital_mutilation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genital_mutilation)
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mero%C3%AB (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mero%C3%AB)

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=836222219735533&set=a.177607878930307.40471.100000432884051&type=1&theater (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=836222219735533&set=a.177607878930307.40471.100000432884051&type=1&theater)
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berehynia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berehynia)
 http://www.inhername.com/honor/names_euroeast.html (http://www.inhername.com/honor/names_euroeast.html)
 Berehynia of Bereža is een van de oudste en meest gerespecteerde symbolen in onze voorouders, zijn genetische wortels bereikt de diepte van eeuwen. Het is een symbool van leven en de vruchtbaarheid, het symbool van moeder natuur, de moeder van alle dingen, die tot leven wekt en beschermt de (bescherming van) onze familie haard. Virâdžaűči mannen en zonen in moeilijke wandelingen, moeder, vrouw en geliefde gaf hen een geheugen van deze uitstekende charmes-handdoeken van oberegami te leven keerde terug naar hun eigen huizen.

De afbeelding van de beschermer om ons naar ons kwam in borduurwerk: op de ceremoniële handdoek in vrouwen de kleding Zie gestileerde vrouwelijke figuur met verhoogde van handen (bescherming)-de weg van pokrovitel′nicě ziekten en menselijk lot. Soms, holding in de handen van de beren een bloem-een symbool van rijkdom en welvaart, of vogels-waarzeggers heldere lot en familie geluk. In het midden van de shape ook zobražalasâ bloem, symboliseert de zwangerschap of het kind. Zeker, ging vandaar zeggen "kinderen-het is de bloemen van het leven." Vaak, huisvrouwen pědměnâla ědeograma-diamond met haken-agrarische symbool van vruchtbaarheid, magische oberěgal′nij teken (Oekraďense schorten is soort van een "slap aftreksel" van dit motief).

Op een moment wanneer onze verre voorouders in kleine nederzettingen onder doof bos in najtâžkih opzicht leefden, was de sleutel tot overleven de aanwezigheid van een groot aantal kinderen die op de boerderij worden zou. Vestigen op de aarde zou alleen sterke families en clans, waar vele werknemers voor rozkorčovuvannâ bos, ploegen, bouw van gebouwen, enz., dus de cultus van gezonde, sterke vrouw, kunnen om de geboorte van gezonde kinderen, was niet groot.

Bereginya is, mensen van alle kwaad, "huis" van de godin, zoals dat heet, die de huis, kleine kinderen, het welzijn van de familie beschermt. De vrouw in het begin was het woord, en haar Beregineű, warm en mooi lěkuvalo en povertalo, de vrouw-als een symbool van het leven zelf het wezen van aanbidding in de grijze oudheid was. Het is een vrouw die door God aangesteld om opslaan van de familie, kinderen, liefde, comfort, harmonie... Het is dat een kwetsbare vrouwelijke schouders "zijn de drie hoeken in het huis", zoals terecht opgemerkt door de folk wijsheid. Echo's van haar vinden in dergelijke woorden als: "de kust", "berk" (de boom voogden Frets), "bereženij", "beschermen", "charmes", enz.

Het symbool van de hoeders veel ouder voor zijn vereenvoudigde prototype-Rune Odal in Nazi-noordse tradities, het is bekend uit Tripoli, de cultuur die de vrouwelijke symbolen doordringt. Vrouwelijke voorlopercellen wordt vertegenwoordigd door de beelden van de klei povnotělih volwassen vrouwen bevallen. Buik Protector bleek de diamant, verdeeld načetvero met stippen (zaden binnen)-een symbool van ingezaaid met vakken. Ook zijn veel van de trypilian statuetkah verticaal, rechte, zigzag-anker en golvende lijnen die gekoppeld aan de tekenen van stralen van de regen en stromend haar vrouwen performers en tanks zijn.

De Trypillian Bereginya was niet alleen de eigenaar van de hemel, maar het geheel van de natuur, de Meesteres van de hemelse wateren, het afhing van vruchtbaarheid. Onze voorouders het geschilderd op de muren van hun woningen, de pisankah en andere rituele objecten, vilěplűvali van klei. Onder de trypillia zijn nederzettingen bekend voor het vinden van de vrouwelijke beeldjes. De meeste van hen hebben een religieuze doel.

In houten rěz′blenně van Kyiv Rus voldoet ook aan de hoeders van karakter, maar hij was een sterke styling en vereenvoudiging, evenals de tools en technologie van de tijd uniek verhinderd portretteren alle elementen van dit symbool.

Het symbool van de boom van het leven en de hoeders toeschrijven, vaak deze tekens zijn vzaęmozaměnűűt′ elkaar. In dit verband op de voeten van vrouwelijke beeldjes rozměŝali teken van de aarde. De voeten van de godin is de wortels van de bomen die in de aarde. Huisvrouwen afgebeeld en změęnogoű, evenals de land-hun God van de onderwereld Navi-Âŝura of slang. Dienovereenkomstig, het bovenste gedeelte van de boom werd geassocieerd met het hoofd van de godin.

Uit verschillende bronnen bekend namen van voogden: leven, Dana, LADA, Lelâ, diva, een oudere vrouw, Rozhanytsya, Moksja. Van X, dat wil zeggen, werd met de komst van het christendom, de symbolische waarde van de wachters (Venus, Rožanicě) vertaald in een beeld van de Maagd, Oranta, die ook verbeelden met armen verhoogd tot de hemel, net als een oude huisvrouwen. In het mom van Oranta man všanovuvala de natuur, všanovuvala leven, een prestatie van het moederschap.

Dus, het symbool van de wachters is heilig voor ons, Oekraďners, de genetische code, die in de werelden van natuur en schepping, en de bescherming, is omdat het eeuwige vernieuwing en harmonie van het menselijk leven.

http://ukrop24.blogspot.nl/2015/09/blog-post_16.html (http://ukrop24.blogspot.nl/2015/09/blog-post_16.html)
This Russia, or about what the Russians are afraid to remember
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fukrop24.blogspot.nl%2F2015%2F09%2Fblog-post_16.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fukrop24.blogspot.nl%2F2015%2F09%2Fblog-post_16.html&edit-text=)

http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/259630/why-muslim-rapists-prefer-blondes-history-raymond-ibrahim (http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/259630/why-muslim-rapists-prefer-blondes-history-raymond-ibrahim)

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_skin_color (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_skin_color)
http://www.earlywarningproject.com/2015/09/18/2015-statistical-risk-assessment (http://www.earlywarningproject.com/2015/09/18/2015-statistical-risk-assessment)

http://holodomor.ca/key-articles-on-the-holodomor.html# (http://holodomor.ca/key-articles-on-the-holodomor.html#)

 https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/3m1s28/siberian_pirates_quest_for_a_treasure_10000_years/?ref=search_posts (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/3m1s28/siberian_pirates_quest_for_a_treasure_10000_years/?ref=search_posts)
 http://www.redcube.net/booklets/1493078/?ref=N-1493078-RRUS#cover (http://www.redcube.net/booklets/1493078/?ref=N-1493078-RRUS#cover)
Neanderthals Made a Last Stand at Subarctic Outpost?

"Tool kit" may put Neanderthals in northern Russia—surviving later than thought.

By John Roach, for National Geographic News

PUBLISHED SUN MAY 15 19:04:00 EDT 2011

A hardy band of Neanderthals may have made a last stand for their species at a remote outpost in subarctic Russia, a newfound prehistoric "tool kit" suggests.

The Ural Mountains site "may be one of the last [refuges] of the Neanderthals, and that would be very exciting," said study leader Ludovic Slimak, an archaeologist at France's Université de Toulouse le Mirail.

Neanderthals dominated Europe for some 200,000 years until modern humans began moving into the region about 45,000 years ago. The two human species likely shared space for a while, but it's a mystery what happened during that period, how long it lasted, and why Homo sapiens prevailed in the end.

The dating of butchered mammoth bones and sand grains that surrounded the tools suggests the settlement was last occupied about 33,000 years ago. Both types of artifacts were radiocarbon dated and luminescence dated—a technique that determines when material was last exposed to sunlight.

By 33,000 years ago, all or most Neanderthals are believed to have died out. But the Byzovaya tools match those made and used by many Neanderthals, a signature tool kit of scrapers and flakes created by banging rocks together—what's called Mousterian technology.

PS This is another reason why I call them - the savage, uncivilized, pagan, "uneducated barbarians in the kremlin".

Thats a insult to Neanderthal, who had larger brain then modern day men, but were too specailized on surviving Ice-ages, btw the Ket people in Krasnoyarsk_Krai, Sibera are the one surviving with the most pure Cro-Magnon features, and yes all modern day men except African have some neanderthal in them. :-)

The chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia Ravil Gainutdin said that Russia is the legal successor of the Golden Horde, at the opening of the new mosque in Moscow.

http://www.evoanth.net/2012/01/21/last-neanderthals-not-found-near-the-arctic/ (http://www.evoanth.net/2012/01/21/last-neanderthals-not-found-near-the-arctic/)
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/05/110513-neanderthals-last-stand-science-tool-kit-russia-slimak-tools/ (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/05/110513-neanderthals-last-stand-science-tool-kit-russia-slimak-tools/)
http://patagoniamonsters.blogspot.nl/2011_09_01_archive.html (http://patagoniamonsters.blogspot.nl/2011_09_01_archive.html)
http://popular-archaeology.com/issue/april-2011/article/the-last-neanderthals (http://popular-archaeology.com/issue/april-2011/article/the-last-neanderthals)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cro-Magnon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cro-Magnon)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ket_people (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ket_people)

http://www.rtlz.nl/algemeen/binnenland/tijdreizen-zo-zag-jouw-straat-er-200-jaar-geleden-uit (http://www.rtlz.nl/algemeen/binnenland/tijdreizen-zo-zag-jouw-straat-er-200-jaar-geleden-uit)

Myths on Ukrainian language
https://etnosvit.com/mify-pro-ukrmovu/ (https://etnosvit.com/mify-pro-ukrmovu/)
http://www.uamodna.com/articles/mify-schodo-ukrayinsjkoyi-movy/ (http://www.uamodna.com/articles/mify-schodo-ukrayinsjkoyi-movy/)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uamodna.com%2Farticles%2Fmify-schodo-ukrayinsjkoyi-movy%2F (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uamodna.com%2Farticles%2Fmify-schodo-ukrayinsjkoyi-movy%2F)

VIDEO:from Russia .. The earth began to move
Something really weird is going on in the earth's atmosphere. Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth's core or HAARP?
People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomens. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going on? Can it affect a human evolution? What do you think about that?
Watch the video and judge for yourself
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2mFOCm9M-I&feature=youtu.be (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2mFOCm9M-I&feature=youtu.be)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHi9ah_ZiFc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHi9ah_ZiFc)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mkzg3gi8XTM&feature=share (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mkzg3gi8XTM&feature=share)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAVGpPbQOu8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAVGpPbQOu8)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQHlFMc0YmI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQHlFMc0YmI)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UFqhN-GE_g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UFqhN-GE_g)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVc7UdJQS_w (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVc7UdJQS_w)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGR8srR5xes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGR8srR5xes)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu1Z1cUNF88 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu1Z1cUNF88)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_AcxqB71VY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_AcxqB71VY)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxSOWfrVxTY&feature=share (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxSOWfrVxTY&feature=share)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH1t6ac_6SQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH1t6ac_6SQ)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcckJAh52cU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcckJAh52cU)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9CtQ8eQ06Y (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9CtQ8eQ06Y)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycopH1uWT5E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycopH1uWT5E)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vB1-AmGYLQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vB1-AmGYLQ)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMoFzAWmBa4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMoFzAWmBa4)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHLxdJUws-8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHLxdJUws-8)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnmLmSVkcJY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnmLmSVkcJY)

http://keennewsblogadress.blogspot.nl/2015/09/blog-post_684.html?spref=fb (http://keennewsblogadress.blogspot.nl/2015/09/blog-post_684.html?spref=fb)
In the Black Sea found the world's only underwater river
British scientists have found the bottom of the Black Sea's only the ocean underwater river. This discovery made by scientists from the University of British city of Leeds who conducted research on the spot.

7 most exciting caves Ukraine.

The caves have always attracted and even a little scared people with his mysteries and beauty.

In Ukraine, the largest caves in the Crimea and western Ukraine.
http://keennewsblogadress.blogspot.nl/2015/09/7_28.html?spref=fb (http://keennewsblogadress.blogspot.nl/2015/09/7_28.html?spref=fb)

http://www.slavorum.org/20-facts-about-ukraine-that-you-didnt-know/ (http://www.slavorum.org/20-facts-about-ukraine-that-you-didnt-know/)

https://www.facebook.com/alberts.cimanovskis/posts/899520683470471 (https://www.facebook.com/alberts.cimanovskis/posts/899520683470471)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church)
http://www.catholic365.com/article/1640/forgotten-mass-etiquette.html (http://www.catholic365.com/article/1640/forgotten-mass-etiquette.html)
Of the nearly 45.000 religions and sects there are 38.000 christian, Have to agree to disagree, if Jesus ever excisted he was a Jew, catholic was named as such in year 110 : Catholic was first used to describe the Christian church in the early 2nd century.[19] The first known use of the phrase "the catholic church" (he katholike ekklesia) occurred in the letter from St Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans, written about 110 AD.[note 3] In the Catechetical Discourses of St. Cyril of Jerusalem, the name "Catholic Church" is used to distinguish it from other groups that also call themselves the Church.[20][21] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church) btw I'm catholic from birth

http://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/5-meter-long-ancient-scroll-painting-one-most-precious-treasures-china-020537#sthash.8GBqFJtU.gbpl&st_refDomain=&st_refQuery= (http://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/5-meter-long-ancient-scroll-painting-one-most-precious-treasures-china-020537#sthash.8GBqFJtU.gbpl&st_refDomain=&st_refQuery=)
http://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-ancient-writings/precious-knowledge-hypatian-codex-detailed-chronicle-southern-rus-003829 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-ancient-writings/precious-knowledge-hypatian-codex-detailed-chronicle-southern-rus-003829)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-mysterious-phenomena/more-dozen-mysterious-carved-discs-found-near-volgograd-russia-003918 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-mysterious-phenomena/more-dozen-mysterious-carved-discs-found-near-volgograd-russia-003918)
http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0135-first-glimpse-inside-the-siberian-cave-that-holds-the-key-to-mans-origins/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0135-first-glimpse-inside-the-siberian-cave-that-holds-the-key-to-mans-origins/)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/did-ancient-siberian-princess-use-cannabis-cope-breast-cancer-002207 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/did-ancient-siberian-princess-use-cannabis-cope-breast-cancer-002207)
http://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/rare-and-enigmatic-zbruch-idol-4-headed-slavic-god-pulled-river-003794 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/rare-and-enigmatic-zbruch-idol-4-headed-slavic-god-pulled-river-003794)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/searchall/ukraine (http://www.ancient-origins.net/searchall/ukraine)
http://www.ancient-origins.net/searchall/russia (http://www.ancient-origins.net/searchall/russia)
http://www.ancient-origins.net/searchall/siberia (http://www.ancient-origins.net/searchall/siberia)

https://www.academia.edu/16257755/Cave_of_Iapodes_and_its_petroglyphs_an_Early_Slavic_shrine_of_Perun_Kresnik (https://www.academia.edu/16257755/Cave_of_Iapodes_and_its_petroglyphs_an_Early_Slavic_shrine_of_Perun_Kresnik)

http://www.thedailysheeple.com/russian-scientist-injects-himself-with-eternal-life-bacteria_092015 (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/russian-scientist-injects-himself-with-eternal-life-bacteria_092015)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/first-pictorial-representation-gobekli-tepe-found-003862 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/first-pictorial-representation-gobekli-tepe-found-003862)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/history-important-events/varangian-guard-berserkers-byzantine-empire-003144 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/history-important-events/varangian-guard-berserkers-byzantine-empire-003144)
http://faculty.washington.edu/dwaugh/hstam443/K-chron2.html (http://faculty.washington.edu/dwaugh/hstam443/K-chron2.html)

http://gardeningchannel.tumblr.com/post/130214949482/students-grow-rare-squash-from-seeds-800-years-old (http://gardeningchannel.tumblr.com/post/130214949482/students-grow-rare-squash-from-seeds-800-years-old)

https://www.facebook.com/edwin.boogaart/posts/10154406868048438 (https://www.facebook.com/edwin.boogaart/posts/10154406868048438)
we weten nog niet de helft van de geschiedenis, er zit nog veel meer in de grond, ik zei tegen de archivaris dat als Oud Vossemeer al in 1200 bestond (en niet pas begonnen in 1410) dat zeker voor Bergen op Zoom moest gelden,http://www.bndestem.nl/regio/bergen-op-zoom/de-stad-is-duizend-jaar-ouder-dan-gedacht-1.707265  en dat klopte ook, in de romeinse tijd begin jaartelling werd daar al gewoond http://archeologieboz.nl/oud/nieuws.htm (http://archeologieboz.nl/oud/nieuws.htm) http://www.bndestem.nl/extra/dossiers/van-bergse-bodem-hoopje-waardeloos-hout-bleek-zeldzame-klotendolk-1.629458 (http://www.bndestem.nl/extra/dossiers/van-bergse-bodem-hoopje-waardeloos-hout-bleek-zeldzame-klotendolk-1.629458) Bij Poortvliet bleek dat 3200BCE aan e Kadijk al mensen woonden, die hadden een takkenpad gelegd over de moerassige ondergrond... Fascinating...zou Spock zeggen grinik

http://robertscribbler.com/2015/08/19/massive-sargasso-seaweed-bloom-is-choking-the-caribbean-climate-change-a-likely-culprit/ (http://robertscribbler.com/2015/08/19/massive-sargasso-seaweed-bloom-is-choking-the-caribbean-climate-change-a-likely-culprit/)

http://www.hs.fi/kaupunki/a1444022814163?jako=45d00e73171babaa6692aaeda73153b7&ref=fb-share (http://www.hs.fi/kaupunki/a1444022814163?jako=45d00e73171babaa6692aaeda73153b7&ref=fb-share)

https://www.facebook.com/alberts.cimanovskis/posts/902358529853353 (https://www.facebook.com/alberts.cimanovskis/posts/902358529853353)
De nationale taal-borg staatsveiligheid

Wil je weten waarom кремлёвский project "недороссия" vanaf донбасса naar odessa gezet misiukking en waarom russische agressie kan niet verder geen grenzen en de krim донецкой en луганской gebieden?

Kijk goed op de kaart-crimea, alsmede donetsk en луганская gebied zijn de enige регионами oekraďne, waar zijn de scholen met oekraďense taal leren minder dan de helft.

En dat is geen toeval. Op school met de overheids-taal leren kinderen прививается liefde en respect toegevoegd aan de oekraďense, onderhoud aan de oekraďense verhalen en aan de oekraďense cultuur. Op school met de russische taal leren прививается liefde aan een ander land, en aan de staat geen negatief, de plaatselijke cultuur en geschiedenis. Naar school met een overheids-taal leren hun kinderen geven mijn ouders-patriotten zijn thuisland, die misschien zelf als русскоязычными, het is nog steeds willen dat de kinderen wisten de taal van je land. Naar school met een russische taal leren hun kinderen die hun ouders geven die ze zien je toekomst in rusland, in tn "русском wereld". Dat is alles.

Hier, in feite, waarom niet waard van russische tanks en waard van russische terroristen staat in geen харькове, noch in zaporozhye, noch in одессе. Omdat de meeste volwassenen daar-patriotten oekraďne. Want daar is predominantly jeugd leert van de nationale taal. En tot молодёжью-het heden en de toekomst van het land.

Welke van deze doen onttrekkingen ons казакстане? Geeft meteen hun kinderen naar school met een overheids-taal leren. Als je dat niet wilt dat uw stad en uw gebied gekomen zijn "redden" (lees fortune en vernietigen) gewapende de russen en lokale lullen-гопники.

Qazaq Elinde – qazaq tilinde! Qazaq tilin üyren!

Of лайк delen, als je het ermee eens.

https://www.facebook.com/marijana.simic.5074/posts/190538891278982 (https://www.facebook.com/marijana.simic.5074/posts/190538891278982)
World is ruled not by truth but by hypocrisy, war & poverty can be solved in weeks/ a month..even walking on water is not truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q9vgBEn5fA&list=PLarj2-qKoqrjd6KbrAEVBNJhV2PCkpzN5 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q9vgBEn5fA&list=PLarj2-qKoqrjd6KbrAEVBNJhV2PCkpzN5)

On October 11, in the territory of St Sophia in Rome, the monument to the Holy Great Prince Volodymyr of Kyiv, Baptizer of Rus-Ukraine is to be unveiled. The rite of inauguration of the memorial will be held on the occasion of the millennium of the repose of the great Kyivan Prince will be performed by His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the UGCC Primate.
It should be noted that the author of the monument to the Holy Great Prince Volodymyr is Leonid Molodozhanyn, world famous sculptor of Ukrainian origin. The monument was constructed on the occasion of the millennium of the Baptism of Rus-Ukraine as a gift to the Holy Father John Paul II. Its installation on the Ukrainian plot of land in the Eternal City near St. Sophia Cathedral will mark the 1000thanniversary of repose of St Volodymyr.
As we have previously reported, in late July Kyiv hosted the celebrations dedicatedto the Baptism of Kyivan Rus-Ukraine and the 1000th anniversary of the repose of the Holy Great Prince Volodymyr of Kyiv.
http://risu.org.ua/en/index/all_news/ukraine_and_world/ukrainians_outside_of_Ukraine/61317/ (http://risu.org.ua/en/index/all_news/ukraine_and_world/ukrainians_outside_of_Ukraine/61317/)

October 7, 1571 AD: the Battle of Lepanto, a brave admiral, a patchwork alliance of European Christian states, the Holy League, a unique show of naval heroism and genius for the greatest sea battle in History, the battle that saved the Christian West from defeat at the hands of the Ottoman Turks and prevented the Islamic tide from spreading west.
On the Turkish side, there were 222 galleys, 60 smaller ships, about 750 cannon, 34,000 soldiers, 13,000 sailors, and 41,000 oars...
http://www.returnofkings.com/38595/clash-of-steel-and-will-the-battle-of-lepanto (http://www.returnofkings.com/38595/clash-of-steel-and-will-the-battle-of-lepanto)

http://thisisengland.org.uk/video-jihad-vs-crusades/?fb_ref=3f1c74164da84f9cacf7bf35245f437d-Facebook (http://thisisengland.org.uk/video-jihad-vs-crusades/?fb_ref=3f1c74164da84f9cacf7bf35245f437d-Facebook)

http://english.alarabiya.net/en/perspective/features/2015/10/02/Old-Quran-goes-on-show-in-UK-Just-don-t-call-it-the-oldest.html (http://english.alarabiya.net/en/perspective/features/2015/10/02/Old-Quran-goes-on-show-in-UK-Just-don-t-call-it-the-oldest.html)

http://www.openculture.com/2015/10/20-new-lines-from-the-epic-of-gilgamesh-discovered-in-iraq-adding-new-dimensions-to-the-story.html (http://www.openculture.com/2015/10/20-new-lines-from-the-epic-of-gilgamesh-discovered-in-iraq-adding-new-dimensions-to-the-story.html)

I don't know if any of you guys are interested in history. This particular series of events has very similar parallels to the war mongering of Vladimir Putin to some extent.
I have been looking at this book written at fortnightly intervals by Winston Churchill between 1936 and 1939 regarding his fears about the build up of Germany's war machine. The book is called Step by Step
Here he shows the invasion of parts of Austria and the Rhineland.
Concerns were raised at the League of Nations who like the UN proved to be toothless. Churchill warned over and over again in parliament of the dangers of Germany but people thought he was crazy until too late.
The book is chilling reading.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1millionStandForUkraine/permalink/546908232131067/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1millionStandForUkraine/permalink/546908232131067/)
https://www.churchillbooks.com/GuidePDFs/g59.pdf (https://www.churchillbooks.com/GuidePDFs/g59.pdf)

Ukraine's Complicated History
by Alexander J. Motyl
"The current Russian war against Ukraine and the problems of the Donbas are not a recent phenomenon," says historian George Liber, "but the product of a long evolution."
Alexander J. Motyl is a Ukrainian-American political scientist, writer, artist-painter, and poet living in New York City. A specialist on Ukraine, Russia, and the USSR, Alexander Motyl is currently professor of political science at Rutgers University-Newark.
Alexander Motyl interviewed George Liber, a professor of history at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/blog/alexander-j-motyl/ukraine%E2%80%99s-complicated-history (http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/blog/alexander-j-motyl/ukraine%E2%80%99s-complicated-history)

October 15, 1529 AD: the 1st Siege of Vienna, the German Landsknechts pikemen fought alongside the Spanish musketeers and the Viennese garrison, the weather helped, the Ottomans were defeated, Europe won!
The Siege of Vienna in 1529, as distinct from the Battle of Vienna in 1683, was the first attempt of the Ottoman Empire, led by Sultan Suleiman I the Magnificent, to capture the city of Vienna, Austria.
Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent had proclaimed a Jihad and within the city walls fear and despair were widespread. If Vienna fell it seemed, then the rest of Europe too was no longer safe.
The Sultan had sworn to conquer Vienna and march over its wreckage into Europe. Its walls were weak, and its garrison was outnumbered about five to one by the soldiers and artillery of the greatest, most relentless military force in the world.
In the Autumn of 1529 a 200-300.000 huge Ottoman army with 300 cannons set up camp to the south-east of Vienna and besieged the city for three weeks.
As the Ottomans advanced towards Vienna, the city's population organised an ad-hoc resistance formed from local farmers, peasants and civilians determined to repel the inevitable attack.
The defenders were supported by a variety of European mercenaries. Although King Charles V was away fighting a war with France, he dispatched a few thousand Landsknechts for the defense of the city. Landsknechts were professional mercenaries whose flamboyant dress-code served to show that they were an elite force who could afford everything and had no need to observe social barriers.
However the atrocities committed by the Ottomans served as a harbinger of what would happen to Vienna should it fall.
... "people were butchered in their thousands or abducted, babies were slit from their mothers wombs and cast away or impaled, maidens were violated until they died. May the almighty have mercy on their souls and may the murders committed by these cruel bloodhounds not go unavenged" reported
Together with Wilhelm von Roggendorf, the Marshal of Austria, Niklas Count of Salm, head of the mercenary relief force dispatched to Vienna, conducted the defense of Vienna with 16,000 regulars and 5,000 militia." Niklas was a seventy-year-old German mercenary who had distinguished himself at the Battle of Pavia in 1525 AD.
The extraordinary amount of rainfall which coincided with the campaign, not only forced the Ottoman army into the abandonment of their heavy cannons, their best chance of breaking undermining Vienna’s defenses, but it also created a complicated situation in terms of the food supply to the army. Finally, during the siege the delay caused by the rainfall allowed the cities defenders time to identify the threat that Ottoman sapping posed and enact measures to counteract it effectively.
More rain fell on October 11, and with the failure of the mining strategy, the chances of a quick Ottoman victory were receding by the hour. In addition, the Turks were running out of fodder for their horses, and casualties, sickness, and desertions began taking a toll on their ranks. Even the elite janissaries now voiced discontent at the state of affairs. In view of these factors, Suleiman had no alternative but to contemplate retreat. He held a council of war on 12 October which decided on one last attack, with extra rewards offered to the troops. However, this assault, too, was repulsed, as once again the arquebuses and long pikes of the defenders prevailed in keeping out the Turks.
On the night of 14 October, screams were heard from the opposing camp, the sound of the Ottomans killing their prisoners prior to moving out. Some defenders who had foreseen only surrender interpreted their deliverance as a miracle.
The siege signaled the Ottoman Empire's highwater mark and signalling the end of Ottoman expansion in central Europe, though 150 years of tension and incursions followed, culminating in the Battle of Vienna in 1683.
To a significant extent the Siege of Vienna in 1529 was a unifying force within Christianity and served as a distraction from the internal turmoil caused by the Reformation.
Please find out more at:
Siege of Vienna 1529
http://www.wien-vienna.com/vienna1529.php (http://www.wien-vienna.com/vienna1529.php)
The Siege of Vienna 1529
https://apippas.wordpress.com/ (https://apippas.wordpress.com/)
Siege of Vienna
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Vienna (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Vienna)
http://www.wien-vienna.com/vienna1529.php (http://www.wien-vienna.com/vienna1529.php)

https://www.facebook.com/pukman.vasil/posts/1672176846359913 (https://www.facebook.com/pukman.vasil/posts/1672176846359913)

Cтоматология доинкского periode.
Heb je enig idee, wat de kwaliteit van het moet een boortje en hoe hoog kracht om kleine gaatje aan кромке tanden?!
Heb поинтересуйтесь: mijn tandarts kan hij doen drie kleine отверствия in mijn tand (twee van hen bij de rand) moderne высокотехнологичным wolfram-карбидным бором met пневмотурбинным drive) historici zeggen dat доколумбовы beschavingen wisten niet wielen smile-emoticon
Automatisch vertaald

https://www.facebook.com/Medtehnika.UA/photos/a.729116287123985.1073741834.531950916840524/847129405322672/?type=3 (https://www.facebook.com/Medtehnika.UA/photos/a.729116287123985.1073741834.531950916840524/847129405322672/?type=3)
cocktail winterweer

http://vilnews.com/2012-02-a-world-superpower-for-300-years (http://vilnews.com/2012-02-a-world-superpower-for-300-years)

"Palestinian people" was completely invented by the KGB. It was the Lubyanka project, a special operation  (NOT)
http://ehorussia.com/new/node/11649 (http://ehorussia.com/new/node/11649)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fehorussia.com%2Fnew%2Fnode%2F11649&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fehorussia.com%2Fnew%2Fnode%2F11649&edit-text=)

http://www.ancient-code.com/scientists-geological-evidence-shows-the-great-sphinx-is-800000-years-old/ (http://www.ancient-code.com/scientists-geological-evidence-shows-the-great-sphinx-is-800000-years-old/)

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3279668/Nasa-predicts-near-miss-scary-asteroid-Halloween-don-t-panic-310-000-miles-away.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3279668/Nasa-predicts-near-miss-scary-asteroid-Halloween-don-t-panic-310-000-miles-away.html)

Laboratory for the study of "Russian World", "The history Katsap" History Katsap: Nation traitors, Part 2.
http://botsman-katsman.com/history-of-katsapi/280-istoriya-kacapov-naciya-predateley-chast-2.html# (http://botsman-katsman.com/history-of-katsapi/280-istoriya-kacapov-naciya-predateley-chast-2.html#)

how "russia" became
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A)
"russian" language
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbotsman-katsman.com%2Fhistory-of-katsapi%2F280-istoriya-kacapov-naciya-predateley-chast-2.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbotsman-katsman.com%2Fhistory-of-katsapi%2F280-istoriya-kacapov-naciya-predateley-chast-2.html)

http://themoonlitroad.com/warehouse-florida-halloween-horror-story/ (http://themoonlitroad.com/warehouse-florida-halloween-horror-story/)

http://articles.latimes.com/2009/mar/11/science/sci-romanov11 (http://articles.latimes.com/2009/mar/11/science/sci-romanov11)

https://38.media.tumblr.com/0969406993717a215072207375d21e25/tumblr_nvarfn6Ffq1qzio10o1_540.gif (https://38.media.tumblr.com/0969406993717a215072207375d21e25/tumblr_nvarfn6Ffq1qzio10o1_540.gif)

https://www.thevintagenews.com/2015/10/16/restricted-areas-photographer-captures-the-eerie-abandoned-remains-of-soviet-technology/?src=fba&type=wca&page=tvn (https://www.thevintagenews.com/2015/10/16/restricted-areas-photographer-captures-the-eerie-abandoned-remains-of-soviet-technology/?src=fba&type=wca&page=tvn)




http://www.ukiedaily.com/blog/2013/11/ukrainian-writing-system/ (http://www.ukiedaily.com/blog/2013/11/ukrainian-writing-system/)

https://eldermountain.wordpress.com/2015/08/22/carpathian-shaman-healing-magical-rites/ (https://eldermountain.wordpress.com/2015/08/22/carpathian-shaman-healing-magical-rites/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/05/25/ukrainian-conflict-is-between-heirs-of-kyivan-rus-and-heirs-of-golden-horde/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/05/25/ukrainian-conflict-is-between-heirs-of-kyivan-rus-and-heirs-of-golden-horde/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/)

http://m.day.kiev.ua/en/article/culture/hans-boland-it-was-russia-was-born-out-ukraine-and-not-other-way-around (http://m.day.kiev.ua/en/article/culture/hans-boland-it-was-russia-was-born-out-ukraine-and-not-other-way-around)

 http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/nov/10/on-the-origin-of-species-voted-most-influential-academic-book-charles-darwin (http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/nov/10/on-the-origin-of-species-voted-most-influential-academic-book-charles-darwin)
 http://www.vice.com/nl/search?query=ukraine (http://www.vice.com/nl/search?query=ukraine)
 http://www.ancient-origins.net/history/manichaeism-one-most-popular-religions-ancient-world-002658 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/history/manichaeism-one-most-popular-religions-ancient-world-002658)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55fCRqAlQoc&feature=youtu.be (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55fCRqAlQoc&feature=youtu.be)
 http://www.wsj.com/articles/paris-attacks-prompt-statement-of-solidarity-from-russia-1447457823 (http://www.wsj.com/articles/paris-attacks-prompt-statement-of-solidarity-from-russia-1447457823)
 http://www.bildarchiv-ostpreussen.de/ (http://www.bildarchiv-ostpreussen.de/)
 prussia is reason tsar renamed muscovy to russia, and stole name rus and history from Kyvian-rus/Ukraine-rus
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links -
Bericht door: admin op november 15, 2015, 15:07:11 pm

katsap site
https://www.facebook.com/ukrainiantimes/photos/a.1500628000262271.1073741826.1500627950262276/1500628020262269/?type=3&fref=nf (https://www.facebook.com/ukrainiantimes/photos/a.1500628000262271.1073741826.1500627950262276/1500628020262269/?type=3&fref=nf)
misses a.o. 1721-1725  Tsar STOLE name RUS and history of Ukraine from 5th century on, from Ukraine  http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/)

A glimpse of history


An ancient legend has it that three brothers, namely Kiy, Schek and Khoriv along with their sister Lybed founded a settlement on the slopes of the Dnepr River and called it Kiev after the eldest brother. It did not take long for this settlement to become the political center for Eastern Slavic tribes.


The formation of Kiev Rus, powerful medieval state unifying Eastern Slavic nations in the expanse from the Baltics to the Black Sea, from the Volga to Tisza rivers.

JULY 28, 988:

Russian Grand Prince Vladimir adopts Christianity as the official religion of Kiev Rus. This act has a positive impact on the development of political and cultural relations with Byzantium and other European and Middle East countries. Kiev becomes one of the most famous centers of Christian civilization.


The formation of Zaporozhskaya Sech, sociopolitical and military-administrative organization of Cossacks. The Cossacks provided resistance to the invasions of the Turks, the Tatars and the domination of Polish nobility.

OCTOBER 23, 1545:

Cossacks took the Turkish fortress Achi-kali (Ochakov, Nikolaev region).


The Liberation War of the Ukrainian people led by Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky against Poland.

OCTOBER 6, 1648:

Troops under command of Bogdan Khmelnitsky laid siege to the city of Lvov.

AUGUST 16, 1649:

The Cossack army led by Bogdan Khmelnitsky won a battle against Polish troops near the town of Zborov, Ternopol region.

JANUARY 8, 1654:

Fighting against Polish oppression, Bogdan Khmelnitsky turns to Russian Tsar Alexei for help and enters into an alliance with Russia in the Ukrainian town of Pereyaslav; Ukraine, or Malorossia (Little Russia), becomes a protectorate of Russia. Kiev keeps its role as the economic and cultural center of Ukrainian lands. In the 18th century Kiev becomes an Orthodox symbol for the entire Russian Empire.

MARCH 16, 1686:

In Moscow Russian prince Vasiliy Galitzine and Polish envoys signed the Eternal Peace Treaty between the Tsardom of Russia and Poland. The treaty secured Russia’s possession of left-bank Ukraine plus the right-bank city of Kiev. The region of Zaporozhskaya Sech, Severian Lands, cities of Chernigov and Starodub were also ceded to Russia. The treaty was a major success for Russian diplomacy.

NOVEMBER 23, 1708:

The Russian Orthodox Church declared an anathema on Ukrainian hetman Ivan Mazepa who betrayed Czar Peter the Great.

JUNE 27, 1709:

Russia won a decisive victory over Sweden in the Second Northern War. The battle was fought near the city of Poltava between Russian troops under Peter I and Swedish troops under Charles XII. The Russian troops killed or captured the entire Swedish army except for Charles and his followers. Sweden’s defeat ended its status as a major power and marked the beginning of Russian supremacy in eastern Europe.

JUNE 18, 1754:

The earthen fortress Fort St. Elizabeth was founded in Ukraine, or Malorossia (Little Russia). The fortress grew into the city of Yelisavetgrad (Kirovograd) named in honor of its formal founder, Russian Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, and also in honor of her heavenly patroness, St. Elizabeth. Elizabeth Petrovna is the daughter of Russian Czar Peter I called Peter the Great.

DECEMBER 12, 1764:

Russian Empress Catherine the Great abolished hetmanate, rule by a hetman, in Ukraine, or Malorossia (Little Russia).

FEBRUARY 13, 1784:

In accordance with a decree issued by Russian Empress Catherine the Great, the Tavria oblast (region) was formed. The oblast included the Crimean peninsula, Taman and the modern Kherson region.

FEBRUARY 21, 1784:

In accordance with a decree issued by Russian Empress Catherine the Great, the fortress Akhtiar in the Crimea was renamed Sevastopol.

SEPTEMBER 2, 1794:

Empress Catherine the Great founded, by her decree, the city of Odessa, which became Russia’s second most important port after Saint Petersburg, with grain as its principal export. The city suffered heavy damage in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) against German fascist invaders. Today Odessa is a major seaport, industrial and cultural center, with engineering, universities, museums and theaters.

NOVEMBER 22, 1801:

Vladimir Dal, Russian scientist, writer, lexicographer and dialectologist, was born in the city of Lugansk. He is famous as the author of the unique Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.

FEBRUARY 17, 1852:

Art collections at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg were opened to the public by Russian czar Nicholas I. The “Hermitage” pavilion adjoining the Winter Palace was built for Catherine II (the Great) as a private gallery for treasured collections. The museum is now housed in five interconnected buildings, including the Winter Palace and the Small, Old, and New Hermitages. Along with thousands of art objects from Central Asia, India, China, Egypt, the pre-Columbian Americas, Greece and Rome, the Hermitage houses outstanding collections of Western painting. Russian history is represented by archaeological material from prehistoric times onward.

APRIL 11, 1857:

Czar Alexander II approved the National Emblem of the Russian Empire, namely the double-headed eagle.

NOVEMBER 30, 1867:

The Vorontsov lighthouse was put into operation in Odessa. It became the first signal tower in the Russian Empire, which was equipped with electric lamps.

APRIL 17, 1877:

Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer and one of the world’s greatest novelists, finished writing the novel Anna Karenina. His great novel (1875-77) concerns the aristocratic woman, who deserts her husband for a lover, and the search for meaning by another autobiographical character Levin.

FEBRUARY 26, 1886:

For the first time in history of the Russian Empire mercury was produced at the cinnabar processing plant based in the city of Gorlovka, Donetsk region.

MAY 21, 1892:

For the first time in history of the Russian Empire an electric streetcar entered service in Kiev.

OCTOBER 25, 1897:

The first football match took place in the Russian Empire.

SEPTEMBER 12, 1898:

In accordance with a decree issued by Russian czar Nicholas II, the Polytechnic Institute opened in Kiev.

JANUARY 12, 1906:

The first number of the Russian-language newspaper Kievskaya Mysl was published in Kiev.

FEBRUARY 12, 1914:

The first bomber Ilya Muromets with 16 passengers took to the air for the first time. The airplane was designed by Kiev engineer Igor Sikorsky and manufactured by the Russian-Baltic railroad car building plant.

MARCH 14, 1914:

Russian pilot Peotr Nesterov made the first flight from Kiev to Odessa.

FEBRUARY 27, 1918:

In Kiev Central Draft Headquarters started full mobilization of the Red Army.

NOVEMBER 3, 1918:

A public assembly (veche) in the city of Chernovtsy passed a decision to make Northern Bukovina a part of the Soviet Ukraine.

NOVEMBER 14, 1918:

Vladimir Vernadsky was elected first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

APRIL 6, 1919:

Soviet troops won back Odessa from Entente forces that included British and French invaders.

JUNE 8, 1920:

Ivan Kozhedub, Thrice Hero of the Soviet Union, was born in the village of Obrazheevka, Sumy region. He is famous as the flying ace who destroyed 62 enemy planes during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) against Nazi Germany.

APRIL 9, 1921:

The country-house museum of Russian dramatist and short-story writer Anton Chekhov opened in the Crimean port city of Yalta.

DECEMBER 4, 1921:

More than 108,000 residents of lands along the Volga River migrated to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

MARCH 21, 1922:

The Council of People’s Commissars of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic established, by its ordinance, 32 ore mining managements in the Donbas region. They came within jurisdiction of the State Coal Industry Administration.


The formation of the U.S.S.R. incorporating the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic as part of the Soviet Union.

DECEMBER 28, 1922:

The Workers-Inventors Society was set up in Odessa.

SEPTEMBER 25, 1923:

The Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic allocated 12 million rubles to the first state reserve Askania-Nova in the Kherson region.

OCTOBER 1, 1923:

A sea route between Odessa and Rostov-on-Don via the ports of Yevpatoria, Sevastopol, Feodosiya, Kerch, Berdyansk, Mariupol and Taganrog reopened in the Soviet Union.

FEBRUARY 28, 1924:

A new telephone line with Nizhniy Novgorod entered service in the city of Kharkov.

APRIL 30, 1925:

In Moscow the Soviet of Labor and Defense adopted a program for the construction of a bakery in Kiev. It had a capacity to produce 4,500 poods of baked goods per day. A pood is the old Russian unit of weight equal to 16.38 kilograms.

OCTOBER 15, 1926:

The Russian Drama Theater opened its first season in Kiev.

SEPTEMBER 18, 1929:

The Zaporozhye-based plant Kommunar manufactured the first Soviet combine harvester.

NOVEMBER 17, 1933:

The Academic Russian Drama Theater named after Alexander Pushkin was established in the city of Kharkov.

APRIL 20, 1938:

A decision about the compulsory learning of the Russian language in all schools was passed in Ukraine.

DECEMBER 20, 1938:

Work-record books were introduced in the Soviet Union. They are still valid in Ukraine.

JANUARY 6, 1939:

Valeriy Lobanovskiy, distinguished Soviet footballer and merited coach of the U.S.S.R., was born.

JUNE 4, 1939:

The Ukrainian Arts Committee invited a group of experts of the Moscow-based Tretyakov Gallery to restore 11th-century mural frescoes at the St. Michael chancel of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev.

OCTOBER 10, 1939:

The Moscow-based Library of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. supplied 100,000 books on various subjects to the Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia by free gift.

OCTOBER 12, 1939:

The People’s Assembly of Western Ukraine issued declarations aimed to join the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.


The Nazi German occupation of Ukraine, including the capital of Kiev from 1941-1943, during the Great Patriotic War.

OCTOBER 26, 1941:

A municipal committee on a defense was formed in the port city of Sevastopol. The committee played an important role in the organization of the defense against German fascist invaders.

MAY 20, 1942:

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. established, by its decree, the Order of the Patriotic War (First and Second Class). It was the first decoration awarded to heroic defenders of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War against German fascist invaders.

OCTOBER 17, 1943:

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. conferred, by its decree, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on 306 generals, officers, sergeants and soldiers of the Red Army for the successful forcing of the Dnepr River during the Great Patriotic War against German fascist invaders.

NOVEMBER 6, 1943:

Troops of the First Ukrainian Front under command of General Nikolai Vatutin took Kiev by assault, liberating the capital city of Soviet Ukraine from German fascist invaders.

NOVEMBER 7, 1943:

The 3rd Guards tank army liberated the town of Fastov, Kiev region, from German fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

OCTOBER 8, 1944:

Victorious Soviet forces took the village of Lavochnoe, Lvov region, thus driving last German fascist invaders from the Ukrainian territory.


Ukraine, together with 50 other states, becomes a U.N. Charter member.

JULY 6, 1952:

A monument to Pavel Nakhimov, gifted Russian naval commander, was founded in the port city of Sevastopol on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth. Today Sevastopol is the home of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.

JANUARY 25, 1957:

The Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic established annual prizes for the best scientific works.

MAY 25, 1957:

The largest Soviet hotel Ukraina opened in Moscow.

NOVEMBER 6, 1957:

The Eternal Glory Park in honor of the Victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and the Soviet heroes, who defeated German fascism, with a well-proportioned obelisk at the grave of the Unknown Soldier opened in Kiev.

JULY 10, 1958:

Construction of the 80-kilometer gas pipeline Amvrosievka-Stalino (present-day Donetsk)-Makeevka commenced in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was the branch of a main pipeline between the cities of Stavropol and Moscow.

JANUARY 23, 1959:

The world largest whale factory ship Soviet Ukraine was launched in the city of Nikolaev.

FEBRUARY 14, 1965:

The air route between the cities of Kirovograd and Moscow opened in the Soviet Union. A direct flight took three hours, using the airplane Antonov-24.

MAY 8, 1965:

Kiev, Moscow and the Byelorussian city of Brest were given the title of “Hero-City [of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945]”.

APRIL 29, 1966:

The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine established, by its ordinance, the Institute of Strength Problems under the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

OCTOBER 30, 1967:

The Soviet Union was the first in the world to perform the unmanned docking of the spacecraft Kosmos-186 and Kosmos-188.

JULY 9, 1970:

The literary-memorial museum of Russian writer Alexander Green opened in the Crimean resort town of Feodosiya. It must be noted that Green is the assumed name of Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky (1880-1932).

JULY 2, 1976:

A monument to victims murdered by German fascist invaders in the ravine Babiy Yar during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) was inaugurated in Kiev. More than 100,000 peaceful residents of Kiev, prisoners of war, hostages, prisoners of Gestapo and the Syrets concentration camp were killed and buried in the ravine and trenches around it.

MARCH 28, 1979:

The hotel complex Yalta opened in the Massandra park of this Crimean seaport. The hotel was constructed by Soviet and Yugoslav builders for the All-Union joint-stock company Inturist.

JUNE 6, 1984:

The Finance Ministry of the State Bank of the U.S.S.R. put the one-ruble coin into circulation, which was dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the birth of Russia’s greatest poet Alexander Pushkin.

DECEMBER 21, 1988:

The world largest transport airplane Antonov-225 Mria took to the air for the first time. The Ukrainian-built airplane has a carrying capacity of 250 tons.

AUGUST 1991:

Visiting Kiev, then U.S. president George Bush lectured Ukrainian parliamentarians on the virtues of remaining in the U.S.S.R. and warned them not to be tempted by dangerous nationalism into the ridiculous project of trying to form their own state.

AUGUST 24, 1991:

The Supreme Council adopts the Act on the Declaration of State Independence of Ukraine. Today, however, most citizens of Ukraine are wishing for a reunion with Russia, Byelorussia and other former Soviet republics.

OCTOBER 24, 1991:

The Supreme Council proclaimed nuclear [weapon]-free status of Ukraine.

MAY 30, 1998:

The reconstructed bell tower of the St. Michael Golden Domed Cathedral was inaugurated and consecrated in Kiev. Since the 12th century, majestic domes of the Cathedral have inspired warriors to defend Kiev Rus from foreign invaders.

SEPTEMBER 26, 2000:

A Dnepr-1 rocket blasted off from the cosmodrome Baikonur in Kazakhstan and put five commercial satellites into orbit. It is important to note that Dnepr-1 was designed by the Ukrainian-Russian company Kosmotras.

MARCH 16, 2014:

More than 96% of the Crimea’s population voted in favor of secession from Ukraine and joining Russia. The referendum attracted 83% voter turnout. Importantly, opinion polls showed that 91% of citizens of Russia approved of the reunification of Crimea with their country.

NOT just 15% as forbes sais
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op januari 02, 2016, 10:15:34 am

 http://www.pado.ga/20-of-the-most-mysterious-places-in-russia.html (http://www.pado.ga/20-of-the-most-mysterious-places-in-russia.html)
 https://books.google.nl/books?id=enyICgAAQBAJ&pg=PT110&lpg=PT110&dq=haplogroup+donbass&source=bl&ots=ltDAq25wOW&sig=_u2NSf-th4S_oY5ZbEMQaDPsU6w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAWoVChMIhqvo2OmcyQIVhZkOCh0qWAWl#v=onepage&q=haplogroup%20donbass&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=enyICgAAQBAJ&pg=PT110&lpg=PT110&dq=haplogroup+donbass&source=bl&ots=ltDAq25wOW&sig=_u2NSf-th4S_oY5ZbEMQaDPsU6w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCgQ6AEwAWoVChMIhqvo2OmcyQIVhZkOCh0qWAWl#v=onepage&q=haplogroup%20donbass&f=false)
 15-page 99
 These aforementioned studies are the best indication we can find to illustrate the situation of people living in Siberia 26,000 years ago. I refer to Mal’ta boy of Lake Baikal, who’s on the record with the first gene mutation to haplogroup R. Another Siberian individual from Afontova Gora (Krasnoyarsk) had the first R1 gene around 20,900 years ago. Their relatives, settled around 15,000 years ago somewhere on the north shore of the Caspian Sea, have produced the splitting of R1 into R1a and R1b, which both subclades form today the majority of the population of Europe and the ex-Soviet Union, but also are present in many other countries of the Eurasia.
These Siberians living 26,000-20,000 years ago were hunters and fishers and had the same diet that of the Inuit people described in Greenland in the 1970s.
However the article did not mention that the health of today Inuits has been badly affected by new diet with carbohydrates and other modern practices.
The successors of the haplogroup R, who were the R1a, or the Aryans, returned 20,000 years later to their ancestral lands from Siberia and formed the Afanasevo culture of Minusinsk basin, Krasnoiarsk and Altai Mountains regions of West and Central Siberia (3,500-2,500 BC).
During this long period of time, their movement was from Central to West Siberia, to Urals and Caspian-Pontic regions, Caucasus region, entering Iran and Anatolia, from where they crossed into the Balkans. In the Balkans originated the new Indo-European language. The Aryans, speaking the Indo-European language, created series of cultures on their way back from Balkans to Siberia, like the proto-Hellenic (6,500-6,000 BC), the Starcevo-Vinca-Cris (6,200-5,000 BC), Cucuteni-Trypillian (5,000-3,000 BC), Khvalynsk (5,000-4,500 BC), Sredny Stog (5,000-4,000 BC), and Yamna (3,600-2,300 BC). From Afanasevo they formed some other cultures like Catacomb culture (2,800-2,200 BC), Sintasha (2,100-1,800 BC), Andronovo (2,000-900 BC) and BMAC. And then they conquered (1,700-1,650 BC) Iran and Indus Valley civilization around 1, 550 BC.
According to the genetic findings, a branch of Aryans (at that time they did not speak the Indo-European languages, which were form later in the Balkans) entered Iran and India for the first time around 6,000 BC, while another branch entered almost simultaneously the Eastern Balkans (Greece). The branch that entered India advanced to Center and South India, but also crossed to the east until reached the Mekong Valley in the Southeast Asia; they left few genetic traces from Laos to Thailand and to Cambodia. Some specialists call the first Aryan invasion of India as the original Vedic Aryans. The issue is very disputable because few Aryan genes were also found in the Nepalese and Tibetans, and also in North China, Manchuria, and Korea.
The most interesting question here is why the Aryans returned to their ancestral land? The answer may be in their ancestral memory about the “healing grounds of Siberia”, which grounds heal by the locally imposed diet, but also this diet empowered the body and the mind.
However the Siberian bearers of the haplogroup R1a and R1b invaded and conquered most of the farming settlements of the Eurasia between 3,000 BC and 1,500 BC, imposing their genes into higher segments of the local population (like in the aforementioned discussion on India). The R1a were called the Aryans, and they came with “space (visual) intelligence”, nonlinear thinking, domesticated horses, chariots and metallurgy, helping the local farmers to upgrade their “civilization”. But later, their original communitarian faith changed being influenced by the habits of the agricultural society; their pastoralist lifestyle habits were imposed to the agriculturalists by forcing them to introduce the patriarchate; from that point on, everything changed in the agrarian society, opening the way toward aristocratic elites, despotism and social inequality. This was the consequence (as the adaptation of the Aryan elites to local agrarian behaviors) of changing their pastoralist but visual, contextual, nonlinear thinking into the verbal, content-analytical, linear thinking of the agrarian societies they conquered. In the meantime the R1a always travelled with smaller groups of R1b (named Arbins), while suffering their interference.
However among the Aryan groups, those producing Andronovo culture, remained approximately (some moved west from the Ural River valley to Volga River valley, eventually settling in Donbass) in the same region for a long period of time (over 1,200 years), while preserving the original pastoralist mentality and lifestyle. This branch of Aryans seem to be the core from which later evolved the future proto-Balto-Slavic people and the proto-Slavs.
Here I like to quote a more authoritarian opinion from Eupedia on the R1a haplogroup whereabouts: “R1a haplogroup…have been the dominant haplogroup among the northern and eastern Proto-Indo-European language speakers that evolved into the Indo-Iranian, Thracian, Baltic, and Slavic branches. The Proto-Indo-Europeans originated in the Yamna culture (3300-2500 BCE). The southern Steppe culture is believed to have carried predominantly R1b lineage, while the northern forest-steppe culture would have been essentially R1a dominant. The first expansion of the forest-steppe people occurred with the Corded Ware Culture. The migration of the R1b people to central and Western Europe left a vacuum for R1a people in the southern steppe around the time of the Catacomb Culture (2800-2200 BCE). The forest-steppe origin of this culture is from the Corded Ware Culture. The Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian language groups belong to the same Statem isogloss and both appear to have evolved from the Catacomb Culture (Ukraine). Ancient DNA testing has confirmed the presence of haplogroup R1a1a in samples from Corded Ware culture in Germany (2800 BCE), from Tocharian mummies (2000 BCE) in Northwest China, from Kurgan burials (1600 BCE), from Andronovo Culture in Southern Russia and Southern Siberia, as well as from a variety of Iron-age sites from Russia, Siberia, Mongolia and Central Asia.”
Nevertheless Siberia continued to produce somehow large groups of population for several thousands of years, who were more intelligent and free of infantile mortality because of their diet; it was a continuity of waves after waves of smart and healthy people, who, migrated westward and invaded Europe; in the course of time they have been gradually absorbed into the modern European population.

 https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://1vib.co.ua/index.php/uk-ua/kultura/mify-ta-lehendy/item/davnoukrainska-mifolohiia-berez&usg=ALkJrhinitlZbdlyturbgIO0mtNU2VjHxg (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://1vib.co.ua/index.php/uk-ua/kultura/mify-ta-lehendy/item/davnoukrainska-mifolohiia-berez&usg=ALkJrhinitlZbdlyturbgIO0mtNU2VjHxg)
 https://www.facebook.com/marijana.simic.5074/posts/207627386236799 (https://www.facebook.com/marijana.simic.5074/posts/207627386236799)
 Indian warrior
 And I'm a gentle Viking oldest roots Ukraine then Belarus, Denmark now Netherland , to boldy go where no (wo)man has gone before, to explore strange new physical and psychological worlds,to seek out new ways of living (with Mother Nature and not against) and new ways to build civilizations, to come to the last frontiers : Earth & (a) United World.

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoteny (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoteny)
 The ability for adult Europeans to drink milk was inherited from herders from the Great Steppes (Moldovia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan up to Siberia, Mongolia,China), just 4,000 years ago, a genetic study has shown.
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-11-24/europeans-drink-milk-tolerate-lactose-dates/6955414 (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-11-24/europeans-drink-milk-tolerate-lactose-dates/6955414)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=uk&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.abc.net.au%2Fnews%2F2015-11-24%2Feuropeans-drink-milk-tolerate-lactose-dates%2F6955414&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=uk&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.abc.net.au%2Fnews%2F2015-11-24%2Feuropeans-drink-milk-tolerate-lactose-dates%2F6955414&edit-text=)
 http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature16152.html (http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature16152.html)
 http://www.nature.com/articles/nature16152.epdf?referrer_access_token=enr3jHTU-hpsTMFQuJXBM9RgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0MnVrBcbOUxeDwMEyOFwmvxdndV3GwJP6NXwe5AOu3QvzCASEIbSfXDUj4WWlnvYwVq7MKNkV2chDT21BxQ6YlvYfc-gFa2HWgtzm3y8U3lA6IVlIjXhuPl5hQn4uOQFFXWpNYU1I24ldEy3qf1FnLstZtIBgo0uEPyiBip8IOV2PkA5odbNWjNSGXcMZUX0Ws%3D&tracking_referrer=www.abc.net.au (http://www.nature.com/articles/nature16152.epdf?referrer_access_token=enr3jHTU-hpsTMFQuJXBM9RgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0MnVrBcbOUxeDwMEyOFwmvxdndV3GwJP6NXwe5AOu3QvzCASEIbSfXDUj4WWlnvYwVq7MKNkV2chDT21BxQ6YlvYfc-gFa2HWgtzm3y8U3lA6IVlIjXhuPl5hQn4uOQFFXWpNYU1I24ldEy3qf1FnLstZtIBgo0uEPyiBip8IOV2PkA5odbNWjNSGXcMZUX0Ws%3D&tracking_referrer=www.abc.net.au)
 http://wanderingpioneer.com/revealing-female-beauty-standards-around-the-world/?utm_source=outbrain (http://wanderingpioneer.com/revealing-female-beauty-standards-around-the-world/?utm_source=outbrain)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_Steppe (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_Steppe)

 http://therundownlive.com/?p=156951 (http://therundownlive.com/?p=156951)
sun climate change

 http://phys.org/news/2015-02-big-quantum-equation-universe.html (http://phys.org/news/2015-02-big-quantum-equation-universe.html)
 http://uatoday.tv/society/from-poop-to-power-washington-dc-converts-human-waste-into-electricity-543995.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/from-poop-to-power-washington-dc-converts-human-waste-into-electricity-543995.html)
 http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/physicists-prove-time-travel-possible-by-sending-particles-light-into-past-1453839 (http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/physicists-prove-time-travel-possible-by-sending-particles-light-into-past-1453839)
 http://www.plantsneedco2.org/(X(1)S(qqjgxt5nna42hthfkod5x44u))/default.aspx?menuitemid=225&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 (http://www.plantsneedco2.org/(X(1)S(qqjgxt5nna42hthfkod5x44u))/default.aspx?menuitemid=225&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1)
 http://inhabitat.com/a-green-roofed-hobbit-home-anyone-can-build-in-just-3-days/green-magic-homes-8/ (http://inhabitat.com/a-green-roofed-hobbit-home-anyone-can-build-in-just-3-days/green-magic-homes-8/)
 http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/11/30/the-age-of-russian-expansion-is-over/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/11/30/the-age-of-russian-expansion-is-over/)
 http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/12/01/why-there-are-muslim-crescents-on-orthodox-crosses-in-moscow-but-not-in-kyiv/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/12/01/why-there-are-muslim-crescents-on-orthodox-crosses-in-moscow-but-not-in-kyiv/)
 http://hot6today.com/2015/11/27/1500-year-old-bible-confirms-that-jesus-christ-was-not-crucified-vatican-in-awe/ (http://hot6today.com/2015/11/27/1500-year-old-bible-confirms-that-jesus-christ-was-not-crucified-vatican-in-awe/)
http://sonsonthepyre.com/1500-year-old-bible-confirms-that-jesus-christ-was-not-crucified-vatican-in-awe/ (http://sonsonthepyre.com/1500-year-old-bible-confirms-that-jesus-christ-was-not-crucified-vatican-in-awe/)
http://www.nationalturk.com/en/1500-year-old-syriac-bible-found-in-ankara-turkey-16624 (http://www.nationalturk.com/en/1500-year-old-syriac-bible-found-in-ankara-turkey-16624)
http://answering-islam.org/Nehls/Answer/barnabas.html (http://answering-islam.org/Nehls/Answer/barnabas.html)

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/24/science/new-light-on-the-roots-of-english.html (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/24/science/new-light-on-the-roots-of-english.html)
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/science/dna-deciphers-roots-of-modern-europeans.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=2 (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/16/science/dna-deciphers-roots-of-modern-europeans.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=2)

http://www.nationalreview.com/article/427823/paris-climate-conference-no-warming?yLYs2PlsljPhx6h7.01 (http://www.nationalreview.com/article/427823/paris-climate-conference-no-warming?yLYs2PlsljPhx6h7.01)

http://voxukraine.org/2015/10/21/legalizing-prostitution-in-ukraine-to-be-or-not-to-be-en/ (http://voxukraine.org/2015/10/21/legalizing-prostitution-in-ukraine-to-be-or-not-to-be-en/)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=is+webcamming+illegal+in+Ukraine&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL647NL647&oq=is+webcamming+illegal+in+ukraine&aqs=chrome.0.69i59.7005j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8 (https://www.google.nl/search?q=is+webcamming+illegal+in+Ukraine&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL647NL647&oq=is+webcamming+illegal+in+ukraine&aqs=chrome.0.69i59.7005j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8)

http://shop.new55.net/products/r5-monobath-developer?variant=8415508355 (http://shop.new55.net/products/r5-monobath-developer?variant=8415508355)

http://historiavivens.eu/2/st_nicholas_of_myra_604107.html (http://historiavivens.eu/2/st_nicholas_of_myra_604107.html)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jkjbdWGAQ8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jkjbdWGAQ8)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV_-C9-scN8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV_-C9-scN8)

Saturnia of Saturnalia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVAQGB15whI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVAQGB15whI)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturnalia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturnalia)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupala_Night (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupala_Night)

http://www.slavorum.org/women-warriors-in-slavic-and-scytho-sarmatian-culture/ (http://www.slavorum.org/women-warriors-in-slavic-and-scytho-sarmatian-culture/)

http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0189-we-dug-up-a-medieval-mongolian-noblewoman-in-our-compost-pit/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0189-we-dug-up-a-medieval-mongolian-noblewoman-in-our-compost-pit/)

http://uatoday.tv/politics/ancient-kyiv-pechersk-lavra-to-be-divided-between-ukraine-s-rival-church-factions-552902.html (http://uatoday.tv/politics/ancient-kyiv-pechersk-lavra-to-be-divided-between-ukraine-s-rival-church-factions-552902.html)

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POLITICS13:02 DEC. 13, 2015
Ancient Kyiv Pechersk Lavra to be divided between Ukraine's rival church factions?

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Petition to transfer religious site to Kyiv Patriarchate gathers more than 10,000 signatures

A long drawn out dispute may be on the horizon between two rival factions of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. More than 10,000 signatures have been collected in favor of transferring the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, one of the best-known historical attractions in the country, over to the Kyiv Patriarchate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The Lavra, also known as the Monastery of the Caves, is currently in the possession of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Watch also Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate accepts the annexation of Crimea by Russia

Both of these churches are adherents of Russian Orthodoxy and share the same beliefs. But the Kyiv and Moscow patriarchy represent different sides of Ukraine's divided political environment. The idea to transfer the nearly 1000-year-old World Heritage Site is not being taken lightly by the Moscow Patriarchate.

Klyment, Bishop of Moscow Patriarchate of Ukrainian Orthodox Church: "When the new power came, the Soviet power, it was the start of the so-called terror. It all started with the closing down of churches and provocations. That's what we see today in the form of this petition."

Nearly 70 percent of Ukrainians are of Orthodox faith, close to 15 million people belong to the Kyiv Patriarchate, and at least 10 million belong to the Moscow Patriarchate, according to the Christian Science Monitor. The petition to transfer the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra to the Kyiv Patriarchate has not been welcomed by everyone. These parishioners had this to say:

"The church has canon laws and you can't just do what you want, take the store because it's owned by Muscovites?"
"I support that the churches on the territory be divided between the factions."
"How do I explain this? Would you give away your own house?"

The conflict in east Ukraine between combined Russian-insurgent forces and Ukrainian troops has only been fueling the antagonism between the two churches in Ukraine. During the regime of disgraced pro-Kremlin President Viktor Yanukovych the ruling elite had been under pressure to be a parishoner of the Moscow Patriarchate. Yanukovych also reportedly put the Kyiv patriarchate under pressure and created problems for the church.

Watch also Churches fall victim to Russia's 'holy war' in east Ukraine

Now the Kyiv Patriarchate says the petition to transfer the Lavra is likely to stoke hostility between churchgoers.

Archevstratiy Zorya, Archbishop of Kyiv Patriarchate of Ukrainian Orthodox Church: "As a church we are not interested in fomenting interdenominational conflicts. We are seeing that ever since the Euromaidan revolution, Russia and pro-Russian forces have been attempting to sow religious hatred."

In the Ministry of Culture there are no plans to hand over the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra just yet. But according to a ministry official over 50 churches belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate have switched to the Kyiv Patriarchate since the start of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/88674.htm (http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/88674.htm)
Ukrainian authorities seeking to take Kiev Pechersk Laura away from Moscow Patriarchate
http://tass.ru/en/opinions/843140 (http://tass.ru/en/opinions/843140)

RE: Muscovy 1581




In 1569 the "Russian Empire" did NOT exist - it was Muscovy [Moskali and Muscovites] before and after 1569.

In fact Latin, Greek, and Ruthenian [AKA - Ukrainian] were the languages used on European documents in 1581.

In 1581 Antonio Posevino, papal legate and member of the Order of Jesuits, paid an official visit to Moscow:
We also saw that, by tradition, Muscovy is extremely dependent in religious matters on Rus’ [AKA - Ukraine] , which is currently ruled by the Polish king: very recently the Kyivan [AKA - Ukrainian] metropolitan of the Ruthenian [AKA- Ukrainian] faith ordained some Muscovite bishops.

“In Muscovy a person who has memorized the Slavic letters is considered an extremely learned person. Very few people know the Lord’s Prayer, and almost no one knows the Symbol of Faith, the Ten Commandments, and the Holy Virgin............


Canards have been the "SYSTEMIC" policy, procedure, and practice of the kremlin [AKA - Muscovy] – for centuries.
Although the statement made by Metropolitan Kirill sounds quite credible and theologically articulated, it contains a controversial ecclesiological ambiguity. For Metropolitan Kirill all the historical facts of Rus‘, obviously, do not have any substantial ecclesiological or historical value. The historical local Church, as it was initially founded in Kievan Rus’- Ukraine by the Patriarchate of Constantinople and rightly recognized by Metropolitan Kirill as Local- “mysteriously transformed itself”, in words, the of Metropolitan Kirill, into the local Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. In the centuries from 988 to1686- the beginning of the occupation of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine by the Russian Orthodox Church, the Metropolis of Kiev prospered as a local Church under the Ecumenical Patriarchate. We have to remember, that it was the Metropolis of Kiev, not Moscow, that was placed by Emperor Leo the Wise, in the constitutional record of metropolis, archbishoprics and bishoprics “to the Patriarch of Constantinople”, on the 61st position (57). This document, dating from the 11th century, categorically defines the Metropolis of Kiev as a separate ecclesial entity, that in no possible way can it be identified with the Moscow Patriarchate, which at this time was not even on the map of Europe.
This fact that the local Church of the Metropolis of Kiev was independent was so strong in the mind of the ecclesial life of the fifteenth century that even the autocephaly of the Metropolis of Moscow was defined in terms of separation from the Metropolis of Kiev (58). Even the “Golden Seal Certificate” of the Ecumenical Patriarch Jeremiah II in the year 1591, validating the establishment of the Moscow Patriarchate, defined the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church as the Church of Russia and the far northern parts within the Russian dominion, excluding the metropolis of Kiev and Lesser Rus’ (59):

“the throne of the most venerable and Orthodox city of Moscow is and shall be called Patriarchate’ .. and all Russia and the Far-Northern Territories shall be subject to the Patriarchal Throne of Moscow and all Russia. This has its place after His Beatitude of Jerusalem in the sacred diptychs, it is the head of this region of Moscow and all Russia and the Far-Northern territories” (60).

http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/page24_2624.htm (http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/page24_2624.htm)
history orthodoxy
http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/87369.htm (http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/87369.htm)
serbs and tower of babel

putins world order
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNhYzYUo42g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNhYzYUo42g)

Civilization to Chaos: Russia, if we can make believe ourselves absurd "facts", we surely will try to make the entire world believe the same, thats us, the kremlins
https://idahoroyalist.wordpress.com/2015/12/31/civilization-from-chaos-russia-epilogue/ (https://idahoroyalist.wordpress.com/2015/12/31/civilization-from-chaos-russia-epilogue/)

The term "Russia" or "Imperial Russia" did not exist until the 18th century. There was Kyvian Rus circa 1000 and several centuries later circa 1500 there was Czardom of Muscovy or simply Muscovy and a Ukraine. I would suggest that you see the famous Beauplan maps for additional information.

This article stated: "Both of these churches are adherents of Russian Orthodoxy and share the same beliefs."
Are you kidding me ?? The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate IS NOT a Russian Orthodox Church and has absolutely no ties to it. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is only Ukrainian in name. It is in fact a branch of the Russian Orthodox Church which spreads lies and disinformation within Ukrainian society.

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4737624,00.html (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4737624,00.html)
Russia's forgotten role in the creation of Israel
Op-ed: Without Soviet aid at the critical moment in the late 1940s, it would have been very difficult for the State of Israel to have been born

http://uatoday.tv/society/human-brains-aren-t-distinctly-male-or-female-554436.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/human-brains-aren-t-distinctly-male-or-female-554436.html)

http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0189-we-dug-up-a-medieval-mongolian-noblewoman-in-our-compost-pit/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0189-we-dug-up-a-medieval-mongolian-noblewoman-in-our-compost-pit/)

http://www.themoscowtimes.com/beyond_moscow/sergiyev_posad.html (http://www.themoscowtimes.com/beyond_moscow/sergiyev_posad.html)

http://uatoday.tv/society/human-brains-aren-t-distinctly-male-or-female-554436.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/human-brains-aren-t-distinctly-male-or-female-554436.html)

http://moco-choco.com/2014/04/18/true-colors-of-ancient-greek-and-roman-statues/ (http://moco-choco.com/2014/04/18/true-colors-of-ancient-greek-and-roman-statues/)
http://io9.com/5616498/ultraviolet-light-reveals-how-ancient-greek-statues-really-looked (http://io9.com/5616498/ultraviolet-light-reveals-how-ancient-greek-statues-really-looked)

http://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-blue-and-how-do-we-see-color-2015-2?r=UK&IR=T (http://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-blue-and-how-do-we-see-color-2015-2?r=UK&IR=T)

http://www.earthables.com/hatching-dinosaur-egg-candle-1510119387.html (http://www.earthables.com/hatching-dinosaur-egg-candle-1510119387.html)

http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0506-female-amazon-warrior-buried-2500-years-ago-in-altai-mountains-was-male/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0506-female-amazon-warrior-buried-2500-years-ago-in-altai-mountains-was-male/)
http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0491-whiskers-still-bristling-after-more-than-10000-years-in-the-siberian-cold/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0491-whiskers-still-bristling-after-more-than-10000-years-in-the-siberian-cold/)
http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0479-fancy-some-neolithic-smoked-fish/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0479-fancy-some-neolithic-smoked-fish/)

http://www.curejoy.com/content/4-secrets-long-term-weight-loss-good-health/ (http://www.curejoy.com/content/4-secrets-long-term-weight-loss-good-health/)

http://ex3m.com.ua/news/passazh-dyu-gua-unikal-naya-doroga-pod-vodoj/ (http://ex3m.com.ua/news/passazh-dyu-gua-unikal-naya-doroga-pod-vodoj/)
Passage du Gua - a unique way to the water
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fex3m.com.ua%2Fnews%2Fpassazh-dyu-gua-unikal-naya-doroga-pod-vodoj%2F&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fex3m.com.ua%2Fnews%2Fpassazh-dyu-gua-unikal-naya-doroga-pod-vodoj%2F&edit-text=)

http://www.hse.ru/data/2012/06/15/1255408838/%D0%AE%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%20%D0%A1.%D0%92.-%D0%A0%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F%20%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B4%D0%B0.2002.pdf (http://www.hse.ru/data/2012/06/15/1255408838/%D0%AE%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%20%D0%A1.%D0%92.-%D0%A0%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F%20%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B4%D0%B0.2002.pdf)
? rus pravda ?

http://www.npr.org/2015/12/19/460186573/dont-call-it-a-christmas-tree-how-russias-yolka-survived-the-revolution (http://www.npr.org/2015/12/19/460186573/dont-call-it-a-christmas-tree-how-russias-yolka-survived-the-revolution)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU1N8KTxIJU&feature=youtu.be (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU1N8KTxIJU&feature=youtu.be)
Epic Ukraine & muscovy (russia)...Ukraine-RUS is succesor to Kyvian-RUS, not russia. In 1721 Tsar stole name RUS and history of Ukraine.... (youtube.com)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=togSTpk3dyU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=togSTpk3dyU) edited voorstuk
idem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pADajoVGel8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pADajoVGel8)
according to most russian historians and genetics russia is just north-ukraine...RUS name comes from river Ros near Kyiv. Tsar in 1721 just stole stole name rus and history ukraine and call it russia instead of muscovy to please prussia....russia/moscow has no history before 1100, it was just marsh land...
mongol invasion in ancient rus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qogG_S4dG2k (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qogG_S4dG2k)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4_r-IySNKM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4_r-IySNKM)
varangian Rus (Ukraine)

Generally speaking, the Norwegians expanded to the north and west to places such as Ireland, Scotland, Iceland and Greenland; the Danes to England and France, settling in the Danelaw (northern/eastern England) and Normandy; and the Swedes to the east, founding the Kievan Rus, the original Russia. However, among the Swedish runestones which mention expeditions over seas, almost half tell of raids and travels to western Europe. And in todays Sweden it has been found more Arabic coins from the Viking age then the Arabs has found themself from this era plus there has been found tonnes of viking treasures in todays Sweden which made the areas in todays Sweden to among the most riches places on earth during the viking age. So its easy due archeology to track the Varangian Rus til todays Sweden. But also, according to the Icelandic sagas, many Norwegian Vikings went to eastern Europe. . The names of Scandinavian kings are known only for the later part of the Viking Age. Only after the end of the Viking Age did the separate kingdoms acquire distinct identities as nations, which went
hand in hand with their Christianization. Thus the end of the Viking Age for the Scandinavians also marks the start of their relatively brief Middle Ages.

According to the Primary Chronicle, compiled in Kiev about 1100-1200 Ad, one group of Varangians was Rus' people. Their name became that of the land of Rus' this happened because one of Rus' princes, Rurik (Old Norse: Hrörekr) had been recognized by several East Slavic and Finno-Ugric peoples as their ruler, founding the Rurikid Dynasty, which later would rule over Rus' and after its fall over Russia for many centuries. Rurik first came to Staraya Ladoga in
862 and then moved his capital to Novgorod in 864, while his relative Oleg (Old Norse: Helgi) conquered Kiev in 882 and established the state of Kievan Rus', later inherited by Rurik's son Igor (Old Norse: Ingvarr).
Sviatoslav was the first ruler of Rus' who is recorded in the Primary Chronicle with a name of Slavic origin (as opposed to his predecessors, whose names are ultimately derived from Old Norse). This name is however not recorded in other medieval Slavic countries. Even in Rus', it was attested only among the members of the house of Rurik, as were the names of Sviatoslav's immediate successors: Vladimir, Yaroslav, Mstislav). Some scholars speculate that the
name of Sviatoslav, composed of the Slavic roots for "holy" and "glory", was an artificial derivation combining those of his predecessors Oleg and Rurik
(they mean "holy" and "glorious" in Old Norse, respectively).

Engaging in trade, piracy and mercenary activities, Varangians roamed the river systems and portages of Gardariki, as Rus' lands were known in Norse sagas. They controlled the Volga trade route (Route from the Varangians to the Arabs), connecting Baltic to the Caspian Sea, and the Dnieper trade route (Route from the Varangians to the Greeks) leading to the Black Sea and Constantinople. Those were the critically important trade links at that time, connecting Europe with wealthy and developed Arab Caliphates and the Byzantine Empire;via those routes most of the
silver coinage came from the East to the West. Attracted by the riches of Constantinople, Rus' Varangians initiated a number of Rus'-Byzantine Wars, some of which resulted in advantageous trade treaties. At least from the early 10th century many Varangians served as mercenaries in the Byzantine Army,
comprising the so-called Varangian Guard (the personal bodyguards of Byzantine Emperors). Eventually most of them, both in Byzantium and in Eastern Europe, were converted from paganism into Orthodox Christianity, culminating in the 988 Christianization of Kievan Rus'. Coinciding with the general decline of the Viking Age, the influx of Norsemen to Rus' stopped, and Varangians were eventually assimilated by East Slavs by the late
11th century.

http://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-asia/incredible-shiva-lingas-carvings-emerge-shalmala-river-dry-weather-lowers-water-020667?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AncientOrigins+%28Ancient+Origins%29 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-asia/incredible-shiva-lingas-carvings-emerge-shalmala-river-dry-weather-lowers-water-020667?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AncientOrigins+%28Ancient+Origins%29)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1millionStandForUkraine/permalink/572301156258441/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1millionStandForUkraine/permalink/572301156258441/)
https://balkancelts.wordpress.com/2012/0/page/2/ (https://balkancelts.wordpress.com/2012/0/page/2/)

http://archaeologyinbulgaria.com/2015/09/01/diver-stumbles-upon-sunken-ancient-greek-ship-in-black-sea-off-the-coast-of-bulgarias-sozopol/ (http://archaeologyinbulgaria.com/2015/09/01/diver-stumbles-upon-sunken-ancient-greek-ship-in-black-sea-off-the-coast-of-bulgarias-sozopol/)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1millionStandForUkraine/permalink/572301156258441/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1millionStandForUkraine/permalink/572301156258441/)
https://balkancelts.wordpress.com/2012/0/page/2/ (https://balkancelts.wordpress.com/2012/0/page/2/)

http://archaeologyinbulgaria.com/2015/09/01/diver-stumbles-upon-sunken-ancient-greek-ship-in-black-sea-off-the-coast-of-bulgarias-sozopol/ (http://archaeologyinbulgaria.com/2015/09/01/diver-stumbles-upon-sunken-ancient-greek-ship-in-black-sea-off-the-coast-of-bulgarias-sozopol/)

http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/features/f0196-merry-western-christmas-from-siberia-where-santa-is-not-always-red/ (http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/features/f0196-merry-western-christmas-from-siberia-where-santa-is-not-always-red/)

http://www.fancycrime.com/photography/amazing-russia-like-youve-never-seen-before/ (http://www.fancycrime.com/photography/amazing-russia-like-youve-never-seen-before/)

http://rbth.com/multimedia/pictures/2015/12/24/the-charm-and-beauty-of-rural-life-in-russia-in-paintings_554533 (http://rbth.com/multimedia/pictures/2015/12/24/the-charm-and-beauty-of-rural-life-in-russia-in-paintings_554533)
http://rbth.com/multimedia/pictures/2015/12/25/photos-of-tsarist-russia_554785 (http://rbth.com/multimedia/pictures/2015/12/25/photos-of-tsarist-russia_554785)

http://www.buzzfeed.com/jkbphillips/russian-reindeer-herders (http://www.buzzfeed.com/jkbphillips/russian-reindeer-herders)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radziwi%C5%82%C5%82_Chronicle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radziwi%C5%82%C5%82_Chronicle)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=Radziwi%C5%82%C5%82+Chronicle&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL647NL647&oq=Radziwi%C5%82%C5%82+Chronicle&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.2438j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8 (https://www.google.nl/search?q=Radziwi%C5%82%C5%82+Chronicle&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL647NL647&oq=Radziwi%C5%82%C5%82+Chronicle&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.2438j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8)
https://glosbe.com/en/uk/Radziwi%C5%82%C5%82%20Chronicle (https://glosbe.com/en/uk/Radziwi%C5%82%C5%82%20Chronicle)
http://www.rusliterature.org/category/11th-13th-century/#.VoGo6rYrJdg (http://www.rusliterature.org/category/11th-13th-century/#.VoGo6rYrJdg)

http://www.ablogtowatch.com/konstantin-chaykin-computus-easter-clock/ (http://www.ablogtowatch.com/konstantin-chaykin-computus-easter-clock/)

https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.sokolyshynnychka/posts/939016396174065 (https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.sokolyshynnychka/posts/939016396174065)
December 31 1648 jaar hetman bogdan chmelnitski met legers is lid geworden van kiev, ik ben nogal peremozhnoho op polen. Zo ' n aantal wint, wat zdobulo dit leger zvytyazhtsiv, oekraďne wist niet viddaven. Het leger was horodyany kievskiye begroeten met aanraken. En de patriarch van jeruzalem paisiy geeft hetʹmanovi titel prins, dat hij het recht heeft om samoderzhtsem geworden.
Ik wil dat we allemaal aan de samenleving shanovne aan al de volgende jaren met ons als 1648 e jaar afgerond.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op februari 08, 2016, 13:03:11 pm

http://www.copticchurch.net/topics/coptic_calendar/nativitydate.html (http://www.copticchurch.net/topics/coptic_calendar/nativitydate.html)
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/11329660/Where-is-Christmas-being-celebrated-on-January-7.html (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/11329660/Where-is-Christmas-being-celebrated-on-January-7.html)

From the article, one of many incisive observations: "[Rejection of contemporary worship] (thankfully) doesn’t mean a return to the church of the 1950s, but it (thankfully) means an increasing rejection of the church of the 1990s and 2000s. More emphasis is being placed on liturgy and community, and less on using corporate worship chiefly as a contrived evangelistic tool. Also, as I’ve cited before, most millennials... are leaving the church faster than any generation before us. Even by its own standards (i.e., number of butts in the seats) contemporary worship is a failed experiment."
http://www.patheos.com/blogs/ponderanew/2015/09/04/3-reasons-contemporary-worship-is-declining-and-5-things-we-can-do-to-help-the-church-move-on/ (http://www.patheos.com/blogs/ponderanew/2015/09/04/3-reasons-contemporary-worship-is-declining-and-5-things-we-can-do-to-help-the-church-move-on/)

http://112.international/society/irelands-were-descended-from-modern-day-ukraine-scientists-have-found-1998.html (http://112.international/society/irelands-were-descended-from-modern-day-ukraine-scientists-have-found-1998.html)
Ireland's were descended from farmers and bronze metalworkers from the Middle East and modern-day Ukraine

http://112.international/society/gates-of-europe-new-book-about-ukraines-history-released-in-the-usa-2023.html (http://112.international/society/gates-of-europe-new-book-about-ukraines-history-released-in-the-usa-2023.html)
Gates of Europe: new book about Ukraine’s history released in the USA

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/12075226/How-Tolstoy-rewrote-the-history-of-Russia.html (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/12075226/How-Tolstoy-rewrote-the-history-of-Russia.html)

http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2015/12/new-year-novy-god-russia-ussr-celebration-facebook.html (http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2015/12/new-year-novy-god-russia-ussr-celebration-facebook.html)

http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/features/f0200-hanging-rock-defies-gravity-above-a-1000-metre-abyss/ (http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/features/f0200-hanging-rock-defies-gravity-above-a-1000-metre-abyss/)
Peace and order is maintained by age-old warrior Sleeping Sayan, the Master of the Taiga, it is believed. The falling of the rock will signal that this slumbering giant has awoken from an eternal sleep to defend her motherland (Sleeping Sayan is seen as female).

http://belarusdigest.com/myth/does-word-%E2%80%9Cbelarus%E2%80%9D-translate-%E2%80%9Cwhite-russia%E2%80%9D-359 (http://belarusdigest.com/myth/does-word-%E2%80%9Cbelarus%E2%80%9D-translate-%E2%80%9Cwhite-russia%E2%80%9D-359)
http://belarusdigest.com/myth/have-belarusians-always-used-cyrillic-alphabet-7322 (http://belarusdigest.com/myth/have-belarusians-always-used-cyrillic-alphabet-7322)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/01/07/prehistoric-christmas-reconstructed-a-celebration-of-the-birth-of-the-world/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/01/07/prehistoric-christmas-reconstructed-a-celebration-of-the-birth-of-the-world/)

http://uatoday.tv/society/christmas-in-ukraine-explore-the-unique-traditions-still-alive-today-568615.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/christmas-in-ukraine-explore-the-unique-traditions-still-alive-today-568615.html)

http://voxukraine.org/2016/01/02/seven-gifts-from-ukraine-to-the-world/ (http://voxukraine.org/2016/01/02/seven-gifts-from-ukraine-to-the-world/)

Wat Pentagondoctrine betreft pak ik effe uit 1976, was begin 20,
J.D. Bernal Sociale geschiedenis van de Wetenschap 2, blz.627:citaat:
Een half dozijn waterstofbommen is voldoende om de steden en industrie van Engeland weg te vagen.
Volgens een Amerikaanse militaire deskundige zou een totale Amerikaanse nucleaire oorlogsvoering met Sovjet-Unie (toen nog: noot) ongeveer 700 miljoen doden maken, waarvan 250 miljoen doden in Europa, die beslist niet beperkt zou blijven tot de vijand.
Dergelijke Amerikaanse militaire theoretici zijn zelfs bereid een redelijke prijs
in de vorm van maximaal 60 miljoen doden in de VS zelf te betalen in een kernoorlog
tegen de Sovjet-Unie

http://www.amazon.com/Science-History-Vol-Scientific-Industrial/dp/0262520214/ref=pd_sim_b_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0AZW520X0JWK5R7QNTSH (http://www.amazon.com/Science-History-Vol-Scientific-Industrial/dp/0262520214/ref=pd_sim_b_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0AZW520X0JWK5R7QNTSH)

For the Pentagon doctrine regarding war :

Science in History, Vol. 2: The Scientific and Industrial Revolution Paperback – March 15, 1971
by J.D. Bernal (Author)
ISBN-13: 978-0262520218  ISBN-10: 0262520214
Page 627 quote:

Half a dozen hydrogen bombs is enough to wipe out the cities and industry of England.
According to a US military expert a total US nuclear war with Soviet Union(then: note) would
cost about 700 million deaths, of which 250 million deaths in Europe, which certainly would
not be limited to the enemy.
Such US military theorists have even prepared a reasonable price in the form of up to 60 million
deaths in the US itself in a nuclear war against the Soviet Union
to defend VITAL AMERICAN INTERESTS  ... end of quote
and we were thinking Hitler and Stalin were BAD? They were just playing in the kindergarten...

http://glavpost.com/post/9jan2016/Intim/75792-10-seksualnyh-tradiciy-drevnego-mira-kotorye-mogut-shokirovat.html?utm_source=glavpost&utm_medium=internal_linking&utm_campaign=sidebar_top_news (http://glavpost.com/post/9jan2016/Intim/75792-10-seksualnyh-tradiciy-drevnego-mira-kotorye-mogut-shokirovat.html?utm_source=glavpost&utm_medium=internal_linking&utm_campaign=sidebar_top_news)
10 sexual traditions of the ancient world, which may shock you btw wife for rent still excists in islam world, we call that...
While conservatives/femenists argue that modern society has become too loose in their morals compared with the pious ancestors, some of the ancient sexual practices now look too extravagant.
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fglavpost.com%2Fpost%2F9jan2016%2FIntim%2F75792-10-seksualnyh-tradiciy-drevnego-mira-kotorye-mogut-shokirovat.html%3Futm_source%3Dglavpost%26utm_medium%3Dinternal_linking%26utm_campaign%3Dsidebar_top_news (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fglavpost.com%2Fpost%2F9jan2016%2FIntim%2F75792-10-seksualnyh-tradiciy-drevnego-mira-kotorye-mogut-shokirovat.html%3Futm_source%3Dglavpost%26utm_medium%3Dinternal_linking%26utm_campaign%3Dsidebar_top_news)

http://glavpost.com/post/9jan2016/History/75765-moskva-navechno-obrechena-byt-bezdushnoy-parodiey-na-kiev-stolicu-mat-i-serdce-rusi.html (http://glavpost.com/post/9jan2016/History/75765-moskva-navechno-obrechena-byt-bezdushnoy-parodiey-na-kiev-stolicu-mat-i-serdce-rusi.html)
Moscow forever doomed to be soulless travesty of Kyiv - the capital of the mother and the heart of Russia
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fglavpost.com%2Fpost%2F9jan2016%2FHistory%2F75765-moskva-navechno-obrechena-byt-bezdushnoy-parodiey-na-kiev-stolicu-mat-i-serdce-rusi.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fglavpost.com%2Fpost%2F9jan2016%2FHistory%2F75765-moskva-navechno-obrechena-byt-bezdushnoy-parodiey-na-kiev-stolicu-mat-i-serdce-rusi.html)

http://uatoday.tv/news/the-hutsuls-ukraine-s-native-tribe-keeping-traditions-alive-in-carpathians-569386.html (http://uatoday.tv/news/the-hutsuls-ukraine-s-native-tribe-keeping-traditions-alive-in-carpathians-569386.html)

http://uatoday.tv/news/daily-beast-are-russians-and-ukrainians-the-same-people-569719.html (http://uatoday.tv/news/daily-beast-are-russians-and-ukrainians-the-same-people-569719.html)

http://uatoday.tv/society/oetzi-the-5-300-year-old-iceman-was-569108.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/oetzi-the-5-300-year-old-iceman-was-569108.html)

Verschillende interessante svitlyn joseph tselestionovycha khmelevsʹkoho, de bekende fotograaf hier oude poltavy keane. Xix - poch. Xx sr. Hij werd geboren in 18.03.1849 in warschau, zoon van polen shlyakhtycha en russische dvorianky. By the way, vader fotograaf hier was areshtovanyy voor deelnemen aan polʹsʹkomu povstanni 1863-1864 jj.
Khmelevsʹkyy een tijdje gewoond in tohochasniy kapitaal, toen, in 1875 r. Verplaatst naar poltavy uit petersburg, waar waren levende familieleden in de trant van z ' n vrouw. Daar ontdekte hij atelier vvazhalosʹ die één van de beste in rosiysʹkiy rijk. Deelnemer 20 internationale fotovystavok, heer veel gouden médailles en dyplomiv. Vele prominente mensen van die tijd in fotohrafuvalysya khmelevsʹkoho: michael kotsyubynsʹkyy, nicholas sklifosovsʹkyy, lesja oekrajinka, olena pchilka, panas myrny, vladimir korolenko, nicholas m " yasoyedov, stefaniv khotkevych en in.
Helaas, na de dood tovenaar in 1924 zijn creatieve erfgoed was natsionalizovana nieuwe macht dan haar sporen zijn verdwenen. Aan onze tijd dozhyla slechts een heel klein deel van z ' n svitlyn. Op sommige van zijn originele foto later werden gemaakt gekleurde poshtivky. De meeste van de mooiste zwart & wit oryhinaliv svitlyn blijkbaar opgeslagen in derzhavnomu archief oblast poltava.
https://www.facebook.com/NikolayMahno/posts/1680380388906940 (https://www.facebook.com/NikolayMahno/posts/1680380388906940)

http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0203-is-this-an-ancient-natural-pyre-where-underground-fires-have-raged-for-thousands-of-years/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0203-is-this-an-ancient-natural-pyre-where-underground-fires-have-raged-for-thousands-of-years/)

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.svoboda.org%2Fcontent%2Farticle%2F27483774.html&sandbox=1 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.svoboda.org%2Fcontent%2Farticle%2F27483774.html&sandbox=1)
when the empire dies

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CecTfX28LNQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CecTfX28LNQ)  viking heritage in ukraine

https://www.facebook.com/francisschutte/posts/10153798229416358 (https://www.facebook.com/francisschutte/posts/10153798229416358)
 Patriachy sinds 4000 BCE heeft de wereld en de vrouw geen goed gedaan, vandaar dat ik de matriarchy weer terug wil, dan heb ik al 50% van de stemmen, wie is er voor?

 https://www.reddit.com/r/russia/comments/40z6nf/satellite_photos_of_russian_belarusian_and/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russia/comments/40z6nf/satellite_photos_of_russian_belarusian_and/)
 https://www.reddit.com/r/russia/comments/40zuq9/the_alphabet%D1%8A_book%D1%8A_in_the_russian_empire_by/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russia/comments/40zuq9/the_alphabet%D1%8A_book%D1%8A_in_the_russian_empire_by/)
 http://uatoday.tv/society/britain-s-bronze-age-quot-pompeii-quot-uncovered-by-archeologists-570643.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/britain-s-bronze-age-quot-pompeii-quot-uncovered-by-archeologists-570643.html)

http://jewishreviewofbooks.com/articles/1771/the-israelization-of-judaism-and-the-jews-of-france/ (http://jewishreviewofbooks.com/articles/1771/the-israelization-of-judaism-and-the-jews-of-france/)
http://jewishreviewofbooks.com/articles/449/reza-aslan-what-jesus-wasnt/ (http://jewishreviewofbooks.com/articles/449/reza-aslan-what-jesus-wasnt/)

http://www.day.kiev.ua/en/article/topic-day/occupation-kremlin-model (http://www.day.kiev.ua/en/article/topic-day/occupation-kremlin-model)
 “We have seen that we face not fellow Slavs, but Asians, not brothers, but enemies”

http://www.day.kiev.ua/en/article/day-after-day/effect-trump-and-sanders-and-obamas-message (http://www.day.kiev.ua/en/article/day-after-day/effect-trump-and-sanders-and-obamas-message)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/01/18/celebrating-vodokhreshche-theophony-the-last-of-the-ukrainian-christmas-and-new-year-cycle/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/01/18/celebrating-vodokhreshche-theophony-the-last-of-the-ukrainian-christmas-and-new-year-cycle/)

http://bunews.com.ua/politics/item/russia-wants-to-seize-ukrainian-history-as-well-as-ukrainian-lands?category_id=9 (http://bunews.com.ua/politics/item/russia-wants-to-seize-ukrainian-history-as-well-as-ukrainian-lands?category_id=9)

http://vsviti.com.ua/interesting/society/31910 (http://vsviti.com.ua/interesting/society/31910)

Russia - a country founded by Peter I on the basis of the Moscow-Tatar principality.
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvsviti.com.ua%2Finteresting%2Fsociety%2F31910 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvsviti.com.ua%2Finteresting%2Fsociety%2F31910)

http://www.businessinsider.com/handwriting-helps-you-learn-2014-12 (http://www.businessinsider.com/handwriting-helps-you-learn-2014-12)

https://www.yahoo.com/tech/killer-robots-may-horizon-perhaps-213839719.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=fb (https://www.yahoo.com/tech/killer-robots-may-horizon-perhaps-213839719.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=fb)

allah is een maan-god
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allah (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allah)

terwijl Jaweh en z'n vrouw Aserah (gniffel) voortkomen uit de oude
mesopitaanse culturen..https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Semitic_religion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Semitic_religion)

http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/15835017 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/15835017)

Moskou koninkrijk was om te produceren hun eigen munten alleen in petrijns tijd, toen de tsaar peter bracht de nederlandse en ze stichtte de mint.
Op een foto denga (tangas, tamga) tsaar van de gouden horde dzhanibeka. Er moet worden opgemerkt dat de barbarijse (horde zalesskaya), Opgenomen in de gouden horde en gebruikt de ordynskimi munten. Bij deze munten zie je de bekende dubbele adelaar
Een munt denga tot het jaar 1838, toen het werd vervangen door de polkopeyki
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1641594336081724/permalink/1682410605333430/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1641594336081724/permalink/1682410605333430/)

http://www.interpretermag.com/the-russian-language-does-not-belong-to-the-russian-state-shtepa-points-out/ (http://www.interpretermag.com/the-russian-language-does-not-belong-to-the-russian-state-shtepa-points-out/)

http://www.interpretermag.com/ethnicity-plays-a-lesser-role-in-regionalism-in-russia-than-many-assume-shtepa-says/ (http://www.interpretermag.com/ethnicity-plays-a-lesser-role-in-regionalism-in-russia-than-many-assume-shtepa-says/)

http://www.disclose.tv/news/bizarre_cloud_formation_appears_in_skies_above_portugal_people_call_it_the_hand_of_god/127361 (http://www.disclose.tv/news/bizarre_cloud_formation_appears_in_skies_above_portugal_people_call_it_the_hand_of_god/127361)

http://www.theguardian.com/membership/2015/nov/13/five-things-you-can-learn-from-a-roman-skeleton?CMP=share_btn_fb (http://www.theguardian.com/membership/2015/nov/13/five-things-you-can-learn-from-a-roman-skeleton?CMP=share_btn_fb)

http://history-belarus.by/pages/events/grunwald.php (http://history-belarus.by/pages/events/grunwald.php)
A Brief History of Belarus  in the last 1000 years, Battle of Grunwald in 1410
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fhistory-belarus.by%2Fpages%2Fevents%2Fgrunwald.php&sandbox=1 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fhistory-belarus.by%2Fpages%2Fevents%2Fgrunwald.php&sandbox=1)

http://vakin.livejournal.com/1096832.html (http://vakin.livejournal.com/1096832.html)
8 greatest architectural monuments, which we lost in 2015
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvakin.livejournal.com%2F1096832.html&sandbox=1 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvakin.livejournal.com%2F1096832.html&sandbox=1)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/11/02/kyivans-now-speaking-ukrainian-underlining-russias-loss-of-ukraine-mirsky-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/11/02/kyivans-now-speaking-ukrainian-underlining-russias-loss-of-ukraine-mirsky-says/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/01/15/it-is-time-to-speak-ukrainian-in-ukraine/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/01/15/it-is-time-to-speak-ukrainian-in-ukraine/)
http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/11/12/babchenko-putin-not-poroshenko-has-destroyed-future-of-russian-language-in-ukraine/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/11/12/babchenko-putin-not-poroshenko-has-destroyed-future-of-russian-language-in-ukraine/)
http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/07/the-postcolonial-syndrome-in-ukraine/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/07/the-postcolonial-syndrome-in-ukraine/)
http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/29/assimilation-of-ethnic-russians-in-ukraine-should-worry-moscow-nevzorov-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/29/assimilation-of-ethnic-russians-in-ukraine-should-worry-moscow-nevzorov-says/)

http://www.vogue.com/13395822/ukraine-flower-crown-vinok-trend/ (http://www.vogue.com/13395822/ukraine-flower-crown-vinok-trend/)
http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/news/n0576-oldest-and-deepest-lake-in-world-shaken-by-earthquake/ (http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/news/n0576-oldest-and-deepest-lake-in-world-shaken-by-earthquake/)

http://fakeoff.org/history/chudovischnoe-prestuplenie-v-kruppa-myule (http://fakeoff.org/history/chudovischnoe-prestuplenie-v-kruppa-myule)

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fhistory%2Fchudovischnoe-prestuplenie-v-kruppa-myule (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fhistory%2Fchudovischnoe-prestuplenie-v-kruppa-myule)

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fhistory (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fhistory)

http://www.cnet.com/news/ancient-d20-die-emerges-from-the-ashes-of-time/ (http://www.cnet.com/news/ancient-d20-die-emerges-from-the-ashes-of-time/)

http://uatoday.tv/techandscience/forbes-the-future-of-astronomy-the-giant-25-meter-magellan-telescope-586027.html (http://uatoday.tv/techandscience/forbes-the-future-of-astronomy-the-giant-25-meter-magellan-telescope-586027.html)

http://www.telegraaf.nl/reiskrant/toplijstjes/25162212/__De_beroemdste_piramides_ter_wereld__.html (http://www.telegraaf.nl/reiskrant/toplijstjes/25162212/__De_beroemdste_piramides_ter_wereld__.html)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLPWqCMb7DE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLPWqCMb7DE)
arcryl tube rocket with oxygen

http://paolosebastian.com/collections/2015-16-ss-couture/#/image/1 (http://paolosebastian.com/collections/2015-16-ss-couture/#/image/1)
https://www.facebook.com/Crystalmoonrayne/photos/a.473319799441591.1073741827.473278789445692/909935309113369/?type=3&theater (https://www.facebook.com/Crystalmoonrayne/photos/a.473319799441591.1073741827.473278789445692/909935309113369/?type=3&theater)
http://paolosebastian.com/collections/2015-16-ss-couture/#/image/6 (http://paolosebastian.com/collections/2015-16-ss-couture/#/image/6)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjToheC01SHpEc21EZTQ/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjToheC01SHpEc21EZTQ/view?usp=sharing)  info ukr rtf
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohUTI0UjJ0ZW5nVUE/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohUTI0UjJ0ZW5nVUE/view?usp=sharing)  info ukr pdf


https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohUTd3MHM4N3VNa0k/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohUTd3MHM4N3VNa0k/view?usp=sharing) booklist ukr .docx
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohM0M1WjFnV2JZZjQ/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_u_ymKRjTohM0M1WjFnV2JZZjQ/view?usp=sharing)  booklist uk

http://www.wsj.com/articles/with-novorossiya-putin-plays-the-name-game-with-ukraine-1409588947 (http://www.wsj.com/articles/with-novorossiya-putin-plays-the-name-game-with-ukraine-1409588947)

https://books.google.nl/books?id=_KRBCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA28&lpg=PA28&dq=first+mentioned+name+Ukraine&source=bl&ots=MF1fC-MITe&sig=O6FC_KSIfPBKeWDaqKvxgOM3ews&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiL58Xu6fLJAhXCHg8KHf0FBcUQ6AEIcDAS#v=onepage&q=first%20mentioned%20name%20Ukraine&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=_KRBCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA28&lpg=PA28&dq=first+mentioned+name+Ukraine&source=bl&ots=MF1fC-MITe&sig=O6FC_KSIfPBKeWDaqKvxgOM3ews&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiL58Xu6fLJAhXCHg8KHf0FBcUQ6AEIcDAS#v=onepage&q=first%20mentioned%20name%20Ukraine&f=false)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op april 10, 2016, 19:13:44 pm

http://cont.ws/post/196226?_utl_t=fb (http://cont.ws/post/196226?_utl_t=fb)
The mixing of races leading to their degeneration(its more mixing of cultures btw)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fcont.ws%2Fpost%2F196226%3F_utl_t%3Dfb&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fcont.ws%2Fpost%2F196226%3F_utl_t%3Dfb&edit-text=)

Its more mixing of cultures I think...besides race medical/allergic difficulties

Asked a known local racist, why you go sit in the sun so much? he said to get a tan. I said in fact your jealous yes? smile-emoticon
https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://gifakt.ru/archives/index/russkie-odin-iz-samyx-chistokrovnyx-narodov-v-evrazii-2/&usg=ALkJrhjhEvOV3D98RUat2U6Bcgm9WCHSng (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://gifakt.ru/archives/index/russkie-odin-iz-samyx-chistokrovnyx-narodov-v-evrazii-2/&usg=ALkJrhjhEvOV3D98RUat2U6Bcgm9WCHSng)
Genetic studies have shown that the Russian - one of the most pure-bred peoples of Eurasia. A recent joint study Russian, British and Estonian scientists, geneticists and put a big fat cross on obihozhem Russophobian myth, for decades to introduce into the consciousness of people - say, "Scratch the Russian and you will definitely find a Tartar."

https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://gifakt.ru/category/history/arh/&usg=ALkJrhjeGWNh3OKFNaqF9XU9d310elnJYg (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://gifakt.ru/category/history/arh/&usg=ALkJrhjeGWNh3OKFNaqF9XU9d310elnJYg)

https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://gifakt.ru/archives/index/uchenye-dokazali-civilizaciya-evropy-zarodilas-v-rossii/&usg=ALkJrhgn0d2HA4Z-NWjRXpZRohrQ3W90nw (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://gifakt.ru/archives/index/uchenye-dokazali-civilizaciya-evropy-zarodilas-v-rossii/&usg=ALkJrhgn0d2HA4Z-NWjRXpZRohrQ3W90nw)
Scientists have proven: the civilization of Europe was born in Russia!
 11.30.2014 14:04 | Source
More precisely - in the village area Kostenky Voronezh region, about more than 40 thousand years ago
https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://gifakt.ru/archives/index/altajskaya-princessa-okazalas-evropejkoj/&usg=ALkJrhj68RI4eJwWEFSKRl0-wK1RzIwOjQ (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://gifakt.ru/archives/index/altajskaya-princessa-okazalas-evropejkoj/&usg=ALkJrhj68RI4eJwWEFSKRl0-wK1RzIwOjQ)
Altai Princess was Europeans

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blond (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blond)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blonde_stereotype (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blonde_stereotype)
http://www.willemwever.nl/vraag_antwoord/de-maatschappij/waar-komt-de-uitdrukking-dom-blondje-vandaan (http://www.willemwever.nl/vraag_antwoord/de-maatschappij/waar-komt-de-uitdrukking-dom-blondje-vandaan)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_hair (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_hair)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_skin_color (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_skin_color)

https://www.darkmoon.me/2016/welcome-to-absurdistan/ (https://www.darkmoon.me/2016/welcome-to-absurdistan/)

".... De sponsors van het ontwerp-plan, dat zal worden geopend op de eilanden van de onderzoeks-en educatieve centra in verschillende gebieden - elk van het eiland zal haar wetenschappelijk profiel. Ook in het centrum van elk van de 7 eilanden zal gebied met een hoge toren in het centrum - er zal gehouden worden voor de uitwisseling van ervaringen tussen bewoners en gasten van het eiland. De verwachting is dat de infrastructuur van de stad wordt uitsluitend "groene" - water ontvangt van de atmosferische water generatoren, elektriciteit - met de hulp van zonnepanelen en wind de muren, en afval zullen worden verwijderd met het gebruik van de meest Moderne systemen...."
https://www.facebook.com/eduard.rubin/posts/10208876926102413 (https://www.facebook.com/eduard.rubin/posts/10208876926102413)

http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0212-focus-on-tuva-stunning-treasures-and-macabre-slaughter-in-siberias-prehistoric-valley-of-the-kings/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0212-focus-on-tuva-stunning-treasures-and-macabre-slaughter-in-siberias-prehistoric-valley-of-the-kings/)

http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0580-this-moose-is-a-lot-older-than-you-think/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0580-this-moose-is-a-lot-older-than-you-think/)

http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0189-we-dug-up-a-medieval-mongolian-noblewoman-in-our-compost-pit/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0189-we-dug-up-a-medieval-mongolian-noblewoman-in-our-compost-pit/)

http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0506-female-amazon-warrior-buried-2500-years-ago-in-altai-mountains-was-male/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0506-female-amazon-warrior-buried-2500-years-ago-in-altai-mountains-was-male/)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/877706525600139/permalink/971021259601998/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/877706525600139/permalink/971021259601998/)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/877706525600139/permalink/971013266269464/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/877706525600139/permalink/971013266269464/)

http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/02/iraq-tomb-jewish-prohet-ezra-turned-islamic.html# (http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/02/iraq-tomb-jewish-prohet-ezra-turned-islamic.html#)

http://n-ewsworld.net/na-dne-bermudskogo-treugolnika-nashli-zatonuvshiy-gorod/ (http://n-ewsworld.net/na-dne-bermudskogo-treugolnika-nashli-zatonuvshiy-gorod/)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fn-ewsworld.net%2Fna-dne-bermudskogo-treugolnika-nashli-zatonuvshiy-gorod%2F&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fn-ewsworld.net%2Fna-dne-bermudskogo-treugolnika-nashli-zatonuvshiy-gorod%2F&edit-text=)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/02/21/verkhovna-rada-mulls-requiring-ukrainian-officials-to-call-the-russian-state-muscovy/# (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/02/21/verkhovna-rada-mulls-requiring-ukrainian-officials-to-call-the-russian-state-muscovy/#)!prettyPhoto
Map of Poland and Hungary by Sebastian Munster, 1550. The map shows “Russia” for Ukraine, “Russia Alba” for Belarus, while the Moscow Princedom is called “Moscovia.” (karty.by)
http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_Poloniae-Et-Ungariae-Nova-Descriptio1550.jpg (http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_Poloniae-Et-Ungariae-Nova-Descriptio1550.jpg)
http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_1552_basel_Nouvelle-description-de-Poloigne-Hongri.jpg (http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_1552_basel_Nouvelle-description-de-Poloigne-Hongri.jpg)
http://www.karty.by/2011/10/18/%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%8F%D0%BD-%D0%BC%D1%83%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%88%D0%B0-%D0%B8-%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F-1550/ (http://www.karty.by/2011/10/18/%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%8F%D0%BD-%D0%BC%D1%83%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%88%D0%B0-%D0%B8-%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F-1550/)

1723 Ukraine and Moscovia on same map http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/x-moskovie_1723.jpg (http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/x-moskovie_1723.jpg)

https://rufabula.com/author/alexey-shiropaev/1022 (https://rufabula.com/author/alexey-shiropaev/1022)
Alex Shiropaev,Poet, writer and public figure.
Co-Chairman of the National Democratic Alliance: Moscovia(RF) invaded and occupied Russia (Ukraine)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Frufabula.com%2Fauthor%2Falexey-shiropaev%2F1022&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Frufabula.com%2Fauthor%2Falexey-shiropaev%2F1022&edit-text=)

http://www.riseearth.com/2016/02/1300-year-old-fortress-like-structure.html (http://www.riseearth.com/2016/02/1300-year-old-fortress-like-structure.html) tuva,siberia

http://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_R1a_Y-DNA.shtml#Slavic (http://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_R1a_Y-DNA.shtml#Slavic) me too

http://www.spas.rivne.ua/biblioteka/zhinocha-sich-yak-ukrayinky-tvoryly-istoriyu/ (http://www.spas.rivne.ua/biblioteka/zhinocha-sich-yak-ukrayinky-tvoryly-istoriyu/)

http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0213-world-famous-ancient-siberian-venus-figurines-are-not-venuses-after-all/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0213-world-famous-ancient-siberian-venus-figurines-are-not-venuses-after-all/)

http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0214-paleothithic-man-not-the-main-cause-of-deaths-at-vast-mammoth-graveyard/ (http://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/features/f0214-paleothithic-man-not-the-main-cause-of-deaths-at-vast-mammoth-graveyard/)

http://rbth.com/multimedia/history/2016/02/23/keeping-russias-history-safe-for-the-ages-inside-a-moscow-archive_569365 (http://rbth.com/multimedia/history/2016/02/23/keeping-russias-history-safe-for-the-ages-inside-a-moscow-archive_569365)

http://www.theguardian.com/world/gallery/2016/feb/19/fight-to-preserve-dagestan-russia-ancient-tightrope-tradition-in-pictures (http://www.theguardian.com/world/gallery/2016/feb/19/fight-to-preserve-dagestan-russia-ancient-tightrope-tradition-in-pictures)

http://weirdrussia.com/2015/08/10/the-closed-cities-of-russia/ (http://weirdrussia.com/2015/08/10/the-closed-cities-of-russia/)
http://weirdrussia.com/2015/05/16/mysterious-stone-labyrinths-of-bolshoi-zayatsky-island/ (http://weirdrussia.com/2015/05/16/mysterious-stone-labyrinths-of-bolshoi-zayatsky-island/)
http://weirdrussia.com/2015/02/04/mysteries-of-vottovaara-mountain/ (http://weirdrussia.com/2015/02/04/mysteries-of-vottovaara-mountain/)

http://liveuamap.com/en/2016/24-february-russia-demolish-house-in-orenburg-where-schevchenko (http://liveuamap.com/en/2016/24-february-russia-demolish-house-in-orenburg-where-schevchenko)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taras_Shevchenko (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taras_Shevchenko)

http://galacticconnection.com/the-video-game-that-made-elon-musk-question-whether-our-reality-is-a-simulation/ (http://galacticconnection.com/the-video-game-that-made-elon-musk-question-whether-our-reality-is-a-simulation/)

http://www.engadget.com/2016/02/16/5d-discs-can-store-data-until-well-after-the-sun-burns-out/ (http://www.engadget.com/2016/02/16/5d-discs-can-store-data-until-well-after-the-sun-burns-out/)

http://www.ufunk.net/photos/paris-sous-occupation-1940-1944/ (http://www.ufunk.net/photos/paris-sous-occupation-1940-1944/)

http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/us-to-return-historical-documents-missing-20-years-to-russia/560715.html (http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/us-to-return-historical-documents-missing-20-years-to-russia/560715.html)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/02/28/education-minister-serhiy-kvit-there-can-be-no-ukraine-without-the-ukrainian-language/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/02/28/education-minister-serhiy-kvit-there-can-be-no-ukraine-without-the-ukrainian-language/)

Treasures of the Princely Church of St. Nicholas in Lviv,
http://www.day.kiev.ua/en/article/time-out/old-gonfalon-and-pinsels-sculptures (http://www.day.kiev.ua/en/article/time-out/old-gonfalon-and-pinsels-sculptures)

chronicles of Ivan
https://books.google.nl/books?id=aLUGdr4-0j4C&pg=PA92&lpg=PA92&dq=chronicles+of+Tsar+Ivan&source=bl&ots=4ZiZBqKdXC&sig=bEM16EgJAKJyVOGxSZ9mUDDDS8c&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXw4aJ2ZrLAhWjvnIKHeDQAS4Q6AEIRzAH#v=onepage&q=chronicles%20of%20Tsar%20Ivan&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=aLUGdr4-0j4C&pg=PA92&lpg=PA92&dq=chronicles+of+Tsar+Ivan&source=bl&ots=4ZiZBqKdXC&sig=bEM16EgJAKJyVOGxSZ9mUDDDS8c&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXw4aJ2ZrLAhWjvnIKHeDQAS4Q6AEIRzAH#v=onepage&q=chronicles%20of%20Tsar%20Ivan&f=false)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illustrated_Chronicle_of_Ivan_the_Terrible (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illustrated_Chronicle_of_Ivan_the_Terrible)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=chronicles+of+Tsar+Ivan (https://www.google.nl/search?q=chronicles+of+Tsar+Ivan)
http://lostmanuscripts.com/2016/02/19/the-chronicles-of-ivan-the-terrible/ (http://lostmanuscripts.com/2016/02/19/the-chronicles-of-ivan-the-terrible/)

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/)
BTW this topic points to a wiki that has been changed (by pro-kremlin trolls?!) The name of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, changed for "Russia" by Tsar Peter I in the early 18th century. The goal of this change was to establish a connection between Muscovy and medieval state of Kievan Rus', thus claiming the right of Moscow to possess all the lands of Rus'. was first in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscovy_%28disambiguation%29 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscovy_%28disambiguation%29) From May 22 , 2008 till June 5, 2015! Changed (removed, cause of this reddit? ) Oct 3, 2015. https://web.archive.org/web/20150515000000 (https://web.archive.org/web/20150515000000)*/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscovy_%28disambiguation%29
Rewrite history attempt, even on wikipedia?
Muscovy was officially renamed the Russian imperial decree in 1721. The ethnonym "Russian" was fixed later - only at the end of the century, when Empress Catherine II of "the highest command" Moscow ordered the people called "Russian people" and forbade him to use the title of "Muscovites".
http://fakeoff.org/history/pochemu-rossiyane-ne-russkie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya (http://fakeoff.org/history/pochemu-rossiyane-ne-russkie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya) Why Russians are not Russian, and Kievan Rus, not Russia
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fhistory%2Fpochemu-rossiyane-ne-russkie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fhistory%2Fpochemu-rossiyane-ne-russkie-a-kievskaya-rus-ne-rossiya&edit-text=)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el84jbMQceI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el84jbMQceI)
http://www.timpul.md/en/articol/How-Moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-Kyivan-Rus--62339.html (http://www.timpul.md/en/articol/How-Moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-Kyivan-Rus--62339.html)
http://vsviti.com.ua/interesting/society/31910 (http://vsviti.com.ua/interesting/society/31910)
Russia - a country founded by Peter I on the basis of the Moscow-Tatar principality. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvsviti.com.ua%2Finteresting%2Fsociety%2F31910 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvsviti.com.ua%2Finteresting%2Fsociety%2F31910)
The land of Moksel https://www.google.nl/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=the+land+of+Moksel (https://www.google.nl/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=the+land+of+Moksel) http://www.spectator.co.uk/2016/01/the-history-of-ukraine-from-herodotus-to-hitler/ (http://www.spectator.co.uk/2016/01/the-history-of-ukraine-from-herodotus-to-hitler/)
http://euromaidanpress.com/?s=How+Moscow+hijacked+the+history+of+Ukraine (http://euromaidanpress.com/?s=How+Moscow+hijacked+the+history+of+Ukraine)
http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/09/09/for-russians-ukraine-is-a-south-korea-to-russias-north-zhordan-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/09/09/for-russians-ukraine-is-a-south-korea-to-russias-north-zhordan-says/)

http://www.nu.nl/wetenschap/4222603/neanderthalers-gebruikten-speciale-stof-maken-vuur-.html (http://www.nu.nl/wetenschap/4222603/neanderthalers-gebruikten-speciale-stof-maken-vuur-.html)

http://uatoday.tv/weird/mummified-body-inside-buddha-statue-revealed-413347.html (http://uatoday.tv/weird/mummified-body-inside-buddha-statue-revealed-413347.html)

http://www.thestar.com/news/insight/2016/02/29/ukraine-vs-russia-a-long-and-unhappy-history.html (http://www.thestar.com/news/insight/2016/02/29/ukraine-vs-russia-a-long-and-unhappy-history.html)

http://gilliotinus.livejournal.com/95442.html (http://gilliotinus.livejournal.com/95442.html)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fgilliotinus.livejournal.com%2F95442.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fgilliotinus.livejournal.com%2F95442.html&edit-text=)

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3219262/Wills-millions-Americans-available-online.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3219262/Wills-millions-Americans-available-online.html)

http://uatoday.tv/news/a-stunning-discovery-at-a-local-farmstead-602668.html (http://uatoday.tv/news/a-stunning-discovery-at-a-local-farmstead-602668.html)

http://en.censor.net.ua/resonance/376939/ukraine_vs_russia_a_long_and_unhappy_history (http://en.censor.net.ua/resonance/376939/ukraine_vs_russia_a_long_and_unhappy_history)

https://books.google.be/books?id=tSwEAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=klein+rusland&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi74cuFpbPLAhVKOBQKHVShBr8Q6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q&f=false (https://books.google.be/books?id=tSwEAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=klein+rusland&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi74cuFpbPLAhVKOBQKHVShBr8Q6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q&f=false)

http://www.stthomas.edu/news/people-still-study-latin/ (http://www.stthomas.edu/news/people-still-study-latin/)

http://newsland.com/user/4297805012/content/sovetchina-kak-dushegubstvo-stalinshchina-poslevoennyi-golod/5099004?_utl_t=fb (http://newsland.com/user/4297805012/content/sovetchina-kak-dushegubstvo-stalinshchina-poslevoennyi-golod/5099004?_utl_t=fb)

https://www.facebook.com/to.ye.lviv/posts/545047829006706 (https://www.facebook.com/to.ye.lviv/posts/545047829006706)
↓ beroemde vrouwen oekraďne uit tijdvormen kiev motie xx sr.
1. anne van kiev, anna kiev (ontucht. 1024-na 1075) - middelste dochter grootvorst van kiev jaroslav i van de wijs en de dochter van de koning van schotland en zweden inhiherdy (irene), Kleindochter po moeder olof iii shetkonunha, tweede vrouw van de franse koning henry ik kapeta, koningin van frankrijk, de moeder van de toekomstige koning filipa en. In de geschiedenis van dit land ze was vertrokken, zoals prababtsya bijna 30 van de franse koningen.
2. eupraksia neyolova (zoe, andere vent; 1108-1172) is de dochter van de grootvorst van kiev mstyslava volodymyrovycha, kleindochter van vladimir is cap. Vanaf jonge jaren bestudeerd folk geneeskunde, likuvala ziek (vandaar de naam "andere vent").
3. euphrosyne mstyslavna (ontucht. 1130-1175) - de koningin van hongarije, oude oost-knyazivna, dochter van de grote prins van kyivan mstyslava volodymyrovycha is cap, vnuchka grote prins van kyivan van vladimir is cap. Vrouw uhorsʹkoho koning geuzen ii van dynastieën arpadiv.
4., catherine. Ja zobrazyv taras sjevtsjenko meisje, waarin was verliefd.
5. anastasia lisovsʹka (schaduwzandoog of khyurrem sultan, ontucht. 1505-1558) - eerste nalozhnytsya, dan - vrouw suleymana en pyshnoho, sultan van het ottomaanse rijk. Moeder sultan selima ii. Echte naam en plaats van herkomst onbekend. In polʹsʹkiy literaturniy tradities - alexandra, in ukrayinsʹkiy - anastasia. Waarschijnlijk was de dochter van de priester lisovsʹkoho lviv stadsbeer speer of podilʹsʹkoho stad chemerivtsi. In 1518-1520 jaar kwam naar tatarsʹkoho polonu en was is verkocht in slavernij.
6. knyahynya olga (ontucht. 890-24 juli 969) is de vrouw van prins ihorya ik.
7. marusia churai (1625-1653) - napivlehendarna oekraďense folkzanger en dichter tijdvormen khmelʹnychchyny, die door perekazamy, woonde in poltavi. Ze was geaccrediteerd met copyrighted bekend in de oudheid narodí nummers: "oh kom niet, hrytsyu", "kotylysya karren uit de bergen", "zasvit horace kozachenʹky" en andere.
8. lesja oekrajinka (echte naam: larissa stuy kosach-bloem; 13 (25) 1871 februari novohrad-volynsʹk-juli 19 (augustus 1) 1913, soerami, georgië) - oekraďens pysʹmennytsya, vertaler, culturele figuur. Schreef in nayriznomanitnishykh top: poëzie, lirytsi, eposi, drami, prozi, publitsystytsi. Werkte ook in het gebied folʹklorystyky (220 mensen melody is geschreven met haar stem) en actief deelgenomen in de oekraďense natsionalʹnomu beweging.
9., catherine osmyalovsʹka (1904, poltava, oekraďne-1997, kiev, oekraďne) - oekraďens actrice, mensen is artystka oekraďne (1951). Znimalasʹ in films: "perekop" (1930), Prometheus (1935), "natálka poltavka" (1936, natálka), "neskoreni" (1945, valya), "oekraďense deuntje" (1945, solomiia).

Ukrainian People's Republic was established legitimately and USSR appeared as a result of the coup and the overthrow legitimate authority 
http://osp-ua.info/politicas/56374-ukrayinska-narodna-respublika-bula-stvorena-legitimno-a-srsr-postav-vnaslidok-perevorotu-i-povalennj.html (http://osp-ua.info/politicas/56374-ukrayinska-narodna-respublika-bula-stvorena-legitimno-a-srsr-postav-vnaslidok-perevorotu-i-povalennj.html)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fosp-ua.info%2Fpoliticas%2F56374-ukrayinska-narodna-respublika-bula-stvorena-legitimno-a-srsr-postav-vnaslidok-perevorotu-i-povalennj.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fosp-ua.info%2Fpoliticas%2F56374-ukrayinska-narodna-respublika-bula-stvorena-legitimno-a-srsr-postav-vnaslidok-perevorotu-i-povalennj.html)

https://euromaidanpr.wordpress.com/chronicle-of-events/ (https://euromaidanpr.wordpress.com/chronicle-of-events/)

http://www.newyorker.com/culture/photo-booth/the-resilient-pagans-of-russia (http://www.newyorker.com/culture/photo-booth/the-resilient-pagans-of-russia)

http://uatoday.tv/news/chicago-tribune-egypt-says-scan-of-king-tut-s-burial-tomb-shows-hidden-rooms-612154.html (http://uatoday.tv/news/chicago-tribune-egypt-says-scan-of-king-tut-s-burial-tomb-shows-hidden-rooms-612154.html)

"Here lies the King": The oldest written record in Breton is before French
http://breizatao.com/2016/03/18/la-plus-vieille-trace-ecrite-en-breton-est-anterieure-au-francais/ (http://breizatao.com/2016/03/18/la-plus-vieille-trace-ecrite-en-breton-est-anterieure-au-francais/)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbreizatao.com%2F2016%2F03%2F18%2Fla-plus-vieille-trace-ecrite-en-breton-est-anterieure-au-francais%2F&sandbox=1 (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbreizatao.com%2F2016%2F03%2F18%2Fla-plus-vieille-trace-ecrite-en-breton-est-anterieure-au-francais%2F&sandbox=1)

http://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2016/03/21/vind-sporen-van-de-evolutie-op-je-eigen-lichaam (http://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2016/03/21/vind-sporen-van-de-evolutie-op-je-eigen-lichaam)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/03/23/ukraine-should-shift-from-cyrillic-to-latin-script-former-verkhovna-rada-deputy-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/03/23/ukraine-should-shift-from-cyrillic-to-latin-script-former-verkhovna-rada-deputy-says/)

http://uatoday.tv/society/quot-shadows-of-our-forgotten-ancestors-quot-exhibition-opens-in-kyiv-617328.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/quot-shadows-of-our-forgotten-ancestors-quot-exhibition-opens-in-kyiv-617328.html)

http://www.ukrainiandiaspora.ca/recipes/ukrainian-potato-pancakes-deruny-terchenyky.html (http://www.ukrainiandiaspora.ca/recipes/ukrainian-potato-pancakes-deruny-terchenyky.html)

http://historythings.com/forgotten-woodstock-never-seen-images-greatest-rock-concert-time/ (http://historythings.com/forgotten-woodstock-never-seen-images-greatest-rock-concert-time/)

To the 760 anniversary of the city are preparing interesting events 760
http://day.kyiv.ua/uk/news/250316-do-760-richchya-lvova-gotuyut-760-cikavyh-podiy (http://day.kyiv.ua/uk/news/250316-do-760-richchya-lvova-gotuyut-760-cikavyh-podiy)

http://uatoday.tv/politics/cossack-cemetery-restored-in-odesa-619430.html (http://uatoday.tv/politics/cossack-cemetery-restored-in-odesa-619430.html)

http://www.wsj.com/articles/with-novorossiya-putin-plays-the-name-game-with-ukraine-1409588947 (http://www.wsj.com/articles/with-novorossiya-putin-plays-the-name-game-with-ukraine-1409588947)
https://books.google.nl/books?id=_KRBCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA28&lpg=PA28&dq=first+mentioned+name+Ukraine&source=bl&ots=MF1fC-MITe&sig=O6FC_KSIfPBKeWDaqKvxgOM3ews&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiL58Xu6fLJAhXCHg8KHf0FBcUQ6AEIcDAS#v=onepage&q=first%20mentioned%20name%20Ukraine&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=_KRBCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA28&lpg=PA28&dq=first+mentioned+name+Ukraine&source=bl&ots=MF1fC-MITe&sig=O6FC_KSIfPBKeWDaqKvxgOM3ews&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiL58Xu6fLJAhXCHg8KHf0FBcUQ6AEIcDAS#v=onepage&q=first%20mentioned%20name%20Ukraine&f=false)

http://detector.media/kritika/article/113904/katolicka_pasha_ta_ideologiia_protistoiannia/ (http://detector.media/kritika/article/113904/katolicka_pasha_ta_ideologiia_protistoiannia/)

http://uawire.org/news/dzhemilev-proposes-adopting-latin-script-for-crimean-tatar-language (http://uawire.org/news/dzhemilev-proposes-adopting-latin-script-for-crimean-tatar-language)

http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/03/blog-post_29.html (http://pozornayarossiya.blogspot.com/2015/03/blog-post_29.html) war rapist german-russian

http://korupciya.com/yak-zhili-ukra%D1%97nci-100-rokiv-tomu-60-unikalnix-starovinnix-foto/ (http://korupciya.com/yak-zhili-ukra%D1%97nci-100-rokiv-tomu-60-unikalnix-starovinnix-foto/)
We suggest you make an extraordinary journey - travel back 100 or more years ago and see how Ukrainian living at the time.

http://rbth.com/arts/2015/07/20/ambitious_instagram_project_aims_to_reveal_russia_one_region_at_a_time_47853.html (http://rbth.com/arts/2015/07/20/ambitious_instagram_project_aims_to_reveal_russia_one_region_at_a_time_47853.html)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/04/05/narcissus-valley-in-the-carpathians/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/04/05/narcissus-valley-in-the-carpathians/)

http://uatoday.tv/society/carnivorous-plants-bloom-in-vinnytsia-ukraine-625548.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/carnivorous-plants-bloom-in-vinnytsia-ukraine-625548.html)

http://www.uamodna.com/articles/mayya-bogynyamaty-trypiljciv-slovi-39-yan-ta-usjogo-svitu/ (http://www.uamodna.com/articles/mayya-bogynyamaty-trypiljciv-slovi-39-yan-ta-usjogo-svitu/)
godess maya
Judging by the myriad of images that we got from prehistoric Eurasia source of ancient religious experiences were great mystery woman's life-giving power of creation. Great Mother Goddess, with the sacred darkness of the womb which go all creation, was a metaphor of the nature, the universal source that is constantly updated in a continuous change of life, death and rebirth. Statues of various incarnations of Goddess could be clearly visual, including a detailed reproduction of her clothes and Chief hat or extremely shematyzovanyh. It is possible that the latter served as amulets. Figurines are usually found in the sanctuaries on the altars, platforms in furnaces, special places for the offerings, as well as caves and graves. It often happens that archaeologists find a structure of this kind of figures that were stored in a container or stacked in miniature "painting" of a particular aspect of worship. Obviously, these groups were used for rituals. Continuous manufacturing figurines suggests that it was a kind of energy process in which all participants were involved in the ritual. Paleolithic and Neolithic goddess Maia (Slav. Seva Lada) - it creates a life of itself. Goddess of spring, gardens, fruit, rain, good weather, sunlight, nature, greenery, flowers, patroness of fertile land in Trypillians, Romans, Greeks (Greek nymph of the mountains, the eldest of the seven Pleiades - the daughters of Atlanta. The mother of Hermes, transformed into a constellation I was in heaven) Serbs (Golden Mayan) Indians. Sometimes translated as - Mother of the universe. From Slavic swing - fluctuate, flutter, wobble,  goddess Maya "zamayuye" wood first green leaves, which are reeling under the breath of spring wind (associated with the branches of willow, birch, which is the female characters). The western and northern Slavs represented her long-haired, very beautiful woman, holding a ripe grapes and apples. This feminine Goddess has always supported life, participated in the cycle of vitality, annually obdarovuyuchy everyone to lavish gifts. Similar to his patron and people born during this time. They always something klopochutsya, mostly for the good of others. Day Goddess Maya - May 1. Maya - ancient Slavic goddess of vegetation that covers the ground covers zelenotrav'yam. Its long festival celebrated women across Europe, the church persecuted member of the holidays and the Inquisition burned them as witches. May 1 - a day celebrating the awakening of nature and the Celts. Overall in Central Europe, including the British Isles and Scandinavia Pagans celebrate May 1 large processions. In the procession is the central figure of "Queen of May". She is dressed in white on the head she wears a wreath of flowers, and even crown. The ancient Celtic countries Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and the UK the first day of May, called "Beltayn." This is an old Irish word that means light or bright light the fire, a fire that can be seen. In the ancient Indian, Vedic mythology - Maya goddess - Goddess positive magic power, patroness of white magicians and Goddess of illusion and deceit good. 1st May - a magical holiday of love, fertility, intertwining male and female energies. In Indian belief, Maya prominently. Her figure, and what it represented, far exceeded the simple image of the embodiment of nature. Hindus and Buddhists worship the Maya as the "Mother of creation." It is one of the incarnations of the deity Kali, the goddess in three persons: the Virgin Mary and an old woman. First identified with Mayeyu which represents mind, energy, magic and creativity. The worship of the Goddess Mayi was moved to the worship of Mary, Mother of God. Evidence of this - special liturgy, which consists of litany in honor of Mary and songs are also sung as praises in May - songs prosperity, joyful month of May, which was the month of Mary.  When we study the night sky, we can see seven stars that form the constellation 'I Pleiades. The ancient Greeks thought that the Pleiades - it's seven daughters of Atlas and Mayan goddess - the youngest of them. When Atlas, led by giants took part in the revolt against the gods of Olympus, as punishment he had to keep the world on his shoulders. Maya and her sister weeping image of his father. To save them from suffering, the gods turned them into doves. Then they soared to the highest heavens and the stars were bright - because seven stars that we call the Pleiades.  Goddess Maya also combined with great civilizations Maya people of Central America. Traced all the Mayan goddess (Tripoli, Slavic, Greek-Roman, Hindu, pro-American) have one common source. Also, Maya gave birth to Buddha enlightenment. The same goddess, Maya the Greeks, Hermes was a virgin mother, who had as many as reincarnations of the Buddha. Sometimes partner Maya was Volcanus (Greek, the divine blacksmith god of fire). It was nothing but a mythical fire pairing of male and female water. In induyisiv Agni, the fire god was a man Kali Maya, although he occasionally prokovtuvavsya and "suppressed" her. According to Tantric phrase Goddess suppressed phallus in his brilliant ion. In a Maya embodies all three aspects of parent Trinity. Its colors were white, red and black, the colors of gun or virgin, mother and Baba. Like any form of Kali, it was the Creator. Also, it was also the spirit who has lived in women. Mahayana text says: "Of all forms of Maya, the woman is the most important." For pro-American version of Maya - was the Mother Goddess Mayauel Mexican Ahava, which was called "Woman with four hundred breasts" who cherish peace, and that all beings world motherly attitude. We recommend you also read: Jari ~ god of sexual pleasures. Yarylky cult Paraskeva-Friday Investigation image Bereginya

http://www.uamodna.com/articles/yarylo-bog-seksualjnyh-radoschiv-yarylky/ (http://www.uamodna.com/articles/yarylo-bog-seksualjnyh-radoschiv-yarylky/)
god jan of sexual pleasures
Jari (Jarun, Yarovyt) - God the spring sun, love (like "flesh"), earthly pleasures, childbirth, riot, prosperity, love, passion, madness, male force growth. Jari - symbolized fertility and fecundity, was a symbol of sexual power and protector of flora. One of the manifestations Dazhboga. Spring night and day Yarylo in white linen robes, with bare feet (do not crumple to the ground) rides on a white horse. Spring, young Sun that "yaryt" fertilizes Earth nourishes its life-giving force (yar'yu). Yarily Symbol: Svastya and phallic symbols (displayed in the ritual dolls). The word "Jarun" is used to refer to animals "at the time of estrus and fertility," anyone who "yaruye", that is excited. "Yaryty", "nayaryuvaty" - in the sense of "to do something quickly and tirelessly," "to be in sexual relations." "Ran through the furnace Jari pole began yaryty woman, just stick knocks." In the Belarusian tradition preserved in the name Yarily ritual song: "Valachыvsya Yarыlo  Pa usemu Light,  Paul radzyv rye,  Lyudzyam dzetsy pladzyv.  And hdze is on Nagoya  There rye Capo  A hdze same zыrne on us,  there Kolas zatsvytse." Almost all sources of holiday Yarily (Yarylky) indicate broad their dissolute character. Celebrations were accompanied not only dancing, ryazhenymy but drunkenness, violent behavior, performance lewd, obscene songs, free attitudes of young people. Family men on Yarylky not allowed. The feature of the celebration was on fire ignition "Yarilin baldness", singing songs "with Prychynky", ie explicit erotic content, continuous orgies, which ended only in the morning. Thus, in Polesie Yarilin day before sunrise boys with girls, smashing into pairs, riding on zhytu that explained as follows: "With guys so pokatayeshsya - the guy will love <...> took me to marry."

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op juni 26, 2016, 19:06:00 pm

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/04/11/ukraine-prepares-to-make-soviet-kgb-archives-available-online/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/04/11/ukraine-prepares-to-make-soviet-kgb-archives-available-online/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/04/11/crimean-history-what-you-always-wanted-to-know-but-were-afraid-to-ask/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/04/11/crimean-history-what-you-always-wanted-to-know-but-were-afraid-to-ask/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/03/07/kyiv-university-offers-post-to-fired-russian-historian/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/03/07/kyiv-university-offers-post-to-fired-russian-historian/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/11/20/moscow-writes-its-own-history-of-crimea/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/11/20/moscow-writes-its-own-history-of-crimea/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/09/05/putin-ruins-his-own-country-will-russia-survive-until-2017/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/09/05/putin-ruins-his-own-country-will-russia-survive-until-2017/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/09/05/putin-ruins-his-own-country-will-russia-survive-until-2017/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/09/05/putin-ruins-his-own-country-will-russia-survive-until-2017/)

And the cynic in me says that this picture on the internet is no accident. As the wife of one of Putin's most trusted men, I am sure she can wear whatever she likes in private. But the photo has been broadcast to all Russia. Official Kremlin propaganda hasn't said anything about Ukraine being "a failed state" etc for months. And Putin in his national TV appearance last week made virtually no mention of Ukraine at all.

I suspect he intends to start making overtures to Kyiv of some sort.
Tatiana Navka's birthplace - a Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk.
http://uatoday.tv/society/wife-of-putin-s-press-secretary-dons-a-traditional-ukrainian-outfit-633066.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/wife-of-putin-s-press-secretary-dons-a-traditional-ukrainian-outfit-633066.html)

http://uatoday.tv/society/vogue-in-ukraine-that-flower-crown-means-more-than-you-think-636602.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/vogue-in-ukraine-that-flower-crown-means-more-than-you-think-636602.html)

http://day.kyiv.ua/en/article/time-out/valentyn-kolontai-brings-back-medieval-technique-bookmaking (http://day.kyiv.ua/en/article/time-out/valentyn-kolontai-brings-back-medieval-technique-bookmaking)

http://bilingualkidsrock.com/ukrainian-easter-traditions/ (http://bilingualkidsrock.com/ukrainian-easter-traditions/)

http://www.uamodna.com/articles/taemnychi-kody-predkiv-12-golovnyh-symvoliv-ukrayinsjkoyi-vyshyvky/ (http://www.uamodna.com/articles/taemnychi-kody-predkiv-12-golovnyh-symvoliv-ukrayinsjkoyi-vyshyvky/)

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uamodna.com%2Farticles%2Ftaemnychi-kody-predkiv-12-golovnyh-symvoliv-ukrayinsjkoyi-vyshyvky%2F (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uamodna.com%2Farticles%2Ftaemnychi-kody-predkiv-12-golovnyh-symvoliv-ukrayinsjkoyi-vyshyvky%2F)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/04/25/ukrainian-neck-ornaments-history-and-symbols/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/04/25/ukrainian-neck-ornaments-history-and-symbols/)

http://www.kyivpost.com/article/content/ukraine-politics/estonia-decides-to-hand-over-to-ukraine-viking-sword-seized-on-russian-estonian-border-412713.html (http://www.kyivpost.com/article/content/ukraine-politics/estonia-decides-to-hand-over-to-ukraine-viking-sword-seized-on-russian-estonian-border-412713.html)

http://ipress.ua/news/v_ssha_vidshukaly_ostanky_yaroslava_mudrogo_yaki_hoche_vidibraty_rosiya_158831.html (http://ipress.ua/news/v_ssha_vidshukaly_ostanky_yaroslava_mudrogo_yaki_hoche_vidibraty_rosiya_158831.html)
In the US, found the remains of Yaroslav the Wise: they want to take  Russia. Experts are studying various possible return Ukrainian relics.
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fipress.ua%2Fnews%2Fv_ssha_vidshukaly_ostanky_yaroslava_mudrogo_yaki_hoche_vidibraty_rosiya_158831.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fipress.ua%2Fnews%2Fv_ssha_vidshukaly_ostanky_yaroslava_mudrogo_yaki_hoche_vidibraty_rosiya_158831.html&edit-text=)

http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2013/09/30/137267/ (http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2013/09/30/137267/)
Secrets of the sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise
https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=nl&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2013/09/30/137267/&usg=ALkJrhj1-TSqJgKaFfovlRFI0tC4_9-s8w (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=nl&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2013/09/30/137267/&usg=ALkJrhj1-TSqJgKaFfovlRFI0tC4_9-s8w)

http://patrioty.org.ua/society/iak-kuban-stala-rosiiskoiu-do-1930-kh-ukrainska-mova-bula-tut-ofitsiinoiu-a-kubanski-kozaky-vvazhaly-sebe-ukraintsiamy--roszmi-111590.html (http://patrioty.org.ua/society/iak-kuban-stala-rosiiskoiu-do-1930-kh-ukrainska-mova-bula-tut-ofitsiinoiu-a-kubanski-kozaky-vvazhaly-sebe-ukraintsiamy--roszmi-111590.html)
As was the Russian Kuban: By 1930 Ukrainian language was official here, and Kuban Cossacks considered themselves Ukrainian - rosZMI

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpatrioty.org.ua%2Fsociety%2Fiak-kuban-stala-rosiiskoiu-do-1930-kh-ukrainska-mova-bula-tut-ofitsiinoiu-a-kubanski-kozaky-vvazhaly-sebe-ukraintsiamy--roszmi-111590.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpatrioty.org.ua%2Fsociety%2Fiak-kuban-stala-rosiiskoiu-do-1930-kh-ukrainska-mova-bula-tut-ofitsiinoiu-a-kubanski-kozaky-vvazhaly-sebe-ukraintsiamy--roszmi-111590.html&edit-text=)

Hoe in de oekraďners in 300 jaar dezelfde genen en of ze nu zijn?
- genen veranderen voortdurend. Sotsiumu afhankelijk van waar mensen worden geboren met genetische erfenis. Bijvoorbeeld, een persoon geboren met genetische erfenis held - alʹtruyistychna, sterk, eerlijk, klaar om te vechten voor de waarheid. In nezalezhniy land ze heeft de steun van de gemeenschap wordt de leider, de hoogste post. Een man is grondgebied okupovaniy vstupytʹ in conflict met het systeem. En haar nyshchytyme is een marteling, gevangenis, yaznyuvatyme vbyvatyme.
Voor twee jaar vóór de oorlog, veel helden. Hoe gaat het met je?
- oekraďners henetychniy opgeslagen in het geheugen rysy helden en we kunnen proberen ze. Helaas, deze mensen zijn maar een paar. En vandaag in het merendeel van de samenleving is nog steeds in rabsʹkomu staat.
http://gazeta.ua/articles/events-journal/_lyudi-yaki-pereyidayut-zhivut-priyemnishe-ale-menshe-treba-shukati-inshi-dzherela-zadovolennya-poza-harchami/690422 (http://gazeta.ua/articles/events-journal/_lyudi-yaki-pereyidayut-zhivut-priyemnishe-ale-menshe-treba-shukati-inshi-dzherela-zadovolennya-poza-harchami/690422)

http://www.m-r.co.ua/mr/mr.nsf/0/6BF3E05E00C08DC0C2257F9F002D81D9?OpenDocument (http://www.m-r.co.ua/mr/mr.nsf/0/6BF3E05E00C08DC0C2257F9F002D81D9?OpenDocument)
Shot bandurist Congress in Kharkov in the 30 years
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.m-r.co.ua%2Fmr%2Fmr.nsf%2F0%2F6BF3E05E00C08DC0C2257F9F002D81D9%3FOpenDocument (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.m-r.co.ua%2Fmr%2Fmr.nsf%2F0%2F6BF3E05E00C08DC0C2257F9F002D81D9%3FOpenDocument)

http://uatoday.tv/society/egg-tapping-and-blood-of-christ-easter-traditions-in-ukraine-and-europe-641300.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/egg-tapping-and-blood-of-christ-easter-traditions-in-ukraine-and-europe-641300.html)

http://nazlo-vsemu.livejournal.com/1151575.html (http://nazlo-vsemu.livejournal.com/1151575.html)
I honestly shocked! Now, the meaning is clear and widespread swearing ...))

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fnazlo-vsemu.livejournal.com%2F1151575.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fnazlo-vsemu.livejournal.com%2F1151575.html&edit-text=)

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=258238941191067&id=100010148884964 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=258238941191067&id=100010148884964)
https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itsjkeri%C3%AB (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itsjkeri%C3%AB)
 Bezet de itsjkerië
Het jaar 1996, het russische leger doodde de familie van kleine kinderen...!
Ps: de misdaad van de russische federatie in de cr itsjkerië

 http://v-n-zb.livejournal.com/8941126.html (http://v-n-zb.livejournal.com/8941126.html)

The brutal truth: why the Germans did not take Moscow in the 41st, because of the dam reservoirs were blown surrounding Moscow.November 29 Zhukov reported on the sinking of 398 settlements, without warning the local population, in 40-degree frost ... the water level rose to 6 meters
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fv-n-zb.livejournal.com%2F8941126.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fv-n-zb.livejournal.com%2F8941126.html)

http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/4350001.htmlDnieper (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/4350001.htmlDnieper) dam built by america, blown up by stalin order
http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2958650.html (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2958650.html)

http://112.international/article/easter-customs-orthodox-and-catholic-4488.html (http://112.international/article/easter-customs-orthodox-and-catholic-4488.html)
http://www.unian.info/society/1335487-orthodox-christians-celebrating-easter.html (http://www.unian.info/society/1335487-orthodox-christians-celebrating-easter.html)

Een klein beetje over achterbakse en verraad!
17 september 1939, na 1 september hitler-duitsland, polen, het rode leger binnenviel in oost-polen.
Om drie uur in de ochtend van 17 september 1939, de poolse ambassadeur in moskou václav gzhybovskomu werd overgedragen aan de nota, die zei: " de poolse staat en de poolse regering praktisch opgehouden te bestaan, en daarom zijn kracht verliezen en Alle overeenkomsten zo ver tussen de ussr en polen '. In reactie op de ambassadeur had geweigerd om de argumenten van moskou, waarin staat dat bijna de helft van het grondgebied van polen is nog vrij, terwijl de regering blijft functioneren. "potemkin lees me de tekst van een diplomatieke nota aan molotov, zegt dat de poolse staat opgehouden te bestaan, en in dit opzicht, de russische regering heeft afgegeven bevel om zijn troepen te bewegen door de poolse grens. ik categorisch weigerde te nemen de sovjet-noot, vaststellend dat in deze situatie, ik kan ze alleen onder de aandacht van de regering van de russische agressie" - zei dat de voormalige ambassadeur van polen in moskou, václav gzhibovskiy.
Het verdedigen van de oostgrens van polen, de dood van meer dan 6 duizenden poolse soldaten, en 180 duizend gevangen werden genomen. Al snel daarna begon de eerste vuren van het poolse leger, die werd de apogee massa-executies van polen, bekend als de "katynʹskoy tragedie". Over een paar maanden op de oostelijke gebieden aan de vooroorlogse nkdv volop gewerkt. Volgens sommige berekeningen, voor het begin van de oorlog tussen de sovjet-unie en duitsland in siberië was verwijderd ongeveer 1 800 duizend mensen.
Een beetje later dan stalin schrijft bedankbriefjes telegrammen ribbentropu en hitler die zal benadrukken dat "... De vriendschap tussen de volkeren van duitsland en de sovjet-unie, verzegeld in bloed..." Bedankbriefjes telegrammen werden gepubliceerd in de krant "de waarheid" van 25 december 1939
https://www.facebook.com/lebedev.yaroslav/posts/999592526755795 (https://www.facebook.com/lebedev.yaroslav/posts/999592526755795)

Tot de dag van de overwinning...
Een veteraan van het rode leger rabichev leonid nikolajevitsj van massale verkrachting van vrouwen en meisjes, op de schietpartij van kinderen met hun moeders in "bevrijd" gebieden.
Sinds december 1942 rabichev - luitenant, commandant van de 100 e van een apart leger bedrijf faln in het beheer van het 31 e leger. Bij de centrale, derde wit-russische en oekraďense fronten eerste deelgenomen aan vechten voor de vrijlating van de rzheva, sychevki, smolensk, orchies, borisova, minsk, lida, grodno, vechten in oost-pruisen uit te koenigsberg golʹdapa in silezië op dantsigskom richting deelgenomen aan De vangst van steden, levenberg khaylʹsberg buntslau, en anderen, in tsjecho-slowakije bereikt in praag. Bekroond met twee bestellingen van vaderlandse oorlog ii graad, de volgorde van de rode ster ", Medailles.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDK097VoIak (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDK097VoIak)

http://www.intellectualtakeout.stfi.re/blog/why-are-we-so-understanding-towards-crimes-communism?sf=lbgadr (http://www.intellectualtakeout.stfi.re/blog/why-are-we-so-understanding-towards-crimes-communism?sf=lbgadr)

http://worldtruth.tv/genocide-the-british-dont-want-you-to-know-about/ (http://worldtruth.tv/genocide-the-british-dont-want-you-to-know-about/)

https://youtu.be/UluUFsm1iDA (https://youtu.be/UluUFsm1iDA)
upa anthem

http://fishki.net/1935117-v-podvale-starogo-londonskogo-osobnjaka-nashli-tela-strannyh-suwestv.html (http://fishki.net/1935117-v-podvale-starogo-londonskogo-osobnjaka-nashli-tela-strannyh-suwestv.html)
In the basement of an old house in London found the bodies of strange creatures

Источник: http://fishki.net/1935117-v-podvale-starogo-londonskogo-osobnjaka-nashli-tela-strannyh-suwestv.html (http://fishki.net/1935117-v-podvale-starogo-londonskogo-osobnjaka-nashli-tela-strannyh-suwestv.html) © Fishki.net

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_major_famines_in_India_during_British_rule (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_major_famines_in_India_during_British_rule)
http://worldtruth.tv/genocide-the-british-dont-want-you-to-know-about/ (http://worldtruth.tv/genocide-the-british-dont-want-you-to-know-about/)

http://timeallnews.ru/index.php?newsid=19471 (http://timeallnews.ru/index.php?newsid=19471)

http://uawire.org/news/poroshenko-awards-breedlove-the-order-of-yaroslav-the-wise (http://uawire.org/news/poroshenko-awards-breedlove-the-order-of-yaroslav-the-wise)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Prince_Yaroslav_the_Wise (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Prince_Yaroslav_the_Wise)

http://uatoday.tv/society/spring-songs-take-over-city-streets-in-western-ukraine-643506.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/spring-songs-take-over-city-streets-in-western-ukraine-643506.html)

http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/05/04/the-confusion-of-civilizations-larry-summers-enlightenment/ (http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/05/04/the-confusion-of-civilizations-larry-summers-enlightenment/)
 Samuel  Huntington  was  wrong.  The  new  wars
are not between civilizations but between those who
believe  in  the  clash  of  civilizations  and  those  who
think that universal values really exist.
http://data.tsn.ua/files/Livre_en_anglais-libre.pdf (http://data.tsn.ua/files/Livre_en_anglais-libre.pdf) 
http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/pnorris/Acrobat/Huntington_Clash.pdf (http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/pnorris/Acrobat/Huntington_Clash.pdf)

How Ukrainians have developed tolerance for other religions
http://ukrainianweek.com/History/141742 (http://ukrainianweek.com/History/141742)

http://ukrainianweek.com/History/157245 (http://ukrainianweek.com/History/157245)
Illusion of a (russian) Federation

http://ukrainianweek.com/History/123906 (http://ukrainianweek.com/History/123906)

What Makes Kharkiv Ukrainian
Russia insists that Kharkiv does not belong to Ukraine. Meanwhile, even several waves of Russification failed to make it truly Russian
http://ukrainianweek.com/History/123906 (http://ukrainianweek.com/History/123906)

http://uatoday.tv/entertainment/ukraine-s-ancient-map-appears-online-644247.html (http://uatoday.tv/entertainment/ukraine-s-ancient-map-appears-online-644247.html)
http://www.davidrumsey.com/ (http://www.davidrumsey.com/)

http://www.unian.info/society/1340059-ukrainian-historian-viatrovych-refutes-accusations-of-whitewashing-ukraines-past.html (http://www.unian.info/society/1340059-ukrainian-historian-viatrovych-refutes-accusations-of-whitewashing-ukraines-past.html)

285 years ago, the Queen of the Muscovite Anna seized the old Ukrainian book printing
http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/4424856.html (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/4424856.html)

http://uatoday.tv/news/ancient-seal-dated-back-to-x-century-returns-to-ukraine-646689.html (http://uatoday.tv/news/ancient-seal-dated-back-to-x-century-returns-to-ukraine-646689.html)

http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/05/13/cambridge-researchers-find-worlds-youngest-mummy/ (http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/05/13/cambridge-researchers-find-worlds-youngest-mummy/)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainians_in_Kuban (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainians_in_Kuban)
 Empress Catherine II gave the Black Sea Cossack Host the rights to these lands. Her decree of 30.6. and 1.7.1792 handed these lands over to the Black Sea Cossacks "for eternity".
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sea_Cossack_Host (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sea_Cossack_Host)
The Cossacks founded the administrative centre of Yekaterinodar (literally "Catherine's gift") in 1794

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaporozhian_Cossacks (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaporozhian_Cossacks)
In 1784 Potemkin formed the Host of the Loyal Zaporozhians (Войско верных Запорожцев) and settled
them between the Southern Bug and Dniester rivers. For their invaluable service during the Russo-Turkish War (1787–92),
they were rewarded with the Kuban land and migrated there in 1792.
 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Map_of_Kuban_Oblast_%281916%29.jpg?download (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Map_of_Kuban_Oblast_%281916%29.jpg?download)   80Mb
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_War_of_Independence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_War_of_Independence)
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Dismembered_Russia_%E2%80%94_Some_Fragments_%28NYT_article%2C_Feb._17%2C_1918%29.png (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Dismembered_Russia_%E2%80%94_Some_Fragments_%28NYT_article%2C_Feb._17%2C_1918%29.png)

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/48/Mapa_from_Ukraine_postcard_1919.jpg (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/48/Mapa_from_Ukraine_postcard_1919.jpg)

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuban_Cossacks (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuban_Cossacks)
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuban_People%27s_Republic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuban_People%27s_Republic)
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuban (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuban)

 Ukraine’s first printed book disappeared from Vernadskyi National Library, - Library Director   8759
 http://en.censor.net.ua/news/388636/ukraines_first_printed_book_disappeared_from_vernadskyi_national_library_library_director (http://en.censor.net.ua/news/388636/ukraines_first_printed_book_disappeared_from_vernadskyi_national_library_library_director)
http://uatoday.tv/society/palace-of-prince-volodymyr-the-great-found-in-central-kyiv-650504.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/palace-of-prince-volodymyr-the-great-found-in-central-kyiv-650504.html)

Ukraine will not suffer the fate of Caucasus (2015) May 22 , 152th rememberance Circassians deportation - genocide (3/4 of people killed)
http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/10/25/ukraine-will-not-suffer-the-fate-of-caucasus/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/10/25/ukraine-will-not-suffer-the-fate-of-caucasus/)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circassians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circassians)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/05/19/secret-ancestral-codes-12-main-symbols-in-ukrainian-embroidery/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/05/19/secret-ancestral-codes-12-main-symbols-in-ukrainian-embroidery/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/11/25/top-five-national-symbols-of-ukraine/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/11/25/top-five-national-symbols-of-ukraine/)

 “golden cradle”, an ancestral symbol revered by all Crimean Tatars
http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/21/tatar-community-in-shock-putin-receives-symbolic-treasure-as-gift/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2015/08/21/tatar-community-in-shock-putin-receives-symbolic-treasure-as-gift/)

http://eprints.ibu.edu.ba/2016/9/COMPARATIVE%20ANALYSIS%20OF%20CRIMEAN%20AND%20TURKISH%20LEGENDS%20%20full%20paper.doc (http://eprints.ibu.edu.ba/2016/9/COMPARATIVE%20ANALYSIS%20OF%20CRIMEAN%20AND%20TURKISH%20LEGENDS%20%20full%20paper.doc)

https://www.google.nl/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=golden%20cradle%2Bcrimea (https://www.google.nl/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=golden%20cradle%2Bcrimea)

http://112.international/article/embroidery-day-in-ukraine-ornament-of-the-ages-4996.html (http://112.international/article/embroidery-day-in-ukraine-ornament-of-the-ages-4996.html)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/05/22/anna-of-kyiv-the-french-queen-from-kyivan-rus/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/05/22/anna-of-kyiv-the-french-queen-from-kyivan-rus/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/03/07/ukraine-and-russia-share-a-long-and-common-history-faq/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/03/07/ukraine-and-russia-share-a-long-and-common-history-faq/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/05/15/92967/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/05/15/92967/)
Stolen ancient viking’s sword from the dawn of Kyivan Rus comes back home to Ukraine

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6EcQEK2_SvjRmhrOUtJd0FUNHc/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6EcQEK2_SvjRmhrOUtJd0FUNHc/view?usp=sharing)
 Russian Full-Spectrum Conflict: An Appraisal After Ukraine


http://imgur.com/a/TMjJl (http://imgur.com/a/TMjJl)

The precious map of the USSR, made of rubies, diamonds, amethysts and other gems. Soviet mosaic, 1937.

http://uatoday.tv/entertainment/all-things-varenyky-a-festival-dedicated-to-ukraine-s-national-dish-659894.html (http://uatoday.tv/entertainment/all-things-varenyky-a-festival-dedicated-to-ukraine-s-national-dish-659894.html)
The Hippocrene Language and Travel Guide to Ukraine. http://pages.prodigy.net/l.hodges/ukrain (http://pages.prodigy.net/l.hodges/ukrain)

Ukrainian Recipes. This site in Lviv, Ukraine has a large recipe list.
http://www.litech.lviv.ua/~guenon/cuisin (http://www.litech.lviv.ua/~guenon/cuisin)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Sea (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Sea) novogrod knew

http://tsn.ua/tsikavinki/na-harkivschini-znayshli-zagadkoviy-pidzemniy-monastir-xviii-stolittya-312766.html (http://tsn.ua/tsikavinki/na-harkivschini-znayshli-zagadkoviy-pidzemniy-monastir-xviii-stolittya-312766.html)
Більше читайте тут: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=nl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://tsn.ua/tsikavinki/na-harkivschini-znayshli-zagadkoviy-pidzemniy-monastir-xviii-stolittya-312766.html&usg=ALkJrhjPONHM9Mfva6Kj-98WPy5faLiagQ (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=nl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://tsn.ua/tsikavinki/na-harkivschini-znayshli-zagadkoviy-pidzemniy-monastir-xviii-stolittya-312766.html&usg=ALkJrhjPONHM9Mfva6Kj-98WPy5faLiagQ)

 https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4m7j26/archaeologists_unearth_6000yearold_temple_in/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4m7j26/archaeologists_unearth_6000yearold_temple_in/)
 http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/archaeologists-unearth-6000-year-old-temple-ukraine-002238#sthash.os1SnczD.gbpl&st_refDomain=www.facebook.com&st_refQuery=/ (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/archaeologists-unearth-6000-year-old-temple-ukraine-002238#sthash.os1SnczD.gbpl&st_refDomain=www.facebook.com&st_refQuery=/)
http://www.rawstory.com/2016/05/archaeologists-discover-aristotles-2400-year-old-tomb-in-macedonia/ (http://www.rawstory.com/2016/05/archaeologists-discover-aristotles-2400-year-old-tomb-in-macedonia/)
http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-beer-ancient-china-20160525-snap-story.html (http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-beer-ancient-china-20160525-snap-story.html)

http://www.uamodna.com/articles/ukrayina-yakoyi-vy-neznaly/ (http://www.uamodna.com/articles/ukrayina-yakoyi-vy-neznaly/)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uamodna.com%2Farticles%2Fukrayina-yakoyi-vy-neznaly%2F&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uamodna.com%2Farticles%2Fukrayina-yakoyi-vy-neznaly%2F&edit-text=)

http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/23/the-worlds-oldest-words/ (http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/23/the-worlds-oldest-words/)

http://www.kyivpost.com/article/content/ukraine-politics/remains-of-prince-volodymyrs-ancient-palace-at-risk-from-kyiv-officials-inaction-415510.html (http://www.kyivpost.com/article/content/ukraine-politics/remains-of-prince-volodymyrs-ancient-palace-at-risk-from-kyiv-officials-inaction-415510.html)

Donbas Has Always Been Ukraine: the Holodomor and Russification Legacies
http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2011/06/23/peds.2009-2599.abstracthttps://maidantranslations.com/2014/06/05/donbas-has-always-been-ukraine-the-holodomor-and-russification-legacies/ (http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2011/06/23/peds.2009-2599.abstracthttps://maidantranslations.com/2014/06/05/donbas-has-always-been-ukraine-the-holodomor-and-russification-legacies/)

Rob Hansen

The russians don't belong in decent European Society but need to get on their horses and go back to Aslan steppes where they truly belong...


YOU HAVE GOT IT ALL MIXED UP it is Russians that has got the mongolian /Fino Ugric DNA NOT Ukrainians as Ukrainians are the true Slavs ...

Take a look at how moscow leis about its history
http://www.euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/ (http://www.euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/)

Russians er nothing more then Mongolians that must have some funny sort of Down Syndrome or something as they think they are from Kiev Russ and Slavic background when the DNA study of today's so called Russians shows that the historical facts are thay they are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendents and NOT Slavic...

The DNA evidence proves that Russians with out a doubt are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendents ..Result Russians are NOT Slavic and have no real clam to Slavic historical lands


Mongolian blood in Russians

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmiYqpT0zrE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmiYqpT0zrE)

THE R1a explanation for dummy's Russians have is R1a-Z93 and is the main Asian branch of R1a.

Western and Northern European and also western Ukrainians have R1a -Z284 falls under the root R1a1a1* (M417), So this proves Russians are Asian NOT Europeans..

The DNA evidence proves that Russians with out a doubt are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendents ..

1. Russians are not Slavic.

2. Russians are Mongolians / Finno-Ugric

3. Russians are lying about where they come from and how they really are

4.The DNA study's and results er inn LOL

You can't change facts, what we call today Russians are Finno-Ugric Mongolian descendants Result Russians are NOT Slavic and have no real clam to Slavic historical lands END OF STORY

The Mongolian Y-DNA (paternal) haplogroup R1a-Z93 and is the main Asian branch of R1a. and its offshoots are very common and the dominant gen among Russian men.

Studies have found the ethnic Russian frequency of R1a high as 62.7 percent, with an average of 46.7% of Russians in the "Russia-DNA Project" include R1a1, R1a1a, R1a1a1g, and R1a1a1g2.


Mongolian blood in Russians
! No longer available (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmiYqpT0zrE#)

Mongols founded Russia or Muscovy (1328)
! No longer available (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ChVHBLMgCU#)

Mongols established Mighty Russia
! No longer available (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpn5_DICw5I#)

Russia, the successor of Mongol Empire
! No longer available (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vIU6EyPPZY#)

Russian alcoholism and the "Mongoloid gene"

SCIENTISTS researching cures for alcoholism and hangovers say that they have found a genetic link between Russians’ traditional weakness for drink and the marauding Mongol armies.

in a test of Muscovites it was proven that they are infact descendants of mongolians / finish the Mongol genes are dominant genes in what we today call Russians..

Scientists foud out that the Mongolian genes make the Russians absorb more alcohol into the bloodstream and break it down at a slower rate than most Europeans.

That means that they get more drunk and have worse hangovers, and are more likely to become addicted to alcohol, given Russia’s taste for vodka, its harsh climate and the social and economic chaos after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

“The difference is huge — in reaction speed, memory, hand tremor — and in how they recover,” Vladimir Nuzhny, of the Health Ministry’s National Narcology Research Centre, said. “On average, 76 per cent of people in Moscow have this Mongoloid gene. So this, we think, is part of the problem.”

As part of the study, the scientists paid 12 volunteer students to drink 350 grams, about a third of a bottle, of vodka in an hour, and then monitored their behaviour.

“That’s a lot by Western standards, but it’s normal for Russia,” Dr Nuzhny told The Times. “At first they thought it was great, because they were being paid to drink, but after a while they realised it was more like work.”

The intoxicated students had to perform a series of tests, including answering questionnaires and playing rally-driving computer games, and they were breathalysed at regular intervals. The scientists even measured their ability to stand up straight.

After sleeping off the effects in a dormitory at the laboratory — which had a karaoke machine — the students were given a slap-up breakfast before doing more tests to measure their hangovers. The study showed that those with the Mongol genes absorbed 50 per cent more alcohol into the bloodstream at peak levels and metabolised it much more slowly than the other students.

“The way they get drunk is completely different than the way Europeans get drunk . They are also more likely to feel aggressive or depressed,” Dr Nuzhny said. “They do not necessarily look Mongolian, but the gene that governs how they metabolise alcohol is Mongoloid.”

The Mongols swept across Asia and Russia and into Europe in the 13th century and ruled Russia for two centuries. Inter-marriage with the ethnic Finnish tribes that was living around the northern part of the moscow river at the time was common.

Scientists have long known that people of Mongol extraction, including Japanese,Koreans and Northern Chinese, have an enzyme for metabolising alcohol that is different from that of Caucasian Europeans.

Dr Nuzhny claims that his study is the first to look at the effect of alcohol on

Russians today are descendents of mongolians and finnish people and the DNA test shows this fact... The Russians today have inherited their forefathers Mongol genes.

He says that the phenomenon can be explained partly by evolution. The nomadic Mongols, whose only indigenous form of alcohol was fermented mare’s milk, evolved with a different enzyme from the settled Europeans, with their long tradition of producing stronger grape and grain-based alcohol.

Dr Nuzhny’s research is partly funded by pharmaceutical companies trying to develop drugs to cure hangovers and alcoholism.

Russians drink about 15 litres of pure alcohol a head each year, one of the highest rates in the world, and by some estimates one in seven Russians are alcoholics. Alcohol is largely to blame for a fall in life expectancy to less than 59 since the fall of the Soviet Union.

http://uatoday.tv/politics/new-russian-military-base-near-belarus-needed-for-protection-from-ukraine-russian-ambassador-669855.html#comment-2722883407 (http://uatoday.tv/politics/new-russian-military-base-near-belarus-needed-for-protection-from-ukraine-russian-ambassador-669855.html#comment-2722883407)

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4nfxqf/russians_are_not_slavic_it_is_a_myth_and_russians/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4nfxqf/russians_are_not_slavic_it_is_a_myth_and_russians/)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serfdom_in_Russia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serfdom_in_Russia)

http://smarthistories.com/ (http://smarthistories.com/)
not named moskovia kremlinpropaganda

http://houseofnott.blogspot.nl/2016/06/the-gothian-tribes-and-imperial-kings.html (http://houseofnott.blogspot.nl/2016/06/the-gothian-tribes-and-imperial-kings.html)
http://houseofnott.blogspot.nl/2013/12/the-real-asgard-of-ancient-russia-kiev.html (http://houseofnott.blogspot.nl/2013/12/the-real-asgard-of-ancient-russia-kiev.html)
acient rus?

http://nos.nl/artikel/2111937-catharina-de-grote-had-bij-alles-een-doel-voor-ogen.html (http://nos.nl/artikel/2111937-catharina-de-grote-had-bij-alles-een-doel-voor-ogen.html)

“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” - Winston Churchill
“A broader reading of history shows that appeasement, no matter how it is labeled, never fulfills the hopes of the appeasers.” - Ronald Reagan
“I seem to smell the stench of appeasement in the air.” - Margaret Thatcher

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/06/20/historical-and-spiritual-univ-monastery/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/06/20/historical-and-spiritual-univ-monastery/)

http://twistedsifter.com/2015/06/proportional-pie-chart-of-the-most-spoken-languages/ (http://twistedsifter.com/2015/06/proportional-pie-chart-of-the-most-spoken-languages/)
https://twistedsifter.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/proportional-pie-chart-of-the-worlds-most-spoken-languages-1.png (https://twistedsifter.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/proportional-pie-chart-of-the-worlds-most-spoken-languages-1.png)

  Please circle the Russian Neo Natsie organization(s) operating in Donbas that you belong to:
Russian National Unity - Rossiiskaia pravda partiia RPP - “Shield of Moscow” (Shchit Moskvy) - “North Border” movement - Format 18 - Guestbusters - “Radical Politics” bulletin (Radikalnaya Politika) - “Slavic North” group (Slavyansky Sever) - "NS/WP Nevograd" - the Great Fatherland (Velikoe Otechestvo) - “Russkie Probezhki”, “White Saratov” - Great Russia (Northwest) - Wotan Jugend - Gas Ghow - Sparrows Crew de Yekaterinburg - NOMP - (Slavianskoe vozrozhdenie) - Imperio Ruso Divino (Russkoe imperskoe dvizhenie, RID) - Russkaia Perm - “White Saratov” - (Russkii obraz) - (Avtonomnaia boevaia terroristicheskaia organizatsiia, ABTO) - Syktyvkar - (Narodnoe opolcheniie imeni Minina i Pozharskogo, NOMP) - (Pravye za evropeiskoe razvitie) The Right Wing for European Development - (Russkie Moskvy. Komitet spaseniya) - NSI Y NSO - Slavianskaia sila, SS - Soprotivlenie - Military Imperial Union of Russia (Voenno-derzhavnyi soiuz Rossii) - Vol’nitsa - KSO - The Army of People’s Will (Armiya voli Naroda, AVN) - ESO - Russkii obshchenatsional’nyi soiuz, RONS

What a caterpillar calls the end... The rest of the world calls a butterfly ..This is NOT the end of Europe or the EU it is just a metamorphosis into the next step for the EU and the UK.

YES U,K, has now with the help democracy separated from the EU the SEPARATISM and anti EU force in the UK have got what they wanted..

Funny how Russia thinks this is a real heroic deed for the British people. AND THEN MOSCOW SAY ...The rural, working men of the UK said no to the alliance, created by the financial mafia and globalists ...

One sec.her........

This attertude from moscow comes across as hypocritical as in the contusion of Russia Federation it is a crime to lave the Union ..And anyone that even talked about it can face up to 5 years in prison...Just for saying his opinion ...that Russia must dissolve and the republics get away from Putins Financial mafia thugs and corruption of Moscow and its hegemony control..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKi0Rm1594Y (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKi0Rm1594Y)

Crimea Citizens to Receive 5 Year Jail Terms For Anyone Who Talks of Belonging to Ukraine–or Independence from Russia
http://guardianlv.com/2014/03/crimea-citizens-to-receive-possible-5-year-jail-terms-for-anyone-who-talks-of-belonging-to-ukraine-or-independence/ (http://guardianlv.com/2014/03/crimea-citizens-to-receive-possible-5-year-jail-terms-for-anyone-who-talks-of-belonging-to-ukraine-or-independence/)

THE UNION WAS STARTED by 1957 by the Inner Six countries of Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg
and the Netherlands http://netherlands.in/ (http://netherlands.in/)

AND the U.K. only became part if it in 1973 ...


The EU can trace its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Economic Community (EEC), formed in 1951 and 1957 respectively by the Inner Six countries of Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

What a caterpillar calls the end... The rest of the world calls a butterfly ..This is NOT the end of Europe or the EU it is just a metamorphosis into the next step for the EU and the UK.

YES U,K, has now with the help democracy separated from the EU the SEPARATISM and anti EU force in the UK have got what they wanted..

Funny how Russia thinks this is a real heroic deed for the British people. AND THEN MOSCOW SAY ...The rural, working men of the UK said no to the alliance, created by the financial mafia and globalists ...

One sec.her........

This attertude from moscow comes across as hypocritical as in the contusion of Russia Federation it is a crime to lave the Union ..And anyone that even talked about it can face up to 5 years in prison...Just for saying his opinion ...that Russia must dissolve and the republics get away from Putins Financial mafia thugs and corruption of Moscow and its hegemony control..

http://www.dagelijksestandaard.nl/2016/06/nederland-en-australie-waren-bereid-om-gewapend-in-te-grijpen-in-oekraine-na-neerschieten-vlucht-mh17/ (http://www.dagelijksestandaard.nl/2016/06/nederland-en-australie-waren-bereid-om-gewapend-in-te-grijpen-in-oekraine-na-neerschieten-vlucht-mh17/)

Netherlands and Australia were prepared to use armed force in Ukraine after shooting down flight MH17
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dagelijksestandaard.nl%2F2016%2F06%2Fnederland-en-australie-waren-bereid-om-gewapend-in-te-grijpen-in-oekraine-na-neerschieten-vlucht-mh17%2F (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dagelijksestandaard.nl%2F2016%2F06%2Fnederland-en-australie-waren-bereid-om-gewapend-in-te-grijpen-in-oekraine-na-neerschieten-vlucht-mh17%2F)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op september 12, 2016, 17:15:31 pm

http://ria.ru/infografika/20100902/271470994.html (http://ria.ru/infografika/20100902/271470994.html)
nteractive map of the territory of Russia, 9 - 21 century (ria.ru)  haha

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAPk7z5Yzrw&feature=share (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAPk7z5Yzrw&feature=share)
Collapse of USSR - Three days that shook the world in August 1991.

Archives opened. Ukraine 90 years ago was 1.6 times more
http://ochevidnoenews.blogspot.nl/2016/06/90-16.html (http://ochevidnoenews.blogspot.nl/2016/06/90-16.html)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fochevidnoenews.blogspot.nl%2F2016%2F06%2F90-16.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fochevidnoenews.blogspot.nl%2F2016%2F06%2F90-16.html&edit-text=)

http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-12-30/dna-solves-mysteries-ancient-ireland (http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-12-30/dna-solves-mysteries-ancient-ireland)
DNA solves mysteries of ancient Ireland, DNA evidence shows that proto-Celts in Ireland likely came from the Ukrainian steppes. This could explain why many groups in the Volga-Ural region have red hair and look similar to Irish people.

http://112.international/article/ivana-kupala-day-mystical-and-magical-holiday-6746.html (http://112.international/article/ivana-kupala-day-mystical-and-magical-holiday-6746.html)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupala (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupala)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupala_Night (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupala_Night)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavic_mythology (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavic_mythology)

https://journeyingtothegoddess.wordpress.com/2012/01/19/goddess-kupala/ (https://journeyingtothegoddess.wordpress.com/2012/01/19/goddess-kupala/)

http://www.demorgen.be/wetenschap/belgische-neanderthalers-aten-elkaar-40-000-jaar-geleden-op-b675b68d/iWhwr/ (http://www.demorgen.be/wetenschap/belgische-neanderthalers-aten-elkaar-40-000-jaar-geleden-op-b675b68d/iWhwr/)

https://redice.tv/news/out-of-africa-theory-officially-debunked (https://redice.tv/news/out-of-africa-theory-officially-debunked)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/human-origins-science/human-skull-challenges-out-africa-theory-001283 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/human-origins-science/human-skull-challenges-out-africa-theory-001283)

http://atlanteangardens.blogspot.nl/2014/05/out-of-africa-theory-officially-debunked.html (http://atlanteangardens.blogspot.nl/2014/05/out-of-africa-theory-officially-debunked.html)
http://erectuswalksamongst.us/ (http://erectuswalksamongst.us/)

 http://perelaznews.blogspot.nl/2016/03/blog-post_85.html (http://perelaznews.blogspot.nl/2016/03/blog-post_85.html)
 http://www.technosotnya.com/2016/03/Moskovija-tupikovaja-vetv-civilizacii.html (http://www.technosotnya.com/2016/03/Moskovija-tupikovaja-vetv-civilizacii.html)
Muscovy - dead end of civilization
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fperelaznews.blogspot.nl%2F2016%2F03%2Fblog-post_85.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fperelaznews.blogspot.nl%2F2016%2F03%2Fblog-post_85.html)

 http://www.technosotnya.com/2016/02/Car-Petr-Pervyj-nikogda-ne-byl-russkim.html (http://www.technosotnya.com/2016/02/Car-Petr-Pervyj-nikogda-ne-byl-russkim.html)
  Tsar Peter the Great was never Russian
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.technosotnya.com%2F2016%2F02%2FCar-Petr-Pervyj-nikogda-ne-byl-russkim.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.technosotnya.com%2F2016%2F02%2FCar-Petr-Pervyj-nikogda-ne-byl-russkim.html&edit-text=)

http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/4879131.html (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/4879131.html)
Cradle of Ukrainian civilization - Trypillya
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Foleg-leusenko.livejournal.com%2F4879131.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Foleg-leusenko.livejournal.com%2F4879131.html)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucuteni-Trypillian_culture (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucuteni-Trypillian_culture)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamna_culture (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamna_culture)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-Europeans (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-Europeans)

http://www.seeker.com/elaborate-neanderthal-structure-found-1819864518.html#mkcpgn=rssnws1 (http://www.seeker.com/elaborate-neanderthal-structure-found-1819864518.html#mkcpgn=rssnws1)
ofc religion is absurd, just look what people over the millenia did in name of religion and still do :-) People seem to need religion, God doesn't need it at all.

 oldest found supposed to be 833.000 BCE, "youngest" 4.000 BCE, worshipping life bringing forces of female creatures in nature and sun (Mother Earth, Mother Nature and Mother Sun) and then they changed to patriarchy and war, and thats called progress rofl ol
http://www.seeker.com/dna-captured-from-2500-year-old-phoenician-1819978957.html#mkcpgn=rssnws1 (http://www.seeker.com/dna-captured-from-2500-year-old-phoenician-1819978957.html#mkcpgn=rssnws1)
Analysis of the ancient man's DNA reveal he had European ancestry.
 http://www.rawstory.com/2014/10/god-is-not-a-magician-pope-says-christians-should-believe-in-evolution-and-big-bang/#.V3wzlHcaBdM.facebook (http://www.rawstory.com/2014/10/god-is-not-a-magician-pope-says-christians-should-believe-in-evolution-and-big-bang/#.V3wzlHcaBdM.facebook)
http://uatoday.tv/society/iamnotafraidtosayit-ukrainian-social-media-users-break-the-silence-on-sexual-violence-689390.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/iamnotafraidtosayit-ukrainian-social-media-users-break-the-silence-on-sexual-violence-689390.html)


https://www.facebook.com/nastya.melnychenko/posts/10209086494774514 (https://www.facebook.com/nastya.melnychenko/posts/10209086494774514) July 3 https://www.facebook.com/nastya.melnychenko/posts/10209108320800151 (https://www.facebook.com/nastya.melnychenko/posts/10209108320800151) July 5
Ukrainian journalist Nastya Melnychenko’s Facebook post prompts others to share stories of sexual harassment and violence.
https://twitter.com/hashtag/iamnotafraidtosayit (https://twitter.com/hashtag/iamnotafraidtosayit)
https://www.google.nl/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=iamnotafraidtosayit&tbm=nws (https://www.google.nl/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=iamnotafraidtosayit&tbm=nws)
http://harassmap.org/en/ (http://harassmap.org/en/) only site you can report sexual violence worldwide
Report them, NAME them, SHAME them.

In 2007 Council of Europe calculated that cost of domestic/sexual violence in Europe, besides the PAIN of being victim, in lost working days/reintegration, healthcare cost is 500 euro for each citizen (in 2007 340 billion !! for whole of Europe) you can easily recalculate that for your country. Besides this domestic violence is the largest (deadly) violence crime in Europe! (and elsewhere) (even more then organized crime) Why is that not adressed by politicians? F.i. in Netherlands it affects every year more then half a million (mostly women & children) on 17 million, and that for several years.
Domestic (sexual) violence comes from (religious) patriarchy, around 3100 BCE, after millenlia of matriarchy, when people still looked at Nature and lived accordingly. (Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Sun)
Patriarchy took people away from Nature and was more abstract (most using a male Sun abstract God like Christianity) and with state, also reason of war.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matriarchy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matriarchy)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/opinion-guest-authors/truth-behind-christ-myth-ancient-origins-often-used-legend-part-i-006130 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/opinion-guest-authors/truth-behind-christ-myth-ancient-origins-often-used-legend-part-i-006130)
http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends/unraveling-nature-and-identity-green-man-002620 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends/unraveling-nature-and-identity-green-man-002620)
http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/curious-3400-year-old-canaanite-figurine-discovered-young-boy-israel-005445 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/curious-3400-year-old-canaanite-figurine-discovered-young-boy-israel-005445)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriarchy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriarchy)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War) Since the rise of the state some 5,000 years ago, military activity has occurred over much of the globe. The advent of gunpowder and the acceleration of technological advances led to modern warfare. According to Conway W. Henderson, "One source claims that 14,500 wars have taken place between 3500 BC and the late 20th century, costing 3.5 billion lives, leaving only 300 years of peace (Beer 1981: 20)."

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4s5plq/i_am_not_afraid_to_speak_russian_online_flash_mob/?ref=search_posts (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4s5plq/i_am_not_afraid_to_speak_russian_online_flash_mob/?ref=search_posts)
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/08/russian-ukrainian-women-sexual-abuse-stories-go-viral?CMP=share_btn_tw (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/08/russian-ukrainian-women-sexual-abuse-stories-go-viral?CMP=share_btn_tw) " In 2008, a St Petersburg judge threw out a case of workplace sexual harassment, ruling it was a natural part of human relations: “If we had no sexual harassment we would have no children,” the verdict read." ----WTF

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cemetery_117 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cemetery_117)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric_warfare (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric_warfare)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endemic_warfare (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endemic_warfare)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_violence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_violence)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/holding-hands-5000-years-couple-mysterious-jade-rings-and-dagger-006277?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AncientOrigins+%28Ancient+Origins%29 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/holding-hands-5000-years-couple-mysterious-jade-rings-and-dagger-006277?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AncientOrigins+%28Ancient+Origins%29)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/mystery-mummies-uncovered-russia-have-connections-persia-001560 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/mystery-mummies-uncovered-russia-have-connections-persia-001560)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/searchall/yamna?field_section=%2A (http://www.ancient-origins.net/searchall/yamna?field_section=%2A)
http://www.ancient-origins.net/searchall/Yamnaya?field_section=%2A (http://www.ancient-origins.net/searchall/Yamnaya?field_section=%2A)

http://www.uamodna.com/articles/nash-nacionaljnyy-prapor-zhovtoblakytnyy/ (http://www.uamodna.com/articles/nash-nacionaljnyy-prapor-zhovtoblakytnyy/)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uamodna.com%2Farticles%2Fnash-nacionaljnyy-prapor-zhovtoblakytnyy%2F&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uamodna.com%2Farticles%2Fnash-nacionaljnyy-prapor-zhovtoblakytnyy%2F&edit-text=)

15 unpleasant facts about religion, Orthodox Christianity and
http://shri-boomer.livejournal.com/414544.html (http://shri-boomer.livejournal.com/414544.html)

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fshri-boomer.livejournal.com%2F414544.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fshri-boomer.livejournal.com%2F414544.html)

http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/outlines/history-1994/early-america/the-first-europeans.php (http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/outlines/history-1994/early-america/the-first-europeans.php)
https://www.google.nl/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjRh4OD1PjNAhUkAsAKHaZCATsQFghTMAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.nationalgeographic.com%2Fnews%2F2003%2F09%2F0903_030903_bajaskull.html&usg=AFQjCNFiUcYYLd2JFDUMQGBrVNu1e-nafA&sig2=ATTWPedFut1lp5ukTJ2gvg&bvm=bv.127178174,d.ZGg (https://www.google.nl/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjRh4OD1PjNAhUkAsAKHaZCATsQFghTMAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.nationalgeographic.com%2Fnews%2F2003%2F09%2F0903_030903_bajaskull.html&usg=AFQjCNFiUcYYLd2JFDUMQGBrVNu1e-nafA&sig2=ATTWPedFut1lp5ukTJ2gvg&bvm=bv.127178174,d.ZGg)
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/9110838/Stone-age-Europeans-were-the-first-to-set-foot-on-North-America.html (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/9110838/Stone-age-Europeans-were-the-first-to-set-foot-on-North-America.html)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Seven_Daughters_of_Eve (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Seven_Daughters_of_Eve)

http://112.international/article/kiss-of-the-sun-ukrainian-amber-6690.html (http://112.international/article/kiss-of-the-sun-ukrainian-amber-6690.html)

http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/blog/alexander-j-motyl/ukraine-winning-linguistic-battle-front (http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/blog/alexander-j-motyl/ukraine-winning-linguistic-battle-front)

http://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/27860772.html (http://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/27860772.html)
During the years 2015-2016 during archaeological work in the reconstruction of the Postal Square opened unique finds of Middle Ages and the remains of the coastal city Kyiv medieval quarter. A group of archaeologists led by Michael Sagaydaka managed to isolate and explore the many traces of human activity near the Dnieper River, starting from the 11th century. The plans archaeologists - further delve into the historical layers of the area, thus reaching historical monuments of Kievan Rus. Getting started in the area marked the reconstruction of the Postal Square.

http://112.international/article/decorating-the-world-in-ukrainian-style-7403.html (http://112.international/article/decorating-the-world-in-ukrainian-style-7403.html)

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sloboda_Ukraine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sloboda_Ukraine)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donbass (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donbass)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Donbass (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Donbass)

http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/07/palestine-ancient-gaza-neglected-razed-antiquities.html (http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/07/palestine-ancient-gaza-neglected-razed-antiquities.html)

http://liveuamap.com/en/2016/25-july-the-russian-government-will-equate-kolovrat-to-the (http://liveuamap.com/en/2016/25-july-the-russian-government-will-equate-kolovrat-to-the)
Kolovrat (symbol), a Slavic pagan symbol of the Sun, similar to the swastika.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika#Slavic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika#Slavic)

The earliest known swastika-like symbol dates from around 10,000-13,000 BC. It appears on a late paleolithic figurine of a bird, carved from mammoth ivory, which was found in Mezine, Ukraine. The bird was found with a number of phallic objects which is consistent with the idea that the swastika pattern was used as a fertility symbol.[23] However it has also been suggested that this swastika may be a stylized picture of a stork in flight and not the true swastika that is in use today.[24]

Among the earliest cultures utilizing swastika is the neolithic Vinča culture of South-East Europe (see Vinča symbols)

According to painter Stanisław Jakubowski the "little sun" is an Early Slavic pagan symbol of the sun. It was engraved on wooden monuments built near the final resting places of fallen Slavs to represent eternal life.[61] The symbol was first seen in a collection of Early Slavic symbols and architectural features drawn and compiled by Polish painter Stanisław Jakubowski, which he named Prasłowiańskie motywy architektoniczne (Polish: Early Slavic Architectural Motifs).[61] His work was published in 1923, by a publishing house that was then based in the Dębniki district of Kraków.[61] The symbol can also be found on embroidery and pottery in most Slavic countries.

http://www.slavorum.org/history-and-meaning-of-slavic-swastika-kolovrat/ (http://www.slavorum.org/history-and-meaning-of-slavic-swastika-kolovrat/)

http://meettheslavs.com/swastika-kolovrat-deconstructing-prejudices/ (http://meettheslavs.com/swastika-kolovrat-deconstructing-prejudices/)

Poles are West Slavs, Belarus-Ukrainian a.o. are called East Slavs,  Yuguslavs are south Slavs. The Slavs under name of the Antes and the Sclaveni make their first appearance in Byzantine records in the early 6th century. Byzantine historiographers under Justinian I (527–565), such as Procopius of Caesarea, Jordanes and Theophylact Simocatta describe tribes of these names emerging from the area of the Carpathian Mountains, the lower Danube and the Black Sea, invading the Danubian provinces of the Eastern Empire. From their they spread out to other directions, so Ukrainian, Belarus were first, since Muscovy came after 1000 they came later. (wiki) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavs)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_H_(mtDNA) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_H_(mtDNA))

http://www.eupedia.com/forum/threads/28873-R1b1b2a1a (http://www.eupedia.com/forum/threads/28873-R1b1b2a1a)   now its called R1B U106, U106 is not a german U boat, well my brother :-) thats same as me....
Y-DNA haplogroup P split into Y-DNA haplogroup Q and Y-DNA haplogroup R.

Y-DNA haplogroup R: proto-Indo-European people/Ancestors of Europeans

Y-DNA haplogroup Q: native Americans/Siberians

People who belong to Y-DNA haplogroup R are closer to people who belong to Y-DNA haplogroup Q genetically. Some ancient skulls 2x000 years ago found in west Siberia  belong to Y-DNA haplogroup R and have features of native Americans.  Ancestors of native Americans did not belong to Mongoloid race before they immigrated to east Asia. Mongoloid race or Mongoloid evolution rose in east or north Asia 1x000 years ago. No skulls of Mongoloid race before 13000 years ago had been found. In fact, native Americans are different to east Asians, they have more distinct face than east Asians.

And, Y-DNA haplogroup Q can be found in Sweden. I really can find some Asian features in some Europeans after I live in Asia for 10 years.

Europeans who have high cheekbones....
http://s1.zetaboards.com/anthroscape/search/1/?c=3&mid=1845703&month=1&year=2013 (http://s1.zetaboards.com/anthroscape/search/1/?c=3&mid=1845703&month=1&year=2013)
Finno-Ugric people had genetic influence to east Europeans and Scandinavians. That's why many Scandinavians and east Europeans have high cheekbones. High cheekbones can be found commonly in people who belong to Mongoloid race. Most people who belong to Caucasoid race have no High cheekbones.

The genetic influence of Eurasians spread widely to all Europeans.The following link can tell us the truth:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2759684/Europe-s-family-tree-THIRD-branch-Link-genetic-connection-Modern-Europeans-Native-Americans.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2759684/Europe-s-family-tree-THIRD-branch-Link-genetic-connection-Modern-Europeans-Native-Americans.html)

Northern Europeans (stock image left) have more indigenous hunter DNA, while southern Europeans (right) have more DNA from the Middle East. However, all Europeans have DNA from a third mystery group, called the Northern Eurasians. This group also contributed DNA to those who travelled across the Bering Strait

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2759684/Europe-s-family-tree-THIRD-branch-Link-genetic-connection-Modern-Europeans-Native-Americans.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2759684/Europe-s-family-tree-THIRD-branch-Link-genetic-connection-Modern-Europeans-Native-Americans.html)

For more than two centuries, historians in Russia have forged the history of the largest Slavic state of medieval Europe. Even today! Moscow’s politics denies the role of Ukrainians in
the creation of the most literate state in medieval Europe. Find out long-hidden facts about Kyivan Rus’ – Ukraine’s
medieval predecessors
Before the 4th century, all Slavic tribes were living in the area of today’s Western Ukraine.All Slavic cultures were formed in relations with Scythian and Gothic culture
in the territory of Ukraine.After the 4th century some
Slavic tribes from the territory of Ukraine moved to central and north-eastern
Europe. Cultural and most advanced Slavic tribe in the 7th century were Polianians – the direct ancestors of the Ukrainian nation. Ukrainian Polianians were responsible for the creation of military-political alliance with the Vikings in the 8th century. Specific union between the Vikings and
Ukrainian ancestors led to the formation of ethnic (and geographical) concept
called Rus’ that had Sarmatian origin. In the 9th century Ukrainian Polianians’ capital Kyiv became one of the leading political and cultural centers in Europe. In the 10th century the Slavic-Germanic community of medieval Ukraine has formed ethnic names for local people – Rusychy, Rusuny or Rus’ people. Until the 13th century, those Rus’ names applied only to the
Slavic inhabitants of what is today the Ukrainian ethnic territory.The first great historical figure with obvious Ukrainian background was
Sviatoslav Ihorovych (942) Great prince of Kyiv. Sviatoslav had a distinctive
look that was seen only among the Ukrainian Cossacks five centuries later. Sviatoslav has brought together all the Slavic tribes in Eastern Europe and created the preconditions for creating a strong state.After accepting Christianity in 988thyear – in the middle of the 11th century Kyivan Rus’ or Ukraine became the largest powerful country in Europe.During the 17th century, the name Rus’ was stolen from Ukraine! Territorywhich was names “Ukraine” (means: in-land), first accepted Christianity in a huge multicultural Rus’ state. Across the huge Slavic state between White and Black Sea, Christianity has been difficult to spread among undeveloped proto-Russian inhabitants.Under the influence of pagan proto-Russian populations in the north-eastern areas,
Christian Kyiv was already sacked in 1169th year by Suzdalian troops.
At the end of the Kyivan Rus/, only mainstream territory named Ukraine became a
defender of Europe in a war against Mongols and Muscovites.
King Danylo Halytskyi (1205) received significant support in Europe and Rome in the struggle against Mongols and Muscovites.Mongolians have helped the proto-Russians or Muscovites to establish a rebellious state knows as Muscovy (1328). Muscovites and Mongols were in a war against Ukraine and the rest of Europe for 150 years! Great Novgorod was finally occupied by the Muscovites and Mongols in the 16th century. Kyivan elite in Novgorod was killed and remaining Slavic populations was displaced through-out the Mongol Empire.
REMEMBER! The Russians were destroying medieval Kyivan Rus’-Ukraine!
REMEMBER! Medieval Rus’ (882) has never been Russia (1721)!Rus’ is the former name of Ukraine!

I think the genetic influence of Mongols(invaders in the 12th century) in east Europe is small enough that can be ignored. Mongols mainly belong to Y-DNA haplogroup C but we cannot find Y-DNA haplogroup C in Russians and other east Europeans. Finno-Ugric people, north Eurasians or pre-Indo-European people may be the source of features of Mongoloid race in European population..

But Mongols really had some influence of cultures, political and military systems to Russians like oriental despotism.

http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/mongolia-archaeologists-unearth-tomb-of-genghis-khan/ (http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/mongolia-archaeologists-unearth-tomb-of-genghis-khan/)
http://undergroundscience.net/archaelogy/mongolia-archaeologists-unearth-tomb-of-genghis-khan/ (http://undergroundscience.net/archaelogy/mongolia-archaeologists-unearth-tomb-of-genghis-khan/)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_Empire (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_Empire)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_Rus%27 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_Rus%27)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tengrism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tengrism)

Turkish people also had some influence to Slavic cultures. For example:

Turkish tradition clothes
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Turkish_woman_in_Ottoman_costume_2.jpg (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Turkish_woman_in_Ottoman_costume_2.jpg)

Polish tradition clothes
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_costumes_of_Poland#/media/File:Picnic.3_Harvest_Festival_2011,_Mo%C5%84ki.JPG (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_costumes_of_Poland#/media/File:Picnic.3_Harvest_Festival_2011,_Mo%C5%84ki.JPG)

http://uatoday.tv/news/renowned-historian-orest-subtelny-dies-in-canada-at-age-75-704136.html (http://uatoday.tv/news/renowned-historian-orest-subtelny-dies-in-canada-at-age-75-704136.html)
http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/11408/file.pdf (http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/11408/file.pdf)

POLISH ATROCITIES before, in, and after WOII
Isn't this all genocide also? Or should we first look to the present first, and later orgive and reconcile ??????? Just wondering.....

http://www.nasze-slowo.pl/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0-%D0%B2%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2-%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D1%86%D1%96%D0%B2-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B8-%D0%BF/ (http://www.nasze-slowo.pl/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0-%D0%B2%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2-%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D1%86%D1%96%D0%B2-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B8-%D0%BF/)
Map murders Ukrainian Polish partisan divisions in Kholmshchyna (1942-1944 years)
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nasze-slowo.pl%2F%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B0%25D1%2580%25D1%2582%25D0%25B0-%25D0%25B2%25D0%25B1%25D0%25B8%25D0%25B2%25D1%2581%25D1%2582%25D0%25B2-%25D1%2583%25D0%25BA%25D1%2580%25D0%25B0%25D1%2597%25D0%25BD%25D1%2586%25D1%2596%25D0%25B2-%25D0%25BF%25D0%25BE%25D0%25BB%25D1%258C%25D1%2581%25D1%258C%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B8%25D0%25BC%25D0%25B8-%25D0%25BF%2F (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nasze-slowo.pl%2F%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B0%25D1%2580%25D1%2582%25D0%25B0-%25D0%25B2%25D0%25B1%25D0%25B8%25D0%25B2%25D1%2581%25D1%2582%25D0%25B2-%25D1%2583%25D0%25BA%25D1%2580%25D0%25B0%25D1%2597%25D0%25BD%25D1%2586%25D1%2596%25D0%25B2-%25D0%25BF%25D0%25BE%25D0%25BB%25D1%258C%25D1%2581%25D1%258C%25D0%25BA%25D0%25B8%25D0%25BC%25D0%25B8-%25D0%25BF%2F)

http://www.newskraine.com.ua/nizh-u-spinu-ukrayini-rukami-polshhi/ (http://www.newskraine.com.ua/nizh-u-spinu-ukrayini-rukami-polshhi/)
Knife in the hands of Poland backs Ukraine https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newskraine.com.ua%2Fnizh-u-spinu-ukrayini-rukami-polshhi%2F (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=uk&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newskraine.com.ua%2Fnizh-u-spinu-ukrayini-rukami-polshhi%2F)

http://www.viche-boruslava.org.ua/index.php/derzhava-i-suspilstvo/1137-polski-zvirstva-proty-ukrayintsiv-tema-yaku-zamovchuvaly-desyatylittyamy (http://www.viche-boruslava.org.ua/index.php/derzhava-i-suspilstvo/1137-polski-zvirstva-proty-ukrayintsiv-tema-yaku-zamovchuvaly-desyatylittyamy)
POLISH atrocities against Ukrainans since 1919, silent for decades. Genocide also?
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.viche-boruslava.org.ua%2Findex.php%2Fderzhava-i-suspilstvo%2F1137-polski-zvirstva-proty-ukrayintsiv-tema-yaku-zamovchuvaly-desyatylittyamy&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.viche-boruslava.org.ua%2Findex.php%2Fderzhava-i-suspilstvo%2F1137-polski-zvirstva-proty-ukrayintsiv-tema-yaku-zamovchuvaly-desyatylittyamy&edit-text=)

http://www.jrbooksonline.com/polish_atrocities.htm (http://www.jrbooksonline.com/polish_atrocities.htm)
https://archive.org/details/Auswaertiges-Amt-Dokumente-polnischer-Grausamkeiten (https://archive.org/details/Auswaertiges-Amt-Dokumente-polnischer-Grausamkeiten)

http://www.debbieschlussel.com/50114/poles-were-complicit-in-holocaust-outrage-over-obama-gaffe-is-fraudulent-ignorant/ (http://www.debbieschlussel.com/50114/poles-were-complicit-in-holocaust-outrage-over-obama-gaffe-is-fraudulent-ignorant/)

Bystanders, Blackmailers, and Perpetrators: Polish Complicity During the Holocaust
http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2938&context=etd (http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2938&context=etd)

http://www.reuters.com/article/us-auschwitz-anniversary-oswiecim-idUSKBN0KV12H20150122 (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-auschwitz-anniversary-oswiecim-idUSKBN0KV12H20150122)

Besides this : in WOII who joined Germany Nazi forces. From Russia 100 million (1940) 800.000 joined nazi forces. From Poland 34 million (1940) 500.000 joined nazi forces. From Ukraine 34 million (1940) 80.000 joined nazi forces.
http://polandsite.proboards.com/thread/2044 (http://polandsite.proboards.com/thread/2044)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22Polish_death_camp%22_controversy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22Polish_death_camp%22_controversy)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Poles_in_Volhynia_and_Eastern_Galicia#The_rise_of_OUN (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Poles_in_Volhynia_and_Eastern_Galicia#The_rise_of_OUN)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_People%27s_Revolutionary_Army (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_People%27s_Revolutionary_Army)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Insurgent_Army (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Insurgent_Army)

http://euromaidanpress.com/?s=%22Volyn%22 (http://euromaidanpress.com/?s=%22Volyn%22)

the figures I gave for Russia and Ukraine were for the Liberation Armies 800.000 and 80.000 (I knew)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTr7wTHDYE8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTr7wTHDYE8)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Liberation_Army (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Liberation_Army)
https://newsfromukr.wordpress.com/2015/12/22/800000-russians-were-fighting-on-the-german-side-during-ww2-english/ (https://newsfromukr.wordpress.com/2015/12/22/800000-russians-were-fighting-on-the-german-side-during-ww2-english/)
http://www.feldgrau.com/rvol.html (http://www.feldgrau.com/rvol.html)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Liberation_Army (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Liberation_Army)

There was no Polish Liberation Army as far as I know, so I mixed those numbers up it seems
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poles_in_the_Wehrmacht (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poles_in_the_Wehrmacht)

http://settingrecordstraight.blogspot.com/2015/03/irish-forgotten-white-slaves.html (http://settingrecordstraight.blogspot.com/2015/03/irish-forgotten-white-slaves.html)
http://pictorial.jezebel.com/lets-squash-the-myth-that-the-irish-were-ever-american-1765491798 (http://pictorial.jezebel.com/lets-squash-the-myth-that-the-irish-were-ever-american-1765491798)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=irish+slaves+in+america&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSlwEJR7VT-F6GNcIaiwELEKjU2AQaBAgCCBgMCxCwjKcIGmIKYAgDEijED6oRnh2XGcYP_1BHtGZYZ5w_10GLw61SzZLLY6_1C3ULLg6uTrXLKckGjBzBr0kPmdsrQDmWPqTzSqCTMcaXgvDGivwcRIOy5TZDjTUwELdSO1UPG36bwCNh-kgAwwLEI6u_1ggaCgoICAESBCKPow4M&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTqsvk4aDOAhWG6RQKHRWdDeYQ2A4IHCgB&biw=1024&bih=643#imgrc=a2kdn_DkNWOycM%3A (https://www.google.nl/search?q=irish+slaves+in+america&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSlwEJR7VT-F6GNcIaiwELEKjU2AQaBAgCCBgMCxCwjKcIGmIKYAgDEijED6oRnh2XGcYP_1BHtGZYZ5w_10GLw61SzZLLY6_1C3ULLg6uTrXLKckGjBzBr0kPmdsrQDmWPqTzSqCTMcaXgvDGivwcRIOy5TZDjTUwELdSO1UPG36bwCNh-kgAwwLEI6u_1ggaCgoICAESBCKPow4M&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTqsvk4aDOAhWG6RQKHRWdDeYQ2A4IHCgB&biw=1024&bih=643#imgrc=a2kdn_DkNWOycM%3A)
http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history/2015/09/slavery_myths_seven_lies_half_truths_and_irrelevancies_people_trot_out_about.html (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/history/2015/09/slavery_myths_seven_lies_half_truths_and_irrelevancies_people_trot_out_about.html)

http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/gezin/twee-verschillende-vaders-voor-drieling-artsen-spelen-voor-god (http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/gezin/twee-verschillende-vaders-voor-drieling-artsen-spelen-voor-god)
http://mens-en-samenleving.infonu.nl/diversen/127354-zit-homoseksualiteit-in-je-genen-ja-zegt-de-wetenschap.html (http://mens-en-samenleving.infonu.nl/diversen/127354-zit-homoseksualiteit-in-je-genen-ja-zegt-de-wetenschap.html)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=homo-gen&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL682NL682&oq=homo-gen&aqs=chrome..69i57.3404j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 (https://www.google.nl/search?q=homo-gen&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL682NL682&oq=homo-gen&aqs=chrome..69i57.3404j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
http://www.ad.nl/home/helft-van-alle-vrouwen-en-mannen-heeft-homo-genen~a94fb694/65426225/ (http://www.ad.nl/home/helft-van-alle-vrouwen-en-mannen-heeft-homo-genen~a94fb694/65426225/)


https://www.ethnologue.com/ (https://www.ethnologue.com/)
http://www.etymonline.com/columns/links.htm (http://www.etymonline.com/columns/links.htm) (site where lot of english words come from)
http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~rfradkin/alphapage.html (http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~rfradkin/alphapage.html)

Ukraine is now forced to FIGHTING AND IS WORKING HARED to fix a historical injustice to its linguistic and culture heritage and at the same time fight the sovieticus mentality of corruption left over by the Russian controlled USSR and if that was not enough, it is also being forced to defend its land from Moskali Russian evil underhanded war / attack and annexation of the Ukrainian nations lands..

The Russian government has in history and are still today underhandedly and covertly promoting the spread of the Russian language and Russian dominance over Ukraine.

Russia even promotes this idea of a justifiable and rightful dominance over Ukraine not just to its own Russians and the world in general but among the native Ukrainian population as well... They do this by actively refusing to acknowledge the historical facts and the existence of the Ukrainian language and take every opportunity too belittle Ukrainian history by calling it a myth; this way Moscow is indirectly saying that Ukrainian history never existed and Ukrainian people are just nothing more than confused little Russians..

If we look back in time this is nothing new, the Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Pyotr Valuev in 1863 issued a secret decree that banned the publication of religious texts and educational texts written in the Ukrainian language The Emperor Alexander II expanded this ban by issuing the Ems Ukaz in 1876 (which lapsed in 1905). The Ukaz banned all Ukrainian language books and song lyrics, as well as the importation of such works. Furthermore, Ukrainian-language public performances, plays, and lectures were forbidden

During the Soviet times, the attitude to Ukrainian language and culture went through periods of suppression (during the period of Stalinism) While officially there was no state language in the Soviet Union until 1989, Russian in practice had an implicitly privileged position as the only language widely spoken across the country From around the 1960s nearly all dissertations were required to be written in Russian That caused most scientific works to be written exclusively in Russian. Studying Russian in all schools was not optional, but the requirement SO DONT COME SCREENING about Russian Russian language rights in UKRAINE after forcefully running a linguistic genocide on the Ukrainian language for years.

The real question is how does that world negotiate with a mad man like Putin and his thugs How did the world deal with Stalin or Hitler ..? You have no other choice then too take them out and end them and their nation like you take put down a willed dog..

And why is that the best way of dealing with them you ask?

Well with very few exceptions, the men who are running Putin's Government and Putin him self are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand mostly ex KGB with a sovieticus mentality. Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere But now they are free to continue with their evil in other nations as well as in their own because the rest of the world is being week in it response just like British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was with that other psychopathic cases Hitler back in his day

Putin’s goal has been to show that what’s happening in Ukraine “isn’t democracy and that Ukrainians won’t be able to do anything,” That’s crucially important for the Kremlin because his legitimacy is based on his claim that democracy can’t work in Russia.
Russkii Mir,”

When Putin annexed Crimea last year, he claimed to be protecting the rights of Russians abroad, which has also been his main rationale for supporting the separatists in eastern Ukraine. Other Russian neighbors worry that Putin’s claim will extend to them. “Next it can be Latvia, which is 40 percent Russian, or maybe Estonia,” says Bondarev, who like some other Kremlin critics compares Putin’s logic with Hitler’s rationale for annexing Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland in 1939. A new law defining “compatriots” abroad enacted two years ago—along with the creation of a new Foreign Ministry department devoted to that issue—is raising more fears. “Putin, like Stalin, is eyeing world domination under the motto of Russkii Mir, which he’s combining with an incredible wave of anti-Americanism,”

THE END GAME IS CLEAR “Defeating the United States is now an officially stated goal for Russia.”

Some of the propaganda comes out through a proliferation of ostensibly independent cultural organizations in Western capitals that are funded by state and private money and headed by prominent Kremlin loyalists.

They include one called Russkiy Mir, which operates centers in Washington, London, and other Western cities and which Putin created supposedly to promote the Russian language and Russian Orthodox values. The stated goal of another, the Institute of Democracy and Cooperation—with offices in Moscow, New York, and Paris—is to gain a hearing for Russian positions on global human rights and democracy and to expose what it says are double standards by the West. The involvement of Russians in the West is key. “They need the support of the émigrés to build the concept of the Russkii Mir,”.

They are representatives of the oldest and most illustrious Russian families, who played a huge role in the Motherland’s history,” he told the government’s official paper of record, Rossiiskaya Gazeta. “Today they include professors of leading universities, scholars, doctors, successful entrepreneurs, and journalists. They support Russia and the Russian people with their souls.”

Putin’s wider Russkii Mir strategy includes the establishment of a Moscow-led bloc of former Soviet countries called the Eurasian Economic Union, which Russia launched with Armenia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan this year as a counter to the EU and other Western organizations. Its name evokes Eurasianism, a hard-line nationalist movement conceived by émigrés in the 1920s based in France who believed Russia to be closer to Asia than Europe. Resurrected in the 1980s, it has been led by well known Russian neonazi named Alexander Dugin, he is also one of Putin's top advisory's a strident ideologist who has the idea to from a strategic bloc that would join the former Soviet Union to Middle Eastern countries, including Iran and remake the USSR in sheep's clothing calling it Eurasia Union . Without Ukraine, however, Putin’s union remains very much symbolic.

Moscow is encouraging such sympathies among both far-left and far-right groups in order to help split Western opinion. That’s an old game for Moscow: European Communist parties and other groups acted in the same way during the Cold War. Now the Kremlin is quietly cultivating radical parties across the continent—including some that are openly neofascist—united by the common goal of undermining the European Union.

Despite the paradox, many far-right parties across Europe, including France’s anti-immigrant National Front and the Dutch Freedom Party, are voicing loud support for Putin. Russia also has ties with Hungary’s nationalist Jobbik party, Slovakia’s People’s Party, and Bulgaria’s anti-EU Attack movement. National Front leader Marine Le Pen recently praised Putin, saying that “he proposes a patriotic economic model radically different than what the Americans are imposing on us.” Her party went so far as to take out a loan worth more than $10 million from a Russian bank owned by a Kremlin ally. Last year, both the National Front and the United Kingdom’s anti-EU UK Independence Party won 24 seats in the European Parliament, an institution they want to sideline.

Anti-Americanism also fuels support for the Kremlin from Europe’s left. Greece’s new ruling coalition, led by the radical left-wing Syriza party, has made waves for emerging as a potential Russia ally within the EU. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has objected to sanctions against Russia. Last year, during a trip to Moscow, he accused the Ukrainian government of having “neo-Nazi” elements. He’s not alone. The Greek defense minister, Panos Kammenos, was photographed in Moscow last year together with senior legislators from Putin’s United Russia party, and Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias is known to have friendly ties to Dugin, whom he invited to Athens in 2013 to lecture about the role of Orthodox Christianity.

Elsewhere in Europe, Communists and other powerful leftist groups that supported the Soviet Union during the Cold War tend be sympathetic toward Russia. Not least in France, where more than 60 percent of those polled believe their country was wrong to suspend a $1.39 billion sale to Russia of two highly advanced helicopter-carrier ships after the conflict in Ukraine started. Against that background, Shakhovskoi’s letter has been effective. “Westerners listen to the émigrés,” “Most people don’t care about one or the other side [of the conflict in Ukraine]. But a certain number do believe that America will do anything to remain the strongest power, and that Russia needs to balance the United States.” the same United States that save France and Europe in ww1 and ww2 and gave France and Europe the Marshall help too rebuild their nations after ww2 and lest not forget also gave freedom to eastern Europe by crushing the USSR and winning the cold war. Yes that United States..

Although there is no evidence that émigré descendants’ support for Putin has significantly swayed opinions in Russia or abroad, its importance lies in what it reveals about his strategy. It shows the Kremlin is able and willing to use Russians living abroad—even those who would not seem natural allies of his regime—as part of its so-called hybrid war in Ukraine and use hundreds of thousands, if not millions of them, as Putin's proxies.”

Russian controlled soviet union former satellite states like Poland, Romania, and Czech the Baltic sates, Slovakia ect ect ect ...couldn't wait to join NATO and the EU to get as fare away from Russian hegemony control as fast as the possibly can at the time .

“Putin bases his policies on Lenin’s principle: probe with bayonets; if you encounter mush, proceed; if you encounter steel, withdraw,” the aide said. “With Obama, Putin has encountered mush for nearly seven years, never steel, and that’s why he continues to challenge the United States time after time.”

If the Russians weren't such malignant, belligerent a**holes, they wouldn't have to worry about EU NATO and former satellite states like Poland, Romania, and Czech the Baltic sates, Slovakia ect ect ect running too the front door of EU and NATO .

Her is a thought if every one thinks you are a bunch of malignant, belligerent a**holes and you think you are the the greatest thing since sliced bread and you are the only one that thinks that maybe you need a reality check and just maybe just maybe you are a bunch of malignant, belligerent a**holes and not the greatest thing since sliced bread

The Ukrainians are living all over Ukraine the myth of just Russian live in east Ukraine is a myth and that's all it is.... To day only 17,3% of ethnic Russian live in Ukraine they only are 17,3% of the nation BUT ARE SHOUTING like they was 96%

In the 2001 Ukrainian census, only 17,3% of people identified themselves as ethnic Russians. 17.3% of all the population of Ukraine

Also out of that 17,3% 70% of then live in Crimea and acording too Putin and you that is now part of Russia that gives us only 5% living in what now is Ukraine with out Crimea ... their are now only left 1416705 ethnic Russians and in the land the total population in Ukraine is estimated to be 44,840,743 in 2014

Ukraine Demographics

Ukrainians make up almost 77.8% of the total population, while Russians take the second spot with almost 17% of the population. Other minorities include Bella Russians 0.6%, Bulgarians 0.4%, Hungarians 0.3%, Crimean Tatars 0.5%, while Romanians and Poles both are 0.3% and Jewish residents make up 0.2% of the total population. Other minorities present are 1.8%.

The major language is Ukrainian, spoken by 67% of the population, while the second most common language is Russian, spoken by 24% of the total population. The remaining 9% is comprised of various other languages.
http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/ukraine-population/ (http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/ukraine-population/)

https://archive.org/details/TheUntoldStoryOfWhiteSlaveryOttomanTurksArabAndBarbaryMuslimSlaveTrade (https://archive.org/details/TheUntoldStoryOfWhiteSlaveryOttomanTurksArabAndBarbaryMuslimSlaveTrade)
The Untold Story Of White Slavery ( Ottoman Turks, Arab And Barbary Muslim Slave Trade)

The Ottoman penetration into Europe in the 1350s and their capture of Constantinople later in 1453 opened new floodgates for slave-trade from the European front. In their last attempt to overrun Europe in 1683, the Ottoman army, although defeated, returned from the Gates of Vienna with 80,000 captives.874 An immense number of slaves flowed from the Crimea, the Balkans and the steppes of West Asia to Islamic markets. BD Davis laments that the ‘‘Tartars and other Black Sea peoples had sold millions of Ukrainians, Georgians, Circassians, Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians, Slavs and Turks,’’ which received little notice.875 Crimean Tatars enslaved and sold some 1,750,000 Ukrainians, Poles and Russian between 1468 and 1694. 876 According to another estimate, between 1450 and 1700, the Crimean Tatars exported some 10,000 slaves, including some Circassians, annually—that is, some 2,500,000 slaves in all, to the Ottoman Empire.877 The Tatar slave-raiding Khans returned with 18,000 slaves from Poland (1463), 100,000 from Lvov (1498), 60,000 from South Russia (1515), 50,000–100,000 from Galicia (1516), during the ‘harvesting of the steppe.’ Numbers from Moscow (1521), 800,000 were taken and from Valynia (1676), 400,000 were taken. 800,000 from Moscow (1521), 200,000 from South Russia (1555), 100,000 from Moscow (1571), 50,000 from Poland (1612), 60,000 from South Russia (1646), 100,000 from Poland (1648), 300,000 from Ukraine (1654), 400,000 from Valynia (1676) and thousands from Poland (1694). Besides these major catches, they made countless more Jihad raids during the same period, which yielded a few to tens of thousands of slaves.878 These figures of enslavement must be considered in the context that the population of the Tatar Khanate was only about 400,000 at the time. (1463-1694) while sources are incomplete, conservative tabulation of the slave raids against the Eastern European population indicate that at least 7 Million European people-men, women, children were enslaved by Muslims.

Sources suggest that in the few years between 1436-1442, some 500,000 people were seized in the Balkans. Many of the captives died in forced marches towards Anatolia (Turkey). Contemporary chronicles note that the Ottomans reduced masses of the inhabitants of Greece, Romania, and the Balkans to slavery eg from Moree (1460)-70,000 and Transylvania (1438) - 60,000-70,000 and 300,000-600,000 from Hungary and 10,000 from Mytilene/Mitilini on Lesbos island (1462) (Bulgaru p 567) and so it continued.

Barbary Slavery
Ohio State University history Professor Robert Davis describes the White Slave Trade as minimized by most modern historians in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500–1800 (Palgrave Macmillan). Davis estimates that 1 million to 1.25 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th, by slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli alone (these numbers do not include the European people which were enslaved by Morocco and by other raiders and traders of the Mediterranean Sea coast), 16th- and 17th-century customs statistics suggest that Istanbul's additional slave import from the Black Sea may have totaled around 2.5 million from 1450 to 1700. The markets declined after the loss of the Barbary Wars and finally ended in the 1830s, when the region was conquered by France.

In 1544, the island of Ischia off Naples was ransacked, taking 4,000 inhabitants prisoners, while some 9,000 inhabitants of Lipari Island off the north coast of Sicily were enslaved.870 Turgut Reis, a Turkish pirate chief, ransacked the coastal settlements of Granada (Spain) in 1663 and carried away 4,000 people as slaves.

The barbaric slave-raiding activities of the Muslim pirates had a telling effect on Europe. France, England, and Spain lost thousands of ships, devastating to their sea-borne trade. Long stretches of the coast in Spain and Italy were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants until the nineteenth century. The finishing industry was virtually devastated.

Paul Baepler’s White Slaves, African Masters: An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives lists a collection of essays by nine American captives held in North Africa. According to his book, there were more than 20,000 white Christian slaves by 1620 in Algiers alone; their number swelled to more than 30,000 men and 2,000 women by the 1630s. There were a minimum of 25,000 white slaves at any time in Sultan Moulay Ismail’s palace, records Ahmed ez-Zayyani; Algiers maintained a population of 25,000 white slaves between 1550 and 1730, and their numbers could double at certain times. During the same period, Tunis and Tripoli each maintained a white slave population of about 7,500. The Barbary pirates enslaved some 5,000 Europeans annually over a period of nearly three centuries.

http://uatoday.tv/society/christianization-of-kyivan-rus-as-a-matter-of-contemporary-international-relations-710652.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/christianization-of-kyivan-rus-as-a-matter-of-contemporary-international-relations-710652.html)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars)

https://www.csu.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/231158/Cahill-Flood-poster.pdf (https://www.csu.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/231158/Cahill-Flood-poster.pdf)
black sea flood 6400 BCE ?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sea (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sea)
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8th_millennium_BC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8th_millennium_BC) ancient egypt
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 Rurik, Jaroslav den vise och Djingis Khan
 A number of sword-chapes and other artifacts from Viking Age Scandinavia, and parts of (mostly eastern)
Europe with Scandinavian Viking Age presence, carry a bird of prey ornamentation. A connection with the Ryurikid trident of Kiev Rus, as has been suggested, is questionable. The trident has a Khazar and Turkic tamga origin, and was probably adopted by the Ryurikids as one of many symbols to authorize their rule. Also, what developed to a trident earlier appeared as a bident. Much later, The Golden Horde, conquering the Khazar and Rus lands, used a similar device.

Mot in swedish I can't read :-(

https://archive.org/stream/RurikJaroslavDenViseOchDjingisKhan/Rurik-Meta-2001#page/n1/mode/2up (https://archive.org/stream/RurikJaroslavDenViseOchDjingisKhan/Rurik-Meta-2001#page/n1/mode/2up)
http://www.histark.se/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/META2001_3.pdf (http://www.histark.se/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/META2001_3.pdf)

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/7834/islam-veiled-women (http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/7834/islam-veiled-women)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veil (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veil)
http://www.irfi.org/articles/articles_751_800/turkey_archeologist_claims_islamic_headscarf.htm (http://www.irfi.org/articles/articles_751_800/turkey_archeologist_claims_islamic_headscarf.htm)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muazzez_%C4%B0lmiye_%C3%87%C4%B1%C4%9F (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muazzez_%C4%B0lmiye_%C3%87%C4%B1%C4%9F)

http://en.writersofturkey.net/index.php?title=Muazzez_%C4%B0lmiye_%C3%87%C4%B1%C4%9F (http://en.writersofturkey.net/index.php?title=Muazzez_%C4%B0lmiye_%C3%87%C4%B1%C4%9F)

The Regulation of Sex-Themed Visual Imagery: From Clay Tablets to Tablet ... pg 145

1995: Kur'an, İncil ve Tevrat'ın Sümer'deki Kökeni [The Origins of the Koran, the Bible and the Torah in Sumer]
2005: Bereket Kültü ve Mabet Fahişeliği [Cult of Fertility and Holy Prostitution]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_prostitution (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_prostitution)

http://ukurier.gov.ua/uk/news/u-sofiyi-kiyivskij-vistavleno-bezcinnij-rukopis-zn/ (http://ukurier.gov.ua/uk/news/u-sofiyi-kiyivskij-vistavleno-bezcinnij-rukopis-zn/)
In St. Sophia put priceless manuscript found in the US, with impressions of life in Ukraine XVII century
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fukurier.gov.ua%2Fuk%2Fnews%2Fu-sofiyi-kiyivskij-vistavleno-bezcinnij-rukopis-zn%2F (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fukurier.gov.ua%2Fuk%2Fnews%2Fu-sofiyi-kiyivskij-vistavleno-bezcinnij-rukopis-zn%2F)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triquetra (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triquetra)

http://zp.depo.ua/ukr/zp/na-hortitsi-vikopali-veletnya-z-cholovichimi-ta-zhinochimi-risami-05082016112400 (http://zp.depo.ua/ukr/zp/na-hortitsi-vikopali-veletnya-z-cholovichimi-ta-zhinochimi-risami-05082016112400)
At Khortytsya dug giant with male and female features, Yamna culture.
Almost two-meter giant is a descendant of the ancient Europeans
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fzp.depo.ua%2Fukr%2Fzp%2Fna-hortitsi-vikopali-veletnya-z-cholovichimi-ta-zhinochimi-risami-05082016112400&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fzp.depo.ua%2Fukr%2Fzp%2Fna-hortitsi-vikopali-veletnya-z-cholovichimi-ta-zhinochimi-risami-05082016112400&edit-text=)

http://czeslaw-list.livejournal.com/3263.html (http://czeslaw-list.livejournal.com/3263.html)
Russian Slavs are not genetically the Slavs and irrelevant
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fczeslaw-list.livejournal.com%2F3263.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fczeslaw-list.livejournal.com%2F3263.html&edit-text=)

http://czeslaw-list.livejournal.com/200658.html (http://czeslaw-list.livejournal.com/200658.html)
Uncomfortable topics of Russian history
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fczeslaw-list.livejournal.com%2F200658.html (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fczeslaw-list.livejournal.com%2F200658.html)

http://ar25.org/article/zhovto-blakytnyy-prapor-ukrayiny-u-1848-i-1880-rokah-foto.html (http://ar25.org/article/zhovto-blakytnyy-prapor-ukrayiny-u-1848-i-1880-rokah-foto.html)
Yellow-blue flag of Ukraine in 1848 and 1880 respectively (photo)

https://www.youtube.com/user/kerstmisification (https://www.youtube.com/user/kerstmisification)
http://fakeoff.org/culture/mif-ob-arabskoy-tsivilizatsii (http://fakeoff.org/culture/mif-ob-arabskoy-tsivilizatsii) The Myth of Arab-Muslim civilization https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fculture%2Fmif-ob-arabskoy-tsivilizatsii&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fculture%2Fmif-ob-arabskoy-tsivilizatsii&edit-text=) Science is based on law of cause and effect, and on law contradiction , ISLAM isn't...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_Qpy0mXg8Y (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_Qpy0mXg8Y) Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner
The history of Islam in Europe and how it effects us to this day. This is a history based on numbers and facts that you may not see anywhere else and explains why we may be afraid to see Islam for what it is based on its own doctrine and practice.

http://fakeoff.org/history/mify-tretego-rima-mif-13-nasledniki-ryurika (http://fakeoff.org/history/mify-tretego-rima-mif-13-nasledniki-ryurika)
Myths of the "Third Rome." Myth 13: The heirs of Rurik
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fhistory%2Fmify-tretego-rima-mif-13-nasledniki-ryurika&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffakeoff.org%2Fhistory%2Fmify-tretego-rima-mif-13-nasledniki-ryurika&edit-text=)

http://locklip.com/the-khazars/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=postplanner&utm_source=facebook.com (http://locklip.com/the-khazars/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=postplanner&utm_source=facebook.com)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars)
http://www.khazaria.com/ (http://www.khazaria.com/)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=khazaria&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL682NL682&oq=khazaria&aqs=chrome..69i57.6455j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 (https://www.google.nl/search?q=khazaria&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL682NL682&oq=khazaria&aqs=chrome..69i57.6455j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

http://112.international/society/30000-hasids-to-visit-ukraine-to-celebrate-rosh-hashanah-9148.html (http://112.international/society/30000-hasids-to-visit-ukraine-to-celebrate-rosh-hashanah-9148.html)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasidic_Judaism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasidic_Judaism)
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http://begemot.media/persons/tretya-mirovaya-vojna-uzhe-nachalas/ (http://begemot.media/persons/tretya-mirovaya-vojna-uzhe-nachalas/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op januari 12, 2017, 15:46:22 pm

http://begemot.media/persons/tretya-mirovaya-vojna-uzhe-nachalas/ (http://begemot.media/persons/tretya-mirovaya-vojna-uzhe-nachalas/)
World War III has begun
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbegemot.media%2Fpersons%2Ftretya-mirovaya-vojna-uzhe-nachalas%2F&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbegemot.media%2Fpersons%2Ftretya-mirovaya-vojna-uzhe-nachalas%2F&edit-text=)

http://begemot.media/power/bandera-nash-iisus/ (http://begemot.media/power/bandera-nash-iisus/)
 Bandera - our Jesus, and 4 more myth about Ukrainians
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbegemot.media%2Fpower%2Fbandera-nash-iisus%2F&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbegemot.media%2Fpower%2Fbandera-nash-iisus%2F&edit-text=)
 http://empr.media/culture/history/ruthenians-nation-ukraine-forgotten-historians/ (http://empr.media/culture/history/ruthenians-nation-ukraine-forgotten-historians/)
 http://photo-lviv.in.ua/derzhava-davnih-halychan-abo-tajemnychi-predky/?_utm_source=1-2-2 (http://photo-lviv.in.ua/derzhava-davnih-halychan-abo-tajemnychi-predky/?_utm_source=1-2-2)
State ancient Galician or mysterious ancestors
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fphoto-lviv.in.ua%2Fderzhava-davnih-halychan-abo-tajemnychi-predky%2F%3F_utm_source%3D1-2-2&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fphoto-lviv.in.ua%2Fderzhava-davnih-halychan-abo-tajemnychi-predky%2F%3F_utm_source%3D1-2-2&edit-text=)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I_reparations (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I_reparations)

https://www.google.nl/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZiuNgwRtNMP16FDPsiqhZW8ZZWi2zjfQeAjgSekbrhUEl FwXLPwxhX1-BlTlyKfGAFwuEhIaFDJz0wfoO63rmJb_1PkB_1ysCSEDhuOZr-7AVhNSW_1La9S9umgijwGkB732ZIrvXPZHJssunO4CVcv_1HMjO7hnAJ1TSA3J8ebBTmiK_1Uql5roVGRVSJ3EHnYw8G_1n7S8gQTf58dGjgi0i_1H07Qu1muYWPevCKgtrV2B6EHBDahl5etit-DJmIGXd8645aBN16Du-v_10jX8z0OxHQl1Wk3QV8GXpRGT2hZ_1QuJrsNvkrrpu2epSwaueM5lvEr_1yfYNbQLxitKPfoOVOFdcS7R4xSOvDS8y_1_1YGamTfEGAgNRIV03jFbQb8Vl4VDmXIt7PEuDGTipD6KIB0Egb8PAGXBdZdtF_1AkqncItA4KhyaZb4-YWLjoswCQSs5OJriqXgeAd8zPv_1LvrVreZDB9QqNOC_1tfohjVY5Mtjazd6Biaf1qbX3xL4A7OWjL-MkcWteEuMlZ_1XmONX2m5MLuKNuhOcFT1WXjdLiBH6PrcWok024WeWNAEPc2CcQbDlbpQW3vXRCSrYPypUCePhM2TOZ7_1Bt1176_1JjD-BbqBp_1VvgtyigahWUNy3jhvZysnJoaQTZG3zUFYkxzHcBJcNIx6a1BGfj4qDhNJb1nzs8knR7UUUK0WqCjaA9GZZgJK1VfKobaPluDue6DsBITcz1UGMDaRSsFyEeuF0JIxwLPnz9bh_1cqtgdqUk7P0A_1FaawnVJJoCv6oRAFuHNsvHxYlvdqQxlLvbGACuX5oImQMfZ-VfQA6N8pMxMKqISqCJ9ZG6tYYj35_1CiW24PGn2Z6Zc3g553l12T3Oq4EhEBbWG-LAs9nVqQ2niiSZTVf1S5EdsNmSO1JHfXUo8M9x9tmrwVsp7KlGPbwzyQ81VtIyBZ6-Yhc8ZogTMDY-JPq_15L29hC0c-DXI8vK5NrqByFg1LL4MtdfXp_1T-RaCFkUWVlyGWmbzf2Y86E0Lr7RzlAFqp12TBLWNRxhti-IRfFaitdhVZNaD2i81I78t2M_1gO78vEKkz5s4-Hb0Pq9nsBSHInYrdak7vzYcbO1anlAyKwETntJ1omnN9_1rMIMijKS1cyVH2fN178QcgWGKOHG2vanpQF7Vo52PuXdT5J09rJW5ojt2UMJkNrUABG45T--_1WvKmrECSpFDTX5AvWs1X0_1rjgvWYAg9mki9rGsMi3ibo8wTHns-iJDl2de2w_1DmPW3uX9cuACofYb83mDY2ay3CfZK_1J18Rm9xW5UbfK9BfDnEM3rIg4UlB5PpX084sK5b-Urb8-TyooETfOcK8z1RougO22imMP5oNDUwgVUdoK_1F6E0ALd9WwDamvzXE-Ds3WpWsvjFdCmWtEHzD_1FKfoeqy4zGo3umpOUrgOcM506q4rXXxUHHVV3BEGnNy16skrhypq--YjqqK2LmttWkRF3x7v71l5DHCt0UtJjcSzeEbDTazVFEtxxb2yh2M6VwGux9wLX0ReC-ZNlr_1bBNkYqf3PC5EtoWtYR_1B2PyiSzS5CIjsdDyglY9knAweQ55oN--NGzNzgOJR6Lv4JV8jAcub-r7XG0EE6jDiHsMouqp3IyWjH0sdNAc_1w0Qsnh_1DLlQ (https://www.google.nl/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZiuNgwRtNMP16FDPsiqhZW8ZZWi2zjfQeAjgSekbrhUElFwXLPwxhX1-BlTlyKfGAFwuEhIaFDJz0wfoO63rmJb_1PkB_1ysCSEDhuOZr-7AVhNSW_1La9S9umgijwGkB732ZIrvXPZHJssunO4CVcv_1HMjO7hnAJ1TSA3J8ebBTmiK_1Uql5roVGRVSJ3EHnYw8G_1n7S8gQTf58dGjgi0i_1H07Qu1muYWPevCKgtrV2B6EHBDahl5etit-DJmIGXd8645aBN16Du-v_10jX8z0OxHQl1Wk3QV8GXpRGT2hZ_1QuJrsNvkrrpu2epSwaueM5lvEr_1yfYNbQLxitKPfoOVOFdcS7R4xSOvDS8y_1_1YGamTfEGAgNRIV03jFbQb8Vl4VDmXIt7PEuDGTipD6KIB0Egb8PAGXBdZdtF_1AkqncItA4KhyaZb4-YWLjoswCQSs5OJriqXgeAd8zPv_1LvrVreZDB9QqNOC_1tfohjVY5Mtjazd6Biaf1qbX3xL4A7OWjL-MkcWteEuMlZ_1XmONX2m5MLuKNuhOcFT1WXjdLiBH6PrcWok024WeWNAEPc2CcQbDlbpQW3vXRCSrYPypUCePhM2TOZ7_1Bt1176_1JjD-BbqBp_1VvgtyigahWUNy3jhvZysnJoaQTZG3zUFYkxzHcBJcNIx6a1BGfj4qDhNJb1nzs8knR7UUUK0WqCjaA9GZZgJK1VfKobaPluDue6DsBITcz1UGMDaRSsFyEeuF0JIxwLPnz9bh_1cqtgdqUk7P0A_1FaawnVJJoCv6oRAFuHNsvHxYlvdqQxlLvbGACuX5oImQMfZ-VfQA6N8pMxMKqISqCJ9ZG6tYYj35_1CiW24PGn2Z6Zc3g553l12T3Oq4EhEBbWG-LAs9nVqQ2niiSZTVf1S5EdsNmSO1JHfXUo8M9x9tmrwVsp7KlGPbwzyQ81VtIyBZ6-Yhc8ZogTMDY-JPq_15L29hC0c-DXI8vK5NrqByFg1LL4MtdfXp_1T-RaCFkUWVlyGWmbzf2Y86E0Lr7RzlAFqp12TBLWNRxhti-IRfFaitdhVZNaD2i81I78t2M_1gO78vEKkz5s4-Hb0Pq9nsBSHInYrdak7vzYcbO1anlAyKwETntJ1omnN9_1rMIMijKS1cyVH2fN178QcgWGKOHG2vanpQF7Vo52PuXdT5J09rJW5ojt2UMJkNrUABG45T--_1WvKmrECSpFDTX5AvWs1X0_1rjgvWYAg9mki9rGsMi3ibo8wTHns-iJDl2de2w_1DmPW3uX9cuACofYb83mDY2ay3CfZK_1J18Rm9xW5UbfK9BfDnEM3rIg4UlB5PpX084sK5b-Urb8-TyooETfOcK8z1RougO22imMP5oNDUwgVUdoK_1F6E0ALd9WwDamvzXE-Ds3WpWsvjFdCmWtEHzD_1FKfoeqy4zGo3umpOUrgOcM506q4rXXxUHHVV3BEGnNy16skrhypq--YjqqK2LmttWkRF3x7v71l5DHCt0UtJjcSzeEbDTazVFEtxxb2yh2M6VwGux9wLX0ReC-ZNlr_1bBNkYqf3PC5EtoWtYR_1B2PyiSzS5CIjsdDyglY9knAweQ55oN--NGzNzgOJR6Lv4JV8jAcub-r7XG0EE6jDiHsMouqp3IyWjH0sdNAc_1w0Qsnh_1DLlQ)
ukraine pagan
http://vk.com/club54853794 (http://vk.com/club54853794)   ic slavic zodiac
http://www.zhannabel.com/slavyanskoe-yazyichestvo/ (http://www.zhannabel.com/slavyanskoe-yazyichestvo/)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-Sqm3zGztQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-Sqm3zGztQ) who are the russian, who the slavs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkU9RoJWUNM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkU9RoJWUNM)  2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTFAwKUr2NY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTFAwKUr2NY)  mystery of slavic scivilization
http://www.bogunemil.narod.ru/istochniki.html (http://www.bogunemil.narod.ru/istochniki.html)  history slavs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xPJlSpZcjA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xPJlSpZcjA)  rus decandants rus (ukraine) m "The Round Dance Stories"
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=slavic+history (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=slavic+history)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogHKoZHqQ0U (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogHKoZHqQ0U) Poles and Slavs the Blonde haired Aryans.wmv

http://www.slideshare.net/camiloandressaavedra/text-englishasanindoeuropeanlanguageinhistoryoftheenglishlanguage (http://www.slideshare.net/camiloandressaavedra/text-englishasanindoeuropeanlanguageinhistoryoftheenglishlanguage)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=we+have+celtic,nordic,baltic,+germanic,slavic&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL682NL682&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=675&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-tf-wj4fNAhVLtBQKHX0kBe8Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=65dla1qf5Isx6M%3A (https://www.google.nl/search?q=we+have+celtic,nordic,baltic,+germanic,slavic&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL682NL682&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=675&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-tf-wj4fNAhVLtBQKHX0kBe8Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=65dla1qf5Isx6M%3A)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=we+have+celtic,nordic,baltic,+germanic,slavic&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL682NL682&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=675&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-tf-wj4fNAhVLtBQKHX0kBe8Q_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=celtic%2Cnordic%2Cbaltic%2C+germanic%2Cslavic (https://www.google.nl/search?q=we+have+celtic,nordic,baltic,+germanic,slavic&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL682NL682&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=675&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-tf-wj4fNAhVLtBQKHX0kBe8Q_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=celtic%2Cnordic%2Cbaltic%2C+germanic%2Cslavic)

http://www.naturalhealingmagazine.com/kind-woman-according-month-born/ (http://www.naturalhealingmagazine.com/kind-woman-according-month-born/)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanamara_Matsuri (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanamara_Matsuri)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPOfurmrjxo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPOfurmrjxo) george carlin on religion

zeitgeist ukrainian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LoLqHo8ZEk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LoLqHo8ZEk)

http://www.anthrogenica.com/showthread.php?941-Z18-Z381-and-L48-in-Flanders-New-Paper (http://www.anthrogenica.com/showthread.php?941-Z18-Z381-and-L48-in-Flanders-New-Paper)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=Z381+subclade&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL647NL647&oq=Z381+subclade&aqs=chrome..69i57.5423j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8 (https://www.google.nl/search?q=Z381+subclade&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL647NL647&oq=Z381+subclade&aqs=chrome..69i57.5423j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8)

https://www.google.nl/search?q=Z381+subclade&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL647NL647&oq=Z381+subclade&aqs=chrome..69i57.5423j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8#q=Z156+subclade (https://www.google.nl/search?q=Z381+subclade&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL647NL647&oq=Z381+subclade&aqs=chrome..69i57.5423j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8#q=Z156+subclade)

http://www.anthrogenica.com/showthread.php?1314-Z156 (http://www.anthrogenica.com/showthread.php?1314-Z156)*-(U106-gt-Z381-gt-Z156)-Z156-Z305

http://coadcoode.blogspot.nl/2014/10/picture-of-western-r1b-starting-to.html (http://coadcoode.blogspot.nl/2014/10/picture-of-western-r1b-starting-to.html)
http://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_R1a_Y-DNA.shtml#Slavic (http://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_R1a_Y-DNA.shtml#Slavic)

https://www.createspace.com/5528598 (https://www.createspace.com/5528598) rh pos a  https://www.facebook.com/marijana.simic.5074/posts/176630229336515 (https://www.facebook.com/marijana.simic.5074/posts/176630229336515)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rh_blood_group_system (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rh_blood_group_system)  no less african/asian neanderthal?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_type (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_type)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanamara_Matsuri (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanamara_Matsuri)

https://ateistcanavar.wordpress.com/2016/06/05/heres-what-prophet-muhammad-did-that-muslims-dont-want-you-to-know/ (https://ateistcanavar.wordpress.com/2016/06/05/heres-what-prophet-muhammad-did-that-muslims-dont-want-you-to-know/)
https://ateistcanavar.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/the-biggest-holocaust-in-world-history/ (https://ateistcanavar.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/the-biggest-holocaust-in-world-history/)

https://ateistcanavar.wordpress.com/2012/11/16/who-wrote-the-quran/ (https://ateistcanavar.wordpress.com/2012/11/16/who-wrote-the-quran/)

http://www.exposeisrael.ml/2015/10/video-jewish-settlers-in-east-jerusalem.html (http://www.exposeisrael.ml/2015/10/video-jewish-settlers-in-east-jerusalem.html)


https://www.facebook.com/cees.boogaart.7/posts/1162840207067494?comment_id=1163428717008643&ref=notif&notif_t=feed_comment&notif_id=1462289345411691 (https://www.facebook.com/cees.boogaart.7/posts/1162840207067494?comment_id=1163428717008643&ref=notif&notif_t=feed_comment&notif_id=1462289345411691)

https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Jeremias%2C+Alfred%2C+1864-1935%22 (https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Jeremias%2C+Alfred%2C+1864-1935%22)
https://lunaticoutpost.com/post-6853245.html (https://lunaticoutpost.com/post-6853245.html)
Muazzez_İlmiye_Çığ besloten groep aangemeld

https://www.facebook.com/moederkevanx/posts/1417112471649334 (https://www.facebook.com/moederkevanx/posts/1417112471649334)
De wet mag dan spreken van gelijk ouderschap, maar dat is niet feitelijk en niet wetenschappelijk zo. voor n man is t maken van een kind in een "wip" gebeurd, een vrouw is er met medeneming van die ENE zaadcel plm. 9 maanden mee bezig. Dus het moederschap  geeft al veel meer werk dan de verwekker doet. Reken dat maar even uit in vrouwuren versus manuren (nou ja minuten dan) . DAARBIJ die ene zaadcel, daarvan zitten er tussen 20 en 50 miljoen in een mililiter/MILLIGRAM sperma plm.. Dus afgezien van t "werk", draagt de man 1/20 tot 1/50 miljoenste milligram bij, terwijl de moeder in die plm. 9 maanden er een baby van maakt van gemiddeld 3500 GRAM. Als je dat effe uitrekent  dan zie je dat de man als zijn bijdrage kan rekenen  van iets van 0,00000005 miligram (laatste cijfer een 2 als t 1/50 miljoenste is) en de bijdrage van de vrouw/moeder die t kind met meeneming van die ene zaadcel met en in/uit haar lichaam die baby maakt van  3500000 miligram (3500 gram) , uitgaande van 1/20 miljoenste is dat 1/70 miljardste deel van een baby, bij 1/50 miljoenste is dat 1/175 miljardste deel, dus hoezo gelijk ouderschap????  Dus een stukje haar van cm of stukje vingernagel, of huidschilfer  is dan waar de verwekker  "recht" op heeft.   Tenzij hij echte vaderschaps dingen heeft gedaan, zoals de moeder ondersteunen, niet enkel financieel, maar dagelijks. Zoals ik een aanstaande vader vertelde voor 'n kind tot minimaal 6 jaar moet een  vader maar 2 dingen doen 1. veel van mama houden 2. veel centjes verdienen - voor mama natuurlijk en ja zoals ik RvdK ook zelf verteld heb, Justitie en alles wat daaraan hangt zijn de grootste misdadige organisatie van Nederland. 

0,00000005=1/20 miljoenste 70 miljardste
0,00000002-1/50 miljoenste 175 miljardste
3500000 =3500 gram

De grondvorm van de mens is de vrouw, daarom zijn alle foetussen de eerste weken VROUWELIJK, mannen hebben ook tepels b.v. dus dat er vanaf 833.000BCE al moedergodin beelden te vinden zijn is zo gek nog niet, toen aanbaden ze de natuur, afstammelingen, en de zon en vrouw/moeder als levensbrengers. Is pas fout gegaan met de religieuze patriarchie ong. 5500/3500 BCE met hun mangoden, en toen kwam ook sexueel en huiselijk geweld en OORLOG, van voor die tijd zijn geen oorlogsresten te vinden, enkel van rampen...https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4ronrg/iamnotafraidtosayit_ukrainian_social_media_users (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4ronrg/iamnotafraidtosayit_ukrainian_social_media_users)

Fraud/corruption can be considered financial terrorism, and could best be dealt with in ANY country by including that in a terrorism paragraph in constitution(no lengthy costly courtcase is needed when caught redhanded) which states that extra nationalities (that of  country) will be void - that all present assets also future assets(pensions) will be seized - that their job is lost- that they NEVER can be employed in a public service , not even in a commission - that their name is published in public access database with all data - dat their citizens rights like voting ) are withdrawn..for violent terrorism in that paragraph there should be added additional rules.

The god(dess) doesn't need religion, only people do.
Oldest mothergoddess figurine is 833.000 years old and was worshipped together with sun as creators of life until 55003500 BCE (yes even in Middle East a.o. Palestine/Canaan) untill religious patriarchy brought us (up till now) 45.000 religions and sects (of which 38.000 christian btw rofl ol) , sexual-domestic violence and WAR ...#iamnotafraidtosayit (even if  I am a man)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/goddess-ninkharsag-ancient-powerful-mother-who-faded-holy-ghost-002809 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/goddess-ninkharsag-ancient-powerful-mother-who-faded-holy-ghost-002809)
http://www.ancient-origins.net/forum/ogdoad-egyptian-creation-myth-006643 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/forum/ogdoad-egyptian-creation-myth-006643)

Mother Goddess: The origin of religion and the earliest forms of religious worship
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICkmw1iYW2Q (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICkmw1iYW2Q)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th0gEh1xpjg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th0gEh1xpjg) goddess timeline

The Age of the Great Goddess: Ancient Roots of the Emerging Feminine Consciousness - Side A
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th0gEh1xpjg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th0gEh1xpjg)

The astronomical /astrological base for all religious worship
https://archive.org/details/originallreligi00dupugoog (https://archive.org/details/originallreligi00dupugoog) The Origin of Religious Worship
https://archive.org/details/sunsplaceinnatur00lockuoft (https://archive.org/details/sunsplaceinnatur00lockuoft)
https://archive.org/details/stonehengeandot00lockgoog (https://archive.org/details/stonehengeandot00lockgoog) zie
https://archive.org/stream/dawnastronomyas00lockgoog#page/n6/mode/2up (https://archive.org/stream/dawnastronomyas00lockgoog#page/n6/mode/2up)
permalinkopslaanbewerkenschakel inboxantwoorden uitverwijderenspamverwijderenonderscheidenreagere n

http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-16310966.html (http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-16310966.html) Eva is the Primal Sex As nature boys and girls designed https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiegel.de%2Fspiegel%2Fprint%2Fd-16310966.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiegel.de%2Fspiegel%2Fprint%2Fd-16310966.html&edit-text=)
http://www.dailysabah.com/history/2016/09/13/neolithic-figurine-over-7000-years-old-unearthed-at-turkeys-catalhoyuk (http://www.dailysabah.com/history/2016/09/13/neolithic-figurine-over-7000-years-old-unearthed-at-turkeys-catalhoyuk)

http://eden-saga.com/en/sumer-mythology-enki-enlil-atrahasis-arch-a-sumerian-noah.html (http://eden-saga.com/en/sumer-mythology-enki-enlil-atrahasis-arch-a-sumerian-noah.html)

We are all part of Mother God - Mother Universe - mother SUN - mother Earth - mother Nature  and if your woman , you're even  more (then men) , that why its called  wo -man and fe-male... :-)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_deity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_deity)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_Goddess_(Neopaganism) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_Goddess_(Neopaganism))
http://amazingdiscoveries.org/S-deception_Petra_Edomites_ruin (http://amazingdiscoveries.org/S-deception_Petra_Edomites_ruin)
http://www.sabbathcovenant.com/doctrine/pagan_trinities.htm (http://www.sabbathcovenant.com/doctrine/pagan_trinities.htm)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Nj25qJw0iQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Nj25qJw0iQ) islam pre-islamic god baal, son of astarte wife of jaweh

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql2yz7XDs2A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql2yz7XDs2A) belief man-made

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdOub4jx8p4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdOub4jx8p4) Who wrote the Quran? Abdullah ibn Sarh

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfdID6m1RE0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfdID6m1RE0) 1/3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_PtTXEBPFU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_PtTXEBPFU) historical begin of islam 2/3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FemIJS6x5q4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FemIJS6x5q4) cpl
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=islam%2C+the+untold+story (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=islam%2C+the+untold+story) 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzKk0L6H1ms (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzKk0L6H1ms)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg8n5oGYECE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg8n5oGYECE) better sound

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfdID6m1RE0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfdID6m1RE0)
isa in quaran

http://wife-from-ukraine.com/profile/id100256 (http://wife-from-ukraine.com/profile/id100256)


http://www.dailysabah.com/history/2016/09/13/neolithic-figurine-over-7000-years-old-unearthed-at-turkeys-catalhoyuk (http://www.dailysabah.com/history/2016/09/13/neolithic-figurine-over-7000-years-old-unearthed-at-turkeys-catalhoyuk)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/unique-5000-year-old-tomb-ukraine-brought-light-digital-reconstruction-020991 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/unique-5000-year-old-tomb-ukraine-brought-light-digital-reconstruction-020991)
http://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-ancient-writings/precious-knowledge-hypatian-codex-detailed-chronicle-southern-rus-003829?nopaging=1 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-ancient-writings/precious-knowledge-hypatian-codex-detailed-chronicle-southern-rus-003829?nopaging=1)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/another-venus-rare-neolithic-female-figurine-discovered-turkey-006663 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/another-venus-rare-neolithic-female-figurine-discovered-turkey-006663)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/rare-and-enigmatic-zbruch-idol-4-headed-slavic-god-pulled-river-003794?nopaging=1 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/rare-and-enigmatic-zbruch-idol-4-headed-slavic-god-pulled-river-003794?nopaging=1)

http://thespiritscience.net/2016/09/02/your-astrological-sign-has-shifted-nasa-updated-the-zodiac-signs-for-the-first-time-in-2000-years/ (http://thespiritscience.net/2016/09/02/your-astrological-sign-has-shifted-nasa-updated-the-zodiac-signs-for-the-first-time-in-2000-years/)
http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/01/13/no-your-zodiac-sign-hasnt-changed/ (http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/01/13/no-your-zodiac-sign-hasnt-changed/)

The ancient  used starsigns to calculate the seasons and months, just read the 19th century book dawn of astronomy. Since the dawn of mankind different months/weeks and years were used, (there were 5 and evenen 10 day week(egypt had 3 months of 10 days and 5 feastdays at end of year, and their year started not at January 1 but with flood of Nile, the in fact saw just 3 seasons) the starsigns we have now were described in sumer, and akkadians, babyloniers, egyptian despite several 1000's years in between used those.

http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/white-skin-developed-europe-only-recently-8000-years-020287 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/white-skin-developed-europe-only-recently-8000-years-020287)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Slavs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_Slavs)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavic_mythology (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavic_mythology)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European_religion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European_religion)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Turkish_people (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Turkish_people)

Grand Princes of Kiev

According to the descendant testing listed at the Russian Nobility DNA Project at FTDNA, the branch of the Rurik dynasty
 descended from Vladimir II Monomakh (Monomakhoviches) belong to Y-DNA haplogroup N1c1, while the branch descended
 from his presumed paternal cousin Oleg I of Chernigov (Olgoviches) belonged to R1a1a.
 The Y-DNA from the Proto-Rurikid branches is N1c1 and matches
 the distinctive haplotype of the Monomakhoviches. Furthermore,
 this N1c1 haplotype
 possess the distinctive value DYS390=23, found in Scandinavia
 but not in Uralic populations, confirming that this was indeed the
 original haplotype of the Varangian prince Rurik (c. 830-c. 879)
 who established the Kievan Rus'.

The N1c1 Monomakhoviches include:

Vladimir II Monomakh (1053-1125)
Mstislav I of Kiev (1076-1132)
Yaropolk II of Kiev (1082-1139)
Viacheslav I of Kiev (1083-1154)
Yuri Dolgorukiy (c. 1090-1157)
Iziaslav II of Kiev (c. 1097-1154)
Rostislav I of Kiev (c. 1110–1167)
Yaroslav II of Kiev (c. 1132-1180)
Roman the Great (c. 1152-1205) => Z1a (mtDNA)
Rurik Rostislavich (?–1215)
Ingvar of Kiev (c. 1152-1220)
Mstislav III of Kiev (died 1223)
Rostislav II of Kiev (1173-1214)
Vladimir IV Rurikovich (1187-1239)
Daniel of Galicia (c. 1201-1264)
Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263)
Lev I of Galicia (c. 1228-c. 1301)
Yaroslav of Tver (1230–1271)
Yuri I of Galicia (1252-1308), King of Galicia-Volhynia (or King of Rus')
Andrew of Galicia (?-1323), King of Galicia-Volhynia
Lev II of Galicia (?-1323), King of Galicia-Volhynia

http://www.eupedia.com/forum/threads/25236-Haplogroups-of-European-kings-and-queens (http://www.eupedia.com/forum/threads/25236-Haplogroups-of-European-kings-and-queens)
https://www.familytreedna.com/public/RussianNobilityDNA/default.aspx?section=yresults (https://www.familytreedna.com/public/RussianNobilityDNA/default.aspx?section=yresults)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op januari 12, 2017, 16:40:01 pm

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2105714/Secret-14million-Bible-Jesus-predicts-coming-Prophet-Muhammad-unearthed-Turkey.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2105714/Secret-14million-Bible-Jesus-predicts-coming-Prophet-Muhammad-unearthed-Turkey.html)
http://www.latintimes.com/1500-year-old-bible-discovered-turkey-indicates-jesus-christ-was-not-crucified-171471 (http://www.latintimes.com/1500-year-old-bible-discovered-turkey-indicates-jesus-christ-was-not-crucified-171471)
https://cont.ws/post/433393?_utl_t=fb (https://cont.ws/post/433393?_utl_t=fb)
http://taynikrus.ru/gipotezy/bibliya-kotoroj-1500-let-utverzhdaet-chto-xrista-ne-raspyali/ (http://taynikrus.ru/gipotezy/bibliya-kotoroj-1500-let-utverzhdaet-chto-xrista-ne-raspyali/)
http://www.latintimes.com/vatican-newspaper-calls-1500-year-old-bible-claim-jesus-was-not-crucified-probable-forgery-171831?utm_source=internal&utm_campaign=incontent&utm_medium=related2 (http://www.latintimes.com/vatican-newspaper-calls-1500-year-old-bible-claim-jesus-was-not-crucified-probable-forgery-171831?utm_source=internal&utm_campaign=incontent&utm_medium=related2)

http://uatoday.tv/society/clayware-and-tiles-zhytomyr-reveals-ancient-secrets-813713.html (http://uatoday.tv/society/clayware-and-tiles-zhytomyr-reveals-ancient-secrets-813713.html)

Belarus man creates astonishing time-lapse video about Ukraine | Ukraine and Belarus were Kyvian Rus - My family before becoming dutch were Vikings , Belarus (Corded Ware) and Ukraine(Yamna culture)
http://www.unian.info/society/1656062-belarus-man-creates-astonishing-time-lapse-video-about-ukraine.html (http://www.unian.info/society/1656062-belarus-man-creates-astonishing-time-lapse-video-about-ukraine.html)
http://talpykla.istorija.lt/bitstream/handle/99999/2411/LA_19_167-174.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (http://talpykla.istorija.lt/bitstream/handle/99999/2411/LA_19_167-174.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y)

http://www.jotunheim.narod.ru/proposal.htm (http://www.jotunheim.narod.ru/proposal.htm)
http://jotunheim.narod.ru/_main.html (http://jotunheim.narod.ru/_main.html)

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261710934_Corded_ware_Fatjanovo_and_Abashevo_culture_sites_on_the_flood-plain_of_the_Moskva_River (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261710934_Corded_ware_Fatjanovo_and_Abashevo_culture_sites_on_the_flood-plain_of_the_Moskva_River)

During Stalin's reign these people were shot or sent to prison, perhaps even a familymember of you? (russian)
http://lists.memo.ru/ (http://lists.memo.ru/)

https://theculturetrip.com/asia/india/articles/the-10-oldest-languages-still-spoken-in-the-world-today/ (https://theculturetrip.com/asia/india/articles/the-10-oldest-languages-still-spoken-in-the-world-today/)

roesj warganing+ukraine
http://users.skynet.be/oekraiense.kerk/Oekraiense_kerk/Belgie_nl.htm (http://users.skynet.be/oekraiense.kerk/Oekraiense_kerk/Belgie_nl.htm)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=wargang%2Bukraine&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL682NL682&oq=wargang%2Bukraine&aqs=chrome..69i57.15575j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 (https://www.google.nl/search?q=wargang%2Bukraine&rlz=1C1AVNG_enNL682NL682&oq=wargang%2Bukraine&aqs=chrome..69i57.15575j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
http://www.lucascleophas.nl/?paged=50 (http://www.lucascleophas.nl/?paged=50)

http://www.womenundersiegeproject.org/blog/entry/all-enveloping-silence-persists-around-rape-in-ukraine-conflict (http://www.womenundersiegeproject.org/blog/entry/all-enveloping-silence-persists-around-rape-in-ukraine-conflict)

A History of Women in Russia: From Earliest Times to the Present
https://books.google.nl/books?id=xa2yCC2apZAC&pg=PA247&lpg=PA247&dq=wargang%2Bukraine&source=bl&ots=OVlnVVrIsa&sig=cs0ba6bAqnWummLvh3BhCfkyggA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiVkZyvod_QAhXIcBoKHY0QDuYQ6AEIIzAB#v=onepage&q=wargang%2Bukraine&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=xa2yCC2apZAC&pg=PA247&lpg=PA247&dq=wargang%2Bukraine&source=bl&ots=OVlnVVrIsa&sig=cs0ba6bAqnWummLvh3BhCfkyggA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiVkZyvod_QAhXIcBoKHY0QDuYQ6AEIIzAB#v=onepage&q=wargang%2Bukraine&f=false)

http://www.timesofisrael.com/thousands-of-slaves-in-israel-global-study-finds/ (http://www.timesofisrael.com/thousands-of-slaves-in-israel-global-study-finds/)
https://scontent-amt2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15350618_1276577545697178_4516385356777837457_n.jpg?oh=06f1050d13345412400eec6f11160e23&oe=58B54443 (https://scontent-amt2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15350618_1276577545697178_4516385356777837457_n.jpg?oh=06f1050d13345412400eec6f11160e23&oe=58B54443)

http://www.mysearch.org.uk/website1/pdf/715.2.pdf (http://www.mysearch.org.uk/website1/pdf/715.2.pdf)
Here's the link to George Friedman's book "The Next 100 Years" written in 2006-2007 and published in 2008. The first decade has gone almost exactly as he envisioned. http://www.mysearch.org.uk/web... (http://www.mysearch.org.uk/web...)
According to Friedman, RuSSia will totally collapse in the 2020s and be divided between Japan, Poland and Turkey (pp. 136 and 160).

http://uatoday.tv/entertainment/ukrainian-ancient-settlements-among-the-largest-cities-of-the-world-820933.html (http://uatoday.tv/entertainment/ukrainian-ancient-settlements-among-the-largest-cities-of-the-world-820933.html)
http://uatoday.tv/entertainment/ukraine-s-ancient-map-appears-online-644247.html (http://uatoday.tv/entertainment/ukraine-s-ancient-map-appears-online-644247.html)
https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/dec/06/world-largest-cities-mapped-through-history-data-viz (https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/dec/06/world-largest-cities-mapped-through-history-data-viz)

http://uatoday.tv/entertainment/ukrainian-ancient-settlements-among-the-largest-cities-of-the-world-820933.html (http://uatoday.tv/entertainment/ukrainian-ancient-settlements-among-the-largest-cities-of-the-world-820933.html)

http://uatoday.tv/entertainment/ukraine-s-ancient-map-appears-online-644247.html (http://uatoday.tv/entertainment/ukraine-s-ancient-map-appears-online-644247.html)
https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/dec/06/world-largest-cities-mapped-through-history-data-v (https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/dec/06/world-largest-cities-mapped-through-history-data-v)

https://disqus.com/home/discussion/uatodaytv/forgotten_security_guarantee_ukraine_slams_russia_for_violating_budapest_memorandum/#comment-3044847445 (https://disqus.com/home/discussion/uatodaytv/forgotten_security_guarantee_ukraine_slams_russia_for_violating_budapest_memorandum/#comment-3044847445)
http://www.geographia.com/russia/rushis02.htm (http://www.geographia.com/russia/rushis02.htm)
http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=ac14 (http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=ac14)

possibly they think/say they are not to blame cause everyone know russia is no country, in 1721 ruler peter renamed Muscovy to russia...which was just stolen name and history from Ukraine.  Even most russian historians, not paid by Kremlin that is, say Muscovy/"russia"-RF is in fact just north Ukraine.
Since big pretender Putin came into power they keep trying to rewrite history, even on Wikipedia.
Bad luck for them I collect paper encylopedia's in dutch and english, and past history can't be rewritten... let's start our own hybrid war on those big pretender Muscovites on Wikipedia to correct their many rewrites: to begin with: the Tsardom of Russia 1547 IvanIV which NEVER excisted, cause in 1721 Peter renamed MUSCOVY to russia.
http://gumilevica.kulichki.net/VGV/index.html(russian) (http://gumilevica.kulichki.net/VGV/index.html(russian)) http://gumilevica.kulichki.net/VGV/vgv5.htm (http://gumilevica.kulichki.net/VGV/vgv5.htm) muscovy(russian) from last III
Ivan IV was crowned king in the Assumption Cathedral 16 January 1547 coronation ritual was similar to what took place at the coronation of the grandson of Ivan III Dmitry in 1496 were, however, some differences. Although the term "kingdom" was frequently mentioned during the coronation of Dmitry, he was crowned the Grand Duke. Ivan IV was formally crowned king of Metropolitan Macarius. ........  (of muscovy)[65]
so NOT tsar...or tsardom in 1547

Ancient Russia is rewrite by "russians" of Ukraine history:

In 12th century the land is first mentioned as Ukraine. Russia does not exist http://empr.media/culture/history/first-mentioned-ukraine-russia-not-exists/ (http://empr.media/culture/history/first-mentioned-ukraine-russia-not-exists/)
Arabs knew Ukraine as RUSS and called Black Sea Russ Sea around year 1000.

The Grand Duchy of Moscow, is not changed to the Tsardom of Russia by Tsar Ivan IV in 1547. https://books.google.nl/books?id=eD5AkdM83iIC&pg=PA241&lpg=PA241&dq=peter+the+great+1721+renaming+muscovy+to+russia&source=bl&ots=lQ40ZlFkR0&sig=15m-TkIa_JeGc6fKg5MsPudvcuY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi10bfLxdvQAhUEtBoKHYH4DTsQ6AEIKTAC#v=onepage&q=peter%20the%20great%201721%20renaming%20muscovy%20to%20russia&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=eD5AkdM83iIC&pg=PA241&lpg=PA241&dq=peter+the+great+1721+renaming+muscovy+to+russia&source=bl&ots=lQ40ZlFkR0&sig=15m-TkIa_JeGc6fKg5MsPudvcuY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi10bfLxdvQAhUEtBoKHYH4DTsQ6AEIKTAC#v=onepage&q=peter%20the%20great%201721%20renaming%20muscovy%20to%20russia&f=false)
was renamed not from muscovy to tsardom of russia in 1547 but was done in 1721 and renamed THEN from muscovy to russia.
(also russian trolls try to rewrite Wikipedia)
The name of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Moscow (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Moscow) Grand Duchy of Moscow , changed for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia) Russia by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_the_Great (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_the_Great) Tsar Peter I in the early 18th century. The goal of this change was to establish a connection between Muscovy and medieval state of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus%27 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus%27) Kievan Rus' , thus claiming the right of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow) Moscow to possess all the lands of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rus) Rus' . Muscovy was officially renamed by Russian imperial decree in 1721. The ethnonym https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian) "Russian" was fixed later - only at the end of the century, when https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_the_Great (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_the_Great) Empress Catherine II of "the highest command" Moscow ordered the people called https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russians) "Russian people" and forbade them to use the title of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscovites (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscovites) "Muscovites".

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSn_0tBD_lE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSn_0tBD_lE) history channel ivan the terrible no mention of tsardom Ivan Moscow, it is just called Muscovy & Muscovites
Map of Poland and Hungary by Sebastian Munster, 1550. The map shows “Russia” for Ukraine, “Russia Alba” for Belarus, while the Moscow Princedom is called “Moscovia.” (karty.by) http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_Poloniae-Et-Ungariae-Nova-Descriptio1550.jpg (http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_Poloniae-Et-Ungariae-Nova-Descriptio1550.jpg) http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_1552_basel_Nouvelle-description-de-Poloigne-Hongri.jpg (http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_1552_basel_Nouvelle-description-de-Poloigne-Hongri.jpg) color
1723 Ukraine and Moscovia on same map http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/x-moskovie_1723.jpg (http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/x-moskovie_1723.jpg) Polish & russian Ukraine and Moskovia 1723 http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/moskovai.Herman-Moll-1723.jpg (http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/moskovai.Herman-Moll-1723.jpg)
http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/)

Btw while there was Muscovy, there never was, is , and will be a country named "russia"

http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/4076 (http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/4076) Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616 Title The Discovery of Muscovy Language English LoC Class DK: History: General and Eastern Hemisphere: Russia, Former Soviet Republics, Poland Subject Willoughby, Hugh, Sir, d. 1554 Subject Chancellor, Richard, d. 1556

http://vgolos.com.ua/articles/rosiya_znykne_todi_koly_my_monopolizuiemo_istoriyu_kyivskoi_rusi_223333.html (http://vgolos.com.ua/articles/rosiya_znykne_todi_koly_my_monopolizuiemo_istoriyu_kyivskoi_rusi_223333.html) Name Russia will disappear when Ukraine monopolizes history of Kyvian Rus, then it will be again Muscovy...rofl ol

Russia is NO country, it's offical name is Russian Federation (RF) a unvoluntary federation of 85 parts of which Muscovy/Moscow is the parasite.

https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://vgolos.com.ua/articles/rosiya_znykne_todi_koly_my_monopolizuiemo_istoriyu_kyivskoi_rusi_223333.html&usg=ALkJrhgY67mi8WCvMVnViPcR9p_LC6gcvA (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://vgolos.com.ua/articles/rosiya_znykne_todi_koly_my_monopolizuiemo_istoriyu_kyivskoi_rusi_223333.html&usg=ALkJrhgY67mi8WCvMVnViPcR9p_LC6gcvA)
http://gumilevica.kulichki.net/VGV/index.html(russian) (http://gumilevica.kulichki.net/VGV/index.html(russian)) http://gumilevica.kulichki.net/VGV/vgv5.htm (http://gumilevica.kulichki.net/VGV/vgv5.htm) muscovy(russian) from last III
Ivan IV was crowned king in the Assumption Cathedral 16 January 1547 coronation ritual was similar to what took place at the coronation of the grandson of Ivan III Dmitry in 1496 were, however, some differences. Although the term "kingdom" was frequently mentioned during the coronation of Dmitry, he was crowned the Grand Duke. Ivan IV was formally crowned king of Metropolitan Macarius. Moreover, the cross and the royal decoration on the head and shoulders of Ivan is now perceived as the ones that were supposedly sent by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Monomakh Kievan prince Vladimir Monomakh at the beginning of the XII century. [65]

rob hansen
Russian history clearly shows Ukraine to be part of Russia, RUSSIAN HISTORY IS BASED A FALSIFICATION KNOWN AS THE CATHERINE CORICALS !!!

How can Ukriane be a part of any Russia if Russia did not be a reality you dimwit .... Moscow was to before after 1300 Ukriane and kyiv is from the 890 over 300 years before any moscow... Also Russia was not even a nation before Peter give it brith it in 1721 .. before that is was city state called moscow and that came into the world only 1300 .. So if Kyiv and Ukriane was in 890 you to the math !!



Peter did this after Treaty of Frederiksborg (1720), and the Russo-Swedish Treaty of Nystad (1721) and after the battle of Poltava...That is when Russia became Russia.. Another thing is what we today call Russians are not Russians as they are not Slavic like Ukrainians or Polish people read on to get the facts,,,,,,


But first lets take a look at USA ..... The United States as a nation began with the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 - as well as a century and a half earlier, when a group of English Puritans landed on Plymouth Rock in 1620.

All nations have a story to tell how they came into being. Some are rooted in ancient history while others, including numerous new nations that arose on the ruins of European colonial expansion, tie their emergence to more recent events. But whether mythical or historical, those origins are always connected to the land those nations inhabit.

Not so Russia. It may be the only major nation to locate its origins in a foreign country. Every Russian school kid learns that his country’s history began on the banks of the Dnipro, in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.

It is as if Americans had decided to trace their history back in the time of William the Conqueror in 1066, War of the Roses or Edward The Confessor ha ha ha ha ....

This may seem like a minor thing, but it explains a great deal in the average Russian’s attitude toward Ukrainians. If Russia is a direct descendant of historic Kyivan Rus, how can another nation equally trace its origins to it - a nation, moreover, still occupying the same territory?

Vladimir Putin recently declared that Ukrainians and Russians are “one folk” - meaning, of course, that Ukrainians are Russian. An extraordinary number of his countrymen share this belief. Imagine a prime minister of the United Kingdom insisting that Americans are not a nation but merely Brits with funny accents. But it is even more ridiculous than that: it’s as though the Italian president would lay claim on Spain - or one of Spain’s former colonies in Latin America - asserting that the Spanish language is a bastardized form of Italian.

Russia’s attitude to Ukraine and things Ukrainian reflects deeply ingrained imperial complexes, revealing that, while the Soviet Empire collapsed in 1991, the Russian Empire still lingers in the minds of the citizens of the Russian Federation. And, one of the strangest things this past year has been the number people with Ukrainian surnames, many of them also born in Ukraine but now living in Russia, who spew hatred for their native land.

What we know today to be Russians are nothing more than Finnish nomadic tribes that assimilated with the Mongolian horde in the 1200 They are not Slavic people like Ukrainians or Polish people even if they claim to be, and therefore have no real claim to Slavic lands or history .. But descendants from finish nomadic tribes that assimilated with the Mongolian.

The Russians brainwashed just continue to brainwash everyone, when they assert that Kyivan Rus was the cradle of three sibling nations – Russians, Ukrainians and Belarus; and that because the Russians are “older brothers”, they have the right to the legacy of Kyivan Rus. To this day, Russian historians and officials make use of this woeful lie, which is repeated by Putin in his propaganda today .

Here are the facts:

At the time of the Kyivan Empire there was no mention of a Moscow nation in history Russia was not a part of history before 1721 when it was proclaimed be peter the grate It is well known that Moscow was created in 1277 as a subservient vassal region or â€ulus’ to the Golden Horde, established by the Khan Mengu-Timur. By that time, Ukrainians city of Kiev and the Ukrainians peoples the Kyivan Rus had existed for more than 300 years.

There are no indications of any connection of Ukrainians peoples the Kyivan Rus with the Finnish ethnic groups in the land of â€Moksel’ what today we know as Russia or the later of the Moscow principality with the Principality of Kyivan Rus up until the XVI century. At the time when the Ukrainians peoples (Kyivan Rus ) had officially accepted Christianity, the Finn tribes in â€Moksel’ today's Russia was still was living in a semi-primitive nomadic state.

How can anyone speak of â€an older brother’ when that â€older brother’ did not first appear until centuries after Rus-Ukrainians? He has no moral right to call himself an â€older brother’, nor to dictate how people are to live, nor to force his culture, language, and world views.

http://www.euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/ (http://www.euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/)

Russians er nothing more then confused Mongolians that must have some sort of dimwit Syndrome thinking they are from Ukrainian Kiev Russ and Slavic background..

The DNA study of today's so called Russians shows that the historical facts are that Russians are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendants and NOT Slavic like Ukrainians and polish people ...

The DNA evidence proves that Russians with out a doubt are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendants ..

Mongolian blood in Russians see link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=10&v=VmiYqpT0zrE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=10&v=VmiYqpT0zrE)

THE R1a explanation for dummy's Russians have is R1a-Z93 and is the main Asian branch of R1a.

Western and Northern European and also western Ukrainians have R1a -Z284 falls under the root R1a1a1* (M417), So this proves Russians are Asian NOT Europeans..

Russians er nothing more then Mongolians with Down Syndrome thinking they are from Kiev Russ and Slavic background when the DNA study of today's so called Russians shows that the historical facts are they they are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendents and NOT Slavic...

The Mongolian Y-DNA (paternal) haplogroup R1a-Z93 and is the main Asian branch of R1a. and its offshoots are very common and the dominant gen among Russian men.

Studies have found the ethnic Russian frequency of R1a high as 62.7 percent, with an average of 46.7% of Russians in the "Russia-DNA Project" include R1a1, R1a1a, R1a1a1g, and R1a1a1g2.

1. RuSSian myth about Ukraine and Crimea

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMgjYetl4pQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMgjYetl4pQ)

2. Mongols founded Russia or Muscovy (1328)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ChVHBLMgCU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ChVHBLMgCU)


The Vikings, the Rus’ & Kiev — the Entangled History of Russia and Ukraine

Stepping away for a moment from the unfolding current events in the Ukraine and Russia, it might be worthwhile to look at the history of the region, which was shaped by the arrival of merchant adventurers rowing long ships called Vikings by the Scandinavians and called Rus by the Finish tribs .

Take a look  at the http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varangians (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varangians)

As with so much of history known as the Viking age, it began with the Vikings in period A.D. 793–1066 historians tend to agree with the Primary Chronicle that these Scandinavians founded Kievan Rus' in the 880s and gave their name to the land. Many Russian scholars are opposed to this theory of Germanic influence on the Rus' (people) and have suggested alternative scenarios for this part of Eastern European history.. This is because of the falsification of history done by Catherine the great with something called the Catherine chronicles In 1792, 'Catherine's falsification of History' saw the light of day. and that is the version Russia likes to present to its self and the world..

See link how Russia hijacked Ukrainian history

http://www.euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/ (http://www.euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/)

The Norse Vikings, from the region that we now call Scandinavia , rowed their long ships deep into the rivers of Central and Eastern Europe; pushing up the Volga, the Dnieper, the Volkhov and the Neva rivers, among others. Using rivers and lakes connected to the Volga, these Vikings traded as far as Iran. On a separate route on the Dnieper River, the Vikings traveled as far as Greece.


Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise, whose wife Ingegerd was from Swedish / Norwegian roalty

The first half of 1031 the Viking King Harald and his men were welcomed by Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise, whose wife Ingegerd was a distant relative of King Harald of Norway.

They were called the Varangians by the Greeks and Eastern Slavs. The Finns called them the Rus†which meant “men who row.” In 862 the Viking chieftain Rurik made Kiev, a into a viking trading port and integrated with Slavic tribes this village on the Dnieper became his new capital. The kindom he established became known as the “land of the Rus’.” (Later, 19th century historians would dub the kingdom the “Kievan Rus.”) The Ruriks Kievan Rus kingdom lasted for close to 400 years before the invasion of the Mongul hordes.

Russia stole the name Rus from the real Rus’ aka Ukrainians Kiev Rus as the Kievan Rus kingdom was literally born in Kiev and started by a viking called Rurk . Now, as the Russian Army is poised on the borders of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Army is taking orders from the capitol in Kiev, both sides continue to play their roles in their long and history, which began, more or less with the Viking Rurik.

But only one nation is the true ancestor of the Kievan Rus kingdom and that is TO DAYS Ukrainians.

You and Russians need to study history and stop believe the falsification of Ukrainian and Russian history and look at the time line and facts..

UKRAINIAN NATION has been around since 898. In the 11th century, Kievan Rus' aka Ukraine was, geographically, the largest state in Europe Also Ukrainian Cossack had its own Rada (parliament / government) and was self governing until 1783 when Catharine sent her lover Potemkin to annex Cossack Ukrainian lands..

First of all Russia as a state never showed its ugly head to the world before 1721 when Peter proclaimed a new nation and a new capital for the new nation and he called it Russia...

Peter did this after Treaty of Frederiksborg (1720), and the Russo-Swedish Treaty of Nystad (1721) and after the battle of Poltava...

On July 27 every year Kyiv celebrates the anniversary of when Kyivan Rus was baptized by Prince Volodymyr the Great in 988.

In reaction, Vladimir Legoyda, head of the information department of the Russian Orthodox Church, criticized Ukraine’s attempts to call Prince Volodymyr the Great the “baptizer of Ukraine and a local leader.”

The medieval Principality of Moscow wouldn’t be founded until nearly 300 later. So if Kyiv was baptizes by Prince Volodymyr the Great in 988 and The medieval Principality of Moscow did not show its ugly head before 300 years later how can Moscow and Russia clam Ukraine and Kiev never existed hahahaha

Before Peter Moscow and Novgorod and other city's was principality's or city sates if you like and the most known was the Grand Duchy of Moscow From 1283–1547 Grand Principality of Moscow members citys of the Grand Principality was the citys of Novgorod, Moscow,rayzan ,suzdal ,vologoda..

http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Moscow (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Moscow)

1547–1721 Tsardom of Muscovy

In 1648 under the Tsardom of Muscovy the Ukrainian leader, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, offered to ally Ukraine with the Russian tsar, Aleksey I. Aleksey's acceptance of this offer, which was ratified in the Treaty of Pereyaslav in 1654 This was not Ukraine or Bohdan Khmelnytsky, offering it them self to Russia this was an agreement that both independent nations will go together and fight the Polish that was at the time invading Ukraine and Russia...and nothing more than that. In this agreement the Cossacks also accepted to look upon the tsar as the protecting monarch and did pay some small money for the help and alliance in fighting the Polish..

But this was not giving up Ukrainian lands to the tsar nor did they give up their own Cossacks Rada (parliament) or the right to self governance.. It was more a deal like Canada, Australia, Scotland, New Zealand ect ect ect has to day with England they look up on English monarch as their monarch But still are a independent nation and lands with self governance and their own parliaments and leaders of state..

Russian Empire 1721–1917 (when Peter proclaimed a new nation called Russia )

The Russian Empire (Pre-reform Russian orthography: Đ ĐľŃŃŃ–ĐąŃкая Đмперія, Modern Russian: Đ ĐľŃŃийŃкая империя, translit: Rossiyskaya Imperiya) was a state that existed from 1721 until overthrown by the short-lived liberal February Revolution in 1917.

http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Empire (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Empire)

Also Ukrainian Cossack had its own Rada (parliament / government) and was self governing until 1783 when Catharine sent her lover Potemkin to annex Cossack Ukrainian lands..

http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_the_Great#Reign_.281762.E2.80.931796.29 (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_the_Great#Reign_.281762.E2.80.931796.29)

The lands was under occupation until 1917 bolshevik revolution until 1991

So based on this facts the Russia state has only had annexed control in Ukraine for 134 years That is fare less then what all Russians think

In the 11th century, Kievan Rus' aka Ukraine was, geographically, the largest state in Europe, becoming known in the rest of Europe as Ruthenia (the Latin name for Rus'), especially for western principalities of The name "Ukraine", meaning "in-land" or "native-land" usually interpreted as "border-land", first appears in historical documents of 12th century and then on history maps of the 16th century period. Greater Rus'" was used to apply to all the lands ruled by Kyiv, including those that were not just Slavic, but also Uralic in the north-east portions of the state.

So Ukraine and Kyiv is from the 11th century and was self governing until 1783 when Catharine sent her lover Potemkin to annex Cossack Ukrainian lands. and it remand occupied until 1917

http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Ukraine#Kievan_Rus.27 (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Ukraine#Kievan_Rus.27)

Ukraine has existed more or less as far back as kyiv has been a city..

Ukraine however has from time to time ,also maintained a semi-independent republic in Zaporozhia, and a colony on the Russian frontier in Sloboda Ukraine.

The Battle of Konotop in 1648 took place during the period of Ukrainian history that is generally referred to as the Ruin.

This was the time after the death of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, during which many power struggles within the Cossack elite took place. Arguably, these power struggles were instigated by The Grand Duchy of Moscow AKA tsardom of Moscow in an effort to undermine the authority of the Cossacks and self governed of the Ukrainian nation and the Ukrainian Cossack state The 1648 Ukrainian Cossack (Kozak) rebellion or Khmelnytsky Uprising, which started an era known as the Ruin The Cossack state, the Cossack Hetmanate, usually viewed as the modern Ukraine and this was why back in 1648 So how can you come up with Ukraine as a state first existed in 1918,__????

Together with a number of other battles between East Slavs, such as Battle of Orsha, the Konotop battle was with a few exceptions an abandoned topic in Russian Imperial and in Soviet historiography. This attitude towards this event is explained by the fact that it dispelled some Russian propaganda positions about the unity of East Slavs, in particular the ones about "eternal friendship of Russian and Ukrainian peoples" and about "natural desire of Ukrainians for union with Russia". For all the skill and the bravery of the Cossacks — especially those defending Konotop — it still remains a bitter victory. A victory that did not have any significant impact on the course of Ukrainian history, where fratricidal war of the Ruin and personal ambitions of treacherous hetmans prevailed. As such, the Konotop battle remains a classic example of the battle and war Russia lost when trying too assert its dominance over Ukraine

Ukraine has never really been Russian.

Any more than Norway is Swedish or Danish just because Norway was forcefully taking into an union with Sweden and Danmark and for some time under Swedish and Danish occupation and rule dose not make Norway into Swedish or Danish lands ...

Norway like Ukraine was just a politically and military occupied nation for some time in its history that's all..

Norway has been from time to time under Swedish and Danish occupation and even some Norwegian city's was built by Swedish and Danish occupier's.... But that doesn't mean that Sweden or Danmark owns Norway or that Norwegians are Swedish or Danish ANY MORE THEN Russia owns Ukraine and Ukrainians are Russians ....!!!

History of Norway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQQjBkiA_Wk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQQjBkiA_Wk)

http://uatoday.tv/politics/russia-must-invade-britain-to-unleash-its-golden-age-donbas-collaborator-chieftain-820203.html (http://uatoday.tv/politics/russia-must-invade-britain-to-unleash-its-golden-age-donbas-collaborator-chieftain-820203.html)
Rob Hansen
No it is Pure Russianisem...

According to the famous historian Norman Davies, fascism, like communism, Russianisem, Putinisem, Naziissem ect ect can be defined by the following features:

* A pseudo-scientific conceptual basis (the belive of Russian 3rd Rom )

* A utopian goal (the Russiki Mir and Russians domanins of a new Russian world )

* A structure of a party-state (the restructure of the USSR borders )

* An autocratic leadership that demands complete devotion (Putinisem )

* Pervasive use of terror to prevent and eradicate dissent (East Ukraine , Syra chechnya, Moldova , Georgia, ect ect )

* Extensive and complex bureaucracy ( Using tax office to take out compatision )

* State propaganda and censorship (RT-News ect ect )

* Martial culture and aesthetics of force (The state and Russian belief in Russian superiority of Russian historical culture)

* Purposely induced fear of the ever-present external enemy (use state service like FSB, GRU to intimidate )

* Mentality of hate and intolerance (Anti othe ethnic grupes likeUkrainians, Muslims, Tatars , Kazakhstanis and others ect ect )

* Economic and mental collectivism (Putin has vast control over the gas and oil sectors and uses it as a political tool )

* Militarism (Rebuilding and promoting and using Military to attack and subdue the people like in the caucasus Chechnya ect ect )

* Messianism (Putin the half naked hours reading and bear wrestling superman is definitely believed by Russians to be a type of messiah, who acts as a savior, redeemer or liberator of a group of people.

* Contempt for liberal democracy and values (Putins regime is anti LGBT anti democracy Anti free press Anti free exspresion of art just look at-PussyRiot-and- Anna Politkovskaya ect ect )

* Moral nihilism ( is the meta-ethical view that nothing is intrinsically moral or immoral take a look how Russia lies about invading other nations and killing civilians and support of terrorism, and then turn abourd and say that it was to defend a grates good of Russia )

Clearly all of those are also characteristics of the Putin regime. Today in Russia, President Putin has the unquestionable control over Parliament, Government, courts, media and the most profitable sectors of the country's economy. To strengthen it further, he plans to reshuffle and consolidate the so-called "silovoy blok" – the repressive apparatus and intelligence service – by creating the new colossal iron-fist structure, the Ministry of the State Security.

So, we have every reason to declare that modern Russia is in fact, an authoritarian state with the genuine fascist elements, most prominently – the oppressive nature, the militarization of society, strict control over the mass media and complete disregard to human life

Russianisem=Putinisem,= the new fascism.

communism AND fascism is only 2 sides of the same coin ...

just like if you flip a coin you have 2 sides that first look diff. but it is still the same coin no matter how you look at it ,,,,

German national socialist workers party !!!! Or The Soviet Socialist Workers party are both fascist are both are totalitarian ..!!!

Is the same stuff !!!

USSR and-Nazi-same coine different sides

he same you can say about the evil of National Socialism also...that you say about communism..

The Real idea of National Socialism is also not preached ethnic or racial discrimination... But just look what the result is and you will see the truth..

Karl Marx ...The very cannibalism of the counterrevolution will convince the nations that there is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror.

So he will use terrorism on nations and society to get it to bend down to communisem !!!!

Karl Marx .... The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.
https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1853/03/04.htm (https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1853/03/04.htm)

So her Marx is saying that classes and the races that are weak must be removed to give way for communisem !! (in other worlds must be killed )

Karl Marx .... Everyone who knows anything of history also knows that great social revolutions are impossible without the feminine ferment. Social progress may be measured precisely by the social position of the fair-sex-(plain ones included).

Her Marx is Advocating the need for genocide anyone that dose not want communism !!

Friedrich Engels .... All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary world storm. For that reason they are now counter-revolutionary

Karl Marx .... Bourgeois society continuously brings forth the Jew from its own entrails.
Karl Marx as quoted in "Nationalism and Socialism: Marxist and Labor Theories of Nationalism to 1917", Horace B. Davis, New York: NY, Monthly Review Press (2009) p. 72. Original: Marx, “Zur Judenfrange” in "Werke", I, (1843) pp. 374-37

The Marxist Revolutionary-Holocaust-Live Free or Die
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dv5Sx00UiA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dv5Sx00UiA)

https://vimeo.com/73284941 (https://vimeo.com/73284941) the soviet story
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3uFUxMwA1w&feature=related (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3uFUxMwA1w&feature=related)

Karl Marx .... On the Jewish Question (1843)

Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew -- not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. ... What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money… Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man — and turns them into commodities. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.


"The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way… They must perish in the revolutionary holocaust"
- Karl Marx ( Marx People’s Paper, April 16, 1856)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw8usovezuY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw8usovezuY)

http://www.orgonelab.org/MarxEngelsQuotes.htm (http://www.orgonelab.org/MarxEngelsQuotes.htm)

Russia is a terrorist state that regrettably has a veto vote and seat in the UN ...

As the historiens say RuSSia was, lucky enough to inherit the vote... But what really happened was that Russia stole and manipulated it’s way into getting the position and did this in it’s typical Russian makavelian Kremlin way of doing things...

That is how the position that the Soviet Union had before them in the UN ended up inside Moscows pocket .. And just like they have stolen most things that is now Russian and then after that claim it to be always Russian, so now is the veto vote in the UN now Russian..

This bad move of letting RuSSian inherit that position of the soviet Union in the UN and giveing RuSSia the veto rights in the UN has infact ONLY made the UN impotent, inadequate and weak and nothing more than that... This has resulted in doing nothing good for the worlds stability... !

By giving the terrorist state Russia a say so in the UN forum, it has only gave a way for evil to extend itself into something good and make something good into a farce ...

The only thing that has come out if that blunder of giving away the veto right to Russia is that now RuSSia gets a carte blanche to stop/ block any reaction by the worlds community in combating evil that moscow wishes to make sure prevails .... (in other words Russian evil gets to flow freely in our world )

And therefor the Russian people beloved, terrorist state known as Russia , can continue to pollute the world and our environment with its presence / existence and with its evil deeds...

http://www.deseretnews.com/article/200308/RUSSIA-TO-INHERIT-USSR-SEAT-ON-UNS-SECURITY-COUNCIL.html?pg=all (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/200308/RUSSIA-TO-INHERIT-USSR-SEAT-ON-UNS-SECURITY-COUNCIL.html?pg=all)

Russian vetoes are putting UN security council's legitimacy at risk,

The body’s failure to act on Syria and Ukraine comes on top of wider criticism of its structure and the permanent members’ veto rights https://www.theguardian.com/wo... (https://www.theguardian.com/wo...)

Russia used its veto power in 2014 conflicts in Ukraine and Syria.
July 29, 2015: Russia vetoed a draft resolution seeking to set up an international criminal tribunal into the MH17 air disaster in Ukraine

May 22, 2014: China and Russia vetoed a resolution condemning the state of Syria

29 July 2015 etter dated 28 February 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136). The letter is in regards to the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula.

8 July 2015 Russia Veto The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

22 May 2014 Russia veto Middle East - Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

15 March 2014 Russia veto etter dated 28 February 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136). The letter is in regards to the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula.

19 July 2012 Russia veto Middle East - Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

4 February 2012 Russia veto Middle East - Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

4 October 2011 Russia veto Middle East -Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

15 June 2009 Georgia Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

11 July 2008 Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security- Africa (Zimbabwe)

12 January 2007 Myanmar Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

21 April 2004 Cyprus Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

2 December 1994 The situation in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

11 May 1993 The situation in Cyprus Vetoed the draft for Peace and Security

And lets not forget the Russian controlled USSR vetos with that Russia has vetoed the UN 103 times almost 2 times more than all other put together...YES RUSSIA REALY WANTS WORLD PEACE !!!

'Russia is a Terrorist State': Lithuanian leader GrybauskaitÄ— riles Russian Foreign Office
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkYbnpLUXvQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkYbnpLUXvQ)

Russia - Terrorist State
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsUMeKj_2QM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsUMeKj_2QM)

not just russias vetoes, also USA and the other permanent members (P5) UNSC.
Since 1900 Sykes Picot, treaty of sevres those 5 USA, russia, china and UK , France didn't bring the world to PEACE but to PIECES like I said many times.

I keep a site on the 4 freedoms of FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, January 6, 1941, which became the basis for the UN Charter.
As far as my research sofar has come, FDR didn't include any veto powers in that.
The League of Nations, predecessor of UN, where every member had a veto, proved vetopowers would cripple world peace, so don't blame UN, but just the P5 , permanent members of UNSC with vetopowers,
and ridicule the "crocodile" tears in UNSC meetings from ANY of those 5 members.

The ethnic Russian scum in the Donbas have never had Ukriane , Donbas people and / or land interest at hardt that ONLY and will ONLY ever have the interest of Russia as all Russians are always directly ot indirectly working for the Russkiy Mir AND THAY ARE ALWAYS DOING IT !!!!!



Russians are either 1 of 3 things or some part of all of the above..

1. The Russian person is a supporter of The Russkie Mir and of the terrorist actions of Putin and therefore no friend of a free ukraine without moscow control ..

He therefore indirectly and / or directly SUPPORTS Putins terrorists controlled / hegemony and fake states put up by the Kremlin inside other nations. The hegemony puppet states like Crimea, Donbas Kharkov, Transnistria , South / North Ossetia and Abkhazia... are put up to forward the Russkie Mir Idea and ideology.. And on the off changes a Russian does not support Putin's terrorist states they will still look upon Kiev and Ukraine as historically Russia lands and therefore part of the Russkie Mir and other wise. And therefore they are no friend of Ukriane even if they claim to be and even if they think they are....

2. The Russian person is a Russian terrorist working for the russian terrorist regime and end game the Russkie Mir ether directly of indirectly and therefore they are no friend of Ukriane..

3. The Russian person is both a Russian and a terrorist and a supporter of the terrorist actions of Putin and therefore no friend of a free ukraine without moscow control and Ukriane under the Russkie Mir ..

So no matter what the Russian person is.... He is no friend but an enemy of a FREE ukraine and

            Mokoš (Old Russian МокоŃŃŚ) is a Slavic goddess mentioned in the Primary Chronicle, . . Mokosh is the Great Mother, Mat Zemlya .

Mokoš was the only female deity whose idol was erected by Vladimir the Great in his Kiev sanctuary along with statues of other major gods (Perun, Hors, Dažbog, Stribog, and Simargl). She is Holy Mother Russia and as Moshka is the Hindu ideal of faith. Brahma has lived for 311 trillion years of 4 yuga and the world axis of the north and south poles gives Russia the oil wealth there.

Welk land heeft de meeste trekken van een fascistenstaat en de meeste neo-nazi's? RUSLAND,China en ook VS. NIET Oekraine!
Which countries looks most like a fasciststate and has most neo-nazi's?
Russia,USA, EUropean. Not Ukraine!

http://www.rense.com/general37/char.htm (http://www.rense.com/general37/char.htm)
NL https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=en&tl=nl&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rense.com%2Fgeneral37%2Fchar.htm&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=en&tl=nl&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rense.com%2Fgeneral37%2Fchar.htm&edit-text=) UKR https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=uk&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rense.com%2Fgeneral37%2Fchar.htm (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=uk&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rense.com%2Fgeneral37%2Fchar.htm)

http://coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/54/54_48-49.pdf (http://coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/54/54_48-49.pdf)

"The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way… They must perish in the revolutionary holocaust"
- Karl Marx ( Marx People’s Paper, April 16, 1856)

http://uatoday.tv/politics/refugees-as-weapon-putin-attacks-eu-with-migrants-propaganda-and-funding-extremists-821743.html (http://uatoday.tv/politics/refugees-as-weapon-putin-attacks-eu-with-migrants-propaganda-and-funding-extremists-821743.html)
https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/3pmnwq/the_migration_weapon_the_most_brilliant_of_all/?ref=search_posts (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/3pmnwq/the_migration_weapon_the_most_brilliant_of_all/?ref=search_posts)
The migration weapon: The most brilliant of all time war against the West

Rob Hansen
Putin is using the Syrian refugees as an hybrid war tool ..

Also there is evidence that putin's FSB may be involved with Russian gangsters in the massive smuggling of refugees into the EU to make it unstable..

While Russia did not start the refugee crisis they may have found a way to exploit it to further their hybrid war against Europe. While the direct benefits of intervention in Syria are valuable to the anti-West coalition that Russia is forming, the far greater benefit could be a devastating flank attack on European unity.

Organized by the FSB Putin is dumping Muslim ''refugees'' on Norway as Norway is a schengen and NATO country Only 35 have come to Finland, even though Finland has a much longer border with Russia than Norway. But Finland is not a NATO country Norway is NATO and Schengen..

The practical arrangements of the refugee traffic to the Russian-Norwegian border is by the FSB in Murmansk, in partnership with organized criminal groups, the webiste https://www.aldrimer.no/ (https://www.aldrimer.no/) writes and citing norwegan intelligence sources who say that it is well known that the FSB, which is also responsible for Russian espionage against Norway, has close ties to the Russian mafia and other criminal groups.

In Russia, a very organized transport and support operation is established. In addition to human smuggling, there is also a very professional and extensive sale of bicycles to "refugees", given that it is not allowed to walk across the border. Norwegian or Russian citizens who drive refugees across the border could be punished.

The route to the Norwegian-Russian border is also being actively promoted on social media, writes the outlet.

And while Russian border guards require a Schengen visa to be let into Russia, there is no such requirement at the border to Norway - to seek asylum.

However, the "refugees" - mostly Afghanis, who have lived a long time in Russia - have to bicycle across the border, as walking is not allowed.

The bikes are left right after the border crossing into Norway, and the "refugees" are then free to seek asylum.
see link http://speisa.com/modules/articles/index.php/item.2171/putin-is-dumping-muslim-refugees-on-norway.html (http://speisa.com/modules/articles/index.php/item.2171/putin-is-dumping-muslim-refugees-on-norway.html)

Europe, Syrian migrants reach Norway by bike via Russia helped by Russian border guards to get into schengen zone
see link

http://www.reuters.com/article/us-europe-migrants-arctic-idUSKCN0R325N20150903 (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-europe-migrants-arctic-idUSKCN0R325N20150903)

Norway demands answers from Moscow over Arctic migrant route
see link

http://www.euractiv.com/sections/justice-home-affairs/norway-demands-answers-moscow-over-arctic-migrant-route-319416 (http://www.euractiv.com/sections/justice-home-affairs/norway-demands-answers-moscow-over-arctic-migrant-route-319416)

Vladimir Putin 'making refugee crisis worse to undermine Europe'
Barack Obama called Vladimir Putin on Sunday evening urging him to cease bombing 'moderate' rebels in Syria

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/barack-obama-urges-vladimir-putin-to-cease-bombing-moderate-rebels-in-syria-a6874531.html (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/barack-obama-urges-vladimir-putin-to-cease-bombing-moderate-rebels-in-syria-a6874531.html)
President Vladimir Putin "wants to exacerbate the refugee crisis and use it as a weapon to divide the transatlantic alliance and undermine the European project."

The charge is that the Kremlin, acting in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime as well as Syrian Kurd militias, is intentionally creating a fresh, destabilizing flood of refugees in order to overwhelm Turkey and Europe.

Experts say Russia's intervention is the main cause of the displacement of more than half a million Syrians since September and expectations that 2016 will see even more Syrians flooding Europe than the record numbers seen in 2015.

Russia is "behaving like a terrorist organization and forcing civilians to flee" by carrying out air strikes "without any discrimination between civilians and soldiers, or children and the elderly." President Vladimir Putin "wants to exacerbate the refugee crisis and use it as a weapon to divide the transatlantic alliance and undermine the European project."

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/barack-obama-urges-vladimir-putin-to-cease-bombing-moderate-rebels-in-syria-a6874531.html (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/barack-obama-urges-vladimir-putin-to-cease-bombing-moderate-rebels-in-syria-a6874531.html)

In 1187 in ipatiyivsĘąkomu litopysi eerste yavylosĘą woord "oekraĂŻne".
Men gelooft dat veranderende motie over oekraĂŻne was nodig en werd protestom tegen ahresyvnoyi tsarsĘąkoyi beleid, die was achter het doel om te zetten om de oekraĂŻense natie in het russisch. Ze zeggen dat dat de reden is waarom russische rijk prysvoyila jezelf de naam "rus", peretvoryvshy haar tijd op rusland. Het is een paar van het verlies van onze samobutnosti. En toen het duidelijk werd dat de oekraĂŻners en in proberen te zijn op onze eigen en deze naam niet vykorenysh het haar dyskredytuvaty. Waarom oekraĂŻne begon traktuvaty als "okrayinu rusland".
http://begemot.media/news/dlya-teh-kto-krichit/ (http://begemot.media/news/dlya-teh-kto-krichit/)

http://uyristkonsult.at.ua/news/starovinna_mapa_rozkrivae_istoriju_vasilkova/2011-12-16-309 (http://uyristkonsult.at.ua/news/starovinna_mapa_rozkrivae_istoriju_vasilkova/2011-12-16-309)
http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/5266ea7386e9c/ (http://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/5266ea7386e9c/)
https://mariuver.com/2016/06/22/ukr-chemer/ (https://mariuver.com/2016/06/22/ukr-chemer/)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op april 09, 2017, 23:36:21 pm

https://inforesist.org/uchenyie-mezhdu-ukrainskimi-i-russkimi-narodami-net-rodstva-dazhe-na-urovne-dnk/?f (https://inforesist.org/uchenyie-mezhdu-ukrainskimi-i-russkimi-narodami-net-rodstva-dazhe-na-urovne-dnk/?f)
Scientists: Between the Ukrainian and Russian peoples no "relationship" even at the DNA level

https://www.google.nl/search?q=Peter+Forster%2Bcambridge%2Bgenetics+Ukraine (https://www.google.nl/search?q=Peter+Forster%2Bcambridge%2Bgenetics+Ukraine)

https://www.politforums.net/eng/crimea/1383155306.html (https://www.politforums.net/eng/crimea/1383155306.html)
Knew that already now searching for the 2 studies .... collected already a lot
https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/39l326/current_europeans_emerged_from_the_ukraine_says/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/39l326/current_europeans_emerged_from_the_ukraine_says/)
https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/)

ukraine europe
http://24tv.ua/genetiki_doveli_shho_ukrayintsi_ta_rosiyani_ne_ye_bratnimi_narodami_n799713?f (http://24tv.ua/genetiki_doveli_shho_ukrayintsi_ta_rosiyani_ne_ye_bratnimi_narodami_n799713?f)
http://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/28346863.html (http://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/28346863.html)

http://www.umoloda.kiev.ua/number/3140/188/110150/ (http://www.umoloda.kiev.ua/number/3140/188/110150/)

https://www.ridivira.com/uk/istoriya/1086-ariiski-prakoreni-ukrainy-ti-indii (https://www.ridivira.com/uk/istoriya/1086-ariiski-prakoreni-ukrainy-ti-indii)

http://empr.media/culture/history/breaking-russian-myths-infographics/ (http://empr.media/culture/history/breaking-russian-myths-infographics/)

http://awarenessact.com/mystery-solved-this-is-how-the-pyramids-of-egypt-were-built/ (http://awarenessact.com/mystery-solved-this-is-how-the-pyramids-of-egypt-were-built/) :-)
http://empr.media/culture/history/breaking-russian-myths-infographics/ (http://empr.media/culture/history/breaking-russian-myths-infographics/)
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/30/lithuania-finds-lost-declaration-independence-1918-centenary-german-archive (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/30/lithuania-finds-lost-declaration-independence-1918-centenary-german-archive)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387?nopaging=1 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-asia/ancient-practice-tengriism-shamanism-and-ancient-worship-sky-gods-002387?nopaging=1)

http://okokarpat.blogspot.nl/2017/03/blog-post_2.html (http://okokarpat.blogspot.nl/2017/03/blog-post_2.html)

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pysanka (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pysanka)
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Da%C5%BEbog (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Da%C5%BEbog) the Slavic SUN GOD
 https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/a-colorful--and-delicate--ukrainian-tradition/2017/04/08/24275358-198e-11e7-9887-1a5314b56a08_story.html?tid=ss_fb&utm_term=.e8703f2752ad (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/a-colorful--and-delicate--ukrainian-tradition/2017/04/08/24275358-198e-11e7-9887-1a5314b56a08_story.html?tid=ss_fb&utm_term=.e8703f2752ad)
 Rob Hanssen
 A handfull of your friends and som russians intellectuals does not make a nation NOR DOES it represent the Russian public at large..Your heart is in the right place but STOP BEING NAVIE ..

Anti putin does not mean pro ukraine.

Anti putin does not mean that they don't think and see ukraine as Russia historically or otherwise..

Anti putin does not mean that they don't think and see Crimea as Russia historically or otherwise..

Anti putin does not mean that they don't think and see WHAT STALIN DID to the ukrainian (the genocide ) as not justified for the greater good of Russia ..

Anti putin does not mean that they don't think and see ukrainian language and /or the ukrainian state as a mistake and that it has no claim to ukrainian lands or that Russia is a big brother of Ukriane..

I can go on and on but you get the pitcher i think just because you are anti putin does not mean you are truly anti Russian control of ukraine and its people one really dose not have much to do with the other now does it ....?

But is is true sometimes we do see a handful of russians hobby demonstrating putin's regime (still that doesn't make them pro. ukrainie or anti russian dominance of ukraine it just makes them anti putin ) and still it don't make up the the rest of the scum and it is about time the russian people start taking responsibility for their actions..

The Russian people have voted in Putin and his thugs for almost 14 years now.

I ask you is it not time to say that the russians know what putin is and what he stands for after all the years he has been in power why do they continue to vote for him ...

I mean after 14 years of this man's evil and he is still getting reelected in transparent and fair elections according to international observers time after time after time by the Russian people is it not time to start pointing fingers at the people's choices soon ???

I say THE PEOPLE OF RUSSIA IS RESPONSIBLE for what putin does as they know him well and by now the old excuse that it is not the people but the government fault is getting well thin for the russians at this point....

Some people outside of Russia have even suggested that its President Vladimir Putin has gone mad. He is certainly living in an alternative reality and the Russians seem to like it even if he has become insane.

When it comes to self criticism or admittance of guilt to anything the Russian people never will take or accept any guilt for their nations faults within Russian or outside of Russian society, they will never admit fault to outsiders..

As they never see themselves as responsible this idea of guilt and morals, simply just doesn't exist, Russian nation has a history of turning away from and disregarding any facts that they find unappealing and critical of mother Russia; They simply find comfort in believing in noenazis, cia, NATO , EU ,and the western evil world trying to attack them and trying to encircle and subdue mother Russia..

If Russia society continues to deny the fact that are right in-front of them and chooses to continue on this path the Russian traditional paranoia about encirclement will become a self fulfilling prophecy. Putin has also alluded to the fact that the deterioration in gas prices will cause Russia to have to draw on its financial reserves

89 % voted for Putin regime and 89 % support his actions in Ukraine and now the truth of their actions and support of the despot that is Putin will be coming home to hunt them ...

I have no sympathy for Russians let them rot with their beloved KGB Putin .... Their is no such thing as an open free minded liberal Russian.. A liberal Russian makes a fare-right thug in the west look liberal..

Russia is worse than North Korea...a true-evil-nation by any standard !!!

Why you ask ??
Well in North Korea the People give their support to the regime because they don't have any contact with the outside world and therefore have no access to information and only get the regime's so called truth from the regimes propaganda spin doctors..

But in RuSSia all the people have access to information from anywhere they wish at any time they wish... But still they believe and support-the-evil-of the regime of Putin...

Russians mindset is all about what they thinks makes them as a nation look big and if that means they need to support evil regimes like Putin's Russia then that is what they do freely and willingly ...

Look at it this way...

Today in Russia ALL THE PEOPLE Yes all of them.... have access to more information within a minute at any time day or night then you will find in ALL OF THE WORLDS libraries all put together...

And how do they have that you ask??

Well it's called the internet and all you need is a Phone to accesses it... And a phone is something ALL RUSSIANS HAVE with them 24 hours of every day 365 days of every year...

... BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE in North Korea for North Koreans ..most of them don't even have a phone in their homes and free access to internet in North Korea is not an option ...

RuSSia is a nation full of free will brainwashed evil people called Russians...and like to swallow Moscow propaganda

The Putin apologists will say that WE ARE ALL really missing the point Most of this Russians don't read English and get only the Russian info and they can somewhat be excused for their fanatic attitudes..

But I say to the Putin apologists .... That they can believe it or not the biggest support for Putins-evil-regime are in the big city's and and most of them read English and understand English websites they also have acsses to the internet wherever they want ..

Just look at the support Putin has with Russians living in the west take a look at western media blogs and comments done be Russians living outside of Russia and from 2nd and 3rd generation Russians that in most cases never has even been to Russia and lived in the west all their lives THEY ARE THE BIGGEST supporters of Putin ..

Russians have a mentality like fanatic religious jihadist Muslims.. NO MATTER where they live or where they was born they are fanatical about staying Muslim and promoting their fanatical jihadist action and ideology and will do anything and believe anything if they think it helps in the ideological fight and if it can help them take over control of that nation they live in, no mater if it is their native land or not... They will work hard to implement that end game that is to take over of any land and nation they can..

Just like most fanatic religious jihadist Muslims being Russian for Russians and promoting and exporting their culture, language and dominance and trying to enforce Russification over other nations is almost a religion for them to ..and Russians have been doing that for centuries with her next door neighbors ..

ofc russians voted for putin, like americans voted for trump, like everyone votes for their "bad" vhoice. I'm not perse anti-russian, i'm more anti-RF and with russian i mean mostly russian descent, russian speaking from Ukraine, mostly region Kharkiv, Dnipro, Zaphroye of at least the ones I know have fights with their family in RF, they are not pro-RF, they are pro-Ukraine. I have even here on FB some "friends" from RF and don't think all have the same information as we have. But perhaps my friends are the enlightened ones. :-) On the other hand he russian speaking I know from Odessa are a different story.

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10211996003716319&set=a.4346865110707.180211.1259915561&type=3 (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10211996003716319&set=a.4346865110707.180211.1259915561&type=3)
tryzub 64 versions 

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op april 09, 2017, 23:40:20 pm
More also on:

http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/39l326/current_europeans_emerged_from_the_ukraine_says/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/39l326/current_europeans_emerged_from_the_ukraine_says/)

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op oktober 05, 2017, 15:05:25 pm

 The World's first Civilisation was in ...Ukraine , 20.000 BCE - 1.000 CE, Ancient Aratta -before sumer
http://www.arattagar.co.uk/ (http://www.arattagar.co.uk/)

http://www.infoukes.com/history/ (http://www.infoukes.com/history/)
http://shilov.org.ua/ (http://shilov.org.ua/)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-European_migrations (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-European_migrations)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamyana_Mohyla (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamyana_Mohyla)
https://www.revolvy.com/topic/Kamyana+Mohyla&stype=videos (https://www.revolvy.com/topic/Kamyana+Mohyla&stype=videos)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aratta (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aratta)

Scientists: Between the Ukrainian and Russian peoples no "relationship" even at the DNA level | Ukrainians could be the ancestors of all Europeans
https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/62d2hi/scientists_between_the_ukrainian_and_russian/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/62d2hi/scientists_between_the_ukrainian_and_russian/)
http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/39l326/current_europeans_emerged_from_the_ukraine_says/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/39l326/current_europeans_emerged_from_the_ukraine_says/)
https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=Aratta&tbm=isch (https://www.google.nl/search?q=Aratta&tbm=isch)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdbx2USe6is (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdbx2USe6is) best kept secrets Ukraine

http://primetour.ua/en/excursions/weekend/tripole---k-tsivilizatsii-drevney-arattyi.html (http://primetour.ua/en/excursions/weekend/tripole---k-tsivilizatsii-drevney-arattyi.html)

https://archive.org/details/youtube-hS5ehn4fEDw (https://archive.org/details/youtube-hS5ehn4fEDw)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aratta (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aratta) ?
https://www.academia.edu/7789226/Locating_Aratta_of_Ancient_Near_East_using_Meluhha_hieroglyphs_and_defining_Anzu_and_the_start_of_Tin_Road_from_Meluhha (https://www.academia.edu/7789226/Locating_Aratta_of_Ancient_Near_East_using_Meluhha_hieroglyphs_and_defining_Anzu_and_the_start_of_Tin_Road_from_Meluhha) ?

Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta is an interesting tale about a diplomatic exchange and prelude to war between Enmerkar, the king of Uruk, and the unnamed Lord of Aratta, from around 2100 BC.

Enmerkar wants precious stones for a new temple, Aratta wants barley as his people are under a famine. Enmerkar begins negotiations belligerently, but Aratta does not fear Uruk's military might, and thus begins the conflict between the two cities.

The text is notable for being a very early version of the "Confusion of Tongues" narrative, in addition to including a story about the invention of writing on clay tablets.

http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/section1/tr1823.htm (http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/section1/tr1823.htm)

https://archive.org/details/gimbutas_m_bronze_age_cultures_in_central_and_eastern_europe (https://archive.org/details/gimbutas_m_bronze_age_cultures_in_central_and_eastern_europe)

http://www.ufg.uni-kiel.de/dateien/dateien_studium/Archiv/201011_furholt_hinz_lesenswert/03_sitzung/gimbutas1979.pdf (http://www.ufg.uni-kiel.de/dateien/dateien_studium/Archiv/201011_furholt_hinz_lesenswert/03_sitzung/gimbutas1979.pdf)
https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1612/1612.09312.pdf (https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1612/1612.09312.pdf)   sundials rostov
http://www.pannous.net/Kurgan%20copper%20revolution%20-%20short.pdf (http://www.pannous.net/Kurgan%20copper%20revolution%20-%20short.pdf)  missing links in kurgan
http://hss.ulb.uni-bonn.de/2013/3099/3099-1.pdf (http://hss.ulb.uni-bonn.de/2013/3099/3099-1.pdf)  DE scyt greek style
https://www.csen.org/Pubs_Sales_Reviews/Nomads/Nomad-188579-00-2.pdf (https://www.csen.org/Pubs_Sales_Reviews/Nomads/Nomad-188579-00-2.pdf) iron age nomads eurasian steppe
http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev-linguist-030514-124812 (http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev-linguist-030514-124812) indo-european homeland
http://opar.unior.it/1075/1/Articolo_Brentjes_pdf.pdf (http://opar.unior.it/1075/1/Articolo_Brentjes_pdf.pdf) graves
http://anthro.vancouver.wsu.edu/media/Course_files/anth-469-edward-h-hagen/anth-469-lecture-10-genetic-evidence-of-european-expansion.pdf (http://anthro.vancouver.wsu.edu/media/Course_files/anth-469-edward-h-hagen/anth-469-lecture-10-genetic-evidence-of-european-expansion.pdf)
http://www.mapageweb.umontreal.ca/tuitekj/cours/AnthonyIEHorse.pdf (http://www.mapageweb.umontreal.ca/tuitekj/cours/AnthonyIEHorse.pdf)
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00437956.1993.11435900 (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00437956.1993.11435900) Marija Gimbutas The Indo-Europeanization of Europe
http://www.continuitas.org/texts/alinei_interdisciplinary.pdf (http://www.continuitas.org/texts/alinei_interdisciplinary.pdf)
http://users.wpi.edu/~mborowski/summer/17_Language_Wars.pdf (http://users.wpi.edu/~mborowski/summer/17_Language_Wars.pdf)

http://www.kroraina.com/index.php?a=sr&fr=ct&id=2013 (http://www.kroraina.com/index.php?a=sr&fr=ct&id=2013) Slavs
http://www.helsinki.fi/venaja/nwrussia/eng/Conference/pdf/Jushkova.pdf (http://www.helsinki.fi/venaja/nwrussia/eng/Conference/pdf/Jushkova.pdf) 800BCE NW russia beefore settling slavs

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denisovan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denisovan)
http://articles.latimes.com/2010/dec/24/science/la-sci-new-hominid-20101224 (http://articles.latimes.com/2010/dec/24/science/la-sci-new-hominid-20101224)
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/03/160317150805.htm (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/03/160317150805.htm)

http://smithssite.com/2017/05/04/half-worlds-muslims-inbred-due-generations-incest/ (http://smithssite.com/2017/05/04/half-worlds-muslims-inbred-due-generations-incest/)
http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Cousin_Marriage_in_Islam (http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Cousin_Marriage_in_Islam)
http://www.takeourworldback.com/IQ-by-religion.htm (http://www.takeourworldback.com/IQ-by-religion.htm)
http://www.rawstory.com/2017/05/study-finds-link-between-brain-damage-and-religious-fundamentalism/ (http://www.rawstory.com/2017/05/study-finds-link-between-brain-damage-and-religious-fundamentalism/)
https://staffanspersonalityblog.wordpress.com/2013/08/11/richard-dawkins-upsets-liberals-and-muslims-by-confronting-them-with-reality/ (https://staffanspersonalityblog.wordpress.com/2013/08/11/richard-dawkins-upsets-liberals-and-muslims-by-confronting-them-with-reality/)

http://www.slavorum.org/forum/discussion/5845/the-values-%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Bin-the-old-slavic-calendar (http://www.slavorum.org/forum/discussion/5845/the-values-%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Bin-the-old-slavic-calendar)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuI63MCxZa0# (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuI63MCxZa0#)
«Будзьма беларусамі!» - Let's be Belarusians! (English subtitles)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/09/04/the-end-of-invisibility-taking-back-ukraine-3/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/09/04/the-end-of-invisibility-taking-back-ukraine-3/)

http://languagetsar.com/how-different-is-russian-from-ukrainian/ (http://languagetsar.com/how-different-is-russian-from-ukrainian/)

Russian language in decline as post-Soviet states reject it Premium

Belarus goes against the grain by embracing Russian tongue
https://www.ft.com/content/c42fbd1c-1e08-11e7-b7d3-163f5a7f229c (https://www.ft.com/content/c42fbd1c-1e08-11e7-b7d3-163f5a7f229c)

https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/04/13/four-good-reasons-to-care-about-ukraine-russia-putin-column/100379768/ (https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/04/13/four-good-reasons-to-care-about-ukraine-russia-putin-column/100379768/)

http://www.newsweek.com/putin-looking-vulnerable-crumbling-russia-583593 (http://www.newsweek.com/putin-looking-vulnerable-crumbling-russia-583593)

http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/3704304.html (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/3704304.html)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Foleg-leusenko.livejournal.com%2F3704304.html&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Foleg-leusenko.livejournal.com%2F3704304.html&edit-text=)
Ukraine/RUSS  the real Mother-Fatherland, the real RUSS(ia), not Muscovy/RF

http://euromaidanpress.com/2017/04/29/would-shift-to-latin-script-liberate-ukrainian-or-destroy-it-euromaidan-press/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2017/04/29/would-shift-to-latin-script-liberate-ukrainian-or-destroy-it-euromaidan-press/)

https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-kyiv-kiev/28478117.html (https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-kyiv-kiev/28478117.html)
UKRANIAN CAPITAL HAS ONLY ONE SPELLING and that is KYIV. The spelling of Kiev is in Russian.
Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv (Ukrainian: Кий, Щек, Хорив) are the three legendary brothers, sometimes mentioned along with their sister Lybid (Ukrainian: Либідь), who, according to the Primary Chronicle, were the founders of the medieval city of Kyiv – now the capital of Ukraine
Historical background for the legend
Archaeological excavations have shown there indeed was an ancient settlement from the 6th century. Some speculate that Kyi was a real person, a knyaz (prince) from the tribe of Polans. According to legend, Kyi was a Polianian Prince, and the city was named after him, the eldest brother to Shchek and Khoryv and their sister Lybid.
There are numerous different theories concerning the origin of the names; among the most popular is that legend of three brothers and their sister is an attempt to explain the local names. Kyi appears to be derived from Slavic kij or kiy, which means "bat". Shchek and Khoryv, according to this theory, represent the actual Shchekavytsia and Khorevytsia mountains in the center of Kiev, while Lybid is the actual river, a right tributary of the Dnieper and an important landscape factor in the city. Lybid means "swan" in Slavic. Goddess Zorya (Danica) was identified with white swan, white bird.

Invention of and renaming of Muscovy to "Russia", Ukraine / Rus not the same as Muscovy
The orgins of the slavic nations, premodern indentities in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus  Serhii Plokhy
http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521864039 (http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521864039)
http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/8713/file.pdf (http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/8713/file.pdf)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2017/05/15/kuban-might-pursue-independence-but-wont-become-part-of-ukraine-russians-say-euromaidan-press/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2017/05/15/kuban-might-pursue-independence-but-wont-become-part-of-ukraine-russians-say-euromaidan-press/)

http://ridni.org/ (http://ridni.org/) cyrillic input where do your relatives live?
http://ridni.org/karta/ (http://ridni.org/karta/)

http://coma.net.ua/22107?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=urkfb&utm_campaign=saytridni (http://coma.net.ua/22107?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=urkfb&utm_campaign=saytridni)
family name

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/6ctibm/historical_documents_detailing_vistula_operation/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/6ctibm/historical_documents_detailing_vistula_operation/)

http://prolviv.com/blog/2017/05/23/iak-rozpiznaty-ukraintsia-zovnishnist-kharakter-natsii/ (http://prolviv.com/blog/2017/05/23/iak-rozpiznaty-ukraintsia-zovnishnist-kharakter-natsii/)

http://defence-line.org/category/istoriya/ (http://defence-line.org/category/istoriya/)

Россия без корней  russia without roots

https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdefence-line.org%2Fcategory%2Fistoriya (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdefence-line.org%2Fcategory%2Fistoriya)

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/11/21/shiites-are-participating-in-the-worlds-largest-pilgrimage-today-heres-how-they-view-the-world/?utm_term=.213adc0a19c7 (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/11/21/shiites-are-participating-in-the-worlds-largest-pilgrimage-today-heres-how-they-view-the-world/?utm_term=.213adc0a19c7)
https://aheadofthe.news/media-ignores-20-million-muslims-who-march-against-isis/ (https://aheadofthe.news/media-ignores-20-million-muslims-who-march-against-isis/)
http://web.mit.edu/cfotini/www/Shia_Pilgrims_Survey.pdf (http://web.mit.edu/cfotini/www/Shia_Pilgrims_Survey.pdf)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarim_mummies (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarim_mummies)   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gushi_culture (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gushi_culture)

https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2008/12/06/in-2700-jaar-oud-sjamanengraf-in-de-gobiwoestijn-lag-11650607-a551891 (https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2008/12/06/in-2700-jaar-oud-sjamanengraf-in-de-gobiwoestijn-lag-11650607-a551891)

Here, on mirtesen hypothesis about neo (manmade unidentified historical objects between the ages of 300 and 70 million years).
Vladimir Goncharov
" huge glacial mammals, for example, woolly rhinoceros and mammoth, have become an important source of nutrition of the ancients." but how these animals are consumed in the ice? I guess were eating ice. Propose to discuss your hypothesis explaining the accepted whole rigmarole.
The law to flip the material bodies in space having momentum and spin.
Time for the development of our civilization found large quantities of ancient artifacts that are of age from several to hundreds of millions of years. To explain their positions with sovremënnoy science not possible. These artifacts are quite well known here and there is no need to bring them. Even though it may be more of these fraudulent, but the rest of the required explanation.
Interpretation they arise when there was a wide spectrum of assumptions from alien version to sophisticated preceding our civilization. Incline to it, in my view, most researchers. But why and how this civilization ceased to exist? There are plenty of hypotheses-Nuclear War, the fall of a large asteroid, flight through the solar system, a massive planet, etc. Try to sort this out using logic.
During his interview with the space station, grechko g.m. showed flight rotating object bearing a forward movement in weightlessness. When the parcel was opened the lid enshrining screws of bolts in the form of a lamb (at nut two ears) beating one of them was going on the reversal of the nuts. Following another stroke nut slipped with carvings and continued direct flight with rotation. Suddenly after 30-40 cm flight nut rolled backwards, in another 30-40 cm she flipped again, and so a few times how far space station. Too happened with other items-like metal never metals (Tennis Ball). It turns out, that to an outside observer, rotation is changing on the contrary, as the poles have changed. The existence of the magnetic field, probably doesn't matter.
Proof is enough in our solar system. Venus rotates in the opposite direction, and it has no magnetic field, some bodies have reverse the magnetic polarity (from the book of i.i. koptseva "land before and after the flood"), which demonstrates the coup occurred. Outer body in a coup is changing its polarity, and spinning starts how would the opposite way. If the sun rose from the east, after the coup, it rises in the west. To our planet this was probably countless times. Ln some cultures, there are legends of sunrise on the other side.
Geographic poles shift happening very quickly (and not the frozen body isportivshiyesya mammoths). When sudden coup full reverse thrust, causing numerous landslides and huge, perhaps mnogokilometrovuyu tsunami wave, which inundating practically all sushi (with the odd exception happy high mountains and possibly central stations certain continents) destroys all life. Push will destroy the entire infrastructure of civilization. Town, populated places, roads, bridges, piping, everything will be destroyed and buried. Bodies of dead animals, water company veteran with partially flooded the continents are collected in the right places, skeletons of whales and sharks are finding in the continents far from the sea, in conjunction with the remains of terrestrial animal and even human. As a result of the fact that the earth's crust is located on the plastic mantle on her should take place slide bark when the coup in force of inertia. Antarctica evasion cases will not be at the pole, and shady comes на2- 4 thousand. Km. Further. This morning the sun rises in the west. The coup would be accompanied by the strongest aktivneyshey earthquakes, volcanic and tectonic activity including goroobrazovaniyem. The Earth's crust varies in size, the mountains have roots which will dampen the slide. Part of the land rises from the seabed another vice versa drops.
Will the civilization survive a cataclysm like this? The answer is clear no, civilization won't survive on what would be a high level of development of she wouldn't be. But some individuals and groups will be spared. and begin a new cycle of development another civilization from scratch. In Earth's history, so it was probably a lot of times.
Let's imagine the coup prizoshël yesterday. Civilian casualties accounted for at least 70 %. No infrastructure - roads home, communications, technology, power plants, gas and oil pipelines-get washed away and cannot be restored because of the lack of equipment and energy. The surviving humans have been locked into places where they caught a disaster. Climate change is on the opposite where it was summer suddenly came the arctic winter, food very little or not at all. Start diseases and epidemics.
In such circumstances, the remaining 90 % of the population will inevitably dies. About to start the struggle for existence and inevitable degradation. Then once again begins next development of civilization.
The previous civilization without doubt had a more advanced than ours at sovremënnom stage. They owned by the laws of gravity and successfully using them. Possessed nuclear technology had aircraft including space. So probably they knew about the law to flip... and built the giant pyramid-like objects that could withstand the alleged events. To what end? Probably to convey to the descendants of their knowledge. How would we have done in their position? Probably on the moon and mars will be traces of our predecessors.
Admit the possibility of the existence of the remnants of one of the previous civilizations. So far as they develop in a past that we're like pygmies and not remotely interested in you.
Some conclusions.
1. Intelligent life on earth originated many hundreds of millions of years ago.
2.. In Earth's history attended many civilizations, successive.
3. All of them died as a result of the worst disasters with the repositioning of the planet.
4. World of mainland oledeneniy was gone. The existence of glacial sediments from around the world, sometimes of LAMINATED, talks about finding them in my time in the polar regions.
5. Many kinds of animals disappeared when calamity and subsequent changing climatic conditions as a result of the change of the poles.
6. The existence of several races will too probably attributed to various цивилизациями7. expansion to the stars is unlikely to happen. Time between shifts poles isn't enough for this. In other star systems act poles shift obviously too works and they should have the same problems. However there are a number of conditions in which probably expansion is possible. Traces of disappeared civilizations were likely to be found on the moon and mars.
8. is no longer necessary to explain those facts or involve falling comets, Asteroids and entire planets.
9. It is necessary to revise the history of mankind which would consider all the known facts, and not accepted artifacts must take my rightful place.
The existence of the law on Periodic Repositioning Rotating bodies in space, explains almost all unexplained still facts.
I'll be glad to hear the objections.
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=329458680805224&id=100012232832016 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=329458680805224&id=100012232832016)

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=329458680805224&id=100012232832016 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=329458680805224&id=100012232832016)
revise history mankind

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/11/05/princess-olha-of-kyiv-a-golden-page-in-ukrainian-history/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/11/05/princess-olha-of-kyiv-a-golden-page-in-ukrainian-history/)

https://www.docdroid.net/DbQnZBv/babylonian-talmud.pdf.html#page=4 (https://www.docdroid.net/DbQnZBv/babylonian-talmud.pdf.html#page=4) holybooks.com

middle east
https://www.vox.com/a/maps-explain-the-middle-east (https://www.vox.com/a/maps-explain-the-middle-east) al
http://gulf2000.columbia.edu/maps.shtml (http://gulf2000.columbia.edu/maps.shtml)
https://www.vox.com/a/maps-explain-crisis-iraq (https://www.vox.com/a/maps-explain-crisis-iraq)

http://money.cnn.com/infographic/economy/cheap-oil-is-crushing-these-middle-eastern-countries/ (http://money.cnn.com/infographic/economy/cheap-oil-is-crushing-these-middle-eastern-countries/)

at $45

http://money.cnn.com/infographic/economy/cheap-oil-is-squeezing-these-countries/ (http://money.cnn.com/infographic/economy/cheap-oil-is-squeezing-these-countries/) at $65

http://money.cnn.com/2015/10/25/investing/oil-prices-saudi-arabia-cash-opec-middle-east/index.html (http://money.cnn.com/2015/10/25/investing/oil-prices-saudi-arabia-cash-opec-middle-east/index.html)

http://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/05/europe/imams-london-burial/index.html (http://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/05/europe/imams-london-burial/index.html)
https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/6cuanf/the_peacefull_majority_is_and_were_always/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/6cuanf/the_peacefull_majority_is_and_were_always/)
Thousands of Muslims worldwide have likewise condemned terrorism in recent years, as noted in a 712-page Google document maintained by an American Muslim student.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e8BjMW36CMNc4-qc9UNQku0blstZSzp5FMtkdlavqzc/edit#gid=0 (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e8BjMW36CMNc4-qc9UNQku0blstZSzp5FMtkdlavqzc/edit#gid=0)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=youtube%2Blondon+imams+refuse+to+bury+terrroists (https://www.google.nl/search?q=youtube%2Blondon+imams+refuse+to+bury+terrroists)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c6HmOYv_Wc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c6HmOYv_Wc) 130 (sunni & shia) imams from across the UK say they will refuse to perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer for the London and Manchester terror attackers and refuse to bury them among Muslims.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/khaled-diab/syrias-sunni-v-shia-myth_b_3508176.html (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/khaled-diab/syrias-sunni-v-shia-myth_b_3508176.html)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUWqYaEm4h8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUWqYaEm4h8) nederland geschiedenis

story of swastika https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=E_reuMKpgow (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=E_reuMKpgow)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanskrit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanskrit)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/06/13/a-short-history-of-the-ukrainian-greeting-slava-ukrayini/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/06/13/a-short-history-of-the-ukrainian-greeting-slava-ukrayini/)

http://www.imbf.org/tools/karty-ehkologii.html (http://www.imbf.org/tools/karty-ehkologii.html)

http://tutitam.com/iz-zhizni/v-kakih-stranah-muzhchin-bolshe-chem-zhenshchin-karta-mira (http://tutitam.com/iz-zhizni/v-kakih-stranah-muzhchin-bolshe-chem-zhenshchin-karta-mira)
When in the 18th century in the us, there was a shortage of women among the colonists, the then government zavezlo from France and England, dozens of ships prostitutes and all single men perezhenilo on them. Motivation for the ladies in the night became an opportunity to improve their social status. The priests couples right on the water. Ukraine should have the same approach to the demographic imbalance due to lack of men (and for this reason, the extinction of the population) radically - drop off missing suitors from countries where their power surplus by offering incentives - tax exemption on the birth of children, the provision of land, payment of benefits to large Dads and even state prizes and awards for good nurture their young. Tens of millions of extra grooms are available in China, India, Albania, Cyprus, Greenland, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and even of Papua New Guinea. Probably have to go through the selection competitions physical and intellectual health, knowledge of and adherence to the principles of Ukrainian culture, laws and traditions. And so, countless the finest in the world of Ukrainian women are estimated to Gallup Institute who received 9 points, with 10-Point System (10-points has not received any nation) leaving Ukraine in search of the device or personal life, That is much worse, just on the dashboard. Or suffer it rots alone, losing hope of happiness. Smart State must take care of the well-being in the field of demography. Here's a map where blue tagged in countries in which more women than men in red are men more than women, yellow is generally the same.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=331431090607983&set=a.103100403441054.1073741828.100012232832016&type=3&permPage=1 (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=331431090607983&set=a.103100403441054.1073741828.100012232832016&type=3&permPage=1)

http://begemot.media/news/dlya-teh-kto-krichit/ (http://begemot.media/news/dlya-teh-kto-krichit/)
FOR THOSE CTO KRYCHYT, What Ukraine Lenin invented ...
62,736 1 220
In 1187 a Hypation Chronicle first appeared WORD "UKRAINE".
http://www.ukr.life/bez-rubriki-ru/dlya-teh-kto-krichit-chto-ukrainu-pridumal-lenin-poshiryujte-tse-haj-vsi-znayut-slava-ukrayini/ (http://www.ukr.life/bez-rubriki-ru/dlya-teh-kto-krichit-chto-ukrainu-pridumal-lenin-poshiryujte-tse-haj-vsi-znayut-slava-ukrayini/)

Map of Poland and Hungary by Sebastian Munster, 1550. The map shows “Russia” for Ukraine, “Russia Alba” for Belarus, while the Moscow Princedom is called “Moscovia.” (karty.by) http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_Poloniae-Et-Ungariae-Nova-Descriptio1550.jpg (http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_Poloniae-Et-Ungariae-Nova-Descriptio1550.jpg) http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_1552_basel_Nouvelle-description-de-Poloigne-Hongri.jpg (http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_1552_basel_Nouvelle-description-de-Poloigne-Hongri.jpg) color
1723 Ukraine and Moscovia on same map http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/x-moskovie_1723.jpg (http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/x-moskovie_1723.jpg) Polish & russian Ukraine and Moskovia 1723 http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/moskovai.Herman-Moll-1723.jpg (http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/moskovai.Herman-Moll-1723.jpg)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=103&v=avJQtyAqdX8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=103&v=avJQtyAqdX8)
Luister en kennen elkaar Oekraďense! Toespraak door professor Paul Gritsenko
Gepubliceerd op 11 januari 2017
Toespraak door de directeur van het Instituut van de Oekraďense Nationale Academie van Wetenschappen van Oekraďne, Doctor in de Filologie, Professor Pavlo Hrytsenko tijdens de vergadering van het Grondwettelijk Hof van Oekraďne tot de grondwettelijke bepaling te beoordelen 57 afgevaardigden van Oekraďne over de grondwettigheid van Oekraďne (grondwettelijkheid) van de wet van Oekraďne "Op de beginselen van de staat taalbeleid" 13 - 14 december 2016.

http://112.international/society/ukrainians-celebrate-international-day-of-dnieper-river-18407.html (http://112.international/society/ukrainians-celebrate-international-day-of-dnieper-river-18407.html)

http://theconversation.com/uncovering-ancient-ashkenaz-the-birthplace-of-yiddish-speakers-58355 (http://theconversation.com/uncovering-ancient-ashkenaz-the-birthplace-of-yiddish-speakers-58355)

http://sayanarus.livejournal.com/1011038.html?utm_source=fbsharing&utm_medium=social (http://sayanarus.livejournal.com/1011038.html?utm_source=fbsharing&utm_medium=social)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMKXSVinnD4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMKXSVinnD4)
aryans, sanskrit,swastika
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywSv_rSidnU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywSv_rSidnU)
False History, Forbidden Archaeology - The Swastika Throughout History
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_reuMKpgow&t=1013s&spfreload=10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_reuMKpgow&t=1013s&spfreload=10)
BBC The Story of the Swastika

http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/7447028.html (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/7447028.html)
Fake web surzhik, or concealed German Vladimir Dal of "Russian" narodtse?
In continuation of the post of Moscow surzhik Ruthenian language (Ukrainian Language)
http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2612291.html (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/2612291.html)

http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/7461175.html (http://oleg-leusenko.livejournal.com/7461175.html) sea resorts

http://defence-line.org/2017/07/okkupant-chast-1/ (http://defence-line.org/2017/07/okkupant-chast-1/)
http://defence-line.org/2017/07/okkupant-chast-2/ (http://defence-line.org/2017/07/okkupant-chast-2/)
http://defence-line.org/2017/07/okkupant-chast-3/ (http://defence-line.org/2017/07/okkupant-chast-3/)
http://defence-line.org/2017/07/okkupant-chast-4/ (http://defence-line.org/2017/07/okkupant-chast-4/)

https://www.novayagazeta.ru/articles/2017/02/23/71600-voyny-protiv-vremeni (https://www.novayagazeta.ru/articles/2017/02/23/71600-voyny-protiv-vremeni)

https://www.csis.org/analysis/russias-design-black-sea-extending-buffer-zone (https://www.csis.org/analysis/russias-design-black-sea-extending-buffer-zone)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIA7l0YWlMg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIA7l0YWlMg)
Why are the Pyramids not mentioned in the Bible?
Ashraf Ezzat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1eBpq40kXk&list=PL_BdugMs5Jak9S-Osvxzyuse34jhQEiEJ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1eBpq40kXk&list=PL_BdugMs5Jak9S-Osvxzyuse34jhQEiEJ)
https://ashraf62.wordpress.com/ (https://ashraf62.wordpress.com/)
https://ashraf62.wordpress.com/2016/10/19/unesco-resolution-on-jerusalem-the-hidden-truth/ (https://ashraf62.wordpress.com/2016/10/19/unesco-resolution-on-jerusalem-the-hidden-truth/)

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/22/world/middleeast/marry-your-rapist-laws-middle-east.html (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/22/world/middleeast/marry-your-rapist-laws-middle-east.html)
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/05/22/europe-birthplace-mankind-not-africa-scientists-find/ (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/05/22/europe-birthplace-mankind-not-africa-scientists-find/)

It turned out that the ancient Egyptians are not from Africa at all
https://www.kp.ru/daily/26686.4/3709261/ (https://www.kp.ru/daily/26686.4/3709261/)
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kp.ru%2Fdaily%2F26686.4%2F3709261%2F&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kp.ru%2Fdaily%2F26686.4%2F3709261%2F&edit-text=)
DNA analysis of almost a hundred Egyptian mummies shocked scientists

Some were Turks, others were from southern Europe and from places where Palestine , Jordan , Syria , Lebanon , Georgia and Abkhazia are now .
"I believe that the common ancestor of the Egyptian kings and Europeans lived in the Caucasus about 9,500 years ago," Scholz said. - About 7 thousand years ago, his direct descendants settled throughout Europe. And somebody got to Egypt and got into the Pharaohs.
https://ashraf62.wordpress.com/2016/10/19/unesco-resolution-on-jerusalem-the-hidden-truth/ (https://ashraf62.wordpress.com/2016/10/19/unesco-resolution-on-jerusalem-the-hidden-truth/)

http://historianet.nl/cultuur/archeologie/dna-detectives-lossen-oeroude-raadsels-op (http://historianet.nl/cultuur/archeologie/dna-detectives-lossen-oeroude-raadsels-op)

http://www.openculture.com/2017/07/leonardo-da-vincis-visionary-notebooks-now-online-browse-570-digitized-pages.html (http://www.openculture.com/2017/07/leonardo-da-vincis-visionary-notebooks-now-online-browse-570-digitized-pages.html)
https://www.thevintagenews.com/2017/07/17/text-by-hippocrates-the-father-of-modern-medicine-was-found-in-a-remote-egyptian-monastery/ (https://www.thevintagenews.com/2017/07/17/text-by-hippocrates-the-father-of-modern-medicine-was-found-in-a-remote-egyptian-monastery/)

http://www.zhinka-online.com.ua/zhinky-ukrainy/39-zhinka-onlajn/320-vidome-i-nevidome-pro-ukrainsku-khatu.html (http://www.zhinka-online.com.ua/zhinky-ukrainy/39-zhinka-onlajn/320-vidome-i-nevidome-pro-ukrainsku-khatu.html)
the hutsuls-ukraine-s-native-tribe-keeping-traditions-alive-in-carpathians-569386

https://www.thevintagenews.com/2017/06/02/the-areni-1-shoe-the-oldest-leather-shoe-in-the-world-was-found-in-a-cave-in-armenia/ (https://www.thevintagenews.com/2017/06/02/the-areni-1-shoe-the-oldest-leather-shoe-in-the-world-was-found-in-a-cave-in-armenia/)

http://patrioty.org.ua/blogs/pora-nazvat-veshchy-svoymy-ymenamy-hermanyia-uzhe-bolee-20-let-pooshchriaet-rossyiu-na-ahressyiu-ne-prosto-pooshchriaet-no-y-fynansyruet--anti-colorados-186248.html (http://patrioty.org.ua/blogs/pora-nazvat-veshchy-svoymy-ymenamy-hermanyia-uzhe-bolee-20-let-pooshchriaet-rossyiu-na-ahressyiu-ne-prosto-pooshchriaet-no-y-fynansyruet--anti-colorados-186248.html)
It's time to call a spade a spade. Germany has been encouraging Russia for aggression for more than 20 years. Not only encourages, but also finances
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpatrioty.org.ua%2Fblogs%2Fpora-nazvat-veshchy-svoymy-ymenamy-hermanyia-uzhe-bolee-20-let-pooshchriaet-rossyiu-na-ahressyiu-ne-prosto-pooshchriaet-no-y-fynansyruet--anti-colorados-186248.html&edit-text=&act=url (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpatrioty.org.ua%2Fblogs%2Fpora-nazvat-veshchy-svoymy-ymenamy-hermanyia-uzhe-bolee-20-let-pooshchriaet-rossyiu-na-ahressyiu-ne-prosto-pooshchriaet-no-y-fynansyruet--anti-colorados-186248.html&edit-text=&act=url)

https://awoxx.blogspot.com/2016/12/blog-post_66.html (https://awoxx.blogspot.com/2016/12/blog-post_66.html)  at bottom

https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/28655258.html (https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/28655258.html)
The capital of the White Croatia on the territory of Ukraine destroys the Russian myth about the backward "outskirts" - the archaeologist

http://www.amn.com.ua/blogy/pust-rossyyane-oprovergnut-ety-10-faktov-2/?_utl_t=fb (http://www.amn.com.ua/blogy/pust-rossyyane-oprovergnut-ety-10-faktov-2/?_utl_t=fb)
Let the Russians refute these 10 facts !!!
https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amn.com.ua%2Fblogy%2Fpust-rossyyane-oprovergnut-ety-10-faktov-2%2F%3F_utl_t%3Dfb&edit-text= (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amn.com.ua%2Fblogy%2Fpust-rossyyane-oprovergnut-ety-10-faktov-2%2F%3F_utl_t%3Dfb&edit-text=)

http://proudofukraine.com/ukrainian-names-origin-and-meaning/ (http://proudofukraine.com/ukrainian-names-origin-and-meaning/)

http://freeingria.org/2017/09/pro-neizvestnyj-gorod-nien-vposledstvii-pereimenovannyj-v-izvestnyj-sankt-peterburg/ (http://freeingria.org/2017/09/pro-neizvestnyj-gorod-nien-vposledstvii-pereimenovannyj-v-izvestnyj-sankt-peterburg/)

Oude en nieuwe staat van't russische of moskovische keizeryk, behelzende eene uitvoerige historie van Rusland en deszelfs groot-vorsten
https://books.google.nl/books?id=_3NNAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=nl&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=_3NNAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=nl&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false) part 1
https://books.google.nl/books?id=EHRNAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=nl&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=EHRNAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=nl&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false) part 2
https://books.google.nl/books?id=UXRNAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=nl&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=UXRNAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=nl&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false) part 3
https://books.google.nl/books?id=Z3RNAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=nl&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false (https://books.google.nl/books?id=Z3RNAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=nl&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false) part 4

http://patrioty.org.ua/blogs/vkradene-pershorodstvo-mne-kak-russkomu-blo-pryiatno-veryt-chto-ukraynskyi-iazk-proyzoshel-ot-russkoho-no-nachav-yzuchat-vopros-hlubzhe--ponial-chto-vse-kak-raz-naoborot--bashynskyi-135742.html (http://patrioty.org.ua/blogs/vkradene-pershorodstvo-mne-kak-russkomu-blo-pryiatno-veryt-chto-ukraynskyi-iazk-proyzoshel-ot-russkoho-no-nachav-yzuchat-vopros-hlubzhe--ponial-chto-vse-kak-raz-naoborot--bashynskyi-135742.html)
"I like the Russian was pleased to believe that the Ukrainian language came from the Russian." But after starting to study the matter deeper, he realized that everything was just the opposite, "Bashinsky

https://www.rbth.com/history/326203-who-did-ancient-slavs-pray (https://www.rbth.com/history/326203-who-did-ancient-slavs-pray)

http://vsviti.com.ua/nature/56828 (http://vsviti.com.ua/nature/56828)
Ukraine is incomprehensible. 10 most mysterious natural phenomena and man-made objects

http://vgolos.com.ua/news/u_rosii_vystavyly_na_prodazh_vykradeni_z_ukrainy_skarby_kyivskoi_rusi_foto_283509.html (http://vgolos.com.ua/news/u_rosii_vystavyly_na_prodazh_vykradeni_z_ukrainy_skarby_kyivskoi_rusi_foto_283509.html)
In Russia, the treasures of Kyiv Rus stolen from Ukraine were put up for sale (PHOTOS)

https://www.ridivira.com/uk/suspilstvo/ukrainska-mova/1995-kyivski-kniazi-rozmovlialy-ukrainskoiu (https://www.ridivira.com/uk/suspilstvo/ukrainska-mova/1995-kyivski-kniazi-rozmovlialy-ukrainskoiu)
Kyiv princes spoke Ukrainian
http://vsviti.com.ua/makepeaple/34304 (http://vsviti.com.ua/makepeaple/34304)
in UkraineCollectionsCreated by man
The folk architecture of the ancient Ukrainian village or how our ancestors were arranged in different regions (photo)

http://112.international/opinion/transcarpathian-syndrome-of-hungarian-ultranationalists-21230.html (http://112.international/opinion/transcarpathian-syndrome-of-hungarian-ultranationalists-21230.html)

https://www.vogue.com/article/ukraine-flower-crown-vinok-trend (https://www.vogue.com/article/ukraine-flower-crown-vinok-trend)

https://ukrainianinstitutenyc.wordpress.com/2017/09/29/did-you-know-that/ (https://ukrainianinstitutenyc.wordpress.com/2017/09/29/did-you-know-that/)
 btw russia never was, is and will be a country !!! It's offical name is RUSSIAN FEDERATION OF 85 parts

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op juli 08, 2018, 14:04:49 pm

http://bunews.com.ua/politics/item/russia-wants-to-seize-ukrainian-history-as-well-as-ukrainian-lands#.WfUZOI4gDlc.facebook (http://bunews.com.ua/politics/item/russia-wants-to-seize-ukrainian-history-as-well-as-ukrainian-lands#.WfUZOI4gDlc.facebook)

https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/lifestyle-blog-didy-ukrainian-equivalent-halloween.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/lifestyle-blog-didy-ukrainian-equivalent-halloween.html)
http://wiccanrede.org/2013/01/slavic-winter-solstice-festival-koliada/ (http://wiccanrede.org/2013/01/slavic-winter-solstice-festival-koliada/)
halloween samhain
https://www.facebook.com/HumanOdyssey/videos/991447370980846/ (https://www.facebook.com/HumanOdyssey/videos/991447370980846/)

White Skin Developed in (south) Europe Only As Recently as 8,000 Years Ago Say Anthropologists
http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/white-skin-developed-europe-only-recently-8000-years-020287 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/white-skin-developed-europe-only-recently-8000-years-020287)

https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/03/13/016477 (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/03/13/016477)
Direct evidence for positive selection of skin, hair, and eye pigmentation in Europeans during the last 5,000 y (north Black Sea)

http://www.pnas.org/content/111/13/4832 (http://www.pnas.org/content/111/13/4832)
Eight thousand years of natural selection in Europe

https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/10/016477.full.pdf (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/10/016477.full.pdf) incl. milkconsumption possible

https://archive.org/details/mythologyallrac00graygoog (https://archive.org/details/mythologyallrac00graygoog)
1916 Celtic and Slavic (pg.217)

https://archive.org/details/TheRussianPrimaryChronicle (https://archive.org/details/TheRussianPrimaryChronicle)
The Russian Primary Chronicle  (Russ-ian as in Kyvian-RUS (Ukraine-Rus))
by Nestor the Chronicler
Publication date 1113  (published commented 1953)
https://archive.org/details/chronicanestori00miklgoog (https://archive.org/details/chronicanestori00miklgoog)
Chronica Nestoris: textum russico-slovenicum, versionem latinam, glossarium
by Nestor, Franz Miklosich
Publication date 1860

http://www.dw.com/en/neanderthals-the-oldest-masters-of-cave-art/a-42707939?maca=en-rss-en-eu-2092-rdf (http://www.dw.com/en/neanderthals-the-oldest-masters-of-cave-art/a-42707939?maca=en-rss-en-eu-2092-rdf)
Neanderthals – the oldest masters of cave art

http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/90-neolithic-british-gene-pool-was-replaced-beaker-immigrants-009636 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/90-neolithic-british-gene-pool-was-replaced-beaker-immigrants-009636)

90% of the Neolithic British Gene Pool Stonehenge Builders Was Replaced by Beaker Immigrants (Yamnaya culture north of Black Sea - Ukraine - (R1A (slavic) R1B (germanic) Urheimat)) (ancient-origins.net)
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/02/180221131851.htm (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/02/180221131851.htm) Ancient DNA tells tales of humans' migrant history

http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/did-dutch-invaders-wipe-out-bronze-age-britons-during-construction-021400?nopaging=1 (http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/did-dutch-invaders-wipe-out-bronze-age-britons-during-construction-021400?nopaging=1) Did Dutch Invaders Wipe Out Bronze Age Britons During the Construction of Stonehenge?

(I'm Yamna descendant and Dutch : OHHH I did it again??? ) https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/may/20/dutch-invaders-stonehenge-ancient-britons (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/may/20/dutch-invaders-stonehenge-ancient-britons)

http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2017/05/09/135962 (http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2017/05/09/135962) The Beaker Phenomenon And The Genomic Transformation Of Northwest Europe https://www.nature.com/articles/nature25738 (https://www.nature.com/articles/nature25738)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamna_culture (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamna_culture)

An ancient map is found in Ukraine from 14.000 BCE near Mezhyrich,  Cherkasy Oblast (province), central Ukraine, near the point where the Rosava River flows into the Ros' (which gave pre-Ukraine Kyvian the name -Rus !).  Cro-Magnon Mammoth culture from about 23.000 BCE (Aratta)

http://donsmaps.com/mammothcamp.html (http://donsmaps.com/mammothcamp.html)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mezhyrich (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mezhyrich)
https://www.google.nl/search?q=Mezhirich (https://www.google.nl/search?q=Mezhirich)

http://www.historyofinformation.com/expanded.php?id=3904 (http://www.historyofinformation.com/expanded.php?id=3904)
Perhaps the Oldest Surviving Architecture
(Circa 23,000 BCE – 12,000 BCE)

http://www.ancient-origins.net/searchall/ancient%20ukraine (http://www.ancient-origins.net/searchall/ancient%20ukraine)

http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/in-pictures-ohrid-home-of-cyrillic-05-23-2018 (http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/in-pictures-ohrid-home-of-cyrillic-05-23-2018)

11 July 06, 10:15 am Honest History: Saying ‘the Ukraine’ is more than a mistake Olena Goncharova https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-saying-the-ukraine-is-more-than-mistake.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-saying-the-ukraine-is-more-than-mistake.html)

10 June 22, 10:16 am Honest History: Treaty of Peryaslav — In 1654, Ukraine becomes Russian vassal for 337 years … Denys Krasnikov

https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-treaty-of-peryaslav-in-1654-ukraine-becomes-russian-vassal-for-337-years.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-treaty-of-peryaslav-in-1654-ukraine-becomes-russian-vassal-for-337-years.html)

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/8x0q3d/honest_history_10_treaty_of_peryaslav_in_1654/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/8x0q3d/honest_history_10_treaty_of_peryaslav_in_1654/)

9 June 15, 9:52 am Honest History: Ukraine’s Orthodox Church battles for independence Olena Goncharova

https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-ukraines-orthodox-church-battles-for-independence.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-ukraines-orthodox-church-battles-for-independence.html)

8 June 08, 10:08 am Honest History: Volyn Tragedy — Polish, Ukrainian ethnic cleansing still used as political … Oksana Grytsenko

https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-volyn-tragedy-polish-ukrainian-ethnic-cleansing-in-wwii-still-used-as-political-tool.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-volyn-tragedy-polish-ukrainian-ethnic-cleansing-in-wwii-still-used-as-political-tool.html)

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/8x0pco/honest_history_8_volyn_tragedy_polish_ukrainian/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/8x0pco/honest_history_8_volyn_tragedy_polish_ukrainian/)

7 June 01, 11:06 am Honest History: Holodomor was genocide unleashed against Ukraine Yuliana Romanyshyn

https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-holodomor-was-genocide-unleashed-against-ukraine.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-holodomor-was-genocide-unleashed-against-ukraine.html)

6 May 18, 12:39 pm Honest History: Crimean Tatars, deported from their homeland, make long journey to return Bermet Talant

https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-crimean-tatars-grim-anniversary.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-crimean-tatars-grim-anniversary.html)

5 May 11, 11:13 am Honest History: How Russia uses ‘one nation’ myth to justify imperialism Oleg Sukhov

https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-russia-uses-one-nation-myth-justify-imperialism.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-russia-uses-one-nation-myth-justify-imperialism.html)

4 May 04, 10:38 am Honest History: Heat from Hungary. How Transcarpathia’s Hungarian past set up its … Veronika Melkozerova

https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-heat-hungary-transcarpathias-hungarian-past-set-tumultuous-present.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-heat-hungary-transcarpathias-hungarian-past-set-tumultuous-present.html)

3 April 20, 11:01 am Honest History: Ukrainians today still struggle with memory of Holocaust Josh Kovensky

https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/ukrainians-today-still-struggle-memory-holocaust.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/ukrainians-today-still-struggle-memory-holocaust.html)

2 April 06, 10:47 am Honest History: Where, why Ukrainians speak Russian language (and how Kremlin uses it to … Mariya Kapinos

https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-episode-2-ukrainians-speak-russian-language-kremlin-uses-stoke-conflict-ukraine.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-episode-2-ukrainians-speak-russian-language-kremlin-uses-stoke-conflict-ukraine.html)

2b/11 June 26, 10:52 am Why Ukrainians speak Russian (Honest History, Episode 2 – VIDEO) Mariya Kapinos

https://www.kyivpost.com/multimedia/video/why-ukrainians-speak-russian-honest-history-episode-2 (https://www.kyivpost.com/multimedia/video/why-ukrainians-speak-russian-honest-history-episode-2)

1 March 02, 10:00 am Honest History: How Kremlin falsifies history of Kyivan Rus to undermine Ukrainian … Euan MacDonald

https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-episode-1-kremlin-uses-history-kyivan-rus-distort-past-undermine-ukrainian-statehood.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-episode-1-kremlin-uses-history-kyivan-rus-distort-past-undermine-ukrainian-statehood.html)


see more at

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/88j22m/humans_and_neanderthals_branched_off_600000_years/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/88j22m/humans_and_neanderthals_branched_off_600000_years/)

http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/39l326/current_europeans_emerged_from_the_ukraine_says/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/39l326/current_europeans_emerged_from_the_ukraine_says/)

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: admin op januari 16, 2020, 06:56:15 am

Pelenski, Jaroslaw wrote some on "" ancient rus"" or really Kyvian-Ukraine/RUS history
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 15, 2021, 12:07:52 pm
historic links mostly in daily posts but some subjects are too important to scatter all around like this:

Ukraine is in fact the REAL RUSS(ia)

 The Moscow principality founded Khan Mengu-Timur in 1277 What inheritance of Kievan Rus are you talking about here, Russians? Ykristianna writes about it on his blog.
Moscow and Muscovy are a product of state activities of the Tatar-Mongol Empire and personal assets of the Mengu-Timur Khan. It was under him that Moscow first appeared as a settlement recorded in 1272, that is, at the third Tatar-Mongolian census, and the first Moscow Ulus (principality) appeared in the Golden Horde in 1277 when Khan Mengu-Timur presented label ′′ on the principality ′′ to the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky - Daniel, who reached by then, according to Tatar-Mongolian laws, majority (age 16).
So, we finally got to the truth, so diligently hidden by the great Russians: the village of Moscow began to settle in the Moxel tribes since 1272, and the specific Moscow principality appeared in 1277 It was the Khan of the Golden Horde of Mengu-Timur, not Yuri Dolgorukiy, who became the true founder of Moscow and Moscow Ulus.
In the future, their own child - Muscovy, the goldordynsk Khans will contribute to everything. Thanks to Sarai's help and permission, Muscovy will soon be on the path of the so-called ′′ gathering of Russian land ". But in itself, this concept of ′′ gathering ′′ will appear much later when the bones of thousands of murdered will arise and need a ′′ great distant past ". Then the Russian elite will accept stealing everything else's to impersonate. She will even abandon the forefathers of her statehood - Tatar Mongols, not to mention the abandonment of her native Finnish ethnos - meri, muroms, maces, weights, caves, perm, mokshas, mordva, etc.
True owners and lords of Rostovo-Suzdal and Moscow principalities from 1238 to 1357:
1) khan Batiy (Sain), 1238-1250;
2) khan Sartak, 1250-1257;
3) khan Berke, 1257-1266;
4) Khan Mengu-Timur, 1266;
5) khan Tuda-Mengu, 1282-1287;
6) khan Talabuga, 1287-1290;
7) khan Tohta, 1291;
8) khan Uzbek, 1312-1342;
9) khan Janibek, 1342-1357
These historical figures were the forefathers of the Russian statehood.

https://www.facebook.com/mike.tkaczuk.31/posts/2846871022236358?__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/mike.tkaczuk.31/posts/2846871022236358?__cft__)[0]=AZUTNi9xfXT91AWpLxjgCaa9du2DZu92O4sUItsT2LVJ5-XJCREv0EKLJIHD2dprA4TIwKe-EwZpHqKCGh8b1-88ypoehKBpr9IrppB3T0rK3rXA3cfDEJg3B7DDijKApB7Ez9smzXWSn8Sgu2PeUijRBrHqHuRgj9x0KtJhjWdCG4y4daqnf_ur4B4WiwP9e2KMnvBeEiRX4sS6vw0na-oZ4uuM7thMz6vh_qTqoTaBYg&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-y0.g-R

https://www.facebook.com/groups/682112178637849/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/682112178637849/)
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=799621883821445&set=gm.1378379515677775 (https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=799621883821445&set=gm.1378379515677775)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/682112178637849/permalink/1378379515677775/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/682112178637849/permalink/1378379515677775/)

and those RF russians are not even RUSSians... but Muscovites

Name RUSS belongs to Ukraine : Map of Poland and Hungary by Sebastian Munster, 1550. The map shows ?Russia Ukrain? for Ukraine, ?Russia Alba? for Belarus, while the Moscow Princedom is called ?Moscovia.? (karty.by) http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_Poloniae-Et-Ungariae-Nova-Descriptio1550.jpg (http://www.karty.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Sebastian-Munster_Poloniae-Et-Ungariae-Nova-Descriptio1550.jpg)

see also
http://euromaidanpress.com/2019/01/04/russias-cap-of-the-monomakh-came-not-from-constantinople-but-from-khan-uzbek-tashkent-historian-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2019/01/04/russias-cap-of-the-monomakh-came-not-from-constantinople-but-from-khan-uzbek-tashkent-historian-says/)

http://fergana.agency/articles/103851/ (http://fergana.agency/articles/103851/)

In the bag How Uzbek made Moscow the capital of Muscovy

Irina Bobrovnitskaya, who curates the crown, argues that Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita received the cap from Khan Uzbek, and Moscow historian Nikolay Borisov considers it to be a woman?s tyubeteika which belonged to the wife of Moscow Prince Yury.

Consequently, Mirovalyev says, ?if it weren?t for Uzbek, then the Russian state in its present-day form, as a continuation of the Grand Principality of Muscovy simply would not exist.? It might even have happened that Islam would have become the predominant religion of that state or that it might have accepted Christianity on its own.

And he notes that the ethnic diversity of the region is so great that ?even the word ?Moscow? most likely is Finno-Ugric in origin.?

Russian(Ukraine!)-Byzantine treaty 911 CE, cause Moscow was known from 1147, Muscovy from 1250 under Tartar-Mongol rule

http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc2/911.rus-vizantiya.php (http://www.hai-nyzhnyk.in.ua/doc2/911.rus-vizantiya.php)

https://moscowchronology.ru/citymaps_XII-XV.html (https://moscowchronology.ru/citymaps_XII-XV.html) 

https://archive.org/details/storyofmoscow00gerruoft/page/68/mode/1up (https://archive.org/details/storyofmoscow00gerruoft/page/68/mode/1up)

https://eudocs.lib.byu.edu/index.php/History_of_Ukraine:_Primary_Documents (https://eudocs.lib.byu.edu/index.php/History_of_Ukraine:_Primary_Documents)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni zomer 18.38 Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 16, 2021, 07:59:45 am
https://www.facebook.com/marina.trattner/posts/10224223449631969?_ (https://www.facebook.com/marina.trattner/posts/10224223449631969?_)

Marina Trattner

Tonight I found Sweden's diplomatic correspondence with Cossacks in the Swedish online archive. From the letters of Bogdan Khmelnytsky, written in 1654, to the letters of cat atamans written in 1721 Own letters. Rescued originals. 373 pages of Latin texts. One letter - in Russian. The same archive (first part) preserves the text of the Eagle Constitution of 1710
I just cried with joy. I don't know if they were already printed in Ukraine or not, but they should all be translated and issued. Museums of Ukraine should save these letters. I already uploaded these in high quality. Haven't watched it yet because I uploaded them all night. Page by page. Our story is alive ❤️
Personal request from me: downloading these letters and keeping them right - everywhere providing source information - Riksarkivet in Stockholm.
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/R0000480_00001#?c=&m=&s=&cv=&xywh=-885%2C-171%2C5106%2C2749 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/R0000480_00001#?c=&m=&s=&cv=&xywh=-885%2C-171%2C5106%2C2749)

UPD. 1. Evgeny Denisov saw that there are three letters written in Russian, not one, as it is stated in the archive:
Here's the first letter:
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/R0000480_00341#?c=&m=&s=&cv=340&xywh=-1336%2C-228%2C8419%2C4534 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/R0000480_00341#?c=&m=&s=&cv=340&xywh=-1336%2C-228%2C8419%2C4534)
Here's the second letter:
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/R0000480_00357#?c=&m=&s=&cv=356&xywh=-2727%2C-613%2C7862%2C4234 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/R0000480_00357#?c=&m=&s=&cv=356&xywh=-2727%2C-613%2C7862%2C4234)
Here's the third letter:
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/R0000480_00365#?c=&m=&s=&cv=364&xywh=-2525%2C-292%2C10802%2C5817 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/R0000480_00365#?c=&m=&s=&cv=364&xywh=-2525%2C-292%2C10802%2C5817)

UPD. 2. Scientists have worked with the documents of this archive for many years. Here are a few mention of them:
http://history.org.ua/LiberUA/978-966-603-692-9/978-966-603-692-9.pdf (http://history.org.ua/LiberUA/978-966-603-692-9/978-966-603-692-9.pdf)

http://elib.shpl.ru/ru/nodes/11314-ch-3-t-6-akty-shvedskogo-gosudarstvennogo-arhiva-otnosyaschiesya-k-istorii-malorossii-1649-1660-g-1908 (http://elib.shpl.ru/ru/nodes/11314-ch-3-t-6-akty-shvedskogo-gosudarstvennogo-arhiva-otnosyaschiesya-k-istorii-malorossii-1649-1660-g-1908)

http://hrushevsky.nbuv.gov.ua/cgi-bin/hrushevsky/person.exe?&I21DBN=ELIB&P21DBN=ELIB&S21STN=1&S21REF=10&S21FMT=elib_all&C21COM=S&S21CNR=20&S21P01=0&S21P02=0&S21P03=ID%3D&S21STR=0001531 (http://hrushevsky.nbuv.gov.ua/cgi-bin/hrushevsky/person.exe?&I21DBN=ELIB&P21DBN=ELIB&S21STN=1&S21REF=10&S21FMT=elib_all&C21COM=S&S21CNR=20&S21P01=0&S21P02=0&S21P03=ID%3D&S21STR=0001531)

https://kmalibrary.wordpress.com/2016/07/20/riksarkivet-in-naukma/ (https://kmalibrary.wordpress.com/2016/07/20/riksarkivet-in-naukma/)

https://old.archives.gov.ua/Sections/Vigovskiy_350/index.php?52 (https://old.archives.gov.ua/Sections/Vigovskiy_350/index.php?52)

The State Archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet) retains diplomatic correspondence, which, I am sure, contains a lot of documents concerning Ukraine. But this whole section is called Diplomatica Moscovitica. Document period: 1323-1808. 667 volumes (! ) = 35 meters on the shelves in the vault. All this can be studied only in place. Because this archive has not been digitized yet.

https://sok.riksarkivet.se/?Sokord=Muscovitica&page=1&postid=Arkis%20a097253c-9ab7-11d5-a700-0002440207bb&tab=post&FacettState=undefined%3Ac%7C&vol=n&s=Balder (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/?Sokord=Muscovitica&page=1&postid=Arkis%20a097253c-9ab7-11d5-a700-0002440207bb&tab=post&FacettState=undefined%3Ac%7C&vol=n&s=Balder)

https://nashaistoriamt.blogspot.com (https://nashaistoriamt.blogspot.com)  her blog

https://archive.org/details/cossacksukraine00krasgoog/page/n5/mode/2up (https://archive.org/details/cossacksukraine00krasgoog/page/n5/mode/2up)

https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.94818 (https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.94818)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QnbVpPZ6Ok&feature=youtu.be (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QnbVpPZ6Ok&feature=youtu.be)
What does the name Hryhoriy Orlyk tell you?
http://www.en.getman-museum.kiev.ua/index.php/exp/19-exp-orlyk (http://www.en.getman-museum.kiev.ua/index.php/exp/19-exp-orlyk)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QnbVpPZ6Ok&feature=youtu.be (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QnbVpPZ6Ok&feature=youtu.be)
What does the name Hryhoriy Orlyk tell you?
http://www.en.getman-museum.kiev.ua/index.php/exp/19-exp-orlyk (http://www.en.getman-museum.kiev.ua/index.php/exp/19-exp-orlyk)

https://en.hromadske.ua/posts/ukrainians-in-the-cobweb-of-international-affairs-gregoire-orlik-frances-18th-c-foreign-policy (https://en.hromadske.ua/posts/ukrainians-in-the-cobweb-of-international-affairs-gregoire-orlik-frances-18th-c-foreign-policy)

https://s-ctapo-coll.blogspot.com/ (https://s-ctapo-coll.blogspot.com/)  another


AAAAAA! Look what I found!
4931 mention of John Mazepa in Swedish newspapers, starting January 1, 1702 to now!
Museums, kku, you were looking for Swedish newspapers with articles about Mazepa, Cossacks and Ukraine. Here you go:

Everyone else is here too. Here you will find the truth about Ukraine in Swedish newspapers.
Print and save.
 https://tidningar.kb.se/?q=%20mazeppa&sort=asc (https://tidningar.kb.se/?q=%20mazeppa&sort=asc)

https://www.tradera.com/en/profile/items/193241/goranm (https://www.tradera.com/en/profile/items/193241/goranm)

see also https://ilab.org/home (https://ilab.org/home) The International League of Antiquarian Booksellers

and abebooks
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 23, 2021, 08:09:27 am
Interesting facts about the Ukrainian language
1. Modern Ukrainian language has about 256 thousand words.
2. According to the vocabulary, the most close to the Ukrainian language is the Belarusian-84 % of common vocabulary, then go Polish and Serbian (70 % and 68 % respectively) and only then - Russian (62 %). To things, if you compare phonetics and grammar, then Ukrainian has from 22 to 29 common rice with Belarusian, Czech, Slovak and Polish, and with Russian only 11.
3. In the Ukrainian language, unlike the rest of the Eastern Slavic languages, the noun has 7 differences, one of which is called.
4. 448 r. Byzantine historian Prisk Paniysky, staying in the camp of the gunman's lord Attila on the territory of modern Ukraine, recorded the words ′′ honey ′′ and ′′ dish ". This was the first mention of Ukrainian words.
5. Ukrainian language in different historical periods was called differently: simple, Russian, Russian, Russian, Cossack, etc. Historically the most used name of the Ukrainian language until the mid-XIX century. there was the name ′′ Russian language ".
6. In the Ukrainian language, the largest number of words begins with the letter ′′ P ".
7. The least used letter of the Ukrainian alphabet is the letter ′′ F ".
8. There are many synonyms in the Ukrainian language. For example, the word ′′ horizon ′′ has 12 synonyms: obr?j, skysv?d, firmament, extremes, circular, horizon, visible, visible, visible, sky, ovid.
9. The names of all animal cubs are the names of the middle kind: calf, kitten, frog.
10. Ukrainian language is rich in reducing forms. Even the word ′′ enemies ′′ - ′′ enemies ′′ has a reduction form.
According to different data, the Ukrainian language ranks 25 or 32 in the number of native speakers among the most common languages in the world. For 36-37,5 million people, the Ukrainian language is native. In total, 41-45 million people in the world own Ukrainian.
Recall, ′′ Language - DNA of the nation ′′ is a volunteer educational project for everyone who wants to improve their knowledge of the Ukrainian language.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 02, 2021, 05:56:24 am
Found: The Lost Tlingit Fort That Defended Alaska From Russian Attack
It also set in motion the process that made the vast territory part of America.
https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/found-sapling-fort-alaska?u (https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/found-sapling-fort-alaska?u)

https://www.warhistoryonline.com/medieval/tiny-lithuania-was-a-superpower.html (https://www.warhistoryonline.com/medieval/tiny-lithuania-was-a-superpower.html)

http://radio.garden/ (http://radio.garden/)     wordwide radio online

book KUBAN' Ukrainian Kozaks Land  -
https://toloka.to/t54002 (https://toloka.to/t54002)

Petro Kuzmovich Volyniak (real name Chechet) (1907 - 1969) - journalist, editor, writer, publisher, teacher, activist of the Ukrainian community in Canada. Researcher of the history of Ukrainian emigration, author of five textbooks for Ukrainian schools in Canada. The proposed essay is about the life of Ukrainians in the Kuban.

https://mathildasanthropologyblog.wordpress.com/2009/03/12/proto-indo-european-speakers-of-the-late-tripolye-culture-as-the-inventors-of-wheeled-vehicles/ (https://mathildasanthropologyblog.wordpress.com/2009/03/12/proto-indo-european-speakers-of-the-late-tripolye-culture-as-the-inventors-of-wheeled-vehicles/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2019/10/16/new-book-tells-of-sacred-relics-of-princely-ukraine-rus-appropriated-by-russia/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2019/10/16/new-book-tells-of-sacred-relics-of-princely-ukraine-rus-appropriated-by-russia/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 20, 2021, 17:04:13 pm

Lugansk founded Catherine II and before that it was ′′ Wild Field ". So in Russian textbooks write.
What are you doing? And nothing, what more 100 years before that were Ukrainian Cossack settlements Stone Brid and Vergunka? And Lugansk did not exist in nature until 1882 Moreover, it was Catherine II who made slaves to local Cossacks and peasants who did not know before.
Mariupol? This is the old fortress of the Kalmius Palanka of Zaporozhye Cossacks Domakh.
Donetsk? Old settlement of Zaporozhye Oleksandrivka.
Bakhmut? Zaporizhzhia saltwater.
Slavic Serbsk, Luhansk region? The old winterizer
The Kalmius Palanka of Zaporizhzhya Sichi, called Pidhorne celebration. Known since at least 1740
Winter of the Luhansk region (known as Rodakove station) - now in the occupation - the winterizer of the Kalmius Palanka of Zaporizhzhia Sichi called Cherkasy Brid (1645).
Finally, my hometown of Toretsk (former Dzerzhinsk) of Donetsk region began with the settlement of Shcherbinovka, founded by Zaporizhzhya ataman Anton Shcherbina.
Do you want for Kharkiv region? Please, please. The city of Izyum is an old Cossack town of 1639 Later - the center of the Izyum Cossack Regiment.
Kharkiv? Founded by Cossack Colonels Donets-Zakharzhevsky.
Can we talk about Odessa? This is the ancient Ukrainian fortress of Kotsiubiev (1415) when Moscow was still the Ulusom of the Horde. The famous peresip was formed right then.
Maybe we'll talk about Kherson or Berdyansk? Nope?
′′ Novorossiya ", say the Russians? Well, well...
P.S. About the true history of our people trying to save the Kremlin's hordes of ′′ historians ′′ headed by the frojanovimi-quiet world and izhe with them.
Historical investigations, author of which I have the honor of being.
Classic paper books (autograph guaranteed) can be ordered here: http://pavlopraviy.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post_16.html (http://pavlopraviy.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post_16.html)
E-versions here: https://pavlopraviy.blogspot.com/2018/10/blog-post.html (https://pavlopraviy.blogspot.com/2018/10/blog-post.html)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 19, 2021, 17:07:34 pm
https://www.ancient-origins.net/human-origins-science/inexplicable-origins-ket-people-siberia-009908 (https://www.ancient-origins.net/human-origins-science/inexplicable-origins-ket-people-siberia-009908)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw-25zQEc_s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw-25zQEc_s)
The Ket People

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ket_people (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ket_people)

https://ww.youtube.com/watch?v=alla2Fqopag# (https://ww.youtube.com/watch?v=alla2Fqopag#)
Languages of Siberia

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleolithic_Europe#Upper_Paleolithic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleolithic_Europe#Upper_Paleolithic)

https://www.google.com/search?q=Cro+Magnon (https://www.google.com/search?q=Cro+Magnon)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 22, 2021, 06:24:31 am

Ivan Kupala day   summer solstice

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupala_Night (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupala_Night)

https://www.google.com/search?q=Ivan+Kupala (https://www.google.com/search?q=Ivan+Kupala)

I never knew about this celebration until one year when I visited my family in Ukraine during the time of this event?have any of you participated in this outside of Ukraine? (I missed most of the fun and bonfire because I got food poisoning from mushrooms I ate earlier in the day at a restaurant?but I did get to hear all the drunks singing all night?😉)
The feast of Ivan Kupala is a traditional and most mysterious and magical Ukrainian holiday.
Kupala Night is an ancient pagan celebration dedicated to the summer solstice when the day starts to decrease, and the night increases.
In addition, it is associated with the end of the summer solar cycle of pre-Christian holidays, and eventually, after the adoption of Christianity, it transformed to some extent into a church holiday.
According to ancient traditions, Ivana Kupala is the festival of the sun, and the most important role in mystical rites belongs to the power of fire. Our ancestors believed that the fire is the sun-embryo in the womb.
In Christian times, the church tried to suppress the tradition, substituting it with the feast day of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist but it remained firmly part of folk ritual as the festival of Ivan (John, from Saint John) Kupalo.
Thus, the ancient folk feast of Kupaila began to be called the holiday of Ivan Kupala. It is the celebration of the birth of the John Baptist, and as often happens in Ukrainian culture, the pagan and Christian traditions have come together again.
But folk memory preserved the Kupala ritual and songs that belonged to ancient times, to the original poetry and rituals. This day has always been associated with many beliefs, attributes, traditions, ceremonies, and even prohibitions, and that is why ahead of Ivan Kupala Ukrainians have long adhered to the traditions of celebration.
Thus, in Ukraine, from year to year, it comes on July 6 and on July 7 on the Julian calendar and June 23 and 24 on the Gregorian calendar. It is believed that on this day rituals protect homes and beloved ones, strengthen health and bring happiness. Not surprisingly, it has always been associated with various traditions, superstitions and beliefs that appeared in pre-Christian times.
Written references to the festival date from the 11th century. Its origins are much earlier, however. On a 4th-century calendar pot found in the middle-Dnieper region once inhabited by the Slavic Polianians, for example, the time of the festival was already marked by two crosses. The term ?Kupalo? was itself first mentioned in the Hypatian Chronicle under the year 1262. In medieval and early-modern church documents?eg, ?The Sermon of Saint John Chrysostom? and the ?Epistle of Hegumen Pamphil? of Pskov Monastery (1515)?there are fairly detailed descriptions of the lascivious festivities.
Despite the efforts of the church and secular rulers?eg, Hetman Ivan Skoropadsky issued a decree in 1719 categorically forbidding it, and many similar decrees were later issued?the tradition proved too old and too well rooted to disappear. By the late 19th century most of the pagan beliefs connected with the Kupalo rituals had vanished, but the festival was still widely celebrated to mark the beginning of the harvest.
Most of the traditions for Kupala Night trace back to the pagan past. For instance, one of the most widely adhered to ones is that all the possible evil spirits like witches, snakes, water, mermaids, and werewolves awaken at this time. Therefore, you shouldn?t sleep on Kupala Night. It is customary to go to a pond, a river or a lake and celebrate the holiday there. However, males should stay away from the water and not swim in it, or a ?Mavka? could seduce a male walking along the water and then drown him.
The herbs for Kupala Night are imbued with a special healing power, so witch doctors collected them in the forest. Bunches of grass, gathered on the holiday, hung in the house and acted as a charm for the whole family.
Kupalo was also believed to be the god of love and of the harvest and the personification of the earth's fertility. According to popular belief, ?Kupalo eve? (?Ivan's eve?) was the only time of the year when the earth revealed its secrets and made ferns bloom to mark places where its treasures were buried, and the only time when trees spoke and even moved and when witches gathered.
The fern flower brings fortune to the person who finds it.....the fern flower brings luck, wealth, or the ability to understand animal speech. However, the flower is closely guarded by evil spirits and anyone who finds the flower will have access to earthly riches, which have never benefited anyone, so the decision to pick the flower or leave it alone is left up to the individual.
According to folklore, the flower is the Chervona ruta. The flower is yellow, but according to legend, it turns red on the eve of Ivan Kupala Day.
On the eve, unmarried young men and women gathered outside the village in the forest or near a stream or pond. There they built ?Kupalo fires??a relic of the pagan custom of bringing sacrifice?around which they performed ritual dances and sang ritual songs.
On the eve female participants wore scented herbs and flowers to attract the males and adorned their hair with garlands of freshly cut flowers. Traditionally, unmarried women, signified by the garlands in their hair, are the first to enter the forest. They are followed by young men. Therefore, the quest to find herbs and the fern flower may lead to the blooming of relationships between pairs within the forest.
On the evening of July 6, unmarried girls look for their future husbands.
A popular tradition is to weave a wreath of wildflowers while making a wish, later in the evening they let it go on the river.  They divined their fates according to what happened to the garlands which they had sent flowing on the water.If the wreath floats far away, the wish will come true, and if it is beaten to the shore or sinks, then you should forget about your dream for a while.  Romantic  fate was played out according to which male picked up girls crown.... young men would go and try to pull the wreaths out of the water. The girl whose wreath a young man captures, is to kiss him and then they are paired for the rest of the evening.
Another of the rituals was  leaping over the fires. young people jump over the flames of bonfires in a ritual test of bravery and faith. The males who jumped the highest and cleared the fire would have good good fortune for the year.  If you did not clear the  fire you would have misfortune.  Couples would jump together holding hands. The failure of a couple in love to complete the jump, while holding hands, is a sign of their destined separation. They also all bathed in the water (an act of purification), and played various games. 
The fires were also used to burn herbs gathered in the previous year and various items of no further use, particularly those that had been blessed with holy water and could therefore not be discarded by normal means. The fires were never extinguished, but were always allowed to smolder out.
On the morning of that day girls washed themselves with the dew that had fallen on Kupalo eve, which they collected in a bowl left outside overnight, and then ran barefoot through the bedewed fields in the belief that doing so would accelerate their opportunity to get married. The sick would roll naked in the dewy meadows in the belief that this action would help them get well, and farmers would run their cattle through such meadows in the belief that this routine would prevent disease.
On Ivan Kupala day itself, children engage in water fights and perform pranks, mostly involving pouring water over people.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 23, 2021, 10:05:46 am

Kupala - Slavic midsummer celebration
Summer solstice has many names in Slavic lands. In some countries it is known as Kupala night, in others Ivan Kupala day. Christian name Noc Świętojańska (St. John?s Night) is also common. In Warmia and Mazury it is known as palinocka (burning night). In Śląsk (Silesia), where I live we call summer solstice sob?tka, after nearby, sacred mountain Ślęża (to which Sob?tka is currently something of a common pet name).  It is also the center of local Rodnover (Slavic paganism, literally ?Native Faith?) activity. While the shortest night of the year falls on 20-21st June Kupala is in some places celebrated on 24th June to match the winter holiday of Koliada celebrated on 24th December. In some countries people don?t have to go to work on that day!
            Kupalo, god of summer solstice.
 13th century sources confirm the existence of summer solstice celebrations called ?Kupaly? among the people of Rus. 17th century folk stories are already referring to Kupalo as  god of sun, fire and summer, a personification of the solstice holiday. Kupalo is usually viewed as male but in Poland where ?kupała? is a feminine noun the deity is sometimes depicted as female. The winter counterpart of Kupalo is Koliada, personification of winter solstice. Eastern Slavic folk tales often pair Kupalo with Kostroma, a goddess of spring and abundance, depicted in white clothes, with an oak branch in her hand. Kostroma?s name is derived from a word meaning ?bonfire?. In rituals connected with the seasons, solstice and crops Kupalo and Kostroma were often represented by dolls or scarecrows, carried around and sometimes symbolically burned.
Kupalo and Kostroma are said to be twin deities of summer and spring, fire and water, light, sun, happiness, crops and wealth. They are the children of a fire god Simargl and Kupalnitsa, a goddess of night (while Simargl is indeed mentioned in the ?Tale of Bygone Years? as one of the gods worshipped by prince Vladimir and became a popular decorative motif in boyar art, I couldn?t find any non-recent mentions of him being a god of fire, in fact scientists seem to connect him with family and rye; then again my sources are limited and I don?t know the opinion of every etymologist and folklorist out there).
A popular folk myth describes how young Kupalo and Kostroma went into the fields to listen to the song of magical birds: Kupalo listened to Sirin, the bird of sorrow and Kostroma to Alkonost, the bird of joy. But the twins didn?t realize the magical songbirds can be dangerous. By the order of Chernobog Sirin abducted Kupalo and took him to Nav, the Underworld.
Many years later Kupalo managed to finally find his way out of the Nav and he traveled to his home country by boat, up the river Ra. Suddenly he saw strong winds blow a floral wreath off a beautiful girl?s head and into the water. He retrived the wreath and returned it. In Slavic culture the wreath symbolized maidenhood and unmarried status; during certain holidays the girl would place her wreath in the river and the boy who would pick it up waiting down the river?s run was meant by gods to marry her. And so Kupalo and Kostroma fell in love and married. Only after their wedding gods revealed to them that they are actually brother and sister. The twins were so heart-broken they decided to comitt suicide - Kupalo threw himself into the fire and died, while Kostroma tried to drown herself in the river and became a mavka, a restless spirit of a girl who died prematurely.
Gods, feeling guilty about the sad fate of the twins transformed them into a flower with petals of blue and fiery yellow to represent each of the siblings. That flower was at first called Kupalo-da-Mavka but after christianization the name was changed to Ivan-da-Maria.
                     The Goddess Kupala
Kupala, also known as the water mother, is a Slavic goddess associated with water and springs, healing, herbs, purification, and midsummer. She represents both the water and fire elements, particularly the aspects of healing, purification, and transformation. Some additional associations are joy, health, and cleansing.
She is relevant to many regions of Eastern Europe, particularly Poland, Ukraine, and Bohemia.
Kupala is essential to the midsummer eve festival in these regions, known as Noc Kupala (нос купала), or post-Christianity as Ivan-Kupala (Іванa-Купала). This festival is celebrated differently in different places, but there are some common elements:
-jumping over a bonfire for wishes/good luck
-decorating a female effigy representing Kupala and releasing her into the water (preferably a river). This is only done by the women and girls
-decorating oneself with flowers
-sending a candle down the river
-feasting of course!
Legend has it that at midnight on Noc Kupala, the magical plant blooms and whoever finds the flower receives good luck, prosperity, and potentially supernatural power.
Some other plants particularly sacred to her are birch, loosestrife, and flowers. Wildflowers gathered at dawn are an appropriate offering - though do be sure to use sustainable harvest practices and not offer too many! One or two will do.
One way to connect with Kupala is to leave a cloth out overnight to collect dew (especially during the month of June). In the morning, you can wash your face and hands with the dew water to receive Kupala's blessings.
A ritual to ask Kupala's blessing on a new venture, such as the new year, a new relationship/marriage, or lifen transition, is to light a small fire (like a candle, uor loose incense in a cauldron) and step or jump over it, asking Kupala to burn away the old and refresh you for the next phase.
Oblutions with water, especially in a river, are also a good way to connect with her. I like to say a prayer to Kupala in the shower for example.
Traditional celebrations
The most common way for Slavs to celebrate summer solstice was lighting the sacred bonfires, often on tops of mountains and hills. Regional traditions relating to those fires vary: in some places they had to be made of the sacred oak wood in other the bonfire was composed of ash and birch. Most curious way to light the fires uses a large wheel covered in tar and wrapped in hay. It was placed on a birch pole and spinned fast until the friction sparked fire. Then the burning wheel was rolled around lighting bonfires one by one. That?s also how the wheel became one of the symbols strongly associated with midsummer in Slavic countries.
Various herbs, believed to hold magical properties, were burned in the fires to grant the celebrators health and wealth. Burning cattle bones was meant to ensure that the cows and bulls will be reborn in great number. People (especially young men) would also jump over the fires to ward off sickness and grant themselves luck and protection. Sometimes young couples jumped together over the flames while holding a small effigy of Kupalo - if they dropped it into the fire their love would not last.
Kupala was connected with water almost as much as with fire. Girls made herbal wreaths and wore them throughout the celebration. At the end of the night they?d float the wreaths down the river with little torches attached in the middle. Young men in turn would wait down the river and try to capture the wreaths. It was believed that the boy was meant to marry the girl who?s wreath he caught. If the wreath sunk or got stuck in the reeds the girl would never marry. In many regions people believed bathing in rivers, streams and lakes before Kupala to be dangerous. Rusalkas, wodniks and other water demons were particularly active in that time and they could kidnap and drown anyone who got nearby. On midsummer night however, the water was ritually blessed and made safe to bathe in. In some regions people performed water scrying in wells to learn their future.
Another type of love divination associated with Kupala was collecting twelve herbs (as rare as possible) in complete silence and putting them under your pillow to see your future and spouse in your dreams. If one spoke even a word while collecting herbs the spell was broken and the vision would not come.
Women rubbed themsleves with adder?s tongue herb to put on a beauty glamour for the night. It was believed that during Kupala magical fern flower grows in the woods and whoever finds it will be blessed with great riches, strenght and wisdom. Searching for the flower was also a great pretext for men and women to head into the woods alone.
Midsummer poles, deity effigies.
Deity effigies seem to be a common theme in the Kupala. As I already mentioned small figurines or dolls of Kupalo were held by couples jumping over the flames. Bigger effigies of Kupalo and Kostroma are also popular in some regions. Interestingly enough an effigy of Morana (Marzanna, Mara, Marena) usually associated with spring equinox rituals also features in many midsummer celebrations. In Ukraine a pole of maple, birch or willow was set up on a hill and adorned with flowers and ribbons - that pole, called Morana or Mara was the center of festivities and round dances. In some parts of Russia a straw doll of Morena was made and burned at the end of the night, the ash was then sprinkled over the fields to ensure fertility and good harvest. Those traditions seem to point to Morana originally being the deity of agricultural cycles, also connected with fertility, new life, planting and harvest - not just a deadly winter goddess. In later times that doll would be sometimes called other female names such as Marina or Katerina. Sometimes the midsummer pole was decorated with aforementioned wheel or with cow or horse skull (Belarus). At the end of the night that pole was thrown into the river.
How to celebrate?
? make a bonfire
? party with your friends
? prepare a feast (or you know, nice dinner) and invite your family to share it with you
? make offerings to the solar deities you follow and spend some time with them during the day
? search for the fern flower with your partner (or just take a walk in the woods together)
? try fire and water scrying
? at night collect 12 herbs and stick them under your pillow (even you speak out and don?t receive any visions you can still dry the herbs and use them later to give an extra kick to your spells)
? perform a blessing ritual by a nearby body of water and bathe in it for good luck
? make offerings to local nature spirits
? burn herbs for good luck! (you can also try smoke cleansing with herb bundles or DIY herbal incense)
? wear a wreath
Have a blessed sob?tka!
?Slavic folklore, didactical guidelines? by Laima Anglickienė
?Mity, podania i wierzenia dawnych Słowian? by Jerzy Strzelczyk
?Religia Słowian? by Andrzej Szyjewski
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 04, 2021, 09:31:28 am

http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/02/land-of-freedom-5-overlooked-similarities-between-ukraine-and-the-usa/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/02/land-of-freedom-5-overlooked-similarities-between-ukraine-and-the-usa/)

https://archive.org/details/descriptiondvkra00beau/page/112/mode/2up (https://archive.org/details/descriptiondvkra00beau/page/112/mode/2up)
Description d'Vkranie, qui sont plusieurs prouinces du royaume de Pologne. Contenu?s depuis les confins de la Moscouie, iusques aux limites de la Transilvanie. : Ensemble leurs moeurs, fącons de viures, & de faire la guerre   1630 French
https://archive.org/details/opisanieukrainy00beau/page/n7/mode/2up (https://archive.org/details/opisanieukrainy00beau/page/n7/mode/2up)

Opisanīe Ukraĭny
by Beauplan, Guillaume Le Vasseur, sieur de, approximately 1600- russian
https://archive.org/details/opisanieukrainy00beau/page/n7/mode/2up (https://archive.org/details/opisanieukrainy00beau/page/n7/mode/2up)
Publication date 1832

https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/30360072.html (https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/30360072.html)
https://gdb.rferl.org/1BABB464-C5E5-489E-8F25-F5D3DABEFCD4.jpg (https://gdb.rferl.org/1BABB464-C5E5-489E-8F25-F5D3DABEFCD4.jpg)  5.9 Mb
General map of Ukraine by French military engineer and cartographer Guillaume Levasser de Beauplan, 1648
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/Beauplan_Poland_XVII_map.jpg (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/Beauplan_Poland_XVII_map.jpg)  26Mb

Конституція Піліпа Орлика. Constitution Of Pylyp Orlyk 1710 Ukraine. Introduction  sound 21.47 min/sec
https://archive.org/details/ConstitutionOfPylypOrlyk1710Ukraine.Introduction (https://archive.org/details/ConstitutionOfPylypOrlyk1710Ukraine.Introduction)

The mirror of the Ottoman Empire, or the present state of the court and the militia of the great lord, with a very particular description of the way of life of the Turks. And an account of all that happened during the Turkish wars in Poland & Ukraine until 1677
https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_FNYDdHBp-WMC (https://archive.org/details/bub_gb_FNYDdHBp-WMC)  1680

Carte de la Hongrie et des pays qui en dependoient autrefois : dressee sur un grande nombre de memoireae et cartes manuscrites ou imprimees. 1780  incl. Ukraine, Crimea
https://archive.org/details/bp_32932 (https://archive.org/details/bp_32932)

https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/when-the-arabs-met-the-vikings-new-discovery-suggests-ancient-links-1.125718 (https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/when-the-arabs-met-the-vikings-new-discovery-suggests-ancient-links-1.125718)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 04, 2021, 13:17:10 pm
https://www.ar25.org/article/androfagy-etnichne-korinnya-ta-vichna-zhorstokist-moskvyniv.html?fbcl (https://www.ar25.org/article/androfagy-etnichne-korinnya-ta-vichna-zhorstokist-moskvyniv.html?fbcl)
use google chrome for translation

Androphages are the ethnic roots and eternal cruelty of Muscovites
◉ The Greek historian Herodotus (484?425 BC) writes that to the north of the Scythian state (in the area of ​​present-day Muscovy) there is a people of androphagus (meaning ?cannibals ?). He writes that the people are special, completely different from the hermitages, do not speak the Scythian language, have no laws, have the wildest customs, they are nomadic hunters and cannibals. It is not difficult to guess in that people the ancestors of today's Muscovites. The fact of cannibalism of the Proto-Muscovites is confirmed by modern archeology.

No wonder the Muscovites behave the way as they do...reminds me of this article from 1994 before B.M.
https://web.archive.org/web/20150205050359/https:/articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-01-16/news/9401160298_1_president-leonid-kravchuk-ukraine-russians (https://web.archive.org/web/20150205050359/https:/articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-01-16/news/9401160298_1_president-leonid-kravchuk-ukraine-russians)

"when russians behave as russians" btw the reason I got banned on 2 dutch pro-rf sites and all pro-rf reddits so started my own :-)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 04, 2021, 13:31:59 pm
One of the explanations of origin
Link Published by Арсен Дубовик April 1, 2014 - 15:34
One of the interpretations of the origin of the name KATSAP (butcher) is a butcher.
Now it is clear why ....
Here is the quote: "In fact, the word katsap (kasap), as claimed by Academician D. Yavornytsky, is of Turkic origin and means butcher, rascal. Here is how he writes about it:
" Working in the Archives of the Ministry of Justice in Moscow, I found several Ukrainian documents of the middle of the XVIII century, in which the word ?katsap? was written not with the letter ?ts?, but with the letter ?c?, that is, not ?katsap?, but ?kasap.? He then turned from archival documents to the native language. Central Asia, I learned that the SART is the word "kasab" "Kasap" which literally means " butcher " and figuratively "skinflint" ( zhyvoder). From this I conclude that the current word "katsap" is not of Russian, but of Eastern, probably Tatar origin, as words: money (in Tatar - "thin"), clamp ("clamp"), chest ("chest") ) and others, which, however, are considered in our country by antiquity purely Moscow. Going further, I assume that the Muscovites originally called the Tatars "butchers" in the sense of "rapists", "oppressors", "hits". From the Muscovites, the word "katsap" could have been introduced to Ukrainians in the era of the Moscow nobility in Ukraine, in the XVII century, after Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
D. Yavornytsky's interpretation of the word "katsap" was spread and deepened by an anonymous (probably academician A. Krymsky) reviewer of "Kyiv Antiquity". After a series of etymological considerations, he concludes: ?Thus, in order to find consonance for the Ukrainian word? katsap ?in Turkic dialects, there is no need to necessarily refer to the language of the Sartan Turkmen; This word, in its literal and figurative sense, has probably spread since ancient times, among other Turks who were in cultural interaction with southern Russia, namely: the Polovtsians, Ottomans, or Asia Minor Seljuks, Crimean Tatars, as well as in Lithuanian Karaites? ?.29 Next, the author gives some examples: in Turkish, the expression? Adam Kassabi ?means an angry man, a despot, the expression? Kassap odlu ?- a scoundrel; "Kassapchi" - in Karaite means - executioner; "Hassap" in the language of the Crimean Tatars meansbutcher , gitzel , etc.30 Other authors agree with this interpretation. ".
You can read more Eugene Nakonechny. THE STOLEN NAME, or why the Ruthenians became Ukrainians .
http://exlibris.org.ua/nakonechny/r23.html (http://exlibris.org.ua/nakonechny/r23.html)

https://www.rferl.org/a/crimea-archaeological-treasures-russia/31339510.html (https://www.rferl.org/a/crimea-archaeological-treasures-russia/31339510.html)
From Scythians To Goths: 'Looting' Russia Strikes Gold Digging Up Crimean Antiquities
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 11, 2021, 07:48:13 am

У Білій Церкві, над кручами Росі, височіє пам?ятник у вигляді кам?яної вежі з барельєфом козаків та сценами з їх бойового життя. Біля вежі розташована чавунна гармата з ядрами. Гора ця носить ім?я видатного козака - Семена Палія.
Францішек Замойський так схарактеризував козацького полковника та його діяльність на теренах Правобережної України в останніх десятиліттях XVII ? на початку XVIII ст.:
?Той, що хоче кинутися з мотикою на сонце?.
Цей влучний вираз польського урядовця стосувався людини, про героїчні вчинки якої ще за життя складалися легенди, якій присвячувалися народні перекази, пісні та кобзарські думи. Трохи згодом, починаючи з другої половини XIX ст., про Палія почали писати історичні романи та наукові монографії, його образ втілювали у своїх працях знамениті художники і народні скульптори.
Походячи з козацької або заможної міщанської родини, Палій дістав непогану освіту ? можливо, вчився деякий час у Київській колегії. Тут думки істориків розходяться: одні відзначають чітке та певне письмо, як у людини, що звикла писати (В.Антонович), інші звертають увагу, що він погано писав польською (М.Возняк, М.Андрусяк). Пробує всіх примирити Н.Полонська-Василенко, яка звертає увагу на Лівобережне походження героя (Борзна на Чернігівщин), а звідти і проблеми з польською.
Події української національної революції 1648-1676 років зустрів звичайним козаком, записаним до реєстру Ніжинського полку. Оженився, мав майно і спочатку мало чим вирізнявся серед інших козаків Ніжинського полку.
Але далі життя Палія пішло іншим і славним шляхом.
Овдовівши, пішов на Запоріжжя, де був і на початку 1680-х років, і незабаром відзначився там як своїми військовими заслугами, так і організаційними здібностями. Швидко завоював авторитет серед козаків і отримав прізвисько Палій.
Пізніше, відгукнувся на закличні універсали польського короля Яна III Собеського та влітку 1683 на чолі підрозділу запорозьких козаків вирушив під австрійську столицю Відень. Взяв участь у відбитті в Османської імперії Парканської, Естергомської та Сеценської фортець (Угорщина, Словаччина), як пише Т.Чухліб.
За це, а також за інші великі перемоги над південними зайдами, отримав повагу і від польської влади.
Король Ян ІІІ у своєму листі від 06.12.1694 року улесливо писав до Палія задарюючи того подарунками:
??напавши на Буджак, спустошили ворожі краї вогнем та мечем, і все те хвалебно чинив, що тільки належати може для помноження святої віри та ворожого приниження? так і за істотну видачу припроваджених в?язнів, хочемо достатньо учинити, щоб діяльність та відвага твоєї вірності і людей твоїх могла бути належно задоволена. Коли накажемо роздавати одежу на інші запорозькі полки, не забудемо певно і людей твоєї вірності, які так мужньо відбули нинішню кампанію. Відносно ж зимових кватир, щоб могли бути триваліші і вигідніші, ніж на рік, даємо лист наш до ясновельможного краківського каштеляна, щоб за таку очевидну прислугу захотів відповідним людям придумати винагороду, і не сумніваємося, що він те учинить, а ми, зичачи доброго здоров?я від пана Бога твоїй вірності, вітаємо всіх твоїх молодців?.
За ними надійшли листи від 22.12.1694 року згаданого в королівському листі Станіслава Яблоновського, а також і Францішека Замойського, які ще більш улесливо звітували про передані подарунки і вдячність від короля: ??Його милість добродій настільки вдячний за прислані ?язики? і так шанує відвагу вашої милості пана? що висловить те у своєму листі сам. Він вже визначив заслуженому війську вашій милості милостивому панові плату й одежу через його милість рейментаря пана Вільгу, так само й належне задоволення і самому вашій милості, милостивому панові??.
Але часи були складні, від вдячності до зради один крок. Який часто проходили за лічені дні. Вже невдовзі все перевернулось і козаків спробували заборонити рішенням сейму.
Не погодився Палій з рішеннями вального сейму Речі Посполитої 1699 року про таку заборону козацтва на Правобережжі.
Разом з кількома сотнями запорожців заснував полк з центром у м.Фастів. Під його управлінням перебувала територія колишніх Білоцерківського, Канівського, Чигиринського та Уманського полків. Палій писав, що: ?Я знайшов цей край пустелею й працював коло Хвастова, як коло свого хазяйства. Широкі поля засіялись збіжжям, число мешканців зросло... й церкви Божі я побудував,і прибрав на славу Божу?.
Відтоді розпочинається активна діяльність полковника, яка мала не лише воєнний, а й державотворчий характер. Край активно відновлювався, залюднювався. Реґіментар Дружкевич писав королеві Яну Собєському 1692 р., що ?Палій організує коло Фастова удільну область; він укріплює містечка, збирає звідусіль людей і заявляє претензії на весь край до Случа?.
Інформація про військову діяльність Палія тиражувалася в "летючих листках" Австрії, Венеції, Голландії, Німеччини, Польщі, Франції.
У 1701 р. польська коронна армія розпочала широкий наступ на козацьку державність Правобережної України, а С.Палій припиняє будь-які політичні відносини з королем та його підопічним, оголосивши свої володіння ?вільною козацькою областю?.
1702 р. представники української шляхти, козаків, міщан та духівництва ухвалили на нараді у Фастові підняти антипольське повстання. У червні того ж року воно розпочалося збройними виступами на Поділлі та Брацлавщині й невдовзі охопило Київщину і Волинь. В пам?яті українського народу ще свіжі були спогади про Хмельниччину. Жили ще чимало учасників тієї героїчної епопеї.
Повстання не було бажаним ні для польської окупаційної влади, ні для московитів. І якщо поляки не мали сил і можливості перемогти козаків, то звична допомога московитів довершила справу розгрому українського війська.
2 березня 1704 року Петро І спеціальним листом закликав Палія негайно передати Білу Церкву полякам і капітулювати, інакше його змусять виконати вказівку московські війська. Самусь як наказний гетьман передав 5 лютого 1704 року булаву Мазепі. Палій, навпаки, відкинув вимогу царя і посилив боротьбу. Активізували діяльність партизанські загони на Волині, Поліссі і в Галичині.
Увечері 31 липня 1704 р. був заарештований у таборі козацького війська під Бердичевом. У червні 1705 р. під вартою його відправлено в Москву. За царським указом від 30 липня козацького полковника заслано до Сибіру ? спочатку у Верхотур?я, потім у Тобольськ, де він перебував до кінця 1708 р.
Помер Семен Пилипович Палій (Гурко) власною смертю після 24 січня 1710 р. та похований з почестями у Межигірському Спасо-Преображенському монастирі під Києвом.
Про цю останню сторінку з життя козацького героя геніально написав Т.Г.Шевченко, фактично вловивши нелегкі вигиби трагічної долі та передсмертних переживань видатної особистості нашої історії:
У Києві на Подолі
Було колись... І ніколи
Не вернеться, що діялось,
Не вернеться сподіване,
Не вернеться... А я, брате,
Таки буду сподіватись,
Таки буду виглядати,
Жалю серцю завдавати.
У Києві на Подолі
Братерськая наша воля
Без холопа і без пана,
Сама собі у жупані
Розвернулася весела,
Аксамитом шляхи стеле,
А єдвабном застилає
І нікому не звертає.
У Києві на Подолі
Козаки гуляють.
Як ту воду, цебром-відром
Вино розливають.
Льохи, шинки з шинкарками,
З винами, медами
Закупили запорожці
Та й тнуть коряками.
А музика реве, грає,
Людей звеселяє.
А із Братства те бурсацтво
Мовчки виглядає.
Нема голій школі волі,
А то б догодила...
Кого ж то там з музикою
Люде обступили?
В червоних штанях аксамитних
Матнею улицю мете.
Іде козак. ? Ох, літа! літа!
Що ви творите? ? На тоте ж
Старий ударив в закаблуки,
Аж встала курява! Отак!
Та ще й приспівує козак:
? По дорозі рак, рак,
Нехай буде так, так.
Якби таки молодиці
Посіяти мак, мак.
Дам лиха закаблукам,
Дам лиха закаблам,
Останеться й передам.
А вже ж тії закаблуки
Набралися лиха й муки!
Дам лиха закаблукам,
Дам лиха закаблам,
Останеться й передам!
Аж до Межигорського Спаса
Потанцював сивий.
А за ним і товариство
І ввесь святий Київ.
Дотанцював аж до брами,
Крикнув: ?Пугу! пугу!
Привітайте, святі ченці,
Товариша з Лугу!?
Свята брама одчинилась,
Козака впустили,
І знов брама зачинилась,
Навік зачинилась
Козакові. Хто ж цей сивий
Попрощався з світом?
Семен Палій, запорожець,
Лихом не добитий.
Ой високо сонце сходить,
Низенько заходить.
В довгій рясі по келії
Старий чернець ходить.
Іде чернець у Вишгород
На Київ дивитись,
Та посидіть на пригорі,
Та хоч пожуритись.
Іде чернець Дзвонковую
У яр воду пити
Та згадує, як то тяжко
Було жити в світі.
Іде чернець у келію
Меж стіни німії
Та згадує літа свої,
Літа молодії.
Бере письмо святе в руки,
Голосно читає...
А думкою чернець старий
Далеко літає.
І тихнуть Божії слова
І в келії, неначе в Січі,
Братерство славне ожива.
А сивий гетьман, мов сова,
Ченцеві зазирає в вічі.
Музика, танці і Бердичів.
Кайдани брязкають... Москва,
Бори, сніги і Єнісей...
І покотились із очей
На рясу сльози... Бий поклони!
І плоть старечу усмиряй.
Святе писаніє читай,
Читай, читай та слухай дзвона,
А серцеві не потурай,
Воно тебе в Сибір водило,
Воно тебе весь вік дурило.
Приспи ж його і занехай
Свою Борзну і Фастовщину,
Загине все, ти сам загинеш.
І не згадають, щоб ти знав...
І старець тяжко заридав.
Читать писаніє покинув.
Ходив по келії. Ходив,
А потім сів і зажурився:
? Для чого я на світ родився,
Свою Україну любив? ?
До утрені завив з дзвіниці
Великий дзвін. Чернець мій встав,
Надів клобук, взяв патерицю,
Перехрестився, чотки взяв...
І за Україну молитись
Старий чернець пошкандибав.
Пам?ятник у Білій Церкві (фото моє):
A monument in the form of a stone tower with a Cossack bas-relief and scenes from their martial life is high in the White Church. Near the tower there is a chavunna cannon with kernels. This mountain bears the name of the outstanding Cossack - Semena Paliya.
Franciszek Zamoisky so described the Cossack colonel and his activities on the territories of Pravoberezhna Ukraine in recent decades of XVIII - early XVIII century.:
′′ The one that wants to throw with a motic in the sun ".
This apt expression of the Polish government concerns a man whose heroic actions consisted of legends who were dedicated to folk transfer, songs and kobzarski duma during his life. A little later, since the second half of the XIX century, historical novels and scientific monographs began to be written about Palia, his image was embodied by famous artists and folk sculptors.
Based on the Cossack or wealthy Minsk family, Paliy got a good education - perhaps he studied some time in the Kyiv College. Here the thoughts of historians differ: some note a clear and certain writing as a person used to write (V. Antonovich), others pay attention that he wrote badly in Polish (M. Wozniak, M. Andrusyak). Trying to reconcile everyone with N. Polonska-Vasilenko, who pays attention to the left-hand origin of the hero (Borzna on Chernihiv), and from there the problems with Polish.
The events of the Ukrainian national revolution for 1648-1676 years met a regular Cossack recorded in the register of the Nizhyn Regiment. Got married, had property and at first little difference among other Cossacks of the Nizhyn Regiment.
But Palia's life went another and a glorious way.
Widowed, went to Zaporozhye, where he was in the early 1680 s, and soon distinguished himself there both his military merits and organizational abilities. Quickly conquered authority among the Cossacks and got the nickname of Paliy.
Later, responded to the callous wagon of the Polish king Jan III Sobeski and in summer 1683 at the helm of the Zaporozhye Cossacks went under the Austrian capital of Vienna. Participated in the reflections in the Ottoman Empire of Parkanskaya, Esthergomskaya and Secenskaya fortresses (Hungary, Slovakia), as T writes. Chuhlib.
For this, as well as for other great victories over the South Zadami, I received respect from the Polish authorities.
King Jan III in his letter from 06.12.1694 wrote to Palia by giving him gifts:
"... having attacked Bujak, destroyed enemy lands with fire and sword, and all praised that only belonging can to multiply holy faith and hostile humiliation... so and for the significant issuance of prisoners of prisons, we want to do enough to do the activities And the courage of your faithfulness and your people could be satisfied. When we order to distribute clothes to other Zaporozhye shelves, we will not forget the people of your loyalty who so bravely launched the current campaign. Regarding winter quarters, so that they can be longer and more profitable than a year, we give our letter to the clairvoyant Krakow cashtelan, so that for such obvious service he wants to invent a reward, and we do not doubt that he will do it, and we, with good health ' I am from Mr. God to your faithfulness, congratulations to all your well done ".
They received letters from 22.12.1694 mentioned in the royal letter of Stanislav Yablonovsky, as well as Franziszek Zamoysky, who even more fervently reported on the handed gifts and gratitude from the king: "... His mercy is so grateful for the sent ′′ tongues ′′ and so Honors the courage of your mercy Mr.... that will express what he will say in his letter himself. He has already determined the honored troops of your mercy to the gracious gentleman of the pay and garment because of his mercy Mr. Wilga, as well as due pleasure and your mercy, gracious gentlemen...".
But times were difficult, from gratitude to betrayal one step. Which was often passed within days. Soon everything turned over and the Cossacks tried to ban the decision of the seimas.
Paliy did not agree with the decisions of the free seimas of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of 1699 on such a ban on the Right Bank.
Together with several hundred zaporozhye residents founded a regiment with a center in m. Fastiv. The territory of the former Belotserkovsky, Kanivsky, Chyhyrynsky and Uman Regiments was under his control. Palyi wrote that: ′′ I found this edge as a desert and worked the circle of Hvastov as a circle of my farming. Wide fields are sown together, the number of inhabitants has increased... and I have built the church of God, and removed for the glory of God ".
From then on, the active activity of the colonel, which had not only a military, but also a state-of-the-art character. The edge was actively restored, zal ddn nyuvavs vsya. Regimentar Druzhkevich wrote to Queen Jan Sobieski 1692 that ′′ The burning organizes the circle of Fastov in the area; he strengthens towns, gathers people from far away and claims the whole edge to Sluch ".
Information about the military activities of Palia was replicated in the ′′ flying letters ′′ of Austria, Venice, Holland, Germany, Poland, France.
In 1701 r. The Polish crown army has launched a wide attack on the Cossack statehood of Right-Bank Ukraine, and C. Arson ceases any political relationship with the king and his wards, declaring his possessions as a ′′ free Cossack region ".
1702 r. Representatives of Ukrainian nobility, Cossacks, Mishchan and spirituality ruled at a meeting in Fastov to raise the anti-Polish uprising. In June of the same year it began with armed performances in Podillya and Braclav region and soon gripped the Kiev region and Volyn. In the memory of the Ukrainian people, there were still fresh memories of Khmelnytsky region. Many more participants of that heroic epic lived.
The uprising was not desirable neither for the Polish occupation authorities nor for Muscovites. And if the Poles did not have the strength and opportunity to defeat the Cossacks, then the usual help of Muscovites completed the case of defeating the Ukrainian troops.
On March 2, 1704 Peter and a special letter urged Palia to immediately pass the White Church to Poles and capitulate, otherwise he will be forced to follow the direction of the Moscow troops. Samusʹ as an orderly Hetman handed over the mace of Mazepi on February 5, 1704 Burning, on the contrary, rejected the king's demand and strengthened the fight. Partisan squads in Volyn, Polissia and Galicia activated.
On the evening of July 31, 1704 was arrested in the Cossack troops camp near Berdychiv. In June 1705 he was sent to Moscow in custody. By the king's decree of July 30, the Cossack colonel was sent to Siberia - first to Verkhoturya, then to Tobolsk, where he stayed until the end of 1708
Semen Pilipovich Paliy died (Gurko) his own death after January 24, 1710 and buried with honors in the Mezhygirsky Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery near Kiev.
About this last page from the life of a Cossack hero genius wrote T.G. Shevchenko, in fact catching the difficult curves of the tragic fate and the immortal experiences of the outstanding personality of our history:
In Kiev on Podil
It used to be... And never
Won't come back, what happened,
The hopeful will not return,
Won't come back... And me, brother,
I'll be hoping,
Will look like this,
It's a pity to give a heart.
In Kiev on Podil
Brotherly our will
Without a holop and without a master,
Myself in the zhupany
The fun turned around,
Velvet paths ceiling,
And the only one who zastila
And doesn't pay anyone back.
In Kiev on Podil
Cossacks are walking around.
Like that water, cebrom-bucket
The wine is being spilled.
Lʹohi, ham with ham,
With wines, honey
Bought zaporozhye
That's what I need to do with drizzles.
And the music is roaring, playing,
The people are being entertained.
And from the Brotherhood that bursa tstvo
Silently looking.
There is no naked school of will,
I would please...
Who is there with music
Did people step down?
In red pants velvet
Matne street matt.
The Cossack is coming. - Oh, summer! summer!
What are you doing? - On the same tote
The old man hit the zakabluki,
All the way chicken got up! That's it!
And also chorusʹ kozak:
- On the way cancer, cancer,
Let it be so, yes.
If only well done
Sow poppy poppy.
I'll give the wickedness to the wicked,
I'll give the evil to the zakablam,
I'll stay and pass it on.
And already those zakabluki
There have been misfortune and torment!
I'll give the wickedness to the wicked,
I'll give the evil to the zakablam,
I'll stay and pass!
All the way to Mezhyhorsky Savior
Danced gray.
And behind him and the society
And all saint Kiev.
Danced all the way to the gate
Screaming: ′′ Pugu! the scare!
Congratulate, holy monks,
Comrade from the Meadow!"
The holy gate has opened,
Cossack was let in,
And again the gate is closed,
Forever closed
Cossack. Who is this gray
Saying goodbye to the world?
Semen Paliy, zaporozhetsʹ,
The evil is not beaten.
Oh, the sun is rising high,
It's low to go.
In a long row on a glass
The old black man is walking.
Going Chernets in Vyshgorod
To watch Kiev,
And sit on the ground,
But at least have a good time.
The Chernets of the Bell is coming
To drink water in the yar
And mentions how hard it is
There was a life in the world.
Going b
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 14, 2021, 08:52:02 am
https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-russia-uses-one-nation-myth-justify-imperialism.html (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/honest-history-russia-uses-one-nation-myth-justify-imperialism.html)
https://www.kyivpost.com/?s=Honest+History (https://www.kyivpost.com/?s=Honest+History)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_western_steppe (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_western_steppe)

https://www.historicmysteries.com/secret-tomb-of-genghis-khan/ (https://www.historicmysteries.com/secret-tomb-of-genghis-khan/)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genghis_Khan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genghis_Khan)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_Empire (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_Empire)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Horde (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Horde)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_Kievan_Rus%27 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_Kievan_Rus%27)

https://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/oldest-known-calendar-europe-based-orion-constellation-006296 (https://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-other-artifacts/oldest-known-calendar-europe-based-orion-constellation-006296)

https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-europe/mauritius-square-ukraine-what-giant-crab-earthworks-009495 (https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-europe/mauritius-square-ukraine-what-giant-crab-earthworks-009495)

https://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-ancient-technology/surprising-stone-age-knowledge-revealed-mammoth-bone-bracelet-009602 (https://www.ancient-origins.net/artifacts-ancient-technology/surprising-stone-age-knowledge-revealed-mammoth-bone-bracelet-009602)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/10/putin-believes-only-annexing-ukraine-will-allow-russia-to-be-a-superpower-without-harm-to-its-ethnic-russian-core-eidman-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/10/putin-believes-only-annexing-ukraine-will-allow-russia-to-be-a-superpower-without-harm-to-its-ethnic-russian-core-eidman-says/)
 gremlin of kremlin forgets Ukraine was one of founding fathers of USSR/Soviet Union, so it will never come back

http://euromaidanpress.com/2020/07/25/as-long-as-russia-remains-an-empire-moscow-will-be-repressive-at-home-and-aggressive-abroad-eidman-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2020/07/25/as-long-as-russia-remains-an-empire-moscow-will-be-repressive-at-home-and-aggressive-abroad-eidman-says/)

https://www.rbth.com/history/332155-5-facts-about-russias-oldest-kremlin (https://www.rbth.com/history/332155-5-facts-about-russias-oldest-kremlin)  or Detinets

http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/66181 (http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/66181)

"On historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians? by Putin (russian) | ROFL OL , even name, history and area "russia" belongs to Kyvian-RUS/Ukraine NOT to Muscovy ROFL OL
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 18, 2021, 07:26:37 am

putin's distorted view and plans for near future

http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/16/alternative-history-how-russia-seeks-to-annex-kyivan-rus/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/16/alternative-history-how-russia-seeks-to-annex-kyivan-rus/)

https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/features-51596469 (https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/features-51596469)
Putin called Russians and Ukrainians one people. Historians explain whether this is so

https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0058552 (https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0058552)
A Genome-Wide Analysis of Populations from European Russia Reveals a New Pole of Genetic Diversity in Northern Europe. Even genetically Ukrainians and Russians are different ethnic groups.

http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/16/why-the-west-should-be-paying-close-attention-to-putins-article/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/16/why-the-west-should-be-paying-close-attention-to-putins-article/)

Putin?s ?rambling? manifesto causes stir in Kyiv and among Ukraine observers worldwide
https://www.ukrweekly.com/uwwp/putins-rambling-manifesto-causes-stir-in-kyiv-and-among-ukraine-observers-worldwide/ (https://www.ukrweekly.com/uwwp/putins-rambling-manifesto-causes-stir-in-kyiv-and-among-ukraine-observers-worldwide/)

https://www.dw.com/en/opinion-putin-wrote-his-own-history-of-ukraine/a-58288225 (https://www.dw.com/en/opinion-putin-wrote-his-own-history-of-ukraine/a-58288225)

By the scourge, by the slave, by the unclean force,
Horde of multilingual masses
You've had a blast over half the world
And Rome was called third.
You were born out of homelessness
And spread like a plague,
The brand with the curse of a foreigner,
Myself and my son and the Creator.
An eagle of two-headed and clawed,
With a sword, a card and a prison
You have declared good
Your own slavery and robbery.
To the peoples - then to the good sister,
That mother swore to be,
And those fate was mourning,
Yours can't lose power.
And the globe was spinning dimly -
Not a crescent moon or cross
Did not add faith to the world,
That you are the craft of heaven.
But hateful and formidable
Looked through those eyes,
What they knew: freedom should be!
And the blood was pouring, pouring, poured.
And the sword chopped, sharp and powerfully,
I don't bend heads,
And it was proclaimed loudly -
Eternal soup will be destroyed!
The enemy of the eternal power has been punished!-
And the holidays rejoiced - black:
What is for Russia is sinless!
Everything else is heresy, decay!
Both generals and very good ones
And who beat them humpback,
In the imperial greed of the godless,
Throw souls into evil rampant:
′′ And you people are foreigners
And tribal robbery.
Forget blood nobility
And the forces bent their own kind!..."
Tekli of the year, the blood of the rivers,
The eyes were pouring with tears.
And lies were reigned forever,
Forever poisoning life.
But the memory of blood is unbreakable
Nations of proud and tribe,
What is rising with the era of level
From the depths of grey times.
To freedom! From under brotherhood - slavery,
You are gifted for ever,
In times and space
Rejecting your new covenant.
′′ Messiah ′′ - where is your road?..
Can't understand Russia,
That from the free threshold,
Can't turn peoples back?!
And God's Judgment, fearlessly - Grozny,
Thy deeds are coming.
And repentance is only possible
Sinness and wickedness Today redeem before Him!
Zelimkhan Yandarbiev
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 18, 2021, 20:33:46 pm
http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2021/07/putins-new-article-ideological.html (http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2021/07/putins-new-article-ideological.html)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 22, 2021, 07:48:21 am
https://greekcitytimes.com/2021/07/19/prinkipo-greek-orthodox-orphanage-symbol-of-greek-persecution-in-turkey-2/ (https://greekcitytimes.com/2021/07/19/prinkipo-greek-orthodox-orphanage-symbol-of-greek-persecution-in-turkey-2/)

https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/row-over-ancient-tombs-gets-to-the-heart-of-ukraines-modern-identity-tn3zlpq87 (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/row-over-ancient-tombs-gets-to-the-heart-of-ukraines-modern-identity-tn3zlpq87)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 24, 2021, 09:33:07 am

http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/22/the-arctic-ocean-was-once-the-tatar-sea-khakimov-says/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/22/the-arctic-ocean-was-once-the-tatar-sea-khakimov-says/)
https://www.google.com/search?q=Great+Tatary&oq=Great+Tatary (https://www.google.com/search?q=Great+Tatary&oq=Great+Tatary)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/23/putins-tale-about-unity-of-russians-and-ukrainians-prompts-kazan-scholar-to-speak-about-real-unity-of-turkic-peoples/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/23/putins-tale-about-unity-of-russians-and-ukrainians-prompts-kazan-scholar-to-speak-about-real-unity-of-turkic-peoples/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 25, 2021, 13:34:11 pm

′′ We got everything from Ukraine: culture, language, religion, music, philosophy, even a high lifestyle! They returned national oppression and serfdom! Not an equivalent exchange! In order to get the right to be called people, we must repent to Ukraine and Ukrainians for more than one century..."
A. S. Pushkin.
A remarkable quote from Pushkin  !
Does Putin know it ?
In his world of power, oppression, and destruction, Putin would make certain that such a quote from one of the greatest Russian writers of the 19th century, when indeed Ukrainians were designated as serfs ( slaves) does not appear in the press anywhere in the world.
Сидор Потупало
It would always be good to call the original source, like :" V.I. Lenin, PSS, ed. 4 s, t. 28, page 296 ′′
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 31, 2021, 08:05:52 am

1) Russians cannot claim any attitude towards the legacy of Kievan Rus until they learn to correctly pronounce the name of Prince Volodymyr. After all, no prince ′′ Vladimir ′′ never existed. According to ancient chronicles, in fact, the Prince was named Volodymyr (elsewhere - Volodymyr). Even the city of Vladimir in Russia, founded also by Volodymyr Monomakh, was called Volodymyr until the 17th century on all maps. This is how, for example, he wrote in Bulgarian about his name Prince Vladimir Monomakh: ′′ Az is a thin grandfather of his own ?roslavom b blgsvln ʺm na glorious bride in the godmother of Vasily Russel name Vladimir ".
2) Secondly, Prince Volodymyr, in accordance with the same chronicles, was the Prince of ′′ Kiev ". Here's a palyanytsya.
3) Prince Volodymyr was born in Kiev.
4) The coat of arms of Prince Volodymyr is a trident.
5) The money of Prince Volodymyr was hryvnia.
6) The father of Prince Volodymyr was Svyatoslav with a H-Latsk chub-herring, and the mother - from the city of Lyubech Chernihiv Regiment.
7) Prince Volodymyr twice defeated the ancestors of Muscovites - Vyatichi, making them pay tribute to Kiev.
😎 Prince Volodymyr cracked ′′ second Rome ′′ and subordinated Korsun to Kiev (today Sevastopol is placed in its place).
9) Under Volodymyr, a large part of Crimea (the whole east of the peninsula) obeyed Kiev.
And yes, subscribe to my YouTube channel and wait for new premiers!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdQeOB_aOevBnQANCHkg4sg (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdQeOB_aOevBnQANCHkg4sg)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 04, 2021, 11:32:51 am
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9840037/Archaeology-Jawbone-huge-canine-1-8-MILLION-years-ago-human-remains-Georgia.html (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9840037/Archaeology-Jawbone-huge-canine-1-8-MILLION-years-ago-human-remains-Georgia.html)

https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-asia/arkaim-aryans-advanced-astronomy-and-untold-secrets-russian-citadel-0010055 (https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-asia/arkaim-aryans-advanced-astronomy-and-untold-secrets-russian-citadel-0010055)

Yaroslav Dashkevich, professor.
Muscovy as a principality arose in 1277 by the order of Tatar-Mongolian Khan Mengu-Timur and was the usual ulus of the Golden Horde. The first Prince of Moscow became Daniel (1277-1303) (the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky).
From him, the dynasty of Moscow princes of Rurikovich. 1319, Khan Uzbek appointed his brother Kulhan as a dedicated Duke of Moscow, and 1328 --- Grand Duke of Moscow. In Russian historical literature named as Kalita, Khan Uzbek, accepting Islam, destroyed almost all princes of Rurikovich. 1319-1328 There was a change in the dynasty of Ryurikovichi to the Chingizid dynasty in the Moscow Ulus of the Golden Horde. And in 1598, the dynasty of the genus Genghizhan was interrupted in Moscow, which began from Prince John Kalita (Kulhan). That is, over 270 years Moscow rules
Pure blooded Genghizids.
The new dynasty of Romanov (Kobylinih) 1613 obliged the holiday to preserve ancient traditions and swore
on the loyalty of the old Genghizid dynasty.
The Moscow Orthodox Church of 1613 became a stabilizing force that ensured storage
Tataro-Mongolian statehood in Moscow.
Muscovy is a direct legacy of the Golden Horde --
Genghizid state, that is, in fact, Tataro-Mongols were
′′ baptized parents ′′ of Moscow statehood.
The Principality of Moscow (and since 1547 kingdom) there are no connections until the 16th century. with the principalities of Kievan Rus.
Great Russia. The tribe of the big Russians, or the Russian people, as it is called today, appeared around the 15-17th century. The Craftsman amongst the
Finnish tribes: Muroma, Mary, Wedge, etc. Then his story is born. There is no history of big Russians on the land of Kiev!
The history of big Russians begins from Zaliska land, from Muscovy, which were never Russia. Tataro-Mongols who came to these lands have made a significant contribution to the formation of ′′ Velikoros?v ". Ukrainians who appeared as a nation in the 11-12th century. century., and perhaps before, declared ′′ malorosami ′′ and took to vtokmachu this version of the whole world. For the smallest retreat from this version, people were executed, destroyed, sent to the GULAGS, the Soviet period was especially cruel. During that time, Ukraine lost more than 25 million of its sons and daughters, which
died in wars for the interests of Russia, during collectivization,
on the branches and in the skaters.
This is how ′′ big brother ", ′′ Velikoros ′′ forced to live ′′ younger brother ", ′′ Maloros ′′ in the cruel ′′ arms of love ". Yaroslav Dashkevich, professor.
Muscovy as a principality arose in 1277 by the order of Tatar-Mongolian Khan Mengu-Timur and was the usual ulus of the Golden Horde. The first Prince of Moscow became Daniel (1277-1303) (the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky).
From him, the dynasty of Moscow princes of Rurikovich. 1319, Khan Uzbek appointed his brother Kulhan as a dedicated Duke of Moscow, and 1328 --- Grand Duke of Moscow. In Russian historical literature named as Kalita, Khan Uzbek, accepting Islam, destroyed almost all princes of Rurikovich. 1319-1328 There was a change in the dynasty of Ryurikovichi to the Chingizid dynasty in the Moscow Ulus of the Golden Horde. And in 1598, the dynasty of the genus Genghizhan was interrupted in Moscow, which began from Prince John Kalita (Kulhan). That is, over 270 years Moscow rules
Pure blooded Genghizids.
The new dynasty of Romanov (Kobylinih) 1613 obliged the holiday to preserve ancient traditions and swore
on the loyalty of the old Genghizid dynasty.
The Moscow Orthodox Church of 1613 became a stabilizing force that ensured storage
Tataro-Mongolian statehood in Moscow.
Muscovy is a direct legacy of the Golden Horde --
Genghizid state, that is, in fact, Tataro-Mongols were
′′ baptized parents ′′ of Moscow statehood.
The Principality of Moscow (and since 1547 kingdom) there are no connections until the 16th century. with the principalities of Kievan Rus.
Great Russia. The tribe of the big Russians, or the Russian people, as it is called today, appeared around the 15-17th century. The Craftsman amongst the
Finnish tribes: Muroma, Mary, Wedge, etc. Then his story is born. There is no history of big Russians on the land of Kiev!
The history of big Russians begins from Zaliska land, from Muscovy, which were never Russia. Tataro-Mongols who came to these lands have made a significant contribution to the formation of ′′ Velikoros?v ". Ukrainians who appeared as a nation in the 11-12th century. century., and perhaps before, declared ′′ malorosami ′′ and took to vtokmachu this version of the whole world. For the smallest retreat from this version, people were executed, destroyed, sent to the GULAGS, the Soviet period was especially cruel. During that time, Ukraine lost more than 25 million of its sons and daughters, which
died in wars for the interests of Russia, during collectivization,
on the branches and in the skaters.
So ′′ big brother ", ′′ bigos ′′ forced to live ′′ younger brother ", ′′ maloros ′′ in the cruel ′′ embrace of love ".

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 15, 2021, 17:17:25 pm

https://empr.media/opinion/analytics/intermarium-as-a-comprimise-solution/ (https://empr.media/opinion/analytics/intermarium-as-a-comprimise-solution/)
no only a federation works best, own politician who decide and can be blamed

https://www.worldatlas.com/upload/1f/12/a0/russia-administrative-divisions-map.png (https://www.worldatlas.com/upload/1f/12/a0/russia-administrative-divisions-map.png)

https://www.worldatlas.com/maps/russia (https://www.worldatlas.com/maps/russia)

https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/acre-sized-shtetl-for-ukrainian-wwii-film-to-become-a-museum-676437 (https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/acre-sized-shtetl-for-ukrainian-wwii-film-to-become-a-museum-676437)
https://archive.org/search.php?query=shtetl&sort=date (https://archive.org/search.php?query=shtetl&sort=date)

https://archive.org/details/nybc314179/page/n59/mode/1up (https://archive.org/details/nybc314179/page/n59/mode/1up)

Dobromil : life in a Galician shtetl, 1890-1907
by Miller, Saul

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 25, 2021, 06:34:12 am
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 03, 2021, 17:27:37 pm
Ukra?ner. The Movie (With Eng Subs) 1.24 hours
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbbPxzqunYU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbbPxzqunYU)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb0ZWc70gOk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb0ZWc70gOk)
Skyview of Ukraine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-g4IFAagrE&t=3645s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-g4IFAagrE&t=3645s)
Cyborgs: Heroes Never Die

Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (https://youtube.com/watch?v=rb6GMSG2cEY#)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeEZ9C6kC9k (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeEZ9C6kC9k)
Homecoming (Haytarma) about Crimean Deportation 1944

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4sYAVjq1Lc&authuser=0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4sYAVjq1Lc&authuser=0)
Generation Maidan: A Year of Revolution & War (2015)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/08/25/nine-powerful-films-about-ukraine-to-add-to-your-watch-list/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/08/25/nine-powerful-films-about-ukraine-to-add-to-your-watch-list/)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzS0xGBDwKc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzS0xGBDwKc)
Canadian film premiere of "Hunger For Truth: The Rhea Clyman Story"

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 19, 2021, 16:00:12 pm

http://euromaidanpress.com/2020/11/15/sensational-find-in-khortytsia-as-archeological-team-uncovers-deep-grave-of-scythian-warrior/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2020/11/15/sensational-find-in-khortytsia-as-archeological-team-uncovers-deep-grave-of-scythian-warrior/)

https://digital.ub.umu.se/node/138846?fulltext-query=Mazepa (https://digital.ub.umu.se/node/138846?fulltext-query=Mazepa)
Books (total 1601 volumes)

https://archive.org/search.php?query=%D0%9A%D0%B8%D1%94%D0%B2%D0%BE-%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B0+%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B0&sort=-date (https://archive.org/search.php?query=%D0%9A%D0%B8%D1%94%D0%B2%D0%BE-%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B0+%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B0&sort=-date)

https://archive.org/details/opys--kyjevo-pecherskoji--lavry/page/n341/mode/2up (https://archive.org/details/opys--kyjevo-pecherskoji--lavry/page/n341/mode/2up) 1914

https://archive.org/details/Zvirynecki-pechery-v-Kyjevi (https://archive.org/details/Zvirynecki-pechery-v-Kyjevi)  1826

http://www.alvin-portal.org/alvin/resultList.jsf?aq=%5B%5B%5D%5D&fbclid=IwAR2Xs0K17e9JEvFEgNUhtgTCARvEa2_Fp5qtn--8ApAGFfK0YaXARdhRM4A&sortString=creationYear_sort_asc&aqe=%5B%5D&af=%5B%5D&searchType=NOTATED_MUSIC&noOfRows=50&dswid=4360 (http://www.alvin-portal.org/alvin/resultList.jsf?aq=%5B%5B%5D%5D&fbclid=IwAR2Xs0K17e9JEvFEgNUhtgTCARvEa2_Fp5qtn--8ApAGFfK0YaXARdhRM4A&sortString=creationYear_sort_asc&aqe=%5B%5D&af=%5B%5D&searchType=NOTATED_MUSIC&noOfRows=50&dswid=4360)
Platform for digital collections and digitized cultural heritage

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 26, 2021, 17:10:57 pm

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxHOWoT76og (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxHOWoT76og)
Kamyana Mohyla | Каменная могила: Ukraine's Stonehenge, Stone Grave | Archaeology Time
Kamyana Mohyla (Кам'яна Могила / Каменная могила) is an archaeological site dating to 20,000 BCE located in Melitopol, Zaporizhia Oblast, Ukraine. It is comprised of 12m in height and 2.5 ha in area, the site is home to 65 caves and grottes, with over 1000 petroglyphs including depictions of mammoths.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamyana_Mohyla (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamyana_Mohyla)
http://www.stonegrave.org/ (http://www.stonegrave.org/)

http://www.arattagar.co.uk/ (http://www.arattagar.co.uk/)

Russian scientists have been inventing and transferred three principalities of early Russians for decades - so in Novgorod (! ), so to Mordovia (!!), so Perm (!!!) to only away from Ukraine.
And what do they say per shoo dzheerela? They say that all these principalities are on the fifth near Kiev. And there are still Russians in Galicia.
′′ Russians three groups. One group is called ravas (rus), and its ruler lives in the city of Kukyana (Kiev). Their other group is called Al-Slavija, and its ruler lives in the city of Slavia. This city is on top of the mountain. The third group is called al-Arsanyya, and its ruler is in Arsa.
The city of Arsa is a beautiful fortified city on the mountain, and its location is between [cities] Slavia and Kiev.
From Kiev to Arsa four crossings (120 kilometers), and from Arsa to Slavia four days (120 km).
As for Arsa, Shaikh al-Haukal reports none of the strangers are getting there because they are sure to kill every stranger entering them, and [therefore] no one dares to enter their land...
Russians burn their dead, not burying them in the ground. Part of Russians shave beards, and some curl them like a mane of horses... Russians are two types. One of their species is the one we talk about in this place. And their other species are those who live next door to Unkariya (Hungary) and Makaduniyya (Macedonia) ".
Al-Idrisi (Abu Abdallah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ?bn Abdallah Ibn Idrisi Al-Hammud Al-Hasan)
′′ Consolation for those who passionately want to cross the world ′′

https://www.science.org/news/2020/09/viking-was-job-description-not-matter-heredity-massive-ancient-dna-study-shows (https://www.science.org/news/2020/09/viking-was-job-description-not-matter-heredity-massive-ancient-dna-study-shows)

https://www.science.org/news/2021/05/last-ice-age-wiped-out-people-east-asia-well-europe (https://www.science.org/news/2021/05/last-ice-age-wiped-out-people-east-asia-well-europe)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 28, 2021, 08:52:01 am

http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/09/27/french-russian-exhibition-in-moscow-displays-anna-of-kyivs-gospel-as-a-russian-historical-artifact/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/09/27/french-russian-exhibition-in-moscow-displays-anna-of-kyivs-gospel-as-a-russian-historical-artifact/)
Peter I of Muscovy in 1721 annexed (stole) name and history Kyvian (Ukraine)-Rus which existed since 486(Kyiv) and ordered Muscovites to be called Russians. https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/)

Anne of Kiev or Anna Yaroslavna[a] (c. 1030 ? 1075) was a Rus' princess who became queen of France in 1051 upon marrying King Henry I. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_of_Kiev (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_of_Kiev)
Moscow first was mentioned in 1147, Moscovy was founded by invading Mongol Horde in 1277, name Ukraine(RUS) as succesor of Kyvian Rus was first mentioned in 1187. https://www.reddit.com/r/moscowmaidan/comments/lndxnd/the_moscow_principality_muscovy_founded_khan/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/moscowmaidan/comments/lndxnd/the_moscow_principality_muscovy_founded_khan/)

So as always Muscovites lie, cause their lying is obvious and constant
https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/pwzy30/frenchrussian_exhibition_in_moscow_displays_anna/? (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/pwzy30/frenchrussian_exhibition_in_moscow_displays_anna/?)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 30, 2021, 08:12:52 am

https://bigthink.com/the-present/scythian-warrior-women/#Echobox=1632749194 (https://bigthink.com/the-present/scythian-warrior-women/#Echobox=1632749194)

https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/with-ancient-human-dna-africas-deep-history-is-coming-to-light (https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/with-ancient-human-dna-africas-deep-history-is-coming-to-light)

About the surnames
The main mass of the population of Ukraine gained surnames after in 1632 Kyiv Metropolitan Peter Grave instructed parish priests to lead metrics born, married, deceased.
Most often, the base for creating such units served the names of parents, most often the father, as he was the head of the family - Ivanenko, Petrenko, Sidorenko, Tymoshenko, Borisyuk. Interestingly, the suffixi-uk (-yuk) pointed to the older child in the family, and-enko - to the smaller one.
On behalf of the mother, the surnames were rarely formed, mostly when the woman remained a widow or had a man, as they say, the words of good is not worthy: Motrenko, Kulinich... there is a large group of names indicating the residence and nationality of his owner. They knew about the person and the position they hugged, or the case they were doing. From, for example, what did the stelmakhs do? And the bondari? These words emerge from the active vocabulary of the Ukrainian language today, replaced by modern fashionable names of professions, but the surnames remain.
Here are the explanations of the most popular names in Ukraine:
Bondar is a master in making d? zhook, wooden buckets, etc.
Potter is an artisan that produced dishes, clay cahli.
Stelmakh is a master who manufactured and directed carts, sleds. Kushnir is the one who made fur out of leather and sewed fur products. Limar is an artisan who made a belt shave.
Garmash is a master who manufactured and serviced cannons. Bortnik is the one who did forest beekeeping.
Gutnik is a master who produced dishes and other things from glass.
If you've ever dated a person named Nagnibida or Perebijnis, or you're the same medium of that surname, know that your ancestors were Cossacks. Exactly such colorful surnames with a humorous shade were forged in the mining of Zaporozhye Sichi. Zaporizhzhya residents caught the ancient Ukrainian tradition, known from folklore sources: remember, Kotigoroshko, Vernigora?
Stop looking for such names in other languages, there are simply no such names. This is a feature, if you want, exclusive, Ukrainian system of personal names. Well, where else are you, traveling around the world, hear: Mayboroda, Tyagnir dnono, Neizhbor shch, Grizidub, Zatuliv?ter, Vyrvikishka, Nesvyatipaska, Zavalipich, Gulyayday...?! Not the last names, but ′′ music of the era "!
As we see, Ukrainian surnames are one of the sources of learning the history of native land, language and culture. These naming once again confirm the truth about the infinite talent of the Ukrainian people.
If you are interested in the history of your last name, send to competent sources:
Yu.K.Redko ′′ Handbook of Ukrainian names ′′ or L.T.Masenko ′′ Ukrainian names and surnames ".
Alex Felenko  21.09.2021
Painting by artist F. Krasitsky ′′ Guest from Zaporozhye ".
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 03, 2021, 17:36:50 pm

http://euromaidanpress.com/2018/07/11/ukrainian-history-gift-to-global-history-prof-snyder/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2018/07/11/ukrainian-history-gift-to-global-history-prof-snyder/)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/05/28/ukraines-european-heritage-is-in-its-languages-dna/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/05/28/ukraines-european-heritage-is-in-its-languages-dna/)

https://www.rferl.org/a/babyn-yars-ukrainian-jews/31486189.html (https://www.rferl.org/a/babyn-yars-ukrainian-jews/31486189.html)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 11, 2021, 08:15:52 am

The original ′′ Rotten Skin ′′ is preserved in the Royal Copenhagen Library (ancient scan. Morkinskinna, verbally ′′ blossomed skin ′′) is a royal saga about the history of Norwegian conungs from around 1025 to 1157, written in Iceland around 1220 It begins with the words: ′′ We begin the story of King Yaroslav (Orig. Jarisleif, controlled by Gardariki (ancient name of Rus, orig. G?rdarike) with Queen Ingigerda, daughter of King Olaf of Sweden. She is the smartest and very beautiful ".
Here is the text of ′′ Rotten Skin ′′ printed in Copenhagen in 1932:
http://www.septentrionalia.net/etexts/morkinskinna.pdf (http://www.septentrionalia.net/etexts/morkinskinna.pdf)
Is this saga translated into Ukrainian? And ′′ Saga about Emunda "? It describes that Ingigerda is ′′ bogorodna and generous ":
https://books.google.se/books?id=MbxBAAAAcAAJ&pg=PR36... (https://books.google.se/books?id=MbxBAAAAcAAJ&pg=PR36...)
Here is a great resource with the texts of the sag:
http://www.septentrionalia.net/etexts/index.php... (http://www.septentrionalia.net/etexts/index.php...)
Between 1177 and 1188 Monk Theodoricus (lat. Theodoricus monachus) also wrote about Ingigerda and Rus in his history ′′ Historia de Antiquitate Regum Norwagiensium ′′ (story 46 in the document on the site):
https://digital.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/werkansicht/... (https://digital.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/werkansicht/...)
https://digital.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/f600c8ab-2ce0... (https://digital.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/f600c8ab-2ce0...)
Our story is also described in ′′ Agrip ′′ and ′′ Den legendariska sagan om Olov den helige ", ′′ Fagurskinna ", ′′ Den s?rskilda Olavssagan ′′ and in the book of Snore Sturlason ′′ Heimskringla ′′ and in the chronicle of Adam Bremenky.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 13, 2021, 10:26:16 am

http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/10/11/archaeologists-unearth-unique-amphora-shaped-pendants-in-poltava-oblast/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/10/11/archaeologists-unearth-unique-amphora-shaped-pendants-in-poltava-oblast/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 17, 2021, 17:37:00 pm

Karl Marx:
′′ Russia, which has nothing to do with Russia, and received its name at best in the XVIII century, is still brazenly claiming the historical heritage of Russia created 800 years earlier. However, Moscow history is sewn to the history of Russia
with white threads and fully rigged.
In the bloody swamp of Moscow slavery, and not in the harsh glory of the Norman era there is a cradle of Russia. Changing names and dates, we will see that Ivan III's politics and the politics of the modern Moscow Empire are not just similar, but also identical... Russia was generated and raised in a disgusting and humiliated school of Mongolian slavery. She became strong only because in the craftsmanship of slavery was unbeatable. Even when Russia became independent, it remained a land of slaves. Peter I united the political trick of a Mongolian slave with the greatness of the Mongolian owner, to whom Genghis Khan had commanded to conquer the world... Russia's policy is unchanged. Russian methods and tactics have changed, and will change, but the main goal of Russian politics is to conquer and rule the world - is and will be unchanged. Moscow pan-Slavism is just one of the forms of captivity.
Karl Marx, ′′ Exposing the diplomatic history of the 18th century ", Chapter IV (original ′′ Free Press ", London, 1856-1857), reprint ′′ K's collection of essays. Marx and F. Engels in English ′′ under ed. V.A. Smirnov, B.G. Tartakovsky, tel. 15, M., 1986)
  ?   ?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 18, 2021, 09:56:58 am

You can kidnap the icon of the Vyshgorod Virgin and call Vladimirskaya, but you can't kidnap faith!
You can try to change the perception of history, but you can't change the story itself, as you cannot change the fact that the Grand Duke Yaroslav the wise gave Ukraine under the Protection of the Blessed Virgin!
And since then Ukraine cannot be destroyed by any enemy, even the one who stole our icons, who stole from us part of the territory, who starved us, who sent us to Siberia, who is trying to steal our past and future, because it is already his intra ..
But nothing will work out, because on the guard of Ukraine is the Holy Virgin, the Berehynia of the Ukrainian troops, the source of our faith and our current and future victories!
May our icon of the Vyshgorod Virgin, stolen by the barbarians-Muscovites from our temple, protect every Ukrainian warrior, you, friends, your families and all Ukraine from all evil and misfortune!
Happy Feast of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin!
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 23, 2021, 14:47:31 pm
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9f4DANxeGY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9f4DANxeGY)
familne 333 Holodomor
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Wrg7jtFsJY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Wrg7jtFsJY)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 25, 2021, 09:39:51 am
In the Kyiv region, archaeologists have discovered sites of ancient people over 10,000 years old
https://www.unian.ua/science/na-kijivshchini-arheologi-viyavili-stoyanki-davnih-lyudey-vikom-ponad-10-tisyach-rokiv-novini-kiyeva-11586061.html (https://www.unian.ua/science/na-kijivshchini-arheologi-viyavili-stoyanki-davnih-lyudey-vikom-ponad-10-tisyach-rokiv-novini-kiyeva-11586061.html)

https://www.science.org/content/article/ancient-dna-reveals-long-sought-homeland-modern-horses (https://www.science.org/content/article/ancient-dna-reveals-long-sought-homeland-modern-horses)

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian WAY
General and distributed from foreign metropolitan mesedge that Ukrainians are a powerless nation of extreme houses and other people's elites. Nobles, nobility, chivalry are not us. If we have an armed performance - the term ′′ peasant-Cossack ′′ will be required, if we have a revolution, they will definitely write ′′ uprising ′′ or ′′ betrayal ". In fact, Ukrainians belong to the most aristocratic nations in Europe. Our historical and geographical location (at the intersection of several civilizations and religions, natural borders - Dnipro, Carpathians, Sea, Steppe, Forest) - has formed a society that has an extremely high percentage of warrior supremacy. In the European dimension, there is a knight under the general term, which, at the same time, had its local names in different countries (chevalier, caballero, etc). For us, these are the terms of boyars, earthlings, nobility, Cossacks.
I'm just going to put a few numbers in the late 18th-early 19th century.
In the territory of Hetman region in 1787 there were 428 representatives of the Cossack state. Of these, about 100 000 according to the legislation of the Russian Empire had the right to receive nobility. In the very empire of nobles there were 20-30 thousand. The process of recognition behind the Cossacks of noble status has been stopped. Only those who were among officials and rich families were able to become the nobles. However, the Cossack verstva itself could not be eliminated. Only the Bolshevik occupation of Ukraine of 1920 introduced a Lenin decree here, according to which all states were eliminated. Before that, in the Russian Empire in the Kiev, Chernihiv and Poltava province (territory of the former Hetman region) - there was a cossack.
About 265 people belonging to nobility were recorded in the territory of Pravoberezhna Ukraine during the period of 1801-1803 Mostly, it is a small right-bank nobility that were Greek Catholics and lived with grandfather-great-grandfather by Russian customs. In the mid-19th century, 300 000 such nobility will be declared - transferred to the state of serfdom and mishchan. More mobile families will be looking for a better fate in Southern Ukraine.
The territory of Galicia and Bukovina was no less numerous in the amount of nobility.
The colossal number of the knight's verst scare the empire and their executives. The declassification processes - knocking out of the state chosen by the blood of ancestors began from the end of the 18th century and lasted until the second half of the 19st century.
More interesting stories from Олександр Alfʹorov-subscribe!

Admiring the landscapes of the Kiev region ***
Halepier. Obukhovsky District.
I think Gogol wrote these unforgettable words about exactly this place where, where the look takes, the widest water expanses of the Dnieper to the horizon, well viewed from high hills near the village of Khalepier near Tripolia:
′′ Wonderful Dnieper in quiet weather, when it rushes freely and smoothly through the forests and mountains full of water... In the middle of the Dnieper, they dare not look: no one, except the sun and the blue sky, looks at it. A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper! Lush! he has no equal river in the world ′′
It is impossible to keep your admiration from the beauty of the open landscapes. And you feel yourself filled with graceful energy and joy...
I advise Kievans to please their romantic essence with special emotions.
Those who have been here, and especially those who haven't visited will discover the source of inspiration and cannot forget this delightful latitude and beauty of the review.
The high sandy cliff shore is dangerous and frightens with a sharp hidden edge and magically attracts, because far below the waves are picturesque as if entering the hill and impossible to understand the edge of the water.
Locals on the edge of the cliff built several benches and a wide swing that attract many thrill lovers.
We watched a very old woman with a wand who sat on the edge of a cliff on a wide bench with her back and looked away, then bravely stood up and went home leisurely. He gives! There is no fear at all))
They often shoot movies here and take gorgeous photos.
I don't recommend anyone to approach the edge, because there is a real danger of collapse of the coast.
A few meters along the cliff there is a picturesque dirt road. Emotions are off the charts.
The village of Khalepye is the most ordinary thousand-year-old village (kidding, of course), with very unusual almost Carpathian elevation in our region and the same deep fall, and even the winding streets among the hilly area. An ancient settlement fascinates the thoughtfulness and most convenient location from the position of review and protection from unexpected conquerors.
It's strange that Halepier is just a village, not a huge city with stone bridge and majestic castles. And yet there is a version of historians about the existence of the city of Halep in Ancient Russia, located on the site of the earlier ′′ tripol ′′ culture.
There are still some interesting options for the origin of the name of the village of Khalepye.
The official version of the name of the village from the word ′′ holops ′′ - allegedly servile people ran through the Dnieper from the gentlemen due to unbearable exploitation and settled in these places.
The next option: actually slaves lived - ′′ holops ′′ of Trypol princes.
The funniest version of the funny name is that Ekaterina Second drove through these hilly places on the way to Kiev, either to the Crimea and her carriage ′′ got into trouble ′′ - it was a shame and needed a serious repair of the vehicle, and the queen cried: Here you go, halepa! And this is exactly the version of the local residents think it's the most true.
According to another strange version, the name comes from a mysterious connection with the city of Haleb (Aleppo) from the Middle East, although it sounds a bit strange...
A quote. Pokhilevich L. I. Tales about the populated areas of Kyiv province 1864.:
′′ The village of Halepier when entering Dnipro on the one hand of the Beaver creek, and on the other Skvarovki; in 2 versts below c. Tripoli. Residents of both sex 1430. About Halepye mentioned in chronicles in the XII century on the occasion that princes of Chernihiv Olgovichi took this village together with Tripol. ′′ Summer 1136 and the paki kramola be there (between princes). Olgovichi and Polovtsi, taken Trepol and Halep is empty ′′ (Poli. The collection. Rus. years., volume 1 page. 133.). ′′
In the c. Halpier is the museum of Vikentia Hvoyka
* Explanation, meaning of the word ′′ trouble ": HALE ́PA. Some unexpected, unfortunate event; trouble, misfortune, misfortune.
  ?   ?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 27, 2021, 08:21:36 am


The Chekist (1992) - EN subtitles


Edwin Long - The Slave market of Babylon (1875)
Location: Royal Holloway College, University of London
Slaveri del 1.
?Ved Babylons floder sad vi og gr?d?. S?dan fort?lles der i salme nummer 137 i det Gamle Testamente. Det refererer til den babyloniske konge Nebukadnesar 2. der i 587 f. Kr. erobrede Jerusalem og sendte en del af den jud?iske befolkning i slaveri i Babylon, siden da kendt som det Babyloniske Fangenskab. Nebukadnesar 2. er ogs? kendt som Nebukadnesar den Store? Meer weergeven
Edwin Long - The Slave market of Babylon (1875)
Location: Royal Holloway College, University of London
Slavery part 1.
′′ By the rivers of Babylon we sat and cried ". This is how psalm number 137 is told in the Old Testament. It refers to the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar 2. there in 587 f. Kr. conquered Jerusalem and sent part of the Jewish people into slavery in Babylon, since then known as Babylonian captivity. Nebuchadnezzar 2. is also known as Nebuchadnesar the Great, he built several magnificent buildings in Babylon where the best known are the great temple tower, the Babylon tower, as well as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which became one of the ancient seven wonders. Most of those deported were craftsmen when Nebuchadnezzar 2. needed them in Babylon and as slaves, they therefore came to live a quite good life.
Almost no matter what age or geographical area we look at is slavery unhelpfully connected to existing society. Throughout history, it has been one of the pillars of the society in question, and it is only within the last hundred years that it has slowly disappeared from the western part of the world. Unfortunately, however, the fact that there is a clear distance to the phenomenon in our days, it still exists at the best. Thus, the phenomenon of slavery is part of our history for good and bad and for the same reason it has attracted a myriad of artists through time who have been inspired by the subject, why there is a wealth of amazing paintings that each tells a story on the subject ..
As slavery has existed parallel to the rest of society throughout history, we also have a series of notions about how life was as a slave. In ′′ Life at the Bottom of Babylonian Society Jonathan Tenney makes up many of the delusions we have today. One of these notions is the myth of family life as a slave, that one as a slave did not have the opportunity to create one's own life with wife and children. That performance doesn't last for closer inspection. In fact, it turns out that most of the slaves in Babylon lived in what we call the nuclear family today, that is, father, mother and children. There were also single parents with children, typically women, contrary to the classic notion of slaves held captive under horrible conditions in larger and smaller groups.
In the painting, Edwin Long has captured many of the different nuances that characterized slavery; below the pallet sits a group of young women waiting to be exhibited for potential buyers, on the left stands auctioneer on a desk and presents her goods, the black woman assisting of course, presenting the goods is also a slave in the best way. The look on women's face, whose fate is unknown, is interesting if they are very different. One is despair and hides his face in his hands, a laugh, one is sad, one looks in the mirror to see how handsome she is and may dream of life in a harem and one looks directly at us with a fixing look. We also have to think about their fate.

In a number of sources of the XIX century, it was evidence that the Chechens, like some other ancient peoples, believed in their sacred origin and originally predetermined eschatological fate of the people. General M.Y. Olshevsky noted in his memoir that ′′ real residents (Chechnya. - Auto. ) they do not call themselves Chechens and they are ashamed of this name. They call themselves either by the name of their native Nohce or by his sons name. ′′ We are Nohce, the people of God answered me always with some angryness when in conversation with them I had to call them Chechens ′′ [23, c. 90].
Another source of the same time noted that ′′ Chechens are proud, vanity of their independence and believed in the wide future of their people and their homeland... Chechens consider themselves a people chosen by God, but for what purpose they cannot explain. Due to such confidence, they believe that neither their views on life nor their opinions nor sentences can be wrong ′′ [24, c. 435].
Let's confess to ourselves: this is a very strange confidence and involuntarily suggests that only the sacred sound of the national name of Nahce // Nokhchi, which was built to the name of the prophet Noah, inspired the idea of his ′′ choice ′′ and ′′ brilliant future ". Than - otherwise it is difficult to explain, because both of the above testimonies were recorded during the hardest and most tragic period of the Chechen history of the XIX century, in a situation of destruction, total lack of life support, when only recently ended the bloodshed Caucasian war with the worst human losses and consequently happened Exodus of the fifth part of the Chechen people to the Ottoman Empire. Then in Chechnya there were a series of popular uprising suppressed by imperial troops with special cruelty, and as a result of all these events, it was about the elementary survival of the remains of the people. Therefore, of course, not this catastrophic era for the Chechen people approved these beliefs; they probably came as a relay from the earlier eras.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 28, 2021, 07:45:32 am
https://www.ranker.com/list/siberian-ukok-princess-mummy-facts/carly-silver (https://www.ranker.com/list/siberian-ukok-princess-mummy-facts/carly-silver)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pazyryk_culture (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pazyryk_culture)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythians)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 29, 2021, 08:13:05 am

https://ukrainianpeople.us/6-%d1%83%d0%ba%d1%80%d0%b0%d1%97%d0%bd%d1%81%d1%8c%d0%ba%d0%b8%d1%85-%d1%84%d1%96%d0%bb%d1%8c%d0%bc%d1%96%d0%b2-%d1%8f%d0%ba%d1%96-%d0%b1%d1%83%d0%bb%d0%b8-%d0%b7%d0%b0%d0%b1%d0%be%d1%80%d0%be%d0%bd/?fbclid=IwAR1AElAP_aN77CiCnQkcgdCC7230v0dDssH8txOhaGwrBichcH-qP6O7908 (https://ukrainianpeople.us/6-%d1%83%d0%ba%d1%80%d0%b0%d1%97%d0%bd%d1%81%d1%8c%d0%ba%d0%b8%d1%85-%d1%84%d1%96%d0%bb%d1%8c%d0%bc%d1%96%d0%b2-%d1%8f%d0%ba%d1%96-%d0%b1%d1%83%d0%bb%d0%b8-%d0%b7%d0%b0%d0%b1%d0%be%d1%80%d0%be%d0%bd/?fbclid=IwAR1AElAP_aN77CiCnQkcgdCC7230v0dDssH8txOhaGwrBichcH-qP6O7908)
6 Ukrainian films that were banned in the USSR

′′ THIRTY is often called a TRIZUB, which is incorrect. THREE ESSENCE is a unique famous Ukrainian symbol sign, which no nation of the world has and which carries deep encoded content - THREE ESSENTIES, therefore called ′′ Trisuttya ". This is the Tree of Life in which three Essences are united - Yav, Nav and Prav - mythological archetypes of Slavic wisdom.
Three-piece has a horizontal line that symbolizes the division of the world into the Explicit (above Earth) and Navny (underground, or hidden) worlds. The obvious world is the life of man n the earth, and Navny is the world of forefathers, deceased relatives, wisdom of ages.
Life is born from a ′′ grain ′′ that seems to be planted in ′′ land ′′ - meaningfully divide the world between living and dead. The underground part of the grain of Nav-spirit ancestors, from which it comes, the genus is the obvious life of Yav - the central growth in Trinity. This explicit life is headed from two sides by the complex structure of the Rights - laws, truth of life. Right is a guiding entity that as if grows from the experience and wisdom of the forefathers of Nav and which is steadfast as two knives directing Yav-not life.

Cossack is a Vedic warrior (kshatriy), defender of native land, ancestral customs. Ancient Vedi and Ukrainian cossack-vidun with ′′ herring ′′ and in sharovary, which was respected, because he knew too much - what was common between them? And the fact that the word ′′ vidun ′′ has a Sanskrit root, which is recorded in the name of Ved and means -" to see ", ′′ know "; ′′ herring ′′ Cossack can be seen in ancient images of Indian brahmans, also dressed in sharovari, but not sewn on the inside. Surely it's not a random coincidence.
The inevitable distinction of arian warriors-kshatr?v was a chuper, or as it was sometimes called ′′ spit ′′ - the hair that grew out of the poppies of the head. Wearing a Cossack chub or chuprina is the same as getting power from the Sun: will and activity, determination and risk, the ability to think rationally logically and courage. Chub was considered amulet of the Cossack. The spit is exactly on the ′′ y where there is a top chakra and, since everything else is shaved, it boosts energy current through the chub and activates the upper chakra. It gives the head an increased energy tone that enhances the ′′ motorcycle ′′ of the body and sophisticates reactions.
Having such a passo has also meant a person's belonging to one or another social state - in the old India it's the first priests and warriors-kshatria, the so-called ′′ twice-born ′′ that belonged to the highest layer of ancient Indian society. Even now, the same hairstyle is worn by representatives of the oldest Vedic spiritual tradition - vaishnavi, which in the people are called Krishnaits.
A significant confirmation of the connection between Sanskrit and Ukraine is that even in the modern Ukrainian language and its dialects there are many Sanskrits words left (about 25 % of words have common root). Remember, right?
In the words ′′ mace ", ′′ ataman ′′ a few thousand years! Back in the sixth millennium before our era, the words mace, ataman, Hetman, saber, quiche, cheta, cheta, cossack. Sanskrit can easily explain their origin. ′′ Bulava ′′ consists of two selling foundations - ′′ bala ′′ (power, power, military) and ′′ van ′′ (own, reach something, be the owner). That is, a mace is a symbol of power, and even to our times came the tradition of transferring batons from one president of Ukraine to the next.
The word ′′ Ataman ′′ also consist of two parts of ′′ atha ′′ is the one ahead, ′′ man ′′ is to know, think, consider. ′′ Saber ′′ in Sanskrit was primarily read as ′′ subgri ", then sabri-saber-saber and verbatim means ′′ who owns protection ", i.e. the defender.
Unexpected meaning in Sanskrit has the word ′′ Jan ". It means ′′ study, study, create something, be obedient in charity, knowledge, skill training. ′′ Sichovij ′′ is a scientist, educated, exemplary in everything. Ciksu is an elementary student who wants to learn something. Other meanings are generous, willing to help.
By the way, in the ancient Vedic warriors wore wide pants called ′′ shalvari ′′ and they had identical uniforms to those who were wearing Cossacks - ′′ sharovari ". In India, these shalvars are still in fashion even among the common population.
The personification of God-Warrior our ancestors saw in Indra, Gromoverzhka, Perunov. The Temple of Perun has always been guarded by Cossacks dedicated to the warrior condition. In case of war, the Cossacks performed separate regiments of the Perunovoy Military. Going into a death battle, they shouted ′′ yay ′′ (u-Ra), symbolizing this their desire to go to the Sun - Ra. This is completely coinciding with the Ved statement: a warrior who honestly did his duty in the battlefield, the next body receives on the higher (paradise) planets of the Universe (to which the Sun belongs). In addition, half the god of the Sun - Vivaswan, according to the Vedic teachings, is the patron saint of the kshatr? vv - warriors.
Caste of Cossacks soldiers in Ukraine was known both during the Kievan Rus and after the baptism. Famous Russian historian E. P. Saveliev in the book ′′ History of Cossacks ′′ scientifically and reasonably proves that Cossacks are descendants of Arians.
There was a common belief that the Aryans demonstrated wonders of magic with which ′′ could create fog, let fall melt, hide all days on the bottom of the river or in the sea waves ".
It is known that both magicians and characteristics-Cossacks could disperse clouds, cause thunderstorms, fear in enemies, turn into a wolf, knew how to order arrows, shabli, bullets so that they didn't hurt them, walked on water, and stayed for hours underwater, breathing through the reeds. Cossack legends tell us about this.
Rethinking character s' abilities due to the prism of modern worldview, it is possible to strongly say that Cossacks were known magic, telekinesis, levitation, telepathy, hypnosis, sugestion (the ability to manipulate someone's consciousness) - what is being investigated by modern parapsychology institutions.
How not to mention the mystical abilities of great yogis described in Vedas:
? The ability to decrease enough to penetrate the stone;
? The ability to become so easy that you can swim in the air or slide across the water surface;
? The ability to get to the sun or touch the moon on the sun;
? The ability to reach anywhere and take what you like from there;
? The ability to create or destroy the whole planet by own desire;
? The ability to conquer your will of anyone;
? the ability to achieve anything (e.g. make water enter and exit your eye). And all these miracles happened simply from the will of yoga;
It should be noticed that the mystical excellence listed above are material. According to Ved, the ultimate goal of human life is to love God. This is the highest spiritual perfection. And mystical abilities are only a side effect of correct spiritual practice.
Turning back to the Cossacks-characteristics, we must note that they had professed the ancient, pagan faith and were devoted to secret knowledge of man, nature and space taken over by them from the exterminated volhv?v.
About them both during life and after life, the most diverse legends walked, their superhuman abilities impressed even the former Cossacks. The simple people called them sorcerers, and the pops said that they had an encore. Characteristics on Sich made a Cossack chairman. They were as if the keepers of culture, they made consecration in the Cossacks. We kept the ancient volh?vsʹkih traditions. In ancient historical sources, under the characteristics understood, first, warriors endowed with extraordinary possibilities.
The roots of character, too, came to us from a thousand years ago, the times of the great displacement of the Aryan tribes. The Vedas says that among the second caste of kshatr?v - warrior rulers, there are squads, the basis of which are maharathi - mighty warriors, able to fight against thousands alone. Only they owned all five types of weapons: weapons for an individual match (swords, sticks); weapons of type of spears held in their hands or throw; ′′ torment ′′ - gunmen for arrow jaunting; ′′ Yantra-muktami ′′ - large metal machines; Mystical arrows of ′′ astrams ′′ charged with spiritual energy of Vedic mantras. Since the prefix ′′ ma ′′ in Sanskrit means ′′ big ", then ′′ harathi ′′ are the same characteristics - magical warriors who possess extraordinary martial arts.
That's exactly what D. I. Yavornitsky describes them in his ′′ History of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks ": "... among them there were always so-called ′′ characteristics ", which neither water, nor saber, nor ordinary bullet, except silver, were not taken. Such ′′ characteristics ′′ could turn off locks without keys, swim on the floor like the sea waves, cross the rivers on the rebel or horns, take bare hands, see a few versts around themselves using special ′′ verzadel ", live on River days, climb and come out of tightly tied or even sewn bags, ′′ roll ′′ into cats, turn people into bushes, riders into birds, climb into a regular bucket and swim underwater hundreds and thousands of versts ".
However, people who in peace were called just magicians, vorozhbits, quarters, ghouls, wolves and witches. The character was primarily military art, which made a warrior change his likeness, become invisible, read human thoughts, be invisible to the enemy's weapon. The characteristics taught Cossacks to understand the properties and laws of nature and use them for the benefit of their people.
From the book - ′′ VEDI - KNOWLEDGE OF TIME."
Download the book here-https://www.facebook.com/groups/310843659373007/permalink/953191221804911/
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Read more about Vedic philosophy and culture:
https://vedacentre.com.ua/ (https://vedacentre.com.ua/)
http://audioveda.ru/ (http://audioveda.ru/)
http://www.vyasa.ru/ (http://www.vyasa.ru/)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 07, 2021, 15:53:57 pm

https://donpatriot.news/article/vidatniy-vcheniy-petro-kralyuk-nazvav-ukra-nsk-zeml-yak-pocupila-ros-ya (https://donpatriot.news/article/vidatniy-vcheniy-petro-kralyuk-nazvav-ukra-nsk-zeml-yak-pocupila-ros-ya)
Prominent scientist Petro Kraliuk named the Ukrainian lands that were plundered by Russia

https://uaua.top/7141/ (https://uaua.top/7141/)
Trypillia culture: who our distant ancestors were and how they lived

https://www.5.ua/svit/vpered-do-svitloho-maibutnoho-na-vsomu-kradenomu-iak-desiatylittiamy-rozvyvavsia-srsr-259590.html (https://www.5.ua/svit/vpered-do-svitloho-maibutnoho-na-vsomu-kradenomu-iak-desiatylittiamy-rozvyvavsia-srsr-259590.html)

Liquidation of the Russian occupation of Ukraine
UPD. This is a letter from Philip Eagle that I found in the State Archives of Sweden in Stockholm on September 9 this year. He was in volume 13 of Turkey's diplomatic correspondence. Letters to Thomas Funk from His Majesty. Thomas Funk was an ambassador of Sweden to Constantinople. Carl XII wrote an important letter on September 14, 1711 and ordered Thomas Funku in talks with the Sultan to uphold Ukraine's interests as an independent state. Here is more information about this important letter:
https://www.facebook.com/marina.trattner/posts/10225807662476300 (https://www.facebook.com/marina.trattner/posts/10225807662476300)
Most likely, Philip Orlik wrote this letter to Thomas Funku. Ivan Petrovich Maximovich is implied by the scribe. Here's what they write about his activities in Wikipedia:
1710-11 together with Colonel Dmitry Horlenko and the General Judge Klim Dolgopolim participated in talks with the Crimean Khan Devlet-Giray, which ended with the conclusion of the Union Ukrainian-Crimean Treaty aimed at eliminating the Russian occupation of Ukraine.
Here I wrote about the Kaira Treaty. The original text of the contract can also be found in the State Archive of Sweden:
https://www.facebook.com/marina.trattner/posts/10225981739268111 (https://www.facebook.com/marina.trattner/posts/10225981739268111)
Continuation from Wikipedia:
In December 1711 sent by Hetman Philippe Orlik with a deputy mission to Istanbul to conclude the Ukrainian-Turkish union, but the political situation and plans of the Swedish king Karl XII changed, and therefore the Ukrainian embassy, being in isolation, was forced to stay in Istanbul for a long time. Moscow head Peter Romanov, after learning about the mission of representatives of Philip Orlyk, ordered to kidnap their nearest relatives and send hostages to Moscow. This criminal crime was performed by Russians in April 1712. Among the kidnapped was the brother of Maksimovich - Stepan Maksimovich. This terrorist act of Peter Romanov forced Ukrainian envoys to look for ways to negotiate with Moscow. Appealing for mediation to the Patriarch of Jerusalem, early 1714 they received amnesty from Russian ambassadors and permission to return to Ukraine, where they went in March 1715. However, they were deceived because they were not allowed to live in Hetman region, but shortly deported to the Moscow region ..
Life in Moscow for deported Ukrainians was hard: only a few months later Maximovich began to receive food money - at 10 cop. for the day.
Oleksandr Malyshev just made a translation for you and me. Thank you very much for this.
Presvetlij Mr. Our and Buddy Prelaskavij!
I pray that whatever happens here and how great the danger of your honor and our funeral is, your Excellence will learn from the mouth of our Master General Scripture, who will be able to be in favor and advice in your Excellence. With this I'm in eternal debt.
Your Excellence
a heartfelt buddy
and and
always ready to obey
Philip Orlyk - Hetman of Zaporozhye troops
Bendery September 19/18, 1711
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 09, 2021, 07:19:25 am
Did you know that 9 princes of the Rurikovich dynasty were buried in the center of Kiev.
There is a foundation in an unnoticed courtyard on Vladimirskaya street
Holy Fedorovsky Monastery, built in the 12th century. He has the graves of princes
There is a grave of Mstislav Vladimirovich (son of Vladimir Monomakh), as well as the last Grand Duke of Kiev, who held the unity of Kievan Rus with the center in Kiev.
You can find a yard in Kiev on the street Vladimirskaya, 5 a.

https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/04/opinion/graeber-wengrow-dawn-of-everything-history.html (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/04/opinion/graeber-wengrow-dawn-of-everything-history.html)

The NYT offers an unexpected take at the Trypillia civilization, which spread in nowadays-Moldova and Ukraine between 5500 and 2750 BC - that it could offer clues on solving modern inequality.
"Why has anyone with even a passing interest in the origin of cities heard of Uruk or Mohenjo-daro, but almost no one of Taljanky or Nebelivka?..
... Over eight centuries we find little evidence of warfare or the rise of social elites. The true complexity of these early cities lay in the political strategies they adopted to prevent such things. Careful analysis by archaeologists shows how the social freedoms of the Ukrainian city dwellers were maintained through processes of local decision-making, in households and neighborhood assemblies, without any need for centralized control or top-down administration."

http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/09/21/this-team-captures-traditional-ukrainian-houses-on-film-before-they-vanish-forever/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/09/21/this-team-captures-traditional-ukrainian-houses-on-film-before-they-vanish-forever/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 14, 2021, 14:01:02 pm

https://culture.voicecrimea.com.ua/en/the-crimean-khanate-is-a-european-state/ (https://culture.voicecrimea.com.ua/en/the-crimean-khanate-is-a-european-state/)

https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/time-to-rediscover-eastern-ukraines-surprisingly-cosmopolitan-past/ (https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/time-to-rediscover-eastern-ukraines-surprisingly-cosmopolitan-past/)

https://ukrainetoday.org/2020/02/16/skyview-of-ukraine-%e2%80%a2-ukrainer/ (https://ukrainetoday.org/2020/02/16/skyview-of-ukraine-%e2%80%a2-ukrainer/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 21, 2021, 09:04:46 am
https://www.ancient-origins.net/history-important-events/genocides-0013417 (https://www.ancient-origins.net/history-important-events/genocides-0013417)
The Centuries of Genocide Against the Slavic Peoples
We begin our story with one of the classic examples of how peaceful, pastoral and agrarian tribes were viciously exploited by all those that surrounded them, and greedily coveted to usurp them. The Slavic tribes and their shared ethno-linguistic identity emerged from a string of amalgamated Proto-European and Indo-European cultures that developed over centuries. This Slavic identity spread over large swaths of Central and Eastern Europe and remained in these regions for centuries, from the earliest periods AD, all the way to modern times.

But their history is grim and rife with injustice and oppression. From their earliest starts, the Slavs were peaceful and pastoral cultures, with a set of colorful mythologies and a pantheon of gods strongly rooted in nature. They were never a true warrior culture, and they had to adopt several weapons from the peoples around them. And their neighbors exploited this peaceful culture by enslaving them en masse.

The story of enslavement of the Slavs spanned centuries. It was a genocide that wasn?t a one-time occurrence - but one that went on for a long, long time. As they lived from the coasts of the Adriatic, and all around the major river systems of Europe, they were easily reached by slave traders from all sides.

The Eastern Slavs were enslaved by Mongol, Tatar and Khazar hordes from the Central Asian steppes. The Southern Slavs were targeted from the shores of the Adriatic, while the Western Slavs were captured through the rivers of Europe by the Germanic nations. Norsemen, Saxons, and other tribes captured Slavs for their thralls, while the Arabs of the Iberian Peninsula captured them in great masses, taking the men for war, and lusting after the Slavic females, taking them for harems, and greatly prizing them at slave markets.

The Rus trading Eastern Slavs slaves with the Khazars. (Sergey Ivanov / Public domain)

The Rus trading Eastern Slavs slaves with the Khazars. (Sergey Ivanov / Public domain )

And all these trade routes that dealt in Slavic slaves grew into an organized and well-established slave trading system between various groups across Europe that was facilitated by Radanites who supervised the trade and sold these slaves, amassing great wealth through the suffering of innocent people.

In Arab Hispania, Slavic slaves were bought in such masses, that the term Saqaliba was born. This is the Arab name for Slavs, and these Saqaliba became a crucial part of internal affairs in the Iberian Peninsula, even rising to great positions in their caliphates. One caliph even permanently settled some 5,000 captured Slavs into Syria.

And the Slavic tribes that had their homeland from the lower Jutland Peninsula and all along the Elbe river valleys, experienced centuries of genocide from the Germanic invaders - who relied on massacres and forceful conversions to vanquish the Slavs in Germany.

Such was the sad fate of the Slavs - they were enslaved in such great masses that the word for ?slave? in the classical world was none other than ?Slav?. The Slavic ethnonym - Slav - means ?glory?, ?celebration?, or ?mutual intelligibility? - but their oppressors used this ethnonym to denote a slave. Such was the fate of those peaceful farmers.

About the surnames
The majority of Ukraine's population gained surnames after in 1632, the Kiev Metropolitan Petro Mogila instructed parish priests to conduct metrics of born, married, dead.
The most often base for the creation of such units was the names of parents, most often the father, since he was the head of the family - Ivanenko, Petrenko, Sidorenko, Tymoshenko, Borisyuk. It is interesting that the suf?ksi-uk (-uk) pointed to the oldest child in the family, and -enko - the smaller one.
On behalf of the mother surnames rarely formed, mostly when the woman was left for pleasure or had a little husband, as they say, words of good are not worth: Motrenko, Kulinič... there is a large group of surnames that indicate the place of residence and nationality of its owner. Known about the person and the position she held, or the case she was doing. For example, what did the stelmakhs do? What about the bonds? These words today come from the active vocabulary of the Ukrainian language, replacing modern fashion names of professions, but surnames remain.
Here are the explanations of the most popular surnames in Ukraine:
Bondar is a master in making pots, wooden buckets, etc.
Pottery is a craftsman who produced dishes, coughs from clay.
Stelmah is a master who made and directed the carriage, sled. Kushnir is the one who made fur out of leather and sewed fur products. Limar is a craftsman who made a belt gun.
Garmash is a master who produced and serviced guns. The fighter is the one who engaged in forest hunting.
Gutnik is a master who made dishes and other things out of glass.
If you have ever met a person by the name of Nagnibida or Perebynis, or you are the medium of that surname, know that your ancestors were Cossacks. Exactly such colorful surnames with a humoristic shade kuvalis? in the mines of Zaporozhye Sichi. Zaporozhye caught an old Ukrainian tradition, known from folklore sources: remember, Kotigoroshko, Vernigora?
The analogy of such names stop looking for in other languages, they just don't exist. This is a feature, if you want, exclusive, Ukrainian system of personal names. Well, where are you, traveling the worlds, you will hear: Mayboroda, Tyagnryadno, Ne?zhbor щ, Grizidub, Zatuliviter, Virvikishka, Nesvyatipaska, Zavalipich, Gulyayden...?! Not surnames, but "music of the era"!
As we see, Ukrainian surnames are one of the sources of the study of the history of the native land, language and culture. These names once again confirm the truth about the infinite talent of the Ukrainian people.
If you are interested in the history of your surname, send to kompetentnih sources:
Y. K. Rarely "Guide of Ukrainian Surnames" or L. T. Masenko "Ukrainian names and surnames".
A. F. Not a chipmunk.
Alex Felenko 21.09.2021
In the photo: Ukrainian kushnir makes sheep skin with a key, for Zelensky D. K. "East-Slovenian Ethnography", Berlin, 1927
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 23, 2021, 08:33:26 am
With griffins. Archaeologists have found a unique silver plate depicting the Scythian gods
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 26, 2021, 13:52:13 pm
Gulnar Abdula
59t0g21mtt51pnsgolr2d0cu  ?
Friends! I invite you to the presentation of my new book: "Crimean Tatars: From Ethnogenesis to Statehood", which will be held on November 26 at 18.00 in the Crimean House
(St. Omelyanovich-Pavlenka, 9th century. m. Arsenal).
The book was published in Hamazin publishing house in two languages Ukrainian and Russian, thanks to the crowdfunding platform. I have already written that there were doubts whether I will be able to complete the crowd project. This book is a good testimony to never lose faith and doubt! And now I can already say that the presentation sums up the successful project. And it's not only a difficult way from creating an electronic manuscript to the release of the book, as the results of the pre-sale showed, today a Ukrainian reader is interested in the history of the Crimean Tatars. A few weeks after the release of the Ukrainian version, the book spread across Ukraine from Uzhhorod to Kherson, from Chernihiv to Odessa, Kiev remains an unconditional leader.
I would be very pleased to see all of you at the presentation, plus there are three good reasons to visit it:
1. Meeting with the author: Everyone who wants to be able to get a book with autograph and photografuvatisʹ 😀
2. Live Communication: The author will tell the history of creating scientific-popular monography, and readers will be able to question the history of Crimean Tatars, chat and drink a cup of aromatic coffee or tea ☕️🍰
3. Exhibition: And most importantly, you can see an exhibition dedicated to the culture and history of Crimea, located in six thematic halls in the Crimean House, where about 200 exhibits are presented that perfectly illustrate the centuries-old history of the Crimean Tatar people's traditions, education, religion, rituals, life, language, art 🪕
10% of the sale of each book will go to the families of Crimean political prisoners, my friends brothers Akhtemov and Nariman Jhelal.
See you, already this Friday in the Crimean House!
https://www.facebook.com/events/653292009383544?ref=newsfeed (https://www.facebook.com/events/653292009383544?ref=newsfeed)

https://twitter.com/MavkaSlavka/status/1461601478578114569 (https://twitter.com/MavkaSlavka/status/1461601478578114569)
Interesting history!

In 1672, Ukraine was actually its own nation - and guess what it was called - Ukraine!

The translation of the Buchach Treaty, which was discovered in Polish archives, states in paragraph 4 "THE UKRAINIAN STATE WITH LONGSTANDING BORDERS OF THE COSSACKS..."
http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CB%5CU%5CBuchachPeaceTreaty.htm (http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CB%5CU%5CBuchachPeaceTreaty.htm)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Buchach (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Buchach)

SHIMON PERES about Putin:
I told him: You are 63 years old, I am 93 years old. Tell me what you want to achieve in the next 30 years? What are you fighting for? Do you hope to put America down?
He says : Nope
-America wants a part of Russia?
- No.
-Do you have issues with Obama misunderstanding?
He says: Why are you asking?
I said: Listen, I'm not a spy, you can talk to me about everything.
He says: What do you think?
And I said America will win no matter what you do.
Why ? - he asked .
Because they're happy and you're not.
I told him further.
When an American wakes up in the morning, what does he see? Mexico is in the south and they accept Mexicans in their country. North Canada, they are the best friends in the world. And on the right and on the left there is a fish in the water. What should Obama be worried about? Do you wake up in the morning, who do you have next door? Japan, China, Afghanistan? My God ! They know you have a lot of land and you don't give them a penny. You have 20 percent of fresh water and you don't give anything. So when the snow in Siberia melts, the first person you see there is the Chinese. Because in the east there are many Chinese and not so many Russians.
The second thing I told him was:
America has the best ratio between the size of the land and the size of the people. You have the worst. Twenty million square kilometers. My God ! But you don't have that many people. Your people are dying. Don't be fooled by applause and what people say. They will not forgive you. Why do Russians only live 62 years, while Americans will live until 82 years?
And then I said to him: You behave like a king.
I said what did the kings do They built two cities, St. Petersburg and Moscow, as a showcase. Whatever you wish for, you will find there. The rest of Russia is like Nigeria covered in snow. Your people are dying. You are not giving them life. Do you think they will forgive you?
Why is America beautiful ? - I asked him .
Because they are the givers. Why does Europe have problems? Because they are the takers. America gives . People think it's because they're generous. I think it's because they are wise. If you give, you make friends. The most useful investment is to make friends.
America had the courage to accept the Marshall plan, they gave a huge piece of their GDP to this dying Europe. And thus, they have shown that this is the best investment in the world.
There is not a single European country that has not been an empire. French and English, Portuguese, that's all. So what happened? They were thrown out of there and left with nothing. England, the largest empire from sunrise to sunset, all the oceans, and the non-violent Indians threw them out and left them with nothing but three small islands with which they don't know what to do.
Believe me, I told Putin, enemies and enmity are the biggest losses in life.
You are investing in stupidity.
https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/one-last-interview (https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/one-last-interview)
SHIMON PERES about Putin:

How did Moscow write for us our history? Please.
Today the city of Dnipro celebrates its founding day. This happened as if on September 13, 1776 by the command of Catherine II.
This is a lie. Dnipro is much older.
In this place, on the left bank of the Dnipro, there was an ancient Cossack city of Samara (Old Samara), the center of the first branch of the Zaporizhzhya Army. After the Moscow emperor violated his "Tarsian unbreakable word" in front of the Ukrainians and established a separate Andrus?vsky peace with the Poles, dividing Ukraine, Samara came to Moscow, expelled from the city of Cossacks and founded the Virgin Foundation here to the father. It happened in 1667-1668 years.
About the ancient Cossack city now reminds one of the districts of the city of Dnipro - Samarsky.
And in front of Samara, on the right bank of the Dnipro stood another old Cossack city, the center of the Kodakkoi branch of the Zaporizhzhya Army - New Kodak. It has been known since at least the mid-twenty-twenty-century.
It was also destroyed by Muscovites during the "foundation" of Catherineoslav.
About this ancient Cossack city is reminded of another district of the city of Dnipro, called Novokodakkyi.
Both of these cities are marked on ancient maps. Both the efforts of Moscow propaganda are forgotten and unlikely that all the residents of the Dnipro know about them at all. For them, it's just the names of administrative units of the city.
The story with Katerinoslav-Dnipropetrovsk-Dniprom one in one reminds the history of Lugansk-Voroshilovgrad-Lugansk. The one, according to the history written in Moscow, was also "founded" by Catherine II in 1795, allegedly in the "Wild Field".
In fact, Lugansk is only a continuation of the history of the old settlements of the Kalmiusʹko? па Palanka - the Stone Brod and the Great Vergunka. This reminds the names of one of the districts of Lugansk city - Kamya 'Nobridsky, and the village of Velika Vergunka.
All these inventions about the "establishment of bridges" during Catherine II have one purpose: to make Ukrainians forget their own history. Forget about the fact that Mariupol founded not Catherine, but what he was previously a city-fortece of the Zaporizhzhya House. That Donetsk stands in the place of the old Zaporizhzhya settlement Oleksandrivka. That Toretsk (former Dzerzhinsk) was founded not by the emperc?mi in 1804, but by the Boguslavsky Cossack Anton Shcherbyna for a half century earlier. This city until 1936 and was called Shcherbinivka. What Lisičansʹk is the cossacʹk? zim?vniki lisičij bajrak on d?nc? and higher on d?nc. What Odessa is the city of koc цюb?iv, and Kherson is the city of bilkhovich?.
And on the list.
The inventions of Moscow imperial "historians" aim to justify Moscow's claims on these lands. On the otw, invented in the Nineteenth century Novorosius, for which the Kremlin mercenaries and "Ihtamnets" are now fighting. This is how a lie sprouts war and blood. And Ukrainians need to know this.
They must know their history and the Dnipro residents. And to mention Samar and New Kodak, when tonight they will drink beer under the solemn, expensive and beautiful fireworks.
A people who don't know or have forgotten their past has no future - said smart girl Plato.
Are you interested in the past of our land and people? A little help for you - investigating the most important and mysterious pages of history, which I am honored to be an author. For a wide circle of readers.
Classic paper books (autograph guaranteed) you can order at this link: http://pavlopraviy.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post_16.html (http://pavlopraviy.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post_16.html)

On the territory of the National Reserve "Sofia Kiev" during excavation archaeologists found a lead seal of the XII century, on which the images of the Blessed Virgin and King Solomon are visible.
This was reported by archaeologist, candidate of historical sciences Timur Bobrovsky.
"The sugar seal of orienteering XII century from excavations this year near Sofia Kiev. On one side of her there is an image of the Blessed Virgin Oranta printed, on the other, probably St. The prophet of King Solomon. It is still unknown to whom this seal could belong," the archaeologist noted.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 26, 2021, 20:20:33 pm

Lubomyr Slodki
801tp32a0mnas1ot62grud4u  ?
What:  The term ?Holodomor? ?  which means inflicted death by starvation ? refers to the man-made famine caused by Soviet policies that resulted in death by starvation of millions of Ukrainians in 1932-1933.
When: 1932-1933. At the time of the Holodomor, Ukraine was a republic or province of the USSR. After Ukraine?s briefly achieved independence in 1918-1920, Ukraine was conquered by the Red Army and was incorporated into the Soviet Union in 1922.
Who was affected:  the population of Ukraine, mostly farmers and their families.
Who were the perpetrators: The Communist Party of the USSR led by Joseph Stalin.
Where: Ukraine, specifically the territory of central, southern and eastern Ukraine and the Kuban, a territory in southern Russia, adjacent to Ukraine that was heavily populated by Ukrainians.
How:   Through Soviet government decrees:
The elimination of kulaks/kurkuls (successful peasants) ? the leaders of the villages.Map of Ukraine 1930
Policy of dekulakization ? stripped farmers of all possessions (land equipment, produce, livestock), whole families were arrested and deported (some executed).
Collectivization ? individual peasant farms (5,000,000) were forcibly combined into collective state farms known as kolhosps (25,000).
First Five-Year Plan (1928-1933) set high quotas for the amount of grain to be collected by the Soviet state.
Kolhosps that were unable to meet quotas were punished by the seizing of all food and the blockading of the village, leaving its resident to starve.
This blockading and starvation as punishment happened to over one third of the villages in Ukraine.
Rebellions by Ukrainian farmers were ruthlessly put down by army and secret police.
?The Terror-Famine of 1932-33 was a dual- purpose by-product of collectivization, designed to suppress Ukrainian nationalism and the most important concentration of prosperous peasants at one throw.?
Norman Davies, Europe: A History, Oxford University Press (1998)
photo: children southern Ukraine 1921-22 by Mykola Bokan, ICRC archives

The Berlin wall was constructed by the Russian Communists which controlled East Germany and East Berlin after the  end of the World War in 1945.
The Russians built the wall inside Berlin,, not to keep people out, but to keep them in..like in a prison.
The newly formed SOVIET UNION which consisted of 15 republics: Kazakstan,  Belarus, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Moldova, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, and a half dozen other nations controlled by the Communists , were along with other Eastern European countries : Poland , the Baltic States, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary and a few others, considered by Western Democratic countries as THE CAPTIVE NATIONS.
During the Nazi invasion of Europe and of Russia, the Western Democracies became naturally allied with the Soviet Union to help fight fight Hitler's Nazism. . Ukraine was thus a member of the Western Alliance, simply by its heroic contribution to the defeat of the Nazis. Ukraine is a comparably large country, the largest in Europe. It is situated on  the western border of Russia. The Nazis had to fight their way thru this 1000 + km east- west land mass , to reach Russia. It was a bloody and complicated fight and ukrainians once again were attacked and mortally wounded.
My parents, both born in 1919, were caught as young adults in the middle of the war. They survived, became refugees but  they never returned to Ukraine, their new newly Communist controlled country.
 In total, Russian Communists controlled Ukraine for 70 year, and Communist East Germany, which had no choice, became the USSR's 'right arm' in europe. Their Communist parties worked together to control East, Central, and other european regions.
Today, Germany is still a 'pacifist nation' , unable to determine it's independence from Russian or even American influence.
They have no significant military, and the country does not ' feel or react ' to the dangers in their region. It is the most economically successful country in Europe and at the same time , spends a minute fraction on its Defence. Germany's  negligence of protecting its interest, while relying on the U.S. has encouraged russian aggression, and contributed to its distorted feeling of power.
Such a lack of Balance of power, actually can lead to a miscalculated attack by Russia.
No one should forget that earlier, in 1932-1933,  the Russian Communists had organized a Forced Starvation in Ukraine, killing 5 -7 million people.
They did this because Ukraine which has always been a land endowed with rich, fertile Black Land, ...they call it CHORNA ZEM..and their farmers known as Kulaks, were well organized, protective and proud of their productive work.
The Communists wanted to expropriate their land and the farmers vehemently refused.
The intent of Russia was to eliminate the true founders of the cultures which grew from the Kievian Rus,,the Ukrainians, in their long efforts to develop a peaceful, enlightened population and organize a nation in accordance with their Western European neighbors.  Taking the land , killing the people, and falsifying history to eliminate a trace of this Civilization was their plan.
In 988, the King of Ukraine ,Volodymir the great, and Olha..his mother,
adopted Christianity. .Putin claims that Volodymir the great was Russian, but unfortunatily for him,, Russia and Moscow did not arise until many centuries later. The historical evidence of Ghengis Kahn and his Golden Mongol hordes can tell you that they occupied the territories now called Russia until the 14th century at least. But the great originators and masters of Fake News have had their free ' propaganda reign ' as their power and violence allowed them.
In Ukraine, what do you do when people refuse to cooperate and you want Possession of their land ? There were no legal proceedures...you just  ' take it' .
After all, Communism allowed you to do anything you wanted...why ? Because you were doing it for the ' people '.
So without delay or legal proceedure, the crops and the lands were then taken by force.  The grains and products were transported to Russia.. the people had no food, and they starved to death. Ukrainians call this massacre the HOLODOMOR .translated,.".death by starvation". In a word GENOCIDE..the total murder and elimination of a ethnic group.
The germans had invented Lethal poison Gas, during the first world war, and so their method of killing was different..but the outcome was the same...just more efficient and quick.
The Russians had their way to kill,
and it was a ' road test ' to the next
GENOCIDE ; , it was a precusor to the Holocost of Germany against Jews, less than 10 years later. Jews and ukrainians together, suffered the horrors of the violence that 'Human Insanity' can inflict on its own species. Planned and executed by Stalin who was cooperating with Hitler at the time, both of these dictators had similar ideas and practices. Bloody repression and exploitation, and terrorist murder.
 With their memories of russian violence for centuries running through their minds and their veins, many Ukrainians fought both Nazis and Communists to gain their independence. Some even sided with Germany to free themselves from the russians and their forced Soviet Union.
 In 1945 Germany was defeated and was then divided and controlled by the victors of ww2.
There was a  Soviet controlled Zone: East Germany and a Democratic  Zone: West Germany.
The current president of Russia, Vladimir Putin later in the 1980's became a high KGB officer in East Germany. He worked with the East German Stazi spies and police. The current leader of Germany Angela Merkel, who is the age of Putin, lived in East Germany and worked for german reunification. They may have even known each other back then; maybe that is why they seem to get along.
The Stazis , working with the Soviet KGB terrorized many nations in the region; Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic States among others.
Today, Germany and Berlin have been reunited since 1990, under Democratic rule.
 The USSR was founded after the 1917 Russian Revolution, when the Bolsheviks overthrew and assasinated their Romanov emperor and his entire family.
After internal wars, in 1921 or so,,the Communist party under Lenin, took control of Russia and began to annex neighboring governments and lands.
But after 70 years of failure to provide adequate ' guns and butter '..
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, became so weak and disorganized, that it could no longer manage the 15 countries that it controlled..and these republics all voted to Break Away..to become independent countries again.
Russia then abandoned Communism..which technically had meant that 'The People ' the proletariat owned everything ; was this really true ? did the people get their share of the country's wealth that they had sacrificed and that so many millions had died for fighting the Nazis ?
Absolutely not... the connected former Communist Party leaders and their friends stole the factories, the farms, the natural resources..everything...and transformed themselves into: Communo Capitalists..today, they are known as OLIGHARKS.
Communism was a DECEPTION.
It was invented to DICTATE.
Now, Russia is still a DICTATORSHIP,  a very repressive police state....and most people are still poor.
We must realize that Russia has always been ruled by either a Monarchy , a ruling party  ( the Communists) and a Dictator ( Putin). They have never known DEMOCRACY, and they are limited because of that.
Putin is quoted as saying that " the russian people are not ready or capable of governing themselves".
That suited his dictatorial instincts perfectly. He would make sure that democracy would never threaten his control.
Putin became the richest man in the world, as he controls the entire country thru his KGB/MILITARY might.
There is no " illusion " of control and ownership thru the proletariat... No one attemps to tell the people that they ' own a part of the country '. That would be absurd when you see the huge difference in wealth between the rich and the poor majority.
Russia is fast losing population.
The problems are  poverty, health and life expectancy. Low birth rate.  high Out migration, and practically no In migration.
The Covid epidemic is hitting Russia hard. It is clear that Russia is not well. Russia is still so remote and isolated, that we really do not have a full understanding of the challenges facing Russia.
Putin is trying to reconstruct the RUSSIAN Empire, but no one wants to be part of it ; and it will not be possible to reconquer it.
He is especially obcessed with the fading 
 prospects of ruling Ukraine again.
The " brotherly " relationship with Ukraine is only a fadind slogan..Russia and  Ukraine will not be able cooperate given Putin's  violence and seven year war with the occupations of  the Donbas and Luhansk provinces on the russian border,.as well as the as the occupation and annexation of Crimea..the land of the Turkic Crimean nation, which was liberally governed by Ukraine. Putin says that the war is a ' Ukrainian Civil War '.
How can Democratic European nations deal with such a violent dictator who claims to be European himself ?
Living in mutual respect is the only solution. All neighboring nations have had good and poor relationships; but Europe formed its Union to cooperate and not to fight.
Russia cannot continue to destabilize countries under the guise of 'Self Defense'.  It cannot accuse others of the violence it commits.
Ukrainian society and its maturing democratic governance has given Ukraine much more confidence. In the  30 years of its most recent independence, and with the help that it has received from the Western Democracies, Ukraine has become a new country, resulting in a huge contrast today between Russian and Ukrainian societies.
There is no way to alter history's power..Ukrainians prefer Europe to Russia. The E.U. provides everything that people need..Russia offers very little.
How many of the migrants to Belarus would accept an invitation to settle in Russia ?
In 2014, Russia attacked Ukraine and has been conducting a hybrid war to force Ukraine to join Russia again...just as Putin is trying to force Belarus to do.
Ukraine is a large European country that has been constantly attacked by Russia throughout it's history, but has never given up it's its fight to remain free. This is not easy because Russia is vast, powerful and aggressive. But Ukrainians understand the Russian mind, and deal with it with a routine stoicism. They know Russian Control and Subversion tactics, and have no fear or illusion.
Russia knows that it cannot survive long as a country on its own. With only the
 population of 120 million , same as Japan..it is twice the size of the United States.
It's main industry are fossil fuels, mining, lumber and weapons.
It spends at least half of its income on its military.
Ukrainians have their own, quite different and beautiful language, and in time th
ey will no longer use or even study the russian language. French, English, German, Chinese will be much more useful.
Kiev has been the capital of Ukraine for hundreds of years before Russia appeared on the map. Ukrainian culture and history is deep and rich; It is not russian at all, and the people are not aggressive conquerors. They do not have Mongol/ Asian blood, and habits.
Vikings and Greeks have had their distinct influence on Ukraine.  The Ukrainian people are hard working, resourceful and can live with anyone, anywhere.
They love their land and their Cossak heritage helps them defend themselves.
Putin would like the world to think that there never was such a country as Ukraine. That Kiev is a russian holy city.
He may be ready to risk invading Ukraine in order to survive.
Or, one hopes more realisticm pragmatic minds will prevail, and Russia can attempt to change just as Ukraine is doing, and try to live and get along peacefully.
Ukraine can no doubt help and work with Russia, for the benefit of both societies and countries.
History is a human construct..and Putin has ' created his version of History.. we can see it as HIS...STORY  ?
What is a more accurate Story..my explanation is my own personal interpretation as well !  There must be a million other interpretations, at least until Science helps us..and we become better guided toward the truth.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 03, 2021, 08:30:54 am

International Сomission of Inquiry into the 1932-33 Famine in Ukraine. Proceedings, October 21 ? November 5, 1988



Human Life in Russia (Людське життя в Росії)

Geography of Holodomoru by comparative data of the census 1926 and 1937.
The map shows a large number of areas half-determined and more, which had to be enlarged after the decrease in the rural population.
The scale is just terrible - blue and dark blue - this is the extinction of the population by 60%-40%!!!!!
In more sizes:

via Карти/мапи історичні, from Demo Domini

Koliivshchyna: a forerunner of world order change

Yesterday at the Kiev Security Forum we released a video-performance of the world-renowned historian, professor of the Yelsky University Timothy Snyder.
His speech is a devastating reaction to Putin's article about "one people".
Wearing the main theses.
"As you are well known, this year Mr. Putin published an article in which he outlined his vision of the history of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.
Historically, this article has no value. When I read her as a historian, I feel like when at a party someone starts thinking about past events without understanding what they are talking about, but with hot beliefs. Usually in such situations historians nod, smile and find an excuse to walk away. But Mr. Putin is not just someone, but the head of an important state, - so his thoughts should be taken seriously. But not as for history - because in this sense his reasoning is ridiculous, - but as for politics.
The first thing to pay attention to in this article is that it is not about Ukraine at all. In fact she is about Russia. When we carefully read this article, we can notice that it is actually about the absence - the absence of the history of Russia. There is no history of Russia that Mr. Putin can tell. He can tell a story about certain relations with Ukraine, which for certain "mystic" reasons have gone wrong.
The second thing we notice in this article is that it is not about the future.
This is a story of the past. We see what is the characteristic of Putin's regime: in Mr. Putin's story about Russia there is no future, only the past, the "mythical past". This is the defining problem of his regime. In the oligarchy, kleptocracy, plutocracy, where all resources are concentrated in the hands of an elite regime close to the center, it is very difficult to talk about the future, very difficult to even imagine the future. So in this situation the kleptocratic regime produces myths about the past. A political space in which there is no future, it fills the past.
But the problem is that in such a story there is no room for Russians, no room for people. This story shows what actually early stage Russia is at in the sense of creating its national history. In the education of Putin Ukraine and Belarus in this story play the role of their own crutches. Russia can't tell a story about itself, so this story is based on other peoples...
... When we read this article in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the occupation of its territories, we conclude that Russia attacked Ukraine because the Russians still do not know who they are. Russia led by Putin invaded Ukraine in order to be able to tell something like a story about who the Russians are.
And this story that is terrible for Russia is totally negative. The story is: "We are people who do not understand the rest of the world. We are people who do not understand when we say that we and Ukrainians are one nation. We are people who do not understand Ukrainians when we tell them that we are one people."
So Putin is forming a mythological identity for Russia, focused on the past, completely negative, completely dependent on others who reject what Russia says about themselves and the rest of the world.
And here, according to my belief, the problem goes to the highest depth. This negative environment of Russia replaces the real foreign policy.
If Putin really had a real foreign policy that would aim to protect the long-term interests of the Russian Federation and its peoples, such international policy would have concentrated first on China, in the protection of Russian sovereignty stosovn about China.
Russia has existential problems in its relations with China. At the same time, she doesn't have such existential problems with the West. But the invasion of Ukraine and the narratives about this invasion create problems with the West, which could not have been.
In other words, Putin cut Russia from the West with this invasion and these narratives, which was absolutely unnecessary. At the same time, he brought Russia into a position under order of China. This is exactly what the "achievement" of the foreign policy of Mr. Putin looks like. And if you look at it sober, it's actually a failure of his foreign policy.
Today Russia has an influence in the world because it is located between the West and China. Attacking Ukraine, cutting itself off from the West, Russia seriously weakened its positions regarding China. This is the result of Putin's foreign policy.
We are approaching the final point. I will say what is not talked about in Russia, at least in political circles. Russia cut itself off from Ukraine. In the article, Mr. Putin claims that Russia and Ukraine should be together, but they are divided because of some "mystic" conspiracy of the West.
However, the truth is much simpler. The truth is right before us.
The reason why Ukraine and Russia are not close is because Russia attacked Ukraine. In other words, if Putin's purpose was actually good relations between Russia and Ukraine, then he and no one else made it impossible. Not only for the time of his regime, but also for years and decades later.
Word if he really cares about what he wrote - and I think that's true, his theses are historically ridiculous, but he believes it as a man - if he really cares to make Russia and Ukraine close, there is no person in the world that is would have been more to blame in the absence of this close relationship than Vladimir Putin himself...
... Why is this article, why did it appear now - 7 years after the attack on Ukraine? The answer is not related to the past, but with the present, not with Ukraine, but with Russia, in particular, with the late period of Putin's regime.
Mr. Putin is an aging leader of the despotic regime. Despotic regime that failed in its own aspirations. He could not make Russia an independent player of international politics, instead Russia became dependent on China. And he couldn't bring Russia and Ukraine closer. On the contrary - attacking Ukraine, Russia has become an enemy for a long time.
So at this stage in Putin's career all that remains is to hide these failures behind lies. "

the videolink from original  https://ksf.openukraine.org/en/news/2169-vistup-timoti-snajdera-istorika-profesora-jelysykogo-universitetu-na-kijivsykomu-bezpekovomu-forumi-video-tekst

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 07, 2021, 08:18:32 am
Like Timothy Snyder said: they do as they do cause they don't know who they are https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/r7tfgt/russia_attacked_ukraine_because_the_russians/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/r7tfgt/russia_attacked_ukraine_because_the_russians/)   and no not a shared history or even genes , and what their own historians don't want to examine, Herodutus wrote about them

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/62d2hi/scientists_between_the_ukrainian_and_russian/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/62d2hi/scientists_between_the_ukrainian_and_russian/)

Found some extra info on Muscovite origin:

https://www.ar25.org/article/androfagy-etnichne-korinnya-ta-vichna-zhorstokist-moskvyniv.html?fbcl (https://www.ar25.org/article/androfagy-etnichne-korinnya-ta-vichna-zhorstokist-moskvyniv.html?fbcl) use google chrome for translation

Androphages are the ethnic roots and eternal cruelty of Muscovites ◉ The Greek historian Herodotus (484-425 BC) writes that to the north of the Scythian state (in the area of ​​present-day Muscovy) there is a people of androphagus (meaning ?cannibals ?). He writes that the people are special, completely different from the hermitages, do not speak the Scythian language, have no laws, have the wildest customs, they are nomadic hunters and cannibals. It is not difficult to guess in that people the ancestors of today's Muscovites. The fact of cannibalism of the Proto-Muscovites is confirmed by modern archeology.

No wonder the Muscovites behave the way as they do...reminds me of this article from 1994 before B.M. https://web.archive.org/web/20150205050359/https:/articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-01-16/news/9401160298_1_president-leonid-kravchuk-ukraine-russians (https://web.archive.org/web/20150205050359/https:/articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-01-16/news/9401160298_1_president-leonid-kravchuk-ukraine-russians)

"when russians behave as russians" btw the reason I got banned on 2 dutch pro-rf sites and all pro-rf reddits so started my own :-)


One of the explanations of origin Link Published by Арсен Дубовик April 1, 2014 - 15:34 One of the interpretations of the origin of the name KATSAP (butcher) is a butcher. Now it is clear why .... Here is the quote: "In fact, the word katsap (kasap), as claimed by Academician D. Yavornytsky, is of Turkic origin and means butcher, rascal. Here is how he writes about it: " Working in the Archives of the Ministry of Justice in Moscow, I found several Ukrainian documents of the middle of the XVIII century, in which the word ?katsap? was written not with the letter ?ts?, but with the letter ?c?, that is, not ?katsap?, but ?kasap.? He then turned from archival documents to the native language. Central Asia, I learned that the SART is the word "kasab" "Kasap" which literally means " butcher " and figuratively "skinflint" ( zhyvoder). From this I conclude that the current word "katsap" is not of Russian, but of Eastern, probably Tatar origin, as words: money (in Tatar - "thin"), clamp ("clamp"), chest ("chest") ) and others, which, however, are considered in our country by antiquity purely Moscow. Going further, I assume that the Muscovites originally called the Tatars "butchers" in the sense of "rapists", "oppressors", "hits". From the Muscovites, the word "katsap" could have been introduced to Ukrainians in the era of the Moscow nobility in Ukraine, in the XVII century, after Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky. " D. Yavornytsky's interpretation of the word "katsap" was spread and deepened by an anonymous (probably academician A. Krymsky) reviewer of "Kyiv Antiquity". After a series of etymological considerations, he concludes: ?Thus, in order to find consonance for the Ukrainian word? katsap ?in Turkic dialects, there is no need to necessarily refer to the language of the Sartan Turkmen; This word, in its literal and figurative sense, has probably spread since ancient times, among other Turks who were in cultural interaction with southern Russia, namely: the Polovtsians, Ottomans, or Asia Minor Seljuks, Crimean Tatars, as well as in Lithuanian Karaites? ?.29 Next, the author gives some examples: in Turkish, the expression? Adam Kassabi ?means an angry man, a despot, the expression? Kassap odlu ?- a scoundrel; "Kassapchi" - in Karaite means - executioner; "Hassap" in the language of the Crimean Tatars meansbutcher , gitzel , etc.30 Other authors agree with this interpretation. ". You can read more Eugene Nakonechny. THE STOLEN NAME, or why the Ruthenians became Ukrainians . http://exlibris.org.ua/nakonechny/r23.html (http://exlibris.org.ua/nakonechny/r23.html)

explains a lot

also ?The jealous and intolerant eye of the Kremlin can distinguish, in the end, only vassals and enemies, and the neighbors of Russia, if they do not wish to be one, must reconcile themselves to being the other.?

?It would be useful to the Western world to realize that despite all the vicissitudes by which Russia has been afflicted since August 1939, the men in the Kremlin have never abandoned their faith in that program of territorial and political expansion which had once commended itself so strongly to Tsarist diplomatists.? [519]? ― George F. Kennan, Memoirs, 1925-1950

http://foreignpolicy.com/2011/12/23/the-man-who-got-russia-right/ (http://foreignpolicy.com/2011/12/23/the-man-who-got-russia-right/)

Androphagi (Ancient Greek: Ἀνδροφάγοι, cannibals, literally "man-eaters"), according to Herodotus, lived some distance north of Scythia in an area later hypothesised to be the forests between the upper waters of the Dnepr and Don. Also according to Herodotus, when King Darius the Great led a Persian invasion into Scythian territory in what is now Southern Russia, the Androphagi fled when the warring armies passed through their territory.


An anthropophage or anthropophagus (from Greek: ανθρωποφάγος, romanized: anthrōpophagos, "human-eater", plural Greek: ανθρωποφάγοι, romanized: anthropophagi) was a member of a mythical race of cannibals described first by Herodotus in his Histories as androphagi ("man-eaters"), and later by other authors, including the playwright William Shakespeare. The word first appears in English around 1552. In popular culture, the anthropophagus is sometimes depicted as a being without a head, but instead have their faces on the torso.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropophage (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropophage)
https://www.giusseppe.net/proyectos/lenguas/recursos/Libros/gimbutas.pdf (https://www.giusseppe.net/proyectos/lenguas/recursos/Libros/gimbutas.pdf) the balts

https://www.jstor.org/action/doBasicSearch?Query=%22Androphagi%22&acc=on&wc=on&so=rel (https://www.jstor.org/action/doBasicSearch?Query=%22Androphagi%22&acc=on&wc=on&so=rel)

https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/70/mode/1up?q=neiri (https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/70/mode/1up?q=neiri)
Scythians and Greeks : a survey of ancient history and archaeology on the north coast of the Euxine from the Danube to the Caucasus : Minns, Ellis H Publication date 1913.. 720 pages | Trying  figuring out the real history of Muscovy and who they really are: butchers and cannibals, it shows

https://www.academia.edu/15232900/The_Scythians_and_Their_Neighbors (https://www.academia.edu/15232900/The_Scythians_and_Their_Neighbors)

https://www.academia.edu/33750890/The_Scythians_Discovering_the_nomad_warriors_of_Siberia (https://www.academia.edu/33750890/The_Scythians_Discovering_the_nomad_warriors_of_Siberia)
https://www.google.com/search?q=Scythian%2Bpdf&oq=Scythian%2Bpdf&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i30j0i8i30.13886j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 (https://www.google.com/search?q=Scythian%2Bpdf&oq=Scythian%2Bpdf&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i30j0i8i30.13886j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

https://archive.org/details/EncyclopediaOfIndoEuropeanCulture (https://archive.org/details/EncyclopediaOfIndoEuropeanCulture)
Encyclopedia Of Indo-European Culture
by J. P. Mallory, Douglas Q. Adams

Publication date 1997 855 pages

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 13, 2021, 08:43:06 am
https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/history-and-civilisation/2021/12/after-pillaging-france-and-spain-viking-raiders-set-their-sights-on-rome (https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/history-and-civilisation/2021/12/after-pillaging-france-and-spain-viking-raiders-set-their-sights-on-rome)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 19, 2021, 10:46:32 am

https://www.socialist.net/collapse-soviet-union-rise-putin.htm (https://www.socialist.net/collapse-soviet-union-rise-putin.htm)

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Expansi%C3%B3n_territorial_de_Rusia.svg (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Expansi%C3%B3n_territorial_de_Rusia.svg)  muscovy to rf expansion

https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=14PnyHN3WPgBZgpJ3q0BOMswKge1hv1au&ll=50.433909133043855%2C30.48571115&z=11 (https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=14PnyHN3WPgBZgpJ3q0BOMswKge1hv1au&ll=50.433909133043855%2C30.48571115&z=11)
bombshelters Kyiv


http://www.uawire.org/russia-begins-audit-of-rostov-court-after-it-published-verdict-proving-russian-military-deployed-in-eastern-ukraine (http://www.uawire.org/russia-begins-audit-of-rostov-court-after-it-published-verdict-proving-russian-military-deployed-in-eastern-ukraine)
"about the presence of the Russian military in the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR was contained "exclusively in the testimony of the defendant."  and ", who was found guilty of giving bribes"

With my experience in court (cases)  their explanation is wrong, if he was convicted for wrongfully blaming  russian forces in east-ukraine they would be right, but court found his testimony truthfull and convicted him of bribery so court found the facts to be according the truth.

https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/12/16/fraud-conviction-appears-to-reveal-russian-troop-deployment-in-east-ukraine-a75835 (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/12/16/fraud-conviction-appears-to-reveal-russian-troop-deployment-in-east-ukraine-a75835)

https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3370089-russian-court-inadvertently-acknowledges-russian-military-presence-in-occupied-donbas-journalist.html (https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3370089-russian-court-inadvertently-acknowledges-russian-military-presence-in-occupied-donbas-journalist.html)
Russian court inadvertently acknowledges Russia's military presence in occupied Donbas - journalist (proof russian)

http://xn--90afdbaav0bd1afy6eub5d.xn--p1ai/64073623 (http://xn--90afdbaav0bd1afy6eub5d.xn--p1ai/64073623)


" This food was intended to be sent to military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, stationed on the territory of the DPR and LPR."

https://www.dw.com/en/russian-court-says-countrys-soldiers-stationed-in-ukraine/a-60153034 (https://www.dw.com/en/russian-court-says-countrys-soldiers-stationed-in-ukraine/a-60153034)

http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/12/16/russian-court-publishes-documents-proving-russian-army-presence-in-ukraine-deletes-them-hours-later/ (http://euromaidanpress.com/2021/12/16/russian-court-publishes-documents-proving-russian-army-presence-in-ukraine-deletes-them-hours-later/)

https://web.archive.org/web/20211215114342/https://kirovsky--ros.sudrf.ru/modules.php?name=sud_delo&srv_num=1&name_op=doc&number=213117823&delo_id=1540006&new=&text_number=1 (https://web.archive.org/web/20211215114342/https://kirovsky--ros.sudrf.ru/modules.php?name=sud_delo&srv_num=1&name_op=doc&number=213117823&delo_id=1540006&new=&text_number=1)

https://khpg.org/en/1608809871 (https://khpg.org/en/1608809871)
Russia hastily deletes court ruling revealing heavy deployment of Russian military forces in Donbas |ROFL OL BUSTED!
http://mepoforum.sk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Russian-Forces-in-Ukraine-RUSI.pdf (http://mepoforum.sk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Russian-Forces-in-Ukraine-RUSI.pdf)

https://ukrainetoday.org/2021/12/16/the-kremlin-on-the-recognition-by-the-rostov-court-of-the-presence-of-the-occupation-troops-in-cadlo-this-is-a-mistake/ (https://ukrainetoday.org/2021/12/16/the-kremlin-on-the-recognition-by-the-rostov-court-of-the-presence-of-the-occupation-troops-in-cadlo-this-is-a-mistake/)

https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-court-troops-eastern-ukraine-/31613343.html (https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-court-troops-eastern-ukraine-/31613343.html)

https://glasnostgone.org/2021/12/17/russian-regional-court-admits-russiainvadedukraine/ (https://glasnostgone.org/2021/12/17/russian-regional-court-admits-russiainvadedukraine/)
https://kyivindependent.com/national/russian-court-openly-documents-moscows-military-presence-in-donbas/ (https://kyivindependent.com/national/russian-court-openly-documents-moscows-military-presence-in-donbas/)

https://belsat.eu/en/news/17-12-2021-rostov-court-confirms-presence-of-russian-military-in-donbas-kremlin-denies/ (https://belsat.eu/en/news/17-12-2021-rostov-court-confirms-presence-of-russian-military-in-donbas-kremlin-denies/)

https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/12/16/fraud-conviction-appears-to-reveal-russian-troop-deployment-in-east-ukraine-a75835 (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/12/16/fraud-conviction-appears-to-reveal-russian-troop-deployment-in-east-ukraine-a75835)

https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/12/17/how-do-russians-feel-about-a-war-with-ukraine-a75847 (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/12/17/how-do-russians-feel-about-a-war-with-ukraine-a75847)

https://www.raamoprusland.nl/dossiers/oekraine/1986-ukraine-crisis-a-case-study-in-modern-kremlinology (https://www.raamoprusland.nl/dossiers/oekraine/1986-ukraine-crisis-a-case-study-in-modern-kremlinology)

and from 6 years ago only on webarchive now how RF send mobile crematoria to Donbass 

https://web.archive.org/web/20150530011229/http://uk.businessinsider.com/russia-using-mobile-crematoriums-in-ukraine-2015-5 (https://web.archive.org/web/20150530011229/http://uk.businessinsider.com/russia-using-mobile-crematoriums-in-ukraine-2015-5)

Putin is going to extreme lengths to hide Russian soldiers who are dying while fighting in Ukraine

MAY 26, 2015, 4:08 PM 1,240 5
Russia is using crematoriums on wheels to burn the bodies of its soldiers who die fighting alongside pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine, Bloomberg's Josh Rogin

https://web.archive.org/web/20150529185348/http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-05-26/putin-burns-his-dead-to-hide-ukraine-aggression (https://web.archive.org/web/20150529185348/http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-05-26/putin-burns-his-dead-to-hide-ukraine-aggression)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 22, 2021, 08:58:30 am

so the offensive agressor must have its way, like it was since 1300??  seen in kremlinmedia?

If there is war, started by offensive russia obviously in 1991 with moldova, then 2 chechnya wars, then russian invasion in georgia in 2008, and in 2014 in ukraine then THAT will be the end of the Russian Federation, the offical name of russia, consisting of 85 parts of which Muscovy is the leech, and it true name Muscovy will be returning, cause it stole in 1721 name RUS and its history from Kyvian-Ukriane(RUS)

And after Budapest Memorandum which was a betrayal of Ukriane and Europe, Ukraine will have nukes  back BUT pose no treat to Europe, which was the intention of USA, to make "russia"  only enemy for Europe to boost weapon sales.

https://foreignpolicy.com/2011/12/23/the-man-who-got-russia-right/ (https://foreignpolicy.com/2011/12/23/the-man-who-got-russia-right/)

Like George Kennan said:

?The jealous and intolerant eye of the Kremlin can distinguish, in the end, only vassals and enemies, and the neighbors of Russia, if they do not wish to be one, must reconcile themselves to being the other.?

?It would be useful to the Western world to realize that despite all the vicissitudes by which Russia has been afflicted since August 1939, the men in the Kremlin have never abandoned their faith in that program of territorial and political expansion which had once commended itself so strongly to Tsarist diplomatists.? [519]? ― George F. Kennan, Memoirs, 1925-1950

https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/43812.George_F_Kennan (https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/43812.George_F_Kennan) 3

?Were the Soviet Union (or Russian Federation -added) by me  to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.?

https://www.sam-network.org/video/eisenhower-s-farewell-address-a-warning-on-the-military-industrial-complex (https://www.sam-network.org/video/eisenhower-s-farewell-address-a-warning-on-the-military-industrial-complex) U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his Farewell Address on January 17, 1961: Instead, the United States was ?compelled to create a permanent armaments industry? and a huge military force. He admitted that the Cold War made clear the ?imperative need for this development,? but he was gravely concerned about ?the acquisition of unwarranted influence?by the military-industrial complex.? Necessary though that development might be, Eisenhower warned, this new military-industrial complex could weaken or destroy the very institutions and principles it was designed to protect.

in dutch we have a saying: Zoals de waard is, vertrouwt hij z'n gasten. raw translation:  It takes a low mind to think low or  And it takes one to know one.

https://culture.voicecrimea.com.ua/en/tauric-chersonese-and-its-chora/ (https://culture.voicecrimea.com.ua/en/tauric-chersonese-and-its-chora/)

https://nation.lk/online/vikings-blood-eagle-ritual-where-a-victim-s-lungs-were-pulled-out-of-their-back-was-feasible-155575.html (https://nation.lk/online/vikings-blood-eagle-ritual-where-a-victim-s-lungs-were-pulled-out-of-their-back-was-feasible-155575.html)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 24, 2021, 08:04:39 am

https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/russian-court-accidentally-delivers-guilty-verdict-on-putins-ukraine-war/ (https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/russian-court-accidentally-delivers-guilty-verdict-on-putins-ukraine-war/)

https://www.thebulwark.com/putin-cant-be-allowed-to-re-divide-europe/ (https://www.thebulwark.com/putin-cant-be-allowed-to-re-divide-europe/) | charters 1990-1999 Paris & Istanbul
he want BINDING agreements on NATO but never abided ANY, not charters 1990-1999 Paris & Istanbul, not even Minsk 1&2, so what ?
https://www.osce.org/mc/39516 (https://www.osce.org/mc/39516)
Charter of Paris for a New Europe, signed in 1990 by the USSR and the countries of Europe and North America.
https://www.osce.org/mc/17502 (https://www.osce.org/mc/17502)
The Charter for European Security ?reaffirm(ed) the inherent right of each and every participating State to be free to choose or change its security arrangements, including treaties of alliance.? Like the Charter of Paris, it also reiterated that no state ?can consider any part of the (European) area as its sphere of influence.?

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 28, 2021, 08:58:23 am
The Last Days of the Soviet Union: Reporting from the British Embassy, Moscow. History Note: No.24
https://issuu.com/fcohistorians/docs/last_days_of_the_soviet_union_fcdo_hn_24 (https://issuu.com/fcohistorians/docs/last_days_of_the_soviet_union_fcdo_hn_24)

https://www.dispropaganda.com/single-post/oskar-schindler-how-hollywood-turned-a-nazi-into-a-hero?fb (https://www.dispropaganda.com/single-post/oskar-schindler-how-hollywood-turned-a-nazi-into-a-hero?fb)

https://historycollection.com/these-18-facts-reveal-the-true-story-of-schindlers-list/12/ (https://historycollection.com/these-18-facts-reveal-the-true-story-of-schindlers-list/12/)

https://archive.org/details/rysslandsadantde00gumm/page/n224/mode/1up?view=theater (https://archive.org/details/rysslandsadantde00gumm/page/n224/mode/1up?view=theater)
Ryssland sadant det ?r : med en etnografisk karta ?ver ryska riket / utgivare, De av Ryssland undertryckta folkens f?rbund ; redakt?r f?r den svenska upplagan, Herman Gummerus
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 31, 2021, 08:13:08 am
Be aware and remember it...
1. The state called Muscovy King Peter and renamed in Russia all the way in the XVIII century, in 1721.
2. The moksha tribe named their river Moscow. And the translation of this name from mokshi language sounds like "dirty water". Any other language in the world cannot translate the word "Moscow". The word "Kremlin" is Tatar and means "fortress at the height".
3. In the Middle Ages, all European cartographers wrote and spent the border of Europe along the borders of Russia, and Russia is the territory of today's Ukraine. Muscovy - ulus, with their Finnish peoples has always been a component of the horde. Her Europe was fairly treated to Asia.
4. Muscovy (Russia) paid tribute to the Crimean Khan - his sovereign and master, who was the successor of the Golden Horde, all the way up to 1700 The Tsar of Muscovy met the Crimean ambassador on the Worship Mountain, put him on his horse, and walked to the Kremlin, leading a horse with the Crimean ambassador. I put him on his throne and kneeled before him.
5. In 1610 in Muscovy on boris godunov? (murza gudun) ended the chengizid?v dynasty (relatives of chinghishan). Alexei Kishka of the Finnish kind of Mare was brought to the throne, and at the wedding the church gave him the nickname Romanov, who allegedly came from Rome to rule Muscovy.
6. Catherine II after the occupation of the great duchy of Lithuania (territory of Belarus) in 1795 His order vel?la ugro-Finnish tribes of moscovy to call velikorosami, and ukrainians - real rusič?v - malorosami.
7. No one has ever seen in the original agreement of reunification of Moscow and Ukraine, allegedly signed by B. Khmelnytskyi and King O. To the novel's.
8. For several centuries, archaeologists of Muscovy have been looking for artifacts confirming the credibility of the Battle of Kulikovo, but so far unsuccessful. From only a bike about victory d. Donsʹkogo over Mama? is sung and still on all voices.
9. Pskov, Novgorod, Smolensk regions of Russia are former Slavic-Russian Principles and had nothing to do with Ugro-Finnish Muscovy until the Muscovy-Horde occupied them in 1462, 1478 and 1654, respectively. And in other areas of Russia - Muscovy - Slavic tribes and peoples have never been inhabited.
10. The Golden Horde and its daughter Muscovy are the only countries in the world that kept their own people in slavery. This explains the eternal distance of natural mine-rich Muscovy from comparatively devided natural resources of European countries. After all, the work efficiency of free people is much higher than slaves.

https://www.polygraph.info/a/fact-check-kremlin-has-flagrantly-broken-budapest-pact-on-ukraine-s-security/31619630.html (https://www.polygraph.info/a/fact-check-kremlin-has-flagrantly-broken-budapest-pact-on-ukraine-s-security/31619630.html)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 03, 2022, 07:59:46 am
thats cause they descend not from normal people but like Herodutus wrote from cannibal butchers and thats where the word katsap came from.

Like Timothy Snyder said: they do as they do cause they don't know who they are https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/r7tfgt/russia_attacked_ukraine_because_the_russians/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/r7tfgt/russia_attacked_ukraine_because_the_russians/)   and no not a shared history or even genes , and what their own historians don't want to examine, Herodutus wrote about them

https://www.ar25.org/article/androfagy-etnichne-korinnya-ta-vichna-zhorstokist-moskvyniv.html?fbcl (https://www.ar25.org/article/androfagy-etnichne-korinnya-ta-vichna-zhorstokist-moskvyniv.html?fbcl) use google chrome for translation

Androphages are the ethnic roots and eternal cruelty of Muscovites ◉ The Greek historian Herodotus (484-425 BC) writes that to the north of the Scythian state (in the area of ​​present-day Muscovy) there is a people of androphagus (meaning ?cannibals ?). He writes that the people are special, completely different from the hermitages, do not speak the Scythian language, have no laws, have the wildest customs, they are nomadic hunters and cannibals. It is not difficult to guess in that people the ancestors of today's Muscovites. The fact of cannibalism of the Proto-Muscovites is confirmed by modern archeology.

An anthropophage or anthropophagus (from Greek: ανθρωποφάγος, romanized: anthrōpophagos, "human-eater", plural Greek: ανθρωποφάγοι, romanized: anthropophagi) was a member of a mythical race of cannibals described first by Herodotus in his Histories as androphagi ("man-eaters"), and later by other authors, including the playwright William Shakespeare. The word first appears in English around 1552. In popular culture, the anthropophagus is sometimes depicted as a being without a head, but instead have their faces on the torso.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropophage (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropophage)
https://www.giusseppe.net/proyectos/lenguas/recursos/Libros/gimbutas.pdf (https://www.giusseppe.net/proyectos/lenguas/recursos/Libros/gimbutas.pdf) the balts

https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/70/mode/1up?q=neiri (https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/70/mode/1up?q=neiri)
Scythians and Greeks : a survey of ancient history and archaeology on the north coast of the Euxine from the Danube to the Caucasus : Minns, Ellis H Publication date 1913.. 720 pages | Trying  figuring out the real history of Muscovy and who they really are: butchers and cannibals, it shows

https://www.academia.edu/15232900/The_Scythians_and_Their_Neighbors (https://www.academia.edu/15232900/The_Scythians_and_Their_Neighbors)

https://www.academia.edu/33750890/The_Scythians_Discovering_the_nomad_warriors_of_Siberia (https://www.academia.edu/33750890/The_Scythians_Discovering_the_nomad_warriors_of_Siberia)

https://www.economist.com/leaders/turkeys-president-cannot-defy-reality-for-long/21806930 (https://www.economist.com/leaders/turkeys-president-cannot-defy-reality-for-long/21806930)

https://therussianreader.com/2021/12/31/putins-little-helpers/ (https://therussianreader.com/2021/12/31/putins-little-helpers/)
https://therussianreader.com/2021/12/30/la-algarabia/ (https://therussianreader.com/2021/12/30/la-algarabia/)

http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2021/12/russian-nationalists-upset-moscow-has.html (http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2021/12/russian-nationalists-upset-moscow-has.html)
?Тайное и явное. Цели и деяния сионистов? 1973

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_and_Explicit_(The_Aims_and_Acts_of_Zionists) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_and_Explicit_(The_Aims_and_Acts_of_Zionists))

https://stalingrad.site/films/taynoe-i-yavnoe-tseli-i-deyaniya-sionistov/ (https://stalingrad.site/films/taynoe-i-yavnoe-tseli-i-deyaniya-sionistov/)   the movie in russian

This unique film "Imperialism and Zionism" was made in the early 70s on behalf of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee and with the assistance of the KGB of the USSR. It presented documents and facts of tremendous revelatory power. However, the broad screening was postponed, and later, already during the perestroika period, almost all printed copies of it were destroyed. The real film was found and restored in 1999.
Central Documentary Film Studio, Moscow, 1973
Director: B.L. Karpov, D.A. Zhukov

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xM79Dp6srtg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xM79Dp6srtg)   missing 20 minutes

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%D0%A2%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5+%D0%B8+%D1%8F%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5.+%D0%A6%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8+%D0%B8+%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F+%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2+1973 (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%D0%A2%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5+%D0%B8+%D1%8F%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5.+%D0%A6%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8+%D0%B8+%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F+%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2+1973)

OCCUPATION - Modern Russian Occupation: What Putin and Hitler Have in Common
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JKR36gWZ5s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JKR36gWZ5s)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 05, 2022, 09:38:29 am
In the 4 thousand to the n. well. on the territory of Novoarkhangelsk region contained a giant Tripil settlement, the largest in all of Europe at that time. For thousands of years it kept the secrets of its existence, until in the twentieth century near the village of Nebelivka, researchers appeared, the results of whose work became a sensation in the study of the history of this mysterious civilization. These were scientists from Ukraine, Great Britain, Italy, Malaysia, Australia and 6 other countries in the world. These studies were led by the PhD in Historical Sciences from the Institute of Archaeology of Ukraine Mikhail Videjko and PhD from Durham University, UK John Chapman.
Protom?sto took an area of 238 hectare, here inhabited about 9 thousand. man. For the first time, the defensive frontier was opened - a level with a chastotokolom, the construction of which about 20 thousand trees were spent. During the archaeological excavations, the first trip?lʹsʹkij product of precious metal was found - a spiral suspension of elektra. The unique finds belong to the multi-channel pottery mountain, the oldest in Europe.
The most important find on Nebel?vka for 121 years of research of this culture became the first Trip?lʹsʹkij temple. Reconstructed by modern explorers, it had a magnificent appearance. Located in the center of a large area (5400 m2), at the highest point of the settlement, it dominated the entire Protom?stom. It was led by wide passages both inside and outside the settlement. The main two-story building with attic and arch-like roof covered an area of 800 m2 and was surrounded on all sides by a gallery that continued to form a large front yard (400 m2). According to the beliefs of the triplets, the temple was orientated in such a way that the front entrance to the gallery exiting the Sun.
The interior interior of the Tryp?lʹsʹkogo temple was no less impressive. Dozens of columns supporting the second floor cover formed a column hall with 7 cross-like altars to offer sacrifices to the Tripil deities. The central one was located at the end of the first floor hall in the middle, the rest were placed along the walls on both sides. The second floor contained several small entrance rooms and one large hall with a podium along the south wall and a fire pit.
One of the brightest manifestations of the magical beliefs of the three-pillars was the ritual of burning their own settlements, which did not evade Nebelivka. For the trip?lʹc?v, it was a grand event that was carefully prepared for. All the inventory of the house was arranged in accordance with the magical ritual, the house was filled with fuel. After that, they simultaneously burned all the buildings of the protom?sta. Now it became the "City of the Dead", and the residents went to build new settlements. This sacred ritual was repeated every 50-70 years for thousands of years of Trypillar's existence.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 07, 2022, 09:21:24 am
https://www.wsj.com/articles/russia-ukraine-conflict-lies-in-the-bones-of-an-11th-century-prince-11641052801 (https://www.wsj.com/articles/russia-ukraine-conflict-lies-in-the-bones-of-an-11th-century-prince-11641052801)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaroslav_the_Wise (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaroslav_the_Wise)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 08, 2022, 07:26:10 am

Ukraine ranks...
1st in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium ores;
2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of titanium ore reserves;
2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves);
2nd largest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons);
2nd place in Europe in terms of mercury ore reserves;
3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters)
4th in the world by the total value of natural resources;
7th place in the world in coal reserves (33.9 billion tons)
Ukraine is an agricultural country:
1st in Europe in terms of arable land area;
3rd place in the world by the area of black soil (25% of world's volume);
1st place in the world in exports of sunflower and sunflower oil;
2nd place in the world in barley production and 4th place in barley exports;
3rd largest producer and 4th largest exporter of corn in the world;
4th largest producer of potatoes in the world;
5th largest rye producer in the world;
5th place in the world in bee production (75,000 tons);
8th place in the world in wheat exports;
9th place in the world in the production of chicken eggs;
16th place in the world in cheese exports.
Ukraine can meet the food needs of 600 million people.
Ukraine is an industrialized country:
1st in Europe in ammonia production;
2-е Europe's and 4th largest natural gas pipeline system in the world (142.5 bln cubic meters of gas throughput capacity in the EU);
3rd largest in Europe and 8th largest in the world in terms of installed capacity of nuclear power plants;
3rd place in Europe and 11th in the world in terms of rail network length (21,700 km);
3rd place in the world (after the U.S. and France) in production of locators and locating equipment;
3rd largest iron exporter in the world
4th largest exporter of turbines for nuclear power plants in the world;
4th world's largest manufacturer of rocket launchers;
4th place in the world in clay exports
4th place in the world in titanium exports
8th place in the world in exports of ores and concentrates;
9th place in the world in exports of defence industry products;
10th largest steel producer in the world (32.4 million tons).

a lot of these in occupied Donbass, the reason for invasion!?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 12, 2022, 08:27:16 am

Author: Anton Nustriom
Year of publication: 1901
Another interesting read. It describes the Cossack uprising led by Bogdan Khmelnytsky, as well as the events that took place before the beginning of the Great North War. The attention is concentrated on the relationship between Peter I, August II and Charles XII. I will present a few interesting facts from the book:
1. Karl XII's grandmother and mother were from Denmark. He was also proposed to marry a princess of Denmark and promote an alliance between Denmark, Norway and Sweden to avoid war. He gave up on this one.
2. At 15 years old, after the request of the genders, Ricksdag declared Carl XII a six-year-old. Everyone hoped that the country would be run by adult politicians in practice, but Carl XII disagrees with it and became the person who personally made the most important decisions in the country.
3. In 1689, when Peter and I came to power, then Russia had no exits to the sea except the White Sea and the Northern Glacier Ocean.
4. Peter and was a barbarian who desperately aspired to become the leader of the European state. He demanded that everything look like in Europe, but he himself was cruel, he himself could slaughter people, stabbed ministers and other officials.
5. He wanted to build an army according to the example of the best army of the time - Swedish. Wrote a request about it and sent it to Sweden. He has been rejected.
6. In 1697 Peter I traveled through Europe incognito because he did not want to introduce himself to foreign nations before he would win a decisive battle. He came to Riga and began exploring the fortress, wanted to measure the width of the ditch near one of the forts. This was noticed by Swedish count Eric Dalbury and banned him from writing a letter that such "studios" should not be conducted in the interests of a "friendly state". These actions terribly outraged Peter and he decided to revenge - conquer for his country exits to the Baltic and Black seas.
7. During the 1697 election in Poland, Peter I supported August II, who bribed the people who voted and won the election. Peter and promised him help in fighting those who were against him. Peter and needed Poland and a way out to the Baltic Sea.
8. In August 1698 Peter I met August II in the city of Rava-Russia, not far from Lviv, and they drank for four days. After that, they agreed on friendship and exchanged clothes and weapons.
9. Immediately before the war August II sent his messenger - the Swedish Count Levengaupt - to Karl XII to sign the alliance agreement, but Levengaupta disliked Karl XII and did not accept it.
10. Karl XII sent Peter and the offer of peace. She was accepted along with a lot of valuable gifts and 300 cannons. Peter and confirmed friendship and at the same time prepared for combat. He last confirmed in his words of friendship and acted in the opposite direction. Soon he used those cannons against Sweden.
11. In 1700 the Muscovites had to choose a new Patriarch. Instead of this Peter I declares himself a Patriarch and becomes the highest civilian and religious leader of the country (theocrat) against all existing laws. All the priests after that were supposed to bring the oath of allegiance to the king. After that Peter and I began a war in Crimea to conquer the exit to the Black Sea, telling the Russians that he is a crusader who saves Christians from the enemies of Christianity in the Ottoman Empire.
12. Peter and wanted to expand the borders of his country and become a European leader. He conquered Azov and had to get a way out to the Baltic Sea. After the 1617 Peace Treaty, the Baltic Sea was an internal Swedish Sea. For 40 years (from the time of the signing of the 1661 peace treaty) there were no reasons for war. But that didn't stop him. He had to destroy the first wall of Europe - Poland, capture it and cut the "window into Europe". The Rozb?jnytsʹku policy of the Muscovites was characterized as a merger of former lands and national heritage.
13. Peter I did not want to remain the ruler of Asian Moscow and decided to establish the city of St. Petersburg in a swamp area where poor Finnish fishermen were periodically visited. Surviving there was difficult and almost impossible to build something. Peter I ordered to send hundreds of thousands of builders to the area, who were forced to dig up the land with their hands and carry it in bags or whoever could. Constructions did not withstand the load and fell apart, people died on construction like flies. Peter I demanded that everyone who had 500 peasants in a disposition build a two-story stone house in St. Petersburg.
14. There were no effective laws to govern the country. Peter I "copied" some of the Swedish laws and ordered some captive Swedes to rule the country in various places because Russian officials did not have the proper education and were bribes who were interested only in their own interests.
You can read more here:

http://runeberg.org/naosteuro/ (http://runeberg.org/naosteuro/)
https://arkivkopia.se/sak/runeberg-naosteuro (https://arkivkopia.se/sak/runeberg-naosteuro)
https://archive.org/details/arkivkopia.se-runeberg-naosteuro/mode/2up (https://archive.org/details/arkivkopia.se-runeberg-naosteuro/mode/2up)

https://books.google.nl/books?id=DJJBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y&hl=nl&pli=1 (https://books.google.nl/books?id=DJJBAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y&hl=nl&pli=1)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 18, 2022, 07:05:33 am
Muscovy (russia never was, is or will be a country  it's official russian federation) is so "afraid" of (mongol) invaders so they invade themselves
a "small" number of areas since 1300
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Expansi%C3%B3n_territorial_de_Rusia.svg (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Expansi%C3%B3n_territorial_de_Rusia.svg)   

https://www.gfsis.org/maps/russian-military-forces (https://www.gfsis.org/maps/russian-military-forces)

https://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/06/sensational-archaeological-find-uncovers-ukrainian-stonehenge-in-eastern-ukraine/?fbclid=IwAR0fEggp4kDZcpjZiwdkydQ2FvBESChQG8xMq-p2n8CjlCoUxTrwyyerR9k (https://euromaidanpress.com/2021/07/06/sensational-archaeological-find-uncovers-ukrainian-stonehenge-in-eastern-ukraine/?fbclid=IwAR0fEggp4kDZcpjZiwdkydQ2FvBESChQG8xMq-p2n8CjlCoUxTrwyyerR9k)

russian culture is that of Androphagi
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi)  butchers (katsap) and cannibals like already placed them in muscovy area
https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/32/mode/1up?q=Androphagi (https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/32/mode/1up?q=Androphagi)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 21, 2022, 08:10:42 am
Muscovy (russia never was, is or will be a country  it's official russian federation) is so "afraid" of (mongol) invaders so they invade themselves
a "small" number of areas since 1300
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Expansi%C3%B3n_territorial_de_Rusia.svg (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Expansi%C3%B3n_territorial_de_Rusia.svg)   

https://www.gfsis.org/maps/russian-military-forces (https://www.gfsis.org/maps/russian-military-forces)

russian culture is that of Androphagi
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi)  butchers (katsap) and cannibals like already placed them in muscovy area
https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/32/mode/1up?q=Androphagi (https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/32/mode/1up?q=Androphagi)

Another story about the discovery of a unique monument to the princes of Ostrog.
Somewhere like this in 1996, I no longer worked in a museum. Due to low wages, I had to go to "free bread". Then I spent a lot of time in Kiev and Ozhenina, and I was rarely in Ostrog. But I was found by people who recently bought a house in Ostrog and there was a lot of old stuff. I was offered to come and buy what I liked, and everything else "old" they had to burn.
When I arrived to them, it turned out that this house belonged to the last teacher of history, and by the cooperation of the priest of the "School named after Count Bludov" David Bychkovsky.
The house turned out to be furniture 17-19 centuries, remains of the archive and library "school of the name of count bludova", collection of documents princes of ostrozʹkih. Everything visible we immediately appreciated - cabinets, table and chairs. Then approached a pile of books and documents that were lying near the grubki and were prepared for burning.
So actually there was an archive of " Cyril-Mepodiev Brotherhood " and " School of them. Count of Bludov". I moved it, price is negotiable. Then, when I had loaded everything into my car, I decided to look into the rough. Neatly there, the "house", was placed the handwritten book "Change of the Princes of Ostrog" from the church of the village of Pogoriltsi, and on it there were original documents with signatures and seals of the princes of Ostrog of the 16-17 centuries. I don't know how much and what burned down before I came to this house, but if it weren't for some "sixth sense", these unique documents would have burned too.
David Byčkovsky was born in the village of pogor?lʹc? in duben гоin?. There in the local church his father was a priest. After moving to Ostrog, the family took with them and the monument. Being a historian and studying the activities of the princes of Ostrog, David Ivanovich collected documents that belonged to these princes. On one of the documents there is an inscription byčkovsky's hand "bought in the dermansky monastery in 1936".
I also bought these documents, as you understand not expensive at all)))
Then "Pomiannik" I sold to the Ostrog Museum of the Book, part of the archive of "Kyrill-Mephodiyev Brotherhood" transferred to the Museum of the Ostrog Academy, and also one of the documents written by Prince Vasyl-Constantin Ostrogky. Some documents I saved for myself.
Now that's the story!

Maps of the territory of Ukraine in European archives (part 1).
Swedish archives contain such a large number of maps and cosmographs that describe the territory of modern Ukraine that only their analysis can tell us more than any history textbook.
The stable life of the country, good storage conditions and the principle of openness of official documents to others, contributed to the fact that the maps, which directly or indirectly relate to Ukrainian lands, have accumulated in the Swedish archives several thousand. In this photo album, we will describe only the most interesting of them, which will help to explore important stages of our history. We will also introduce you to some of the search capabilities of foreign archives and show you what treasures can be found there.
Scythia and Sarmatia
In the library of Uppsala University, in the section Carolina Rediviva, there is an atlas in which we can see the first map of interest to us. ATLAS (p.237). Origin: Anno MCCCCLXXXII, avgvsti vero kalendas XVII. Imprssvm Vlme per ingeniosvm virvm Leonardvm Hol prefati oppidi civem, 1482.
Our lands have interested historians and great rulers at all times. The "father of history" Herodotus (5th century BC) described the borders of Scythia as a territory that stretched from west to east: "from the river Istra (Danube) to the river Tanais (Don)". In the middle of the Scythian land flowed the ancient Dnieper (Boristen, Borisfen). The author of 9 books of "History" in the 4th book contains the oldest systematic description of geography, ethnography and history of modern Ukraine, most of which in his time was Scythia.
It is believed that the executor of her first map could be Anacharsis - the son of the Scythian king Gnur. Herodotus seems to accurately describe something he saw: ?If we take Scythia as a quadrangle, the two sides of which are extended to the sea, the line that goes deep into the country in length will be exactly the same as the line of the coast. Because from the mouth of the Istra (Danube) to Boristen (Dnieper) 10 days of travel, and from Boristen to Lake Meotida (Sea of ​​Azov) another 10 days, and then from the sea inland to the melancholy living above the hermitages, 20 days travel "[IMAGO URBIS: Kyiv on ancient maps / Tatiana Lyuta. - Kharkiv-Kyiv: Publisher Oleksandr Savchuk, 2017.-192 p.]. But so far no one was able to send in the perfect solution, which is not strange.
Instead, there are many other maps, the description of which we will start with the first attached (Figure 1, p. 237).
These are visualized revisions of the XV century. the works of the legendary geographer of antiquity Claudius Ptolemy (87-165), who demonstrate "Geography" in the spirit of the time, linking his descriptions to specific areas, water bodies, etc. There are many versions and editions, but we will stop here.
It belongs to the authorship of Nicolaus Germanus (1420-1490), who changed his understanding of Ptolemy's Geography three times until he settled on the one published in Ulm in 1482. We see in the description of the map: "Clavdii Ptolomei viri Alexandrini Cosmographie octavvs et vltimvs liber explicit opvs Donni Nicolai Germani secvndvm Ptolomevm finit. Anno MCCCCLXXXII. Avgvsti vero Kalendas. Holv. translated by Jacopo d'Angelo, 31 pages and 1 page. There is a short text on the back of each card. ?
Looking at page 237 of the Cosmography, where is the most interesting for us map of "Sarmatia of Europe" (SARMATIA EUROPE), in the center we find along Borisfen such settlements as Azagarium, Amadoca, Sar, Serim, Metropol and others. At the confluence with the Black Sea (PONTI EVXIMI.PARS), we see the ancient Greek center - Olbia (Olbia). And even lower is the island of Borisfen (modern name - Berezan). Crimea - Taurica thersonebion, which is quite densely populated and contains a considerable number of names, is highlighted in yellow. To the east we see the great Sea of ​​Azov (PALVDES.METEOTIDES). The upper edge of the territory is delineated by the river Tanais (Don). This is the eastern border of European Sarmatia. Its western border is marked by another river - Danubius (the same Danube, which contains a different ancient name, but over the centuries marks the same boundaries).
ATLAS (p.237). Origin: Ulm, Germany: Anno MCCCCLXXXII, avgvsti vero kalendas XVII. Imprssvm Vlme per ingeniosvm virvm Leonardvm Hol prefati oppidi civem, 1482. Alternative title: Beatissimo Patri Pavlo Secvndo Pontifici Maximo Donis Nicolavs Germanvs. Persons: Ptolemaios Claudios, d. ca 170 (author), Nicolaus Germanus, ca 1420-ca 1490 (editor, cartographer), d'Angelo Jacopo (translator). Identifiers (general): 8932622 (libris).
Our lands were signed under different names. The first mention of the name "Rus" on maps can be found from the XII century. Thus, in 1154, by order of King Roger II of Sicily, the Arab scholar Muhammad al-Idrisi created one of the most perfect maps of the ancient world (Figure 2). Its orientation is performed in the usual representations of the time: south at the top and north at the bottom. But in everything else it was so perfect that it was ahead of its time and almost to the XV century. was considered a benchmark. Detailed descriptions for each of the parts of the maps were a treatise on geography "A book of entertainment for those who would

https://www.facebook.com/ipllm/posts/4527479047359008 (https://www.facebook.com/ipllm/posts/4527479047359008)
https://www.facebook.com/marina.trattner/posts/10226564260950789. (https://www.facebook.com/marina.trattner/posts/10226564260950789.)

Наші землі на карті 1152 року
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 30, 2022, 10:25:49 am

what people seem to forget, area where in 1147 moscow was founded, was IN Kyvian(Ukraine)-Rus empire 879?1240, so Ukraine is the older brother, there's NO ancient russia, only muscovy(1277) which peter 1 renamed russia in 1721 on purpose to pretend muscovy wasn't north-Ukraine
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/001_Kievan_Rus%27_Kyivan_Rus%27_Ukraine_map_1220_1240.jpg (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/001_Kievan_Rus%27_Kyivan_Rus%27_Ukraine_map_1220_1240.jpg)
https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/sek53j/what_people_seem_to_forget_area_where_in_1147/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/sek53j/what_people_seem_to_forget_area_where_in_1147/)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus%27 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus%27)

see also

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/62d2hi/scientists_between_the_ukrainian_and_russian/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/62d2hi/scientists_between_the_ukrainian_and_russian/) why no dna connection russians(meaning muscovites) and Ukrainians


https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/37tryg/muscovy_the_name_of_the_grand_duchy_of_moscow/)


The Historiography of Normanist and Anti-Normanist theories on the origin of Rus (Kyvian-Ukraine) https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26680/7245.pdf?sequence=2 (https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26680/7245.pdf?sequence=2)
In Western historiography, terms ?Russia? in English, ?Russie? in French, ?Russland? in German designates indiscriminately the Kyivan state (Rus?) from the 10th to the 13th century, the Grand Duchy of Moscow (Muscovy) from the 14th to the 17th century, the Empire of Peter the Great (who artificially introduced a Greek spelled term Rossiia for the new empire, having adopted the name from the Old Rus?, i. e. Ukraine) and of his successors from the 18th century to the 20th century. This has led to many misconceptions in historical literature and to a great confusion of ideas. For instance, originally, the term Rus? in its geographico-ethnical meaning referred to Kyiv area and all sources agree on that. It should be stressed that Rus? was primarily a geographical and ethnic term bound to a certain territory in Ukraine.

Let us take some examples from the Primary Chronicle to illustrate the problem:

Under the year 1152 it is said of the meeting of the Kyivan Prince Izyaslav with the king of Hungary:

I. 1152 A.D. And they went away, the King to his country, Hungary, and Izyaslav to the land of Rus?. Or other examples:

II. 1180 A.D.: Prince Svyatoslav, son of Vsevolod?marched from Rus? to Suzdal (city near Moscow in modern Russia)

III. 1193 A.D.: Svyatoslav sent his envoys to Riurik (to Ovruch) and said to him: Come now to Rus??.; Riurik?came with all his troops to Rus?

IV. 1231 A.D.: Danylo (of Halych) captured the town of Torchesk (in modern Central Ukraine) belonging to the land of Rus?.

V. 1132 A.D.: In this year, Vsevolod went forth (from Novgorod) to Rus?, to Pereyaslavl?.

VI. 1141 A.D.: Fleeing from Novgorod, Svyatoslav went to Rus?, to his brother?

VII. 1140 A.D. Mstislav, Prince of Kyiv, summoned the Prince of Polotsk to Rus??

VIII. 1147 A.D. ?Go to Smolensk?I order you not to stay in the land of Rus?.

IX. 1175 A.D.: (At the moment of Andrew?s death) his little son was staying at Novgorod and his brothers were in Rus?. 8

X. 1152 A.D.: Yuri went forth with the men of Rostov, Suzdal and Ryazan to Rus??.

It appears from these quotations that Rus? is obviously a geographical term. It implies above all the territory of Kyiv. We see also that, the above cited cities of Novgorod, Ryazan, Rostov, Smolensk, Polotsk and Suzdal (all in modern Russia and Belarus) were not in Rus?.

Nestor stresses the dependence of these lands on Rus? (Kyiv territory), contrasting these conquered territories. The bulk of the settlements in the territory of Kyiv were concentrated in the triangle formed by the Dnieper and its tow western tributaries, the Irpin? and the Ros?). On the left bank of the Dnieper, Rus? consisted of two provinces: those of Chernihiv and of Pereyaslavl?. The southern and eastern boundaries of the Pereyaslavl were fluid disappearing into the steppes. There is no doubt that the geographical notion of Rus? originated in the land of Kyiv, which was a political centre.9

The Ukrainians (Українці or Ruthenians - Русини in older definition) may well claim to be the ?original Rus?ians?. Theirs was the land where St. Cyril and St. Methodius converted the Slavic peoples in the 9th century, and that land, with Kyiv as the centre, became the starting point of Greco-Slavic Christianity. From 988 onwards it was the religious and political capital of whole Rus?. Great Russia (what we know today as Russia) was then merely a conglomerate, of Swedish, Finnish, and Slavic tribes.

Kyivan Rus? was Ukrainian state and Ukrainians are inheritors and continuers in modern times. But in reality the fight for Kyivan inheritance led to paradoxical results: Ukrainians not only lost their state but also Ukraine?s original name Rus? was overtaken by northern winner - Moscow. Having named itself Russia (Rossiya) in 1721 or Great Russia (Великороссия - Velikorosiya), the Muscovy (Московия) claimed itself as inheritor of medieval (Kyivan) Rus? state and claimed by this "sobiraniye zemel Russkikh" (gathering of Russian lands). Despite the fact that Moscow state historically represented different formation from Kyivan state, the northern tribe of Muscovites took over the name Rus? after the Mongol invasion, and referred to its ties with the old Kyivan dynasty.

o The word "Rus?" has been used by Greeks in their chronicles as long ago as II century A.D. o Arabs in mid-8th century were very specific in defining the location of Rus? as a Kingdom on the middle Dnieper around Kyiv, in the lands of an Eastern Slav Polyanians tribe. Interestingly, the Varangians do not appear in Kyiv until 860 AD, in fact, their first arrival in Rus? lands is dated at around 750 AD in Staraya Ladoga. o River Ros' flows through the lands populated by a Slavic tribal union of Polyanians at the centre of the future Kyivan Rus?, in the area directly adjacent to Kyiv. o When Andrey, the prince of Vladimir (city and principality in Muscovy) planned an attack on Kyiv, he said that he was "going against the Rus?". This and other evidence supports the opinion that even in Kyivan Rus?, the word "Rus?" implied the Southern Rus? lands, namely the principalities of Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Pereyaslavl' (possibly, even Halych and Volhyn). Question then is why would one not use the word Rus? for Novgorod, where Riurik had taken up power initially.

One of the greatest objections to the "Rus?" being Norse comes from Scandinavia itself. Rus? lands were well known to the Norse. They called it Gar?ariki, the land of castles or cities, and spoke in glowing terms of its wealth. The Kyivan royal house had a number of connections with Scandinavian dynasties.


http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/9202/file.pdf (http://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/9202/file.pdf)

Charles J. Halperin, Russian and Mongols. Slavs and the Steppe in Medieval and Early Modern Russia

https://www.academia.edu/10357151/Charles_J_Halperin_Russian_and_Mongols_Slavs_and_the_Steppe_in_Medieval_and_Early_Modern_Russia?auto=download (https://www.academia.edu/10357151/Charles_J_Halperin_Russian_and_Mongols_Slavs_and_the_Steppe_in_Medieval_and_Early_Modern_Russia?auto=download)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 01, 2022, 08:24:25 am
https://www.academia.edu/41902227/Competing_Narratives_between_Nomadic_People_and_their_Sedentary_Neighbours?auto=download&email_work_card=download-paper (https://www.academia.edu/41902227/Competing_Narratives_between_Nomadic_People_and_their_Sedentary_Neighbours?auto=download&email_work_card=download-paper)

Sweden holds a large number of ancient sources that are in one way or another connected to Ukrainian history. One of the most valuable examples is the Silver Bible.
Here is the information about her from Wikipedia:
The Silver Bible is the most important source of the Gothic language and the oldest German text. It is one of the most valuable manuscripts in the world, and is considered the most valuable Manuscript preserved in Sweden:
https://www.alvin-portal.org/alvin/view.jsf... (https://www.alvin-portal.org/alvin/view.jsf...)
In 2011, the Silver Bible was included in the list of objects of the heritage of the UNESCO documentary program "Memory of the World". In spring 1998 the manuscript was under radocarbon analysis, which confirmed it had been created in the 6th century, so the last most likely date of writing is the mid-6th century.
The cost of drafting, publishing and implementation of the Codex, as well as a high level of artistic jewelry, indicate that it was prepared for King Ostrogot Theodorich the Great (455-526 pp. ) just before his coronation. The manuscript must be dated around 520, year 526 is interpreted as terminus ante quem (from latin expired before term).
Why should this text interest us?
Because King Theoderich the Great is connected to the history of our country. He was the grandson of the Ostgoth king Vandalar and the descendant of the legendary Germanarich, the ruler of Ukrainian Gothia.
More about Ukrainian got? : can be read here:
https://uk.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Оюм (https://uk.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Оюм)
More information about him can be read in the article by Alexander Malishev:
Територія нашої країни, яку давні готи називали Оюмом, є місцем формування їх етносу, а річка Дніпро стала межею поділу могутнього пранароду на остготів та вестготів.
The Ukrainian footprint is observed even in the German epoch. The hero of the people
Dietrich Bernsky, the protagonist of which was Theoderich the Great, in the respective story cycle, as well as in the Song of the Nibelung?v often crosses with characters from other eras - the founders of great state formations in the territory of modern Ukraine - Erman Nut (Germanarich) and Etzel (Atilla).
476 R. considered the year of the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Rome was captured by an army of barbarians led by Odoacrom and removed from power by the last emperor Romulus Augustus. In the 488 R. , according to a treaty with Byzantine Vasilevus Zenon, Theoderich, leading the Ostgothic army, invaded Italy, for several years completely seized power over it and executed Odoacra.
The reign of Teoderich (493?526 p.m. )covers a long historical period. Up to 500 RUB. the king first took care of strengthening and legitimizing his power, but the next over two decades is a period of political stability and economic upheaval that allowed the government to seriously deal with the revival of the ancient a hand full.
For the first time in the history of the definition of cultural heritage, the Italian translation of the passage is introduced,
dated 6th century n. well. Theoderich the Great's letter to the prefect of Rome.
Since then, we have not ceased to be embarrassed by the figure of the king of barbarians, captured by the mission of preserving ancient culture.
Studying the history of other countries' monument legislation, we have repeatedly noticed a certain Gothic footprint in quite
the unexpected intrigues of the past. After all, for today's accumulated materials are enough to publish this intelligence.
What Ataulf could not be implemented had to be implemented in the life of Theoderich, who sincerely tried to teach the ready to live in an orderly society governed by law and laws: "provinces subordinated with the help of God Our King in fact, it is appropriate to order laws and good customs, because truly human is the life that is the rule of law. After all, life under circumstances (sub casu) is the custom of beasts (beluarum ritus), which, being controlled by a hapalʹno sub, become the prey of insidious coincidence " (Var. V, 39).
The central place in the politics of theoderiha is perceived by the Gothic society under the influence of the Roman?zac??? Центра concept of "civilitas", which combined in
self-orientation on the common good, obedience to the laws, community solidarity, preservation of cultural assets, etc.
Protection of monuments was one of the central elements of the doctrine of "civilitas". Preservation of Roman civilized life and laws was not imagined without maintaining in proper state of classical architectural and monumental surroundings. One of the most important documents that enable an understanding of the monument ideology of the Ostgothic regime in Italy is the so-called formula given by Theoderich to the Roman city prefect on the appointment of an architect (Var. VII, 15): "The neglected beauty of Ri urban creations should have a guardian to ensure this amazing forest structure is maintained with a supportive fence and modern views are formed with a delicate work... ".
Theoderich, whose capital and primary residence was in Ravenna, visited Rome only once during his reign in 500th. The results of this visit are linked to the beginning of large-scale restoration work. The state has spent huge funds on opening brick workshops across the country. In Rome, the Pompeii Theater, Coliseum, Palatine Palace, the Great Circus, again the aqueducts.
https://www.academia.edu/50910265/ (https://www.academia.edu/50910265/)
How little is known about this. I believe that everything that has happened on our lands is our history and must be thoroughly researched and popularized. In Sweden, in many historical editions (for example, in the story of Ulof Dalin of 1747), you can read about our ancient history and about those who lived in the southern territory of modern Ukraine, who lived on the banks of the Dnipro River, how all these people influenced creation of Sweden as a state and for the development of others of countries.
The territory of modern Ukraine was a kind of cradle of nations. It is important to write more about this.
Thank you very much, Oleksandr Malyshev , for researching such an important topic.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 06, 2022, 10:13:35 am
https://www.euratlas.net/history/europe/1200/index.html (https://www.euratlas.net/history/europe/1200/index.html)

http://www.conflicts.rem33.com/images/Russia/rushist_3.html (http://www.conflicts.rem33.com/images/Russia/rushist_3.html)
http://miku.org.ua/en/jewelry_art/kyivan_rus_9th_14th_centuries.html (http://miku.org.ua/en/jewelry_art/kyivan_rus_9th_14th_centuries.html)

https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/browseByCategory (https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/browseByCategory)

https://archive.org/details/Pamva_Berynda_1653/PamvaBerynda1653/page/n1/mode/1up (https://archive.org/details/Pamva_Berynda_1653/PamvaBerynda1653/page/n1/mode/1up)
Leksykon slavenorosskyi
Berynda, Pamva, b ca 1555?60s near Sambir, d 23 July 1632 in Kyiv. An outstanding Ukrainian lexicographer and poet of the baroque tradition. His Leksykon slavenorosskyi i imen tolkovanyie (A Slavonic-Ruthenian Lexicon and Explanation of Proper Names, 1627; 2nd edn Kuteinsky Monastery, Belarus, 1653) grew out of his work as a proofreader and editor with Ukrainian printers, particularly at the press of the Kyivan Cave Monastery, where he was invited from Lviv in 1616. His dictionary contains 6,982  Church Slavonic, words and foreign terms used in Church Slavonic texts, for which it supplies equivalent terms from the literary Ukrainian of the time and occasional etymologies and explanations.

https://culture.voicecrimea.com.ua/en/status-of-the-crimean-republic/ (https://culture.voicecrimea.com.ua/en/status-of-the-crimean-republic/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 14, 2022, 07:47:37 am

https://web.archive.org/web/20150205050359/https://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-01-16/news/9401160298_1_president-leonid-kravchuk-ukraine-russians (https://web.archive.org/web/20150205050359/https://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-01-16/news/9401160298_1_president-leonid-kravchuk-ukraine-russians)
USA what's your Budapest Memorandum worth, for which you even treatened Ukraine with a blockade to force it to sign???

from 1994: https://web.archive.org/web/20150205050359/https://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-01-16/news/9401160298_1_president-leonid-kravchuk-ukraine-russians (https://web.archive.org/web/20150205050359/https://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-01-16/news/9401160298_1_president-leonid-kravchuk-ukraine-russians)

In truth, Eastern Europe would be far safer behind Ukraine's atomic arsenal than America's meager commitment.

Both of the administration's mistakes flow from the same source: an excessively sunny view of our former enemy. If from now on we can expect Russia to be as peaceable as Switzerland, there's no risk in pledging to defend Poland, since we'll never have to back it up anyway. And Ukrainians can sleep soundly without nuclear weapons because they have nothing to fear from the Russians.

But what if the Russians eventually start behaving not like Swiss but like Russians? Their history of treating neighbors like galley slaves didn't begin with communism and probably didn't end with it. In that case, one of the first targets will be Ukraine.

It wasn't just Russia, it was also USA who even treatened Ukraine with a blockade if they didn't sign that useless piece of paper...  https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2018/06/18/7183679/ (https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2018/06/18/7183679/)

https://web.archive.org/web/20220116024004/https://gazette.com/news/in-1994-the-us-succeeded-in-convincing-ukraine-to-give-up-its-nukes-but-failed/article_f66fab46-4015-5083-ab18-b37cc59bf813.html (https://web.archive.org/web/20220116024004/https://gazette.com/news/in-1994-the-us-succeeded-in-convincing-ukraine-to-give-up-its-nukes-but-failed/article_f66fab46-4015-5083-ab18-b37cc59bf813.html)

In 1994, the US succeeded in convincing Ukraine to give up its nukes to single europe enemy Russia but failed to secure its future

?The jealous and intolerant eye of the Kremlin can distinguish, in the end, only vassals and enemies, and the neighbors of Russia, if they do not wish to be one, must reconcile themselves to being the other.?

?It would be useful to the Western world to realize that despite all the vicissitudes by which Russia has been afflicted since August 1939, the men in the Kremlin have never abandoned their faith in that program of territorial and political expansion which had once commended itself so strongly to Tsarist diplomatists.? [519]? ― George F. Kennan, Memoirs, 1925-1950

Minsk was under gunpoint so under intl. law null and void, but enforced by Ribbentrop Germany and its WOII ally, france
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 15, 2022, 08:02:36 am

https://www.languagemagazine.com/2022/02/11/what-does-it-mean-to-ask-how-does-ukrainian-compare-with-russian/ (https://www.languagemagazine.com/2022/02/11/what-does-it-mean-to-ask-how-does-ukrainian-compare-with-russian/)

https://subscription.ukrweekly.com/2022/02/minsk-agreements-are-unconstitutional-must-be-rewritten/ (https://subscription.ukrweekly.com/2022/02/minsk-agreements-are-unconstitutional-must-be-rewritten/)

Minsk agreements were under gunpoint so under intl. law any such are null and void

The Permanent members of UNSC (P5) with vetorights, USA-Russia-China-UK and France (and their friends) are the real warmongers, who don't bring the world to PEACE but to PIECES.

Minsk agreements are unconstitutional, must be rewritten
By Dr. Victoria A. Malko
Several months of information warfare over the narrative justifying the outbreak of a large-scale phase of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine culminated in a contentious meeting on January 31 at the United Nations Security Council. At the request of representatives from the United States and Ukraine, the U.N. Security Council took the lead in determining the existence of a threat to global peace. The overwhelming majority of its 15 members called upon the Russian Federation to deescalate the aggression against Ukraine. Their words, however, rang hollow. As of February 1, the Russian Federation presides over the meetings of the U.N. Security Council. Instead of suspending the perpetrator, the international organization further emboldened Russia.
Speaking during the U.N. Security Council meeting in New York, Serhiy Kyslytsia, Ukraine?s ambassador to the United Nations, aptly cited Lewis Caroll?s ?Humpty Dumpty? in describing his Russian counterpart Vasily Nebenzya?s behavior. Mr. Kyslytsia could have strengthened his case by citing a report prepared by the civic association Security and Cooperation in Ukraine. That report, ?Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine,? was edited by Volodymyr Vasylenko, a professor at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Ukraine. Together with his co-authors Semen Kabakaev, Olena Alekseeva, and Fedir Morozov, Dr. Vasylenko documented the participation of the regular and irregular military units of the Russian Federation in warfare on the territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine between March 2014 and February 2015. 
The analysts estimated that a total of 80,000 soldiers of the regular Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from four military districts (52 military units of various types) directly carried out combat operations in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine. In addition, more than 18,500 paramilitary fighters from irregular formations of the Russian Federation (Russian ?Cossack? detachments, various special purpose battalions, and rapid response groups) were trained by officers of the regular Russian Federation Armed Forces and their special services and were subordinated to the command of the regular Armed Forces. All these groups were equipped with weapons manufactured in Russia only: small arms of Soviet and Russian models, submachine guns, rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers, anti-tank weapons, anti-aircraft weapons, artillery, armored combat vehicles, tanks, and military vehicles of various modifications. The Russian military also used confiscated buses, cars and SUVs. In other words, between March 2014 and February 2015 the total number of the Russian combat troops on the territory of Ukraine included 98,500 individuals.
Add to this number 100,000 fresh Russian combat soldiers prepositioned along the border with Ukraine and 30,000 in Belarus that are there masquerading as part of a joint military exercise, and the combined total is over 200,000 Russian Federation Armed Forces ready to overpower Ukraine?s defenses.
The Budapest Memorandum, signed by the United States, the United Kingdom and the Russian Federation in 1994, reaffirmed their commitment to "seek immediate" U.N. Security Council action "to provide assistance to Ukraine ... if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression." A window of opportunity to suspend the Russian Federation from the U.N. Security Council ahead of the planned large-scale invasion is closed.
On February 17, the U.N. Security Council will meet again to discuss implementation of the Minsk agreements. Reportedly, Ukraine plans to provide evidence of Russia?s noncompliance with the Minsk agreements. Let?s hope copies of the report on the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine will be circulated to all members of the U.N. Security Council. Meanwhile, Ukraine has to counteract attempts by the presiding Russian Federation to impose its diktat regarding the Minsk agreements, echoed and amplified by Russia sympathizers, by making it clear that the Minsk ?agreements? are unconstitutional and have to be rewritten because the situation on the ground has changed.
Minsk agreements are unconstitutional, must be rewritten ? The Ukrainian Weekly

Silver-haired Red Army general Leonid Ivashov, ?Out of fifteen republics of the USSR, Ukraine had given us more headache than any other.?
Retired Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov spoke out vocally against hypothetical Russia's war with Ukraine. As the chairman of the All-Russian Officers? Assembly, the general who?s known for his pro-Soviet and patriotic views, had written and signed an open letter addressed to president Putin and citizens of Russia.
He sat down for an interview with a host of the liberal radio station Echo of Moscow to assess risks and consequences of a military invasion, blamed the escalation on President Putin, and demanded his resignation.
I?m posting highlights from the interview with the focus on the military aspects below.
?My open letter was an anti-war statement. It expressed collective opinion of the retired army officers and generals, members of All-Russian Officers? Assembly, and after our discussion, as the chairman, I signed the letter.
?We at the Assembly have received a wealth of military experience and first class military higher education.
?We acknowledge that preparations for a war with Ukraine have been well under way including diplomatic negotiations, with groupings of troops massed on the border. In such conditions, one gun shot might provoke a conflict with ensuing dire consequences. If extensive military actions begin, tens of thousands of young men will die.
?I served as a military diplomat and sat behind the table with Nato and European top brass, and I can tell you that people who want a war the least are generals, while politicians can easily start it over for the sake of for example winning re-elections. Politicians don?t hold any responsibility and shift all the blame on to the military. And when there?s a victory, politicians own it.?
?In the 1990s, we observed Nato?s planned military exercises and reacted by conducting our own planned military exercises, manoeuvres, missile lunches, etc.
?All that didn?t pose any critical dangers. Our military and civil leadership should have been taking initiative into their own hands, and without any hysterical ultimatum like ?give us answer tomorrow. Fulfil our demands right away.?
?As the head of International Military Cooperation Department, I persuaded Minister of Defence to prepare a collective plan of European Security. It was well received although Americans and the English blocked it.
?Nonetheless, we pressed on, step by step, to deescalate the level of tensions. Our European colleagues always responded well to our suggestions and we found solutions to problems together. War is, as they say, the last resort.
?We have discussed at the assembly why Putin is triggering the last resort and arrived at the only plausible conclusion: Russia is going through a systemic crises that the leadership cannot put a check on. In every sphere of economy - healthcare, culture, education, etc - everywhere is degradation and collapse.
?My personal impression is that Putin is tired of Russia. And he wants to be finished with it, because a large-scale war would result in the disappearance of Russia as an integral, big country.
?As a civilisation it was over for us after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. After this escapade, we?ll be finished as a country.
?It won?t be a blitzkrieg, a walk in the park. This will be a mass-scale war with tens of thousands of killed and maimed soldiers on both sides.
?Even if we conquer Kiev, we?ll have to dig in and build garrisons and fight partisan movements. We?ll have to use our entire nation?s energies and resources to keep some semblance of order in Ukraine. It is savagery. Absolute savagery.
?And what for? For the sake of decades of military confrontation? Of course, some parties in the West would feel joyful. Gas won?t flow from Russia, and it will never be a competitor again. It will be an awful geopolitical catastrophe. And that?s the reason why we took a stand against it.
?I repeat, there?s no critical situation. I can't name a single European country that wants a war between Russia and Ukraine. And even Americans who wouldn?t find Ukraine on the map will protest and there will be a public resonance if just a dozen American soldiers die in this war. So I don?t see anyone who actively wants this war.
?To me the West has always been an opponent and a rival, but I was surprised how they reacted to our ultimatum. They didn?t escalate the situation, but offered a negotiating process.
?Instead, our ultimatum has united the entire Western world against us. And not only the West. India has just rejected to purchase 1700 Russian tanks, which will spell the end of our tank industry exports.
?There?s an easy way to stop it. Putin calls Zelensky and offers to meet in a neutral country and talk. The other option that can stop the war is public outcry.
?And I don?t mean those so-called experts on TV who talk about taking over Ukraine in ten days, or a few hours. I suggest that the senior leadership?s, bankers? and business elite?s and talk shows hosts? children take assault rifles in their own hands and join the front chain of the attack. Only then those people would play an active role in stopping this war not to get their children in body bags.
?Mass media shouldn?t be the instrument of war, the role they have performed since 2014 when instead of using kindness to resolve our differences with Ukraine, they engaged in aggression to widen that chasm between us and anger each other. That spilled blood will separate us forever into enemies? camps.
?Once we cross into Ukrainian territory, they will receive all the weapons that they need, and thousands of volunteers will join the army to fight.
?76.6% per center of our members, which includes retired police officers and special forces, share this opinion. Bottom line, our goal is to stop this bloody tragedy from happening.
?Assault troops are still massed on the border with Ukraine and Putin after his return from Beijing didn?t order to pull them back. That means that hostilities can start at any moment.
?Resignation of Putin will give Russia a small chance to keep Russia?s statehood going. It?s what we?re counting on.
?You have to understand one thing. When Putin was propelled to this scale of of power, he knew nothing. It?s only with time that he learned and was exploited by all sorts of individuals.
?Any man with regional managerial experience that will take his place, the first thing he?ll do is hire professionals. PROFESSIONALS. Professionals with proper education and experience. Yes, in a way that will be a ?technical? president, but he will surround himself with people who have professional knowledge.
?At this time, much depends on Putin. There needs to be a clear-minded person in his circle who will give it to him straight - ?as a commander in chief and a mastermind of this war, you will carry full responsibility and go on international trial like those war criminals in Nuremberg.?
?We have to stop this absolutely unnecessary war.?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 21, 2022, 08:15:19 am
http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.com/2014/11/nazis-in-azov-battalion.html (http://ukraineatwar.blogspot.com/2014/11/nazis-in-azov-battalion.html)

http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2022/02/i-identify-in-many-ways-malashenko-says.html (http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2022/02/i-identify-in-many-ways-malashenko-says.html)
well let's call russia then MUSCOVY again!?
Kievan/Ukraine Rus was earlier then Muscovy so is the oldest, the Mother
besides Muscovy was renamed 1721 to russia to annex history and name RUS from Ukriane which is mentioned 1187 also earlier then Muscovy

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 22, 2022, 08:15:54 am

Ukraine is the MOTHER of all europeans https://www.politforums.net/eng/crimea/1383155306.html (https://www.politforums.net/eng/crimea/1383155306.html) https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0058552 (https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0058552) so EUrope defend your mother

For those who ask: ?Why does Ukraine matter? ?  This is why Ukraine matters.
It is the second largest country by area in Europe and has a population of over 40 million - more than Poland. Ukraine can meet the food needs of 600 million people. It has been called The Bread Basket of Europe.
The rich dark soil and the vast fields of wheat and other food products have earned Ukraine the nickname "bread basket of Europe." According to the CIA World Factbook, Ukraine produced 25% of all agricultural output in the former Soviet Union.
Ukraine is an important
agricultural country!
1st in Europe in terms of arable land area;
3rd place in the world by the area of black soil (25% of world's volume);
1st place in the world in exports of sunflower and sunflower oil;
2nd place in the world in barley production and 4th place in barley exports;
3rd largest producer and 4th largest exporter of corn in the world;
4th largest producer of potatoes in the world;
5th largest rye producer in the world;
5th place in the world in bee production (75,000 tons);
8th place in the world in wheat exports;
9th place in the world in the production of chicken eggs;
16th place in the world in cheese exports.
Ukraine is an important industrialized country!
1st in Europe in ammonia production;
Europe's 2nd?s and the world?s 4th largest natural gas pipeline system;
3rd largest in Europe and 8th largest in the world in terms of installed capacity of nuclear power plants;
3rd place in Europe and 11th in the world in terms of rail network length (21,700 km);
3rd place in the world (after the U.S. and France) in production of locators and locating equipment;
3rd largest iron exporter in the world
4th largest exporter of turbines for nuclear power plants in the world;
4th world's largest manufacturer of rocket launchers;
4th place in the world in clay exports
4th place in the world in titanium exports
8th place in the world in exports of ores and concentrates;
9th place in the world in exports of defense industry products;
10th largest steel producer in the world (32.4 million tons).
Ukraine ranks:
1st in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium ores;
2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of titanium ore reserves;
2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves);
2nd largest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons);
2nd place in Europe in terms of mercury ore reserves;
3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters)
4th in the world by the total value of natural resources;
7th place in the world in coal reserves (33.9 billion tons)
~Euromaidan Press
🇺🇦 Ukraine matters. That is why its independence is important to the rest of the world. 🇺🇦 
Pray for Ukraine. Please!!
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 23, 2022, 09:38:57 am

SU wasn't formed by russia/lenin ALONE,
On 28 December 1922, a conference of plenipotentiary delegations from the Russian SFSR, the Transcaucasian SFSR, the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR approved the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR[22

Moscow, Russian Moskva, city, capital of Russia, located in the far western part of the country. Since it was first mentioned in the chronicles of 1147, Moscow has played a vital role in Russian history. It became the capital of Muscovy (the Grand Principality of Moscow) in the late 13th century; hence, the people of Moscow are known as Muscovites.
Kyiv is even older, established 482

Putain some history lessons: Ukraine is the MOTHERLAND, Muscovy was just the mudcountry in North of Kyvian/Ukraine - RUS

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 24, 2022, 11:59:46 am

Then tribal exclusion must be used to its fullest, exclude all what is russian from UN(SC) & institutions, EU & rest of the world whether in sky, water or land...untill it asks for diplomacy itself......esp. if gas is cut off
Putin shut the door, tribal exclusion should be put in place on all whats russian, incl in UN(SC) , not abiding by intl.law then that doesn't apply to you also anymore...

@IAPonomarenko @KyivPost @UKRinUN @McFaul
IF Russia doesn't abide any agreement incl. intl. law and UN charter then TRIBAL EXCLUSION must be used, exclude anything what is russian from UN(SC) & institutions, EU & free world whether in sky, water or land...
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 27, 2022, 08:38:07 am

Slava Ukrayini! Heroyam Slava!

https://www.jstor.org/stable/41394460 (https://www.jstor.org/stable/41394460)
https://twitter.com/ASBMilitary (https://twitter.com/ASBMilitary)
https://twitter.com/Militarylandnet (https://twitter.com/Militarylandnet)

https://liveuamap.com/ (https://liveuamap.com/)

https://www.cnbctv18.com/world/russia-ukraine-war-live-updates-vladimir-putin-united-states-joe-biden-nato-moscow-kyiv-markets-oil-prices-bitcoin-12605732.htm (https://www.cnbctv18.com/world/russia-ukraine-war-live-updates-vladimir-putin-united-states-joe-biden-nato-moscow-kyiv-markets-oil-prices-bitcoin-12605732.htm)

https://www.unian.ua/ (https://www.unian.ua/)

https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/rosiya-ukrayina-zahroza-viyny/31703318.html (https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/rosiya-ukrayina-zahroza-viyny/31703318.html)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 01, 2022, 07:07:09 am
Putin planned his victory for Feb26, Russian propaganda has published a pre-scheduled article, celebrating annexation of Ukraine. They named it "the Final solution of Ukrainian question" (sic!), stated that Ukraine and Belarus are now integrated into Russia. Наступление России и нового мира

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 02, 2022, 09:21:08 am

https://dumskaya.net/ (https://dumskaya.net/)

Putin planned his victory for Feb26, Russian propaganda has published a pre-scheduled article, celebrating annexation of Ukraine. They named it "the Final solution of Ukrainian question" (sic!), stated that Ukraine and Belarus are now integrated into Russia. Наступление России и нового мира
https://web.archive.org/web/20220226051154/https://ria.ru/20220226/rossiya-1775162336.html (https://web.archive.org/web/20220226051154/https://ria.ru/20220226/rossiya-1775162336.html)

https://uz.sputniknews.ru/20220226/nastuplenie-rossii-i-novogo-mira-22994815.html (https://uz.sputniknews.ru/20220226/nastuplenie-rossii-i-novogo-mira-22994815.html)

https://ok.ru/video/5872944386 (https://ok.ru/video/5872944386) met geluid origneel 7 min

Russians! Do you meet dead HEROES like this?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpGp3QencPU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpGp3QencPU)
https://ok.ru/video/16930507380 (https://ok.ru/video/16930507380)
https://ok.ru/video/26709592772 (https://ok.ru/video/26709592772)
https://ok.ru/video/5645075919 (https://ok.ru/video/5645075919)

Plyve Kacha Po Tysyni
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKNFqHKwq-c (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKNFqHKwq-c)  long

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z-ntdvuvNY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z-ntdvuvNY)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z1BSIiF5jc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z1BSIiF5jc)

https://youtu.be/HRu3LXOV8rs (https://youtu.be/HRu3LXOV8rs)
https://youtu.be/cgKo84kHVfg (https://youtu.be/cgKo84kHVfg) 21022014

https://lyricstranslate.com/en/%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B5-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B0-%D0%BF%D0%BE-%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%96-duckling-floats-tisyna.html (https://lyricstranslate.com/en/%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B5-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B0-%D0%BF%D0%BE-%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%96-duckling-floats-tisyna.html)

https://www.ancientpages.com/2022/02/28/mystery-of-the-30000-year-old-venus-of-willendorf-solved/. (https://www.ancientpages.com/2022/02/28/mystery-of-the-30000-year-old-venus-of-willendorf-solved/.)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 03, 2022, 07:21:46 am

Poem from 1931
Oleksandr Oles
Europe Was Silent
When Ukraine was battling sadists
for the right to live, she lived and died,
And waited, wanting only sympathy
Europe was silent
When Ukraine was in an unequal battle
And entirely hemorrhaging blood and flooded with tears
And awaited friends for help
Europe was silent
When Ukraine was in an iron yoke
Worked for a master and plowed despite wounds
Even when the mute cliffs trembled
Europe was silent
When Ukraine reaped a bloody harvest
Gathered for the executioner, died alone
And in starvation became mute
Europe was silent
When Ukraine cursed her life
And became entirely a graveyard
When tears rolled down and was possessed by demons
Europe was silent
Коли Україна за право життя
З катами боролась, жила і вмирала,
І ждала, хотіла лише співчуття,
Європа мовчала?
Коли Україна в нерівній борьбі
Вся сходила кров?ю і слізьми стікала
І дружної помочі ждала собі,
Європа мовчала?
Коли Україна в залізнім ярмі
Робила на пана і в ранах орала,
Коли ворушились і скелі німі,
Європа мовчала?
Коли Україна криваві жнива
Зібравши для ката, сама умирала
І з голоду навіть згубила слова,
Європа мовчала?
Коли Україна життя прокляла
І ціла могилою стала,
Як сльози котились і в демона зла,
Європа мовчала?
1931 рік
Цьому віршеві Олександра Олеся - 91 років, а слова й досі такі актуальні. Пам'ятаймо свою історію, українці, покладаймось лише на себе, борімося за своє, бо історія - це циклічність, а земля - то святе.
#олесь #європа_мовчала
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 09, 2022, 06:50:20 am

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Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 10, 2022, 07:46:37 am


"How can I not remind you of the words that the UK has already heard, but they are relevant again," Zelensky said.

"We won't give up and we won't lose. We will go to the end, we will fight on the seas, we will fight in the air, we will defend our land, whatever the cost. We will fight in the woods, in the fields, on the coast, in the forests and villages, in the streets, we will fight in the hills," he said, paraphrasing Winston Churchill?s famous speech delivered by him on June 4, 1940 in the House of Commons.

"I want to add on my own: we will fight everywhere ? on the slagheaps, on the banks of the Kalmius and the Dnieper, but we will not give up," he said.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 11, 2022, 06:44:36 am

чему верить российским СМИ? Ничего или наоборот. Если они говорят, что Украина нацистская или совершает геноцид, то это сами русские!
калечащие санкции будут действовать вечно или до тех пор, пока Украина не согласится их снять после того, как на российские деньги будет восстановлена ​​ВСЯ Украина

what to believe the Russian media? Nothing or vice versa. If they say that Ukraine is Nazi or commits genocide, then it is the Russians themselves!
The crippling sanctions will stay ON forever or until Ukraine agrees on lifting them after with russian money ALL of Ukraine is restored

If Russia doesn't abide any agreement incl. intl. law and UN charter then TRIBAL EXCLUSION must be used, exclude anything what is russian from UN(SC) & institutions, EU & free world whether in sky, water or land...
then they don't apply to them anymore too ...

Если Россия не соблюдает какое-либо соглашение, в т.ч. международное право и устав ООН, то надо использовать ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЕ ПЛЕМЕН, исключить из ООН (СБ) и институтов, ЕС и свободного мира все русское, будь то небо, вода или земля...
они даже не применяются к ним больше

https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/03/10/twitter-launch-new-onion-version-to-bypass-russian-censorship (https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/03/10/twitter-launch-new-onion-version-to-bypass-russian-censorship)

No censorship, if a state blocks a site, they're hiding THE TRUTH!
Use TOR BROWSER and access news like
twitter.onion facebook.onion bbc.onion and more
Your welcome ! :-)

Никакой цензуры, если государство блокирует сайт, то оно скрывает ПРАВДУ!
Используйте TOR BROWSER и получайте доступ к таким новостям, как
twitter.onion facebook.onion bbc.onion и другие
Добро пожаловать ! :-)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 13, 2022, 09:49:09 am
Interesting perspective:
Дай Боже (Hope to God he?s correct!)
The 🇷🇺/🇺🇦 war may be over in less then a week 🙏🤞,
🇷🇺could  be out of heavy ammo! 1/
Why? 🇷🇺can?t build more missiles. The Tula & 2 Rotenburg plants can?t physically fill the orders. They don?t have components due to sanctions. 2/
Pentagon said 2 days ago: ?since the beginning of the war, 🇷🇺has fired more than 710 missiles across 🇺🇦 or ~50/day. So, that puts us up to about 750 or 800. 3/
If 🇷🇺 has by some  estimates  only 1000 missiles in stock, then at this rate, the war could be over in under a week 4/ 🤞
🇷🇺has run out of new Kalibr missiles, and resorting to old obsolete Soviet 🇷🇺 missiles -Tochka U & x-50, last produced in 1985. 5/
The old Soviet missiles have UKRAINIAN 🇺🇦 rocket engines.
I recall rumours that 🇺🇦Motor Sich, installed secret back door ?kill switches? in engines or navigational software 6/
?the USSR could never bomb Ukraine with Soviet rockets/ missiles.? That?s what I was told by Motor Sich engineers back in the 1990s, while on a plant tour. 7/
This was confirmed by the former asst director of the Ukrainian space program, or the 🇺🇦 NASA equivalent. 8/
We will know shortly. If you suddenly see 🇷🇺missiles crashing on takeoff or experiencing navigational problems, you will know why!  Watch for ?unexplained accidents? with 🇷🇺 missiles! 🙏❤️🤞8/
#Flip🇺🇦KillSwitch !
Walter Derzko
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 14, 2022, 08:45:39 am
found a website with jobs https://www.careerjet.com/sites (https://www.careerjet.com/sites) , for all countries,  that has listings for all countries f.i. Poland https://www.careerjet.pl/ (https://www.careerjet.pl/)  at bottom right  jobs by location https://www.careerjet.pl/locations/ (https://www.careerjet.pl/locations/)  f.i. https://www.careerjet.pl/praca-warszawa-225193.html (https://www.careerjet.pl/praca-warszawa-225193.html) 
[10:03, 13-03-2022] Cees: and at https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/ (https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/)  you can compare cost of living between cities/countries (checked already Poland vs Netherlands, the last twice as expensive dpending on cities

More info on help for Ukrainians in Netherlands

https://www.refugeehelp.com/get-help (https://www.refugeehelp.com/get-help)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 19, 2022, 08:48:16 am
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ChVHBLMgCU# (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ChVHBLMgCU#)
https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4nfxqf/russians_are_not_slavic_it_is_a_myth_and_russians/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4nfxqf/russians_are_not_slavic_it_is_a_myth_and_russians/)

Rob Hansen
http://uatoday.tv/politics/new-russian-military-base-near-belarus-needed-for-protection-from-ukraine-russian-ambassador-669855.html#comment-2722883407 (http://uatoday.tv/politics/new-russian-military-base-near-belarus-needed-for-protection-from-ukraine-russian-ambassador-669855.html#comment-2722883407)


The russians don't belong in decent European Society but need to get on their horses and go back to Aslan steppes where they truly belong...


YOU HAVE GOT IT ALL MIXED UP it is Russians that has got the mongolian /Fino Ugric DNA NOT Ukrainians as Ukrainians are the true Slavs ...

Take a look at how moscow leis about its history
http://www.euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/ (http://www.euromaidanpress.com/2014/05/14/how-moscow-hijacked-the-history-of-kyivan-rus/)

Russians er nothing more then Mongolians that must have some funny sort of Down Syndrome or something as they think they are from Kiev Russ and Slavic background when the DNA study of today's so called Russians shows that the historical facts are thay they are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendents and NOT Slavic...

The DNA evidence proves that Russians with out a doubt are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendents ..Result Russians are NOT Slavic and have no real clam to Slavic historical lands


Mongolian blood in Russians

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmiYqpT0zrE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmiYqpT0zrE)

THE R1a explanation for dummy's Russians have is R1a-Z93 and is the main Asian branch of R1a.

Western and Northern European and also western Ukrainians have R1a -Z284 falls under the root R1a1a1* (M417), So this proves Russians are Asian NOT Europeans..

The DNA evidence proves that Russians with out a doubt are Mongoloid / Finno-Ugric descendents ..

1. Russians are not Slavic.

2. Russians are Mongolians / Finno-Ugric

3. Russians are lying about where they come from and how they really are

4.The DNA study's and results er inn LOL

You can't change facts, what we call today Russians are Finno-Ugric Mongolian descendants Result Russians are NOT Slavic and have no real clam to Slavic historical lands END OF STORY

The Mongolian Y-DNA (paternal) haplogroup R1a-Z93 and is the main Asian branch of R1a. and its offshoots are very common and the dominant gen among Russian men.

Studies have found the ethnic Russian frequency of R1a high as 62.7 percent, with an average of 46.7% of Russians in the "Russia-DNA Project" include R1a1, R1a1a, R1a1a1g, and R1a1a1g2.


Mongolian blood in Russians
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmiYqpT0zrE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmiYqpT0zrE)

Mongols founded Russia or Muscovy (1328)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ChVHBLMgCU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ChVHBLMgCU)

Mongols established Mighty Russia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpn5_DICw5I (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpn5_DICw5I)

Russia, the successor of Mongol Empire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vIU6EyPPZY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vIU6EyPPZY)

Russian alcoholism and the "Mongoloid gene"

SCIENTISTS researching cures for alcoholism and hangovers say that they have found a genetic link between Russians? traditional weakness for drink and the marauding Mongol armies.

in a test of Muscovites it was proven that they are infact descendants of mongolians / finish the Mongol genes are dominant genes in what we today call Russians..

Scientists foud out that the Mongolian genes make the Russians absorb more alcohol into the bloodstream and break it down at a slower rate than most Europeans.

That means that they get more drunk and have worse hangovers, and are more likely to become addicted to alcohol, given Russia?s taste for vodka, its harsh climate and the social and economic chaos after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

?The difference is huge ? in reaction speed, memory, hand tremor ? and in how they recover,? Vladimir Nuzhny, of the Health Ministry?s National Narcology Research Centre, said. ?On average, 76 per cent of people in Moscow have this Mongoloid gene. So this, we think, is part of the problem.?

As part of the study, the scientists paid 12 volunteer students to drink 350 grams, about a third of a bottle, of vodka in an hour, and then monitored their behaviour.

?That?s a lot by Western standards, but it?s normal for Russia,? Dr Nuzhny told The Times. ?At first they thought it was great, because they were being paid to drink, but after a while they realised it was more like work.?

The intoxicated students had to perform a series of tests, including answering questionnaires and playing rally-driving computer games, and they were breathalysed at regular intervals. The scientists even measured their ability to stand up straight.

After sleeping off the effects in a dormitory at the laboratory ? which had a karaoke machine ? the students were given a slap-up breakfast before doing more tests to measure their hangovers. The study showed that those with the Mongol genes absorbed 50 per cent more alcohol into the bloodstream at peak levels and metabolised it much more slowly than the other students.

?The way they get drunk is completely different than the way Europeans get drunk . They are also more likely to feel aggressive or depressed,? Dr Nuzhny said. ?They do not necessarily look Mongolian, but the gene that governs how they metabolise alcohol is Mongoloid.?

The Mongols swept across Asia and Russia and into Europe in the 13th century and ruled Russia for two centuries. Inter-marriage with the ethnic Finnish tribes that was living around the northern part of the moscow river at the time was common.

Scientists have long known that people of Mongol extraction, including Japanese,Koreans and Northern Chinese, have an enzyme for metabolising alcohol that is different from that of Caucasian Europeans.

Dr Nuzhny claims that his study is the first to look at the effect of alcohol on

Russians today are descendents of mongolians and finnish people and the DNA test shows this fact... The Russians today have inherited their forefathers Mongol genes.

He says that the phenomenon can be explained partly by evolution. The nomadic Mongols, whose only indigenous form of alcohol was fermented mare?s milk, evolved with a different enzyme from the settled Europeans, with their long tradition of producing stronger grape and grain-based alcohol.

Dr Nuzhny?s research is partly funded by pharmaceutical companies trying to develop drugs to cure hangovers and alcoholism.

Russians drink about 15 litres of pure alcohol a head each year, one of the highest rates in the world, and by some estimates one in seven Russians are alcoholics. Alcohol is largely to blame for a fall in life expectancy to less than 59 since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Carl Bildt: The history of Ukraine is different from the history of Russia

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_SQuLf74n4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_SQuLf74n4)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 24, 2022, 09:51:58 am

Via Zina D. Kunko:
?March 2022
These statements were put together by a woman in the US, who is half Russian, half Ukrainian.
_________________________________________________ _____________________________
Currently, on the Internet, you can find a lot of statements about this Russian nation, and I want to cite statements from the works of great minds.
Anton Chekhov: "A Russian man is a big pig. If you ask why he does not eat meat and fish, he is justified by the lack of importation, communication routes, etc., and vodka, meanwhile, is available even in the most remote villages and in quantities, whatever. "
"A Russian man strives to crack ham exactly when there are trichins sitting in it, and to pass through the river when the ice cracks on it."
"Nature has invested in the Russian man an extraordinary ability to believe, a searching mind and the gift of thinking, but all this is shattered into dust by carelessness, laziness and dreamy frivolity ..."
?The Russian man likes to remember, but does not like to live."
?A Russian person lacks the desire to desire."
Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky: [The Russians] ?are a people who wander around Europe and look for what can be destroyed, destroyed only for the sake of entertainment."
French President Charles de Gaulle: "Russian people will never be happy knowing that someone lives better than them. And since they are not capable of progress, anger and frustration are a constant state of mind of Russians. "
Russian writer Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin: "If the Russians are left to choose a leader, they choose the most deceitful, vile, cruel, together with him they kill the robbers, rape them, and then blame him. After a while, the church proclaims him a saint."
Russian writer Maxim Gorky: "The main feature of the Russian national character is cruelty, and that cruelty is sadistic. I am not talking about individual explosions of cruelty, but about the psyche, about the soul of the people."
Russian writer I.S. Shmelyov. "Russians are a people who hate will, deify slavery, love the shackles on their hands and feet, love their bloody despots, do not feel any beauty, dirty physically and morally, live for centuries in darkness, obscurantism, and have not lifted a finger to something human, but are always ready to enslave, oppress everyone and everything, the whole world. It is not a people, but a historical curse of humanity."
Russian writer I. Aksakov: "Oh, how hard, how unbearably hard it is sometimes to live in Russia, in this smelly environment of dirt, vulgarity, lies, deceptions, abuses, good little scoundrels, bread-pickers-bribe-takers, hospitable cheats - fathers and benefactors of bribe-takers!"
Dzhokhar Dudayev, a resident of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria: "Rusism is a special form of misanthropic ideology based on great-power chauvinism, complete without spirituality and immorality. It differs from the well-known forms of fascism, racism, nationalism, special cruelty, both to man and to nature... The principle of action is the destruction of everything and everyone, the tactics of scorched earth. It is distinguished by a schizophrenic form of mania of world domination. Possessing a slave psychology, it parasitizes on false history, on occupied territories and oppressed peoples. Rusism is characterized by constant political legal and ideological terrorism."
German philosopher Karl Marx: "Russia, which has nothing to do with Rus? and received, or rather, stole, its current name at best in the 18th century, nevertheless brazenly claims the historical heritage of Rus?, created eight hundred years earlier. However, the History of Moscow is the history of the Horde, sewn to the history of Russia by white threads and completely falsified."
Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn: "There is no smaller, more bastard and boorish individual in this world than a katsap. Born in a Nazi country, fed nazi propaganda, this bastard will never become a Man. His country has no friends, either lackeys or enemies. His country can only threaten, humiliate and kill. And for the preservation of this status by Russia, the ordinary katsap is ready to sacrifice his own life, the lives of his parents and children, the quality of life of his own people. Truly: katsaps are beasts. Fierce, bloodthirsty, but ... mortals."
German philosopher Friedrich Engels: "Any seizure of territory, any violence, any oppression Russia carried out only under the pretext of enlightenment, liberalism, and the liberation of peoples."
Russian historian Nikolai Karamzin: "A Russian should lie about blowing his nose. Their lies come from their slavish nature. A people who never knew or told the truth?a people of spiritual and physical slaves. Wretched people."
Russian philosopher I.A. Ilyin (1882-1954): "Russia is the most despicable, utterly vile country in the entire history of the world. By the method of selection, monstrous moral freaks were bred there, in whom the very concept of Good and Evil is turned on the wrong side. Throughout its history, this nation has been floundering in shit and at the same time wants to drown the whole world in it..."
Russian philosopher, publicist and critic V. Rozanoff: "Not a people, but a hellish freak."
Ivan Turgenev: "If Russia had failed, there would have been no loss or unrest in humanity."
The list goes on. I will finish with the statements of the Russian artist, art historian, philanthropist V.M. Botkin (1830-1914):
"And I do not want to know a beast-like parody of people, and I consider it a great misfortune for myself that I was born in Russia. After all, the whole of Europe looks at Russia, almost like an ogre. I have often felt ashamed that I belong to a wild nation."
-L. Baziuk

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3CvfrmHpt4&lc=Ugwq0ZlbtdXKagYRbJx4AaABAg.9Y8t73zXcDB9ZbzQjdhWfS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3CvfrmHpt4&lc=Ugwq0ZlbtdXKagYRbJx4AaABAg.9Y8t73zXcDB9ZbzQjdhWfS)
Slavs and Vikings: Medieval Russia and the Origins of the Kievan Rus   true or partly?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 06, 2022, 17:18:14 pm

Don't trust Myths!
The Air Forces of Ukraine would like to draw your attention to incorrect information published in many Ukrainian and foreign media about the situation in the Ukrainian skies, as well as the support of Ukraine by our allies.
Myth 1: Ukraine's success on land is enough to win. Truth: Air superiority is the decisive factor in this war.
Myth 2: The Ukrainian Air Forces have weapons to effectively defend the country from Russian invasion.
Truth: Russian air defense systems outperform those of Ukrainian. They have access to more modern radars and missile technologies.
Myth 3: Stingers or other MANPADS compensate the lack of equipment and machinery of the Air Forces of Ukraine.
Truth: For a successful resistance to Russian aircraft in the sky o (including cruise missiles), Ukraine needs both fighters and anti-aircraft medium and long range missile systems.
Myth 4: The United States and NATO provide Ukraine with the necessary weapons. The Allies have been doing everything possible except taking part in the war.
Truth: Our allies have not responded to our call for air defense (fighters and SAM) so far.
Ground-based air defense systems will help to prevent air strikes and missile strikes. Russia has fired more than 1,000 ballistic and cruise missiles and dropped hundreds of tons of unguided bombs on Ukrainian cities and villages. Most of them could be intercepted if the Ukrainian sky had been protected by the necessary number of modern air defense systems.
At present, Ukraine has at its disposal the S-300 long-range anti-aircraft missile systems (SA-10) and the Buk-M1 medium-range missile defense system. However, these are outdated Soviet-era systems that are much worse than Russian ones, such as the S-400 and others.
Patriot systems (USA) or cheaper and more mobile NASAMS systems (Norway) would be the most effective for the effective protection of Ukrainian airspace. However, in addition, Ukraine would not abandon the Soviet systems S-300, Buk-M1, which are also now effective in combating the enemy.
We do need WEAPONS to protect ourselves and Europe. Ask your governmets to support Ukraine with weapons, help us protect the Europe from russian terrorism.

https://empr.media/culture/history/historical-evidence-russia-which-has-nothing-to-do-with-kyivan-rus-and-received-or-rather-stole-its-current-name-at-best-in-the-18th-century/ (https://empr.media/culture/history/historical-evidence-russia-which-has-nothing-to-do-with-kyivan-rus-and-received-or-rather-stole-its-current-name-at-best-in-the-18th-century/)

We collected historical evidences on Russia and Russians made by famous figures of world history.


Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin: ?Russia is the most vile, absolutely disgusting country in the entire history of the world. By the method of selection, monstrous moral freaks were brought out there, in which the very concept of Good and Evil is turned inside out. Throughout its history, this nation has been wallowing in crap and at the same time wants to drown the whole world in it?.

Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky: ?The people who wander around Europe and look for what can be wrecked, destroyed just for fun.?

French President Charles de Gaulle: ?Russian people will never be happy knowing that someone lives better than they do. And since they are not capable of progress, anger and frustration are the constant state of mind of Russians.?

Russian writer Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin: ?If the Russians are allowed to choose their leader, they choose the most deceitful, vile, cruel. They kill, rob, rape along with him and then blame him. After a while, the church proclaims him a saint.?

Russian writer Maksim Gorky: ?The main feature of the Russian national character is cruelty, and that cruelty is sadistic. I?m not talking about individual explosions of cruelty, but about the mind, about the soul of the people.

Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn: ?There is no less trivial, degraded and boorish individual in this world than a katsap. Born in a Nazi country, nurtured by Nazi propaganda, this bastard will never become a Human. His country has no friends ? either toadies or enemies. His country can only threaten, humiliate and kill. And for preservation of this status by Russia, an ordinary katsap is ready to sacrifice his own life, the lives of his parents and children, the quality of life of his own people. Truly: katsaps are animals. Fierce, bloodthirsty, but ? mortal.

German philosopher Friedrich Engels: ?Any seizure of territory, any violence, any oppression was carried out by Russia only under the pretext of enlightenment, liberalism, liberation of peoples.?

Russian historian Nikolai Karamzin: ?The people who never knew and never spoke the truth are the people of spiritual and physical slaves. Miserable people.?

German philosopher Karl Marx: ?Russia, which has nothing to do with Kyivan Rus and received, or rather, stole, its current name at best in the 18th century, nevertheless, brazenly claims the historical heritage of Kyivan Rus, created eight hundred years earlier. However, Moscow history is the history of the Horde, sewn to the history of Kyivan Rus with white thread and completely falsified.

.                         -------------

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3CvfrmHpt4&lc=Ugwq0ZlbtdXKagYRbJx4AaABAg.9Y8t73zXcDB9ZbzQjdhWfS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3CvfrmHpt4&lc=Ugwq0ZlbtdXKagYRbJx4AaABAg.9Y8t73zXcDB9ZbzQjdhWfS)
Slavs and Vikings: Medieval Russia and the Origins of the Kievan Rus
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 14, 2022, 08:25:25 am
https://www.academia.edu/22101842/Khazaria_and_Rus_An_examination_of_their_historical_relations?email_work_card=view-paper (https://www.academia.edu/22101842/Khazaria_and_Rus_An_examination_of_their_historical_relations?email_work_card=view-paper)

nor russia but Kyvian/Ukraine -Rus
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 15, 2022, 07:40:00 am
russian trolls now getting busy on reddit and posts getting removed by reddit itself

Euthanasia for Russia
13 April, 12:03
Support NV
Western intellectuals continue living in the paradigm that Russia can be changed for the better. Russia, they assume, is capable of bringing something bright and good to the world. You only have to replace Putin and appoint a different figure! Sadly, this type of thinking is no longer naivety, this is now crime of negligence.

Russia is a dying empire. All empires die one day. Russia, however, has decided to destroy as many healthy organisms as possible - before it dies. Like a drowning person who, no matter how decent and fair, can instinctively drag the savior under the water along with himself. So, the first thing to do when you swim to save a drowning person is to make sure he doesn't hamper you.

Russia is an empire. As long as it remains an empire, it will always remain a danger to the world - until it is demolished. The western intellectual may ask - why? The answer is simpler than it may seem. Russia is essentially a huge conglomerate that unites many nations who hardly have much in common.

Well, what do the Buryats have in common with the Chechen, the Muscovite with the Tuvinian, the Kalmyk with the Tatar? Russia is not a U.S.-style melting pot, where many nations and ethnicities are united by common values. Far from that. Common values are hard to find between Kadyrov and a resident of St. Petersburg, for example. Unless it is a sick urge to destroy and mutilate people.

What unites all these people and nations, which live in eleven time zones? Muscle power. Muscle power and propaganda. Propaganda of greatness of the empire, Russian chauvinism, cult of aggression and messianism.

And there is nothing but this imperial propaganda that can keep Russia together.
Propaganda is the tape that holds the empire. But it is also the cause of aggression, the source of the danger that Russia poses to the world. What holds the Buryats and the Tartars together results in the Bucha massacre.

You turn off the propaganda, and Russia falls apart. Inevitably, each new Russian leader will use this propaganda to keep the country together. Just because of the natural desire to retain power. And then he will become hostage to the propaganda - even if he initially planned to create an empire with a European face to it. The trouble is, there can never be a face of Voltaire, Rousseau, Gavel or another humanist in the empire. The empire will always have Putin's or Kadyrov's face.

Thus, if you do not agree that Russia should cease to exist as a state, then you should be prepared that it will always pose existential danger to the world. The only way to remove this danger, the only way to cure the imperial aggression is to dismantle the empire. Next, you have to cure its sick elements. Twenty, thirty, whatever new states can be transformed into normal modern nations. Yes, this will require complex interaction with a bunch of new countries possessing nuclear weapons, possibly wars between these new entities. But it is lesser evil than confronting a huge empire that is at war with the world, to all appearances ready and happy to blackmail the globe with nuclear weapons. To handle Buryatia's nuclear stockpile - if there is one - one can always invent another Budapest memorandum.
If the empire is preserved, sooner or later it will return to its current, incurable, condition - the natural condition for this kind of an empire. Helping the people of Russia, its future generations - which is the subject of concern for the intellectual Western elite - consists in making them free from the empire. Because the empire, first of all, devours its citizens. Let's face the reality, we have seen too many efforts to cure Russia. Now, we'd had enough of it. The Russian Empire needs euthanasia. So does the whole world, but Russia needs it in the first place. This IS humane. This is what the strategy of the civilized world should look like.
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banned by reddit for hate speech
Therefore we should not refer to their crimes by nazism of fascism, but to Stalinism. Their leaders have far to long thought that cruelty is a legitimate way of achieving goals. Russians should look back in shame and end this forever. Just as so many countries have evolved from past cruelties. Russia only lags behind in this evolutionary process of becoming open and civilized. I hope the Putin?s extremes clear the path to normalcy. This way of politics and war is horrible.
https://english.nv.ua/opinion/euthanasia-for-russia-50233451.html (https://english.nv.ua/opinion/euthanasia-for-russia-50233451.html)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 03, 2022, 07:48:00 am
From Xiang to the Don.
This is how Ukraine and the lands of the Crimean Tatars are shown on the map of 1720, which became one of the most famous and preserved in the Swedish archives (I continue to present excerpts from my chapter "Treasures of Swedish archives", where he described the 20 most interesting maps of Ukrainian history).
It was interesting not only the specified boundaries, but also the name with the design of the cartouche.
Title: ?Vkrania que et Terra Cosaccorum cum vicinis Walachiae, Moldaviae, Minoris Tartariae provinciis exibita a Ioh.Baptista Homanno. Noribergae. Cum Privilegio Sac. Caes. Majest. ? ("Ukraine or the Country of the Cossacks with the neighboring provinces of Wallachia, Moldavia, Lesser Tatarstan is represented by Yog. Baptist Homann. Nuremberg. [Privilege]").
The cartouche depicts six male figures, which some researchers of the map [1] associate with specific historical figures, namely Hetman Ivan Mazepa (who is seen in the central figure); Stanislaw I Lishchynsky - King of Poland; three representatives of the Cossacks: Philip Orlyk - general secretary for the hetmanship of Mazepa and hetman at the time of the map, possibly Andrew Voynarovsky - the god of Hetman I. Mazepa, who received the state treasury after his death and more. And the orphan who hid behind the flag - Peter I. One of the alternatives of identification is the idea of ​​one of them as a Swedish representative to I. Mazepa.
The names of the map and the cartographer's accents on it led to the conclusion that:
... ... in addition to actualizing the events of the struggle for Ukraine for Western Europeans, it is important to state on the cartouche: Fifty years after Boplan. We see on Homann's map "Ukraine", which among the maps of that time is as close as possible to its ethnic borders - from Slobozhanshchyna to Przemyśl. Why Boplan's "image of Ukraine" was extended by Homann (particularly west of the Carpathians) is difficult to say, as he obviously did not have maps of Ukrainian ethnic lands that would appear only in the 19th century. It is possible that he simply showed here all the territories where the Russian people live [name of Ukrainians; not to be confused with Muscovites]? Poland is clearly simply ignored on this map. And the usual difference between Ukraine-Dnieper and Rus-Prykarpattia is overcome in a simple way: the inscriptions "Red Russia" and "Ukraine" are drawn in parallel across the entire yellow "Ukrainian space" [2].
The names of settlements and geographical objects are given in Latin. According to the famous historian Viniamin Cordt, the author was largely inspired by the Carilla de Moskovie (1706) by Guillaume de l'Isle (1675?1726), which he used in his work on the map of Ukraine, translating the French text into Latin [3]. .
The analyzed map is an excellent example of compilative cartography of the XVIII century, because it:
Homann copied the eastern part from the map of Delil, the northeastern Black Sea coast from Giacomo Cantelli da Vignoli's Tartaria d'Europa in 1684, and used the corresponding part of Cornelius Dunkerts' map of Poland to depict the right bank of the Dnieper. The image of the territory of Crimea was copied from the book by Jacob von Zandrart ?Des Khnigreibung. Sulzbach. 1687 ?. For the Left Bank of the Dnieper, Homann added a Ukrainian line, and for the rest he used Delil's map again. In addition, Homann separated the Taman Peninsula from the land and gave it the name "Nova Krepost Taman".
The figure of the cartographer deserves special attention, because his fate is largely noticeable in relation to the events we have already described above, when the name "Russia", originally associated by most European historians and cartographers with Ukrainian lands, for some time and under very specific political pressure begins to erode, with the aim of later appearing in a modified foreign transcription as part of the name of the country in the northeast.
Johann Baptist Homann (1664?1724) was a prominent cartographer, a symbol of the era, and the founder of the dynasty of map and atlas publishers in Nuremberg, which operated from 1702 to 1813. He seldom dated maps of his own production, thus complicating the process of their study. The time of creation can be determined only by secondary evidence. In particular, in 1716 he received the imperial privilege and since then has held the title of Imperial Cartographer - therefore, on those maps that were issued later, the cartouches indicate his position - "Rxm. Kays. May. 168 Geogr. ? or ?Sac. Cis. May. Geographo ?(? chief geographer of the Kaiser of the Holy Roman Empire ?) or there is a reference to a privilege (cum privilegio) [4].
Given his status, talent and wide fame, contacts were established with him by Jacob Bruce - one of the closest associates of Peter I, who was among the smartest people in Muscovy (descended from a famous Scottish family) and called to carry out reforms in accordance with  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Ukrania_quae_et_Terra_Cosaccorum_cum_vicinis_Walachiae%2C_Moldoviae%2C_Johann_Baptiste_Homann_%28Nuremberg%2C_1720%29.jpg
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 06, 2022, 07:36:13 am

The geography of Palestine
by Walter McLeod

Publication date 1858

Syria Palestine And Their Inhabitants
by Habeeb Risk Allah Effendi

Publication date 1855

"The Mongol-Tatar yoke saved Russia from dissolving in the West" - Sergiy Lavrov. 🤣
Well, finally the Russians are starting to realize their difference from Kiev Ukraine-Russia and Europe. Actually, "RUSSIA" is not theirs 🙂
Instead of the Horde, khans, raids - here's their real story.
It may be incomprehensible the hatred of the Russians for the Crimean Tatars, but, in my opinion, it is exclusively an inferiority complex, because they have paid humiliating tribute to the Crimean Khan for many years.
Lavrov and Putin don't have to be complex, let them call things their names. It will be mentioned that the earliest noble families (like Sheremetyevy, for example) have Tatar origin. Eventually, the Tatars conquered many, until they were defeated by their own European nations in two battles under present-day Wroclaw and Budapest. And later Lithuania and Rus broke the Tatar East in the Ukrainian steppe in the battle of blue waters.
P.S. The photo shows the reconstruction of the appearance of the first "Prince-Great-Ross", as it is called in Russia, Bogolyubsky, who captured and burned Kyiv Doesn't the truth look like Ukrainians?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 07, 2022, 08:50:56 am
not ukraine

1. There was no electricity bill in Libya; electricity was free for all its citizens.
2. There was no interest on loans, banks in Libya were state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at zero percent interest by law.
3. Having a home was considered a human right in Libya.
4. All newlyweds in Libya used to receive 60,000 dinars (?34,470) by the government to buy their first apartment, to help start up the family.
5. Education and medical treatments were free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25 percent of Libyans were literate. Today, the figure is 83%.
6. If Libyans wanted to take up a farming career, they would have received farming land, a farming house, equipment, seeds and livestock to kickstart their farms... all for free.
7. If Libyans could not find the education or medical facilities they needed, the government funded them to go abroad. For it was not only paid for, but they got a ?1585/month for accommodation and car allowance.
8. If a Libyan bought a car, the government used to subsidize 50 percent of the price.
9. The price of petrol in Libya was ?0.09 per litre. NINE PENCE!!!!!
10. Libya had no external debt and its reserves amounted to ?103 billion -which are now frozen globally.
11. If a Libyan was unable to get employment after graduation, the state would pay the average salary of the profession, as if he or she was employed, until employment was found.
12. A portion of every Libyan oil sale was credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.
13. A mother who gave birth to a child received ?3447.
14. 40 loaves of bread in Libya used to cost ?0.10. TEN PENCE!!!
15. 25 percent of Libyans now have a university degree.
16. Gaddafi carried out the world's largest irrigation project, known as the Great Manmade River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.
Gaddafi wrote, ?They want to do to Libya what they did to Iraq and what they are itching to do to Iran. They want to take back the oil, which was nationalized by these country?s revolutions. They want to re-establish military bases that were shut down by the revolutions and to install client regimes that will subordinate the country?s wealth and labor to imperialist corporate interests. All else is lies and deception.?

https://www.mintpressnews.com/sex-slavery-isis-illegal-arms-trade-libya-plunged-failed-state-us-invasion/227478/ (https://www.mintpressnews.com/sex-slavery-isis-illegal-arms-trade-libya-plunged-failed-state-us-invasion/227478/)

https://www.globalresearch.ca/hillary-clintons-emails-confirm-the-real-agenda-behind-the-us-nato-war-on-libya/5502444 (https://www.globalresearch.ca/hillary-clintons-emails-confirm-the-real-agenda-behind-the-us-nato-war-on-libya/5502444)

https://sarahabed.com/2017/04/21/the-us-crusader-of-democracy/ (https://sarahabed.com/2017/04/21/the-us-crusader-of-democracy/)

https://web.archive.org/web/20140302053433/http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-884508 (https://web.archive.org/web/20140302053433/http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-884508)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 09, 2022, 07:40:58 am

For those who didn't know. Because I, to be honest, recently found out.
Painting "Bogatir?" Victor Vasnetsova, 1898 year old. , long exhibited for public review in the Tretyakov Gallery.
In the picture:
Ole?ko Popovich
was born in the m. Pir?tin, now - lubensky district, poltava region, Ukraine
Ilya Muromets (or Ilko Murovets)
was born in the m. Morovijsk, now - the village of Morivsk, Chernihiv region, Ukraine. The mosques are preserved in the Far Caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
Dobrinya Mikitovich (Nizkinich)
was born in the c. Nizʹkinič?, now - Volodymyr-Volyn District, Volyn Region, Ukraine
All characters or their prototypes lived at approximately 950 years. What are you asking Russia about here? And nothing to do with it: Moscow will be founded in 200 years, in 1147; its founder and, by competition, the blood brother of Khan Batia Yuri Dovgoruky was not yet born, did not live his strange life and was not buried in the Church of the Savior on Brestov, which is near Kiev - The Pechersk Lavra. Because when the Kyiv already stood giant stones, the frogs were still kvakali in Muscov? ї. By the way, the primary name of Moscow is Kuchkov... I'm all about this.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 14, 2022, 06:56:24 am
https://www.academia.edu/40516369/Complexity_of_interaction_along_the_Eurasian_steppe_zone_in_the_first_millennium_CE_BCAA_7?email_work_card=title (https://www.academia.edu/40516369/Complexity_of_interaction_along_the_Eurasian_steppe_zone_in_the_first_millennium_CE_BCAA_7?email_work_card=title)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 17, 2022, 07:44:23 am
https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/urfj5o/the_horse_the_wheel_and_language_david_w_anthony/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/urfj5o/the_horse_the_wheel_and_language_david_w_anthony/)

The Horse, the Wheel, and Language : David W. Anthony | That's why europeans came from Ukraine-RUS
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 18, 2022, 17:11:57 pm
https://namen.taalunie.org/land/ua daarom Kiev ipv Kyiv
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 22, 2022, 10:05:40 am
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewF8nDTCepI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewF8nDTCepI)
The first Ukrainian printed book: the text of the Acts and Epistles (Lviv, 1574)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 31, 2022, 06:48:14 am

On May 28, 1358, a peasant anti-feudal uprising broke out in the town of Saint-Les-d'Esserand - Jacquerie, caused by the situation in which France was due to wars with Edward III of England; the largest peasant uprising in French history.

The immediate cause for the uprising was the devastation that the Navarrese king Charles the Evil inflicted in the vicinity of Paris, which had a particularly hard effect on the rural population. The peasants, whose wives and daughters were raped by the nobles, rushed at them, turned hundreds of castles into ruins, beat the nobles and raped their own wives and daughters (Duby Georges. History of France. Middle Ages).
The uprising soon spread to Brie, Soissons, Laon, and along the banks of the Marne and the Oise. The nobles managed to put down the uprising.

zie https://vk.com/wall257185914_526
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 04, 2022, 07:51:58 am
the real history of muscovy (socalled russia-russian federation)


Until recently, this title was in an ideological trap. His appearance was linked to Vladimir and Moscow Prince Semen Gordy (1340-1353): "So far, the concept of "all Russia" in the field of princely business was first met on the prints of Semyon Gordy, and its origin was linked to sublime them and unifying tendencies of Moscow in the XIV century. ".
Until now, a unique seal of Kiev Prince Andrew - the son of Yaroslav the Wise has been preserved with the inscription in Greek "Lord, help your slave Andrew - the prince of all Russia" ( ῷри ди ῷ вр , вα ἄ часуα). This is 1078-1093 years old. Located seal in private collection (Dumbarton-Oaks, USA).
Then the title "all Russia" was used on the seals of Kiev princes Yaropolk-Joann Vladimirovich and Rostislav-Mikhail Mstislavich. In the l?topisn?j tradition "Samoder?cem of all Russia" named Roman Mstislaviča (Father of King Danilo). And all these are descendants of the Universe.
About this, in particular, is on YouTube - channel "Alexander Alfʹorov" - subscribe!

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 07, 2022, 07:40:09 am
This is mentioned in the Ottoman Chronicle of Megmed Rashid, census of parts of which we found in the Uppsala Carolina Rediviva library, in documents transcribed and preserved by Johannes Kolmodin. These same parts were translated into Ukrainian and published in the article of Alexander Galenko "Eastern Europe 1704-1709 in coverage of the Ottoman Chronicle of Megmed Rashid? (pages 276-284):
I translated part of the census from Swedish. Providing the content of the texts:
The Muscovite king ran out of money. He wrote to the Swedish king and borrowed money from him. As collateral, he, according to the tradition of that time, transferred certain lands with people for Sweden's use. As long as the debt is paid by the Muscovite Tsar.
The king who borrowed money died before he paid his debt, and the kings after him also paid nothing. As long as the authorities in Muscovy did not go to Vit-bej ("White King") Peter I. He wrote a letter to Carl XII: "Since you have not demanded your money from our ancestors, who in time spent what they borrowed from your predecessors, how can we then allow you to keep our inherited lands? Now YOU ( ! ) under any circumstances you have to remove your hand from our lands and pass them to us! Otherwise I will come to you with a huge army and not only will take My lands, but will put Your own under Mine.?
The chronicle is about two letters about the loan of Muscovites. If the first letter can be hard to find, the second one in which Peter I brilliantly concludes "you saved us, gave us money - we survived, spent everything, return nothing, go to war on you and take over your country", I can find it. He must be kept in Sweden. I know which sections of the State Archive should be searched.
Why is this important to us? Because I don't know what kind of lands were granted as collateral. Did any of our territories enter them or not. But this answers a lot of other questions that I had earlier. For example, this could be an explanation as to why the memoir/monument (most likely recorded from Gregory Orlik's words) wrote that Mazepa was a Polish gentile and that Philip Orlik was born in Poland. Here's a quote about it from "Monument":
"Count Orlik, colonel of dragons in the service of his very Christian Majesty, has the honor of very modestly presenting to his Swedish Majesty that the father [applicant], Philip Orlik, the hetman of the troops of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, died in Yassah last year. He was born in Poland and grew up in the privileges and freedoms his ancestors enjoyed for centuries as free nobles. He was the first in the family to settle in Ukraine in 1692 which was then ruled by Hetman Mazepa, a Polish nobleman. "
I asked Jan Mispelaere to photograph just a few letters for me about the keys to the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and John Mazepa. Yesterday he sent me an extra 840(! ) photos of the documents I need.
I don't know how to thank him anymore for his sacrifice. Hes helping me go through important library documents while on vacation! What an absolutely incredible human being ❤️❤️❤️
Eyes fall out, but I'll still read all the mountains of letters and try to find what we're missing. We need to know our true history, we need to see and investigate the evidence of how helping Muscovites lead to wars. We need to know how our hetmans engaged in statehood in such incredibly difficult times.
I'll add new info here as an update.
To be continued...
UPD. Oh, we have the name of that king/prince who borrowed money. It was Vasily IV (Vasily Ivanovich Shujsky). He died in 1612. The money had to be borrowed until this date. After him, the debtor was Mikhail Vasilyevich Skopin-Shujskij. Awesome. Digging it up further.
  ?   ?
This is a book with a list of letters from Turkish archives that are of historical significance to Swedish history. But there are many interesting documents for us among them. There are letters about Ivan Mazepa and about Karl XII.
Regarding the events near the Pruth River, in the letter nr. 10 write that in the battle of the Turks defeated the army that was ruled by crazy petro (Deli petro). This letter is marked as an especially valuable source. He was used in his work Kurat.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 08, 2022, 13:45:00 pm
Yushchenko had the highest economic growth rate during Ukraine's independence.
At Yushchenko, the KGB archives were revealed. We gasped with horror!!!!
For the first time, Yushchenko spoke about the restoration of the Ukrainian Metropolis. Our Church, independent of the fsb?no? ер rpc.
Yushchenko called the whole world "hunger strike during nevro?a 33-37 "- Holodomorom and genocide of the Ukrainian people.
Built a memorial of memory.
Gave us the realization that mice are brothers. There are enemies out there destroying us. They are the carrier of death. And 10 years later we were convinced.
Talked about NATO, ?vro?ntegrac? сь and national identity, Ukrainian culture and t. d.
Supported Georgia during the Russian invasion of Georgia.
For the first time, Yushchenko voiced about the Russian gas blackmail, about the market price of gas, about the mutually beneficial gas contract.
Talk out about the corruption. They did not talk about corruption under Kuchma. They were afraid, shook and carried themselves.
Yushchenko is the first intelligent, educated president. So Western, unclear to Soviets. I was often told: "sho your Yusch mele... nothing is clear".
It's a social today. the poll showed the lowest rating of him as a president.
It's not about the fridge. The case of stupidity - we are deb?l?zu туtʹ gazprom?vsʹk? channels. The case in propaganda, the case in the activities of Russian media and media, journalist-agents like Gordon, fsbshnik?v with Ukrainian citizenship.
We are being poisoned by series and shows.
Russian stavleniki open work in VR, they don't hide.
The whole Rigiv Shobla continues to work for the Kremlin. And mocks us, cynically spits in our faces.
We have these lice and nits everywhere. They are already devouring us.. It's like a fungus, the mold. And we are not fighting.
Kravchuk and Kuchma have high ratings. The hell of a nation... There was nothing to eat with these commies, there were no panties.
There was no monetary unit under Kravchuk. There was no Constitution of Ukraine even. The racket has blossomed. The mafia has been born. The biggest enterprises were destroyed.
Such as Black Sea Steam and accordingly the whole seaside complex not only the region, but the state.
Stupidly sold and stolen.
The enterprises took huge sums of money.
Started Kravchuk, finished Kuchma.
Kuchma will build the most powerful mafia structure, corruption throughout the vertical of power.
Mentov and prosecutor arbitrariness. Masks-Show in the cities were worn, literally, took the tribute.
Tax payers just messing up business.
The atrocities of the judge.
Raider grabs of business, state-owned enterprises, in which judges participated, I can go on endlessly.
Small silks, for example, precinct cops were given the opportunity to "earn" and bring "earnings" to the investigator and further to the courts.
For example, stopped the cool youth in Arcadia, broke, in the pocket of drugs and $ 3000 from parents to close the case.
Kuchma has absolutely destroyed freedom of speech and democratic elections.
Today the people put them on a pedestal... Highest ratings ever.
How hard it is to live among so many morons.
They don't get it f&k!!!!
https://www.facebook.com/groups/141943986469657/?multi_permalinks=991482514849129&hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen&__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/141943986469657/?multi_permalinks=991482514849129&hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen&__cft__)[0]=AZVYrJgWSxXUd6j0RfAq-f9LkWcJsNHyCE15c2lAMbi5I9z5HClIXlj1l5AO3gSkpdZjvfBh-_Qe1qCtNGiq39W94WPAXrBsQ4n8KPSyBSEnRXyG29MCI8POhCNhtDPThtzIWYryD5jwfIILJqFbsG7WKy3M9PVqiIfAYeS5m9lvCnUkF1K8QJrRwyIUL9aF80XWLcz6qjSq18Pbi7z0TIh2KYyPWhFXcyDI9z8PdK49Rw&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 12, 2022, 14:17:11 pm

https://www.facebook.com/Interreks/posts/5324992810896411 (https://www.facebook.com/Interreks/posts/5324992810896411)
According to the data of the general prosecutor's office of Ukraine, in the period from 2005 to 2014 from Ukraine were sold 832 tanks, 232 helicopters, 202 planes, 714 bmp and btr,... 1 million rifle weapons now walk around the world ask to close the sky how helped the enemy how Ukraine gave Muscovites strategic aviation from 1996 to 1999 years Ukraine eliminated 29 planes tu-160 and tu-95mc and 487 winged missiles air base class They are the H-55. According to the agreement between Ukraine and Russia, the latter was transferred three Tu-95MS, eight Tu-160 and 581 winged air-base missile. Their re-dislocation was completed on February 21, 2000 in Russia.
On August 24, 1991, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a decision to take under its jurisdiction of all the military formations of the Armed Forces of the former USSR, and to create one of the key agencies - the Ministry of Defense in of the country. So, under the jurisdiction of Ukraine passed: 14 motostrelecʹkih, 4 tank, 3 artillery divisions and 8 artillery brigades (9 293 tanks and 11 346 combat vehicles) 4 special purpose brigades, 9 air defense brigades, 7 combat helicopters regiment, three air forces ( about 1,500 fighter planes) and a separate army of air defense. Strategic nuclear forces deployed in Ukraine had 176 intercontinental ballistic missiles carrying a total of 1,272 nuclear warheads as well as about 2,500 units of tactical nuclear weapons. At the time of the proclamation of Ukraine's independence the number of troops in Ukraine narahovuvala about 980 thousand people on the armies at the beginning of 1994 There were 176 OS-type missile complexes carrying 130 RS-18 (SS-19) rockets and 46 RS-22 (SS-24) rockets, with 1272 nuclear war charges. In addition, Ukraine had 2500 units of tactical nuclear weapons. Born in 1993 - 1994 removed from the combat stand in the 19th and 46th missile divisions 40 RS-18 (SS-19) rockets and reduced the combat readiness of 46 more RS-22 class missiles and their launch complexes, as well as strategic bombers Tu-95mc and Tu-160. Back in 2001 Works related to nuclear weapons and elimination of nuclear weapons in Ukraine!! Under.. Seven Kravčuk?v, kučm, you need not to jail for it, tear into pieces, bitch! We wouldn't have the tragedy of buchi, irpin, gostomel and other cities and villages of Ukraine! Here it is 5 columns!!!

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 13, 2022, 08:36:21 am
https://www.nti.org/analysis/articles/strengthening-global-systems-to-prevent-and-respond-to-high-consequence-biological-threats/ (https://www.nti.org/analysis/articles/strengthening-global-systems-to-prevent-and-respond-to-high-consequence-biological-threats/)
https://www.nti.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_Final.pdf (https://www.nti.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_Final.pdf)
WTF another 9/11?
https://newlinesinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/An-Independent-Legal-Analysis-of-the-Russian-Federations-Breaches-of-the-Genocide-Convention-in-Ukraine-and-the-Duty-to-Prevent-2.pdf (https://newlinesinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/An-Independent-Legal-Analysis-of-the-Russian-Federations-Breaches-of-the-Genocide-Convention-in-Ukraine-and-the-Duty-to-Prevent-2.pdf)
Russia intends to 'destroy Ukrainian people.' A group of scholars and genocide experts say that high-level Russian officials and state media ?repeatedly and publicly deny the existence of a distinct Ukrainian identity,?

Putin appears to hint at further invasions. ?It?s impossible ? do you understand? ? impossible to build a fence around a country like Russia. And we do not intend to build that fence?
https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/10/russia-ukraine-live-updates.html (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/10/russia-ukraine-live-updates.html)
Muscovy , renamed russia 1721 to annex Ukraine-Kievan Rus name and history(russia never was, is or will be a country  it's official russian federation) is so "afraid" of (mongol) invaders so they invade themselves
a "small" number of areas since 1300
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Expansi%C3%B3n_territorial_de_Rusia.svg (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Expansi%C3%B3n_territorial_de_Rusia.svg) 

https://twitter.com/MatasMaldeikis/status/1534831970043273218 (https://twitter.com/MatasMaldeikis/status/1534831970043273218)

If Russia revokes her 1991 recognition of Lithuania's independence, Lithuania will revoke the 1634 Treaty of Polyanovka and demand that Putin submits to the authority of Władysław IV and returns all occupied territories to the Grand Duchy. Smolensk is Lithuania!

https://twitter.com/NinaSlepkova/status/1535318940217376768 (https://twitter.com/NinaSlepkova/status/1535318940217376768)

  "...According to ... declare invalid the Decree of the Grand Prince of Kyev, the ruler of Kyivan Rus' Yuri Dolgorukiy "On the founding of the city of Moscow", published in 1147 as such as is a historical embarrassments.

Mayor of Kyiv V.Klitschko
http://kdet.ucoz.ru/Picture/1/1-52.png (http://kdet.ucoz.ru/Picture/1/1-52.png)
Russia should return all "исконно финно- угорские и балтские земли" to their autochtone   people. And nobody from Finno Ugric / Baltic people do notp retend for Slavic lands (orange).
Map (BTW produced by Russian scientists) in appendix

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 14, 2022, 11:20:19 am
The report of the Ambassador Extraordinary of Sweden in Constantinople Thomas Funk on the true course of events during the Battle of the Prut River between the Turks and Muscovites in July 1711 should be printed in every Ukrainian textbook. To every one. I made a translation and will soon print it. It's clear why Peter and himself destroyed all the documents that described the real course of events. And now about the delivery of the ambassador of England in Constantinople Sir Robert Sutton. How do you like this?
Peter and under terms of peace had to pay the annual pension of the Crimean Khan-40 000 ducats a year. PETRO AND DESTROYED THE FIRST VERSION OF THE AGREEMENT AND CROSSED THIS PARAGRAPH SO AS NOT TO LEARN ABOUT HIS DISHONOR
Sir Robert Sutton wrote in his letter dated 27 July 1711 that he had received a copy of the treaty between the king and the High Port. In the following letter dated August 10, 1711, he already writes that he is sending a duplicate of the treaty because the previous version "was not delivered". This letter reports that the Tsar wrote a separate paragraph and crossed out one so as not to consolidate in the contract his dishonor: he had to pay an annual pension to the Crimean Khan - 40,000 dukats a year! And I really didn't want others from the peace treaty to know about it.
  ?   ?
  My five philological cents.  Вербило Галина
I'm not a Ukrainian philologist, but I have a habit of memorizing some useful things. I just read the text of a good man and saw the word "UCHBOVA" there. I must tell you that this word is very often found in our lives. But, there is one BUT! There is no such word in Ukrainian. The alphabet of Učb-is wrong and it's too rude mistake. Ukrainian does not sin such a connection. There is a wonderful word EDUCATIONAL / EDUCATIONAL. Constantly see on the streets of Kiev cars with the inscription "Učbovij". Almost everyone says, "school institution". And we need to replace that stupidity with milozvučne "educational" and his minions. Even on the official plates of educational institutions of different rank, it happens to be written that they are educational. Do you know that since the last year or the year before, the Russian name of universities and the Ukrainian name of universities - higher educational institution, have been replaced by the EEA - higher education institution. I, still, meet "University" among the posts of their colleagues and in the publications of scientists. I tell them that there is no such abbreviation in the Ukrainian language, and they stubbornly prove to me that there is! And these people are teaching your children! (about the word-marker "Ris?tka" I'd rather be silent! )

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 14, 2022, 11:21:08 am

From https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3670

also in

A selection of sources on the history of the Southern and Western Slavs:

Southern and Western Slavs in Antiquity and the Middle Ages:
1. Code of ancient written news about the Slavs. Volume I (I-VI centuries).
2. Code of ancient written news about the Slavs. Volume II (VII-IX centuries)
3. Jordan. On the origin and deeds of the Getae. GETICA
4. Legends about the beginning of Slavic writing
5. Byzantine legislative code of the 8th century
6. Old Slavic Octoechos of St. Clement, Archbishop of Ohrid
7. Adam of Bremen, Helmold of Bosau, Arnold of Lubeck. Slavic chronicles
8. Anna Komnena. Alexiad
9. "Great Chronicle" about Poland, Russia and their neighbors XI - XIII centuries
10. Wiegand of Marburg. New Prussian Chronicle (1394)
11. Widukind of Corvey - Acts of the Saxons
12. Byzantine Book of the Eparch
13. Byzantine historian John Kinnam about Russia and the peoples of Eastern Europe
14. Gall Anonymous - Chronicle and deeds of princes or rulers of Poland
15. Helmold - Slavic chronicle
16. George Acropolitan - History
17. Grunwald in the sources. Chronicle of the conflict of Vladislav, king of Poland, with the crusaders in the year of Christ 1410
18. Two Byzantine chronicles of the 10th century. Psamaphic Chronicle; John Kameniata. Capture of Thessalonica
19. Dlugosh J. Battle of Grunwald
20. Ancient monuments Letters and language of the southwestern Slavs of the 9th-12th centuries.
21. Ancient Russia in the Polish history of Jan Dpugosh
22. Cosmas of Prague - Czech chronicle
23. Konstantin Porphyrogenitus - On the management of the empire.
24. Lawrence of Brezova - Hussite Chronicle
25. Lambert of Hersfeld. Annals
26. Leo the Deacon. Story
27. Chronicle of Priest Duklyanin
28. Lviv chronicle. 2 parts
29. Master Rogerius - Lamentation about the devastation of the Kingdom of Hungary by the Tatars
30. Peter from Doesburg. Chronicle of the land of Prussia
31. The Tale of Bygone Years.
32. Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles (PSRL). Volume 40
33. Polish Latin-language medieval sources.
34. Journey of Abu Hamid al-Garnati to Eastern and Central Europe (1131-1153).
35. Legends about the beginning of the Czech state in ancient Russian writing 36. Smolensk letters of the XIII-XIV centuries
36. Tips and stories of Kekavmen. Composition of the Byzantine commander of the XI century
37. The fate of the Cyril and Methodius tradition after Cyril and Methodius.
38. Titmar of Merseburg. Chronicle
39. Theophylact Simocatta - History
40. Thomas of Split - History of the Archbishops of Salona and Split
41. Anthology of monuments of the feudal state and law of European countries
42. Reader on the history of the southern and western Slavs. Volume I. The Age of Feudalism
43. Chronicle of Bykhovets
44. Chronicles. Lithuanian and Zhmoitskaya, and Bykhovets. Chronicles. Barkulabovskaya, Dverki and Pantsyrny
45. Six days of John the Exarch of the Bulgarian Eclogue.
46. ​​Jan Hus. Messages
Southern and Western Slavs in the Early Modern Age:
47. Agrarian system of the Ottoman Empire XV-XVII centuries.
48. Diary of the Lublin Diet, 1569. Unification of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the Kingdom of Poland
49. Notes of a Janissary. Written by Konstantin Mikhailovich from Ostrovitsa
50. Comenius Ya.A. - Selected pedagogical writings
51. Copernicus N. - On the rotations of the celestial spheres
52. Lithuanian Metric. Book #9 (1511?1518) (2002)
53. Oleksandr Gvagnini - Chronicle of European Sarmatia
54. Ottoman Empire in the first quarter of the 17th century.
55. Monuments of diplomatic relations between the Muscovite state and the Polish-Lithuanian state. 5 volumes
56. Correspondence between Russia and Poland up to 1700. 3 parts
57. Embassy book on Russia's relations with Poland (1575-1576)
58. Sixtus from Ottersdorf - Chronicle of events that took place in the Czech Republic in the stormy year 1547
59. Slavic-Moldavian chronicles of the XV-XVI centuries

Southern and Western Slavs in Modern Times:
60. Adventures of Russian tsarism in Bulgaria
61. Anthology of Czech and Slovak philosophy
62. Acts relating to the history of Western Russia
62. Galicia in the uprising of 1863. Documents and materials
63. Forgotten pages of the Polish question. anthology
64. Selected works of progressive Polish thinkers. volume 2
65. Emperor Nicholas and Poland in 1830. Materials for the history of the Polish uprising of 1830-1831
66. Catholics, Orthodox, Uniates. problems of religion in Russian-Polish-Ukrainian relations in the late 40s-80s. XVII century
67. Moscow-Serbia. Belgrade-Russia. XVI century - 1917 3 volumes
68. National policy in imperial Russia. Civilized outskirts.
69. The liberation of Bulgaria from the Turkish yoke. Documents in three volumes
70. Liberation struggle of the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Russia 1850 - 1864
71. First Serbian uprising 1804-1813 and Russia
72. Poland v. Russian Empire. confrontation history
73. Partitions of Poland and diplomacy of Catherine II
74. Russia and the uprising in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1875?1878
75. Russians about Serbia and Serbs. T. 1 Letters, articles, memoirs
76. Russians about Serbia and Serbs. Volume II (archival evidence)
77. Russians about Serbia and Serbs. Volume 3 (Serbian works by P.A. Rovinsky)
78. Sophrony Vrachansky. biography
79. Scientific journey Yu.I. Venelina to Bulgaria (1830-1831)
80. Reader on the history of the southern and western Slavs. In 3 volumes. Volume 2. New history
Yugoslavia and Bulgaria in the 20th century:
81. The national question in the Balkans through the prism of the world revolution (in the documents of the central Russian archives of the early - mid-1920s)
82. The Albanian factor in the development of the crisis in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 4 volumes.
83. Visit of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU M. S. Gorbachev to the SFRY
84. Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Adopted by the Federal People's Assembly on April 7, 1963)
85. Macedonia. The path to independence. The documents
86. International organizations and the crisis in the Balkans. 3 volumes
87. Peace treaty with Bulgaria
88. Moscow-Serbia. Belgrade-Russia. Volume 4. Russian-Serbian relations 1917-1945.
89. People's Republic of Bulgaria. Constitution and legislative acts
90. Russia on the Serbian front of the First World War. Assistance of the Russian army and navy to the Kingdom of Serbia in 1914-1918.
90. Slovenia. The path to independence
91. Soviet-Bulgarian relations 1944 - 1982 4 books
92. Soviet-Bulgarian relations and connections. Documents and materials. November 1917 - 1969. 3 volumes
93. Soviet-Yugoslav relations, 1917 - 1941
94. Yugoslav crisis and Russia. Modern history of Yugoslavia in documents. volume 2

Poland and Czechoslovakia in the 20th century:
95. Documents and materials on the history of Soviet-Polish relations. 1917 - 1965. 12 volumes.
96. Documents and materials on the history of Soviet-Czechoslovak relations 1917 -1943. 4 volumes
97. Soviet-Polish relations in 1918-1945. The documents. 4 volumes
98. Warsaw Uprising of 1944 in documents from the archives of the secret services
99. Warsaw uprising. Articles, speeches, memoirs, documents
100. Great Patriotic War. T. 14 (3-1). USSR and Poland, 1941-1945. To the history of the military alliance
101. Visit of M. S. Gorbachev to Poland.
102. Documents on the history of the Munich agreement. 1937-1939
103. From Warsaw. Moscow, Comrade Beria... Documents of the NKVD of the USSR on the Polish underground. 1944-1945
104. Katyn. March 1940 - September 2000 Execution. The fate of the living Echo of Katyn. The documents
105. Katyn. Prisoners of an undeclared war
106. Constitution of the Polish People's Republic
107. Red Army soldiers in Polish captivity in 1919-1922. Collection of documents and materials
108. New documents from the history of Munich
109. Polish Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) 1920-1921
110. Poland - Belarus (1921-1953). Collection of documents and materials
111. Labor unrest in Poland. Collection of materials about the December events of 1970
112. Labor unrest in Poland continues. Materials about the events of June 25, 1976
114. Soviet Union - People's Poland 1944 - 1974. Documents and materials
115. The Soviet Union and the Polish military-political underground. Volume 2 Part 1
116. Czech-Slovak (Czechoslovak) corpus.1914-1920.V.1. Czech-Slovak military formations in Russia. 1914-1917
117. Czech-Slovak (Czechoslovak) Corps 1914-1920. T.2. Czechoslovak Legions and the Russian Civil War 1918?1920

118. The Soviet factor in Eastern Europe 1944 - 1953. 2 Volumes
119. Power and Church in Eastern Europe. 1944-1953. 2 volumes. Documents of Russian archives
120. Anatomy of conflicts. Central and Southeastern Europe. 2 volumes
121. End of an era. USSR and revolutions in the countries of Eastern Europe in 1989-1991.

Memories and diaries:
122. Aveide O. - Testimony and notes on the Polish uprising of 1863
123. Balkan crisis. Participants speak
124. Berg N.V. Notes on Polish conspiracies and uprisings 1831-1862
125. Vaida A. Cinema and everything else
126. War through women's eyes. Russian and Polish aristocrats about the Polish uprising of 1830-1831.
127. Verkhovsky's diary
128. Diary of Georgy Dimitrov (1941?1945)
129. Diary of Marina Mnishek
130. Diary of Jan Peter Sapieha (1608-1611)
131. Karel Capek in the memoirs of contemporaries
132. Klimkovsky E. I was the adjutant of General Anders
133. Klishko Z. Warsaw uprising. Articles, speeches, memoirs, documents
134. Marchotsky N. History of the Moscow War
135. Masaryk T.G. - World revolution. Memories. 2 volumes
136. Memoirs of Michal Kleofas Ogiński. 2 volumes
136. Milovan Djilas. The face of totalitarianism
137. Mlynarzh Z. Frost struck from the Kremlin
138. Ota Shik. Spring rebirth - illusions and reality
139. Pavlov V.G. The leaders of Poland through the eyes of a scout
140. Tukhachevsky M., Pilsudsky Yu. Campaign for the Vistula. War of 1920
141. Fucikova G. Memories of Julius Fucik
142. Chartorizhsky A. Memoirs

Literature of the Southern and Western Slavs:
143. Songs of the southern Slavs
144. Polish folk legends and fairy tales
145. Legends of the pagan antiquity of the Western Slavs
146. Serbian folk tales
147. Serbian epic
148. The epic of the Serbian people
159. Gold-stream spring. Monuments of Bulgarian literature of the 9th-18th centuries
160. Serbian Literature of the Middle Ages. Reader
161. Brzhezina O. - Builders of the temple. Collected Works
162. Henryk Sienkiewicz - Collected works in 9 volumes
163. Hasek Ya. - Collected works. 6 volumes
164. European poetry of the 19th century
165. Kokhanovsky Y. Selected works
166. Lesmyan B. - Ballads and romances
167. Mitskevich A. Sonnets
168. Mitskevich A. Poems. poems
169. Polish lyrics in translations of Russian poets
170. Slovak J. Lyrica
171. Erben Karel Jaromir. Fairy tales, ballads and poems
172. Jan Kollar - Daughter of Glory
173. Jan Kollar - One Hundred Sonnets

Other sources:
174. Great Patriotic War. Volume 6. Liberation of Europe
175. Dimitrov G.M. Selected articles and speeches
176. Cultural and scientific heritage of the Russian emigration in the Czechoslovak Republic. documents and materials
177. Polish dialogue. Events in Poland through the eyes of Polish, Soviet, American, British, West German and French journalists
178. Russian Corps in the Balkans (1941-1945).
179. Reader on the history of the Middle Ages. Volume 2
180. Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Constitution and legislative acts
181. Schmid F.A. - Polish chronicler from 964 to 1764

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2241 - A selection of books from the Central European Studies series

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2921 - A selection of books on the history of Central Europe

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3467 - A selection of works by Alexei Ilyich Miller - Russian historian

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3210 - A selection of books about imaginary geography (Imagined geographies)

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1582 - A selection of works by Maria Voittovna Leskinen - a Russian historian, a specialist in the field of Polish history and culture, the history of national ideologies and identities.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 16, 2022, 11:01:57 am

from https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3676

also some pdf archives on that link

A selection of books from the Nistoria Rossica series:

1. Anisimov E. - Rack and whip. Political investigation and Russian society in the 18th century
2. Laboratory of concepts. Translation and Languages ​​of Politics in Russia in the 18th Century
3. Fedyukin I. Projectors: the policy of school reforms in Russia in
the first half of the 18th century
4. Regions of the Russian Empire: identity, representation, (purpose) meaning Collective monograph.
5. Ippational in Russian culture. Digest of articles
6. Schimmelpenninck van der Oye D. Towards the Rising Sun. How imperial myth-making led Russia to war with Japan.
7. Lor E. Russian Nationalism and the Russian Empire: The Campaign Against 'Enemy Subjects' during the First World War.
8. Bydnitsky O.V. Other Russia: Researches on the history of Russian emigration

A selection of books on the history of Russia:

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_178 - A selection of books from the series "Russian society. Modern Research"

A selection of books about the outskirts of the Russian Empire and the national policy of the empire
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1414 - Part 1
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1620 - Part 2 (Collections of documents)

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3514 - A selection of sources on the history of the Caucasus

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3335 - A selection of sources on the history of Kazakhstan

A selection of sources on the history of Siberia:

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3565 - A selection of sources on the history of Russian foreign policy

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3484 - A selection of books on the history of censorship in the Russian Empire and the USSR

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1057 - A selection of books from the Nistoria Russica series

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_54 - A selection of Ab Imperio magazine issues from 2000 to 2011.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_386 - A selection of books from the New Frontiers series

A selection of books from the Nistoria Rossica series:

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3467 - A selection of works by Alexei Ilyich Miller - Russian historian

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1582 - A selection of works by Maria Voittovna Leskinen - a Russian historian, a specialist in the field of Polish history and culture, the history of national ideologies and identities.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_107 - A selection of books on the history of marriage and family in Russia

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_97 - A selection of books on the historical demography of Russia

A selection of books on the history and anthropology of religion in Russia:

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2198 - A selection of collections of documents on the peasantry and the peasant movement in Russia

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2025 - A selection of collections of documents on workers and the labor movement in Russia

A selection of books from the "Studia historica" ​​series:

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 17, 2022, 09:22:35 am
from https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3691

A selection of books from the series "Humanitarian knowledge XXI century":

1. Stephen Benn. Clio clothes
2. Eva Domanska. Philosophy of history after postmodernism
3. Iggers G., Van E. Global history of modern historiography
4. Frank Ankersmit. History and tropology: the rise and fall of metaphor
5. Richard Shusterman. pragmatic aesthetics. Living beauty, rethinking art.
6. Allan Megill. Historical epistemology
7. Ways of comprehending the past: methodology and theory of historical science
8. Jurandir Malherba. History in Latin America: An Essay on Historiographical Criticism

A selection of books on the historiography of foreign history:
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_382 - Part 1
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_395 - Part 2
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_444 - Part 3
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_788 - Part 4
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_475 - A selection of books on French historiography

A selection of books on the historiography of the history of Russia:
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_165 - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_203 - Part 2.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_941 - Part 3.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3099 - A selection of books on foreign historiography of Russian history

A selection of books on the theory and methodology of historical science:
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_219 - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_253 - Part 2.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_813 - A selection of books on mathematical methods in historical research

A selection of books about the Digital Humanities (Digital Humanities):
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_322 - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_447 - Part 2.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3631 - A selection of books on the history of concepts

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_437 - A selection of books on auxiliary historical disciplines

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_175 - A selection of works by I.M. Savelyeva and A.V. Poletaev - specialists in the history, theory and methodology of historical science and the sociology of knowledge.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_179 - A selection of works by Franklin Rudolf Ankersmit - a Dutch historian and philosopher

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3420 - A selection of books published by the HSE Publishing House

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_264 - A selection of books on historical biography

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_197 - A selection of books on the politics of memory and historical politics

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3580 - A selection of books about school history textbooks

A selection of books published by INION RAS:

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_279 - A selection of books from the series "Images of History"

A selection of books published by Akvilon:
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 19, 2022, 17:13:54 pm

Medieval Bulgaria: from tribe to state
from https://vk.com/wall-7768848_33591
The study is devoted to one of the most important aspects of the history of the Volga Bulgars - the formation of statehood. The author proves that this process proceeded slowly, since it took place under the conditions of submission to the Khazar Khaganate. At the beginning of the 10th century, the Volga Bulgars, led by Elteber Almysh, created their own state, which in the 940s. split into two emirates - Bulgar and Suvar, within which the institutions of state power are strengthened and Islam is spreading. The final formation of a single Bulgarian state dates back to the 80s. 10th century

"Ukrainian culture is too small," says Arestovich. More than 445 years ago, in 1576, the Slavic-Greek-Latin School (Academy) was founded by Prince Constantine-Vasil Ostrozky - the first higher educational institution in all of Eastern Europe.
The basis of the activities of the Ostrog Academy was laid the traditional for medieval Europe the study of seven free sciences (grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy). Higher sciences: philosophy, theology, medicine, 5 languages were also taught here.
Kiev-Mohyl?nsʹka Academy founded by Peter Mohyla in 1632. Here for example studied Muscovite Lomonosov from which then the tsarat blinded the great genius.
The first high school in Moscow, the Slavic-Greco-Latin Academy was opened all the way back in 1687.
In 1748, former student of "Mohylanka" Lomonosov published "Rhetoric" - the first in Russia printed manual on theory of literature and oratory art.
The first in Slavistica full course of the Church Slavic language in its Ukrainian editorial " Grammar " was issued in 1619 by Meleti Smotrytsky, a graduate of the Ostrozh Academy. At the same time, the standards of " Grammar " of Smotrytsky 1619 became a prototype for " Rhetoric " of Lomonosov.
Kievan, graduate and rector of "mohyl?nki" feofan prokopovič was the author of the theory of modernization of moscovy in the spirit of European educated absolutism at petri I. He is one of the founders of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the architect of the church reform. Unfortunately, it was by his initiative that the Greek version of the name of the ancient state of Kiev princes of Russia "Russia". But it's very demonstrative - nothing's own dr?muča Muscovy to come up with and on its own, without the help of educated Ukrainians, could not reform.
Pushkin was not born yet (1799) as Ivan Kotlyarevsky published Aneid (1798) - the first large-scale monument of Ukrainian writing, made in spoken Ukrainian language.
These are just a few examples. Our culture is not small. Her for centuries consciously destroyed and tried to make menshovart?sno мо, ?arovarna ття. Our cultural, educational, scientific and other humanitarian achievements have meanwhile been successfully acquired by the Russian tsar and then pretended to be their own. The same continued for the USSR.
To this day, Russia continues to steal our historical and national assets in almost all spheres, even in sports. This is how Ukrainian to the brain of the bones of the strongman Ivan Poddubny Russian Wikipedia calls "Russian". And in Russia, they make movies about him like the world-famous "Russian Rich" with nel ньогоdom porečenkovim in the lead role.
We just know very little to the general public about our true culture, history, educational and sporting traditions, and their power. The Ukrainian humanitarian world was all the time ahead of the Muscovite and was quite modern, European. No "little" culture and language would ever survive a century of prohibitions and "shot renaissance".

 Europe civilization started 1000's years ago from Ukraine, in Muscovy/russia/RF/ it never started
 God has no religion...
And God also has no canons, five pillars and a rule not to wear colorful clothes. He doesn't care if we eat apples before the Savior, if we cook milk and meat on different cookers, and if we take food in the daylight during Ramadan. He does not require reading namaz, performing circumcision, and believing that the world is based on suffering. He doesn't need our two-week fast, lean face and a carved hole in the heart as a sign of mourning for the dead. It was all invented by people themselves: they blinded gods, drew icons and put ornaments on the white stone. Religious wars have been waged for centuries, destroying ginger women and those who thought otherwise. Wrote hundreds of books, developed thousands of rules and limitations. Condemned all who do not perform "Mikwe", do not pray for the dead, Protestant manner and do not recognize liturgy. And nothing has changed in 2000 years.
We have studied languages, use phone, developed smart chopsticks and store cord blood, yet we continue to kill, rob, lie and hate, despite Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed and Buddha. We fight on the streets and in subway cars. We have hundreds of enemies and half friends. Playing hide and seek and fake voices. We wear masks and artificial valves. And we have forgotten why we live, breathe and burn milk. And we don't even know that we came to this Earth with one and only task - to find happiness!
Mahatma Gandhi
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 21, 2022, 08:46:20 am


Makushev V.V. Legends of foreigners about the life and customs of the Slavs

St. Petersburg.
Printing house of Eduard Weimar
1861. - 192 p.

The importance for us Russians of the study of the Slavic world is recognized now more than ever; but even now there are still people who assert that the Slavs are a young people, that they have not rendered any services to mankind, and that, judging by the past, a brilliant future cannot be expected for them; consequently, they continue, the study of such a people is fruitless.


Mannergeym K. Liniya zhizni. Kak ya otdelilsya ot Rossii. ? M.: OOO "TD Algoritm", 2017. ? 288 s. Karl Mannergeym ? odin iz samykh izvestnykh politicheskikh deyateley XX veka. General-leytenant russkoy imperatorskoy armii, posle revolyutsii 1917 goda on bezhal v Finlyandiyu, gde stal fel'dmarshalom finlyandskoy armii, a zatem prezidentom etoy strany. Pod rukovodstvom Mannergeyma v Finlyandii byla postroyena moshchnaya oboronitel'naya liniya, nazvannaya yego imenem, ? v sovetsko-finskuyu voynu 1939-1940 gg. ona sushchestvenno zatrudnila nastupleniye Krasnoy armii. V svoikh vospominaniyakh Karl Mannergeym opisyvayet sluzhbu pri dvore poslednego rossiyskogo imperatora Nikolaya II i v russkoy armii, revolyutsiyu v Rossii, neprostyye otnosheniya Finlyandii i SSSR v mezhvoyennoye vremya, sovetsko-finskuyu voynu 1939-1940 godov i voynu Finlyandii s Sovetskim Soyuzom v 1941 ? 1944 godakh. Osoboye vnimaniye udelyayetsya imperskim ustremleniyam Rossii i SSSR a takzhe mestu Rossii-SSSR v yevropeyskoy politike.
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Mannerheim K. Line of life. How I separated from Russia. - M .: OOO "TD Algorithm", 2017. - 288 p.

from https://vk.com/wall-200782618_6113

Karl Mannerheim is one of the most famous politicians of the 20th century. Lieutenant general of the Russian imperial army, after the 1917 revolution he fled to Finland, where he became a field marshal of the Finnish army, and then the president of this country. Under the leadership of Mannerheim, a powerful defensive line was built in Finland, named after him, during the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. it significantly hampered the advance of the Red Army.
In his memoirs, Karl Mannerheim describes service at the court of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and in the Russian army, the revolution in Russia, the difficult relations between Finland and the USSR in the interwar period, the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940 and the war between Finland and the Soviet Union in 1941-1944 years. Particular attention is paid to the imperial aspirations of Russia and the USSR, as well as the place of Russia-USSR in European politics.


On June 19, 1205, the Battle of Zavikhost took place - a battle between the troops of the Galician-Volyn prince Roman Mstislavich the Great on the one hand and the troops of the Cracow prince Leshko the White and Konrad of Mazovia on the other.

It became the main battle during the campaign of Roman Mstislavich in Lesser Poland in 1205. After the successful start of the campaign, the Galician-Volyn prince stopped near the city of Zavikhost, waiting for negotiations with the Polish princes, but they attacked him and in a fierce battle killed the prince himself and his ?small squad?. After the death of Roman, a fierce political struggle began in the Galicia-Volyn principality, in which many Russian princes and boyars, as well as Hungarian and Polish rulers, took part. This struggle, which lasted until 1245, ended with the final approval of Roman's son, Daniil Romanovich, on the throne.

A detailed description of the battle is given by the Polish historian Jan Dlugosh. According to his information, Roman sent his army across the Vistula and occupied the city. He was so confident in his abilities that he did not believe and even laughed when the scouts informed him about the performance of the Poles. On June 19, princes Leszek and Konrad arrived with troops to the city, after which Roman entered the battle.
Both armies made several attacks, Roman could not line up the front line of the troops because of the incessant shelling. The princes themselves, unlike Roman, did not take part in the battle, but were at a distance, waiting for the end of the main battle. Dlugosh confirms the information about the large number of the Galician-Volyn army, saying that Roman was able to easily replace the fallen after the Poles defeated the first line of the Russian army. Nevertheless, the Poles are still gradually seizing the initiative, surrounding the Galician troops. Roman Mstislavich tried to break out of the encirclement, but was seriously wounded, barely managing to ride to the river bank, where he also lost his horse. With the help of another horse belonging to one of the soldiers, he crossed to the opposite bank of the river, where by that time there were already several Russian soldiers who had left the battle. There, on the other side, according to Dlugosh, ?the thought that he was surrounded by the Poles and would be taken into their army as a simple warrior struck him down.?
Having lost the commander, the Russian troops fled from the battlefield. Some of the soldiers were pushed back to the shore, but the earth, according to the same Dlugosh, could not bear their weight, and the Russian soldiers began to fall into the river.

Other sources mention the same development. For example, the Suzdal Chronicle of the Laurentian List mentions that ?Roman Galitsky took the Poles and conquered the cities. And he stopped in the Vistula River with his small squad. The Poles then attacked and killed him and his squad. And Galician people came, took their dead prince and carried him to Galich and buried him in the church.
According to the later ?Great Polish Chronicle?: ?At this time, Roman, often mentioned, the most powerful prince of the Russians, refused to pay tribute to Prince Leshka, boldly opposed his power and, having gathered a large army, unexpectedly invaded Poland with a strong detachment. When Leshek learned this, he immediately gathered a small detachment of soldiers, hurried to meet him in Zavikhost, attacked him, captured and defeated him. The Russians, who at first came arrogantly, were many wounded, many were killed along with Prince Roman, the rest, seeing [this], began to seek salvation in flight, and many ended their lives in a miserable way in the Vistula River. So, Roman, forgetting about the countless good deeds rendered to him by Casimir and his son Leshk, dared to attack his brothers, [but], having received a blow with a sword, he expired on the battlefield. And it was in the year of R. X. 1205.?
Many of the Russian soldiers drowned, and even more died at the hands of the local population, as the Poles pursued the Russians all the way to Vladimir-Volynsky. Some were slaughtered on the orders of Leshka and Konrad. According to the chronicle of Długosz, Roman was buried in Sandomierz, and after the signing of the peace treaty, the Russians paid the Poles a large sum for the release of captured soldiers and the return of Roman's body, who was later buried in Vladimir. According to the Laurentian Chronicle, which transmits the annalistic code of 1305, Roman was buried in Galich, in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin.

After the victory of Leszek the White, he gained a positive reputation in Poland, gained popularity in Krakow, which returned him to the position of the city and power in it for some time. Conrad, having reached the age of majority, demanded for himself an inheritance and participation in power, and the country began to be under the rule of both brothers.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 22, 2022, 08:03:22 am
history russia
A selection of works by Irina Maksimovna Savelieva and Andrei Vladimirovich Poletaev - specialists in the history, theory and methodology of historical science:

1. Savelyeva I. M., Poletaev A. V. Knowledge of the past. Theory and history. In 2 tons.
Volume 1. Designing the Past
Volume 2. Images of the past
2. Savelyeva I.M., Poletaev A.V. Theory of historical knowledge
3. Savelyeva I.M., Poletaev A.V. History and time. In Search of the Lost
4. Savelyeva I.M., Poletaev A.V. Social perceptions of the past, or do Americans know history
5. Savelyeva I.M., Poletaeva A.V. Classic heritage
6. Savelyeva I.M., Poletaev A.V. (ed.) Classics and classics in social and humanitarian knowledge
7. Savelyeva I.M. (ed.) Non-classical heritage. Andrey Poletaev.
8. Savelyeva I.M., Poletaev A.V. (ed.) The Phenomenon of the Past
9. Savelyeva I.M., Dmitriev A.N. (ed.) Human Sciences. History of disciplines

A selection of books on the theory and methodology of historical science:
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_219 - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_253 - Part 2.

A selection of books on ancient and medieval historiography:

A selection of books on the historiography of foreign history:
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_382 - Part 1
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_395 - Part 2
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_444 - Part 3
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_788 - Part 4
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_475 - A selection of books on French historiography

A selection of books on the historiography of the history of Russia:
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_165 - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_203 - Part 2.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_941 - Part 3.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3099 - A selection of books on foreign historiography of Russian history

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3691 - A selection of books from the series "Humanitarian knowledge of the XXI century"

A selection of books about historical memory:

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_197 - A selection of books on the politics of memory and historical politics

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3580 - A selection of books about school history textbooks

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3631 - A selection of books on the history of concepts

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_437 - A selection of books on auxiliary historical disciplines

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_425 - A selection of books on the source study of foreign history

A selection of books on the source study of the history of Russia
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_113 - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_259 - Part 2.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_650 - Part 3.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3619 - A selection of books about historical sources of personal origin (ego documents)

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_264 - A selection of books on historical biography

A selection of books on Oral History (Oral History):
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_144 - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1307 Part 2.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_813 - A selection of books on mathematical methods in historical research

A selection of books about the Digital Humanities (Digital Humanities):
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_322 - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_447 - Part 2.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1870 - A selection of works by Michel Foucault - French philosopher and historian

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_179 - A selection of works by Franklin Rudolf Ankersmit, a Dutch historian and philosopher

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3420 - A selection of books published by the HSE Publishing House

A selection of books published by INION RAS:

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_279 - A selection of books from the series "Images of History"

A selection of books published by Akvilon:
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 23, 2022, 18:03:15 pm
A selection of collections of documents:
Part 14

1. On the move. Russian Jewish emigrants on the eve and at the beginning of World War II (1938-1941)
2. Defense of Leningrad. 1941-1945. Documents and materials
3. Stalingrad group of troops. 1943-1944: Documents and materials
4. Muses in overcoats. Soviet intelligentsia during the Great Patriotic War. Documents, texts, memoirs
5. Harvard project: declassified evidence of the Great Patriotic War
6. From nationalism to collaborationism: the Baltic States during the Second World War: documents. 2 volumes
7. Hungarian prisoners of war in the USSR Documents of 1941-1953
8. Three visits of A. Ya. Vyshinsky to Bucharest (1944-1946). Documents of Russian archives.

A selection of sources on the history of the Great Patriotic War:

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_932 - A selection of books about the military economy of the USSR on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3640 - A selection of books about prisoners of war during the Great Patriotic War

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3627 - A selection of books from the War Memoirs series

A selection of books about German Nazism and other fascist movements:

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_371 - A selection of books on military historical anthropology

A selection of collections of documents on the history of the Russian Empire and the USSR:
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_509 - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_578 - Part 2.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_635 - Part 3.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_673 - Part 4.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_699 - Part 5.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_767 - Part 6.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_927 - Part 7.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1024 - Part 8.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1083 - Part 9.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1198 - Part 10.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1275 - Part 11.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2252 - Part 12.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3402 - Part 13.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1885 - A selection of collections of documents on the Soviet economy

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_72 - A selection of books from the series "The Social History of Russia in the 20th century"

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3291 - A selection of books about rumors

A selection of books on the history of Soviet everyday life (and not only):
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_130 - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_284 - Part 2.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_795 - Part 3.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_22 - A selection of books on the history of Soviet everyday life

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2099 - A selection of collections of documents about the Soviet system of labor camps and special settlements

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1766 - A selection of collections of documents on the history of the RSDLP-RSDLP(b)-RKP(b)-VKP(b)-CPSU

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2078 - A selection of collections of documents about the Communist International

A selection of books on the source study of the history of Russia
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_113 - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_259 - Part 2.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_650 - Part 3.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 25, 2022, 07:11:26 am
On June 24, 1555, the Battle of Judgment took place - a battle in the vicinity of the village of Sudbishchi between the Crimean horde led by Khan Devlet I Giray and the Russian army of Ivan Vasilyevich Sheremetyev. After a day and a half battle and human losses, Devlet Giray, having learned about the approaching army from Tula, left the battlefield, evading a meeting with Ivan the Terrible, having failed to break the defense of Russian soldiers in battle.

After the defeat of the Crimean Tatar horde in the battles near the walls of Tula and on the Shivoron River during the campaign of 1552, regular correspondence began between the Crimean Khan and Ivan the Terrible. Devlet Giray sent the Russian tsar a letter of friendship with assurances of friendship, but demanded tribute, threatening a new attack in case of refusal. To which Ivan Vasilyevich replied that we do not buy friendship and sent notices to Taurida about the conquest of the Kazan Khanate and Astrakhan. And in order to have a barrier from the side of Tula in 1553, on the elevated bank of the Shivoron, an oak fortress was rebuilt - the city of Dedilov, devastated by the Tatars back in the 13th century.
Devlet Giray, having learned the lessons of his first campaign against Russia, which failed due to false intelligence reports and the early detection of the Crimean army by sentinel Cossacks while crossing the Seversky Donets, went to the trick and undertook a distracting maneuver. In the spring of 1555, the khan gathered a large army and set out on a campaign against the Pyatigorsk Circassians, who by that time had already accepted the patronage of the Russian tsar.
Having learned about the intentions of Devlet Giray, Ivan the Terrible ordered the governor Ivan Sheremetyev with an army to set out from Belev on the Muravskaya road to the Tatar fortress Perekop in Mamaev meadows in order to drive away the Khan's herds. Sheremetyev's attack was supposed to distract the khan from the campaign and force him to return to the Crimea, thereby protecting the Pyatigorsk Circassians from the attack of the Crimeans. In June, the thirteen thousandth Russian army left Belyov on a campaign to the Crimea, moving through the cities of Chern and Livny further south. The army marched in three regiments. A large regiment was commanded by the senior voivode, boyar Ivan Vasilyevich Sheremetyev, together with the okolnichi Lev Andreyevich Saltykov. The advanced regiment was under the leadership of Alexei Danilovich Basmanov and Bakhteyar Zyuzin. The sentry regiment was led by Dmitry Mikhailovich Pleshcheev and Stefan Sidorov.
Having reached the Izyum Kurgan, Devlet Giray with a 60,000-strong army crossed the Seversky Donets and, abruptly changing direction, rushed along the Izyum Way further north to Tula. In his second raid on the Russian kingdom, as well as three years ago, Devlet Giray led the Crimean Tatar horde, reinforced by detachments of Turkish janissaries and sultan artillery. But the crossing of the Tatars across the Seversky Donets was discovered by Sheremetyev, who, having notified the king, followed the khan to Tula with his army. The tsar himself immediately set out to meet the army from Moscow, together with Prince Vladimir Andreevich, Kazan Khan Simeon, boyars and other governors to Kolomna, where Prince Ivan Fedorovich Mstislavsky was already standing with his army. From Kolomna, the regiments of Ivan the Terrible went to Kashira, where they crossed the Oka and then hastily moved to Tula. By this time, the rumor about the campaign of the troops of Ivan the Terrible from Kolomna to Tula had already spread among the local population of the southern limits of the Russian kingdom. Having learned about this from local residents and captured Russian sentinels, fleeing the impending threat of being attacked from two sides, the Crimean Khan immediately turned his horde back and unexpectedly stumbled upon Sheremetyev?s detachment near the village of Sudbishche (Storozhevoe) on the Lyubovsha River. Khan, without entering the battle, quickly went south, leaving the convoy. Sheremetyev took a convoy: 60 thousand horses, 200 argamaks (horses), 180 camels. Hoping for the imminent arrival of the troops of Ivan the Terrible, he sent booty to the fortified cities of Mtsensk and Ryazan, accompanied by six thousand soldiers.
Khan learned from two captured Russian soldiers about the number of troops from the boyar and the next morning, deploying all his cavalry, attacked the Russian army, intending to capture the entire detachment. He hoped for a quick success, with a nearly 10-fold margin. Left with a seven thousandth army, Sheremetyev did not evade the battle and broke the advanced regiment of the Tatars, took the banner of the Shirin princes, and was himself seriously wounded. The small Russian army still could not withstand the pressure, mixed up and ran. But Aleksey Basmanov and Stefan Sidorov managed to stop the fleeing and sat down with two thousand in an oak forest and in a gully (on a slope), where there was a convoy that turned into a fortress on wheels. Trees were cut down so that their tops fell towards the enemy. The stumps were left high so that archers and archers had something to hide behind. Some of the trees were taken out into the field, where a large number of anti-horse "thorns" were scattered. The wounded were dragged there, including Sheremetyev. Khan three times carried out a ?launch? (assault), but, unable to quickly defeat the Russians and fearing the approach of the king?s army, he left for the steppes. Turkish chronicle sources of the 16th century report:
from https://vk.com/wall-7768848_33652

This really got my attention, so I wanted to share it with you all. *copied*
One of my friends told me about a powerful lesson in her daughter's high school class this winter. They're learning about the Salem Witch Trials, and their teacher told them they were going to play a game.
"I'm going to come around and whisper to each of you whether you're a witch or a regular person. Your goal is to build the largest group possible that does NOT have a witch in it. At the end, any group found to include a witch gets a failing grade."
The teens dove into grilling each other. One fairly large group formed, but most of the students broke into small, exclusive groups, turning away anyone they thought gave off even a hint of guilt.
"Okay," the teacher said. "You've got your groups. Time to find out which ones fail. All witches, please raise your hands."
No one raised a hand.
The kids were confused and told the teacher he'd messed up the game. "Did I? Was anyone in Salem an actual witch? Or did everyone just believe what they'd been told?"
And that is how you teach kids how easy it is to divide a community.
Keep being welcoming, beautiful people. Shunning, scapegoating and dividing destroy far more than they protect.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 26, 2022, 08:48:30 am

A selection of books by medieval authors published in various series:

Series "Monuments of the medieval history of the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe":
1. Anna Komnena. Alexiad
2. Widukind of Corvey - Acts of the Saxons
3. Byzantine Book of the Eparch
4. Gall Anonymous - Chronicle and deeds of princes or rulers of Poland
5. Helmold - Slavic chronicle
6. Two Byzantine chronicles of the 10th century. Psamaphic Chronicle; John Kameniata. Capture of Thessalonica
7. Notes of a Janissary. Written by Konstantin Mikhailovich from Ostrovitsa
8. Jordan. On the origin and deeds of the Getae. GETICA
9. Cosmas of Prague - Czech chronicle
10. Lawrence of Brezova - Hussite Chronicle
11. Sixt from Ottersdorf - Chronicle of events that took place in the Czech Republic in the stormy year 1547
12. Legends about the beginning of Slavic writing
13. Legends about the beginning of the Czech state in ancient Russian writing
14. Tips and stories of Kekavmen. Composition of the Byzantine commander of the XI century
15. Theophylact Simocatta - History
16. Thomas of Split - History of the Archbishops of Salona and Split
17. Chronicle of Bykhovets
18. Eclogue. Byzantine legislative code of the 8th century

Series "Monuments of historical thought":
19. Giovanni Villani. New Chronicle, or History of Florence
20. Geoffroy de Villehardouin. Conquest of Constantinople
21. Leo the Deacon. Story
22. Olaus Petri - Swedish chronicle
23. Procopius of Caesarea. War with the Persians. War with vandals. secret history
24. Psellos Michael. Chronography
25. Robert de Clary. Conquest of Constantinople
26. Philippe de Commines. Memoirs
27. Chronicle of Engelbrekt

Series "Classics of Antiquity and the Middle Ages":
28. Carolingian Historians
29. Richer of Reims - History

30. Monuments of medieval Latin literature of the 4th-12th centuries. 5 books.
31. Monuments of Byzantine literature. 4th-14th centuries 2 books.
Seria Byzantina series:
32. Nicephorus Gregory. History of the Romans
33. John Ital - Aporii

Series "ABC of the Middle Ages":
34. Great necromancers and ordinary sorcerers
35. Travel book
36. Parliament of Fools
37. The story of the birth and victories of Alexander the Great
38. Chronicles of Long-haired Kings.

Arbor Mundi Library series:
39. Wet word. Byzantine rhetorician on the erotic novel
40. Double crown. The epic and drama of the Latin Middle Ages in the translations of M.L. Gasparov
41. Poetry of the Carolingian Renaissance

Series "Literature of the Middle Ages":
42. Aucassin and Nicolet. old french song
43. Payen of M?zi?res - Mule without a bridle (Girl on a mule)
44. Saga of the Volsungs

Series "Documents and Materials on World History":
45. Monuments of the history of England XI-XIII centuries. collection of documents
46. ​​German city XIV-XV centuries. Collection of materials

Series "Library of World Literature":
47. Beowulf. Elder Edda. Song of the Nibelungs
48. Icelandic sagas. Irish epic
49. Song of Roland; The coronation of Louis; Nimes cart; Song about Side; Romancero
50. Poetry of the troubadours. The Poetry of the Minnesingers. Poetry of the Vagants
51. Medieval novel and story

Series "Stars of foreign poetry":
52. Venantius Fortunat - Selected Poems
53. Marie of France - Twelve stories

Series "Translation Space":
54. Bestiary of love in verse, composed by an author who preferred to remain anonymous
55. Book of wills. French poetic farewells and testaments of the 13th-15th centuries
56. The Tale of Narcissus

Series "Bibliotheca Scholastica":
57. Boethius of Dacia - Works
58. Robert Grossetest - Compositions
59. William of Ockham - Favorites
60. Thomas Aquinas - Works

Franciscan Heritage Series:
61. Anthony of Padua. Sermons.
62. John Duns Scotus. Favorites
63. Roger Bacon. Favorites
64. Francis of Assisi Compositions

Series "The History of Christian Thought in Monuments":
65. Anselm of Canterbury - Compositions
66. Pierre Abelard - Theological treatises

Series "Patristics texts and studies":
67. Gregory Palamas - On the procession of the Holy Spirit
68. Gregory Palamas. Antirretics against Akindin
69. Gregory Palamas. one hundred and fifty chapters
70. Gregory Palamas. Treatises

Series "Bibliotheca Ignatiana":
71. Heinrich Suso. Book of Eternal Wisdom
72. Thomas Aquinas. - Sum against the pagans. 2 books.
73. Einhard. Life of Charlemagne

Series "Book of Light":
74. Meister Eckhart. About detachment
75. Salimbene de Adam. Chronicle

Series "Philosophical Classics":
76. Meister Eckhart. Spiritual sermons and discourses
77. Pierre Abelard - History of my disasters.

Anima Celtica series:
78. Memory of the Isle of Man. Book of legends
79. Wales. Chronicle of the Britons. Book of legends

Series "Heritage of the Celts":
80. Mabinogion. Legends of Medieval Wales
81. Mikhailova T. Suibne-gelt beast or demon, madman or outcast
82. Sagas about the arrangements

Series "Pax Britannica":
83. Bede The Hon. Church history of the people of the Angles
84. Gilda the Wise. About the death of Britain. Fragments of messages. Lives of Gilda

Books from other series:
85. Avraham Ibn-Ezra. The beginning of wisdom. Book of justifications
86. Alaman and Bavarian society of the VIII and beginning of the IX century (with the translation of the Alaman and Bavarian Pravda)
87. Anthology of Jewish Medieval Philosophy
88. Anthology of pedagogical thought of the Christian Middle Ages
Volume 1. Put
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 29, 2022, 08:14:37 am

Rusyns are an East Slavic ethnic group from the Eastern Carpathians in Central Europe. They speak Rusyn, an East Slavic language variety, treated variously as either a distinct language or a dialect of the Ukrainian language. As traditional adherents of Eastern Christianity, the majority of Rusyns are Eastern Catholics, though a minority of Rusyns still practice Eastern Orthodoxy. Rusyns primarily self-identify as a distinct Slavic people and they are recognized as such in Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Slovakia, where they have official minority status. Alternatively, some identify more closely with their country of residence: as Polish, Slovak, or Ukrainian.
Rusyns are descended from an East Slavic population which inhabited the northeastern regions of the Eastern Carpathians. In those regions, there are several Rusyn groups, including Dolinyans, Boykos, Hutsuls and Lemkos. As residents of northeastern Carpathian regions, Rusyns are closely connected to and sometimes associated with other Slavic communities in the region, like the West Slavic highlander community of Gorals (literally 'Highlanders').
Of the estimated 1.7 million people of Rusyn origin, only around 110,000 have been officially identified as such in recent (c. 2012) national censuses. This is largely because some census-taking authorities classify them as a subgroup of the Ukrainian people, while others classify them as a distinct ethnic group.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 02, 2022, 10:23:26 am

Western feudalism and the Russian social order

Medieval Russia was characterized not by the Western European, Germanic-Romanesque social synthesis, but by another, representing a "recombination" of the Old Russian and Eastern orders. This cardinal difference did not manifest itself by the end of the 16th century, as the modern Russian researcher A. Gorsky believes, but earlier. Russia, deprived of a feudal foundation similar to Europe, was mired in serfdom for many centuries.

How did language originate?

The problem of language, its origin and essence of linguistic activity has been considered by many philosophers in the history of philosophy. It becomes especially relevant in modern times due to the rapid development of natural science, as well as within the framework of analytical philosophy. The article deals with the main approaches to the problem of language in the history of philosophy. The concepts of the origin of the language are considered.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 04, 2022, 08:14:03 am

Antiquity Little Russian, Zaporozhye and Don
Year of issue: 1846
Author: N.Sementovsky
Publisher: SPb
Language: Russian pre-reform (with pre-revolutionary spelling)

About the origin and initial fate of the Cossacks, neither in the annals nor in history, there is no true story; but it is only true that the Cossacks in the tenth century already existed in the Russian lands - Little Russia and further along the Dnieper, Don and Bug. Like the beginning of the history of all political societies, the history of the Kozaks also begins with the appearance of knights, whose deeds survive for many centuries, are recorded in the annals and then serve as the first pages in the history of peoples.

so russian cossacks are FAKE !
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 07, 2022, 08:06:58 am
Swedish PM brought to Kyiv a copy of 1711 letter of Swedish King recognizing Zaporizhzhia Sich as an independent state

Andersson said that as early as 1711, Charles XII of Sweden was impressed by Cossack democracy. He wrote letter against ?oppression from Moscow tsar."
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 08, 2022, 07:31:35 am

Historical painting (about thousands of years), immortalized in Sofia Kiev, depicts four glorious queens: France - Anna, Hungary - Anastasia, Norway, and then Denmark - Elizabeth, England - Agatha. They are all the daughters of Yaroslav the Wise, the Grand Duke of Kiev Rus. At this time, the husband of the Polish Princess was their brother ?ziaslav, the queen sister of the father. The other Vladimir was the husband of the princess of Germany. Their mother was the princess of Sweden ?ng?gerdo ції, whose brothers were the kings of Sweden and Denmark.
All Europe without exception had family ties with Kiev Russia - Ukraine! 100 years before the founding of the village of Moscow.
But let's go back to our queens, because every story about them is Hollywood resting! Did you know that the present Queen of England Elizabeth is a descendant of our Queen Agatha? Isn't that why England is a true friend of Ukraine in these defining times? What Boris Johnson alone is worth!
And Agatha Margarita's daughter became not only the Queen of Scotland, but also her saint! Because in life, most of the temples of God built and good deeds done.
And then Richard brave heart, and Maria Stewart - with our, that is Agatinim, queens from Kiev roots!
Dear Macron, and you should remind the legendary Anna Kiev, who became the queen of France, knowing the 4th language. Brought the Gospel, by which or not all the kings of France swore, written in Kyiv Queen Anne's blood flowed in 18-you kings of France (! ).
And also about how exactly this legendary portrait of 4 sisters from Kiev who became the queens of Europe saved Saint Sophia from Moscow's mrakobiss?! In the 30's, at the request of the executioner Stalin, Putin's ideal, had to be blown up! The bomb has already been laid... The 1000-year-old miracle of architecture in Kyiv caused a toad in Moscow's heathens.
And suddenly an ultimatum from France:
- If you dare to snatch the portrait of our legendary Queen Anna, destroy the handwork of our Queen's father, our country breaks diplomatic relations! Right now!
... Yeah, such decisive predecessors you had, the possessive French! From Jeanne d ' Arc, not lipen roots!
That's how the French and saved our Sofia! They would still now learn the language of ultimatum?v about putler!
And here still Hungarians should be reminded
ours-their queen Anastasia. Because it was thanks to the patronage of Kiev and the mighty Kiev princes that Hungarian King Andrusz, Anastasia's husband, was saved from death! Because at that time Kiev Rus was the largest state in Europe. And the most influential one!
Maybe that's why so confidently behaved and did not recognize any ultimatum?v already known to us Queen Elizabeth of the Vikings? The mother sister of the queens mentioned.
Well, have you heard anywhere else that one woman became the queen of Norway and then of Denmark for life? And our Elizabeth has become! And also made my daughter a queen. And also saved the princess of England orphan Gita from a hateful marriage... and sent it .. Well, like the Russian ship of the most dangerous samoder?c? who tried to threaten her. And then gave that English Princess Gita for Kiev King Vladimir Monomakh!
See how much English we have? French, Norman, Danish, Swedish, Polish, Norwegian, Hungarian? Where is the rasist thing here?
That's what we have, Ukrainians strong roots already had a European kind!
WHEN THERE WAS NO MOSCOW YET! Who is thinking of letting us in that Europe or not?
And now we have those Richards Brave Heart - millions! Elizabeth and Anne, Agate and Anastasy - no less! And the fact that they rozbrelisʹ they during the war horror of refugees is temporary! They are yet to be queens! And Ukraine is a member of the European Union. And who doubts - tell them this story! And what Kyiv gave 158 queens and kings to Europe! And more will give! Let's believe and take action! Together for the win!
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 20, 2022, 10:55:02 am

from https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3768 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3768)

Part 15

1. Zionist parties and organizations in the USSR. 1920s. In 2 books
2. Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks October 21-23, 1927
3. Anarchist movements in Russia and the Russian Diaspora. Documents and materials. 1922?1941
4. December Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1936. Documents and materials
5. The Red Army and the Spanish Civil War. 1936?1939 : Compilations
information materials of the Intelligence Directorate of the Red Army. 3 volumes.
6. Monetary reform in the USSR in 1947. Documents and materials
7. "The Great Book of the Day..." Radio in the USSR. Documents and materials
8. Russia and Africa. Documents and materials. 1961 - early 1970s

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https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2983 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2983) - A selection of collections of documents about the Soviets

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_587 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_587) - A selection of sources (memoirs, correspondence, collections of documents, etc.) for the biography of I.V. Stalin

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https://vk.com/wall-176520650_478 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_478) - A selection of collections of documents on the Great Terror (1937-1938)

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1320 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1320) - A selection of books about the Great Terror (1937-1938)

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1318 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1318) - A selection of collections of documents on trials of the late 20s - early 50s

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2099 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2099) - A selection of collections of documents about the Soviet system of labor camps and special settlements

A selection of collections of documents on the history of the Russian Empire and the USSR:
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_509 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_509) - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_578 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_578) - Part 2.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_635 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_635) - Part 3.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_673 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_673) - Part 4.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_699 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_699) - Part 5.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_767 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_767) - Part 6.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_927 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_927) - Part 7.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1024 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1024) - Part 8.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1083 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1083) - Part 9.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1198 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1198) - Part 10.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1275 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1275) - Part 11.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2252 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2252) - Part 12.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3402 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3402) - Part 13.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3703 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3703) - Part 14.

A selection of books about Soviet nationality policy and national minorities in the USSR:
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_829 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_829) - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1477 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1477) - Part 2. (collections of documents)

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1517 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1517) - A selection of collections of documents about religion in the Soviet state

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_954 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_954) - A selection of collections of documents on the foreign policy of the USSR from the Nauka publishing house

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2078 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2078) - A selection of collections of documents about the Communist International (Comintern)

A selection of sources on the history of the Great Patriotic War:
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2057 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2057)
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2349 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2349)

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_932 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_932) - A selection of books about the military economy of the USSR on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3640 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3640) - A selection of books about prisoners of war during the Great Patriotic War

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1705 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1705) - A selection of collections of documents on the activities of Khrushchev N.S. as First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1589 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1589) - A selection of collections of documents on the history of the USSR

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2455 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2455) - A selection of collections of documents about Soviet literature, theater, cinema, music and architecture

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1885 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1885) - A selection of collections of documents on the Soviet economy

A selection of books from the series "Documents of Soviet History":
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_360 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_360)
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1440 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1440)

A selection of books from the series ?Russia. XX century. The documents":
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_375 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_375) - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_429 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_429) - Part 2.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_466 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_466) - Part 3.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_529 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_529) - Part 4.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3088 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3088) - Part 5.

A selection of books from the series ?Political Parties of Russia. The end of the 19th - the first third of the 20th century. Documentary heritage" :
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_609 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_609) - Part 1. (Left parties)
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_660 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_660) - Part 2. (Centrist and Right parties)

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_351 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_351) - A selection of books from the series "Economic history. Documents, research, translations?

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3695 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3695) - A selection of books about workers in the USSR

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_72 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_72) - A selection of books from the series "The Social History of Russia in the 20th century"

A selection of books on the history of Soviet everyday life (and not only):
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_130 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_130) - Part 1.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_284 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_284) - Part 2.
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_795 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_795) - Part 3.

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_22 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_22) - A selection of books on the history of Soviet everyday life

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3484 (https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3484) - A selection of books on the history of censorship in the Russian Empire and the USSR

In Muscovy up to the XV century. used and wrote in the Uyghur alphabet.
Only from the second half of the XV century. have begun to switch to Cyrillic.
"Russian" acts of the XIII century and before, do not exist. And the early ones are fakes half of the xv century.
Acts with the date of the twentieth century. in fact fake of the 16th century
A real document of the end of the th century that has been preserved, signed thanks to Uyghursʹkimi letters.
This is not a dip. document from one country to another.
This is an internal civil document.
The country used Uyghurica as well as in the Golden Horde, timurid?v", says the founder of the Soviet source science and archeography doctor of historical sciences, professor S. M. V A L A C.
In the original letters of Vasyl Dark from 1435 there are inscriptions in the Uygursʹkim font.
In spiritual literacy 1453 Queen Sofia's widow-wife Vasyl Dark, date written in Uyghur - "60-is summer in January months".
On the charter of Mykyta Kozlova on Ivan Pavlova, whom he first bought himself "in full", on May 23, 1494 there was a seal of thanks with a signature in Uyghur letters.
Uygur?ca - comes from sogd?jsʹkih writers, alphabet, adapted to tursʹkih languages.
Later was v?t?snena where cyrillic and where arabice це.
The formation of the Russian language was started by Peter I.
The Russian language is a sur?ikom of several languages and dialects, in fact, it's an esperanto from star-bolgarian (church) plus Turkic, adverbs of finno-Hungarian peoples, Ukrainian, Greek, Polish, German, Latin words.
And it has semi-Finnish grammar.
And Russian, from the point of view of linguistics, should be called not "Eastern Slavic", but the Finnish language.
Alexander Corman.
  ?   ?
  https://archive.org/details/menoldstoneaget01osbogoog (https://archive.org/details/menoldstoneaget01osbogoog)
  Men of the old stone age : their environment, life and art
  https://archive.org/details/evolutionreligio0000osbo_l6j7/page/4/mode/1up (https://archive.org/details/evolutionreligio0000osbo_l6j7/page/4/mode/1up)
  Evolution and religion
by Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-1935

https://archive.org/details/passingofgreatra1923gran/page/150/mode/2up (https://archive.org/details/passingofgreatra1923gran/page/150/mode/2up)
The passing of the great race, or, The racial basis of European history

https://archive.org/details/ontrailofancient00andr/page/n22/mode/1up (https://archive.org/details/ontrailofancient00andr/page/n22/mode/1up)
On the trail of ancient man : a narrative of the field work of the Central Asiatic Expeditions

https://archive.org/details/hallofageofman52osbo (https://archive.org/details/hallofageofman52osbo)
The Hall of the Age of Man

https://archive.org/details/reviewofpleistoc00osbo/page/234/mode/2up (https://archive.org/details/reviewofpleistoc00osbo/page/234/mode/2up)
Review of the Pleistocene of Europe, Asia and Northern Africa

https://archive.org/details/earthspeakstobry00osbo/page/n10/mode/1up (https://archive.org/details/earthspeakstobry00osbo/page/n10/mode/1up)
The earth speaks to Bryan

https://archive.org/details/ageofmammalsineu00osbo_2 (https://archive.org/details/ageofmammalsineu00osbo_2)
The age of mammals in Europe, Asia and North America, by Henry Fairfield Osborn

https://archive.org/details/101204604.nlm.nih.gov (https://archive.org/details/101204604.nlm.nih.gov)
Present problems in evolution and heredity

The News at the Ends of the Earth: The Print Culture of Polar Exploration
https://archive.org/details/newsatendsofeart00blum/page/2/mode/2up (https://archive.org/details/newsatendsofeart00blum/page/2/mode/2up)

  .https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=coo.31924112602119&view=1up&seq=130&skin=2021 (https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=coo.31924112602119&view=1up&seq=130&skin=2021)
  https://www.facebook.com/marina.trattner/posts/pfbid0neZg3Vy8r8dPdPSfP7ShTrVkvZkG6vQAZj4CpTnuprh3jRr4dF3E2bQQzzKL6xVgl?__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/marina.trattner/posts/pfbid0neZg3Vy8r8dPdPSfP7ShTrVkvZkG6vQAZj4CpTnuprh3jRr4dF3E2bQQzzKL6xVgl?__cft__)[0]=AZV6bM4nagcd2Wxdh0v_rIkeGV3fSNps3n0mVOUWzdrWe8p7OeMFuiWUxs6_3fv6vtXe-FIBj_nn_uq7eF-2RL3ZA1arv7bUr4AzheaFU0veW7L1qDqJKYAD-YUUJh1cYL6PtRzAsRIsMFr56p5EkG-bZBW_1DejPKYEomvJoE1IXA&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 27, 2022, 07:44:41 am
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid033ZjDCTZGqTxZnWmEpE19TJxLq3JKaRDo16L3G6WXRwWNc1veLubmM51imjH64xv3l&id=616312685519138&__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid033ZjDCTZGqTxZnWmEpE19TJxLq3JKaRDo16L3G6WXRwWNc1veLubmM51imjH64xv3l&id=616312685519138&__cft__)[0]=AZUTvDQAAgW7_531f5fC8n6UGJZsUwj1stuWgZLdPqIRZkHifZoUuFEV35uQ_-Ale3KUE_M4wgEXc9EUFrZzyV1d5bwnF9tcLWW1yov1paOAsfTwGcQVvBdSpVZQ-EzTQvC3r_ky8qhhpAnudxO1ZABJorWqVHleKLHCCBpFSz-nPqAXyoQDnRQzmDTkM1cbSAuIeh_3Syr0cYFFIV5lfu6q&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-y-R

story how the old mothergoddess ways works best
Cherokee Women and Their Important Roles:
Women in the Cherokee society were equal to men. They could earn the title of War Women and sit in councils as equals. This privilege led an Irishman named Adair who traded with the Cherokee from 1736-1743 to accuse the Cherokee of having a "petticoat government".
Clan kinship followed the mother's side of the family. The children grew up in the mother's house, and it was the duty of an uncle on the mother's side to teach the boys how to hunt, fish, and perform certain tribal duties. The women owned the houses and their furnishings. Marriages were carefully negotiated, but if a woman decided to divorce her spouse, she simply placed his belongings outside the house. Cherokee women also worked hard. They cared for the children, cooked, tended the house, tanned skins, wove baskets, and cultivated the fields. Men helped with some household chores like sewing, but they spent most of their time hunting.
Cherokee girls learned by example how to be warriors and healers. They learned to weave baskets, tell stories, trade, and dance. They became mothers and wives, and learned their heritage. The Cherokee learned to adapt, and the women were the core of the Cherokee.
Photo : ~ Cherokee mixed Native American actress, Faye Warren.
🔥🔥 Visit the store to support Native American products 👇👇
👉 https://www.pridenative.com/stores/best (https://www.pridenative.com/stores/best)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qmQs2LbnaE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qmQs2LbnaE)
Broken Ties 1.38 hour with EN subtitles how russia's war in Ukraine break family ties
Alesya Marakhovskaya, a really great Russian journalist who has left the country, just wrote an impassioned Facebook post about how the war is tearing apart her family.
from https://twitter.com/ichbinilya/status/1549859892378435585 (https://twitter.com/ichbinilya/status/1549859892378435585)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 28, 2022, 06:58:04 am

Анна Гафіатуліна
I am from Melitopol. ⠀
I was born and lived there until I was 18. Ukrainian language I heard in Ukrainian language and literature lessons. Ukrainian traditions and life did not surround me. The only feeling of Ukraine is when mom sang "oh in the cherry garden" and when dad and brother watched football, cheering for Ukraine. Everything. ⠀
The conclusion is a feeling of marginality that mulled. ⠀
I think this is why I embarked on a journey called "Who am I?" ". I took my favorite "horse" with me - intellectualization (one of the mechanisms of psychological protection) and started writing my dissertation on national self-awareness. ⠀

In this work, I asked myself, what miraculous way is the national self-awareness in such a way that it is formed (strange question, right? ). ⠀

It is clear that this question was to itself. Because my inner deficit did not give me peace. The feeling of being unidentified. A glowing hole inside yourself is a very unpleasant feeling. ⠀

And here I dive into dozens of theories, what is this phenomenon, what are its characteristics, what is the difference between ethnic consciousness and national, national consciousness from self-awareness, where is the place of national identity that unites Ukrainians, what is the role of languages And what is the basis - ethnicity or statehood, etc. d. etc. etc. p. ⠀

These are the pieces of scientific methodology. Very little related to heart and live love for Ukraine. But I'll honestly say, I've "preparuvala" this Ukraine along and across. And I've always stumbled upon my painful place - regional mentality. I was known (not from the books) that the regions of Ukraine have their historical and social-cultural features. And understood that it is necessary to form a national self-awareness, given these features. Because according to the study, we all had low national self-esteem. But the eastern and southern regions showed the highest inferiority rates. Their lowered self-esteem as Ukrainians did not go in any comparison with the self-esteem of Ukrainians of central and western regions. ⠀
And I knew it on my own skin... ⠀

Another vividly unpleasant feeling that complemented my "non-identity" was envy. Envy those who know what it is to be Ukrainian. And still screams about it to the whole country. And the feeling of "under-Ukrainian" has been increased. ⠀
And it has only gotten worse.
I thought so - "Ukrainian Ukrainians" cool. Their identity is constantly fueled by culture, language, tradition. It's like they're constantly connected to the power grid. And we had constant interruptions in the supply of Ukrainian energy.
I know it's a bad idea to play the "who got hurt more" game. Yes, all Ukraine was terribly traumatized by a psychopathic aggressor neighbor, suffered from violence and humiliation for centuries. But my region has been subjected to these invisible tortures uninterrupted.
Here is the principle of simple geography. Who is closer to evil, the more interacts with it. It's like living every day next to a rapist or visiting him once a year. There is a difference.
We had our own electricity network - only from this one we didn't p?d?ivl струvalis?, and we were non-stop "f?gačilo" by the current of Russian psychosis.
But it's a hundred percent childish position to think how lucky someone is, and I'm not. When you want to say - "your parents loved you, didn't beat you, bought candy and took you to the sea". From time to time I even got angry at "beloved in Ukrainian". Not anymore right now. Because I?m recovered and I have a history of a disease I can ?swing around my nose?. Like too such childhood (compensatorna) - pohizuvatisʹ what I "viborola" this Ukrainian, and you, apparently, tepličn? kids just grew up in it) stupidity, know... 😜
When I started the search for identity, I believed that there should be a way to feel my Ukrainian. I knew for sure that the path "outside in" didn't work well for "lost" Ukrainians like me.
Wear a wreath and speak affirmations before bed "I-Ukrainian" Ukrainian language didn't work. It's like in psychology - buy a course "I am beautiful, happy, successful" and listen to it every day. The effect of valerian. I understood perfectly - just because I put on a doctor's hat - I won't become a doctor.
I didn't immediately understand what to do, but I understood. We were in trauma that didn't look like this. Violence that has no external manifestations. But it's slowly eating away from the inside.
Trauma makes you "hanging" between those who are conditionally healthy (but haven't reached them) and those who are violent (and at risk of "bending" them because they're strong = sadistic indeed).
The victim is identified with the aggressor. On a regular basis. The victim "carries" his rapist. This is the law of psychology.
We had a part of Ukraine that was ogovtuvalasʹ and recovered from the Russian trauma, and we also had a part that was "in trauma". And few wanted to go to "this place" to watch. But there were me and millions of Ukrainians.
It's clear that it took a long and painful work with a collective trauma. Careful, without "threats" and accusations of "bad Ukrainian". But long-term therapy wasn't meant to be, it was interrupted by an emergency "surgery".. Now you don't have to think-guess, now everything can be seen, because it's already opened. Ukraine is on the surgical table, the incision is huge, blood leaves, no anesthesia...
But if without surgery, the main method of recovery would have to be differentiation. This is when you understand where I am and where I am not. And where's just a piece of shit that stuck. It is important to understand that there is a healthy part and there is an injured part. This distinction should give a chance. But sometimes that piece gets so sticky that it grows. And you can only rip it off with blood...
It is not our fault when we are abused. But we are responsible. For not letting this rapist get under the skin and become the full owner of the psyche.
Realizing yourself Ukrainian and getting rid of the trauma of "Russian psychosis" is important, it's the path "from the inside out". Ideally, this process should have been carried out in a symbolic way. For example, the popular now "kill in yourself a Muscovite" is a symbolic square. Because it's work with the internal ("where do I have Russian views", "where I react like my psychopath neighbor", etc. d. ).
It's such a removal, it hurts, but it's symbolic, internal, phased. In analytical psychotherapy, this is one of the main tasks - "literally transfer into the sphere of symbolic". When symbolic doesn't work, energy goes into the layer of literal. And that's why now "kill the Muscovite in yourself" is a good trend, but a little late, in my opinion) because already "literal" in the steering wheel.. Work in progress...
I don't really like pretentious phrases, but one I really like. Birth happens twice - the first time you are born, the second time - you are born yourself. So I was born Ukrainian. Alone. From the spirit of Ukrainian.
P.S. ... I wanted to write that Melitopol is Ukraine. But, as they said, in my school years - "eto and goat clear" 😉
In the photo I'm 18 and behind "my" Ukrainian Azov Sea 🌅🍒

When it is so bad in the west and in the east (especially in peaceful, democratic and developed Russia) so good according to Rusophiles, then why:
- The daughter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov Ekaterina lives and studies in the USA, she has never learned Russian fluently,
- Lavrov smokes only American Marlboro Red,
- Stalin's daughter - lived and died in the USA for decades,
- Khrushche's son - US citizen,
- Where are Putin's daughters? Not a single one in Russia,
- Representative Pehtin with his son live in the USA,
- Minister of Transport of the Moscow region - Katsyva with his son lives in the USA,
- Children of deputy ?helesnyak - live in Switzerland,
- Children of Astakhov. One in france and one in england,
- Children and grandchildren of the "main patriot of Russia" head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Jakunin live outside the country - in England and Switzerland,
- Son - Vice Chairman of the State Duma A. ?hukov? lived and studied in London for a long time,
- The daughter of the vice president of state. duma Sergej Andenko studies and lives in Germany,
- The eldest son of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitrij Kozak - Alexei lives abroad and does business in construction condition,
- Alexei Kozak Alexander's younger brother works for Credit Suisse,
- The eldest son of Deputy Remezkov Stepan recently graduated from Valley Forge Military College in Pennsylvania (a year of education costs 1 million 295 761 rubles. ). His youngest daughter lives in Vienna where she practices gymnastics. Masha Remezkov? represented the Austrian national team(!!! ), at children's competitions in Ljubljana,
- The daughter of Deputy V. Fetisova - Anastasia, grew up and studied in the USA. Nastya never learned to read and write in Russian.
- Daughter of Svetlana Nesterova, a public prosecutor. pride of "United Russia" faction - lives in England.
- The main fighter for "traditional Orthodox values" E. Nikolai's son Misulina studied in Oxford, received a degree and moved permanently to tolerant Belgium, where same-sex marriage is allowed.
- Daughter of MP Vorontsov Anna lives in Italy. That's where she moved from Germany.
- One-Russian Elena Rakhova, famous for being a resident of Leningrad, who spent less than 120 days in the blockade, called her daughter "unfaithful" who lives in the USA.
- The daughter of the ex-speaker of GD, one of the founders of the party "United Russia", and now a member of the Soviet Union Boris Gryzlov Eugenia lives in Tallinn. And I recently got Estonian citizenship.
- The son of the former Minister of Education Andrej Fursenko lives in the USA permanently.
- Son of V. Nikolova (grandson of Molotov), President of the Foundation "Politika" - US citizen.
Did you ever see or hear about a lunatic who tried to flee from the west to russia? Because I don't know such a fool. But there were tens of thousands of brave and sensible people who risked their lives so that they could live with their children freely in democratic and developed countries (in the West or USA)... These people never regretted it and never returned to the East.. And they did very correctly because now they would have to murder their Slavic brothers in Ukraine along with Islamic fighters from Syria shouting slogans like ALAHAKBAR... This is so sad but so true ...
All Rusophiles now have the opportunity to prove how amazing it is in Russia. Pack up and go to Putin to support the war and murder of Ukrainians, you will be without cell phones, cars, planes, food, water, technology, information, freedom, education, social networks, computers, laptops, but most importantly, you will drink vodka every day you will look like drunk and swollen Lavrovs with Putin. You will simply live in a beautiful stone age for a few decades until the U.S. shows mercy to Russia and reopens its first McDonald store in Russia like it did in Moscow when they sold 37,000 hamburgers and queues waiting on the first day the cars were 27 kilometers long... This is what it looks like when the US gives Russia a taste of something they never even dreamed of...

Version 2.0, detailed.
"The escape of androphages through the Crimean bridge to the historic homeland". 2022.
Preparatory sketch for a painting canvas.
"Escape of androphages across the Crimean bridge to the historical homeland". 2022.
plaatje erbij

https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/32/mode/1up?q=Androphagi (https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/32/mode/1up?q=Androphagi)
Scythians and Greeks : a survey of ancient history and archaeology on the north coast of the Euxine from the Danube to the Caucasus : Minns, Ellis H Publication date 1913.. 720 pages | Trying  figuring out the real history of Muscovy and who they really are: butchers and cannibals, it shows
https://dbpedia.org/page/Androphagi (https://dbpedia.org/page/Androphagi)
https://www.academia.edu/15232900/The_Scythians_and_Their_Neighbors (https://www.academia.edu/15232900/The_Scythians_and_Their_Neighbors)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 29, 2022, 08:25:05 am
Look at this handsome fella!!
That's exactly the look had the sign of our war prince of Kiev Svyatoslav Igorovich. This is his personal princely emblem - bipolar. It was from the double tooth that was added to the middle element (to separate the sign of the son from the sign of the father), Vladimir St. Trident appeared.
This sign dates back to the late 960's - 972 It is over 1000 years old! What's up with Moscow ruby stars at that time? 😁
Reconstruction of the sign created by Олександр Алфьоров based on the seal of Svyatoslav. A gift from a historian for the first celebration of Ukrainian Statehood Day! (as promised in his tragic, for Ukrainian symbols, previous post).
By the way, about trident and our princes on YouTube-Channel "Alexander Alfʹorov" there are a few videos!

To the day of Ukrainian statehood, visitors of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra National Reserve have a unique opportunity to review the earliest in Kyiv "Bell of Mazepa"!
On July 26, 2022 the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra National Reserve by a preliminary agreement with the leadership of the Holy Assumption of the Kiev-Cave Lavra (men's monastery) for permanent storage was transferred a 340-year-old bell - a gift of Hetman I Van Mazepa to the Church of the Ascension of the Lord Kiev-Pechersʹkogo Maiden Monastery. He is the oldest in the Kyiv of uninterrupted bells. This is evidenced by the inscription on it, which informs that 1683. The bell transmitted "Ivan Stefanov son of mazep" in memory of his parents.
The bell will be available to view from 14:00 July 28 to August 1, 2022 at the Cathedral Square of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, near the north wall of the Great Lavra Bell. After this memorandum will be transferred to the restavratoram of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra National Reserve to carry out the necessary restavratac?jno-conservation measures.
Reference: The Ascension Kiev-Pechersk Maiden Monastery was located opposite the Holy Gate of the Kiev-Pecherk Lavra, at the place where the "Art Arsenal" is now operating. For a long time, his abbot was the mother of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, in the draft of Mary Magdalena ( у1707). During the Northern War, the territory and facilities of the Ascension Monastery by order of Peter I was alienated for the benefit of the military department, with the arrangement of a cannon courtyard there. In 1768 At the disposal of the leadership of the Pechersʹko? по fortress, the bell of the former maiden monastery was demolished, and the bells were handed over to the Kiev-Pechersʹk?j lavra. One of them was apparently a bell with the inscription Mazepa, which has since been mentioned in the documents as the clock bell of the South Tower of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. In the year 1816 the clock was removed from the tower and the "Mazepin Bell" was moved to the 3rd floor of the Great Lavra Bell, where it was located before the German occupation of Kiev. At the end of 1941 in the lower territory of the Lavra, the activities of the Men's Monastery, closed by the Bolshevik authorities in 1929. , and "Mazepin Bells" gave to čenc?m. For a long time he was located on the bell tower of the near caves. The male monastery, canceled again during the Khrushchev persecution on the Church, regained the territory of the Lower Lavra since 1988. by the decision of the USSR Council of Ministers.
We express our sincere gratitude to the černec?j community of the Holy Assumption Kiev-Pechersk Lavra for preserving the national sanctuary and charitable transfer to the National Reserve "Kiev-Pecherska Lavra" for the extension of the service of the monument of the great historical badge ennya at the museum space.
#Lavra #Лавра #Kplavra #Ukraine #Kyiv

https://www.udemy.com/course/crimea-history-and-people/ (https://www.udemy.com/course/crimea-history-and-people/)

https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.41026/page/n9/mode/1up (https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.41026/page/n9/mode/1up)
The Crimea
by Milner, Thos.

Publication date 1855

https://archive.org/details/crimeaitstownsi00neilgoog/page/n12/mode/2up (https://archive.org/details/crimeaitstownsi00neilgoog/page/n12/mode/2up)
textsThe Crimea, its towns, inhabitants and social customs, by a lady resident near the Alma
by Andrew Neilson

Publication date 1855

https://archive.org/details/the-crimean-tatars/page/n4/mode/1up (https://archive.org/details/the-crimean-tatars/page/n4/mode/1up)
The Crimean Tatars (Кримські татари) Khanate
by Fisher, Alan W.

Publication date 1987

https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/07/27/first-english-language-course-about-crimea-dispels-russian-narrative/ (https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/07/27/first-english-language-course-about-crimea-dispels-russian-narrative/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 05, 2022, 08:02:33 am
On the occasion of the Baptism Day of the Rus of Ukraine, we present a selection of documents dedicated to a philanthropist, educator, builder of many Baroque shrines in Kiev, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galician Rafael Zaborovsky.

https://cdiak.archives.gov.ua/ab_2022_08_02.php (https://cdiak.archives.gov.ua/ab_2022_08_02.php)

https://www.alvin-portal.org/alvin/imageViewer.jsf?fbclid=IwAR1ofmHEAZhN0fqB04l8Ndt_zyxDrJXYlDQXGG1-JPCkz-Uy9veXThdSi_U&dsId=ATTACHMENT-0001&pid=alvin-record%3A205134&dswid=-1280 (https://www.alvin-portal.org/alvin/imageViewer.jsf?fbclid=IwAR1ofmHEAZhN0fqB04l8Ndt_zyxDrJXYlDQXGG1-JPCkz-Uy9veXThdSi_U&dsId=ATTACHMENT-0001&pid=alvin-record%3A205134&dswid=-1280) map ukraine also others there
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 15, 2022, 08:38:15 am

https://www.facebook.com/100003489980797/posts/pfbid01H3uuYLwihjHW4RFePthu7Lu6zfgPi9S9KWBB6c53nMGi8zdZW6hwmKL9g7mzX84l/?d=n (https://www.facebook.com/100003489980797/posts/pfbid01H3uuYLwihjHW4RFePthu7Lu6zfgPi9S9KWBB6c53nMGi8zdZW6hwmKL9g7mzX84l/?d=n)
A unique trident from the time of Kyiv Rus found during excavations in the Minsk region, Belarus

It?s a bottom pot with personal coat of arms of Prince Iziaslav, son of Kyivan kniaz Volodymyr the Great (10th-11th century), archeologist reported
UPD added video comment by archaeologist
sensation on the excavations in Old Minsk -- found a Donza pot with the personal coat of arms of Prince Izyslav (son of Ragneda and Vladimir) -- that is, this is the end of the X century. there are no similarities, this is the FIRST such finding in Belarus! what she can mean, -- see in the video comments the head of excavations, a candidate of historical sciences, an employee of the Academy of Sciences Andrei Vaityakhovich.
and in the meantime I invite you urgently to the Stary Minsk Museum -- today and tomorrow the find is on display for tourists' review!
www.starymensk.by (http://www.starymensk.by)
WHO WANTS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE excavations, continuation on Tuesday 16.08 from 10.00, gathering near the Stary Minsk Museum, access scheme on the site. gotta have work clothes, shoes, gloves . call for inquiries 80295782375

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 17, 2022, 10:27:54 am

  TRISUB FROM BELORUS. NOT JUST A SENSATION. A lot of friends sent me news about the finding near Minsk denc? glečika with trizubom. Belarusian archeologists attributed this sign to the son of Vladimir Saint and Rogn?da - Prince Iz?slavu. They are both right and wrong - trizub izyslav, but not izyslav!
I'll bring in a little clarity.
Izyslav Volodymyrovich - the founder of the Polots Branch of the Ryurykovichiv, was the Prince of Polots in 990-1001. The sign from the dance has its specifications of performance and characteristic for the signs of the children of Vladimir - Yaroslav the Wise and Mstislava. So, you can say that it is by stylistics the sign of Izyslav. But! During the time of Izyslav, we don't know the glue on the dishes with princely signs. And this material is known by thousands of finds! The first stickers, with princely signs on the dishes are the 30s and the 11th century. from Kiev with the trident of Yaroslav the Wise. That is, on the denz is Izyslav's trident, but his image on the denz could have appeared several decades after his death! How can this be? And the secret is simple. Polotsk dukes preserved a trisub with a crossed middle tooth without changes for several centuries. In particular, a similar sign indicates, indeed Izyslava, carved on a headband and found in Minsk dating back to the late 10th century; and seals with the same 12th century trisubom. Polotsk dukes inherited without change the sign of parents for several generations. So, the sign of Izyslav Volodymyrovich inherited his son Bryachislav Izyslavich under the rule of whom (1003-1044) and began to put a stamp with princely signs on the dance dishes. So, on the day the sign is Bryachislava, who inherited it from his father Izyslav.
Kind of subtlety, but they are needed. Yes, for example, we learned with you that Міністерство культури та інформаційної політики України has placed a invented trizub on advertising materials for the Day of Ukrainian Statehood. Or the one on the axe recently presented to Національний музей історії України has a fantastic triangle that proves the exhibition is a modern-day counterfeit. As they say, someone is hiding in the trifles))
And in general with Oleksandr Zinchenko we, hopefully, will soon create a catalog of princes signs!
Google is so powerful that it "hides" other search systems from us. Most of them we simply do not know exist.
Meanwhile, there are still a ton of great search engines out there that specialize in books, science, and other smart information.
Keep a list of sites that you may have never heard of.
www.refseek.com (http://www.refseek.com) - a search engine for academic resources. More than a billion sources: encyclopedias, monographs, magazines.
www.worldcat.org (http://www.worldcat.org) - a search for the contents of 20 thousand world libraries. You will find out where the nearest rare book you need is.
https://link.springer.com (https://link.springer.com) - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research records.
www.bioline.org.br (http://www.bioline.org.br) is a library of scientific journals on bioscience published in developing countries.
http://repec.org (http://repec.org) - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related sciences.
www.science.gov (http://www.science.gov) is an American state search engine for 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed.
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www.base-search.net (http://www.base-search.net) is one of the powerful search sites for academic research texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free

Russian soldiers, become men again.
This glory is offered to you right now, seize it.
While there's still time, listen:
If you continue this savage war; if, you officers, who are of noble hearts, but whom a whim can degrade and cast into Siberia; if, you, soldiers, serfs yesterday, slaves today, violently torn from your mothers, your fianc?es, your families, subjects of the knout, mistreated, malnourished, condemned for long years and for an indefinite time to military service , harder in Russia than hard labor elsewhere; if you who are victims take sides against the victims; if, at the holy hour when venerable Poland rises, at the supreme hour when the choice is given to you between Petersburg where the tyrant is and Warsaw where the freedom is; if in this decisive conflict you disregard your duty, your unique duty, brotherhood; if you make common cause against the Poles with the Czar, their executioner and yours; if, oppressed, you have learned no other lesson from oppression than to support the oppressor; if of your misfortune you make your shame; if, you who have the sword in your hand, you place at the service of despotism, a heavy and weak monster which crushes you all, Russians as well as Poles, your blind and deceived strength; if, instead of turning around and facing the butcher of nations, you cowardly overwhelm, under the superiority of arms and numbers, these heroic desperate populations, claiming the first of rights, the right to the homeland; if, in the middle of the nineteenth century, you complete the assassination of Poland, if you do that, know it, men of the Russian army, YOU WILL FALL, which seems impossible, below even the American bands of the south, and you will raise the loathing of the civilized world! Crimes of force are and remain crimes; public horror is a penalty.
Russian soldiers, be inspired by the Poles, do not fight them.
What you have before you in Poland is not the enemy, it is the example.
Hauteville House, February 11, 1863.

  In A.D. 15, a baby girl was born in a legionary encampment on the banks of the Rhine River.  Her father, the famous Roman general Germanicus, was engaged in warfare with the barbarians at that time, intent on recovering the lost eagles of Varus.  The girl is known to history as Agrippina the Younger.  She was the granddaughter of Augustus? faithful lieutenant Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa.  She was also granddaughter by adoption to the Emperor Tiberius.  Another grandfather was Drusus the Elder who died fighting barbarians in Germania Superior in 9 B.C.  On her mother?s side, she was directly descended from Augustus himself.  Her brother, Caligula, became an emperor and she was the mother of Nero.  She later married her uncle, the Emperor Claudius.  In her honor, her birthplace was renamed Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium.  Today the place is called Cologne, Germany (K?ln).  Some of the Roman walls of Colonia Claudia still stand.  www.chi-rhogroup.com (http://www.chi-rhogroup.com)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 18, 2022, 07:47:32 am

Many, saying "Glory to Ukraine", do not understand the full meaning of this saying.
Slava is the goddess of war victory and hunting luck. One of the most important and ancient deities in the Naddnipro Ukrainians. With her image on the shields, the dew went into battle. According to the assumption of some scientists, the name of glory comes from the name of Slavs. ( To P. Let's crack)
Our forefathers went into battle, shouting - Glory! , turning to the Goddess of Glory for help and good luck in battle. In our time - Glory! , no longer directly related to the Goddess of Glory, but the point remains.
Because when we say " Glory to Ukraine " - we wish Ukraine victory in battle, " Glory to Heroes " - victory to living heroes (as glorious participants) of the war, " Glory to the nation " - victory of the nation. And even when we say "glory to God" - we wish God victory in the eternal war against darkness.
"Glory to Ukraine" is not an empty publicistične or fanatic glorification of Ukraine as a place on the world map. It's a combat, war cry charged with the power of our ancestors. 🔥
Glory to Ukraine! 💙💛

Praying for Ukraine and Russia
I hear some Christians saying that they are praying for peace between Ukraine and Russia. Please, don?t. Don?t pray for reconciliation between Ukraine and Russia. This is a war of light against darkness. Ukraine is on the side of light and truth. Russia is on the side of darkness and lies. Christians should stand on the side of light and truth, opposing darkness and lies.
Praying for peace between Ukraine and Russia is like praying for peace between darkness and light, between heaven and hell, between Christ and antichrist. For Ukrainians, such prayers are offensive, just as offensive was the decision of the Pope for a Ukrainian and a Russian woman to carry the cross together during the procession.
Scripture tells us to call good - good and evil - evil. Christians should take a position of light and not try to reconcile darkness with light. Being neutral is not an option. To quote Dietrich Bonhoeffer: ?Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.?
When you pray for Ukraine, ask God to send an army of angels to defeat the army of Satan in the demonic world that has occupied Russia.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 21, 2022, 10:01:28 am
worth reposting time by time, not to forget!
France: ? 152.000.000,00 of weapons sold to Russia 2015-2020
Germany: ? 121.797.134,00 of weapons sold to Russia 2015-2020
Italy: ? 22.476.600,00 of weapons sold to Russia 2015-2020
France and Germany alone armed Russia with ?273 million of military hardware now likely being used in Ukraine and despite the EU-wide embargo on arms shipments to Russia introduced in the wake of its 2014 annexation of Crimea.
sources: Investigate Europe, Disclose, COARM, Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air, AXIOS, The Guardian
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 21, 2022, 17:30:10 pm

.. In Ukrainian language there is such a word - "hertsʹ". Neither in Russian or any other language this word in principle does not translate. Only we have a noun with such a meaning. This fact says a lot about Ukrainians in general and about our history in particular.
Hertz is something like a combat reconnaissance cocktail and mass suicide: stir but not to kill. Hertz was invented by Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, and they were the only ones who used it in the war. Hertz is an arrogant death in human history. Or - if Glory, Talent, Luck, Cali and the Virgin will be satisfied with you - the best moment in the life of a Ukrainian warrior.
Before the battle began, when the troops had already been lined up, several Cossacks grouped and walked forward, toward the enemy, straight into the bullet's range. There, under the bullets and cannons, they stopped. The dance with death has begun.
Cossacks were making fun of the enemy. They laughed, shouted, shouted offensive phrases, danced under the bullets in an attempt to derail their opponent. Often it succeeded, and angry Muscovites or Poles or Turks or Tatars broke out of their positions, breaking ranks to erase, shut up, destroy the arrogant Ukrainian freaks.
And narivalis? on the raging fire of the cossack muskets.
And if the commander of the opponents restrained his troops, the actor's task was still accomplished. Cossacks laughing, mocking, having fun under a hail of dying bullets, but do not stop the deadly dance, surrendered to the enemies demigods or demigods. The bloody dance was paying off.
Not everyone came back from the actor. Not always all, but always with glory. Often no one came back.
But the gertz didn't stop.
Now the ancient scary actor is back again. All Ukraine stands face-to-face with the enemy, face to him. Behind are no loyal comrades, nor a suit of muskets, but it is unclear who often do not even have the courage to call themselves our allies - although they understand that their turn is next.
But we are dancing. And making fun of the enemy. And shout to him "See you at the ruins of the Kremlin, bitches!.. ".
Good old Ukrainian actor. Only we have this word. Only we always have fun gazing into the abyss, waiting for the abyss to smile back at us when she realizes we call her to dance.
Y. Gudimenko

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 24, 2022, 09:34:25 am


https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/44128777/THE_CONVERSION_OF_THE_KHAZARS_TO_JUDAISM?email_work_card=reading-history (https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/44128777/THE_CONVERSION_OF_THE_KHAZARS_TO_JUDAISM?email_work_card=reading-history)

https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/40516369/Complexity_of_interaction_along_the_Eurasian_steppe_zone_in_the_first_millennium_CE_BCAA_7?email_work_card=reading-history (https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/40516369/Complexity_of_interaction_along_the_Eurasian_steppe_zone_in_the_first_millennium_CE_BCAA_7?email_work_card=reading-history)

https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/15232900/The_Scythians_and_Their_Neighbors?email_work_card=reading-history (https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/15232900/The_Scythians_and_Their_Neighbors?email_work_card=reading-history)

https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/12349727/Turks_and_Iranians_An_historical_Sketch_in_Turkic_Iranian_Contact_Areas_Historical_and_Linguistic_Aspects_edited_by_Lars_Johanson_and_Christiane_Bulut_Wiesbaden_Harrassowitz_2006_17_38?email_work_card=reading-history (https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/12349727/Turks_and_Iranians_An_historical_Sketch_in_Turkic_Iranian_Contact_Areas_Historical_and_Linguistic_Aspects_edited_by_Lars_Johanson_and_Christiane_Bulut_Wiesbaden_Harrassowitz_2006_17_38?email_work_card=reading-history)

https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/22101842/Khazaria_and_Rus_An_examination_of_their_historical_relations?email_work_card=reading-history (https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/22101842/Khazaria_and_Rus_An_examination_of_their_historical_relations?email_work_card=reading-history)

https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/41902227/Competing_Narratives_between_Nomadic_People_and_their_Sedentary_Neighbours?email_work_card=reading-history (https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/41902227/Competing_Narratives_between_Nomadic_People_and_their_Sedentary_Neighbours?email_work_card=reading-history)

https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/16174645/Pastoral_nomadic_migrations_and_conquests?email_work_card=reading-history (https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/16174645/Pastoral_nomadic_migrations_and_conquests?email_work_card=reading-history)

https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/2901975/The_Unfolding_of_Old_European_Ritual_Life_A_Mesolithic_Heritage?email_work_card=reading-history (https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/2901975/The_Unfolding_of_Old_European_Ritual_Life_A_Mesolithic_Heritage?email_work_card=reading-history)

https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/15232267/The_Spread_of_World_Religions_in_Medieval_Nomadic_Societies_of_the_Eurasian_Steppes?email_work_card=reading-history (https://www.academia.edu/keypass/dlNkbVpiSDdndW1wQUt1NnI3UE1FZXVpK3d0OW5qYUFvcCtPb0ZLbVlqbz0tLW9GSE5ONExDSDh0dVJ4NDBWZmd1a3c9PQ==--5c1e1683b9710e36004fc427438d0643e9b26051/t/cPh5w-QxLzo3R-Jrdf6/resource/work/15232267/The_Spread_of_World_Religions_in_Medieval_Nomadic_Societies_of_the_Eurasian_Steppes?email_work_card=reading-history)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 04, 2022, 18:27:57 pm
https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals/videos/1340246609840293/ (https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals/videos/1340246609840293/) rise of the cossacks

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ_ocyTRRIE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ_ocyTRRIE)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Iwn29G4CfA&list=PLaBYW76inbX4jqNGixaoL1xQ_pMwNGIXG (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Iwn29G4CfA&list=PLaBYW76inbX4jqNGixaoL1xQ_pMwNGIXG)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7LNsQ1i-D0&list=PLaBYW76inbX4jqNGixaoL1xQ_pMwNGIXG&index=28 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7LNsQ1i-D0&list=PLaBYW76inbX4jqNGixaoL1xQ_pMwNGIXG&index=28)

https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/32/mode/1up?q=Androphagi (https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/32/mode/1up?q=Androphagi)
Scythians and Greeks : a survey of ancient history and archaeology : Minns, Ellis H Publication date 1913.. 720 pages | while "russians" are just Muscovites who descend from androphagi katsaps(butchers) and cannibals like Herodotus said, they are not SLAVS but slaves
https://dbpedia.org/page/Androphagi (https://dbpedia.org/page/Androphagi)
https://www.academia.edu/15232900/The_Scythians_and_Their_Neighbors (https://www.academia.edu/15232900/The_Scythians_and_Their_Neighbors)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 06, 2022, 08:25:33 am

https://twitter.com/VolodyaTretyak/status/1566517384739000320 (https://twitter.com/VolodyaTretyak/status/1566517384739000320)
The first time Russia tried to annex Ukrainian territories. THREAD In 2022, we have often heard about Snake Island. There is another island that has been occupied since 2014 and which Russia tried to occupy in 2003. Its name is Tuzla.

kremlin.ru/supplement/1795 add :http://

Sea of Azov agreement in russian

Agreement between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on cooperation in the use of the Sea of ​​Azov and the Kerch Strait

Договор между Российской Федерацией и Украиной о сотрудничестве в использовании Азовского моря и Керченского пролива

If Ukraine abolishes Sea of Azov 2003 agreement, RF never abided, sea of Azov is no longer a inland sea of RF and Ukraine , but soley (most) of Ukraine

https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/ukraine-v-russia-passage-through-kerch-strait-and-the-sea-of-azov/ (https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/ukraine-v-russia-passage-through-kerch-strait-and-the-sea-of-azov/) https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/ukraine-v-russia-passage-through-kerch-strait-and-the-sea-of-azov-2/ (https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/ukraine-v-russia-passage-through-kerch-strait-and-the-sea-of-azov-2/) https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/de/ukraine-v-russia-passage-through-kerch-strait-and-the-sea-of-azov-3/ (https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/de/ukraine-v-russia-passage-through-kerch-strait-and-the-sea-of-azov-3/)

https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1NG3rn4XVsR35X3csaSg9o6PbEgF8J48&hl=en&ll=48.431153184518884%2C34.09948029054778&z=12 (https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1NG3rn4XVsR35X3csaSg9o6PbEgF8J48&hl=en&ll=48.431153184518884%2C34.09948029054778&z=12)

Did the US use Ukraine-Russia war to weaken Europe?
http://www.sundayobserver.lk/2022/09/04/opinion/did-us-use-ukraine-russia-war-weaken-europe (http://www.sundayobserver.lk/2022/09/04/opinion/did-us-use-ukraine-russia-war-weaken-europe)
https://www.shenaliwaduge.com/did-us-use-ukraine-russia-war-to-weaken-europe/ (https://www.shenaliwaduge.com/did-us-use-ukraine-russia-war-to-weaken-europe/)

| Budapest Memorandum was the start of it. Solution :remove UNSC vetorights, NATO under european commander

Budapest Memorandum 1994 was the start of it
EUrope is the biggest economic bloc in the world.
But it can easily be solved: India and other Asian and African countries should side with EU sanctions against russia, so Putin who is just a pawn in it, can't prolong war in Ukraine, then in UNGA all countries should support abolishing UNSC vetorights and reform UN of which EU pays more then 50% costs Since EU-NATO countries pay 68% of strict NATO costs USA just 16%, NATO should get a  European commander, not a USA one.NATO should no longer support USA warmongering but stick to North Atlantic area (Iraq-Taiwan are NOT in that area btw.)  and UN missions for peacekeeping. Then UN and world will be safer, now UNSC P5  don't bring the world to PEACE but to PIECES, esp. USA

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 08, 2022, 07:52:50 am

https://www.facebook.com/kora.sofi/posts/pfbid0apRbAkQTg49PXLTmkQnUFG2hsRVnHVtVYsZjfyQ59tK5DE25yY4Rgd2iPwSp6ow4l (https://www.facebook.com/kora.sofi/posts/pfbid0apRbAkQTg49PXLTmkQnUFG2hsRVnHVtVYsZjfyQ59tK5DE25yY4Rgd2iPwSp6ow4l)
For those who haven't opened a history book yet, and to this day can't give advice with their tongue.
!! ️ Kiev 🇺🇦❤️ was founded in 482
!! Mass baptism of Kiev 💦 was 988
!! Baptized Rus Prince Vladimir (956-1015 years of life)
!! Moscow was founded in 1147 Yuri Dolgoruky
!! Meanwhile, Yuri Dolgorukij did not founded Moscow (! ), and v?d?av her in the suzdalʹsʹkogo boyarina bunch of stepan ?vanoviča, who owned villages across the river Moscow, killing him. https://cutt.ly/qF3Pnmd (https://cutt.ly/qF3Pnmd)
!! ️ Yuri Dolgorukij himself was a great-grandson (! ) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, who baptized Rus. And buried Yuri Dolgoruky - in https://cutt.ly/YF3DoGc (https://cutt.ly/YF3DoGc) near Kiev Pechersk Lavra Kyiv
So for the northern neighbors - Kyiv 🇺🇦 sacred place!
☝️ The territory of Kievan Rus was:
- 11th century 800 000 sq.m. km
- XII Century 1,300,000 sq.m. km
https://cutt.ly/oF3S7Z3 (https://cutt.ly/oF3S7Z3)
And prost?galas? 🌏 Kiev Rus from the Black Sea to the Baltic and White Seas!
For comparison, the territory of Ukraine today is "total" 603 548 sq km
🇺🇦 The name "Ukraine" is for the first time mentioned in the Kiev Chronicle 1187 ❗❗❗ https://cutt.ly/XF3DBD8 (https://cutt.ly/XF3DBD8)
And no relation to " Ukraine " has, on the contrary, the word " Country " is the state.
The name "Russian Empire" was invented by Peter-1, who renamed the Moscow state, October 22, 1721, using the name of another state. https://cutt.ly/9F3GpHI (https://cutt.ly/9F3GpHI)
What for?
сьWell, first of all, what do you know about the Moscow Kingdom to the rebrandingu?
- Secondly, Rus - already at that time was an expensive and dear European brand.
Kiev Princes were in family ties practical with all royal houses of Europe.
I remember the chapel of Saint Margarita in Edinburgh, where it is indicated that she is the granddaughter of Kiev Prince Yaroslav the Wise (! )
https://cutt.ly/MF3060c (https://cutt.ly/MF3060c)
And even Macron knows the fact that the French Queen Hannah was the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise 😉 https://cutt.ly/gF8OWFQ (https://cutt.ly/gF8OWFQ)
Rus - was one of the European centers of education.
The first educational institution is mentioned in the year 988 in the Novel of the past summer https://cutt.ly/oF3HQjy (https://cutt.ly/oF3HQjy)
The second one appeared in 1030. , created by Yaroslav the wise in Novgorod
Ostrog Academy was founded in 1576,
Kiev Mogylanskaya - in 1615.
📚📚📚The very Kiev Mogil?nsʹka Academy became the cradle of Russian education
Graduates of the Academy were the founders of a number of schools in Russia and Belarus, especially in the XVIII century.
They were founded schools and seminars in almost all cities of Russia: Moscow, Petersburg, Smolensk, Rostov, Tobolsk, Irkutsk, Holmogorakh, Tver, Belgorod, Suzdal, Vyatka, Vologda, Kolomna, Ryazan, Pskov, Great Ustyuz, Astrakhan, Kostromi, Vo Lodimir on Klyazm? and other cities. Teachers in these schools were mostly graduates of the Kiev Academy https://cutt.ly/5F3JUSN (https://cutt.ly/5F3JUSN)
🧐The famous scientist Mykhailo Lomonosov was also a graduate of the Kyiv-Mohylansk Academy. Although, before that, he graduated from the "Spassʹku School", founded by a graduate of the same Kiev-Mohylansk Academy https://cutt.ly/WF8Pinx (https://cutt.ly/WF8Pinx)
⚔️ В️⚔️It is also important to remember Ukrainian soldiers.
All Europe knows, not from rumors, about Ukrainian Cossacks. And not just from textbooks.
In almost all European wars, which were hundreds, every third mercenary was a Ukrainian Cossack.
The history of the Second World War without Ukrainians would not be what it turned out to be. This is evidenced by the terrible numbers of losses, more than 50% of the dead USSR citizens were Ukrainians.
Russia is extremely uncomfortable to be a world entity that has no history, its name and its people. After all, "Russian" is also not a nationality, but a territory affiliation.
https://cutt.ly/7F30Jlo (https://cutt.ly/7F30Jlo)
And the Russian language is artificial https://cutt.ly/PF3098J (https://cutt.ly/PF3098J)
😪 And not just, the whole history of Ukraine, we are trying to destroy.
Ukrainian language banned 134 times❗❗❗
https://cutt.ly/6F3KxTL (https://cutt.ly/6F3KxTL)
😔 Ukrainians were destroyed by the holodomorom in 1932-1933. -- the communist totalitarian regime destroyed 10 million. 500 thousand. ukrainians https://cutt.ly/dF3KI61 (https://cutt.ly/dF3KI61)
😔Deported to the Far East https://cutt.ly/fF3KGp0 (https://cutt.ly/fF3KGp0)
😔Our fertile territories were taken away from us https://cutt.ly/vF3Vtk4 (https://cutt.ly/vF3Vtk4)
One can go on with a long list of crimes and thefts that tries to hide Muscovy, the heir of the Horde traditions. But they won't do anything. History lessons have not been learned.
For Ukrainians, unlike the Russians, freedom and dignity are valuable🇺🇦.
Author: Catherine Koval
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 10, 2022, 09:00:18 am

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ_ocyTRRIE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ_ocyTRRIE)   rise of cossackss
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Iwn29G4CfA&list=PLaBYW76inbX4jqNGixaoL1xQ_pMwNGIXG (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Iwn29G4CfA&list=PLaBYW76inbX4jqNGixaoL1xQ_pMwNGIXG)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7LNsQ1i-D0&list=PLaBYW76inbX4jqNGixaoL1xQ_pMwNGIXG&index=28 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7LNsQ1i-D0&list=PLaBYW76inbX4jqNGixaoL1xQ_pMwNGIXG&index=28)

https://pra.in.ua/en (https://pra.in.ua/en)
Genealogical Database of the Ukrainian residents born between 1650 and 1920
https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Ukraine_Online_Genealogy_Records (https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Ukraine_Online_Genealogy_Records)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 13, 2022, 08:04:34 am

Oldies but goodies 😁 THIS LAND IS MY LAND
This land is not your land
This land is my land...
From the Carpathian mountains to Zmiiyny Island
From the Polissia forest to the Black Sea waters
This land is made for friends and me  🙃🇺🇦
Oleksiy Kustovsky Art

🇬🇧 🇺🇦 Anna Yaroslavna (1032-1089) was the great-grandmother of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain in the 30th generation and the great-grandfather of French as well as English kings of the Tudor dynasty. But that's not all. Ukrainka, by origin, that ruled other countries:
Preslava Vladimirovna (987-1112)
The Queen of Hungary
Maria Dobronega (1011-1087)
The Duchess of Poland
Elizabeth Yaroslavivna (1022-1067)
Queen of Norway and Denmark
Anastasia Yaroslavivna (1028-1074)
The Queen of Hungary
Anna Yaroslavna (1032-1089)
Queen of France
Scottish Margarita (1045-1093)
Queen of Scotland
Yanka Vsevolodivna (1046-1110)
Princess of Byzantine
Viseslava Svyatoslavivna (1047-1089)
The Queen of Poland
Svetoslava Svatova (1050-1126)
Queen of the Czech Republic
Evpraxia Omsevolodivna (1071-1109) Empress of the Holy Roman Empire
Euphemia Volodymyrivna (1094-1139)
The Queen of Hungary
Zbislava Svyatopolkovna (1085-1114)
The Duchess of Poland
Ingeborg of Kyiv (1100-1137)
The princess of Denmark
Evpraxia Mstislavivna (1108-1172)
Empress of the Byzantine Empire
Verkhuslava Vsevolodivna (1125-1162)
The Queen of Poland
Euphrosinia Mstislavivna (1130-1186)
The Queen of Hungary
Viseslava Yaroslavna (1170-1194)
The Duchess of Poland
Kunegunda of Rostislavna (1245-1285)
Queen of the Czech Republic
Elizabeth Rostislavivna (1245-1298)
The Queen of Bulgaria
Agripina Galician (1248-1309)
The Duchess of Poland
Agnesa Psemislavna (1269-1296)
The Duchess of Austria
Maria Yurievna (1293-1341)
The Duchess of Poland
Ulyana (1321-1392)
Princess of Belarus (Lithuania)
Sophia Jagiellonka (1464-1512)
The Princess of Poland
Barbara Jagiellon (1478-1534)
The Duchess of Lithuania
Anastasia Lisovskaya (1502-1558)
The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
Anna Vladislavivna (1503-1547)
Queen of Hungary and the Czech Republic
Magdalene of Saxon (1507-1534)
Princess of Germany
Agnesa of Hesse (1527-1555)
The princess of Sweden
Maria of Austria (1531-1581)
Duchess of Austria
Christina of Hesse (1543-1604)
Princess of Austria
Anna Maximilianovna (1549-1580)
The Queen of Spain
Maria Eleonor (1550-1608)
Princess of Germany
Hannah Gottorpska (1575-1625)
Countess of Germany
Magdalene Sibilla I (1586-1659)
Princess of the Czech Republic
Magdalene Sibilla II (1617-1668)
Princess of Norway and Denmark
Khatije Turhan (1627-1683)
The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
Johanna Magdalene (1656-1686)
Princess of Germany
Maria Theresa (1717 ? 1780)
Empress of the Holy Roman Empire
Maria Francivna (1738-1789)
Duchess of Austria
Louise of Austria (1791-1847)
The Empress of France
Maria Leopoldina (1797-1826)
The Empress of Brazil
Francoise of Orl?ans (1844-1925)
The princess of France
Gisella Francivna (1856-1932)
Princess of Germany
Maria Valery of Austria (1868-1924)
The princess of Croatia
Julia Mullock (1928-2017)
Princess in Korea
P.S. Don't kill yourself that we are not taken to the EU and NATO, and all Ukraine 🇺🇦
Author Александр Корман ✊
Lucky Ukraine 🇺🇦

https://www.facebook.com/groups/Active.Parus/posts/3987628731461256/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/Active.Parus/posts/3987628731461256/)
author Tatiana Klimchuk
Amongst the cemetery in silence,
on the grave of a soldier
The little daughter is crying,
hugging... daddy...
Our dearest, darling...
How hard it is without you...
Mom says... are you with us...
just looking down from the sky...
Just won't wipe the tears
more you out of my pm..
And you know what I have
was a sister born?
You know, you know, you probably...
You are more visible from the sky...
She is tiny as hell..
And I am even more mature...
Grown up, going to school...
Helping mom do everything....
You won't hold me
never again .. I know ..
And you won't go to school
you to accompany me...
How hard it is without you,
tatoo of mine...
You died for us there..
Mom says... I know ..
She's a tearjerker at night
from us the silence hides.
Protecting from the sky
you are now Ukraine...
You became a hero to all..
But you have left us...
I know everything will be alright...
I give my prayers to the lord..
Here's to the soldiers of the brave...
Praying for victory.
So that people don't die,
so as not to cry mom,
for the dads to come back
and lived with children.
God will hear prayers-
all because people pray ...
And the war will be over...
And you will be gone...
I am in the grave
I will cry to you silently...
I love you my dear one,
I will not forgive my enemies...
Keep me from the sky...
and a little sister.
Don't you worry... I am not crying ...
I've got... rain on the faces...
... How hard it is without you,
my favorite tattoo.
Reaching out my arms to the sky,
to hold you Close ..
Having a conversation with my dad
author Tatiana Klimchuk

Kazimierz IV Jagiellończyk had a daughter Zofia Jagiellonka, the son of Kazimierz Hohenzollern, and the latter daughter Maria Hohenzollern, that she would have a son of Ludwig VI Wittelsbach, and this son of Frederick IV, that later Frederick V would appear in the world, he had a daughter Zofia Dorota Wittelsbach , and that in turn had a son of Jerzy I of Hanover, and then he had a son of Jerzy II of Hanover, later that the previously mentioned son, Fryderyk Ludwik of Hanoverki, appeared, that he would have a son of Jerzy III of Hanover, and then a grandson of Edward August of Hanover, who in turn had a daughter Wiktoria Hanoverka, and this son of Edward VII, this son of George V, and then a grandson was born by his name, George VI, who in the end had a daughter, Elizabeth II. Time difference: 5595 years (1427-2022)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 14, 2022, 08:47:17 am
Russia's war record :-
1856 defeated by Britain and France
1905 defeated by Japan
1917 defeated by Germany
1920 defeated by Poland
1939 defeated by Finland
1969 defeated by China
1979 defeated by Afghanistan
1996 defeated by Chechnya
2022 defeated by Ukraine

A prayer
Stay, my God, here with me,
In this field, in the midst of battle.
Amongst the ruin and among the ruin
Do not let me know the depths of fear.
Do not let me fall into despair and despair
And the pobratimam run apart.
Live, my God, from here between us,
Father's soul, mother's tear,
Sisters by love, brother by shoulders,
Waiting for the cutie, her eyes.
Stay, my God, here with me,
In the midst of the world, in the midst of pain.
Save from death, from the bullet of impression.
God be my guard, guardian.
I offer you body and soul.
Be, my God, with me!
I believe it!
Stay with me here, forever,
When there is no news from home,
When the waiting burns to ashes
In the heart and soul enters restlessness,
When the gunpowder dries in the ammo,
When the enemy laughs in the face.
Live, my God, from here between us,
Father's soul, mother's tear,
Sisters by love, brother by shoulders,
Waiting for the cutie, her eyes.
Stay, my God, here with me,
In the midst of the world in the midst of pain...
(Love Burak), Ternopil
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 18, 2022, 09:16:10 am

Now this is an interesting one. Archaeological Journal of the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 1850. It writes about ancient Slavic gold amulets and coins from the 8th-9th centuries found in the Royal Museum of Berlin and then found additional coins/jewelry in Stockholm.
Have you seen our coins before?

Arab slavery had already begun in Africa more than 700 years before the European transatlantic slave trade.
The slave trade began when the Arabs invaded North Africa for the first time in the 7th century AD. 
The first Arab entry into Africa was through Egypt.
An Arab military general named General Amir Aben Alas invaded Egypt in December 639 AD. 
Amir had successfully conquered Egypt and went ahead and conquered other places such as Tunisia and western Libya. 
Once these areas had been completely conquered by the Arabs, they imposed tributes of 360 slaves in all regions they occupied and controlled.
With this Islamic slave trade in Africa, North Africans were Islamized by their Arab slave masters.
Today, many Africans pose as Muslims without knowing how the owners of such a religion brutally enslaved their black African ancestors for over 700 years.
Remember that every time you see a modern Egyptian claim to be of North African origin,

https://twitter.com/NinaSlepkova/status/1535318940217376768 (https://twitter.com/NinaSlepkova/status/1535318940217376768)

  "...According to ... declare invalid the Decree of the Grand Prince of Kyev, the /ruler of Kyivan Rus' Yuri Dolgorukiy "On the founding of the city of Moscow", published in 1147 as such as is a historical embarrassments.
How Ukrainians invented the Moscow Empire 🤓 As known, Ivan the Grozny was the son of Ukrainian aristocrat, the prince of glinsʹko? Москов. And his children's and youth education glinsʹk? influenced significantly. And "wedding on the kingdom" is not yet very formidable Ivanka, acceptance for the first time in Moscow "Tsarsʹkogo Title" 1547 , falls just on the "swan song" glinsʹkih-1546-1547 they actually gasped in the government in Moscow. So to say that the "Kingdom" Muscov?tam invented by ukrainians is not fiction at all. By the way, and that interesting mission of Hans Schlitte, which is 1547 brought on behalf of the young Moscow king to the German emperor the offer of a union (there even the topic of the union of the Catholic and Orthodox churches agreed to be discussed) - quite likely the work of Glinsky's hands. So, the westernization of Russia Ukrainians tried to spend and to Peter I. But Muscovites then accused glinsʹkih of the holy - arson of Moscow 1547 and beaten on the occasion of all the exits from Siverschyna (they were considered to be the people of Glinsky) who were caught. Probably since then Ukrainians have been looking at the issue of burning Moscow quite positively. In the picture - otečann? on the kingdom of 1547
  ?   ?
https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article241095407/Olaf-Scholz-Haertere-Reaktion-auf-Krim-Annexion-waere-richtig-gewesen.html (https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article241095407/Olaf-Scholz-Haertere-Reaktion-auf-Krim-Annexion-waere-richtig-gewesen.html)

Thus began the war of RF in-against Ukraine. February 28, 2014 (Ukrainian in 2 parts - NDSC declassified meeting notes) https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/a16kyo/thus_began_the_war_of_rf_inagainst_ukraine/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/a16kyo/thus_began_the_war_of_rf_inagainst_ukraine/) https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4764qh/committee_on_national_security_and_defence/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/4764qh/committee_on_national_security_and_defence/)

"38,000 people, 761 units of armored tank vehicles, 2200 armored vehicles, 720 artillery systems and salvo fire systems, as well as up to 40 assault helicopters and 90 military combat helicopters, and 90 assault aircraft were already concentrated in the Kiev, Kharkiv and Donetsk regions. In the Black Sea area, 80 military ships of the Russian Federation appeared on combat duty. Tymoshenko: We can not talk about urgent membership in NATO, it will cause even more aggression of Russia. "

The meeting was chaired by acting president. President of Ukraine, Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine O.V. Turchinov

http://texty.org.ua/pg/article/editorial/read/65491/Tak_pochynalasa_vijna_STeNOGRAMA_zasidanna_RNBO_vid%20A (http://texty.org.ua/pg/article/editorial/read/65491/Tak_pochynalasa_vijna_STeNOGRAMA_zasidanna_RNBO_vid%20A)

http://texty.org.ua/pg/article/editorial/read/65491/Tak_pochynalasa_vijna_STeNOGRAMA_zasidanna_RNBO_vid (http://texty.org.ua/pg/article/editorial/read/65491/Tak_pochynalasa_vijna_STeNOGRAMA_zasidanna_RNBO_vid) A

http://texty.org.ua/pg/article/editorial/read/65493/Tymoshenko_vs_Turchynov_STeNOGRAMA_zasidanna_RNBO_vid?fb (http://texty.org.ua/pg/article/editorial/read/65493/Tymoshenko_vs_Turchynov_STeNOGRAMA_zasidanna_RNBO_vid?fb) B

February 28,2014 NDSC

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 21, 2022, 09:05:39 am
https://baitsar.blogspot.com/2021/09/blog-post_19.html (https://baitsar.blogspot.com/2021/09/blog-post_19.html)

https://www.facebook.com/punosound/posts/pfbid02JCYRTn69j4X6YkG6H57WyKXehjkETiFyoxw1ZohEgN1Ea3s3LDUN5JBefVaHQHAfl (https://www.facebook.com/punosound/posts/pfbid02JCYRTn69j4X6YkG6H57WyKXehjkETiFyoxw1ZohEgN1Ea3s3LDUN5JBefVaHQHAfl) https://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/16710/file.pdf (https://diasporiana.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/books/16710/file.pdf)
In 1988 Ukrainians throughout the world celebrate their Millennium of Christianization of Ruce-Ukraine.[1]
A thousand years ago, in the year 988, Ruce-Ukraine and its people formally accepted Christianity. Surprisingly, if not ironically, the atheistic government of the soviet union, the moscow russian Orthodox Church and the entire russian Community in the diaspora are spreading historically unsubstantiated, unjustified propaganda and are desperately attempting to convince a misinformed world that in 988 it was russia, and not Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, that accepted Christianity.
It is necessary, therefore, to explain some of the most significant, factual and well-documented information concerning the celebration of the "millennium" of russian Christianity. The russian celebration cannot withstand historical and scientific criticism since this involves examination of accurately recorded history, particularly at the end of the first half and the beginning of the second half of the thirteenth century.
This is done for two basic and principal reasons. Firstly, to clearly underscore the historical fact that Kyivan[2] Ruce was not the cradle of three Slavic brethren nations.[3] as most of the russian and pro-russian researchers are, at all costs, trying to convince a misinformed world; and secondly, that the reader may clearly comprehend the historical fact that the commencement of muscovite-russian national identity is rooted only, and exclusively, in the Principality of muscovy, whose "true founder . . . was the son of Nevsky, Daniel" (1263-1303), who almost three centuries after Kyiv and Ruce-Ukraine formally adopted Christianity, "made moscow his political capital."[4] The distinguished Russian historian, V. O. Kluchevskii, emphasizes that was precisely the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky, "Daniel, (who) became the forefather of the Principality of muscovy."[5]
In particular, one must be clearly aware that when the northeastern lands of the European East, inhabited by heterogeneous Ugro-Finnic tribes, were part of the vast Kyivan Empire, these tribes, according to the chronicles, not only before the Mongolo-Tatar invasion, but also after the complete fall of the Kyivan Empire, continued to preserve their respective original territorial and ethnic identities consequently remaining "Chudian," Myrianian," "Muromian," "Mordovian," "Riazanian," "Rostovian," and "Rostovo-Suzdalian," but never "muscovian" or "great russian."[6]
Certainly, a definite portion of the northeastern lands of Eastern Europe that were former colonies of the Kyivan Empire may be considered and called muscovite as of the second half of the thirteenth century, but not yet great russian, concordant with the creation of the Principality of muscovy, which appears no earlier than 1263 and 1282 (i.e., in those times when Kyivan Ruce no longer existed as a singular multinational entity).
Concerning the beginnings of the true and factual creation of the muscovite nation, at first within the framework of the Principality of muscovy and eventually within the boundaries of the always aggressive Muscovite tsardom. (which at the time of peter I was transformed into the "russian Empire"), the English language edition of Outline History of the ussr, published in moscow in 1960, clearly and unequivocally states that "the russian nation began to take form in the 17th century."[7]
Clarifying these fundamental and well-documented historical points, pertaining primarily to the creation of the Principality of muscovy and the beginnings of the formation of the russian nation, it is also prudent to focus upon the erroneous and unfounded emphasis of some researchers on the alleged fact, that in the second half of the 12th century Kyivan Christianity, already extant, was in opposition to "Christianity in moscow."
This incorrect methodological approach is a matter of utmost importance mainly for the following reasons. Firstly, moscow, until the creation of the Principality of muscovy, had no significant political, let alone cultural-religious, role in Eastern Europe. Secondly, muscovite Christianity began to separate from that of Kyiv only in the first half of the 14th century, after Constantinople authorities tendentiously relocated the historically traditional Kyivan Metropolitan See (Metropolitanate) to moscow (1326). Moreover, this later epoch is notable not only for the commencement of the formation of a separate muscovite nation, but also for the emergence of a separate russian Church which progressively became the main tool of russian (muscovite) rulers in achieving their far-reaching political goals. Ukrainian-russian mutual relations began only after the creation of the Principality of muscovy, and were initially made manifest by a struggle between the Halych-Volynian Kingdom and the Principality of muscovy for the historically traditional Kyivan Metropolitan See.
Taking into account that the northeastern lands of Europe, inhabited by heterogeneous Ugro-Finnic and Baltic tribes, continued to preserve their respective territorial and ethnic identities, then by the same logic, Christianity and the highly developed Kyivan culture spread directly from Kyiv to the lands of the Chudian, Myrianian, Muromian, Mordovian, Riazanian, Rostovian and Suzdalian peoples, but in no instance to muscovy or "great russia," because the strict existence of such a territory prior to the creation of the Principality of muscovy is not confirmed by any of the chronicles.
In light of the afore-cited facts, it is emphasized that the entire "millennial" celebration of Christianity in "russia" does not withstand even the smallest scientific or historiographic criticism.
Furthermore, a most effective and convincing argumentation defending historical truth (particularly in clarifying the tendentious celebration of the "millennium" of Christianity by russia) are three historically reliable and irrefutable facts. First, when Volodymyr the Great, whom the Ukrainian Church recognized as its apostle-saint, with the aid of clergy from Kyivan Ruce-Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Greece in 988 conducted the official Christianization of Kyivan Ruce-Ukraine, neither moscow, nor russia, nor all the more a russian nation, as such, existed.
Second, the basin of the moscow river (the later nucleus of muscovy and russia) was initiated at that time by war-like Balts known as Galindians, who had successfully resisted incorporation into Volodymyr's Empire, and owed him neither allegiance nor tribute.[8] These people manifested no inclination whatsoever towards an early importation of Ruce-Ukrainian culture or spirituality. Most of them were still sun-worshipping pagans with little knowledge of Slavonic speech when Batu Khan's hordes conquered Kyiv and put an end to its brilliant medieval civilization (1240).
Third, Volodymyr, as the distinguished Russian academician E. Golubinskii states clearly, "Christianized only half of the Ruce," that is, only Ruce proper, "and left unchristianized the other half," that is, the colonial lands, "which by its population was foreign as the provinces of Rostov and Murom with the greater part of the province of Novgorod, or even if Slavic, was not Rucen, as the land of the Viatichians."[9]
Finally, when taking into account that "the beginnings of the formation of the russian (or more properly, muscovite) nation are tightly intertwined with the creation of the Principality of muscovy and conditioned with the voluntary and forced intermixing of the "slavonicized" Ugro-Finnic tribes with Mongolo-Tatars,"[10] by the same token the actual and true "cradle" of the muscovite nation was not Kyivan Ruce, but only, and almost exclusively, the Mongolo-Tatar Empire with which the muscovite rulers fostered intimate cooperation,[11] and whose political principles they absorbed and made their own. The consequences of this Mongol training have endured until current times, and have become a major threat to the entire free world.
It is a historical truth that the Kyivan Ruce (Old Ukraine) was already a powerful nation in the mid-ninth century, when it became a major concern even to Byzantium itself. The fact that the great Kyivan prince, Askold, in 860 waged a naval campaign against Constantinople (his fleet being comprised of 200 warships, as written in the chronicles), bears witness to the undisputed strength of Kyivan Ruce in the ninth century.
During the rule of Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054), the son of Volodymyr the Great, the Kyivan Ruce Empire was at the peak of its development and ranked among the greatest, strongest, richest and most cultured world powers.
It has to be noted that medieval historians, both Ukrainian and foreign, have very perceptively characterized the opinion of European rulers about the might of Kyivan Ruce, by emphasizing that for that very reason these rulers strived to become dynastically linked with the Kyivan Ruce monarchs.
The French historian Levesques, quoting the words of Bishop Gautier Saveraux (who as the head of the French royal delegation traveled to Kyiv to ask for the hand of Anna, the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise), wrote: 'This Land," namely the Kyivan Ruce, "is more unified, happier, stronger and more civilized than France herself" (1048).
The contemporary English historian E. A. Harvey, explaining among other things, why European rulers strived at all costs to become dynastically related to the Kyivan imperial throne, echoes this ancient evaluation when he enthusiastically exclaims:
Let us now go East to Old Ruce, to Kyiv, Golden Kyiv, second only in glory to the Imperial City of Constantinople itself. Standing on her three hills above the broad Dnipro, she knew a civilization and culture that most nations of the West only dreamed about. She was rich, prosperous, progressive, and deeply religious . . . .
As has been shown, the 988-1988 Millennium of Christianity celebration is historically, uniquely and exclusively an Ukrainian, not russian, celebration and heritage. Ukrainians world-wide welcome others to share in their proud celebration.
1. Geoffrey Chaucer's (c.1340-1400) spelling of the term Ruce is used for three fundamental and important reasons. First, Ruce is an historical and natural term native to the English language of the Medieval period, its usage being almost contemporaneous with the existence of the Kyivan Empire-state itself. Second, the term Ruce cannot be readily confused with the term russia. Finally, the term Ruce cannot be manipulated by the distorters and falsifiers of Ruce-Ukrainian history as can be the terms Rus or Rus'.
2. Transliterated from the Ukrainian, the terms Kyiv, Kyivan, and Dnipro are used in lieu of the russified terms Kiev, Kievan, and Dnieper throughout this paper.
3. B. F. Kortschmaryk, russian Interpretation of Ukrainian Historical Source Materials, Shevchenko Scientific Society, Paper No. 37, New York, 1974, pp. 6-10.
4. V. Milkovich, "Vostochnaia Yevropa" Istoria Cheloviechestva, G. Gelmolt, second edition, SPB., 1903, Vol. V, p. 509; V. Kluchevskii, Kurs russkoi istorii, 3rd ed. moscow, 1925, No. 2, p. 13; Patriarchal (Nikon) Chronicle, Polnoie sobranie russkikh letopisei, moscow, 1965, Vol. X, p. 143; F. B. Kortschmaryk, Christianization of the European East and Messianic Aspiration of Moscow as the "Third Rome." Toronto-New York, 1971, p. 10; V. A. Kuchkin, Formirovanie gosudarstvennoi territorii severno-vostochnoi Rusi v X-XIV vv. AN SSSR, Inst. Istorii. moscow, 1984, p. 316; Jerome Blum, Lord and Peasants in russia. Princeton University Press. Princeton, 1961, p. 67: "The story of the rise of the Muscovite dynasty . . . began . . . when Daniel, youngest son of Alexander Nevsky . . . was made prince of the provincial town of Moscow, thereby converting it into the capital of an independent albeit small and unimportant, principality."
5. V. Kluchevskii, Ibid., p. 6.
6 B. F. Kortschmaryk, Concepcia M. Hrushevskoho ta "orhanichna" cilist. W. Sh. London, 1977, No 6. p. 754; Lavrentian Chronicle, Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisei, moscow, 1962, Vol. I, pp. 460 and 470; Patriarchal (Nikon) Chronicle, Ibid., Vol. X, pp. 105, 106, 109 and 114; Vladimirian Chronicle, P.S.R.L. moscow, 1965, Vol. 30, pp. 87-90; Uvarov Chronicle, P.S.R.L. Moscow-Leningrad, 1963, Vol. XXVIII, pp, 210 and 211.
7. Outline History of the U.S.S.R., Translated from the russian by George H. Hanna. Moscow, 1960, p. 85; Richard Hallie, Slavery in russia, 1450-1725. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1982, p. 392.
8. G. D. Knysh, "Eastern Slavs and the Christian Millennium of 1988," Studia Ukrainica 3, University of Ottawa Press, 1986, pp. 13-35. Also published in booklet form by the Central Jubilee Committee of the Ukrainian Catholic Church (Winnipeg), 1987, pp. 15-18.
9. E. Golubinskii, Istoria russskoi tserkvi, Moscow, 1901, Vol. I, p. 198.
10. V. Milkovich, Ibid., Vol. V., p. 506; V. Kluchevskii, Op. cit. Moscow, 1937. No. 1, p. 309; B. F. Kortschmaryk, Concepcia, Ibid., p. 754.
11. I. D. Byliaiv, 0 dokhodakh Moscovskaho gosudarstva. SPB., 1884. No. 4, p. 27; V. Kuchevskii, Ibid., Vol. II, pp. 22 and 44; M. K. Liubavskii, Lektsii po drevnei russkoi istorii do kontsa XIV veka. moscow, 1915, p. 218. .
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 26, 2022, 09:31:47 am
Ukraine, the state (land) of the Cossacks (maps of the XVII-XVIII centuries)

Tartary on European maps of the 17th century.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 27, 2022, 07:16:35 am

The making of Modern Ukraine
Timothy Snyder Lectures
First  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJczLlwp-d8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJczLlwp-d8)
Second https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LaEmaMAkpM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LaEmaMAkpM)
Third https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om_A5TTQMm0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om_A5TTQMm0)
Fourth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhCK5uGJ3Tw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhCK5uGJ3Tw)
Fifth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36XiKhamtQo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36XiKhamtQo)
Sixth https://youtu.be/IlvE6tgPEf8 (https://youtu.be/IlvE6tgPEf8)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 29, 2022, 07:33:01 am

Львівські янголи +18
Władysława Forostiak  ?
30 maart
🇺🇦 I want to share for anyone wondering what all the hype is about.
🇺🇦 This invasion is a HUGE deal and will have consequences worldwide.
🇺🇦 For those who ask: "Why does Ukraine matter? "
🇺🇦 That's why Ukraine matters: it is the second largest country in Europe by area and has a population of over 40 million.
🇺🇦 Ukraine sits down:
🌐 1st in Europe for proven renewable reserves of uranium ore;
🌐 2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world for titanium ore reserves;
🌐 2nd place in the world for researched reserves of manganese ore (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of global reserves);
🌐 2nd largest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons);
🌐 2nd place in Europe for mercury ore reserves;
🌐 3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters)
🌐 4th place in the world for total cost of natural resources;
🌐 7th place in the world for coal reserves (33.9 billion tons)
🇺🇦 Ukraine is an important agrarian country:
🌐 1st in Europe by the number of area of arable land;
🌐 3rd place in the world by black soil (25% of world volume);
🌐 1st place in the world for sunflower oil export;
🌐 2nd place in the world in barley production and 4th place in barley export;
🌐 3rd largest producer and 4th largest corn exporter in the world;
🌐 4th largest potato producer in the world;
🌐 5th largest rye producer in the world;
🌐 5th place in the world in bee production (75,000 tons);
🌐 8th place in the world in wheat export;
🌐 9th place in the world in chicken egg production;
🌐 16th place in the world in cheese export.
🇺🇦 Ukraine can meet the food needs of 600 million people.
🇺🇦 Ukraine is an important industrial-producing country:
🌐 1st in Europe in ammonia production;
🌐 The 2nd and 4th largest pipeline system of Europe;
🌐 3rd largest in Europe and 8th largest in the world in terms of installed nuclear power plants;
🌐 3rd place in Europe and 11th in the world for the length of the rail network (21,700 km);
🌐 3rd place in the world (after the United States and France) in the production of locators and local equipment;
🌐 3rd largest iron exporter in the world;
🌐 4th largest exporter of turbine for nuclear power plants in the world;
🌐 The 4th largest manufacturer of missile systems in the world;
🌐 4th place in the world for clay export;
🌐 4th place in the world in export of titanium;
🌐 8th place in the world for exporting ores and concentrates;
🌐 9th place in the world in the export of defense industry products;
🌐 10th largest steel producer in the world (32.4 million tons).
🇺🇦 Ukraine matters! This is why her independence is important to the rest of the world!
🇺🇦 I pray for the people of Ukraine and its land.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 30, 2022, 07:49:56 am

http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2022/09/spenglers-decline-of-west-possible.html (http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2022/09/spenglers-decline-of-west-possible.html)
 https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.49906/page/n3/mode/2up (https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.49906/page/n3/mode/2up) textsOswald Spengler The Decline Of The West by Spengler, Oswald vol 1

Publication date 1926

https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.187257 (https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.187257)

The Decline Of The West(vol2) by Oswald Spengler

Publication date 1928

https://archive.org/search.php?query=Oswald%20Spengler (https://archive.org/search.php?query=Oswald%20Spengler)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 03, 2022, 13:26:47 pm

from russian vk: https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3670?hash=dbb779d483fd30b3a6
A selection of sources on the history of the Southern and Western Slavs:

Southern and Western Slavs in Antiquity and the Middle Ages:
1. Code of the oldest written news about the Slavs. Volume I (I-VI centuries).
2. Code of ancient written news about the Slavs. Volume II (VII-IX centuries)
3. Jordan. On the origin and deeds of the Getae. GETICA
4. Legends about the beginning of Slavic writing
5. Byzantine legislative code of the 8th century
6. Old Slavic Octoechos of St. Clement, Archbishop of Ohrid
7. Adam of Bremen, Helmold of Bosau, Arnold of Lubeck. Slavic chronicles
8. Anna Komnena. Alexiad
9. "Great Chronicle" about Poland, Russia and their neighbors XI - XIII centuries
10. Wiegand from Marburg. New Prussian Chronicle (1394)
11. Widukind of Corvey - Acts of the Saxons
12. Byzantine Book of the Eparch
13. Byzantine historian John Kinnam about Russia and the peoples of Eastern Europe
14. Gall Anonymous - Chronicle and deeds of princes or rulers of Poland
15. Helmold - Slavic chronicle
16. George Acropolitan - History
17. Grunwald in the sources. Chronicle of the conflict between Vladislav, King of Poland, and the crusaders in the year of Christ 1410
18. Two Byzantine chronicles of the 10th century. Psamaphic Chronicle; John Kameniata. Capture of Thessaloniki
19. Dlugosh Ya
21. Ancient Russia in the Polish history of Jan Dpugosh
22. Cosmas of Prague - Czech chronicle
23. Konstantin Porphyrogenitus - On the management of the empire.
24. Lavrenty from Brzhezovoy - Hussite chronicle
25. Lambert of Hersfeld. Annals
26. Leo the Deacon. History
27. Chronicle of priest Duklyanin
28. Lviv chronicle. 2 parts
29. Master Rogerius - Lamentation about the devastation of the Kingdom of Hungary by the Tatars
30. Peter from Dusburg. Chronicle of the Prussian Land
31. The Tale of Bygone Years.
32. Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles (PSRL). Volume 40. Gustyn Chronicle
33. Polish Latin-language medieval sources.
34. Journey of Abu Hamid al-Garnati to Eastern and Central Europe (1131-1153).
35. Legends about the beginning of the Czech state in ancient Russian literature 36. Smolensk letters of the XIII-XIV centuries
36. Tips and stories of Kekavmen. Composition of the Byzantine commander of the XI century
37. The fate of the Cyril and Methodius tradition after Cyril and Methodius.
38. Titmar of Merseburg. Chronicle
39. Theophylact Simocatta - History
40. Thomas of Split - History of the Archbishops of Salona and Split
41. Reader of monuments of the feudal state and law of European countries
42. Reader on the history of the southern and western Slavs. Volume I. The era of feudalism
43. Chronicle of Bykhovets
44. Chronicles. Lithuanian and Zhmoitskaya, and Bykhovets. Chronicles. Barkulabovskaya, Dverka and Pantsyrny
45. Six days of John the Exarch of the Bulgarian Eclogue.
46. ​​Jan Hus. Epistles

Southern and Western Slavs in the Early Modern Age:
47. Agrarian system of the Ottoman Empire in the XV-XVII centuries.
48. Diary of the Lublin Diet, 1569. Union of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the Kingdom of Poland
49. Notes of a Janissary. Written by Konstantin Mikhailovich from Ostrovitsa
50. Comenius Ya.A. - Selected pedagogical works
51. Copernicus N. - On the rotations of the celestial spheres
52. Lithuanian Metrics. Book No. 9 (1511?1518) (2002)
53. Oleksandr Gvagnini - Chronicle of European Sarmatia
54. The Ottoman Empire in the first quarter of the 17th century.
55. Monuments of diplomatic relations between the Muscovite state and the Polish-Lithuanian state. 5 volumes
56. Correspondence between Russia and Poland up to 1700. 3 parts
57. Embassy book on relations between Russia and Poland (1575-1576)
58. Sixt from Ottersdorf - Chronicle of events that took place in the Czech Republic in the stormy year 1547
59. Slavic-Moldavian chronicles of the XV-XVI centuries

Southern and Western Slavs in the New time:
60. Adventures of Russian tsarism in Bulgaria
61. Anthology of Czech and Slovak philosophy
62. Acts relating to the history of Western Russia
62. Galicia in the uprising of 1863. Documents and materials
63. Forgotten pages of the Polish question. anthology
64. Selected works of progressive Polish thinkers. volume 2
65. Emperor Nicholas and Poland in 1830. Materials for the history of the Polish uprising of 1830-1831
66. Catholics, Orthodox, Uniates. problems of religion in Russian-Polish-Ukrainian relations in the late 40s-80s. XVII in
67. Moscow-Serbia. Belgrade-Russia. XVI century - 1917 3 volumes
68. National policy in imperial Russia. Civilized outskirts.
69. The liberation of Bulgaria from the Turkish yoke. Documents in three volumes
70. The liberation struggle of the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Russia 1850 - 1864
71. The first Serbian uprising of 1804-1813. and Russia
72. Poland v. Russian Empire. history of confrontation
73. Partitions of Poland and the diplomacy of Catherine II
74. Russia and the uprising in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1875?1878
75. Russians about Serbia and Serbs. T. 1 Letters, articles, memoirs
76. Russians about Serbia and Serbs. Volume II (archival evidence)
77. Russians about Serbia and Serbs. Volume 3 (Serbian works by P.A. Rovinsky)
78. Sofrony Vrachansky. Biography
79. Yu.I. Venelina to Bulgaria (1830-1831)
80. Reader on the history of the southern and western Slavs. In 3 volumes. Volume 2. New history of

Yugoslavia and Bulgaria in the XX century:
81. The national question in the Balkans through the prism of the world revolution (in the documents of the central Russian archives of the early - mid-1920s)
82. The Albanian factor in the development of the crisis in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 4 volumes.
83. Visit of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU MS Gorbachev in the SFRY
84. The Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Adopted by the Federal People's Assembly on April 7, 1963)
85. Macedonia. The path to independence. Documents
86. International organizations and the crisis in the Balkans. 3 volumes
87. Peace treaty with Bulgaria
88. Moscow-Serbia. Belgrade-Russia. Volume 4. Russian-Serbian relations 1917-1945.
89. People's Republic of Bulgaria. Constitution and legislative acts
90. Russia on the Serbian front of the First World War. Assistance of the Russian army and navy to the Kingdom of Serbia in 1914-1918.
90. Slovenia. The path to independence
91. Soviet-Bulgarian relations 1944 - 1982. 4 books
92. Soviet-Bulgarian relations and connections. Documents and materials. November 1917 - 1969. 3 volumes
93. Soviet-Yugoslav relations, 1917 - 1941
94. The Yugoslav crisis and Russia. Modern history of Yugoslavia in documents. volume 2

Poland and Czechoslovakia in the XX century:
95. Documents and materials on the history of Soviet-Polish relations. 1917 - 1965. 12 volumes.
96. Documents and materials on the history of Soviet-Czechoslovak relations 1917 -1943. 4 volumes
97. Soviet-Polish relations in 1918-1945. The documents. 4 volumes
98. Warsaw Uprising of 1944 in documents from the archives of the secret services
99. Warsaw Uprising. Articles, speeches, memoirs, documents
100. Great Patriotic War. T. 14 (3-1). USSR and Poland, 1941-1945. On the history of the military alliance
101. MS Gorbachev's visit to Poland.
102. Documents on the history of the Munich agreement. 1937-1939
103. From Warsaw. Moscow, Comrade Beria... Documents of the NKVD of the USSR on the Polish underground. 1944-1945
104. Katyn. March 1940 - September 2000 Execution. The fate of the living Echo of Katyn. Documents
105. Katyn. Prisoners of an undeclared war
106. The Constitution of the Polish People's Republic
107. Red Army soldiers in Polish captivity in 1919-1922. Collection of documents and materials
108. New documents from the history of Munich
109. Polish Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) 1920-1921
110. Poland - Belarus (1921-1953). Collection of documents and materials
111. Labor unrest in Poland. Collection of materials on the December events of 1970
112. Labor unrest in Poland continues. Materials about the events of June 25, 1976
114. The Soviet Union - People's Poland 1944 - 1974. Documents and materials
115. The Soviet Union and the Polish military-political underground. Volume 2 Part 1
116. Czech-Slovak (Czechoslovak) corpus.1914-1920.V.1. Czech-Slovak military formations in Russia. 1914-1917
117. Czech-Slovak (Czechoslovak) Corps 1914-1920. T.2. Czechoslovak Legions and the Russian Civil War 1918?1920

118. The Soviet factor in Eastern Europe 1944 - 1953. 2 Volumes
119. Power and Church in Eastern Europe. 1944-1953. 2 volumes. Documents of Russian archives
120. Anatomy of conflicts. Central and Southeastern Europe. 2 volumes
121. The end of an era. USSR and revolutions in the countries of Eastern Europe in 1989-1991.

Memoirs and diaries:
122. Aveide O. - Testimony and notes on the Polish uprising of 1863
123. Balkan crisis. Participants speak
124. Berg N.V. Notes on Polish conspiracies and uprisings 1831-1862
125. Vaida A. Cinema and everything else
126. War through women's eyes. Russian and Polish aristocrats about the Polish uprising of 1830-1831.
127. Diary of Verkhovsky
128. Diary of Georgy Dimitrov (1941?1945)
129. Diary of Marina Mnishek
130. Diary of Jan Piotr Sapieha (1608-1611)
131. Karel Capek in the memoirs of his contemporaries
132. Klimkovsky E. I was an adjutant of General Anders
133. Klishko Z. The Warsaw uprising. Articles, speeches, memoirs, documents
134. Markhotsky N. History of the Moscow War
135. Masaryk T.G. - World revolution. Memories. 2 volumes
136. Memoirs of Michal Kleofas Ogiński. 2 volumes
136. Milovan Djilas. The face of totalitarianism
137. Mlynarzh Z. Moroz struck from the Kremlin
138. Ota Shik. Spring rebirth - illusions and reality
139. Pavlov V.G. The leaders of Poland through the eyes of a scout
140. Tukhachevsky M., Pilsudsky Yu. Campaign for the Vistula. War of 1920
141. Fucikova G. Memories of Julius Fucik
142. Czartorizhsky A. Memoirs

Literature of the Southern and Western Slavs:
143. Songs of the Southern Slavs
144. Polish folk legends and fairy tales
145. Traditions of the pagan antiquity of the Western Slavs
146. Serbian folk tales
147. Serbian epic
148. Epic of the Serbian people
159. Golden spring. Monuments of Bulgarian Literature of the 9th?18th Centuries
160. Serbian Literature of the Middle Ages. Reader
161. Brzezina O. - The builders of the temple. Collected works
162. Henryk Sienkiewicz - Collected works in 9 volumes
163. Hasek J. - Collected works. 6 volumes
164. European poetry of the 19th century
165. Kokhanovsky Y. Selected works
166. Lesmyan B. - Ballads and romances
167. Mitskevich A. Sonnets
168. Mitskevich A. Poems. Poems
169. Polish lyrics translated by Russian poets
170. Slovak J. Lyrics
171. Erben Karel Jaromir. Tales, ballads and poems
172. Jan Kollar - Daughter of Glory
173. Jan Kollar - One hundred sonnets

Other sources:
174. Great Patriotic War. Volume 6. Liberation of Europe
175. Dimitrov G.M. Selected articles and speeches
176. Cultural and scientific heritage of the Russian emigration in the Czechoslovak Republic. documents and materials
177. Polish Dialogue. Events in Poland through the eyes of Polish, Soviet, American, British, West German and French journalists
178. Russian Corps in the Balkans (1941-1945).
179. Reader on the history of the Middle Ages. Volume 2
180. Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Constitution and legislative acts
181. Shmid F.A. - Polish chronicler from 964 to 1764

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2241 - A selection of books from the Central European Studies series

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_2921 - A selection of books on the history of Central Europe

https:// vk.com/wall-176520650_3467 - A selection of works by Alexei Ilyich Miller - Russian historian

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_3210 - A selection of books about imaginary geography (Imagined geographies)

https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1582- A selection of works by Maria Voittovna Leskinen - a Russian historian, a specialist in the field of Polish history and culture, the history of national ideologies and identities.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 07, 2022, 10:43:13 am
The fight for Donbas continues as Modern-day Ukrainian Cossacks refuse to give up the territories that Ukrainians won with their blood through the centuries.

Bakhmut. As a complete settlement, it was founded by Cossacks of the Izyum Sloboda regiment in 1680-1690. It was an important salt mining point.

Donetsk. In 1779, Cossack Colonel Yedokym Shydlovsky founded the first settlements, Oleksandrivka and Krutoyarivka. Today, they are part of the city of Donetsk.

Horlivka. Initially, the Cossack settlements of Hosudariv Buerak, Mykytivka, Zaitseve and others arose on this territory. Now they are part of Horlivka. The first name of the city was Hosudariv Posad.

Kramatorsk. The mass migration of Cossacks on its territories officially started in XVIII century. They came from the Izyum regiment. The name is probably a word combination of "Krom" and "Tor" - the border of the Thor lands.

Luhansk. On the territory of the modern city, there were Cossack winterers, which later turned into settlements ? Verhuna, Veselenka, Krasny Yar, Kamiany Brid. The winterers belonged to the Kalmius Palanka of the Zaporizhzhian Army.

Lysychansk. In XVIII century, on its territory, there were two winterers of the Kalmius Palanka of the Zaporizhzhian Army - "Fox Beam on the Donets" and "Vysche [Upper] on the Donets".

Makiivka. The first settlement, a winterer (zymivnyk), on its place appeared in 1690. It was founded by Cossack Makiy (or Makiiv).

Maryinka. In 1704, on both sides of the Gnilusha River, at the site of this settlement, there were several winterers and farms of the Zaporizhzhian Cossacks.

Mariupol. The settlement at Kalmius's beal was founded in the XVI century by Zaporizhzhian Cossacks as a guard post for Domakha to protect their winterers, crafts, and routes from attacks by Crimean Tatars.

Selydove. The city was founded in 1770-1773 by Zaporizhzhians, led by a Cossacknicknamed Selid.

Sloviansk. In 1676, in order to protect themselves against Tatar raids, the Cossacks built the castle of Thor on the territory of the future city. Thor belonged to the Izumsky Cossack regiment.

Starobilsk. Bielska Sloboda was founded in 1686 by Ukrainian Cossacks from the Poltava Region on the territory of the Ostrohozk Sloboda Cossack Regiment. It was laterrenamed into the city of Starobilsk.


The fight for Donbas continues in Modern-day Ukrainian Cossacks refuse to give up the territories that Ukrainians won with their blood through the centuries.

Discover Ukrainian literature, movies in the largest-yet English-language database
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 09, 2022, 18:43:40 pm

https://rm.coe.int/constitution-of-the-russian-federation-en/1680a1a237 (https://rm.coe.int/constitution-of-the-russian-federation-en/1680a1a237)
https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Russia_2014.pdf?lang=en (https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Russia_2014.pdf?lang=en)
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2020/651935/EPRS_BRI(2020)651935_EN.pdf (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2020/651935/EPRS_BRI(2020)651935_EN.pdf)
http://www.constitution.ru/keyw_en/07g.htm (http://www.constitution.ru/keyw_en/07g.htm)
Russian Constitution - most of it Putin and his cronies ignores esp. art.29 Freedom of Speech

For those who are not from Ukraine, but began to understand where this magnificent country is:
🇺🇦 Ukraine is the largest of the countries that are fully located in Europe.
🇺🇦 The International Ukrainian Anthem consists of only six lines (four in poems and two in chorus). The remaining lines of the anthem are considered politically incorrect. (for example, "let's stand, brothers, in battle bloody from seanu to don" means, Ukraine's claim to the territory of Russia and another "neighbor").
🇺🇦 Ukrainian language is one of the most common languages in the world (professionals distinguish about 7000 languages) and the number of speakers ranks 26th place. It is also the second most common among languages of Slavic origin.
🇺🇦 Also, the Ukrainian language ranked second in the world in melody after Italian. It was recognized as the third most beautiful language in the world by criteria such as phonetics, vocabulary, phraseology and sentence construction after French and Persian at the Paris language competition.
🇺🇦 Ukraine is fourth in the world by the number of citizens with higher education. The population of Ukraine is among the most educated, and the number of people with higher education per capita is higher than the European average.
🇺🇦 Kyiv-Mohylansk Academy is considered the oldest educational institution in Eastern Europe.
🇺🇦 The first printed alphabet issued by a Ukrainian author was called "Science to reading and understanding Slavic writing". He was released in Vilnius.
🇺🇦 Zaporizhzhia Sich ? the socio-political and military-administrative organization of the Ukrainian Cossacks ? is rightfully considered one of the first democratic formations in the world.
🇺🇦 The first Constitution in the world was created by Philip Orlyk. April 5, 1710 and was named "Constitution of Rights and Freedom of the Zaporizhzhia Army". In the United States, the Constitution was adopted in 1787 , in France and Poland only in 1791.
🇺🇦 The UPA army set an absolute record, holding on to actually occupied territory for almost twenty years. Technologies and methods of Ukrainian soldiers were studied even Cuban rebels Fidel Castro.
🇺🇦 The longest musical instrument in the world is Ukrainian trembita. Its length can reach four meters and its sounds are heard for more than ten kilometers.
🇺🇦 The longest gypsum cave in the world and the second in length (following only to Mammoth cave in the US) - is called "Optimistic" and is located on Podilla.
🇺🇦 on the territory of Ukraine, 1/4 of all reserves of čornozemu on the planet are concentrated.
🇺🇦 The oldest known to učenim map, as well as the oldest settlement homo sapiens found in Ukraine: in c. Border anniversary of Rivne region. They are about 14.5-15 thousand. 3 years old. The map has been knocked out on a mammoth bone.
🇺🇦 The territory of Ukraine was one of the largest historical transport routes - "the route from Varyag to the Greeks" - a system of river paths and trains between them for 3 thousand. km that connected the northern lands of ancient Russia with the southern Russian lands and the Baltic Sea with black. Throughout the ancient history, Ukraine-Russia has acted as a bridge between the worlds of Eastern Europe and the Ancient East, Europe Ancient, Byzantine and Latin.
🇺🇦 Out of the 12 lavres of the world, 4 are in Ukraine. Three Orthodox and one Greek Catholic.
🇺🇦 Ukraine ranks in the top three world leaders in honey production. It is also the first in the world in the production of honey per capita.
🇺🇦 The world's deepest subway station is located in Kyiv
🇺🇦 The shortest main street, but at the same time one of the widest and picturesque - Khreshchatyk Street in the capital of Ukraine Kyiv
🇺🇦 one of the world's most famous Christmas songs is "Schedrik", a folk song recorded by Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovič. The world knows her as Carol of the Bells or Ring Christmas Bells. Usually on Youtube, different performances of " чайhedrika" score millions of views.
🇺🇦 One of the largest deserts of Europe is located in Ukraine.
🇺🇦 Ukrainian "P?vdenmash" (Dnipropetrovsk) produces the most environmentally friendly carrier rockets in the world.
🍔 The third most visited McDonald's in the world is in Kyiv near the train station. This place consistently ranks among the top five most lively McDonalds in the world.
❗ and it's not even the cream of the iceberg yet, to be continued 💙💛

https://twitter.com/United24media/status/1577050112471072770 (https://twitter.com/United24media/status/1577050112471072770)
For anyone still vaguely wondering ?but Crimea was part of Russia right?? here?s 2,700 years of Crimean history in 59 seconds.
And also in comment Ukraine
https://twitter.com/United24media/status/1577050453371600896 (https://twitter.com/United24media/status/1577050453371600896)
and donbass
https://twitter.com/United24media/status/1577051591651512321 (https://twitter.com/United24media/status/1577051591651512321)
https://twitter.com/UATV_en/status/1578392203667263489 (https://twitter.com/UATV_en/status/1578392203667263489)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 10, 2022, 09:43:08 am
Finno Ugric people
highres map: https://web.archive.org/web/20180616164129/https://fennougria.ee/wp-content/themes/Fennourgia/map/vepsad.png
Yesterday was Finno-Ugric people's day, H?imup?ev in Estonian. Events continue on 3rd week of October.

It's been organised since 1928 (with a pause during USSR occupation). And a good time to remember our kin, who have been living under Russia's rule, slowly losing their roots.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 13, 2022, 10:36:46 am

https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1580088910847565824 (https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPR/status/1580088910847565824)
A brick with Kyiv Prince Volodymyr's trident was found in the ruins of the Desyatynna Church in 1908. Kyiv, 10th century. #RusUkraine
The muscovy d

https://www.facebook.com/oleksandr.alfyorov/posts/pfbid0m7PNA7a6vfxUr62gXW162kd5HAQ7SwQV11C4rYZkX5dJq4UbUqHfyVjRCiC315eWl?__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/oleksandr.alfyorov/posts/pfbid0m7PNA7a6vfxUr62gXW162kd5HAQ7SwQV11C4rYZkX5dJq4UbUqHfyVjRCiC315eWl?__cft__)[0]=AZX39HDxiS6pKfp0JfaDTM_iHEN-se-GVK21JHgjUxIecPZelkYwAmaRoR2_lwUlF1LI5P0gshfrWsDxUX5nBaTyEm-Hw58lxOYsXt8epkeVKeov9f6Nfm3uXt6S-Hd-b8XoN-KktevTvsDJ1XnwxnbHwvWrZ0ej7LXcNOGvdOg9xGUHO8EOVs1GvF3p-iTHNeQ&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-y-R

Over 50 years of unnoticed "under the nose" of hundreds of thousands of people and scientists was the relic of three peoples - Moldovan, Romanian and Ukrainian - the helmet of the most prominent ruler of Moldova - Saint Stephen III the Great. During his time, the lands of the Principality of Moldova were larger, namely it was the political and economic successor of the Kingdom of Russia in these territories. Stefan III was married to the daughter of Kiev prince olelʹko? Ш volodymyrovich, was a friend of power dracula (yes-yes, the same as "Count"), the builder of the athosʹkih monasteries and, by the way, the hotinsʹko? , fortress. And now the story of the discovery. In the National Museum of History of Ukraine, on the second floor over a half-century hanging in the helmet showcase. The signature at different times certified that it's some kind of helmet, some warrior there - so " ancient Russian ", so " Lithuanian ", so " Russian ". Many years ago I looked up and took a picture of this helmet. He wasn't simple, he had remnants of gold painting on his forehead and some rubbed inscriptions. Because it was hanging high and also behind the glass, it was almost impossible to see the picture. I processed the photos and realized - the museum is a historical sensation! From the director of the Institute of History of the Nations of Ukraine, where I work, I received a letter to the Museum Directorate for helmet research - removal from the display, photography and scientific processing. The former director of Тетяна Сосновська supported. What was painted on the helmet? More precisely taunted - laid out two types of yellow wire in previously made grooves. It was a round shield. In its center depicted the coat of arms of the Moldovan economy, the head of the tour accompanied by a star, a crescent moon and a flower. There was an inscription around the head of the tour, which I managed to read: "Stefan, vo?voda, master of the land of Moldova". The inscription style, coat of arms and own type of helmet - all says that it dates back to the end of the 15th century. - at the very beginning of the 16th century. and could have belonged to Stephen III. Such a helmet this ruler wore with parade equipment - so, in front of us, not just a helmet, but his military crown! Such items no longer exist in Ukraine! Of course, there is an option that it's a helmet Stefan IV-can't be rejected.
In autumn 2019, an international exhibition was to be held at the National Historical Museum of Ukraine. Exhibition of one exhibit - helmet-crown of Saint Stefan! Even an arrangement for his further short-term exhibition in Bucharest has been processed, and at this time being brought from Romania to us for the exhibition of the Arabic Gospel of John Mazepa. Unfortunately, it is at this time that the active phase of the struggle of different forces with the Director of the Museum began. Anyway, Ukraine lost, as always. I hope the State will pay attention to my finding.
The first publication of this opening has been delayed for 5 years. So, I decided, in our uncertain time, to report this unique relic! The same research is ongoing all the time, and the information is accumulating. I hope the world will see scientific work in singing.
historian, Alexander Alfyorov
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_the_Great (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_the_Great)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 13, 2022, 10:46:23 am
Fashik of Donetsk From a subscriber with comments on the construction of the Crimean bridge. Thank you very much to the subscriber for the expert's comment
The biggest bend of the deck is in the arched area, but there's no need to try and destroy the massive iron-concrete riding beams. It's better to hit the metal arch by 1/3 of the support. The arch is compressed, the deck is hung to it on metal wires.. In such a system, the slightest shift of support, even without fire influence, evokes a chain reaction - another cable cliff, the spectacular and slow overturn of the vape rainbow (while damaging the outer branch) and its fall into the stream. It's going to be an enchanting juicy game like on strings, on katsapsʹkih nerves. And the video should be lasting and tasty... p.s. katsapi, good mood)

https://www.iflscience.com/interactive-map-shows-which-indigenous-lands-you-are-living-on-65721 (https://www.iflscience.com/interactive-map-shows-which-indigenous-lands-you-are-living-on-65721)
Interactive Map Shows Which Indigenous Lands You Are Living On
https://native-land.ca/ (https://native-land.ca/)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 16, 2022, 10:32:02 am

  Interesting facts about the Ukrainian language
1. The modern Ukrainian language has about 256 thousand words.
2. According to the vocabulary closest to the Ukrainian language is Belarusian - 84% of common vocabulary, then Polish and Serbian (70% and 68% respectively) and only then - Russian (62%). By the way, if you compare phonetics and grammar, then Ukrainian has from 22 to 29 common rice with Belarusian, Czech, Slovak and Polish languages, and with Russian only 11.
3. In the Ukrainian language, unlike the rest of the East Slavic languages, the noun has 7 distinctions, one of which is a nickname.
4. 448 RUB Byzantine historian Prisk Panijsky, while in the camp of the gunʹkogo lord Attila in the territory of modern Ukraine, recorded the words "honey" and "meal". This was the first mention of Ukrainian words.
5. The Ukrainian language in different historical periods was called differently: simple, Russian, Rusinska, Cossack, etc. Historically the naju?ivan??o ю name of the Ukrainian language until the mid-thix century. was the name "Russian language".
6. In the Ukrainian language, the largest number of words begins with the letter "P".
7. The least used letter of the Ukrainian alphabet is the letter "F".
8. There are many synonyms in the Ukrainian language. For example, the word "horizon" has 12 synonyms: obituary, skyline, extreme, circle, circle, peripheral, vidnokoro, vidnocraj, vidnograj, neokraj, ovidnokraj.
9. The names of all cub animals are ?mennikami of the middle kind: calf, kitten, frog.
10. The Ukrainian language is rich in reducing forms. The zmen?uvalnu form has even the word "enemies" - " voro?enʹki".
According to different data, the Ukrainian language ranks 25 or 32 in the number of speakers among the most common languages in the world. For 36-37,5 million people Ukrainian language is native. In total, 41-45 million people in the world own Ukrainian.
Recall, "language is the DNA of the nation" is a volunteer educational project for all those who want to improve their knowledge of Ukrainian language.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 20, 2022, 08:23:31 am
  Stolen symbols of Russia
Vodka came to Russia from Scandinavia, it was brought by Peter I. Before that, Muscovites drank bra?ka.
Dumplings. Muscovites for some reason believe that dumplings come from the Urals, although it's actually Chinese food.
Pancakes, or as Muscovites say, pancakes, are an ancient Roman dish, although all nations cook and eat such a dish.
Matryoshka. Probably everyone knows (except Muscovites, of course) that this is a Japanese figure of St. Fukuruji, which was modified and called Matron only in the 19th century.
Samovar was invented by Persians and Chinese, and not for tea, but for boiling water.
Musical instruments: the harmonium was stolen from the Czechs, and the balalaika was stolen from the Kazakhs. We, Ukrainians, gave the name Balalayc?. Chat with a like. Have you ever heard of their treats? Well from)
Pants. Future Russians for the first time saw pants on ver?nikah from Kazan and Kiev. Before that, they walked simply in sundresses and slippers (invented by the Scythians), followed by a leather belt. And so it was somewhere before the 18th century.
Vel?ns stolen from the Fino-Turkic tribes of Zalissia.
Kokoshnik was invented by commi Permian women. And even if someone thinks it's Russia, it's actually the people of the Fino-Hungarian group whose territory Russia occupied.
Even the narrow tongue was stolen from the Bulgarians in the 16th century. , and before that, Russia communicated in Tatar, that is, the language of their masters. That's wild, right?
Such a fake country. And this is only a small part of the stolen краkonno narrow.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 26, 2022, 09:10:22 am

This historical picture in the photo is over 1000 (thousand) years old. He is eternalized in Sofia of Kiev.
The picture shows four glorious queens:
France - Anne;
Hungary - Anastasia;
Of to Norway and later
Denmark - Elizabeth;
Agatha of England.
They are all the daughters of Yaroslav the Wise, the Grand Duke of Kiev Rus.
At this time, the husband of the Polish Princess was their brother ?ziaslav, the queen sister of the father. The other Vladimir was the husband of the princess of Germany. Their mother was the princess of Sweden ?ng?gerdo лями, the brothers were the kings of Sweden and Denmark.
All Europe, without exception, had family ties with Kiev Russia - Ukraine!
The present Queen of England Elizabeth is a descendant of our Queen Agatha.
Isn't that why England is a true friend of Ukraine in these defining times?
And Agatha Margarita's daughter became not only the queen of Scotland, but also her saint! Because in life, most of the temples of God built and good deeds done.
And then Richard brave heart, and Maria Stewart - with our, that is Agatinim, queens from Kiev, roots!
The legendary Anna of Kiev became the queen of France, knowing four languages. Brought the Gospel, by which or not all the kings of France swore, written in Kyiv Queen Anne's blood flowed in 18-you kings of France (! ).
This legendary portrait of 4 sisters from Kiev (pictured), who became the queens of Europe, saved Saint Sophia from Moscow's mrakob?s??! In the 30's, she, at Stalin's wish, had to be blown up! The bomb has already been laid... 1000-summer miracle of architecture right in Kyiv ...
And suddenly an ultimatum from France:
- If you dare to snatch the portrait of our legendary Queen Anna, destroy the handwork of our Queen's father, our country breaks diplomatic relations!
Hungarian Queen Anastasia also had Kiev roots. Thanks to the patronage of Kiev and the mighty Kiev princes, Hungarian King Andrusz, Anastasia's husband, was saved from death!
Because at that time Kiev Rus was the largest and most influential state in Europe.
Queen of the Vikings Elizabeth, the native sister of the mentioned queens, became queen first of Norway and then of Denmark for life.
And she saved the princess of England orphan Gita from a hateful marriage and gave her for Kiev Prince Vladimir Monomakh!
That's what we have, Ukrainians, strong roots that have already been European kind!
Kyiv gave 158 Queens and Kings to Europe!
Reviving the history of Ukraine. Forming national self-awareness and identity.
Anna of Thessaloniki

 1000 years ago, the defenseless daughter of the murdered King of England Harold II Godwinson, Gita (Gita Wessex), fled to nowhere to be forcibly removed from marriage to her killer father.
The King - impostor threw the faithful dogs and warned all the kings and queens of France, Germany, Denmark... , if they accept and warm the escape, it will go to war! It's going down and taking revenge! After all, he really needed the royal title of Gita!
No one in Europe helped the princess because no one wanted war!
The only one who was not afraid and challenged the assassin and impostor was the Queen of Norway - Elizabeth, the daughter of the builder of the Sophia Cathedral of the Prince of Kiev Rus Yaroslav the Wise! Our Queen!
She was known in Europe as Ellisif.
After killing her husband Harald III, Elizabeth rules Norway, in other words - was the queen of the Vikings!
And here's this princess from Kiev - Elizabeth, not only ob?gr?la orphan, but also put ultimatum:
- What? Do you dare to threaten me?
But just roll on!
And I will be with my army at your gates!
From now on, this girl is my daughter.
Queen Elizabeth lost her own daughter Maria, by the way on the same day with her husband, she acted fearless and confident!
She stood up, raising not only her own daughter Ingigerda, the future Queen of Denmark, but also Gita, the daughter of the slain insidious king of England.
And you know who became prihi гляena Queen Elizabeth, daughter of jaroslav the wise, English b?gl?nka?
The wife of King of Kiev Vladimir Monomakh! Whose mother was the sister of the Byzantine emperor.
This is what our roots are!
Boris Johnson was at Kyiv , with support. He was here even before the war...
It is necessary that in 1000 years, from the events mentioned above, the English leader
Visited Sofia and stood in the city where Vladimir Monomakh and Gita Wessex! Before God and people joined in trouble and joy, blood ties of the ancestors of the Ukrainian and English people!
Sofia Kiev is a place that connects us with all European peoples! Here portraits and spirit of all the kings of Europe, because here vinčalisʹ and hrestilisʹ kings of France, Germany, Norway, Poland...
But not a mokshav!
Prince our Vladimir Monomakh still wrote teaching and advised "don't serčatʹ on the mirror, circle face curve"! What our enemies did not understand and wanted to cover their kind of orcs with our Ukrainian European face! Can't make it ! Out of moksha, in moksha you will go!
And here a century later, a boomerang returns to us from eternity,
in the person of the English Prime Minister Boris Johnson, thanks... maybe for the saved queen of England!
And the fearless as well!
When many are afraid of the threats of a dictator with questionable status, Boris acts!
... Someday this visit will be called historic!
And today we just say: Thank you for your support!
And this story of the unification of English and Ukrainian royal blood tell everyone!
Because it was stolen from us during the 300-year-old orcs game...
We have something to be proud of!
We have deep roots and a majestic history!
Learning the history !!
Everything will be Ukraine!
Pray to God, confident in zsu, thank you for the support of the world!
A text from the net. Who knows the author, respond.
On the illustration of Elizabeth Yaroslavna
#хусткування #ольга_береза
  ?   ?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 27, 2022, 07:56:37 am
  What is "wrong" with the first in the opening of tryp?lʹsʹko? : culture: Galician and Kiev versions
Everyone knows about archaic Trypillya: and about the wonderful colorful painted vessels of this culture, and about the Tripilsʹk? protom?sta-metropolis with a population of up to 70 thousand inhabitants, and that Trypillia culture existed or not the longest, of all known x for today in Europe, Eneolithic cultures. In a word, we all definitely have something to be proud of.
There is, however, one nuance, namely: who and where first discovered Trypil culture. If you Google this topic, you will immediately realize that the monuments of Trypillya were discovered by Vikentiy Hvojka in 1893-1894 at the "Kyrillian Heights" in Kyiv and near the village of Trypillya near Obukhov in Kyiv region. From, actually, the name of this village gave, later, reasons to call this culture trip?lʹsʹko ,.
Is there any other view on who and when first discovered it?
In short, the Trypil culture occupied not only a large part of today's Ukraine, but also spread to the northeastern regions of present-day Romania. Moreover, Romanian explorers call the sights of this culture otherwise - the culture of Kukuteni (from the opening of the first settlement near the village of Kukuteni in 1884, that is a couple of years earlier than the excavations of Vikentius Hvoika in the village of Trypillya), etc. Shi operate the names of trypill?-kukuten?, kukuteno-tripilʹsʹka community and more. But, that's not the point.
The thing is that the monuments, which we call today, were first discovered and stationary excavated not in Kyiv region, nor in Romania, but in the grounds of modern Western Ukraine.
For example, for the first time on the sights of this type came across the Galician Podill Lviv local historian of German origin Anthony Schneider in 1845, who wrote that "... I got more acquainted with the area and its archaeological monuments during my trip to Chernivtsi through Ternopil and Zalishchyky in 1845. At the time, a rich private archaeological collections were discovered by local sites, as well as numerous burial hills in the fields... Since I did not expect to get here due to the lack of necessary funds, I advised archaeologist A in 1874 Kirkor, who was in Krakow, to investigate this region. Studies conducted by A. Kirkor in Borschtiv region for many years according to the plan I developed, enriched the Krakow Museum of the Cesar-Royal Academy with a few hundred valuable archaeological finds ".
Ah, here, actually this Adam Kirkor, who then worked on the grounds of Galician Ukraine as a representative of the Vienna Central Commission for Search and Preservation of Antiquities (he was a member of the Archaeology and Anthropology Commission) and began then, in 1876, per shi ( ! ) in Europe, systematic archaeological excavations of Tripil antiquities, much earlier than the opening of similar monuments in Kyiv region and Romania.
Particularly interesting results came from the excavations of Adam Kirkor Tripilʹsʹko? на monument in the cave of Verteba in southern Ternopil region in 1876, which he spent about three years. And, only permanently convinced that he was dealing with the discovery of a separate archaeological culture, Adam Kirkor began scouting out other settlements everywhere for this newly discovered "painted pottery culture," as it was called then. In those years, his attention was brought to the settlement near the village of Vasylkivtsi near Gusatyna in Ternopil region, where him, and later and Gotfried Osovsky (who continued to dig there) was opened first, of the famous in Galicia, Tripil platforms, that is, huge by Shafts burned to the state of the bricks of clay walls that fell on the dol?vku and privalili themselves dozens of painted vessels. In Gus?tinsʹkih Vasylk?vc?h, the thickness of such trip?lʹskih rubble of residents who burned in the fire reached about 40 cm.
Since then and almost throughout the pre-war time, discovered in the heart of Europe (via Anthony Schneider) the new archaeological culture of the Aneolithic era, began to be called "the culture of painted ceramics". Of course, the then archaeologists of imperial Russia, and after them the Soviet explorers, completely ignored in their labor and the opening of the real Trypillar in Galicia, and, the moreover, the original name that was given to these monuments themselves with the blood.
Could tryp?lʹsʹku culture name somehow otherwise if otherwise turned out then historical circumstances? Yes, there could be options of such a hypothetical name, there are a few. However, it happened the way it happened... Who would in those Gaelicians of their opinion ask how to correctly (fairly) name the newly discovered archaeological culture. The province is a province: either for the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, or for the imperial Russia. And, in this case, the imperial mentality of both and the other states, completely ignored that it was in Galician Ukraine that first opened to the world incomprehensibly interesting and distant from our time for 5-6 thousand years, a mysterious copper-stone civilization Got it.
So, we have to remember ourselves:
- for the first time, the memory of culture, which today is accepted to be called Trypilska, was found in Galicia in 1876 during excavations near the village of Bilche Zolote near Borschev in Ternopil region;
- eight years after the opening of the trip?lʹsʹko? ); monument in bilche gold, the monuments of the same culture were discovered in Romania (in 1884);
- and, just seventeen years after the opening of the Tripilʹsʹko? сь monument near the village of Bilche Zolote in Ternopil region, Vikentiy Hvojka began his excavations on the street. Kirilovsky, 55 in Kyiv and later - near the village of Trypillya in Kyiv region.
... So, it looks like the case with the first in the discovery of one of the brightest archaeological cultures of ancient Europe, which is Trypilska.
.Today the team Україна Інкогніта goes on a local history expedition to vinnytsia. Our goal is to search and count ancient Ukrainian cemeteries. We will try as much as possible to bypass settlements with cemeteries, but the main thing is the Nadnistryansk region, the region where the oldest and largest cross-breed stone workshops were. In addition to the famous Cossack cemeteries in Bush and the Wall, there are many little-known and unknown. We will find them and make them count. If you want to help us with this, here is the PrivatBank card: 5363542016957863. I?ll double her in the comment.
Our Nadnistryansk route will be through terrible roads, but there should definitely be an opening. If you have information - share.

https://www.facebook.com/ukrainaincognita/ (https://www.facebook.com/ukrainaincognita/)

Few know, but in Vienna - in the capital of Austria, on the mountain leopoldsberg stands a beautiful monument to cossacks.
337 years ago, a crucial battle took place here that stopped the expansion of Turkish troops deep into Europe. And a crucial role in it played by the regiments of Ukrainian Cossacks called by the Austrians for help.
In 2013, the local diaspora decided to perpetuate their memory by setting up a monument to cossacks.

https://ukrainaincognita.com/?fbclid=iwar3nupsovzy4ox_3g0k1wjn--cisnuhhjnlzzugbxm1bmndu6gmveyugwoq (https://ukrainaincognita.com/?fbclid=iwar3nupsovzy4ox_3g0k1wjn--cisnuhhjnlzzugbxm1bmndu6gmveyugwoq)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 29, 2022, 08:35:59 am

Research 53 mounds (first volume) and 195 mounds (in the second volume) around Smila and Cherkasy.
Findings from the Stone-Bronzovogo period and the times of skit?v. Sacred places are just the sky, obnesen? and surrounded by sacred forests...
You won't read such research without painkillers. Because they demonstrate the extent of what the invaders have found on our lands, excavated and removed. Are any of these finds left in our museums? If not, the only positive thing about this is that we can now learn about it, make sure that all of this was found in our areas, see the pictures, read the descriptions and, if possible, make modern Ukrainian descriptions important to n more of the history of the area. Restore and protect historical monuments, list what the invaders have stolen from us and demand through the courts that they return it to us. If it is stored in their museums of stolen great culture.
This book provides images and clear descriptions of skulls. It would be interesting to restore the appearance of our forefathers.
https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/en/view/bsb11453758?q=могила&page=11 (https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/en/view/bsb11453758?q=могила&page=11)
https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/en/view/bsb11453758?q=могила&page=21 (https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/en/view/bsb11453758?q=могила&page=21)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 15, 2022, 08:40:38 am

About the Scythians and the Goths - we have heard what the diocese is - we know too, but what can we say about the Gothic and the Scythian diocese..?
(question to the bishop of Ukrainian churches from historian and archaeologist)
Whose Crimea is it? Ours? If ours, why don't today's Ukrainian Churches recognize our church heritage in Crimea and southern Ukraine..?
After all, the Gothic Diocese, as everyone knows, occurred in Crimea at the end of the III century with the capital in Feo-Doros on the Mangupsʹkomu Plateau, and in the 8th century, the Patriarchate of Constantinople raised it to the level of the metropolis. Believers of the Gothic Diocese were representatives of different ethnos?v - Scythians, Sarmati, Guns, Goths, Alans, and more. , which was typical of religious life at that time. More than that, the Gothic Bishop Unilu consecrated himself St. John Chrysostom, and Bishop Ulfil, also a Goth, who translated the Holy Scriptures into the Gothic language, even attended the Constantinople Cathedral in 381.
You will say that the Gothic Diocese is therefore not mentioned by us and not promoted as the heritage of the Ukrainian Church because it, although it referred to the early Christian Churches, but - professed Aryanism, which was condemned at the Cathedral of Nikea in 325. But! Velʹmi?anovn? Bishops, these theological and theological nuances are your internal discussions. For the Ukrainian same state, for its civilians, the important thing is the very fact that already in the very remote early Christian times, about 1700 years ago (! ), in the south of today's Ukraine we had powerful church sit-ins, with leaders of which - as equal and worthy - spoke in both Constantinople and Rome.
I suppose that the fact of Aryan heresy in the Gothic diocese is more defining and important to you than the overall historical significance of the Gothic Diocese for ancient Ukrainian history.
Then, why don't you recognize and promote the religious and historical heritage of the neighboring Skif diocese, the eastern part of which occupied in the III-VIII centuries almost all of today's Odessa region and the adjacent part of Kherson and Nikolaev regions..? After all, the Scythian Diocese from the very beginning acknowledged the canonical and true Symbol of Faith and until the Chalkidon Cathedral (until 451) was independent, that is, independent in the management of its churches. And, only the Cathedral in Chalkidon 28th by its rule, subjected the Scyphian Diocese to the Patriarchate of Constantinople.
And, in addition, according to the early Christian historian and Byzantine lawyer Ermi Sozomen, the specialty of the Scythian Diocese was that it constantly preserved an ancient custom, according to which the churches of the province were always managed only by odi n a bishop.
And lastly: in the late third century, Evangelik is mentioned - bishop of the Scythian diocese, who ruled local churches under the Roman Emperor Diocletian (284-292 years), that is, during the cruelest persecution and persecution of the first Christians. From now until the middle of the sixth century, the twelve bishops of the above-mentioned diocese are known by name. We don't know the ethnic origin of most of them, but Bishop Feotimus is specifically stated that he is from a Scyph.
The above indicates that:
first of all, long before the so-called Vladimir baptism of 988 (which almost all European writing sources are silent about) in the south of modern Ukraine there were powerful early Christian eparchies - Gothic, Scythian and others, from which should be derived the children of the first beginnings of today's Ukrainian Churches;
secondly, the leaders of those early Christian Churches in the south of present-day Ukraine were so educated and knowledgeable in the matters of belief that they performed at the Ecumenical Cathedrals.
Scythian and Gothic Metropolises: the first Christians in the Ukrainian lands. 3rd - 8th century AD.
The Gothic diocese arose in Crimea at the end of the 3rd century with its capital in Feo-Doros on the Mangup plateau. In the 8th century, the Patriarchate of Constantinople raised it to the level of the Metropolitanate. The believers of the Gothic diocese were representatives of different ethnic groups - Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Goths, Alans, etc. The Gothic bishop Unila was ordained by St. John Chrysostom. Bishop Ulfilah, also a Goth, translated the Holy Scriptures into the Gothic language. He attended the Council of Constantinople in 381.
You will say that the Gothic diocese is therefore not mentioned or promoted by us as a legacy of the Ukrainian Church because, although it belonged to the early Christian churches, it professed Arianism. This was condemned at the Council of Nicaea in 325. But! Dear sirs, these theological and theological nuances are your internal discussions. For the Ukrainian state, for its laity, the very fact is important here that already in the distant early Christian times, about 1700 years ago (!), In the south of today's Ukraine, we had a powerful Church. Its representatives were spoken of as equals and worthy both in Constantinople and in Rome.
Is the fact of the Arian heresy in the Gothic diocese more important for you than the general historical significance of the Gothic diocese for ancient Ukrainian history?
Then why don't you recognize and promote the religious and historical heritage of the neighboring Scythian diocese? Its eastern part of which in the III-VIII centuries occupied almost the entire present-day Odesa region and the adjacent part of the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. Indeed, the Scythian diocese from the very beginning confessed the canonical and true Symbol of Faith and until the Council of Chalcedon (until 451) was autocratic, that is, independent in the management of its churches. Only the council in Chalcedon, under its 28th rule, subordinated the Scythian diocese to the Patriarchate of Constantinople.
According to the early Christian historian and Byzantine lawyer Ermi Sozomen, the peculiarity of the Scythian diocese was that an ancient custom was constantly preserved in it. Churches throughout the province have always been ruled by only one bishop.
And, finally: at the end of the 3rd century, Evangelik is mentioned - the bishop of the Scythian diocese. He ruled local churches under the Roman emperor Diocletian (284-292), that is, during the time of severe persecution of the first Christians. From this time until the middle of the 6th century, twelve bishops of the aforementioned diocese are known by name. We do not know the ethnic origin of most of them, but Bishop Theotim is said to be a Scythian (переклад: Sergiy Georgich)

https://dbpedia.org/page/Androphagi (https://dbpedia.org/page/Androphagi)
https://www.academia.edu/15232900/The_Scythians_and_Their_Neighbors (https://www.academia.edu/15232900/The_Scythians_and_Their_Neighbors)

https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/32/mode/1up?q=Androphagi (https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/32/mode/1up?q=Androphagi)
Scythians and Greeks : a survey of ancient history and archaeology : Minns, Ellis H Publication date 1913.. 720 pages | while "russians" are just Muscovites who descend from androphagi katsaps(butchers) and cannibals like Herodotus said, they are not SLAVS but slaves

.https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/urfj5o/the_horse_the_wheel_and_language_david_w_anthony/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/urfj5o/the_horse_the_wheel_and_language_david_w_anthony/)
https://archive.org/details/horsewheelandlanguage (https://archive.org/details/horsewheelandlanguage)
The Horse, the Wheel, and Language : David W. Anthony | That's why europeans came from Ukraine-RUS

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 21, 2022, 08:07:10 am

  https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0TkVTKkBH1mP3EvP5bNhccatTWpynzKHxxMRn6Trsn4jG5AfNxpcgSFmBRh1haXzSl&id=100000201224562&__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0TkVTKkBH1mP3EvP5bNhccatTWpynzKHxxMRn6Trsn4jG5AfNxpcgSFmBRh1haXzSl&id=100000201224562&__cft__)[0]=AZVHzE_l94Owv3EETzhr4pnl5RQo5aMO9ZpjjG2Wkcb-lT-lGZxhHNuH3cwegvqYazZwjEVSKE6CxgFZmTZEz8zP_ybg1qU4HdUW4I84Jk6UFAqRpzvZYliYrPREya6d7fYdKA7RFEmzu7eSZ1847KIpLlVPLdLIV3N6w20iqvgYDjveptC0iH7zj5Zxunzapzs&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-y-R
  The Cathedral of John the Baptist in Malta has a sculptural composition dating back to approximately 1680. In the lower part of the composition is the bust of the Grand Master of the Maltese Order Nicolo Kottoner, and supported by two marble figures - a Zaporozhye Cossack and an African slave. Maltese sculptor Domenico Guidi (1628-1701) depicted a Cossack and a slave for an allegorical purpose: the African symbolized humility, and the Zaporozhye was a symbol of the pursuit of freedom...
In the period of development of hetman валиini, there were quite close connections between the Maltese Order and zaporizhzhia Sicč та. Although officially the Maltese Order on Ukrainian lands appeared in 1609, contacts had occurred before. Prince Dmitry Vyshnevetsky, who organized Zaporizhzhia Sich, built it according to the Maltese Order. One of the proofs of this is the image of Maltese crosses on Cossack coffins and other attributes, as well as Maltese crosss on Cossack graves. After the defeat of Zaporozhye Sichi and the occupation of the Right Bank by Russian troops, in the early 80s. 18th century By order of Queen Catherine II in favor of the Maltese Order was resolved a complex of controversial issues regarding the ownership of knights in the Commonwealth and in the trenah of Ukraine, as the Order had existed here for more than 200 years. At the same time, the Great Polish Priory was founded in the warehouse of six commandors (December 14, 1774). ), henceforth its existence was approved by the Polish Seimas (18 October 1776), Pope Pius VI (26 September 1777) and Grand Magistrate Fra Emmanuel de Rogan (17 November 1777 ). Since 1609 in the territory of modern Ukraine, the Maltese Order had a Volyn priorstvo, created on the lands of Prince Janusz Ostrozky, who reserved the Order his mansion. The Polish Sejm officially allowed the creation of the Volyn Priory. Even the transfers that in Malta buried Yuras Khmelnytsky himself - the same talentless son of Hetman Bogdan Khmelnytskiy, who had happy days of cossack in Saturday and čigirin?, monotonous days of černetskogo life in the monasteries of korsunya, uman And Trahtemirova on kan?v ніin? and the severe fate of a political prisoner in the castle of malbrok tevtonsʹkogo order and in the castle of the seven tower in Turkish Constantinople...
One version claims that following the maritime victory of the Maltese over the Turks, iron galleys with strange hairstyles were found in Turkish galleries - "herring" When asked by the grand master who they are and why they wear crosses on their neck, Zaporozhye residents answered that they were captured ten years ago and have been rowing in galleries ever since. The Grand Master generously gifted the Cossacks and released them "on all four sides". In response, Zaporozhye asked to stay in the Maltese army...
The traces of the Zaporizhia Cossacks are traced not only to Malta, but also to the original homeland of the Ordinary Knight - in Jerusalem, where the temple of the Tomb of the Lord is still preserved a bowl of pure gold gifted by the Hetman Mazepa. Ukrainian Cossacks were well known in Malta. Yes, visited the Maltese Order Cossack Otaman, Starosta Cherkasy and Kaniv Dmitry Vishnevetsky (Baida) - studied the order and arrangement of the Order. Zaporozhye came to Malta to study Maltese military art, instead the Maltese came to Zaporozhee to study Cossack - they had something to learn from each other...
Information from sites: about Cossacks:
https://kozaku.in.ua/statt-pro-kozakv/118-kozaki-ta-maltyskiy-hrest.html (https://kozaku.in.ua/statt-pro-kozakv/118-kozaki-ta-maltyskiy-hrest.html)
on the history of the Maltese Knight Order in Ukraine:

http://osje.info/?page_id=39 (http://osje.info/?page_id=39)

https://spadok.org.ua/ukrayinske-kozatstvo/ariyski-elementy-v-kulturi-kozakiv (https://spadok.org.ua/ukrayinske-kozatstvo/ariyski-elementy-v-kulturi-kozakiv)

https://ingulskapalanka.at.ua/blog/pro_kozacku_chuprinu_oseledec_ta_chub_astina_2/2015-11-06-25 (https://ingulskapalanka.at.ua/blog/pro_kozacku_chuprinu_oseledec_ta_chub_astina_2/2015-11-06-25)

https://www.facebook.com/galina.torska.9/posts/pfbid0NHnLdF5xacVHnBZMD4ADhefHJR7uXcGi1746Xp7iGFAeQRFHwHWm3wptvNoxs2uZl?__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/galina.torska.9/posts/pfbid0NHnLdF5xacVHnBZMD4ADhefHJR7uXcGi1746Xp7iGFAeQRFHwHWm3wptvNoxs2uZl?__cft__)[0]=AZWfbDo-DcVEo1jLKgODjh_-EY-NseEDYaVID4YGo1-pf0T7JU_kSJP3y4R8ctZ9E1vZdlER9vm9tgTHySJjfClBfHFqRZM_IMrp-Xd-TP02r1fRQj0TZcZQ4hC5uEi3ypDxgj1LZpH5dUK2h_DBks9PW7nRFMc40c7m53AQGEuz3PjGV6haZbT_uSyGshHZs7c&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-y-R
What energy experts are silent about
The situation with electricity outage across the country raises the question in every Ukrainian: why exactly?
And the answers that are received contain BLOODY , JUSTIFYING , DISTURBED INFORMATION and OUTRIGHT LIES.
And this is why..
I deliberately add the scheme of the placement of power plants of Ukraine, which is in OPEN ACCESS to Wikipedia.
Take a good look at her. Very carefully. And then cross those power plants we lost after February 24 and haven't had a single kilowatt from there for a long time. Yeah, yeah. We lost them a long time ago, but everyone had electricity back in May and all summer.
And then, from those who are left, mark those who are exactly whole and unharmed. What will you be left with? And now think, what primarn? 40 % of energy lost Ukraine? And you get it stuck in your heads as if we have 40% of generating power destroyed by drones and missiles and that's what caused the outages. In fact, the damage to the generating power of Ukraine does not exceed 5%. All the remaining 35 % about which bas?ka штаtʹ posadovc? are lep and transformmuč? stations. But if a transformer is broken somewhere in a village, how will this cause a power outage in another village? If your electric kettle burned out, how can you fix it by turning off the fridge?
I don't need to talk about the complex processes of electrical load distribution and processes in electricity here. You are in your production and at least in your offices, straighten the phases and wires of the extensions from under your feet, and then start talking about physics, standards, TOE and load distribution.
Electricity consumption in Ukraine in 2022 decreased by 30-40% purely due to the closure of production and the wrapping up of business. Even officially (actually much more) at least 10% of the population has left Ukraine, which also leads to a decrease in electricity consumption. Everyone and everywhere is saving money. This is common sense even further.
But it turns out not enough. Need to turn it off as well. And not just switch off, but chop on 4, 5, 6, 10, and podekudi on 12-16 hours every day.
What for? What is the explanation for this outage? What is the necessity in this? Which one except blackmail and intimidation?
And lastly, like a berry on a cake.
E R I N G ! I emphasize - all without the exception of the electricity in Ukraine is PRIVATE PROPERTY. All without the exception of the electricity network in Ukraine make profits to the BIG BUSINESS. These companies and their owners are well known.
So why is the state looking for money for some kind of restoration of private property? Why is private property restored for money that should be used for other needs, which will continue to provide extra profits to individual non-humans? And if some power plant, transformer substation, power line and anything else of electricity is restored or constructed at state expense, maybe it is worth to transfer and RETURN it to STATE PROPERTY, not private?
This whole situation with outages and shouting about "nor we have 40 percent of energy destroyed" is a rubbish and fabrication of pro-worlds, which in the face of war seek to restore the material base of their own business at the expense of the state and foreign donors, to then continue to cut money from people without investing a broken penny...
Emma Lifertitti.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 25, 2022, 08:17:01 am

  De EU Consument associeert het zwarte gezicht van de Bus?, Cert of Krampus, met een  Pan-Europese volkstraditie, die prehistorische&heidense wortels heeft.  Amerikaanse Monopolisten ontkennnen de specifieke identiteit van de EU Consument  #Zwartepiet #sinterklaas Afbeelding Bus?
https://twitter.com/Zwartepiet_eu/status/1580144415863341057 (https://twitter.com/Zwartepiet_eu/status/1580144415863341057)

https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krampus (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krampus)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus%C3%B3j%C3%A1r%C3%A1s (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus%C3%B3j%C3%A1r%C3%A1s)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwarte_Piet (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwarte_Piet)
https://documentairenet.nl/wild-geraas/ (https://documentairenet.nl/wild-geraas/)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK3t2nO4TBo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK3t2nO4TBo)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urYBdi2uX_s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urYBdi2uX_s)
Slaaf of zondebok

Today, November 24 is the day of the regular meeting of Київська міська рада where our representatives _ these will discuss a number of scandalous buildings. Read more in the League material - https://biz.liga.net/ua/all/nedvizhimost/article/novaya-popytka-kievsovet-budet-snova-golosovat-za-skandalnuyu-zastroyku-pyat-ugroz/section-1#page (https://biz.liga.net/ua/all/nedvizhimost/article/novaya-popytka-kievsovet-budet-snova-golosovat-za-skandalnuyu-zastroyku-pyat-ugroz/section-1#page)
We want to highlight and draw attention to one of the issues of the agenda, namely - p. Section 4 2.14.6. " about the transfer of the rent of SOVEREIGN WITH LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY " CAPITAL REAL ESTATE " land area for exploitation and maintenance of residential building on voznesensʹkomu uzvoz?, 25 in the shevčenk?vsʹkomu district of the city of Kiev (A-26655). (From 18.04.2019 No 08/231- 1552 / PR). (Again)"
Today's City Council vote can "hang the axe" that will destroy the archaeological sensation - newly discovered Вознесенські печери , likely millennials. Owner of Capital Real Estate LLC - Alexander Mahnyov. In 2020, he was running for the ky? 2020vrada from the banned pro-Russian party "oppzzh".
Senior Scientist Національний заповідник ?Софія Київська? Bureau member of the Ukrainian National Committee of the International Council of Monuments and Significant Places (ICOMOS), Candidate of Historical Sciences Tymur Bobrovskyy believes that "The Ascension Caves should be preserved for the future" study, conservation, and perhaps museum performances. To this end, it is planned to be produced in the near future the necessary documentation for placing these cultural heritage sites in the state. "
Голос. Київ Володимир Бондаренко Gregory Malenko Max Nefyodov Zoya Yarosh Vadim Vasilchuk Taras Kozak Віталій Кличко
Володимир Прокопів Марина Порошенко Леонід Ємець please do your best to preserve the unique heritage of the past.
Please tag your deputies in the comments _ ok. Thank you.


https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/white-skin-developed-europe-only-recently-8000-years-020287 (https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/white-skin-developed-europe-only-recently-8000-years-020287)
  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_skin#:~:text=Studies%20have%20suggested%20that%20the,Revolution%20and%20the%20spread%20of (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_skin#:~:text=Studies%20have%20suggested%20that%20the,Revolution%20and%20the%20spread%20of)
  https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/Archaeogenetic_analysis_of_human_skin_pigmentation_in_Europe.jpg (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/Archaeogenetic_analysis_of_human_skin_pigmentation_in_Europe.jpg)
  Andrea Hanel Carsten Carlberg - https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/exd.14142 (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/exd.14142)
History of human pigmentation in Europe. Archeogenomic data were downloaded from the Reich Lab webpage (https://reich.hms.harvard.edu (https://reich.hms.harvard.edu), version 37.2, released February 22, 2019) and complemented with recent data,[55, 56, 58, 67-69, 108] in order to create the map of migration and admixture of populations in Europe since the arrival of homo sapiens some 40 000 years ago. Phenotype information was retrieved from supplementary files of the according publications or additionally assessed following the instructions of HirisPlex‐S (https://hirisplex.erasmusmc.nl (https://hirisplex.erasmusmc.nl)), which is a forensic DNA phenotyping tool based on an array of different marker SNPs providing additional support to the SNPs of the genes SLC24A5, SLC45A2 and OCA2. The map was plotted using the R package rnaturalearth (https://CRAN.R (https://CRAN.R)‐project.org/package=rnaturalearth) and sf (https://CRAN.R (https://CRAN.R)‐project.org/package=sf). Ya, years ago

  https://en.tinvn.online/what-is-the-origin-of-blue-eyes (https://en.tinvn.online/what-is-the-origin-of-blue-eyes)
  According to research from the UCIFG, all people with blue eyes descend from a single ancestor who lived between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago near the Black Sea.
  https://mysteriesrunsolved.com/2021/09/blue-eyes.html (https://mysteriesrunsolved.com/2021/09/blue-eyes.html)
  https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/lifestyle/blue-eyes-black-sea-there-is-a-connection-20080204-ge9mix.html (https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/lifestyle/blue-eyes-black-sea-there-is-a-connection-20080204-ge9mix.html)
  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/how-one-ancestor-helped-turn-our-brown-eyes-blue-776170.html (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/how-one-ancestor-helped-turn-our-brown-eyes-blue-776170.html)
   What is the origin of blue eyes? | North (East) of Black Sea, same as with light skin. The Yamana, my tribe?
  Same as with light skin, the Yamana, my tribe?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 27, 2022, 10:46:12 am
Good of after noon friends. Finally published important materials found for us in the State Archives of Sweden. Please read and pass it on. Link is in the first comment.
Part One: documents of the 1920s years. The second part, with documents of the 1940 s years, will soon be published in "Historical Truth".
Bolsheviks occupied Ukraine, committed murders, provoked mass hunger.
Documents confirming these facts were found by employees of the State Archives of Sweden on March 23, 2022 in the archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden.
From the translator
This is only a small part of the materials describing the occupation of Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
Among the documents is a report of the Swedish military attache in Poland of Captain Axel Klaeson on the political situation in Ukraine, written on February 11, 1920 and sent to the Swedish Foreign Minister. This document preceded the signing of the Warsaw Treaty and a military convention between the UNR and Poland in April 1920.
We publish almost experiential translations of documents written in Swedish, French and English between 1917 and 1920 years. The translator's comments are marked with MT letters, parts of the text that are written indistinguishable or missing, highlighted by square brackets [... []. Russia's war with Ukraine has brought their korektivi in Ukrainian spelling. From now on I write russia, belarus, moscow, putin, the soviet union, and the names of all the other junk that attacks our lands in lowercase. They didn't deserve more than that.
The rest of the documents from the archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden will soon be researched, translated into Ukrainian and printed in Ukraine.
This is important to do right now Це during another war of Russia against Ukraine. When the Russian army tries to occupy our lands again, destroy Ukrainian history, literature, architecture, identity, people and state.
This time she won't make it, Russia will collapse itself. And Ukraine will become a prosperous European state that will contribute to positive valuable changes of the modern world.
Hang in there, my friends! Victory will definitely be ours!
Marina Trattner
March 25, 2022
UPD 1. Here is the second part of the materials:
https://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2022/04/6/161169/ (https://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2022/04/6/161169/)

https://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2022/03/29/161134/ (https://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2022/03/29/161134/)

The Bolsheviks occupied Ukraine, committed murders, and provoked mass starvation

https://archive.org/search.php?query=+Ukrainian+National+Council+&sin=&sort=date (https://archive.org/search.php?query=+Ukrainian+National+Council+&sin=&sort=date)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 29, 2022, 08:12:10 am

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDN-DtJMs4Y&feature=share (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDN-DtJMs4Y&feature=share)
A Brief History Of Ukraine (And Why Russia Wants To Control It)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byVQueBxRMI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byVQueBxRMI)
Ukrainian Origins | A Genetic and Cultural History
https://www.uzhnu.edu.ua/en/news/New-study-of-the-genome-of-Ukrainians-carried-out-by-scientists.htm (https://www.uzhnu.edu.ua/en/news/New-study-of-the-genome-of-Ukrainians-carried-out-by-scientists.htm)

http://www.khazaria.com/genetics/ukrainians.html (http://www.khazaria.com/genetics/ukrainians.html)
https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/570420 (https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/570420)
https://www.sci.news/genetics/genetic-diversity-ukraine-09252.html (https://www.sci.news/genetics/genetic-diversity-ukraine-09252.html)
https://academic.oup.com/gigascience/article/10/1/giaa159/6079618 (https://academic.oup.com/gigascience/article/10/1/giaa159/6079618)
https://watermark.silverchair.com/giaa159.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAt0wggLZBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggLKMIICxgIBADCCAr8GCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQM3CluONXK89-XRB2lAgEQgIICkCKJeEsutkWUZkPML0Owe4cY5G7dpd2LGv70Qx29LMup1kZnB6fpCAyQiDWDFrwU7U2qBtrLEWNgHchp5OB2t9I2x7Uj4YOZIOjjICGTKKsHdze3OILp8xluBuIDKfNPIzbuV4zx9rgDlhEOUvhqfwIt71xmKdx6K3FwuAbWTsjXFb59JwOWeCkqNhBl7NMMsr7UjuJQSfqvjPBdXwush4_e81vdbJDtYAYvytp7B2YmiHSBW789-kketwb2VIfrGxwrFZyx1RiFjr4LtjuXRfU-jnxrTfEyDNkiJgmf7BzMtxv3SaK6D3X-3jCfG_BaY5y5_VtTCJ_XDPQQFf14rndLHxboRy7NF7xGQEttbpY9ZfrTBYgm6ZjAJhk-ohPp0ra7veDE1UAOnk8iLXFTUIdjkU2B3njZx6jt1NOO11k3nU2j5RNJj6ZUgMr6HXFuYuUmoGuHHMXZpSJ8b4gfjsv-VC69kJ5Uw8AIC_fFgrUCaOTiBRpl3mi4hLMXsnU9OJr78eF36kvKQRap6xz9R2oj91U22s5nsCa24za5vWIXuhgq3pSevMXaUDFt4ecjgs1xakLVSF7emY7PLvTDvvksRFGI_rXwnjhX5RmoJ7KkTTmNEssfHwiiYU8uD9xBjsfKV3VkI9Qpa0uwJyq1_YQy3O-wdhU2OWrPACENBFOzpSoL1rMnVVOqU2cHNfZ2qWInAJS06AoCVu-6uSKZCV_Wrxmtoje6aNujlrZX1cxtU7O4577mZlW9Kg3wi0lqe8yqPwMb14NIQ6SuEXZbBTOpTzI47BsobNc8YrW5oK5IuzInKTfsiMQcanfOkhHdTcCD_JwZOttz4BEsS3J12BDVNOmVEIS89t9Zz3CwzS4a (https://watermark.silverchair.com/giaa159.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAt0wggLZBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggLKMIICxgIBADCCAr8GCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQM3CluONXK89-XRB2lAgEQgIICkCKJeEsutkWUZkPML0Owe4cY5G7dpd2LGv70Qx29LMup1kZnB6fpCAyQiDWDFrwU7U2qBtrLEWNgHchp5OB2t9I2x7Uj4YOZIOjjICGTKKsHdze3OILp8xluBuIDKfNPIzbuV4zx9rgDlhEOUvhqfwIt71xmKdx6K3FwuAbWTsjXFb59JwOWeCkqNhBl7NMMsr7UjuJQSfqvjPBdXwush4_e81vdbJDtYAYvytp7B2YmiHSBW789-kketwb2VIfrGxwrFZyx1RiFjr4LtjuXRfU-jnxrTfEyDNkiJgmf7BzMtxv3SaK6D3X-3jCfG_BaY5y5_VtTCJ_XDPQQFf14rndLHxboRy7NF7xGQEttbpY9ZfrTBYgm6ZjAJhk-ohPp0ra7veDE1UAOnk8iLXFTUIdjkU2B3njZx6jt1NOO11k3nU2j5RNJj6ZUgMr6HXFuYuUmoGuHHMXZpSJ8b4gfjsv-VC69kJ5Uw8AIC_fFgrUCaOTiBRpl3mi4hLMXsnU9OJr78eF36kvKQRap6xz9R2oj91U22s5nsCa24za5vWIXuhgq3pSevMXaUDFt4ecjgs1xakLVSF7emY7PLvTDvvksRFGI_rXwnjhX5RmoJ7KkTTmNEssfHwiiYU8uD9xBjsfKV3VkI9Qpa0uwJyq1_YQy3O-wdhU2OWrPACENBFOzpSoL1rMnVVOqU2cHNfZ2qWInAJS06AoCVu-6uSKZCV_Wrxmtoje6aNujlrZX1cxtU7O4577mZlW9Kg3wi0lqe8yqPwMb14NIQ6SuEXZbBTOpTzI47BsobNc8YrW5oK5IuzInKTfsiMQcanfOkhHdTcCD_JwZOttz4BEsS3J12BDVNOmVEIS89t9Zz3CwzS4a)

The mysterious King of Galicia at the XVI Ecumenical Cathedral in Constance in southern Germany, which took place about 600 years ago and on which burned jan goose
So for some reason it happens that in our minds the split in the Church, which took place in the deep Middle Ages, is imagined to us today as a division into two irreconcilable camps, communication between which, at that time, could only be through the cracks of the lowered took on the helmet brother.
And the short story I'm going to tell you now convinces that the real relationship between both Churches (East and West) was actually much more interesting and multicolored.
So, from: move in our imagination six centuries earlier - to the southern German city of constance, which is on the shore of bodensʹkogo lake. It was here for four years that the XVI Ecumenical Cathedral of the Church (from November 16, 1414 to April 22, 1418), which arrived thirty cardinals, four hundred bishops and many other persons and delegations. Recently, Lviv professor Leontiy Vojtovich, Miroslav Trofimuk and other researchers, the invitations to which I give below, under the post.
And, the main issue at the cathedral was one thing: to overcome the great split in the Catholic Church itself (t. zv. A great schism), since at the time the Catholic Church was simultaneously ruled by three Roman popes who were hostile to each other.
In order not to go back to this topic further, I will say that the cathedral made a radical decision then - all three popes: John XXIII, Gregory XIII and Benedict XIII were removed from office. Bah, more - Gregory XII was satisfied with the cardinal title, John XIII - escaped from the cathedral, but he was caught up, arrested and deprived of power, and Benedict XIII decided to remove power in absentia because he managed to escape to Avignon in the south of France.
You will be surprised, but powerful embassies of the Orthodox World were also present at this cathedral: three Patriarchs with their delegations and a large embassy led by the Kiev Orthodox Metropolitan Gregory Tsamblak, who participated in the cathedral blessed the Patriarch of Constantinople. The delegation included thirty persons, among whom there were also "... Duke Fedur von Schmolentzgi in red Russia " ("der hertzog fedur von schmolentzagi in rotten r?sen ").
In addition to the very initiator of the convocation of the Ecumenical Cathedral - King of Hungary and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Sigismund Luxembourg, the cathedral was attended by more than 300 doctors of theology and law from various European universities, as well as the dukes of Austria Ба, Bavaria, Saxony, Macklenburg and Lottery and the representatives of the kings of France, England, Scotland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Naples, Sicily and - what is particularly important to us - the "Embassy of the Kingdom of Red Russia" ("das k?ngrich von rot Rusen").
In the " Chronicle ... "established around 1420 by the chief chancellor of this Ecumenical Cathedral, bishop notary Ulrich von Regental it is written that the cathedral has arrived"... from the svetl??ogo prince [and] king of Galicia's powerful grand embassy " ("... by the translucent high-born prince
from Galitzia a mighty great message"). In the same " Chronicle ... "the coat of arms of the King of Galicia in the form of a crowned shield with long blue stripes on a white background.
Now you see what the interesting thing is..?
The thing is that the initiator of the convocation of this Ecumenical Cathedral Hungarian King Sygismund Luxembourg himself had the inherited title of "King of Galicia and Lodomeria". Ah, here to konstanca arrives the embassy from another king with an almost identical title... However, the fact that the offices of the cathedral itself, and King Sigismund, with such respect, responded to the arrival of a separate embassy to the cathedral from the high-born king of Galicia, may indicate not only the use of this title at this time in the West country lands (ne-Hungarian king), but also possible about the existence of a certain territorial individual under the name of the Galician kingdom. And, this is hypothetical, so far, the Galician kingdom was not part of the kingdom of Russia (Red Russia? ) and did not obey the Polish King Vladislav II Yagailu. And, this in turn, provokes the suggestion that in 1387 Polish troops could occupy not all of Galicia, but only part of it, while another part of it remained independent even during the times of the Cathedral in Constance, which is in question.
In other words, the titulatura mentioned in the documents of the cathedral does not give us a reason to ototo?n оvati Red Rus (Lviv Kingdom? ) with all of Galicia. In those years, some part of today's Galicia still continued to remain uncontrollable "Russian Lviv" (let's mention here the independent Jewish Principality, which existed on Galician lands at the time of this cathedral and certified in numerous documents from the moment of its creation in 1393 and 1442 year).
Proof that there is no sign of equality between the "Galician Kingdom" of the time and the "Kingdom of Red Russia" is also indicated by a mention in the Olendorf Codex of 1438-1450s "... of the highly-breed noble prince of Red Russia". The fact that this prince represented not Galicia but some other territorial formation is shown by his coat of arms submitted in the aforementioned Olendorf Codex - a black and white shield divided in half with three crosses in the upper half and a two-headed eagle in the lower ew (this two-headed eagle is most likely the Byzantine type, which researchers have already mentioned). It's not excluded that under red Russia at that time could understand the thorns of the holm ноюini and the south (see. against the acad. Yaroslav Isa?viča about červensʹk? Grades, červenʹke kn?z?vstvo).
That is, summarizing the above can be carefully assumed that during the work of the Ecumenical Cathedral in Constance it was imagined that in the legal field on part of today's Western Ukrainian lands co-existnuvalo two kingdoms: 1-Kingdom of Red Russia , mentioned in the documents of the cathedral called "... "das k?ngrich von rot Rusen" (and which we can combine with the "Kingdom of Leon" of Spanish maps and treaties of the XIV-XV centuries) and which could include Holm, Lviv and other cities; 2-Kingdom of Galicia mentioned in the documents of the cathedral called "... by the translucent high-born prince of Galitzia". Whether it is solely the title or the territorial formation and in what years it could have existed remains to be studied. As for the latter, it could have taken thorns southeast of the aforementioned kingdom of Red Rus.
In connection with all this, there is a temptation to assume that the famous coronation of Prince Danilo Romanovich with the Pope's crown was only applicable to the Kingdom of Russia (according to the terminology of the Chancellors of the Constantinople: "Kingdom of Red Russia"). In addition, "King of Galicia", Prince Danilo Romanovich could not be zasadnicho, as this title before him has long been worn by other European monarchs.
And, to finish it off, about the burning of Jan Gus, which was announced at the beginning of my post.
At the same time, when representatives from the kingdoms of Red Russia and Galicia participated in the Ecumenical Cathedral in Constance, that's when the participants of the cathedral were convicted (for "reformative" views) Czech Jan Gus and English John Wikcliffe. As we know, Jan Gus was burned alive at the fire on July 6, 1415, and his follower, Hieronym Prague, was burned the next spring - May 30, 1416.
Whether our native Galicans, as full-fledged participants of the cathedral, participated in the discussion of Jan Gus and his followers' "heretic" views is unknown. We also do not know whether our high-dignity countrymen were personally present at the time when the inquisitors were lifting burning resin to a pile of insects and firewood, which were stacked with German accuracy in the legs of a man tied to a pillar...
See. also of the labor: Leontiy Vojtovich "Mysterious "High-born Noble Prince of the Red Rus", and: Miroslav Trofimuk "Eastern Liturgy at the time of Constantine Cathedral of the Catholic Church".
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 03, 2022, 13:52:31 pm

This part of the archive is definitely one of the most important for us. Thanks to these documents, we will be able to restore parts of our history from January 1705 (! ) until December 1713.

https://sok.riksarkivet.se/?postid=Arkis%2014c79868-352b-4390-b6e4-775ab5c875da&s=Balder (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/?postid=Arkis%2014c79868-352b-4390-b6e4-775ab5c875da&s=Balder)

These are documents from Swedish, Polish, Turkish, Tatar (Crimean, Nogai and Kazakh Tatars) and Ukrainian history. Letters / drafts are written in Swedish, German, French, Polish and Latin.
Here is a part of the documents from the Bender Committee - the trial on the distribution of Hetman Ivan Mazepa's property. The process that contributed to the creation of the Constitution of Philip Orlik in April 1710.
These are the documents Jan Mispelaere found for us in September 2021 after my request for documents about Ivan Mazepa and our independence.
They traveled from Bender across Europe to Stockholm, fell in the rain in mud, pulled on bullcarts, fired at by Danes in the harbor and began to sink on a submerged warship. They were rescued and brought to the State Archive in Stockholm in July 1716. There they were waiting for us until September 2021... Read Jan Mispelaere's article about these documents in our book "Treasures of the Swedish Archives" if you haven't already done so.
Some of them we have published with transliteration in the language of the original, with translation into Ukrainian language and description of the historical context. The rest awaits your attention and research.
Our book is available for free download via these links:

https://www.patreon.com/posts/kniga-skarbi-73627333 (https://www.patreon.com/posts/kniga-skarbi-73627333)

https://chtyvo.org.ua/authors/Trattner_Maryna/Skarby_shvedskykh_arkhiviv_Dokumenty_z_istorii_Ukrainy/ (https://chtyvo.org.ua/authors/Trattner_Maryna/Skarby_shvedskykh_arkhiviv_Dokumenty_z_istorii_Ukrainy/)

Follow these links you will be able to download high-quality, color images of documents.
Dear Ukrainian archivists, historians, museum representatives and everyone who appreciates our history, I kindly ask you to download these documents and save them for Ukrainians.
10 NOVEMBER 1709
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00402... (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00402...)
Given in the camp next to the benderami in the day
DECEMBER 22, 1709

https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00402#?c=&m=&s=&cv=401&xywh=-4387%2C-268%2C12097%2C5662 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00402#?c=&m=&s=&cv=401&xywh=-4387%2C-268%2C12097%2C5662)

Letter to ko?ovogo otaman nikiti bogu?a and zaporozhye cossacks from December 3, 1709
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00418#?c=&m=&s=&cv=417&xywh=-5083%2C-697%2C13840%2C6477 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00418#?c=&m=&s=&cv=417&xywh=-5083%2C-697%2C13840%2C6477)

Letter to ko?ovogo otaman zaporozhye from February 22, 1710
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00449... (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00449...)
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00449#?c=&m=&s=&cv=448&xywh=-4703%2C-2257%2C12781%2C5982 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00449#?c=&m=&s=&cv=448&xywh=-4703%2C-2257%2C12781%2C5982)

The letter about Philip Orlik dated May 10, 1710, is similar to the Letter to Zaporozhye from May 15, 1710 (need to calculate and compare the texts). Together with him sent asekurac?jnij diploma of Karl hii to zaporozhye:

https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00570#?c=&m=&s=&cv=569&xywh=-3917%2C-546%2C11032%2C5163 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00570#?c=&m=&s=&cv=569&xywh=-3917%2C-546%2C11032%2C5163)

And here is the project of the Asekurac?jnogo diploma:
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00573#?c=&m=&s=&cv=572&xywh=-4239%2C-1017%2C12040%2C5635 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00573#?c=&m=&s=&cv=572&xywh=-4239%2C-1017%2C12040%2C5635)

Letter to Pototsky from May 13, 1710, in which they write about asekurac?jnij diploma and Kyiv

https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00576#?c=&m=&s=&cv=575&xywh=-4031%2C-449%2C11499%2C5382 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00576#?c=&m=&s=&cv=575&xywh=-4031%2C-449%2C11499%2C5382)

Looks like Pototsky's answer:
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00579#?c=&m=&s=&cv=578&xywh=-4553%2C-587%2C12448%2C5826 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00579#?c=&m=&s=&cv=578&xywh=-4553%2C-587%2C12448%2C5826)

Draft letter to Zaporozhye from 5/15 May 1710:
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00585#?c=&m=&s=&cv=584&xywh=-4710%2C-419%2C12681%2C5935 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00585#?c=&m=&s=&cv=584&xywh=-4710%2C-419%2C12681%2C5935)

Letter to Pototsky from May 25, 1710:
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00591#?c=&m=&s=&cv=590&xywh=-3821%2C-655%2C10942%2C5121 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00591#?c=&m=&s=&cv=590&xywh=-3821%2C-655%2C10942%2C5121)

Letter to Pototsky dated June 5, 1710:
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00591#?c=&m=&s=&cv=590&xywh=-3821%2C-655%2C10942%2C5121 (https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/40006039_00591#?c=&m=&s=&cv=590&xywh=-3821%2C-655%2C10942%2C5121)

I myself still haven't seen it in the scanned version. I will do this every time I get the opportunity. I will share the links and comments with you.
Read it download it save it.
This is our with you day historical joy 😊🇺🇦❤
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 16, 2022, 16:50:34 pm
They say Poltava region is the cradle of language мо. 16 outstanding writers of Ukraine were born in Poltava region!! ️ Because there is no language without writers - its worlds, creators, carriers and keepers.
1. 📗Marusya Churai. The legendary p?snyarka of already folk songs "Oh, don't walk, gric ,, and on the evening ", " rozpragajte, guys, horses " and others, lived in poltava during the times of khmelnytsky.
2. 📙 Gregory the Pan. "every city is custom and rights, each keeps his mind head" - these words belong to a traveling poet and philosopher who set out on his way from the poltava land, namely - from the village of chornuhi.
3. Ко Ivan Kotlyarevsky. The father of "Aneida" was born in Poltava.
4. Eugene Comb. "It's good to live with men, live with them, let the Lord help you, you can eat and drink with them, and kiss them - save us God! ". A prominent Ukrainian biker and poet, whose poems have become popular songs, was born on a farm Ubizhyshche near Piryatin.
5. 📕 Mykola Gogol. The Russian writer who made Ukrainian folklore a literary trend of the 19th century was born in the great Sorochint?h, spent childhood and youth in Vasylivka (Gogoleve), studied in Poltava.
6. Leonid Glibov. The poet and biker, whose works have grown more than one generation of Ukrainians, was born in the village of Veseli Podil, which is now part of the Semeniv district of Poltava region. Poems began to write while studying in poltava grammar.
7. 📗Panas is Peaceful. The author of the genius novels in the style of realism "Do the wills roar as the cres are full" and "Povia" was born in Mirgorod, studied in the Gadiakskyi County School and lived half of his life in Poltava.
8. Mikhail Dragomanov. Ukrainian publicist, critic, historian, philosopher, folklorist and literaturoznavecʹ was born in gad?č? and studied in poltava grammar.
9. лка Elena Bee. Ukrainian writer, translator and ethnographer, whose children's prose and poetry are interesting and for the modern reader, was born in gad?č?.
10. Archive of Teslenko. Ukrainian writer, over whose "Schoolboy" cried many modern schoolchildren, was born in the village of Kharkivtsi, Lohvitsky district.
11. 📗 Oles the Potter. "Take care of the cathedrals of your souls!.. ? The author of the iconic novel "Cathedral" was born in Katerinoslav region, but at the age of three he was taken to himself for the upbringing of grandparents who lived in the village of Sukhe Kobelatsky district. From then on, all life olesʹ gončar indicated in autobiograf??h and questionnaires his birthplace itself the village of suhe (once sloboda suha).
12-13. Т Gregory and Gregory Tyutyunnyky. Brothers writers, masters of prose. Grig?r - started the novel?stiku of the 60 s, repeatedly visited and wrote in lubnah. Both were born in the village of Shil?vka of the Zinkivka district.
14. 📕Vasil Simonenko. A prominent sixty-year-old poet, author of the legendary poetry "Swan of Motherhood" was born in the village of Biyivtsi Lubensky district.
15. льний Pavlo Zagrebelny. The author of the legendary historical novels "Wonder", "Eupraxia", "Roxolana" was born in the village of Soloshyne Kobelacʹkogo district.
16. 📘 Boris Oliynik. Ukrainian poet, author of touching poetry "Song about Mother" was born in the village of Zachepilivka of Novosanzharsky district.
From myself I'll add, although Vladimir Malik щи comes from ki? йогоv знаini, but it was in lubnah that his famous historical novels were written.
So our cradle is incredible.
Source _ Walk _ Poltava
Posted by Олександр Радченко

 Кутвіцький  ?
30 november om 13:39
UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE - in 1934 was recognized at the beauty contest of languages in Paris, as the best, most eloquent and richest language in the world, and took second place after Italian. In 2012 entered the Guinness Book of Records, and from now on in the first place, setting the record for the duration of the musical telemarathon of the national song. Only Ukrainian tracks burst without a break on advertising live 110 hours. The previous record was set by Italy in 2010 in Pesaro-103 hours 9 minutes 26 seconds.
UKRAINIANS are a singing nation that created the largest number of folk songs in the world. Together, about 200 thousand Ukrainian folk songs were awarded. No nation in history has as many songs as the Ukrainian people have created on their own. UNESCO has collected an amazing phonoteque of folk songs from all over the world. The fund of Ukraine contains 15,5 thousand songs. UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE IS THE LANGUAGE OF SLOVINA! 💙💛
Friends, more interesting, relevant publications in our community, click on kost? and company 😉 and join.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 19, 2022, 08:00:46 am

Ukraine is Europe.
That's exactly what the ancient Greeks called our country 2000 years ago.
Every Ukrainian needs to know this. This is not made up story, this is facts. Historical painting (about thousands of years), immortalized in Sofia of Kiev, depicts four glorious queens: France - Anna, Hungary - Anastasia, Norway, and then Denmark - Elizabeth, England - Agatha. They are all the daughters of Yaroslav the Wise, the Grand Duke of Kiev Rus. At this time, the husband of the Polish Princess was their brother ?ziaslav, the queen sister of the father. The other Vladimir was the husband of the princess of Germany. Their mother was the princess of Sweden ?ng?gerdo Ш, whose brothers were the kings of Sweden and Denmark.
All Europe without exception had family ties with Kiev Russia - Ukraine! 100 years before the founding of the village of Moscow.
But let's go back to our queens, because every story about them is Hollywood resting! Did you know that the late Queen of England Elizabeth is a descendant of our Queen Agatha? Isn't that why England is a true friend of Ukraine in these defining times? What Boris Johnson alone is worth!
And Agatha Margarita's daughter became not only the Queen of Scotland, but also her saint! Because in life, most of the temples of God built and good deeds done.
And then Richard brave heart and Maria Steward - with our, that is Agatinim, queens from Kiev roots!
Dear Macron, and you should remind the legendary Anna Kiev, who became the queen of France, knowing four languages. Brought the Gospel, by which or not all the kings of France swore, written in Kyiv Queen Anne's blood flowed in 18-you kings of France (! ).
And about how exactly this legendary portrait of four sisters from Kiev who became the queens of Europe saved Saint Sophia from Moscow's darkness! In the 30's, at the request of the executioner Stalin, Putin's ideal, had to be blown up! The bomb has already been laid... The 1000-year-old miracle of architecture in Kyiv caused a toad in Moscow's heathens.
And suddenly an ultimatum from France:
- If you dare to snatch the portrait of our legendary Queen Anna, destroy the handwork of our Queen's father, our country breaks diplomatic relations! Right now!
... Yeah, such decisive predecessors you had, the possessive French! From Jeanne d ' Arc, not lipen roots!
That's how the French and saved our Sofia! They would still now learn the language of ultimatum?v about putler!
And here still hungarians should remind ours - their queen anastas? ле. Because it was thanks to the patronage of Kiev and the mighty Kiev princes that Hungarian King Andrusz, Anastasia's husband, was saved from death! Because at that time Kiev Rus was the largest state in Europe and the most influential!
Maybe that's why so confidently behaved and did not recognize any ultimatum?v already known to us Queen Elizabeth of the Vikings? The mother sister of the queens mentioned.
Well, have you heard anywhere else that one woman became the Queen of Norway and then of Denmark for life? And our Elizabeth became and also made a daughter queen. And also saved the princess of England orphan Gita from a hateful marriage... and sent it .. Well, like the Russian ship of the most evil samoder?c? who tried to threaten her, and then gave that English Princess Gita for Kiev King Vladimir Monomakh!
See how much English, French, Norman, Danish, Swedish, Polish, Norwegian, Hungarian, where is Russian?
That's what we have, Ukrainians strong roots, already had a European kind when there was no Moscow! Who thinks, to let us in that Europe or not?
And now we have those Richards Brave Heart - millions! Elizabeth and Anne, Agate and Anastasy - no less! And the fact that they rozbrelisʹ they during the war horror of refugees is temporary! They are yet to be queens! And Ukraine is a member of the European Union. And who doubts - tell them this story! And what Kyiv gave 158 queens and kings to Europe! And more will give!
We believe it and act! Together for the win! GLORY TO Ukraine! 🇺🇦🌍🇺🇦
  ?   ?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 25, 2022, 10:25:37 am

Не. Твоя. Земля.
Not. Your. Land.
La Russie en 1839 par le marquis de Custine
The Empire of the Czar; or Observations on the Social, Political, and Religious State and Prospects of Russia made during a Journey through that empire (in Three Volumes, Vol.II)
by Custine, Marquis De (Trans)
 even russian historians day "russia"/Muscovy is JUST northeren Ukraine (the real RUSsia) so after defeat Muscovy should be name again and forever a "protectorate" of UKRAINE-RUS , so the other slaves of Russian Federation can be FREE again.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 25, 2022, 13:15:37 pm

https://ukrainainc.net/2022/05/08/real-history-of-ukraine-moscovy/ (https://ukrainainc.net/2022/05/08/real-history-of-ukraine-moscovy/)

https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=629865255506111&__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=629865255506111&__cft__)[0]=AZU2UuI0anazkkKGDUw-l83LyRsrL1r6PbwSRO9QKSeDKuiBH07hQcc9DlC18h-cL9CM0ANf4qc7nHpAorS2xlLD3vZa4DGVfhhRVqjp9Ii60OZNh5o1BNXE2t8bVap9igEum32wXZl9heRbEQThGCcQBcGxGKaqvxTYqmY4H79RfDIU1tF22tDCnDHr6CVa1bM
The Strategy Behind The European Siege On Mongolia

How Vladimir The Great Changed The Rus
https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals/videos/683438339899898/?__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals/videos/683438339899898/?__cft__)[0]=AZXQOf-O-5_MGAzM0F6_jXXFcZQU0uadY-StK2UrUmJMNo-pUa1r6Ja9YRJSJ6agWcLM9oOgO6h2OR4HAAmnu-e_Oj7ocnIiWf-4hMy7cXzxhw-9CKyGaMp6ZB0dPtezrfv0YIJXj8gg8SMmEAB36Nfa&__tn__=%2CO

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHPLFHHGk-o (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHPLFHHGk-o)
Ancient Origins of the Kyivan Rus: From Rurikids to Mongols

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClcbdD-YUU8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClcbdD-YUU8)
How the Mongols Lost Russia - Medieval History Animated

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNzLIPV6_4lwA5G9kZ9eUro-HvgAzukM_ (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNzLIPV6_4lwA5G9kZ9eUro-HvgAzukM_)
Rus - Kings and Generals - YouTube

The Rise & Fall of the Original Horse Lords
https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=427363081988640&__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=427363081988640&__cft__)[0]=AZXIuBJkXWxj34yrbL2lTW-aQvGy1PxSYUS6P9wGH1bifHIqWpKt7wWJ7eJSly2OITInT17k9DHDn05pRu9KDm0cLqPJWcYFEirUbfj_k5IyuCDPx12_AAUmGD1HrEJZT5fov1nr4oFbVY2SdC5frhG57vd94vqAMcvsshQGiLOql5tOvWTa8JtAyIG96egDJJo

https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1340246609840293&__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1340246609840293&__cft__)[0]=AZUnuohV-6ppPV8NkDLW38Jq5nFJ1qUk4-KhNELva8TmlKWi35MG3K8odobslmnNDaknC_BXZ8ToHICZEegQ1gdGCqzHrz0l-NPePEJk_tn_8aClrR9vPMwMLBTpA6p_grlBaKSLIopnLeQAk0alUiHQh2dTvHnejCZcoEeyhf6flFAYjFcQySZxAa1aM6MbrOI
The Medieval Origins Of Ukrainians

https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=487269840124292&__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=487269840124292&__cft__)[0]=AZW8I2hMXRllbaUx5ssRNXypZZ3t6hsJcERjqeWDSvQJeeTkcRzcs5h3gY2amOn54oAaiYZvsZBrVK-BEXq6I_mz6STzjy8PKpZthb-O9z1Z1FnKJ5fvKQBA16f3JJDh6YEJWXGs72_wJUk18GiuGhxdKh1C92-WovCd6-FJL3_bVbnnW5vGFq1sqETl3I6DM9Q
The Unrivalled Mongols And Their Effect On Rus

https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=search&v=487269840124292&external_log_id=7fa46ac5-2b73-4f39-b24d-441379471fc4&q=rus (https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=search&v=487269840124292&external_log_id=7fa46ac5-2b73-4f39-b24d-441379471fc4&q=rus)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 28, 2022, 09:22:36 am
https://www.facebook.com/cees.boogaart.7/posts/pfbid0279XxxgxBLh6fmAJThfme8YbRqsp1SNX6LcDhCZiVZL5DYjFh4AXewYHfAar95xoFl?__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/cees.boogaart.7/posts/pfbid0279XxxgxBLh6fmAJThfme8YbRqsp1SNX6LcDhCZiVZL5DYjFh4AXewYHfAar95xoFl?__cft__)[0]=AZWOYh4AffS3k7GW_ELqKUPNNyBJ_OLRt5kEuR6-i3pfAmNQM7490qN0kneB25NY3zcHWlaQ--tiS5lzK1QkLHEN12Lt2z86KbM83GQWzZp6d9beWG2Uj8nY5XoPf2N2Y8qL80t2ik5CU4bgYt_fm9nEhIXZp1MHhgd_OYzSpVRoywZsN2m_3Ffo-HMdWicUUBtc9I6qpIBQKRK3GBjCTEfQ&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
The Origins of the Germanic Tribes
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 29, 2022, 07:57:22 am

Cheddar man was typical of Mesolithic European hunter-gatherers. His physical features and way of life resembled others who lived in Western and Central Europe from 14,000 to 6000 years ago. Geneticists call his race the Western Hunter Gatherers (WHG). The Mesolithic is characterised as the warm period following the ice-age. In this video I visit Cheddar gorge and the very cave in which Cheddar man was found. I look at some late stone age hunting tools such as microliths and I even describe what the Mesolithic religion was like based on the scarce evidence we have, from the caves of El Cogul to the Shigir idol of Russia. The main WHG samples I look at are Loschbour man, Cheddar man, La Brana man and Villabrunna man.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JuK-BApolc&t=435s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JuK-BApolc&t=435s)

For those who haven't opened a history book yet, and to this day can't give advice with their tongue.
!! ️ Kiev 🇺🇦❤️ was founded in 482
!! Mass baptism of Kiev 💦 was 988
!! Baptized Rus Prince Vladimir (956-1015 years of life)
!! Moscow was founded in 1147 Yuri Dolgoruky
!! Meanwhile, Yuri Dolgorukij did not founded Moscow (! ), and v?d?av her in the suzdalʹsʹkogo boyarina bunch of stepan ?vanoviča, who owned villages across the river Moscow, killing him. https://cutt.ly/qF3Pnmd (https://cutt.ly/qF3Pnmd)
!! ️ Yuri Dolgorukij himself was a great-grandson (! ) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, who baptized Rus. And buried Yuri Dolgoruky - in Kyiv near Kiev Pechersk Lavra https://cutt.ly/YF3DoGc (https://cutt.ly/YF3DoGc)
So for the northern neighbors - Kyiv 🇺🇦 sacred place!
☝️ The territory of Kievan Rus was:
- 11th century 800 000 sq.m. km
- XII Century 1,300,000 sq.m. km
https://cutt.ly/oF3S7Z3 (https://cutt.ly/oF3S7Z3)
And prost?galas? 🌏 Kiev Rus from the Black Sea to the Baltic and White Seas!
For comparison, the territory of Ukraine today is "total" 603 548 sq km
🇺🇦 The name "Ukraine" is for the first time mentioned in the Kiev Chronicle 1187 ❗❗❗ https://cutt.ly/XF3DBD8 (https://cutt.ly/XF3DBD8)
And no relation to " Ukraine " has, on the contrary, the word " Country " is the state.
The name "Russian Empire" was invented by Peter-1, who renamed the Moscow state, October 22, 1721, using the name of another state. https://cutt.ly/9F3GpHI (https://cutt.ly/9F3GpHI)
What for?
МосковWell, first of all, what do you know about the Moscow Kingdom to the rebrandingu?
пе Secondly, Rus - already at that time was an expensive and dear European brand.
Kiev Princes were in family ties practical with all royal houses of Europe.
I remember the chapel of Saint Margarita in Edinburgh, where it is indicated that she is the granddaughter of Kiev Prince Yaroslav the Wise (! )
https://cutt.ly/MF3060c (https://cutt.ly/MF3060c)
And even Macron knows the fact that the French Queen Hannah was the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise 😉 https://cutt.ly/gF8OWFQ (https://cutt.ly/gF8OWFQ)
Rus - was one of the European centers of education.
The first educational institution is mentioned in the year 988 in the Novel of the past summer https://cutt.ly/oF3HQjy (https://cutt.ly/oF3HQjy)
The second one appeared in 1030. , created by Yaroslav the wise in Novgorod
Ostrog Academy was founded in 1576,
Kiev Mogylanskaya - in 1615.
📚📚📚The very Kiev Mogil?nsʹka Academy became the cradle of Russian education
Graduates of the Academy were the founders of a number of schools in Russia and Belarus, especially in the XVIII century.
They were founded schools and seminars in almost all cities of Russia: Moscow, Petersburg, Smolensk, Rostov, Tobolsk, Irkutsk, Holmogorakh, Tver, Belgorod, Suzdal, Vyatka, Vologda, Kolomna, Ryazan, Pskov, Great Ustyuz, Astrakhan, Kostromi, Vo Lodimir on Klyazm? and other cities. Teachers in these schools were mostly graduates of the Kiev Academy https://cutt.ly/5F3JUSN (https://cutt.ly/5F3JUSN)
🧐The famous scientist Mykhailo Lomonosov was also a graduate of the Kyiv-Mohylansk Academy. Although, before that, he graduated from the "Spassʹku School", founded by a graduate of the same Kiev-Mohylansk Academy https://cutt.ly/WF8Pinx (https://cutt.ly/WF8Pinx)
⚔️ 🛡️⚔️It is also important to remember Ukrainian soldiers.
All Europe knows, not from rumors, about Ukrainian Cossacks. And not just from textbooks.
In almost all European wars, which were hundreds, every third mercenary was a Ukrainian Cossack.
The history of the Second World War without Ukrainians would not be what it turned out to be. This is evidenced by the terrible numbers of losses, more than 50% of the dead USSR citizens were Ukrainians.
Russia is extremely uncomfortable to be a world entity that has no history, its name and its people. After all, "Russian" is also not a nationality, but a territory affiliation.
https://cutt.ly/7F30Jlo (https://cutt.ly/7F30Jlo)
And the Russian language is artificial https://cutt.ly/PF3098J (https://cutt.ly/PF3098J)
😪 And not just, the whole history of Ukraine, we are trying to destroy.
Ukrainian language banned 134 times❗❗❗
https://cutt.ly/6F3KxTL (https://cutt.ly/6F3KxTL)
😔 Ukrainians were destroyed by the holodomorom in 1932-1933. -- the communist totalitarian regime destroyed 10 million. 500 thousand. ukrainians https://cutt.ly/dF3KI61 (https://cutt.ly/dF3KI61)
😔Deported to the Far East https://cutt.ly/fF3KGp0 (https://cutt.ly/fF3KGp0)
😔Our fertile territories were taken away from us https://cutt.ly/vF3Vtk4 (https://cutt.ly/vF3Vtk4)
One can go on with a long list of crimes and thefts that tries to hide Muscovy, the heir of the Horde traditions. But they won't do anything. History lessons have not been learned.
For Ukrainians, unlike the Russians, freedom and dignity are valuable🇺🇦.
Author: Catherine Koval
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 31, 2022, 08:57:22 am

*!! This truth about Ukraine has been hidden all these years!
Just think about these numbers! *
Turns out Ukraine is one of the richest countries in the world, but the poorest people on the continent live in the richest country in the world.
How is this even possible?
We have deliberately been turned into beggars, where all the wealth is owned by a few zl0d?jsʹkih 0l?garh?čnič kl@n?v.
* Ukraine's position in Europe and the world: *
▪️ 1 place in Europe in the territory-603 628 km2;
▪️4th place in the world for the total cost of natural resources.
▪️5th place in Europe and 29th in the world by population.
* Ukraine is one of the richest countries in the world in reserves of natural useful mines. *
This requires:
▪️1 place in Europe in research and mining of uranium minerals;
▪️ 2 place in Europe, 10th place in the world for titanium reserves;
▪️ 2 place in the world for researched reserves of minerals marganese
▪️ 2nd place in the world for iron minerals reserves
▪️ 4th place in the world for potassium reserves (Stebnytske Depot)
▪️ 2 place in Europe by reserves of mercury useful digs;
▪️3rd place in Europe (thirteenth in the world) in gas reserves
▪️ 7th place in the world in coal reserves;
*Ukraine s?lʹgospkraina 😗
▪️1 place in Europe by arable surface;
▪️3rd place in the world by black soil area (this is 25% of world total);
▪️ 1 place in export of sunflower and sunflower oil;
▪️ 2nd place in the world in production and 4th place in barley export;
▪️3rd place in the world in production and 4th place in corn export;
▪️ 4th place in the world by the amount of cultivated potatoes;
▪️ 5th place in the world in rye production;
▪️ 5th place in the world in ap?stic production;
▪️8th place in the world in wheat export;
▪️ 9th place in the world in chicken egg production;
▪️16th place in the world in cheese export.
* Ukraine can meet the food needs of 600 million people. *
* Ukraine is an industrial country: *
▪️ 1 place in Europe in ammonia production;
▪️3rd place in Europe and 8th in the world for installed nuclear power plants;
▪️ 3rd place in Europe and 11th in the world for the length of the railway network (21.7 thousand). km).
▪️3rd place in the world (after the United States and France) in the production of locators and tracking devices;
▪️3rd place in the world for exporting chavunu
▪️4th place in the world in exporting turbines for nuclear power plants;
▪️ 4th place in the world in the market of launchers construction and their commercial use to launch useful trucks into orbit;
▪️4th place in the world in clay export;
▪️4th place in the world for exporting titanium;
▪️8th place in the world in export of useful excavations and concentrates;
▪️9th place in the world in exporting products of the military industrial complex;
▪️ 10th place in the world in steel production;
* Ukraine is one of the most educated countries 😘
▪️ According to the classification of the Human Development Reports, Ukraine belongs to the countries with a high level of education. The number of PhDs in Economic Sciences in Ukraine is 15,000, PhDs - over 80,000;
▪️ Ukraine ranks 4th in the world in the number of people with higher education, and the level of education exceeds the European average;
▪️9th place in the world by the number of students arriving from abroad;
▪️9th place in Europe by the number of Internet users...
P.S. Why Ukrainians so "mainly" live in Ukraine?! Ukraine is one of the richest countries in the world in natural resources and opportunities. It is unfortunate that the Ukrainian people cannot or will not defend their rights after the dignity revolution.
To allow the power of b @ nditam, killers and ol?g @ Rham who pl юtʹ and vitir @ бtʹ legs about the main law of the constitution of Ukraine. For years and even after the Dignity Revolution, we were and ended with mandatory tariffs, taxes, ridiculous fines, salaries and pensions.
* Considering our natural resources, laws (see. at least articles 3,5,13 of the constitution) we can be richer than UAE. *
* But we are gr @ bu *tʹ clans and oligarchs who tear our country into pieces.
After the war, it will not be, this will facilitate the execution of criminal responsibility for corruption until life and beyond.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 31, 2022, 18:18:38 pm
  ?   ?
Rus ( Рус gia) is a slightly ancient tribe of people living in Eastern Europe from the Baltic to Shanghai, a community of blood relations - a fairly loose gene of Eastern Slavs, Baltic and Finnish. Where they lived established the nation ancient Kyiv-Rus or Киоус ская, Russian l?иевская cổус l?. The central part of the country which is now Kyiv is also the origin of modern Ukraine.
An in-depth study of this ancient national history with Ukrainian historian Mykhailo Hrushevsky (1866 ? 1934 ? image 1) concludes that Ukrainians are now the main constructors of the Kyiv?Rus temple ethnic structure.
After the state was destroyed by the Mongolian Empire, by the time of the emergence of the Moscow Empire, it erased traces of the ancient Russian state of Kyiv both in fact and in history.
After the October Revolution, the process was driven even more vigorously and sophisticated, typical of the Soviet Institute of Korean Sciences Boris Grekov (1882-1953). The pinnacle of this system is ? (иевская t?cус и? (photo 2). Its main content seeks to prove that the Russian, Belarus and Ukrainian tribes now share equally the ancient state of Kyiv and that later the country's central in Moscow was the country's still central transportation. Grekov is a Marxism-Leninism ideologist, as opposed to Mykhailo Hrushevsky who is supposed to be representative of ?nationalism. "
There have been many publications so far about the Ukrainians? long-standing origins and lasting attachment to the Kyiv ? Rus nation. This concept does not fit into today?s Russian interpretation, considering Russians as a minority more than people Ukraine in Kyiv - Rus and then establishment later, not very exciting. So Grekov's view is still the mainstream Russian view so far. On the other hand his studies, especially on Tartars, Crimea Korean.... very valuable so his reputation is huge.
Recently, there have been a lot of "Rus is not Russia" announcements that are very good and objective, if you read them, they will help you approach unknown concepts. The confusing example of ?Rus? and ?Russia? in English is one, but ? ?ус сь / mộtоссия? is definitely not one. So what exactly is the story about the "myth theory:"
                                                   *     *
?Rus? and ?Russia? are two different historical phenomena. ?Rus? in a broad sense was all that officially belonged to the ?rurikovich? before the Ancient Mongolian invasion in the 13th century, in a narrow sense ? the later Central Dnipro region. But worth telling, Russia has been the name of the State of Moscow since 1721 (i.e. since the formation of the Russian Empire).
?Rus? in all cases and by most widely understood were the kingdoms under the rule of the Rurik dynasty before the Mongolian invasion of 1237 ? 1241. The Rurik Dynasty (in Belarus also known as the Rurikid dynasty or Rurikids dynasty, was a royal lineage founded by prince Varangian Rurik, who established itself in Novgorod in about 862 AD. Rurikids was the Kyiv Rus dynasty (after the Kyiv conquest of Oleg ?of Novgorod? in 882) before it dissolved in the middle of the 13th century, as well as the successor Russian empires and republics of Rus princes Novgorod, Pskov, Vladimir ? Suzdal, Ryazan, Smolensk, Galicia ? Volhynia (after 1199), Chernigov, and Moscow Empire (from 1263).
Then came the Galician ?Kings of ?Rus? Daniel of Galicia (1253?1264) and his grandson Yuri I Lvovich (1301?1308). But "Russia" was a country born in the early 18th century on the basis of the Moscow Empire, which gained its independence from Khan Tatar in 1480.
Northeast "Rus" (modern Moscow region) was first called "Rus" in an ancient source relating to the period 1237?1238 in the work "Tales of the destruction of Russian land" praising the Mongolian invasion.
The word ?Rosia? is a word of ancient Greek origin (Hellenism), which is the extension of the ?Rus.? After the Black Sea invasion of Constantinople in 860, the Byzantine called ?Rus? meaning ?grown man.? "
From the end of the XV century Moscow began to assert the position of the "Roman Triples" and "gathering the lands of Russia," which in 1533, under the Tyrant Ivan IV, changed its name to the "Kingdom of Russia". Yet all the neighboring countries, especially the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, continue to call the kingdom ?Muscovy. "
Until the early XVIII century the name "Russia" did not have explicit designation to a specific territory, signifying "Rus in general" or its portion in the texts of the Enlightened Congregation (those who know Greek). Especially, in the middle of the 17th century the concept of "Russia" could also be called "China Ukraine" (originally "Rus"). This can be seen through the poem by students of Mohyla Kyiv College and circa 1648 ? 1649, dedicated to Bogdan Khmelnitsky: ?With you, Russia stood on its feet? (?С не C? C?оссия на C?о 16и стала?) Clearly in place educated people who wrote that, surely they didn't mean Muscovy.
In 1721, at the request of Feofan Prokopovich, a resident of Kyiv, one of the reformed thinkers of Piotr the Great, the ?kingdom of Russia? (? ưусское Nămарство?) was renamed the ?Russian Empire? (? ưоси ưску ư и Nămери Năm?). So, it's official Russia is now "Russia" since 1721. Later, the names with the ingredient ?Russia? were the result of imperial unification over the vast lands of St. Petersburg ? such as ?Novorossiya? (New Russia ? ? phầnовороссия?), while the name ?Ukraine? was replaced by ?Little Russia.?
In terms of territorial names, no one ?officially changed the name Rus? to ?Ukraine?. The center of modern Ukraine surrounding Kyiv is the "Principal Rus". ?And therefore, Ukraine?s name ?Ukraine ? Rus? would be quite historically reasonable.
Unfortunately, until now, Grekov?s ? phẩmиевская Nус Đ? title still translated into Vietnamese as ?Cyprus Russia. "It makes all of us always think that the Russians, modern Russia is the origin first, the "Egyptian Russia" and the origin of all the latter, in which the Ukrainian nation and culture are only one part genesis. This is one of the most historically wrongs, which was brought about by a long-term deliberate propaganda process, and the Vietnamese were among the victims of that process.
                                                   *     *
So how specific the situation is in history, is up to historians and we have a right to based on what we know for sure: (1) Soviet history documented the ancient state of Kyiv ? Rus Grekov's Marxism-Leninism in the "only right" mindset and (2) So far even in Russia there have been many changes in the direction of reviewing those "only right" things. From the above two points, we have the right to re-ask the question whether Grekov was ambiguous, subjective, even based on Great Russian ideology to deny the older Ukrainian roots in the historical period ?The Ancient State of Kyiv ? Russian ? "
Personally, I look forward to the future works of Mykhailo Hrushevsky translated into Vietnamese, especially his studies on the role of the Ukrainian people in the formation, existence and destruction of the State ancient Kyiv ? Rus. Only then we Vietnamese can clearly understand the historical role of ethnicities in relations with other ethnicities.
To conclude this article, I would like to quote a Vietnamese scholar, Mr. Kim Van Chinh: ?The history of the ancient State of Kyiv ? Rus in all that has happened and all that has been recorded so far, shows the Russians lost their homeland (in Kyiv) and the Ukrainians lost their name. "
Personally, if Ukraine is mentioned in history will try to call it ?Ukraine ? Rus.?
Reference documents:
? Greek B. D. Kievan Rus" - Gospolitizdat, Moscow 1953.
? Cyril Galushko. Are "Russia" and "Russia" the same thing? 24/8/2014
Excerpt from the manuscript #Russia geopolitical issues and the war in Ukraine
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0PMwoW2S4KbLNx5TK3PzZTQDbTAfKcT3DMP3wtXE88ZyKQCzdoc8XFLTD9Tbp1PnRl&id=100087495527241 (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0PMwoW2S4KbLNx5TK3PzZTQDbTAfKcT3DMP3wtXE88ZyKQCzdoc8XFLTD9Tbp1PnRl&id=100087495527241)

there' only ONE RUSsia and that's Ukraine (RUS) - ruzzia is as it was before 1721 Muscovy and its people Muscovites, and its history is written already in 400 BCE by Herodotus: https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/32/mode/1up?q=Androphagi (https://archive.org/details/scythiansgreekss00minn/page/32/mode/1up?q=Androphagi)
Scythians and Greeks : a survey of ancient history and archaeology : Minns, Ellis H Publication date 1913.. 720 pages | while "russians" are just Muscovites who descend from androphagi katsaps(butchers) and cannibals like Herodotus said, they are not SLAVS but slaves
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 01, 2023, 09:40:16 am

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d48bhkOiEuA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d48bhkOiEuA)
Yamnaya: Faces of the Indo-Europeans of Ukraine

The Indo-European Sky Father
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIfB1LI79OQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIfB1LI79OQ)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AabWNnVbXUU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AabWNnVbXUU)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jaeSHfNTuQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jaeSHfNTuQ)
Are Finns European? 🇫🇮

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSVZB3zJ35I (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSVZB3zJ35I)
Aryan Invasion of India: Myth or Reality?

Who were the Proto-Indo-Europeans?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4JPMYHTZis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4JPMYHTZis)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 04, 2023, 08:25:26 am

How the Moscow Patriarchate appropriated the Ukrainian Church.
On February 2, 1589, the Moscow Patriarchate was proclaimed in Muscovy. Metropolitan Iova was appointed as the first patriarch.
Back in 1448, the Moscow Church arbitrarily separated from the Kyiv Metropolitanate, and therefore was not recognized by the Patriarchate of Constantinople and was in a schism for 141 years.
Until that time, these dioceses belonged to the Kyiv Metropolitanate of the Constantinople Patriarchate, which did not provide for their independent management.
Due to its arbitrary separation in 1448, the Moscow Church did not have Eucharistic unity with the Orthodox world and was considered apostate.
According to historical sources, Ecumenical Patriarch Jeremiah II granted the self-proclaimed metropolitans of Moscow the patriarchal dignity only after he was held in Moscow captivity for six months.
Only in 1593 did the Council recognize the self-proclaimed Patriarch of Moscow. Therefore, Iov became the first patriarch of the Moscow church. Some scholars do not rule out the possibility of forgery of the document that recognized the self-proclaimed Patriarchate of Muscovy.
At that time, the Kyiv Metropolitanate of the Orthodox Church remained under the omophorion of the Ecumenical Patriarch.
In 1654, when the Ukrainian state of Bohdan Khmelnytsky concluded a federal union with the Moscow kingdom, Tsar Oleksii Mykhailovych for the first time raised the question of transferring the Kyiv Metropolitanate under the jurisdiction of Moscow.
But Metropolitan Sylvester Kosiv and the Ukrainian clergy opposed this and boycotted the Pereyaslav Rada. However, even then, the dioceses of Belarus occupied by Muscovites (Mohyliv, Polotsk, and Smolensk) were non-canonically excommunicated from the Kyiv Metropolitanate and joined to the Moscow Patriarchate.
Taking advantage of the disorder and chaos of the civil war that began in Ukraine after the death of Khmelnytskyi, the tsar violated the terms of the Pereyaslav agreement at every opportunity, limiting the autonomy of the Ukrainian Cossack statehood. But he could not do the same with the Ukrainian church. The first attempt to capture the Kyiv Metropolitanate was made in the spring of 1661, when, contrary to the canons, but with the knowledge of Oleksiy Mykhailovych, the deputy of the patriarchal throne, Pitirim, consecrated Maxim Filimonovych (Mefodius), known for his pro-Moscow views, as a bishop, simultaneously appointing him as the overseer of the Kyiv Metropolitanate.
However, at that time the newly appeared bishop Methodius met fierce resistance from the Cossack chieftain and commanding hetman Somko, and the real metropolitan Dionysius Balaban immediately removed the prot?g? of a foreign diocese, appointing Joseph Tukalsky as bishop of Mstislavsky.
On February 16, 1662, Moscow Patriarch Nikon pronounced anathema on his deputy Pitirim for violating the canons. But despite the unsuccessful finale, the Moscow government did not give up on the idea of taking control of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. And four years later, on October 11, 1665, hetman Ivan Bryukhovetsky signed the so-called Moscow Articles, which significantly limited the autonomy of Ukraine. Among the provisions of this agreement was the transfer of the Kyiv Metropolitanate under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate.
Bryukhovetskyi soon saw what, according to M. Hrushevskyi's expression, "coals of fire" had collected on his head. Everyone rose up against the hetman: Zaporozhye, which brought him to power, the foreman, the common people, and the clergy. The latter categorically refused to receive the metropolitan from Moscow, declaring that they would shut themselves up in monasteries and if they were dragged out by the neck and legs, only then would the Moscow metropolitan be in Kyiv. "It is better for us to accept death than the metropolitan from Moscow," churchmen said. An uprising broke out in Ukraine, during which Bryukhovetskyi was killed. For ten years, Moscow again had to forget about the Kyiv Metropolitanate.
In 1684, Metropolitan Yosyp Nelyubovych-Tukalskyi, a long-time accomplice of Peter Doroshenko, died. The tsarist government decided to take advantage of this and achieve the appointment of such a loyal metropolitan who would accept the blessing from the Moscow patriarch and recognize his authority to the Kyiv see. Soon, the right candidate was found - Bishop Gedeon (Prince Svyatopolk Chetvertynskyi), the suitor of Hetman Ivan Samoilovich, who was sympathetic to any actions of Moscow government officials.
The Ukrainian clergy resolutely opposed Gedeon's election and submission to the Moscow Patriarchate. Two protests were sent to Samoilovych.
In the first, it was said that resubordination of the metropolis is the prerogative of the Patriarch of Constantinople alone. In the second, new orders were announced in the Bilhorod Diocese (Slobidska Ukraine), recently annexed to the Moscow Patriarchate: exorbitant taxes were demanded from each parish, for non-payment of which the priest was beaten with a stick, laymen had to pay the metropolitan hryvnia for any unexpected death. The old church singing was canceled and the Moscow style was introduced, which ordinary believers could not get used to. On July 6, 1685, the clergy overwhelmingly boycotted the church council at which Gideon was elected metropolitan. Therefore, Muscophiles and minor clergy took part in his election. In October of the same year, Gideon arrived
https://www.facebook.com/groups/antivatnik/posts/2069069693303538/?__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/antivatnik/posts/2069069693303538/?__cft__)[0]=AZVQOH8QsWiGgNFLYeAzbpKUQXTSN8Zy4OpTF3gyYjEac9pLBLpu8mVBBPZiY49i4dNzvYZtmTbiO-noOPBYL7v75mciM9f7pkGLv8ENTLu0axoW94bV4gT0rsaoBhfA2JgQOeXKelSVvrXN7k5EtkLaLn6uzCsabMmtrFlKKY-C2A&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/news-64109405?at_link_origin=BBC_News_Ukrainian&at_campaign=Social_Flow&at_campaign_type=owned&at_link_id=0AA50D3C-89B6-11ED-B3F6-5C34FC756850&at_medium=social&at_link_type=web_link&at_bbc_team=editorial&at_ptr_name=facebook_page&at_format=link&fbclid=IwAR1TqrNkA8YgUWJIt1D9VG6LMB7fN_0YruZi7NcBOVZjbkAipdJR7zsfryw (https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/news-64109405?at_link_origin=BBC_News_Ukrainian&at_campaign=Social_Flow&at_campaign_type=owned&at_link_id=0AA50D3C-89B6-11ED-B3F6-5C34FC756850&at_medium=social&at_link_type=web_link&at_bbc_team=editorial&at_ptr_name=facebook_page&at_format=link&fbclid=IwAR1TqrNkA8YgUWJIt1D9VG6LMB7fN_0YruZi7NcBOVZjbkAipdJR7zsfryw)
Scientists have managed to decipher an 800-year-old lead letter from the time of Rus, which is unique for Ukraine.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stTgvqF7zxY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stTgvqF7zxY)
The rise of Vladimir Putin | DW Documentary
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 07, 2023, 08:52:08 am

n the last 400 years Russia the evil Empire has try to destroy the Ukrainian culture, their language, music, poetry ect.. Russia has banded and prohibited the Ukrainian language over 100 times starting in 1627 with the burning of all Ukrainian "Uchitel" bible  written in Ukrainian language.🇺🇦
UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE - in 1934 was recognized at the beauty contest of languages in Paris, as the best, most eloquent and richest language in the world, and took second place after Italian. In 2012 entered the Guinness Book of Records, and from now on in the first place, setting the record for the duration of the musical telemarathon of the national song. Only Ukrainian tracks burst without a break on advertising live 110 hours. The previous record was set by Italy in 2010 in Pesaro-103 hours 9 minutes 26 seconds.
UKRAINIANS are a singing nation that created the largest number of folk songs in the world. Together, about 200 thousand Ukrainian folk songs were awarded. No nation in history has as many songs as the Ukrainian people created on their own. UNESCO has collected an amazing phonoteque of folk songs from all over the world. The fund of Ukraine contains 15,5 thousand songs. UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE IS THE LANGUAGE OF SLOVINA! 💙💛
More relevant information here, join in.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 08, 2023, 09:56:58 am

Sumerians Looked to the Heavens as They Invented the System of Time? And We Still Use it Today. One might find it curious that we divide the hours into 60 minutes and the days into 24 hours - why not a multiple of 10 or 12? Put quite simply, the answer is because the inventors of time did not operate on a decimal (base-10) or duodecimal (base-12) system but a sexagesimal (base-60) system. For the ancient Sumerian innovators who first divided the movements of the heavens into countable intervals, 60 was the perfect number. The number 60 can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30 equal parts. Moreover, ancient astronomers believed there were 360 ​​days in a year, a number which 60 fits neatly into six times. The Sumerian Empire did not last. However, for more than 5,000 years the world has remained committed to their delineation of time

https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/news-64172167 (https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/news-64172167)
A furniture maker has solved the mystery of European rock paintings 20-30 thousand years old
Dots and other markings were used to record reproductive cycles of animals
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 01, 2023, 08:12:44 am

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLkYkN-Bhi0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLkYkN-Bhi0)
Studies of demographic changes in the vast territories of the Eurasian steppe in the Bronze and Iron Ages are continuing. The area was inhabited by various nomadic populations, which had a significant impact on cultural development in both Asia and Europe. The most famous of the Western Eurasian groups are representatives of the pit culture. Past genomic studies have revealed significant migrations of nomadic peoples associated with the pit culture of the Bronze Age, throughout Eurasia, about 5 thousand years ago. Migrations introduced Caucasian components to later European populations. Also in Central Europe, the pit culture was the ancestor of the culture of battle axes, which, according to a distinctive tradition, put stone axes into men's graves. After that, the genetic traces of the pit culture were found in many subsequent ancient and modern populations. However, the Black Sea-Caspian steppe was crucial not only for the migration of the early Bronze Age, but also for subsequent movements and demographic transformations in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages, between 1800 BC. and 400 AD This period covers the development of the ethnocultural association of the log-cultural and historical community and the Alakul variant of the Andronovo culture, about 1800-1200. BC e. associated with small settlements from the Urals to Dnieper Upland.
And from about 1000 BC. er In the western part of the Black Sea-Caspian steppe, Pre-Scythian nomadic groups began to appear, including Cimmerians, known from historical sources. Despite regional differences and local features, Cimmerians were not associated with homogeneous types of archaeological material cultures. In the seventh century BC, they were replaced by the Scythians, who ousted the Cimmerians to Anatolia. Between 700 and 300 BC. er Scythians, which are cattle-breeding, nomadic groups of the new militarized type, dominated the Black Sea-Caspian and Kazakh steppes, occupying the area from Altai to the Carpathians. However, around 300 BC their positions were significantly shaken by the intensification of hostile relations with the Macedonians in the west and the invasion of the Sarmatians from the east. Sarmatians and Scythians were believed to have coexisted for several centuries, but eventually the Scythians fell under the onslaught of Sarmatians. The Sarmatians, believed to have been composed of a number of similar nomadic groups, became the most influential political force in the eastern outskirts of the Roman Empire at that time. And the fall of the Sarmatians was associated with the attack of the Goths, around 400 AD, and the subsequent invasion of the Huns. However, the population interactions of the nomads of the Black Sea-Caspian steppe among themselves remain insufficiently studied.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 04, 2023, 10:31:48 am

Google is so powerful that it "hides" other search systems from us. Most of them we simply do not know exist.
Meanwhile, there are still a ton of great search engines out there that specialize in books, science, and other smart information.
Keep a list of sites you never heard of.
www.refseek.com (http://www.refseek.com) - a search engine for academic resources. More than a billion sources: encyclopedias, monographs, magazines.
www.worldcat.org (http://www.worldcat.org) - a search for the contents of 20 thousand world libraries. You will find out where the nearest rare book you need is.
https://link.springer.com (https://link.springer.com) - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research records.
www.bioline.org.br (http://www.bioline.org.br) is a library of scientific journals on bioscience published in developing countries.
http://repec.org (http://repec.org) - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related sciences.
www.science.gov (http://www.science.gov) is an American state search engine for 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed.
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https://orinews.live/oldest-gold-of-humankind-found-in-varna-necropolis-was-buried-6500-years-ago-2/ (https://orinews.live/oldest-gold-of-humankind-found-in-varna-necropolis-was-buried-6500-years-ago-2/)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 05, 2023, 09:32:03 am
  There was a real oven cult in Ukraine. And not only because in it they cooked food, baked bread, dried rashes, slept on it, treated colds, etc.
The stove was a deep symbol of the native hearth, the continuity of the genus.
The ancestors attributed the miraculous powers of the patron of the genus. Therefore the stove was the sacred place where a woman was giving birth to a child.
At the same time, the stove is the home of the older family members. It is believed that a stove can take a sick child and bring them back healthy.
The stove was often whitened, decorated with decorative paintings (Podillya), cuttings (Khmelnytsky region), paper coloring (Petrikovtsi). That is, the stove was a symbol of high aesthetic tastes of ukrainians. It was strictly forbidden to spit in the burning fire, swearing near the oven. The stove was a guard against various impurities. Lučin, ?arinki, ash used in voro??nn?h, treatment of sick.
In honor of the age-old feeder of Ukrainians in the Rivne region, even a monument to the oven.
In folklore, literature the stove symbolizes holiness, continuity of the life of the people, bright childhood, warmth, coziness and more. Behind the words of V. Countryman, "for a real Ukrainian stove equally that altar for the believer".
The stove in the house is like a mother in the family. From now on, ovens are thrown out of the houses, and somehow they immediately get naked. You won't take shelter in the boiler or gas convector, you won't sit on it. And the stove cures all radiculitis and colds...
Ukrainian stove fed, warmed and treated. Sleep and on it, and around it - on the furnace, beds or floor - boards fitted from oven to wall. The furnace was treated like a sanctuary - such a homemade altar. She didn't quarrel or swear:
- I would have told you that the stove is in the house, - they usually answered.
A girl was breaking the stove during a matchmaking - she was looking for custody of the souls of dead ancestors, because they supposedly live there - under the stove. She was perceived almost alive. "the oven our laugh, loaf wants",-pris?vuvali women, planting wedding bread in her.
The mistress watched so that the zasl?nka oven was always closed, - "so that the enemies across the village mouth do not reveal". Bleached the oven every Saturday, and left a pot of water and polino in it overnight - "so that the oven has something to eat and drink".
For the baby to grow healthy and wealthy, her after baptism was put on the stove on the skin. Sick on rah?t baby on a bread shovel three times zasovuvali in a warm oven - "perep?kali". Because they believed that the stove and its related utensils not only provided welfare, but also drove away evil, cleaned it. So that the lightning did not light the house, the Holy Willow was thrown in the oven. And to drive away the hail cloud, the yard was thrown to the cross of the horn and a bread shovel that stood in the corner of the oven.
Once a year the stove had to have a rest. Under the old New Year, as prepared a corner for a generous evening, in the oven all day long did not cook and did not heat. You couldn't even sit on it, let alone sleep. Because tonight - between Malanka and Vasyl - the stove is getting married, so she will have a hard time dancing.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 09, 2023, 07:46:49 am

 In addition to the Xiongnu, the issue will also mention the Scythians, Avars, Magyars, as well as other Turkic peoples. The Xiongnu are an association of nomadic pastoralist tribes and not only that founded the first steppe empire in Inner Asia. From the 3rd century BC e. and up to the 2nd century A.D. e. they ruled a territory stretching at their peak from Lake Baikal in the north to the Gobi Desert in the south and from Western Manchuria in the east to the Pamirs in the West. And their difficult relationship with the neighboring Han Empire led to the construction of the Great Wall of China in response to the Xiongnu raids. But there were also periods of trade relations, gifts, tributes, and arranged marriages, which were part of the &quot;harmonious relationship&quot; policy adopted by the Han Empire. However, around 130 BC. e. the Chinese began to pursue a more aggressive policy, which led to the decline of the Xiongnu dynasty, which disappeared from Chinese records after the 2nd century AD. e.Since the Xiongnu left no written sources, most of the available information about their way of life, social, economic and political systems, as well as military practices, is contained in Chinese historical texts. At the same time, due to the geographical position of the border with China, more information is available about the Xiongnu from the southern regions. Although archaeological excavations were another important source of data, some key aspects of the Xiongnu culture are still unclear, namely their biological structure, ethnic or linguistic identity, and their relationship with other Iron Age nomads. The term &quot;Xiongnu&quot; denoted both a people and a political entity, but it is unclear whether it can be attributed to an ethnic group, biological population, archaeological culture, or, more likely, to some combination of these.The results of physical and anthropological studies, and especially comparative craniofacial analysis, revealed a complex population structure of the population of the Xiongnu Empire, mainly as a mixture between Caucasian and Mongoloid ethnic groups, despite the predominant Mongoloid appearance. A genetic analysis of skeletal remains found in burials of the Xiongnu era also revealed features characteristic of East Asian populations, with an admixture of West Eurasian ones.Simply put, the Xiongnu is a union of various tribes inhabiting vast territories of the future empire, and these people spoke different languages and represented the ancestors of various modern ethnic groups. For example, representatives of the Xiongnu from Western and Central Mongolia, according to physical anthropology, are close to the cultures of the Turkic circle, and Eastern Mongolia to the Xianbi and Xiongnu of Transbaikalia.
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cpj92GPvZTk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cpj92GPvZTk)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 10, 2023, 08:03:53 am
 In the study, the authors touch upon the formation of populations, the origins of cattle breeding, horses, the external variability of people from different periods and, in general, how the meetings of the west with the east shaped the modern appearance of the inhabitants of the East Eurasian steppe. Up to pigmentation, as well as the ability to digest lactose and alcohol. Most of the studied region falls within the boundaries of modern Mongolia, also capturing parts of China and Russia. Previous paleogenetic studies indicate that the population history of Eurasia was quite dynamic, especially during the Bronze Age. And in the forest-steppe zone in the east of Eurasia, the populations were quite structured until the Bronze Age. Their genetic structure corresponded to a mixture of populations on the wedge from the Botai culture in central Kazakhstan to Lake Baikal and further to the Devil's Gate cave in Primorye. However, the introduction of cattle breeding in the Bronze Age radically changed the way of life and culture of people in the eastern part of the Eurasian steppe. Recent studies have confirmed the consumption of milk in the region, about 5 thousand years ago, by people associated with the Afanasevo and Chemurchek cultures. After the introduction, dairy farming became widespread in the Middle/Late Bronze Age, in the west and north of the region within the areas associated with the Khereksur and Deer Stone cultures, and in the east with the Ulaan Zhuukh culture. And by the middle of the first millennium BC, the previous Middle/Late Bronze Age cultures had declined and early Iron Age cultures emerged, such as the slab grave culture of eastern/southern Mongolia from 1300 to 300 BC. BC e. and the Uyuk-Sagly Sayan culture in the northwest around 500?200 BC. BC e., which had strong cultural ties with the Pazyryk culture (about 500?200 BC) and the Saka culture of Altai and Eastern Kazakhstan (about 900?200 BC). And from the end of the first millennium BC, the Xiongnu formed in the eastern part of the Eurasian steppe (from 209 BC to 98 AD). Their expansion into northern China, southern Siberia, and deep into Central Asia had a profound impact on demographics and geopolitics. Next were the Turkic Khaganate (552?603 AD), then the Uighur Khaganate (744?840 AD) and the state of the Khitan Mongols - Liao (907?1125 AD). The last and largest was the Mongol Empire, which arose in the thirteenth century AD, which controlled the trade routes stretching from China to the Mediterranean. To clarify the population dynamics of the Eastern Steppe since prehistoric times, The authors analyzed genome-wide genetic datasets for 214 individuals from 85 Mongolian and 3 Russian settlements spanning approximately 6000 years (approximately 4600 BC to 1400 AD). To the new set, previously published samples from Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan were added.
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbA_Uy4Xg_A&feature=youtu.be (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbA_Uy4Xg_A&feature=youtu.be)
Genetic history of the Eastern steppe for 6000 years. Indo-Europeans, Mongols, Turks, etc.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 11, 2023, 14:15:00 pm
The transition from hunting and gathering to farming and cattle breeding in ancient society took place about 11?10 thousand years ago in South-West Asia. This has led to significant and relatively rapid changes in the way people live and social and economic changes in many parts of the world. This transition occurred independently in different periods from at least a dozen primary centers of domestication in East and West Asia, Africa, New Guinea, and North and South America, where natural conditions allowed. However, the social, cultural, behavioral, and other factors associated with health and lifestyle that accompanied this transition are not well understood. A bioarchaeological study from the Neolithic settlement of ?atalh?y?k in ancient Anatolia or modern Turkey allows us to supplement our understanding of life and problems, the first inhabitants of a large settlement. Namely, what was the dynamics of the population size, what were ill, were there any conflicts and so on.
Life and problems in the Neolithic settlement ?atalh?y?k. Neolithic revolution and its consequences
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK27_q_hevE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK27_q_hevE)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 12, 2023, 07:49:12 am

Slavicization of the Uralic speakers Volga-Oka interfluve. Languages & genes from Iron Age to Slavs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRYJX2nKgk4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRYJX2nKgk4)
In the history of mankind, the spread of languages was often accompanied by migrations, but people could switch to other languages almost without migrations and, accordingly, without genetic changes. And vice versa, to mix without language changes. Thus, conclusions about past contacts of the population, based either on the current distribution of languages, or only on components of genetic origin, can be misleading. Nevertheless, studies of ancient DNA allow us to directly observe changes in the gene pools of populations in time and space, revealing connections between genetic, archaeological and linguistic data.
The Volga-Oka interfluve has an intriguing history of population influx and language change. Currently, most of the inhabitants of the region speak Russian, but before the Middle Ages, the north-west of Russia was inhabited by Ural-speaking peoples. And the gradual transition to Slavic languages began in the second half of the first millennium AD, with the expansion of Slavic tribes, as a result of which the state of Kievan Rus was founded at the end of the IX century AD. Medieval Rus was multicultural and multilingual. But after the baptism of Rus and the spread of Cyrillic writing in the X-XI centuries, the influence and attractiveness of the Slavic Mzyk increased, which led to a shift from the Uralic to Slavic. At the same time, despite the replacement of the language, modern Russians of the north-western regions demonstrate a clear proximity to their Ural-speaking neighbors, which suggests a genetic contribution from these previous populations.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuB8WeUqidc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuB8WeUqidc)
Baikal-genetic history from the Paleolithic to the bronze age and the settlement of America
From previous studies it is known that the area of ​​Lake Baikal was inhabited by anatomically modern people since the Upper Paleolithic and has rich archaeological data. Over the past 5 years of research on ancient genomes, many impurities and genetic changes have been identified in this region. The representative of the late Paleolithic site of Malta, 24 thousand years old, represents a population called as "ancient northern Eurasians (ANE)", which was widespread in Siberia during the Paleolithic. Moreover, the ancient northern Eurasians themselves are descendants of the ancient northern Siberians, represented by the inhabitants of the Yanskaya site with little contribution from the early Eurasian line, akin to the late Paleolithic hunter-gatherers of the Caucasus. However, the spread of these ancient northern Eurasians contributed to the emergence of a genetic profile of Native Americans, as well as many modern populations. And during the early Neolithic period, the pedigree associated with the ancient northern Eurasians in the Baikal region was largely replaced by the gene pool belonging to Northeast Asia, the Chertovy Vorota cave area (NEA), with a partial restoration of the ancient North Eurasian ancestry (ANE) at the beginning of the Bronze Age.
00:00 | Introduction
2:55 | New designs
4:13 | Population structure
7:18 | Relations with Non-Arctic Native Americans
8:56 | Changes in the gene pool in the Baikal region between the Early Neolithic and the Bronze Age
10:43 | Migrations and impurities in the Baikal region population of the Bronze Age
13:07 | Detection of plague bacillus bacteria in South Siberia
14:19 | Genetic contribution to Okunev culture
15:01 | Summary

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6wteSxpuB8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6wteSxpuB8)
How the Scythians and Sarmatians influenced the genetic landscape of the Eurasian steppe
I propose to get acquainted with a new study related to the Scythians and not only, with an additional set of ancient DNA samples of their haplogroups and a description of the archaeological background on the territory of modern Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan.
(NOTE: 25: 02 reservation. "Chernyakhovskaya culture, dates from II-IV centuries AD"!
The study was published on July 11, 2019.)
In the new work, an international team of researchers extracted DNA and sequenced the entire genome of 31 ancient Eurasian steppe specimens. Then compared the ancient Scythians and Sarmatians with people from previous and subsequent cultures. Samples were taken from five space-time groups that were clearly distinguishable:
1. Bronze age on the territory of modern Ukraine.
2. Scythians on the territory of modern Ukraine.
3. Scythians and Sarmatians of the southern Urals.
4. Scythians on the territory of modern Kazakhstan.
and 5. Postskripta of the Chernyakhov culture.
But there were also heterogeneous samples that were not included in the group analysis, they are represented by the Sarmatian from the North Caucasus, a representative of the late Rube culture and three Cimmerians from the territory of Ukraine.
The oldest samples were representative of the pit culture, and was dated to 4,800 ? 4,400 years, and the youngest representative of the Chernyakhov culture, age 1400-1700 years. But most specimens were between 2,700 and 2,100 years old.
1. Entry
2. Specimen description and archaeological background 2:40
2.1 Bronze age on the territory of modern Ukraine 4:12
2.2 iron age Scythian Group on the territory of modern Ukraine 7:17
2.3 Scythians and Sarmatians of the southern Urals 13: 50
2.4 Taskalinsky culture in Central Kazakhstan (group of Scythians in the territory of modern Kazakhstan) 22:09
2.5 Chernyakhov culture 24:54
3. Haplogroup
3.1 mtDNA Haplogroups 29:24
3.2 Haplogroup Y-chromosome 31:06
4. Results 32:27
5. Insights 38:52

In the history of mankind, the spread of languages was often accompanied by migrations, but people could switch to other languages almost without migrations and, accordingly, without genetic changes. And vice versa, to mix without language changes. Thus, conclusions about past contacts of the population, based either on the current distribution of languages, or only on components of genetic origin, can be misleading. Nevertheless, studies of ancient DNA allow us to directly observe changes in the gene pools of populations in time and space, revealing connections between genetic, archaeological and linguistic data.
The Volga-Oka interfluve has an intriguing history of population influx and language change. Currently, most of the inhabitants of the region speak Russian, but before the Middle Ages, the north-west of Russia was inhabited by Ural-speaking peoples. And the gradual transition to Slavic languages began in the second half of the first millennium AD, with the expansion of Slavic tribes, as a result of which the state of Kievan Rus was founded at the end of the IX century AD. Medieval Rus was multicultural and multilingual. But after the baptism of Rus and the spread of Cyrillic writing in the X-XI centuries, the influence and attractiveness of the Slavic Mzyk increased, which led to a shift from the Uralic to Slavic. At the same time, despite the replacement of the language, modern Russians of the north-western regions demonstrate a clear proximity to their Ural-speaking neighbors, which suggests a genetic contribution from these previous populations.

The origin of the Hungarians and the Ural region. History of the Magyars and new genetic data
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZGSitzqkKU&feature=youtu.be (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZGSitzqkKU&feature=youtu.be)
Linguistic evidence suggests that the Hungarian language, which belongs to the Finno-Ugric branch of the Uralic language family, originated east of the Urals, somewhere between 1000 and 500 BC. e. Probably after the 6th century AD. e. some of the ancestors of the Hungarians moved from their ancient homeland to the Urals, i.e. in the territory adjacent to the western slope of the Urals. And approximately, in the first third of the 9th century A.D. e., part of this population of the Urals, under pressure from the Khazar Kaganate, crossed the Volga and occupied the Northern Black Sea region, having entered into an alliance with the Khazars. At the same time, the end of the 9th century is characterized by the beginning of the decline of the Khazar world, in which the Pechenegs played a special, but not the only role. Also important was the formation of the Old Russian state with a part of the East Slavic tribes out of the control of the Khazars. The early #Hungarians lived in Eastern Europe (forming the so-called "Subbotzian horizon" even before they invaded Pannonia, already in a more diverse composition.
In the 10th century, the material features of the Carpathian Basin changed rapidly after the conquest, with abundant archaeological evidence of links with Eastern European regions that can be traced back to the Urals.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Y49Dqo85qE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Y49Dqo85qE)
The population history of northeastern Siberia since the Pleistocene and Native Americans
North-Eastern #Siberia or the modern far East of Russia is one of the most remote and extreme habitats colonized by people in the Pleistocene era 40 thousand years ago. Stretching from the Taimyr Peninsula in the West to the Pacific ocean in the East and North of the border between China and Russia to the Arctic ocean, the region is now home to a variety of ethnolinguistic groups. Recent genetic studies of the indigenous peoples of the region have revealed complex patterns of population formation in ancient times, which are said to have occurred mainly over the past 10,000 years. But what of the population lived there before? One of the earliest and most reliable archaeological evidence of human settlement in the Northern region comes from the artefacts-rich Jana site, in the Arctic (about 71 degrees North latitude) on the Yana river, Ust-Yansky ulus of Yakutia, which is dated by two milk teeth in the 31600 years before 1950. Jewelry, bone, Tusk and stone tools resembling technologies of the upper Paleolithic of Eurasia and southern Siberia, but without similarities with other cultures of Siberia were found within the Yansk Parking lot. Even before the last glacial maximum, Dating from about 23-19 thousand years ago, the Yana archaeological culture, described on the Yana river, disappeared from North-Eastern Siberia. Perhaps people have moved to a kind of refugium or areas where they were able to survive the adverse period, and re-settle during the warming. The yansk culture was replaced by a special micro-plate technology, which spread in time to the North and East from the Amur region, but did not reach Chukotka and did not cross the Bering Strait or Beringia until the end of the Pleistocene, much later than the initial settlement of America.

The transition from hunting and gathering to farming and cattle breeding in ancient society took place about 11?10 thousand years ago in South-West Asia. This has led to significant and relatively rapid changes in the way people live and social and economic changes in many parts of the world. This transition occurred independently in different periods from at least a dozen primary centers of domestication in East and West Asia, Africa, New Guinea, and North and South America, where natural conditions allowed. However, the social, cultural, behavioral, and other factors associated with health and lifestyle that accompanied this transition are not well understood. A bioarchaeological study from the Neolithic settlement of ?atalh?y?k in ancient Anatolia or modern Turkey allows us to supplement our understanding of life and problems, the first inhabitants of a large settlement. Namely, what was the dynamics of the population size, what were ill, were there any conflicts and so on.
Life and problems in the Neolithic settlement ?atalh?y?k. Neolithic revolution and its consequences
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK27_q_hevE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK27_q_hevE)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 13, 2023, 08:04:17 am
  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ENzMAyg4dE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ENzMAyg4dE)
  Cro-Magnons or Early European modern humans
  In a narrow sense, Cro-Magnons are people found in the south-west of France in the Cro-Magnon cave, and in a broad sense, in general, all fossil people of modern anatomy (Homo sapines sapiens). But we will consider the Cro-Magnons as anatomically modern people who inhabited Europe in the Upper Paleolithic, up to about 12 thousand years ago.
At the same time, the Middle and Upper Paleolithic delimit the time in terms of the complexity of technology, which coincides with the replacement of the Neanderthals by a rational man and has no clear boundaries.
Anatomically modern people of Europe are well known for the creation of a variety of artistic works, including cave paintings, Venus figurines, the so-called baton Perc?, for an unknown purpose, as well as animal figurines and geometric patterns.
The European continent was inhabited by people of modern anatomy in several waves, and the remains of their earliest representatives were relatively recently discovered in the Bacho Kiro cave in Bulgaria, they are dated from 45820 to 43650 years, the initial Upper Paleolithic. By the way, the age of the Ust-Ishim man outside Europe also falls within this range. Further, according to dates, there are finds from Peshtera-ku-Oase of Romania, about 39 thousand years old, and Markina Gora or Kostenka 14 of the Voronezh region, which lived 37 thousand years ago.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuLqaXYf2xQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuLqaXYf2xQ)
Cucuteni-Tripoli culture. History of the Northern Black Sea, chalcolithic
Cucuteni-Trypillia culture
This is quite an interesting archaeological culture of Eastern Europe from the Neolithic to the copper-stone age.
Culture flourished on the territory of modern Moldova, North-Eastern Romania, as well as in Western, Central and southern Ukraine, stretching from the Carpathian mountains to Transnistria and Dnieper, covering an area of 350 thousand km2, with a diameter of about 500 km from Kiev in the North-East to Brasov in the South-West, mainly in the forest-steppe zone.
Most of the settlements of kukuten-Tripoli consisted of small settlements of high density, at a distance of 3-4 km from each other, concentrated mainly in the valleys of the Siret, Prut and Dniester rivers. During the middle Tripoli phase (circa 4000-3500 BC), the cultural population built the largest settlements of that period in Europe.
One of the most notable aspects of this culture was the periodic burning of its settlements.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRzF_elfsnM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRzF_elfsnM)
Genetic history of the population of western Russia during the transition Stone Age to the Bronze
The Corded Ware Cultural Complex was spread over a vast territory, from Tatarstan in the east, to Belgium and the Netherlands in the west, as well as from the southern regions of Finland, Sweden and Norway in the north to Switzerland and Ukraine in the south.
Its eastern version, the Fatyanovo culture, was formed thanks to the reverse movement of people to the northeast, with the invasion of the territory where hunters and fishermen of the Volosov culture already lived. It is clear that there were conflicts, and in the burials of the Moscow region, Volosovo flint arrowheads were found between the bones of the Fatyanovo soldiers. But there were also graves with skulls broken by blunt objects, possibly stone axes. The strongest archaeological ties of the Fatyanovo culture can be traced with the Middle Dnieper, which is widespread on the territory of modern Belarus and Ukraine.
For the Fatyanovo culture, burial customs were characteristic, including flat earthen graves (less often mounds), where the buried were placed, lying on their side in a bent position, with men on the right side and head in a westerly direction, and women on their left side and head in an easterly direction. The Fatyanovites also practiced the burial of animals, mainly dogs and bears. Together with the buried, they placed ceramics and other grave goods, including stone battle and work axes in men's graves.
In general, the Fatyanovites have become an important link between the West and the East, i.e. herders and the latest hunter-gatherers. They introduced animal husbandry and, possibly, slash-and-burn agriculture in the forest belt. And with the subsequent Abashev, Sintashta and Andronov cultures, the Fatyanovo culture became a key component in the development of the broader cultural landscape of Eurasia of the Bronze Age.
#history #science #genetics #archeology #Russia #Ukraine
In the new work, in addition to 28 new radiocarbon dates, genetic data were obtained from representatives of the Corded Ware and Fatyanovo cultures, as well as from hunter-gatherers, who were combined with previously published genomes.
The aim of the study was to find out whether this region was influenced by migrations that were observed in other parts of Europe during the Holocene, as well as where were the people who inhabited the northwestern part of Russia at that time and whether the populations of the Fatyanovo culture were the result of direct migration from the Eastern European steppe or the ancestors of the early European farmers participated in this process, by analogy with more Western groups of the Corded Ware culture. In addition, it was interesting whether there was a confusion between the hunters and fishers of the Volosov culture and the invading Fatyanovites, as suggested by archaeological data.

Corded Ware culture and the transition from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age in Central Europe. DNA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zL5kiBmPxM (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zL5kiBmPxM)
Previous genetic studies have shown that over the past 10 thousand years, the population of Europe has been renewed twice due to migration. Since the 7th millennium BC. NS. demographic changes were associated with the expansion of Neolithic farmers from Anatolia. These early Neolithic populations were at first genetically very different from earlier European hunter-gatherers, but were almost indistinguishable from Anatolian farmers. However, over time, over several millennia, the share of hunters and gatherers in the gene pool of European farmers has increased.
The second major demographic change, which the release is actually devoted to, occurred at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. NS. and was associated with the steppe ancestry, which was carried, among other things, by representatives of the Corded Ware culture or battle axes. This culture represents a major cultural shift in Central, Northern and Northeastern Europe, bringing about changes in economics, ideology and burial practices.
The representatives of the Corded Ware culture differed from their predecessors in Europe, having ~ 75% of the genealogy, along the entire genome, similar to that of the representatives of the Yamnaya culture from the Black Sea-Caspian steppe. This "steppe" lineage subsequently quickly spread throughout Europe until the end of the third millennium BC. NS.
Despite the importance of the 3rd millennium BC. BC, many temporal and geographic data gaps remain, leading to limited knowledge about processes at the level of societies and communities and how cultural groups interacted with each other and spawned new ones.
Unresolved issues concern the genetic and geographical origins of the Corded Ware, Bell Goblet, and Unetice culture of the Early Bronze Age, as well as their relationship with each other and with the Yamna culture.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 14, 2023, 08:04:11 am

Who built Odessa? The Cossacks are not cut. What about Catherine II? About this in my new video. Link in the comment section.
Odessa is a Russian city. Still have to hear this expression. Odessa was founded by Catherine, and built by Russians - so claim Russophiles. But both that and the other is not true, because founded odesu Ukrainian tycoon koc одеba- баkushinsʹkij, and built cossacks-nerubai й.
There are still cries of some Odesitians that Odesa is a Russian city built by Catherine the Second and so on. And on the outskirts of the city there is the largest Cossack cemetery of Ukraine - Kuyalnytskyi or Sotnikivska Sich. Previously, it was the village of Malij Kuyalnyk - it was founded by the Cossacks, who moved, after the destruction of Zaporizhzhia Sichi by the Russians, on the outskirts of the city of Hadzhibey, on the land of the Ottoman Empire. After capturing Hadjibey by the Russians, these Cossacks swore allegiance to the Russian Empire and promised never to take up arms, for which they were called Nerubayi. Instead of chopping the enemies, they received a permission to develop a building stone - tortoise limestone, and later became monopolists in the matter. And not only in kuyalniku, but also in usatovomu, and especially in the village of nerubajske - it is clear who lived in the village. Over time, their mining catacombs grew dozens of kilometers, and even later - hundreds. Now these are the legendary Odessa catacombs - the largest in Europe. The city was built in the nineteenth century from the stone that was mined by nerubai ме. It wasn't new - it was renamed Hadjibey, which Catherine decided to name as the ancient city - Odesa Someone told her that the ancient Odesa stood in Hadjibei's place, although it's a total nonsense, because Odesa was on the Bulgarian coast. And another ancient city - Edesa, stood where the Turkish Shanliurfa is now.
The first builders of Odessa were all the same nerubai все. Later, a lot of emigrants from nearby Ukrainian provinces, as well as colonists invited by the royal government - Greeks, Bulgarians, Albanians... From the Russian provinces few arrived - the Great Russians almost did not participate in the construction of Odessa in the first half of the nineteenth century.
The management of the city was carried out mainly by foreigners and their descendants - Jose de Ribas, Thomas Coble, Arman de Richelier, Louis de Langeron, Paul Cocebu, Gregory Marazli... Of the Russian authorities, only the Vorontsov played a significant role in the construction of the city.
One of the pioneers of the construction of the Odessa port were Pototsk?. And there were still булиahnenki and simirenki - honorary citizens of Odessa, the heads of the city duma. About the level of simirenk?v in Odessa, at least the fact that Plato simirenko married the daughter of the head of the Odessa duma - Tatiana Ovč?nnikova. Did you know that the outstanding breeder lev simirenko is the grandson of the Odessa mayor? But who ever talked about it, if even the role of simirenk?v in the construction of the city and the port are silent and still.
See more in the vide
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 14, 2023, 08:05:48 am

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-SCKN58R2w (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-SCKN58R2w)
What was after the Scythians and the Huns, before the Turkic khaganate on the territory of Tuva
The period after the Scythians and Xiongnu, before the T?rkic Kaganate, called the "Hunno-Sarmatian", in the historiography of Central Asia, is quite interesting, because the cultures of this era differ from both the previous "Scythian" and the subsequent "Turkic". Chronologically, this period falls between the II century BC and the V century AD and can also be referred to as the "Xiongnu-Xianbian" time. To make it easier to imagine this period and realize its importance in global history, it was around this time that there was an alternation and mixing of people with different Western and Eastern genetic and anthropological profiles. And it is quite possible that there was also a replacement of languages, mainly towards Turkic.
Among several cultural traditions in the vastness of Central Asia, after the Ulug-Khem culture, a transition from the Scythian period, the Kokel culture on the territory of Tuva stands out from the 1st century AD. And this review is exactly devoted to the work published this year, with the results of field research in 2018-2019. the southern periphery of the early Scythian burial mound Tunnug-1, the Tuvan "Valley of the Kings" of the 9th century. BC BC, where much later objects of the Kokel culture of the 2nd-4th centuries were concentrated. n. e., whose representatives reused this place already for their ritual purposes.

Special thanks for the creation of the video to the head of the excavation and one of the authors of the described scientific work - a researcher of the Department of Conservation Archeology of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Timur Rashitovich Sadykov.

And also I would like to thank for the help in the photo and video material:
Anna Klochko is a member of the International Archaeological and Geographical Expedition of the Russian Geographical Society for the exploration of the Tunnug barrow in the Tyva Republic.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 15, 2023, 10:06:13 am

In our lecture today, we will discuss the beliefs of the peoples of ancient Erefia at the beginning of the third millennium AD.
These beliefs were syncretic. The experiences of Christianity, which previously inseparable dominated this territory, with elements traditional for some peripheral Erefian tribes of Islam, Buddhism and shamanism, were in a peculiar way connected with elements of the Soviet Communist religion, While the key communist myth was completely forgotten - the myth of the creation of peace by Lenin during the October Revolution and the victory of the good "kr" as a donkey" gods and divine ancestors over hostile "white" gods and demons in the great Civil War. A similar myth about the so-called Great Patriotic War and its victory, in which Lenin was replaced by Stalin, and hostile demons took the form of historical German Nazis. This eschatological battle, in which some real events of the Second World War are seen, became the central myth of Erefian mythology, endlessly reproduced in various holidays and rituals, main of which was the great celebration of Victory Day May 9, or, for short, the holiday of "Victory". On the Victory Day, the ancient Erefians put on ritual black and orange ribbons and proclaimed spells in honor of divine ancestors: "grandfathers fought! We remember, we are proud! We can do it again! "
The whole mythology of the ancient Eriters was built around the cult of victory, war and death. In this era, the belief in the afterlife of the dead souls and heaven was revived, but it was believed that only the Erefians who died in the war for the divine king Putin would go to heaven, yet the rest, including the Erefians, who died, for example, from alcohol abuse, will disappear without a trace. Belief in hell is not fixed, although the film "The Best in Hell", dedicated to the feats of Erefian Wagnerov warriors in Ukraine, as if attests that the Erefians identified with hell the war, which at the same time was a norm for them - that is, hell was a norm, for them, they considered themselves as inhabitants of hell. This is an interesting hypothesis, however, requires further research.
An even more important role was played for the Erephians, the cult of the Empire and the head of its Divine Emperor, who thought of himself as a central deity, creator of order out of chaos, provider of benefits and protector of the forces of darkness (identified with the West - the country of the sunset, the country of the dead, which thought populated by demons, constantly surrendering to homosexual comforts).
The name of the Divine Emperor of Erefia was Vladimir Putin, otherwise Vova Putin. His name, as it is not difficult to notice, is related to the abbreviation of the Great Patriotic War, that is, meaning "The Way of the WWII", so he thought as a creature leading the erephites by divine ancestors. According to some information, there was also some sect of snipers who did not believe in Putin's divine nature and were waiting for the arrival of the true Emperor, who would mobilize all the erephians for the last decisive battle with the Western forces and would gain the final victory - but too little is known about their beliefs.
The most interesting data on the religion of the Erefians were obtained by archaeologists during the excavations of the city of Tula. There, in the ruins of the Regional Children's Library, a fresco was found, clearly showing the hierarchy of deities in Etherefian religion.
Vova Putin, depicted in armor on a solar chariot, reigns over all - thus he acts simultaneously as a heavenly king, as a solar deity, and as a warrior deity. Below him, as second-order deities, are depicted the traditional Virgin Mary with the infant Christ, and an old man in Byzantine clothes, identified as Saint Vladimir of Kiev, revered as the ancient forerunner of Vladimir Putin. Interestingly, that Vladimir Kievsky is depicted on the right hand of King Putin, and the Virgin Mary and the Infant Christ only on the left - you cannot find a brighter evidence of the degradation of the cult of Christ King, who once ruled indivisible among the inhabitants of Erefia,
Below is Nikolai the Second, the last emperor of the former Russian Empire in this territory. Researchers are surprised at the veneration of this loser ruler in conjunction with the cult of luck, victory, and the worship of his killers Lenin and Stalin, but one should always remember that archaic mythological consciousness is nonlinear and alien to what we consider to be self-evident laws of logic.
Below is pictured Dmitry Medvedev, who read himself as the younger brother of Vova Putin and according to some data his heavenly lover. However, he did not play a special role in mythology, he seems to have been an eternally drunken trickster god.
And finally, below all, with a blessing gesture, is depicted the High Priest Erefiya Gundyaev, who bore the complex title of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, or simply Patriarch Kirill. Patriarch Kirill thinks as a connecting link between the world of men and the world of gods.
This is where we will end the review lecture for today. Next time, we will talk in detail about the cults and rituals related to the veneration of the WWII, the Great Victory and the souls of the divine hero ancestors known as the Voyevals Grandfathers.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 18, 2023, 09:59:02 am

Russia?s fabricated reasons for threatening war with Ukraine

The Moscow Times, ?The Kremlin?s War Propaganda? by former Duma member Vladimir Ryzhkov, how Putin lied about every single pretext for his illegal annexation of Crimea and launching of his war of aggression in eastern Ukraine: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/03/24/the-kremlins-war-propaganda-a33284 (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/03/24/the-kremlins-war-propaganda-a33284)

Putin. War. by Boris Nemtsov (murdered by Putin). The evidence of Russia?s aggression against Ukraine. https://www.libertas-institut.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/EUFAJ-Special-NemtsovReport-150521.pdf (https://www.libertas-institut.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/EUFAJ-Special-NemtsovReport-150521.pdf)

Thx for your links TOP! on Boris Nemtsov I have the next youtube and the original pdf

https://www.4freerussia.org/putin.war/Putin.War-Eng.pdf? (https://www.4freerussia.org/putin.war/Putin.War-Eng.pdf?)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=vfFhnqw0sE8&feature=emb_logo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=vfFhnqw0sE8&feature=emb_logo)

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/search?q=nemtsov&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/search?q=nemtsov&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all)

Russian FSB colonel admits Crimean MPs forced to vote for referendum https://empr.media/opinion/interviews/russian-fsb-colonel-admits-crimean-mps-forced-to-vote-for-referendum/ (https://empr.media/opinion/interviews/russian-fsb-colonel-admits-crimean-mps-forced-to-vote-for-referendum/)

Putin's 'Human Rights Council' Accidentally Posts Real Crimean Election Results https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2014/05/05/putins-human-rights-council-accidentally-posts-real-crimean-election-results-only-15-voted-for-annexation/amp/ (https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2014/05/05/putins-human-rights-council-accidentally-posts-real-crimean-election-results-only-15-voted-for-annexation/amp/)

Russia's Igor Strelkov: I Am Responsible for War in Eastern Ukraine https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/11/21/russias-igor-strelkov-i-am-responsible-for-war-in-eastern-ukraine-a41598 (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/11/21/russias-igor-strelkov-i-am-responsible-for-war-in-eastern-ukraine-a41598)

The Budapest Memorandum and the Russia-Ukraine Crisis. How in 1994 Russia committed to defending Ukraine?s sovereignty and territorial integrity in return for Ukraine?s agreement to give up its nuclear arsenal. http://warontherocks.com/2015/06/the-budapest-memorandum-and-the-russia-ukraine-crisis/ (http://warontherocks.com/2015/06/the-budapest-memorandum-and-the-russia-ukraine-crisis/)

Remind Putin of his prior declarations that every sovereign nation has the right to choose its own security arrangements https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/letters-to-the-editor/remind-putin-of-his-prior-declarations/2021/12/12/f2d58cae-586f-11ec-8396-5552bef55c3c_story.html (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/letters-to-the-editor/remind-putin-of-his-prior-declarations/2021/12/12/f2d58cae-586f-11ec-8396-5552bef55c3c_story.html)

In spite of a good deal of talk, NATO never did promise not to expand eastward and tie the hands of FSU nations that might want to join https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/09/us/politics/russia-ukraine-james-baker.amp.html?referringSource=articleShare (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/09/us/politics/russia-ukraine-james-baker.amp.html?referringSource=articleShare)

Smoking gun: How Putin was responsible for the murder of 289 innocent passengers on board MH17: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2014/07/18/smoking-guns-russian-separatists-shot-down-malaysian-plane/amp/ (https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2014/07/18/smoking-guns-russian-separatists-shot-down-malaysian-plane/amp/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 21, 2023, 07:13:28 am
* Text/research: Aage Myhre
* Map: Grand Duchy of Lithuania around 1400
Did you know that Lithuania was a world super power ? much longer than USA has been a super power ? and Europe's largest country for more than 300 years (1300-1600), stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea? http://vilnews.com/2012-02-a-world-superpower-for-300-years (http://vilnews.com/2012-02-a-world-superpower-for-300-years)
Grand Duke Gediminas (1275-1341) ? founder of Vilnius and the first Grand Duke of the family of Lithuanian rulers during 300 years? made Lithuania a 'haven of tolerance' according to British historian Norman Davies. http://vilnews.com/2012-04-lithuania-has-a-700-year-history (http://vilnews.com/2012-04-lithuania-has-a-700-year-history)?3. STOPPED THE MONGOLS FROM INVADING EUROPE
Lithuania (the Grand Duchy) was the country stopping the Golden Hordes (the Mongols) from invading Europe (late 1300s). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blue_Waters (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blue_Waters)
Lithuania was the last European country to be Christianised (around 1400), and Paganism is still going strong here. Even Christian crosses sometimes contain pagan elements (sun, flowers, grass snakes). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianization_of_Lithuania (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianization_of_Lithuania)
Karaims ? the Turkic-Crimean people who guarded the Grand Dukes ? came to Lithuania in 1397 ? and the Trakai town (at the castle above) near Vilnius is now their world capital.http://vilnews.com/2011-01-karaims-and-tatars-turkish-natio (http://vilnews.com/2011-01-karaims-and-tatars-turkish-natio)?
Napoleon Bonaparte named Vilnius Jerusalem of the North when he arrived here in 1812. Lithuanian Jews (the Litvaks) had an extraordinary life here for 600 years. http://vilnews.com/2012-04-the-litvaks (http://vilnews.com/2012-04-the-litvaks)
Vilnius is the world's most Italian city outside Italy... Lithuania and Italy share a very unique common history. http://vilnews.com/2011-01-the-amazing-italian-influence-on (http://vilnews.com/2011-01-the-amazing-italian-influence-on)?
The languages Old Sanskrit and Lithuanian are having the same Indo-European roots. Incredible similarities between Indian and Lithuanian cultures since the early civilisations. http://vilnews.com/2011-04-incredible-indian-lithuanian-rel (http://vilnews.com/2011-04-incredible-indian-lithuanian-rel)?
Lithuania declared independence in 1918, after 123 years of mostly Russian occupation. The interwar years were very successful and the country prospered immensely. Kaunas was the capital for the period 1919-1940, after Poland occupied Vilnius and southern Lithuania.
http://vilnews.com/2011-03-the-man-who-declined-to-become-p (http://vilnews.com/2011-03-the-man-who-declined-to-become-p)?
During 1940?1953, some 132.000 Lithuanians were deported to remote areas of the USSR. More than 70% were women and children. 30.000 died there due to climate, hard slave work and starvation. 50.000 were not able to return to Lithuania. During the same period, another 200.000 people were prisoned and 150.000 of them were sent to Siberian Gulags.
http://vilnews.com/2010-12-1941-1953-300-000-lithuanians-we (http://vilnews.com/2010-12-1941-1953-300-000-lithuanians-we)?11. HOLOCAUST KILLED 95% OF ALL JEWS IN LITHUANIA
The Holocaust in Nazi-occupied Lithuania resulted in the near total destruction of Lithuania's Jewish population. Out of more than 200.000, around 95% were murdered during WWII, the most tragic, worst example of Holocaust in the whole world. http://vilnews.com/2011-01-holocaust-in-lithuania (http://vilnews.com/2011-01-holocaust-in-lithuania)
22.000 Lithuanian 'forest brothers' and 70.000 Soviet soldiers were killed in modern Europe's longest and bloodiest guerrilla war, after the Balts withdrew into the woods to organize their powerful armed partisan resistance when the Soviet Union re-occupied the Baltic States in 1944.
http://vilnews.com/2012-12-5391 (http://vilnews.com/2012-12-5391)
Post-war Lithuania became known as the Soviet Silicon Valley, and also today this country enjoys a very strong research and development sector. Lithuanian world-class specialists cooperate with NASA, NATO, Volvo, Saab, Philips, and many others in the fields of biotechnology, biochemistry, laser optics, chemistry, physics, etc. http://vilnews.com/2011-01-laser-research-and-industry-make (http://vilnews.com/2011-01-laser-research-and-industry-make)?
The Singing Revolution ? that between 1987 and 1991 led to the restoration of the independence of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, culminating with the Soviet attack in January 1991 and the Union's fall later same year. In august 1989, two million people joined hands to form a human chain spanning over 600 km (370 mi) across the three Baltic States. http://vilnews.com/2011-03-the-significance-of-11-march-1990 (http://vilnews.com/2011-03-the-significance-of-11-march-1990)
Former President Valdas Adamkus was one among the tens of thousands fleeing Lithuania at the end of WWII. Chicago is counted as Lithuania's 2nd largest city, and it is estimated that around one million Lithuanians live in the U.S. A new wave of emigration started in 1991, and one expects that half of all Lithuanians now live outside their home land. http://vilnews.com/lithuania-in-the-world (http://vilnews.com/lithuania-in-the-world)
During the 19th and 20th century, hordes of Lithuanian Jews emigrated to the U.S. and South Africa (90% of its 100.000 Jewish population are from Lithuania). Litvaks are today playing leading roles worldwide. http://vilnews.com/litvak-forum (http://vilnews.com/litvak-forum)
Paris has its Eiffel Tower. London its bridges. Rome has the Colosseum. Washington has the White House, and Berlin its Brandenburg Gate... Vilnius has its wonderful, mysterious Old Town with narrow, winding streets, courtyards, cellars, smells, music of all kinds, and the very atmosphere of 700 years development of a Mediterranean-like city far away from mainstream Europe... http://vilnews.com/2012-02-1549 (http://vilnews.com/2012-02-1549)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 21, 2023, 15:22:41 pm

No. 22/170958-ep
Officially rename the name "Russia" to "Moscovy". Replace the term "Russian" with "Moscovite", "Russian Federation" with "Moscovy Federation".
Author (initiator): Valeriya Oleksandrivna Shakhvorostova
Release date: November 23, 2022
The historical name of Russia is Muscovy. The same applies to the state entities of the Moscow principality, the Moscow kingdom, and the empire. This name was used in European and some Asian languages. This name also appears on many historical maps of the 16th-19th centuries, which were produced in Europe before and after the renaming of the Muscovite Empire to the All-Russian Empire. On October 22, 1721, i.e. 301 years ago, the Moscow Tsar Peter I proclaimed the Moscow Kingdom the "Russian Empire".

"Russia" has existed for only 301 years
The name change gave grounds for further encroachment on the history of (Kyiv) Rus'. For foreigners, the names "Rus" (as Kievan Rus was marked on maps) and "Russia", "Russie", "Russland" (as Russia was marked) look almost identical, as if it is the name of one state that has undergone certain changes over time and under time of translations into different languages. This leads to confusion at the international level. Fiction books are being written, films are being shot where Russia is presented as Rus, which is unacceptable.

For 301 years, Ukrainians have suffered from the lies of the Russian version of our historical past. By calling Russia Russia, we legitimize its lies and confirm that we agree with its version of history.

In separation from Kyiv, the Russian cultural tradition loses its roots. That is why Russia is holding on to Ukraine and Kyiv so much.

Ukraine's inaction on the issue of the historical name of Russia is a tacit recognition of the enemy's dangerous claim that the Russian Federation is a direct descendant of our Kievan Rus.
Peter I stole the name of Russia, after him Catherine II rewrote history, correcting everything related to the Russian Empire to victories and gains, and everything related to Ukraine she diligently destroyed, and not only on paper. Now their tradition was continued by the dictator of the modern Russian Federation.

In fact, the name "Ukraine" (Ukraina) appears as early as 1680, that is, 41 years before the name "Russia" appeared, on the map of Ukraine by the French military engineer and cartographer Guillaume Levasseur de Beauplan (based on the general map of 1648 year). On this same map, the location of Moscovia is marked in the upper right corner - Moscovia Pars (Land of Muscovy). And this is not the only historical document, there are other maps, magazine and newspaper articles, notes of historians and travelers of that time. But the Russian leadership rejects these historical documents and purposefully repeats the statement, beneficial for the Kremlin, that Ukraine did not exist before the 20th century.

We have a responsibility to reclaim our identity and our history

Millennium Rus is the state of the ancestors of the Ukrainian people, not the Russian people. It is tied to the history of Russia only by the directives of Peter I, Catherine II, Stalin, and historians who served for the benefit of the Kremlin. Russia illegally appropriated the name of the country. This historical error must be corrected at the official level. Russia distorts history by manipulating its name. Rus and Russia are similar in sound. And this gives grounds for such distortions, as well as for statements that "Ukraine never existed" and the like.

Why is it important to return the historical name of Muscovy right now?

The official change of the name of the state is a powerful information move at the international level. It will create a demand in the Russian Federation and other countries for the question: "What is Muscovy? Why did the Ukrainians rename Russia to Muscovy?" This will set off a wave of information seeking. Along with the search for "Moscow", the historical facts of the creation of the Russian and Ukrainian states will be revealed. Those facts that are either kept silent or distorted by Kremlin propaganda. This will lead to dispelling Kremlin myths about the historical past of the "great Russian people" for Russians and citizens of other countries, who considered Ukraine and Russia to be "one whole" before the start of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine. This is an important step in the information war, which will help Ukraine win.

https://petition.president.gov.ua/petition/170958 (https://petition.president.gov.ua/petition/170958)

Map of Poland and Hungary by Sebastian Munster, 1550. The map shows ?Russia? for Ukraine, ?Russia Alba? for Belarus, while the Moscow Princedom is called ?Moscovia.? http://www.lithuanianmaps.com/images/1540_munster_polonia_et_ungaria_XV_nova_tabula_davidrumsey.jpg (http://www.lithuanianmaps.com/images/1540_munster_polonia_et_ungaria_XV_nova_tabula_davidrumsey.jpg)

If Ukraine abolishes Sea of Azov 2003 agreement, RF never abided, sea of Azov is no longer a inland sea of RF and Ukraine , but soley (most) of Ukraine

https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/ukraine-v-russia-passage-through-kerch-strait-and-the-sea-of-azov/ (https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/ukraine-v-russia-passage-through-kerch-strait-and-the-sea-of-azov/) https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/ukraine-v-russia-passage-through-kerch-strait-and-the-sea-of-azov-2/ (https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/ukraine-v-russia-passage-through-kerch-strait-and-the-sea-of-azov-2/) https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/de/ukraine-v-russia-passage-through-kerch-strait-and-the-sea-of-azov-3/ (https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/de/ukraine-v-russia-passage-through-kerch-strait-and-the-sea-of-azov-3/)

https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/search/?q=sea+of+azov&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/search/?q=sea+of+azov&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new)


https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/117xhoj/officially_rename_the_name_russia_to_moscovy/ (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/117xhoj/officially_rename_the_name_russia_to_moscovy/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 23, 2023, 07:55:33 am

 That's about this pseudo?storika TV channel "Inter" this Saturday will sing. Advertisements about the "outstanding Ukrainian historian" are spinning all week. This villain with usima nutro .ami works for the Kremlin and positions himself as a patriot of Ukraine. This stuff is from Wikipedia.
Petro Petrovich Tolochko (n.r. February 21, 1938 )
"Considers the information about the tribal union of the Polyans as generally legendary. I do not agree with the trade theories of the origin of the ancient Russian statehood and the interpretation of the holodomor as the genocide of the Ukrainian people. Believes that there was no persecution on Ukrainian culture. About the current state of history in Ukraine said the following:
"I analyzed textbooks for middle and high school. A very disappointing picture to see. They are incredibly ideologued. In the early historical periods, everything is proclaimed Ukrainian - starting from trypill? and to Kiev Rus. And this nonsense is injected into textbooks, and children, of course, are already absorbing this mythology. For example, Kievan Rus was created by Ukrainians. For a later period, after Bogdan Khmelnytsky, the line of solid negative. It seems that this was some kind of black hole in the history of Ukraine".
Also believes that it is not worth mixing Kiev Rus and Rusič?v with modern Eastern Slavs - Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians:
"There is nothing offensive about the fact that during the Kievan Rus there was no Ukraine. Russia wasn't there either, if it's easier for someone! As I say, Rusičam and in a scary dream couldn't ghost that one of them would be Ukrainian, someone Belarusom, and someone Russian. They were just the Russians. They are just so russy. The ancient Russians. And it's funny when we say Vladimir Monomakh is Ukrainian, and his son Yuri Dolgorukij and grandson Andrei Bogolyubsʹkij are moskal?mi pure blood. Bullshit! ".
Together with other Ukrainian scientists, politicians, political scientists, wrote a letter to President Victor Yushchenko. He spoke about his concern about state policy, aimed, in his opinion, at distorting the history of Ukraine. He believed that his letter made an impression on the international community. For example, it was printed by French Figuaro. The answer has not come. Tolochko believes that Yushchenko is not interested in this direction of public opinion.
Demonstrativno left the Public Council on humanitarian policy led by President Victor Yanukovych in disagreement with the decree of Victor Yanukovic to mark the 1000th anniversary of Sofia Kiev in 2011, - Russian academic historians, despite decrypted new graffiti, insisted on the traditional later date that made Novgorod Sofia senior.
In his book "Ancient Russian Folk: Imaginary or Real" Toločko explores the problem: was there really an ancient Russian Folk? Based on a comprehensive study of sources and historiography, it comes to mind of the existence in the X-XIII centuries of the only ancient Russian ethnocultural and social community that completely corresponds to the understanding of the population.
In October of 2011. P. P. Tolochko presented in Kyiv report c. Kurgin?na "Russia-Ukraine: need a full-fledged strategy" that was published the day before in the newspaper "Tomorrow" (Editor-in-Chief - O. Prokhanov). The report criticized Ukrainian integration policies, including intentions to obtain associated membership in the European Free Trade Area as an alternative to inclusion in the Customs Union. The result of Ukraine's possible accession to the EAVT, the report proclaimed "a geopolitical catastrophe that in scale and consequences can be compared to the collapse of the USSR".
P. P. Toločko is the author of a number of publications of critical character on the subject of events of няvromaydan and Ukrainian present in Russian online editions. "
https://www.facebook.com/olga.boggart/posts/pfbid0bWNAt7Wye9sWoZcL9gWEeNNR2xxW7tErBcQxGxc6qjV99b3ve2WG2ymHVe5yNgJl?__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/olga.boggart/posts/pfbid0bWNAt7Wye9sWoZcL9gWEeNNR2xxW7tErBcQxGxc6qjV99b3ve2WG2ymHVe5yNgJl?__cft__)[0]=AZVi8iBe4q39sBS6dpjP17dpyuTxHd0I_k78HLleHwXPkeaGIsBVToDr8VCRTjE1Ud4q78NS7Kcl2ZDk5aCOGadi3WyuRpwezq2MZ_f06uohXYETnsF_ljI7bLg2hTgJCUMBoywfxkvuFIGG5uvSx0taQPf0N4hlj-FpI_Eue1gAd8U_RN2x1SeCy0JHyZ0IxzE&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-y-R

https://vrns.ru/news/akademik-nan-ukrainy-p-p-tolochko-beznravstvenno-otkazyvatsya-ot-nashey-obshchey-istorii/ (https://vrns.ru/news/akademik-nan-ukrainy-p-p-tolochko-beznravstvenno-otkazyvatsya-ot-nashey-obshchey-istorii/)

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine P.P. Tolochko: It is immoral to refuse our common history
On November 1, 2018, the State Kremlin Palace hosted a plenary meeting of the XXII World Russian People's Council, dedicated to the theme "25 years on the path of public dialogue and civilizational development of Russia." The event was attended by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

Member of the Presidium of the ARNS, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Director of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine P. P. Tolochko addressed the audience:

?Why am I here, at the World Russian Council? First of all, because I consider this a tribute to my friend Valery Ganichev, who created this organization together with you. Unfortunately, he has passed away, but I pay tribute to him by my presence here. Secondly, because I consider myself a part of the Russian world.

The Russian world did not begin with the Muscovite kingdom. He was born on the banks of the Dnieper, in ancient Kievan Rus. When the first chroniclers and the first theologians tried to understand what Rus' is, they identified this vast expanse from Novgorod to Kyiv, from the Carpathian Mountains to the Volga-Don interfluve as a single Orthodox Russian space.

Metropolitan Hilarion, an associate of Yaroslav the Wise, in his famous ?Sermon on Law and Grace? says that the Russian princes ?are not in a bad and unknown country of your dominion, but in Russian, which is known and heard by all four corners of the earth.? This is how this huge space of one and a half million square kilometers was perceived. Hegumen Daniel travels to the Holy Sepulcher, he is the hegumen of Chernigov, but he places a censer from the whole Russian land on the Holy Sepulcher and presents himself as a priest of the Russian land. He did not narrow his representation to the Chernigov Principality, but acts as the ambassador of the entire Russian land.

The concept of the Russian land, the Russian world was also in the minds of the people. The famous epics that reflect the history of Rus', as if expressed by the people themselves, show Russian heroes who live outside of time, outside of space, but they protect Holy Rus', they strive to Kiev to protect the capital city of Rus' - so that the general concept of the Russian world was formed already. And what about the message of Bishop Simon, Bishop of Suzdal and Vladimir, to a monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery, the beginning of the 13th century? Bishop Simon recalls the first Bishop of Rostov, Leonty, who was torn to pieces by pagans, and calls him the third citizen of the Russian world. And who are the first two citizens of the Russian world? These are the Varangians Fedor and John, torn to pieces on the Kyiv hills by violent pagans.

This definition of the Russian world reflects its entire essence. Firstly, this is, in essence, the Russian Orthodox world, and secondly, it is not reduced to Russian in the ethnic sense - these are Russians, and Varangians, and everyone who professes the Russian Orthodox faith.

I am sure that even if it were not for our entire subsequent history, if it happened that my native Ukraine remained part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania or Poland, then in this case we would have every right to consider ourselves to be part of the Russian world. But after all, there were whole centuries of our common history, the history of our fraternal peoples - it is not fashionable to say so now, but, in fact, in essence, it is so! Orthodox enlightenment in Ukraine, in Little Russia, and in Russia is unthinkable without the interaction of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy and the Moscow Greco-Latin Academy. We cannot imagine the Russian Orthodox Church without Demetrius of Rostov, a native of Little Russia. We cannot imagine the historical process of the time of Peter I without Feofan Prokopovich, the rector of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, and then an associate of Peter I, who, in essence, gave the ideological justification for the emerging empire. We cannot imagine our history without the Razumovsky brothers during the time of Elizabeth and Catherine, without Chancellor Bezborodko, without Count Kochubey, Chancellor in the government of Nicholas I. I think we cannot imagine Soviet history without our Little Russians, our Ukrainians. They sat here, even in the Kremlin, they ruled a huge country, and I think that it is immoral for us Ukrainians today to abandon this common history of ours. It had everything - ups and downs, achievements and failures - but to say that this is all not ours, that we have nothing to do with it, seems immoral to me. we cannot imagine Soviet history without our Little Russians, our Ukrainians. They sat here, even in the Kremlin, they ruled a huge country, and I think that it is immoral for us Ukrainians today to abandon this common history of ours. It had everything - ups and downs, achievements and failures - but to say that this is all not ours, that we have nothing to do with it, seems immoral to me. we cannot imagine Soviet history without our Little Russians, our Ukrainians. They sat here, even in the Kremlin, they ruled a huge country, and I think that it is immoral for us Ukrainians today to abandon this common history of ours. It had everything - ups and downs, achievements and failures - but to say that this is all not ours, that we have nothing to do with it, seems immoral to me.

At one time, I even suggested giving the Russian World a second name - the East Slavic Orthodox World. It is more neutral, although essentially the same, and, of course, this world includes my native Ukraine as well. I would like to hope that the time of non-building will end and history will taxi to the high road. I don?t know what to do in Brussels or Washington, I?m a stranger there, but I belong in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and there are millions of them in Ukraine. I am pleased that the process of our cooperation, having begun God knows when, does not end today. Now Vasily Semyonovich Lanovoy is sitting in the hall, and he said to me: ?Well, can we get some more crumbs?? Shall we wait a little more? I think we'll wait. The historical truth will not allow us to break our blood union of the East Slavic fraternal peoples!?

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill commented on the speech of the Ukrainian scientist:

?Dear Petr Petrovich, I would like to sincerely thank you for the words you have just spoken. It is very important that these are the words of a scientist, not a politician. A person who studies the sources and clearly, from a scientific point of view, imagines a picture of our national genesis, "where the Russian land came from."

It is quite obvious that Ukraine, which was called Little Russia in tsarist times, was named so not because someone wanted to humiliate it and emphasize the significance of Great Russia, but because everyone who knew history always realized that Kiev was the mother of Russian cities, source of Russian civilization. Therefore, the name "Little Russia" can be compared with how we now talk about historical Moscow and Greater Moscow, as there is London and Greater London. This is the same with Little Russia and Great Russia. In this name itself there is an indication of the enormous civilizational significance of the southern Russian lands, from where the Russian land really went. But again, we must not forget the Varangian factor. When the Byzantines used the name "Rossy", they meant, of course, not some separate Slavic principality,

Of course, what is happening now is a very dangerous political process. But it is based on a false historiosophy and a juggling of historical facts. Therefore, our most important and correct answer to all those who are trying to destroy our world is the answer that we must draw from our history. And the fact that you, Pyotr Petrovich, so openly express your position, including in Ukraine, shows that you are not only a wonderful historian, but also a very strong person, devoted to science, devoted to historical truth. God bless you and thank you for this performance.?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 23, 2023, 09:14:07 am

2016 https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fflavius-aetius1.livejournal.com%2F164306.html


Again Mikhalkov, and now from him the idea to judge Yeltsin and Gorbachev for "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe that has happened in this century." These are no longer Putin's words, but Nikitushka himself. And he was far from the first to make this call, and Mikhail Sergeevich's call to the rabid boyar "to know his place" looks pitiful. If anyone now has a chance to find out this very place, it is precisely from Gorbachev. Yeltsin, of course, does not care, but according to the logic of events, looking where everything is moving, the desire to reckon with those responsible for this "catastrophe" is quite likely.

The situation in the Reich is rapidly deteriorating and the time when scapegoats are needed is getting closer. And what could be more spectacular and revealing than a well-organized trial of someone who, perhaps unwittingly, launched an avalanche. Or maybe he feels, knows something cunning and experienced, a courtier admitted to the highest body.

However, it is quite indicative what a mess is in the head of those who, obeying the laws of physics, floated in a fetid mass to the surface of the Russian swamp. He surfaced precisely because Gorbachev stirred him up. Who would SAM be now? Even allowing for the variant of the development of events, which Ligachev once spoke about: "At the April plenum, completely different decisions could have been made." If there were, there would be a pestilence. The state went bankrupt. But even if not, if the monster survived, where would all the mourners be now, the Kremlin dwarf in the first place? I would have sat on the Vertukhai pension, having blown off the six in the GDR. And Nikitushka himself? Would he have seen Cannes and had his estates? The question is purely rhetorical.

But, strictly speaking, this is not the point. The natural and desired collapse of the Evil Empire did not mean its death at all, the aspen stake was never driven in - those who wanted to do it were quickly wiped out. The abomination has risen again, and I am now more than sure that it could not be otherwise. Wrong country, wrong people, and therefore the euphoria of the early 90s looks so stupid and naive now.

70 years of Soviet power not only retarded the development of the country, already backward. Worse - they stopped him, and apparently forever. If the country's elite, and Nikitushka, regrettably, is one of them, has such a monstrous mixture gurgling in his head, it's a disaster. I will express my opinion - you can throw a stone at me. I really want this catastrophe to finally happen - the case when it is easier and cheaper to shoot than to heal. Cheaper, to avoid the spread of infection. But, as before, it is necessary to know the symptoms and pathogens of the disease.
So what do we have? For the Soviet Union, a country with a communist regime, one of the varieties of fascism, a person mourns, positioning himself as a monarchist, moreover, justifying and praising serfdom. Is it possible to find such a miracle anywhere in the civilized world? I am sure that it is possible - that's just, such individuals are not allowed in a decent society. They have their own "interest clubs", like queers, swingers, lovers of the occult knowledge. Nikitushka, and not only him, are allowed before the royal eyes, because the same beetles swarm in the unhealthy royal head. Because, individuals like Nikitushka found a happy coincidence - for the first time they can "fluctuate along with the party line", without pretending at all. Maybe they are forced to play in love with the Fuhrer, but they think with them in absolute unison.

In fact, the contradiction in their thoughts, Mikhalkov's, in this particular case, is only apparent. Rather, it exists only in one moment - both the Kremlin dwarf and the "master" himself ascended to where they are now precisely because the Soviet empire collapsed. But this does not at all cancel their longing for the empire, for the Golden Horde, as such. All they need is to be a khan, or to be a member of the khan.

These imperial colics are absolutely illogical and there is not even a hint of pragmatism in them, as it is absent in everything that the Putin regime is doing now, and before that the Soviet Union, because Muscovy, the Russian Empire, the USSR and the current Pakhanate ultimately built an empire for the sake of the empire itself, for the sake of an idea, without deriving or being able to derive any practical benefit. It all came down to a simple bend and crush. What for? It is this senselessness of expansion that they put to their credit, the very idea of ​​​​a vast territory inhabited by numerous subject peoples who were not lucky enough to fall under the imperial ice rink warms their hearts.

The whole current policy of Russia creates, of course, colossal problems for the entire world community, but it itself does not gain anything, except for the moral satisfaction from causing trouble to everyone around and accreting pieces of territory here and there, for now, thank God for little things. Did someone feel better from "our Crimea", from the fact that they ruined the Donbass, Abkhazia, gnawed off a piece of Moldova? No one, not "saved", nor Russia. Worse, much worse, and this is just the beginning.

But the fact of the matter is that neither the country nor its elite are able to reason sensibly, based on a simple, but probably very offensive principle for them - any state is a commercial enterprise whose existence must be justified economically. For them, this is "spiritual" "Jewish" or bourgeois nonsense. So, apparently, the contradictions in Mikhalkov's head are only apparent. Both the Moscow boyars and the nobility Europeanized by Peter, including the Decembrists, were deeply disgusted with "trafficking", that is, capitalism, bourgeois society. Nikitushka, who thinks he is a hereditary pillar nobleman - too.

But the "world of the chistogan" was also disgusting to the Soviet empire, where Mikhalkov-papa felt so good. But, it was the world of "servicemen", guardsmen, sovereign people, from where the current pale moth crawled out, our eagle Don Reba. The same world, only the monarch was called differently, but the eagles were replaced by hammers and sickles. And here you have not only serfs on collective farms, all as one, state peasants, but also slaves, millions and millions of slaves in the camps. And the "liberation" campaigns, and the whole world are in suspense, because in normal countries people are protected, and in the Empire - people are rubbish, and people agree to this and consider it right. And that the Soviet project is the most economically disastrous in history, let the Jews bake with pendos, they, who have their own pride, are higher than that.

A beautiful world, the dream of a statesman, if only, to live richer, truly boyar. This happiness came, but the Empire shrank. No, there is no complete harmony in Nikitushka's soul, and peace of mind is worth a lot, and therefore he will exact the blood of the perpetrators of the "greatest catastrophe."

"... I am not shaking hands for a certain part of the people," Mikhalkov honestly admits, and is absolutely not worried about this. That's right, by the way. In this "certain part", the word "people" is key. "I am at home and have the right to say everything that I consider important and necessary to say." And in this he is right. "People" are not at home, and Russia has never been a home for people. The first years of Putin's regime, a period of still gradual tightening of the screws, carried out the necessary selection, crystallizing "people" and separating them completely from the Mikhalkovs. Therefore, he is "at home" and can say everything. Therefore, this house is suitable for the life of an exceptionally pale moth and Nikitushka with their gray and evil serfs inherent in them.

Yes, they really do not understand why this empire is disgusting to everyone except them. It essentially remained the same as under Ivan the Terrible, when the tsar gave his hangers-on estates for "feeding", only now these estates are called "Gazprom" or the "Platon" system. But they, however, do not understand why the whole world hates them, considering their state system, criminal feudalism - the only possible and correct one, and Russia, in all seriousness - great. That is why they are especially angry about the former colonies that have fled from them so rapidly, that is why Ukraine, especially Ukraine, causes such fury - after all, they are sure that it is "theirs."

So, maybe Nikitka is right in his own way when he wants to judge Gorbachev, because he destroyed the only world that Mikhalkov understood. Well, maybe you should be more condescending to the old man, because, as I said, the aspen stake was never stuck in him and the vile undead are again scratching at the door.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 24, 2023, 08:09:40 am

http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2023/02/moscow-insists-not-only-that-kuban-isnt.html (http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2023/02/moscow-insists-not-only-that-kuban-isnt.html)
Empress Catherine II gave the Black Sea Cossack Host the rights to Kuban lands. Her decree of 30.6. and 1.7.1792 handed these lands over to the Black Sea Cossacks "for eternity". The Cossacks founded the administrative centre of Yekaterinodar (literally "Catherine's gift") in 1794 (now Krasnodar,RF)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainians_in_Kuban (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainians_in_Kuban)
https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/search/?q=kuban&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new (https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/search/?q=kuban&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 25, 2023, 06:19:10 am

 Independence Day 2020 - history of Ukriane, The main role in this video was performed by a young Ukrainian Esenia Seleznova
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aoZN3WSwXU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aoZN3WSwXU)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-Ndum7d03A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-Ndum7d03A) follow up
A genius video that conveys all the pain and strength of the Ukrainian people DNA of Ukraine

The main role in this video was performed by a young Ukrainian Esenia Seleznova

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ReOWO_B8h8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ReOWO_B8h8)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpA7HblLM9g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpA7HblLM9g)
"STRONG ENOUGH" for Ukraine - Chervona Kalyna (

Badass Women of Ukraine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhVeYaBy48k (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhVeYaBy48k)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 26, 2023, 10:37:31 am

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c5w5LCwhEQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c5w5LCwhEQ)
 Girsu - (Sumerian Ĝirsu; cuneiform ĝir2-su-ki) was a city of ancient Sumer, situated some 25 km (16 mi) northwest of Lagash, at the site of modern Tell Telloh.  Girsu was possibly inhabited in the Ubaid period (5300-4800 BC), but significant levels of activity began in the Early Dynastic period (2900-2335 BC). At the time of Gudea, during the Second Dynasty of Lagash, Girsu became the capital of the Lagash kingdom and continued to be its religious center after political power had shifted to city of Lagash. During the Ur III period, Girsu was a major administrative center for the empire.  Girsu is city of Ningirsu (Ninurta) son of Enlil.
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWSMdxAxW3c (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWSMdxAxW3c)
Thousands of Estonians Sing ?Oi u luzi chervona kalyna? to Support Ukraine
Independence Day of Ukraine 2020. Musical Independence
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAY4rJUsSc0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAY4rJUsSc0)

 https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals/posts/pfbid0goNWR6jEEuq7Freg55WqmwdpsJ4kjF5EgNKFiYRL7gv6y69HvkcwBQQZ6v8ghuYbl (https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals/posts/pfbid0goNWR6jEEuq7Freg55WqmwdpsJ4kjF5EgNKFiYRL7gv6y69HvkcwBQQZ6v8ghuYbl)
 Medieval History: Kyivan Rus [Part 1]
 https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals/posts/pfbid02uizH5kh1JGQknmwdwHh6cVkczKRkgZ35jA4yXm8LPnXbTUyfLwChSJbFbbHL9PMyl? (https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals/posts/pfbid02uizH5kh1JGQknmwdwHh6cVkczKRkgZ35jA4yXm8LPnXbTUyfLwChSJbFbbHL9PMyl?)
 Medieval History: Kievan Rus' [Part 3]
 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0iqRjnwxVy46aSQkjgMCjStXQFavf2sf4an6HWryS46jiRAnpn2RjjoxE4ihyv9Hul&id=100067484022787&__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0iqRjnwxVy46aSQkjgMCjStXQFavf2sf4an6HWryS46jiRAnpn2RjjoxE4ihyv9Hul&id=100067484022787&__cft__)[0]=AZU_YI9EkzwxTOf0V2aUEzX8qWDjoa9p0VlkYz5f-xdGH2bSGFxtRPQemrC5pViyGkeAmB1oquhx2zg6iUCy1tZr_zxoM2QvTvb-mG8Qcqtr5a7JQqRT9xQCT6fniJzzpBtQlELqbVg3dE5tyeiv_wFK9qyyZiAjnG61du2dVv5CTFIl7iQ3nELTMYO01PnKByZp95UdU7Ty76Vjiw404hYm&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-y-R
 Nato vs Brics military power comparison 2023
 https://ukrainetoday.org/2023/02/24/in-ukraine-a-bot-was-developed-to-block-comments-in-russian-in-telegram-groups-and-channels/ (https://ukrainetoday.org/2023/02/24/in-ukraine-a-bot-was-developed-to-block-comments-in-russian-in-telegram-groups-and-channels/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 05, 2023, 07:47:33 am
 Moscow and Muscovy are the product of the public activity of the Tatar-Mongolian Empire and the personal possession of the Khan of the Golden Horde of Mengu-Timur. It was for him that Moscow first appeared as a settlement, recorded in 1272, that is, during the third Tatar-Mongolian pillow census; and the first Moscow Ulus (principality) appeared in the Golden Horde of 1277, when Khan Mengu-Tymur handed the label "on the prince" to Alexander Nevsky's younger son - Danil, who reached at the time, by the Tatar- Mongolian in laws, juvenile (16 years).
Moscow began to be inhabited by the Moxel tribes since 1272. And the efficient Moscow Principality appeared in 1277. The very Khan of the Golden Horde of Mengu-Timur. and not Yuri Dolgoruky became the real founder of Moscow and Moscow Ulus.
The real masters are the lords and commanders of the Rostov-Suzdal and Moscow Principality from 1238 to 1357:
1. Khan Baty (Sain) - (1238-1250)
2. Khan Sartak ? (1250 ? 1257)
3. Han Berke ? (1257? 1266)
4. Khan Mengue-Timur ? (1266? 1282)
5. Khan Tuda-Menghu - (1282? 1287)
6. Khan Talabuga ? (1287 ? 1290)
7. Khan Tokht - (1291 ? 1312)
8. Khan Uzbek ? (1312? 1342)
9. Khan Janibek ? (1342 ? 1357)
These people were the great-grandfathers of the so-called Russian statehood. And the princes of Suzdal and Moscow were only "boys on the run" in the Zolotoordyn khans.
Khans and r дляrikovich? were for the indigenous population of the land of moksel, and later - moscovy, zajdami. It is not in vain that the whole history of the Russian state does not hold on to the description of the origin of the Tatar-Finnish tribes of the "Great Russian" people, but on the biography of the Ryurikovych and Romanovy dynasty.
Vladimir Bilinsky.
The country of Moxels, or Muscovy (excerpt)

 https://www.panrus.com/books/details.php?bookID=23132 (https://www.panrus.com/books/details.php?bookID=23132)

https://moreknig.org/dokumentalnaya-literatura/publicistika/199318-strana-moksel.html (https://moreknig.org/dokumentalnaya-literatura/publicistika/199318-strana-moksel.html)

https://chtyvo.org.ua/authors/Bilinskyi_Volodymyr/Ukraina-Rus_Knyha_2_Kniazi_Halytski-Ostrozki/ (https://chtyvo.org.ua/authors/Bilinskyi_Volodymyr/Ukraina-Rus_Knyha_2_Kniazi_Halytski-Ostrozki/)

https://chtyvo.org.ua/authors/Bilinskyi_Volodymyr/ (https://chtyvo.org.ua/authors/Bilinskyi_Volodymyr/)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 05, 2023, 12:58:06 pm
https://www.rferl.org/a/hungary-romania-bulgaria-riding-horses-yamnaya-botai/32300166.html (https://www.rferl.org/a/hungary-romania-bulgaria-riding-horses-yamnaya-botai/32300166.html) Yamana
 https://archive.org/details/horsewheelandlanguage (https://archive.org/details/horsewheelandlanguage)
The Horse, the Wheel, and Language : David W. Anthony | That's why europeans came from Ukraine-RUS
 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.ade2451 (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.ade2451)
First bioanthropological evidence for Yamnaya horsemanship
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 07, 2023, 08:16:17 am
 From the Caucasus to the Balkans - genetic history and Indo-European languages
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlgbT1YXJrU&feature=youtu.be (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlgbT1YXJrU&feature=youtu.be)



Umbro-saber migration.

The migration of the Umbrian-Sabelian tribes, apparently, began later than the migration of the Latins and, like this latter, headed south, however, keeping to the middle of the peninsula and slightly deviating towards the eastern coast. It is difficult to talk about such things, because information about them reaches us like the sound of a bell from a city sunk in the sea. The land inhabited by the Umbrians, according to Herodotus, stretched from the Alps, and there is nothing improbable in the fact that this people owned in ancient times all of northern Italy to those outskirts of it, near which the Illyrian tribes lived on the eastern side, and Ligurians on the western side. ; legends testify to the struggle of these neighbors with the Umbrians, and that from ancient times they spread in a southerly direction can be guessed from some individual names, as, for example, by the similarity of the name of the island of Ilva (Elba) with the name of the Ligurian ilvats. Perhaps it is from this era of greatness of the Umbrians that the obviously Italic names of the most ancient settlements in the Po Valley originate: Atria (Black City) and Spina (City of Thorns), as well as numerous traces left by the Umbrians in southern Etruria (Umbro River, Kamars - old name for Clusium, Castrum Amerinum). Such traces of the Italic population, which preceded the Etruscan, are found most often in the southern part of Etruria between the Cymnic Forest (below Viterbo) and the Tiber. In Falerii, a city lying on the border of Etruria from Umbria and the Sabine land, they spoke, according to Strabo, not Etruscan, but some other language, and inscriptions have recently been found there in which letters and language, although they have some common features with the Etruscan language, but generally similar to Latin (Comment: In the alphabet of this language, the letter r is especially remarkable, obviously deriving from the Latin [R] and not from the Etruscan form [D], and also the letter z (Ξ); the latter could only come from the original Latin The language is also similar to the most ancient Latin: Marci Acarcelini he cupa i.e. Marcius Acarcelinius heic cubat Menerva A. Cotena La f? zenatuo sentem? dedet cuando? cuncaptum i.e. Minervae A (ulus) Cotena La (rtis) f (ilius) ... de senatus sententia dedit quando (probably olim) conceptum. Along with these and similar inscriptions, some others were found that are not quite similar to it in language and in style and are undoubtedly Etruscan). And in the local cult, traits of a saber character are noticeable; very ancient and at the same time liturgical relations between Caere and Rome belong to the same sphere. Apparently, the Etruscans took these southern countries from the Umbrians much later than the countries lying north of the Cymnian forest, and the Umbrian population remained there even after they were conquered by the Tusks. This was probably the main reason why, after the conquest of the country by the Romans, its southern borders were Latinized with amazing speed, while in northern Etruria both the local language and local customs were stubbornly preserved. That the Umbrians, after a stubborn struggle, were driven back both from the north and from the west to that narrow mountainous region between the two spurs of the Apennines, in which they subsequently remained, is just as clear from the position of their country, as is clear in our time from the geographical position of Graub?nden and the country the Basques that the fate of their population is the same; and legends tell us that the Tusks took three hundred cities from the Umbrians, and, more importantly, in the national prayers of the Umbrian Iguvians that have come down to us, this people, among other enemies of their fatherland, curses, first of all, the Tusks. In all likelihood, it was precisely because of this pressure from the north that the Umbrians rushed south, generally adhering to the direction of the mountains, since the plains were already occupied by Latin tribes; however, at the same time, they no doubt often invaded the possessions of their fellow tribesmen, in turn pushing them back and mixing with them all the easier because the difference in their language and customs was not yet as sharply defined at that time as at a later time. This also includes those folk tales that deal with the invasions of the Reatines and Sabines in Latium and their wars with the Romans; phenomena of this kind could be repeated along the entire western coast. In general, the Sabines held out in the mountains - in the area since then named after them near Latium and in the country of the Volsci - probably because there was either no Latin population there at all, or it was sparse; on the other hand, the densely populated plains were able to offer more stubborn resistance, although even there the local population was not always able to prevent the invasion of individual alliances, an example of which is the Titius and later Claudius in Rome. So, the tribes mixed there one with the other without hindrance; this explains why the Volsci were in frequent contact with the Latins and why both this region and the Sabine region could have been Latinized so early and so quickly. that there was either no Latin population there at all, or it was sparse; on the other hand, the densely populated plains were able to offer more stubborn resistance, although even there the local population was not always able to prevent the invasion of individual alliances, an example of which is the Titius and later Claudius in Rome. So, the tribes mixed there one with the other without hindrance; this explains why the Volsci were in frequent contact with the Latins and why both this region and the Sabine region could have been Latinized so early and so quickly. that there was either no Latin population there at all, or it was sparse; on the other hand, the densely populated plains were able to offer more stubborn resistance, although even there the local population was not always able to prevent the invasion of individual alliances, an example of which is the Titius and later Claudius in Rome. So, the tribes mixed there one with the other without hindrance; this explains why the Volsci were in frequent contact with the Latins and why both this region and the Sabine region could have been Latinized so early and so quickly. tribes freely mixed there one with the other; this explains why the Volsci were in frequent contact with the Latins and why both this region and the Sabine region could have been Latinized so early and so quickly. tribes freely mixed there one with the other; this explains why the Volsci were in frequent contact with the Latins and why both this region and the Sabine region could have been Latinized so early and so quickly.


The main branch of the Umbrian tribe rushed from the Sabine region to the east into the Abruzzi mountains and into the mountainous terrain adjacent to these mountains on the south side; both on the western coast, and here, the Umbrians occupied the mountainous part of the country, where they found a sparse population, which retired at their approach or submitted to them; meanwhile, the Iapygi, who had long lived on the flat Apulian coast, held on to their former places, although they were constantly fighting on their northern border because of Laceria and Arpi. When these migrations took place cannot, of course, be determined with certainty; in all likelihood, they can be attributed to the era when Rome was under the rule of kings. The legend tells that the Sabines, pressed by the Umbras, ?promised spring to the gods?, that is, they swore that they would sacrifice their sons and daughters born in the year of the war, and after they grow up, they will send them out of the country, so that the gods, at their discretion, either destroy them, or deliver them new places for settlement. One crowd was led by the bull of Mars: they were Saphins or Samnites, who first settled in the mountains near the river Sagra, and later came out from there, in order to occupy a beautiful plain east of the Mates mountains near the mouths of Tifernus, and as an old place of their public gatherings near Aniona , and the new one near Boiano was called Bovianum in honor of the bull that led them; the second crowd was led by the woodpecker of Mars: they were picenti (dyatelniks), who occupied the present district of Ancona; the third was led by a wolf (hirpus) and brought into the country of Benevent: they were hirpins. In the same way, other small tribes separated from the main tribe: the Pretuci, who settled near Teramo, the Vestins near the Gran Sasso, the Marrucins near Chieti, the Frentani near the Apulian border, peligny - near the Matelsky mountains, finally mars - near Lake Fucino; these latter were in the vicinity of the Volscians and the Latins. All these peoples retained the consciousness of their tribal kinship and common origin from the Sabine land, which is clearly seen from the legends mentioned above. While the Umbrians were exhausted in an unequal struggle, and the western settlers belonging to the same tribe merged with the Latin population or with the Hellenic, the Sabel tribes flourished in their closed mountainous region, where they did not have to deal with either the Etruscans, or the Latins, or the Greeks. . Their urban life either did not develop at all or developed to an insignificant degree; the geographical position of their country almost completely deprived them of the opportunity to engage in trade, and their mountain peaks and fortified places were enough to protect them from the enemy, while the farmers lived either in unprotected villages, or where they were attracted by some source, forest or meadow. As a result, their political structure remained unchanged; like the Arcadians, who were in exactly the same position in Hellas, here it did not come to the merging of communities, but only more or less weakly united alliances were formed. Especially in the Abruzzi, due to the secluded position of the mountain valleys, individual cantons lived a strictly closed life, not entering into any relations either with each other or with foreigners; this explains why they lived without a strong internal connection between themselves, completely isolated from the rest of Italy and, despite the courage of their population, participated in the historical events of the peninsula to a lesser extent than any other component of the Italic nation. On the contrary, the Samnites played the same prominent role in the political development of the eastern Italic tribe, which belonged to the Latins in the western tribe. From early times, perhaps even from the time of the first migration, the Samnite nation has been bound by relatively strong political ties, which later enabled it to compete in an equal struggle with Rome for the first place in Italy. About when and how this internal connection arose, we know as little as about its organization; but it is clear to us that no single community prevailed in Samnium, and still more clearly that there was no city there that could become the same center for the Samnite tribe, as Rome became for the Latin; the whole strength of the country lay in individual rural communities, and the power was in the hands of an assembly composed of representatives of these communities; the same assembly appointed, if necessary, the allied commander-in-chief. This explains why the Samnite alliance, in contrast to the Roman one, did not pursue an aggressive policy, but limited itself to the defense of its possessions; only in a united state are forces so concentrated and passions so passionate that a systematic expansion of territory can be undertaken. That is why the whole history of these two peoples was, as it were, predetermined by diametrically opposed systems of their colonization. What the Romans acquired was acquired by the state, and what the Samnites owned was conquered by detachments of volunteers who separately undertook the seizure of foreign lands and which, in happiness and in misfortune, were left to their fate. However, the conquests of the Samnites on the shores of the Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas belong to a later era, and while Rome was under the rule of kings, they seem to have just succeeded in taking possession of those lands in which we find them afterwards. The only event from the circle of these popular movements that was caused by the Samnite colonization was the attack of the Tyrrhenes from the upper sea, the Umbrians and the Dagos in 230 [524 BC] from the founding of Rome on the Greek city of Cuma; if one can believe in highly romanticized tales, the oppressors and the oppressed?as is usually the case in such raids?were united in one army; the Etruscans united with their enemies - the Umbrians, and with these latter - the Iapigi, pushed south by the Umbrian settlers. However, the enterprise failed: thanks to the superiority of the Hellenic military art and the courage of the tyrant Aristodemus, the attack of the barbarians on the flourishing seaside city was repelled.

Source: Theodor Mommsen. "History of Rome". Volume 1. "Science", "Juventa", St. Petersburg. 1994, p. 104-107.
Book 1. Until the abolition of royal power. Chapter 7. Hegemony of Rome in Latium.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 08, 2023, 09:58:24 am

 Embroidery as a unique code of your region. From Luhansk to Lviv - features of embroidery in each region http://vsviti.com.ua/ukraine/43776 (http://vsviti.com.ua/ukraine/43776) )
For Ukrainian embroidery is not just clothes. It's something very special: personal, native, sacred. Embroidery is like a symbol that retains its roots, identity, understanding of oneself. This is our history: mythology, religion, the ancient art of our ancestors, the soul of our people. And more than that, the embroidery encrypts our genetic code.
Video of the TV channel Ukraine (http://kanalukraina (http://kanalukraina). tv/)

https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/largest-human-genomic-family-tree-identifies-nealy-27-million-ancestors-180979657/ (https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/largest-human-genomic-family-tree-identifies-nealy-27-million-ancestors-180979657/)

https://vsviti.com.ua/ukraine/43776?fbclid=IwAR0t8HDDPtVaLNkNeign2otlcSJnm3RcipyJlADdYanScqzCL3ZysKj-0Ac (https://vsviti.com.ua/ukraine/43776?fbclid=IwAR0t8HDDPtVaLNkNeign2otlcSJnm3RcipyJlADdYanScqzCL3ZysKj-0Ac)
Vyshyvanka as a unique code of your region. From Luhansk to Lviv - peculiarities of embroidery of each region (photo)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 09, 2023, 07:30:28 am

https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02eDYLhuReiiYMUhnhZvzTtFPzhUBsGdSypf4iUajCH9N1cUgpJQm6pJuKHyevdjMJl&id=100089857710215&__cft__ (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02eDYLhuReiiYMUhnhZvzTtFPzhUBsGdSypf4iUajCH9N1cUgpJQm6pJuKHyevdjMJl&id=100089857710215&__cft__)[0]=AZX9iV7Dwor5c2qi8p0mf9Ln6nR8titqBL3WHHptbCCUhtqwNl1ARODHtxj2UYotFwuDvegHfTgGzqmA3VkYgh0RcXV3G5sFiecQ6E20nckTnoPC5fJxcHJ9ZVsLse3Kg6lnEIqmDsph70aHah0iKjVPQj0sYkWFABFQ9MLQ7SaElQ&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
- Кто основал Москву?
- Юрий Долгорукий.
- Кто был он?
- Ну, это сын Владимира Мономаха.
- Так это князь киевский?
- Ага, так Киев основал Москву! Так Россия это Украина! Что там делать?
комментарий: на самом деле Украина - ЕДИНСТВЕННАЯ РОССИЯ, рузия - это Московия
- Who founded Moscow?
- Yuri Long-handed.
- Who was he?
- Well, this is the son of Vladimir Monomakh.
- So this is the prince of Kiev?
- Yeah, so Kyiv founded Moscow! So Russia is Ukraine! Wat is there to do?
in fact Ukraine is the ONLY RUSsia, ruzzia is Moskovia

Map of Poland and Hungary by Sebastian Munster, 1550. The map shows ?Russia? for Ukraine, ?Russia Alba? for Belarus, while the Moscow Princedom is called ?Moscovia.? http://www.lithuanianmaps.com/images/1540_munster_polonia_et_ungaria_XV_nova_tabula_davidrumsey.jpg (http://www.lithuanianmaps.com/images/1540_munster_polonia_et_ungaria_XV_nova_tabula_davidrumsey.jpg)

. shows you can't rewite history....it was there and can't be changed

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 15, 2023, 08:03:39 am

Andriy Baitsar


Rus (Dav.-Rus. Рȣс, рѹсскаѧ землѧ , Sr.-Greek Ῥωσία‎, lat. Russia , Ruthenia ) is a multi-meaning term that was used at different times to denote a social group (corporation, strata or estate), ethnos (groups clans, tribe or people), territories and states in Eastern Europe with the center in the middle of the Dnieper region.

Rus (singular русы́н ) is an ethnonym usually used to refer to the population of Kyivan Rus. In early times (until the end of the 12th - the beginning of the 13th century), it was used only for the inhabitants of Kyiv and the lands close to it: the Kyiv and Pereyaslav principalities of the Middle Dnipro region, and later - the entire population of the state.

According to Nestor the Chronicler, the exact date of the proclamation of the state of Rus is 852. Nestor Lytopyets in "The Tale of Bygone Years" asked: "Where did the Russian land come from?" And he himself answered: "In the summer of 852, the Russian land will begin to be called Russia." In "Povista..." under the year 852, the following message is recorded: "In the summer of 6360 [852], indicta 15, when Michael began to reign, the Russian land began to be called Russian land." Right here we learn that under this tsar "Rus came to Tsargorod, which is written about in the Greek annals; so let's start from this date and count down..." Then a detailed chronology is given - how many years passed from Adam to the flood, from the flood to Abraham, from Abraham to Moses, from Moses to David, from David to the captivity in Jerusalem, from this captivity to Alexander Macedonian, from Alexander the Great to Christmas, from Christmas to Emperor Constantine, from Emperor Constantine to Emperor Michael.

The name "Russian land" arose, like other historical names (Lyad land, Bulgarian land, Hungarian land), from the common name of the peoples who inhabited this territory, later the ethnonym (the name of a people) turned into a polytonym (the name of a political entity). In medieval sources, the territory of Russia was mostly limited to Kyiv, Chernihiv and Pereyaslav lands and was not used to denote Galicia or Novgorod land. After the Mongol invasion, the name spread to other East Slavic lands where there were parishes of the Christian Church of the Byzantine rite (the so-called Russian faith): White, Black, Red or Galician, Little Rus appeared.

The territory of Podillia, which was part of the Galicia-Volyn state, in the annals of the 13th century. occurs under the name "Lower Russia, Lower".

The origin of the name "Rus", as well as its etymology, has not been clarified and remains the subject of a long debate. The difficulties of localization of the original Rus are due to the nature of the sources, domestic and foreign. Most of them contain insufficiently specific and often contradictory information.

The ethnonym Rus (hrus) was first mentioned in the Syrian chronicle of the 6th century. N. e. in relation to some population in the Northern Black Sea region (perhaps a separate tribe), the ethnic attribution of which is unknown. The parallel use of terms with the roots ros and rus is evidenced in ancient historical documents. In Eastern sources, the term russ prevails , in Byzantine sources - rosy, in Western European sources - rusy (but sometimes also ros, rosy), and in Old Russian writing the names Rus, Russian, although occasionally Russian ("Pravda Rosskaya") prevail. However, the land in which the Rus (or Rus) lived had only a nameRus.

The "people of the Rus" (Ρώς) in Byzantium had been known for a long time, and this form of naming, and as a self-name, is recorded in the "Bertyn Annals" in 839 , where it is said that people arrived from Constantinople to the court of Louis the Pious, who "said, that they, that is, their people, are called Rhos" [se, id est gentem suam, Rhos vocari dicebant].

Another Latin version of the name "Russians" ( rusii ), derived from the Greek ρουσιοι , was used in the middle of the 10th century. (958-962)  bishop of Cremona Luidprand: according to his work "Antapodosis", the Byzantine mercenary army includes "some people ... which the Greeks call ... Russians because of their strength of body" [gens quaedam ... quam a qualitate corporis Graeci vocant... Rusios] [ Melnikova EA [Commentary 3 to Chapter 9] // Konstantin Bagryanorodny. On the management of empires. Text, translation, comments, edited. H. G. Lytavryna, A. P. Novosyltseva. ? Moscow: Nauka, 1991. ? P. 308 ].

For the first time, the concept of Rosia [Ρωσία] to denote the "land of the Russians" was used in the work "On Ceremonies" ( about 956-959) by the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenet (908-959). In contrast to the original Slavic root " rus ", the consonant root " ros " was used. This substitution took place in connection with the identification of the people "Rus" with the biblical "Prince Ros", widespread in Byzantium since the 9th century, thus the term took the form "R o sia" instead of "R u sia".

It is generally accepted that the oldest mention of the Rus in Arabic literature belongs to the geographer and historian Ibn Khordadbeh (2nd half of the 9th century).

In Ukrainian documents, the Greek toponym "Russia" was already widely used, at least from the XI century. Today, the use of this title is known in the seals of the following metropolitans: Feopept (mentioned in 1039), Ephrem (mentioned in 1055), George (1062 - c. 1075), Nicholas (mentioned in 1102) and Michael (1131-1147), as well as some princes: Volodymyr Monomakh, Andrii-Mstislav, the wife of Prince Oleh-Mikhail Svyatoslavich (? 1115), the Greek Feofano. [ Iryna Zhylenko. To the history of the use of the toponym "Rus", "Russia" in Ukrainian historiography until the 18th century. and, in particular, the author of "Synopsis"].

In 1299, Metropolitan Maxim of Kyiv, Greek by origin, moved to Suzdal Oblast, to the ulus of the Golden Horde. The Khan of the Golden Horde was also sympathetic to this. Having moved to Zalyssia, the metropolitans of Kyiv were called "Russian" there as well. Some of them called themselves "Metropolitans of All Russia", others - "Metropolitans of Kyiv and All Russia".

In the years 1354-56, 1356 and 1378-1380, the Lithuanian Metropolitan also had the title of Metropolitan of " All Russia " .

In 1448, the Council of Orthodox Bishops, "by order of the sovereign", without the consent of the Patriarch of Constantinople, appointed Iona as the Metropolitan of "Kyiv". This event is considered the beginning of the separation of the Moscow Church. In 1453, the Moscow Church, which was canonically part of the Kyiv Metropolitanate, arbitrarily separated. In contrast to Moscow, in Kyiv the Florentine Union was perceived neutrally, and Isidore remained the Metropolitan of Kyiv until 1458. On October 15, 1458, the Patriarch of Constantinople Gregory III (Mamma), who was exiled by his Orthodox flock and clergy in Rome, granted the new Uniate Metropolitan Gregory II the title - "Metropolitan of Kyiv, Galicia and All Russia". This title was held by the head of the Orthodox Kyiv Metropolitanate until the annexation of the Kyiv Orthodox Metropolitanate by the Moscow Patriarchate in 1686, and by the Greek-Catholic Metropolitans of Kyiv until 1806. Metropolitan Iona (?1461) was the last metropolitan in Moscow who had the title of "Kyiv and All Russia". His successors at the department were already called " Moscow and All Russia ".

The first (after the separation of the Moscow Metropolis) Metropolitans of Kyiv, Galicia and All Russia - Grigory II, Mysail Pstruch, Iona, Yosif Bolgarinovych were supporters of the Florentine Union (the union of 1439 between the Eastern and Western (Roman) Churches), but they maintained ties with Patriarch of Constantinople, and all of them (except Misail) were approved by the patriarch as metropolitans.

The term "Russia" is not found in the chronicles of Rus (Kyivska). For the first time this word in Cyrillic appears only in 1387 in the title of the title of the Metropolitan of Kyiv and "All Russia" (Рѡсїѧ) Kyprian ( In the summer of 6895 [1387], April 24, this book was signed in the Studio monastery by Kyprian the humble Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Russia ).

Western European cartography only in the 12th century. " prescribes " Russia on the world map. The name referred mainly to the Middle Dnieper region. Over time, the name " Rus " began to take root in the periphery - in the west, and then in the north. During this period, it appears only on Northern European maps - in England, Iceland and Lower Saxony. On the maps of the XII-XIV centuries. contains forms of the term "Russia" (Rus) with one letter and with two letters "c"  ( "Rusia", "Rucia", "Russia" ). The form with two letters " s " in Greek texts is found only from the 14th century.

The toponym Rossia is found on a number of maps of the XIV-XV centuries, including in the Catalan Atlas (1375).

So, the form Rosia ( Rossia ), adopted from Byzantium, is found alongside the forms Russia, Ruscia, Ruzzia, less often Ruthenia . The form Rossia is found in the Latin texts of Marco Polo , Guillaume de Rubruck . There were also a number of variations of the name Rusi with the letter "o" in the root (for example, Rosie by Andrea Bianco).

"All Russia" is a prefix to the title of the Russian Grand Dukes of Kyiv. In the sources, it is found in relation to Vsevolod Yaroslavovich (Dev.-Russian: Vsevolodє Ӕroslavavych; 1030-1093; Grand Duke of Kyiv (1076-1077, 1078-1093); Volodymyr Monomakh (Dev.-Russian: Volodimer Vsevolodovych; baptized Vasyl ; 1053) ?1125; Grand Duke of Kyiv (1113?1125 ); Yuri Dovgoruky (1090?1157, Dav.-Rus. Gyurgy Volodymyrovych, Dyurgy Volodymyrovych, son of Volodymyr Monomakh; Grand Duke of Kyiv (1149?1151, 1155?1157); Rostislav Mstislavich ( or Mstislav Izyaslavych , the name of the ruling prince in Kyiv at that time is not named); Roman Mstislavych(ca. 1152-1205, Grand Duke of Kyiv (1201, 1204) and Mstislav Romanovych (known as Mstislav the Old , 1156-1223, Grand Duke of Kyiv (1212-1223))   (after: Gorsky A. A. Prince of "All Russia" to 14th century // Eastern Europe in Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Political Institutions and Supreme Power. ? M., 2007).

Roman Mstislavovich (King Danylo's father) is first named "Grand Duke Roman" and "Autocrat of All Russia" in the Ipatiev Chronicle under the year 6709 (1201).

At the Synod of the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1303, during the consideration of the issue of the formation of the Galicia-Volyn Church Metropolis, it was decided to call the then Kyiv and Galicia-Volyn principalities Mikr? Russia ( Greek: Mikr? Ῥωσία - Mikr? Rhōs?a; Little Russia), i.e. "Old Russia, initial , main, older"), and Zalissia and Novgorod Oblast - Megale Russia ( Greek: Μεγαλη Ῥωσία - Meg?lē Rhōs?a; Great Russia), which meant "Later, derivative, newly created Russia". The list of dioceses of Great and Little Russia, dated 1347 , includes 12 dioceses to Great Rus , which were under the authority of the metropolitan of Kyiv , and to Little Rus - 6 dioceses, which from 1303 were under the authority of the metropolitan of Galicia (Galician-Volyn state), and 1 diocese, which was included in the sphere of influence of Lithuania in 1339 -1351 years. Since the name of the Transdnieper Slavs with Russian roots has long been established in Byzantium   ("the people of Russia"), it was also reflected in the term Russia, which was finally established at the end of the 15th century.

Monarchs of the Galicia-Volyn state in the XIII-XIV centuries. in addition to the princely title, they began to wear the title of the kings of Russia, given by the Pope. According to Ya. Isaevich, they meant by "Russia" the territory of their principality. According to L. Voytovych, the title was pretentious and extended to all of Russia. With the prefix "all" he is noted in the letter of the brothers Andriy and Lev Yuryevich to the master of the Teutonic Order (1316) - duces totius terrae Russiae, Galiciae et Lademiriae ("princes of the whole land of Russia, Halych and Volodymyr") and in the deed of Prince Yury Troydenovich (1335 ) - dux totius Russiae Minoris ("prince of all Little Russia").

The formula "All of Russia / Russia / Russia" was used by the Grand Dukes of Moscow from the middle of the 14th century, starting with Semen the Proud ( 1317-1353 ; Prince of Moscow and Grand Duke of Volodymyr (1340-1353). On his seal, the inscription: "Seal of Prince Great All Rus'. It must be understood that in the Middle Ages and early modern times there were no official names of states, instead there were official titles of monarchs.

Ivan III also added the prefix "all Russia" to his grand ducal domain. For the first time, Ivan III was called the "sovereign and autocrat of all Russia" in Metropolitan Zosima's "Announcement on Easter" ( 1492 ). And in 1497, a double-headed eagle appeared for the first time on the Grand Duke's seal - the Byzantine and imperial state coat of arms. This title was preserved in his successors, but he was not involved in the name of the country. "However, they," writes V. Sergeevich, a well-known researcher of the history of Russian law, about the successors, "do not limit themselves to the title of "sovereign of all Russia", but add to it the old title of "grand prince of Volodymyr, Moscow, Novgorod, etc.

In the 1490s, two and a half centuries after all traces of the united Kievan Rus had disappeared, this title had the same degree of credibility as the king of France would have enjoyed if, fighting the German Empire, he had proclaimed himself "lord of all the Franks" ". At that time, this title contradicted the separate identity acquired by the "Rusyns" of Lithuania, different from the "Russians" of Muscovy. Indeed, this title seemed so unrealistic to the Lithuanians that they agreed to accept it as a small price for Ivan's favor. At that time, they did not suspect anything, although they retreated the ideological cornerstone of territorial ambitions, which the Russians would later assert for half a millennium." The title "All Russia" soon became a basis for the rulers of Muscovy to carry out annexationist plans. The aggressive policy of medieval Muscovy in Russian historiography is often masked by the concept of "collection of Russian lands." When Ivan III ascended the throne, the Grand Duchy of Moscow was a relatively small state. Its territory did not exceed 430,000 square meters. km". After the capture of the vast lands of Veliky Novgorod, which reached as far as the White Sea and the Urals, the territory of Muscovy grew to more than 2 million square meters. km, that is, it increased immediately six times! This strategically strengthened the Muscovite state, fueled its aggressive appetites for other Slavic lands. the territory of Muscovy increased to more than 2 million square meters. km, that is, it increased immediately six times! This strategically strengthened the Muscovite state, fueled its aggressive appetites for other Slavic lands. the territory of Muscovy increased to more than 2 million square meters. km, that is, it increased immediately six times! This strategically strengthened the Muscovite state, fueled its aggressive appetites for other Slavic lands.

In the XV-XVII centuries. Ukrainian scribes and high church hierarchs began to use the term "Russia" and confuse it with the name "Rus". The following titles are attested in the official documents of that time: "Metropolitan of the Kiev Throne and All Russia" (Metropolitan Mysail, 1476), "Metropolitan of Kyiv, Galicia and All Russia" (Metropolitan Ipatiy Potiy, 1605), etc., and the Ruthenians (Ukrainians and Belarusians) sometimes called themselves "Russian" or "Rosky" people, thus emphasizing their national difference from Moscow's "Russians".

In the Muscovy region itself, the terms " Russia", "Russia" to denote the country began to be used in the 16th century: the name " Russia" was first attested in a Moscow deed of 1517.

Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan IV the Terrible in 1547 proclaimed himself king and was crowned king, began to use the title: " Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Duke of All Russia   ( всеѧ̀ руссии )". Since 1554, the title of "emperor" has been unconditionally recognized by Protestant England (Queen Elizabeth) for Ivan IV. With particular persistence, Ivan the Terrible sought the recognition of his royal title by the Polish and Lithuanian states, but neither the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, nor the Kingdom of Poland, nor the united Commonwealth never agreed to this demand.

At the end of the 16th century - beginning 17th century the word " Russia " was changed to "Russia" under the influence of the church-book tradition.

Among the early examples of its emphatically conscientious use, it is worth mentioning the greeting poems of 1591 by the students of the Lviv Fraternal School in honor of the visit of Kyiv Metropolitan Mykhailo Rogoza. The schoolboy's muse obviously overdid it here - in the short text, Russia and the Russian people are mentioned as many as seven times, and the metropolitan is called "the only eye of Russia".With the outbreak in the 1620s of the activity of a scholarly center at the Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery, and from 1632 ? at the newly established Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium, Russia in general turned into a brand of Orthodox intellectuals. It doesn't matter if he wrote in Russian, Polish, or Latin, and it doesn't matter what his tolerance for everything Polish was, the fashion for the "true", "specifically Orthodox" naming of Russia hangs over this. Therefore, on the pages of Kyiv texts, "Latin" Roksolania coexists with "anti-Latin" Russia in a completely peaceful neighborhood - ideology by ideology, and brand by brand. Here are just a few examples of such "inconsistency of positions": according to one of the highest authorities of Kyiv scholarship, Zahara Kopystenskyi, "Orthodox Russia" is inhabited by "the people of Roksol", then "the people of Russia", and the latter "lives in love and harmony with the Polish and Lithuanian people" (1621); in the mourning poem of 1622 by the rector of the Kyiv fraternal school Kasiyan Sakovich for the death of the Cossack hetman Pyotr Sagaidachny "Russia" honors the hero who faithfully served the king; in the 1638 treatise on miracles in the Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery, Athanasius Kalnofoyskyi places a poetic tombstone (clearly of his own authorship) to the hero of the Kyiv frontier, Semenov Lyka, who was "spawned by Roxolańska and Polish land" [Roxolańska z Polską ziemią, z korzej spiodzon]; in the school recitation of 1646 in honor of one of the trustees of the Kyiv-Mohyla college, Adam Kisel, the college itself was called "Roxolanae Palladis Lycaeum", and the public significance of the patron was emphasized byYakovenko N. Choosing a name VERSUS  choosing a path (Names of the Ukrainian territory between the end of the 16th and the end of the 17th centuries ). 2009 ].

The term "Great Russians" was first used in 1627 in the Ukrainian dictionary "Lexikon slovenorosskyi " ( Леѯиконъ slavenorωсский or Именъ тлёкованије ) of the outstanding figure of Ukrainian culture Pamvo Berind (between 1550 and 1570-1632).

The concept of a three-unit Slavonic people, according to which Ukrainians are called Little Russians , was probably put forward by the Ukrainian philosopher Innokenty Gisel in the work Synopsis of Kyiv in 1674. This idea was further developed by another Ukrainian philosopher, a companion of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great, Feofan Prokopovich. Russian historian Tatishchev and scientist Lomonosov completed the development of the concept of a triune Russian nation.

On the map of the Italian A. Bianca in 1436 above the territory of northeastern Russia there is an inscription in Latin. " Imperio Rosie Magna" (Great Russian Empire). The name "V. R." contains: on the map " Moscovie dite autrement Grande et Blanche Russie " (Moscow or Great and White Russia) of 1677 by P. Duval ( Pierre Du Val); Nicholas Visscher the Younger (1649-1702) - Piscator, "Map of Muscovy or Great Russia" (lat. MOSCOVIAE seu RUSSIAE MAGNAE Generalis Tabula ), 1681.

In Muscovy, the name "Great Russia" was used for the first time in "Apostol", printed in Moscow in 1565 by I. Fedorov and P. Mstislavets. In the "Psalter" printed in 1577 in Moscow Sloboda, the name "Great Russia" is also used. To the Moscow title. tsars, the term "Great   Russia"   entered the 16th century, in particular, in 1584, Tsar Fedir Ivanovich was titled as autocrat "all Great Russia".

After the Treaty of Pereyaslav (1654), as well as the conquest of the Belarusian lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1655), Tsar Oleksii Mykhailovych was referred to in the title: "By the grace of God, the Great Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Duke, autocrat of all Great, Little, and White Russia ... ( By the grace of God, the Great Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke, autocrat of all Great and Little and White Russia ... ). 

The name "Moscow" appears on geographical maps at the end of the 15th century.

1525 (October). Venice. The first handwritten map of Muscovy was created by the Italian cartographer Battista Agnese ( c. 1500-1564).

1525. The first hand- written map of Muscovy.

The first hand- written map of Muscovy was discovered relatively recently, in 1993 . purchased by the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts . In terms of content, it is very close to Battista Agnese's map of Muscovy. B. A. Rybakov considers this published map to be "the original, rough sketch , made after Dmytro Gerasimov's departure from Italy between July and October 1525." (Rybakov 1994). However , it is hardly appropriate to call it a "rough draft"; it is completely finished and ready for printing. And it cannot be considered primary in relation to the map of Battista Agnes, because in this case, the latest geographical information of the printed map would be more complete (Kudryavtsev O.F., 2020).

In the second floor 17th century the option "Russia" continued to be used . In both versions, in the conditions of the lack of standardization characteristic of the pre-Peter period , spellings with one and two letters "c" varied . The final approval of spelling through "o" and with two "s" took place in the era of Peter I, who proclaimed in 1721 the Russian the empire

In Western sources, in particular in cartographic ones, of the XV-XVI centuries. Ukraine mostly appeared under the name " Rus " , and the people were called " Rus ", "Ruthenians", or " Ruthenians ", including Ukrainian (Zaporozhian Cossacks). During this period, Europeans recorded that " Rus " and " Muscovites " spoke different languages ​​and called these languages ​​" Russian " and " Muscovites " , respectively . At the same time, especially in the 18th century. in diplomatic documents and cartographic sources, Muscovy is increasingly being called "Russia " . Since there are no historically differentiated ethnonyms "Rus" and "Russia" in Western languages, this created confusion that prevailed in Western Europe and ultimately led to negative consequences for Ukraine. If the European cartographers of the XV-XVII centuries. quite clearly distinguished between "Rus" and "Muscovia", that is, Ukraine and Russia, then in later times in the West they forgot about it, identifying "Rus" (Ukraine) with "Russia" (Muscovy).

Matwii Mechowski , a Polish historian and geographer, ( Tractatus de duabus Sarmatiis , 1517): "After we have said about Asiatic Sarmatia, called Scythia, it remains to say about European Sarmatia, and Russia is first of all found in it , which was once called Roksolania . Its eastern border (latus) runs along the Tanais (Tanai) and the Meotian marshes, which separates Asia from Europe. ... near the Sarmatian mountains live the tribe of Rutenov (Rutenorum) ... Russia is bounded in the south by the Sarmatian mountains and the Tiras river, which the inhabitants call Nestr (Niestr). In the east, it ends with Tanais and Meotidibus, and Taurica Island. In the north (it borders) Lithuania, in the west with Poland."

In the Hadiatsky Agreement (concluded on September 16, 1658 between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Hetmanship; it provided for the inclusion of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth under the name "Grand Duchy of Rus"): "only the most ancient self-identifying names : ancient Rus ("starożytna Ruś"), the language of the Russian people ("język narodu ruskiego"), the Russian prince ("w. xcia littgo, ruskiego"), the hetman of the Russian troops ("hetman wojsk ruskich"), the governments of the Russian people ("narodu ruskiego urzędy"), the hetman of the principality of Rus ("hetman xięstwa Ruskjego"), the inhabitants of the Russian land ("obywateli Ruskiej ziemie"),Russian Zaporozhian troops ("wojska ruskie zaporoskie"), to the great Russian mace ("do bulawy wielkiej ruskiej"), etc. The term Ukraine is used only once : " we were allowed to find ourselves in Ukraine [...] торговать... " [ Universal books of Ukrainian hetmans from Ivan Vyhovsky to Ivan Samoilovych (1657-1687 ). Kyiv-Lviv. 2004 ].

There is no doubt that "Moscow region" (Russia) stole (grabbed) our (Ukrainian) name Rus, which in its specific meaning - ethnic, geographical, geopolitical - fully corresponds to the modern term Ukraine. The name of the great powerful country was deliberately transferred in the XV-XVI centuries. on a small part of this state, and this gave the Muscovite region, to appropriate, albeit a fake, but, nevertheless, the ancient historical heritage of Kyivan Rus. Even Peter I, who in 1713 and 1721 issued decrees on official renaming, was able to solve the problem of changing the name of the empire (and not fully). He sent dispatches to the courts and embassies of states demanding that Muscovy be called Russia in official correspondence, otherwise he simply would not accept letters from them. 1721_in Moscow, after the renaming, there was an urgent need to write a new version of history substantiating the inheritance of the name "Russian" from Princely Russia. But Tsar Peter I did not get his hands on it.

On many European maps even of the second half of the 18th century. Russia is still marked as Muscovy.

The idea of ​​creating a new history of the Russian Empire was "brilliantly" implemented by Empress Catherine II . She issued written instructions demanding that the population of Muscovy stop calling themselves Muscovites under the threat of the death penalty.On December 4, 1783, by order of Catherine, the "Commission for the compilation of notes on ancient history, mainly Russian" was created. The commission under the command of the tsarina worked for 9 years and invented a new framework for the history of the Russian Empire, pinning its origin to Princely Russia. Contrary to the historical truth, the commission affirmed the right of Russians to the political and cultural heritage of Russia, and declared its entire population to be a "united nation." The "great historian" Catherine II carefully proofread the materials of the commission and personally compiled the genealogy of the Kiev and Moscow princes. At the same time, on the instructions of the empress, they conducted a revision of all ancient primary sources - some were corrected, others were rewritten, and the third - the most dangerous for the empire - was destroyed. The new version of Russian history was published in 1792.It became a benchmark for future historians of the 19th century. and formed the basis of Mykola Karamzin's "History of the Russian State" . This 12-volume work was published in 1816-1829. This work opened the history of Russia to the general public. Mykola Karamzin began writing "The History of the Russian State" in 1806, but did not finish it due to his death in 1826. The other two historians - Serhii Solovyov and Vasyl Klyuchevskyi  - only expanded, deepened and improved what was written earlier.

So, the historians of tsarist Russia properly set about replicating the myths about the cradle of three brotherly peoples and about the fact that "Kyiv Rus" was the first Russian state.

The imperial scheme of history was unbreakable until 1904, when it was brilliantly refuted by the outstanding historian Mykhailo Hrushevskyi. In his famous article "The usual scheme of "Russian" history..."  he scientifically proved that the creator of the thousand-year-old princely state of Rus was the Ukrainian ethnos and that the statement about "All-Russian" history and the cradle of three brotherly peoples is a complete fiction: "All-Russian" history cannot to be, as there is no "All-Russian" nationality, Hrushevsky wrote. - We know that the Kyivan state, law, and culture were the product of one nationality, Ukrainian-Russian, and Volodymyr-Moscow - the second, Great Russian.

In Latin, Western European sources, "Rus" had several names that differed in their spelling: "Ruthenia" , "Russia" , "Rusia" , "Rosia" , "Rossia" , "Ruscia" , "Roxolania" . . The Latin name of Rus  - " Ruthenia " was not used in relation to North-Eastern Rus (Muscovy), but was used for Ukrainian ethnic lands and partly Belarusian ones.

For a geographer or historian, there is a significant problem: how to translate the same word in French, German, English or any other European language, which also denotes Rus (in the sense of the medieval state of Kievan Rus or Ukrainian lands as part of the Polish Kingdom or the Grand Duchy Lithuania) and Russia, that is, Muscovy (in the sense of the Russian state)? For regions that are located in Western Europe and have the same name " Rus " , here we simply provided the transliteration (Russia, Russia). If "Moscow" exists on the map in some form in parallel with "Russia", "Russia", then we interpret "Russia" or "Russia" as "Rus", without necessarily referring to the Muscovite state. If " Moscow " disappears, and only remains" Russia " or " Russia " with reference to the Russian state, we translate as " Russia " .

The name "Russia" (Russia) roams the geographical maps of the XII - beginning of XVIII century from the Carpathians to the White Sea. A property of Western European maps is the presence of two Ruses (Galician and Novgorod) and Muscovy, separate from them. It is interesting that the name "Rossia" is also found on the map of the British Isles of 1546 by Georg Lilly.

1154 Muhammad al-Idrisi . World map. Al-Idrisi's map shows not only the territorial location of Ukraine, but also for the first time the name "Rusia" (Russia, i.e. Rus) is included on the map . The inscriptions on the map are " Ard al Rusia " - the land of Russia (the territory of Right-bank and Left-bank Ukraine), " muttasil ard al Rusia " - the united land of Russia, " minal Rusia al tuani " - dependent on Russia. Marked and signed rivers - Dnipro, Dniester, Danube, as well as Kyiv ( Kiau ) and others. Ukrainian cities.

1190 Honorius Augustodunens is . World map " The Sawley Map". Ukrainian lands on the map are marked as " Ruſſia " (Russia, i.e. Rus). The toponym " Russia " is located on a river near the Carpathians (perhaps it is the Dniester River or the Prut River). Modern Russia is marked by other names.

The border of the 12th and 13th centuries. Soliya map. The name "Russia" ( Dascia et Russia ) is found near the mouth of the Danube on the English Soliya map (Map of Henry of Mainz).

On the Icelandic map ser. XIII century the name "Rusia" (Russia) also appears . Only three cities in Europe are marked on this map: Rome, Constantinople and Kyiv (Kio) .

On John Wallingford's map, Sir. XIII century inscriptions - "Russia" , "Comannia" ( Polovtsian land).

On the German Ebstorf map of the 13th century. the state of Rus (Rucia regio) is shown , Kyiv ( Kiwen ) , the Carpathians are marked . Ancient peoples (Scythians, Alans, Dacians, Sarmatians, Getae, Kallipids) are indicated in the legend of the map.

On the English Hereford map , which dates back to the border of the XIII and XIV centuries. , recorded Slavs (Sclavi) and Rus ("Hec et Rusia" - "here is Russia"). The map shows the Don and Dnipro rivers, the Sea of ​​Azov.

1325-1339 Angelino Dulcert (Dulcert Angelino, Angellino de Dalorto) is a cartographer of the second quarter of the 14th century. Three portolan maps of Dulsert Angelino have survived to our time.

1. Portolan of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Dated 1325-1330. Attributed to Angelino. Legend: "Hoc opus fecit Agellinus de da lorto ano dni m ccc xxy, de mense martii, camposuit hoc" (has an indistinct Roman date which has been read as MCCCXXII, MCCCXXV and MCCCXXX). Stored in: Italy, Florence, Tommaso Corzini Library.

2. Portolan of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. This portolan card is not dated. Researchers of portolans attribute its production to 1327-1340 : A. Yu. Gordeev - to 1327, H. Winter - 1327 1330, M. Destombes - 1335, T. Campbell (Tony Campbell) - 1339 ., R. Pujades (Ramon Pujades) - 1340. Preserved: Great Britain, London, British Library, Additional MS 25691.

3. Portolan of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Dated August 1339. Made on Majorca A total of 176 toponyms. Legend: "Hoc opusfecit angelino Dulcert ano MCCCXXXVIII de mense augusti in ciuitate maioricarum" (This work was done by Angelino Dulcert in the month of August 1339 in the city of Mallorca). Held in: France, Paris, National Library, Department of Maps and Plans, GE B 696. [A. Gordeev ANALYSIS OF THE TOPONYMS OF THE BLACK SEA REGION ON THE PORTOLANA MAPS OF DULCERT ANGELINO 1325-1339 pp. 2013].

All three portolans of the Mediterranean and Black Seas have approximately the same formats: the first ? 1070?660 mm, the second ? 1025?540 mm, the third ? 1020?750 mm.

On his first portolan (1325-1330) of the Mediterranean and Black Seas there is the inscription " RUTENIAM " (near the source of the Dnieper).

On the second    portolan ( 1327 ) of the Mediterranean and Black Seas there is the inscription " Civit   de Leo " (Lviv). This is one of the first images of Lviv. On other Ukrainian lands, no cities are marked, not even Kyiv, with the exception of a dense network of oikonyms on the Black Sea coast. This is most likely because the second half of the 13th and the first half of the 14th century. - the post-Mongol Golden Horde period of desolation and decline of this space. Kyiv was first liberated from Golden Horde rule by Lithuanian-Russian troops after the battle on the Irpin River in 1321.

Between the inscriptions "Civit de Leo" and "mont de Lusom/rossie" (mountains of Russia) the map shows rhumb lines and the wind direction - "Grecho" (Greko) - north-west. Rhombus lines depart from Lviv as well.

The icon of the city of Lviv crowns the flag, where a red cross is depicted on a green field, which "grows" from the crescent moon. This flag is also mentioned in the work of the Spanish traveller, a monk of the Franciscan order in the middle of the 14th century. "The book of knowledge of all the kingdoms..." proueen)

In "The Book of Knowledge of All Kingdoms, Lands, and Possessions That Are in the World, as well as the Coats of Arms and Signs of Each Land and Possession, or the Kings and Lords Who Rule Them," the Russian Kingdom is mentioned. It is located to the east of Poland and is called the Kingdom of Lviv (Leon). The Germans call it Lunbrec. This kingdom has 5 large cities: Lviv (Leon), Kyiv (China / Chiva), Volodymyr (Basadino), Turiv (Trues) and Siver (?ever). The kingdom borders Romania (Byzantium) and the Kingdom of Swabia (Suava / Suana). The king of Lviv has a green banner with a red cross as his flag. The Lviv coat of arms ? a red cross-anchor ? is indicated on separate tables. The same coat of arms appears in the "Catalan Atlas" of 1375 as the coat of arms of Poland. Green flags with this coat of arms are on the map in Lviv and Krak?w, marking the boundaries of the Polish kingdom [Book of the Knowledge of All the Kingdoms, Lands, and Lordships that are in the World / translated by C. Markham. ? London, 1912;  Marino, Nancy F. El libro del conoscimiento de todos los reinos = The book of knowledge of all kingdoms. ? Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 1999].

Lviv and the region were named "Leon" because of the similarity of the name with the Spanish kingdom of Le?n, which was absorbed in the 13th century. Castile and later transformed into Castile Leon. As for colors, in the 19th century, for example, all the then five districts of the city of Lviv had their own colors. Red and green were assigned to the city center and Krak?w (western) suburbs, respectively [I. Rovenchak, 2013].

On the third portolan (1339, from the collections of the National Library of Paris, compiled in Majorca) of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, the names of the countries are signed: to the east of Lviv - Rus (RUTENIA - in capital letters; near the sources of the Dnieper) and to the west of it - Poland ( Polonia). On the left is the inscription montes Rossie (mountains of Russia) and a picture of the mountains from which the Dnieper flows towards the Black Sea. Below the "mountains of Russia" are a few more small inscriptions Rossia .

The map depicts Lviv (Civita   de Leo) as a European city and also with a flag. Under the city badge is an inscription in Latin: "To this city merchants come with spices, who later go across the Gotland Sea to Flanders, mostly to Bruges." Gotland is the former name of the Baltic Sea.

Kyiv is not on this map. Instead, in the Ukrainian Black Sea steppes, there is the country of ALIANIA (Alania) on the Left Bank, the country of BURGARIA on the Right Bank, and the country of Kumania (QVMANIA) to the east of Alania. Under the inscriptions ALIANIA and QVMANIA are depicted the symbols of the power of the Golden Horde (tamga Batu (Batiya) with a crescent moon). On the edge of the map to the east of the Black Sea, Khan Uzbek and the same symbols are depicted.

1375 Abraham Cresques ( Cresques Abraham ; 1325-1387) and his son Yehuda Cresques, Jewish cartographers. In their Catalan Atlas, the map ?Panel 4 ? Eastern Europe? is placed , which has a red-blue inscription ?ROSSIA? (on the right bank of the Dnieper ). On the left are mountains, signed: ? munt lussom de rossia ?. The ownership of cities is indicated by flags . The map shows Lviv (civitat de Leo), Kyiv ( Chiva ). Lviv is marked as a European city with a flag whose coat of arms is found in the Castilian coat of arms "Book of knowledge about all kingdoms" . Kyiv is located in the middle course of the Dnieper . In the Ukrainian Black Sea steppes, on the Left Bank - the country " C CUMANIA ", on the Right Bank - the country " BURGARIA ", to the east of Cumania ( C CUMANIA ) - the country " ALIANIA " (Alania).

1380 ( approx . ). Guillem Soleri , Catalan cartographer . On his map-portal to the north of the Black Sea, near the source of the Dnieper, the inscription " Rossia" is written .

1457 _ Paolo Toscanelli (Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli; 1397 ? 1482 ), a Florentine scientist. On his map of the world (reprinted in 1912), made in the Ptolemaic style, the inscription "Ro?ia" ( Rus, Russia ) is drawn along the Dnieper from north to south . There is also the inscription Ropia (the right side of the word, in this case, is smoothed and looks more like the letter "P") near the Dniester (in Galicia).

The World Map of 1459 by the Venetian monk Fra Mauro or Mavro ( Fra Mauro ) is one of the first historical sources that mentions and distinguishes three "colored" parts of Russia: Red Russia (Rossia Rossa), Black Russia ( Rossia Negra ) , White Russia ( Russia Biancha ).


* Baitsar Andriy . Geography and cartography of Vinnytsia region. Scientific publication. The culprits; Lviv: ZUKTS, 2020. ? 640 p.

* Baitsar Andriy . UKRAINE AND UKRAINIANS ON EUROPEAN ETHNOGRAPHIC MAPS. Monograph. Lviv: ZUKTS, 2022. ? 328 p.


Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 17, 2023, 09:07:44 am

1917 УКРАЇНА: історія, уніформологія, фалеристика
Denys Shatalov  ?
2 d
When reviewing the available online cases of the central council happened to the document (obviously a copy) "on the malice of the day"
Resolution of the general meeting of the brothers of ki?vo-Pechersʹko? бра Assensʹko? По Lavra December 6, 1917
The General Meeting has decided:
1) Kiev-Pechersk Lavra recognizes the highest church power in Ukraine Church Orthodox All-Ukrainian Council and its orders will be mandatory.
2) Kyiv-Pechersk recognizes Ukraine's highest regional power Ukrainian Central Council
3) Kiev-Pechersʹka Lavra has to give as much money as possible for the formation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Cathedral of the All-Ukrainian Church Orthodox Council
4) Kiev-Pechersk Lavra must work necessarily for the benefit of the Ukrainian people
Chairman of the Assembly Archimandrite Clement
Members of Yeromonk Ioaniky
Yeromonk Doropheus
Writer Monk Tertiy
C U D A Y, F. 1115. op. 1. , argue. 50. the arc. 88.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 28, 2023, 07:45:18 am
Finally, the oldest monument of architecture of the Rivne region came out of the occupation of the Moscow Patriarchate.
Through this door (which is in the photo) entered the Dormition Temple of the city of Dorogobuzh and Prince Ostrozky.
The church was built in the 12th century.
Then dorogobuzh was the capital of the great duchy, which included practically the whole Rivne region and partly zhytomyr region and khmelnyččina.
In the 13th century, the capital was moved to Peresopnytsia and the city ceases to be such a powerful center.
Until the 16th century, when Dorogobuzh became the property of the princes of Ostrog, the temple was already in a ruined state, so Konstantin Ivanovich restored the church and built the Assumption Monastery around the temple.
His son Prince Vasily Constantine gave the city Magdeburg right and took care of the church extensively, so much that he capitalistically rebuilt it, even changing the direction of the temple from east-west to north-south. From the 12th century Only three walls to go and the fourth one is brought up. Later the church was finished, adding a new altar part with counterforces.
From the 16th century The church remained even the stairs of the exit to the pulpit where Prince Ostrozky could pray.
Did the authentic paintings of the 16th century survive? on the walls we don't know, there are paintings for the 20th century.
However, if you go up to the second floor of the built bell tower, you can see that the fronton was decorated with a fresco with the scene of the Assumption of the Virgin in the 18th century. That is, in the middle under the late paintings should be ancient murals.
Very interesting are carved in stone details of the entrance portal of the 16th century. Which was destroyed when the wooden bell tower was built. The bell must be dismantled and moved to another place.
The church is unique to our region and the community is determined to restore the monument

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 01, 2023, 18:02:00 pm
One of the residents of the city of mel?topol dug in his garden well and suddenly unexpectedly fell into the dungeon. After some time, the staff of the F Institute of Archaeology arrived at the scene. F. The ponytail and the N. N. Volochkova. After examining the dungeon in detail and not finding anything special, they decided to make a deep exploration. When their screw reached a depth of six meters, they discovered small buttons in the ground, then up to two hundred different gold items, a human lower jaw, a small bronze bell and several forged iron nails. They collected these findings in an area of up to one square meter.
Then the Institute was decided to conduct excavations in an area of about 150 square meters, and later expand them. Managed the excavations by a senior scientist, a candidate of historical sciences A. A. Work out. Excavations were held in the city among the buildings, so I had to break through the underground corridors. Several dozens of workers have been working over the course of three months. Mountains of earth were transported by transporters. To ensure the walls and ceilings of the stolenʹ that were formed not obvalilisʹ at a depth of more than 10 meters, a mine fastening was installed.
The Ancestors of Melitopol told that at the site of the excavations a few decades ago there was a large mound. There is now only a portion of it accidentally used for construction. In the center of the mound at a great depth archaeologists found an underground room - a hole once dug 4 meters long and 2 meters wide. Not far from her turned out to be another, slightly smaller.
Then began a thorough investigation of the central pit. The workers were more than 10 meters deep, but nothing noticeable turned out. Archaeologists began to doubt the usefulness of further work, as a large rock standing on a rib near one of the walls suddenly fell. He was quickly pulled away and scientists saw the entrance to the catacomb - the Scythian king's usurp. It was cold from the premises. Archaeologists walked down a dark passage, but the road was blocked by a boy's skeleton. As it then turned out, the explorers were not the first to enter, here in the old days there were already robbers.
In the central usipal lay a Scythian king in shell and luxurious clothes, with expensive weapons next to him. Almost all the gold items were taken by the robbers, but they must have been in a hurry and did not discover the hideouts where very interesting items were. Here, under the reddish rays of an electric lamp was the surface of a gold-covered gorge?a bow and arrow holder on which ancient jewellers depicted scenes from Greek mythology. In the heart of the archaeologists found up to 70 well-preserved bronze arrow tips and a place for a bow.
Gorito hung to combat, okovanogo зо bronze belt. The belt supported the portupei's shoulder covered in gold ornaments that constituted an image of a Scythian goddess sitting on the throne. In the hands of the goddess a large mirror, in front of her is a scythus drinking from rytona (drinking horns). The Tsar escorted into the afterlife armed slave warrior. And above their grave were buried two horses, zaguzdan? and saddled. Vuzdečki and saddles a lot of bronze and iron jewelry.
The smaller pit also opened the entrance to the catacomb and the corridor that ended in the queen's usipalʹnice ль. On the head of the queen - gold diadem, clothes and shoes us??n? gold jewelry, pendants, buttons. According to preliminary estimates, more than two kilograms of gold were spent on the processing of this clothing.
The skeleton of the rabbi was discovered in the corridor leading to the usipalʹnic?. Probably unintentionally went into the grave for the Queen of Slave as her fingers were convulsively compressed apparently during the murder. The rabbi's attire was extremely poor: found only one small earring, a necklace of simple beads and two bracelets - bronze and iron. In the corridor, everything needed for a queen and a slave was discovered: eleven ancient vessels - amphoras set, probably with wine, a bronze cauldron with boiled ram bones, a few clay vessels and other items. Caring relatives didn't forget to put in the grave even a needle and vereteno. Here in the hallway, a free yoke and the remains of the Skifian cart chained with iron were found.
Although the burial in the Melitopol mound was partially looted, it is still rich in finds and of interest to science. During the excavations, more than five thousand various items, including about four thousand gold items, were discovered. The burial was done more than two thousand years ago - in the IV-III centuries BC. well.. , when in the pričornomorsʹkih steppah lived the nomadic and zemlerobsʹk? tribes of the Scythians. The Scythians created a peculiar and high culture that caused a significant impact on the culture of early Slavs.
P. S. Ancient chronicles say: Apparently exploring ancient Scythian mounds is a very exciting activity, but so dangerous, because who knows what might actually be hiding there.
  ?   ?
  Under the Napoleon Eagle: The Galician Kingdom, which was formed with the assistance of Napoleon Bonaparte, lasted only five months. But what were the prospects then..!
Shortly - May 5, 2021 will pass exactly 200 years since the death of French Emperor Napoleon and Bonaparte. Date as date, you say, nothing special. And why should she bother us..?
I don't know how for others, but for Galicia this date is not already so neutral. Why, you ask? And, because on the grounds of today's Western Ukraine at the beginning of the nineteenth century there was a state that is not written in textbooks and not asked questions in exams.
This country existed briefly - only five months, but had all the attributes of independence and on the right side - was a completely legitimate creation recognized by Europe at the time.
So, events unfolded in this way: May 27, 1809, the troops of the Duchy of Warsaw invaded Galicia, took away, from the Austrians, Lviv and declared the exit of the Galician region from under the Austrian monarchy (actually, Habsburgs, half a century before, annexed Polish lands and therefore Poland, while the states, did not exist).
A few days after those events, namely: June 2, 1809 in Lviv, the creation (the official name below): "The Kingdoms of Both Galicia under the protection of His Majesty Emperor and King Napoleon the Great". In addition, the military administration in lviv and on the trenah of Galician Ukraine was led by a 35-Year-old brigadnij general Alexander Anthony Yan Ro?netsky - a Ukrainian nobleman from pod?ll?. At the same time, the military temporary government was created in lviv.
Napoleon Bonaparte himself was in Vienna at that time and, from that epic day on June 2, 1809, he became the heir of the royal dynasties of Ryurikovich and Romanovich on our lands. The ambassador of the Kingdom of Both Galicia, Count Ignatius Roman Pototsky, came to Napoleon's pond from Lviv (where he was poisoned two months later in Vienna - August 30, 1809). Documents have been published that show that Napoleon tried to preserve the sovereignty of the kingdom of Both Galicia and offered, on the royal throne in Lviv, to imprison Ferdinand von Lotaring-Habsburg, Duke of W?rzburg.
Following the official proclamation of the state, the creation of a regular army of the Kingdom of Both Galicia immediately began, which was called "the Galician-French Army". However, the formation of this army took place simultaneously in two centers: the Western grouping - on the Kholmsʹkaya Rus and Podlasie, and the Eastern grouping - in the Western Podilla and the surrounding areas (circulis: Ternopil, Zolochiv, Zalishchitsky, Berezhansky, Zhovkiv, Stryysky and Sandomirsky).
Already two months after the proclamation of the mentioned Galician Kingdom - in mid-August 1809, 6 cavalry regiments were formed (kawaleria galicyjsko-francuska), of which five Ulan, one hussar, and three infantry regiments. Under ternopil was formed horse squad (about 200 saber) under the command of colonel k. Rozvadovsky, as well as Yeger battalion (300 bayons) under the command of retired lieutenant of Austrian service Yu. Markhocʹkogo, which was joined by small squads of ?ger?v colonel I. Chosnovsky and Baron Jerzy von Gogendorf. Instead, foot and horse squads were formed in the Stryjsky and sandomirsʹkomu circulah under the general command of Lieutenant Peter Terletsky. At the same time, in Berezhany, a cavalry squadron under the command of Aloiz Tsikovsky was formed, and in Brody - a regular infantry regiment was deployed.
Starting on June 9, 1809, the center of mobilization of Galician-French military formations became a military camp in the town of Dzvynyach in southern Ternopil region, where volunteers also went. So, the idea of an independent state (Nepolian, and non-Austrian) was so much dominated by the local population that by the end of July 1809, the total number of organized and equipped troops of the kingdom of Both Galicia in the east, was 5000 soldiers and officers. And the commanders of these military newly created Galician formations were Ukrainians, Germans, Austrians, Poles.
In late July - early August 1809, Napoleon Bonaparte, trying to preserve the sovereignty of the kingdom of Both Galicia, still chose Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of W?rzburg, as his candidate to his throne. However, the neprodumana tactics of the troops of the duchy of Warsaw led to lviv having to leave and retreat under zamost?. As a result of this front nakedness, two placdarmes of the Galician-French troops (east and west) turned out to be separated by a 200-230 kilometer wide lane controlled by the enemy - the Austrian divisions.
So, the kingdom of Both Galicia lasted only five months: from June 2, 1809 to October 14, 1809, when the Traite de Schonbrunn Peace Treaty (Traite de Schobrunn) was signed, and the Military Provisional Government of this state formation worked until December 31, 1809.
The scale of the Galician militaria at that time is evidenced by at least the fact that, according to the lists for December 1809, the ranks of the Galician royal army included 8400 pike infantry and 5500 sabers in cavalry. All these Galician military unions were actively involved in combat all the way up to the fall of the Napoleon Empire in 1814...
So, when we wake up in the morning on May 5 this year, let's remember that on this day - two hundred years ago - a great man who once gave Galician Ukrainians and other nations of our region a chance to have their own state.
As further historical events have shown, this dream of Galicia did not come in the Summer, as our friends had hoped, but was realized a century later, when on the historical map of Europe the West Ukrainian People's Republic became, which on January 22, 1919 united with the upper Dniprians of Great Ukraine, into one state.
The post used materials from the following resources:
https://pl.wikipedia.org/.../Rz%C4%85d_Centralny_Wojskowy... (https://pl.wikipedia.org/.../Rz%C4%85d_Centralny_Wojskowy...)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/139868929390543/permalink/1170107223033370/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/139868929390543/permalink/1170107223033370/)
https://impereur.blogspot.com/.../wojsko-galicyjsko... (https://impereur.blogspot.com/.../wojsko-galicyjsko...)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 10, 2023, 08:47:19 am
6. Scythians in India. The end of the Indo-Greek kingdoms and the Saka dynasties of Hindustan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZh5LrwlmnY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZh5LrwlmnY)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 11, 2023, 09:48:55 am
🇺🇦 Meet the man who for the first time in history in 1590 Entered the name "Ukrainian people" and made all Europe talk about Ukraine.
🔱 This was made by Joseph Vereshchynsʹkij, the work "Droga Pewna" of 1590, in which he developed the project of the reorganization of the army of zaporozhye on the basis of the hired territorial army. Using the phrase Ukrainian people, the author fills his ethnopol?tičnim content. At this time, etnon?mi as " Rusini ", " Rus " synonymous and toto?n? of the term " Ukrainians ".
🔱 Joseph Vere -insʹkij - philosopher, writer, historian, preacher, doctor of theology. Kiev Roman Catholic Bishop in (1592-1598 years).
The author of political, moral?zatorsʹkih, poetic works, including:
⚡ "Announcement of the funding of the knight school for the sons of the crown in Ukraine, similar to the charter of the Maltese crusaders" (1594).
⚡ "the army of zaporozhye presv?tlij statement" 1596-with the project of formation in Ukraine principality and cossack territorial regiments.
🔱 The author of political projects of defense of Ukraine, as well as all of Europe from Turkish-Tatar attacks in letters to Pope Gregory XIV, Clement VIII, Emperor Rudolf II of Habsburg, as well as Russian King Fedor Ivanovich.
🔱 Politically significant ideas expressed also and regarding the historical realities of Ukraine late 16 century.
He was a convinced supporter of the continuity of the history of Ukraine from the Russian times, so he was the author of a number of projects, including:
⚡ Creation in the east of the Dnieper Cossack state of the Zadniprov Principality (1596) in the management of the Cossack Hetman.
⚡ In his works, he called Ukrainian Cossacks - noble knights and compared them to European crusaders.
We know who we are 🇺🇦 Everything will be Ukraine 🇺🇦
Alexander Corman.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 13, 2023, 07:42:16 am

https://kyivindependent.com/10-popular-misconceptions-about-ukrainian-history-debunked/ (https://kyivindependent.com/10-popular-misconceptions-about-ukrainian-history-debunked/)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p4CWUtAxls (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p4CWUtAxls)
Ukraine's True History: 10 popular misconceptions about Ukrainian history

https://kyivindependent.com/tag/explaining-ukraine/ (https://kyivindependent.com/tag/explaining-ukraine/)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 30, 2023, 11:57:02 am

This poem by Taras Shevchenko's power banned reading, there was no such censorship even with the Bolsheviks. The authorities of Shevchenko's words are very afraid, so spread this poem all over the network, let this gang of truth be afraid.
The world is quiet, the edge is dear,
... My Ukraine,
What have you been plundered for,
What are you dying for, mom?
Are you up early for the sunrise
Not praying to God,
Are you a child of the insecure
Didn't you teach the custom?
"I've been praying, I've been worried,
Been up all day and night,
Been looking after the little ones,
Learn and teach.
My flowers have grown,
My kind children,
Reigned and I used to
In the wide world,
It's been reigning... Oh Bogdan!
Foolish son of a bitch!
Look at the mother now,
To my Ukraine,
What the heck was she singing
About my drawback,
What, singing, cried,
Got the look of freedom.
Oh Bogdan, Bogdanochka,
If she only knew,
In a cradle would have suffocated,
Under the heart fell asleep.
Steppe mines are sold out
The Jews, the dumb,
My sons are abroad,
At someone else's work. /253/
Dnipro, my brother, is drying out,
Leaving me out,
And the graves are my sweet
Muscovite is tearing it up...
Let him dig, dig,
Not looking for his own,
In the meantime, perverts
Let them grow up
And they will help the Muscovite
To do business,
And from the mother of polatan
Take off the shirt.
Help a hand out, lowlife people
A mother to torture ".
The fourth has been dug up,
The grave has been dug up.
What were they looking for there?
What is buried there
Old parents? Oh, if only,
If they could find what they buried there,
The children wouldn't cry, the mother didn't care.
https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2013/03/9/6985195/ (https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2013/03/9/6985195/)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 06, 2023, 11:29:17 am

Peter Volynak's book "Kuban - Ukrainian land, Cossack... " was published in 1948. in Argentina by the publishing house "Poltava".
This is a historical outline of a writer, educator, journalist, public figure Peter Volynyak (1907, Gulsk on Zhytomyr region-1969, Toronto, Canada) about the times of the defeat of ukrainization in kuban.
He saw with his own eyes "the roll of ukrainization" in Kuban in 1932. , where then worked as a journalist. Was forced to leave because of the threat of arrest. However, the Bolsheviks still arrested him at Kyiv and sent him to the construction of the Belomoro-Baltic Channel. Returning from there to Ukraine in 1941. , with the unfolding of World War II emigrated to Austria, and from there - across the ocean. From 1948 lived in Canada. Edited the newspaper " Gomin of Ukraine ", founded his publishing house and magazine " new days ". Was a member and chairman in 1958-60. The Union of Ukrainians - victims of Russian communist terror.
Read the book here: https://diasporiana.org.ua/.../2680-volinyak-p-kuban.../
Diaspora.ua, 2020
#УД_книга #УД_Кубань #УД_Петро_Волиняк #УД_2_травня
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 07, 2023, 08:54:56 am
This place gives me goosebumps. Анатоль Ізотов said it was something from the Druids, but fortunately no - it's from Ukrainians. Imagine that these several hundred-year-old huge crosses are one of the main markers of Ukrainian culture. Two hundred years ago, they stood the same way, on the same bezlis?j green lawn. These are the only creations of the Ukrainian people who have come to us completely without anthropogenic changes.
These ancient necropolis, with crosses shaped like which came to us from Knights Templar and Byzantine, are not official monuments. Imagine what a German or English would think of today's Ukrainians, find out about it. Wouldn't he consider them savages? The majestic stone crosses are indifferent to Ukrainian officials, including the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation - the vast majority of projects that the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation plans to finance do not relate to the tangible cultural heritage of Ukraine. They need digitization, digitalization, virtualization... Hey, haven't you heard that we also have that material to rescue? There are some real treasures...
The photo shows one of the most mysterious and colorful places in Ukraine - the ancient necropolis in the village of Kolodiste in Cherkasy region. The photo doesn't do the place justice. Everyone who gets here says wow!!! - you could not imagine that a cemetery could have such energy.
We have done a lot of work here and the result will come soon - a completely new research and display of heritage for Ukraine. And digitalisation too. No UCF, because they don't need it. In their opinion, our project has no public value.
You friends are welcome to spread the information, and who wants to help us financially - here is the number of the Privatbank card:
5363 5420 1695 7863
All charity, donors and cartridges thank you very much for your help. Together we are restoring the historical memory. And thanks for the work and partnership Andrey Yarovoy
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 10, 2023, 08:00:47 am

Igor Tsaryk
2 mei om 14:58
Let me tell you about the meanness. About two-facedness and cynicism. I have a little bit about this.
During the Second World War, the Soviet Union greedily took help from the United States on the "land-lease" program. Stalin himself officially, under the protocol, admitted that without this the USSR would lose the war. This recognition was published in 1961 in the American Collection "Foreign Policy of the United States. Cairo and Tehran Conferences" on page 469.
Therefore, the Communists of Americans asked, demanded and begged: more, more, more...
Only stews 2 billion 77 million cans.
Only vehicles 433 967 and which vehicles! The legendary studebakers, Dodges, Fords. More than half of the explosives used by the USSR in the war are American. And more than half the avacion gasoline. And over 10 thousand tanks. And over 38 thousand metalor??učih looms.
Also radio stations, alcohol, ships, train cars, planes, sugar, antibiotics, rubber, colored metals, cotton and on the list is almost endless. Soviet propaganda hizuvalas? jetivnimi mortars, famous "Katyusha", didn't just say that the gunpowder for her in the United States was doing. However, like half of all the gunpowder, which was charged with ammunition, shells, rockets for the red army. How would she fight without all this?
But if any soldier, officer or ordinary Soviet people praised the quality of American cars, sausages, stews, fighters, radio stations, chocolate, fur coats, boots, steam locusts, pants - he was given 10 years of concentration camps. For "betrayal of the homeland" and "antirad?nsʹku propaganda". And about this confession of Stalin - be sure - the Soviet newspapers did not mention the word.
But it was given the task to the lying propagandists to mention only the stew itself, calling it disdainfully "The Second Front", saying that those Americans there, did not help to fight and wanted a can of cans to buy off us. But also the stew... Try sipping a mortar support plate on an empty stomach...
That's the story behind it. Which neither in the USSR, nor now in the Russian Federation, the skabeevs do not tell the people on TV. They tell nothing at all. According to the fact that "We would have won ourselves, without the Americans. Yes, and without Ukrainians and various other Georgians too. That's where the black ingratitude, lies and meanness is. That's how they live ...
Павло Бондаренко

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 12, 2023, 07:34:07 am
Luhansk founded Catherine II and before that here was "Wild Field", - so in Russian textbooks write.
What are you doing?
And nothing that another 100 years before that here were Ukrainian Cossack settlements stone brid and vergunka?
And Luhansk until 1882 did not exist in nature. More than that, it was Catherine II who made serpents-slaves of local Cossacks and peasants who did not know slavery before.
This is the old fortress of the Kalmyusʹko? сь palanka of the Zaporizhzhia Cossacks House.
Old settlement of Zaporozhye Oleksandrivka.
Zaporizhzhia solarium.
Slavic Serbian of Luhansk region?
The old winter coat
Kalm?usʹko? Запо palanki zaporizhzhia sici, which was called p?dhorne uroči ланe.
Known since at least 1740.
The winter mountains of Luhansk region (known also as Rodakove station) - now in occupation -
Winter of Kalmiusʹko? Сі palanki zaporizhzhia sichi called cherkasy breed (1645 year).
Finally, my hometown of Toretsk (former Dzerzhinsk) of Donetsk region began with the settlement of Shcherbynivka, which was founded by Zaporizhzhya Otaman Anton Shcherbina.
Do you want for Kharkiv region?
City of Izyum -
Old Cossack town of 1639. Later - the center of the Izyumsky Cossack Regiment.
Founded by the Cossack Colonels of Donets-Zakharzhevsky.
Can we talk about Odessa?
This is the ancient Ukrainian fortress of Kots Цеb? скваv (1415) when Moscow was still the ulusom of the Horde. The famous Peresip was formed then.
Can we talk about Kherson or Berdyansk? No?
"Novorosiya", say the racists? Well well well...
P.S. About the true history of our people, that it is trying to save the hordes of "historians" led by toločki-Frojanovimi-Tihomirovimi and izhe with them.
Pavlo Bondarenko.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 17, 2023, 09:29:43 am
A fashionable girl asked her grandmother how much strawberries cost... The nursing grandmother replied to her:
? "350"
- "I'll take it for 300 or I'll leave," the lady confidently asserts.
- "Buy at a price you consider acceptable, sweetheart... I need this money to live," the grandmother replied with joy.
The girl bought strawberries for her price and left with a feeling of victory. She got into her expensive car and a couple of hours later went to a fancy restaurant with her friend.
They chose everything they wanted from the menu. We took beautiful pictures, ate a little, leaving much of what we ordered on the table... Their bill for the dinner was 2600. Ladies paid 3000 and left the change as tips.
This story may turn out to be perfectly normal for these days, for the manager of a luxury restaurant, but very unfair for the seller of home-grown strawberries, grown on 5 hundred acres of dacha plot with a difficult commute to the city, especially in the heat.
The question is: "Why do we always have to show that we have power when we buy from the needy?" "And why are we generous to those who do not need our help?
My father bought goods from the poor at high prices, although he did not need these things. He used to pay them more.
I once asked him:
? ?Why are you doing this, dad? "
And my father said :
? ?This is charity wrapped in dignity, my son, we should always strive to be benevolent! "
P.S. I know that most of you will not share this post, but if you are one of those who are still reading this text, then this story about the act of charity will take an extra step in the right direction.
(Author unknown)
  ?   ?
Світлана Сидорук
4 d
Learn Ukrainian without having any genetic relationship to the Ukrainian people? Learn Ukrainian language without any compulsion or necessity, know Ukrainian for no reason, without even stepping on Ukrainian land?.. Turns out it happens...
On May 11, 159 years ago, ETHEL LILIAN VOYNICH (1864-1960) was born - English writer of Irish origin, composer, daughter of the famous English scientist and professor of mathematics George Boule, wife of Michael Wilfred Voynich.
She didn't actually know her father, as he died shortly after her birth. Her mother, Mary Everest, was the daughter of a Greek professor. Their name is quite famous in the world because it is called the highest mountain peak in the Himalayas, named after Mary Everest's uncle George Everest.
Abundant abilities multiplied by the wretched life of a widow in Victorian era in Ireland influenced the formation of the character of Ethel Lillian Bulle, later known by her husband's surname. Michael Vojnič, Coven nobleman and revolutionary who escaped from the Siberian zaslan?.
They married when Ethel was thirty-eight, an age which for then Britain was considered catastrophic for the girl. Her husband also made history by discovering the world "The Warrior's Manuscript" - a manuscript of the fifteenth-century written in unknown letters in an unknown language (for one of the hypothesis, it's ancient Ukrainian). But that's a different story..
Ethel Lililan began her literary activity with translation.
And in 1897 in the United States and England comes out her first, which immediately becomes famous, the novel "Ovid". She created a vivid and romantic image of the revolutionary, painting him as a "man of strong will". Already the next year, this book appeared on the shelves of bookstores in different countries of the world. Three films were shot based on the work, several performances and operas were set. The novel was extremely popular and in our country.
Vojnič is also the author of lesser-known works: "Jack Raymond", "Olivia Letem", "Interrupted Friendship".
Ethel was acquainted with Sergey Kravchinsky (Stepnyak), and under his influence she studied Ukrainian. By one of the versions, he became the prototype of the most famous of the literary characters of Ethel Lilian Vojnič - Ovoda.
The writer has done a lot to popularize Ukrainian literature and culture in the world. Having studied the Ukrainian language, she translated into English the works of Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, opening it to the world. Among them: " Testament ", " I don't care if I will ", " days pass, nights pass ", prologue to the poem " Princess ", " Kosar ", " past summer youth "...
In the book "Six lyrics from the Ruthenian of Taras Shevchenko... " written preface and sketch about life and creativity t. Shevchenko, in which she writes about Shevchenko as a world lyricist, a freedom fighter, pays attention to the living conditions of the Ukrainian poet, draws excerpts from his letters and from the novel "Artist".
In 1895, Vojnič came to lviv, where she met ivan frankom. She was also well acquainted with M's activities. Dragomanova. Also translated Ukrainian folk songs. Vojnič has retained a wealth of content and peculiarity of the style of the prototypes: transfer reception, repetitions, melody, rhetorical appeals. Translations of Vojnič are often reprinted, which attests to their artistic and aesthetic content.
Later, she and her husband, Mikhail Vojnych, will leave the revolutionary affairs they had previously done and move to America. Further, their lives were quite modest and peaceful, and they earned by selling books and taking music classes.
In 1945, when she was already 81 years old, she finished her latest work "Drop Your Shoes". But all her novels failed to replicate the incredible glory of "Ovoda".
Ethel-Lillian died on July 28, 1960 at the age of 96 and her ashes, as she ordered, were scattered over New York's Central Park.
@Ivan Tokar\n
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 23, 2023, 07:08:37 am

The Trypillian culture was a civilization that flourished in Eastern Europe, specifically present-day Ukraine, from 5400 to 2700 BC. They were an ancient people who inhabited the largest settlements in neolithic Europe, with some of their cities accommodating up to 10,000 residents. Their sophisticated agricultural techniques and intricate pottery were notable features of their society. Additionally, they constructed the earliest known two-story houses in Europe, which, for reasons unknown, were set on fire every 60-80 years. Despite their remarkable accomplishments, the Trypillian culture mysteriously disappeared around 2700 BC, leaving behind a captivating legacy that continues to fascinate researchers and generate curiosity regarding their origins, social structures, and eventual demise.

Kateryna Berezyuk
21 april
I am the Russian-speaking from Donbass) who lived in the same cultural space with Moscow until 2014. Ukrainian heard up to 20 years only on TV and at school 2 hours a week.
Now I know that:
- my forefathers are cossacks who settled on winter in luhansk region in the 17 century
- my great-grandparents were all Ukrainian from Luhansk region, Dnipropetrovsk region, Transnistria and Kuban
- my grandparents survived because they erased their identity and became "Soviet tiny" people
- my parents lived in a world where Ukrainian culture is something for museums and stage performance...
- I.... no longer Russian-speaking) now I see dreams in the language of my ancestors ❤️
All this I've learned about myself over the past 9 years. This is a lost treasure that I found! The war in my house came in 2014 and raised these questions. War is not only on the battlefield, it's in everyone's head. And if each of us kills Muscoviti in his head, there will be 42 million fewer on the planet.
While the Heroes face the plague on the battlefield, we have to kill this tumor in us!!! Every, f*cking, fucking day, this f**king war!!!
Please share this post !!! Let as many Russian speakers as possible read it. Maybe something will come to them.
Author: Yulia Kovalenko.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 25, 2023, 07:55:57 am

Where are the Ukrainian Hetmans buried?
Including the leaders of the people and their ideologists.
You start to wonder this question, read, and see a lot of extremely interesting things. And the most interesting thing is that no one practically knows where our big ones are buried. White envy fills you when you enter Spanish Escorial where all the kings, queens, principles and princesses of the Golden Empire are buried. Or in the Valley of the Fallen, where once lied Franco (Spanish dictator) and 33 thousand more fallen in the civil war. Or when you enter Wavel's crypts, where the monarchs of Poland lie, and just prominent Poles: Mickiewicz, Slovak, Pilsudsky, Kaczynsky, Chopin (although there's only a cenotaph). When you arrive at the Basilica of Saint-Denne in Paris, where 163 representatives of seventh-century French royal dynasties lie... Even in Romania, when you get to Putna or Sučevica, where Moldovan monarchs and their families lie, ants crawl. Do we have something like this? Only Taras Mountain.
Sagaidacnij buried in Kyiv it is known for sure that in the territory of mohylanka. But where is his grave? And where is Khmelnytsky's grave? On Saturday, in Ilyinsky Church?.. The search for Khmelnytsky's grave stopped in 2019.
Do you know that five Ukrainian hetmans are buried in the territory of Russia: Dmitry Vishnevetsky, the one which Baida, Demian Mnogrishny (Buryatia), Ivan Samojlovich (Tobolsk), Pavlo Polubotok (Petersburg), Peter Doroshenko (Yaropolets, near Moscow). Only the grave of the latter survived, perhaps because he was the great-grandfather of Pushkin's wife Natalia Goncharova.
Two Hetmans buried in the territory of Romania - the great Ivan Mazepa (Galac) and the creator of the first constitution - Philip Orlik (Yassi). Both graves have not been preserved.
The graves of only four hetmans are known: Ivan Skoropadsʹkogo (Gamaliyevka, the monastery was still a prison), Cyril Rozumovsky (Baturyn), Danilo Apostle (Sorochyntsi - he was the most lucky, because he was in a beautiful church), Kost Gordienko (Village Republican, in Kherson region). And that's it. But no advertising and propaganda - like some private funeral.
Famous cities where buried Ivan Horseshoe and Sam?jlo Cat (Kaniv), Taras Fedorovich Tr?asilo (Korsun), Kristof Kosinsʹkij (somewhere near Cherkasy), Yakov Ostryanytsia (Chuguiv), which Somko (Borzna), Ivan Br цяhovetsky (Lyutenʹka). None of these graves have survived.
It is not known at all where rested Dmitry Gun? - a very cool rebel. And from Severin Nalivayka, Matthew Shauli, Ivan Sulima and Pavel Buta (Pavlyuk) were not lucky at all - these Hetmans were executed by the Poles, their bodies were chopped into pieces and carried around the cities of the Commonwealth - they have no graves at all.
Paul Tetery buried in Edirne (Turkey), his grave has not been preserved, or not found. There are a lot of legends about the burial of Yuri Khmelnytsky: he was buried either under Kamianets, or in one of the Greek monasteries in the Aegean Sea, or in general in Malta.
Of the heads and ideologists of Ukraine of the 20th century, only Grushevsky is buried in Ukraine, in the bike cemetery. Simon Petl Петura lies in Paris, Stepan Bandera is in Munich, Eugene Konovalets in Rotterdam, and Paul Skoropadsʹkij in Obersdorf. Interestingly, the last one died from an American bomb in Germany.
Such is Ukrainian historical memory.
From the page of Iryna Prelovska.

2 d
The Normans, who originated from the region of Normandy in modern-day France, have Viking origins. The Normans were descendants of Viking conquerors, specifically the Norsemen, who settled in the region during the 9th and 10th centuries. These Norsemen were originally from Scandinavia (present-day Norway, Denmark, and Sweden) and engaged in raiding and trading activities across Europe, including the coastal areas of France.
In the early 10th century, the Viking leader Rollo (also known as Rolf or Hrolf) negotiated with the King of the Franks, Charles III, and was granted the territory of Normandy. Rollo and his Viking followers established a Norse-Gaelic principality in the region, which eventually evolved into the Duchy of Normandy.
Over time, the Norse settlers assimilated with the local Frankish population and adopted the French language and culture. The Normans gradually transformed from their Viking roots into a distinct group with a mix of Norse and Frankish heritage. They eventually developed their own unique identity and played a significant role in medieval European history, including the famous Norman Conquest of England in 1066 led by William the Conqueror.
So, while the Normans descended from Viking settlers, their identity and culture evolved through integration with the local population, resulting in a distinct Norman heritage that combined Viking and Frankish influences.

On May 24, 1964, at night in Kyiv from fire the State Public Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the National Library of Ukraine named after Vladimir Vernadsky). The fire destroyed almost the entire department of Ukrainian and old prints - from 500 to 600 thousand books and manuscripts.
The fire was carried out by a library employee Viktor Pogru?alsky. In court, he confessed that from the evening he stayed at work, slept there, and in the morning he destroyed his documents and set books on fire in several places. When the fire came and witnesses called firefighters, those quickly extinguish the flames couldn't. Because the entire area was out of water due to a plumbing accident. The fire was eliminated only on May 25, and according to some reports - only 26.
Of the 150 firefighters, more than 10 received phosphorus poisoning. This gave reasons to assume that the arson was carefully planned by the Soviet authorities, and the perpetrator of the case - Pogruzhalsky - used not just matches, but phosphorus checkers. Eugene Sverstyuk in the same 1964 year wrote a pamphlet "About the process over pogru?alʹsʹkim", in which he accused of destroying the spiritual heritage of Ukrainians - ancient manuscripts of the then anti-Ukrainian power. Yes, in one day, valuable sources of the history of Ukraine were destroyed in flames "Domoscow day, our whole Middle Ages went with smoke", - as Oksana Zabuzko wrote about it.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 29, 2023, 07:44:53 am

What is the "legacy" of Kievan Rus everywhere talk Russians?
The Moscow Principality was founded by Khan Mengu-Timur in 1277.
Moscow and Muscovy are the product of the public activity of the Tatar-Mongolian Empire and the personal authority of the Khan of the Golden Horde of Mengu-Timur.
It was with him for the first time that Moscow appeared as a settlement, recorded in 1272 - that is, at the third Tatar-Mongolian pillow census.
And the first Moscow ulus (principality) appeared in the Golden Horde in 1277, when Khan Mengu-Timur bestowed the label "on the prince" to Alexander Nevsky's younger son - Danil, who had reached (according to Tatar-Mongolian laws) of age (16 years).
So, we have finally reached the truth, so carefully hidden velikorussami: the village of Moscow began to be inhabited by the Moxels tribes since 1272, namely the Moscow Principality appeared in 1277.
The Khan of the Golden Horde of Mengu-Timur, not Yuri Dolgorukij, became the real founder of Moscow and Moscow Ulusu.
Given your own child - Muscovy, the zolotoordinskne khans will contribute in everything.
Thanks to Saray's help and decision, Muscovy will soon become on the path of the so-called "Russian land collection".
But in itself, this concept of "gathering" will appear much later, when the empire will arise on the bones of thousands of slain and will need a "big ancient past".
Then the Russian elite will accept to steal everything else's to give for their own.
She will even renounce the forefathers of her statehood - the Mongolian Tatars, not to mention renouncing her native Finnish ethnicity - the mayors, muroms, mosques, vesi, caves, permi, moksha, mordvas, etc. d.
Here they are - the true volodar? and kings of rostovo-suzdalʹskih and Moscow principals from 1238 to 1357 years:
1) Khan Baty (Saina), 1238-1250 years;
2) Khan Sartak, 1250-1257 years;
3) Han Berke, 1257-1266 years;
4) Khan Mengu-Timur, 1266 -1282 years;
5) Khan Tuda-Mengu, 1282-1287 years;
6) Khan Talabuga, 1287-1290 years;
7) Khan Tohta, 1291-1312 years;
😎 Khan Uzbek, 1312-1342 years;
9) Khan Janibek, 1342-1357 years.
And these historical figures turned out to be the grandfathers of Russian statehood.
Thank you for your help in informing the society ykristianna.
  ?   ?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op mei 31, 2023, 06:51:54 am

Torture Muscovites and why zaporozhye cossacks settled on the land of the Crimean Khanate. 🤔
❌ May 25, 1709 Moscow troops destroyed čortomlicʹku s?č, founded by the cossacks in the summer of 1652th on the right bank of the čortomlick sleeve of the dnieper (near the village of kapul?vka on s?česlav ніin?) on the island of čortomlyk (or bazavluk).
With the beginning of the Northern War (1700-1721 years), Moscow authorities involved Zaporozhye citizens in combat against the Swedes. After the Cossack Council held in March 1709, a few thousand Zaporozhye citizens led by the basket otaman Kostem Gordienkom joined Hetman Ivan Mazepa and King of Sweden Carl XII.
By order of King Peter I was equipped with a karalʹna expedition under the command of Colonel Yakovlev. He was later joined by company colonel Gnat Galagan, who was well aware of the surrounding area.
The Moscow Army destroyed the cossack towns and villages, cut the cossack pledge in perevoločn?. Capturing the Sich East failed, hence its siege lasted more than 10 days.
May 25, 1709th Cossacks on boats retreated down the Dnieper. Galagan, appealing to the "King's Word" promised that those who surrender in captivity will not be executed. Therefore, seriously injured Cossacks were left on the island. However, Muscovites did not keep their promise. Executed 156 prisoners, destroyed the Sich fortress, burned all buildings. The enemy squads then descended on the Dnieper, destroying even those Cossacks who engaged in crafts and did not participate in military actions.
Koshovy Stepanenko in a letter to Hetman Ivan Skoropadsky described the atrocities of Moscow squads: "... on Galaganova and Moscow oath to society our heads were ripped off, necks on the plains were chopped, hung and other tyrannical deaths were inflicted, which and in disgrace, for ancient martyrs, did not lead: dead from the homes of many, not only those from society, but also the dead chenc? dug up, their heads were cut off, their skin was ripped and hung ".
Zaporozhye, who were lucky to be saved, founded Kamyan Sich. And the 1712th year moved to the land of the Crimean Khanate.

https://publizist.ru/blogs/107374/45886/- (https://publizist.ru/blogs/107374/45886/-)
What if Mongols Start Using Golden Horde Maps and Say There is No Russia, Russians Want to Know, and present us with an invoice for the delay in dues for more than 500 years, then what will we do?
http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2023/05/what-if-mongols-start-using-golden.html (http://windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2023/05/what-if-mongols-start-using-golden.html)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Horde (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Horde)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_Kievan_Rus%27 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_Kievan_Rus%27)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir-Suzdal (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir-Suzdal)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tribes_and_states_in_Belarus,_Russia_and_Ukraine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tribes_and_states_in_Belarus,_Russia_and_Ukraine)
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Maps_of_the_Golden_Horde (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Maps_of_the_Golden_Horde)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 03, 2023, 08:50:31 am

In 1044 widowed the 36-Year-old king of franks Henry I Kapet?ng. He sent a delegation to Kiev regarding matchmaking. Yaroslav the Wise rejected ambassadors. Didn't want to trade my pinky to a far off not very powerful country for a young childless widow king. In 1048 to Kiev for the second time came the French embassy with rich gifts led by Bishop Ro?e. The prince of Kiev surrendered. And left the 16-year-old princess in the spring of 1051 from Kiev through Krakow, Prague Anna arrived in France. For Anna, the ideal of the king was a father - wise and willful, and her own husband turned out to be older than her father, weak, indecisive. 12 (19) May 1051 in the cathedral of the city of reimsa held the wedding of Anna jaroslavna and henriha I. Strunka blue-eyed podvka, who knew five languages, under a prenuptial contract signed "Anna Reina" (Queen Anna); illiterate Henry and put a cross. Shortly Anna was crowned on the throne of France, it was the first queen of France to be crowned in the Cathedral of Reims. Since then, all French kings swore on the Gospel brought by Anna from Kiev. And Moscow, at that time, was not yet ... !!!
P.S.: Princess Anna also brought a bath with her to France and introduced the custom of washing and taking baths, washing away dirt and tiredness, not watering herself with liters of fragrant fragrances ... , although the French have succeeded a lot in this and what to say... , their perfumery development has always been at the highest level...
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 06, 2023, 21:14:53 pm
Voices of Ukraine; genocide  of 1932 and 1933, 7 to 10 million people starve to death by Stalin, mostly children..Russian government has always been a dictator government since the beginning, and the Russian people have never experience true freedom! The Russian government has never understood the Ukrainians love of freedom, and has been trying to destroy that love of freedom for over 400 years. Ukrainians have always been a freedom loving people since their beginning, even in 1610 the first modern constitution of it kind, 77 years before the American constitution. The 1610 constitution of Ukraine written by a freedom loving Cossack Pylyp Orlyk, gave the Ukrainian people freedoms and rights! There is even a legend that goes back to the Apostle St Andrews  who prophesied  a great christian nation would be built on the hilly shores of the Dnieper river. To day that beautiful city is Kiev!!!
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 10, 2023, 07:21:19 am

In just 10 years (1930-1940), the Americans created chemical, aviation, electrical, oil, mining, coal, metal and other industries in the USSR, the largest factories in Europe for the production of automobiles, tractors, aircraft engines and other products.
For example, the famous Stalingrad tractor plant was entirely built in the United States, dismantled, transported on 100 ships - and assembled in the USSR. Dniproges was built by the American firm Cooper Engineering Company (and the German company Siemens). The first tanks were created at this plant.
The Gorkovsky Auto Plant (GAS) was built by the American company Austin.
The current AZLC is built according to the Ford project. The famous Magnetka is an exact copy of the metal plant in the city. Gary, the state of Indiana.
Albert Kahn Inc designed and built 500 Soviet enterprises!
Albert Khan - Detroit industrial architect. The reason for appealing to Kanu was that, having designed all Ford plants, he developed the high-performance technology for industrial plant design. In the United States, his company with a staff of 400 people prepared working drawings in a week, erected the industrial enterprise corps in five months. Kan was able to practically prove that he was able to do the same in the USSR: the STZ project was completed in a record short time; the construction structures for it were manufactured in the USA, transported to the USSR and assembled within six months.
It was Albert Kahn Inc. who created the school of leading industrial architecture in the USSR.
Together with the factories, cities for workers were created. Ernst May - a German architect participated in the development of architectural projects about 20 Soviet cities!
Over 10 years, the Americans built about 1,500 factories in the USSR!
About 200 thousand American engineers and technicians came to the USSR, who led almost a millionth army of GULAG prisoners - plus the few pre-revolutionary personnel remaining in Russia.
American professors have trained three hundred thousand qualified specialists at the faculty of the Russian Federation - that is, all the staff for Soviet industry for many years to come!
Thus, the material base of socialism was built by US capitalists plus the cheap labor of Zeks.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 13, 2023, 08:51:03 am

https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1460143870733465 (https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1460143870733465)
Heroes funerals in Ukraine
2 songs
"Pływie kacza" - pieśń żałobna Majdanu.
https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1460143870733465 (https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1460143870733465)
Heroes funerals in Ukraine
2 songs
"Pływie kacza" - pieśń żałobna Majdanu. is first song
what is name second? at 4.50

The old Lemko song "Pływie kacza" (The ducks are floating) was the favorite song of 25-year-old Mikhail Zhizneuski, who died on the Maidan on January 22, 2014. At the request of his family, it was opened at his funeral and has since become the mourning song of the Kiev Maidan.
Hey, a duck is swimming on the Tysyn, a duck is swimming on the Tysyn. My mother, don't scold me, My mother, don't scold me. Hey, you're calling us at an evil hour, you're calling us at an evil hour. I don't know where I will die, I don't know where I will die. Hey, I will die in a foreign land, I will die in a foreign land. Who will take the pit? Who will take the pit? Hey, strangers will choose us, strangers will choose us. It's not a pity, mother, will you? It's not a pity, mother, will you? Hey, what if I'm not sorry, son? What if I'm not sorry, son? You were lying on my heart, You were lying on my heart. Hey, a duck is swimming in the Tysyn, a duck is swimming in the Tysyn.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKNFqHKwq-c (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKNFqHKwq-c)  the voice
Inna Ishchenko


Tracing the Historical Narrative: Inhabitants of Northern France Before the Viking Age
Exploring the history of native inhabitants in a region before the arrival of subsequent groups presents a significant challenge. This is particularly true when examining the northern part of France, which eventually evolved into Normandy. This post aims to shed light on the pre-Viking era and provide insights into the inhabitants of this region, utilizing the available information at hand.
Before it became known as Normandy, the region in northern France had different names and was home to diverse groups. In Roman times, it formed part of the province of Gallia Lugdunensis. Following the decline of the Roman Empire, the area came under Frankish dominance and was referred to as Neustria, meaning "new land" in Latin. During the Viking Age, it fell under the control of Norse Vikings and was known as the Duchy of Normandy. The name "Normandy" itself is derived from "Norsemen" or "Northmen," referring to the Viking settlers who established themselves in the region.
Unravelling the Pre-Viking Era: Inhabitants of Northern France
Embarking on a journey into ancient times, we delve into the period preceding the Viking Age in northern France. Through meticulous research and analysis, our objective is to shed light on the lives of those who once called this region their home.
Ancient Settlements and Celtic Influence:
Before the Viking Age, Celtic tribes inhabited the northern region of France, including what would later become Normandy. Archaeological discoveries and historical accounts evidence their presence. The influence of these tribes dates back to the Iron Age, when they established settlements and engaged in trade and agriculture.
Roman Conquest and Frankish Dominance:
In 98 AD, the Romans conquered the region, integrating it into the province of Gallia Lugdunensis. With them, they brought their civilization and infrastructure, including roads, cities, and administrative systems. Following the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 5th century, the Franks emerged as the dominant ethnic group in the area. They established monasteries and exerted control, shaping the cultural and political landscape.
Viking Raids and Norse Influence:
Commencing in the late 8th century, Viking raids ravaged the region. Norse Vikings originating from Scandinavia conducted incursions along the northern coast of France, characterized by pillaging, looting, and disruption of local societies. Vulnerable coastal areas, including undefended monasteries, bore the brunt of these attacks, leaving an indelible impact on the region.
The emergence of the Normans:
The term "Normans" denotes the population that arose from the fusion of Norse Viking settlers with the indigenous West Franks and Gallo-Romans. This blending of groups gave birth to a distinctive culture and identity. Eventually, the Normans settled in the region, establishing the medieval Duchy of Normandy. Their leader, Rollo, was granted land in 911 AD, marking the beginning of the Norman presence in northern France. Over time, the Normans expanded their control and influence, emerging as a formidable force in medieval Europe.
The inhabitants of northern France before the Viking Age comprised a diverse mix of Celtic tribes, Gallo-Romans, Franks, and Norse Vikings. The region experienced significant cultural and political transformations, from the Roman conquest to Frankish dominance and Viking raids. The emergence of the Normans as a distinct group marked a pivotal moment in the history of northern France, setting the stage for their remarkable achievements in the medieval period.
Note: The provided references serve as informative resources supporting the content discussed in this article.
1. Normans - [Wikipedia] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normans (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normans)
2. History of Normandy - [Wikipedia]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Normandy
3. Prehistory of France - [Wikipedia] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistory_of_France (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistory_of_France)
4. Vikings History - [History.com]https://www.history.com/topics/exploration/vikings-history
5. 6 Viking Leaders You Should Know - https://www.history.com/news/6-viking-leaders-you-should-know (https://www.history.com/news/6-viking-leaders-you-should-know)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 14, 2023, 06:38:47 am

First, I will explain the hyphenation.  Muscovy stole rus? (Русь) from the Belarusians and Ukrainians and anyone who thinks that the current russia bears any relation to the meaning of the word federation, frankly needs to be medicated. Russia is a federation as the German Democratic Republic was democratic. Consequently I will refer to the mob of spooks in control of the geography as ?the Firm? from hereon in.

To quote Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on liars:

?We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 15, 2023, 07:33:03 am

Familiar diggers went to Velkyy Lug, to locations where the water has already come down... They are people without landmarks and they have already started digging.
Everything found will soon be sold in private collections and a layer of underwater legendary history "because the war is now" may be left without proper attention and protection!
When I lived in the dnipro, we were not once rafting on the great meadow on kayakah. Rowing between the plains, rowing the drowned heart of the Cossacks and being in the midst of the Bolshevik evil, on the big water seemed like something forever.
Russia has committed a technogennu disaster, again destroyed our villages and cities. And most likely none of you will be able to go to the Great Meadow by kayaking anymore, but today's covered Great Meadow is of incredible scale, an unexplored Cossacks monument that you want to save from diggers.
When the now destroyed kakhovsʹku dam was brought down, in 1955-58 years, there was a water filling of the kakhovsʹkogo reservoir and its days were:
Tomakovska Sich (existed in 1564-1593);
Basavlutsk Sich (1593?1630);
Mykytynska Sich (1628?1652);
Chortomlynska Sich (1652?1709);
Kamyan Sich (1709-17711) - flooded partially;
New (Pidpilnetska) Sich (1734-1775).
Historians about the Great Meadow for Radio Liberty:
- another 300 years ago the cossacks said, "big meadow - father, s?č - mother". All Zaporozhye Sichi were either in the territory of the meadow or next to it. In the XV-XVI centuries, the smooth Dnieper became the place around which the first Cossack settlements began to form.
- S?č? and were territories, mentioning which in people woke up Ukrainian patriotism.
- it was a Cossack territory, with the loss of which strračalasʹ and national memory. Lost also and important Cossack toponyms and legends. That was a loss of memory places.
- Sichi turned into a huge socio-political center that created history and shaped the worldview.
There is no possibility of rotation to affect diggers through direct action or initiative, so at least I leave this post and hope to address the issue.
PS if someone ends me not in the war, then most likely my "friends" are diggers.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 17, 2023, 07:30:29 am

Tragedy of Baturyn 😥💛💙
In 1708, Moscow troops captured and destroyed the capital of hetman mazepa baturin. All residents of the city, regardless of age and gender were cut. 15 thousand were killed of the baturine. The city itself was robbed, including Orthodox temples, and then, by order of Menshikov, was burned and churches destroyed.
The European newspapers so described the events in baturin? - " terrible massacre ", " all Ukraine in blood ", " women and children on vistr?h saber ". With such names came out leading newspapers of France " Gazette de France ", " Paris Gazette ", " Lettres Historique ", " Mercure Historique ", " Clef du Cabinet ". They wrote that "the terrible king is greedy for blood in Ukraine... All residents of Baturin, despite age and gender, are cut as ordered by the non-human customs of Muscovites "; "All Ukraine is bathed in blood. Menshikov shows the horrors of Moscow barbarism".
For 310 years "brothers" little has changed. For these centuries, this "brotherly" horde has destroyed millions of ukrainians. And it keeps on going. Every day die our guys who protect us from the "returning" people. The enemy is the same. This is the worst enemy of Ukrainians!
Unfortunately, our people in 310 years have not learned to draw conclusions to break away from the "brothers" and go their way forward. Millions of people speak a foreign language, honor foreign "heroes", follow foreign traditions. The "Brothers" have conquered it all. The scariest thing is that in addition to the earth, the brain and soul were conquered. Fortunately, not all of them!
Ukrainians! We must build our Ukrainian Ukraine!
And don't forget what did to us "brothers"! Don't forget! This can never be forgiven!
In the photo - an engraving of the times of Peter I. Strata kolesuvann?m, which has been applied to the cossacks and the residents of baturina.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 20, 2023, 06:48:59 am

Saxons vs. Vikings: Unraveling the Distinct Histories 🛡️⚔️
Exploring the differences between the Saxons and the Vikings, two influential Germanic groups in history 🌍📚 Dive into their unique origins, time periods, and cultural impacts to understand why the Saxons cannot be considered the first Vikings. 🏰⛵️
The Saxons were a Germanic tribe that inhabited the regions of present-day Germany and Denmark during the Early Middle Ages. They played a significant role in the history of England, as one of the Germanic tribes that invaded and settled in the British Isles in the 5th and 6th centuries. However, they were not Vikings.
The Vikings, on the other hand, were seafaring warriors and traders from the Scandinavian region, primarily from present-day Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Emerging later than the Saxons, their activities ranged from the late 8th century to the 11th century, known as the Viking Age. They conducted raids, exploration, and trade expeditions throughout Europe, including the British Isles, France, Iceland, Greenland, and even reaching as far as North America.
While both the Saxons and the Vikings were Germanic peoples and had interactions with England, they were separate groups with different historical contexts and time periods. The Saxons predated the Viking Age, and their migration to England occurred before the Viking raids began. Therefore, the Saxons cannot be considered the first Vikings.

"The militant nation of Cossacks is shrinking day by day. She will soon disappear from the face of the earth, just like other nations that have fallen under the power of the Moscow Skeeter, unless there is a successful revolution that will soon come that will throw the Moscow yoke off them.
The Cossacks have nothing to do with the Muscovines, except for the Greek religion and the zipsovan? Ко Muscovinami of the Slavic language. Their customs, their lifestyle, their house, their food are all completely different.
Cossacks are beautiful, beautiful, tall, smart, active, sincere, honest, brave, not used to slavery. In short - the complete opposite of Muscovites. Their appearance is not monotonous as Muscovites; the tavro of slavery did not make them machines and did not sp?dlilo like Muscovins", - French educator and writer Charles Francois Filiber Masson "de Blam?n", who was in service at the Moscow court in 1762-1802 years (C. F. Mason. "Memoires secret sur la Russia" - "Secret notes about Russia").

How A Handful of Yamnaya Culture Nomads (Ukraine)Became the Fathers & Mothers of Europe 

The Horse, the Wheel, and Language : David W. Anthony | That's why europeans came from Ukraine-RUS https://www.rferl.org/a/hungary-romania-bulgaria-riding-horses-yamnaya-botai/32300166.html https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.ade2451 https://ukrainainc.net/2022/05/08/real-history-of-ukraine-moscovy/


Scythians and Greeks : a survey of ancient history and archaeology : Minns, Ellis H Publication date 1913.. 720 pages |



Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 21, 2023, 09:26:36 am



Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juni 22, 2023, 06:39:41 am
Vitaliy Trubnykov
16 u
From the bottom of the Kakhov reservoir, between the modern cities of berislavom and kakhovko?̈, there is a legendary island of tavan. Few people know about him now, but the island used to have one of the most important ferry crossings through Dnipro-Tavansk, the mention of which is known since the Golden Horde.
At the beginning of the XV century, the grand duke of Lithuania vitovt founded in place of modern berislava his own fortress and customs, which in his honor was called "vitovtovo? mitnice?".
At the end of the 15th century, these lands were ceded to the Ottoman Empire and its vassal of the Crimean Khanate. Since then, there have been constant clashes between the Cossacks and the non-Christian population of the steppe.
Four fortresses were built to protect the transit by the Ottomans: Mustridkermen and Mubarakermen, which were located on the island, and Kyzykermen and Aslankermen (areas of modern Berislava and Kakhovka respectively).
Guillaume-Levasser de Boplan in 1650 in France "Describes of Ukraine" calls the Tavan ferry "the best" of five on the Dnipro. The ferry was used all the way up to the 20th century and finally stopped being used after the construction of the kahovs .ko?̈ paddle in the 1950's.
The island of Tavan has been an integral part of the history of the whole south of Ukraine for many centuries, until the communists built the raft of Kakhov hydroelectric power plant, which preserved this history underwater. Now, the Russians, the descendants of those communists, have destroyed the oars and because of this tragic event we see again the outline of the Tavan ferry.
P.S.: I would like to see a story about this place from expert historians, for example, on Історія Без Міфів
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 16, 2023, 10:22:34 am
SCYTHIAN GODS: The Religion of the Steppe Horse Lords // DOCUMENTARY

the skyfather of proto-indo-european

About the Sumerian language

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aratta  ukraine?

The Birth of China - Hunters on the Yellow River (20000 BCE to 7000 BCE)

map putin showed

 The Complete and Concise History of the Sumerians and Early Bronze Age Mesopotamia (7000-2000 BC)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 22, 2023, 08:53:31 am

⚡️By hitting Chornomorsk, Ruschists are hitting the foundation of anglo-saxon culture.

Chornomorsk was the epicentre where Germanic languages (including English) solidified.

Usatovo Culture was centred in Chornomorsk, where Ancient Ukrainian (P.I.E.) turned into Proto Germanic.

Ancient Ukrainian Invasions of England: Short History

"From around 2450 BC... substantial migration into Britain (minimum 90% ancestry from the new migrants) coinciding with the spread of Bell Beaker traditions from continental Europe... ?Steppe ancestry? derived originally from people living on the Pontic?Caspian Steppe approximately 3000 BC." (Nature, 2021)

This Steppe Ancestry corresponds to the Ancient Ukrainians who created the first Indo-European language and culture (OUP, 2017)

By 1000 BCE 50% of English DNA contained Ancient Ukrainian DNA. (Nature, 2015)

Then the Gauls invaded (Nature, 2021) with another Indo-European language that had also been derived from the first Indo-European language forged in Ancient Ukraine.

Then yet again in early medieval time England welcomed in new migrants - Germans and Scandinavians (Nature, 2022).

They also spoke a language that had originated in Ancient Ukraine - This German language was rebranded as "Old English," and we were well on our way to Brexit.

Ancient Ukraine is at the heart of every one of these migrations, cultural transformations, and genetic upgrades since 2450 BCE.

Today's English nationalists need to understand they're all Ancient Ukrainians, migration is good, and that those who use Inner / Outer Realm Disinfolklore as a political tool will inevitably be replaced.
Tweet vertalen

The Horse, the Wheel, and Language : David W. Anthony | That's why europeans came from Ukraine-RUS

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 25, 2023, 08:47:29 am
And now you and I will be able to travel in time to see how part of our Russia's borders were described in the peace treaty of 1435, after the battle of Wilkomyr.
Paragraph 12 :
Just like that from the end between the mazovetsi princes, starting from the river Luk, from the ship called the Stone Ship, which lies in the upper part of the same river Luk above the lakes Gra?vo and Tocilove, and from the place that goes straight through the desert to the lake called Rogort, so half of the same the lake remains in the lands of the Grand Duke of Lithuania, and the other half in the lands of Order, further from this lake there is a direct path through the desert to a certain area called Prewoysczi, and from this line a continuation of the direct path to the area called Merunyshki, and from Meruny?kki in the direction of the lake called Dv?stico, yes, however, that the same lake remains entirely in the part of the Order, and from this lake, where you can go directly, to the rise or outflow of the river called Lepuna, going down the same river until its completion, where it falls into the river Sirovinca, and further down the same river Syroovinca until its completion, where it enters the river Sesupa, and further straight through the desert to the bank of the river Memel on the opposite side of the river called Svantoya, where the same river Svantoya falls into the above mentioned river Memel, in the land of Sudavia, and rising up the same river Svetoya two miles, from that place, from this the rivers have subsided, we should go as far as possible straight to the Yura River, leaving the river Memel on the left side everywhere for two miles and rising up the mentioned Yura River for one mile; from this place we should leave the Yura River and cross the wasteland, leaving the rivers Memel and Rusna, a lake called Hap and castle Memel in Zemaitia called Klaipeda, on each side on the left side for three miles, and this way we have to go to the salt sea shore. These are the borders of the land of Zemaitia and Prussia. But between Livonia, Zemaitia, Lithuania and Russia, the border should begin from the river Svantoya, which rises uphill to the sea runs through the ancient borders between Zemaitia and Lithuania, Russia on one side and Livonia on the other, and should not be within the boundaries of the order of Zemaitia but in those that existed in ancient times in the aforementioned lands.
I found the place where the river Holy flows into the Baltic Sea. And the river Yuru was found. Look at what it all looks like now.
Sandy beach and small stones. Betrayed as a child, collecting them and keeping them. Our ancient history is alive.
The translation of the text of the confirmation of the peace agreement of 1435 is ready. Soon, I'll start sharing parts of the translation with you.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op juli 25, 2023, 08:51:44 am
unr 1918-1922
Холодний Яр. Воля України - або смерть!
Документальний фільм про визвольну боротьбу українських повстанців проти російських окупантів 1918-22 рр. Знятий за мотивами роману очевидця подій Юрія Горліс-Горського.
Україна, 1919 рік. На Чигиринщині з центром у Холодному Яру діють повстанські загони прихильників УНР, що ведуть боротьбу проти загарбників (німецьких окупантів та російських ?білих? і ?червоних? інтервентів).
Двадцять два села піднімають повстання і стають для червоних територією, куди більшовиків не пускають.
Білогвардійські полки генерала Денікіна також не можуть увійти до Холодного Яру. Білі здатні воювати з регулярною армією противника, але виявляються безсилими проти місцевих повстанців. Тут проти них воюють всі - від старого до малого.
Історія надзвичайної боротьби українців, про яку досьогодні відомо так мало. Понад 30 тисяч українських повстанців кілька років тримали в страху більшовицьку армію.

Cold Yar. The will of Ukraine - or death!
A documentary about the liberation struggle of Ukrainian rebels against Russian occupiers 1918-22 Based on the novel by Yuri Gorlis-Gorsky, an eyewitness.
Ukraine, year 1919. In the čigirins цьin? with the center in the cold yar act rebel squads of supporters of the UNR that lead the fight against the zagarbnik?v (German occupants and Russian "white" and "red" interventions).
Twenty-two villages raise up the rebellion and become the territory for the red, where the Bolsheviks are not allowed.
General Denikin's B?logvard?js лаk? regiments can also enter the Cold Yar. Whites are capable of fighting with a regular enemy army, but prove themselves powerless against local insurgents. Here everyone is fighting against them - from old to young.
The history of the extraordinary struggle of Ukrainians, about which so little is known. More than 30 thousand Ukrainian rebels held the Bolshevichi army in fear for several years.

  ? https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid034b8DXqNyQbZ3Vhh4CjJvSYbhAanB5Rn4ivZbEhAbZjqPFJgqEQTJvBfR1mddTLbnl&id=100091842100979&__cft__[0]=AZUdaGauqW8Eo39NgqkIxLiUtWZ5uAo7gYlbiXetoTIcDoUKzG8LDYR4dPE2XYSGEfbEbDNwoBT-QND-5Si_ULjbXSBvLnzV9TeWnuPK8B8e9nXIkptmF3C6pCQdI2i6mKhuqPsJasED8tuGmWS5KiHecLkYNw-aJfaxuxZ77pmgmoS1EfUDP3LPlxTyAVb8A9VKwWgUlr5otktTGIOmDdlR&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-y-R
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 01, 2023, 08:51:00 am

 In 1931, the population of Ukraine was 81 million. This is a much larger population than the population of Russia at that time (77 million).

But in 5 years, the number of Ukrainians somehow fantastically decreased by 55 million. The very next census of 1937 indicated that there were 26 million Ukrainians in the USSR.

The reason was the terrible genocides of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Russian communists:

In the 1930s and 1950s, people were repressed in the USSR just for reading "Kobzar" or simply for loving the Ukrainian language. Communists shot many teachers, doctors, writers and other intelligentsia just for speaking, writing or singing in Ukrainian. At the same time, we can mention the thousands of churchmen of the Ukrainian Church who were shot.

It got to the point that in 1951, following the verdict of a closed court session, 33 students of Kharkiv University were shot for refusing to take exams in Russian, and 800 were repressed. This is how Kharkiv and other cities of Ukraine became "Russian-speaking cities". By the way, in Ukrainian cities in 1926, 97% of children studied in Ukrainian in Ukrainian schools, and in the early 1990s, only 21% of children studied in Ukrainian.

In addition, recently, the mass media have persistently spread the myth about the linguistic proximity of the Ukrainian and Russian languages, saying that it is natural that the Russian language is the native language for Ukrainians. Research by Kyiv University specialists back in the distant 60s (Ukraine was occupied by Russia at that time, so this research was conducted under the control of the Russians) speaks of completely different results. The Ukrainian language differs from Polish by 30%; from Bulgarian - by 32%; from Czech - by 36%; from Russian - by 38%. Therefore, this "closeness" is characterized by some strange one-sidedness - only in favor of Moscow.

On June 23, 1941, between two and four thousand Volhynians became victims of the NKVD. In general, June 1941 was remembered in Western Ukraine not only by the attack of Nazi Germany, but also by the bloody massacres committed by the USSR in the rear. This was not done by the Poles in 1939, nor by the Nazis in 1944. The Soviet militia shot en masse - with machine guns, through the window for the delivery of food - prisoners who were imprisoned for speaking Ukrainian or having Ukrainian books. Or threw grenades into the cells.
There are thousands of such victims of the NKVD throughout Ukraine...

Also, everyone knows about the Holodomor - when Russians deliberately took food from Ukrainians and shot them for any attempt to eat even a straw from the field. And food at that time was spoiling in warehouses. During this terrible genocide, 10.5 million Ukrainians died.

However, this genocide was not the only one. He's just the scariest.

Then there was the war against the Nazis, in which 10 million Ukrainians died according to official data. Everyone remembers Zhukov's order not to arm the Ukrainians and drive them unarmed first in the ranks, because the more they die, the less they will have to drown in the Dnieper after the war.

Is it better than what the Nazis did? Isn't this hatred of another nation? Then why is chauvinism considered Nazism and not communism?

Now Russia continues to commit genocides and kill the Ukrainian population, cynically calling the struggle against the Ukrainian nation denazification. "Never again" has been repeated and continues every day as long as Europe and America are weak.

In 1991, 51.944 million people lived in Ukraine, and as of January 1, 2016 - 42.760 million people. Before the war, Zelensky announced a new population census for 2023, but it will probably take place after our victory.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 02, 2023, 08:57:24 am

https://baitsar.blogspot.com/2017/03/blog-post_13.html  name RUS  .
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 03, 2023, 08:39:18 am
history ukraine

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 04, 2023, 06:39:50 am
Vladimir Novgorodov on Motherland Monument

In 1977 I worked as the head of the Department of Architecture of the Kyiv-Pechersk State Historical and Cultural Reserve, which was equivalent to the position of its chief architect. Somehow I was brought to the signature project of the monument Motherland that was planned on the slopes of the Dnipro near Lavra. Seeing that the monument exceeds the height of the Lavr bell, I refused to agree to the project. Then there were meetings of the special commission. I explained that the monument cannot, for architectural and urban-building considerations, be above the bell tower and must obey it. Sculptors categorically refused against this, they wanted the sculpture to be even higher. I was pressured for a long time at the committee meetings in the Central Committee of the CPU, in the Ministry of Culture, but I was young, not a party member and could afford to argue. It lasted until at one of the meetings, I couldn't stand it and told the sculptors that I understand that the higher the height, the more money they will get, and for money they will sell their mother. I was removed from the meeting and then forced to resign from the reserve. But the height of the monument was reduced by 17 m and became 12 m below the large Lavra bell.
  ?   ?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 05, 2023, 08:54:31 am
https://baitsar.blogspot.com/2017/08/1339.html?fbclid=IwAR2WCZlP-67db5RBmHxUecYi2G38Uwz_jKCVE0O7pkizS6BN67I6kg_k5lUOne of the first images of Lviv on maps. Portolan cards. 1327 1339
https://baitsar.blogspot.com/2021/11/xiii-xv.html?fbclid=IwAR1mAEop7v-7wZJSFSHY5UZic4RBBe1jFqoi-a5u0fz6uI1XVbGDnhQSNwgMallorcan school of cartography (XIII century ? XV century) and Ukraine (Rus, Ruthenia)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 06, 2023, 12:44:26 pm

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtWSyFNT9qY  Holodomor
MR. JONES - Official North American Trailer

powered by EzDubs
20 Horrible Historical Facts School Doesn't Teach
little ice age on people f.i.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 10, 2023, 11:22:35 am

On August 9, 1602, in fact, the first "brain leak" from Moscow occurred. On this day, four young men, children of boars from families of deacs, left the First Throne to London. These were "Mikifor Olferiev, son of Grigoriev, and Safon Mikhailov, son of Kozhukhov, and Kazarin Davydov, and Fetka Kostomarov", dressed up by Boris Godunov for "the science of Latin and English and other different German state languages and letters". The king instructed "English guest Ivan Ulyanov", that is John Merrick, a British merchant who had just returned to his homeland. The young men succeeded in training, but soon the riot began in Moscow, and when it ended, none of the commanders returned home. The incumbents of Davydov and Kozhukhov sailed to India on trade matters, Kostomarov became a royal official in Ireland, and Olferyev under the name of Mikifer Alfery - an Anglican priest.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 16, 2023, 08:28:56 am

        Russians who want to cease being imperialists need to begin by taking seven rather simple steps:

1.     Cease speaking Russian abroad and assuming that everyone will understand you.

2.     Forget the expression ?fraternal peoples;? it is insulting.

3.     Forget about the expansion of Russia or even making jokes about that.

4.     Give up colonial toponyms and terms.

5.     Stop talking about the victims of ?Russophobia.?

6.     Stop evaluating everyone in terms of how people live in Moscow.

7.     And be accurate if you intend to give up your Russian national identity for any other.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 17, 2023, 07:22:18 am

The secret of lead literacy. How a unique artifact was found and deciphered in Ukraine
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 20, 2023, 08:21:09 am

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 22, 2023, 07:38:21 am
Pamvo Berinda - compiler of the first Ukrainian dictionary
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 23, 2023, 10:37:50 am

Ukrainian flag and emblem: Controversies and facts
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 24, 2023, 09:27:37 am
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 25, 2023, 07:12:31 am


it was not in present day russia but ukaine who is heir to name rus and its history
The Historiography of Normanist and
Anti-Normanist theories on the origin of Rus?
A review of modern historiography and major sources on Varangian controversy and other
Scandinavian concepts of the origins of Rus?

The Making Of The Slavs : 483 pag.  500-700 CE Internet Archive
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 26, 2023, 08:40:38 am

Independence Day gift from historians Олександр Алфьоров and George Lugovoy. We inform that a global historical project has started. All known from the sources of princes signs of medieval Ukrainian princes - the rulers of Russia will be repainted to us. We start the project with the first, while nepovno?̈, selection of signs of Vladimir the Holy. Thousands of signs to come!
Prince signs are personal signs of representatives of the Kyiv Dynasty. They were depicted on coins, household items, weapons, jewelry, in paintings and graffiti, tavruvali livestock. They filled the medieval space as marks of sacred princely power and property.
Presenting the initial set of results. Prince signs are designed in our national colours and fitted in round stylized shields.
We are especially pleased to implement this project and be at the forefront of the historical front in the fight for our princes, for our History!
More about the Prince Signs on the YouTube Channel "Alexander Alfyorov"
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 27, 2023, 08:12:35 am

🇺🇦 Princess Anna Yaroslavna was a princess of "Kievan Rus" in the 11th century (Known today as Kyiv Ukraine). Kyiv Was the biggest and most powerful country of Europe af that time. ~ Princes Anna became Queen of France 1051AD. She spoke several languages and was well knowledgeable in the Christian gospel. It has been said that she brought Christianity to France. There is a statue In France dedicated to her life. She was considered a righteous Queen and was love by the people. Many of the Royal lines of Europe can trace their ancestry's back to Anna and her sisters of Kyiv Ukraine. 🇺🇦

 Did you know that...
In the eleventh century Kyiv was the largest capital in Europe. The city was 10 times larger than Paris and 50 times larger than London.
And there was no matskva at all
It needs to be known to every Ukrainian. This is not a made up story, these are facts. Historical painting (about thousands of years), immortalized in Sofia of Kyiv, depicts four glorious queens: France - Anna, Hungary - Anastasia, Norway, and then Denmark - Elizabeth, England - Agatha. They are all daughters of Yaroslav the Wise, Grand Duke of Kyiv Russia. At this time, the husband of the Polish Princess was their brother ?ziaslav, the queen sister of the father. The other Vladimir was the husband of the Princess of Germany. Their mother was the princess of Sweden ?ng?gerda?, whose brothers were the kings of Sweden and Denmark.
All of Europe without exception had family ties with Kyiv Russia - Ukraine! For 100 years before the founding of the village of Moscow.
But let's go back to our queens, because each of the stories about them is Hollywood rests! Did you know that the late Queen Elizabeth of England is a descendant of our Queen Agatha? Isn't that why England is a loyal friend of Ukraine in these defining times? What only Boris Johnson is worth!
And the daughter of agatha margarita became not only the queen of Scotland, but also her saint! Because for life most temples of God built and good deeds done.
And then and Richard brave heart and maria steward - with our, that is agatinim, queens with kiev roots!
Dear Macron, and you should be reminded of the legendary Anna Kyivska, who became the Queen of France, knowing four languages. Brought the Gospel on which all the kings of France swore or not, written in Kyiv Queen Anne's blood flowed in the 18th kings of France (! ).
And also about how exactly this legendary portrait of four sisters from Kiev who became queens of Europe, saved Saint Sophia from the Moscow mrakobiss?! In the 30s her at the wish of cat Stalin, ideal Putin, had to blow! The explosion has already been set up... 1000-year-old miracle of architecture exactly in Kyiv caused a frog in Moscow atheists.
And suddenly an ultimatum from France:
- If you dare to spoil the portrait of our legendary Queen Anna, destroy the work of our queen's father's hands, our country is disrupting diplomatic relations! At once!
... Yeah, such decisive predecessors you had, the ruling French! From Jeanne d'Arc, not Lipen roots!
That's how the French and saved our Sofia! They would still now learn the language of ultimatum?v about putler!
And here still Hungarians should be reminded
ours is their queen Anastasia. Because it is thanks to the patronage of Kiev and the mighty Kiev princes, the Hungarian King Andrus, the husband of Anastasia, was saved from death! Because at that time Kiev Rus was the largest country in Europe and the most influential!
Maybe that's why so confidently behaved yourself and didn't recognize any ultimatum?v already known to us queen of the viking Elizabeth? The blood sister of the mentioned queens.
Well, have you heard somewhere that one woman became for life first the queen of Norway, and then Denmark? And our Elizabeth became and also daughter queen made. And saved the Princess of England orphan Gita from a hate marriage... and sent it ... Well, like the Russian ship of the most disgusting self-defense who tried to threaten her, and then gave that English Princess Gita for Kyiv King Vladimir Monomakh!
See how many of us have English, French, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Polish, Norwegian, Hungarian, where is Russian?
That's what we have, ukrainians strong roots!
(From the Internet)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op augustus 29, 2023, 07:29:40 am

Serg Kuprienko
6 d
💛💙 Іноді не бачу сенсу в продовженні боротьби?🏳️
 Якщо ви ГОВОРИТЕ РОСІЙСЬКОЮ- це не тому що ви спілкуєтесь  мовою ваших предків, це лише тому, що колись , дууу? Meer weergeven
💛💙 Sometimes I don't see the point in continuing the fight.. 🏳️
If you SPEAK RUSSIAN - it's not because you speak the language of your ancestors, it's only because once, a long time ago, your great-grandmother or great-grandfather were brought from Russia on a starving land, or even earlier relatives STUPIDLY MOVED TO RUSSIA as a result of total bans by the northern neighbor.
Because everyone knows "first ?eza? language-then the people".
YOUR ANCESTORS HAVE BEEN DEGRADED as a result of a series of events against our language.
I look at myself in the mirror and see obvious aging in a very short time.
I only can.. , rather can not imagine how much changed outside and internally residents of Kharkiv, Mariupol, Kyiv region, or chernihiv region. It's a pain you can't describe. I understand.
But understand and YOU that the language you used to use (practically mostly), is part of the destruction of Ukraine (if it didn't sound terrible).
If you haven't understood this after 14 years, if you still are (at this time!! when it tears our brothers, children to pieces,... ) this didn't understand-so you are part of the war of Russia against Ukraine.
If you always switch to Russian to lick the Russian leadership, or only hearing the Russian word from anyone- sin you cost.
I'm sorry! Call me bad, call me Nazi, etc... But you have a complete lack of analytical mind and critical thinking. To the fullest.
Once your ancestors were forcibly bent, RAPED and you are in that raped state continue to live and raise offspring, making it "normal".
Come live in lviv and raise a Russian-language child in this environment-... .
This speaks to a certain mentality.
Throw me slippers, curses and say "you're a fool! there are bigger problems now! this is not about time! ?
I repeat - this is part of the war! If some part of defense does not fight, there is a great probability that the war will be lost! If the left flank fights like a beast and the right flank ?well, we?ll wait till the right times with that? then.. 🤷🏼 ♀️
If it's not about time NOW, then I don't see the point of continuing this war and spilling blood, what are the sacrifices for???... to divide a piece of the city?... because we will always be Malorussia, as they call us.
Good, even if we separate the territory, but we will still remain those "Malorosami" in its perception and identification of us by the world.
You can hang a white sheet over Kiev and go out with your hands raised at least today.
NATO? Do you think NATO is just the ability to fight well, or to "be proud", to post icons and you will be accepted into the alliance???
There is absolutely NO. There and without the presence of disputed territories, there are mass conditions.
Corruption and "hand hand washes" on all levels - overcome?... 🤔
Notice how almost every one of the respondents on the streets of Russia verbally: "yes what Ukraine? there's everything in Russian! this is ours, we will save them."
When you watch a documentary about Kuban and note a large number of Ukrainian words - you immediately think ?oh! these are ours! Kuban is Ukraine! ?
Of course, this is not a direct comparison (I will not delve into this historical topic).
But really: if the Russian sees the Russian, then automatically perceives it as "his", if sees the Russian-language whole territories-apr?ori considers them theirs!
Then why are we not under them? Unbelievable! )
Russians don't care why you do not flee to them, but choose Lviv, Warsaw or Berlin.... It's enough for them to see, hear and know that you grow languages, so- theirs.
If you haven't understood it and still - then you will never understand.
Perfectly understand the stress and shock of individual population groups. But I don't understand how you can support the language of a direct occupier who led you to this shock.
?I would forget Russian only because Putin communicates on it? (I don?t remember the author)
"Russian territories end where the Russian language ends,"-said Putin's wife Lyudmil.
People, don't be afraid to try to convert to the language of the country you want to live in(!!! ).
I understand that it's hard, you used to think in a different language. Continuous efforts will bring results! In a few words, in pieces, broken,... but try to .... Don't be afraid to be funny! Every adekvatna person will greatly appreciate your efforts!!
Don't mention Switzerland or Canada. There is a brilliant report by Vitaly Portnikov on this topic, listen.
Better tell me if you will get citizenship and a job in Canada (except cleaning the toilet at immigrants) without speaking English?
Stop covering for the Russian-speaking military. They come from the same environment as you. BUT(! ) are not in sofa-perinnih conditions at the moment like you.
Although, even soldiers admit that they teach that language repeatedly saved them from death (because often the language distinguished their from the enemy). Use even language on the battlefield: thanks to our dialects, the massacre cannot understand the dialogues at all in the hearing of their special services.
here are the straight forward answers:
1720 - the decree of Peter I on the prohibition of printing in the Ukrainian language and the seizure of Ukrainian church books.
1729-Peter II ordered to rewrite in Russian all decrees and orders of the government written in Ukrainian.
1763 - Catherine II banned teaching Ukrainian language at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
1764 - Catherine II punished the rusif?c?? of Ukraine.
1769 - the ROC ruled about the confiscation of Ukrainian alphabets and church books.
1775-destruction of zaporozhko?̈ sichy and closure of Ukrainian schools in the offices of the cossack regiment.
1789 - Polish Seimu Commission on Education ruled to close all Ukrainian schools.
1804 - by a special royal decree in the Russian Empire banned all Ukrainian-language schools, leading to the complete degradation of the Ukrainian population!
1832 - reorganization of education in Ukraine transformed all teaching into Russian language
1847 - strengthening the persecution of Ukrainian language and culture, banning the best works of taras shevchenko, panteleimon kulish, mykola kostomarova among others.
1859 - the Ministry of Religion and Science of Austria-Hungary tried to replace Ukrainian Cyrillic? Latinice? in Eastern Galicia and Bukovin?.
1862 - closure of Ukrainian Sunday schools for adults in the Russian part of Ukraine.
1863 - Valuyev Circular - a secret decree that banned censors to allow publishing Ukrainian spiritual and popular educational literature. Ukrainian is called "a separate Malorussian language [which] never existed, does not exist and should not exist, and their [Malorosi] language of the common people is nothing else than Russian, corrupted influence of Poland".
1864-acceptance of the statute in which primary school education must be conducted only in Russian language.
1869-introduction of Polish language as the official language of education and management of Polish Eastern Galicia.
1870 - the Minister of Education of Russia declares that "the ultimate goal of education for all Herodc?v (non-Russians, literally "people of another origin"), is undeniably their Russification
1876 - Alexander II's resolution on the ban of printing and importing from abroad of any Ukrainian literature, and the ban on the performance of the Ukrainian stage and Ukrainian texts in musical notes and
1881 - the ban of teaching in public schools and conducting church sermons in Ukrainian.
1884 - the ban of Alexander III Ukrainian theater in all governorates of "Little Russia".
1888 - the decree of Alexander III banned the use of the Ukrainian language in official institutions and Ukrainian names.
1892 - the ban to translate books from Russian Ukrainian language.
1895 - the ban of the Head Office of Printing to
Publish Ukrainian-language children's books.
1914, 1916 - Russification campaign in Western Ukraine, ban of Ukrainian word, education, church.
Then, believe it or not, everything did not get better under Stalin's rule.
Approximately 4 to 7 million Ukrainians died of hunger during the genocide attempt.
So there are a lot of Ukrainian speakers that have not been able to pass on to the next generation their language and culture.
This is in no way the complete history of russification of Ukraine.
Russia has been destroying Ukrainian language and culture for over 350 years.
Yes, a lot in Ukraine speaks Russian.
Knowing all the history, all the reasons, seeing the cities now destroyed and torn into flesh of the bodies of little children,
you still say "what difference does it matter?"... so what kind of people are you??..
"do you all understand? ?- tired and trouble, the most important thing you do not understand.
After rereading all these total language bans, don't you just find the decree funny that a few Ukr words need to be learned for use in service areas and other states institutions? some of you perceive it as violence over Russian (that's why Russia has interesting stories about it).
And also pay attention - why the Ukrainian language preserved mostly in those territories that were under Poland. That is, people who were under the empire had virtually no chance to keep their language. The Polish decrees on the language, compared to the Russian, were kv?točkami... as we can see it.
Another, no less important nuance: whenever the "brothers" are celebrated in the world of rudeness / stealing 32 kg of food from the buffet "on the track, in the train" /.. etc-every time in local groups start justification on the k?taltt "Eta ukr -?nci! If it's in Russian language-it's not a fact that Russian! ?
Rarely who pays attention to some pure ryazans Рkij, or Moscow accent. Such situations make it possible to overthrow bad behavior on us, Ukrainians, precisely because of language.
No one here forbids any language, no one bully anyone batogami and repres??mi (like Russia did), but study, try!
Think. And stop being part of the destruction of Ukraine!
p.s. just don't start a sharmanku about Switzerland with 4 languages again. We are NOT a confederation.
You don't know what the "confederation" is - google it.
You don't want to? This means you prior to being unable to understand more than the writing on the chip box.
?️?️ Lyubov Dika-Kuchar
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 01, 2023, 08:16:07 am
A furniture maker has solved the mystery of European rock paintings 20-30 thousand years old
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 08, 2023, 08:03:18 am

Luba Hrycak HorskyWE ARE Ukrainian!
4 september 2021
Anna Yaroslavna (Anne of Kyiv),
 a Ukrainian princess who married King Henri I and became Queen of France
On 19 May 1051, Anna, the youngest daughter of Kyivan Rus Prince Yaroslav the Wise, ascended to the French throne as the wife of King Henry I Capet in the Cathedral of Reims. As traditional Days of Anna of Kyiv take place in Sanslis, an abbey 40 km from Paris, we revisit the story of the earliest dynastic connection between France and Ukraine.
Her father Yaroslav, was nicknamed ?the father-in-law of Europe.? Yaroslav himself married Ingigerd Olofsdotter, the daughter of the Swedish King; his sister Maria married the Polish Prince; son Illya was married to the sister of the Danish King; son Sviatoslav married the Austrian Princess; son Vsevolod married the daughter of the Byzantine emperor; son Ihor ? a German Princess; Yaroslav married his daughter Anastasia ? to the Hungarian King; daughter Elizabeth ? to the Norwegian King. And his daughter Anna married Henry I of France.
Anna was born about 1024 and grew up in Kyiv. She received a good education at the princely court where she studied reading and writing, history, foreign languages, mathematics, and drawing. It is known that Anna of Kyiv could read fluently in several languages, including Old Church Slavonic, Greek, and Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets. At that time, not every man in Europe was literate, let alone women.
In 1048, the French Embassy arrived in Kyiv, searching for a wife for the widowed King Henry I. The French King was searching the courts of Europe for a suitable bride, but could not locate a princess who was not related to him within legal degrees of kinship ? the Pope prohibited marriage between monarchs up to the seventh degree of kinship.  Anna was chosen to be his wife, and in spring 1051 she arrived in France.
Anne married Henry on 19 May 1051, during the feast of Pentecost.  Henry was nearly twenty years older than Anne.  Her wedding on 19 May 1051 followed the installation of Lietbert as bishop of Cambrai, and Anne was crowned immediately following the marriage ceremony, making her the first French queen to celebrate her coronation in Reims Cathedral.
Anna gave birth to four children, namely Philip, Emma, Robert, and Hugo. The name ?Philippe? was very rare in France prior to that time, and was likely inspired by Saint Philip who is said to have converted Scythia, an area identified with Kyivan Rus in the Middle Ages. Despite many historical claims that she is the first female regent of France, this appears to be more legend than fact. She was offered to take up regency after the death of her husband Henry, but declined and settled in the town of Senlis near Paris, where she founded and built a convent and a church. In the summer of 1065, she married one of the most powerful Northern France lords, Raoul de Crepy. He accused his first wife of treason and divorced to marry Anna. However, an investigation conducted by Pope Alexander II did not recognize his legitimate marriage to Anna and Raoul de Crepy was anathematized.
In 1074, Anna was widowed a second time and settled at the court of her son Philip, and was accepted with honor as the Queen mother. Her signature on one of the documents is the oldest public example of old Ukrainian writing. Being literate at the time when this was uncommon not only for women but for all royalty, she signed documents with the Cyrillic letters ?Ана Ръина,? that is ?Anna Regina,? meaning ?Anna the Queen,? while other officials only marked a cross in front of their names written by their clerks.
Anna could ride a horse, was knowledgeable in politics, and actively participated in governing France, especially after her husband died.
Henry the First respected his wife Anna so much that his many decrees bear the inscription ?With the consent of my wife Anna? and ?In the presence of Queen Anna.? French historians point out that there are no other cases in the French history when Royal decrees bear such inscriptions.
The date and place of Anna?s death are unknown, and the last mention of her dates back to 1075. It is assumed that this is the year she died and was likely buried in the Villiers Abbey cemetery (la Ferte-Alais town, Essonne department), which was destroyed during the French Revolution.
Anna of Kyiv is commemorated each year on September 5 in the church she founded in the town of Senlis. All the subsequent French kings were descendants of Anna.
In 2013, thanks to the support of Ukrainian entrepreneurs, the Ukrainian community in France purchased a historic building in Senlis, which began functioning as the Centre Culturel Anne de Kyiv and is dedicated to creating a dialogue between Ukraine and Western Europe and implementing cultural, art, scientific and educational projects. Every year, hundreds of visitors from different countries gather to celebrate Les Journ?es Anne de Kyiv.
(From Euromaidan Press)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 09, 2023, 09:30:02 am

Scythia ( Greek: Σκυθική) was a region of Central Eurasia in classical antiquity, occupied by the Eastern Iranian Scythians, incorporating Central Asia and parts of Eastern Europe east of the Vistula River, with the eastern edges of the region vaguely defined by the Greeks. The Ancient Greeks gave the name Scythia (or Great Scythia) to all the lands north-east of Europe and the northern coast of the Black Sea.
The Scythians inhabited Scythia from at least the 11th century BCE to the 2nd century CE.In the 7th century BCE, they controlled large swaths of territory throughout Eurasia, from the Black Sea across Siberia to the borders of China.
The founding of the Greek settlements on the Black Sea Coast dates back to the 7th and the 6th century BCE. It was a part of the  Great Greek colonization. Most of the cities in the north and west areas of Pontos were established by colonists from Miletus. Cities in this territory became essential economic and political units, playing a significant role in the area of continental Greece.
The Greek population came more often into contact with neighbouring tribes new trade centers were founded in the area. Scythians and Thracians became the main trading partners of Greeks and their neighbours in the eastern Mediterranean. The Bosporan kingdom, with the city of Pantikapaion as its center, was a substantial trade area.The commerce was focused on ceramics, food,and also slaves. Written evidence from that era include epigraphic records (records of ownership) from various Greek colonial cities, as well as accounts from ancient authors.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 11, 2023, 09:41:11 am
? Sumerian History ?
? Sumerians looked to the Heavens as they invented the System of Time? And we still use it today! One might find it curious that we divide the hours into 60 minutes and the days into 24 hours - why not a multiple of 10 or 12? Put quite simply, the answer is because the inventors of time did not operate on a decimal (base-10) or duodecimal (base-12) system but a sexagesimal (base-60) system. For the ancient Sumerian innovators who first divided the movements of the heavens into countable intervals, 60 was the perfect number. The number 60 can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30 equal parts. Moreover, ancient astronomers believed there were 360 days in a year, a number which 60 fits neatly into six times. The Sumerian Empire did not last. However, for more than 5,000 years the world has remained committed to their delineation of time.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 12, 2023, 08:25:49 am


The historiography of Normanist and anti-Normanist theories on the origins of Rus' : a review of modern historiography and major sources on Varangian controversy and other Scandinavian concepts of the origins of Rus (Ukraine, not ruzzia)



Before your eyes is the real face of a Muscovite who stole our history, identity, and freedom for 300 long years. It was he who attempted to destroy the entire nation, in September 1721, accepting the title - the First All-Russian Emperor.


Ivan III, a Muscovite, first tried to appoint himself the heir of Kievan Rus in 1460-70, sending letters to Rome, signing them as the prince of White Russia.

200 years have passed, pulsing with a thirst to emphasize its kinship with the European family of nations, already "Petrovian" Muscovy is trying to rebrand its name to the Greek transcription of Rus - Ρωσία (Russia).

Karl Marx in "Exposure of Diplomatic History of the 18th Century." wrote: Moscow history is sewn to the history of Rus with white threads!

Peter I, who hated all his Tatar-Muscovite entourage, was determined to turn the defeated Horde principality with imperial ambitions into a European state with a great history.

How it was:

Tsar Peter I Romanov consistently pursued a policy of limiting the autonomy of Left Bank and Slobid Ukraine, reducing Cossack freedoms and the Statute of Freedoms. After the death of Ivan Skoropadsky, the Cossacks were forbidden to elect their own Hetman.

In 1709, he ordered to reduce the number of students at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy from 2,000 to 161, ordered the best scientific and educational figures to move from Kyiv to Moscow.

In 1711-12, by order of Peter the Great, there was a forcible resettlement (deportation) of the population from the Right Bank Ukraine to the Left Bank (in Dyke Pole), and the complete liquidation of the Right Bank Cossack regiments. According to various estimates, up to 200,000 people were resettled, which is almost the entire population of the region.

1720 - the decree of Tsar Moskovi? prohibiting the printing of books in the Ukrainian language and the removal of Ukrainian texts from church books. "The old books should be compared with the books of the Great Russian press, so that there is no difference and special adverb in them, so that the spelling and accents exactly repeat the Moscow ones."

The tsar waged a long-term struggle for Muscovy's access to the Seas of Azov and the Black Sea, so he was hindered by the very existence of Hetman Ukraine. At that time, the goal of Ivan Mazepa, hetman of the Zaporizhzhya Army, was to unify the Cossack lands of Left Bank, Right Bank, Zaporizhzhia (Sichi), Slobozhanshchyna and Khanate Ukraine (Hanshchyna) into a single Ukrainian state under the hetman's regiment.

After Mazepa's unsuccessful support of the Swedish king Charles XII, Peter I ordered the destruction of the Hetman's capital, Baturyn. General Oleksandr Menshikov, up to 20,000 local residents, regardless of age and gender, including children and women with babies, were murdered.

"All of Ukraine is in blood", "Women and children on the wisteria of the saber", these were the names published by the leading newspapers of France - "Gazette de France", "Paris Gazette", "Lettres Historique".
"A terrible king, thirsty for blood in Ukraine. All the inhabitants of Baturin are cut down, as the inhuman customs of Muscovites dictate," "Menshikov shows the horrors of Moscow barbarism. People in it [Baturin] were cut down, churches were destroyed, houses were looted and burned."

Swedish historian Anders Friksel, author of "History of the Life of Charles XII", wrote: the Muscovites crucified the corpses of the Cossacks on rafts and let them down the Seim River (a tributary of the Desna) so that the population could see the fate of Baturin. In a letter from Glukhov, the Austrian ambassador Otto Player reported to Vienna: "Menshikov slaughtered everyone who was in Baturin, set fire to the ground and razed the city, seizing all property, weapons and 80 cannons."

The following were also burned (mostly with the inhabitants): Mayachka, Nekhvoroshch, Celeberda, Stary Kodak, Novy Kodak, Stari Sanzhary and Novy Sanzhary. The population was killed together with women and children. After the destruction, cities were completely burned and destroyed, including churches and monasteries.

Mazepa's supporters were impaled, quartered, hanged, or otherwise executed. In order to intimidate the population, the corpses of innocently killed townspeople were floated on rafts down the Dnieper.
Every week, during January-June 1709, up to 300 Zaporozhians, Cossacks, died in battles. If we add up the killed rebels and the number of Cossacks killed in the Battle of Poltava, it turns out that up to 40,000 Ukrainians supported Hetman I. Mazepa with their lives and active combat participation.

On November 12, 1708, by order of the Russian Tsar, Ivan Mazepa was anathema. The anathema was carried out by the Russian Orthodox Church in the Trinity Church (now defunct) in Glukhova, Sumy Oblast. According to the Lyzogubiv chronicle, on the eve of the arrival of the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, show executions of Ukrainian, local churchmen and monks were carried out, whose heads were hanged on the square in Glukhiv.

Tens of thousands of Ukrainian Cossacks and peasants, exiled to build fortresses and canals, died from hard work, disease and hunger. 104 versts of the Ladoga Canal were densely littered with corpses of Cossacks. "Window to Europe" ? the city of St. Petersburg was built on the bones of thousands of Ukrainians.

Author of the article: V. Belmas
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 14, 2023, 07:44:24 am

Kievans, do you know that...
Ancient names of districts of Kyiv have meaning...
Obolon ? is the root of the word "obolon ?", obviously comes at the time when the people of the continent spoke in one gram. Obolon - Italian bologna originates from one word, which means that
"in the summer, the meadows flow with countless lakes."
Division - ancient Slavs called the area under the mountain, or "under", "under".
Pechersk - has something to do with caves.
ткуelyani - in the place of modern муul?n was the sanctuary of the Slavic goddess of sadness - слоely and
became accustomed to us Zhulianami only at the beginning of the XX century. because of the fault of the imperial clerk that confused the letter,
Vydubič? - exactly in this place surfaced onto the shore ("Vidibaj God") wooden idol of Peruna, who threw into the river 988 year Prince Volodymyr at the baptized Russia.
And here in the area of Mount Kiril?vs гориko?̈ lived neither God nor idol, but a real dragon. According to reports, the legendary Gorinych was killed by Kyiv rich Cyril Kozhumiak, and a church was built on the site
Demiyivka appeared in the XIX century. and connected to the merchant demi.
Bor гіag?vka is named from the river bor борvka, on the banks of which grew bor відc від, or ?avel чки, from which the name bor щаc Бор (bor щаc Борc ща - ingredient).
Sirec лено comes from the production of unburnt brick, - sirc?.
Shulyavka - goes roots in Kiev Russia. Only then this area was named a little differently - Shelwiv borok (so called a short forest with lawns) and later the difficult to pronounce word was transformed into Shulyavka.
Koncha-Zaspa - in this place the Cossacks attacked the sleepy Polish army, and Polish guards, in order to wake the sleeping gentlemen, shouted loudly "Stop sleeping!" ".
Kurenivka - in Cossack times there were chickens.
Teremki - during the time of Kiev Russia there were teremi known.
Windy Mountains are hills near the vineyards where usually blows strong wind.
Osokorki - from the tree oskir, which is still often found in the area.
Vineyard is a place where grapes were grown.
Linden - from the lime alley on Pechersk, which used to belong to Lavra.
Galagans - from the surname of the hosts, deputies of Galagans.
Poznyaki - from the surname of Poznyaka, local assistant.
Darnytsia - by the version of the explorer A. Zheleznogo, the name of the settlement comes from the name r. Darnytsia. In some Turkic languages, the concept of "river" is expressed by the word "daria" (Amu-Darya - Mother of the river). For the first time Darnytsia is mentioned in 1509 in the ancient Slavic manuscripts from the mention that the great Duke of Lithuania gave the Monastery of the Monastery area of the river darnytsia.
Chokol?vka - from the surname of the owner of the printing house chokolova, who gave 9 thousand rubles to purchase land.
Karava?v? Cottages - the answer in the name, - there were the cottages of the famous surgeon in. A. Caravan.
Kuchmin Yar - from the surname of the per?oposelenc? Gregory Kuchma.
Vygur?v Сиina - named after the former owner - the court of Stanislav Vygury (the land near Kiev was given to him by the Polish King Sygismund).
Tro? кількаina - nearby were somehow the property of the Trinity Monastery, which a few hundred years ago settled by the residents of Chernihiv Governorate.
Libidska - from the name of the river Libid
Počajna - from the name of the river Počajna
Khreschatyk - from the name of the river Khreschatyks
Lukyanivka - named after Lukyan, who held the earth
Tatarka is from the Lower Rod Tatars who settled near the current Tatars відko Street (named in the 60s of the XIX century), and shortly settled on Podol near the Rye Market.
Protas?v Yar is known under the modern name from the beginning of the XIX century, when his lands were owned by the local peasant Protas.
Holos???̈vo is the name associated with the word proclaim. According to legend, after another Tatar attack on Kyiv exactly here the local residents of the city announced
- mourned the killed and captured.
Berestejka - from Ukrainian-speaking outdated topon?ma Berest?
Dorogo?ič? - comes from the "road to live", because was the place of accommodation velmo?.
Nivki is the name associated with the river nivko? that flowed on bor ріag?vc?
Svyatoshin - the name has leaks from the times of Kiev Rus and is related to the name of Chernihiv Prince Svyatoslav Davidovich, because these lands were his homeland and inherited him. On the slope of lit he went into černecetvo and in the people he was called svyatosha. This is a riddle in the Russian Spell.
B?lič? - formed from the features of relief and disgust. The place had a lot of white chalk, white mushrooms and squirrels in the woods. In the documents, the B?lyichi sanctuary was first mentioned in 1161
Berkovec Бер - 'tag' - sheep, because there was the presence of monastirs .kogo pasovis бірka. For the first time, 1240 is mentioned as the settlement of Berkov, which belonged to the Kyiv-Pechers шеkomu Monastery.
Bullock - local residents instead of horses harnessed the bulls that were held there, in wagons that were dragging commercial goods through the swamps.
Kn??ič? - according to legend, still in the prince of time, here had his palace solovej robber. Litopisn? same mentions of Bron Лі-Prince refer to 1125-1147. Polish royal dictionary mentions Knyazhichy as a settlement of monks in 1489.
Pus сa-Vodic? - the name of the area got from the word "Pus -a", that is thick, impassable forest, and a small river Vodic?, which no longer exists.
Straw is a straw hut where dependent villagers lived, "fixed" by the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and retired soldiers.
Bortnič? is the kind of occupations of the first settlers who in ancient times engaged in bortnicctvom - collecting in the forest honey wild bees from bortej.
The Chinese are from the ancient Slavic word "Whale" - " bound in a bunch " snip.
Korčuvate - comes from the ancient word "korč"
(a bush, a stump )
Berezn?ki - "Berezn?k" comes from the berezovogo grove that existed in this area.
Resurrection is from the name of the church "Resurrection of Christ", which is on Podol, which belonged these lands.
Trukhaniv is the daughter of Polovec зяkogo Khan Tugorkan (Tugorkhan), aka the wife of Prince Svyatopolka Iziaslavovich had her summer residence on the modern Trukhan island.
Rainbow - according to the idea of the ancient, here was " Paradise Bridge-Arc " between " Lower " and " Upper " worlds - that is a special holy place
From the chat "Minsk massif".

11 u
"Since the time of Kiev Russia, single documents have been preserved, instead of thousands of stamps. They have varied inscriptions, with pictures of princes, with rich iconography. And testify not just about the art world of Kiev Russia, about literacy - because many of them are done in Greek and done perfectly - but also indicate that we had a developed written culture. Because all these seals existed in the documents. The Museum of Sheremetyevih holds about 2,500 thousand stamps from that period. And it's one of the largest complexes in the world.
The next period is the so-called galic-volyn state, Russian kingdom or "dark ages". It covers 100 years after the Mongolian rush. So, from this period there is practically no l?topis?v (Galicia-Volynsky l?top?s covers only a short period after the Mongolian rush), the actual documents are counted units. At the same time, the Museum of Sheremetyev has hundreds of seals, which again open the curtain on the history of these "dark ages".
Next begins the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which is mistakenly also called the "Dark Ages". Although actually from the 15th century, from the first half of the 16th century we have received a huge number of documents and seals. And there you can see how high the culture was. Because even small government officials had their seals: with the inscription, with their coat of arms. And there are more than 1000 such in the museum. They all show that these are not the "dark ages", but a period that was filled with meanings, lives, figures.
Next is the Cossack period, a bright page in Ukrainian history that is very well illustrated by seals.
Imperial Age of the 19th century - and from this period to today there have been many attributes that show that despite the imperial unification, there were still some processes that tried to retain Ukrainian identity. Even Ukrainian-language stamps were preserved.
And finally, the age of free competition. In Ukraine, this is the largest collection of stamps from the times of the UNR, the Ukrainian state, and then again the UNR. Now 170 stamps of that period are presented at the exhibition "Sign on the Shield". The collection shows how much has been done over these three years of liberal competitions. There are stamps of a unique artistic level, and they can be compared to the stamps of Poland, the Baltic States, Czechoslovakia, Hungary. And Ukrainian are essentially better. Fedir Krychevsky worked on them, George Narbut are the pillars of that level.
There are also seals of the interwar period, World War II, other liberation competitions - as they are called in literature. There are stamps of oun, seals of the restored Ukrainian state 41th year. This all shows the gravity of Ukrainian history and tradition.
From the important: seals are proof that Ukraine is not just integrated into the European space, it formed it. "
This is a brief explanation of the history of Ukraine from Doctor of Historical Sciences Oleg Odnorozhenko. Read more about the museum in the first comment.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 15, 2023, 08:24:51 am

How did Moscow write for us our history? You are welcome.
Today the city of dnipro celebrates the day of its foundation. It happened on September 13, 1776 by the order of Catherine II.
This is a lie. Dnipro is much older.
At this place, on the left bank of the dnieper, there was the ancient Cossack city of samara (Old Samara), the center of the omenno?̈ palanka of the army of zaporizhzhya. After the Moscow Tsar broke his "Tsar's unbreakable word" in front of Ukrainians and made a separate Andrussevsky peace with the Poles, dividing Ukraine, Moscow Zarbans came to Samara, expelled the Cossacks from the city and founded the Virgin Fortress. It happened in 1667-1668.
About the ancient Cossack city now reminds one of the areas of the city of dnipro - samars заkij.
And opposite Samara, on the right bank of the dnieper stood another old Cossack city, the center of the kodak palanka of the army of zaporizhzhya - new kodak. It's known at least since the mid-19th century.
He was also destroyed by Muscovites during the "founding" of Katerinoslav.
This ancient Cossack city reminds of another district of the city of Dnipro called Novokodazky.
Both of these cities are marked on ancient maps. Both efforts of Moscow propaganda are forgotten and unlikely to all residents of the Dnieper know about them at all. For them, these are only the names of the administrative units of the city.
The history with Katerinoslav-Dnipropetrovsk-Dnipro one-on-one reminds the history of Luhansk-Voroshilovgrad-Luhansk. The one, according to written in Moscow history, was also "founded" by Catherine II in 1795, allegedly in the "Wild Field".
In fact, Lugansk is just a continuation of the history of the old settlements of the Kalmius діko?̈ Palanka - Kamyanogo Brod and Velika Vergunka. This reminds of the names of one of the districts of the city of Luhansk - Kamyanobrids Проkogo, and the village of Velika Vergunka.
All these fictions about "founding bridges" during Catherine II have one purpose: to make Ukrainians forget their own history. Forget that Mariupol was founded not by Catherine, but that it was previously a fortress city of the army of Zaporizhzhya House. What Donetsk stands in the place of the old Zaporizhzhya settlement Oleksandrivka. That Toretsk (former Dzerzhinsk) was founded not by the imperors in 1804, but by theologian Cossack Anton Shcherbina a century and a half earlier. This city until 1936 was called Scherbinivko?. What lisičans Щоk so cossack winters fox bajrak on dinc? and higher on dinc?. What Odesa is the city of kocyubiyiv, and kherson is the city of bilkhovychy.
And further down the list.
The fantasies of the Moscow imperial "historians" aim to justify Moscow's claims on these lands. On the same fictional "Novorosiya" in the nineteenth century, for which Kremlin mercenaries and "ihtamnets" are now fighting. So lies sprout in war and blood. Ukrainians must know this, too.
They must know their history and dn?pr?ni. And to mention Samar and the new Kodak when drinking beer this evening under the solemn, expensive and beautiful fireworks.
The people who do not know or forgot their past, have no future - said the smart Plato.
Are you interested in the past of our land and people? A little help for you - to investigate the most important and mysterious pages of history that I have the privilege of author. For a wide range of readers.
Classic paper books (autograph guaranteed) you can order from this link: http://pavlopraviy.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post_16.html
Electronic versions for symbolic fees here: https://pavlopraviy.blogspot.com/2018/10/blog-post.html

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 16, 2023, 09:17:01 am

Боян Бончев
6 d
ON SEPTEMBER 9, 1944 in Divdyadovo (now a Shumen neighborhood), Russian soldiers shot the oldest member of the BCP in the Shumen organization.
The old man tried to fight back when they started grabbing chickens and inventory from his yard.
The "Liberators" shoot him without explanation. In his letter to Stalin on the atrocities of the Russians, Georgi Dimitrov also mentions this case, when he asks him to order to stop the arbitrariness, robbery, murders and rapes committed by Red Army soldiers.
Three kilometers from there, in the yard of the military school, the Russians order the officers on-duty garrison lieutenant Petrov to surrender their weapons.
Lieutenant Petrov goes out, pulls out his personal pistol and proudly declares:
- The Bulgarian officer does not surrender his weapon! - then shoots himself in the blind eye.
On the same day, a group of Russian soldiers in Burgas found an industrial alcohol tank at the station. A BDZ officer, a supporter of BCP and Russophile, tries to explain to them that alcohol is poisonous, but they shoot him and get drunk to death. As far as I know, about 70 Soviet primas die from alcoholic poisoning with methyl alcohol. These are also the only victims that the Red Army makes on Bulgarian territory, not counting those killed in drunk fights among themselves.
In just 3 months after the occupation of Bulgaria by the Red Army, 30,000 Bulgarians were killed without trial and sentenced.
Over 2,000 priests were shot or thrown in prisons and concentration camps (in comparison - during the April Uprising, 20 priests were killed, not by a regular army, but by Bashibozuk and Cherkezi)
It wasn't until 1945. the Russian Church cancels the schism against the Bulgarian Church, imposed in 1872. to prevent unity of our nation.
Then the "liberators" release us from our entire state reserve of tobacco - 25 million kilograms, from our entire state reserves of pink oil - 5000 kg. (more expensive than gold), as well as the entire state reserve of lavender oil.
Then we are also "liberated" from the pension fund accumulated in the Kingdom of Bulgaria. The equivalent of 2 billion dollars. Since 1946 more practically Bulgarians are left without a pension fund.
Then we are also "freed from the entire BNB gold reserve - 32 tons of gold handed over to Moscow in the period 1960-1964.
At the same period, Bulgaria is paying the USSR oil at $25 per barrel at an international price of $18.
The "Liberators " , huh.
Georgi Georgiev
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 25, 2023, 08:30:24 am

Pi (π) has been known for almost 4000 years, but even if we calculated number of seconds in those 4000 years and calculated π to that number of places, we would still only be approximating its actual value.
Ancient Babylonians calculated area of a circle by taking 3 times square of its radius, which gave a value of pi = 3. One Babylonian tablet (1900?1680 BC) indicates a value of 3.125 for π, which is a closer approximation.
Rhind Papyrus (1650 BC) gives us insight into mathematics of ancient Egypt. Egyptians calculated area of a circle by a formula that gave the approximate value of 3.1605 for π.
First calculation of π was done by Archimedes of Syracuse (287?212 BC), one of greatest mathematicians of the ancient world. Archimedes approximated area of a circle by using Pythagorean Theorem to find areas of two regular polygons: polygon inscribed within circle and polygon within which circle was circumscribed. Since actual area of circle lies between the areas of inscribed and circumscribed polygons, areas of polygons gave upper and lower bounds for area of circle. Archimedes knew that he had not found value of π but only an approximation within those limits. In this way, Archimedes showed that π is between 3 1/7 and 3 10/71.
A similar approach was used by Zu Chongzhi (429?501 CE), a brilliant Chinese mathematician and astronomer. Zu Chongzhi would not have been familiar with Archimedes? method, but because his book has been lost, little is known of his work. He calculated value of ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter to be 355/113. To compute this accuracy for π, he must have started with an inscribed regular 24,576-gon and performed lengthy calculations involving hundreds of square roots carried out to 9 decimal places.
Blog: https://thetravelbible.com/museum-of-artifacts/
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 26, 2023, 08:05:13 am

Timothy Snyder: The making of Modern Ukriane | a number of youtubes

https://twitter.com/CarineKnapen/status/1702862930235019480   rustroll
a) 6.500 pro-RU DPR/LPR-soldaten
b) 4.400 Oekra?ense soldaten
c) 3.098 Oekra?ense burgers
d) 400-500 RU soldaten
e) 306 buitenlandse burgers (voornamelijk vlucht MH17 neergeschoten door RU troepen)


Waffen SS Halychyna

Historical post

In 1940, to compensate for the military losses of the Waffen-SS, about 18,000 recruits were needed. According to the agreement with the Wehrmacht, the SS could receive only 2% of the total number of German recruits, which was about 12,000 people per year. It was decided to compensate for the missing number by forming foreign SS units. The first units of this kind were units from the Volksdeutsche in Czechoslovakia. This was followed by the formation of units in the Benelux countries (Westland Regiment) and Scandinavian countries (5th SS Panzer Division Viking). From the inhabitants of Eastern Europe: 7th mountain division "Prince Eugen" from the Volksdeutsche Hungary, Romania and Yugoslavia (1942); division "Skanderbeg" in Albania and others.

In March 1943, the governor of the District "Galicia", SS Brigadef?hrer Otto Wechter, who was sympathetic to the Ukrainian national movement, established cooperation with the Ukrainian Central Committee (Ukrainian Representatives, leader Dr. Volodymyr Kubiyovych) and asked permission to form a police regiment "Galicia". Heinrich Himmler supported Wechter's initiative and suggested that the regiment be further developed into a division. The Military Administration created in Lviv for this purpose was headed by a Galician German, Alfred Bizantz, a former colonel of the UGA, a man well known in Western Ukraine. But in reality, the powers of the Office were minimal, and even the advice it gave to the Germans was ignored.

In negotiations with Dr. Otto Wechter, representatives of the Ukrainian side insisted on the following requirements:

- The division should be a Ukrainian division within the German army (and not a German division composed of Ukrainians), which should be reflected in the name, external insignia and command staff;

- The division should be formed as part of the Wehrmacht, since the "Waffen-SS" units did not have spiritual care of the soldiers, and this was of great importance for Ukrainian soldiers;

- Motorization of the division to such an extent that it had all types of weapons, including tanks;

- The division as a whole and its individual units cannot be used against their own people.

Initially, some of these requirements were fulfilled. According to Himmler's decision, the division was not called "Ukrainian"; in order not to promote the idea of Ukraine's independence, it was called "Galician" and consisted of the inhabitants of the country that used to belong to Austria, that is, "Austrian Galicians". The modern state emblem of Ukraine - "trident" - was only on the division's flag, and the division's insignia was the "Galician lion". At the beginning, all command posts from battalion and above were temporarily transferred to the Germans due to the lack of senior officers among Ukrainians.

Joining the Division, the Ukrainians hoped to create their first integral division (the main tactical combat unit of the ground forces), which would become the core of the Ukrainian army of a new model. They planned to receive military training and weapons necessary to implement the creation of a national army (hereinafter - UNA) to fight for an independent united Ukraine. To do this, some Ukrainians joined the ranks of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), while others joined the Galicia Division.

"Many divisional soldiers made this choice because they saw no prospects in the UPA. They had neither sufficient weapons nor appropriate military training. The guerrilla movement needed the support of a country. And there was no such help in the UPA. Not only we thought so, it was the same in the Baltics. The story of both Ukrainians and Balts fighting in the SS Viking was very similar, but ended differently. The Baltic countries, in particular Estonia and Latvia, recognized their SS divisions in the early 90s of the last century and equated them with the rights of veterans. The veteran advocated not only the need to grant such status to Galician divisions in modern Ukraine

The Ukrainian Waffen-SS Division "Galicia" was created on April 28, 1943 after the German troops were defeated in the Battle of Stalingrad. Recruitment of volunteers began in May. To carry out this action, a separate committee of former UGA officers called the "Military Administration" was organized, headed by Alfred Bizantz, a Galician German, former UGA colonel, and secretary - UGA centurion Osyp Navrotsky.

On July 18, 1943, a parade of recruits to the SS Galicia Division took place in Lviv. The governor of Galicia Dr. Wechter made a speech at the parade. The civilian population said goodbye to the volunteers. After the parade, the volunteers went by train to training.

SS Brigadef?hrer Walter Schimman was appointed as the division commander and was succeeded on November 20, 1943 by SS Brigadef?hrer Fritz Freitag, a former secret police officer who later commanded a regiment in the only police division on the front (4 Ss-Polizei-Panzergrenadier Division). Freitag was a very ambitious man, suspicious of his colleagues, and by his character was not well suited to lead the division. The division joined the "Waffen-SS" together with other national formations, but an exception was made for it, and "Galicia", the only one of all the multinational SS divisions, received the care of Catholic and then Orthodox priests. The division was formed as a semi-mechanized division, but not as a "Panzergrenadierdivision". The promise to use Ukrainians only on the eastern front was also not fully fulfilled. The Ukrainian side agreed to all these restrictions, considering them temporary and to be lifted after the division proves itself in combat.

Volunteers were recruited in May-June only among Ukrainians living in the present Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. Later, representatives of other regions, for example, the so-called Volyn Legion, and even captured Red Army soldiers joined the division.

On June 18, 1943, 84 thousand volunteers signed up, 52 thousand of whom passed the medical examination, but only 13 thousand were enrolled in the division. After the commissioning of those who fell ill and those who received a "reservation", the number of the future division was 11.5 thousand people, and in November 1943, 6 thousand more were drafted, so that 17,200 people were sent to training camps. After the front approached, there were many more people willing to enlist in the division, because young people had to either be mobilized to the Red Army or "go to the forest". Therefore, five more police battalions were formed from volunteers.

The motivation of the soldiers who volunteered to join this formation can be described by a quote from one of the soldiers: "I fought not for the Germans. We fought for an independent Ukraine. Knowing what the USSR was, even in my thoughts I did not want the red scum to trample on my native land..." - Stepan Movchan explained the reason for joining the division. Belonging to the German armed forces did not mean that the division members shared the ideology of National Socialism. As a rule, they were Ukrainian patriots who saw the division as the core of the future Ukrainian army. Their worldview and values were also determined by the fact that they were mostly believers, the division had its own chaplains (one in each regiment) who took care of the religious needs of the military.

At the beginning of World War II, no one in the world looked at Ukrainians as a people with the right to their own state. We were perceived as anyone - citizens of Poland, the USSR, Austria-Hungary, but not Ukraine. These views were based on the history of Ukrainian lands over the past 200-300 years, so for the global world politics the issue of creating a Ukrainian state in any form was not at all.

This does not mean that the world was anti-Ukrainian, no, just that no one considered it necessary to create a new state at the expense of existing lands. Therefore, the activities of radical Ukrainian nationalist organizations to proclaim independence in some separate Ukrainian territory, where they had such an opportunity, encountered steady opposition from other countries.

Carpathian Ukraine was crushed by Hungary and Poland, because no one in the world needed this state, and Bandera's act of June 30, 1941 led only to a senseless confrontation of Ukrainian nationalists with Germany.

The consequence of both these cases were numerous and, as it turned out, useless victims among the most effective and efficient stratum of the Ukrainian nationalist environment.

Analyzing all possible options of Ukrainian state-building, we can confidently state that the only way to create a state during the Second World War was the formation of a Ukrainian division in the SS troops - the 14th Volunteer Division of the SS troops "Galicia". No other Ukrainian "statehood path" in this period did not lead to a national state.

The main initiator of the creation of the division was the Galician governor Otto Wechter, who considered Galicia to be a region where German influence was traditionally strong, and the local population was viewed as loyal to the Reich.

Wechter's vision coincided with the opinion of many Nazi leaders, and in particular, Hitler, who on May 19, 1943 stated: "Russian Ukraine must not be compared to Austrian Galicia; the Ukrainians living in Galicia have been under Austrian rule for a very long time. These Austro-Galician Rusyns are closely connected with the Austrian state".

It is not for nothing that Galicia was turned into a separate district in 1941 and included in the Governorate General, and not in the Reich Commissariat "Ukraine", while allowing the existence of many Ukrainian national organizations.

The latter fact shows that the Nazis did not intend to "dissolve" Galicians among the Germans, on the contrary, Ukrainian identity was emphasized.

Wechter managed to convince SS Reichsf?hrer Himmler that the SS troops desperately needed another foreign division, and he proved it to Hitler, who in the spring of 1943 gave his consent to the creation of the Galician division of the SS troops.

Wechter's interests coincided with the interests of Ukrainian nationalist circles that officially operated in the Reich. We are talking about the Ukrainian Central Committee, which did not recognize the underground struggle and sought to establish official ties with the German administration and strengthen Ukrainian positions in Europe.

Thus, Ukrainians, supporting the creation of the division, also made their civilizational choice, like the Germans. In general, the motives of the Ukrainian elite did not differ significantly from the goals of representatives of other European nations, who in 1940-1944 created national legions in the ranks of the SS. Therefore, the main purpose of the division was to try to win the Ukrainian people a place in Europe.

Wechter spoke : "Galician-Ukrainian youth, you have earned the right to do so, you are the ones called to fight your mortal enemy, the Bolshevik, to fight for your faith and homeland, for your families and native fields, for a just, new order in the victorious New Europe." In the Nazis' understanding, Ukrainians had to earn the right to their own state by showing that the Ukrainian nation was mature and strong.

Thus, a place in the New Europe was the main political reason for the creation of the division, which was to become the bridge on which the stateless people could achieve their dream statehood.

Historian Mykola Posivnych notes that: "There was very good propaganda and SS stood for Sich Riflemen (even now, veterans say that the SS means Sichovi Striltsi (this is the Ukrainian army which, together with Poland, saved Europe from the march of the Russians, who were trying to occupy all of Europe)). Therefore, so many educated people joined the division for patriotic reasons. They identified themselves with those who are fighting for an independent Ukraine.

In 1943, everyone was still silent about the crimes of the Nazis. Only when the first troops of the Western Allies entered the concentration camps, the world learned about Hitler's crimes. Before that, everyone was silent and did not care about Nazi crimes. OUN leadership of Stepan Bandera condemned the creation of the division as a harmful political project that would not serve Ukrainian interests, that Ukrainians would again find themselves between a rock and a hard place. And so it happened.

Other names of the military formation:

Galician SS Rifle Division (Galizische SS-Sch?tzendivision) (May 1943) - the name during the recruitment of volunteers.

"Galicia SS Volunteer Division" from May 30 to October 22, 1943.

"14th Galician SS Volunteer Division", from October 22, 1943 to June 27, 1944.

"14th SS Military Grenadier Division (Galician No. 1)", from 27 June to 12 November 1944.

"14th SS Grenadier Division (Ukrainian No. 1)" from 12 November 1944 to 25 April 1945.

"1st Ukrainian Division of the Ukrainian National Army" and from 25 April to 8 May 1945.

14th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division "Galicia". The word "Waffen" in translation meant "weapon" or "army" and was added to the military (front) units of the SS.

On September 5, 1944, an order was issued on the new formation of the division. By December 31, the division had to be ready for combat operations.

By this time, the political situation around the division had changed radically. October 17, 1944. Himmler allowed to change the name of the division to 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (Ukrainian Nr.1).

In Polish historiography, there is false evidence of the participation of the SS Division "Galicia" in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising. Because the rebellious Poles called all foreign units that fought on the side of Germany Ukrainian. First of all, they spoke about Kaminsky's brigade. A number of researchers claim that the Ukrainian Legion under the command of Petro Dyachenko took part in the suppression of the uprising, which, however, was later incorporated into the Galicia Division.

On September 28, the SS command ordered the division to move to Slovakia to protect the area near the town of Zhylina from partisans, where the division continued to reorganize. In Slovakia, the local population, hostile to the Communists, treated the division well. Soldiers of the division even took under their protection Slovak workers who were terrorized by communist partisans. On January 26, 1945, the division was transferred to Yugoslavia, where it fought against Tito's partisans.

Later the division was transferred to Austria, where it participated in the battles near the castle of Gleichenber. The battle ended in victory for the division, and two Ukrainians were awarded Iron Crosses of the 1st class: Lieutenants Volodymyr Kozak and Ostap Chuchkevych. On April 15, 1945, Volodymyr Kozak at the head of his unit lifted the blockade of Gleichenber castle, and Ostap Chuchkevych on April 6 and 8, 1945, led successful counterattacks of the "Galicians", during which they managed to recapture the former combat positions.

In late 1944, the Germans offered Ukrainians to create the Ukrainian National Committee (UNC) as a representative of the Ukrainian people. However, the Germans insisted that the UNK be an integral part of the Russian "Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia", headed by General Vlasov, which the Ukrainians refused.

On March 12, 1945, the German government recognized the UNK led by General Pavlo Shandruk as the only representative of the Ukrainian people with the right to organize the Ukrainian National Army (UNA). On March 15, Pavlo Shandruk was appointed Commander of the UNA, and General Arkady Valiysky was appointed Chief of Staff, and on March 17, the formation of the UNA began.

The regular units of the UPA were to include: - the Division "Galicia", which from April 19, 1945 was called the "1st Ukrainian Division of the UPA" (1 UD UPA); - all Ukrainian volunteer formations that were part of various German units and since 1943 were called the "Ukrainian Liberation Army" (ULA); - volunteers from among Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilian workers in Germany; - air defense batteries formed from Ukrainian youth. On April 7, 1945, when the Red Army had already captured the eastern suburbs of Berlin, General Shandruk left for the 1st UD, which was at the front in the Feldbach area, and arrived there on April 18. He introduced to the staff the future new division commander, and for the time being the Chief of Staff, General Mykhailo Krat.

On April 25, the division's units took the oath of allegiance to Ukraine. On May 7, after learning about the inevitable surrender of Germany at 1 am on May 9, General Shandruk ordered the division to withdraw from the front line no later than May 8 and cross the Mura River to the zone of occupation of Western troops by forced march. The division sappers built a bridge across the river, which was used not only by the division, but also by German and Hungarian units on the retreat. The Red Army troops in the area of Judenburg cut the division into two parts with a tank attack. Nevertheless, the main part of the division ended up in the British occupation zone in the Tamsweg area, and the command of the UPA and a smaller part of the 1st UD were interned by the Americans in Radstadt.

The British moved about 12 thousand people from the "Galicia" Division to the internment camp in Spital, and from there - to Italy, where they were in camps in Bellaria, and from November 1945 to May 1947 - in Rimini. While in Rimini, the divisional soldiers demonstrated their patriotism, gathering daily for the procedure of raising the national flag. In May-June 1947, all Ukrainians, except for 1052 people who expressed a desire to return to the USSR and 176 who joined the 2nd Polish Corps of General Anders, were transported to England. There they were placed in prisoner of war camps, where they were involved in agricultural work. The complete liberation came at the end of 1948. After the liberation, the former soldiers of the division went all over the world - to the USA, Canada, Australia, Argentina.

Unlike other units formed from former Soviet citizens, SS "Galicia" soldiers were not extradited to the Soviet government, which some historians explain by the influence of the Vatican.

After the end of World War II, for years there were allegations of war crimes committed by members of the division, particularly against Poles and Jews. At the request of the Wiesenthal Foundation and some members of the Canadian Parliament, a government commission known as the Deschene Commission was established in 1986. It was to investigate the facts of hiding war criminals in Canada, including former soldiers of the division. After studying archival materials and interrogating witnesses, the commission in its official decision of 1987 recognized that:

- There was no evidence of crimes committed by the Galicia Division,

- Membership in the division could not be the basis for prosecution in Canada,

- There were no grounds for deprivation of citizenship or prosecution of veterans of the division in Canada.

The Nuremberg Trials, which lasted from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946 and tried Nazi war crimes, also found no evidence of her committing war crimes. It was not mentioned in the indictment and not a single Galician soldier was convicted.

In addition, there is evidence from combat veterans that the SS Galicia stole weapons from the Nazis and handed them over to the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Similar divisions were created in most countries occupied by the USSR and all of them fought for the independence of their own states and did not participate in any punitive operations.

In Ukraine, the SS Galicia Division is perceived as heroes, we have streets named after them, we celebrate the anniversary of the division's creation and Ukrainians are very outraged that on many websites the coat of arms of the SS Galicia Division, which is taken from the Lviv coat of arms, is declared Nazi and can be punished.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 27, 2023, 08:52:22 am

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op september 29, 2023, 07:51:26 am

 Voltaire's history of Charles XII, king of Sweden
page n314
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 02, 2023, 08:27:52 am

From an important map . The lands of Ukraine in the III - IV centuries. Chernyakhiv archaeological culture. Ukraine encompasses all of Besarabia and WESTERN Moldava..... and SO has been going on since the 3rd century. e until the 17th century when in the Principality of Moldava the language of business was UKRAINIAN and in the capital sočava, not sučava, as they call it today. Sočava from the word UKRAINIAN sočitis Н ..... Prince Peter of the Tomb was born. And Cute Galich, founded 450 years before Peter. Hide?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 03, 2023, 07:25:18 am

The name is the struggle for Ukrainian statehood. Restoration of the princely dynasty in Kyiv Confirmation of the conditions of the Brest Peace Treaty of 1435. Document of 1436
Authors - Marina Trattner (Sweden), Boris Cherkas (Ukraine)
Translation by Stanislav Parkhomenko (Ukraine)
"This document we found in the State Archives of Sweden in Stockholm on April 18, 2023 in volume 117, Section Extranea, IX Poland, Documents and Letters, 3. Polish archive, which during the war of King Karl X Gustav was delivered to Sweden (from the collection of Tide) (orig. flight. Extradition 117, IX Polen, a. Actions and letters, 3. Polish archives brought to Sweden during Karl X Gustav's war (from Tid?saml. ). The document had no name, only the number 1436 was indicated above. The text was written in Latin with abbreviations typical for texts of the time, but we were able to distinguish the names of the authors of the document, the name of King Vladislav, the Grand Dukes of Vitovta and Svidrigayla and the surname Rus. The decision was made to analyze the document, read it and translate it into Ukrainian.
We contributed to the analysis of the text of Ukrainian historians and linguists from Kharkiv. In the process of working on the document, it was revealed that this is a confirmation of the positions of the Brest Peace Treaty of 1435 between the Crown of Poland, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russian and Zemaitia and the Tevtonsk Order. Spontaneously you could say that this peace treaty was signed after the civil war in Lithuania and had nothing to do with us, but is it really so? "Read more on the spalts of the collection.
Included is a fragment of the map "Ukrainian lands in the 15th century. " from the Atlas of the History of Ukraine 2012 of the NAN History Institute of Ukraine
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 08, 2023, 09:37:18 am

When the enemy bursts the cynical lie that Ukraine was created by the Jew Lenin, is it possible to just sit and be silent?
When you realize that your history is over 30,000 years old and that the ancestors who lived on this earth have implanted such a powerful genetic code in you, were so advanced back then, you get the urge to ask, why don't we know all this?
Then you understand: to know, you need someone to tell.
The Trypil civilization began 7.5 thousand years ago and existed for over three and a half thousand years, occupying almost the entire territory of Ukraine!
Pablo Picasso said in vain: "An artist who does not know what Tripil culture is, cannot consider himself an artist."
Agriculture and industry appeared for the first time in Ukraine. Horse, cow and other animals were tamed for the first time.
The wheel and cart were invented for the first time, and it was of little more importance to mankind than all nuclear physics.
The first hole was harvested and planted cereals, vegetables and gardens. Baked the handicrafts
the sun is a wheat mill.
Why not from wild wheat, but from cultured, which was derived as a result of complex selection work, when the useful chromosomes of several wild forms were combined in a harmonious bond.
For the first time on the planet, a two-, three-storey city building has begun
temples, observatories, highways, pyramids of Ukrainian steppes - Scyphs graves, cyclopic fortification structures (Serpent shafts - long before the Chinese wall).
She was created amazingly rich
Tripil language that counted 20 thousand words. First literature and first poetry, different types of art.
Born unzbagnenno perfect science and engineering technique. Here appeared the first cosmogony, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, agronomy, religion, magic, etc. d.
This accurately calculates the radius of the Earth, the orbits of the planets, with an accuracy of 0.9 sec. - duration of a month and 0.4 sec. -duration of a solar year etc. nRent
Tripil astronomers perfectly knew the star map of the sky and its patterns, based on the law of periodic celestial phenomena and the movement of celestial lights.
The ancient cosmogony was based on continuous observations of stars and planets. Primitive observatories were found in almost every village - usually near temples. Thinkers of Trypillia have universally approached the law of phenomena of the nature of periodicity, in particular on the basis of what they observed on the basis of the common phenomenon of seven-fold repetition of various phenomena - the seven-element characteristics of zodiacal movements, the seven-color palette of musical notes, etc. d.
Tripilc? were the first to create the magic of numbers, cabal, astrology.
(O. Gubko "Ukrainian civilization")
Tripil civilization is the best thing in the world! And it's better what we have!
World civilization began here on Ukrainian lands, and it was created by our ancestors.
The Ukrainian people should know that with such historical ancestral roots it is a great nation. Behind us is the magnificent Tripil civilization, we are the direct descendants of the people who gave birth to all the Indo-European peoples that went to Europe and Asia.
In our genetic code - the most powerful potential and real power to Defeat Russia, spread its wings, become masters on their land and the Spiritual and Intellectual Center of Europe.
We lived here before the flood.
Our root in the earth is growing v?s.
And before teaching us, Europe,
Take a good look at yourself from the side.
You called us a fur coat.
Oblish: we don't care about your smile,
Because then we have already whitened the House,
How have you not come out of the caves yet.
These are lines from the poem of Boris Ol?jnik.

Not long ago, historians believed that they wrote very little in Russia. Only one is known for the 10-12th century (!!! ) the document that has been preserved until our time is the literature of Prince Mstislav 1128-1132 years. But also her dating is a question mark. In the second half of the 20th century, archaeologists found birch letters - notes on birch bark that does not rot in some soil; then they discovered numerous graffiti on temple walls with inscriptions of various characters - from prayers to princely acts. The findings of stylists - sharp sticks made of solid materials for writing on wax, birch and lead sheets were more popular. All this testified that the broad layers of the population could write. However, the most shocking figure is the number of seals that have sealed their letters or letters to princes and duchesses, bishops and monks, cowards and jailers. More than 10,000 lead stamps that used to be stuck to a document didn't land in the ground and unlike parchment, exist today. We cannot even imagine the treasure our history has lost! Over 10,000 texts with their names, stories, affairs, relationships, political relations, names, taxes, laws, messages, donations, covenants, debt records and just letters from Yaroslavn to Igor!.. More than 1,000 Byzantine letters should be added to this figure, which left only stamps...
In the photo seal of Prince Oleg Svyatoslavich - one of the most famous princes of the second half of 11 - the beginning of 12 century, the founder of the černihiv branch of r?rikovič?v - olgovich?v. Without her existence, we would never have known to you about the title this Prince once had - "Prince Tmutarakani and Lord (warrior) of all the Gods".
Subscribe to my page Alexander Alfyorov, soon I will post a few more interesting stories - what those documents could tell.
There are more interesting videos from the history of Ukraine on my YouTube channel Oleksandr Alf'orov.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 09, 2023, 07:38:12 am

The famous Varangian Guard, described by Roman writers as 'axe-wielding barbarians', 'the emperor's wine-bags' and so forth, seem to have survived the fall of Constantinople. Along with other Roman institutions, they found a new home in Nicaea under the Laskarid emperors.
The main reference comes from George Pachymeres (born 1242), who records the presence of 'axe-bearing Celts' guarding the imperial treasury at Magnesia in 1258. Roman writers made virtually no distinction between English, Norse or 'Celts' - so far as they were concerned, these men were all hairy Western barbarians, good at fighting and drinking and not much else. They might have said that; I could not possibly comment.
Magnesia itself was an imperial residence north of the main Laskarid palace at Nymphaion, along the valley of the Hermos River at the foot of Mount Sipylos. It was an important centre of commerce and the location of the imperial treasury and mint; Theodore II Laskaris called the city the "golden Magnesia", and spent much time there in the later years of his life.

In 1249 the Great Khan of the Mongols, G?y?k, decided to assert his authority in the Seljuk sultanate of Rum. He gave his choice as sultan, Kilij Arslan, two thousand Mongol horsemen, and the daughter of a Mongol general in marriage. Kilij was then sent off to destroy his elder brother, Kaykaus, who had the support of the Roman emperor, Vatatzes.
This was, among other things, a war between Vatatzes and the Mongols. The Roman emperor wanted to avoid two outcomes: direct conflict with the Mongols, and being forced to become their vassal.
His policy was vindicated at Aksaray (Aksaray province, Turkey) where, on 14 June 1249, Kaykaus defeated Kilij Arslan in battle. Afterwards, the Mongols agreed to divide Rum between the brothers, which reduced the threat to Nicaea. Then, after the death of G?y?k, the Mongol state collapsed into internal warfare.
Thus, Vatatzes had staved off the Mongol threat. It re-emerged in 1251, when Hulagu Khan ? a grandson of Genghis ? sent an embassy to Nicaea. These embassies were usually the prelude to invasion.
Vatatzes was too good a chess player to fall into such a trap: he bribed the Mongol ambassador, who agreed to become the emperor's agent. The 'terror from the East' was no match for the emperor's diplomacy.
(Attached is a pic of Hulagu Khan and his queen, Doquz Quatun, depicted as the new Constantine and Helen in a Syriac bible)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 11, 2023, 09:10:56 am

Ukrainians have created about 200,000 Ukrainian folk songs! No nation in history has as many songs as the Ukrainian people created on their own! UNESCO has collected an amazing record of folk songs from countries around the world. There are 15,500 songs in the fund of Ukraine. Italy is in second place with 6,000 folk songs.
The collective "Zozulenka" - the future of Ukraine - the song "Scatter the horse guys."
#OpenUkraine #Украина #Україна #песня #Зозуленька #Розпрягайте_хлопцы_коней
Ukrainians have created about 200 thousand Ukrainian folk songs! No nation in history has as many songs as the Ukrainian people created on their own! UNESCO has collected an amazing phototeka of folk songs of countries around the world. There are 15.5 thousand songs in the fund of Ukraine. Italy is in second place with 6 thousand folk songs.
Collective "Zozulen коka" - the future of Ukraine - the song "Rozpryagajte guys horses".
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 12, 2023, 11:08:03 am
1918 Ukraine
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 13, 2023, 11:09:49 am

This man lived in the Middle East 100 thousand years ago. His skeleton was found in 1932. At one time he was considered the oldest sapiens on the planet.

The Skhul Grotto is located on the western slope of Mount Carmel in Israel. Excavations here began in 1929. During further excavations, skeletons of 10 individuals (both adults and children) were found; individual bones4 individuals. In addition, archaeologists have discovered more than 10 thousand stone tools belonging to the Mousterian culture. This culture in Europe is usually associated with Neanderthals. It is believed that the burials of people were deliberate, although the contours of the burial pits are not traceable. 9 out of 10 skeletons have bent legs.

The cave deposits have been dated several times. Using various methods (uranium series, electron spin resonance, thermoluminescence), a date range from 80 to 120 thousand years was obtained.

What species were the Skhul people? The proposed name was Palaeoanthropus palestinensis, "Near Eastern paleoanthropes". Then it was suggested that the Skhuls are mestizos of sapiens and Neanderthals. According to modern data, approximately 100 thousand years ago, a mixture of two types of ancient people could have occurred in the Middle East. It is significant that Neanderthal bones were found in the nearby Tabun Cave, on the southwestern slope of Mount Carmel. These Neanderthals were once thought to be the ancestors of Middle Eastern sapiens, but when finds from both caves were dated, it became clear that the Skhul and Tabun hominins lived around the same time.

The Skhul hominin is now often identified as an early anatomically modern human, Homo sapiens.

The skeleton of Skhul V was discovered in 1932. It belonged to a man 30-45 years old. The skeleton lay on its back, legs bent at the knees and pressed to the pelvis. The lower jaw of a wild boar was found on the chest, probably placed at the time of burial.

The cranial vault is relatively high, the massiveness is strong. There is a large eyebrow and strong occipital relief. The face is low and wide. The jaws protrude forward. The nasal opening is wide. The chin protuberance is well defined, but the chin does not protrude.
The brain is large, 1520 cc. Height is tall (173 ? 178 cm), body proportions are equatorial.

The man suffered from a dental abscess and rheumatoid arthritis of the lower jaw.

Recently, the Brazilian reconstructor Cicero Moraes completed a virtual portrait of the man Skhul V. As the author of the reconstruction notes, modern man seems ?fragile? in comparison with this ancient man. ?This makes us ask the question, what defines modern and archaic humans, what distinguishes Homo sapiens from Neanderthals??
This is not the first reconstruction of the khulets. Another famous portrait of the man Skhul V was made by Mikhail Gerasimov. His work, in our subjective opinion, makes a stronger impression.
The press wrote that Skhul V claims to be the oldest sapiens, but this has long been no longer the case. The skull of early sapiens from Omo (Ethiopia) is 200 thousand years old, sapiens from Jebel Irhoud lived 300 thousand years ago.


international team of scientists has confirmed the findings of previous studies that people carrying three variants of the Neanderthal gene are more sensitive to some types of pain compared to those whodoes not have such alleles. They were able to identify these painful sensations.

Previous research has identified three variants of the SCN9A gene, known as M932L, V991L and D1908G, in the sequenced genomes of Neanderthals, which were associated with increased sensitivity to pain. But the specific sensory responses affected by these gene variants were unknown.

An international team of scientists, which included specialists from the universities of California (USA), Fudan (China), Stockholm (Sweden), Oxford (UK) and other scientific organizations, measured the pain threshold of 5971 residents of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru in response to a number of stimuli (it is known that among Latin Americans three variants of the SCN9A gene are widespread, but among Europeans they are almost never found). The findings are presented in the journal Communications Biology.

The researchers found that all three gene variants were associated with a lower pain threshold in response to skin tingling after exposure to mustard oil. But the response to heat and pressure did not differ from that of people who do not have similar gene variants. In addition, the scientists found that having all three alleles was associated with greater sensitivity to pain than just one of them.

The authors also learned that the three Neanderthal gene variants were much more common in populations with a higher proportion of Native American ancestry, such as Peru, where the proportion was 66 percent.


Roksolans are the Iranian-speaking nomads who inhabited the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region in the first half of the first millennium AD. They were first mentioned by the Greek historian Strabo as nomads who used carts. In his time these tribes were nomadicbetween the Don and the Dnieper, in the Azov Sea basin. Under the Roman Emperor Nero (54-68), the Roxolani moved to the Danube and crossed the borders of the Roman Empire, invading the province of Moesia.

Subsequently, until the 3rd century, they remained on the Lower Danube and posed a constant threat to Rome. Under Emperor Trajan (98-117), they participated in the Dacian War, fighting against the Romans. Emperor Hadrian (117-138) concluded an agreement with the Roxolani, according to which he was forced to pay an annual tribute to the warlike nomads. Subsequently, the Roxolani, with the permission of Rome, crossed the Danube and entered military service with the Romans.

In the 4th century, the Huns who came from the east conquered most of the Roxolans. Later they were assimilated by other peoples of Europe and, starting from the 6th century, mentions of them are no longer found.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 15, 2023, 09:57:16 am

A grim statistic: Ukraine will soon record the highest number of widows in the world. On Friday, Mayor Kiychko presented awards to families of fallen defenders noting that Kyiv provides aid to families, psychological help and free meals for children in schools and kindergartens.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 20, 2023, 08:25:59 am
from VK:

Hundreds of analogues of Arkaim have been found in the Southern Urals. The age of the oldest cities is 9-10 thousand years.

At one time, the discovery of a city like Arkaim caused a lot of noise. Scientists of different ranks and titles argued with each other about what this settlement actually was? Some argued that thisa full-fledged city. Others considered Arkaim a large-scale forging center of metallurgy. Still others even claimed that this was a sacred observatory of the gods. There were plenty of opinions, and everyone argued that this discovery was unique in its kind.

In 1987, researchers first started talking about the discovery of Arkaim. Not many years have passed, but there are already rumors about dozens and even hundreds of similar settlements. Moreover, some are larger than Arkaim, others are smaller, but they are all made using the same technology and have the same shape. That is, experts confidently declare that there was a huge civilization that built cities according to the same pattern.

The age of most of these settlements is older than that of Arkaim. The most ancient cities were discovered in the territories of Bashkiria, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan (up to 7 thousand years old). Since we are talking about other countries, it is important to clarify what the area of ​​​​the Arkaim-like cities that were built was. It turns out that they are scattered from Crimea to the Amur region. The most northern settlements were found in the Tyumen, Tomsk and Irkutsk regions, and they went south, occupying the territories of modern Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey and a little Israel.

I agree that these vast lands were inhabited by hundreds of peoples, but many researchers argue that the city builders were the same. In principle, if you remember what an incredible area Tartaria occupied, then it is not surprising that the country of cities included dozens of large countries. Unions in ancient times were much larger than they are today. The tendency since the 18th century to fragment into small countries led to the fact that the USSR was considered a great power in geographical terms. But this is only a third of that very Tartaria or the united country of Indo-European cities that lived many thousands of years ago.

A recent discovery by scientists in Bashkiria made it possible to discover three previously unknown cities at once. All of them today are under the water of Lake Chebarkul. And this is surprising, since the reservoir is at least 9 thousand years old. Naturally, there is no point in building a city under water, which means it was built even earlier. Can you imagine how incredible this antiquity is? And we are told that the ancestors were foolish savages.

On the contrary, they built standard structures long before Ancient Egypt, China, India, Greece, Rome, Malta, the Mayan and Aztec Empires. At the same time, I am not saying that it was built by the Slavs, Russes or Aryans. The wording ? Indo-Europeans ? suits me. The fact is that in these ancient settlements there were no preserved sources of writing, therefore, it is extremely difficult to understand exactly which people introduced this culture, which spread over tens of thousands of kilometers. One thing is clear - the origins of this civilization go back to remote antiquity, about which practically nothing is known. The more interesting it is to make discoveries.

from Facebook

My impressions of the movie "Volyn"
I watched the movie "Volyn" at the regular session in one of the cinemas in the center of Warsaw. The hall was packed, it was impossible to buy a ticket directly before the show. Almost the entire audience is young people. the girls and the boys. No one left the theater during the movie, although some covered their faces with their hands or turned away from the screen during the most brutal moments. Walked out stunned by what we saw. I understand what the creators of the movie were doing, but I am very curious why a 20-year-old Polish guy invites his girlfriend on a Saturday night to a violent movie about the events that took place more than 50 years before their birth?
The film is primarily not a work of cinematography, but a declaration of the position of the creators of the film on the past and future relations between Polish and Ukrainian and peoples.
The authors don't even try to tell a story, their job is to demonstrate the archetypes ? Ukrainian and Polish peasants, German and Soviet military, Jewish shinkars and teachers, Catholic and Orthodox priests, etc. The authors are not sorry for this neither fantasy, nor artistic means. The help of the director comes frank naturalistic cruelty and acting ensemble, a large part of which are actors speaking Ukrainian without any accent. I recognized only one of them, the faces and surnames of others do not tell me anything, except that there are Ukrainian artists, for whom the content of the movie in which they are shot does not matter.
The formation of archetypes is achieved mainly through comparisons and hyperbole. As separate bonuses - historical falsehood and abuse of naturalistic violence. In the movie, the crimes of Hitler?vc?v and the Soviets look much less barbaric compared to the methods Ukrainian peasants kill Poles - if the Germans only hang and shoot, the Ukrainians rip the skin of people alive, cut off heads, burn children, tying them in rye beams, gouge out their eyes, patra?t ють women's lives, etc. And if in the Germans and Russians it's done by the SS and NKVS, Ukrainians are simple peasants who have not recently been together with their innocent victims at the wedding.
The characteristic moment is the scene in which one of the characters-poles gets into the ambush of the Soviet-guerrillas. The squad commander addresses him with words: "don't be afraid, we are not Ukrainians. Give us food and moonshine and you can go. ?
The most pokazovim is the dramatic move that explains the motivation of Ukrainians who commit terror against the Polish people. At the beginning of the movie, drunk Ukrainian peasants in conversation with each other complain about suppression by the Polish authorities and express their "support for Hitler and Bandera". That's it. No illustration except episode of Polish girl marrying an old wealthy Pole instead of a young but poor Ukrainian guy. This guy is one of the few more or less positive Ukrainian characters in the whole movie.
Much of the movie is dedicated to creating a completely unambiguous image of Ukrainian nationalists. It's simple here - Bandera is already in the first stage in the same line with Hitler, all atrocities are committed under the shouts of the slogans "Glory to Ukraine! Hail to the Heroes! ", " for free Ukraine ", " glory to the nation! ?etc. To enhance the dramatic effect in the movie, the Decalogue of Ukrainian nationalist is constantly cited. Most of the Decalogue points are chanted by UPA fighters depicted in vicious flashes of fire on violent faces with fanatically gnawed eyes.
The culmination of the film is the rescue scene of the protagonist that is needed to authenticate the narrative - remains a living witness who can tell the truth. Thus salvation comes from a squad of Germans who, at the moment of the apogee of the bloody massacre, act with force that brings order.
This movie is a work of art, not a history textbook - the director claims in one of his interviews. But feature films have a much stronger impact on public opinion than any textbooks. The film contains a lot of associative chains with our present, primarily due to the use of Ukrainians in the tape of slogans and symbols, which are already more firmly tied to the events of the present than in the past. Anthem "not dead Ukraine yet", Blue-Yellow Flag, Slogan " Glory to Ukraine! Hail to the Heroes! ?, "For a free Ukraine! ?etc - today they are symbols of Ukrainian Independence, heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, fighters who are fighting a war with occupiers in eastern Ukraine.
Who's got a free kick out of this today? What will the viewing of this tape by a wide audience in Poland lead to? And in Russia? And in Ukraine? These are rhetorical matters.
In his time, the way to a true understanding between neighboring peoples was defined by Pope John Paul II, who offered the formula "We forgive and ask forgiveness! ". Unfortunately, the film "Volyn" can only initiate a dialogue of completely opposite content.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 21, 2023, 09:41:55 am

36-year-old resident of Kyiv Marina Vyazovsky managed to solve a mathematical problem that scientists around the world have been working on unsuccessfully for the past 400 years. Marina, as it turned out, took only two years to figure it out... And it became a real sensation in world science.
At school, the girl studied well, giving preference among other subjects of mathematics, and in 1998 entered the Kyiv natural science lyceum No145, which is near the Olympic stadium.
"Then there was the Kyiv University named after Taras Shevchenko. Faculty of Mechanical and Mathematics at Kyiv University Taras is the best place to study mathematics. This is what my teacher convinced me. Then this option can't make me better: I wanted to study at Kyiv and except math, I was not interested in anything,"- says Vyazovsky.
During her studies, Marina participated in the Math Olympics in 2002?2005, easily winning the highest awards. In 2005, Vyazovsky received a bachelor's degree in mathematics... After what went to study in Germany, to Kaiserslautern Technical University, for the purpose of getting a master's degree.
"I had to choose: to stay in Kyiv and look for a job or continue my studies abroad. So I got a master's degree in the German city Kaiserslautern... I believe that in Ukraine, both in schools and in primary courses at the university teach better than in Germany.
But already in the fourth year in Ukraine, most students begin to settle for work... In Germany, however, students spend more time studying, they do not look for a job, putting their education on the second plan.
In May 2010 defended the kandidats .ku dissertac?? at the Institute of Mathematics of Ukraine. And in 2013, received a degree of doctor of natural sciences at Bonn University.
In 2014, Marina moved to Berlin, where she worked a postdoktorantom at Berlin Mathematical School and Berlin University name. Up in Humboldt. And finally, in the spring of 2016, she announced that she had made a mathematical breakthrough by solving the ancient, for some reason, unsolved problem of packaging balls.
"My discovery is not a revelation or a coincidence." I have known about this task for a long time. A scientific article in which the proposed method of optimization of this 8-dimensional grid was written in 2003".
"I didn't think it was a global discovery. Didn't think it would make so much noise. Just a good article came out, just an interesting task I've been working on, but I didn't expect such attention. I'm not a Hollywood star, so press communication was difficult for me. Although explaining to people what and for what scientists do, I consider this part of my work... "
In January 2018, v?zovsky became a professor of the federal polytechnic school of lozanne, and later, in the same year, received the award new horizons in mathematics prize: "for a wonderful addition of modul ціnih theory to the problem of packing balls in special dimensions".
The works of Marina Vyazovsky were characterized as "simply charming", "very beautiful" and "extremely unexpected... "
Triumph miracle mathematics, this unusual ki?nki lasted. In 2019 she received the Farm Prize, and in 2020 - two more awards: in September - the National Latsis Prize from the Swiss National Science Foundation, and the European Mathematical Society (EMS-prize) (awarded once every four years).
Andrei Kostyuchenko.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op oktober 25, 2023, 08:56:28 am

Russian folk scum. What creatures does Slavic mythology hide?

SCYTHIAN GODS: The Religion of the Steppe Horse Lords // DOCUMENTARY
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 01, 2023, 08:07:00 am

Andriy Hlyvnyuk - Chervona Kalyna (metal cover by recmydream)

🇩🇪Deutschland: Germany (Ukrainian), Niemcy (Polish), Germany (English), Tysklandllemagne (French), Tedesca (Italian), Tysksyma (Swedish), Saksa (Finnish), Vācija (Latvian), Vokietija (Lithuanian)
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🏴󠁧󠁢 G󠁳󠁿 Cymru: Wales (Eng), Kembre (Breton), Gales (Spanish), Bretyn (Gel/Man), Wales (Ukrainian)
🇮🇪 ?ire: Ireland (English), Iwerzhon (bangs), Iwerddon (wall), Nerin (gel/men), Wordhen (corn)
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🇮🇹 Italia: Italy (pol), Olaszorsz?g (Hungarian), Italiansko (Slovakian), Iod?il (gel/irl), Eadailt (gel/shotl)
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🇦🇹 ?sterreich: Austria (English), Austriche (french), Austria (flame), Eastenryk (frieze), ?strig (dan), Ostair (gel/shotl), Avusturya (turkish), Rakousko (czech), It?valta (finn), Nimsa (arabic)
🇨🇿 Česko: Czechy (Poland), Tschechien (German), Tch?quie (French), Cechia (Italian), Tjekkiet (Danish), Tsiecia (Wales), tSeic (Gel/Iirl), Kekkia (Faroe), Csehorsz?g (Hungarian), 🇿σε данα (Greek)
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🇭🇺 Hungary: Hungary (English), Ungarn (German), Hungary (Pol), Hungary (укр), Vengrija (литов), Unkari ( orsz?gін), Macaristan (туре 🇭), Ma 🇺arsko (Slovac)
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🇬🇷 Жλλ джеα: Hellas (Norwegian), Greece (English), Griechenland (Noman), Greece (Ukrainian), Grčka (Croatian), Graikija (Lithuanian), Kreikka (Finnish), Kreeka (Estonian), G?r?gorsz?g (Madyar), дзecko (Czech), Yunanistan (Turkish), Alydzey (Adig), Byrzentyla (Abkhaz), Yanehye (Ingush), Zheltoich (Nochchi), Saberdzneti (Kartvel), John (Hebrew)
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🇲🇪 Crna Gora: Montenegro (Ukraine), Montenegro (Italy), Monadh Neagrach (gel/shotl), Juodkalnija (Lithuanian), Melnkalne (Latv), Mali i Zi (skipper), Karadağ (Turkish), Mustm?gi (veps), Shemkurik El (Mari), Svartfjallaland (Iceland), 🇪авро аунио (Greek), Djabal Asvad (Arab), G?rzhalamancho (Nohchi),
🇭🇷 Hrvarska: Croatia (English), Chorwacja (gender), Hırvatistan (Turkish)
🇺🇦 Ukraine: Oekra?ne (flame), Ukraine (Greek)
🇷🇺 Russia: Moscow region (Ukraine), Ven?j? (Finn), Venemaa (Estonian), Ven?ma (Veps), Errusia (Basque), чеωσ ),я (Greek), Urysey (Adig), Erseche (Ingush), Rochmu (Komi), Russia (Kazakh), Kriveja (Latgal), Krievija (Latvia)
🇧🇾 Belarus: Belarus (Lithuanian), Belarus (Latv), Boltkrīveja (Latgal), Valko-Ven?j? (Finnish), Valgevene (Estonian), Hviderusland (Dan), Feh?roroszorsz?g (Madar), Urysyhu (Adig), 🇾еукороσ лая (Greek)
🇱🇹 Lithuania: Litwa (half), Leedu (Estonian), L?twa (kashub), Lithuania (finnish)
🇱🇻 Latvia: Le данmō (Livon), Latvia (Greek), Lettorsz?g (Hungarian), Loty?sko (Czech), Letonya (Turkish), Latvia (Danish), L?ti (Estonian), 🇻otwa (Poland)
🇪🇪 Estonia: Viro ( данін), Estonia (литов), Estiska (лу луи V), Estonia (дан), Estonia (latv), Estonia (латгал)
🇫🇮 Finland: Finland (Swedish), Su?maidh (gel/shotl), Suomija (Lithuanian), Suomeja (Latgal), Soome (Estonian), Somija (Latv)
🇸🇪 Sverige: Sweden (English), Sweden (Ukrainian), Ruotsi (Finn), Rootsi (Estonian), Toolynn (gel/men), Sverigesve? (Turkish), tSualainn (gel/irl), ?vedeja (latgal), Zweden (flame), Sv?r?ki (farrer), Zviedrija (Latv), ?vedija (Lithuanian), Ročinma (veps), Sv? Sverigej?? (Iceland)
🇳🇴 Norge: Norway (English), Vuona (Saami), Norlynn (gel/men), Norra (Estonian), Norja (finn), Nirribhidh (gel/shotl), Iorua (gel/irl), Norgagh (corn), Norvec (Turkish), Taa?? (Saami)
🇹🇷 T?rkiye: Turkey (Ukraine), Turkey (Estonian), Turkey (Hungarian), Turkey (Croatian), T?reck? (Kashub), Twrci (Val)
🇬🇪 Sakartvelo: Georgia (English), Georgia (Moscow), G?rcistan (Turkish), Vrastan (Virm), tSeoirsia (gel/irl), Chairtbheil (gel/shotl), ?horshey (gel/man)
🇦🇲 Gajastan: Armenia (Ukrainian), Armenia (Moscow), Armenia (Serb), Ermenistan (Turkish), ?rm?nyorsz?g (Madaryar), Somkheti (Kartvel), Somikh (Ossetian), Ermaloychoy (Nohchi)
* Ukrainian transliteration transferred names in Arabic, Armenian and Kartvelian languages that have their own alphabets
  ?   ?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 03, 2023, 07:09:27 am

Let the Russians deny these 10 facts:
1. The state called Moscow was renamed Russia by Tsar Peter I in the 18th century, in 1721.
2. The Moksha tribe named their river Moscow, and the translation of this name, from the Moksha language, sounds like "dirty water". No other languages in the world can translate the word Moscow. The word "Kremlin" is Tatar and means fortifications on the heights.
S. In the Middle Ages, all the cartographers of Europe wrote and guided the border of Europe along the borders of Russia (Russia is the territory of present-day Ukraine). Moscow - the Ulus, with its Finnish peoples, has always been a part of the Horde, and its Europe treated Asia fairly.
4. Moscow (Russia) paid tribute to the Crimean Khan, its SOVEREIGN and MASTER, who was the successor to the Golden Horde, until 1700. The Tsar of Moscow met the Crimean ambassador on the Poklonnaya Mountain, put him on his horse, on foot, under the bridle, led the horse with the Crimean ambassador to the Kremlin, put him on the throne and kneeled before him.
5. In 1610, in Moscow, Boris Godunov (murza Gudun) finished the Genghizid dynasty (a relative of Genghis Khan), and Alexei Koshka of the Finnish Mare family was placed on the throne, and when he was crowned to the Kingdom, the Church gave him the surname Romanov, who allegedly came from Rome to rule Moscow.
6. Catherine II, after the occupation of the last free Russian State - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (territory of Belarus) in 1795. , by her order ordered to call the Ugro-Finnish tribes of Moscow some Great Russians, and Ukrainians - true Russians - Minor Russians.
7. No one has ever seen in the original the agreement of reunification between Moscow and Ukraine, allegedly signed by B. Khmelnitsky and Tsar A. Romanov.
8. For several centuries, archeologist Moscow has been looking for artifacts that confirm the credibility of the Battle of Kulikovsky, but so far without success, here is only a fable about the victory of D. Donsky over Mamay is still sung, on all voices.
9. Pskov, Novgorod, Smolensk regions of Russia are former Slavic-Russian principals, and they had nothing to do with Ugro-Finnish Muscovy until the Moscow-Horde occupied them in 1462, 1478 and 1654 respectively. And in other regions of Russia (Moscow) Slavic tribes and peoples have never lived.
10. The Golden Horde and its daughter - Moscow, are the only countries in the world that kept their own people slaves. This explains the eternal backwardness of natural fossil-rich Moscow from the comparatively allocated to natural resources of European countries. After all, the work efficiency of free people is much higher than slaves.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 17, 2023, 08:27:30 am

KYIV ? Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky?s immediate and forceful support for Israel in its fight against Hamas has imperiled almost a year of concerted efforts by Kyiv to win the support of Arab and Muslim nations in its war against Russia.

Zelensky?s early statements backing Israel after the surprise attack by Hamas, in which more than 1,400 Israelis were killed, helped Ukraine stay in the international spotlight, and placed it firmly on the side of the United States.

Zelensky?s position also drew attention to the increasingly close relationship between Russia and Iran, which is a main sponsor of Hamas, a sworn enemy of Israel, and also an important supplier of drones and other weapons for Moscow.

Hamas and Russia are the ?same evil, and the only difference is that there is a terrorist organization that attacked Israel and here is a terrorist state that attacked Ukraine,? Zelensky said in a speech to NATO?s Parliamentary Assembly on Oct. 9.

But with Israel?s military operation set to enter its fourth week, and Palestinian civilian casualties mounting, the war in Gaza is posing one of the most difficult diplomatic tests for Ukraine since Russia?s invasion in February 2022.

Countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which at times have provided crucial support to Ukraine, have accused the West of double standards in Gaza, alluding to the broad condemnation of civilian deaths in Ukraine compared with the muted criticism of Israel.

Tension with Muslim and Arab nations, however, is just one risk facing Kyiv, which must now also contend with the world?s attention shifting largely to a new war in the Middle East, as well as competing demands for U.S. military support at a time when House Republicans just elected a new speaker, Mike Johnson (La.), who has opposed sending additional aid to Ukraine.

Some experts noted that Israel had already made clear it was not going to reciprocate with greater support for Ukraine.
Randa Slim, an expert in peace-building at the Middle East Institute, said Israel had no choice but to maintain its relationship with Moscow, in part because of Russia?s control over Syria, and she pointed out that Israel had rejected Zelensky?s offer to visit after the Hamas attack.

Zelensky?s pro-Israel position ?did not make sense,? Slim said, adding that many Arab and Muslim countries see more similarities between Israel and Russia ? as aggressive military powers ? than they do between Israel and Ukraine.

?This is where the Arab region is,? she said. ?They are not going to accept what Biden says, comparing Russia and Hamas. They are more comparing Russia and Israel as far as death toll and as far as targeting civilians.?

Zelensky, she said, could win more friends if he was ?ready to say what Russia is doing in Ukraine is what Israel is doing in Gaza.? But, she added, ?I don?t see Ukraine ready to do that or willing to do that.?

Just as Russian President Vladimir Putin initially offered no direct condolences to Israel and no firm rebuke of Hamas, Zelensky was slow to speak about the need to protect Palestinian civilians in Gaza as Israel stepped up retaliatory airstrikes.

When news of the Hamas attack first hit, Zelensky and members of his team compared Hamas to Russia, saying Ukrainians had ?a special understanding about what is happening? to Israelis. (There are large numbers of Ukrainian and Russian immigrants living in Israel.)

Only 10 days later did Zelensky indirectly allude to the bombardment of Gaza by calling for the need to protect civilians and for de-escalation.

Meanwhile, Zelensky has steered clear of criticizing Israeli strikes, despite the deaths in Gaza of thousands of Palestinian civilians and at least 21 Ukrainian citizens.

The foreign ministers of Turkey and Qatar, which have played instrumental roles in negotiating between Ukraine and Russia on issues like prisoner-of-war exchanges and Russia?s blockade of Ukrainian grain exports, issued a joint statement alleging Western hypocrisy.

?It is not permissible to condemn the killing of civilians in one context and justify it in another,? said Qatar?s Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani. Turkey?s Hakan Fidan added that the West?s failure to condemn the killings in Gaza ?constitutes a very serious double standard.?

Back-channel talks keep Ukraine and Russia in contact, despite war

In an interview with CNN, Queen Rania of Jordan also offered sharp criticism: ?Are we being told that it is wrong to kill a family, an entire family, at gunpoint, but it?s okay to shell them to death??

Other experts said Zelensky?s efforts to draw comparisons were unlikely to resonate with Arab countries.

Ukraine ?has never been at the forefront? for the Arab world, said Kristian Ulrichsen, a fellow at Rice University who has written on Ukraine-Arab relations. ?It is a conflict that does not concern them.?

Ulrichsen added, ?Israel is taking up so much bandwidth that I don?t think anybody in the Middle East really is thinking about Ukraine right now.?

This weekend, Ukraine was scheduled to host a third round of talks aimed at fostering global support for its ?peace plan? ? which calls for a unilateral withdrawal of Russian troops from occupied Ukrainian territory and full restoration of Ukraine?s territorial sovereignty.

Unlike at the first Ukraine peace formula meeting in August, which was hosted by Saudi Arabia in Jeddah and attended by delegates from almost all the major unaligned powers, it was unclear if Saudi officials would attend this weekend?s event in Malta.

Zelensky spoke Monday with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and in a readout of the call issued by Riyadh, there was no mention of the Malta conference or further help for Ukraine.

China, which in recent days has joined Russia in calling for a return to a two-state solution to settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was not attending the Malta event, Bloomberg News reported.

Turkey was planning to send a delegation to Malta, but in recent days Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has spoken out forcefully against Israel and has described Hamas as a resistance movement ? a stark contrast to Zelensky?s stated positions.

With Russia stepping up attacks on the eastern front, Ukraine can hardly afford to lose any friends. This is especially true given increasing opposition by Republicans in Congress to sending more aid to Ukraine.

President Biden has proposed an additional $60 billion in assistance for Ukraine, and in a recent speech tied that to increased funding for Israel and for strengthening border protection in the United States.

But the White House must now deal with Johnson, the new House speaker, who has repeatedly voted against further Ukraine funding and told Fox News he intends to separate funding for Ukraine from the assistance to Israel.

Johnson has said Washington will not abandon Ukraine but has questioned the White House?s ultimate goals. Meanwhile, in Europe, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who recently met Putin on the sidelines of a conference in China, is trying to shoot down a 50 billion-euro aid proposal for Ukraine from the European Union.

The E.U. package will be voted on in December as part of the bloc?s 2023-2027 budget and requires the unanimity of the 27 member countries to be approved.

Tymofiy Mylovanov, a former Ukrainian economy minister, expressed confidence thatZelensky?s administration would come up with a plan to re-boost international support for Ukraine and maintain attention on the war in the short to medium term.

Ukraine?s Foreign Ministry, the Ukrainian presidential administration and a spokesperson for Zelensky did not respond to requests for comment on what their plan might entail.

Ukraine, meanwhile, has been preparing for the possibility that U.S. support will taper off, according to Orysia Lutsevych, director of the Ukraine program at Chatham House, a London-based think tank.

Ukraine?s ?Plan B? ? evidenced by recent joint ventures with German and Turkish arms companies as well as talks with British and American manufacturers ? is to distance itself as much as possible from external foreign politics, Lutsevych said.

?If America completely abandons Ukraine, it would be very difficult,? Lutsevych said. ?But Ukraine will keep fighting with the resources it has on its own and it has from European allies.?

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 18, 2023, 09:26:16 am

Genetic study traces 5,000-year history of Xinjiang's population

Scientists have reconstructed the history of the population of Xinjiang, a region in northwestern China that was at the crossroads of the cultures of East and West Asia. To do this, the researchers analyzed the genomes of 200 residents of Xinjiang, whose remains were discovered on the territory of 39 archaeological sites, the earliest of which date back to the beginning of the Bronze Age.

The Xinjiang region is located in northwest China. Due to its location on the Silk Road, continuous cultural exchange took place between East and West Asia. However, the mixing of diverse populations in Xinjiang goes back even further. Thus, it is assumed that the Bronze Age mummies discovered there have Western characteristics, and the texts of the 5th century were written in Tocharian, a language belonging to a dead Indo-European language group.

Now scientists from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have examined the genomes of 201 residents of Xinjiang, whose remains were discovered on the territory of 39 archaeological sites. Using large-scale genome-wide analysis, researchers were able to trace the 5,000-year history of this region. The results of their work were published in the journal Science.

The history of Xinjiang's settlement during the Bronze Age has become key to understanding the region's later population dynamics. Previously, it was suggested that the first people in Xinjiang came from the western steppe regions or were somehow connected with the population of Central Asia. Scientists have identified genetic similarities between the first inhabitants of Xinjiang and both groups, but in addition, they were related to the local population that lived in this territory about 25 thousand years ago.

The later Bronze Age saw an influx of new genes from Western populations, including the Andronovo culture, as well as from East and Central Asia. This speaks to the interaction of the people of Xinjiang with the population of Central Asia through the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor. Some residents of Xinjiang demonstrated kinship with the Afanasyev culture. The arrival of these Indo-Europeans may have played a role in the spread of Tocharian, the easternmost of the Indo-European languages, into Xinjiang. The appearance of these languages ​​in Xinjiang at the same time as their penetration into Western Europe explains the spread of the Indo-European language family, which today has the largest number of speakers.

During the Iron Age, people from various regions of Asia continued to arrive in Xinjiang, their origins were even more diverse and even included mainland East Asia. The Iron Age people of Xinjiang also showed kinship with the Xiongnu people, the Han Empire, and the Saka nomads. The presence of the latter in the genetic history of Xinjiang helps to date the appearance of Indo-Iranian languages ​​in the region. The scientists also showed that, despite numerous cultural shifts, the genetic profile of Xinjiang's Iron Age population can be traced to some of its modern inhabitants.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 19, 2023, 16:02:45 pm

A selection of reconstructions of the people of the Yamnaya culture of the early Indo-Europeans

According to their physical parameters, representatives of the Yamnaya culture (despite the pigmentation of the eyes and hair) were Caucasians, predominantly of the paleo-Europoid (cromanoid) type and an archaic variation of the ?Nordic? race, found in the Black Sea region and Ciscaucasiasouthern European forms. However, eye and hair pigmentation could vary to lighter shades depending on the region.
In the Bronze Age, in the vast expanses of the Eurasian steppe, Indo-Europeans were engaged in transhumance and stall-pasture cattle breeding, where the herd consisted mainly of cattle, there were no huge herds of horses, the horse was needed only as a raid weapon.

1. A man of the Cromanoid race from the Kumsay burial ground, Western Kazakhstan, who received the nickname ?The Giant from Kumsay,? whose height reached at least 2 meters. Based on the reconstruction by Alexey Nechvaloda, where, in our opinion, the features are conveyed most accurately. Our post on the giant from Kumsay from the excavation site: https://vk.com/wall-176775940_12631

2 and 3. Neighbors of our giant, a man and a woman from the Kumsay Burial Ground, from burial 9 and 2. Both the man and the woman belong to the archaic form the ?Nordic? race, where the features of the Cromanoid type are clearly visible (administrator?s note: the Nordic race separated from the Cromanoid race as a result of its gradual gracilization and some anthropologies do not separate them at all).

4. Reconstruction of a Yamnaya culture man from the Samara Volga region.

5. A man of the Yamnaya culture of the Cromanoid race, found near the village of Bykovo in the Volgograd region.

6. A man of the Early Yamnaya culture from the Orlyanka I burial ground, Samara region. Protonordic type.

7. A typical woman of the Yamnaya culture, who had a large skull. Dolichocephaly. Protonordic type. Samara Volga region.

8. A man of the Yamnaya culture of the paleo-Europoid type. Samara Volga region.
The man's eye sockets and nasal cavities were coated with a black resinous substance, and his forehead, lower jaw and nose were painted with red ochre. These practices likely had cultural or ritual significance for the Yamniki. It is interesting that a similar custom of applying death masks also developed among the later Catacomb culture, which was the successor of the Yamnaya.

9. This representative of the Yamnaya culture was discovered in the Ishkinovka burial mound, located in the eastern part of the Orenburg region. The area is located on the banks of a tributary of the Ural River and is famous for its copper mines, which were developed by its fellow tribesmen. The man belongs to the paleo-Europoid type. The pigmentation is questionable, but it does exist.

In addition to the post: Pigmentation of ancient northern Eurasians https://vk.com/wall-176775940_17684

Source of reconstructions ancestralwhispers.org
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 26, 2023, 17:13:14 pm



This is a very interesting artifact, very controversial - they have been struggling with its reading for more than seventy years. Although, it seems, all the letters are legible. It's all a matter of interpretation.

Well, the very age of the find also adds space for discussion.

Usually the spread of writing in Rus' is associated with baptism. The Cyrillic alphabet that we use is considered the invention of the enlightenment brothers Cyril and Methodius. Although, to be completely honest, they invented the Glagolitic alphabet, and the Cyrillic alphabet was developed by one of Cyril?s students, the Bulgarian monk Kliment of Ohrid.

But these particulars are not important. It is important that Cyrillic writing arrived in Rus' in the monastic train. It was originally invented so that Christian texts would be accessible to the Slavs. The first books in Cyrillic are translations of the Holy Scriptures.

However, near Smolensk in 1949, at the famous Gnezdovo excavation site, a jug (almost whole) with a curious inscription was found. This inscription was clearly written in Cyrillic, and the find dates back to approximately the middle of the 10th century. That is, the Cyrillic text was applied to the jug several decades before the baptism of Rus'.

This text is very small. Just one word. It looks like this (pictured). All letters are written clearly, very clearly visible: PEA.

Here it is also worth considering that in the Old Russian language the sound ?U? was transmitted by the diphthong ?OU? (then the initial ?O? simply fell off from it). So it turns out that in front of us is a jug signed with the mysterious word ?Gorukhshcha?.

So what kind of crap is this?

Historians and linguists are at a loss. Perhaps we are talking about mustard. You know how housewives in modern kitchens label jars so as not to forget what is stored where.

Or perhaps it means that something flammable was stored in the jug. For example, a mixture for Greek fire. Interesting option, right?

Another part of the researchers suggests that this is a possessive adjective on behalf of the owner of the jug. Presumably his name could be Gorun, and then the text should be read as Gorunsha. That is, belonging to Gorun.

Perhaps this is a jug from some merchant who arrived from Moravia or the Balkans, where the Cyrillic alphabet has already gained some popularity. Then he could use this new, but already very convenient for the Slavs, alphabet to sign his property.

In general, a very interesting artifact. Historians will be discussing it for a long time, that?s for sure!

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op november 29, 2023, 10:44:39 am


reason for plunder ?
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 09, 2023, 14:04:29 pm

The connection between genetics, culture and geography in the population of Central Asia

Kazakh, Russian and Uzbek geneticists studied the gene pool of the population of the historical region of Central Asia - Transoxiana (Interfluve, Transoxiana) - Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Karakalpaks, Turkmens and Dungans using Y-chromosome markers. It turned out that the main role inIn the structuring of the gene pool of Transoxiana, it is not the geographical landscape that plays a role, but the culture (economic and cultural type): agriculture or nomadic cattle breeding. At the same time, it is shown that cultural and demic expansion may not be interrelated: the expansion of the Arabs did not have a significant impact on the gene pool of the population of Transoxiana, and the demic expansion of the Mongols did not have a significant impact on its culture.

The journal Scientific Reports published an article by Kazakh, Russian and Uzbek specialists (first author: Maksat Zhabagin, Nazarbayev University, Astana, and Prof. Elena Balanovskaya, MGSC, Moscow) about the connection between genetics, culture and geography in Transoxiana, a historical region of Central Asia. Its name in Latin means ?beyond the Oxus? (Oxus is an early name for the Amu Darya); in Arabic the region is called Maverannahr.

Transoxiana covers the territories of southern Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, western Tajikistan, western Kyrgyzstan and northeastern Turkmenistan. The geographical landscape of the region is represented by the basins of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers, and the deserts separating them, and the foothills. Populations of different peoples studied in the article are densely settled along the rivers and in the foothills: Dungans, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Turkmen, Uzbeks, differing in economic and cultural type: some are farmers, others are pastoralists. The following main milestones stand out in the history of the region: the development of ancient cultures of farmers and nomadic pastoralists, the influence of the Western Asian empires, the emergence of Turkic-speaking tribes, then the influence of the Arabs and later the Mongols. The diversity and vivid originality of the peoples, culture and natural conditions of Transoxiana allows us to use this region as a model for identifying the connection between genetic, cultural and geographical landscapes.

So the main goal of the work is to study the genetic landscape of Transoxiana and its connection with geography and culture. A related task: to determine the impact on the gene pool of the last two major expansions - the Arabs and the Mongols: were these population migrations or just cultural influences?

Genetic landscape of Transoxiana.

More than half of the Y-chromosomal gene pool of the Transoxiana population falls into three haplogroups: C2-M217 (31%), R1a1a-M198 (16%), Q-M242 (13%). But in different geographical populations these haplogroups are distributed very unevenly. Haplogroup C2-M217 makes up almost two-thirds of the gene pool of southern Kazakhs (61-62%). Haplogroup R1a1a-M198 is often found among Uzbeks (21-29%), as well as in one of the Kazakh populations (28%) and among the Dungans (19%). Haplogroup Q-M242 makes up more than two-thirds of the gene pool of the Turkmens of Karakalpakstan (73%). In tribal groups, the accumulation of individual haplogroups is even more pronounced: C2-M217(xM48) in the Kazakh Konyrat tribe (88%), C2b1a2-M48 in the Kazakh Alimuly clan (75%), Q-M242 in the Turkmen Yomud tribe (71%).

Transoxiana in the genetic space of Asia.

The studied populations were compared with 69 other Asian populations. The multidimensional scaling graph revealed clusters of populations according to the geographic regions of Asia. At the same time, the agricultural populations of Uzbeks and Tajiks are genetically distant from the majority of nomadic populations (Kazakhs, Mongols, Hazaras). Turkmen populations from three different countries surrounding Turkmenistan have formed their own cluster. The Dungans of Uzbekistan turned out to be genetically closer to the populations of China, and not to the neighboring populations of the Uzbeks, in full accordance with their historically recent migration from China and the preservation of the language of the Sino-Tibetan family.

What is more important for the gene pool: geography or culture?

To clarify the main factors that formed the structure of the Transoxiana gene pool, we studied genetic differences between populations using the AMOVA method, combining the same populations in one case - by belonging to a particular geographical landscape, and in the other case - by their culture (farmers or pastoralists) . It turned out that the geographical landscape of Transoxiana, despite its contrast (deserts and fertile river basins, foothills and lowlands), does not have a direct impact on the genetic landscape. The main role in structuring the gene pool is played by the economic and cultural type: the division into farmers and nomadic pastoralists. This conclusion was also confirmed by the Mantel test, which showed that the genetic distances between the populations of Transoxiana, unlike most other regions of the world, weakly correlate with the geographical distances between them.

Movement of culture or population?

To identify traces of demic expansions (population migrations), modal (most common) STR haplotypes were identified in Transoxiana populations (α, σ, μ, δ). For each modal haplotype, related haplotypes were found in a database (Y-base), including 4495 Y-STR haplotypes of the Asian population, and then phylogenetic networks were built for them.

Each of the modal haplotypes forms its own cluster, acting as a founder haplotype. Cluster α is 600?200 years old and unites haplotypes most often found in the Kazakh Alimul clan. Cluster β haplotypes are common among Mongols and Mongol-speaking Kalmyks. Since cluster β (800?200 years) is ?older? than cluster α, this indicates gene flow from the territory of Mongolia to Transoxiana, and not vice versa.

The age of the cluster σ (1100?400 years) indicates early migration from Mongolia and subsequent expansion, the modern trace of which is the high frequency of haplotypes of this cluster in the Kazakh tribe Konyrat (Kongirats - Darlekin Mongols). Cluster haplotypes predominate among Mongolian-speaking Kalmyks and are found in Mongolia.

Modal haplotype-3 completely coincides with the famous ?star-cluster?, usually associated with Genghis Khan and his relatives [Zerjal et al., 2003] (C3* star-cluster). The nature of the distribution of haplotypes of the μ cluster (Kerei, Uysun, etc.) suggested that modal haplotype-3 was a ?proto-Mongol haplotype? inherited by Genghis Khan, as well as his descendants and other paternal relatives. Within the cluster there is a subcluster λ (400?100 years), specific for Hazaras from different countries.

Modal haplotype-4 forms cluster δ, which includes mainly the Turkmens of Afghanistan and Karakalpakstan (for the Turkmens of Iran there is no necessary data on haplotypes). The age of the cluster is 1400?500 years.

These results indicate that three of the four expansion signals in Transoxiana are associated with populations from Mongolia. However, such a successful demic expansion was not accompanied by a cultural one (change of language or religion), since most of the populations of Transoxiana speak Turkic, not Mongolian, languages ​​and belong to the same religion.

In search of Arab ancestors.

The spread of Islam by the Arabs is one of the most powerful cultural expansions in Western, South and Central Asia. There is ethnographic and genealogical information not only about the cultural, but also about the demographic trace of the Arabs in Transoxiana. For example, it is believed that the Kazakh clans Kozha and Sunak descend from close relatives of the Prophet Muhammad in the male line.

These clans were examined in detail for the presence of a common ancestor. Y-chromosomal haplotypes of the main genealogical lines of Kohna and Sunak (M. Hanafia, Abu Bakr, Ali, Umar) are presented on the phylogenetic network.

In the figure we see a large number of unrelated single haplotypes, sometimes forming mini-clusters with a maximum age of 600?200 years. Thus, unlike most Transoxiana clans, the Kozha and Sunak clans do not trace their origins to a single founder.

This result shows that the genealogy of the steppe clergy was based not on biological kinship, but on the spiritual heritage from teacher to student, the so-called ?silsila?. This chain consisted of teachers who taught Islam to the subsequent leader of the Sufi order. The age of the mini-clusters coincides with the adoption of Islam as the state religion in the Golden Horde and the growth of the social status of the Kozha and Sunak clans. This probably contributed to the transition to the connection of spiritual heritage with biological genealogy - with the aim of maintaining a privileged social status within the kin group.


Thus, these two most important expansions in the history of Transoxiana had different effects on the gene pool of its population. The cultural expansion of the Arabs, which spread Islam, did not leave a significant mark on the gene pool. The expansion of the Mongols, on the contrary, left a powerful mark on the gene pool, but was not reflected in two such important manifestations of culture as language and confession.

But the main conclusion of the work is that the gene pool of Transoxiana, unlike most regions of the world, is determined not by geographical distances and landscape, but by the characteristics of economic and cultural activities (farming or cattle breeding).

Once upon a time, Portugal, like many other countries in Europe, was a pagan country that worshiped many gods.

This was a time before the widespread spread of Christianity, when the polytheistic religions of the Romans, Greeks, Pre-Romans and Mithraism still existed on the continent. Although much of the history of pre-Roman Portugallost, it is known that many pagan gods and beliefs entered the mythology of the Romans and Greeks.

The painting is believed to depict the place of worship of Endovelius, the god of the underworld, wealth and the afterlife on the Iberian Peninsula. Endovelicus was later included in Roman mythology as Pluto or Serapis. However, this information is not 100% accurate as the language of pre-Roman Portugal has been lost and the data is based on accounts from Roman and Greek historians of the region.

-Pagan means not abrahamic or religions developed between 900-700 BCE"                                                                                 -Isralites" came only in Palestine 1200 BCE together with Philistians,  https://www.britannica.com/topic/Philistine-people when Palestinians were already there as decendants of Canaanites who lived there for 1000;s of years                                                                        - jewish bible depicts history from about 4200 BCE while invented around 700 BCE so most is plagerised from older/other civiliaztions and religions

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 12, 2023, 07:39:15 am

Die Kirchen- und Staats-Satzungen bez?glich des griechisch-katholischen Ritus der Ruthenen in Galizien
Front Cover
Michael von Malinowski
Druckerei des Stauropigianischen Instituts, 1861 - Catholic Church - 890 pages

it's on pages 847-877...will not be easy to translate

How Ukrainians saved Europe, losing their own independence. Historical document.

P.S. Ukrainians used to be called rusyn from the word Rus. Even now you can see streets in Ukraine, Poland named after this word, referring to Ukraine. Russia at that time either did not exist, or it was called Muscovy and the citizenship was Muscovites. But online translators very often translate these words as Russian, so keep in mind that we are not talking about Russians, but about Ukrainians.

842 begin, 844 over russen

Molodin V.I., Kobeleva L.S., Pozdnyakov D.V., Durakov I.A., Trapezov R.O., Pilipenko A.S., Cherdantsev S.V. MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH OF THE VAKHRUSHEVO-1 GROUND IN THE NOVOSIBIRSK PRIOB (ARCHEOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, PALEOGENETICS) // Ural Historical Bulletin. Institute of History and Archeology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. No. 4 (81). 2023. pp. 164-176. Key words: Western Siberia, Andronovo (Fedorovka) culture, burial practice, burial, anthropology, paleogenetics. The article is freely available for downloading at the link: https://elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_54949078_164129.. #anthropology #genetics #Indo-Europeans

Ukrainians Speak Out About Russians
they WERE brothers to us

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 20, 2023, 07:11:20 am


️My task to promote understanding of Ukraine as the original source of ALL Indo-European culture.

Old calendar

The names of the months in most European languages have been preserved from the Roman calendar, but not from the Julian calendar, but from an even earlier one. Before the introduction of the Julian calendar by Caesar in 45 BC, the Roman year, the so-called Romulan year, was divided into 10 months, the first of which was March, the month dedicated to the legendary father of Romulus and Remus - the god Mars and therefore bearing his name.

Memory that it is the ?month of Mars? was the first month of the year, can be found in the names of such months as September (from "septem" - seven), October ("octo" - eight), November ("novem" - nine) and December ("decem" - ten).

When they destroyed the most convenient Slavic calendar, proposing the Julian calendar, they did not change the already familiar names of the months, but simply added two months before March, dedicating the first to Janus - the god of all beginnings.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 21, 2023, 10:04:19 am

Did you know that in the USSR among the banned books was "History" of Herodotus?
This book was removed from civil circulation and could not be bought in a bookstore. A famous historian-skiphologist prof. told me about it. Olkhovsky, whom we met 2 years ago. And that's why this book was banned in "sovk?", I only understood when I bought it and read it.
It turns out Herodotus was a descendant of the North Black Sea. He was in cities such as Olvia (this is Mykolaiv region, Ochakov district), and in the city of Gelon (now Belsk, Kharkiv region). ). In the book of Herodotus described how the sk?phi broke the 250-thousand army of the Persian king Darius. And much more interesting - how the Scythians beat the invaders, how they raided Scythia, lured the enemy deep into the territory, and then destroyed him. Ukrainians are descendants of the same sk?f?v, and Ukrainian women are amazonski who are also ready to give a cut to any enemy-conqueror. Few people know that, for example, the Amazons together with the Achilles mermaids took an active part in the Trojan War. And that Achilles himself is buried on the Snake Island. Maybe because of this island there is such a constant battle.
Who hasn't read "History" of Herodotus - I highly advise you to read. To understand who we are, whose descendants we are. Do slaves from the swamps think that they are capable, and will be able to, defeat free Ukrainians - descendants of Skifs, Sarmats, Zaporizhia Cossacks?
The Ukrainian people will defeat the zagarbnik?v-supostat?v, the rush from Muscovy, in any weather! Think about who you are, who we are. And whose descendants we are. Don't bring shame to your tribe. Keep fighting! And never give up! Ukraine will defeat Russia and its invasion. It's just a matter of time. And let it be 🔥🔥🔥 Moscow!
Text by Oleg Veremiyenko.

History of Herodotus
by Herodotus, 480? BC-420? BC

https://archive.org/details/thehistoryofhero02456gut  2
https://archive.org/details/thehistoryofhero02707gut  1


Isotopes prove advanced, integral crop production, and stockbreeding strategies nourished Trypillia mega-populations

Ben Wallace to "Show Gratitude" to Ukraine for inventing English/Germanic language.

Ancient Ukraine is the ultimate source of every one of these migrations since 2,450 BCE into England, as well as the cultural transformations, and genetic upgrades engendered by such "Ukrainian Small Boat People."

We know this, obviously, because Ancient Ukrainian (Proto-Indo-European) is the base language for the pre-Gaulish, Celtic (Pretenic), Latin, Germanic, and French languages spoken in England since 2,500 BCE.

Very recent advances in molecular biology, as published in peer-reviewed journals, now confirm the western Steppe ancestry of all of these immigrants. Since 2015 Bronze Age samples of ancient DNA that exhibit the Bronze Age-associated Y chromosome lineage R1b-M269 has been strongly linked with Steppe incursion into Central Europe (Nature, 2015).

The First Ancient Ukrainians on the island of Britain:

"The arrival of people on the island of Britain associated with the Beaker complex precipitated a demographic transformation in Britain, exemplified by the presence of individuals with large amounts of steppe-related ancestry after 2,450 BC... the long-term demographic effect was clearly substantial, as the pervasive steppe-related ancestry observed during the Beaker period, which was absent in the Neolithic period, persisted during the Bronze Age?and indeed remains predominant in Britain today...

"From around 2,450 BC... substantial migration into Britain (minimum 90% ancestry from the new migrants) coinciding with the spread of Bell Beaker traditions from continental Europe... ?Steppe ancestry? derived originally from people living on the Pontic?Caspian Steppe approximately 3000 BC." (Nature, 2021)


Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 24, 2023, 10:18:51 am

Vikings are remembered as some of the most brutal and fearsome warriors in history. Among them, the most terrifying and formidable of all were the elite band known as ?Berserkers.?
Berserkers were Nordic shock troops. Clad only in wolfskins or bearskins, they worked themselves into a frenzy before combat, and were famed for biting their shields and growling like animals while awaiting the battle. When the fighting began the Berserkers charged in, howling and screaming, foaming at the mouth, and seemingly oblivious to pain. During the Viking raids across northern Europe the Berserkers slaughtered indiscriminately every living thing they encountered. A Scandinavian saga describes the Berserkers as ?Odin?s bodyguard,? who ?went without armor, were as mad as dogs and wolves, they bit their shields, were as strong as bears or oxen, they killed everybody, and neither fire nor iron bit them; this was called ?berserkergang.??
Over the centuries it has been hypothesized that the Berserkers induced their maniacal frenzies by eating poisonous or hallucinogenic mushrooms, but there is no support for this claim in the contemporary accounts. Rather, it seems more likely that they caused themselves to ?go berserk? through some sort of self-induced trance associated with their Odin-worship.
Of course, the Berserkers are the source of the modern English expression ?going berserk.?
The Berserkers in the image are overdressed. According to contemporary accounts they wore only a loincloth and an animal skin in battle.

A farmer from Roman Britain turned out to be a Sarmatian.

A man who lived two thousand years ago was born in eastern Europe and died in an English village. The authors of the new study described his long journey. During excavations before the construction of a highway in Cambridgeshire (East England) in 2017, archaeologists from the company MOLAdiscovered a single male burial from the Roman period. Nearby were the remains of a rural manor house typical of Roman Britain. Therefore, they decided that a simple British farmer was lying in a single grave.

Later, specialists from the Francis Crick Institute, Durham University and MOLA Headland Infrastructure (UK) studied in detail the remains of the alleged farmer and came to the conclusion that he was not a simple country guy at all. The results of their research were published in the journal Current Biology.
An individual with Sarmatian-related ancestry in Roman Britain

Based on the skeleton, it was determined that the man died very young: at the time of death he was 18-25 years old . Radiocarbon dating gave a fairly wide range in the time of his life - 126-228 AD, the heyday of Roman Britain. That he is buried in a single grave outside the cemetery is not unique to this period: Celtic and Roman burial rites were then mixed.

The researchers then extracted and analyzed the DNA. The result was unexpected: genetically this person was in no way connected with the Romano-British population. The ancestors partly came from the Caucasus, but the main part of its genome is Sarmatian.

Sarmatians are a group of Iranian-speaking nomadic tribes. It is believed that Herodotus was the first to write about them in his History in the 5th century BC. True, there he calls them ?Sauromatians?: ?If you cross the Tanais River (modern Don), then there is no longer Scythian land, but the region of the Sauromatians.?

The Sarmatians did not remain peaceful neighbors of the Scythians for long, and by the 3rd century BC they had crossed the Don, conquered Scythia and settled throughout the northern Black Sea region. At the beginning of our era, the Sarmatians came closer and closer to the ever-expanding Roman borders. The result of the meeting between nomads and the empire was the Marcomannic War.

In 166, the Germanic and Sarmatian tribes, believing that Rome was weak after the Parthian War, crossed the eastern border of the empire. They reached Italy, plundering everything they could get their hands on along the way. Only in 169 did Emperor Marcus Aurelius stop them, then managed to replenish the broken legions (at that time this was no longer easy) and celebrated a triumph in 176.

At the same time, in 176, the emperor recruited, according to Cassius Dio, 5,500 horsemen from the Sarmatians, whom he sent to serve in the Roman legions stationed in Britain. It is known that they served along Hadrian's Wall, and some Sarmatian artifacts were found in the north-west of England.

It would be logical to assume that the young man who became the subject of the study is just one of these warriors. But it is completely unclear how he ended up in a rural estate in East Anglia, where there were no legions then.

The authors analyzed stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, strontium and oxygen from the man's teeth to understand the environment in which he grew up and how his diet changed throughout his life. It turned out that until he was five or six years old, he ate plants such as millet and sorghum, which at that time were found mainly in the arid regions of eastern Europe.

Scientists also noted some features of the development of teeth and bones, associated, in their opinion, with the fact that the boy was severely malnourished. And when he was about nine years old, his diet changed. The diet became more similar to that of the inhabitants of Southeastern and Central Europe. The last change in diet was noted at about age 13, when he arrived in Britain.

At that age, he was hardly a warrior, but rather a member of the family. But it is unclear why he did not become one when he grew up. The latter can be judged by the burial place. Legionnaires and soldiers from auxiliary units were not buried in single graves in rural areas. They were buried in city or legionary cemeteries where they were stationed.

The cause of the young man's death is unclear. There are no signs of violence on the bones. It can be assumed that due to nutritional problems in childhood, he did not grow up healthy enough to serve on the northern border and moved to the countryside.

Source: https://naked-science.ru/
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 24, 2023, 14:32:58 pm

Ukrainian Christmas

In Ukraine, Christmas, like most other Christian holidays, originated from paganism. Knyaz Volodymyr the Great introduced Christianity with rather harsh methods, so people resisted the changes. To make it easier for people to accept the new religion, all pagan holidays were transformed into Christian ones. That is why I will describe first the pagan history and then the Christian customs that have survived to our times.

Birth of the sun

Christmas is the first of the New Year holidays in paganism, the holiday of the birth of the Universe.  The very rites and rituals of Christmas testify to its ancient cosmogonic essence. Thus, for the preparation of the festive dinner, 12 logs were taken, which were sacrificed to 12 constellations of the zodiac, 12 sacred dishes were prepared: kutia with honey, uzvar, dumplings, stuffed cabbage rolls, fish, potatoes with crushed garlic, peas with butter and garlic, barley porridge with butter or honey, millet porridge, boiled corn, poppy seed pies, boiled beans. The fact that the list of dishes includes cereals of ancient origin indicates that Christmas dinner is a sacrificial meal in honor of Koliada.  It is interesting that the 12 sacred nights of the creation of the universe also correspond to the number of constellations of the zodiac, and the fact that the owner of the house, according to the custom, went out into the yard and rotated clockwise on the spot, or walked around the house, directly indicates the imitation of the apparent movement of the sun through the constellations. A sheaf of rye or wheat, Didukh, was placed at the corner of the house. On the eve of the holiday, or just before the Holy Dinner, a plow was brought in and placed under the festive table, or near the sheaf.  The meaning of pagan Christmas was the birth of the baby Sun.

Kolyada is a Slavic deity, the personification of the New Year cycle.  The Koliada holiday is identified with the evening and night before Christmas, which fall on December 24-25. The main pagan actions of the holiday in Ukrainians are bringing a decorated sheaf - didukh - into the house, usually performed by the owner and his son, and a joint family dinner, "Holy Supper". Its main dish is "rich kutia", which is part of a set of 12 lean dishes. Fire for cooking on Koliada was originally obtained by rubbing wood against wood - the so-called "live fire". Traditionally, the celebration could be accompanied by magical actions designed to attract prosperity to the house and prevent troubles in the next year: shaking hay, hammering holes in benches, imitating the sounds of cattle, poultry, bees. That evening, the cattle had to be fed, combed and left in the barn with a cup with "saints": coals and holy water.

The next day caroling began, first the youngest children went to sing carols to relatives, then the older ones went to strangers. The exception was the boys "polaznyky", who caroled until sunrise and personified good spirits. The hosts would receive carolers and thank them with gifts. There are separate varieties of carols for children and adults. Caroling could be accompanied by dressing up as a horse, goat, cow, bear and other animals that embodied fertility. In modern Slavic paganism, Koliada received the status of the god of the winter sun, who is responsible for the implementation of the annual cycle of the "Svarog circle". In this context, the name Kolyada is sometimes interpreted as the basis for the word "calendar" ("Kolyady's gift")

According to the beliefs of our ancestors, the night of Christmas activated the forces of chaos, any evil that could prevent the maturation of the light force. Therefore, carolers put on masks so that the evil forces did not recognize them, went from house to house and sang majestic songs of Koliada, driving away the dark evil spirits. These magical scares and glorification are called carols, they preserve the essence of the ideas about the renewal of the world, and the process of caroling is an imitation of the cosmic act of the sun birth. Koliadnyky personify the ancestors of the family, the soothsayers of enlightenment, so the ritual kutia, which is intended for both the dead and the living, is a sacrifice with which you can overcome the dark forces.  Carols and carols also glorify the triune essence of the Universe - the sun, the moon, the fine rain (fire, earth, water) and the creation of life. According to the Proto-Slavic thinking, the world was created as follows: there was neither heaven nor earth, only the blue sea, "and in the middle of the sea a blue sycamore tree" - the tree of life. There are three birds on the tree (falcon, dove, rooster), they go down to the bottom of the sea. Each of them carries a particle of sand from which the black earth, the clear sky, the clear moon are created. Man could not imagine the creation of something other than through growth, so the tree appears as the basis of life. Birds symbolize one of the factors of life force, which was personified by the sun, moon, stars, later the concept of the soul appeared, and before that there was an abstract concept of the aggregate light Sura, which is very close to Ora - the energy of light, space, etc. Elements of cosmogonic ideas of Ukrainians are clearly traced on the example of ancient carols.

According to the cosmology of the pagans, the creation of the universe was associated with the moment when the daylight begins to increase. Another symbol of Ukrainian Christmas is didukh. This is one of the elements of the pagan cult. Didukh - simultaneously symbolizes the connection with ancestors, ancestors, great-grandfathers and symbolizes the hope for a happy and prosperous future. Didukh was traditionally made from the last sheaf of the last harvest, "transferring" the spirit of grain in it, which should be reborn in the new year.

As soon as the first star appears in the sky, the whole family sits down at the table, which is called rich because it should have twelve different dishes. Hence the name "Rich Kutia" or "Rich Christmas Eve". There must be kutia on the table - it is the main ceremonial food. It is made of wheat or barley grains. Malt is added to the boiled grain. The rite of bringing kutia, which is usually carried by the hostess, deserves special attention. The pot with kutia is put on the corner in the tabernacle, which is made of the most fragrant hay. The pot is covered with bread and a pinch of salt.

The first to sit down at the Christmas Eve table, as it should be, is the owner, followed by other family members. During the festive dinner they try not to leave the table, they talk quietly. Standing up, the head of the family offers to remember the ancestors and invite them to the Christmas Eve. It is believed that it is at this time that all the ancestors should come to the house, and therefore for them make room on the benches, beds, chairs, put dishes for the night and put spoons. Following the host, all those present say a prayer addressed to those who got lost in the forest, drowned in the sea or did not return from a long journey or war. The next prayer is said to all living family members. They wish them health and happiness, wish them to wait for the next Christmas together and in harmony. After that, the owner takes a candle and a bowl with kutia and, bowing to the four corners, passes the dish to his wife. Each of those present had to eat three spoons of kutia.

Then a little bit from each dish is taken into a large bowl, the owner takes it to the cattle, giving them a taste of the "holy dinner" and blessing them with bread. To protect the yard from evil forces, the owner, alone or with the whole family, with the newly made bread, poppy seeds, honey and water, goes around his farm, smoking incense. Sometimes instead of going around, the owner turns counterclockwise with the bread. Barns and stables are sprinkled with poppy seeds so that witches do not start thinning them, and at the end of the round the threshold of the barn or stable is chopped down so that the enemy force does not cross it. After that, a spell of evil forces is performed: the hostess pours a little bit of all dishes into a half-bowl, puts a loaf, a glass of honey, a glass of water, nuts and apples on top. The host takes a half-bowl in one hand, a whip or an axe in the other and goes to call the "guests".

After the holidays, part of the hay is given to the cattle, and the rest is kept for the huts, where chickens should lay or hatch. After dinner, children have to take the ceremonial food to their relatives, grandparents. Mothers put more knysh and kalachi, sometimes candy, in the kutia.

Some rituals, common for the whole Ukraine, have regional differences, for example, in some areas after dinner children take kutia to relatives, in others wealthy owners take dinner to the poor. Similarly, caroling begins at different times: right on Christmas Eve or the first evening of Christmas. Children and youth groups carol, such groups are led by a "bereza", there is also a "voter" - treasurer, "mikhonosha" - a gift carrier, "star-bearer" - a guy who wears a traditional octagonal star with a candle and bells.  Then children go to the windows to ask to carol, and after receiving permission, they carol to all family members on request. The owners treat children with apples, nuts, sweets and other delicacies, give money. The carolers are treated, they sing carols for all family members, and it all ends with a wreath. However, in some regions of Ukraine, on the contrary, they start with wreaths.

Rituals of caroling may have variants, but their meaning remains the same - honoring of the hosts and gift giving to carolers, who symbolize the messengers of the kingdom of the dead, it is not for nothing that traditionally carolers hush their voices and smear their faces with soot, wear masks, etc.

Koliada is the God of the Winter Sun, who turns the Svarozhe Circle to Spring. The Gustyn Chronicle is perhaps the only written source that refers to Koliada as God. The word Koliada has many meanings: Holy Evening, a rite of glorification on Christmas, the song itself, a reward for caroling, a Christmas gift. Modern linguistics connects the meaning of the word "koliada" with "circle", as well as Latin calendae - calendar, Christmas holidays, etc. But in folklore, there is also a female figure - the Goddess Koliada - not only as the personification of the holiday, but also as the Mother Goddess, who gives birth to the son of the God Koliada, that is, the young winter sun. In the Western Slavs there is a holiday of Bozhycha (Christmas), which is baked "Bozhycha loaf". We can judge about the theistic features of Koliada as the Most High God from the texts of some Slavic carols.Kolo - possibly from kolo - the sun, as well as the sky (similar to the Greek polos - axis, pole, sky, rotation; cf. Slavic Svarga - heavenly circle).

The birth of Jesus

In Christianity, almost all customs were converted to Christianity.

Ukrainians have always celebrated Christmas on December 25, but during the Russian occupation, Russia changed the date for us. Today is the first year that we returned to the previous and more native and logical date for us.

Traditionally, Christmas in Ukraine is preceded by a 40-day fast. Since the last day before the fast falls on the day of memory of the Holy Apostle Philip, the fast is called Pylypivka. The purpose of fasting is to physically and spiritually purify oneself through repentance, prayer, and abstinence from sinful excesses.

According to Ukrainian folk traditions, on the eve of Christmas, it was necessary to clean the house, renew household tools, stock up on everything necessary to survive the winter: firewood, linen, flour, honey, etc. Christianity imposed the tradition of decorating icons with new or clean towels and potions for Christmas.

The evening of December 24  is called the Holy Evening or Christmas Eve. The night from 24 to 25 January is called Koliada.

The Holy Supper is the central tradition of the Holy Evening. For dinner, 12 lean dishes are prepared. The 12 dishes symbolize the 12 apostles of Jesus or the 12 months of the year.  Chief among them is "rich kutia" - boiled wheat or barley with honey and other vegetable ingredients. "Rich kutia" originally had a magical meaning - to testify to the wealth of the household and serve as a symbolic sacrifice to the god Veles, so that he would give a bountiful harvest next year. In Christianity, kutia remained the main dish but has no symbolism.

Another pagan custom migrated to Christianity. Ukrainians on Christmas Eve invited home all travelers, the poor and did not refuse anyone who came home. After dinner, caroling begins - solemn and congratulatory songs with wishes of well-being to the hosts and the message of the birth of Christ. Some carols remained the same, just replaced some words to praise Jesus. It is also believed that on the night between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day the dead ancestors come, so Ukrainians always leave a plate for them. Also in the villages there is a custom with didukh - a sheaf of harvest, which was solemnly brought into the house before dinner. In the city this tradition does not exist because of the difficulty to get a sheaf for the appartments :)

Family members who went to the night church service greeted those who stayed at home on Christmas morning, followed by a joint prayer and breakfast. On the morning of Christmas, there is a special greeting "Christ is born!", which is answered with "Praise Him!". On this day it is customary to go to church for a festive prayer, as well as to visit relatives. As the fast ends, from December 25, it is allowed to eat meat and other hearty dishes. Christmas carolers carry with them a large star fixed on a stick and covered with gilded paper. It symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem, which pointed to the birth of Jesus Christ. In paganism, this star symbolized the sun. Visiting homes, carolers ask permission to carol, and when the owners agree, they sing carols and play comic scenes, for which the owners give the carolers sweets or money.

Christmas caroling groups were equipped mainly by boys. They chose in advance the leader, "mikhonosha", "goat", "shepherd with a fox" and so on. The "goat" was dressed in a woolen coat turned outward, straw horns, a tail and a bell were attached to his neck; in other regions there were differences, in particular, the leader was accompanied by a "gypsy", "doctor", "Jew", "death with a scythe" and so on. However, an obligatory attribute was a moving star, which was constantly worn by the leader ("Bereza"). There are separate varieties of carols for children and adults. Girls' carols stand out separately. In Polissya there are carols for cattle (oxen). Entering the yard, carolers ask for permission to carol and when the owners agree, the carolers begin the performance with funeral songs and comic scenes. The poetic texts glorify the owner, the hostess and their children, wishing them happiness and health, and for the household to have wealth and generous offspring.

Now in Ukraine, the cycle of Christmas holidays begins almost with St. Nicholas to New Year and we have else few Christmas hollydays after New Year.  In paganism it was the holiday of Melanka. Traditionally, the celebration was accompanied by a round of houses wishing people happiness, health and prosperity in the New Year. Theatrical groups also lavish money: "Melanka" and "Vasyl" and "Ryazheni" even in Christianity.

More about this holiday you can read here:


Epiphany is the third holiday of the Christmas cycle. The holiday is associated with the cult of water and the worship of Dana, as evidenced by its popular name Jordan, or Yardan - "illumination of water" in paganism. With the establishment of Christianity, it acquired a new meaning and by the consonance of the name began to be associated with the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. On this day, Ukrainians also have a Christmas Eve - very similar to Christmas. However, in Christianity on this day they bless water and sanctify their own homes and family members with water. Some people dive into an icy hole on this day, although now it is a very popular opinion that there was no such custom in Ukraine and it is not worth doing.

#ChristmasEve #Christmas2023 #Cristmas #Ukraine️
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 26, 2023, 09:14:17 am

This document from Voltaire.net by Wayne Madsen discusses the revelation published in the Times of Israel Sunday, July 31, 2016 In the article "Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine" The times reports that due to new scientific research and DNA evidence that is overwhelmingly against the 98% of Jews known as Ashkenazi. The Jews have secretly conceeded that they are infact Khazars and are now using this ancestral tie as the right to return to the shores of the black sea as a second Jewish homeland.

I wrote a work on the Genetic Origin of the Nations (No. 265) at http://www.ccg.org/english/s/p265.html
I showed that the Ashkenazi Jews were R1a Khazars and that 52 % of all Ashekenazi Levites were R1a Khazars also.  Less that 28% of all Jews are even Semites and many are Edomites and Arab converts.  Over 25% of all European Jews are Hamitic North African or Canaanites. It may be that only 10% are actually from Judah or the other tribes.

religion comes from sun worship and ancient astrology
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 28, 2023, 07:49:57 am

👑 Yaroslav the Wise by the covenant divided the state between sons:
📌 Iziaslav received Kyiv Turiv, Novgorod and Pskov;
📌 Svyatoslav - Chernihiv, Murom, Tmutarakan;
📌 Vsevolod - Pereyaslav and Rostov;
📌 Igor - Vladimir-Volynsky;
📌 Vyacheslav - Smolensk.
The year 1054. No one was assigned to Moscow. Because she just hasn't been there yet.

20 Dec at 10:07 pm
In the ancient times of hoary antiquity,
Among the pristine deaf beauty,
Immaculate forests, and virgin dreams,
The tales are beautiful, in them the ancient Russians
found shelter in the age-old struggle,
Fierce neighbors disturbing the peace.

Sometimes, making dashing raids,
bears tormented their prey like boars,
sometimes they themselves drowned unexpectedly,
from cruel revenge in fatal blood.

There the ancient elders were friends with the gods,
In bear dens they served them with truth, -
Impassable swamps, a rotting swamp,
Caressed the flesh of the tormented sufferers.

Where, in the thicket of oak trees, the firmament was propped up,
Hermits found supreme peace,
Serving Perun and the pagan gods,
Their souls were like thunderclouds.

The gods come to them through dreams of the night,
Forest bears guard their abode,
Their tongue conceals clairvoyant fate, -
The mighty East is heavy and dangerous.

The frail old man throws wood chips into the flames,
the grass-talker speaks poison,
the hemp smokes with a sweetish haze,
and God?s chosen one is detached in soul.

The entire essence in space will flicker and melt,
Centuries flow like a river before him,
He sees the sovereign flourishing and end,
A fortune teller, a learned monk.

Yuri Galkin
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 29, 2023, 08:28:19 am

The collapse of Russia

Did you know that Russia is not a country, but a federation, which even in the Russian constitution is explained as a collection of several states that were actually occupied? Therefore, talk about the disintegration of Russia into small states makes real sense. Moreover, even the armies of these countries are now fighting as part of the Ukrainian army for the freedom of their own states against Russia.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Territorial_Expansion_of_Russia.svg  since 1300

In addition to the ethnic territories of Ukraine, which occupy several regions of eastern Russia (Bilhorod, Kuban, Kazan, etc.), the following states are occupied within Russia: Dagestan, Chechnya, Buryatia, Karelia, the Republic of Adygea, the Republic of Altai, Bashkortostan, Ingushetia , the Republic of Kabardino-Balkar, Kalmykia, the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, Karelia, Komi, Mari El, Mordovia, Yakutia, North Ossetia, Tatarstan, Tyva, Udmurt Republic, Khakassia, Chuvash Republic... Many of them were occupied as a result of the war already after 1991. In addition, Russia has an occupied part of Georgia (Abkhazia, Ossetia), an occupied part of Moldova (Transnistria) and an occupied part of Ukraine (Crimea and part of Donbas).

St. Petersburg is a former city of Sweden, if I am not mistaken, the North of Russia is the occupied lands of Finland, Russia also occupied the territories of China and Japan. And, if all countries signed the recognition of 1991, and Russia decided to violate the treaty and attack once again, justifying it with a certain segment of history, then don't we all together have the right to take away our lands from Russia, because they belonged to us before and give freedom to these peoples, who live under Russian occupation?

Russia also planned and even started the occupation of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tatarstan and others in a non-military way, because Russian representatives are in power there - similar to those who are now sitting in Europe and lobbying for Russian interests, betraying their own people. Since Ukraine was the brain and the main state of the USSR - Russia, after receiving Ukraine, would become extremely powerful and could wage war against all of NATO on an equal footing, so Russia had plans to capture Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland as a first step. And Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria and Georgia as a second step. That is why Russia needs Russian politicians there who would support pro-Russian sentiments in society and prepare everything for the occupation. After the occupation of all Slavic states, Russia planned to capture all of Europe, and then Asia. Communist China, North Korea - they are like dictator brothers for Russia. Perhaps there would not be a war, but a poisonous dictator and a new leader - a puppet of the Kremlin, who would unite the countries without war. And after that the war against the USA, if not before.

Everyone who knows Russia understands this. Ask the politicians of the Baltic states, ask the Slavic states, ask the Caucasian states. And even look at Russia's allies - Kazakhstan is starting to go against Russia, even though it cannot, Lukashenko gave signals that he is against Russia and is a hostage of Putin and cannot decide anything, he is being forced. Armenia withdrew from the alliance with Russia in time after Russia showed that it could not support its allies. Yes, Russia failed to capture Ukraine and Ukraine is giving a powerful fight to Russia, destroying Russian military potential, but what would happen if Russia could? The war would already be at your home. 2024 will definitely be the last year in this war, because Ukraine will not last much longer. It is necessary to win this year and do everything for it, give the maximum already. Do not plan a war 5 years ahead, but think how to win already! And I will repeat again that peace negotiations are not an option - there is no treaty that Russia would not violate. And peace negotiations were held in all the states that Russia attacked, including in Ukraine in 1918. Russia attacked again in the same year. And didn't Dagestan, Chechnya, and Georgia also have two wars each, because Russia lost the first, but won the second?

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 30, 2023, 07:07:37 am
RUSSIAN - in the Ukrainian language such that refers to Russia or
Rusin to her population: the nominal difference is Rusin. Similarly, the names of neighboring nations were formed:
Moscow - Muscovite, Lithuania - Lithuanian.
Under the name "Russian people" (whose belonging), as a rule, understood the subordinates of Russia of another ethnic origin.
The word Russian should not be confused with Russian "russian", that is Russian. After all, with the language reform of King Peter I
since 1711 that's right - the Russians (Russia. Russian) - became called subjects of Muscovy - Muscovites (Muscovites) because of the newly-created Russian Empire from the Moscow Empire.
The Russian People (Latin Genus Ruthenicum) is one of the statesmen in such medieval Eastern European state formations, as the Grand Principality of Lithuania and the Rich Popolita..
In lviv city books from 1599 r. the term "Russian nation" (Natio Ruthenica) is used. Sources at the time convincingly testify that the population of Ukraine and Belarus clearly separated themselves from the Muscovites - the ancestors of modern Russians.
In the times of the cossack for ukrainians also natural and zvično? was the old name of their land - Russia, and their themselves - rusini. And all Western Europe for many centuries on the designation of Ukraine used the name "Russia".
To mark the locals of the ancient Russia, the medieval Kiev State, and the successor states: the Galician-Volyn Principality, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russian and the Grand Duky of Russian XV century. , and the Grand Principality of Russian that had to stand on the territory of Ukrainian hetmanatu,
the term ancient Russian = ancient Ukrainian.
It's not by accident that's the name of the administrative unit - Russian voivodeship.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op december 31, 2023, 08:37:41 am


A map illustrating the expansion of the ancient Greeks across the Aegean during the so-called Greek Dark Ages in the wake of the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization. During the 1100s BCE, fueled by a variety of factors such as population growth, political instability, as well as the Dorian invasions into northern Greece and later the Peloponnese, various Greek tribal groups embarked on waves of large-scale population movement (known as the Aeolic, Ionian, Doric, and Achaean/Arcadian migrations) across the Aegean and beyond. These new settlements became, in turn, hubs of trade, culture, and innovation, spreading the Greek language, customs, and art. Although many of the achievements of the Mycenaeans were lost or forgotten during this time, the era of migration and exploration laid the foundation for the interconnected world of the ancient Greeks, ushered in the Archaic period, the rise of the city-state or polis, and the re-establishment of an organized society.

The Scythians roamed and ruled over an astonishing 1.5 million mi? (2.4 million km?) of territory between the 7th and 3rd centuries BCE. Although building an empire was never in their interest, Scythian territorial expanse was remarkable.
While there is much debate concerning Scythian origins Herodotus claims, and most modern scholars agree: they moved [west] from Asia into Europe by way of the great steppe corridor". Considering the fluidity of movement the Central Asian steppe allows, multiple back-and-forth movements are not surprising, and multidirectional migrations make pinpointing origins difficult. It is altogether possible that, after an early pervasive expansion from the west, there were subsequent migrations from all directions. While their origin is debated, a general consensus identifies Scythian cultures to be generally comprised of four main groups: Pontic Scythians around the Black Sea; Sarmatians from the northern Caspian Sea and Don and Volga River areas, in present-day Russia; Massagetae in the desert steppe of Central Asia; and the Sakā in east Central Asia. 📣Read more about the Scythians on The World History Encyclopedia: https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1843/scythian-territorial-expanse/

Scythians and Greeks : a survey of ancient history and archaeology on the north coast of the Euxine from the Danube to the Caucasus
by Minns, Ellis H 720 pages

Publication date 1913

https://archive.org/details/horsewheelandlanguage The Horse, the Wheel, and Language : David W. Anthony | That's why europeans came from Ukraine-RUS https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.ade2451 First bioanthropological evidence for Yamnaya horsemanship
https://archive.org/details/anthony-david-w-the-horse-the-wheel-and-language-2007 847 pages
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 02, 2024, 07:07:48 am

The Scythians were a nomadic people whose culture flourished between the 7th and 3rd century BCE in a territory ranging from Thrace in the west, across the steppe of Central Asia, to the Altai Mountains of Mongolia in the east. This covers an area around 4000 kilometers (2500 mi) in length. The geography of the open plains steppe, desert steppe, and forest-steppe expanses over which they ranged was conducive to a pastoral rather than a settled way of life involving agricultural production. As a result, these Steppe nomads had few urban centers, and had a nomadic lifestyle; riding horses, tending herds, and living in covered wagons.
Kul-Oba was the first Scythian royal barrow to be excavated in modern times. Uncovered in 1830, the stone tomb yielded a wealth of precious artifacts, including this gold beaker. This ancient archaeological site was discovered near Kerch in eastern Crimea. 📢Read more about the Scythians on The World History Encyclopedia!
 #scythian #scythianart #scythiangold #ancienthistory
✍Patrick Scott Smith
📷Scythian gold beaker from the Kul-Oba kurgan, Crimea. 4th century BCE. It shows bivouacked soldiers: one demonstrates how to string a bow; another removes his comrade's tooth, and another bandage a fellow's hurt leg (State Hermitage Museum, Moscow).

Birth of Rus' - 882
Russian history begins in 862: on this date Slovenians from Ilmen invited the varago Rjurik to Novgorod to rule. How was the Russian state born?
Rjurik died in 879, when his son Igor was still very young. Power in Novgorod passed into the hands of the other villager, Oleg. We don?t know exactly who he was: maybe a relative of Rjurik, maybe one of his warriors. In any case, he was Igor's guardian. Most of Novgorod's income was composed of revenue from businesses passing the "Varage Road to Greeks". This road started in the Baltic Sea and ended all the way to Constantinople, through Slavic lands. Oleg could only control one part of it, while the other was controlled by Kiev. Oleg decided to rectify this situation and in 882 he went to war.
Kiev at that time was ruled by two variages, Askold and Dir, who left Rjurik in search of fortune. Oleg hid his warriors on the ships and approached the walls of Kiev with little support, holding little Igor in his arms. He said: ?We are merchants, we go to the Greeks sent by Oleg and Igor, so come to us, we are from the same blood?. When Askold and Dir came out, Oleg said: "You are not princes, nor do you descend from princes, while I am from the prince's family." And pointing to Igor he added: "This is Rjurik's son." At this point, the hidden warriors jumped out of the ships and killed Askold and Dir. Oleg took Kiev and transferred his capital there.
Thus in 882, the two main Russian cities, Novgorod and Kiev, were united, and the state that was ever called Rus was formed. The Byzantines called it Ross?a, and the Latin matrix countries - Russia .
Picture: Ilja Glazunov, Prince Oleg with Igor. 1972
Olga Tarovik - History of the Russia
Tale of times gone by, written in 1116 by the Rus? historian, Nestor di Pečerska.

The Historiography of Normanist and
Anti-Normanist theories on the origin of Rus’ 2      https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26680/7245.pdf?sequence=2

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 05, 2024, 07:35:31 am
Seeking the First Speakers of Indo-European Language. Science . Iosif Lazardis, 2022.8.25

Ancient DNA sheds new light on the origins of a lingua franca. by Jonathan Shaw

More than 5,000 years ago, Caucasus hunter-gatherers from the highlands between the Black and Caspian Seas traveled west to Anatolia and north to the steppe, splitting their Proto-Indo-European language into two branches.

From the steppe, their Yamnaya horse-herder descendants spread their language and genes into daughter languages and cultures across Eurasia. Border colors indicate the geographic origins of five source populations before their migrations (shown by correspondingly colored arrows), while the pie charts show the post-migration admixtures in these regions.

ANEW STUDY OF ANCIENT DNA from 727 individuals who lived in the regions cradling the southern half of the Black Sea, and extending into the Levant and western Iran, narrows the hunt for the origins of Indo-European languages-spoken today as a first language by almost half the world?s population.

The research also documents genetic homogenization and stability among the population of farmers living between about 15,000 and 7,000 years ago in what is now Turkey, sheds new light on how an early form of Indo-European language may have spread in ancient Greece, and reveals the surprising discovery that the ancestry of the population of Rome during the Imperial period was drawn principally from Anatolia.

These findings are the result of a 206-person collaboration led by staff scientist Iosif Lazaridis of the David Reich lab at Harvard, and by Songul Alpaslan-Roodenberg of the Reich lab and the Ron Pinhasi lab at the University of Vienna (Reich, a professor of genetics and of human evolutionary biology, and Pinhasi, an associate professor of evolutionary anthropology, are co-senior authors of the three related studies published today in Science.)

The group?s work more than doubles the amount of ancient DNA from this region, and extends Reich?s pioneering studies of early human origins forward into periods for which there start to be scattered historical records.







The Mythology of all races ...
by Gray, Louis H. (Louis Herbert), 1875-1955; Moore, George Foot, 1851-1931; MacCulloch, J. A. (John Arnott), 1868-1950

Publication date 1916
Vols. 2, 4-5, 7-8, 13 are edited by J.A. Macculloch and G.F. Moore, and have imprint: Boston, Archaeological Institute of America, Marshall Jones Company

Bibliography at end of each volume

I. Greek and Roman, by W.S. Fox. 1916.--

II. Eddic, by J.A. Macculloch. 1930.--

III. Celtic, by J.A. Macculloch; Slavic by Jan M?chal. 1918.--

IV. Finno-Ugric, Siberian, by Uno Holmberg. 1927.--

V. Semitic, by S.H. Langdon. 1931.--

VI. Indian, by A.B. Keith; Iranian, by A.J. Carnvy. 1917.--

VII. Armenian, by M.H. Ananikian; African, by Alice Werner. 1925.--

VIII. Chinese, by J.C. Ferguson; Japanese, by Masaharu Anesaki. 1928.

IX. Oceanic, by R.B. Dixon. 1916.--

X. North American, by H.B. Alexander. 1916.--

XI. Latin-American, by H.B. Alexander. 1920.--

XII. Egyptian, by W.M. M?ller; Indo-Chinese, by J.G. Scott. 1918.--

XIII. Complete index to volumes I-XII. 1932

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfLGb1uOSHQ&list=PLarj2-qKoqrjd6KbrAEVBNJhV2PCkpzN5&index=11    24 parts

religion comes from sun worship and ancient astrology

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 07, 2024, 09:21:16 am

Howard Buffett♥️, the son of billionaire Warren Buffett in 2022, gave Ukraine 150 million dollars from his personal money.
In 2023 - bought total for Ukraine in the amount of 360 million. At his own expense, built kitchen factories in buča and lozova, police departments in borodyanets and izumi, canine center in buča.
Buffet brings to Ukraine harvesters, tractors and seeds - and free passes to farmers. Buys and Brings to Ukraine mining machines: in some areas mining is the main type of agricultural work...
Buffett supports the Ukrainian police, brought dozens of machines for DNA detection, bought in the Netherlands and brought to Ukraine service dogs of the highest level of training. Buffett helps to look for war criminals, created a separate organization in Ukraine.
Sponsored the creation and work of "Superhumans Center" - opened under the Lviv center of prosthesis. Bought and brought 2400 high capacity generators...
In September 2023 Buffet together with Ukrzaliznytsia created the world's first train-kitchen that can work 5-7 days in autonomous mode during blackouts and produce 70 thousand. food portion for the week.
How much money does Howard Buffett have? It's hard to say that he spends them all the time, half a billion has already spent on Ukraine. He fell in love with Ukraine, he came ten times during the war, it feels like he spends more time in Ukraine than at home, in the United States...
He is the middle child of billionaire investor Warren Buffett. Named after Howard Buffett, his grandfather, and Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett's beloved professor.
Being the CEO and Chairman of the Howard G Foundation. Buffett (HGBF), Buffett has visited more than 130 countries to document the issues of preserving biodiversity and providing enough resources to meet people's needs.
HGBF was one of five philanthropic groups to receive $2.9 billion of Berkshire Hathaway Class B shares in July 2020 from Warren Buffett.
P.S. According to Forbes magazine, as of April 2023 Warren Buffett was ranked 5th in the world's richest billionaires with personal assets of 106 billion. $.
In addition, Warren Buffett plans to donate most of his assets to charity.
@S. Lazarev.

"How did it happen that the people of "kripak?v" occupied the largest and najd?č??u territory in Europe? ".
It's only now that we, like a giraffe, began to understand who we are.
No, the hints and hints were demonstratively laid out everywhere, but we are so modest, so tolerant, so accommodating, so min?ovart?s? and victimized that we are blind.
And did we ask ourselves: "How did it happen that the people of "Kripak" occupied the largest and most fertile territory in Europe?" ? Ukraine is approximately the size of Britain, Romania and Poland together.
In what way " rural " language, " maloros?js ???ko? nar?č??, which does not exist " has a total of up to a million words ???
The first Ukrainian words (honey and dish) were recorded by Priskom Pan?js Перkim in the camp of the gun lord Attila on the territory of modern Ukraine in 448 n. e.
How in "small culture" fit 200,000 folk songs, large national cuisine, ornaments, ritual, architecture, colossal painting, the first in Eastern Europe academies and book printing, ancient lithopisi and cobzartvo, humor, theater of Korifei and "Berezil", music of vedel and berezovs зіkogo, pan and vernadsky? Such a "small" culture would be enough for ten nations.
How did it happen that the ancestors of the "young state, which is only 30 years old", took the capital of Byzantine Constantinople back in 907, destroyed Khozar Kaganat in 968, burned the Ottoman Navy in 1615, burned the suburbs of Moscow 1618?
And this is just the tip of the top of the iceberg.
I am personally NOT surprised by the fantastic power of Ukrainians demonstrated in the last year. Ukrainians have always been like this. History and memory of generations scream to us. It's just that this memory is coming back to us too slowly.
We're like a nasty duck that turned out to be a swan and flew from the chicken men?ovartost?.
And we need to urgently learn to LOVE and RESPECT ourselves, as normal uncomplexovan? peoples do. Because we are not chickens, but swans, and parents our swans, and great-grandparents were free and beautiful!
They flew high and didn't live in chicken coops.
You need to know this and be proud of it!
In any incomprehensible situation, be proud of Ukraine!
This makes sense.
I have been checking.
Author of the text: Alexander Vysotsky

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 10, 2024, 09:26:43 am

"The BBC released a program about Russian expansion throughout history. And why the history of Russia there starts from the 1340s, from the Principality of Moscow as a Vassala of the Golden Horde.
This is certainly a monumental upheaval in Western perception. Before this they always started with Kiev Russia. Not anymore.
We live in unique times when we take away the image and brand of medieval Kyiv When we - suddenly, but very obviously - proved the truthfulness of our vision of the development of Eastern Europe. What we are the same Kiev Russia, alive and very outraged.
In my opinion, this is our main asset. We reopened Ukraine for Europe that failed to do literally eight hundred years. Not only did we prove our own subjectivity, but we stretched it back a thousand years. Proved that we are the European people not just here and now, and not since 1991, but what have been always.
And I told you that we're cool for generations of ancestors".
Victor Tregubov.

Prophecy about the war in Ukraine from a Christian priest in 1991

In 1991, the priest Budzinskyi, who was persecuted by the Russian authorities, wrote a prophecy in which he predicted all the events that happened in Ukraine. In particular, there was also about the war. The main points from this prophecy:

- ... The second Ukrainian Koliivshchyna will come. People's anger will be so terrible that third Soviets and communists will be caught in the streets and killed without trial or investigation. And no one will be able to stop this revenge of our people, because the crimes committed by the third Soviets and communists against Ukraine and the people will be as terrible as Stalin's. Both gangs, the Third Soviets and the Communists, will be banned and disbanded, and a new Nuremberg will be organized and conducted against them. An international trial similar to the Nuremberg Tribunal. All their property and money looted in Ukraine and Ukrainians will be confiscated, and those third Soviets and communists who remain alive will be punished by prison. Only then will a truly independent Ukraine be born!

- This will happen between the anniversary of independence (August 24) and the anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko (March 9). It is not for nothing that he is called a Prophet in our people. These two dates have a great sacred meaning for us. Shevchenko, on the other hand, used the events of the past to describe our future. Only this must be understood, just like the Bible.

- From today (1991), in 35 years, Ukraine will become one of the strongest countries in the world. Such as the USA is now. And God's punishment will fall on the Muscovite region for all the abuse it has done to Ukraine and other peoples for 350 years. Disintegration and complete decline await Muscovite. It began with Volodymyr and will end with Volodymyr. Such is the will of God.

The full prophecy can be read here:


Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 13, 2024, 11:32:58 am

A noble Pazyryk resident was diagnosed with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
and osteoporosis of the fourth degree.

Paleopathologists and anthropologists examined the remains of an adult man, which were found in 1990 in the Ak-Alakha-1 burial ground in Pazyrykculture. Scientists reconstructed the appearance of this individual and found out that he belonged to the Caucasian anthropological type. They also found healed fractures on his bones and numerous pathologies that allowed him to be diagnosed with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis and grade 4 osteoporosis. This was reported in an article published in the journal Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of Eurasia.

For more than a century and a half, researchers have been studying the monuments of the Pazyryk archaeological culture, known in the Altai Mountains and adjacent regions. It existed approximately in the 6th-3rd centuries BC and belonged to the so-called Scythian-Siberian world. Archaeologists know about these people mainly through excavations of ancient burial grounds, including ?royal? mounds. Due to the fact that some burial grounds were located in areas with permafrost, rare ancient products made from organic matter were preserved in these monuments. Among them, for example, is the famous felt carpet and chariot from the fifth Pazyryk mound, excavated back in 1949. In addition, sometimes even mummified bodies of the deceased are preserved in graves. The most famous example is the mummy of the so-called Princess of Ukok (read more about her in the material ?Well Preserved?).

Researchers have known for a long time that there may be permafrost in the burial mounds of noble Pazyryk residents. But usually they dug up objects that had already been visited by robbers. The situation changed in 1990, when archaeologists worked in the Ak-Alakha-1 burial ground, which is located on the Ukok plateau. In the first mound of this complex, they discovered two undisturbed burials, one of which contained the remains of an adult man 45-50 years old, and the other - a young man who died at 16-17 years old. The peculiarities of the funeral rite allowed us to conclude that these people belonged to the nobility. Moreover, both men, apparently, were relatives on the maternal and paternal lines, as indicated by an analysis of ancient DNA carried out several years ago.

Elena Aristova, together with colleagues from the Novosibirsk State Medical University and the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS, conducted a new study of the remains of an adult man from the first mound of the Ak-Alakha-1 burial ground. Analysis of the morphological features of the skull showed that the man belonged to the Caucasian anthropological type. In his physical appearance, he turned out to be similar to the men who lived in the Volga-Ural region and in the west of modern Kazakhstan in the 6th-3rd centuries BC. Based on the collected data on the man's skull morphology, age, and pathologies, anthropologists reconstructed his appearance.

Paleopathologists discovered numerous pathologies and previous injuries on the man?s bones. Thus, he had an incorrectly healed fracture of the left clavicle and a healed fracture of the left scapula, in which there was also a hole measuring 40x7 millimeters. Having also analyzed the damage to the ribs, the researchers concluded that the man was hit on the back with a hammer, after which he could have fallen on his left shoulder and broken his collarbone. In addition, traces of traumatic injuries are also present on the right side of his shoulder girdle. Scientists noted that together these injuries interfered with the normal functioning of the shoulder joints and acted as a source of pain.

But fractures turned out to be not the main problem of this man. His condition was aggravated by stage 4 osteoporosis (extreme bone loss), which affected the lumbar spine. In addition, the man suffered from a systemic connective tissue disease - diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis. Scientists noted that the exact causes of this disease are unknown. But it is accompanied by old age and disorders of metabolic and endocrine processes. According to the authors of the new work, it is possible that such serious health problems are due to the fact that he was not genetically adapted to the conditions of the Altai Mountains and may have been born outside of it - this is indirectly evidenced by his anthropological type.

Anthropological reconstruction of the appearance of a man from the Ak-Alakha-1 burial ground
Elena Aristova et al. / Archeology, ethnography and anthropology of Eurasia, 2023
Source: https://nplus1.ru


A mini-lesson of the Ukrainian language :)

Край - Kray/Krai - Territory, Land
Країна - Kraina - Country
Україна - Ukrayina - Ukraine

P.S. In the Ukrainian language, the word Край has another meaning - the end of something.

Russian propaganda lies that the word Ukraine comes from the Russian word "окраина" (okraina), which means a suburb, explaining it by the fact that Ukraine is a suburb of Russia. But this lie is destroyed by simple facts that are very easy to verify:

- The word "окраїна" was never in the Ukrainian language, and the russian language appeared after there was a country called Ukraine.
- The lands of modern Ukraine in Kiyvan Rus' were officially called Україна (Ukraine). This is even mentioned in ancient chronicles. And at that time there were not even settlements on the territory of Russia.
- Ukraine has always been the center of Kyivan Rus, this Russia can be called a suburb that destroys any logic of Russian propaganda.
- In one of the books, I read that the word Ukraine is translated only from Sanskrit, and it is not found in other languages. But I haven't checked this information yet.

nope, came from river Ros near Kyiv, that's why arabs called Black Sea RUSS sea, and people RUSS, so Ukrainians are the only RUSSian people, ruzzians arre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi  butchers (katsap) and cannibals like Herodotus 400 BCE said

see also The Historiography of Normanist and
Anti-Normanist theories on the origin of Rus      https://duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26680/7245.pdf?sequence=2
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 14, 2024, 20:12:18 pm

Some (not all) Mongols in the internet:
"Huns are Mongols, we are the real Huns..."
Some (not all) Magyars (Hungarians) in the internet:
"We are the grandchildren of Atilla,
Huns are Magyar (Hungarian)..."
Some (not all) Bulgars in the internet:
"Atilla was from the Bulgarian Dulo -Dynasty, the Dulo Dynasty was the Founder of the Hun Empire...."
Some (not all) Turks in the internet:
"Teoman (Tou-Man) and Mete Han (Modun Shanyu) were Turks, Huns spoke a Turkic language, we are the true Huns...."
And somehow, all of these statements are right, all are Huns, all Magyars (Hungarians), all Bulgars and all Turkic and Mongolian tribes of course, and even some more like Manchu- Tungus and West Siberians like Khantys for example...
All are the descendants of the ancient Huns (Hunnu/XiongNu)...
It is time to acknowledge all the Hun descendants as Brothers!
Don't let "Tribalism'' or false ideologies divide the Hun Blood and Spirit...
We are all Huns...! And still here...
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 16, 2024, 07:41:02 am

Enorm DNA-onderzoek: Oekra?ense herders zijn stamvaders van Europa -DNA herschrijft geschiedenis: We komen oorspronkelijk niet uit Nederland -
Huge DNA study: Ukrainian shepherds are
progenitors of Europe

100 ancient genomes show repeated population turnovers in Neolithic Denmark

https://archive.org/details/horsewheelandlanguage The Horse, the Wheel, and Language : David W. Anthony | That's why europeans came from Ukraine-RUS https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.ade2451 First bioanthropological evidence for Yamnaya horsemanship https://archive.org/details/anthony-david-w-the-horse-the-wheel-and-language-2007 847 pages

https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/first-europeans-immigrants-genetic-testing-feature. who came before Yamana


A selection of sources on the history of the Mongol Empire:

links to .rar total 2 GB in russian

Nomadic peoples of East Asia until the 13th century:
1. Materials on the history of the ancient nomadic peoples of the Donghu group
2. Materials on the history of the Xiongnu (based on Chinese sources). 2 issues
3. Materials on the history of nomadic peoples in China III-V centuries.
Issue 1. Xiongnu
Issue 2. Jie
Issue 3. Murong
Issue 4. Di and Qiang
4. Collection of information about the peoples who lived in Central Asia in ancient times. 2 volumes.
5. Chinese news about the peoples of Southern Siberia, Central Asia and the Far East.
6. Materials on the economic history of China in the early Middle Ages
7. History of the Iron Empire
8. History of the Golden Empire
9. Ye Lun-li. History of the Khitan state (Qidan guo zhi)
10. Korean source about the Khitan invasions at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century.
11. The Great Steppe in ancient and Byzantine sources
12. Tatars, Mongols and Mongol-Tatars IX-XII centuries. according to Chinese sources

Mongolian sources:
13. Mongolian chronicle 1240
14. Yellow story (Shara Tuji)
15. Lubsan Danzan. Altan Tobchi
16. The Golden Horde in the sources. Volume III Chinese and Mongolian sources
17. History in the works of learned lamas

Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese sources:
18. ?Hei da shi lyue? source on the history of the Mongols of the 13th century.
19. ?Annals of Kublai Khan,? the main source on the history of the reign of the first emperor of the Yuan dynasty (Juan 4-17 ?Yuan shi?)
20. Chinese source about the first Mongol khans
21. Meng-da bei-lu. Full description of the Mongol-Tatars
22. Travel notes of the Chinese Zhang De Hui during his trip to Mongolia in the first half of the 13th century
20. The Golden Horde in the sources. Volume III Chinese and Mongolian sources
21. Pagsam-jeongsan. History and chronology of Tibet
23. Rai Jo. History of the Shogunate in Japan. Nihon gaishi. Volume 2

Arabic, Persian and Syrian sources:
24. Ata-Melik Juvaini. Genghis Khan. History of the Conqueror of the World
25. The Golden Horde in the sources. Vol.1 Arabic and Persian works
26. Ibn al-Athir. Complete history
27. History of Kazakhstan in Arabic sources. T. III. Extracts from the works of the XII-XVI centuries
28. History of Kazakhstan in Persian sources. T. I. Jamal al-Karshi. Al-Mulhakat bi-s-surakh
30. Rashid ad-Din. Correspondence
31. Rashid ad-Din. Shuab-i panjgana (Five genealogies)
32. Rashid ad-Din - Jami at-tawarikh. Collection of chronicles. 3 volumes
33. Collection of materials from the Golden Horde. Volume 1.
34. Collection of materials related to the history of the Golden Horde. Volume 2
35. Syrian medieval historiography
36. Hafiz Abru (Shihab ad-Din Abdallah ibn Lutfallah al-Hawafi). Zail-i Jami at-tawarikh-i Rashidi

Central Asian sources:
37. Bukhara waqf of the 13th century.
36. Materials on the history of the Turkmens and Turkmenistan
37. Genealogy of the Turkmens. Essay by Abu-l-Ghazi Khan of Khiva
38. Utemish-haji. Kara tawarich.
39. Utemish-haji. Chingiz-name
40. Shihab ad-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad an-Nasawi. Sirat al-Sultan Jalal ad-Din Mankburn

Byzantine, Armenian and Georgian sources:
41. George Acropolis. History
42. Nikifor Grigora. History of the Romans. 2 volumes
43. George Pachymer the story of Michael and Andronikos Palaiologos. T. 1. The reign of Michael Palaeologus, 1255-1282
44. Anonymous Georgian ?Chronograph? XIV
45. Armenian sources about the Mongols. Extracts from manuscripts of the XII-XIV centuries
46. History of the Mongols monk Magakia, XIII century
47. History of the Mongols according to Armenian sources
48. Kirakos Gandzaketsi. History of Armenia

Russian sources:
49. Galicia-Volyn Chronicle
50. Laurentian Chronicle.
51. Novgorod IV Chronicle
52. Novgorod First Chronicle of the older and younger editions
53. Monuments of literature of Ancient Russia. XIII in
54. Monuments of literature of Ancient Russia. XIV - mid-XV centuries
55. Rogozhsky chronicler. Tver collection
56. Sophia I Chronicle
57. Military stories of Ancient Russia
58. Monuments of the Kulikovo cycle
59. Collection of khan's labels to Russian metropolitans

European sources:
59. English medieval sources, IX-XIII
60. ?Great Chronicle? about Poland, Russia and their neighbors XI-XIII centuries
61. In the lands of Northern Tartary. Information from Latin sources about the Golden Horde during the reign of Uzbek Khan (1313-1341)
62. News of Hungarian missionaries of the XIII-XIV centuries. about the Tatars and Eastern Europe
64. Latin-language sources on the history of Ancient Russia in the 9th-13th centuries
65. Master Rogerius. A sad song about the destruction of the Hungarian kingdom by the Tatars.
66. Matvey Mekhovsky. Treatise on the Two Sarmatians
67 From ?David, King of the Indies? to ?the hated plebs of Satan.? Anthology of early Latin information about the Tatar-Mongols
67. Karppini. History of the Mongols
68. Travels to the eastern countries of Karpini and Rubryka
69. Thomas of Split. History of the Archbishops of Salona and Split
70. Christendom and the Great Mongol Empire. Materials of the Franciscan mission of 1245

Other sources:
71. Abu Bakr al-Kutbi al-Akhari. Tarikh-i Sheikh Wuwei
72. Anthology of traditional Vietnamese thought. X - beginning of XIII centuries.
73. Iryong. Remaining information [about] three states (Samguk yusa)
74. History of the Golden Horde. Collection of materials
75. History of Tataria in materials and documents
76. Cumans-Kuns in the Volga-Ural interfluve (according to Chinese sources)
77. Poetry of the Golden Horde
78. Khorezmi. Muhabbat-name

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 18, 2024, 09:33:31 am

Theft of millennia: how Moscovia rebranded itself as 'Russia'

The Mongol States during the Travels of Ibn Battuta 1325-1354.
(Source: orias.berkeley.edu)
Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Battutah (/ˌɪbən b?tˈtuːtɑː/; 24 February 1304 ? 1368/1369), commonly known as Ibn Battuta, was a Maghrebi traveller, explorer and scholar. Over a period of thirty years from 1325 to 1354, Ibn Battuta visited most of North Africa, the Middle East, East Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, China, the Iberian Peninsula, and West Africa. Near the end of his life, he dictated an account of his journeys, titled A Gift to Those Who Contemplate the Wonders of Cities and the Marvels of Travelling, but commonly known as The Rihla.
Ibn Battuta travelled more than any other explorer in pre-modern history, totalling around 117,000 km (73,000 mi), surpassing Zheng He with about 50,000 km (31,000 mi) and Marco Polo with 24,000 km (15,000 mi). There have been doubts over the historicity of some of Ibn Battuta's travels, particularly as they reach farther East.

In honor of the anniversary of our community, we made a 3D reconstruction of a Saka/Usun warrior of the 3rd century BC. from the Karatum burial ground. Kurgan 34, skeleton 1

Male aged 35-45 years with a very strong development of the brow, with a strongly protruding wavy nose, with a high bridge of the nose,horizontal tip and base of the nose, with a straight, vertical and prominent chin.
Judging by the measurements taken on the skull, the nose protrudes strongly from the plane of the face.
The man belongs to the Caucasian race and combines the characteristics of the Nordic and Cromanoid types, which is generally characteristic of the ancestors of the Scythian-Sarmatians - the Andronovo people.https://vk.com/wall-176775940_20221

Often in historical sources there is a mention of the ?white-eyed miracle? - this is how these people were called in the Urals, Altai and many other regions of Russia. A significant number of legends about the white-eyed miracle have been preserved among the Komi.

Other names are often used: chudins, miracles, old people, divyi people, chuchkas and chuchevars. Most of these names are known from the legends of the Urals, based on which it can be assumed that it was in these places that there was a kind of center of settlement of the Chuds in ancient times.

The oldest Russian chronicles call the Chud ?Zavolochskaya? (?beyond the portage??) and place it somewhere in the basin of the Northern Dvina and Onega. There are mentions of the Zavolochskaya miracle in Nestor?s ?Tale of Bygone Years? (11th century):

... in the Afetov part there are Rus, Chud and all the pagans: Merya, Muroma, Ves, Mordva, Zavolochskaya Chud, Perm, Pechera, Yam, Ugra .

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 19, 2024, 07:41:57 am

Ethnic groups in Central Asia
Including the Oghuz Turks, are the origin of theTurkmen . Some of them migrated to Persia, where they founded the Seljuk Empire in 1037, and to the Anatolian Plateau, where they founded the Ottoman Empire in 1299
Credit to AbAbou Yousif Al Akowa
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 20, 2024, 09:38:06 am

Before Peter I founded St. Petersburg, it is believed that there was no life on the site of these swamps. However, in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra a tombstone has been preserved with the date of burial marked as 7180 from the Creation of the World (not according to the SMZH calendar). If we translate this into the familiar onechronology, it will be 1671, which is 32 years earlier than the founding of St. Petersburg. It is difficult to say what kind of life there was, but it is unlikely that a master who was engaged in stone carving would have appeared in the swamps out of nowhere. It is also unlikely that a working pier could have been built in a completely deserted area


Caspian Sea

This map , dated 1578, shows that before 1700 the Caspian Sea was depicted on maps with a completely different shape. The Aral Sea is not shown on the map, but the Caspian Sea is presented in an oval shape. It is noticeable that in the area of modern deserts there wasmany rivers and cities, the existence of which we currently do not know. From this we can conclude that the territories of the Karakum and Kyzylkum deserts were once densely populated areas. There were mountains, cities, rivers and lakes here. At the same time, the rivers flowed in a direction different from the current one
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 21, 2024, 09:07:40 am

we zijn ALLEMAAL Oekrainiers  sinds 5000 jaar geleden, is dus ook ONZE oorlog   en een van die Yamnaya ben ik, ZIJ brachten Europa het blanke ras, blauwe ogen, en mogelijk ook rood/blond haar en melktolerantie https://www.reddit.com/r/meerderheidnederland/comments/1977e1z/enorm_dnaonderzoek_oekra%C3%AFense_herders_zijn/

🔸Until about 20 years ago, it was thought that 'civilisation' made its appearance with Sumerians, about 7000 years ago. But few years ago, on border between Syria and Turkey, G?bekli Tepe and neighbouring settlements were discovered. Everything has changed since then.
Oldest remains of G?bekli Tepe date back at least 12,000 years. Some monoliths found in ruins depict human beings dressed only in loincloths. But 12,000 years ago, humanity was in middle of Younger Dryas (small ice age). So, it is impossible for people of that time to have been walking around in just a loincloth. To be able to walk around dressed like that, temperature had to be mild. But last "mild" period before Younger Dryas ended around 110,000 BC, when Last Ice Age began. So at least some parts of G?bekli Tepe may date back to that ancient period.
At G?bekli Tepe ideograms were engraved, i.e., engravings that do not represent animals or things, but abstract concepts. These could be first example of human writing, at least 5,000 years earlier than that of Sumerians. Buildings at G?bekli Tepe are not made of wood, or straw, but are composed of limestone. Some pillars weigh as much as 20 tonnes. Inhabitants of G?bekli Tepe were able to build houses and villages out of stone thousands of years before Sumerians.
On a stone slab called 'Stele of the Cranes', people of G?bekli Tepe tell of an encounter between themselves and 'beings from outside', from sky, at same time that a comet streaked across the sky. Moreover, engraved tale alludes to a period of time when a comet bombardment wrought immense destruction across Earth
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 22, 2024, 07:41:43 am

Ancient Russian jewelry. Lunnitsa.

This talisman in the form of pendants and earrings was widespread in pagan Rus' as a feminine adornment. It was worn everywhere - around the neck, on clothes, pinned to hats and personal items. FirstLunar pendants date back to the Bronze Age, but the largest number of historical finds come from the time before and after the baptism of Rus'.

The most memorable are the grained silver items of later eras, decorated with inserts of rubies and other precious stones. The presence of celestial symbols, rain lines and even different positions of the luminary on the amulets suggests that they really contain a deep, multifaceted meaning regarding the influence of nature on human life.

The general meaning of the talisman comes down to helping a woman, since the moon was considered the patroness of the fair sex. It was believed that lunnitsa preserves youth and health, facilitates pregnancy and childbirth, and even helps the hostess maintain peace and tranquility in the house. As we have already mentioned, the month in which the talisman was created is located horizontally and can be directed downward or upward.

If the moon is directed upward with its horns, then it, like the grail, will contribute to the accumulation of strength, energy and wealth. The misconception is that this characteristic is considered an exclusively male property, because in every person there is a manifestation of two principles.

If the horns look down, then this symbol, like the waning moon, was intended to rid the owner of everything unnecessary in her life, or personified the giving beginning.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 23, 2024, 07:47:48 am

The Medes or Medians were a group of Indo-Iranian-speaking people from central Asia who migrated westwards and entered northern Iran around the end of the 2nd millennium BCE. They settled in the highlands of Zagros (Zagreus in Greek) and, by the end of the 7th century BCE, founded the kingdom of Media (Mada in Old Persian).
Since no written records of the Late Bronze Age migrating groups from Central Asia have been found, it is unclear by what name(s) they used to call themselves. Median (or Medes) was the Greek adaptation of Mada and it referred to the people from the Achaemenid Empire centuries later. The Medians, however, were originally a group of North Zagros tribes or clans, most likely related to each other through language and culture rather than any political rulership. The Median clans were in constant conflict with each other before their unification in the 8th century BCE, mainly to fight back the invasions of the Assyrians from the east and of the Urartians and Scythians from the north.
Median history is studied through two main groups of ancient sources that are not always consistent: Mesopotamian records (particularly Assyrian inscriptions) and historical writings (mainly Herodotus' Histories, 1.95-106). Although both groups might be assessed as external observations, the former is contemporary, while the latter comes from much later. Both, however, agree that the Medians were highly acclaimed horsemen and ruthless warriors, who not only secured their independence from the Neo-Assyrian Empire and other great powers of the region but went further and expanded their borders into the heartland of Mesopotamia, eastern Anatolia, and western Iran.
The Median Empire became a superpower in 612 BCE, following its contribution to the downfall of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. In 549 BCE, when the last king of the Medians, Ishtuvaigu (Astyages in Greek, r. 585 to c. 550 BCE), was defeated by the Persian king of Anshan, Cyrus II (the Great, r. c. 550-530 BCE), the Medians were already renowned as members of a formidable military force, and most ancient writers continued to refer to the Persians as "the Medes" for centuries after their full absorption into the Achaemenid Empire (550-330 BCE). 📣Read more about the Medes here: https://www.worldhistory.org/Medes/
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 24, 2024, 09:31:20 am

 Zelensky Publishes Decree on 'Historically' Ukrainian Regions, Russia Furious .They were: Belgorod, Bryansk, Krasnodar, Kursk, Rostov and Voronezh.
  see also


Empress Catherine II gave the Black Sea Cossack Host the rights to Kuban lands. Her decree of 30.6. and 1.7.1792 handed these lands over to the Black Sea Cossacks "for eternity". The Cossacks founded the administrative centre of Yekaterinodar (literally "Catherine's gift") in 1794 (now Krasnodar,RF)



Kuban cossacks.By the centenary of the execution of the Kuban People's Republic, the film by director Valentina Sperchach "Kuban Cossacks. And already two hundred years ago ..." Ukraine-World Studio, 1992. The film tells about the history of the resettlement of the Zaporozhian Cossacks.


Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 25, 2024, 09:09:35 am

Stalin did not invent the method of destruction of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in 1946 due to forced accession to Russian Orthodoxy, but borrowed it from Imperial Russia. That's how one of the oldest eparchies of the UGCC - Holms йku was eliminated.
Today we remember this event by commemorating the memory of the martyrs of Pratulinskih.
A meaningful article about the elimination of the ugcc on the holm ттin? and pratulins стаkih martyrs was written by Anatoly Babinsky in the magazine "Patriarchy" 2 (441)2014, cuttings from which I submit here.
The Holm Diocese, which now you will not find in the list of structures of the UGCC, was founded during the time of Daniel Galitsky. The first bishop was in ugrovsk, and in 1240 danilo moved him to the hill, where he was buried in 1264th.
The Holm Diocese was one of those who supported the restoration of the unity of Kyiv Metropolis with Rome in 1596, and existed in this unity with a short break (1650-1652 R. ) until 1875, when she was forcibly eliminated. The size of the diocese and the number of Greek-Catholic parishes varied depending on changes in the borders of states. In 1772 the Holm Diocese counted 542 parishes, and after the annexation of these lands (they became part of the sub-Russian Polish Kingdom) to the Russian Empire in 1815 they remained 293.
In 1830, the Russian emperor Nicholas and despite the protests broke the ties of Holm Greek-Catholics with the metropolitan siege in Lviv and achieved their direct subordination to Rome. Life under the new power marked the diocese with a sharp loss of the number of faithful, and very many Greek-Catholics converted to the Roman Catholic Church - either to escape from a violent transition to the Orthodox Church, or from other considerations. These transitions took place in parallel with the latinization of the Greek Catholic diocese. Implemented the Polish language in business, installed organs, took iconostasis, etc. However, the greatest threat to the existence of the Holm Diocese was the desire of the Russian authorities to eliminate the Union Church on the subordinated lands by subordinating its Russian Orthodox Church.
"The reunion"
In 1839 in polotsk called a "cathedral" which was not approved by the church authority, however proclaimed a "reunion" of the Greek-Catholics of Lithuania, Belarus, Volyn, Polissia, Podillya and Kyiv region with the Russian Church.
In 1864, the royal government eliminated the Vasilyans таku province and all the monasteries in the Holm region. The last episcopal-nominee Holms отриматиkomu Ivanov-Nikolai Kalins ньомуkomu was constantly prevented from receiving ordination either from the hands of the Galician Metropolitan, or even from Roman Catholic bishops. Shortly Kalinsky, who never agreed to convert to the Orthodox Church, was arrested and sent to Siberia, where he died on October 19, 1866. After him, the diocese was headed loyal to power (and for its assistance) by Joseph Voynitsky. It was because of his "reunion" policy that the first military suppression of the protests of Greek-Catholics who opposed joining the Russian Church took place.
In 1872 in St. Petersburg formed a committee of "reunion". This Committee began to push even more, which couldn't help but provoke resistance.
The most terrible massacre with protesters took place in the villages of drel Найov (January 17, 1874 ) and Pratulin (January 26, 1874 ). Villagers in Drelov refused to let in a priest who was supposed to serve on Orthodox liturgical samples. For this, the whole village, even the elderly and children, was beaten naked. Men received 500 hits each, women 200 and children 100. As a result of this fight killed or not ten people (some say five).
In Pratulin, where Greek-Catholics had the Holy Trinity Church, the massacre took place a few days after Drelov. Father Joseph Kurmanovich was imprisoned for refusing to serve in a synodal rite the day before, his wife and children remained in the village. Instead of him to pratulin, the provladnogo father leont?j urban, the Galician muscovophile, which, however, was not allowed to the temple. Villagers kept the keys to the church, aware that for such actions of repression do not escape. On January 26, two companies of soldiers led by the military leadership of the county arrived to the village. There was a clash, during which both the military and the peasants who fought off the soldiers with sticks and stones were traumatized. After this, Lieutenant Colonel Stein gave the order to shoot. Villagers became around and began to pray. And when the head of the parish fraternity danylo karmash fell from a bullet, the cross that he held in his hands caught ignat?j franchuk, who also died. On that day, ten died, three died the next day from wounds. A total of 184 villagers were injured. Many of them were thrown into prison where they spent more than a year. And the Holms Праku Diocese in 1875 officially joined the Russian Orthodox Church. Who didn't want to go to Orthodoxy, most often went to the Roman Catholic Church.
In May 1874, Pope Pius wrote in the encyclical Omnem solicitudinem "that the Pratulin martyrs showed "heroic courage and firmness of spirit before God, angels and men". The feat of pratulinc?v also mentioned Pope Pius XII in the encyclical Orientales omnes Ecclesias. The beatification process began in 1918...
The solemn beatification of the martyrs of Pratulin took place in the 400th anniversary year since the proclamation of the Brest Union in the Cathedral of St. Peter on January 6, 1996.

1. Ukraine sells model shoes in... To Italy. Yes, in a country that is famous worldwide for its own brands. And not only to Italy, but also to France, Great Britain, USA, Germany and dozens of other countries.
It's about Braska's trademark. She's being issued for British, but in fact she's owned by an entrepreneur from Kiev Trinity. Now 40% of Braska shoes are produced in Ukraine for local consumers, and 60% are abroad.
There are other similar companies, for example Luciano Carvari, Blink, etc.
The most interesting thing is that they started out as "Brands-Perevertn?", that is, they were sewn in Ukraine under the guise of foreign brands. Now everything is a little wrong and these shoes are happily worn by Europeans.
2. Ukraine sells cheese in ... Holland. And some butter cream. And not only in Holland, but also in Denmark, which is famous for its butter. And we sell cheeses in Kazakhstan and Egypt, Moldova and the United Arab Emirates. Last year we exported almost 8 thousand. a ton of cheese and 470 tons of butter.
A separate word is about organic products. Did you know that the Ukrainian company "Organic Milk" (M. Baran?vka Zhytomyr region) carries organic cheese, yogurt and other "smakoliki" to the Emirates by planes?
And this company is not the only one - there are nine of them...
3. One of the world's best luxury furniture brands.. ukrainian. They are produced by PP "Mebleva Factory "Mirt" " (Novograd-Volynsky, Zhytomyr region /
These are not Italian or French masters tried. They are far from such quality and beauty.
Ukrainian furniture and wooden decor elements made of natural precious wood can be seen in foreign embassies, in offices and homes of famous businessmen, in elite restaurants and hotels of the European Union, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, etc. Customers include large international companies such as Marriott International, headquartered in the US, which operates 6,080 hotels worldwide.
4. One of the world's best supermarket refrigerators manufacturers.. Ukrainian company "Iceberg" (Odessa). HER equipment operates in supermarkets, hypermarkets and retail stores in Germany, Italy, UK, Australia, Iceland and 22 other countries.
And it all started with the import of refrigerators from Germany, Italy, Great Britain...
5. Among the best sailing yachts in the world... ukrainian.
We sell them to Canada and Sweden specifically.
Off to Sweden Carle!
Black Sea Yachts shipyard and Fifth Ocean Yachts from Mykolaiv, "V?trila Ukraine" from Kherson and six other Ukrainian manufacturers successfully compete with famous European and American manufacturers.
6. The most popular skis and snowboards in Europe... ukrainian. Every second snowboard and every second pair is only sold in Austria, UK, Germany, France and other countries. The leader is jp "Fisher-Mukacheve" produces 180 models of sports-running skis and 130 models of mountain skis.
The factory produces products not only brand fischer, but also other brands, including, Scott Usa, St?ckli, Tecno Pro, Hagan, Rossignol, Alpina, Splitkein, Tecno.
In total, last year Ukraine sold 731,4 thousand to the EU. units of this product.
7. And Ukraine came in third place in the world as a supplier of honey. Supermarkets in France, Germany, Belgium, Emirates, Italy are clogged with Ukrainian sweet product. And Ukraine sits in the honorable third place by export of chicken to EU countries.
8. And we also sell cigarettes and cigarettes in Japan.
And to Europe - wine. And not only to Europe. Its exports have doubled in the last two years.
About chocolate and candy silently - it's everyone knows and it's not interesting.
9. And we supply men's clothes to Britain and women's clothes to Germany. Europe and the world wear jeans and other clothes of the famous German brand Brax, without even suspecting that they are sewn at the Lesya factory in Novograd-Volynskyi. The Factory "Lesya" has and its own brand, including its products exclusive dresses, tunics, skirts, women's suits etc. Pray, women, for this miracle. It's not from Paris.
10. We also export artificial sapphires, from which modern armor vests and armor glass are manufactured in the United States for the armored cars of American presidents and used in the rocket and space industry. They are made in the Kharkiv Scientific and Technological Complex "Institute of Monocrystals". This is where the world's largest sapphire crystals are grown.
11. And Ukraine has broken into the international market of IT technologies. Now their income ranks third (after agricultural products and metallurgy products) in the Ukrainian export article and every year this high-tech direction is growing exponentially.
12. And these are Ukrainian light helicopters that just started to release the company "horizon" from the white church (Kiev region). Customers are already receiving them.
So it's not only chanterelles, sunflower oil, and eco-friendly wiring for Volkswagen and Opel that we can boast about.
Not everything we should be proud of is listed here. It's a pity, there's only some reason our journalists do not report it. They are digging up more and more dirt.
And they're not the only ones..
Everything will be fine! ? (C)
Victoria Cherednychenko


Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 27, 2024, 09:52:20 am

New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture) Panos Sophoulis - Banditry in the Medieval Balkans, 800-1500-Palgrave Macmillan (2020)
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 28, 2024, 10:26:53 am

We zijn in feite allemaal Oekrainiers, dus laat die lower life trollen maar trollen, geef wapens aan Oekraine, dat is ons moederland en nee m'n vader had geen land.

zelf kwam ik volgens DNA onderzoek pas in 2e golf met Vikingen afkomstig uit Azov gebied rond 800 CE, orginele migratie Yamnaya was 5000 jaar geleden dus plm. 3000 BCE en nee ruzzen zijn geen europeanen, Oekrainiers brachten ons het blanke ras, melktolerantie en blauwe ogen

eerder waren hier en in Europa zwarte afrikanen, daarna  Turken, daarna lichter  gekleurde touwbekercultuur en toen kwamen de blanke Yamnaya Oekrainiers waar wij blanke Nederlanders allemaal van afstammen.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 29, 2024, 09:07:09 am

Hyperborea. From 100,000 to 13,000 years ago.
The civilization is quite young compared to Lemurian, but age also inspires respect. Antarctica is considered to be its homeland. Most researchers believe that the kilometer-long ice of the continent hides the wealth of a highly developed race.

It is believed that the Hyperboreans are the direct ancestors of the Slavic tribes. At least that's how ancient legends describe them.

Attempts to find traces of the lost Hyperborea have been made over many generations by both individuals and entire states. Some of the last serious expeditions were organized by Nazi Germany during the Second World War.

Fortunately, the Nazis were unable to find the entrance to the ice-covered country. After all, if they had acquired the powerful weapons of the ancients, the outcome of the World War could have been completely different.

One way or another, it seems that modern powers do not have access to the legendary Hyperborea. However, this does not make its existence any less likely.

highres it's artic not antartic

SVETILNYA is an ancient Russian settlement on the Trubezh River. Kyiv region.

The exact time of foundation and the ancient Russian name of the city are unknown. The construction of the fortification is attributed to Vladimir Svyatoslavich, but there is no cultural layer earlier than the 12th century, or it was not discovered. Probably,the fortress was destroyed during the Mongol-Tatar invasion.

Near the village, on the low right bank of the Trubezh River, there is a rounded settlement surrounded by a ring rampart and a ditch. There is an unfortified village nearby. Judging by the fragments of pottery ceramics, the settlement existed in the 12th-13th centuries.


Blog | Games with borders: Ukraine?s neighbors should think about it
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 30, 2024, 08:24:27 am

🖤❤🔱 When foreigners ask why so many Ukrainians speak Russian, name some historical facts that show the chronology of russification and destruction of Ukrainian language, culture and nation from 1708 to 1990. Started this early though.

1708 r. , November - destruction by order of Peter and the Hetman capital of Baturin (with exceptional cruelty was murdered all its inhabitants - 10 thousand. men, women and children, and the city of rain was destroyed and burned.

1720 r. - The decree of Peter and the ban on printing new books in Ukrainian in Kiev-Pechersk and Chernihiv printers, and the old books before printing was punished to be brought into line with Russian.

1721 r. - Peter I decree on censoring Ukrainian books. Destruction of the Chernihiv printing house.

1729 r. - The decree of King Peter II, who obliged to rewrite from Ukrainian language into Russian all state resolutions and orders.
1755,1766,1769,1775,1786 - Prohibition of the St. Petersburg synod to print Ukrainian books.

Year 1764 - Instruction of Catherine II to Prince O. Vyazems .komu about strengthening the rusification of Ukraine, Smolen region, Baltics and Finland.

Year 1769 - A synod decree on the removal of Ukrainian letters and Ukrainian texts from church books.

Year 1786 - Prohibition of church submissions in Ukrainian language, introduction of Russian pronunciation of church texts. The decree on the obligation of the Russian language at the Kyiv Academy.

1817 - Closing Kiev-Mohyl?ns воko?̈ Academy.

1831 - Cancellation of Magdeburg law by the Tsar Government (this put an end to the non-Russian judiciary, the elections of officials and local autonomy in Ukraine).

1847 , April 5 - Arrest and indefinite imprisonment of Taras Shevchenko by a private soldier in a separate Orenburg Corps under the resolution of Nicholas I under the strictest supervision, with a ban on writing and drawing, which was equivalent to imprisonment (tried there until August 2, 1857). ). 1862 year - closure of Ukrainian Sunday and free schools for adults.

1863, July 18 - Circular of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia P. Valueva about the ban on printing books in Ukrainian language.

1869, 1886 - the decrees of the tsar administration about payments of officials of Russian origin in Ukraine for success in rusif?kac??̈.

1876, May 18 - Secret Yema decree of Alexander II on prohibition of importation from abroad to the Empire of any Ukrainian books and brochures, ban of Ukrainian theater and printing in Ukrainian language of original works of fiction, Ukrainian song texts under notes.

1881 - Prohibition of pronouncing church sermons in Ukrainian language.

1888 - Decree Alexander III on the ban on the use of Ukrainian language in official institutions and baptism of children in Ukrainian names.

1895 - Ban Ukrainian books for children.

1907. - closure of the tars уkim government of the Ukrainian periodic press, confiscation issued in the years of the revolution 1905-1907 Ukrainian literature, repression against figures of Ukrainian culture.

1908 - Decree of the Senate of the Russian Empire on the "harmfulness" of cultural and educational activities in Ukraine.

In 1914 , March - Prohibition of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of T. Shevchenka.

In 1914 - Nicholas II decree on cancellation of Ukrainian press. Prohibition in the occupied Russian army of Galicia and Bukovina of the use of Ukrainian language, printing books, newspapers and magazines in Ukrainian language. Rozgrom Society "Education", destruction of the library of the scientific society named after shevchenko. Deportation of many thousands of conscious Ukrainians to Siberia.

1921-1923 years. - hunger in the steppe areas of Ukraine caused by the policy of "war communism" and food distribution in the village, which resulted in the death of up to 1.5 million. redneck.

The year 1929 September - Arrest of prominent figures of Ukrainian science, culture, and UAPC - for "belonging" to the fictional ODPU of the Union of Liberation of Ukraine (SVU) and the Union of Ukrainian Youth (SUM).

Year 1929-1930 - the first phase of collectiv?zac???̈ and "rozkurkulenn?" in Ukraine. Eviction of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian wealthy peasants to Siberia and the Far East.

1930s , March 9 - April 19 - Court trial in Kharkiv over 45-ma figures of Ukrainian science, literature, culture, UAPC - for belonging to the so-called "Union of Liberation of Ukraine" (SVU).

1932-33. r. - Organization of the Bolshevytsky regime of artificial famine in Ukraine, which killed 8 million Ukrainian peasants. Mass relocation of Russians in extinct Ukrainian villages.

1933. - Pogrom of Ukrainians in Kuban.

Year 1934-41 - Destruction of architectural and cultural monuments in different cities of Ukraine, arrest and loss of 80% of Ukrainian intelligence.

1937. , November - mass shooting of prisoners on the solovkah of Ukrainian writers and other figures of Ukrainian culture (up to the 20th anniversary of the October coup).

1938. , April 24 - Implementation of the Russian language as mandatory in all schools of Ukraine.

Year 1939-1941 - Large-scale repression of the NKVS authorities against Ukrainians in the western regions. Mass deportation of the Ukrainian population in remote areas of the USSR.

1947. , March 3 - Appointment L. Kaganoviča is the first secretary of the ck kp (b) in and new "cleansing" among Ukrainian cultural cadres accused of "Ukrainian bour?uaznomu national?zm?".

1949 - Supervisory "purification" in KP (b) in connection with the decisions of its 16th Congress on January 25-28 (accused of Ukrainian nationalism from January 1949 until september 1952 was excluded from the party 22175 of its members).

1954 year March 23-24-18 Congress Kpu approved a set of young men and girls from Ukraine to cyber and to Kazakhstan for osudenn? č?linnih and perelogovih lands (during 1952-1956 year. About 100 thousand went there. person).

Year 1957-61 - enhanced anti-religious actions in ursr, liquidation of about half of the church-religious institutions (parishes, monasteries, seminars).

1959 year October 15 - the murder of ctepan bandera by agent kdb b. To Stashinsky.

1961. , January - closed court in lviv over the members of Ukrainian rob?tničo-peasant union (l. Yanenko's bow, I. Candiba, S. Virun and others. ), which constituted the right of exit ursr from the warehouse of the ussr. The condemnation of L. Lukyanenka to the death penalty.

1962 year - Trial of 20 members of the Lviv Ukrainian National Committee, four of whom were convicted of shooting.

1963. - Underpinning the National Academies of Sciences of the Allied Republic of Moscow Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

1965. , August-September - the first big wave of arrests of Ukrainian figures in Ukraine (Bohdan and Michael Goryn?, p. The Bay Area, S. Caravan, in. Frost, M. The settlement, A. Shevchuk and others. ).

1969 year , June - Letter of Ukrainian Political Prisoners (M. Mountain, I. Candibee, L. Lukyanenka) to the UN Human Rights Commission on the poisoning of political prisoners.

1972 , January-May - the second big wave of intelligence arrests in Ukraine.

1972 , May - Removal from the post of the first secretary of the Central Committee of KPU P. ?elesta for Ukrainian nationalism; cleaning of the management staff of KPU.

1978. , November 11 - the directive of the college of the ministry of education ursr "improve the study of the Russian language in the general schools of the republic" (enhancing rusifikac???̈).

1979 year. , March-October - new arrests of Ukrainian figures in Ukraine: O. Berdnika (March 6), Yu. Badzia (April 23), Yu. Lithuania (August 6), M. Gorbal? (October 23) and others. (they were all sentenced to maximum imprisonment in strict regime camps and sent to remote areas of Russia).

1979 year. , May 18 - The mysterious murder of composer Vladimir Ivasyuk near Lviv.

1980-81 s. - Arrest of Ukrainian politicians C. Side by side, L. Milyavsky, L. Lokhvytskoi.

1983 - The resolution of the ck kprs about strengthening the study of Russian language in schools and payment of 16 % allowance to paid teachers of Russian language and literature ("Andropovs ряkij Decree") and the directive of the college of the ministry of education ursr "On additional measures to improve the study of the Russian language in general schools, pedagogical educational institutions, preschool and po-school institutions of the republic ", directed to enhance russification.

1984 year. - Died in the O camps. Quiet, Yu. Litvin, V. Marchenko.

1985. , September 4-in the konctabor? died poet in. Stuss.

1989. - Resolution of the plenumu ck kprs about the only official all-state Russian language in the USSR.

 from https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7469656139723010&set=a.460611667294194

Kyiv gave Europe 158 queens and kings.
In front of you lies a historical image - a portrait of Queen Anne (about a thousand years old) taken in the church of Agia Sophia in Kyiv
This temple depicts all the famous queens of Europe, of Ukrainian origin: France - Anna, Hungary - Anastasia, Norway and Denmark - Elizabeth, England - Agatha. All four are daughters of Yaroslav the Wise, Grand Duke of Kyiv.
All Europe had family connections with Kiev Russia, today's Ukraine! And all this happened 100 years before the creation of the Moscow "village".
But let's get back to the Ukrainian queens, because each of these stories could be made into a Hollywood movie!
Did you know that recently passed away Queen Elizabeth of England was a descendant of Queen Agatha of Ukraine?
And that Agatha's daughter, Margaret, became not only the queen of Scotland, but the saint of that country! Because in her lifetime she built the most Christian temples and did many good things.
Did you know that Richard Leontokard and Maria Steward had Ukrainian roots - their grandmother was Agatina, Queen of Kyiv
Also remind you that the legendary Anna of Kyiv, who became the queen of France, spoke four languages. She carried the Gospel swore by almost all later kings of France and was written and printed in Kyiv Ukrainian blood of Queen Anne flowed through the veins of the late 18 kings of France.
Exactly these legendary 4 sisters from Kyiv became the queens of Europe and saved the temple of Agia Sophia of Kyiv from the "dark monster of Moscow! "
In the 30s, at the request of Mayor Stalin, the process of blowing up the Church of Agia Sophia in Kyiv began! The explosion has already been installed and the thousand-year-old architectural miracle in Kyiv would be destroyed by Moscow atheists.
And suddenly a calligraphy letter arrives from France: "If you dare to desecrate the portrait of our legendary Queen Anne and destroy the work of the hands of our Queen's father, our country will immediately cut diplomatic relations with you! "
Yes, French ancestors were the most determined! That's how Ukrainian Agia Sofia saved! And that's how you need to use the telegram language to Muscovites today!
Let's also remind the Hungarians about their Ukrainian queen Anastasia. Because thanks to the mediation of Kyiv and his powerful princes, Hungarian King Andros saved his wife Anastasia from death! At that time Kyiv Russians was the largest country in Europe with the strongest influence!
Have you ever heard that a woman for life became the queen of Norway and then of Denmark? Yes, it was Ukrainian Elizabeth! And she made her daughter the queen. He also rescued the orphaned English Princess Gita from a hate marriage and sent a battleship against an authoritarian who tried to threaten her. And then, exactly she married the English Princess Gita with King of Kiev Vladimir Gladiator!
Such strong roots Ukrainians had with England, France, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Norway when Moscow wasn't even on the map!
Who today will forbid Ukraine to become a member of the EU?
Who thinks - tell them this story! Kyiv gave Europe 158 queens and kings! And he will still give! Together to victory!
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op januari 31, 2024, 09:45:14 am

Does Ukraine have the right to part of today's Hungarian territories..?
On this ancient engraving you can see a picture of the Hungarian king Bella IV, with whom grew and courageous in the neighboring Pannonia (near the Carpathians) our ancient Russian king Danylo Romanovich.
Ah, I put this drawing with only one purpose - to draw attention to the "first bells" from outside the western border of our state, which zaz?ha?t , on its territorial integrity.
The issue of territorial claims of one state to another has existed since nezapam?matnih times. Now, for warring Ukraine, this issue has become very hot. And there is one nuance here: for some reason today's policy of the Ukrainian authorities - regarding the territorial claims of neighboring (from the west) European countries - is as if in a deaf defense or in a timid justification. Some kind of inferiority complex or what..
From, for example, in recent days from Hungary it is more clearly to hear already loud and brave territorial claims to Ukraine. Yes, two days ago the leader of the Hungarian far-right party Lyashlo Torocka?̈ stated that "... In the event that Ukraine loses the war with Russia and loses its statehood, Hungary will claim the territory of Transcarpathia". Our Ukrainian foreign ministry is still quietly refusing to itself...
Is there in all this situation with the attitude of the Hungarians to ancient history, some solid historical place for Ukraine from which our state could strike strong and reasoned "hits back" based on historical factage and international law..?
I think this is the case.
I mean the repeated mentions in medieval manuscripts of the so-called Mark Rutenov or Mark of Russia (Mark, translated, this is a land, Krajna), which about 1100 years ago was in the territory of the later Hungarian Komitat?v ?arims Маkomu, Zempl?ns юkomu and Bereg?vs Маkomu. And these our Russians appeared in the territory of later Hungary long before the arrival of the kočivnic .kih Hungarian hordes from the South Urals.
For example, still in the letter of the East Frankish King Ludovik the German, dated June 16, 863 there is talk of confirming the right to land possession of the Altaich Monastery (between Regensburg and Passau) and in which the administrative unit Ruzaramarcha (Rutsaramarka) is mentioned separately.
And later, as an example in the Hildegheim annals, it is talked about the death of the Russian duke (prince) Imre the Holy (canonized in 1083): ... And the Duke of Russians Heinrich is the son of King Stephen, died crying [death] torn on hunting boar". Also in "The Life of Conrad, Archbishop of Salzburg" there is talk of the delegation of one of their ambassadors to the King, who was at the time exactly in the Russian Mark.
And, of course, here must cite the words of Michael Grushevs .kogo about the Russian Mark on the territory of today's Hungary. So, our glorious historian writes this:
"... We have the first authoritative report on the power of the Hungarian king over Russian lands in 1031: talking about the death of the son of King Stefan, Henry, a German historian, calls him "Russian prince", the meaning of this title is not clear, but it is difficult to interpret otherwise as a trace of the dependence of Hungarian Russia. Exactly for a century, also in a German source, a similar report about the "Russian mark" of Hungary, where the Hungarian king was then. With this, Russian stamp XII century. tried to tie the t. zv "The country " as before late times was called, and in part and dos? is called the border Carpathian belt in the capitals of Sharish, Zemplins досk?j, Uzh, and Berezhsk?j; convergence is certainly very attractive, but it is difficult to insist on it, without having directions that would tie these separated by the ages of news" (cit. by: Grushevsky, 1905, p. 488).
... What conclusion can be made from all this..?
First of all, Ukrainian historical science has weight and unambiguous evidence of the residence of the ancient Ukrainian population on the territory of today's Hungary, and therefore - even before the arrival of the Hungarians themselves on these lands.
Secondly, the non-use by today's MFA employees in Ukrainian-Hungarian negotiations of these strong historical arguments (namely - about the ancient times of our residence on the territory of today's Hungary), can already in the near term put at risk the territorial integrity of our state on its western border...


Antiquity Journal
6 d
NEW Excavation at a dried-out lake site in Poland uncovers over 550 bronze artefacts, predominantly arm and neck ornaments, along with skeletal human remains. This suggests a link between burial ritual and metal depositions.
An Antiquity deep dive 🤿
Papowo Biskupie in north-central Poland was occupied from 1200?450 BC by a community known as the Chełmno group, one of the northernmost communities of the Lusatian culture ? an archaeological culture of Central Europe spanning the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Age.
The Lusatian culture, along with much of the Europe at this time, is known for the ritual deposition of metal hoards in bodies of water. However, evidence of widespread hoard deposition by the Chełmno group has proven difficult to obtain.
Unlike other Lusatian communities, they did not appear to have assigned much ritual significance to metal. ?Metal does not appear to have featured prominently in the social and ritual activities of the Chełmno community?, state the authors.
This belief was called to question when metal detectorists discovered bronze objects in the Papowo Biskupie lakebed. Subsequent rescue excavation uncovered over 550 bronze artefacts and the skeletal remains of at least 33 individuals.
The majority of the metalwork discovered is arm and neck jewellery. Researchers reconstructed a possible outfit worn by a woman of the Chełmno group based on the findings.
Radiocarbon dating suggests that the placement of human remains in the lake occurred before the deposition of the metal, portraying the possibility that the Chełmno community initially buried their dead in lakes before transitioning to metal votive depositions.
These findings highlight a potential link between the deposition of human remains and metal objects in lakes during the later prehistory of Central Europe. Further research at Papowo Biskupie will reveal more information.
Importantly, this association of human remains with the metal deposits suggests that, whilst the Chełmno group initially differed from the rest of the Lusatian culture in their ritual practices, their belief system later came into line with the rest of the region.
According to the authors, this one discovery has completely changed how the Chełmno group should be viewed, ?rendering the site at Papowo Biskupie as one of the most eloquent testimonies of ritual activity from the Lusatian period in Poland.?
Read the original research in Antiquity FREE:
'The Sacred Lake Project: preliminary findings from the Lusatian site of Papowo Biskupie, Poland' ? Jacek Gackowski et al.
🆓 https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2023.198

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 01, 2024, 08:56:14 am

The image of a sorcerer is known mainly in Eastern and Western Slavic demonology. In the southern regions of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, the sorcerer and the witch are often interchangeable characters...

The image of the sorcerer among the Eastern Slavs was formed under the influenceideas about the Magi - ancient Russian pagan priests. The word sorcerer is related to st.-slav. vsnѫti ?to speak confusedly, unclearly,? from which it follows that the Magi played the role of soothsayers and healers, whose main means of magical practice was the word...

It was believed that sorcerers could be werewolves... According to the Tale of Bygone Years, Prince Vseslav Polotsk's mother gave birth to sorcery and the sorcerers tied a nauz (magic knot) on his head, endowing him with the ability to be a werewolf...

The functions of a sorcerer are universal: he is credited with the ability to influence all spheres of life, disrupt and restore their balance, create good and evil with the help of magical actions and means influencing atmospheric phenomena, harvest, well-being and health of people...

According to the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 67 percent (!) of Russian citizens regularly turn to the services of sorcerers... Psychiatry considers regular visits to sorcerers, psychics or astrologers as a mental adaptation disorder - magifrenic syndrome...
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 02, 2024, 07:40:02 am

During the construction of the Kakhovsky hydroelectric power plant in the 1950s, the Soviet authorities buried more than 250 thousand underwater. hectares of Ukrainian lands, some of which were located important historical objects - the remains of six Zaporizhia Sichs and ancient towns. These areas were called the Great Meadow.
Through the help of topographic maps of the 40s of the twentieth century and modern satellite images, we explored what the territory of the Great Meadow was before it was flooded by the waters of the Kakhovsky Sea.
You can see our reconstructed and painted maps in the photo gallery 👇
More about the history of the Great Meadow and its value for Ukrainian identity - we tell you here ➡️ https://texty.org.ua/projects/111574/karta-velykoho-luhu-pyat-sichej-stavka-monholskoho-hana-ta-inshi-cikavi-miscya/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljXLv3WD7gU .
Documentary SEE THE BOTTOM: Unknown facts about Kakhovka HPP
english subtitles

textsIstv?n V?s?ry - Turks, Tatars and Russians in the 13th?16th Centuries (Variorum Collected Studies)-Routledge.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 04, 2024, 19:06:09 pm

Today is an important date in the context of the multi-century Ukrainian-Russian confrontation
February 4, 1690 took place another attack then "Moscow measure" against Ukrainian language and culture
334 years ago, the Cathedral of Moscow (Russian) Orthodox Church put an anathema on "Kiev New Books"
Religious works of Ukrainian authors Peter Mogyla, Cyril Stavrovec заky, John Gal?tovs неkogo, Lazara Baranoviča, Antina Radivylovs заkogogo, Epiphany Slavinets Підkogo.
The official basis of anathema?
kind of Ukrainian adopted many Catholic traditions reflected in the works
This event marked the systematic growth of Ukrainian Orthodoxy by Muscovites
For the sake of objectivity, we have to admit that and neither in Ukraine nor in a number of Orthodox countries anafemu did not recognize.
Because of this, the new patriarch of Moscow Adrian (ruled after Joachim) for three years subjected to anaphem? all the books of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra that printed in Ukrainian.
centuries have passed, and confrontation on the line language / church continues between Ukraine and Russia
anyway, victory in this confrontation will be ours 😉

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 07, 2024, 08:06:25 am

zowiezo RAAR dat NAVO ondanks dat VS maar 16% aan strikte NAVO kosten betaalt steeds een Amerikaanse commandant heeft en alles bepaalt, dus op zich zou het goed zijn dat het gebeurt, want dan MOET er een europese commandant komen...even ter herinnering 2014 invasie van Oekraine .
had voorkomen kunnen worden door slechts 20.000 europese troepen te sturen zoals Timothy Snyder zei in 2015 , ook de 9000 troepen sturen na MH17 werd door Ribbentrop Duitsland tegengehouden

https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/43812.George_F_Kennan 3
?Were Russia to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial establishment would have to go on,  until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.? (Iran?)

https://youtu.be/H57_Rev14cE  the genral who predicted RF invasion

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 08, 2024, 08:16:09 am

The Russian version turned out to be wrong. How a lawyer Shelukhin explained the meaning of the word "Ukraine" 100 years ago with the help of the Peresopnytsky Gospel

Scythia according to Herodotus. Androphages, hemp and cosmetics among the Scythians.
in russian 3.48 min

muscovite culture, they are not even RUSsian, is that of
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi  butchers (katsap) and cannibals like Herodotus 400 BCE already placed them in muscovy area
https://www.gutenberg.org/files/55974/55974-h/55974-h.htm   anthropophagy

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 10, 2024, 17:30:26 pm

I found this letter on February 8th this year. Among the letters of 1612 and 1613. They are talking about Prince Dmitry (Lzhedmitry), Poles, Lithuanians, Cossacks and Swedes, the election of Michael Romanov to the royal throne and threats of war. It is indicated that the originals of these letters were destroyed in the archives of Muscovites, but the census were published in 1846 in St. Petersburg. Spoiler: a letter about Ukraine was not posted there. I did not find it.
My first impressions:
These letters are very illustrative for the analysis of the pathology of Muscovites. First they have the end of the world there. They are yelling save pamagite! Send us your army from Sweden to rescue us. Kiss the cross and send us your Duke Charles Philippe to be baptized into our faith and to lead us." Then they had a terrible period in December 1612 with the seizure of the palace in Moscow and salted human meat. I shared with you a translation of the letter before. Then they asked again to send them the Swedish duke to the throne, but suddenly reported that they had chosen Michael Romanov to reign.
First he writes that the Swedes should remove his territories in Novgorod, and then adds a demand that the Swedish king send him ambassadors to agree to fight against common enemies: the Poles, Lithuanians and the Cossacks. First they write politely. Jacob de la Gardi is called Jacob Pontusovich de la Gardi. Duke Charles - Karl Philip Karlovich. Then the tone of the letter changes.
The letter from April 12, 1612 is also interesting because he wrote other letters from representatives of the then power: Moscow and Kazan states, from princes and the Mrs of Tatars, Kazan Mirza, the representative of ALL CITIES OF UKRAINE - Logina Dmyrovych Melentyeva (? ) The letter was signed by Aroslan, Tsesarevich of Siberia, in Tatar language and other authorities. It is further indicated that the letter arrived to Novgorod on May 12, 1612. Sent to Stockholm on June 15, 1612.
In the following letter from the end of April 1612, they write that "the Lithuanian king ordered the Lithuanians to seize Moscow. They took out all the royal treasury (treasure? ) and all the jewels, and devastated all Moscow, and after that seized Smolens всюk and detained Moscow ambassadors in Lithuania. And they did not send Vladislav - the son of the Polish king to reign in Muscovy. Further write about Prince Dmitriy and "zradlivih" cossacks. They write about not wanting to serve the son of Marina Mníšek. It is reported that they came to the Cesarevich of Siberia Aroslan with a huge army of Tatars and Cossacks. The letter was written in April 1612.
It is indicated that these Yaroslavl letters were printed in Russian translation in "Addendum to historical acts" in St. Petersburg in 1846, and, number 164.
I found a translation of one letter from July 26, 1612 translated into Russian. In the original it wrote " treacherous cossacks", and in Russian wrote " thief people " and then stubbornly write just " thief " instead of cossacks. Letters printed from December 20, 1611, December 25, 1611, and from June 22, 1612 and July 26, 1612. The letter about the representative of all cities of Ukraine from April 1612 is not there.
It will be interesting to look for the originals of these letters if they were not destroyed in the Swedish archives. Will find it - will add it here.
I will translate these letters for those who do not speak Swedish and add them here.

The Russian version turned out to be wrong. How a lawyer Shelukhin explained the meaning of the word "Ukraine" 100 years ago with the help of the Peresopnytsky Gospel


Ukraine Has the Right to Become NATO Member – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal | Ukraine as 4th military power in Europe could with Poland (7th)  keep East-Europe safe from any ruzzia interference at lower costs  then with USA in NATO



Has the Russian army proven to be the most invincible historically? - The invincibility of Russia is a Russian TV myth deeply ingrained in their population minds. Because they do not know history, and are taught a counterfeit version of it.

Biggest Russian Failures - Top 10 Videos of 2023 - COMPILATION
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEnYlTVvQzE  3hours

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 16, 2024, 08:58:56 am

It is generally accepted that Moscow was founded on April 4, 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Legends and chronicles call ancient Moscow a boyar possession, which received the status of a city under Prince Yuri Dolgoruky.

Excavations show that fortified settlements existed onplace in Moscow earlier than the 12th century, but their names are not recorded in written sources. The question of who and when founded Moscow is important and interesting, since the official version linked the date from the Ipatiev Chronicle, but it does not talk about the founding of the city, but only the first mention. Therefore, let's figure out what historical information there is about the founding of the modern capital of Russia.

Historians take primary historical information about Moscow from the Ipatiev Chronicle. She reports that the Rostov-Suzdal prince Yuri Dolgoruky (Gyurgi) invited his military ally, the Seversk prince Svyatoslav, to a “strong dinner.” The date is designated “on the day of heels, for the Praise of the Holy Mother of God” - Friday of the fifth week of Lent. The modern calendar defines this day as April 4, 1147.

The chronicle does not specify whether Moscow was a city at that time. Information about the origin of the capital is also contained in a manuscript from the 16th and 17th centuries. It is part of the so-called Uvarov collection, and consists of 4 stories “about the beginning of Moscow.” They outline the history of the boyar family Kuchka, which owned villages on both banks of the Moscow River.

The first story draws a historical parallel between the founding of the Russian capital with Constantinople and Rome. Moscow, like the two greatest cities of antiquity, arose on a land marked by terrible crimes.

The beginning of the bloodshed was laid by Stepan Kuchka, who did not obey the will of Grand Duke Yuri and blasphemed him in every possible way. The prince put the rebellious vassal to death, and sent his children, Peter, Akim and Ulita, to the court of his son Andrei.

Legends about the Kuchkovich family are confirmed by information from other chronicles. The children of Stepan Kuchka are known as the murderers of Andrei Bogolyubsky. He married Ulita Kuchkova and lived with her for a quarter of a century. The princess, together with her brothers, organized a conspiracy against her husband, as a result of which Andrei was killed. Moscow was inherited by his brother, Prince Mikhalko of Vladimir.
https://vk.com/wall-43747253_135142    ???

From the editions of the Isfahan codex.
According to archeological research from the second part of the 19th century, the Transylvanian Tordos (Vinča) culture shows striking parallels to the Sumerian Uruk Warka IV and Jemdet Nasr cultures and dates from the 6th millennium B.C., hence about 2 millennia before the Sumerian cultures. We thus have to conclude first that the founders of the first high culture on earth, the Sumerians, originated in Transylvania and second that Sumerians emigrated in several waves back to the Carpathian basin.
Sumerian Language = Hungarian Language
Swastika – in the "Vinca script" 6000-7000 BC
Pictured: Old European / Vinča / Danube script

Much is known about Yaroslav the Wise, his Swedish wife Ingigerd and their children who became the kings and queens of European countries, and almost nothing is known about this important story. It's worth making a movie about if you haven't already.
  ·   ·
Богдан Хмельницький. Нерозказана історія
1 u
🔶 Of special importance to the Zaporozhye Army had a relationship with the Ottoman Empire.
The first cossack embassy to Istanbul was sent from-under lviv at the end of October 1648 In 1649 A Ukrainian-Turkish agreement was signed, which gave Ukrainian merchants the right to free sailing in the Black Sea and the right to duty-free trade in the ports of the Ottoman Empire.
🔶During 1649-1653 There was an intense diplomatic relationship between Ukraine and Turkey. In the center of negotiations is accepting Ukraine the Turkish protectorate.
🔶One of the key documents of Ottoman relations with Hetman region is the farman of Sultan Mehmed IV sent to Hetman Bogdan Khmelnytskyi in 1651 This decree confirmed the existence of the Ukrainian Cossack State, the rights and freedom of Ukrainian Cossacks were strengthened in conditional vasalno-allied status within the Ottoman Empire.
🔶 The Original Farmanu Mehmed IV is kept in the Main Archive of Ancient Acts (Warsaw). In the funds of the Kamianets-Podilsky Historical Museum-Reserve, a copy from the Warsaw archive, which was transferred to Kamianets-podilsky in the XIX century.
🔶 The document is large enough - about 140 cm in length and 60 cm in width. In its upper part you can see the Sultan Tugra - a personal emblem of the ruler belonging to Sultan Mehmed IV (1648-1687).
!! Interestingly, the mother of Mehmed IV, Turhan Hatidje Sultan, was Ukrainian, and before she was captured by the Tatars, her name was Hope. At the age of 12, she became the concubine of Sultan Ibrahim I, and at the age of 15, she gave birth to the future Sultan Mehmed IV. It was with Mehmed IV that alliances were made by Bogdan Khmelnytsky, and later his son Yuri (proclaimed prince of Ukraine in the Ottoman Empire).
🔶 The decree of Sultan Mehmed IV to Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky became the basis for further diplomatic relations of the Ottoman State with Ukraine, about which you can learn more from Taras Chuhlib's article, following the link: https://day.kyiv.ua/.../chornomorska-doktryna-hetmana...

The largest principalities of Ancient Russia during the 11th-13th centuries: Novgorod, Vladimir-Suzdal, Chernigov, Galicia-Volyn. Different principalities had different governance structures and national characteristics, which began to manifest themselves most clearly already during the period of specific fragmentation.

The system of succession to the throne gave rise to a system in which the principalities gained more and more autonomy and independence with each generation. Already in 1054, the lands were divided between the “Yaroslavichs,” and in 1097 the Lyubech Congress of Princes took place. It discussed the issue of ending internecine wars, but this congress had no real result. The wars continued.

The final signal that the central government, represented by the Principality of Kyiv, was unable to control the country was the capture of Kyiv by Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1169. The ancient capital lost its status, after which the principality remained formally within one state.
Cimmerians are nomadic Iranian-speaking tribes who invaded Transcaucasia in the second half of the 8th century BC. e. and in the 7th century BC. e. conquered some areas of Asia Minor. Also the conventional name of the so-called “Pre-Scythian” peoples of the Northern Black Sea region of the Iron Age. Gimirru from Assyrian sources may be identical to the Cimmerians of ancient authors, forced out of the steppes to the Middle East by the advanceScythians

Data about the language of the Cimmerians is limited to the ethnonym itself and 3 names of their leaders; Iranian etymologies have been proposed for all these words, none of which are certain. Given the cultural proximity of the Cimmerians and Scythians according to written sources and archaeological data, it is usually assumed that their languages ​​are included in the Iranian language group (East Iranian languages). According to another version, the Cimmerians were Thracians by origin.

Origin of the Cimmerians:
According to recent research, which is based on the hypothesis of the Central Asian origin of the Indo-European peoples, it is assumed that the ancestors of the Cimmerian tribes were probably tribes called Umman-Manda.

Umman-Manda is a collective term used in the late 3rd to mid-1st millennia BC in Mesopotamia to refer to the non-Semitic and non-Sumerian peoples living to the north and northeast of the region. In the Ancient Near East they were called Cimmerians in various contexts. Umman Mand's homeland appears to be somewhere from central Anatolia to northern or northeastern Babylonia, which largely coincides with the country called historical Cappadocia. Armenian sources call the lands of Cappadocia the word Hamirk (Armenian: Գամիրք), the origins of which are seen in the tribes of the Cimmerians who lived here in ancient times and the biblical Homer corresponding to them.


14 Ukrainians were the sultans of the Ottoman Empire.
Ukrainian blood flowed in every second of the 41 sultanívs and padyšahív. Up to 300 years of Ukrainian sultans
rules in the most powerful supremacy.
Today, when each of us is difficult, let's remember our Sultan-Ukrainians together. What managed to become powerful sultans from rabbis.
▪️ One hope-Turhan became not only a sultan, but even a regent. Basically, with 6-year-old son Hatidje to his adulthood rules this nadderžavoű. She came to Ukraine, on her native Podillâ. Hope-Turhan helped our Cossacks at their request! Fought for Ukraine and fought her part in mockoví̈. But where does history teach this?!
▪️ Ukrainian Sultanši is one of the most unique pages not even Ukrainian, but world history.
And it's not one roxolana who was called the greatest woman in the world!
There were 9 of these. Only officially set now. And 5 more Krimchans. Together for 14 years.
▪️Incredibly, but in every second of the 41 sultans and padishakhs of the great Ottoman Empire (it can now be equal except the United States) Ukrainian blood flowed!
Historians have said that
almost 300 years of the Sultanate
The Ottoman Empire was Ukrainian! Can you imagine? And the sons and grandchildren of the daughters of these Sultan and Sultanív, the grandchildren were great vizirami (Prime Ministers)
And all these great sultans were not zipped from the princes parents and went to the most powerful and largest then country. Not even zarobítčankami or refugees, but rabbinâmi. They were caught on our lands by ludolovi and sold into slavery.
▪️No one near and tavro rabbiní! But they managed to withstand and become the rulers of most of Europe and a part of Asia.
▶️Let's start with
Roxolani - Nasty, wives of Suleiman the lush, mother Selima ll and grandson Murad lll. His wife was Olga, Sultan Shahikhuban. Her sons Alli and Korkuta were executed by step brother Mehmed lll. Mary - Marica - was Osman ll's hasike. Her son and husband were executed by Janissaries.
▶️Ibrahim l's wife became Hatija Turhan, mother of Mehmed IV, grandmother of Mehmed ll and Ahmed lll. Great-grandmother - Abdul-Gamida l and Mustafa lll. Her blood flowed in more than 15 sultans of the Ottoman Empire. Remember this name as we will stop again on this unique country of ours.
▶️Shehsuwar-Maria became the wife of Sultan, grandson of Nadia, Mehmet ll and mother of Sultan Osman lll.
Besides her his wife (Quran allows 4 wives) was also Faith - Mahviruze.
▶️ Mehmet l Sultanšeű was Olga - Verdinaz.
▶️ Mahmuda ll's wife was Olga Tir'yal.
And these are only documented facts, because the actions of each of these sultans are immortalized in the history of humanity, culture, charity, etc. p. Mausoleums with their graves still stand in the most famous places in Istanbul.
But what do we know about them?
They've all been called the Russians until recently!
... Each of these girls was caught in Ukraine at 11-13 years and crossed the threshold of the harem as a slave.
There lived 700-1200 concubines and the chosen ones - Sultan, mothers of sultans and their sisters.
The rabbi's life was worth nothing here.
... Roxolan was rightly considered the most remarkable woman of the century in the world.
Ambassadors noted that she has done more for European countries than any other politician.
Because she had a huge influence on Suleiman who loved her a lot and listened to the advice.
But there was one among these numerous sultans that surpassed Roxolana.
Because she was not just a sultan, the wife of the ruler, but a regentšo, that is, essentially, the ruler of the great empire. This is hope khatije sultan..
So, if you have someone to say something wrong about Ukrainians, show him not only the story of 149 our kings and queens, princesses, from Kyiv Rus-Ukraine that ruled in Europe, but also this one about the magnificent Sultan-Ukrainians, about the greatness of the spirit of Ukrainians! Which were forcibly there as rabbis sold!
And about how each of them helped secretly or openly Ukraine, Europe, read memories: European ambassadors and heads of state, rightfully noted that roxolana, for example, did for Europe as much as did no politician of the century! Hatidje persuaded Mehmet's son to help Ukraine at the request of Hetman Doroshenko and others, she was ready to help Ukraine and give full independence.

Ukrainians and Palestinians have common enemies Russia and state of Israel in Palestine they are two of a kind agressors, invaders, occupiers and annexers !
zionists occupy Palestinian lands, they are only in name Jews, according to genetics (DNA research is forbidden in state of Israel in Palestine) , history, archeology Zionists have NOT ONE right to the land of Palestinians, zionists claimed Palestine, david star, words (anti) semitic which they have no right to, even their "bible" is plagersim annexed from other cultures, which questions als the christian and islamic bible (people of the book)
I know 27 "bibles" and 16 saviors and see a common source and different writings about that.
Semitic is about LANGUAGE, (not religion or race) 90% of speakers of a semitic language speak a form of ARABIC, and now zionists annexed that word while Hebrew is just spoken by 2% ??? So you zionists/israeli's  are the most ANTI-SEMTIC  .
see a.o. https://www.reddit.com/r/russiawarinukraine/comments/176svky/how_israel_was_created_but_how_exactly_was_that/
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 19, 2024, 07:59:35 am

În 1956, filosoful german Günter Anders a scris o carte despre manipularea maselor … „Obsolescența omului”. Frazele periculoase “fac istorie” mai ales în zilele noastre!
Iată un rezumat al câtorva fraze din această carte “educativă”:
Pentru a înăbuși în avans orice revoltă, nu trebuie să o iei într-un mod violent;
„Metodele arhaice ca ale lui Hitler sunt complet depășite”. Este suficient pentru a crea o condiționare prin reducerea semnificativă a nivelului și calității „educației umane”.
Un individ needucat are doar un orizont limitat de gândire și cu cât gândul său este legat de preocupări materiale, mediocre, cu atât se poate revolta mai puțin. Trebuie să facem din ce în ce mai dificil accesul la "cunoaștere"... Și asta să fie diferența dintre "oameni normali" și "oameni de știință".
Informațiile destinate publicului larg ar trebui să fie „Anestezie”. Din nou, trebuie să folosim „convingere” și nu „violență directă”, și vom face asta: Vom difuza masiv la tv, divertisment la beție, aplatizând mereu emoționalul și instinctul.
Vom ocupa mințile cu ceea ce este zadarnic și jucăuș…. A se rezuma doar la pălăvrăgeală și muzica non-stop.
Trebuie să oprești spiritul de la "îndoieli la gândire" sau "gândire".
Vom pune "SEXUALITATEA" în prim-planul intereselor umane, ca anestezic social.
Vom avea grijă să interzicem seriozitatea existenței, să păstrăm o scuză constantă de ușurință; astfel încât consumul să devină standardul fericirii umane.
Günter ANDERS (Obsolescența omului).
In 1956, the German philosopher Günter Anders wrote a book about the manipulation of the masses... The obsolescence of man Dangerous phrases “make history” especially nowadays!
Here is a summary of a few phrases in this "educational" book:
To suppress any revolt in advance, you do not have to take it in a violent way;
"Archaic methods like Hitler's are completely outdated." It is enough to create a condition by significantly reducing the level and quality of "human education".
An uneducated individual has only a limited horizon of thinking, and the more his thought is tied to material, mediocre concerns, the less he can revolt. We need to make access to "knowledge" more and more difficult... And this should be the difference between "normal people" and "scientists".
The information intended for the general public should be "Anesthesia". Again, we need to use "persuasion" and not "direct violence", and we will do this: We will broadcast massively on TV, drunken entertainment, always flattening the emotional and instinct.
We will occupy the minds with that which is futile and playful... It's all about chatter and music non stop.
You have to stop the spirit of "doubting" or "thinking".
We will put "SEXUALITY" in the forefront of human interests, as a social anesthetic.
We will take care to forbid the seriousness of existence, to maintain a constant excuse for easiness; so that consumption becomes the standard of human happiness.
Günter ANDERS (The Obsolescence of Man)

The most massive series of pendants-amulets of the 11th-13th centuries. make up plate images of animals, usually decorated with circle (solar) ornamentation; in the literature they are known as “suspension skates”.

In total, there are 147 standard products of this type, 104 of which were found on the territory of Russia4. Most of them were found in the burials of the rural population, but plate ridges constitute the most representative variety of zoomorphic decorations originating from the urban upper reaches of the Dnieper, Western Dvina and Volga, with their obvious attraction to the Smolensk Dnieper region.

Obviously, as B. A. Rybakov assumed, it was in the Smolensk region that the main centers for the production of skate pendants were located, supplying the population of all North-Western and North-Eastern Russia with their products.

Pagan pendants-amulets

1—Saki, mound 55; 2 - Bocharovo, mound 8; 3—Novoselki, mound 2; 4 - Grozivitsa, kur-hak 1; 5 - Isakovo, mound 443; 6, 7—Liv burials; 8 - Bocharovo, mound 5; 9 - Lowland, random find; 10 - Smyalichy, mound 1; 11 - Bocharovo, mound 21; 12 - Priedes, mound 14; 13 - Cesis region of the Latvian SSR, accidental find; 14 - Kolchino, mound 56; 15 - Lashkovitsy, mound 38; 16 – Lykhavere settlement; 17 – Kuznetsy and Chalykh, mound 1; is - Kokhany, mound I; 19 - Conversation, mound 145

E. A. Ryabinin. Pagan pendants-amulets of Ancient Rus'


What kind of housing was built in Ancient Novgorod?

Residential buildings in Novgorod of the 10th-11th centuries, judging by their remains found during archaeological excavations, were ground log buildings, the floors of which were slightly raised above ground level andwere arranged similarly to the pavements described above. In plan, the houses were a square or rectangle with a side length of approximately 4 to 9 m, and square or close to square houses consisted of one room, and rectangular ones were five-walled, divided by an internal wall into two rooms - the main one, close in plan to a square, and a narrower one, which apparently served as a vestibule. Four-walled houses were sometimes equipped with canopies of lighter construction, made of logs tucked into the grooves of thick corner posts. In the entryway there were often log-cellars lowered into the ground.

About the residential architecture of Novgorod in the second half of the XIII-XIV centuries. also very difficult to judge. There were very few stone residential buildings in Novgorod at that time. Excavations at the Nerevsky end revealed the remains of wooden buildings, half of which were residential, and one stone building from the end of the 14th century, rebuilt around the middle of the 15th century. The lower crowns of wooden residential buildings allow us to judge the size (in plan) and types of Novgorod ordinary housing before the 16th century.

Single-frame buildings with a stove in the middle, square or almost square, were quite common in the 11th - first half of the 12th centuries. and probably served as bakeries, smokehouses, etc. Houses with corner stoves ranging from 20 to 40 square meters. m, often, like some of the houses mentioned, were complicated by the addition of a vestibule, which often had walls made of logs, taken into the grooves of vertically placed pillars. The canopy separated the warm housing from the storage cage, was the smallest part of the building and only rarely had a significant area.

Novgorod large mansions of the XII-XV centuries. consisted of a number of log buildings of different heights, connected to each other directly or by passages and had a tower and external porches and galleries on pillars

Fires in Ancient Novgorod

In the Novgorod Chronicles for the period from 1045 to 1712, more than a hundred fires were noted, ten of which completely destroyed Novgorod, many times the Sofia and Trade sides were destroyed by fire. Especially often inChronicles contain reports of rampant fire in the 14th-15th centuries, when Novgorod reached its maximum size, and urban development became as dense as possible. So, in 1340, a fire, starting at the Nerevsky end, spread to Detinets, where Vladychny and other courtyards, as well as churches, burned down. Then the fire spread to the Lyudin end and to the entire Sofia side, and then spread to the Trade side across the Volkhov.

The most terrible fire in terms of its consequences was a fire in the drought year of 1508. On August 20, during a strong wind on Slavkova Street, a fire broke out in a candle cage. The fire very quickly engulfed the entire Trade Side, accompanied by the formation of fire tornadoes, which uprooted trees and threw river vessels into the fire. 3,315 Novgorodians died in the fire, many people drowned in Volkhov while fleeing the fire.

The constant threat of devastating fires required the adoption of measures to prevent and extinguish them. The population was warned to take precautions when handling fire, the use of fire by residents was limited - in the summer it was prohibited to fire stoves in houses and baths, baking bread was allowed in stoves remote from buildings, and forges were moved to the outskirts of the city. Monitoring the strict observance of safety measures against fires was carried out by the best heads. Severe penalties were provided for homeowners whose negligence caused a fire. As a rule, arsonists were subjected to lynching. They were either burned or thrown into the water from the Volkhov Bridge.

After the fire on May 9, 1531, in which 125 people burned, by order of the Grand Duke, the streets on the Sofia side were demarcated and “firemen” - firefighters - were stationed on them. Apparently there was no organized fire suppression in ancient Novgorod. This, to a certain extent, was hampered by superstition and the belief of the church that fires are sent by God as punishment for sins and therefore it is impossible to fight fire. There were saints and icons, which, as the church inspired, “protected” from fires.

In Novgorod, Nikita of Novgorod was considered such a saint. In one of the churches in Novgorod there is an icon “Nikita of Novgorod putting out the fire in Novgorod.” This icon depicts “Saint Nikita” praying against the backdrop of burning Novgorod. One can imagine the “fire-extinguishing effect” of his prayer if during the fire of 1097, against the background of which he is apparently depicted, Detinets and the entire Trade side burned down for three days.

Reconstruction of a city in Ancient Russia in a drawing by the Belarusian graphic artist Pavel Tatarnikov. The panorama of medieval Polotsk was strikingly different from the modern urban landscape. Almost all residential and commercial buildings, as well as the fortifications of the city, were made of wood.

Both the dwellings of ordinary townspeople and the estates of the Polotsk nobility - the archbishop, boyars, rich merchants and gentry - were built until the end of the 17th century almost exclusively from wood. The differences were in the location of the estate (the most prestigious areas of the city territory were considered the Upper Castle, Veliky Posad and Velikaya Street - now Nizhne-Pokrovskaya), its size, structure and interior decoration.

Numerous revisions of the 16th–17th centuries give us an idea of ​​the dwellings of noble Polotsk residents. Thus, the revision of 1601 describes in detail the “court” of the Polotsk archbishop, located on the Upper Castle.

The estate was protected from the outside space by a fence with three gates. Near the small gate there was a sexton’s cell and a small room (a living room with a “white” stove with a chimney). There was also a “pivnitsa” (a crypt for storing beer), a bakery and a servants’ room. Near the corner gate there was a “spizharnya” (pantry), a “brovar” (brewery), a bathhouse and a kitchen with a room for cooks. The central place of the estate was occupied by a large house with a porch and two spacious bright rooms. Nearby were also the necessary outbuildings - “sviran” (barn), “pavet” (an extension for storing carts and sleighs) and “staynya” (stable).

The size of the estates of large Polotsk artisans, located mainly in Velikiy and Zapolotsky Posads, was practically not inferior in size to the estates of the nobility and included both residential and industrial premises.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 20, 2024, 07:47:12 am

Scythians (ancient Greek Σκύθης, Σκύθαι, self-name: Skolotoi - an ancient nomadic
Iranian-speaking people who existed in the 8th century BC - 4th century AD. The Scythians did not have a written language; more than two are known from the Scythian language hundreds of words, as well as personal names, toponyms and glosses in ancient and cuneiform sources.

Scientists have shown what the representatives of the Scythian tribes who arrived in Eastern Europe, including Ukraine, looked like in the 8th-6th centuries BC. e.

Portraits of a Scythian man, woman and king Skilur, who lived in 130 - 115/114, were recreated. BC e. Under the rule of Skilur, the Scythian state extended throughout the entire territory of the steppe Taurida to the Dnieper and the Southern Bug.

The Scythians were traders and conquerors. When they came to the Northern Black Sea region, they immediately drove out the Cimmerian people who had lived there previously. The Scythian tribes had a class structure, and it intensified along with the development of trade.

In addition, the Scythians mastered the art quite quickly, so they left behind many historical artifacts. They created a lot of decorations, including the pectoral, and made objects decorated in animal style.

The Scythians always depicted animals in motion and from the side, but with their heads turned towards the viewer. Although the Scythians did not have a written language, and scientists know only a few words of these tribes, they made a significant contribution to the development of their territories, where Ukraine is now located.

Burials of ancient Scythians have been found in Ukraine. Archaeologists noted that the objects found were at least four thousand years old.

In Krivoy Rog, on the territory of a large industrial enterprise, a research team discovered Scythian burials of the Bronze Age.

This time, an expedition from the Dnieper conducted a study of unique Scythian burials. It turned out that in this area during the late Bronze Age (About 4 thousand years ago) ancient Scythian tribes lived, who left behind five mounds. Two mounds were associated with the ritual side of Scythian life - there archaeologists discovered fragments of skeletons, remains of pottery and household items.

The researchers will send some of the finds to Germany, where the necessary examination will be carried out. According to archaeologists, these five mounds are only part of a group of 12 mounds called "Row Graves."

Archaeologists during excavations on the island of Khortitsa in the Zaporozhye region discovered a unique find - an ancient sanctuary, which is most likely the same age as the Cheops pyramid.

Scythian gold and other artifacts withstood the “black archaeologists”
Scythian gold was found in the Poltava region at the ancient Belsky settlement, not far from the village of Kotelva. In addition to gold jewelry, weapons and other artifacts from the Scythian times were also discovered during excavations.

The finds also included dishes, bracelets, wrist beads, a bronze mirror, an akinak sword, a spear and horse harness.

russian culture is that of Androphagi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi butchers (katsap) and cannibals like Heordotus already placed them in muscovy area


According to the chronicle tradition of Ancient Russia, Kiev was the center of the East Slavic tribe of the Polans, which paid tribute to the Khazars. According to the PVL in 882, it was captured by Oleg, who moved the political center of the emerging state there.

The connection between Kyiv and the eastern world can be clearly seen in Arab-Persian historical and geographical literature already from the first half of the 10th century. The earliest cycle of news of this kind is contained in the anonymous Persian treatise “Hudud al-Alam” (Arabic-Persian “Limits of the World”), in the works of al-Istakhri and ibn Haukal. All three authors note the greatest (of all Russian centers) proximity of this city (known to them under the name Kuya.a or Cuyaba) to the possessions of the Muslims and its important role as a center of Russian-Eastern trade. In the X – XI centuries. There was an active trade route connecting Kyiv with Volga Bulgaria.

Discussions about the role of Kyiv's eastern connections became especially aggravated after N. Golb discovered the so-called “Kyiv Letter” and published this text together with O. Pritsak. Most of the most original interpretations of the early history of Kyiv in connection with this document belong to O. Pritsak. According to the concept of this author, Kyiv was founded by the Khazars and originally bore the name of the head of the Khorezm mercenary guard in Itil, mentioned in the work of al-Masudi - Ahmad ibn Kuya. Pritsak, based on his own, often rather arbitrary interpretation of Old Russian and Muslim sources, assumed that initially Khazar Kyiv was annexed to the Old Russian state only around 930, shortly after the writing of the “Kyiv Letter”.

However, the contents of the mentioned letter completely refutes O. Pritsak’s guess about the dominance in Kyiv at the beginning of the 10th century. Judeo-Khazar community. The fact is that members of this community in their letter, on the contrary, complain about oppression by non-believers. Etymological studies of the name “Kyiv” also do not confirm the version of its eastern origin. The name of the city clearly goes back to the Proto-Slavic root, meaning “sandy hill” or “place overgrown with reeds.”

Archaeological data also refute the speculative assumptions of the American researcher about Central Asian features in the layout of Kyiv, which had a typically ancient Russian appearance from the very early stages of its history. Moreover, the oldest urban layers found during excavations in Kyiv date back only to the beginning of the 10th century, that is, to a time much later than the dates of the early chronicle mentions. All earlier finds belong to the pre-urban period of its history. Archaeological data also do not support the version of the presence in Kyiv in the most ancient period of its history of significant masses of the population associated with the Khazar Kaganate. In the city itself and its environs, only a few Saltovsky burials with corpses were found.

Nevertheless, it is still possible to identify some elements of the Jewish cultural context in the early history of Kyiv. Its citadel, according to Constantine Porphyrogenitus, dates back to the middle of the 10th century. bore the name “Samvatas”, derived from the observations of the Russian Hebrist scientist A.A. Arkhipov, to the word “Sambation” - the name of the “Saturday” river of Talmudic legends, traditionally attributed to the extreme limits of the ecumene. Hypothetically, such an element of Kyiv toponymy as the name of the mountain “Khorevitsa” can be linked to the history of the earliest ancient Russian-Jewish language contacts. Its name is associated with the second name of the biblical Mount Sinai - Horeb, which was not widespread in ancient Russian literature. According to V.Ya. Petrukhin, the absence of a version about the biblical etymology of the name of this mountain in the PVL can be considered as a basis for assumptions that the form of this toponym could have been adopted by the people of Kiev from representatives of the ancient Jewish community back in the pagan era.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 21, 2024, 10:33:01 am

Old Russian prince Oleg. According to PVL, the second ruler of the ancient Russian state, co-ruler or (according to the version of the “Initial Code” preserved in the Novgorod First Chronicle) governor of Prince Igor, son of Rurik. According to PVL data, Oleg appropriated in 884 - 885. Khazar tribute from the northerners and Radimichi, which served as the beginning of the confrontation with Rus'and Khazaria in the first half - mid-10th century.

The news of the chronicle about the beginning of the Russian-Khazar conflict during the time of Oleg is partly confirmed by numismatic and archaeological data. At the same time, it is curious that, in contrast to the well-known Pushkin quote, it was the Khazars who were able to respond to Oleg’s subordination of the East Slavic tribes that were previously dependent on them. Data about this unique Khazar “revenge” on Oleg are provided by studies of treasures of Arab dirhams in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.

In the period corresponding to the chronicle dating of Oleg's reign (the last quarter of the 9th century), there was a sharp decrease in the volume of supplies of eastern silver to Scandinavia and the north of Eastern Europe. At the same time, the crisis was not associated with a decrease in the volume of coinage on the territory of Muslim countries, but was provoked artificially. Researchers explain this phenomenon by the establishment of a “trade blockade” of Rus' by the Khazars.

The crisis was again overcome in the first decade of the 10th century, when the volume of imports of oriental silver into the countries of Eastern Europe increased again. However, coin silver begins to arrive there no longer through Khazaria, but along a different route. A new overland trade route is established and begins to operate, connecting Rus' through the territory of Volga Bulgaria with a new source of silver in the Central Asian state of the Samanids, bypassing the Khazar Kaganate.

Oleg is sometimes identified with the “Tsar of Rus' X-l-gu” mentioned in the “Cambridge Document”, who attacked the Khazars at the instigation of the Byzantine Emperor Roman I Lekapin (920-944). In this regard, a temptation arose in historiography to date Oleg’s reign to a later era. However, such an identification does not have sufficient grounds, since the names “Oleg” and “H-l-gu” are forms of the same Old Scandinavian personal male name Helgi, widely represented in the Old Russian princely onomasticon

Ivan the terrible escape to the north
Do you read something soothing at night? I read in this book Puffendorf about the campaign of the Crimean Tatars and that they burned Moscow together with 30 000 Muscovites.
Wikipedia has a detailed description of these events:
In the spring of 1571 Devlet Geraj gathered a large army. The chronology, increasing its number, calls 120 thousand. Under the Kroma, the Crimean army crossed through the Oku and around Serpukhov, where Ivan IV stood with the opricn army, moved to Moscow.
Not meeting serious resistance as Ivan the Terrible escaped north, on May 23 devlet geraj approached Moscow. On May 24, the Tatars robbed and burned the Moscow positions and the Earth City, after which the future Red Square was still long called "Fire" (fire). On June 3, the fire also spread to the Kremlin: the Oprychny yard and the King's Palace burned down, the fire killed and injured the commander-in-chief of the Moscow army Prince Ivan Bilsky.
Jerome Gorsay described the event as follows:
"When the enemy approached the great lush city of Moscow, the Russian tsar escaped on Ascension Day with two sons, treasures, yard, servants and personal guard... to the fortified Trinity Monastery in 60 layers. The enemy lit the high bell of St. John, but at this time, strong winds rose and spreading fire, within six hours, turned to ashes all churches, chambers built almost entirely of pine and oak, both in the city and in the county on 30 floors. Everything turned to ashes; within six hours, several thousand people died... The river and the ditches around Moscow were flooded with thousands of people loaded with gold, silver, jewels, necklaces, corals, bracelets and treasures, who tried to escape in the water, barely removing the surface of her head. However, so many thousands of people burned and drowned that the river could not be cleared of corpses for the next twelve months... Those who survived and people from other cities and places searched and hunted every day for rings, jewels, vessels, bags of gold and silver. "
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 22, 2024, 09:41:35 am

There was such a prince in Russia - Pozvizd Vladimirovich. Mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years under 988. In the Gustyn Chronicle under 990 there is a record that his father gave Pozvizd a reign in Volyn. When this happened and how many years he owned the Volyn lands is unknown.

O. M. Rapov "Princely possessions in Rus' in the 10th - first half of the 13th century"
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op februari 29, 2024, 08:24:58 am


The administration of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Nature Reserve announced the imminent start of work of a commission to remove cultural property from the Near Caves of the Lavra, writes the Union of Orthodox Journalists (UOJ).

In the Near Caves lie the relics of 79 saints, including the Venerable Nestor the Chronicler, the icon painters Alypiy of Pechersky and Gregory, as well as the monk Ilya of Pechersky, a possible prototype of the epic hero Ilya of Muromets.

“The head of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra reserve, Maxim Ostapenko, in a letter to the monastery, stated that on February 27, a commission will begin work on “the return of cultural property for the purpose of registering them,” which “are actually located in the Near Caves.” This was reported by in his Telegram channel, the Lavra’s lawyer, Archpriest Nikita Chekman, said that the monastery received such a letter after refusing to facilitate the “divine service” of the OCU in the Near Caves on February 24, 2024, in which “Archbishop Agapit of Vyshgorod” from the OCU was supposed to take part,” says the article by the Union of Journalists.

It is noted that Chekman published correspondence between the monastery and the reserve, in which the monks explained that such a “worship” is impossible for two reasons: the UOC and OCU are not in Eucharistic unity, and the monastery is carrying out repairs in the caves, which the monks are performing at the request of the reserve itself.

He also recalled that from August 11, 2023, access to the territory of the Lower Lavra was closed to visitors by order of the reserve.



Director of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Nature Reserve Maxim Ostapenko said that from February 27 a commission will begin work on the return of cultural values ​​located in the Near Caves, with the aim of taking themregistered, the Union of Orthodox Journalists (UOJ) reports on its website.

“The head of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra reserve, Maxim Ostapenko, in a letter to the monastery stated that from February 27, a commission will begin work on the return of cultural property in order to register them, which are actually located in the Near Caves,” says the message published on the UOJ website.

The clergy of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) argue that this is impossible, because the UOC and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) are not in Eucharistic unity, and the monastery is carrying out repairs in the caves, which the monks are doing at the request of the reserve itself.

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is divided into two parts: in the lower part there are caves with the relics of saints, the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary, the residence of the head of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), administrative buildings and buildings for monks, in the upper part there are state museums, the Assumption Cathedral and the Refectory The church is the main temple of the Lavra, in which the national reserve at the beginning of 2023 banned clerics of the UOC from serving.

In the spring of 2023, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine announced the unilateral termination of the lease agreement for the premises of the state reserve "Kievo-Pechersk Lavra" with the monastery of the same name. The inhabitants were required to leave the Lavra on March 29. Since that time, parishioners and inhabitants of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra have faced attempts to evict the monks from the monastery buildings, as well as provocations from supporters of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), and the abbot of the monastery, Metropolitan of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl Pavel (Lebed), declared that the brethren will stand until end, was placed under house arrest by the authorities. In August, a court in Kyiv upheld the claim of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra Nature Reserve against the monastery to remove obstacles to the use of property. After this, the reserve stopped all visitors from accessing the territory of the Lower Lavra.

The Ukrainian authorities organized the largest wave of persecution of the UOC in the modern history of the country. Referring to its connection with Russia, local authorities in different regions of Ukraine decided to ban the activities of the UOC, and the parliament adopted in the first reading a bill on its actual ban throughout the country. The authorities have imposed sanctions against some representatives of the UOC clergy. The SBU began to open criminal cases against the clergy of the UOC, conduct counterintelligence activities - searches of bishops and priests, churches and monasteries in search of evidence of anti-Ukrainian activities.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 02, 2024, 08:38:34 am
The ancient Russian cult of the god Lizard was still widespread in the northwestern regions of ancient Russia - in the Novgorod and Pskov lands. In Novgorod, the Lizard was considered as the father of Volkhov himself and his absolute ruler. It is here that during excavations very often images of the Lizard are found, which were used everywhere: inhouse designs, handles of ladles and other utensils, household utensils, carvings, embroidery, decorations and so on.

The lizard here is shown very characteristically: a large elongated muzzle with a large mouth and teeth, this is exactly what, according to the ideas of many peoples of the world, a dragon looks like.

Interesting is the supposed meaning of the image of the underwater and underground god on ritual ladles and brotins, which on a certain holiday were filled with a drink and passed around, acting as the initiator of a person to another world.

The symbol of the Lizard, as the God of the underworld, symbolically or sacredly made the drink contained in the spell the water of the underworld or an underground river.

An echo of Balto-Slavic beliefs, when the Eastern Slavs (Belarusians) preserved legends about tsmoks (dragons) and Lithuanian-Latgalian beliefs in horrors as guardians of the hearth. Nearby are the Pskov-Novgorod beliefs about the Snake Tsar, which spread to north-eastern Rus', Vyatka and even the Urals, where they clearly overlapped with local beliefs: the tale of the Copper Mountain mistress, the same Snake Tsar and seven daughters, the Udmurt King Gondir and etc.

#Novgorodians The
"cutters (surgeons)" were surrounded with honor in ancient Novgorod. Using belladonna extract and opium tincture, they performed quite complex operations such as amputation of limbs, craniotomy, and abdominal dissection. In some chronicles you can find a description of medical actions.

So, judging by the “Selections of Svyatoslav” (1073, 1076), the doctor had to, first of all, be a cutter (surgeon - M.M.), able to cut tissue, amputate limbs, perform therapeutic cauterizations with a hot iron, i.e. to those who use metal: “Iron doesn’t know what it does, but the doctor knows the action of iron.” In other chronicles, unique illustrations on medical topics attract attention. Thus, the “Front Chronicle”, covering the period from the “creation of the world” to 1567, contains drawings of ancient Russian prostheses called “drevyanitsa” or “toyagi”. They were intended for amputees. Crutches, also wooden, sometimes with complex devices, were used to support the shoulder and knee. In the "Vault" there was even a miniature illustrating the process of making an iron mount for a crutch in a forge.

Medical information in ancient Russian chronicles was most often associated with diseases of the powerful.

Thus, the Tale of Bygone Years (1044) talks about a permanent bandage on the crown of the head due to a congenital cerebral hernia made to Prince Vseslav. The Ipatiev Chronicle (1289) contains a documentary and colorful description of the illness of Prince Vladimir Vasilyevich Volynsky, thanks to which a modern physician can recognize the disease , in which we are talking: most likely, it was cancer of the lower lip. Unfortunately, the Ipatiev Chronicle does not report how the prince was treated - perhaps also because the outcome of the treatment turned out to be fatal.


On the territory of the oldest Christian temple in Russia - Tkhaba-Erdy in the mountains of Ingushetia - medieval underground crypts and the remains of an ancient settlement were discovered. More precisely, the archaeological survey that is going to be carried out this year will tell. But it is already clear that the underground necropolis is enormous in size, and the settlement, on the site of which a temple was built in the 8th century, appeared in the 1st century.millennium BC.

So far, the finds have been modest: animal bones, coals, fragments of ceramics and remains of red plaster. But scientists have hope that more impressive discoveries are ahead.


An ancient figurine of a woman from the Velestine treasure. Most researchers are inclined to believe that the figurines, which supposedly date back to the 6th–7th centuries, were used to illustrate Slavic mythology. Some believe that the set belonged to Slavic wise men.

“It is clearly visible that both the woman and the baby are sitting. Moreover, the baby sits on the right leg (“on the lap”) of the woman. The gusli rests on the woman’s left leg, that is, it is in a playing position characteristic of a gusli with a playing window.

The hardest thing to describe is a baby. Upon closer inspection, we see it has clawed paws - one back, bent like the legs of a sitting person, and one front, which reaches towards the woman’s left breast. The hind paw is curved 4 times, which can be explained by the fact that the author turned it towards us with the heel, which covers the womb. The claws on the front paw are more like fingers, but are fanned out and elongated. There are four or three toes-claws on the paws. Four-fingered figurines are characteristic of Velestine figurines. The baby's head also has zoomorphic features: large round eyes, narrowed jaws and a comb in the middle of the head.

Disproportionately large eyes are characteristic of the heads of lizards on Antian palmate brooches. While the eyes can be interpreted through the bulging eyes of lizards, the crest on the head is difficult to explain.

But it is most likely that the Velestine figurine shows a baby with the features of a lizard. This polymorphism is also characteristic of other figurines from Velestino.

The figurine tells about the birth of a baby, since the image of the baby is placed between the womb and breast of a woman who, apparently, is his mother. This may explain why the woman is naked.

The mother on the figurine not only feeds the baby, but also teaches him the “wisdom” of the guslar. Before us is the future prophetic nightingale, born from a woman, but bearing the features of an animal.

The figurine shows how Veles' skills are transferred to the baby Volkh. Volkh, like Veles, is a werewolf and a guslar. Here, following the reconstructors of the myths about Volkh, we must admit that Volkh is the son of Veles the serpent, whom his mother teaches the skills of his father, who passed on animal traits to his son.”

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 04, 2024, 08:50:49 am
in short


https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/first-europeans-immigrants-genetic-testing-feature. https://archive.org/details/horsewheelandlanguage https://historianet.nl/wetenschap/enorm-dna-onderzoek-oekraiense-herders-zijn-stamvaders-van-europa
DNA herschrijft geschiedenis: We komen oorspronkelijk niet uit Nederland -omdat we ALLEMAAL Oekrainiers zijn sinds 5000 jaar geleden, is dus ook ONZE oorlog , ervoor waren hier Turken en daarvoor Afrikanen


https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/first-europeans-immigrants-genetic-testing-feature. https://archive.org/details/horsewheelandlanguage https://historianet.nl/science/enorm-dna-onderzoek-oekraiense-herders-zijn-stamvaders-van-europa
DNA rewrites history: We are not originally from the Netherlands - because we are ALL Ukrainians since 5000 years ago, so it is also OUR war, before that there were Turks here and before that there were Africans
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 05, 2024, 07:08:59 am

The beginning of the payment of regular tribute from Russia to the Mongols is usually dated back to 1245, when a record appears in the Novgorod Chronicle about the first actions of the Mongols after the conquest: “And they counted the number, and began to pay tribute on them.” The following year, 1246, the Italian monk Plano Carpini, sent by the Pope to the Mongol Emperor, passed throughthrough Kyiv and wrote in his diary that at that time “one Saracen, as they said from the Batu party,” was sent to “Russia,” who “counted the entire population, according to his custom,” “so that everyone, both small and large , even a one-day-old baby, either poor or rich, paid such a tribute, namely, that he would give one bear skin, one black beaver, one black sable and one fox skin.”

It is clear that in the first years after the conquest, this system was in its infancy and covered only part of the Russian lands, where the garrisons of Batu, who remained in Eastern Europe after the completion of the “Western Campaign,” settled nearby for the winter. Most of the Russian lands, having survived the raids of the steppe cavalry, avoided paying regular tribute.

In 1247, 10 years after the start of the conquest, Prince Andrei Yaroslavich, the younger brother of Alexander Nevsky, went to pay his respects to the new authorities in Mongolia. There, from the hands of the Great Khan Guyuk, he received a label to reign in Vladimir, becoming, by the will of the distant eastern overlord, the Grand Duke of Vladimir. In addition to the label for reign, Andrei received from Guyuk an order to conduct a detailed census of the population in his lands in order to impose a systematic tribute in favor of the Genghisid empire.
However, the capital city of Vladimir was separated from the Mongol headquarters in Karakorum by almost five thousand kilometers and half a year of travel - having returned to reign with a label, Andrei Yaroslavich ignored the order to conduct a census, especially since the great Khan Guyuk died a year later. Systematic tribute from northeastern Rus' never went to Mongolia.  ??

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 07, 2024, 09:21:20 am

  Just don't show this map to Medvedev - he will die of alcoholism before we get him to The Hague.
Ukraine is not only not Russia, but Kyiv is not just 700-800 years older than Moscow.
The spread of the name Kyiv and its derivatives throughout the territory of the settlement of Slavic tribes, which took place in the 6th-8th (and in the territory of the future Russian Federation in the 9th-10th) centuries, shows that it is the oldest and most powerful center of all Slavs of Europe at that time.
Kyiv is the mother of not only Russian but also Slavic gardens.
This is a fatal blow to the imperial ambitions of Muscovy, whose historical mythology does not reach deeper than the period of Rus, and the real state tradition and national consciousness originate from the bloody swamp of Mongolian slavery.
And this map is not from the hiding places of the Bander OUN and not from the caches of the Austro-Hungarian General Staff - it is from the research of a well-known and respected linguist, Moscow academic Oleg Trubachov.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 16, 2024, 09:35:28 am
  East-to-west human dispersal into Europe 1.4 million years ago

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 17, 2024, 09:43:27 am
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 18, 2024, 07:16:30 am
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 20, 2024, 07:45:49 am


NATO should demand Muscovy turn back its offensive expansion since 1300, and SET FREE the 84 parts of the Russian Federation, of which Muscovy is now the leech (big graphic)

in dutch we have a saying: Zoals de waard is, vertrouwt hij z'n gasten. raw translation:  It takes a low mind to think low or  And it takes one to know one.

russian culture is that of Androphagi
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androphagi  butchers (katsap) and cannibals like Heordotus already placed them in muscovy area

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 21, 2024, 07:14:36 am

Russia moves to ‘revoke’ Soviet decree recognizing Crimea as part of Ukraine

There was no "gift Khrushchev" . February 19, 1954, at the request of the Kremlin Ukraine has launched to rescue a very Russian SFSR Crimea - a collapsed economy and the population deported. Here is what wrote "Crimean Truth" at the time ...

http://argumentua.com/stati/30-mifov-o-kryme 30 myths about "russian" crimea 1&2

http://argumentua.com/stati/kakim-byl-podarok-khrushcheva-kak-ukraina-otstroila-krym-chast-pervaya http://argumentua.com/stati/kakim-byl-podarok-khrushcheva-kak-ukraina-otstroila-krym-chast-vtoraya



How Ukraine build up Crimea after 1954, and Russia now returning Crimea to its pre-1954 grim past


Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 28, 2024, 08:51:26 am

The defeat of Khazaria by the Rus in 969

In 969, cries for mercy and curses against the ferocious “people of Russia” were heard from the eastern tip of Europe.

In historical literature, the relationship between Rus' and Khazaria is quiteare often presented incorrectly - Khazaria allegedly did nothing but raid peaceful Kyiv plowmen (apparently, historians were influenced by Pushkin’s lines about the “unreasonable Khazars”). A typical example is L.N. Gumilev, who turned the Khazar Kaganate almost into the center of world evil [Gumilev L.N. Ancient Rus' and the Great Steppe. M., 1989, p. 139–217]. But archeology and written sources give no reason to talk about the harmfulness of the Khazar neighborhood for the East Slavic tribes. On the contrary, according to V.Ya. Petrukhin, “the view of V.O. can be considered visionary. Klyuchevsky on the “Khazar yoke”, as a relationship that contributed to the development of the Slavic economy,” thanks to the influx of Arab silver from the Kaganate into the East Slavic lands [Petrukhin V.Ya. Slavs, Varangians and Khazars in southern Russia. On the problem of the formation of the ancient Russian state // The most ancient states of Eastern Europe. M., 1995, p. 117]. The suffering side (at least since the 10th century) was rather Khazaria, which constantly suffered from the Rus (one can recall the letter of Tsar Joseph, where he takes credit for the fact that, “every hour” fighting off the Rus, he does not allow them to break into the Caspian Sea ).

The last year of Olga's reign was marked by a grandiose campaign of the Russian land into the very heart of Khazaria. The war began in the middle Volga and ended in the Caspian Sea. All the little information about this victorious breakthrough of Russian squads to the east comes from an outside observer - the Arab traveler and writer Ibn Haukal, who in 969 traveled through the southern regions of the Caspian region, where he met numerous refugees from Khazaria. According to them, the entire Volga region and a significant part of the western coast of the Caspian Sea suffered a terrible defeat. A little later, in the late 70s and early 80s. In the 10th century, while working on his “Book of Paths and Countries,” Ibn Haukal recalled those events several times. “The Bulgar,” he writes in one place, “is a small city... and the Rus devastated it, and then went to Khazaran, Samandar and Itil, and this happened in 358 [Hijra; according to European chronology November 968–November 969].” Speaking about his visit to the Khazar city of Semender (on the Terek), Ibn Haukal gives the following details: “In the Khazar side there is a city called Samandar... There were numerous gardens in it: they say that they contained about 40 thousand vineyards, and I asked about this city in Jurjan [on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea] in 358 [AH], due to close acquaintance with this city, and the one whom I asked said: “There are vineyards or a garden there that was alms for the poor, and if there is anything left there , then only a leaf on a stem.” The Russians came to attack him, and there were no grapes or raisins left in the city. And this city was inhabited by Muslims, groups of adherents of other religions and idolaters, and they left, and due to the dignity of their land and their good income, in less than three years it will be as it was*. And there were mosques, churches and synagogues in Samandar, and these Russes carried out their raid on everyone who was on the shores of Itil from among the Khazars, Bulgars and Burtases, and captured them, and the people of Itil sought refuge on the island of Bab-al-Abwab [apparently , one of the islands in the Volga delta] and fortified himself on it, and some of them settled in fear on the island of Siyakh-Kuih [Mangyshlak].” And, summing up, Ibn Haukal writes: “In our time, the Russian people did not leave anything of this [property, etc.] with either the Burtases or the Khazars...”

* In those places, the vine produces its first fruits after three years.

The campaign of 969 apparently pursued purely political goals. Since the late 30s. X century Rus' tirelessly tried to expand its influence in the Northern Black Sea region in order to: 1) impose a military-strategic partnership on Byzantium in this region and 2) increase the international status of the Russian land and the Kyiv princes. The first problem was solved by Igor. According to the treaty of 944, the Russian land became an official ally of Byzantium on the northern shores of the Black Sea. But the claims of the Kyiv rulers to high titles ran into the conservatism of Byzantine politics. Despite the fact that in the first half of the 10th century. The power of Rus' was constantly growing, and Khazaria was just as steadily weakening. Byzantium, by tradition, placed the Khazar Kagan above the great Russian prince. A seal worth three gold solidi was attached to a diplomatic document addressed to the head of Khazaria in the imperial office, while the “archon” and “archontissa of Russia” received from the basileus letters with a seal worth two gold solidi. Olga set out to correct this historical and political absurdity. Probably, the plan for the Volga-Caspian campaign matured in her mind after the fall of Sarkel, when the military weakness of the Kaganate was suddenly revealed with her own eyes. The ruin of Itil and Semender was the end of the long-term military pressure of the Russian land on the Khazar state.

The Rus did not gain a foothold in the Volga region and returned to Kyiv in the same year 969*. But the basins of the Don and Seversky Donets in the second half of the 10th century. began to be actively populated by Slavs. The remnants of the former population of Sarkel were absorbed by numerous Slavic settlers, and by the beginning of the 11th century. Sarkel turned into a Russian city - Belaya Vezha. The peoples of the Volga region, only marginally affected by the campaign of 969, such as the Burtases and Volga Bulgars, fairly soon recovered from the destruction caused to them. But for the Khazar Kaganate, the Russian blow turned out to be fatal, and after three or four decades this state entity finally disappeared from the face of the earth.

* This refutes the opinion of M.I. Artamonov that the purpose of the campaign to the Volga was to seize the territory of Khazaria and assert control over trade routes with the countries of the East [Artamonov M.I. History of the Khazars. L., 1962, p. 427–429]. No noticeable revival of trade between Rus' and the East after 969 can be traced from archaeological materials.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op maart 30, 2024, 09:44:25 am

 Son against mother: Princess Olga and Svyatoslav

Olga’s relationship with her son, apparently, was far from idyll before. Growing up, Svyatoslav had to understand more and more clearly that he had no hope of sitting on the Kiev throne during the life of his imperious mother. For the time being, the confrontation between mother and son did not take shapepublic scandals. But soon it came to an open disagreement.

According to the Tale of Bygone Years, Svyatoslav became acquainted with the housekeeper Malusha, the daughter of a certain Malko Lyubchanin (Ipatiev list, under 970). It is believed that this person could rather have come from the city of Lyubech, located in the land of the Pomeranian Slavs (modern Lubeck in Germany), rather than from the city of the same name near the confluence of the Desna and the Dnieper, which, according to archaeological excavations, was unremarkable at that time. The Nikon Chronicle knows that this did not end well: Olga was angry with Malusha and sent her, already pregnant with the one who was to become the Holy and Red Sun, from the “terem courtyard” to one of her villages. As Russian literature and memoirs testify, such stories, which are generally not uncommon in Russian life, usually happened to young noblemen who got rid of their youthful complexes by visiting the courtyard girls' house. Svyatoslav’s connection with Malusha, apparently, should be attributed to the time when he crossed the threshold of adulthood, that is, to 956–957. In this case, Olga’s anger is easily explainable: after all, it was at that time that she predicted a Byzantine princess for Svyatoslav as his wife, and, of course, she could not like the fact that her son was getting mixed up with a “slave.” Svyatoslav then submitted to his mother; Apparently, he even agreed to be baptized in the future (without which there could be no talk of matchmaking with the daughter of Constantine VII), but these were his last concessions.

Upon Olga’s return from Constantinople, Svyatoslav flatly refused to be baptized: “and encourage his mother to be baptized, and carelessly not accept it.” Psychologically, his behavior is quite understandable. Separating her son from Malusha, Olga probably used as justification for her action the great fate prepared for him - to become the son-in-law of the basileus. And so, instead of the hand of the Byzantine princess - an insulting refusal. The sacrifice was made in vain. It turns out that there was also no need to betray the old gods, because Christianity, as it turned out, was not at all the key that unlocks all doors. Yielding to his mother’s persuasion, he lost everything and gained nothing. It was a hard lesson. And now he was also forced to accept the religion of the arrogant Greeks, his offenders. To do this meant to continue to live with the mother’s mind, and most importantly, with the mother’s will. And Svyatoslav rebelled.

Of course, he was not alone in his rebellion. There were quite a few people in the “terem courtyard” who were not to their liking for Olga’s innovations. Among the druzhina “Rus” there were, of course, many who were hostile to Christianity or, at least, wary and hostile.

Religious and political opposition to the princess merged in general dissatisfaction with the course she was pursuing. Pagan “Rus” surrounded Svyatoslav as if it were its own banner. He felt this support and sought it. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, “Prince Svyatoslav grew older and matured, and began to copulate many and bravely.” In this company they laughed and mocked Christianity. According to the same chronicle, “...Olga often said: “I, my son, have come to know God and rejoice; Once you know it, you will begin to rejoice.” He pays no attention to this, saying: “How do I want to accept the same law? And my squad will start laughing at this.” She said to him: “If you are baptized, you will also create everything.” He didn’t listen to his mother, he created filthy behavior...” Svyatoslav himself willingly ridiculed those (“I swear at him”) “who want to be baptized.” He no longer tried to restrain his feelings in front of Olga: “That’s why he was angry with his mother.” Olga patiently endured her son’s antics, waiting for the bishop and priests promised to her first by Otto I and then by Roman II to arrive in Kyiv.

Pagan uprising in Kiev

The jokes ended in 960/961, when, with the blessing of the Greek “bishop of Russia,” Olga began to implement her plan to introduce Christianity in the Russian land. Her destruction of pagan idols caused a retaliatory outbreak of violence. Following the glances, mother and son crossed swords. Information about this first Russian civil strife was carefully erased from the pages of The Tale of Bygone Years. But other chronicles did not hide the truth. Joachim's chronicle says that “Olga Velmi killed Svyatoslav’s son [to be baptized], but Svyatoslav was not heard from, but from the nobles he received many deaths, and the Velmi from the infidels were scolded by him.” F.A. Gilyarov, who, like Tatishchev, used some kind of chronicle that has not survived to this day, wrote out the following news from it: “The Grand Duchess Elena, having come to the city of Kiev, commanded her son Svyatoslav to be baptized, and he to his mother I didn’t listen to the blessed Helena, I don’t want to be baptized, and I beat up many Christians” (Gilyarov F.A. Traditions of the Russian Primary Chronicle. M., 1978).

But even these sources leave us in the dark as to which of the contending sides ultimately prevailed. The Tale of Bygone Years, noting the “maturation” of Svyatoslav in 965, shifts all attention from Olga’s activities to the prince’s military exploits. This circumstance, in turn, is taken as evidence of Svyatoslav’s release from his mother’s care and the concentration of all power in his hands. Thus, the past is verified here by the future. In other words, the researcher’s view of the outcome of the pagan uprising in Kyiv directly depends on whether he believes that by the mid-60s. X century Olga has lost her prerogatives as the supreme “archontissa of Russia”, or not. And here I share the confidence of E.V. Pchelov, “that Olga never gave up her power to her son. She retained the position of sovereign ruler until her death, and the stormy military activity of Svyatoslav, who was literally rushing beyond the borders of Rus', clearly shows who really ruled the state. It is interesting to note that Svyatoslav, having returned from the next campaign, distributed inheritance to his sons in Rus' only after the death of his mother (in 970), when all power already completely belonged to him” (Pchelov E.V. Genealogy of Old Russian princes of the 9th - early 11th centuries. M., 2001. P. 141).

For my part, I would like to draw attention to the fact that for Leo the Deacon, a contemporary and chronicler of the Balkan epic of Svyatoslav, the latter was not a sovereign (“Archon of Russia”), but “catarchon of the Taurians” and “catarchon of the army of the Russians,” that is, the actual military leader . The political uncertainty of Svyatoslav’s position was already noticed by S. M. Solovyov: “We can say that Svyatoslav never had the significance of a prince in Rus': first his mother Olga had this significance, then his sons.” Indeed, Svyatoslav appears before us with the title “Grand Duke of Russia” only once - in his treaty with the Greeks, concluded after Olga’s death. I think that this is enough to preserve Olga’s position as the supreme ruler of the Russian land, since there is no evidence to the contrary at all.

So, apparently, Svyatoslav’s anti-Christian speech did not achieve its goal. Perhaps it was not supported by the “Kyans,” among whom the positions of Christians were strong. Apparently, it was no coincidence that Svyatoslav later admitted that he “didn’t like living in Kyiv.” The policy of Christianization was not curtailed during Olga's lifetime. However, armed resistance from the pagan “Rus” forced the princess to abandon violent methods of planting a new religion, which probably explains the fact that, despite an active missionary policy, Olga never went down in history with the name “Baptist of Rus'.” Proselytism carried out through persuasion and example, of course, could not give quick results. At the same time, Olga took measures to ensure that the pagan rebellion did not happen again. Svyatoslav was removed from Kyiv. He was destined to return to the capital city for the title of Grand Duke only after the death of his mother.


A similar example of the removal of a pagan heir from power is found in Bulgarian history at the end of the 9th century. Khan Boris, the baptist of Bulgaria, retired from business in his old age. Having retired to a monastery, he transferred power into the hands of his eldest son Vladimir. However, when he tried to restore pagan order in the country, Boris ordered him to be blinded and made his other son, Simeon, his heir.


A major pagan uprising occurred in Russia in 1024. In the land of Suzdal, as the chronicler reports, the Magi rebelled. Apparently the reasons lay in the social sphere, since they attracted the people to their side, exposing the rich who were hiding supplies during periods of famine. The rebellion covered the entire north-eastern Rus' right up to the borders with the VolgaBulgaria. Yaroslav was forced to go to suppression himself. Realizing that the instigators of the speech were Magi, he directed the main punishments at them. He executed many wise men; apparently those who did not participate at all were expelled.

The next, and probably the last major outbreak of pagan unrest occurred in 1071, during the reign of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich in Kyiv. It occurred again in northeastern Rus', in Rostov, and again during a famine, which the local wise men used to stir up discontent among the suffering people.

The Magi claimed that they knew where the rich kept their supplies, announced that noble women hid food in their bodies and, cutting their backs, took out bread or fish from there. Many women were killed in this way, and in this cunning way the wise men convinced people of their power. The forces of the rebels gathered near White Lake, and the governor of Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, Yan Vyshatich, went to them.

Initially, he tried to act peacefully, convincing those who joined the rebellion to move away from the Magi and hand over the instigators to him. In the end, Yan, threatening local residents with punishment, forced them to hand over the Magi, and then gave them to the relatives of those women who were killed by the Magi for lynching. That is, acting according to custom, and not according to the law.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 02, 2024, 07:55:31 am
In Ancient Russia, people from Scandinavia were called Varangians. It just so happened that the Eastern Slavs and the ancient Scandinavians were separated only by the Baltic Sea. A trade route ran through Eastern Europe, connecting Scandinavia and Byzantium. It received the name “from the Varangians to the Greeks.”

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Origin of the term
The term “Varangians” was used until the 12th century, until it was replaced by the pseudo-ethnonym “Germans”, which the Eastern Slavs used to designate people from Northern Europe and Germany.
Rice. 1. Varangians.
Information about the Varangians is contained in Scandinavian and Byzantine sources. In the first place they are called “warings”, and in the second – “varangs”. In the chronicles of Ancient Rus', this definition dates back to the end of the 11th century and refers to the events of the mid-9th century, namely to the year 862.

Of the Byzantine historians, John Skylitzes was the first to report on the Varangians in his description of the events of 1034. In Byzantium, under Emperor Michael IV Paphlagon (ruled from 1034 to 1041), the Varangians were noted for the following:

Fought against pirates.
They protected the pilgrims.
They defended the borders of the empire from the Pechenegs.
The uprising in Bulgaria was suppressed.
They took part in campaigns in Sicily and in military operations on the peninsula of Asia Minor.

In 1029, the Varangians were mentioned by the Persian philosopher Al-Biruni from the state of Khorezm in Central Asia. Later, the Varangians were reported by Sigismund Herberstein in the 16th century and Vasily Tatishchev in the 18th century, who suggested that the name comes from the word “varg”, that is, “robber”.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 03, 2024, 10:08:38 am

Polish scientist Michael Krasus дійkij: I came to the conclusion that the Ukrainian language is older than Latin, Greek and Sanskrit
According to historians, the Ukrainian language with its roots reaches a depth of at least seven thousand. Pra-European Sanskrit contains more than 1000 current Ukrainian root words.
None of the European languages (except Lithuanian) are so close to their leaks. And the connection between the Russian language and other European languages can be traced only through Ukrainian and Ugrofinnian languages.
Comparison with the Russian language is not done for the purpose of its humiliation or insulting. The Russian language is in its own way and rich. You could compare the native Ukrainian language with French, or German. But it's better to compare with the one that due to historical circumstances each of us knows well, that is, Russian.
Stepan Nalivayko - a well-known in Ukraine expert of Sanskrit and Hindi language, professor - describes the impression of the heard address of an Indian guru in selective Sanskrit to his student: "Dehi me agni". He asked for fire and it almost coincided with ours, "Set me fire".
Such familiar words like "one, two, three, four" in Sanskrití sounds " Adi, two, Three, Chatura ". And here are the very familiar zalečku to each of us words - "mom, dad, nenya, grandfather, baba, brother, sister, son", - in Sanskrit sound like "mata, dad, nana, dada, baba, bgrata, swastri, sun". The list of such words can be very long, which is an indisputable confirmation that the roots of my Native Ukrainian Language reach the depths of Indo-European civilization. It's from there to us came and stayed in Ukraine surnames and names of villages, villages, cities: Mandzula, Panikar, Chandra, Khobta, Bushma, Shudrya, Gupalo, Cherry, Bakota, Baglai (Baglaiki), Vishnopil, Kaniv, Tara паcha, Uman, Yampil, Chigirin, Busha (Bushanka) and so on. d.
About the leaks of Moscow, and later - the Russian language, can tell the geography of other territories where the Ugro-Finnish tribes lived - "Miracle, Vod ,, űgra, čeremisi, perm, komi, muroma, esti, kareli, votâaki, erzâ, merya, mes Проera and others". Their lands still retain the original names of the year, lakes, villages, bridges: Neva, Volga, Oka, Kama, Meshchera, Nara, Vyazma, Moscow, Chuds пуke Lake, Ladoga Lake, Valdai, Ryazan (primitive erzian), Suzdal, Sarapul, Vologda, Rostov and more. That is, practically the entire geography of Central Russia.
But if you take the Novgorod land where Slavs lived, then there preserved the ancient Russian (Ukrainian) names of settlements and rivers: Galych, Pryluki, Great Meadows, Novgorod, Russian, Wednesday, Voloshka, Cloud, February, Great, Border and more.
The Slavic part of the Moscow language was introduced by separate Slavic tribes who were forced to move to the Ugro-Finnish northern lands in the VIII-X century.
Later, during the time of Peter I, began and the deep influence of the Ukrainian language on the Moscow dialect, because Muscovites learned and grammar, and arithmetic, and God's word on the books of Ukrainian teachers Melentiy Smotritsky, Magnitsky, Theofan Prokopovych and others.
A prominent linguist of the late nineteenth century, Polish scientist Michael Krasusky noted the following: "After spending a long time comparing Aryan languages, I came to the conclusion that the Ukrainian language is not only the oldest of all Slavic, except the so-called Old Slavic, but also Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and other Aryan languages".
Also historical studies of a monument such as the Stone Tomb near Melitopol give us evidence that this ancient sanctuary contains many written samples even before the Sumerian period. So we have something to be proud of.
Behind the scenes:
The article of Luka Ivanitsky "Ukrainian language is the language of civilizations".
Ivan Ogienko. History of Ukrainian literary language. Stubborn. , awt. east. -biogr. will draw and absorb. M. S. Timoshik Kyiv , “Our culture and science”, 2001
"the history of Ukrainian literary language" by Ivan Ogíęnka is one of the stages of the scientist who during Soviet times was considered especially kramol Іnoű. Historically, accessible and convincingly, the author showed the whole world that truly thorny way through which the Ukrainian language went in terms of hundreds of prohibitions, oppression and restrictions, explored the phenomenon of indestructible her, as "souls of the nation", "the most valuable treasure" of the people. At the same time, baseless theories about "the ultimate unity of Russian brides" and the common linguistic lullaby for Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian languages.
The mentioned historian, Polish by nationality, who lived and worked in Odessa for a long time, philologist m. Krasus джуkij, the author of the work "Antiquity of the Ukrainian language" where he claims that "... having spent a long time comparing Aryan languages, I came to the conclusion that Ukrainian language is older not only for all Slavic, except for the so-called Old Slavic, but also for Sanskrit, Ancient Greek, Latin and other Aryan (Indo-European)... Until recently, foreign scientists began to convince that the cradle of the Aryan tribes was not Central Asia, but the so-called Sarmatian (or Slavic) valley. On this plane and ponyní live Ukrainians and colonists in the north, who come from them Novgorodcí.

Europe in 750 AD
Europe in 750 AD was a dynamic and diverse continent characterized by a mixture of cultures, languages, and political entities. Here are some key aspects of Europe during this period:
1. Medieval Kingdoms: Europe was primarily dominated by various medieval kingdoms, including the Carolingian Empire, the Byzantine Empire in the east, the Umayyad Caliphate in parts of the Iberian Peninsula, and numerous smaller kingdoms such as the Kingdom of the Franks, Lombards, Visigoths, Anglo-Saxons, and others.
2. Feudalism: Feudalism was the prevailing social and economic system. Land was the primary source of wealth and power, and feudal lords granted land (fiefs) to vassals in exchange for loyalty, military service, and other obligations.
3. The Carolingian Empire: Under the leadership of Charlemagne (Charles the Great), the Carolingian Empire emerged as a dominant political and military force in Western Europe. Charlemagne's reign saw a brief period of cultural and intellectual revival known as the Carolingian Renaissance.
4. Religion: Christianity, specifically Catholicism, was the dominant religion in Europe. The Catholic Church wielded significant political and religious influence, with the Pope as the spiritual leader. Various Germanic tribes continued to convert to Christianity during this period.
5. Viking Raids: The Viking Age began in the late 8th century, and Norse seafarers known as Vikings raided coastal areas and rivers and even ventured into the heart of Europe. Their raids disrupted trade and significantly changed European political and social structures.
6. Islamic Expansion: In the Iberian Peninsula, the Umayyad Caliphate established Muslim rule, leading to the gradual expansion of Islam in Europe. This period saw a blending of Islamic, Christian, and Jewish cultures known as Convivencia.
7. Byzantine Empire: The Byzantine Empire, centred around Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul), remained a powerful political and cultural force in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean region. It served as a bridge between the Classical and Medieval worlds and preserved ancient Greek and Roman knowledge.
8. Trade and Commerce: Despite the political fragmentation, trade networks flourished, connecting Europe with the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. Major trade routes such as the Silk Road and Amber Road facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures.
Overall, Europe in 750 AD was a complex and dynamic mosaic of kingdoms, cultures, and influences, undergoing significant political, social, and cultural transformations that would shape its future trajectory.

There lived in Kiev a man whose name I always pronounce with sigh - Agatangel of Crimea. I pronounce it not because the name is rare, but because this man knew 58 languages.
Everything was unusual in his fate. His distant ancestor, a Crimean mullah from Bakhchisaray, left Crimea for Belarus, accepted Christianity there and married a local woman, taking the surname Crimean. His father Efim of Crimea was a writer and a talented educator, and when he had a son in 1871, he was given an unusual Greek name - Agatangel, meaning "good herald". The father worked very hard with his son and at the age of 3, the boy learned to read, and at the age 5 the father sent him to elementary school. Seeing his completely unusual abilities, including learning foreign languages, he was accepted in Kyiv to the famous Paul Galagan College, an educational institution that provided a unique secondary education, and by the age of 18, he knew 8 languages.
In the College, he studied from Pavel Zhitetsky, one of the most famous philologists of the Ukrainian language, who instilled in him a love for the Ukrainian language, and Agatangel, in whose veins there was not a drop of Ukrainian blood, became the most devoted defender of the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian history for life. Then Agatangel of Crimea left for Moscow, where he studied at the Moscow University at the Faculty of History and Philology and simultaneously studied oriental languages at the Institute of Oriental Languages. Then he lived in Syria and Lebanon for several years, where he improved his knowledge of the Arabic language. Over time, he became a professor and taught Russian and Arabic languages simultaneously, and history of the East. And when they asked him how many languages he knows, he said laughing that it's easier for him to say which ones he doesn't know. He knew almost all European and Slavic languages, many Eastern, from the dead - Latin, Greek, Church Slavic, Sanskrit. When he was 70 years old, he decided to learn Babylonian and Abyssinian languages. And until 1918 Crimean Agatangel lived in Moscow, but kept correspondence with Ivan Franco, Lesya Ukrainka and after the establishment of the Ukrainian People's Republic in 1917 he decided to return to Ukraine.
He participated in the scientific life of Ukraine both under the Central Rada, and under the Hetman Skoropadsky, and later under the Soviet authorities. And it was all right at first, he became an Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, but then tragedies began. Agatangel of Crimea was a lonely man all his life, it was said that he was hopelessly in love with Lesya Ukrainka, with whom he communicated all his life. In old age, he began to have vision problems, he needed an assistant and became a young scientist Nikolai Levchenko, who Crimea eventually adopted. In 1929 Levchenko, like many other Ukrainian scientists, was accused of nationalism and sent to camps. Nikolai Levchenko returned from the camp as a mentally ill man, lived in a Crimean apartment for some time and a year later hanged himself. This became a real tragedy for Crimea, he began to get very ill. At the same time, Crimean himself began to be exempted from all his positions and teaching, stripped of all his titles and he lived practically in poverty.
And in 1941, a 70-year-old half-blind old man was arrested, accusing him of nationalism. After torturing interrogations, he was allowed to sign the protocols, and he, almost blind, corrected them because he couldn’t see such terrible illiteracy that the investigators hated him even more. And then he was sent to Kazakhstan and thrown into a terrible prison in Kustanai, which was “famous” for a lot of criminal elements, hoping that the zeks would just kill him. But according to the testimony of those who were then in that prison and survived, the criminal zeks of Crimea adored him, gave him their bread and tried to facilitate his fate. He died in January 1942, his body was dumped into a ditch along with the bodies of the same unfortunate and where his grave is unknown.
UNESCO has included Crimea's name to the list of the most famous figures of humanity. And in Kiev, a street is named after him, and there is a memorial plaque on the building of the Paul Galagan College. Unfortunately, few people know his name, but he was the most amazing man!

In the 11th century, Kyiv was the biggest capital in Europe, 10 times larger than Paris and 50 times larger than London.
On the facades of Sofia Kiev depicted four queens: France: Anna, Hungary - Anastasia, Norway, and then Denmark - Elizabeth, England - Agatha.
They are all daughters of Yaroslav the Wise, Grand Prince of Kiev Russia. At this time, the husband of the Polish princess was their brother Iziaslav, the queen's sister father. The other Vladimir was the husband of the Princess of Germany. Their mother was the princess of Sweden Ingigerda, whose brothers were the kings of Sweden and Denmark.
All Europe without exception had family connections with Kiev Russia - Ukraine! 100 years before the foundation of the village of Moscow.
Queen of England Elizabeth is a descendant of our Queen Agatha.
And Agatha Margarita's daughter became not only the queen of Scotland, but also her saint! Because for life, most temples of God built and good deeds done.
Richard the Braveheart and Mary Stewart with Agatine, Queens from Kyiv roots!.
Anna Kiev, who became the queen of France, knew four languages. The Gospel on which all the kings of France swore, written in Kyiv Queen Anne's blood flowed in the 18th kings of France (! ).
The legendary portrait of four sisters Kyiv who became the queens of Europe, saved Saint Sophia from Moscow mrakobissâ! In the 30s of her at the wish of Stalin, ideals of Putin, had to blow up! The explosive is already being laid.. The 1000-year-old miracle of architecture exactly in Kyiv caused a frog in the Moscow atheists.
And suddenly an ultimatum from France:
- If you dare to destroy the portrait of our legendary Queen Anne, destroy the handiwork of our Queen's father, our country is severed diplomatic relations! Right away!
That's how the French saved our Sofia!
Still Hungarians should be reminded
ours is their queen Anastasia. Because it was thanks to the intercession of the mighty princes of Kyiv the Hungarian king Andrus, the husband of Anastasia, was saved from death. Because at that time Kiev Russia was the biggest state in Europe and the most influential!
Therefore, so confidently behaved herself and did not recognize any ultimatumív Queen of the Vikings Elizabeth, a native sister of the mentioned queens. During her life she was Queen of Norway and then of Denmark, and her daughter Queen made and saved the Princess of England, an orphan Gita, from a hateful marriage... and sent the meanest self-employed who tried to threaten her and then gave that English princess Geeta for
Kyiv King Vladimir Monomakh!
So what do we have more: English, French, Norman, Danish, Swedish, Polish, Norwegian, Hungarian? But where is the Russian here?
©️ Dmitry Fomenko.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 07, 2024, 09:25:36 am

Local historians recreate the clothes and jewelry of women of the Slavic period

Know your History
Kyiv gave Europe 158 queens.
All the famous queens of Europe of Ukrainian origin are depicted in this church: Anne of France, Anastasia of Hungary, Elizabeth of Norway and Denmark, and Agatha of England. All four of them were daughters of Yaroslav the Wise, the Grand Duke of Kyiv.
All of Europe had family ties to Kievan Rus, today's Ukraine! And all this happened 100 years before the creation of the "village" Moscow.
But let's get back to the Ukrainian queens, because each of these stories could be made into a Hollywood movie!
Did you know that Queen Elizabeth of England, who recently died, was a descendant of Queen Agatha?
And that Agatha's daughter Margaret became not only the Queen of Scotland, but also a saint of that country! Because during her lifetime she built the most Christian churches and did many good deeds.
Did you know that Richard Leontocard and Mary Stewart had Ukrainian roots-their grandmother was Agathina, Queen of Kyiv!
Let me also remind you that the legendary Anne of Kyiv, who became Queen of France, spoke four languages. She carried the Gospel, which almost all later kings of France swore by and which was written and printed in Kyiv. The Ukrainian blood of Queen Anne flowed through the veins of the later 18 kings of France. 
It was these legendary 4 sisters from Kyiv who became the queens of Europe and saved the Hagia Sophia of Kyiv from the "dark monster of Moscow! "
In the 1930s, at Stalin's request, the process of blowing up the Hagia Sophia Church in Kyiv began! The explosives had already been installed, and the millennial architectural miracle in Kyiv would have been destroyed by Moscow atheists.
Suddenly, a calligraphic letter arrives from France: "If you dare to desecrate the portrait of our legendary Queen Anne and destroy the work of our queen's father, our country will immediately break off diplomatic relations with you! "
Yes, the French ancestors were more determined! This is how they saved Ukrainian Agia Sophia!
Let's also remind the Hungarians of their Ukrainian Queen Anastasia. Because through the mediation of Kyiv and its powerful princes, Hungarian King Andros saved Anastasia's wife from death! After all, at that time Kyiv was the largest state in Europe with the strongest influence!
Have you ever heard that a woman became queen of Norway and then Denmark during her lifetime? Yes, it was the Ukrainian Elizabeth! And she made her daughter queen. She also saved the orphaned English princess Gita from a hateful marriage and sent a warship against an authoritarian who tried to threaten her.
Ukrainians had such strong roots with England, France, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, and Norway. When Moscow was not even on the map!
Who would prevent Ukraine from becoming an EU member today?
Kyiv gave Europe 158 queens and kings! And it will give more! Together to victory!

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 13, 2024, 09:10:10 am

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 18, 2024, 07:59:46 am


.The Ukrainian house. A place of power. Sanctuary of the kind
Artists, writers and poets could not avoid the touching image of a white Ukrainian house, surrounded by the lush beauty of the picturesque region, among apple and cherry orchards. The residence itself is one of the symbols of Ukraine - it is a sanctuary of the Ukrainian kind. Even the name itself - "house" reaches its roots deep into the centuries, and it was still used by our ancient Scyth ancestors.
Sacred meaning
A house is not just a house where the family lived, it is a separate universe where people were born, grew up, fell in love, married, owned and died. So it happened that for Ukrainians to build a home meant not only to pour the foundation and lay the walls, but also to create a place for the native nest.
In the house - the whole living space and the world-seeing universe of Ukrainian divided into three parts (terrestrial, underground and heavenly spheres), and the home reflects these spheres of being: ceiling - heavenly spiritual world (cylinder with sacred signs, goddess in the corner); walls, windows, doors - symbols of earth modern real life and communication with by other people; the lower floor is the floor, the bottom of the back with underpass and benches, the threshold as the border of the earth and the underground worlds. Not in vain they say: "my house sky is covered, the earth is pídbita, the wind is zagorodžena".
Our ancestors were convinced that the home, as a symbol of the tree of life, carries the same features: the prise symbolized the roots, the walls - the trunk, and the roof - the crown top. Perhaps that's why the tradition of painting black paint or resin emerged, emphasizing the border between the afterlife and the world of the living, which represented the white walls.
On the edge of the house with the street, a spring was often dug and put a bench near it - with respect to those who travel: travelers, kobzarív and chumakí.
The most important place in the house is the purchase
From ancient times, the most important and sacred place in the house has been considered to be the penance. Embroidered towels, pisanki and other important attributes of holidays and weekdays were always hung here. With the adoption of the Christian faith in Russia, it was on the poktí that they began to place a home iconostasis, decorating the icons with the same embroidered towels as a proof of respect and importance of faith in God.
All the most important events in the family took place right near the purchase: engagement and blessing of the newlyweds, the wedding reception of the newlywed, the first purchase of the newborn and farewell to the deceased. Here behind the icons kept sacred relics, a joke from Palm Sunday, a piece of Easter, holy water, a street candle and others. On Christmas under the insults was put Grandpa.
Embroidered towels were the color of every hostess and also the object of pride of every hostess. They framed not only icons, but also doors, windows and chests. They were also put under bread, on the table. In addition to the aesthetic decoration of the home, the towels were also an amulet for the family.
You can read more HERE:


Trillions of dollars are under our feet.
850 million tons of oil. Second place in Europe! It would be enough to cover your own market. And in the Black Sea we have another 10 billion tons of oil.
1 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. In Europe, we are second in stock of this carbon.
Over 4 trillion cubic meters of shale gas. Third place in Europe by betting.
120 billion tons of coal. Eighth place in the world for supplies of this hot fossil. 500 years would have been enough for us.
500 thousand tons of lithium is the most sought after metal of the XXI century! The biggest stock in Europe.
27 billion tons of iron ore. The biggest bets in the world!
2.28 billion tons of manganese ore. The most in Europe. Second in the world.
Over 1 billion tons of kaolin. Fourth place in the world in reserves.
9 billion tons of rock salt. Some of the largest stocks in the world.
3 thousand tons of gold, 1 billion tons of graphite, 4.3 billion tons of potassium salt, 166 million tons of sulfur, 1.5 thousand tons of amber.
Phosphorus, onyx, quartz, plaster, agate, rock crystal, topaz, fluorite, apatite ore. There are even diamonds under us.
And we don't mention hundreds of thousands of the najrodűčíšogo soil in the world - expensive than gold.
On the outside Muscovites forcefully, inside the corrupted step - they all seek to conquer our nadrami.
For 1991 year, each Ukrainian had 200 000 dollars from rozvídanih useful fossils.
That's why all our enemies need Ukraine, but without Ukrainians.
So we are not poor. We have been robbed.
But nothing's lost in the end. Now it is up to us to live in prosperity on our land or to trust the worlds.
Author : Yuri Botnar.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 19, 2024, 07:53:33 am


For the first time Ukraine is mentioned in the Ipatiev chronicle. Take note, don't
Malorussia, not in any other way, namely Ukraine.
The chronological book
includes several components - the Lavrentian chronicle, Novel
of temporary years, Chernihiv, Kiev, Galician-Volyn chronology in
which events from 860 to 1292 are described.
The sources of chronology are very
varied - these are princely chronicle, princely letters, reports
ambassadors, military stories, eyewitness stories, Greek chronicles, etc.
For the first time Ukraine is mentioned in the chronological story of Igor's campaign
Svyatoslavovich on Polovtsev in 1185.
Kievskaya in many sources
Russia identifies with Ukraine.
In some editorial offices e.g. in
Ermolaev List (1189-1213 g. g. ), Ukraine is called a country, in
Kiev chronicle - Ukrainian Galicia...
Also the name "Ukraine"
is mentioned in connection with the death of Prince Vladimir Glebovich of Pereyaslav,
later - when describing the events of the reign of the Galician-Volyn prince
Danila Romanovich.
Something like that...
Nobody knew Moscow and Russia at that time...
Higher education institutions: The Russian Academy of Sciences was founded in 1724. , Moscow University in 1755. In the Ukraine
The Ostrog Academy was founded in 1576, the University of Lviv was founded in 1661
The printed alphabet in Ukraine came out in 1574 in Lviv, in the Moscow Kingdom it happened 60 years later - in 1634.
Religion: Kiev metropolis was founded in 988, and Moscow metropolis only in 1458. The Kiev metropolis is 460 years older than Moscow.
Capitals: Kyiv was founded in 482, Moscow was founded in 1147 by Vladimir Monomakh's son Yuri Dolgoruk.
So, Kyiv is 665 years older than Moscow.
The first monarch in the classical sense was crowned in the Moscow Kingdom Ivan the Terrible 1547 in our lands Daniel Romanovich Galitsky - 1253.
Mongolian yoke: Kyiv lost the Mongolian yuge in 1363 after the battle of Blue Waters; Moscow lost the yoke in 1480 after standing on Hungary, and Moscow paid tribute to the Crimean Khan until
1700, including the beginning of the reign of Peter I.
Title: For the first time, the term "Ukraine" in chronicles is found under the year 1187.
For the first time, the term "Russia" is found only during the reign of Ivan the Terrible 400 years later.
The author of one of the first constitutions in the world is Pylip Orlyk.
On April 5, 1710 he was elected Hetman. On the same day, he declared the "Constitution of Rights and Freedoms of the Army of Zaporizhzhia".
The United States adopted the constitution in 1787. In France and Poland only in 1791
Historical facts to know.
1. The state called Moscow was renamed Russia by King Peter I in the 18th century, in 1721!!!
2. The Moksha tribe named their river Moscow, and the translation of this name, from the Moksha language, sounds like "dirty water"!!! No other languages in the world can translate the word Moscow!!! The word "Kremlin" is Tatar and means fortifications on the heights!!!
S. In the Middle Ages, all the cartographers of Europe wrote and guided the border of Europe along the borders of Russia (Russia is the territory of present-day Ukraine)!!! Moscow - Ulus, with its Finnish peoples, has always been a part of the Horde, and its Europe treated Asia fairly!!!
4. Moscow (Russia) paid tribute to the Crimean Khan, its SOVEREIGN and MASTER, who was the successor to the Golden Horde, until 1700!!! The Tsar of Moscow met the Crimean ambassador on the Poklonnaya Mountain, put him on his horse, on foot, under the bridle, led the horse with the Crimean ambassador to the Kremlin, put him on the throne and kneeled before him!!!
5. In 1610, in Moscow, Boris Godunov (murza Gudun) ended the Genghizid dynasty (a relative of Genghis Khan), and Alexei Cat from the Finnish Mare family was placed on the throne, and when he was crowned to the Kingdom, the Church gave him the surname Romanov, who allegedly came from Rome to rule Moscow!!!
6. Catherine II, after the occupation of the last free Russian State - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (territory of Belarus) in 1795. , by my order I ordered to call the Ugro-Finnish tribes of Moscow some Great Russians, and Ukrainians - true Russians - Minor Russians !!!
7. No one has ever seen in the original the agreement of reunification between Moscow and Ukraine, allegedly signed by B. Khmelnitsky and Tsar A. To Romanov!!!
8. For several centuries, archeologist Moscow has been looking for artifacts that confirm the credibility of the Battle of Kulikovsky, but so far without success, here is only a fable about the victory of D. Donsky over Mamay is still sung, on all voices!! 9. Pskov, Novgorod, Smolensk regions of Russia are former Slavic-Russian principals, and they had nothing to do with Ugro-Finnish Muscovy until the Moscow-Horde occupied them in 1462, in 1478 and in 1654 respectively!!! And in other regions of Russia (Moscow) Slavic tribes and peoples have never inhabited!!!
10. The Golden Horde and its daughter - Moscow, are the only countries in the world that kept their own people slaves!!! This explains the eternal backwardness of natural fossil-rich Moscow from the comparatively allocated to natural resources of European countries!!! After all, the effectiveness of free people is much higher than that of slaves!!!
The myths of Russian national consciousness have been struck a new blow!!! At the beginning research of the gene fund of the Russian people conducted by Russian scientists in 2000-2006. They showed that genetically Russians are not Slavs at all, but pure-blooded Finns, no different from a Mordva (see. article "Face of Russian Nationality", No. 15, 2006). According to the Lev Gumilev Center in Moscow on March 18, Russian scientists for the first time in history conducted an unprecedented study of the Russian gene pool - and were shocked by its results!!! Including these studies fully confirmed that Russians are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns. The results of mitochondrial DNA analysis have shown that another closest relative of Russians, besides the Finns of Finland, is Tatars: Russians and Tatars are at the same genetic distance of 30 conditional units that separate them from the Finns!!! In the myth about "Slavic roots of Russians" by Russian scientists, there is a fat point: nothing from Slavs in Russian is NO!!!! There is only about Slavic Russian language, but 60-70% of it is not Slavic vocabulary, so a Russian person is unable to understand Slavic languages, although a true Slavic understands because of the similarity of Slavic languages - any (except Russian). Russians live in Russia, but not Russians. RUSSIA was and is, only KIEV!!!


Ukraine in Ancient Rus through 1440

Were the ancient population of Arctic Siberia close to Europeans?

This is the conclusion drawn by researchers studying the mitochondrial DNA of the ancient inhabitants of the New Siberian Islands.

A team of anthropologists and geneticists from St. Petersburg presentedresults of a study of the most ancient anthropological remains in the Arctic - the inhabitants of the Zhokhov site (New Siberian Islands). Analysis of mtDNA led the authors to the conclusion that 8 thousand years ago the population of Arctic Siberia was closer to European and Ural populations, and not to the Mongoloid populations of Central and Eastern Siberia.

The vast territory of Russia contains many remains of ancient people from which DNA can potentially be extracted (it is preserved better in temperate and cold climates than in hot ones), and our country is an inexhaustible source of ancient DNA for researchers around the world. But sequencing and analysis of ancient DNA is carried out almost exclusively in foreign laboratories, since Russian ones, as a rule, do not have the necessary conditions, first of all, to avoid contamination. So any work with ancient DNA carried out by Russian scientists is of interest, even if it concerns not nuclear, but mitochondrial DNA. The article by V.V. Pitulko (Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and his co-authors, published in the journal “Ural Historical Bulletin”, is also interesting because of the peculiarities of the object of study - the oldest human remains in the Arctic have been studied.

These are the remains from a site on Zhokhov Island, which belongs to the group of New Siberian Islands. The Zhokhov site is one of the northernmost (76°N) and shows that man explored the Arctic territories back in the early Holocene, about 8,000 years ago.

At the site, remains of animals, items made of stone, horn, bone, mammoth tusk, wood, as well as wicker and birch bark items were found. As for human remains, experts studied 13 samples (fragments of the skull, ribs, limb bones, teeth), their anthropological description is given in the article.

Using DNA from nine remains, the gender of their owners was determined (using two test systems for the amelogenin gene): 7 samples belonged to men, 2 to women. Based on hypervariable segment I (HVSI) analysis, the relationships between individuals were hypothesized. In four bone remains, heteroplasmy was discovered - the presence of two different mtDNA molecules in one cell. This is a rare occurrence, and these four bone fragments are believed to come from the same person. In total, the researchers concluded that the site contains the remains of at least five individuals, of which 3 are male and at least one is female. Three of them are close relatives. However, the authors emphasize that since they did not perform typing at STR loci of nuclear DNA, we can only talk about the relationship presumably.

The mtDNA haplogroup was determined in the samples. For six samples, where the authors are confident in the result, their belonging to the mitochondrial haplogroup K, belonging to the U branch, was established. For two samples, haplogroups W and V, belonging to the N and R branches, were presumably determined.

Thus, the mtDNA of most individuals belongs to haplogroup K, and this is the most interesting result for geneticists. The fact is that haplogroup K is a Western Eurasian branch. In modern populations, it is common in Europe, and its frequency decreases towards the Urals. But in Western Siberia, as the authors put it, there is a certain “prominence” - haplogroup K is represented with high frequency among the Khanty and Mansi.

At the same time, it is absent among the modern indigenous inhabitants of the north of Central and Eastern Siberia, including the Yukaghirs, who are considered the oldest ethnic group of northeast Eurasia - their ancestors settled in Arctic Siberia (as the authors write) during and after the Last Glacial Maximum . The Yukaghirs are dominated by haplogroups C and D of Central Siberian origin.

Since researchers found mitochondrial haplogroup K among the inhabitants of the Zhokhov site, this suggests that before the Yukaghirs and other Mongoloid populations, Arctic Siberia was colonized by a population that was genetically close to Western Eurasia. Perhaps, the authors believe, members of this population belonged to the Ural anthropological type.

The authors mention that the Caucasian component is strongly expressed in the anthropological finds of the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages (Afanasyevskaya, Andronovo, Okunevskaya and other cultures). The genetic attraction of the ancient inhabitants of the Zhokhov site to Europe fits into the same picture.

It can be assumed, the researchers write, that at the turn of the Pleistocene and Holocene, a group living in this territory had a genetic relationship with Western Eurasian or Ural populations, which was assimilated during the settlement of Mongoloid groups in the Holocene.

The oldest anthropological finds of the high-latitude Arctic.
V.V. Pitulko, V. I. Hartanovich, V. B. Timoshin, V. G. Chasnyk, E. Yu. Pavlova, A. K. Kasparov / Ural Historical Bulletin, No. 2 (47), 2015, p. 61-72.
Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 20, 2024, 10:05:03 am



The Rugii, Rogi or Rugians (Ancient Greek: Ρογοί, romanized: Rogoi), were a Roman-era Germanic people. They were first clearly recorded by Tacitus, in his Germania who called them the Rugii, and located them near the south shore of the Baltic Sea. Some centuries later, they were considered one of the "Gothic" or "Scythian" peoples who were located in the Middle Danube region. Like several other Gothic peoples there, they possibly arrived in the area as allies of Attila until his death in 453. They settled in what is now Lower Austria after the defeat of the Huns at Nedao in 454.
The Baltic Rugii mentioned by Tacitus are possibly related to the people known as the Rutikleioi, and the place known as Rougion, both mentioned in the second century by Ptolemy. Both these names are associated with the coastal island known today as Rügen. They have also been associated with the Ulmerugi mentioned in the sixth century by Jordanes, as people who had lived on the Baltic coast near the Vistula long before him. In a passage that is difficult to interpret Jordanes mentioned that the Rugii also lived in Scandinavia in his own time, near the Danes and Suedes.
It has been speculated, based on their name, and the Gothic origin stories published by Jordanes, that the Rugii originally migrated from southwest Norway to Pomerania around 100 AD, and from there to the Danube valley. The name of the Ulmerugi has been interpreted as Holmrygir known from much later Old Norse texts. The Rugii have also been associated with the Rygir of Rogaland in Norway. All these names apparently share their etymological origins.
The name of the Rugii continued to be used after the sixth century to refer to Slavic speaking peoples including even Russians.
below is Settlement areas of the Rugii: Rogaland, Pomerania (since the first century), Rugiland (5th century); Rügen (uncertain)

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 23, 2024, 07:53:11 am

In the 11th century, Kyiv was the biggest capital in Europe, 10 times larger than Paris and 50 times larger than London.
On the facades of Sofia Kiev depicted four queens: France: Anna, Hungary - Anastasia, Norway, and then Denmark - Elizabeth, England - Agatha.
They are all daughters of Yaroslav the Wise, Grand Prince of Kiev Russia. At this time, the husband of the Polish princess was their brother Iziaslav, the queen's sister father. The other Vladimir was the husband of the Princess of Germany. Their mother was the princess of Sweden Ingigerda, whose brothers were the kings of Sweden and Denmark.
All Europe without exception had family connections with Kiev Russia - Ukraine! 100 years before the foundation of the village of Moscow.
Queen of England Elizabeth is a descendant of our Queen Agatha.
And Agatha Margarita's daughter became not only the queen of Scotland, but also her saint! Because for life, most temples of God built and good deeds done.
Richard the Braveheart and Mary Stewart with Agatine, Queens from Kyiv roots!.
Anna Kiev, who became the queen of France, knew four languages. The Gospel on which all the kings of France swore, written in Kyiv Queen Anne's blood flowed in the 18th kings of France (! ).
The legendary portrait of four sisters Kyiv who became the queens of Europe, saved Saint Sophia from Moscow mrakobissâ! In the 30s of her at the wish of Stalin, ideals of Putin, had to blow up! The explosive is already being laid.. The 1000-year-old miracle of architecture exactly in Kyiv caused a frog in the Moscow atheists.
And suddenly an ultimatum from France:
- If you dare to destroy the portrait of our legendary Queen Anne, destroy the handiwork of our Queen's father, our country is severed diplomatic relations! Right away!
That's how the French saved our Sofia!
Still Hungarians should be reminded
ours is their queen Anastasia. Because it was thanks to the intercession of the mighty princes of Kyiv the Hungarian king Andrus, the husband of Anastasia, was saved from death. Because at that time Kiev Russia was the biggest state in Europe and the most influential!
Therefore, so confidently behaved herself and did not recognize any ultimatumív Queen of the Vikings Elizabeth, a native sister of the mentioned queens. During her life she was Queen of Norway and then of Denmark, and her daughter Queen made and saved the Princess of England, an orphan Gita, from a hateful marriage... and sent the meanest self-employed who tried to threaten her and then gave that English princess Geeta for
Kyiv King Vladimir Monomakh!
So what do we have more: English, French, Norman, Danish, Swedish, Polish, Norwegian, Hungarian? But where is the Russian here?
©️ Dmitry Fomenko.

Titel: Re: Oorlog Rusland 21 juni 2015 - groeiende Verzameling Ukraine historische links
Bericht door: webmaster op april 27, 2024, 08:43:32 am

The spread of farming across Europe. The colors indicate time scales for the spread of the early Neolithic in Europe.
©️ Figure content uploaded by Detlef Gronenborn, "Ancient DNA from the First European Farmers in 7500-Year-Old Neolithic Sites", 30 June 2006, Vol. 312, SCIENCE.
Ancient DNA from the first European farmers in 7500-year-old Neolithic sites