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Muscovy war on Ukraine

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Auteur Topic: Oorlog Rusland 18 juli georgia first maidan uitbreidng navo door rus of voor  (gelezen 4406 keer)

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Reddit Changes Content Rules as Steve Huffman Takes Charge

 The poor always have to pour money in hands of the rich, its never enough.
 top60 lies
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exyEMqErriY benalvino1860
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R0gUGDVi1Q  eerste
 On Khortitsa've found a unique discovery, which more than 4 thousand years
 astronomical data helped ancient to measure time and seasons(astrology-starsigns have nothing to do with stars but with seasons-egypt had 3 seasons of 4 months, in every month they had 3 weeks of 10 days)like I do with clock/calendar :-) it made them feel part of and closer with nature then we do
 BBC programs about the island Khortytsya
 romanian dancer
 War in Ukraine Ruined Muscovy Military Reform if soldiers are treated as little more than slaves
 Russian a-holes are again violating international law by using military force to annex sovereign neighbouring territory...


Natuurlijk, de piek in populariteit oekraïne leek op datumbereik майдана en het begin van de oorlog. Toen de oorlog verandert in iets рутинное, over de oekraïne schrijft iets minder. Maar ik weet zeker dat over de oekraïne niet vergeten. Als we hadden echt de zaak met de burgeroorlog, over haar zou al lang vergeten: Dergelijke oorlogen veel wereldwijd, altijd ergens schieten en iemand vermoord. Maar de factor van rusland is alles veranderd. Dit is geen внутриукраинская verhaal, het is een kwestie van waarden. In deze context putine bewees украине een groot plezier doen-ze veranderd in een strategisch belangrijk voor de verenigde staten en europa land.


 America - this is where you can buy a new Iphone for $ 200. America - this is when you use regular mail more frequently than email. America - this is when you got a look at a person in a store and he asked how you were doing. America - this is when the cashier at the store you may ask how are you.

America - this is when the car the police, fire or ambulance ride with glowing lights flashing, all machines including a counter-movement pressed against the right side of the road and stop letting them.

America - this is when you look at the store on a thing and pass you apologize.
America - this is when you wish tanker good day.
America - is when at 5.30 am you have to work.
America - this is when small children are playing in the store and pay checks and cards, not with the leaves of the trees as we are.
America - this is when a police officer comes in and greets Starbucks.
America - this is where 16 and shameful that there is no driver's license.
America - this is where to shop, to school, to the reception a doctor that people can come in pajamas and no one will look with disdain.
America-this is where the Russian, not knowing English at all, use the English words in the Russian language.
America - it is when you're stopped at a traffic light and the driver standing next to the car can say hello.
America - this is when you're afraid to throw out a piece of paper on the street.
America- is when students are not in school, molded gum under the desk.
America - this is when you will not see young cigarettes or alcohol.
America- it when the teacher during the lesson can tell you how it goes pregnancy.
America - is when you concede on the road you are sincerely grateful.
America - this is when there is no queue at McDonalds and you can pour themselves drinks in unlimited quantities.
America - this is where a huge queue at Starbucks in the morning.
America - this is where all the immigrants FSU called Russian.
America - is when wheelchair parking afraid to put his car to avoid being taken.
America - this is where you can buy a real Armani for little money.
America - this is when the cashier at your favorite coffee shop know your name, and you tell him with a smile A helping card.
America - this is when the Russian spoken English words into Russian style: "Passed hundred Mile." "We need to appoint apoytment." "I have a class in college."
America - is when the Russian sturgeon fishing rod calls (sturgeon) and Salmon - Salmon (salmon).
America - this is where Russian is calculated other Russian in the store go after them to calculate whether they are Russian actually.
America - this is when you hear the good wishes and gratitude to the people more often than insults and mate.
America - this is where Coca-Cola is sold only in blocks.
America - when winter you can wear sandals.
America - this is when the windows you hear the cries of children rather than songs of drunken people.
America-is when you can turn the red light to the right if no one interferes.
America - is when you get a job you need experience and you need experience to get a job.
America - this is when the century-old grandmother goes a convertible.
America- is when you are not afraid of the police on the road, because you did not break anything.
America - this is when a policeman stopped for violating the speed smiled ask where such a hurry and may regret not give a penalty, but simply to warn and wish have a nice day.
America- is no surprise when his Iphone.
America - is when you see unfamiliar brand machines.
America - is when every step are the Protestant churches.
America - is when they pray for the president.
Andrei Stolyarov



"Donetsk truth" Where Zakharchenko lives in Donetsk: address and place of residence (updated)



Leaked MH17 Draft Report Blames Pro-Russian Rebels


was first
New post on The Ukrainian Telegraph. It's dedicated to Sergiy Nigoyan. I want you to know his biography. He was so alike to everyone of us. He was sincere. He simply loved his country. Perhaps, this was the reason why he was first? I don't know. But what I know is that we'll never forget him. Never.
I remmembered about him because a new graffiti in Kiev has appeared. It's dedicated to Nigoyan. His deep brown eyes are so memorable... Thanks, Vhills

Russia gave priority to its Constitution to international law
The decision of the Constitutional Court may be grounds for failure to Russia the ECHR decision on the payment of compensation to the shareholders of Yukos

stpetersburg troll network







https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXcWVTpQF3k keine erwiterung nato













“According to Herbst, these materials clearly prove that Russia is supplying weapons to the conflict zone, is funding the war, that there are Russian mercenaries and professional soldiers in Donbas, and that the Russian General Staff is directly involved in the war.
Russian propaganda presents the crisis in Ukraine as a civil war, while in fact the conflict in eastern Ukraine has been artificially created by the Kremlin and sustained with the help of weapons produced in Russia, with the participation of Russian soldiers and the support of the Russian authorities, Herbst said.
Herbst said that this report should be published not only in Ukraine, and especially in Donbas, but also in Russia and other countries.
The report has already been presented in the European Parliament and in many European cities.”
and by allowing their own troops across border, muscovy disrespects int. law cause even if Ukraine can't keep its borders safe in east-Ukraine, muscovy shouldn't allow any state, even its own, to cross it..


British Citizen Graham Philips Exposed as a Tool of Muscovy's FSB





The Russian Foreign Ministry has criticized draft amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine concerning decentralization, as they were prepared without coordination with the representatives of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics militant organizations, according to the ministry's press service.


Russian Poet Alexander Byvshev sentenced over POEM in support of Ukraine
A Russian court has convicted poet and teacher Alexander Byvshev of ‘inciting enmity’ and sentenced him to 6 months community service, confiscated his computer and prohibited him from working as a school teacher for two years. His ‘crime’ – the poem ‘To Ukrainian Patriots’ in which he expresses his opposition to Russia’s annexation of Crimea
‪#‎Byvshev‬ ‪#‎PutinAtWar‬
More russian people will question putin, more russian soldiers will desert from putin, more russian historians will disprove putin's view on history

More russian people will question putin,"All slozhno": Yarosh lost control "legal sector" in several regions - Birch (video)
Джерело: http://patrioty.org.ua/vse-slozhno-yarosh-vtrativ-kontrol-za-pravim-sektorom-u-kilkoh-regionah-bereza-video/




http://www.novayagazeta-ug.ru/articles/u4658/2015/07/14/122262 muchahevo


Savchenko material shows how Russia concocted ‘case’ and what it can’t conceal


Russian troops invaded Georgia

« Laatst bewerkt op: juli 18, 2015, 14:49:30 pm door admin »


Oorlog Rusland tegen Ukraine, Europa

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Veel goedkoper dan bij Amazon(veel meer produkten ook, ook de ondeugende) en vergeet de FB-scam-advertenties!

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When will they ever learn ???  Eve of destruction

Een volk dat voor tirannen zwicht, zal meer dan lijf en goed verliezen, dan dooft het licht. (van Randwijk 1909-1966)
A nation that yields to tyrants, loses more than life and property, then the light goes out.(van Randwijk)

Info and news on



When Russians came for (Moldova)Chechnya, i didn't speak out, I'm not Chechen !
When Russians came for Georgia, I didn't speak out, I'm not Georgian !
When Russians came for Ukraine, I didn't speak out, I'm not Ukrainian ?
When Russians came for my country,
there was no one left, to speak out for me !!!!!!!!!

Budapest Memorandum, US, UK & rusland?
Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel(=Chamberlain), whats next, Ribbentrop-Molotov again??

Schaffen wir das? Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel?

the famous words of one of America?s Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, in 1776:
?We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.?

SHARE it on Twitter, Facebook, others, sites !!

MH 17 Final Reports -Dutch safety Board
MH 17 nieuws / news



Rusland or USSR?
The soviet story 2008
Moscow Maidan

Nature Sunshine Health products available in Ukraine!
For buying and receiving in UKRAINE use THIS SHOP

Video of Boris nemtsov, murdered by Putin.

Comparison funerals Ukraine HEROES and RF/russian zeroes aka RF soldiers/socalled separatists.

EN: Russia war in Ukraine
  Daily links
  Krant van nederland

50+ Ukraine & elsewhere TV LIVE broadcasts !!!

Second source LV tive

  Interactive map Ukraine/warzone   Detector media  intellinews.com  Euromaidanpress  ENInterfaxUA  RFerl   Interpreter  ENCensorUA   Informnapalm  khpg    Kyivpost    Unian  stopfake  day.kiev  ukrinform  uacrisis  hromadske  voxukraine   Maidantransl  uawire.org   bunews.com.ua 
Kharkiv Times  ForeignPolicy  EU observer  Fin news  Baltic Times  Moscow Times  Siberian Times  politico.eu   meduza.io  
Ukraine Today TV EN   UT latest news & YT   UKR govt media   More UKR TV   Aljazeera-Ukraine   Ukrstream
FR incl.transl. breizatao  
UA incl. transl. svoboda   newsonline24 glavpost   favno.ua   joininfo.UA   5.UA
RU incl. transl.  rusmonitor  rosbalt.ru   rbc.ru  tvrain.ru   politolog    RETRANS   .novayagazeta.ru   ehorussia   refabula   lystok   hvlya.net   inforesist.org   gordonua   resistance.today
  oleg-leusenko.livejournal  zloy-odessit  flavius-aetius1  ibigdan  uorvik 
reddit Oekraine
 Volkskrant  Telegraaf Elsevier RTL Nieuws  NRC 

Kremlinmedia sources 2nd bloc)
Liveleak  en uiteraard GeenStijl, Powned (we linken niet meer naar ze/TMG) en Burgercomite.EU, Forum voor "Democratie", GEENPEIL
Boycot barcode 46= Russia 729=Israel
NO VETOPOWERS for agressors USA-Russia-China (and UK and France) in United Nations "Security ?" Council !!!!
The 5 permanent warmongers since 1900 with vetorights in UNSC, USA, russia,China, UK and France don't want to bring the world to PEACE, but to PIECES ! #removevetorightsunsc NOW! It's HYPOCRITICAL!

Verified ways to help the Ukrainian Army

Please consider assisting a Ukrainian soldier as they fight to maintain their sovereignty and protect Europe from ruSSia once again.
Comparable to America's 'Wounded Warriors' program, your American dollar has much more impact in Ukraine's current economy to greatly assist those that often do not receive any support from their government.

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