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Auteur Topic: Oorlog Rusland : 1 - 2 -3 -4 - 5 -6 -7 - 8 -9 -10 januari 2015  (gelezen 7141 keer)

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Oorlog Rusland : 1 - 2 -3 -4 - 5 -6 -7 - 8 -9 -10 januari 2015
« Gepost op: januari 01, 2015, 11:19:32 am »


Duitsland begint eindelijk los te raken van het Russsische propaganda-juk, en zeggen 't is een russische  BUK...




UPDATE 1-Merkel sets high bar for lifting of Russia sanctions

En de russen vieren feest op crimea:

"NamKrysh": reduced funding occupiers "pressed" Crimea fourfold
01/09/2015 13:45

Russian Crimea cut funding for 2015 by four times.

Instead of the previously promised 373 billion rubles will be allocated 100. And these funds are impaired by half due to the fall of the ruble, writes Gazeta.ua .

- Promises were only promises - said a resident of Simferopol. - Increase of pensions and salaries, which first received from Russia, ate price increases. Light switch off every day - getting used to sit in the dark and cold. Prices for communal raised. Previously, provides legal services throughout Ukraine. Now, from the Crimea or leave or call or send a courier. In the shuttles and trolleys - deathly silence. Everyone is afraid to talk, especially about politics. Everywhere FSB agents. For dissatisfaction with life can "sew" extremism, for criticizing the government - anti-constitutional. As if 1937 is back.

Earlier, a group of "IS" reported that Russia can not count on the lifting of sanctions until the return Crimea to Ukraine .


BBC finds Russians fighting in Ukraine

pro ukraine flashmob in moscow shopping center





Crimea's industrie heeft dankzij annexatie door RF te maken
met 80% achteruitgang

Interesant http://sevastopol.su/news.php?id=69963
.su staat dat niet voor sovjet-unie???

Jawohl zou Hitler zeggen, ich habe es gewusst :-)
Stalin ehh Putin  wil sovjet-unie weer terug, nou ja z'n eurazie unie is al bijna opgelost, enige andere leden dan RF Belarus en Kazachstan nemen er afstand van...

EU plans russian tv channel to battle agressive propaganda from biased russian tv channels http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/eu-could-launch-european-tv-channel-to-combat-aggressive-russian-propaganda-9953129.html but besides in ex-sovietstates that only has any impact unless it may be broadcasted also in RF republics itself, best way would be for any russian tv channels to get access to any country, if this counter-russian tvchannel(s) can boradcast also in RF otherwise just don't allow any russian propaganda channels outside of RF, and broadcast that unbiased russian tvchannel(s) in ex-soviet states and other countries.
















http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&ie=UTF-8&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Flostivan.com%2F  lostivan.com


Freed Ukrainian Journalist Says Separatists 'Being Trained For An Offensive'

Crimeans want OUT!


http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26753947  OSCE before crimea

OSCE stelt vragen bij mogelijk verbod op russische "nieuws"zenders in Ukraine. (terwijl mediacensuur in rusland uiteraard niet ter sprake komt, Ukrainse nieuwszenders zijn al meer dan half jaar niet meer te zien in rusland.

En het russische leger verbergt zelfs hun indentiteit niet meer, alsof we nog niet wisten dat ze al meer dan half jaar in Ukraine met een invasie bezig zijn..en na 7 maanden nog steeds niet de Donetsk airport in handen hebben..

En nog beter te zien dat er russen meevechten en ook vanuit rusland zelf wordt geschoten geeft deze russische /novorussia site weer
http://militarymaps.info/ Samen met schrootsite http://lostarmour.info  en http://www.liveuamap.com... kan je zien waar de russen en Ukrainiers zitten..



04012015 http://www.gewoon-nieuws.nl/2015/01/hoe-herken-je-een-internet-troll/#.VKUIdSuG9L0



Peace in Ukraine is a new condition on Russia-France Mistral deal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWlAARb0fN4  mh17?


http://en.censor.net.ua/n318927 limited movement
http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSBREA0U01120140131?irpc=932 vodka



http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-golinkin-ukraine-humanitarian-crisis-20150102-story.html not really





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EienbCTM1P0 list crimea
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k0t2eUqv3w crimea vice


http://www.globalresearch.ca/on-new-years-eve-ukraine-imposes-a-blockade-on-crimea/5422386 aluhoedje site

right sector included in ukraine army
na moord op batman militans go home, girkin


we noemen het Rusland maar bestaat uit zo'n 85 delen, dat heet dus Russische Federatie niet te verwarren met eurazie-unie waar RF en Belarus en Kazachstan deel van zijn (niet lang meer)

Rusland zelf= Moscow/kremlin beslaat maar heel kleine oppervlakte van de RF en heeft geen gas en olie, geen graan... niets van belang, enkel met dwang blijft de rest erbij, na uiteenvallen sovjet-unie is nu het wachten op het uiteenvallen van de RF, de russiche federatie via separatisme wat Putin wel propageert in ex-sovietstaten, maar in RF bestraft wordt propganda daarvoor bestraft met 5 jaar gevangenis.
En dankzij Putin "separatisme "nu ook kans op rumoer in 85 delen van RF russische federatie, wat we dan Rusland noemen...
die willen ook wel separeren van Putin



Russian media portray the Belarusian democratic opposition as Nazis and accuse Lukashenka of being weak

Belarus and Kazakhstan: Ukraine Is not our Enemy



Polen leads NATO, Letland nu EU



http://www.akkerwijzer.nl/nieuws/5609/graanproductie-rusland-en-oekraine-positief 96-63
http://www.rusland.nl/Informatie/Rusland/213/12/ federaties tuva novobirsk  graan


Turchinov: transmission licenses of Ukrainian INTER TV channel will be reviewed because of the anti Ukrainian visions of the TV channel. (rnbo.gov.ua)



http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=12212 haha



"Fantastisch" dat Russisch simplisme. Iedereen die het niet eens met ze is, is een Nazi. Huh? Nasleep van het Stalinisme en een diep geworteld minderwaardigheids complex. Ok Putin fanboys zal het jullie nog een keer uitleggen. Wij Nederlanders zijn niet geinteresseerd in jullie. Wij zijn niet geinteresseerd in jullie anti Europa frustatries. Tip 1) Ga aan het werk en bouw jullie eigen land. tip 2) Bouw een industrie. tip 3) flikker op met jullie goedkoop nationalisme tip 4) Stop met dat gezeik over slavisch gek*t, noch Servie noch Oekraine is van jullie en als je een historie lesje doet dan zie je dat Oekraine ouder is dan Rusland. 5) Nog een keer wij zijn niet geinteresseerd in jullie. Dus aub laat ons met rust. En hou op over het EU gezeik. Van Baalen en die Belgische proleet hebben nul komma nul te zeggen. Zij zijn slechts parlementatiers en hebbn nul maar dan ook nul invloed.;. En een gelukkig 2015...
ik kan het niet beter zeggen..beste wensen voor 2015..zou putin fanboys wijsheid willen toewensen, maar vrees dat dat niet past in die koppies...

Als Putin slim was geweest, wat ie niet is, zelfs die deus Obama zei dat recent, had ie eerst met groene mannetjes zonder geweld strook oost- en zuid ukraine bezet en daarna crimea, dan was het een fait acccompli geweest (putin fanboys: opzoeken woordenboek) of nog beter een puppet ipv yanakovich en dan via eerlijke verkiezingen autonomie voor alle oblasten en crimea dan hadden die zich vrijwillig kunnen aansluiten bij rusland.

putism en nazism zijn gelijkwaardig dus in deze zoals de nazis deden die vielen ook andere landen binnen zijn de russen de nazis, en dus in die zin heb je met nsb wel deels de juiste typering alleen is deze dan anti-nsb of nsb maar anti-nazi... jullie putin fanboys zijn hier ook de nazi's, landen die zichzelf verdedigen tegen invallen dus niet, die berkut die op maidan betogers neerschoten waren ook russiche nazis dat is allang bewezen...
het westen had voor WOII beter ook sancties tegen Hitler kunnen instellen ipv goederen e.d. leveren, we weten nu dat dat de manier is.

A piece by Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko, which I found through another Russian journalist. I think this reflects the opinions of the well informed in Russia and has some interesting points to make. More Russian voices need to be heard and sharing this sort of thing is one way of doing it. I have translated it, rather badly in places. It gives the real story of the events in Ukraine in 2014 and it's just a shame that all Russians don't hear this instead of the Kremlin garbage. Highlight that this is from a Russian journalist. (joris steylloos)

dat is deze journalist http://www.slowar.tv/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=93%3A2009-11-19-12-25-03&catid=36%3A2009-11-19-06-34-17&lang=en

Two thousand and fourteen has been difficult. This year there was a revolution in the Maidan and protesters were shot. This year there was the annexation of the Crimea. This year the war began - and if you call a spade a spade, the Russian invasion - in eastern Ukraine. This war has begun the processes that can lead to civil war in Russia and, ultimately, the final collapse of the Russian Federation - it is possible that in the medium-term, Russia and the borders, in which we know it today, will cease to exist. And, of course, this is the beginning of the end "Putinism" – the thieving corrupt regime of autocracy of one man who, instead of developing the country and leading it into the future, has used all his power to dump her firmly in the past where she remains.
To adequately assess what is happening today, we must understand all that happened this year – from Independence to the Donbas, where not a series of separate events, but a related and quite logically built chain, And the catalyst for these events, of course, is Russia. And if we talk more specifically, a single man - Vladimir Putin.
Russia has always wanted to have an impact on Ukraine, had always seen it as its satellite, rather than an equal neighbour and at times as its vassal. Russia has always wanted to have it controlled by a puppet government right up till recent history.
In 2004 the Kremlin bet on Viktor Yanukovych, a man with no education, but with two criminal convictions, who was an absolutely pro-Russian minded nominee of the Donetsk clan, and by manipulating the election tried to bring him to power. When it didn’t work people came to the Maidan for the first time to defend their choice.
Viktor Yanukovych came to power six years later in 2010. He plunged the country into a swamp of corruption, put all his people in positions of power and made his family millionaires, completely ruined the moribund state institutions. He was caught stealing and tried to turn the turn Ukraine from pro-European into pro-Russian, for which Moscow has promised to advance fifteen billion dollars.
The country that could not endure anymore and there was a revolution, Maidan. During the three-month event two to three hundred people were killed and Viktor Yanukovych fled to Russia. Ukraine, having got rid of the thieves began to prepare for free parliamentary and presidential elections and further integration into Europe. And so Ukraine would now be a European-oriented free democratic developing country with the prospect of joining the European Union if a third force had not entered into the equation, namely - Russia.
Unfortunately, the events coincided so that it is at this point - being in power for the fifteenth year - Vladimir Putin began to lose touch with reality. He almost lost power two years before - during the two hundred thousandth protest rallies in Moscow, demanding fair elections and honest government - he was afraid of revolutions everywhere seeing a conspiracy, the hands of the United States of America and so on. In general, he bought a full set of phobias and the manias of the usurper to the events in his fifteenth year on the throne, and had not used the Internet to obtain information about the world preferring flattery and horror of his surroundings.
This fear is also the burden megalomania that has developed rapidly, and in just a few months which is peculiar, but apparently the still quite adequate leader of one state (which is not very good) imagines himself Emperor, collector of Russian lands, the second Napoleon or someone else.
Using the period of anarchy in Ukraine – the fact that state institutions were completely degraded, including the army, which has already become absolutely unfit for action - Russia sent troops into the Crimea and annexed it. There was no proper referendum - a referendum as it is understood in the world and as understood by international law, so it was pure annexation. Russian troops without insignia surrounded the building of the Parliament of the Crimea, and then within a couple of weeks a "vote" was held, which resulted in the Crimea being incorporated into Russia. Yes if you listened to Russian propaganda, the inhabitants of Crimea really mostly wanted to be part of Russia. It's true. However, if a referendum was held by all the rules - with the preparation, public discussion of the media on different points of view, the provision of accurate information to the public, compliance with all laws, and so on and so on - in short, as has been done in Scotland – it would not matter if the result was pro-Russian. But the fact remains - the referendum was not carried out like this. The Crimean Tatars, representing more than ten percent of the population of Crimea, generally boycotted the "vote."
By the way, even those Crimean’s, who six months ago chanted "Putin, send troops" are now beginning to ask questions. Not all, of course, but nonetheless, the reality was not exactly what they were shown on Channel One. They were shown propaganda - or rather, outright lies, tons of lies that are pouring out of streams of public TV (state owned) channels - their job is already done. Annexation occurred.
Inspired by such an easy success with the Crimea, the Kremlin started a project "New Russia". Armed commandos were sent to the cities of South-East Ukraine who, acting in small groups, seized government buildings and police station and set in these regions their own power, announcing the creation of quasi-public entities "Donetsk People's Republic" and "Lugansk People's Republic" - in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, respectively. Also provocative groups and significant funds were sent in order to rock the situation in other major cities - Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kherson, Odessa, Nikolaev, Zaporozhye, Kirovograd, and so on. Apparently they expected about 30% of territory to withdraw from the sovereignty of Ukraine. And at first, it seemed that the might. Groups of provocateurs and bandits beat pro-Ukrainian citizens and dispersed pro-Ukrainian rallies, and seized the regional administrations. Populations partially supported them as sympathy in these regions was divided about six to four - sixty percent for Ukraine, forty (mainly older generation) - for Russia. or more precisely - for the Soviet Union. It happened as a whole without the use of weapons, but there were dozen killed and maybe hundreds wounded. The most terrible tragedy occurred in Odessa, where supporters of the Maidan and Antimaydana - i.e. pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian groups - have faced each other in street fights, which led to the deaths of several dozen people.
However, in this case, things did not go as smoothly as the Crimea. If in Crimea Ukraine didn’t fight, and almost agreed with its annexation, the rest of Ukraine was not ready to give one-third of its territory, and the anti-terrorist operation commenced.
At first, the ATO was not very successful – Ukraine was not yet the aligned state (there was an acting President not recognized by the Parliament), the Army was completely unprepared, plundered, with an unmotivated structure, with those still loyal to the authority Yanukovych who had fought against Maidan still included in their ranks and there were huge numbers of cases of sabotage and so on. However, over time the army has learned to fight, there was motivation - as one general said: "I hate these Bandera, Maidan hate this, I like Putin, but he attacked my country - and now I will fight against him shoulder to shoulder even with the devil "- and the ATO has begun to make significant progress. It was not long before the ATO saw successes. The other side experienced a strong shortage of people. To chant at a rally is one thing, but going to die - is quite another. Those actually wanting to die were few. There were attempts at forced mobilization, but people didn’t go en masse to fight for the DNI and LC.
During the July ATO Ukrainian security officials repelled the terrorists and claimed back several significant settlements and began an operation to establish control over the border with Russia, where there were weapons and groups of volunteers and mercenaries. The separatists left Slavyansk without a fight, and even began to prepare for the surrender and Donetsk, a key city in the region. Kyiv seemed to have a quick victory.
However, Russia realizing that New Russia wouldn’t be in business for long again intervened and introduced the regular Russian army and began shelling Ukrainian positions from Russia, along with deliveries of equipment – including heavy weaponry, for example, tanks, rocket launchers, and anti-aircraft missiles, one of which shot down the Malaysian "Boeing ". In short a full-scale military operation commenced pushing the Ukrainian forces back.
This operation was a success. In August-September-October Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses, and lost earlier positions they’d won , the attack was not only stopped, but turned into a retreat.
Partially restoring lost positions, regular units of the Russian army were withdrawn from the territory of Ukraine and focused on the border, but it was clear that as soon as Ukraine resumed the offensive and achieved considerable success, they would return. Heavy weapons support remained but not at the same level, and volunteer units from Russia increased significantly.
This is pretty much as it is today. The front line was established, but the fighting and shelling goes on every day, and sometimes it’s very, very intense.
As we can see, a consistent chain of events has occurred and it’s obvious that it's not a civil war taking place in the East of Ukraine, as Russian propaganda would have it presented, not a struggle for the independence of the eastern regions of Kiev, nor and internal conflict between the western and eastern regions of the country.
Yes, support for the ideas of Russian accession from some of the local population has been really great, yes, in the militia are a significant number of local residents - though not so much as the Kremlin relied on initially. Lack of sufficient support among the locals was a shock for Moscow - but the initiator of war was by no means the population of Donbas and not Kiev either.
The beginning of the war, was down to Russia and Russia alone. By arms transfers, direct capture of groups of cities, and most importantly - propaganda and intimidation. There has been completely unbridled propaganda that has nothing to do with reality. On Russian TV (and Ukrainian, as well as all other on-controlled DNR and LC available) it has been drummed into the heads of people the completely crazy idea that in Kiev people have been killed for speaking the Russian language. Another story was that in Slavyansk Ukrainian soldiers crucified a six year old child on a billboard and tied his mother to military vehicles and tore her apart. Claim that civilians were killed in by Kiev by the authorities, that parts of the country were occupied by Germans that soldiers of the National Guard were promised Russian slaves for fighting. These are all verbatim quotes from Russian television. It is this, the imposition of hatred that became the main weapon in the outbreak of the war. Television propaganda proved to be extremely effective tool.
The main type of military support that Russia supplies to Donetsk and Lugansk is propaganda. If Russia did not export to Ukraine such flows of lies and hatred, the war in the East would not start at all. If not for this the Donchane themselves would not take up arms, they would not have created subversive groups, captured the administration with machine guns, smashed police and military equipment and captured frontiers and airports. Igor Girkin, better known as "Igor Gunmen," a citizen of Russia, FSB officer, with his commandos seized the building of the city administration of Slavic and thus laid the foundation for this war, which later became the "Minister of Defence of the NPT." In one interview, he openly says that if it were not for his party - no war in Donetsk would have existed.
Yes, rejection and fear of the West and looking to the East really were issues and quite strong ones. But yelling with flags "Russia, Russia" - is one thing, picking up a rocket launcher and going burn APCs and die yourself - is quite another.

This war is waged solely Russian by Russian propaganda and nothing more.
And where the export of this propaganda was avoided, war did not begin.
War is only there, where Russia came, where troops appointed from Moscow and "people's governors" are, Chechen and Ossetian militias, Cossacks, military advisers and others.
And where Russia has not reached - it's all right now. For the Russian language one does not kill anyone.
Dnepropetrovsk, a Russian-speaking city in Ukraine has changed beyond recognition. This uprising of patriotism I have not ever seen anywhere. The Russian-speaking city flags of Ukraine hanging on virtually every car and every post. The whole city is massively and voluntarily became Ukrainian. Here they created voluntary territorial defence units and the volunteer movement has reached unprecedented heights.
In Raisin, a city in the Kharkiv region, adjacent to Donetsk, I was afraid to call there as it was on the waiting list. I stayed there for two hours, and realized that I needed to leave. And in late May, just a month after, it’s a totally different city. Absolutely! Night went quietly. And this is forty kilometres from the Slavyansk. In Barvenkovo - the same thing. And this is just twenty kilometres from the Slavyansk and in Krestische - the same thing. And it is on the border with Slavic already. And this move towards Ukrainian patriotism is everywhere.
trying to split Ukraine and create a third of its territory so-called "Russian World", Russia has achieved exactly the opposite - in the face of an external enemy the Ukrainian nation has united and raised a wave of patriotism, as it could never have been brought about by radical Ukrainian politics.
Less than five percent or territories are controlled by puppet structure created by Russia. The war is only here. Everything else is a single indivisible Ukraine and this is what Vladimir Putin achieved.
I think we are now seeing the emergence of the worst for the Russian War of the twentieth and twenty-first century. Not in terms of the number of dead, but in the sense of what is happening now with the community.
In this hybrid undeclared war Russia came up with yet another terrible innovation - unidentified troops. Using their soldiers under the guise of "volunteers", "vacationers", "locals" and so forth. The deprivation of their name. Burying them in unmarked graves. All possible denial of participation of those killed in the fighting in the Ukraine.
But the worst is that the relatives of the victims agree. They are willing to be silent.
No other nation or in no other war have relatives, for money, given up the names of their dead. What possible compensation can there be, to rent an apartment in the name of the dead from the grave. What can be waived on behalf of the fallen father of their children. What can the dead issue for the living. How can someone agree to their loved one being buried in an unmarked grave, forever forgotten.
In Chechnya, we made death medallions from steel spoons and that was the main message of the war: to be identified, we needed to be buried and to have the right at least to have our own names, Our commanders only helped us in this.
It's really scary but I think this will be the last war for Russia, not because she did not have the strength or the economic strength. Though that too.
This will be the last war for Russia, because the process of disintegration of the ethnic group is almost complete. Moral degradation of the nation has almost taken place. And this war will finish her. And there is no longer any nation. There are no communities that could be said of each of its members - "we."
This area is inhabited by the individual in groups and communities of aggressive angry people accidentally connected to each other by external circumstances, hating all others who are not part of their pack - and no nation exists there.
I think when children will study this time in which we now live with you, they will not be able to describe it. Because in order to understand what is "Putinism", it is necessary to live it.
Another innovation - the marginalization of the war. Weapons can be acquired by all and sundry, including criminals, drug addicts, the homeless, alcoholics. All completely unchecked. And from Russia you can then go to fight in Donbas.
A Russian man from the anguish and hopelessness that surrounds him and the hopelessness in which he lives, has always had only two choices - alcoholism and war. It does not matter where, or with who or what the war is and in ninety percent of the cases, war is combined with alcohol.
Those people who come from Russia to fight in the Donbas - they do not go to war against the Ukrainians, and not to defend Russian, they are simply not needed at home. They go for the simple reason that they are stuck in a 19th century provincial town and if they don’t go they will never leave and there is nowhere more depressing to live. I myself know what these terribly depressed regions are like. And the days when they run with machine guns in the war, and even the days when someone of them will lose a leg or an arm are the best in their lives until they die of cirrhosis.
Chechnya was full of such people, surrounded by shit, death, living in a rat hole under fire for months not seeing the sun with five inches of dirt on their faces and - satisfied.
Ask him - what are you doing lybishsya? And he said: Glory to god that I ended up in the army, as I got to see how the world looked.
And I understand that, yes. That in his village somewhere near Lipetsk - never. That this rat hole in Chechnya - for him is really "seeing the world".
And his life in this village, is not worth a dime. Centuries of slavery and alcohol - can’t be fixed overnight. Therefore, he spits and death an injury and would prefer to die having at least visited somewhere through war. At least it’s a change from the depression, at least he’s seen something.
I had seen it all and heard more than once. It was in this army I served. And it is with such fellows contractors / volunteers / Cossacks six months in the same trench sat. And nothing can be done about it and that’s very frightening.
I am sorry for what Putin is doing with Russia but sorrier for what he is doing in Ukraine.
Until Maidan I imagined this country as different. Something like "Taras Bulba". I imagined Militant Cossacks, beating infidels and lyahami, earn their living by robbery and then guzzling Khortytsya. I imagined Lviv fascists, Bandera, UNA-UNSO moskalyaku on Gilyaki - in short, everything that scares people on Russian TV. Not that I particularly believe in all this ... But just myself I live in such a world where in life, neighbours seemed about the same.
It turned out that all is not so. It turned out that Ukraine is a completely different country. As I learn it, then love it irrevocably.
It turned out that the Ukrainians - good-natured, completely non-corrosive nation. The level of aggression is minimal. Their tolerance level is an order of magnitude higher. There is peaceful coexistence of different faiths, Kiev is bilingual, Lviv is peaceful towards Russians. There is no tension and a hardworking mentality with small proprietary owners, engaged in their own household interests rather than fighting with the neighbours.
When you understand that, then you know what a wound Maidan was to Ukraine. What a tragedy for her were these hundred lives lost at Maidan. For Russia this is nothing, a hundred lives, plus or minus - no question, nothing to talk about. And in this country it has become a truly national tragedy.
And what has Putin done
Now in Ukraine appears hatred ... As the country learns to fight ... As she learns to kill ... what happens to this softness, this non-aggression... Now in its place comes the hatred ... And such hatred, which Russia, I think, has not experienced yet from any of the people any time in its existence. Now, after the ability to fight and kill in place of kindness and openness come cynicism and indifference. When people begin to rejoice in the deaths of the enemy ... When Ukrainians enjoyed the deaths of Russian soldiers ...Putinism generates only this and nothing more. Turning 40 millions brotherly neighbours into those who hate you most.
How will it all end? Imagine ... The Russian government is almost completely divorced from reality and to predict its next steps becomes almost impossible. But it seems that they have no yet given up on the project "New Russia" . Anyway, lately, this rhetoric is heard more often.
For a while, Russia will continue to supply weapons there, technique, volunteers, but, given the collapse of the ruble and the collapse of oil prices, how long will this be possible. Internal problems and exacerbated tension in the background will be more important. In Grozny, shooting started again, which has not happened for several years?
Donetsk and Lugansk will cease to exist, they cannot build statehood. Ukraine will restore its lost territory. So far, with the exception of the Crimea, but I think that’s possible in the medium term, and Crimea return under the protection of Ukraine is possible. Ukraine will begin to develop further. towards a democratic law-free state, an equal member of Europe.
And Russia
Russia apparently plunged into darkness. What depths can Russia reach that I do not know. But I still try to be optimistic and hope for the best. Or at least that those cataclysms that there will be, will cost a little blood, not a global catastrophe.
Babchenko, commissioned by Katharina Raabe and Manfred zapper for the book "The precedent of Ukraine. Europe and European values, "which comes out in early March, the publisher Suhrkamp in Berlin.
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« Laatst bewerkt op: januari 10, 2015, 11:50:29 am door admin »


Oorlog Rusland tegen Ukraine, Europa

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When will they ever learn ???  Eve of destruction

Een volk dat voor tirannen zwicht, zal meer dan lijf en goed verliezen, dan dooft het licht. (van Randwijk 1909-1966)
A nation that yields to tyrants, loses more than life and property, then the light goes out.(van Randwijk)

Info and news on



When Russians came for (Moldova)Chechnya, i didn't speak out, I'm not Chechen !
When Russians came for Georgia, I didn't speak out, I'm not Georgian !
When Russians came for Ukraine, I didn't speak out, I'm not Ukrainian ?
When Russians came for my country,
there was no one left, to speak out for me !!!!!!!!!

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Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel(=Chamberlain), whats next, Ribbentrop-Molotov again??

Schaffen wir das? Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel?

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MH 17 nieuws / news



Rusland or USSR?
The soviet story 2008
Moscow Maidan

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Video of Boris nemtsov, murdered by Putin.

Comparison funerals Ukraine HEROES and RF/russian zeroes aka RF soldiers/socalled separatists.

EN: Russia war in Ukraine
  Daily links
  Krant van nederland

50+ Ukraine & elsewhere TV LIVE broadcasts !!!

Second source LV tive

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Kharkiv Times  ForeignPolicy  EU observer  Fin news  Baltic Times  Moscow Times  Siberian Times  politico.eu   meduza.io  
Ukraine Today TV EN   UT latest news & YT   UKR govt media   More UKR TV   Aljazeera-Ukraine   Ukrstream
FR incl.transl. breizatao  
UA incl. transl. svoboda   newsonline24 glavpost   favno.ua   joininfo.UA   5.UA
RU incl. transl.  rusmonitor  rosbalt.ru   rbc.ru  tvrain.ru   politolog    RETRANS   .novayagazeta.ru   ehorussia   refabula   lystok   hvlya.net   inforesist.org   gordonua   resistance.today
  oleg-leusenko.livejournal  zloy-odessit  flavius-aetius1  ibigdan  uorvik 
reddit Oekraine
 Volkskrant  Telegraaf Elsevier RTL Nieuws  NRC 

Kremlinmedia sources 2nd bloc)
Liveleak  en uiteraard GeenStijl, Powned (we linken niet meer naar ze/TMG) en Burgercomite.EU, Forum voor "Democratie", GEENPEIL
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