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Auteur Topic: Oorlog Rusland 5 september "vluchtelingen"  (gelezen 2990 keer)

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Oorlog Rusland 5 september "vluchtelingen"
« Gepost op: september 04, 2015, 11:45:32 am »


Angelina Jolie slams UN security council for Syria inaction. More on what she had to say on the 4 million Syrian refugees in desperate need.

Action counts not words! don't blame europe, Is simple angelina, take all vetopowers away from UNSC and wars and refugees go away, the P5 espec. USA & Russia, China are the most responsible for all wars in the world. Btw arab/musllim take ZERO refugees, and pay a laughable part of UN budget, EU takes most of that.
Put the blame where it should lay, USA-Russia-China,UK and France should give up vetopowers.
Russia vetos all resolutions on Syria & U K R A I N E , USA vetos all resolutions on Palestine.. and btw russian soldiers now fight in Syria...so don't blame Europe....for applying immigration laws on these illegal immigrants.




Die syrische jongen had gelijk de oorlog moet stoppen, maar gezien zowel USA als Eusland dat tegenhouden met hun veto's in Veiligheidsraad moet je om te beginnen die vetos afschaffen. Op dit moment vechten russische soldaten met Assad tegen de coalitie die IS bestrijdt, en zowel Rusland als Amerika verdienen daar aan, dus de rekening van die illegale immigranten moeten ook daar gelegd worden. Op dit moment draagt EU 38% van UN budget en 40% van peacekeeping, UN heeft nog  3,5 miljard tegoed o.a. van Amerika, de rijke oliestaten dragen amper wat bij, en vangen ook geen echte vluchtelingen op, die geen geld hebben voor zo'n illegalenreis...begin bij het begin, weg met de vetos in Veiligheidsraad, dan komt er in Palestina ook 's wat vooruitgang (wordt door veto Amerika tegengehouden) https://www.facebook.com/rtllatenight/posts/956210391107038

ach als t maar zielig is, en kijkcijfers oplevert, dit zijn geen vluchtelingen, die zitten nog in Syrie hebben geen $2000, iphone6, dit zijn illegale immigraten.voor syrie is assad, usa en rusland verantwoordelijk door hun vetos in de Veiligheidsraad. Ik snap dat de goede doelen in hun peperdure grachtenpanden weer geld ruiken. het wordt tijd om de grenzen weer te sluiten, geen voorrang meer voor asielzoekers bij huurhuizen. En zeggen he dat zijn 8 MH17's is een grove schande, deze illegale immigranten gingen willens en wetens deze risicio's aan , de MH17 slachtoffers werden onwetend door een russische schutter in opdracht van Putin neergeschoten. En aan die situatie in Ukraine doet USA (Budapest Memorandum) of EU (Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel) niks, ondanks dat die 2 miljoen vluchtelingen in Ukraine NIET naar EU komen, maar in eigen land worden opgevangen.




Volgens een medewerker van het Oostenrijkse “Abwehramt” zou men daar te weten zijn gekome, dat Amerikaanse organisaties de mensensmokkelaars betalen om illegalen naar Europa brengen.
Mensensmokkelaars vragen enorme sommen geld om illegaal Europa binnen te brengen. Een transport kost tussen de € 7000,- en € 14.000. DE VS worden er al langer van verdacht door hun geostrategische strategie een dikke vinger in de pap hebben. Maar insiders zijn niet geneigd deze informatie te laten doorsijpelen, niemand wil zijn loopbaan op het spel zetten.
VS-organisaties zouden een cofinancieringsmodel hebben gecreëerd en een groot deel van de kosten voor de mensensmokkel dragen.
Hier zijn dezelfde brandstichters aan het werk die de Oekraïne in de chaos hebben gestort.”

Wordt het geen tijd i.p.v. gelukszoekers Nederland te gaan redden van de oligarchen en hun hulpjes de politici?

SCROLL NAAR BENEDEN VOOR DE LINKJES! Onze pagina en dan met name de tekst van Bert Brussen en ons plaatje ging overal viraal (http://tinyurl.com/q4oud6a). Ook op onze pagina waren er veel reacties. De (extreem)linkse en cultuurverrijkende hordes onder leiding van Michael van Zeijl en Saidy Smeenk buitelden zich over elkaar heen dat wij het durfden te zeggen dat de mensen die met hun kinderen vanuit het VEILIGE Turkije vertrokken op een gammel bootje op een woeste zee (en de kinderen geen zwemvest aandeden) met als reden dat de uitkeringen elders hoger waren en de tv's platter. Wij waren nazi's, tokkies, harteloos, hadden geen gevoel. Maar weet je wat het is, vrienden van Liefde voor Holland? De WAARHEID is NOG ERGER! De vader wilde NIEUWE TANDEN, en joeg daarom zijn gezin en de arme Aylan de dood in. Hoe banaal?!?????
Het gezin woonde al meer dan 3 jaar in het VEILIGE Turkije en de vader had daar een baan. Maar het gratis geld en de nieuwe tanden lonkten. WALGELIJK!
Eenieder die zijn EXCUSES AAN ONS wil aanbieden voor de walgelijke scheldpartijen (en die niet al geband is) en bedreigingen: je bent welkom in onze inbox!
Ps. De vader is nu met de lichamen op weg naar Syrië, om zijn gezin daar te begraven. En wij maar denken dat het daar ONVEILIG is??!??
1. Nieuwe tanden: https://youtu.be/QZUuoaq1MLM
2. Woonde al jaren in Turkije: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/03/father-drowned-boy-aylan-kurdi-return-syria?CMP=share_btn_tw

3. Ons bericht wat VIRAAL ging o.a. op Twitter, alsook op zogenaamde (zogenaamd omdat ze NOOIT optreden tegen racisten en anti-semieten met een kleurtje) anti-racisten Facebookpagina's zoals PVV, WEG ERMEE, PVV'ers be like, STOP de Racisten, Stop de racistische Pagina's, Saidy Be Like, Humor tegen Haat: https://www.facebook.com/163983643751607/photos/pb.163983643751607.-2207520000.1441367590./526352387514729/?type=3&theater
4. Vader op weg naar Syrië: http://www.itv.com/news/2015-09-04/bodies-of-drowned-migrant-children-begin-journey-home-to-syria/

http://gizmiz.com/post-traumatic-iranian-actress/ aangespoeld

Children paralysed in Ukraine polio outbreak

Exclusive: Ukrainian engineers develop new tank to revolutionize warfare















First Nazis , now Путиновцы ? Same thing over with a different twist.
Stop watching Putler zomboyaschiyk.
reference from : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_race
" The Nazis declared that the Nordics (now referred to as the Germanic peoples), were the true Aryans. Based on this claim that the Nordic peoples were superior to all other races, the Nazis believed they were entitled to expand territorially.[3] This concept is known as Nordicism. Along with the Jews and Gypsies, the overwhelming majority of the Slavic population were defined as non-Aryan Untermenschen, and a danger to the "Aryan" or Germanic Übermenschen master race.[4] According to the Nazi secret Hunger Plan and Generalplan Ost, the Slavic population were to be removed from East-Central Europe through expulsion, enslavement, starvation, and extermination "

Let's see how the inbred Golden Horde katsaps and useful idiots spin this on the katsap comedy channels.



The Russian taxpayer is to foot the bill for legal services in the UK regarding the murder of Kremlin whistleblower Alexander Litvinenko which the British police is convinced was carried out with the involvement of the Russian state

It time for the Freedom loving Countries of the earth to step up and help the freedom loving Ukrainians, their beautiful culture and way of life from the evil that is upon them. Ukrainians soilders are willing to die for their freedom, and are dying, but they need modern day defensive weapons to defend themself against Russian modern weapons that are now inside of Eastern Ukraine with a estimate of 80,000 combined Russian terrorist troops. Back in March 24, 2015 the US Congress voted 348 to 48 to give these weapons to Ukraine, but President Obama vetoed it. Since then things have gotten alot worse, over 2 million Ukrainians have been displaced or uprooted from their homes. Senator McCain Blasts Obama action "Shameful", "we ought to at least, for God's sake, give them some light weapons to defend themselves." Ukrainian have not seen this kind of evil since World War 2. Dictator Putin is turning out to be a modern day Hitler.... Budapest Memorandum agreement ~ is a political agreement signed in Budapest, Hungary on 5 December 1994. It was signed by United States, Russia Federation, and the United Kingdom. "It included security insurance against threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine as well as those of Belarus and Kazakhstan. As a result, Ukraine gave up the world's third largest nuclear weapons stockpile." Where is the promise to Ukraine that's they would be protected? Will a Country ever again give up nuclear weapons in the promise of protection?





The Presidents of France, Germany and Russia marked the first anniversary of the Ilovaisk Massacre in which Russian President Vladimir Putin played a fatal role by backing “a new ceasefire”. Perhaps it would have been undiplomatic to mention Putin’s murderous treachery, but wise to keep it in mind.






 UN can only handle if the P5 approve and fund it...so thats USA, CHina, russia and UK and France...so far members incl. USA owe UN still 3.5 billion, EU pays 40% of budget UN and all peacekeeping operations, USA never pays its full agreed share, neither do rich oil-states...


Not only would such a handover sacrifice the rights of the Crimean Tatars and others to self-determination, he continues; what is “the most important thing is that [those to whom the territories would be given] would never be satisfied.” They would simply take what was offered and demand or try to seize more.
The pro-Moscow forces who are glorifying Stalin now have “forgotten everything and learned nothing. But what is most important, they do not want to learn anything. They do not want to understand anything.”
“It is possible to argue about which of the two totalitarian regime-twins – the Stalinist or the Hitlerite – brought the greater evil. It is possible to argue about which of them is worse. But those who glorify Stalin today,” Skobov argues, “are worse than Nazis.” That is because “to justify Stalinist terror is the same as justifying the Holocaust.”
The Nazis “didn’t promise all peoples freedom, equality and brotherhood. They didn’t present themselves as humanists,” he says. “The Stalinists on the other hand always lied, to others and to themselves. And if during the life of the regime, some of them were themselves deceived by these lies, present-day idolizers of Stalin lack that ‘mitigating circumstance.’”
“Today, no one can say that he didn’t know about the victims of Stalin’s regime,” Skobov argues, and those who want to restore his regime and to tear down the monuments to his victims are thus “worse than Nazis.”
Skobov points out that “this is not a question of ethnic, linguistic, cultural or civilizational membership. In any nation or civilization there are brothers of those who protested in Tienanmen Square and also brothers of those who suppressed those who took part in those demonstrations with tanks.”
“These are two worlds, the struggle between which has a universal character, and reconciliation is impossible. And those who rise under the song ‘Bring Back Stalin’ and wipe out the memory about his victims are not my brothers,” Skobov says. “They are my enemies” and the enemies of all those who care about human rights, freedom and dignity.
“Today,” he continues, “such people are being cynically used as cannon fodder” by the Kremlin kleptocracy “which is seeking with their help to rearrange the contemporary world according to [their] criminal understandings.” In brief, “contemporary neo-Stalinism” is a criminal agenda that would be marginal if it did not enjoy the support of the Kremlin.
Consequently, he argues, “Ukraine is not fighting for parts of its territory seized by an aggressor. Simply it is on the line of the front between two parts of the world: the normal one in which human life is valued and the abnormal one” in which the executioners seek to impose their will.
Sacrificing territory won’t end this fight, he says, and “the normal part of the world will not be able to sleep peacefully even if its opponent will be thrown back beyond the Urals.” It will only be able to do so when regimes of executioners “from Minsk to Pyongyang” will be defeated and replaced by regimes who don’t celebrate killers.
Because Skobov is right, one can only agree with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s call today for “the peoples of the free world to stand up against Russian aggression in Ukraine.” What is at stake is far more than just two plots of land: the international order and human rights are at risk if the West does not.

So disgusting that the Ruskies would put up a booth at the C.N.E. (Canadian National Exhibition) promoting Lenin (their hero) who suppressed or killed millions of people. To add further insult to injury, the hammer and sickle were prominent as were the old military hardware. This should have been seen as a hate crime!












« Laatst bewerkt op: september 05, 2015, 09:24:43 am door admin »


Oorlog Rusland tegen Ukraine, Europa

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When will they ever learn ???  Eve of destruction

Een volk dat voor tirannen zwicht, zal meer dan lijf en goed verliezen, dan dooft het licht. (van Randwijk 1909-1966)
A nation that yields to tyrants, loses more than life and property, then the light goes out.(van Randwijk)

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When Russians came for (Moldova)Chechnya, i didn't speak out, I'm not Chechen !
When Russians came for Georgia, I didn't speak out, I'm not Georgian !
When Russians came for Ukraine, I didn't speak out, I'm not Ukrainian ?
When Russians came for my country,
there was no one left, to speak out for me !!!!!!!!!

Budapest Memorandum, US, UK & rusland?
Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel(=Chamberlain), whats next, Ribbentrop-Molotov again??

Schaffen wir das? Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel?

the famous words of one of America?s Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, in 1776:
?We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.?

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MH 17 Final Reports -Dutch safety Board
MH 17 nieuws / news



Rusland or USSR?
The soviet story 2008
Moscow Maidan

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Comparison funerals Ukraine HEROES and RF/russian zeroes aka RF soldiers/socalled separatists.

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Boycot barcode 46= Russia 729=Israel
NO VETOPOWERS for agressors USA-Russia-China (and UK and France) in United Nations "Security ?" Council !!!!
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