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Auteur Topic: wereld oorlog rusland 28 maart  (gelezen 585 keer)

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wereld oorlog rusland 28 maart
« Gepost op: maart 28, 2023, 07:44:12 am »
Fallacies and truths about U.S. slander against China on Ukraine issue
chinese state media[0]=AZUKcnlStG8ptCzrbyGkGiBmt8PQPuS4m4si49_O4dNrGutxdHbrbpFSz-Y_yf1bWBhlQugsS85RlNEhgMb_oX5e6PmoW0mwWCFT9qvfqVm1-wu57_9Z7wfSz5lymyzP4sy2EJwNwbCPxB_iI2F6F-OVE7jgrBJWNtIQ2cMUzcwjttrKUaLMy2_hf_7MjuE3VT2YbHmWjLh1UOrq99lS4XK6&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-y-R
Immigration simplified[0]=AZU3jH2NVQ6-y0cNBe2FSmcNhlNAsbfxSTm-aibah6vxGFTeZcSSPi__YXd5we7wPn-UMPuvCp-xhkWwPCTkDs1Nj8TTgprCH4FgpKdFEy2CHKXQGHZ_7ICkOlIjlMLjYVmTI-gCuNtntwTk_v2plNu3WM3p8Nem_PcOFqaix2GdxpWVTXFPQ8N4M4RkhT7uAoA
All Of Vladimir Putin's Women

Meantime, Jeffrey Sachs weighs in on this protracted war on Ukraine and what the REAL REASONS are for its continued run. It's a senseless war that could end tomorrow if it wasn't for the geopolitical factors stated herein. Truth be told, ITS ABOUT CHINA[0]=AZW9KXIqBJe_YUDepe2q2WXqb7_B9oRt4Dhuq_YQRd-cHC7um4OQqtNIvMvrb9uA2xUu8jLiRPjKdPp-wzuFHbnJkyDJDJCVMhaky6kOVNVwaVLMkCntvPNehDXdQwxC-O3XSnGZedMTO8977SpWRxV2XVYU9hQcR1XEUmREjVFffdb6GdiC6kv_JL4vaVz1-iw
Ukraine liquidates Russian commander responsible for deaths of 366 country?s defenders in Ilovaisk in 2014
European ammunition maker says plant expansion hit by energy-guzzling TikTok site
Norwegian group Nammo blames ?storage of cat videos? for threatening its growth as data centre corners spare electricity
The Ministry of Defense Continues to Buy Food at Excessive Prices ? Investigative Journalist
US to Retire 310 Aircraft ? Does Ukraine Need Them?
'Not Easy' to Seize Russia Assets: EU Task Force Head
EU task force seeking ways of seizing Russian assets in legal ways that are acceptable.
OPINION: Chindia Ruins Russia
The most profound outcome of Putin?s war will be the redistribution of wealth from Russia to China and India, Diane Francis writes. Asian giants import energy at discounts because of oil price caps.
Does America Really See the War in Ukraine as a Territorial Dispute?
?Ukraine?s Army is the Best in the World Now? ? Australian General (Retd.) Mick Ryan | Video
There is no climate emergency
Was signed by 31,487 scientists (in the USA alone); they all say that there is no cause for any alarm over our CO2 emissions.


Oorlog Rusland tegen Ukraine, Europa

Versla de crisis/recessie, bestel bij ALIEXPRESS, uit land van herkomst tegen de laagste prijzen, niet in eigen land, bij webshops!
Veel goedkoper dan bij Amazon(veel meer produkten ook, ook de ondeugende) en vergeet de FB-scam-advertenties!

Beat the crisis/recession, order from ALIEXPRESS, country of origin at lowest prices, not in your own country, from middlemen/webshops !
Much Cheaper then from Amazon (also more on offer even naughty item) and forget the FB scam- ads!

When will they ever learn ???  Eve of destruction

Een volk dat voor tirannen zwicht, zal meer dan lijf en goed verliezen, dan dooft het licht. (van Randwijk 1909-1966)
A nation that yields to tyrants, loses more than life and property, then the light goes out.(van Randwijk)

Info and news on



When Russians came for (Moldova)Chechnya, i didn't speak out, I'm not Chechen !
When Russians came for Georgia, I didn't speak out, I'm not Georgian !
When Russians came for Ukraine, I didn't speak out, I'm not Ukrainian ?
When Russians came for my country,
there was no one left, to speak out for me !!!!!!!!!

Budapest Memorandum, US, UK & rusland?
Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel(=Chamberlain), whats next, Ribbentrop-Molotov again??

Schaffen wir das? Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel?

the famous words of one of America?s Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, in 1776:
?We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.?

SHARE it on Twitter, Facebook, others, sites !!

MH 17 Final Reports -Dutch safety Board
MH 17 nieuws / news



Rusland or USSR?
The soviet story 2008
Moscow Maidan

Nature Sunshine Health products available in Ukraine!
For buying and receiving in UKRAINE use THIS SHOP

Video of Boris nemtsov, murdered by Putin.

Comparison funerals Ukraine HEROES and RF/russian zeroes aka RF soldiers/socalled separatists.

EN: Russia war in Ukraine
  Daily links
  Krant van nederland

50+ Ukraine & elsewhere TV LIVE broadcasts !!!

Second source LV tive

  Interactive map Ukraine/warzone   Detector media  Euromaidanpress  ENInterfaxUA  RFerl   Interpreter  ENCensorUA   Informnapalm  khpg    Kyivpost    Unian  stopfake  day.kiev  ukrinform  uacrisis  hromadske  voxukraine   Maidantransl 
Kharkiv Times  ForeignPolicy  EU observer  Fin news  Baltic Times  Moscow Times  Siberian Times  
Ukraine Today TV EN   UT latest news & YT   UKR govt media   More UKR TV   Aljazeera-Ukraine   Ukrstream
FR incl.transl. breizatao  
UA incl. transl. svoboda   newsonline24 glavpost   joininfo.UA   5.UA
RU incl. transl.  rusmonitor   politolog    RETRANS   ehorussia   refabula   lystok   gordonua
  oleg-leusenko.livejournal  zloy-odessit  flavius-aetius1  ibigdan  uorvik 
reddit Oekraine
 Volkskrant  Telegraaf Elsevier RTL Nieuws  NRC 

Kremlinmedia sources 2nd bloc)
Liveleak  en uiteraard GeenStijl, Powned (we linken niet meer naar ze/TMG) en Burgercomite.EU, Forum voor "Democratie", GEENPEIL
Boycot barcode 46= Russia 729=Israel
NO VETOPOWERS for agressors USA-Russia-China (and UK and France) in United Nations "Security ?" Council !!!!
The 5 permanent warmongers since 1900 with vetorights in UNSC, USA, russia,China, UK and France don't want to bring the world to PEACE, but to PIECES ! #removevetorightsunsc NOW! It's HYPOCRITICAL!

Verified ways to help the Ukrainian Army

Please consider assisting a Ukrainian soldier as they fight to maintain their sovereignty and protect Europe from ruSSia once again.
Comparable to America's 'Wounded Warriors' program, your American dollar has much more impact in Ukraine's current economy to greatly assist those that often do not receive any support from their government.
or mail to

Visit UWA e-store groups/UkraineWarAmps

All % on sales on UKRAINE articles will be donated
to volunteer charities in Ukraine !

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