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Auteur Topic: Oorlog Rusland 25 september  (gelezen 3578 keer)

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Oorlog Rusland 25 september
« Gepost op: september 24, 2016, 15:22:06 pm »

In Feodosia found an old safe with documents on the Crimean Tatar language
1 Ukrainian Soldier Dies of Wounds; 1 Injured; Russian-Backed Militants Fire 26 Times on Ukrainian Positions
Election Day: Bomb Scare in Moscow; Numerous Reports of ‘Carousels’ and Busing of Workers to Vote; Tampering
NATO does not have a plan if Russia invades – The Times |luckily Ukraine has a plan A and B, russia has no plan, and in fact no idea..

Even without USA, Canada and Turkey EU/NATO is much stronger then russia.
Yes it may take some time for NATO to respond a big org. like that always will take some time BUT the nations that Russia will have attacked and the naboers will give a automatic response so it will not be like Russia moves inn and sitt around waiting for NATO to get off its-ass-the other nations will react on a national level with hours not even days !!

IF Putin hurts one hair on the head of any NATO nation or the USA then all of NATO will respond can take some time But they will respond and then it will be GAME OVER for Russia and Putin knows it !!!

And her is a bombshell....that Putin must also know as Putin is crazy but he is NOT stupid ..

When it comes to firepower USA is uptoo in some cases 20 times the size of Russia ... Just take f. exs.

Aircraft carries USA has 20 Russia has 1 ( firepower USA 20 to 1)

Fighter aircraft USA has 2207 Russia 769

Fix wing aircraft USA has 13892 Russia has 3842

Helicopters USA 6196 Russia 1120

And lets not forget that all the USA weapons are tip top and high tec,. Russia for the most part has old soviet leftovers not so much new stuff some new stuff but not something worth worrying about ..

The truth is Russia is a analog watch in a digital age ...When it comes to the USA ...

ooo YES AND manpower

NATO has over 2,6 mill more soldiers under arms then Russia has

USA alone has 145,212,012 backup manpower available for military service and they are all professional soldiers ..

Russia only has 69,117,271 backup manpower available for military service For they most-part farm boys doing their national service

USA has today active serving military personnel
1,400,000 The USA are battle harden professional soldiers ..

Russia has only active military personnel
766,055 Most of them are farm boys doing their national service

AND IF WE PUT NATO INTO this mix we are talking fire power advantage up-too 19 times of Russia

Above is conventional weapons

Lets take also take into account nuclear weapons...

United Kingdom 225 warheads (submarine delivery systems new and up to date systems )

France 300 warheads
(submarine delivery systems new and up to date systems )

United States 7,315 warheads
(Mixed delivery systems new and up to date systems )

Russia 8,000 warheads
(Mixed delivery systems old mostly from the soviet union times NOT up to date systems )

A look at the link for the total number of nuclear warheads worldwide, the number of deployed warheads, and the countries that possess reactors, warheads, uranium mining or other atomic facilities.

Base on this facts Russia does not stand a chance as most of NATO warheads are on Subs. and NOT in silos like Russia that makes it easy to take out with NATOs defiance systems ...

All NATO must do is take out Moscow and 5 -6 other city's to take out all of Russia.... But Russia must take out city's all over the planet from USA , CANADA ,FRANCE UK. ALL OF EUROPE and as fare away as , AUSTRALIA and so on and so on ...

PS. lets not forget the the Submarine KURSK was part of Russia's nuclear weapons platform and it was falling apart to such an degree that its systems torpedo systems on the Sub. malfunctions and blow up under water and sank the sub and .. killed all of its crew ....

Now if that is what Russia's nuclear delivery platform and weapons platform is like all I can say is hahahahahaha and lest us not forget that Kursk was the pride and joy of Russia's navy... What does the rest of the Russian nuclear weapons program look like if Kursk is anything to go by ?

I mean...... If you can not hold your submarines floating in
pace time what hope do you really have for holding yoursubmarines floating in war time ?

Kursk was an Oscar-class submarine, twice the length of a 747 jumbo jet, and one of the largest submarines in the Russian Navy.

An official investigation after most of the wreck was raised along with analysis of pieces of debris concluded that a faulty weld in the casing of the practice torpedo caused high-test peroxide (HTP) to leak, which caused the kerosene fuel to explode. The initial explosion destroyed the torpedo room, severely damaged the control room, incapacitated or killed the control room crew, and caused the submarine to sink with all of its nuks not much of a nuclear weapons platform now was it hahaha

List of countries by military expenditures

How Powerful Is Russia?

For YOU and Trolls like you who like to repeat Russian propaganda about how Russia could have tanks in Kiev in two weeks, take a second to reflect on the numbers. As of 2015, Russia has 230K troops in ground forces (there's also a huge number of other people, but they are not authorized to use weapons), and Ukraine has 204K. Plus 40-50K Ukrainian National Guard.

This is public information - easy to verify on the Wikipedia. Russia would need some troops at the border with five NATO countries, some troops at the long border with China, some at bases in Armenia, Transnistria, Abkhazia, Ossetia, etc. Let's say half can be sent to Ukraine - that's 115K - less than half of Ukrainian army + National Guard.

With the type of brute-force war that Russia trains for, a successful attack needs a 3-4x advantage in troops.

So, Russia simply does not have enough troops. Holding the territory (even just to the left of Dnieper) would require an order of magnitude more troops. In the meantime, Ukraine is producing a number of new weapons and is getting a number of defensive systems from other countries. For example, Ukraine is now mass-producing portable anti-tank weapons with 5km range, which makes traditional armor attacks Russia practices much more problematic. Not to mention a large number of Soviet-era tanks in Ukraine, and some new ones produced now. Another example, US-made anti-artillery systems have been used in combat and are going to be available in larger quantities. If Russia tries a full-scale invasion, this may indeed end in two weeks, but not in Russia's favor.

Putin will not use Nuclear weapons

1.if he did then he will be not just nuking kyiv the blast and fall out will also hit East Ukraine, Crimea , Poland Belorussia and Russia

2.He will get the orthodox church agenst him for taking out Pecerska Lavra center of orthodox faith in the world and the far right orthodox is his power base at home

3. How will it look if he bombed Russians in Ukraine

4.if he did this then any friends he has in the international community will run for cover and distance then self s from him and and RuSSia in every way they can they will admit openly that Putin is a mad man that needs too-be taken out asap..even his god old buddy in Syria Assad will not return his phone calls and run for cover.

5. Russia will become a international outcast and pariah in diplomatic relations with the rest of the world..

6.The world will respond with an attack on Russia and Putin and Moscow will only be left in history books just like the soviet union is now ...

7.Putin like Hitler and Stalin is a very smart calculated psychopath he is not crazy or insane and does not have a political death wish or any other type of death wish for that matter he pushes as fare as he feels he can and then backs down if he feels he gets pushed back and if he dose not get pushed back he continues until he dose.


Oorlog Rusland tegen Ukraine, Europa

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When will they ever learn ???  Eve of destruction

Een volk dat voor tirannen zwicht, zal meer dan lijf en goed verliezen, dan dooft het licht. (van Randwijk 1909-1966)
A nation that yields to tyrants, loses more than life and property, then the light goes out.(van Randwijk)

Info and news on



When Russians came for (Moldova)Chechnya, i didn't speak out, I'm not Chechen !
When Russians came for Georgia, I didn't speak out, I'm not Georgian !
When Russians came for Ukraine, I didn't speak out, I'm not Ukrainian ?
When Russians came for my country,
there was no one left, to speak out for me !!!!!!!!!

Budapest Memorandum, US, UK & rusland?
Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel(=Chamberlain), whats next, Ribbentrop-Molotov again??

Schaffen wir das? Frau Ribbentrop-Merkel?

the famous words of one of America?s Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, in 1776:
?We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.?

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MH 17 Final Reports -Dutch safety Board
MH 17 nieuws / news



Rusland or USSR?
The soviet story 2008
Moscow Maidan

Nature Sunshine Health products available in Ukraine!
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Video of Boris nemtsov, murdered by Putin.

Comparison funerals Ukraine HEROES and RF/russian zeroes aka RF soldiers/socalled separatists.

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Boycot barcode 46= Russia 729=Israel
NO VETOPOWERS for agressors USA-Russia-China (and UK and France) in United Nations "Security ?" Council !!!!
The 5 permanent warmongers since 1900 with vetorights in UNSC, USA, russia,China, UK and France don't want to bring the world to PEACE, but to PIECES ! #removevetorightsunsc NOW! It's HYPOCRITICAL!

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